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Curriculum Vitae

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Cairo University ‫جامعه القاهره‬

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ‫كليه الطب البيطرى‬
Dept. of Medicine& Infectious Diseases, ‫قسم االمراض الباطنه والمعديه‬
Giza 12211, Egypt. Fax 00 202 Giza 12211, Egypt



1. Full Name Salem Noha Yousef

Family name Name Father's name
2. Place & Date of Birth Giza, Egypt..........29 October 1983.....
3. Nationality: Egyptian
4. Home Address: Al-owqaf buildings, Manshaat El-Kanater, Giza, Egypt.
6. Present Address Department of Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 12211, Giza, Egypt. Fax
Number: 35725240
7. Telephone: Home: 38947089 Office: 35720399 Mobile: 01005431215
8. E-mail: nemovet2011@gmail.com , Noha.salem@vet.cu.edu.eg

Academic Qualifications

Degree University Country Year Specialization

Ph. D. Faculty of Veterinary Egypt 2012 Internal Veterinary Medicine
Medicine, Cairo University

M. Sc. Faculty of Veterinary Egypt 2009 Internal Veterinary Medicine

Medicine, Cairo University

B. Sc. Faculty of Veterinary Egypt 2005 Veterinary science

Medicine, Cairo University

Languages/Special Skills:

Arabic Speaking ■ mother tongue Reading ■ excellent Writing ■ excellent

English Speaking ■ excellent Reading ■ excellent Writing ■ excellent
French Speaking ■ Fair Reading ■ fair Writing ■ fair

German Speaking ■ poor Reading ■ poor Writing ■ poor
Computer Skills Very Good

Professional Work

Title From - To University Country

Professor of internal medicine2022-present Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Cairo University
Assistant professor of 2017-2022 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Veterinary Internal medicine Cairo University
Lecturer of Veterinary 2012- 2017 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Internal Medicine Cairo University
Assistant Lecturer of 2009-2012 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Veterinary Internal Medicine Cairo University
Demonstrator of Veterinary 2006-2009 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Internal Medicine Cairo University

Membership of Cultural, Educational and Professional Societies:

Member of Staff of Department of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Cairo University.

Egyptian Veterinary Medical Syndicate.
Egyptian society for sheep and Goats Egyptian society for Animal management
Egyptian society For Arabian Horses improvement and safing its assests Faculty
of veterinary medicine quality unit
Center of biotechnology research and services

Field of Research Experience

1- Special experience in canine fevers (Ph.D. in this subject)
2- Special preference in canine and equine diseases

Participation in Scientific Project

1. Scientific Project Title: Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Productive Value of the Rumen Ciliates in
Ruminants (P.I.: Taher Ahmad Baraka)
Role: CO-PI
Scientific Project Summary:
This project aims to identify, isolate and culture the rumen ciliates in ruminants and determination of
the benefit types and selection of the types can be used in mixed or pure cultures to be used in
treatment of digestive disorders and improvement of produced milk and meat. This project offers a
simple and cheap solution of the problems of indigestion, poor production, reduction in the quality of
produced milk and meat and improper adaptation of ruminants in new localities. The product to be
offered will be cheap and safe for man, environment and animals.

2. Scientific Project Title: Banking Of Rumen Ciliate for Improvement of Ruminant
Farm Animals Production (P. I.: Taher Ahmad Baraka)
Role: CO-PI
Scientific Project Summary:

