1 s2.0 S0029801822013841 Main
1 s2.0 S0029801822013841 Main
1 s2.0 S0029801822013841 Main
Ocean Engineering
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/oceaneng
Keywords: Wind energy is a promising source of renewable energy due to its availability. Savonius turbine is a vertical axis
Wind energy wind turbine that converts kinetic energy from the wind to mechanical energy. The current research investigates
Savonius turbine the performance of the conventional Savonius turbine by varying the position of the endpoints based on varying
Conventional rotor
the blade arc angle. In addition, the outer blade arc angle of a modified configuration, which generated by
Modified Savonius rotor
varying the gap ratio, is also investigated. The ANSYS-Fluent package is used to perform the numerical simu
Gap ratio
Blade arc angle lation of the turbine to solve the equations of the unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS). The flow
characteristics through the turbine are resolved by using the SST k-ω turbulence model. The numerical result of
the conventional configuration is validated by using previous numerical and experimental research works. The
current investigation proved that varying the outer and inner blade arc angles to 160◦ and 20◦ enhanced the
maximum power coefficient by 4.5% and 12.9%, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum power coefficient of
the modified Savonius rotor at a gap ratio of 0.1333 and an outer blade angle of 180◦ increased by 13.6%
compared to the conventional profile.
* Corresponding author. Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering EL-Mattaria, Helwan University, P.O.Box 11718, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail addresses: moh75202@yahoo.de, mhmohamed@uqu.edu.sa (M.H. Mohamed).
Received 19 March 2022; Received in revised form 28 May 2022; Accepted 16 July 2022
Available online 31 July 2022
0029-8018/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
The blade arc angle affects the performance of the Savonius rotor.
The initial design of the conventional Savonius used a 180◦ semi-circular
profile. Mao et al. (Mao and Tian, 2015) investigated the effect of
varying the blade arc angle of the conventional profile from 150◦ to 200◦
by varying the position of the outer endpoint (P1) and fixing the position
of the inner endpoint (P2) (see Fig. 1). Also, the authors changed the
position of the outer endpoint (P1) by trimming the constant bucket
diameter (D) to get a specific blade arc angle, which neglected the
variation in Dr. The maximum performance was achieved at 160◦ , which
enhanced the best Cp by 8.37%. Driss et al. (2015) investigated varying
the blade arc angle of unconventional Savonius rotors. The authors were
interested in demonstrating the total variation of pressure and velocity
Fig. 1. Conventional Savonius rotor. without showing the change in the output power. The optimum blade
arc angle for a Bach-type Savonius rotor is 124◦ , according to Saad
The working mechanism relies on the pressure difference between the El-Deen et al. (Saad et al., 2020). Several previous research works
concave and convex sides of each blade, which is converted into drag optimized the rotor profile by fixing the position of the inner and outer
force. The variation between the advancing drag and the returning drag endpoints and changing the position of the points that govern the rotor
allows the rotation of the Savonius rotor (Saad et al., 2020). The per profile, such as (Mohamed et al., 2011b; Kerikous and Thévenin, 2019;
formance of a Savonius turbine is monitored by the power coefficient Kerikous and Thévenin, 2019; Chan, Bai, He).
(Cp), which is the ratio between the power extracted by the rotor and the The present research aims to enhance the performance of the con
available wind power. ventional Savonius rotor by varying the position of the endpoints of the
Since the initial design developed by S.J. Savonius (1931), several blades. Two methods were used in the current study using three con
previous research works have been conducted to evaluate the perfor figurations. The first method involved varying the blade arc angles of the
mance characteristics of the Savonius turbine. Two major areas were conventional Savonius rotor by dividing the bucket profile into two
studied in previous investigations. Firstly, the geometrical parameters of angles, as shown in Fig. 1. The outer blade arc angle (ψ ) is measured
the conventional design were investigated. The aspect ratio (AR) is the from the rotor center to the position of the outer endpoint (P1). The
ratio between rotor height (H) to rotor diameter (Dr). According to inner blade arc angle (θ) is measured from the bucket center to the
Sheldahl et al. (1978) and Ferrari et al. (2017), the best aspect ratio for position of the inner endpoint (P2). The second method involves varying
the conventional rotor is 1. The overlap distance (e) is the horizontal the position of the endpoint by changing the gap ratio (δ) and changing
distance between the inner endpoints (P2) of the Savonius rotor. Varying the outer blade arc angle (ψ ) for the best gap ratio. The main concept
the overlap distance is an effective method to improve the performance behind changing the outer blade arc angle is to minimize the inverse
of Savonius rotor. For the semi-circular Savonius rotor, an optimum drag on the returning blade by varying the position of the outer endpoint
overlap ratio (e/Dr) equal to 0.15 was recommended by Fujisawa (1992)
and Akwa et al. (2012). Using circular endplates is one of the most Table 1
effective methods to enhance the performance of a Savonius turbine. Rotor design parameters.
