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Topical Isl 2009-2016 p2

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Past Paper Questions May/June 2009 to Oct/Nov 2016

Paper 2 Islamiyat GCE O LEVEL & IGCSE(0493)

Compiled by Tahir Ali Babar

History and Importance of Hadith

The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs
The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam

S i r Ta h i r A l i B a b a r E m a i l : t a h i r a l i b a b a r 9 @ g m a i l . c o m
B S S , P a k T u r k , S c a r s d a l e i n t e r n a ti o n a l L G S , L A C A S & P A S P h o n e
0333-4428921 & 03244199362

History and Importance of Hadith

Question 2 Paper 2

Q2 .(a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the
importance of Muslim communal life.

(b) Explain the main differences between musnad and musannaf Hadiths.


Q2. (a) Describe the methods employed by the compilers of the major books of Hadith
to ensure the Hadiths they collected were authentic.

(b)Why is it important for Muslims to have collections of authentic Hadiths?

Specimen 2009 P2

(a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the responsibilities of
individual Muslims.

(b) Explain the importance of the isnad and the matn in deciding that a Hadith is authentic.

J2010 P2

Q2 (a) How did the compilers of Hadiths (muhaddithun) judge between acceptable and
unacceptable Hadiths?

(b) How are the Qur’an and Hadith employed in working out Islamic law?
N2010 P2

Q2(a) How have the Hadiths of the prophet been used as a source of guidance by Muslims?

(b) ‘Truly , My mercy overcomes My warth; This is Hidith Qudsi. What is special about Hadith of
this kind?

J2011 P2

Q2 (a) What part do Hadiths play in Islamic legal thinking?

(b) What is the importance of consensus (ijma) in Islam?

N2011 P2

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

Q2. (a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied, from the passages
set for special study, about the responsibilities of individual Muslims.

(b) Explain by giving an example how a Hadith has been used together with the Qur’an
in working out an Islamic law.

J2012 P2

Q2. (a) According to the teachings of the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the ways in
which Muslims should treat one another.

(b) What are the advantages of having different categories of Hadiths?

N2012 P2(2058/21)

Q2. (a) Outline how the following sources are used in establishing Islamic law: (i) Hadith and
Sunnah; and (ii) Qiyas.

(b) How easy is it to use ijma in Islamic legal thinking today?

N2012 P2(2058/22)

Q2. (a) What are the different types of Hadiths? How is each Hadith classified into the different

(b) Giving one example, explain how the Sunna is important in a Muslim’s life today.

Specimen paper 2012P2

Q2 (a) How have the Hadiths of the Prophet been used as a source of guidance by Muslims?

(b) ‘Truly, My mercy overcomes My wrath.’ This is a Hadith Qudsi. What is special about Hadiths
of this kind?

J2013 P2(2058/02)

Q2. (a) Why do Muslims need to know about the Prophet’s Hadiths and what benefit do they
hope to get by following his sunna?

(b) Briefly discuss why the need arose during the early Islamic period to compile the Hadiths of
the Prophet.

J2013 P2(2058/42)

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

(a) From the set Hadiths outline the Prophet’s teachings about the conduct of the individual in
the community.

(b) How does following the example of the Prophet in one’s behaviour towards others affect the


Q2 (a) Write about the structure of a Hadith and describe the main methods used by the
compilers of Hadiths to establish their genuineness.

(b) What was the significance of the Prophet not allowing the writing down of Hadiths in the
early days of his prophethood?


Q2. (a) Describe how the Hadiths are used in establishing law in Islam.

(b) ‘My community will never agree upon an error’. In your opinion why is this Hadith important
for the practice of consensus (ijma)?

J2014 P2(2058/21)

Q2 (a) Describe how the compilers of the Prophet’s Hadiths checked the biographies of the
transmitters, and say why they thought it was important to do so.

(b) In your opinion what are the main advantages of having authentic Hadiths?


Q2 (a) What rules did the writers of the six authentic books (Sihah Sitta) apply to ensure the
authenticity of Hadiths?

(b) Why in your opinion was it important for them to apply these rules?

