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Article history: The present work is carried out to study the performance of a Savonius rotor for small-scale hydropower
Received 26 July 2019 generation. It has been observed that some of the irrigation channels available in the rural areas are
Received in revised form having enough bed slope to generate kinetic energy, which can be harnessed through a Savonius rotor.
29 August 2020
An in-house fabricated scale-down model of the Savonius rotor is tested at an inclination of the re-
Accepted 1 September 2020
Available online 4 September 2020
circulating indoor multipurpose tilting flume at 0 , 0.5 , 1.0 , 1.5 and 2.0 to determine performance
under controlled conditions. It is observed that at the tip speed ratio of 0.92 and channel inclination of
0.5 compared to 0 inclination, the coefficient of power and coefficient of torque improved to 40% and
Coefficient of power
10%, respectively. Furthermore, it is found that the torque and power developed by the turbine are
Coefficient of torque maximum at a bed slope of 2.0 owing to the maximum available energy.
Tip speed ratio © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydropower generation
Bed slope inclination
1. Introduction been studied to improve efficiency. Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows sche-
matic of irrigation channel (top view) with Savonius hydrokinetic
In the current scenario, most of the power generation is turbine.
accomplished using thermal power stations [1]. An increase in Roy and Saha [7] have reviewed experimental studies on the
greenhouse gas emissions from several thermal power stations Savonius turbine, which aim to improve performance parameters
affects our environment and causes global warming. Moreover, the such as CP, CT by varying different parameters like the shape of
electric power supply from the power stations to remote places deflector plate, guide vanes, and nozzle. Other parameters studied
leads to enormous transmission and distribution losses [1,2]. Thus, are blade aspect ratio (AR), blade overlap ratio (OR), blade arc angle,
power generation using locally available renewable energy re- number of blades, flow Reynolds number, and blockage ratio. Wang
sources can play a vital role in the remote areas. The extraction of et al. [8] reviewed work on various performance augmentation
kinetic energy available in small irrigation channels for power techniques like multi-staging, curtain design, windshields,
generation using the Savonius rotor can be a viable solution to meet convergent nozzle, deflector plate, and guide-box tunnel.
the green energy requirements in remote villages [2e6]. The The review articles by Akwa et al. [9] and Roy and Saha [10]
Savonius rotor works on drag difference between concave cover the theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies on
(advancing blade), and convex blades (returning blade). Due to its Savonius wind turbines. The coefficient of power of the Savonius
simple design, decent starting torque and ability to receive wind turbine varies from 0.12 to 0.3, where the maximum being 0.38 for
from any direction, it has been used extensively for wind turbine the rotor with curtain plates. The application of the Savonius rotor
applications. Since its first use in 1920, tremendous efforts have extended to small hydropower applications is reported by Sarma
been put to enhance the performance. Various blade profiles have et al. [11]. Khan et al. [12] have tested single, double, and three
staged vertical axis Savonius turbines to extract hydropower en-
ergy. The CPmax reported is 0.038, 0.05, and 0.04 for single, double,
and three staged rotors. Study on the development of the innova-
* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Insti-
tive design of rotor blades with varying aspect ratio (AR), overlap
tute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India.
E-mail address: (V. Madav).
ratio (OR), blade arc angle, and using endplates as well as deflector
0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
846 S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857
reported that CPmax ¼ 0.426 at arc angle 150 . Elbatran et al. [25] 2. Experimental setup
numerically investigated the modified Savonius rotor with ducted
nozzle and reported the values of CPmax and CTmax 0.27 and 0.37, Fig. 2 (a and b) shows the schematic and pictorial view of the
respectively. rotor test setup used in the present work. It consists of four
Talukdar et al. [26] have carried out experiments on two and threaded studs, which are used as pillars to mount the test rig. A
three-bladed semi-circular rotors for the rotor’s different immer- mild steel plate is bolted to the threaded rods at its four ends.
