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Heat Exchanger CFD

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The aim of the project is to design and analyse the heat exchanger. A heat

exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one

medium to another. The media may be separated by a solid wall, so that they

never mix, or they may be in direct contact. They are widely used in space

heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power plants, chemical plants,

petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural gas processing, and sewage

treatment. One common example of a heat exchanger is the radiator in a car, in

which the heat source, being a hot engine-cooling fluid, water, transfers heat to

air flowing through the radiator (i.e. the heat transfer medium).


A heat exchanger may be defined as equipment which transfers the

energy from the hot fluid to a cold fluid or vice versa, with maximum rate

and minimum investment and running cost. The heat exchanger is used to

reduce the temperature of one process fluid, which is desirable to heat

without intermixing the fluids or changing the physical state of the fluids.

Condensers are used to cool the temperature of a process vapour to

the point where it will become a liquid by the transfer of heat to another
fluid without intermixing the fluids. Water or air is used to condense the



The figure given below shows a typical heat exchanger and its components

1. Stationary Head-Channel 15. Floating Tubes


3. Stationary Head Flange 18.Floating Head Baring

4. Channel Cover Device

5. Stationary Head Nozzle 19.Split Shear Ring

6. Stationary Tube sheet 20.Slip-On Backing Flange

7. Tubes 21.Floating Head Cover-

8. Shell External

9. Shell cover 22.Floating Tube Sheet Skurt

10. Shell Flange 23.Packing Box

11. Shell flange- Read 24.Packing

Head End 25.Packing Gland

12. Shell Nozzle 26.Lantern Ring

13. Shell Cover Flange 27.Tierods and Spacers

14. Expansion joint 28.Transverse Baffles/support

17.Floating Head Flange

In order to meet the widely varying applications several types of

heat exchangers have been developed which are classified on the basis of

nature of heat exchange process, relative direction of fluid motion, design

and constructional features and physical state of fluids.


Heat exchangers on the basis of nature of heat exchange process are



i. Direct contact opened heat exchagers.

ii. Indirect contact heat exchangers.

a. Regenerators.

b. Recuperator

I. Direct Contact Heat Exchangers.



Figure 2

In a direct contact heat exchanger, exchange of heat takes place by

direct mixing of hot and cold fluids and transfer of heat and mass takes

place simultaneously. The use of such units is made under conditions

where mixing of two fluids is either harmless or desirable.

II. Indirect Contact Heat Exchangers

In this type of heat exchangers, the heat transfer between two fluids

could be carried out by transmission through wall which separates the

two fluids.

a. Regenerator

In a regenerator type of heat exchangers the hot and cold fluids pass

alternatively through a space containing solid particles (matrix), these

particles providing alternatively a sink and a source for heat flow.

Example. IC Engine and Gas Turbine.

The performance of these regenerators is affected by the following


1. Heat capacity of Regenerating Materials.

2. The rate of absorption

3. The release of heat.

Advantages of regenerators are :

1. Higher heat transfer coefficient.

2. Less weight per KW of the plant.

3. Minimum pressure loss

4. Quick response to load variations

5. Small bulk weight.

Disadvantages of regenerators are:

1. Costlier compared to recuperative heat exchangers.

2. Leakage is the main trouble ; therefore, perfect sealing is required,

b. Recuperators

Recuperator is the most important type of heat exchanger in which the

following fluids exchanging heat are on either side of dividing wall.

These heat exchangers are used when two fluids cannot be allowed to

mix i.e., when the mixing is undesirable.

Examples: - 1. Oil Coolers, Intercoolers, 2. Automobile

radiators. Advantageous of a recuperator are.

1. Easy construction

2. More economical

3. More surface area for heat transfer.

4. Much suitable for stationary plants.

2. Relative Direction of fluid motion

According to relative directions of two fluids streams the heat

exchangers are classified into following three categories.

i. Parallel flow or unidirectional flow.

ii. Counter flow.

iii. Cross flow

i. Parallel flow heat exchanger.

' In parallel flow heat exchanger as the name suggest the two fluid

streams (hot

and cold) travel in the same direction. The two streams enter at one end

and leave at the other end. The flow arrangements and variations of

temperatures of the fluid stream in case paralled flow heat exchangers are

shown in figure. It is evident from the figure that the temperature

difference between the hot and the cold fluid goes on decreasing from

inlet to outlet. Since this type of heat exchangers needs a large areas of

heat transfer it is rarely used in practice.

Example : oil coolers, oil heaters, water heaters

As the two fluids separated by a wall, this type of heat exchanger may

be called parallel flow recuperated or surface heat exchanger.

Temperature distribution along tube

axis. FIGURE 3

ii. Counter Flow Heat Exchanger.