This project is going to be carried out for identification of the present types of rumen ciliates
in different ruminants under the Egyptian environment, creation of "Egyptian Rumen Ciliate
Bank", preparation of pure and mixed cultures of rumen ciliates in proper concentration and
safe for transmission and administration to the animals, application of different methods of
storage of obtained pure and mixed cultures as patent preparation, preservation of rumen
ciliate protozoa in the rumen of defaunated animals to obtain mono-faunated animals will
facilitate digestion studies, genomic and biotechnology research, and long-term storage of
living cells. The expected returns include the creation of "Egyptian Rumen Ciliate Bank"
which contains most of rumen ciliates of domestic and wild ruminants in Egypt, production
of patent preparation of pure and mixed ciliate protozoa, detection of the ciliates that can
improve the quality of meat and milk in ruminant farm animals and cooperation in the field
of rumen ciliates with other international banks.
3. Scientific Project Title: Micro RNA footprint for osteoarthritis in equine
(P.I. Eman Moawd)
Role: member
Scientific Project Summary:
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common musculoskeletal dysfunctions and represents
a major concern for animal welfare. OA is multifactorial disease that initiates and stimulates
its progression such as genetics, epigenetics, and environmental factors. One of the
epigenetics modifiers in miRNA that mediate and target certain genes which involved in
cartilage hemostasis. Next generation multiplex sequencing technologies will be used to
establish a comprehensive repertoire of miRNA expression followed by targets validation of
4. Scientific project title: Study the diseases that affect leather industry in Egypt (P.I.
Marwa M Salah)
Role: member
Leather industry in Egypt is one of economic pillars in animal industry, however, hide quality
can be affected by number of factors, among them diseases that has direct impact on leather.

Research activities


Salem, N. Y., Diagnostic and Therapeutic Studies on Fevers and Dehydration in Dogs, Giza,
Cairo University, 2012 PhD, Thesis (Internal Medicine) (English).

Salem, N. Y., Recent diagnostic studies using interventional ultrasonography and

laparoscopy in dogs, Giza, Cairo University, 2009, M.V.Sc, Thesis (Internal Medicine)

Publications in the last 10 years:

1- Salem NY, Rakha GH, Baraka, TA (2014). Naturally occurring Ehrlichiosis in

Egyptian Dogs. Iranian J Vet Research, 15(1): 54-5.
2- Salem NY (2014). Canine Viral Diarrhea: Clinical, hematological and alterations
with particular reference to in-clinic rapid diagnosis. Global Veterinaria, 13(3):302- 307.
3- Kubesy AA, Noha Y Salem, Torad FA, Eman S Mahmoud (2015). The effect of
inhaled bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory therapies for induced airway
inflammation in dogs. J Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 2015, 75(2):201-
4- Kubesy AA, Khattab MR, Salem SE, Salem NY, Ali ME (2015). Cytological,
Biochemical and Bacteriological analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids in Healthy
cosmopolitan Dogs. Veterinary Medical Journal- Giza, 61(2):59-66.
5- Wedad A Abdallah, Baraka TA, Salem NY (2015). Serum Protein and Lipid
Profile of Gastrointestinal affections in dogs. 7th Scientific Congress of Egyptian Soc
Anim Mang, 26-30 August, 2015, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
6- Noha Y Salem, Shimaa G Yehia, Mohamed A El-Sherif (2015). Hemato-biochemical
and Mineral Status in Mixed Parasitic infection in Arabian Foals. IOSR Journal of
Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8(10):37-39.
7- Noha Y Salem, Shimaa G Yehia, Mohamed A El-Sherif (2015). Hemato-
biochemical and Mineral Status in dogs with intermittent diarrhea and unthriftness.
Research Journal of Veterinary practitioners 2015, 3 (4):89-92.

8- NY Salem and MA El-Sherif (2015). Malondialdehyde Status, Trace Minerals and
Hematologic Results of anemic-T. equi infected Egyptian Horses. International J Veterinary
Science 2015, 4(3): 118-122
9- Noha Y Salem, Shimaa G Yehia (2016). Thyroid Hormones Status in Puppies
and Foals with poor Growth Rate. Veterinary Medical Journal-Giza 62(special
10- El-Sherif MT, Kubesy AA, Salem NY, Jaheen AHR (2016). Oxidative stress
biomarkers in dermatophytosis infected dogs. Veterinary Medical Journal-Giza

