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Operative Dentistry, 2012, 37-4, 432-441

A Clinical Study of Direct

Composite Full-Coverage
Crowns: Long-Term
V Alonso  M Caserio

Clinical Relevance
Composite full-coverage crowns are a viable option for teeth with amelogenesis or
microdonts and are especially suitable for patients still undergoing growth.

SUMMARY observers who recorded the plaque index and

Objective: Long-term assessment of the clinical evaluated the restorations in accordance with
behavior of direct composite full-coverage the modified U. S. Public Health Service
crowns using transparent strip crowns as a (USPHS) criteria.
matrix. Results: Except for one case, all the scores
Method: A retrospective observational study obtained on the basis of the USPHS criteria
without controls of 21 restorations was per- were within the acceptable range. There were
formed: nine teeth with hypoplasia, six conoid no cases of secondary caries. The statistically
teeth, and six with microdontia. The mean significant variations were anatomical form,
patient age was 22.5 6 8.2 years. The clinical marginal adaptation, marginal discolouration,
procedure consisted of cleaning the tooth, acid and surface roughness.
etching and application of adhesive, after Discussion: This technique is simple and non-
which a transparent strip crown was filled invasive. It is a viable long-term treatment
with composite and placed on the tooth. The option for teeth with amelogenesis or micro-
gingival contour was polished using multiflu- donts and is especially suitable for patients
ted burs and interproximal spaces polished still undergoing growth.
with polishing strips. Patients were examined
after a period of 12.5 (64.6) years by two INTRODUCTION
Victor Alonso de la Peña, DD, DDS, PhD, Faculty of Medicine The dental anomalies that most commonly affect the
and Dentistry, School of Dentistry, A Coruña, Spain upper lateral incisors are microdontia, conoidism, or
Martı́n Caserı́o Valea DDS, Lugo, Spain a combination of both.1 Microdontia affects 1.5% to
*Corresponding author: Dr. Teixeiro, no 11, 4o D, Santiago 2% of the population.2
de Compostela, A Coruña 15701, Spain; e-mail: dentalinvestigation@
The term ‘‘amelogenesis imperfecta’’ covers a
clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of
DOI: 10.2341/11-229-S
hereditary disorders. Epidemiological studies of
Alonso & Caserio: Direct Composite Crowns 433

differing populations have shown prevalence to between 1992 and 2006: 14 in men and seven in
range widely, from one in 700 to one in 14,000. It women with a mean age of 22.5 6 8.2 years. All
is classified into three groups—hypoplasia, hypoma- restorations were in the anterior sector, 16 upper
turation, and hypocalcification3—and affects the and five lower, and without endodontic treatment.
enamel of both deciduous and permanent dentitions. There were six conoid teeth, six with microdontia (all
More rarely, amelogenesis imperfecta is associated upper lateral incisors), and nine with hypoplasia. At
with other dental and oral disorders, such as the time of the restoration, five patients were
taurodontism, and predominantly extraoral systemic receiving orthodontic treatment, none had bruxism,
syndromes, such as cone-rod dystrophy, oculodento- and only one was a smoker (Table 1).
digital syndrome, tricho-dento-osseous syndrome, All participating patients signed an informed
nephrocalcinosis, or Usher’s syndrome.4 Hypoplasic consent form. The study was approved by the Ethics
teeth exhibit a varying decrease in the enamel Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
thickness, along with pitting and other irregulari- of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
ties. However, their hardness and transparency are
preserved. The restorations in this study were performed at a
private clinic by the same operator. The clinical
Histological alterations are seen in the enamel of procedure used was as follows. Infiltration anesthe-
teeth affected by amelogenesis imperfecta. Such sia was administered. A mouth opener was applied
alterations may affect the quality of the adhesive and gauze placed on the tongue. Nonimpregnated
bond that may be achieved. In particular, hypocal- retraction cord was introduced in the gingival sulcus
cification reduces the quality of the bond because of to improve access to this area. Wedges were placed in
the lack of mineralized structure. Some authors cases where interproximal contacts could interfere
consider that deproteinization, through application with the gingival adjustment of the crown. Addition-
of sodium hypochlorite a minute after acid etching, ally, it was necessary to separate adjacent teeth with
can improve enamel bonding in primary teeth,5,6 wedges to compensate for the thickness of the matrix
while others prefer to limit the application of and avoid diastemas. The choice of crown was made
orthophosphoric acid to a maximum of 30 seconds according to form and size, aiming for a mesiodistal
in order to prevent further demineralization.7 diameter that matched as closely as possible the
These histological alterations affect the esthetics tooth’s gingival contour. The crown should normally
of the anterior sector. Such teeth are typically be of a slightly larger size to compensate for the
restored by indirect methods, using veneers,8-10 thickness of the matrix and the removal of material
porcelain,11-13 or metal-ceramic14 crowns. Another during polishing and esthetic recontouring. The
option is composite reconstruction,15-20 indicated in crown was then trimmed back gingivally to obtain
growing patients and as a transitional restoration in the correct height, and a hole was made in the
readiness for future prosthetic rehabilitation. palatal area of the matrix to allow any excess resin to
escape when placing the crown on the tooth. The
Strip crowns have been used successfully for many
tooth was subsequently cleaned with pumice powder,
years for restoring carious deciduous anterior
taking care not to cause the gums to bleed. This was
teeth,21-28 serving in the anterior sector as a matrix
followed by etching with 37% orthophosphoric acid
for a composite reconstruction. Little has been
for 20 seconds, rinsing, and drying. Before curing the
published on their use in permanent teeth.29,30
adhesive, it was verified that there was no contact
There are very few long-term studies on direct
with adjacent teeth. The adhesives used were
composite restorations that modified the size and
Scotchbond 2 in eight cases, Prime & Bond 2.0 in
form of affected teeth in adult patients. In fact, strip
four cases, Prime & Bond 2.1 in two cases, and Prime
crowns31,32 were not used in any study.
& Bond NT in seven cases.
The aim of this work was to study the long-term
The composites used were TPH Spectrum (Dent-
clinical outcome of direct composite complete crowns
sply-Detrey, Konstanz, Germany) in 12 cases, Her-
fabricated using transparent strip crown matrices on
culite XRV (Kerr, Orange, CA, United States) in
caries-free permanent teeth with microdontia, con-
seven cases, and Filtek A110 (3M ESPE, Seefeld
oidism, or hypoplasia.
Germany) in two cases. Medium or ‘‘body’’ opacity
and a single color were used for all teeth. Frasacot
strip crowns (Franz Sachs & Co, Tettnang, Ger-
This observational retrospective study without con- many) were used in all cases. They have a thickness
trols assessed a total of 21 restorations provided of 0.20 to 0.30 mm. Six different sizes are available
434 Operative Dentistry