sion levels. It is reported that a two-bladed semi-circular rotor has a Flange bearing (SKF make) is fitted to the upper side of the mild
better performance compared to two blades of the elliptical rotor. steel plate with four fasteners. The scaled-down Savonius rotor
Furthermore, the rotor immersed 100% in water has better perfor- with end plates is fabricated using a galvanized iron sheet of 1 mm
mance. Mosbahi et al. [27] used the augmentation method to work thickness (t) fitted to flange bearing by 12 mm shaft. Rope dyna-
on the Savonius water turbine’s helical shape and found that mometer equipped with weighing pan, spring balance (2.5 g ac-
CPmax ¼ 0.14 at TSR of 0.7. Patel et al. [28] studied the effect of canal curacy), and pulley are used to apply the load to the Savonius rotor
geometric parameters on the efficiency of Savonius hydro turbines shaft. Nylon string of 1 mm diameter is wound around the rotor
and introduced the methodology for velocity correction to deter- shaft and connected to a weighing pan and spring balance using
mine the actual turbine performance. Their experimental findings three pulleys attached to the structure. Digital tachometer (Pyle
show that if velocity correction is not considered, there is a wide make) is used to measure the shaft RPM with the help of a reflector
variation in the maximum power coefficient for all cases studied. attached to the shaft. Important geometric parameters of the
This literature review reveals that several experimental and Savonius rotor are shape factor (p/q), arc angle (j), and aspect ratio
numerical studies have been performed by different authors, using (AR) [16], which are fixed values of 0.2, 124 and 0.7 respectively.
different types of turbines in a laboratory-scale open channel with Fig. 3 (a and b) describes the geometric parameters which are
a horizontal bed (bed slope q ¼ 0). The only reported study by considered for the present experimental investigation. Further-
Sivakumar et al. [29] on varying bed slopes was carried out by more, parameters like straight edge, circular arc (p), arc angle (q),
numerical simulation. The authors predicted that the total power the diameter of the rotor (DR), the height of the rotor (HR), and
generation increased at the highest slope due to the increase in endplate diameter (Do) of the rotor are also shown in Fig. 3 (a and
flow velocity. There are no experimental studies reported in the b).
literature on the performance of the Savonious rotor in an open
channel with varying slopes. Hence, in the present study, an
2.2. Dimensions of scaled model and procedure
experimental investigation is conducted on a Savonius rotor to
study the influence of inclination of bed slope in a laboratory-scale
Golecha et al. [16] carried out the experimental investigations in
multipurpose tilting flume with the following objectives:
an open channel having a cross-sectional area of
730 mm 330 mm to study the influence of the deflector plate on
(a) To study the performance of scaled-down modified Savonius
the performance of modified Savonius water turbine. In the present
rotor with various angles of inclination of the channel from
study, experiments were performed in laboratory-scale water re-
q ¼ 0 to 2 with an increment of 0.5 .
circulating indoor flume with a flatbed having a cross-sectional
(b) To study the effect of the Froude number (Fr) on the per-
area of 215 mm 350 mm using a scale-down model of Savo-
formance of the turbine concerning different bed slope
nious water turbine used by Golecha et al. [16]. The cross-sectional
inclination (q) of the channel.
area of the experimental setup used by Golecha et al. [16] and the
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of the experimental setup and (b) pictorial view of experimental
1. Spring balance, 2. Pulley, 3. Rope, 4. Weighing Pan, 5. Shaft, 6. Flange bearing, 7. End Plates, 8. Savonius rotor, 9. Supporting rods.
848 S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857
TRotor TRotor
Coefficient of torque ðCT Þ ¼ ¼
Fig. 3. Geometric parameters of Savonius rotor [16] (a) schematic Savonius rotor and TAvailable
1 2 DR
(b) pictorial view of Savonius rotor. 2
¼ (1)
present study are different. Therefore, scaled-down dimensions are 1r H D2 V 2
4 W R R W
calculated and presented in Table 1.