The endplate size ratio is the ratio between the diameter of the endplate
Number Parameter Value Dimension
(Do) to the rotor diameter (Dr). The best endplate size ratio is 1.1, ac
1 Rotor diameter (Dr) 300 mm
cording to Saad et al. (2020) and Jeon et al. (2015). The gap ratio (δ) is
2 Endplate diameter (Do) 330 mm
the ratio between the vertical distance between the buckets (a) to the 3 bucket diameter (D) 180 mm
rotor diameter (Dr). The best gap ratio conventional Savonius rotor is 4 Shaft diameter (Dsh) 6.75 mm
0.133, according to Abdelaziz et al. (2022). Saha et al. (2018) investi 5 Overlap ratio (e/Dr) 0.2 –
gated the number of blades for the conventional rotor. Two-bladed 6 Aspect ratio (H/Dr) 1 –
7 Rotor thickness 1 mm
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
(P1). Changing the position of the inner endpoint (P2) improves the flow source terms.
characteristics in the overlap region, which enhances the advancing ANSYS fluent calculates the moment by integrating the pressure
drag. Varying the gap ratio simulates the effect of changing the inner readings over the rotor surface. Then, each force value (integral pres
endpoint (P2). The bucket diameter (D) is changed by varying the po sure) is multiplied by the arm length. The torque coefficient (Cm) was
sition of the endpoints. The rotor diameter (Dr) and Reynolds number calculated by dividing the moment by the theoretical torque.
(Re) must be preserved at constant values. For the fully turbulent flow,
the dimensionless parameters (Cp, Cm, λ) that control the aerodynamic Cm = 1 (5)
ρARV 2
performance of the Savonius rotor provide a distinctive fingerprint 2
curve. This fingerprint is the result of the full similarity principle (Kamal A represents the turbine’s frontal area, A = (Dr H), and R represents
et al., 2022). With changing Reynolds number value, the performance the radius of the rotor. V is the wind speed. The power coefficient (Cp) is
curve of the Savonius rotor is changed, according to Kamoji et al. (2008) calculated as:
and Hayashi et al. (2005). To validate the results of a certain study, the
Reynolds number must be preserved similar to that study. CP = λ C m = 1
ρ A V3
In this research, a three-dimensional numerical analysis of a con 2
ventional Savonius turbine was performed to study the impact of vary The tip speed ratio (λ) is calculated as:
ing the position of the endpoints of the rotor profile (P1) and (P2). The
outer blade arc angle (ψ ) is studied by varying the position of the outer λ= (7)
endpoint (P1) to decrease the inverse torque. The inner blade arc angle
(θ) was investigated by varying the inner endpoint (P2) to enhance the For the validation process, Re must be preserved constantly to the
flow characteristics in the overlap region, as shown in Fig. 1. The effect previous experimental and numerical results.
of varying the outer blade arc angle (ψ ) was also investigated for a
ρ V Dr
modified Savonius rotor, where the best gap ratio (δ) was obtained by Re = (8)
Abdelaziz et al. (2022). The SST k-ω turbulence model is used to
perform the numerical simulation using ANSYS fluent. Three modified The time step size is determined by the rotational speed and time step
configurations were studied to perform higher than the conventional angle.
Savonius rotor. 2λv
ω= [rad / s] (9)
2. Modelling and validation
π time step angle
time step size = [s] (10)
2.1. CFD modelling 180 ω
The time step angle defines the number of time steps required to
Unsteady Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equation (URANS) is the complete one rotor cycle. If the time step angle is one, the rotor requires
most suitable method for the current analysis, according to Saad et al.