Table 1: Teeth Included in the Study

Age Sex Tooth Anomaly Year of Treatment Adhesive Composite Plaque Index Restorations Years

47 F 22 Conoid 1992 Scotchbond 2 XRV 0 18

31 M 12 Microdontia 1992 Scotchbond 2 XRV 2 18

32 M 22 Microdontia 1993 Scotchbond 2 XRV 2 17

16 M 21 Hypoplasia 1994 Scotchbond 2 TPH 0 16

16 M 11 Hypoplasia 1994 Scotchbond 2 TPH 0 16

16 M 31 Hypoplasia 1994 Scotchbond 2 TPH 1 16

16 M 41 Hypoplasia 1994 Scotchbond 2 TPH 1 16

22 F 22 Conoid 1994 Scotchbond 2 TPH 1 16

17 M 22 Hypoplasia 1995 Prime&Bond 2.0 TPH 0 15

17 M 12 Hypoplasia 1995 Prime&Bond 2.0 TPH 0 15

17 M 32 Hypoplasia 1995 Prime&Bond 2.0 TPH 1 15

17 M 42 Hypoplasia 1995 Prime&Bond 2.0 TPH 1 15

23 F 12 Microdontia 1997 Prime&Bond 2.1 XRV 0 11

23 F 22 Microdontia 1997 Prime&Bond 2.1 XRV 0 11

32 F 12 Microdontia 2000 Prime&Bond NT TPH 0 10

33 F 22 Microdontia 2001 Prime&Bond NT TPH 0 9

26 F 12 Conoid 2001 Prime&Bond NT A110 0 9

19 M 43 Hypoplasia 2002 Prime&Bond NT TPH 1 8

13 M 22 Conoid 2001 Prime&Bond NT A110 2 4

16 M 22 Conoid 2006 Prime&Bond NT XRV 2 4

16 M 12 Conoid 2006 Prime&Bond NT XRV 2 4

for the upper incisors and three for the lower avoided. Any excess material escaping from the
incisors. When filling the strip crown forms, it was gingival area and palatal opening was removed with
important to avoid the formation of pores, especially an explorer. The vestibular and palatal surfaces
in the corners of the incisal edge. Deformation of the were light cured, and the crown was finally removed
crown by pressing too hard with the fingers was by breaking it with an explorer.
Alonso & Caserio: Direct Composite Crowns 435

Figure 1. (A) Tooth 12 with microdontia; the only procedure required is cleaning of the tooth with pumice powder. (B) The strip crown with composite
filling is placed on the tooth; excess material is removed prior to polymerization. (C) Restoration is complete after one week.