11- Yehia SG, Salem NY, El-Sherif MA (2016). Studies on oxidant-antioxidant and
trace minerals alteration in equine upper respiratory affection. Journal of Livestock
science 2016, 7:260-264.
12- Noha Y. Salem, Shimaa G. Yehia, Heba S. Farag, Mohammed Awny Elkhiat (2016).
Clinical,hemato-biochemical alterations and oxidant–antioxidant biomarkers in
Babesia-infected calves. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine
2016, 4(1): 17-22.
13- Noha Y Salem (2016). Estimation of Selected Serum Biochemical and Mineral
Constituents in Anemic Goats. 9th International Scientific Conference, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University; 23-26 November 2016, Sharm El-Sheikh,
14- Naglaa A Abd El Kader, Haithem A Faraghali, Noha Y Salem (2016). Mega
esophagus in Dogo Argentino Bitch Concurrent with Hypothyroidism (A case report).
9th International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal
University; 23-26 November 2016, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
15- Noha Y Salem (2017). Clinical, serum-biochemical and Thyroid hormones
alterations in Foals' upper airway Affection caused by Strangles. Alexandria Journal of
Veterinary Science 2017, 52(1):1-6.
16- Noha Y Salem (2017). Effect of Lactation on Hemato-Biochemical and Minerals
Constituents in Small Ruminant. International J Veterinary Science 2017, 6(1): 53-56.

17- El-Mashad NE, Salem NY, Baraka TA, Yehia SG (2017) Autohemotherapy
autologous whole blood therapy approach to allergy in dogs with allergic itching. J
Egy Vet Med Assoc, 77(1):1-7.
18- Baraka TA, El-Mashad NE, Salem NY (2017). Rumen and Blood constituents
Alterations in Gastrointestinal parasites Infestation in Egyptian dromedary Camels. J
Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 2017, 77(1):29-42.

19- Noha Y Salem, Shimaa G Yehia, Mohamed A El-Sherif (2017). Influence of Age
on Hematologic Values in Arabian Fillies, Yearling and Mares above 5 Years old.
Veterinary Medical Journal- Giza, 63(2):
20- El-Mashad NE, Salem NY, El-Hanafy MM (2017). Effect of Rumen Alkalosis on
Acid-Base Balance, Electrolytes and Fecal Examination in Cows Fed on Silage
(Makmora). Veterinary Medical Journal- Giza, 63(2):
21- Noha Y Salem (2017). Clinical and Laboratory Investigations Associated with
Sheep’s Allotrophagia". Veterinary Medical Journal-Giza 2017, 63(3) [accepted for
22- Kubesy AA, Salem NY, Jaheen AR (2017) Altered blood oxidative stress
biomarkers in association with canine Pyoderma and Allergic contact dermatitis.
[Accepted for publication in Comparative Clinical Pathology Journal].
23- Sheta E, Abd El-Kader NA, Farghali HA, Salem NY. Megaesophagus in littermates
Dogo Argentino accompanied with hypothyroidism. Vet Med Open J. 2017; 2(3): 143-
146. doi:10.17140/VMOJ-2-124
24- Salem NY, SG Yehia, HS Farag and SM Soliman, 2018. Evaluation of hepcidin
level and clinico-pathological modifications in canine parvovirus enteritis. Inter J Vet Sci,
7(2): 93-9.
25- Abd El Kader, N. A., Farghali, H. A., Abu-Seida, A. M., Salem, N. Y., & Khattab, M. S.
(2018). Evaluation of chromocystoscopy in the diagnosis of cystitis in female
donkeys. PloS one, 13(8), e0202596.
26- Abdel-Saeed H and Salem NY, 2019. Clinical, hematologic, sero-biochemical
and IgE response in lambs with diarrhea caused by Eimeria. Inter J Vet Sci, 8(1): 10-13.