In a counter flow heat exchanger, the two fluid flow in opposite

direction. The hot and cold fluid enters the opposite ends. The flow

arrangements and temperature distribution for such a heat exchanger are

shown in figure. The temperature difference between the fluids remains

more or less nearly constant. This type of heat exchanger due to counter

flow gives maximum rate of heat transfer for a given surface area. Hence

such heat exchangers are most favored for heating and cooling fluids.

ii. Cross Flow Heat Exchanger

In cross flow heat exchangers the two fluids (hot and cold) cross one

another in space usually at right angles. Fig. Shows a schematic diagram

of common arrangements of cross flow heat exchangers.






Refer Figure : Hot fluid flow in the separate column and there is

mixing in the fluid streams. The cold fluid is perfectly mixed as its flow

through the exchanger. The temperature of this mixed fluid will be

uniform across any section, and will vary only in the directions of the

flow. Example: cooling unit of refrigeration system.

Refer figure: In this case each of the fluid follows a prescribed path and is

unmixed as ■it flows through heat exchanger. Hence the temperature of

the fluid leaving the heater section is not uniform.

Example: automobile radiator


On the basis of design and constructional features, the heat exchanger

are classified as under

i. Concentric Tubes

In this type, two concentric tubes are used each carrying one of the fluids.


■ direction flow may be parallel or counted as depicted in figure. The

effectiveness of the heat exchanger is increased by using swirling flow.

ii. Parallel and counter flow

In this type of heat exchanger one of the fluid flows through a bundle of

tube ' enclosed by a shell. The other fluid is forced through the shell and it

flows over the I outside of surface of the tubes. Such an arrangements

employed where reliability and heat transfer effectiveness are important.

With the use of multiple tubes heat transfer

■ rate is amply improved due to increased surface area.

iii. Multiple Parallel and counter flow Passes.

Multiple parallel and counter flow passes are used for enhancing the

overall heat transfer. Multiple shell passes is possible where the fluid

flowing through the shell is re-routed. The shell side fluid is forced to

flow back and forth across the tubes in the by baffles. Multiple tube pass

exchangers are those which re-route the fluid through tubes opposite



One shell pass and two tube pass heat exchanger

Figure 7

iv. Compact Heat Exchanger

These are special purpose heat exchangers and have a very large

transfer surface area per unit volume of the exchanger. They are generally

employed the convective heat transfer co-efficient associated with one of

the fluids is much smaller than that associated with the other fluid.

Example : Plate - Fin, flattened fin tube exchangers.


Depending upon the physical state of the fluids the heat exchangers

are classified as follows :

i. Condenser

ii. Evaporators

i. Condenser

In a condenser, the condensing fluid remains at constant temperature

through out the exchanger, while the temperature of colder fluid

gradually increases from inlet to outlet. The hot fluid losses latent part of

fluid which is accepted by the colder fluid.

ii. Evaporators

In this case, the boiling fluid remains at constant temperature while

the temperature of the hot fluid gradually decreases from inlet to outlet.


Normal operation of heat exchangers usually requires little operator

attention. However, operating life of a heat exchanger can be drastically


improper start up and shut down practices. Some common problems are :

i. Tube failure due to 'water hammer' effect caused by opening the


inlet valve too quickly.

ii. Bending of the pass partition plate in the partition channel due to


flow from the tube inlet nozzle. Caused by rapid opening of the


inlet valve.

iii. Introduction of tube side fluid in a fixed tube sheet heat exchanger


the shell side empty (since the resulting change in the tube metal

temperature may over stress the tube to tube sheet joint resulting in

the failure).

iv. Thermal stress induced cracking of thick sections in region of gross

structural discontinuity, such as tube sheet / channel junction in


design, due to rapid changes in the fluid temperature. In order to


such problems start up and shut down of the equipments should be

carried out in a manner consistent with the original design basis.

" At times, heat exchangers are designed to operate under differential

pressure is the shell and the tube side pressure are always presents

simultaneously. The

operator should ensure that the design assumption of differential pressure

is never violated. Including the period of start up and shut down, or the

period of system pressure testing.

Other operational problems in heat exchanger are flow induced

vibration, rapid tube failure, corrosion and erosion of the tube wall, tube

joint failure, fluid level control difficulties and flanged joint leakage.


Operating problems in heat exchangers may be broadly classified into

three groups.

i. Structural Problems

ii. Performance Problems

iii. Metallurgical problems

i. Structural Problems

Structural problems are the most serious; failure is often swift and

irreversible. Failures caused by flow - induced vibration of heat

exchanger tubes over shadow all other structural failures. Tube to tube

sheet joints failure is also a fequent operational problem.

The other type of structural failure encountered in heat exchanger

operation is leakage from holted joints. Leaks frequently occured nozzle

flanges due to moment loading of the joint caused by thermal expansion

of the interconnecting piping. In some cases, non-temperature distribution

in the tube sheet or cover in multiple pass design induces joint leakage.

Replacement of the leaking gasekts with one having more appropriate

loading and relaxation properties is usually the panacea for such

structural problems.

ii. Performance Problems

The excessive tube fouling usually causes performance problems

Deposition of foul ants on the inside of the tube surface reduces the

available flow area and increase the skin friction, causing an increase in

pressure loss and decrease in heat transfer. Un even rates of fouling of

tubes usually occur in units with low flow velocity design. Uneven

fouling may occur on the shell side of the tubes due to a poor baffling

scheme. Which leads to a flow misdistribution. Highly non-uniform

fouling on severely modifies the metal temperature profile in some tubes

resulting in large tubes - to tube sheet joint leads.

