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Published online: 2019-09-16

Case Report
Minimum intervention management of diastema
closure using cordless displacement system and
laminate veneers: A 2‑year follow‑up
Ana Teresa Maluly‑Proni1, Bruna Oliveira‑Reis2, Wirley Gonçalves Assunção1,
Paulo Henrique Dos Santos1

Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics,
Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State
University ‑ UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil,
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Araçatuba School
Correspondence: Dr. Paulo Henrique Dos Santos of Dentistry, São Paulo State University ‑ UNESP,
Email: paulosantos@foa.unesp.br São Paulo, Brazil

This case report presents a minimally invasive diastema treatment using cordless gingival displacement system allowing
a very conservative intervention. A 32‑year‑old female patient who presented with diastema in her upper front teeth
opted for a treatment using laminate veneers to ensure achieving adequate tooth proportion and gingival levels. Having a
displacement material that exerts excessive pressure during the displacement process can lead to disruption of the junctional
epithelium and damage to periodontal tissues. This case report focuses on the effectiveness of the use of a minimally
invasive method of gingival management. Two‑year follow‑up no infiltration, sensitivities, or fractures were detected on
teeth, and indirect restorations, the purposed treatment allowed a quick, effective, and durable resolution for diastema.

Key words: Esthetics, dental veneers, diastema, gingival retraction techniques

INTRODUCTION a diastema[1] is laminate veneers due to esthetic

resolution, color stability, mechanical properties, and
The presence of diastemas is a common patient biocompatibility,[4] which may be indicated when there
complaint that may affect self‑esteem, leading is appropriate remaining sound dental structure.[5]
patients to seek esthetic treatment. Originating from
differences in tooth size, a maxillary midline diastema When dealing with ceramic restorations, an
is a space >0.5 mm between the proximal surfaces of accurate marginal adaptation is required to ensure
the two central incisors.[1,2] This space can be a normal long‑term clinical success.[6] Thus, many gingival
growth characteristic, and it is usually closed by the retraction techniques (conventional and cordless) and
time, the maxillary canines erupt; however, it has a products (mainly astringents and vasoconstrictors)
prevalence in adults ranging from 1.6% to 25.4%.[3] are available. [6] Astringents based on aluminum

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How to cite this article: Maluly-Proni AT, Oliveira-Reis B, Assunção WG,

Dos Santos PH. Minimum intervention management of diastema closure
using cordless displacement system and laminate veneers: A 2-year
follow-up. Eur J Dent 2018;12:446-9.
DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_208_18

446 © 2018 European Journal of Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Maluly‑Proni, et al.: Cordless displacement system for impressions

chloride products are used most widely due to the poured with a Type IV dental stone Kromotypo4
chemical’s only local action,[7] and were introduced as (Lascod, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy). One
an alternative to cord methods and may also be used study model was used for a wax‑up of the central
with displacement cord.[6,8] and lateral incisors. On another study model,
mock preparations were done in relation to dental
The astringent retraction paste was developed to elements 11, 12, 21, and 22. Before continuing to
enhance gingival displacement and assist hemostasis, tooth preparation, the color shade was selected using
but its effectiveness has not been well documented a Vitapan Classical shade guide (Vita Zahnfabrik,
in clinical longevity. Based on that, the proposed Bad Säckingen, Germany).
case report described here aims to demonstrate a
conservative solution for the treatment of diastema The veneer preparations started with mock‑up
using a cordless displacement method. placement. Margins were established using a long,
tapered, and medium‑grit diamond, and tooth contacts
CASE REPORT were removed. The preparation design needed to
permit a thickness of 0.4 mm at the gingival margin,
A 32‑year‑old female  patient presented with 0.6 mm in the midbody, and 0.6 in the incisal third
complaints of spacing in her upper front teeth and the to prevent dentin shine through and to conceal the
desire to have her teeth esthetically corrected [Figure
margins of the preparation under the porcelain. The
1a]. After obtained a patient consent form, all the
incisal edges were reduced 1 mm, 30° toward lingual
routine investigations, such as radiographic, clinical
surfaces in relation to 11 and 21, with a slight lingual
examination, and dental history, were within normal
wrap, and avoiding centric contacts [Figure 1b].
limits, and there was no relevant history contributory
to the diastema. On intraoral examination, the patient
Gingival management was performed using the
presented a midline diastema of 1.5 mm and sound
astringent retraction paste (3M ESPE, St Paul,
periodontal conditions.
MN, USA), that was placed into the sulcus presented
Treatment options given to the patient were closure of by a continuous line around the circumference of
the space by laminate veneers and orthodontic closure the teeth, and allowed to sit for 2 min [Figure 1c]. To
of the space. The patient opted for laminate veneers wash the paste from the sulcus, water spray was used,
given the shorter duration of treatment. Digital followed by air‑drying. The hemostatic property of
planning of the smile was performed to facilitate the paste left the prepared tooth fully dry. Margins
the explanation. After getting informed consent, the were inspected, and then, a final impression was
treatment protocols were started. taken using a one‑step addition silicon technique
Express XT and Light Body Paste (3M ESPE) and sent
The diagnostic impressions were taken using to the laboratory [Figure 1d]. Provisional restorations
addition silicone impression material Express XT were done using Protemp™4 Temporization
Putty and Light Body (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), Material (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany).