360-time steps to complete a cycle. The best time step angle from pre
(Saad El-Deen et al., 2019). Menter (1994) developed The SST k-ω vious studies was 0.5 according to (Saad et al., 2020; Baz et al., 2015).
turbulence model, which shares the merits of both k-ω and k-ε models
The numerical value of Cm at a certain λ changes with each rotor cycle
(ANSYS, 2013). The mathematical model for the present study depends until it settles with a small variation after a certain cycle. The final so
on three governing equations of continuity, momentum, and turbulence.
lution is accepted for a certain case after reaching a difference of 1 ×
The governing equations for unsteady Newtonian incompressible tur 10− 4 between the average Cm for the last two cycles.
bulent flow are presented in tensor form. The continuity equation is The height of the first cell (y) from the rotor’s surface is a critical
described as parameter that must be estimated correctly before starting the solution.
∂ui According to Saad et al. (Saad El-Deen et al., 2019), the dimensionless
=0 (1) distance between the first layer and the wall is specified as yþ. Three
regions could be found near the wall surface, the viscous sub-layer (yþ
The momentum equation is described as
≤ 5), the buffer layer (5 < yþ ≤ 30), and the fully turbulent layer (yþ >
∂ui ∂ui 1 ∂p μ ∂2 ui ∂ ( ′ ′) 30) (Saad et al., 2020). The inflation option is used to define the value of
+ uj = − + + uu (2) the height of the first layer. For the SST k-ω turbulence model, y þ
∂t ∂xj ρ ∂xi ρ ∂xi xj ∂xj i j
should be less than 1 (Shashikumar et al., 2021a). yþ is calculated as
xi and xj represent the flow direction; i and j = 1, 2, 3 are the Car follows:
tesian axes; ui represents the flow mean velocity; ui is the velocity
ρut y
fluctuation. The instantaneous velocity (ui ) is the sum of the velocity y+ = (11)
fluctuation and the mean velocity, ui = ui + ui . ρ represents the air
density; p represents the fluid pressure; t represents the time. The term ut is the friction velocity, which is calculated as:
(ui uj ) is known by Reynolds stresses.
′ ′
ut = (12)
The governing equations for the SST k-ω turbulence model are ρ
described as
[ ]
τ w is shear stress of the wall, which is calculated as:
∂(ρk) ∂(ρkui ) ∂ ∂k
+ = Γk + Gk − Yk + Sk (3) 1
∂t ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj τw = Ćf ρV 2 (13)
( ) [ ]
∂(ρω) ∂ ρωuj ∂ ∂ω Ćf is the local friction coefficient.
+ = Γω + Gω − Yω + Dω + Sω (4)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj A SIMPLE algorithm was selected for pressure-velocity coupling,
according to (Saad et al., 2020). For the gradient spatial discretization,
Gk represents the generation of turbulence kinetic energy. Gω rep
the least square cell-based option was utilized. The spatial pressure
resents the generation of ω. Y k and Y ω represents the dissipation of k and
discretization is set to second order, which improves the accuracy over
ω due to turbulence. Γ k and Γ ω are the effective diffusivity of k and ω.
the standard and linear schemes (Shashikumar et al., 2021b). According
Dω represents the term cross-diffusion. Sk and Sω represent user-defined
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
to (Saad et al., 2020; Saad et al., 2020; Saad El-Deen et al., 2020, 2020; various previous studies, such as (Saad et al., 2020). The exit surfaces
Baz et al., 2015), the second-order upwind option is enabled for the are set to a pressure outlet with an atmospheric pressure gauge value.
spatial discretization of momentum, turbulent kinetic energy, and tur The side surfaces are set to symmetrical sides.
bulent dissipation rate. The second-order implicit option is enabled for
transient formulation. For the transient model, the Sliding Mesh Model 2.3. Numerical independence studies
(SMM) was enabled for the rotating region (Saad et al., 2020). Before
the transient model, a steady model was used as an initialization step to Two independent investigations were performed in series to obtain
decrease the computation time required for the solution. The moving the optimum numerical solution for the current rotor geometry and
reference frame model was used for the steady model before starting the turbulence model. Domain size and the number of cells were the inde
SMM model. pendent studies conducted in the current work. Increasing the size of the
computational domain and the number of cells will increase the accu
2.2. Design parameters for turbine racy of the results and the solving time required for the solution. The
solving time was the main issue for previous numerical research because
The design parameters for the conventional Savonius rotor are unsteady models require advanced technologies, especially for 3-D
similar to the parameters used in the previous studies (Abdelaziz et al., simulations. The huge solving time for unsteady models forced most
2022; Baz et al., 2015; Baz et al., 2015, 2015; Ramadan et al., 2018), as previous researchers to conduct their investigations using 2-D models.