Thermal stresses in the internal of the heat exchanger can cause

serious degradation of heat duty. The most obvious example is failure of

welds joining pass partition plates to each other and to the channel.

iii. Metallurgical problems

Stress corrosion, galvanic corrosion, and erosion are the most requently

reported metallurgical problems. Care in the selection of material can

eliminate most of these problems. Where the galvanic action cannot be

completely eliminated. The use of waster anode is recommended.



1. Energy Savings.

2. No Additional boilers are needed.

3. Condensation provides less space and safety



1. The use of heat exchange causes the flow restriction, hence,

additional pumps are required to correct the flow.

1. Friction losses

2. Operation difficulties such as flange leakage.

3. Failure of heat exchanger.

5. Maintenance cost and operating cost.


In a heat exchanger during normal operations the tube surface gets

covered by deposits of ash, soot, and dirt and scale etc. This phenomenon

of rust formation and deposition fluid impurity is called fouling.

fouling Processes

1. Precipitation or crystallization fouling

2. Sedimentation or particulate fouling

3. Chemical reaction fouling or polymerization

4. Corrosion fouling

5. Biological fouling

6. Freeze fouling

Parameter affecting fouling

1. Velocity

2. Temperature

3. Water chemist

4. Tube materia]

Prevention of fouling

The following methods may be used to keep fouling minimum

1. Design of heat exchanger

2. Treatment of process system

3. By using clean system

Properties to be considered for selection of materials for heat


1 Physical properties

2 Mechanical Properties

3 Climatic Properties

4 Chemical Environment

5 Quality of Surface

. finish
6 Service File

7 Freedom from Noise

8 Reliability

Common failure to heat exchangers

1. Checking of tubes either expected or extra ordinary-.

2. Excessive transfer rates in heat exchanger

3. Increasing the pump pressure to maintain through out

4. Failure to clean rubes at regularly scheduled intervals.

5. Excessive temperature in heat exchanger

6. Lack of control of heat exchangers atmosphere to retard scaling.

7. Increased product temperature over a safe design unit

8. Unexpected radiation from refractory surface.

9. Unequal heating around the circumferences or along the length


Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

Heat transfer in heat exchanger takes place mainly by conduction and

convection. If a tube wall as separates the fluids shown in figure. The

overall heat transfer co efficient is given by

Inner surface,


1/hi + ri/k In (ro /ri) + ri/ro x 1/ho

Outer surface


(ro /ri) 1/hi + ro/kxln ( ro/ri) x 1/ho


Ui Overall heat transfer coefficient inside the


Uo = Overall heat transfer coefficient outside the


Hi = Local convective heat transfer coefficient inside the


ho = Local convective heat transfer coefficient inside the

ri = Inside radius of the


ro Outside radius of the

k = Conductive heat transfer coefficient of tube material.

U.A. = UoAo


A = 2 r. L, Area inside the tube

A = 2 r L, Area outside the tube

0 o '

1 i n o Vn ) 1

hi Ai 2TTKL

h0A Figure 8

Consideration of fouling or scaling

Due to fouling the thermal resistance is increased and eventually the

performance of heat exchangers lowers. Since it is difficult to ascertain

the thickness and thermal conductivity of the scale deposits, the effect of

sale on heat flowing considered by specifying an equivalent scale heat

transfer coefficient hs. If hsj and hsQ be the heat transfer coefficient for

the scale deposited on the inside and

outside surface respectively, than the thermal resistance to scale formation

on the inside surface (RSj) and outside surface (RS0) are given

The reciprocal of the heat transfer coefficient, hs is called the

following factor R f Thus R f = 1 /hs m2oc/w

Fouling factors are determined experimentally by testing the heat

exchanger in both clean and dirty continuous. The fouling factor R f is


defined as :

R f = ( l / h r ) = l / U H . t - 1/U .


There are various types of services in which tubular exchangers are used


petroleum and chemical processes listed below.

1. Heat Exchanger: It used to reduce the temperature of one process

fluid, which

is desirable to cool by transfering heat to another fluid which is

desirable to heat without intermixing the fluids or changing the

physical state of the fluid.

2. Condenser: are used to reduce the temperature of a process vapour to


point where it will become a liquid by the transfer of heat to

another fluid without intermixing the fluid. Water or air is used to

condense process vapour. The function results in a changing the

physical state of the process vapour.

3. Coolers: They are used to cool a heat process liquid to a lower

more desirable temperature by the transfer of heat to another fluid

without intermixing the fluid. Water or air is usually used to cool

process liquids. This function does not result in a changing physical

state of the process liquid.

4. Evaporator: are used in the vaporization of a process liquid by

either a process or utility liquid or vapor without intermixing the fluid.