Fig. 4 (a and b) show the schematic and pictorial view of
multipurpose tilting flume having a length, width, height of 4.75m, Where AR ¼ HRDR
0.215m, and 0.35m, respectively. The sidewalls of the tilting flume
are made of acrylic material. The flume has an inlet and outlet with Rotor torque ðTRotor Þ ¼ ðWL SSB Þg Rshaft þ RRope (2)
a collecting tank at its extreme ends. This tilting flume is having a
recirculation type of flow employing a two-monoblock pump
PRotor ðT uÞ
(SHARP make) of 2.0 HP capacity with a maximum discharge ca- Coefficient of power ðCP Þ ¼ ¼ Rotor
PAvailable 1r ðA ÞV 3
pacity of 0.01544 m3/s, fixed to the flume bottom structure, and two 2 W R W
independent control valves provided for each pump to regulate the
discharge. A pre-calibrated rectangular notch attached at the flume ðTRotor uÞ
¼ (3)
outlet having a coefficient of discharge (Cd) of 0.6. The lifting 1r ðH D ÞV 3
2 W R R W
mechanism is employed by two screw threads placed at the inlet
and outlet side of the tilting flume, giving a slope of ±2 with an
increment of 0.5 . The pictorial view of the side view, front view of uDR
the experimental setup in a multipurpose tilting flume with height Tip Speed Ratio ðTSRÞ l ¼ (4)
gauge shown in Fig. 4 (c, d, and e).
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) show the schematic of horizontal tilting flume
inclined at an angle of (q) to the horizontal, where HC and HW are Reynolds number ðReÞ ¼ (5)
the height of the channel and height of the water, respectively.
2.1. Experimental procedure Actual discharge ðQ Actual Þ ¼ Cd WC 2g ðHW Þ3=2 (6)
The rotor test rig is placed inside the flume, and two monoblock
QActual QActual
pumps generate the flowrate of water in the flume. The water flow Velocity of water ðVw Þ ¼ ¼
rate is measured by a rectangular notch fixed at the outlet of the AW ðWC HW Þ
flume. The kinetic energy of the flowing water initiates the rotation
Cd 23 WC 2g ðHW Þ3=2
of the rotor due to energy transfer. A Rope dynamometer is used for
¼ (7)
applying load on the rotor shaft using a weighing pan, spring bal- ðWC HW Þ
ance, and pulleys to determine the torque developed by the rotor.
The power generated is determined by measuring the rotor shaft’s Where AW ¼ WC HW
Table 1
The details of the experimental setup and dimensions of the Savonius rotor.
Fig. 4. (a) Schematic and (b) pictorial view of multipurpose tilting flume with (c) rotor test rig (side view) and (d) rotor test rig (front view) (e) height gauge.
850 S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857
0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
DCT DTRotor 2 DTAvailable 2 A
¼@ þ (10)
CT TRotor TAvailable
Fig. 5. Schematic of the experimental setup in a horizontal (a) and inclined flume (b).
1. Savonious rotor, 2. Top plate, 3. Rotor shaft, 4. Rotor upper-end plate, 5. Rotor bottom 0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
¼@ þ (11)
Blockage ratio ðBRÞ ¼ (8)
The blockage ratio (BR) is defined as the ratio of the rotor’s front 3. Results and discussion
area to the front wetted area of the channel and is equal to 24.3%.
From the study of Alexander and Holownia [30], it is found that The results are validated by comparing the same for the modi-
blockage correction is not required for the blockage ratio of less fied Savonius rotor of Golecha et al. [16]. Influence of bed slope
than 30%, and hence blockage correction is not included in the (q ¼ 0 e2 ) on the performance of the Savonius rotor is studied
present work. experimentally and compared with the results of horizontal
(q ¼ 0 ) and inclined conditions ranging from q ¼ 0.5 e2 with an
2.3. Experimental uncertainty increment of 0.5 . Figs. (6) to (11) shows the comparison of the
modified Savonius rotor [16] with a scaled-down Savonius rotor.
Uncertainties are calculated using Eqs. (9)e(11) and the method
suggested by Moffat [31]. The uncertainty values for TSR, CT, and CP 3.1. Validation of the experimental procedure
are found to be 2.02%, 6.04%, and 5.7%, respectively.
0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 Figs. (6-7) show the comparison of variation of CP and CT con-
Dl @ Du2 DDR 2 DVW 2 A cerning TSR for scaled-down rotor (present study) with modified
¼ þ þ (9)
l u DR VW Savonius rotor [16] for q ¼ 0 bed slope. The present study’s
experimental results follow a similar trend with the experimental
results reported by Golecha et al. [16]. It is found that CPmax ¼ 0.1515
Table 2
The instruments used to carry out the experiments in multipurpose tilting flume.