27- Abdel-Saeed H and Salem NY, 2019. Evaluation of total antioxidant capacity,
malondialdehyde, catalase, proteins, zinc, copper and IgE response in ovine
verminous pneumonia. Inter J Vet Sci, 8(4): 255-258.
28- Naglaa A. Abd El Kader, Ibrahim A. Emam, Noha Y. Salem, Eman S. Ramadan,
Haithem A. Farghali and Fayez A. Salib (2019). Impact of claw trimming practice on
hematologic and mineral profiles in goats. BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2019 16(3):
29- Ramadan, E. S., Kubesy, A. A., Baraka, T. A., Torad, F. A., Salem, S. I., & Salem,
N. Y. (2019). Expression of blood hepatocyte-derived microRNA-122 in canine
multicentric lymphoma with hepatic involvement. Veterinary research communications,
43(4), 231–238. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11259-019-09764-w
30- Hamza DA, SM Soliman, NY Salem and SM Nader, 2020. Bovine
cryptosporidiosis and the Egyptian diarrheic buffalo calves. Int J Vet Sci, i, 9(2): 448-
31- Salem NY, Abdel-Saeed H, Farag HS, Ghandour RA (2020) Canine
demodicosis: Hematological and biochemical alterations, Veterinary World, 13(1): 68-
32- Abd Elkader, N. A., Emam, I. A., Farghali, H. A., M, D. S., & Salem, N. Y. (2020).
Oesophageal foreign bodies in cats: Clinical and anatomic findings. PloS one, 15(6),
e0233983. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233983
33- Yehia, S. G., Ramadan, E. S., Megahed, E. A., & Salem, N. Y. (2020). Effect of parity
on metabolic and oxidative stress profiles in Holstein dairy cows. Veterinary
World, 13(12), 2780.
34- Abdelnaby, E. A., Emam, I. A., Salem, N. Y., Ramadan, E. S., Khattab, M. S.,
Farghali, H. A., & Abd El Kader, N. A. (2020). Uterine hemodynamic patterns, oxidative
stress, and chromoendoscopy in mares with endometritis. Theriogenology, 158, 112-
35- Ryad, N., Ramadan, E. S., Salem, N., & Saleh, I. A. (2021). Influence of
dexamethasone administration on hematology, biochemistry, and thyroid hormones
in dogs. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 9(1), 111-116
36- Yehia, S. G., Ramadan ES, Megahed EA, Salem NY (2021). Trace elements status

during different production stages and parities in holstein dairy cows. Adv. Anim. Vet.
Sci, 9(12), 2266-2271.
37- Yehia, S. G., Ramadan, E. S., Megahed, E. A., & Salem, N. Y. (2021). Influence of
season and lactation stage on oxidative, haematological, and metabolic profile
parameters in Holstein dairy cows. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 9(12), 2095-2102.
38- Ryad, N., Ramadan, E. S., Salem, N., & Saleh, I. A. (2021). Influence of dexamethasone
administration on hematology, biochemistry, and thyroid hormones in dogs. Adv. Anim.
Vet. Sci, 9(1), 111-116

39- Elsayed, N.M., Kubesy, A.A. & Salem, N.Y. Altered blood oxidative stress biomarkers
in association with canine parvovirus enteritis. Comp Clin Pathol 29, 355–359 (2020).
40- Ramadan, E. S., Yehia, S. G., & Salem, N. Y. (2021). Oxidant-antioxidants and trace
mineral status in Coccidiosis affecting buffalo calves. Comparative Clinical
Pathology, 30(6), 921-925.
41- Ryad, N. M., Ramadan, E. S., Salem, N. Y., & Saleh, I. A. E. S. (2021). Oxidative
biomarkers and lipid alterations in euthyroid and hypothyroid dogs. Comparative Clinical
Pathology, 1-6.
42- Mousa, S. A., Attia, M. M., Khalphallah, A., & Salem, N. Y. (2021). Oxidative stress
associated with canine Leishmaniosis with special reference to haemo-biochemical
changes. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 9(10), 1504-1510.
43- Farghali, H. A., AbdElKader, N. A., AbuBakr, H. O., Ramadan, E. S., Khattab, M. S.,
Salem, N. Y., & Emam, I. A. (2021). Corneal Ulcer in Dogs and Cats: Novel Clinical
Application of Regenerative Therapy Using Subconjunctival Injection of Autologous
Platelet-Rich Plasma. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 123.
44- Ramadan, E. S., Salem, N. Y., Emam, I. A., AbdElKader, N. A., Farghali, H. A., & Khattab,
M. S. (2021). MicroRNA-21 expression, serum tumor markers, and immunohistochemistry
in canine mammary tumors. Veterinary Research Communications, 1-12.
45- Farghali HA, AbdElKader NA, Fathi M, Emam IA, AbuBakr HO, Alijuaydi SH, Salem
NY, Khattab MS, Salama A, Ramadan ES, Yehia SG, Abdelnaby EA. The efficiency of
intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of acute endometritis as