Many aporators are steam to vaporize a process liquid. This function

results in a changing the physical state of the process vapour. When

steam is used condensate is usually formed.

5. Re - boilers : are used in the partial vaporizations of a process fluid

by either a process or utility liquid or vapor. Many re-boilers are steam

to vaporize a process liquid.


Stress Corrosion Cracking

Stress corrosion cracking is a failure mechanism that is caused by

environment, susceptible material, and tensile stress. Temperature is a

significant environmental factor affecting cracking.

For stress corrosion cracking to occur all three conditions must be

met simultaneously. The component needs to be in a particular crack

promoting environment, the component must be made of a susceptible

material, and there must be tensile stresses above some minimum

threshold value. An externally applied load is not required as the tensile

stresses may be due to residual stresses in the material. The threshold

stresses are commonly below the yield stress of the material.

Stress Corrosion Cracking Failures

Stress corrosion cracking is an insidious type of failure as it can

occur without an externally applied load or at loads significantly below

yield stress. Thus, catastrophic failure can occur without significant

deformation or obvious deterioration of the component. Pitting is

commonly associated with stress corrosion cracking phenomen

Aluminum and stainless steel are well known for stress corrosion

cracking problems. Owever, all metals are susceptible to stress corrosion

cracking in the right environment.

Controlling Stress Corrosion Cracking

There are several methods to prevent stress corrosion cracking.

One common method is proper selection of the appropriate material. A

second method is to remove the chemical species that promotes cracking.

Another method is to change the manufacturing process or design to

reduce the tensile stresses. AMC can provide engineering expertise to

prevent or reduce the likelihood of stress corrosion cracking in your


Failures of Heat Exchangers

Some common causes of failures in heat exchangers are listed below:

• Pipe and tubing imperfections

• Welding

• Fabrication

• Improper design

• Improper materials

• Improper operating conditions

• Pitting

• Stress-corrosion cracking (SCC)

• Corrosion fatigue

General corrosion

Crevice corrosion

Design errors

Selective leaching, or

Erosion corrosion

Wear Failures

Wear may be defined as damage to a solid surface caused by the

removal or displacement of material by the mechanical action of a

contacting solid, liquid, or gas. It may cause significant surface damage

and the damage is usually thought of as gradual deterioration. While the

terminology of wear is unresolved, the following categories are

commonly used.

Figure.10 Wear Failures

Adhesive wear

Adhesive wear has been commonly identified by the terms galling,

or seizing Abrasive wear

Abrasive wear, or abrasion, is caused by the displacement of

material from a solid surface due to hard particles or protuberances

sliding along the surface

Erosive wear

Erosion, or erosive wear, is the loss of material from a solid

surface due to relative motion in contact with a fluid that contains solid

particles. More than one mechanism can be responsible for the wear

observed on a particular part.

Pitting Corrosion

Pitting is a localized form of corrosive attack. Pitting corrosion is

typified by the formation of holes or pits on the metal surface. Pitting can

cause failure due to perforation while the total corrosion, as measured by

weight loss, might be rather minimal. The rate of penetration may be 10

to 100 times that by general corrosion.

Pits may be rather small and difficult to detect. In some cases pits may be

masked due to general corrosion. Pitting may take some time to initiate

and develop to an easily viewable size.

Pitting occurs more readily in a stagnant environment. The

aggressiveness of the corrodent will affect the rate of pitting. Some

methods for reducing the effects of pitting corrosion are listed below:

• Reduce the aggressiveness of the environment

• Use more pitting resistant

materials Uniform Corrosion

Uniform or general corrosion is typified by the rusting of steel.

Other examples of uniform corrosion are the tarnishing of silver or the

green patina associated with the corrosion of copper. General corrosion is

rather predictable. The life of components can be estimated based on

relatively simple immersion test results. Allowance for general corrosion

is relatively simple and commonly employed when designing a

component for a known environment.

Some common methods used to prevent or reduce general corrosion are

listed below:

• Coatings

• Inhibitors

• Cathodic protection

• Proper materials selection

Figure.11 Uniform Corrosion

Corrosion Failures

Corrosion is chemically induced damage to a material that results in

deterioration of the material and its properties. This may result in failure

of the component. Several factors should be considered during a failure

analysis to determine the affect corrosion played in a failure. Examples

are listed below:

• Type of corrosion

• Corrosion rate

• The extent of the corrosion

• Interaction between corrosion and other failure mechanisms

Corrosion is is a normal, natural process. Corrosion can seldom be totally

prevented, but it can be minimized or controlled by proper choice of

material, design, coatings, and occasionally by changing the environment.

Various types of metallic and nonmetallic coatings are regularly used to

protect metal parts from corrosion.

Stress corrosion cracking

necessitates a tensile stress, which may be caused by residual stresses, and

a specific environment to cause progressive fracture of a metal.

Aluminum and stainless steel are well known for stress corrosion

cracking problems. However, all metals are susceptible to stress corrosion

cracking in the right environment.