shown in Table 1. These values preserve the Reynolds number with a However, unsteady 3-D models are common nowadays. These two
value of Re = 184,838, which is very similar to the Reynolds value of the studies will help in finding the optimum solving time and accuracy of
experimental study by Sugiharto et al. (2020). Reynolds number is results. The effects of domain size and the number of cells were studied
calculated according to Equation (8). For wind rotors, the Reynolds separately. However, both studies have a mutual influence on the re
number governs the relationship between rotor diameter (Dr) and wind sults. For studying the domain size, an assumption of the cell size of 8
speed (V). Defining the value of Reynolds number is vital to obtain the mm within the rotating region has been made with a constant growth
unique performance curve for Sugiharto et al. (2020). The computa rate of 1.2 to comply with the previous recommendations of (Saad et al.,
tional domain is divided into two main regions: the stationary and the 2020; Abdelaziz et al., 2022; Abdelaziz et al., 2022, 2022; Shashikumar
rotating regions, as shown in Fig. 2. A circular interface is used to et al., 2021b).
separate the two regions. The size of the interface defines the rotating
zone. The diameter of the circular interface should be very close to the 2.3.1. Domain size independence study
diameter of the endplate (Do). According to Abdelaziz et al. (2022), the The domain size study aims to reach the best size for the stationary
difference between the diameter of the interface and Do is 5 mm. region that preserves the required accuracy while increasing the solving
To avoid the huge number of cells in 3-D simulation and control the rate. For the current 3-D numerical model, four parameters describe the
cell distribution, the stationary region is divided into 27 parts. This total dimensions of the stationary domain, as shown in Fig. 2. The error
technique increases the number of cells near the rotating region and percentage between the numerical data and the experimental mea
decreases the number of cells away from the rotating region. This surements of Sugihatro et al. (Sugiharto et al., 2020) was also moni
technique improves the mesh quality and decreases the number of un tored. For the X-axis, the length of the stationary region is divided into
structured mesh due to the presence of the rotor, according to (Abdelaziz two regions: the upstream and the downstream Xup and Xdown,
et al., 2022). The boundary settings of the computational domain are respectively.
shown in Fig. 2. The inlet faces are set to velocity inlet with an incoming Xup is the upstream length taken from the wind source to the center
air velocity of 9 m/s, which was taken as an average velocity from of the rotor. The value of Xup is taken similar to (Abdelaziz et al., 2022;
Baz et al., 2015; Baz et al., 2015, 2015; Ramadan et al., 2018), which
equals Xup ¼ 6.5 Dr. Xdown is the distance from the rotor center to the
outlet faces. Y and Z are the width and height of the stationary region,
respectively. Xdown, Y, and Z parameters are studied in the present work.
The best downstream length is Xdown ¼ 20 Dr, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4
shows that the best width of the stationary region should be Y ¼ 10 Dr.
The best height of the stationary region in the Z-axis with the rotor in the
middle of this distance should be Z ¼ 10 Dr, as shown in Fig. 5. The error
percentage for the optimum size of the stationary domain is 1.62%. The
Fig. 2. Computational domain and boundary conditions. Fig. 3. Effect of varying downstream length (Xdown) on Cm.
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
(Saad et al., 2020). Using only tetrahedral cells will increase the total
number of cells required to capture the small variation in performance
(Shashikumar et al., 2021b). The used mesh combination limited the
distribution of unstructured cells in the rotating region and the small
stationary region around the rotating zone, as shown in Fig. 6. The mesh
distribution increased the efficiency of the present numerical model,
which could be noticed from the low relative errors for various mesh
models. The relative error between the Cp of the present numerical
model and the experimental study of Sugiharto et al. (2020) measures
the effectiveness of these models. As the number of cells increases, the Cp
increases. After a certain number of cells (model 5), a very small vari
ation in the value of Cp equals 1 × 10− 4 can be accepted.
The optimum number of cells at that point is 2,620,790. The relative
error for the best model is 1.62%. The results of the current indepen
dence study are similar to the number obtained in (Saad et al., 2020;
Abdelaziz et al., 2022).