Fig. 7. Validation of CT with respect to TSR for q ¼ 0 of inclination of the channel. Fig. 10. Variation of CT with respect to TSR for q ¼ 0o-2o of inclination of channel.
Fig. 8. Comparison of CT with respect to TSR for q ¼ 0 and 0.5 of inclination of the
channel with the literature [16,26] under the fully submerged condition. Fig. 11. Variation of CP with respect to TSR for q ¼ 0o-2o of inclination of channel.
Table 4
Comparison of performance parameters of the turbine under various conditions.
Sl. No Researcher Type of turbine Bed slope (q) degree Immersion level (%) VW (m/s) CPmax CTmax TSR
1. Talukdar et al. [26] Two bladed 0 100 0.8 0.28 0.31 0.89
Savonius 80 0.10 0.17 0.61
60 0.07 0.10 0.57
2. Golecha et al. [16] Modified two-bladed 0 100 0.45 0.14 0.20 0.70
Savonius rotor
3. Present Study Modified two-bladed 0 100 0.3088 0.15 0.22 0.70
Savonius rotor (Scaled-down) 0.5 100 0.3266 0.21 0.23 0.92
1 73 0.4239 0.12 0.14 0.84
1.5 33 0.9827 0.03 0.08 0.33
2 31 1.3511 0.02 0.06 0.32
In the present study, the value of CPmax and CTmax with respect to movement causes the rotor to rotate; however, the surface area of
TSR were found to be higher than the experimental studies carried the turbine rotor on which the water impacts is reduced. When the
out by Golecha et al. [16] using modified Savonious rotor at fully turbine blade is exposed to air, the turbine blade hydrodynamics
submerged condition with an inlet velocity of 0.45 m/s. For the bed will be disturbed due to the density difference between air and
slope (q) of 0.5 , the depth of water (Hw) was reduced to 67 mm water (density of water 850 times more massive than air) [12]. The
(4.3% reduction), and the turbine blade is in a fully submerged state. air entrainment decreases the density of water, which is in contact
The value of CTmax and CPmax are found to be 0.2296 and 0.2119 at a with the turbine blade surface and leads to a reduction in the drag
TSR equals to 0.9227. This observation is due to the increase in inlet forces created in this area which, in turn, reduces the turbine per-
velocity. As the inlet velocity of water increases, the performance of formance [18,32].
the Savonious turbine increases. Similar results were reported by The Savonious rotor is a unique fluid mechanical device that
Anuj Kumar and Saini [23] while conducting three dimensional works on the drag effect mechanism rather than a lift mechanism.
transient CFD simulations using twisted blades by varying the twist The drag coefficient of the concave surface (advancing blade) is
angle with different water velocities when the turbine blade is fully larger than the convex surface (returning blade), forcing the rotor
submerged condition. Due to the high-pressure zone at the concave to rotate. This reduction in the drag coefficient of the concave and
side of the advancing blade and low-pressure zone at the convex convex surface, forces the rotor to rotate at a reduced torque co-
side of the advancing blade profile aids in producing a pressure efficient, which affects the turbine efficiency.
drop, which results in turbine rotation. Furthermore, Birjandi et al. The present study reveals that the turbine rotor submergence is
[18] also reported that the maximum power coefficient might be found to be a critical parameter that significantly affects the turbine
obtained when the turbine is under fully submerged condition efficiency. The turbine performance parameters obtained for bed
while conducting experiments on squirrel-cage hydrokinetic tur- slope of q ¼ 0 and 0.5 , recommend that the turbine be submerged
bine model with two blades. The increase in the coefficient of po- to a depth that provides a subcritical Froude number (Fr). Due to the
wer is due to a reduction in the positive clearance coefficient and limitation in the current experimental setup, it was not possible to
water level above the turbine blade. The coefficient of power carry out the experiments under the fully submerged condition at
developed by the turbine blade is increased under a fully sub- bed slopes q ¼ 1, 1.5 and 2 (immersion level of turbine decreased
merged condition. to 73%, 33% and 31% of the original height). Further studies need to
For the other bed slopes, q ¼ 1, 1.5 , and 2 , the turbine’s im- be carried out at different bed slopes when the turbine rotor surface
mersion level decreases to 73%, 33%, and 31% of the original height, area is in complete contact with the water to obtain increased
respectively. As the depth of water (Hw) decreases with respect to turbine performance.