Laboratory corrosion testing is frequently used in analysis but is difficult

to correlate with actual service conditions. Variations in service conditions

are sometimes difficult to duplicate in laboratory testing.

Corrosion Failures Analysis.

Identification of the metal or metals, environment the metal was subjected

to, foreign matter and/or surface layer of the metal is beneficial in failure

determination. Examples of some common types of corrosion are listed


• Uniform corrosion

• Pitting corrosion

• Intergranular


» Crevice corrosion

• Galvanic corrosion

• Stress corrosion cracking

Not all corrosion failures need a comprehensive failure analysis. At times

a preliminary examination will provide enough information to show a

simple analysis is adequate.

Fatigue Failures

Metal fatigue is caused by repeated cycling of of the load. It is a

progressive localized damage due to fluctuating stresses and strains on

the material. Metal fatigue cracks initiate and propagate in regions where

the strain is most severe.

The process of fatigue consists of three stages:

Initial crack initiation

Progressive crack growth


Final sudden fracture of the remaining cross section

Cycles to
Failure N


Graph-1 S-N curve

Schematic of S-N Curve, showing incr.ease in fatigue life with decreasing


Stress Ratio

The most commonly used stress ratio is R, the ratio of the minimum

stress to the maximum stress (Smin/Smax).

•If the stresses are fully reversed, then R = -1.

•If the stresses are partially reversed, R = a negative number less than


•If the stress is cycled between a maximum stress and no load, R =


•If the stress is cycled between two tensile stresses, R = a positive

number less than 1.

Variations in the stress ratios can significantly affect fatigue life. The

presence of a mean stress component has a substantial effect on fatigue

failure. When a tensile mean stress is added to the alternating stresses, a

component will fail at lower alternating stress than it does under a fully

reversed stress.

tog Cycles to Failure

Preventing Fatigue Failure

The most effective method of improving fatigue performance is

improvements in design:

• Eliminate or reduce stress raisers by streamlining the part

• Avoid sharp surface tears resulting from punching, stamping,

shearing, or other processes

•Prevent the development of surface discontinuities during processing.

•Reduce or eliminate tensile residual stresses caused by


• Improve the details of fabrication and fastening

procedures Fatigue Failure Analysis

Metal fatigue is a significant problem because it can occur due to repeated

loads below the static yield strength. This can result in an unexpected and

catastrophic failure in use.

Because most engineering materials contain discontinuities most metal

fatigue cracks initiate from discontinuities in highly stressed regions of

the component. The failure may be due the discontinuity, design,

improper maintenance or other causes. A failure analysis can determine

the cause of the failure.

High Temperature Failure Analysis

Creep occurs under load at high temperature. Boilers, gas turbine engines,

and ovens are some of the systems that have components that experience

creep. An understanding of high temperature materials behavior is

beneficial in evaluating failures in these types of systems.

Failures involving creep are usually easy to identify due to the

deformation that occurs. Failures may appear ductile or brittle. Cracking

may be either transgranular or intergranular. While creep testing is done at

constant temperature and constant load actual components may

experience damage at various temperatures and loading conditions.

Creep of Metals

High temperature progressive deformation of a material at constant stress

is called creep. High temperature is a relative term that is dependent on

the materials being evaluated. A typical creep curve is shown below:


Load Time
Graph-2 strain-time curve

In a creep test a constant load is applied to a tensile specimen

maintained at a constant temperature. Strain is then measured over a

period of time. The slope of the curve, identified in the above figure, is the

strain rate of the test during stage II or the creep rate of the material.

Primary creep, Stage I, is a period of decreasing creep rate. Primary

creep is a period of primarily transient creep. During this period

deformation takes place and the resistance to creep increases until stage II.

Secondary creep, Stage II, is a period of roughly constant creep rate.

Stage II is referred to as steady state creep. Tertiary creep, Stage III,

occurs when there is a reduction in cross sectional area due to necking or

effective reduction in area due to internal void formation.

Stress Rupture

Stress rupture testing is similar to creep testing except that the

stresses used are higher than in a creep test. Stress rupture testing is

always done until failure of the material. In creep testing the main goal is

to determine the minimum creep rate in stage II. Once a designer knows

the materials will creep and has accounted for this deformation a primary

goal is to avoid failure of the component.


Stress M
W2 ir5 105 101 W Stress Rupture DataO
■ P i ' I I Tw,
rupture time, hr ters

Graph-3 stress - stress rupture time

Stress rupture tests are used to determine the time to cause failure.

Data is plotted log-log as in the chart above. A straight line is usually

obtained at each temperature. This information can then be used to

extrapolate time to failure for longer times. Changes in slope of the stress

rupture line are due to structural changes in the material. It is significant

to be aware of these changes in material behavior, because they could

result in large errors when extrapolating the data.




Channel covers are usually circulars in design and fabricated out of the


plate material as the channel. The thickness of the flat channel covers in

determined from code or TEMA formulas whichever is greater. For single

pass channels or other in which there is no pass partition gasket seal

against the channel cover. Only the code formula needs be considered.