The gingival area was polished with multifluted cant (p,0.05) values were anatomical form, surface
tungsten burs, and an explorer was subsequently roughness, marginal discoloration, and marginal
used to verify the uniformity of the surface and the adaptation (Table 3), with the greatest changes
absence of ridges. Strips were used in the interprox- being found in the last three (43%, 62%, and 43%,
imal area, and vestibular and incisal areas were respectively). However, all scores were in the
finished and recontoured with discs. Occasionally, ‘‘acceptable’’ range except for one case.
occlusal adjustment required removal of composite
According to the USPHS criteria, a color change
resin from the palatal area, possibly exposing the
was observed in only one restoration, but there were
tooth surface.
no cases of secondary caries. The anatomical form of
Photographs were taken pre-, intra-, and postop- the crowns varied in six cases. Of these, four were
eratively and during the examinations using a due to locally reduced occlusal surface, one was due
Medical Nikkor 120-mm lens (Fig. 1). The examina- to slight undercontouring, and the last, which
tions were conducted by two external evaluators, obtained a score of 2 (not acceptable), was due to
postgraduate dental students specifically trained for fracturing where the dentin was exposed (Fig. 2).
this study. The postoperative evaluation was based
on photographs taken seven days after completion of Regarding marginal adaptation, in nine cases the
the restoration. margin was detectable with the explorer, showing an
invisible gap (score of 1). As for marginal discolor-
Restorations were assessed clinically in 2008 and ation, in 11 cases there was slight staining that was
2010 (after 12.5 6 4.6 years). The mean patient age
removable by polishing, obtaining a score of 1, and
was 35.0 6 10.2 years. Dental health was evaluated
two cases showed a stain that could not be polished
by means of the Silness and Löe33 plaque index in
out (score of 2). Nine restorations presented small
accordance with U.S. Public Health Service
pores and obtained a score of 1 for surface roughness
(USPHS) criteria modified by van Dijken34,35 (Table
(Figure 3 and 4).
2). The SPSS (version 17, IBM, New York, USA)
software was used for the statistical analysis and the Of the 21 composite crowns, only one had to be
Kaplan-Meier analysis for estimating survival repaired after 10 years because of partial fracture. In
curves. three cases, the patients decided to change them for
ceramic crowns at the end of the orthodontic
RESULTS treatment after four and 11 years (Figure 5).
Based on the analysis of the immediate postopera- Survival analysis after two years of follow-up was
tive photographs, the examiners gave a score of 0 in 95.2%, 88.9% after 10 years, and 75.2% after 11
all categories of the USPHS criteria. In the exami- years. From 11 years on, the survival rate remained
nations, the criteria obtaining statistically signifi- constant.
436 Operative Dentistry

Table 2: Modified USPHS Criteria for Direct Clinical Evaluation of the Restorations

Category Score Criteria

Acceptable Unacceptable

Anatomical form 0 The restoration is continuous with tooth anatomy

1 Slightly under- or overcontoured restoration; marginal ridges slightly

undercontoured; contact slightly open (may be self-correcting); occlusal height
reduced locally

2 Restoration is undercontoured, dentin or base exposed; contact is faulty, not self-

correcting; occlusal height reduced, occlusion affected

3 Restoration is missing or traumatic occlusion; restoration causes pain in tooth or

adjacent tissue

Marginal adaptation 0 Restoration is continuous with existing anatomic form; explorer does not catch

1 Explorer catches, no crevice is visible into which explorer will penetrate

2 Crevice at margin, enamel exposed

3 Obvious crevice at margin, dentin or base exposed

4 Restoration mobile, fractured, or missing

Color match 0 Very good color match

1 Good color match

2 Slight mismatch in color, shade, or translucency

3 Obvious mismatch, outside the normal range

4 Gross mismatch

Marginal discoloration 0 No discoloration evident

1 Slight staining, can be polished away

2 Obvious staining can not be polished away

3 Gross staining

Surface roughness 0 Smooth surface

1 Slightly rough or pitted

2 Rough, cannot be refinished

Alonso & Caserio: Direct Composite Crowns 437

Table 2: Continued.

