Endoscopic Ventriculostomy Versus Shunt Operation in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Diagnostics and Indication
Endoscopic Ventriculostomy Versus Shunt Operation in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Diagnostics and Indication
Endoscopic Ventriculostomy Versus Shunt Operation in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Diagnostics and Indication
nnnnnn In contrast to the shunt operation the indication for cephalus was obtained by the intrathecal infusion test on
an endoscopic ventriculostomy in patients diagnosed for a lumbar and/or ventricular route, the cerebrospinal fluid
normal pressure hydrocephalus is not scientifically estab- tap test, and MRI cerebrospinal fluid flow studies pre- and
lished. Between September 1997 and December 1999 we postoperatively. The signs of each patient were registered,
operated on 48 patients diagnosed for normal pressure hy- according to the clinical grading for normal pressure
drocephalus. The diagnosis was established by means of the hydrocephalus by Kiefer and Steudel. We then compared
intrathecal lumbar or ventricular infusion test, the cere- the course of disease at a mean time interval of 7 months
brospinal fluid tap test and MRI-CSF flow studies pre- and while using our created NPH recovery rate [12]:
ISSN 0946-7211
88 Minim Invas Neurosurg 2000; 43 Meier U et al
morbidity 24 % 18 %
infection 3 0
malfunction of valve 3 0
dislocation 1 0
SDH 2 0
pneumatocephalus 0 1
lesion of thalamus 0 1
2nd look surgery 8 0
Fig. 1 NPH recovery rate according to clinical grading for NPH of
Kiefer. lethality
due to surgery 0 0
independent 2 1
Indication for shunt operation in NPH
MRI/CT: hydrocephalus internus of all ventricles
Baseline ICP: within physiological limits combination of neuronavigation and endoscopic techni-
We conclude that for patients diagnosed for NPH with Schwartz TH, Yoon SS, Cutruzzola FW, Goodman RR. Third
findings of a pathological outflow resistance in the lumbar ventriculostomy: post-operative ventricular size and outcome.
infusion test the shunt operation is indicated. Patients Minim Invasive Neurosurg 1996; 39: 122 ± 129
whose outflow resistance is pathologically increased in
the ventricular infusion test as well as with physiological
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results in the lumbar infusion test and signs of an
aqueduct stenosis in MRI an endoscopic assisted third Privatdozent Dr. med. U. Meier
ventriculostomy is indicated. Postoperative a functional
MRI with phase-contrast imaging supports the visualiza- Head of Department
tion of operative result. Follow up examinations, which Department of Neurosurgery
Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin
are important for the evaluation of this method and for a
Warener Straûe 7
quality assessment of this endoscopic operation method 12683 Berlin
are still in progress. Germany