The effective thickness of the flat channel covers is the thickness

measured at the bottom of the pass partition grove minus the tube side

corrosion allowance in excess of the grove depth. Channel covers are

required to be provided with approximately 3/16 " (408m) deep groves

for pass partition plates.



5.1 Vibration

Damage from the tube vibration has become an increasing

phenomenon as

heat exchanger sizes and quantities of flow have increased .The shell side


buffle configuration and unsupported tube span are of prime


mechanism of tube vibration are follows.

Vortex shelling

I he vortex shelling frequency of the fluid in cross flow over the

tubes may coincide with a natural frequency of tube and excite large

resonant vibration amplitudes

Fluid elastic coupling

Fluid flowing over tubes causes them to vibrate with a whirling

motion .the mechanism of fluid elastic coupling occurs .When a critical

velocity exceed and the vibration then become self exited and grows in

amplitude .This mechanism frequently occurs in process heat exchangers

which suffer vibration damage .

Pressure fluctuation

Turbulent pressure fluctuations which develop in the wake of a

cylinder or are carried to the cylinder from upstream may provide a

potential mechanism for tube vibration .The tube respond to the portion of

the energy spectrum that is close to their natural frequency.

5.2 Corrosion

High temperature in the system can cause oxidation due to its

cause corrosion. Chemical reactions of hydrocarbon can also

causes corrosion.

5.3 Over heating of 120 tubes at the top.

In the parallel and counter flow heat exchanger at the inlet

(bottom of the shell) hydrocarbon is in liquid state.

The inlet temperature of hydrocarbon is 217°c. out let temperature

is 229°c.

The heating fluid hot oil called Therminol passess through the

tubes. The inlet of hot oil is at top of the bundle and outlet is at the bottom

The inlet temperature of the hot oil is 320 °c. and the outlet temperature is

270°c. If there is any obstruction or processing delay in the production

line it causes the shortage of hydrocarbon supplay in to the heat

exchanger. During when the hot oil will be pass through the tubes this

converts the top hydrocarbon in bundle to vapour state. In the vapour

state convective heat transfer (h) is less. This causes the top 120 ube

become overheat.



6.1Tube bracking

The corrosion and erosion in the tube can cause tube


6.2Fracture in the weld portion

The clearance between the parallel and counter flow bundle can

cause vibration in the tube bundle. This cause the fracture

formation in the tube sheet.

6.3Tube bending

The clearance between the parallel and counter flow and over

heating can cause the bending of tubes.

The multi pass cross flow heat exchanger, LMTD =F*LMTD

Correction factor 'F* find from heat transfer data

book using Temperature ratio 'P' and Capacity ratio


Temperature ratio 'P'= (Rise in temperature of the cold

fluid) / (Difference in inlet temperature of the

two fluids)

P = (TCo-Tci)/ (Tho-

T c i ) = (230-217)/

(320-217) -0.126

Capacity ratio 'R'= (Temperature drop of hot

Fluid) / (Temperature drop of cold fluid)

R - (Tho-Thj)/ (Tco-

Tci) = (320-270)/

(230-217) = 3.8

Correction factor from data book chart

=1 LMTD =1*68.87


A .consider flow inside the tube

Mass flow rate of hot oil inside the tube "mh'=0.153kg/sec

Reynolds number 'Re'

= (4* rrih) / (3.14*di *dynamic

viscosity) = (4*0.153)/

(3.14*0.01483*20* 10 ~4) =


Reynolds number 'Re' greater than 2300 so flow is turbulent

In the case of turbulent flow Nusset number "Nu'

= 0.0238*Re08 Pr04

Prandtl number 'Pr'

= (dynamic viscosity*specific heat)/ (thermal conductivity

of hot oil)


08 = 59.89

Nu = 0.023*6571.28 08*59.89 0 4


Convective heat transfer coefficient 'hi'= (Nu*k)/di


483 = 1036.2w/m2k

B. Consider flow over the tube

The flow over the tube due to natural

convection Prandtl number 'Pr'

= (dynamic viscosity*specific heat)/ (thermal

conductivity of aromatic hydro carbons)

= (3*


7 = 188.13

Grashof number 'Gr = (L3(3 g t)^v2

Gr = (6.089 *0.00176*9.81 *71.5)/

( 11.34*10'3)2 =2.878*106


Length of the tube

'L'=6.689m (3 =

volumetric expansion=l/T

= 1/(295+273) = 1.760*


Assume surface temp of

tube is The mean temp of

the hot oil 'T' =


/\t = tube temp - fluid

temp =295-

((230+217)/2) =71.5°c

v -dynamic viscosity/density = (93*10"4)/0.820 = 11.34*10"3m2/s

Gr*Pr = 2.87*106 * 188.18 =


Nu = 0.53(Gr*Pr) for (104<

Gr*Pr>109) =0.53(0.539*109

*188.18)025 =87.42


h0 =(87.42*0.116)/ (19.05*10~3)