bed slope (q), the velocity of water (Vw) increases, which results in a Table 4 show a comparison of the performance parameters of the
decrease of tip speed ratio (TSR). The values CTmax and CPmax turbine under various bed slope conditions. Figs. 8 and 9 shows
decrease due to an increase in power available (PAvailable) in the comparison of CT and CP with respect to TSR for q ¼ 0 and 0.5 of
flume with respect to bed slope (q ¼ 1, 1.5 , and 2 ), as shown in inclination of the channel with the literature [16,26] under the fully
Figs. 10 and 11. When the turbine is partially submerged, the submerged condition. Figs. 8 and 9 show change in coefficient of
portion of the blade is exposed to air in the advancing side, leading torque and coefficient of power for the bed slope of q ¼ 0 and 0.5
to a decrease of the coefficient of power and coefficient of torque under fully submerged condition of the turbine blade and it is
[18,26]. compared to the case when the immersion level of the turbine blade
The performance of a turbine increases with respect to the TSR is 100%. The variation of coefficient of torque (CT) and power coef-
when the turbine is in a fully submerged condition (q ¼ 0.5 ), as ficient (CP) with respect to tip speed ratio (TSR) for the bed slope
shown in Figs. 10 and 11 and a submerged cross-sectional area of ranging from q ¼ 0 e2 is presented in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively.
the turbine is 0.0037 m2 (4.3% reduction in immersion level) with The values of maximum coefficient of power (CPmax) and
respect to bed slope q ¼ 0.5 . As the turbine is in the fully sub- maximum coefficient of torque (CTmax) with tip speed ratio (TSR)
merged condition the entire turbine blade surface is in contact with for different bed slope (q) is presented in Table 5.with the literature
water and higher extraction of kinetic energy is possible [16,26] under fully submerged condition.
(CPmax ¼ 0.2119) when compared to the turbine blade which is in
Table 5
partially submerged condition, and submerged cross-sectional area Maximum values of CP and CT with respect to TSR for different bed slopes.
of the turbine blade is 0.0037, 0.0016 and 0.0012 m2 (immersion
level of turbine decreased to 73%, 33% and 31% of the original height Sl. No q HW VW CPmax CTmax TSR
respectively) with respect to bed slope q ¼ 1, 1.5 and 2 1. 0 70 0.3088 0.1515 0.2179 0.6955
(CPmax ¼ 0.1208, 0.0278 and 0.0205). Under the partially submerged 2. 0.5 67 0.3266 0.2119 0.2296 0.9227
3. 1 51 0.4239 0.1208 0.1446 0.8356
condition, the turbine rotor is suspended above the water surface,
4. 1.5 22 0.9827 0.0278 0.0842 0.3298
and only a lower portion of the blades are submerged. The water 5. 2 16 1.3511 0.0205 0.0635 0.3235
S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857 853
In the present study, experiments are performed in a laboratory- Sl. Bed Depth of water Vw (m/ Froude Maximum Maximum
scale water re-circulating multipurpose tilting flume with a flatbed. No slope HW (mm) s) number (Fr) TDeveloped PDeveloped
The available flume was designed to vary from 0 to maximum up q
to 2 with a maximum discharge. Due to this limitation, the labo- 1. 0 70 0.3088 0.372 0.0063 0.0082
ratory experiments were carried out with a maximum bed slope up 2. 0.5 67 0.3226 0.397 0.0069 0.0616
3. 1 51 0.42389 0.599 0.0119 0.0169
to 2 with the available maximum discharge QActual 0.01544 m3/s. In
4. 1.5 22 0.98265 2.11 0.0245 0.0185
order to maintain the same depth of water (Hw) in all the bed slopes 5. 2 16 1.35115 3.41 0.0378 0.0292
(q), the supply of water from the pump should be high, i.e., more
discharge (QActual) is required from the pump. The variation of
water velocity and discharge with respect to bed slope for constant
velocity of water (VW) for the bed slope ranging from q ¼ 0 e0.5
depth of water (Hw) is presented in Fig. 12.
shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The type of flow is subcritical flow (Fr < 1).