Nov 2014 P2(2058/21)

Q2.(a) What do Muslims generally understand by the terms:

• isnad and matn of Hadiths; • musannaf and musnad Hadiths?

(b) Which in your opinion is more beneficial for Muslims to have; musannaf collections or
musnad collections of Hadiths? Give reasons for your answer.

Nov 2014 P2(2058/22)

2 (a) Outline the main teachings of the set Hadiths about the conduct of Muslims in communal

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

(b) How do you think following the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh) as regards communal living
can improve society today?

June 2015P2(2058/21)

Q2 .(a) Write an account of the parts that make up a Hadith, and describe the checks made by
the collectors of the Hadiths to ensure the accuracy of their collections.

(b) Why was it important to check the accuracy of Hadiths?

June 2015P2(2058/22)

Q2 (a) Give an account of how the Prophet’s Hadiths have been a source of guidance to
Muslims in putting their faith into practice.

(b) Why do the Prophet’s Hadiths link belief and action so closely?

N 2015/2058/21

Q2 (a) Describe how the Prophet’s Hadiths can be used together with the Qur’an to help
Muslims understand and practise their faith.

(b) How could your community be improved by applying the Prophet’s Hadiths more fully?

N 2015/2058/22

Q2 (a) Outline the roles of the following in formulating Islamic law: (i) The Prophet’s Hadiths (ii)
Consensus (ijma’ )

(b) Some Muslim scholars have questioned the use of analogy (qiyas) in Islamic law. Why do
you think they have done so?


2 (a) What is the role of Hadiths as a source of guidance in the lives of Muslims?

(b) How are Muslims obeying God when they obey the Prophet?


Q2 (a) Write a detailed account of the parts of a Hadith and say how these parts help in
determining the different categories of Hadiths, namely; sahih; hasan; da’if and mawdu’.

(b) Why do you think the Prophet practised and encouraged the use of ijma’?

Q2 (a) Describe the relationship of Hadiths with the Qur’an, giving examples of how Hadiths
are used in understanding God’s words.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

(b) ‘By using the principle of analogy (qiyas) the basic laws of Islam can be applied at any
time and in any case.’ Do you agree?


Q2 (a) Describe the relationship of Hadiths with the Qur’an, giving examples of how Hadiths are
used in understanding God’s words.

(b) ‘By using the principle of analogy (qiyas) the basic laws of Islam can be applied at any time
and in any case.’ Do you agree?

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs

and their importance as leaders
Q3, 4&5
J2009 P2

Q4.(a) Describe the main events of the caliphate of ‘Ali.

(b) Explain why Talha and Zubayr opposed ‘Ali.


Q3. (a)Describe Abu Bakr’s activities against the false prophets and apostate tribes.

(b)Why is Abu Bakr called the Saviour of Islam?

Specimen paper 2009 P2

Q3(a) Write an account of the major challenges that faced Abu Bakr during his caliphate.

(b) Explain why he was known as the Honest One (al-Siddiq), and the Saviour of Islam.

J2010 P2

Q3 (a) What major events took place during the caliphate of ‘Uthman?

(b)Explain why ‘Uthman encountered difficulties in the later years of his caliphate and was

N2010 P2

Q5 (a) What were the main events of the caliphate of ‘Ali’?

(b) Why do you think Mu’awiya refused to accept ‘Ali as Caliph?

J2011 P2

Q3. (a) Write a detailed account of the administrative measures put in place by ‘Umar during his

(b) ‘ ‘Umar’s caliphate is regarded as the golden period of early Islamic history’. Discuss.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

N2011 P2( 2058/21)

Q3. (a) Briefly describe the main events of the caliphate of any two of the rightly guided caliphs
given below:
(i) Abu Bakr
(ii) ‘Umar
(iii) ‘Uthman

(b) In your opinion what was the most important task that faced Abu Bakr on becoming caliph?
Briefly discuss.

J2012 P2

Q3 .(a) Write a descriptive account of the important events that took place in the caliphates of
any two of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs.

