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Wind Turbines Facts and Myths

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Wind turbines facts and myths

Myth: Turbines are taking over the countryside

The facts:

 There are now some 1,120 turbines in 90 locations.

 Generating 10 per cent of UK electricity from renewables by 2010 could mean an increase
by around another one and half times the current number.

 Less than 1/20,000th of the UK (800ˆ1,200 hectares) would be used for foundations and
access roads.

 Land between turbines can still be used for farming or natural habitat.

Myth: Wind farms are unpopular

The facts:

 Research suggests quite the reverse.

 90 per cent of the public believe the Government should encourage the use of renewable

 80 per cent support Government plans to significantly increase wind turbines.

 74 per cent agree that wind farms are needed to meet current and future energy needs.

 66 per cent would approve of a new wind farm in their area.

 Approval is over 80 per cent among those already within 5 kilometres of a wind farm.

Myth: Turbines are a health hazard

The facts:

 Wind generation produces no emissions, harmful pollutants or waste products.

 In 25 years of wind generation, with 68,000 turbines now worldwide, there are no significant
reports of health issues. This includes Denmark, whose turbine density is 30 times that of the

 The DTI has commissioned an independent study in response to public concerns about low
frequency noise.

 However, vibration levels 100 metres from turbines are a factor of 10 lower than the safety
requirements for modern laboratories.

 Each development requires a noise assessment which can be validated by the Environmental
Health Officer.

Myth: Wind farms devastate house prices

The facts:

 A study by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors suggests that wind farms have no
lasting impact on UK house prices.

 This study is supported by evidence at wind farms in England, Scotland and Wales.

 It shows that local house prices recover from any initial impact once a wind farm has been
operating for two years.

 Evidence suggests that those living nearest to wind farms are their strongest advocates.
 People promoting fears of falling prices risk making them self-fulfilling.

Myth: Wind farms keep tourists away

The facts:

 Many wind farms are tourist attractions.

 30,000 people have visited the information centre for the new Scroby Sands offshore wind
farm since May 2004.

 90 per cent of tourists surveyed in Scotland said wind farms make no difference to
enjoyment of their holiday.

 Twice as many would return to an area because of a wind farm than would stay away.

Myth: Turbine blades threaten bird populations

The facts:

 UK wind farms have not been associated with any major adverse effects on birds.

 By far the biggest threat to UK bird populations is climate change, which is mitigated by
renewables such as wind.

 Environmental assessments are required as part of the planning process, to ensure wind
farms are properly sited and configured in relation to bird movements.

 These assessments have improved the understanding of bird ecology, helping conservation.

Myth: Wind produces little power

The facts:
 A single 1.8-megawatt turbine can produce enough power for 1,000 homes.

 Existing wind projects generate enough for nearly half a million homes.

 The average UK wind farm will pay back the energy used in its manufacture within three to
five months ˆ more quickly than coal and nuclear plants.

 Over its lifetime, a wind farm will repay this energy 50 times over.

 The geographical spread of wind farms minimises the loss of generation when the wind
stops in any one location.

 Back-up generation is already in place to cover shut-downs of other forms of generation;

little further back-up will be needed up to 2010 to cover periods when wind and other
renewables generation is low.

Myth: Wind energy will not help climate change

The facts:

 Producing 10 per cent of electricity from renewables in 2010 could cut carbon emissions by
2.5 million tonnes a year.

 Wind generation produces no carbon emissions.

 Every unit of energy generated by wind doesn‚t need to be generated by carbon-producing


 Any emissions savings lost through use of fossil fuel back-up will be minimal to 2010.22

 Wind is part of a range of measures to tackle climate change, alongside other renewables
and energy efficiency.
Myth: Projects are forced through with no regard for local concerns
The facts:

 Ministers have made it clear that wind farms should only be located in the appropriate place
and that local concerns should be listened to.

 All wind farm proposals are subject to a strict planning process, addressing environmental,
visual and community impacts.

 Local planning authorities consider onshore proposals up to 50 megawatts (the vast majority
of applications to date).

 The planning framework facilitates renewable energy, while maintaining safeguards for
landscape and nature conservation.

 It does not impose targets or developments on local authorities.

 For applications over 50 megawatts, local authorities can trigger an independent public
inquiry if they object.

 The public can participate in the planning processes and their views are taken into account at
every stage.

 Projects not meeting planning requirements are refused consent.

 About a third of all applications are refused.

Myth: Onshore wind is being promoted at the expense of other renewables

The facts:

 The Government has committed £500 million to develop longer-term renewables, such as
offshore wind, wave and tidal, solar, biomass and community projects.
 Onshore wind is currently the most economically viable renewables technology with scope
for expansion, but it will increasingly operate as part of a renewables mix as other
technologies come on line.

 The UK is already the world‚s second-biggest offshore wind generator. Plans for further
offshore wind farms represent the world‚s biggest expansion of renewable energy.

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