Cleynen et al. [36] reported that a similar improvement in tip speed
3.4. Effect of Froude number (Fr) ratio with the increase in Froude number had been observed for
free stream water wheels. Similarly, for the other bed slopes, the tip
Froude number is a ratio of the inertia force to the gravitational speed ratio (TSR) of the turbine blade decreases due to an increase
force of the fluid [33e37]. The value of Froude number (Fr) depends in water velocity, and the value of CP and CT decreases. For Froude
on the depth (HW) and velocity (Vw) of water in the channel, and it number >1, the type of flow is Super critical. There is a loss of power
can be written as exhibited by the turbine blade due to the high flow velocity of
water, and a similar observation was reported by Quaranta [37].
Inertia force Vw As per the torque and power values compared in Table 6, it is
Fr ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Gravitationalforce gHw evident that bed slope of q ¼ 2 generates maximum value when
compared to other bed slope inclinations (q ¼ 0 , 0.5 , 1, and 1.5 ).
Where. Hence, the Froude number (Fr) reaches the supercritical flow con-
Fr ¼ 1-Flow is critical (Inertia force ¼ gravitational force). dition, indicating that inertia force is dominant, and the maximum
Fr < 1-Flow is subcritical (Inertia force < gravitational force, i.e., energy is available at the bed slope of q ¼ 2 .
gravitational forces dominate over inertia force). Fig. 13 shows the pictorial view of turbulence, splashes and
Fr > 1-Flow is supercritical (Inertia force > gravitational force,
i.e., inertia forces dominateover gravitational force).
Different types of flows occur in the irrigation channel, such as
critical flow (Fr ¼ 1), subcritical flow (Fr < 1), and supercritical flow
(Fr > 1) which depends mainly on the velocity of water (Vw) and
bed slope (q). As the bed slope increases, the velocity of the water
(Vw) in the channel increases, the depth of water (Hw) decreases,
and the Froude number (Fr) value increases. As the Froude number
increases the magnitude of force due to gravity reduces and inertial
force increases simultaneously. On the other hand, increase of bed
slope leads to Froude number (Fr) increase thereby load-carrying
capacity of the turbine blade increases. Whereas, increase in ve-
locity of water (VW) with respect to bed slope (q), rises the torque
and power values developed by the turbine blade to maximum for
q ¼ 2 and minimum for q ¼ 0 . The values of maximum torque and
power developed by the turbine with respect to Froude number (Fr)
for different values of velocity of the water (Vw), depth of water
(Hw), and bed slopes (q) are illustrated in Table 6.
As the Froude number (Fr) increases from 0.372 to 0.397, the tip
speed ratio (TSR) of the rotor blade increases due to an increase in
Fig. 13. Pictorial view of turbulence, separation of water and splashes developed
Fig. 12. Variation of the velocity of water and discharge with respect to bed slope (q) around the turbine blade for the supercritical flow (Fr > 1) for a bedslope of q ¼ 1.5 (a)
for a constant depth of water (Hw). and 2 (b).
854 S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857
Fig. 16. Variation of maximum power available and developed by the turbine with
Fig. 14. Variation of Froude number (Fr) with respect to the velocity of water (Vw) and respect to Froude number (Fr) for different bed slope (q ¼ 0o-2o) inclinations of the
depth of water (Hw) for different bed slope (q ¼ 0o-2o) inclinations of the channel. channel.
Fig. 15. Variation of torque available and developed with respect to Froude number
(Fr) for different bed slope (q ¼ 0o-2o) inclinations of the channel. Fig. 18. Variation of the depth of water (HW) with respect to bed slope (q ¼ 0 e2 ).
S. C M et al. / Renewable Energy 163 (2021) 845e857 855
4. Conclusions
Table A-1
Experimental values for the bed slope q ¼ 0 .
Table A-2
Experimental values for the bed slope q ¼ 0.5 .
Table A-3
Experimental values for the bed slope q ¼ 1.
Table A-4
Experimental values for the bed slope q ¼ 1.5 (only submerged area of the turbine is taken for calculating CT and CP).
Table A-5
Experimental values for the bed slope q ¼ 2 (only submerged area of the turbine is taken for calculating CT and CP).