(b) Briefly state why any one event you have written about in part (a) was of special

N2012 P2(2058/21)

Q4. (a) Write about the election of Abu Bakr as caliph and how he dealt with the false prophets
during his reign.

(b) Was Abu Bakr a good choice as caliph? Give reasons to support your answer.

N2012 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) Write about how the four Rightly Guided Caliphs are role models for leaders today.

(b) How does ‘Umar’s conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an example for Muslims?

Specimen paper 2012 P2

Q3 (a) Write an account of the major challenges that faced Abu Bakr during his caliphate.

(b) Explain why he was known as the Honest One (al-Siddiq), and the Saviour of Islam.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

J2013 P2 (2058/21)

Q3 (a) Write about how the four Rightly Guided Caliphs ruled during their caliphates in
accordance with Islamic values.

(b) Choose any one practice of the caliphs from Part (a) and explain how governments today
could act on it.

J2013 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) What were the consequences of ‘Uthman’s murder?

(b) ‘Ibn Muljam’s murder of ‘Ali was unjustified’. Discuss, giving reasons for your answer.

J2013 P2(2058/42)

Q5 (a) Give an account of the following two battles fought during the rule of ‘Umar:

 Battle of Qadisiya;
 Battle of Yarmuk

(b) Was ‘Umar better as a military leader or as an administrator?

N2013 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) Write a detailed account of the four false prophets, and how the caliph Abu Bakr
defeated them.

(b) Why did Abu Bakr think it of great importance to defeat the false prophets?

N2013 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) What were the consequences of ‘Uthman’s murder?

(b) ‘Ibn Muljam’s murder of ‘Ali was unjustified’. Discuss, giving reasons for your answer.

J2014 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) Write a detailed account of the four false prophets, and how the caliph Abu Bakr
defeated them.

(b) Why did Abu Bakr think it of great importance to defeat the false prophets?

J2014 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) ‘Ali’s caliphate was riddled with problems. Describe what these problems were.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

(b) Choose any one problem you have written about in Part (a) and say why you think it was

N2014 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) What were the causes of the revolt against ‘Uthman and what charges were made
against him?

(b) Can Muslims today learn lessons from the martyrdom of ‘Uthman? Give reasons for your

N2014 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) Write an account of the Battle of Yamama fought during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, and
the Battle of the Camel fought during the caliphate of ‘Ali.

(b) Which of these two battles was, in your opinion, the more significant?

J2015 P2(2058/21

Q5 (a) Write about any two major events that took place during the caliphate of Abu Bakr.

(b) In your opinion which of the two events you have written about in Part (a) was the more
significant and why?

J2015 P2(2058/22)

Q3 .(a) ‘ ‘Umar’s caliphate is regarded as a golden era in Islamic history.’ Write an account of
how ‘Umar ruled during his ten year caliphate.

(b) What do you thik was ‘Umar’s greatest achievement during his rule? Explain why you
think so.

N2015 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) ‘Ali’s policy of changing the governors appointed by ‘Uthman led to a lot of problems for
him. Outline:
(i) his reasons for making these changes;
(ii) the effects of his policy.

(b) ‘‘Ali was a strong caliph.’ Give reasons to agree or disagree with this statement.

N2015 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) Outline the charges levelled against ‘Uthman by his opponents, and describe the main
events of the revolt against him.

(b) What do you think was the most harmful outcome of ‘Uthman’s assassination?

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

J2016 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) The conquest of Persia was one of ‘Umar’s great achievements. Write an account of any
two battles fought with the Persians during his caliphate.

(b) Say which in your opinion was the most significant of the battles fought under ‘Umar against
the Persians and why.

J2016 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) Write a detailed account of the battle of Yamama, and of the compilation of the Qur’an
during the caliphate of Abu Bakr.

(b) The Prophet called Abu Bakr ‘al-Siddiq’ (Testifier of the Truth). How did Abu Bakr live up to
his title during his caliphate?


Q3 (a) Give an account of:

(i) the election of the caliph ‘Uthman, and

(ii) the compilation of the Qur’an that took place during his caliphate.