Overall H.T coefficient

'If =1/ ((do/ (di*hi)) + ((do/2k) In (do/di)) + (1/ho))

= 1/ ((0.0195/ (0.01483*1036.4)) + ((0.01905/2*13.6) In

(0.01905/0.01483)) +



Heat transfer rate cold fluid

Q =mc cpc (Tco-Tci)

Where mc =17.98kg/sec Cpc

=2.356kj/kgoc Tco

=230°c Tci =217°c

Q =17.98*2.356*10 3*(230-217) =


Heat transfer rate hot fluid

Q = mh cph (Th0-Thi)

Where mh


Cph =3.318kj/kg°c

Tco =320°c

Q = 0.153*3.318*10 3*(320-270) Tci


Q =120*25382.7.7w (one pass has 120 tubes)

= 3045924w


A =Q/ (U*LMTD)

Area required for the heat transfer = 3045924/

(29005*69.87) = 150.1m2

Actual area =3.14*do*L


= 144.040m2 Actual area =144.040m2

*103%=148.36 for the heat transfer So

design is safe


ANSYS is a general purpose software, used to simulate interactions of all

disciplines of physics, structural, vibration, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and

electromagnetic for engineers.

So ANSYS, which enables to simulate tests or working conditions, enables to test in

virtual environment before manufacturing prototypes of products. Furthermore,

determining and improving weak points, computing life and foreseeing probable

problems are possible by 3D simulations in virtual environment.

ANSYS software with its modular structure as seen in the table below gives

an opportunity for taking only needed features. ANSYS can work integrated with

other used engineering software on desktop by adding CAD and FEA connection


ANSYS can import CAD data and also enables to build a geometry with its

"preprocessing" abilities.

Similarly in the same preprocessor, finite element model (a.k.a. mesh)

which is required for computation is generated. After defining loadings and carrying

out analyses, results can be viewed as numerical and graphical.

ANSYS can carry out advanced engineering analyses quickly, safely and

practically by its variety of contact algorithms, time based loading features and

nonlinear material models.

ANSYS Workbench is a platform which integrates simulation technologies

and parametric CAD systems with unique automation and performance. The power

of ANSYS Workbench comes from ANSYS solver algorithms with years of

experience. Furthermore, the object of ANSYS Workbench is verification and

improving of the product in virtual environment.

Analysis procedure

Step1: Launch ANSYS, by going to the start-up menu and double clicking on

workbench file in the ANSYS 15.0 folder.

Step2: Once the program is launched it should look like as shown below. Go to

Analysis Systems Fluid Flow (CFX) and double click.

Step3: Next Double click on the Geometry. This stage is for getting the required

geometry read into the software; note that there is a blue question mark icon beside

the geometry text. Looking at the bottom of the window you will see two windows

one having the title of Messages, this title confirms that the imported geometry has

no problems with it, the next window has the title Progress and that is necessary to

prove that state of the progress and if there is a problem it will state the problem.

Step4: Once ANSYS Workbench window is active you will get a window asking to

specify working units for the model dimension chose meters and press ok. For the

user this step might seem secondary in importance but as a matter of fact it’s of

great importance, because at later stages you will have to specify the box size

(discrete element dimension). Box size dimension leads to finer mesh, the finer the

used mesh is the more accurate is the captured data. The captured data term refers to

the fluid flow structures. Depending on case the selection of serial or parallel is

taken, also depending on the hardware provided in the computer lab dual core or

quad core etc.

Step 6: A window having a title open will be visible to the user, choose File type

Parasolid(*x_t;*xmt_txt;*x_b;*xmt_bin) then go to the folder that has the required

file .There are lots of software that are used to generate meshes, depending on the

software used the file extension text would be, to generate the mesh and then

exporting it in Parasolid format. A question comes to the mind of the student why do

I have to specify the file extension. The answer is that each mesh generation

software has its own structure in its generated data sets

Step7: Looking at the Design Modeler window, we can’t see the imported geometry

yet, what is required next is to press on the generate icon that is represented by a

yellow thunder icon. The Design Modeler will read in the imported data file, and will

construct the required mesh. The imported Geometry Domain should look something

like this, still that doesn’t give any hints to the user, relating to the inner structure of

the domain. The geometry domain is viewed in the shaded exterior style.

Step8: go to view and chose wireframe. This step is necessary to view the inner

structure of the domain.

Step 9a: Once the student gets to this stage, that means he has finished from the

Design Modeler and has to proceed to the Meshing part. Rotate the view and check

that the Geometry satisfies the design requirements.

Step 9b: Go to the workbench and check that there is a green tick sign beside the

Geometry and then double click on the Mesh Icon. After finished from Design

Modeler and now have started with the Meshing part.

Step 10a: The Meshing part of the project has started, notice that beside the Mesh

there is a yellow thunder icon. The scale shown at the bottom helps you make the

right decision on the box sizing, so that we can see that the largest value on the scale

is 0.200(m) which means we have to choose a value less than 0.050(m).