Category Score Criteria

Acceptable Unacceptable

3 Surface deeply pitted, irregular grooves

Secondary caries 0 No evidence of caries contiguous with the margin of the restoration

1 Caries is evident contiguous with the margin of the restoration

DISCUSSION bracket adhesion36 and simultaneously improves

The crowns were chosen according to size and shape, tooth esthetics. Therefore, in such cases a tooth cannot
with a mesiodistal diameter that fitted as well as be treated when a bracket has already been attached.
possible to the gingival contour of the tooth. Crowns In this work, all the restorations were full
should be slightly longer than the tooth to compen- coverage composite crowns with no restoration-tooth
sate for the thickness of the matrix and material interface on the visible surfaces, a fact that possibly
removal during polishing and esthetic recontouring. enhanced the long-term esthetic results. Of the 21
Pore formation should be avoided, especially in the composite crowns, 20 showed a good color match, and
incisal angles, when filling the transparent crown. 15 preserved well their anatomical shape after 12.5
During insertion onto the tooth, distortion of the 6 4.6 years. In this study, 52% of the restorations
crown due to excessive finger pressure should also be were carried out in patients younger than 19 years of
avoided. age. In the view of the authors, this technique could
This procedure simplifies the fabrication of the be the treatment of choice in patients still undergo-
restoration. No composite modeling or layering is ing growth.
required, just recontouring and polishing. A full Peumans and others31,32 studied direct composite
coverage crown is completed in a single step. In restorations correcting form and position in the
orthodontic treatment where microdontia is very anterior sector. They reported that after five years,
marked or associated with conoidism, applying this these restorations maintained a perfect color in 56%
clinical procedure provides a greater facial surface for of cases, but only 20% retained their anatomical

Table 3: USPHS Criteria Values at Follow-Upa

USPHS Criteria Anatomical Marginal Color Marginal Surface Secondary

Value Form Adaptation Match Discoloration Roughness Caries

0 15 12 20 8 12 21

1 5 9 1 11 9 0

2 1 0 0 2 0 —

3 0 0 0 0 0 —

4 — 0 0 — — —

p=0.031* p=0.004* p=1.000 p=0.000* p=0.004* p=1.000*

At baseline, a score of 0 was given in all USPHS criteria. n=21.
* Statistically significant p,0.05.
438 Operative Dentistry

Figure 2. (A) 47-year-old woman with conoid tooth 22. (B) Completed restoration; an indentation on the buccal surface can be observed, caused by
excessive pressure exerted with the fingernail when placing the transparent strip crown. Composite used: Herculite XRV (Kerr). (C and D) State of the
restoration after 18 years; this was the only case included in the study where an unacceptable score was obtained (anatomical form) due to fracturing
of the restoration.

Figure 3. (A) 23-year-old woman with microdontia in both upper lateral incisors. At the time of the restoration, the subject was undergoing orthodontic
treatment. (B) Restoration is complete after one week. The composite used was Prodigy (Kerr). (C) Appearance of the restoration after 11 years.
Alonso & Caserio: Direct Composite Crowns 439

form as a result of restoration material loss. They

considered that the size of the restoration was a
determining factor for esthetics. Moreover, they
found that central incisors performed best, followed
by canines and then lateral incisors. In 89% of their
cases, they reported cervical region discoloration due
to chip fractures, leading to loss of adaptation and
consequent microfiltration. Additionally, they found
no recurrence of caries, and only 5% of their
restorations presented perfect margins.
No cases of secondary caries were observed in this
study. An influencing factor could be that decayed
teeth were not restored without prior cavity prepa-
ration. Marginal adaptation obtained scores of zero
Figure 4. Conoid tooth 12 restored with composite A110 (3M ESPE); in 12 cases (57%) and one in the remainder.
appearance after 9 years. Observe the healthy gingival margin and
the long-term esthetic behavior of the composite. Marginal discoloration scored zero in eight cases
(38%) and one in 11 cases (52%).

Figure 5. (A) A 16-year-old male with microdontia of the upper right lateral incisor that will be orthodontically treated. (B) Try-in of the strip crown to
evaluate the gingival fit, the mesiodistal diameter, and its size. (C) Insertion of the strip crown with composite, excess composite exits through the hole
previously made in the palatal region of the matrix. (D) The strip crown is removed by breaking it through forcing a probe up from the gingival margin.
(E and F) Gingival polishing with multifluted tungsten burs with non cutting tips. (G and H) Revision after seven days. The bracket is later placed. (I)
Evaluation after four years.
440 Operative Dentistry

In a study comparing metal-ceramic crowns with larger sample size are needed in order to assess the
composite reconstructions, it was concluded that longevity of these restorations for the indications
while composites suffered more fractures, they were described.
at least reparable, especially in the anterior sector.
However, failures in metal-ceramic crowns tended to (Accepted 6 September 2011)
involve root-canal treatments and extractions. They
also reported that there were no statistically signif- REFERENCES
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