(b) Three of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs were martyred for the decisions they made. Can
Muslim leaders today learn anything from this? Give reasons for your answer.

N2016 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) Write in detail about the policy followed by ‘Uthman as caliph in expanding and
maintaining the state.

(b) How justified were the criticisms against ‘Uthman for burning the copies of the Qur’an? Give
reasons for your answer.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam


Q5(a) Write about Muslim beliefs in prophets.

(b) Explain how this belief influences the daily life of a Muslim.


Q4.(a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers on Fridays (jum‘a).

(b) Why do Muslims regard these prayers as important?

Q5.(a) Describe the main events of the annual pilgrimage (hajj).

(b)Explain the significance of the prophet Abraham in the observances of the pilgrimage.

Specimen paper 2009P2

Q4 (a) Give an account of the Muslim belief in angels and God’s predestination and decree.

(b) Explain the importance to the community of Muslims of congregational prayers on Fridays
and pilgrimage.

Q5 (a) Give brief descriptions of the ways in which fasting and almsgiving are carried out.

(b) Show how observance of these two pillars keeps the community together.

J2011 P2

Q4. (a) What does the statement ‘There is no ability or power except through Allah’ tell
you about Muslim belief in Allah’s predestination and decree?

(b) To what extent does this belief affect the daily living of Muslims?

Q5. (a) What beliefs and practices are involved in:

(i) stoning the Jamarat

(ii) performing sa’y
(iii) assembling at Arafat

(b) Explain the main differences between hajj and umra

N2011 P2( 2058/21&22

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

Q4 (a) Give descriptions of the way in which fasting and almsgiving are carried out among

(b) Show how these two pillars keep the Islamic community together.

Q5. (a) Give a full account of the Muslim belief in Prophets.

(b) Briefly explain why Allah revealed different books from time to time.

J2012 P2( 2058/21&22

Q4. (a) Give a detailed account of how Muslims prepare for prayer.

(b) ‘A mosque is a focal point in the lives of Muslims.’ Discuss.

Q5. (a) Outline the features of the Ramadan fast, and identify which Muslims are exempt from
fasting during this month.

(b) What advantages does the fast of Ramadan bring to the Muslim community?

Specimen paper 2012P2

Q4 (a) Give an account of the Muslim belief in angels and God’s predestination and decree.

(b) Explain the importance to the community of Muslims of congregational prayers on Fridays
and pilgrimage.

Q5 (a) Give brief descriptions of the ways in which fasting and almsgiving are carried out.

(b) Show how observance of these two pillars keeps the community together.

J2013 P2(2058/02)

Q4 (a) Outline the Muslim teaching about belief in the oneness of God (tawhid).

(b) Why is associating partners with God (shirk) regarded as a great sin?

Q5 (a) How do the Pillars of prayer (salat ) and fasting (sawm) bring Muslims closer to both God
and other people?

(b) Briefly reflect upon the importance of any one of the remaining three Pillars in the life of a

J2013 P2(2058/42)

Q3 (a) Outline the main observances of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj ).

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

(b) How does Hajj encourage a sense of equality amongst Muslims?

Q4 (a) Describe how and why Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

(b) How do the two Eids bring the Muslim community together?

N2013 P2(2058/21)

Q4 (a) Outline the practice of almsgiving (zakat ) in Islam.

(b) Who do you think benefits more from the payment of zakat and why, the giver or the

Q5 (a) Write a description of the Muslim teachings about jihad.

(b) Why is greater jihad considered the more important?

J2014 P2(2058/21)

Q5 (a) Write about how the pillars of Islam help Muslims to improve their communal
relationships and social responsibilities.

(b) Why is it beneficial for Muslims to pray salat five times a day?

J2014 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) How do Muslim individuals and the Muslim community benefit from the annual

pilgrimage (hajj )?

(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrim (hajji ) and God?

Q5 (a) Write an account of:

(i) The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad ).

(ii) (ii) Under what circumstances is jihad thought to be compulsory?

(b) ‘The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad ) are not relevant today.’ Do you
agree? Give reasons for your answer.