Step 10b: right click on Mesh and chose Insert and then chose Method.at this stage

we come to the point where we have to choose what kind of mesh are we going to

use wither regular or irregular or etc.

Step 10c: click on the positive sign beside the Mesh you should get a tree sub branch

have automatic Method using the left button click on the grey box domain, as a

result it should by highlighted in green, then you see that the geometry text is

highlighted in blue press the apply. Choose the parallel option in the projection

mode, which will come handy later on, when you want to use the measure command

or choosing the appropriate slice plane for your study.

Step 11: go to method and choose Tetrahedrons. This prepares the view for later

wanted operations.

Step 12: Go to algorithms and choose Patch Independent.

Now that you have specified the mesh properties, you can proceed to the next step.

Step13: press the Update icon and then press on the Generate Mesh icon. For our

case we will want to now the dimensions of the inflow section of the pipe.

Step14: click on mesh, now it’s visible to the user the generated mesh. Click on the

middle button to rotate the view to inspect your mesh.

Step15: Go to work bench, you will see there is a green tick beside the mesh

congratulations you can now proceed to the setup. Check the messages window if

there are any errors you will have to go back in steps and check where you went



Meshing involves division of the entire of model into small pieces called elements. It

is convenient to select the free mesh because the cylinder gasket has sharp curves,

so that shape of the object will not alter. To mesh the cylinder gasket the element
type must be decided first. Here, the element type is solid 45. The element edge

length is taken as 5 mm. The numbers of elements are taken 2225 and the total

numbers of nodes are 8099.


The front eye of the cylinder gasket is coupled directly with a pin to the frame so

that the eye can rotate freely about the pin but no translation is occurred. The rear

eye of the spring is connected to the shackle which is a flexible link the other end

of the shackle is connected to the frame of the vehicle. The cylinder gasket is

totally fixed at the centre with the help of bottom plate to the axel of vehicle. The

force applied at both the eye end of cylinder gasket. The both eyes of the cylinder

gasket have the flexibility to slide along the X-direction when load applied on the

spring and also it can rotate about the pin in Z- direction. The link oscillates

during load applied and removed. So the displacement at the both eye is

constrained along the X and Z directions.

ANSYS is a general purpose software, used to simulate interactions of all

disciplines of physics, structural, vibration, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and

electromagnetic for engineers.

So ANSYS, which enables to simulate tests or working conditions, enables to test

in virtual environment before manufacturing prototypes of products. Furthermore,

determining and improving weak points, computing life and foreseeing probable

problems are possible by 3D simulations in virtual environment.

ANSYS software with its modular structure as seen in the table below gives an

opportunity for taking only needed features. ANSYS can work integrated with

other used engineering software on desktop by adding CAD and FEA connection


ANSYS can import CAD data and also enables to build a geometry with

its "preprocessing" abilities. Similarly in the same preprocessor, finite element

model (a.k.a. mesh) which is required for computation is generated. After

defining loadings and carrying out analyses, results can be viewed as numerical

and graphical.

ANSYS can carry out advanced engineering analyses quickly, safely and

practically by its variety of contact algorithms, time based loading features

and nonlinear material models.

ANSYS Workbench is a platform which integrates simulation technologies

and parametric CAD systems with unique automation and performance. The

power of ANSYS Workbench comes from ANSYS solver algorithms with

years of experience. Furthermore, the object of

ANSYS Workbench is verification and improving of the product in virtual


ANSYS Workbench, which is written for high level compatibility with

especially PC, is more than an interface and anybody who has an ANSYS

license can work with ANSYS Workbench. As same as ANSYS interface,

capacities of ANSYS Workbench are limited due to possessed license.


At present most inlet manifolds are designed by trial and error, method or

study through prototypes that takes much time and effort to reach an optimal

design and that there is a lack of a systematic process. To help design an inlet

manifold of a higher efficiency, which would require a reduction in cost in the

experimental setup and study, is the need of the

hour. Through the advancement of the computer system performance it is

made possible to run softwares that can analyze to give results of even the most

complicated real life situations which are impossible to fabricate.

In this study, to develop a new framework for the design of inlet manifolds,

characteristics of flow patterns inside it are investigated by using

computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In addition to analysis of flow patterns, a

CFD-based optimal design procedure is proposed.

The design methodology can be depicted in the form of this flowchart




A heat exchanger that works well in

a variety of operating conditions, is

structurally robust, and is not hampered

by the buildup of frost is a necessary

technology for the cryogenic

automobile. This paper describes the

design and fabrication of such a

system . Although experiments have

yet to be conducted to determine the

actual performance, numerical

predictions have been given. until

road-test experiments are conducted ,

the actual thermal performance will

not be known with enough accuracy to

support an overall recommendation

for the final heat exchange system

design .



1. Heat and Mass Trans.fer-R.K.Raj put

2. Heat and Mass Transfer-Mahesh .M.


3. Perry's chemical engineering data book

4. Heat and Mass Transfer-p.K.Nag

5. Heat and Mass Transfer data book-Dom


6. www.hocl.com


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