Despite the lowest relative error noticed for the third and fourth
Fig. 4. Effect of varying domain width (Y) on Cm. models, a large variation in the numerical Cp with increasing the number
of cells could be noticed. Increasing the number of cells more than the
fifth model caused a slight change in the numerical Cp. Fig. 6 (a) shows
the mesh distribution in the computational domain. A sectional X–Y
plane shows the macroscopic view of the mesh in a layer of the domain,
as shown in Fig. 6 (b). Fig. 6 (c) shows the distribution of the unstruc
tured mesh in the rotating zone. The inflation properties are dependent
on the incoming flow velocity, characteristic length, fluid density, and
the value of yþ. For the employed turbulence model, y þ should be less
than one (Abdelaziz et al., 2022). Substituting y þ equals 0.5, Dr equals
300 mm, ρ equals 1.225 (kg/m3), and μ equals 1.789 × 10− 5 (kg/m.s) to
Equations (11)–(13) give the height of the first layer from the rotor’s
wall (y) equals 0.017 mm 15 inflation layers for the inflation option
were used, according to (Saad et al., 2020; Abdelaziz et al., 2022). The
value was also verified using online calculators.
2.4. Validation
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
rotor cycles until it settles at a specific cycle. For the present work, the
solution reached the required accuracy within the 5th cycle, which is
similar to (Saad et al., 2020; Abdelaziz et al., 2022). Fig. 9 shows the
variation in the instantaneous values of Cm according to the 5th and 6th
Fig. 8. Variation of CP with λ of the present work with previous numerical and
experimental references.
Fig. 9. Variation of the instantaneous Cm with Φ for the 5th and 6th cycles.
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
The first configuration involves varying the outer blade arc angle (ψ )
from 140◦ to 200◦ at λ = 0.8, as shown in Table 3. Accordingly, the
location of the outer endpoint (P1) is moved along the circumference of
the rotor diameter (Dr). Consequently, the bucket radius (r) is slightly
changed to preserve the location on the inner endpoint (P2). Fig. 11
demonstrates the variation of Cp with ψ for the 1st configuration at λ =
0.8. As ψ increases from 140◦ to 160◦ , Cp enhances until it reaches the
Table 3
Design parameters of the 1st configuration.
Case Blade arc angle (ψ ) Bucket radius (r) Rotor diameter (Dr) Cp
Fig. 11. Variation of Cp with ψ for the 1st configuration at λ = 0.8.
(◦ ) (m) (m)
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
After reaching the optimum blade arc angle from the 1st configura
tion, the position of the inner endpoint (P2) of the arc bucket is changed
for the 2nd configuration. For this modification, the inner blade arc
angle (θ) is varied while preserving other parameters. This design is a
method to apply the second concept to increase the flow usage in the Fig. 12. Variation of instantaneous Cp with Φ for the 1st configuration.
overlap region. At λ = 0.8, θ is studied with values ranging from 0◦ to
30◦ . At 0◦ < θ ≤ 20◦ , the Cp improves until it reaches the maximum value
of 0.1983 at θ = 20◦ , as shown in Fig. 13. For θ > 20◦ , the Cp declines.
The percentage enhancement in the Cp at λ = 0.8 equals 12.9% and 8.0%
compared with the conventional and the 1st configuration Savonius
rotors, respectively.
The instantaneous effect of varying the inner blade arc angle (θ) on
Cp for a full cycle of rotation for the 2nd configuration is shown in
Fig. 14. At 0◦ < θ ≤ 20◦ , the maximum instantaneous Cp increases with a
slight variation in the minimum instantaneous Cp, which increases the
average Cp. At θ = 30◦ , the modified bucket blocks part of the advanced
blade and decreases the flow passage through the overlap region
resulting in a decrease in the instantaneous value of the Cp. Conse
quently, the minimum instantaneous value of the Cp of the modified
bucket reaches zero. The best value of θ equals 20◦ .
Table 4
Design parameters of the 3rd configuration at δ ¼ 0.1332.