N2014 P2(2058/21)

Q4 (a) The Prophet said, ‘Between a person and disbelief is discarding prayer.’ What benefits
do Muslims find in regular prayer (salat)?

(b) Why do Muslims regard delayed (qada) prayers as a sign of God’s mercy? Give reasons for
your answer.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

Q5 (a) What are the moral, spiritual and other benefits of fasting in Ramadan?

(b) Choose any one benefit of the Ramadan fast you have written about in Part (a) and say why
you think it is most useful.

N2014 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) ‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey.’
(Al ‘Imran 3:97)

(i) For who is the annual pilgrimage (hajj ) compulsory, and which Muslims are exempt from
(ii) What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram ?

(b) Some Muslims are exempt from performing the annual pilgrimage (hajj ). Why do you think
this is so?

J2015 P2(2058/21)

Q3 (a) Give an account of the conditions required for ablution (wudu) and the method of
performing it.

(b) Why is ablution (wudu) given so much importance in your view?

Q4 (a) What acts do pilgrims (hajjis) perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja and how does the rest
of the Muslim community (umma) celebrate this day?

(b) What in your opinion are Muslims reminding themselves of when they celebrate Eid al-

J2015 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) What do Muslims believe about the Day of Resurrection and Judgment?

(b) How does this belief affect the daily living of Muslims?

Q5 (a) Write about the practice of fasting in Ramadan and the moral benefits that a Muslim
gains from fasting in this month.

(b) How do you think observing the Pillar of g iving alms (zakat ) benefits the giver?

N2015 P2(2058/21)

Q4 (a) Write an account of the benefits that result from the payment of charity (zakat ), and state
to whom it should and should not be paid.

(b) In your opinion, what is the greatest benefit for the giver of zakat ? Give reasons to support
your answer.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

Q5 (a) Belief in prophets and the revealed books is essential to Islam. Write an account of these
two articles of faith.

(b) The Qur’an describes itself as a confirmation of earlier revelations. Does the Qur’an differ in
any significant way from earlier revealed boo ks?

N2015 P2(2058/22)

Q3 (a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers, both daily and on Fridays
(Jum’a prayers).

(b) In your opinion why are congregational prayers considered to be beneficial to Muslims?

Q5 (a) Describe the meaning of the term jihad and say how Muslims can practise jihad in their
everyday lives.

(b) Why do you think jihad of the self (jihad bil-nafs) is greater than armed

jihad (jihad bis-saif )?

J2016 P2(2058/21)

Q4 (a) (i) Outline the main teachings in the Qur’an and Prophetic Hadiths about prayer (salat)
as the foundation of Islam.

(ii) Describe how Muslims prepare themselves for prayer.

(b) Why should meeting for congregational prayers be more advantageous than performing
prayer alone?

Q5 (a) Muslims believe that God alone is Lord, that He alone should be worshipped and that His
names and attributes are unique to Him. Outline Muslim beliefs in the oneness of God.

(b) Why has God repeatedly warned Muslims against committing shirk?

J2016 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) ‘And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What
observances does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is umra different to

(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921


Q4 (a) What are the benefits to individuals and the community of fasting in the month of

(b) Are ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id al-Adha more than just celebrations? Give reasons for your answer.

Q5 (a) Write an account of the difference in meaning between:

(i) jihad of the self,

(ii) jihad of the tongue, and
(iii) jihad of the sword.

In your opinion, what is the importance of following the rules of jihad in modern (b)

N2016 P2(2058/22)

Q4 (a) Belief in all the prophets is one of the articles of faith in Islam. Write about this Muslim
belief in detail.

(b) How is the message brought by these prophets important for Muslims today?

Q5 (a) Describe the particular features of Friday congregational prayers (Jum’a) and the main
features of the Friday sermon.

(b) Explain how this event upholds the unity of the Muslim community.

Sir Tahir Ali Babar BSS, Pak Turk , Scarsdale International, LACAS, LGS and PAS
E;mail tahiralibabar9@gmail.com 0333-4428921

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