assessed by endoscopic, Doppler, oxidative, immunohistochemical, and gene expression
alterations in jennies. Theriogenology. 2022 Mar 15;181:147-160. doi:
10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.01.023. Epub 2022 Jan 24. PMID: 35101679.
46- Farghali, H. A., AbdElKader, N. A., Fathi, M., Emam, I. A., AbuBakr, H. O., Alijuaydi, S.
H., Salem, N. Y., Khattab, M. S., Salama, A., Ramadan, E. S., Yehia, S. G., & Abdelnaby, E. A.
(2022). The efficiency of intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of
acute endometritis as assessed by endoscopic, Doppler, oxidative, immunohistochemical,
and gene expression alterations in jennies. Theriogenology, 181, 147–160.
47- El-Sherbiny HR, Abdelnaby EA, El-Shahat KH, Salem NY, Ramadan ES, Yehia SG,
Fathi M. Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation enhances testicular volume and hemodynamics,
reproductive hormones, sperm quality, and seminal antioxidant capacity in goat bucks
under summer hot humid conditions. Vet Res Commun. 2022 Dec;46(4):1245-1257.
48- Jaheen, A., Salem, N., & El-Sherif, M. (2022). Hematological and oxidant/antioxidant
status in recurrent equine eczema of Egyptian horses. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 10(5), 1161-
49- El-Sherif, M., Attia, K., Salem, N., Kubesy, A., & Jaheen, A. (2022). Manual removal of a
rare cystic calculus concurrent with recurrent hemorrhagic cystitis in an Arabian mare: A
case report. Veterinaria, 71(3), 365-371.

Conferences Attended

1- WSAVA world congress, 2021, 13-15 November

2- The 8th international conference of veterinary Research division, NRC, Giza,
December 3-5, 2019.
3- The 7th international conference” one health: animal, human and
environment: recent applications”. Faculty of veterinary medicine, Cairo
University, August 5th- 8th, 2018.
4- The 9th international scientific conference, faculty of veterinary medicine, Suez
Canal University, 23-26 November 2016.

5- The 5th international scientific conference, faculty of veterinary medicine,

Cairo University, 1-5 February 2016
6- The 7th scientific conference, Egyptian Association of Animal Management,

26- 30 August 2015
7- The 4th international scientific conference, faculty of veterinary medicine,
Cairo University, 25-28 October 2014
8- International conference of molecular biology and stem cells, Ain Shams
University, 22-23 May 2013.

1- Competing For Research Funds Workshop

2- Thinking Skills Workshop
3- Effective Communication Skills Workshop
4- Improving Administration Skills Workshop
5- Learning Technology Workshop
6- Scientific Research Ethics Workshop
7- Effective Presentation Workshop
8- Student Evaluation Workshop
9- Time and Conference Management
10- Credit Hour Systems Workshop

11- Code of Ethics and Ethical Conduct Workshop

12- Conference Organization Workshop
13- Use of Technology in Teaching Workshop
14- Creative thinking workshop
15- International publication for scientific research
16- Total quality control in health management
17- international apitherapy training course

Workshops attended:
1- Workshop on Fundamentals of Bioinformatics.
2- Step by Step Guide to Submit a Manuscript to an International Journal Basics
Techniques in Cell Culture and Stem Cell Research
3- Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution [Bioinformatics Level II Financial resources and
material facilitation.
4- Leadership, governance, and organizational and management system.
5- Community participation and Environment Development Crisis and disaster
management Quality management and development Students and Graduates
6- Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Academic Advising Credit hours system.
7- Molecular Biology techniques in Immunology.

8- Preparation of electronic courses
9- Molecular biology: techniques and application Design and interpretation of clinical
trials Understanding clinical research: behind the statistics.

10- Evidence based Strategy in medical practice Interactive courses.


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