Case Blade arc angle (ψ ) Bucket radius (r) Rotor diameter (Dr) Cp
(◦ ) (m) (m)
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
Fig. 16. Variation of instantaneous Cp with Φ for the 3rd configuration. Fig. 18. Variation of instantaneous Cp with Φ for the 3rd configuration.
reduces the average Cp generated by the rotor. But, at δ = 0.166, the reduces the average Cp. The best value of ψ equals 180◦ at δ = 0.1332.
modified bucket shifts up the profile of the instantaneous Cp to avoid the
negative values of Cp. In addition, at δ < 0.166, the modified bucket 3.4. Instantaneous Cp for various configurations
increases the amplitude of the instantaneous Cp, which increases the
average Cp generated. The azimuth angles (Φ), where the maximum and minimum values
of the instantaneous Cp occur, are essential to display the pressure and
3.3.2. The effect of varying the outer blade arc angle (ψ ) velocity contours for each configuration. Fig. 19 shows the instanta
This section investigates the effect of varying ψ with the best gap neous Cp with the variation of the azimuth angle (Φ) for the 5th cycle of
ratio for the third configuration on the turbine performance. According the conventional and modified Savonius rotors. All the modified rotors
to the variation between the axis of the bucket center and the center of produce higher values of the maximum instantaneous Cp than the con
the rotor diameter, the values of ψ > 180◦ should not be used. The ventional Savonius rotor. The maximum instantaneous Cp for conven
modification involves varying the outer blade arc angle (ψ ) from 130◦ to tional Savonius rotor occurs at Φ = 21◦ and 201◦ . For the 1st, 2nd, and
180◦ at λ = 0.8 and δ = 0.1332, as shown in Table 4. The value of the 3rd configurations, the azimuth angle of the maximum instantaneous Cp
bucket radius (r) should be changed to adjust the value of ψ . As shown in equals (Φ = 12◦ , 192◦ ), (Φ = 14.5◦ , 194.5◦ ), and (Φ = 33◦ , 213◦ ),
Fig. 17, at ψ < 180◦ , the Cp decreases. The reduction in performance respectively.
could be explained by the increase in the bucket ratio (r). The maximum
value of Cp equals 0.1952 at ψ = 180◦ with δ = 0.1332.
3.5. Pressure contours
Fig. 18 shows the effect of ψ on the instantaneous Cp at δ = 0.1332.
At ψ < 180◦ , there is a reduction in the lowest value of the instantaneous
To understand the variation resulting from each configuration,
Cp that reduces the average Cp generated by the rotor. Also, the
contours of pressure and velocity are used at Φ = 33◦ and 213◦ , where
maximum of the instantaneous Cp increased, which increased the
the best instantaneous Cp is reached for the 3rd configuration at λ = 0.8,
average Cp generated. However, the reduction in the instantaneous Cp
see Fig. 20. For the conventional Savonius rotor, the pressure distribu
value is larger than the increase in the maximum Cp value, which
tion on the buckets is like (Abdelaziz et al., 2022; Baz et al., 2015; Baz
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
Fig. 19. Variation of instantaneous Cp with Φ for conventional and modified 3.7. Performance of modified rotors
Savonius configurations.
Fig. 22 shows the variation in the Cp for the tip speed ratio (λ) for
et al., 2015, 2015; Ramadan et al., 2018). For the 1st configuration, conventional and modified rotors. The maximum value of the Cp for the
reducing the value of ψ decreases the area of the returning bucket conventional Savonius rotor at λ = 0.8 equals 0.1756. On the other
affected by the high-pressure region, which in turn aids in reducing the hand, the maximum values of the Cp for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd configu
inverse drag, as shown in Fig. 20 (b). The 2nd and 3rd configurations rations are 0.1836, 0.1983, and 0.1996, respectively. The percentage
involved using two different methods to improve the flow characteristics increase in the maximum Cp for the three configurations compared to
in the overlap region. These methods improved the pressure the conventional design are 4.5%, 12.9%, and 13.6%, respectively.
Fig. 20. Pressure distribution for various configurations at λ = 0.8, and Φ = 33◦ and 213◦ .
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
Fig. 21. Velocity distribution for various configurations at λ = 0.8, and Φ = 33◦ and 213◦ .
K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
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K.R. Abdelaziz et al. Ocean Engineering 260 (2022) 112054
Greek symbols CFD: Computational fluid dynamics
Φ: Azimuth angle (◦ ) HAWT: Horizontal-axis wind turbine
θ: Inner blade arc angle (◦ ) k-ε: Turbulence kinetic energy - turbulent dissipation
ψ : Outer blade arc angle (◦ ) RANS: Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes
μ: Dynamic viscosity of the air (kg/m.s) SMM: Sliding mesh model
ut: Friction velocity (m/s) SST kω: Shear stress transport - Turbulence kinetic energy - turbulent dissipation rate
ρ: The density of the air (kg/m3) VAWT: Vertical axis wind turbine
ω: Rotational speed (rad/s)