a b c d

e f g
Figure 1: Photographs of the case (a) initial view; (b) completed teeth preparation; (c) gingival management with astringent retraction paste;
(d) addition silicone impression; (e) laminate veneers; (f) final case; and (g) 2‑year follow‑up

European Journal of Dentistry, Volume 12 / Issue 3 / July-September 2018 447

Maluly‑Proni, et al.: Cordless displacement system for impressions

In the laboratory, pressable lithium disilicate width‑to‑length ratio of the central incisors. The
glass‑ceramic was used IPS e.max Press BL4 HT amount of distal proximal reduction, how many teeth
(Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) for will be treated, and the placement of full veneers or
the fabrication of the veneers [Figure 1e]. Before not are all decisions made according to that ratio.[10]
cementation, the interior surfaces of the laminates were Restorative and prosthodontic solutions are most
etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid (FGM, Joinville, SC, amenable to treat diastemas based on tooth‑size
BR) for 20 s and silanized with a silane coupling agent discrepancy.[1] Composite resin is easy to use, requires
(Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brasil). The teeth were cleaned fewer appointments, and is economic but offers less
with a slurry of pumice, and gingival displacement wear resistance and surface staining, which makes it
was acquired using a #000 retraction cord (Ultradent inferior to dental porcelain.[1] Besides that, smiles can
Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA). Acid etching was be painlessly, conservatively, and quickly transformed
done with 35% phosphoric acid Ultra‑Etch (Ultradent with the use of porcelain laminate veneers; tissue
Products Inc., South Jordan, USA) and rinsed off after response is great, and the finished surface is very
15 s, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. similar to the natural tooth.[1]
All the teeth surfaces were coated with a bonding
agent Adper Single Bond 2 (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, Especially in prosthodontic solutions, achieving
USA) in a thin layer and light polymerized for excellent marginal adaptation requires excellent
20 s. A  light‑cured composite luting agent RelyX impression quality, and it is crucial to the success of
Veneer (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA) of translucent the restoration. Factors such as quality of preparation,
shade was selected and placed on the internal surface chosen technique, and soft‑tissue management can
of the veneers. With luting cement, the laminates affect the accuracy of the definitive impression.[11] It
were gently seated with finger pressure on the teeth, is known that applying excessive pressure during
checking the margins. Excess cement was removed the displacement process may lead to high levels
with a soft brush. Light polymerization was performed of disruption of the junctional epithelium.[12] The
with a light‑emitting diode curing unit valo (Ultradent placing cord method has been shown to generate
Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA) on standard power pressures >5000 kPa, [8] which is partly due to
for 40 s from buccal, incisal, mesial, and distal aspects technique sensitivity and the influence of the physical
of each tooth. To remove major excesses, a #12 blade pressure applied by the clinician. This pressure value
was used. Restorations were checked for any occlusal is higher when compared to the cordless method
interference. There was a significant and satisfactory (about 100 kPa), indicating greater effectiveness.[8]
improvement in the overall appearance of the patient However, cordless gingival displacement materials
regarding esthetics [Figure 1f]. remove the need for physical packing of the material
into the crevicular sulcus, thereby reducing periodontal
The patient was motivated to perform good oral damage, bleeding, and healing time.[8]
hygiene and to attend the reviews. Two‑year follow‑up
no infiltrations, sensitivities, or fractures were detected In this case report, a midline diastema closure
on the teeth and the indirect restorations [Figure 1g]. treatment was carried out by minimum intervention
management using a cordless displacement system
DISCUSSION and laminate veneers, contrasting with the use of
conventional displacement cords, which are a common
A diastema, or maxillary anterior spacing, is an method for this kind of case.[1,4]
esthetic problem that presents a higher prevalence
in the maxilla than in the mandible and has a Having a displacement material that is quick to
multifactorial etiology.[1,2] In addition to microdontia, place and activates rapidly is paramount in tissue
lateral incisor agenesis, cysts in the midline region, displacement, because it reduces clinical treatment
habits such as finger sucking, and genetics can cause time, patient discomfort, and the risk of tissue
diastemas.[9] Several treatment modalities include injuries.[8] Studies present that the retraction pastes
orthodontic appliances. Even though this was a viable were found to be better than cords when assessed
option,[1] the patient in the present case report did not histologically, respecting the periodontium,[12] and
want to spend time with many appointments. did not induce bleeding during or after retraction.[13]

What usually determines the treatment plan for Ease of application is also an important factor to
esthetic rehabilitation of a midline diastema is the consider. Materials that are difficult to use can lead to

448 European Journal of Dentistry, Volume 12 / Issue 3 / July-September 2018

Maluly‑Proni, et al.: Cordless displacement system for impressions

repeated applications, causing stress for the clinician, due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but
loss of patient confidence, and increased strain on the anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
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placement in a clinical situation. [8] Bennani et  al. Nil.
showed that 3M ESPE astringent retraction paste
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on tissues compared to different cordless gingival There are no conflicts of interest.
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