Full - CV - Moh Ramzy
Full - CV - Moh Ramzy
Full - CV - Moh Ramzy
Academic Certificates:
1- BSc. in Civil Engineering – Civil Engineering. Alexandria University, Faculty of
Engineering - Egypt, 1993.
2- MSc. Hydraulic Engineering (Civil Engineering - Irrigation & Hydraulics Engineering
Dept.) - Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering- Egypt, 1997.
3- MSc. Coastal and Port Development Engineering, (Civil), (IHE-Delft, The
Netherlands), 2002.
4- Ph.D. Civil engineering (Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering), Coastal
engineering branch, Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering – Egypt, 2009.
The Phd Thesis got The 7Th. best rank on all over the Egyptian Universities (2008-2010).
(Company main work scope: Civil works, Earth works, Irrigation and water engineering,
Canals and some marine constructions as breakwaters).
2- Suez Canal Authority- Egypt, (From Dec. 1995 till Now).
Applied Experiences
E- Modeling work application:
A- Mathematical Modeling
• SWAN model: Wave Near shore Transformation modeling.
• ANSYS model: wave agitation/calmness studies for ports and harbors.
• BESTFIT: Statistical data analysis for the environmental studies.
• VAP model: Probabilistic studies and uncertainty analysis for failure mechanisms
• (Applying Monte Carlo simulations and other techniques).
• SEDTRAN for sediment transport: evaluation of sediment transport volumes/rates
• CRESS coastal calculator: For different calculations of coastal applications.
B- Physical Modeling
Different experiments in both basin and flume.
The previous studies include all the compulsory manuals, standards and specifications using.
Shore protection manual, coastal engineering manual, British Standards (BS), CUR
Publications (Beach nourishment design, manual of use of Rock, etc.).
• (Water Sector) : Civil Engineering work – Ismailia drinking water treatment station.
• (Building construction Sector) : Some buildings construction works supervision.
• (Building maintenance Sector) : Buildings maintenance works supervision (Both
administration and housing buildings in Ismailia – Alexandria – Arish and Mersa
Technical Training and Teaching Experience
1. Many technical courses were taken by JICA Experts (Japan) along many years, in the field of
"Coastal and port engineering" through the international technical Co-operation programs with
the Egyptian Government (as Suez Canal Authority is one of its representative parties).
2. Previous Guest lecture, in the international maritime university: "Arab Academy for Science and
Technology and Maritime Transport" - "Maritime Transport Collage" (Alexandria - Egypt) (from
Oct. 2003 to Jan. 2005). Work duties include the following: (lecturing – materials and examinations
preparation – computer lab. Exercises).
3. Lecturer and course leader (Fluid Mechanics), Faculty of Engineering Suez Canal Univ. – Ismailia
– Egypt (1St. Academic term – Academic year 2009 - 2010).
4. Guest Lecturer, Harbor and Navigation engineering course & Hydraulics-1 (10th of Ramadan
Higher Technological Institute).
5. Arab Institute of Navigation (member), chairing in the technical maritime activities, and
publications "In the field of Hydraulic engineering aspects".
6. Producing many technical publications (simplified technical articles, professional
manuscripts and books in both Arabic and English languages).
Language Proficiency:
Contact Channels:
Contact Address -: [Suez Canal Housing – International police housing compound (Behind
Reda Helmy Restaurant) - Building No. 474 Flat 1 - Ismailia – Egypt].
Three Contact references are:
1- Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abd El Rahman El Ganainy (PhD main supervisor - Egypt)
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport" - "Maritime Transport
( Abo Kir - Alexandria - Egypt ).
Gouda - The Netherlands
Important Notes:
Copies of the required supporting documents will be sent upon your kind request.
Any kind additional clarifications/requirements are also highly appreciated.
Publication List (Dr. Mohamed Ramzy Awad Khalifa).
( M. A. Khalifa )
In fact, from the beginning of thinking in the production and publication of technical
papers, (as a part of my M.Sc. and PhD theses or others), I completely concentrated on making
them in a practical and applied out frame. The basic conceptual research (conceptual
development of bases) is not my aim through all of this stage. The produced publications came
as a result of a wide scale of learning, experience from applications I got through sharing in
many different practical works (either inside or outside Egypt).
That is why, although I am a (PhD holder), I am very proud and never forget that I am an
engineer). All my hope that the technical publications I produced and hopefully will produce in
the near future will have a direct and strong reflection on the wide engineering community with
a benefit and extremely ease in the real engineering life application. In this stage, I can consider
my aim came rue to reality, which is:
Publications Legend
Simulation Case Study For an Effective Approach Channel of a The International Navigation Conference (Melaha 2004) – Sept.-
Hub Port - ( R. P. , In English). Cairo (Egypt). - Arab Institute For Navigation, (AIN). 2004
Planning and Design of A New Container Port in Hambantota, Sri COPEDEC VI – 2003 Proceedings, "The international Sept.-
Lanka - ( R. P. , In English). Conference for coastal & Port engineering in the Developing 2003
Countries). - Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Prediction of Ground Water Quantities in Siwa Oasis Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ), May-
- ( R. P. , In English). "Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria Univ. – Egypt" - Vol. 1997
36, No.3, Section (C).
Prediction of Ground water Quantities in Siwa Oasis. Regional Conference & International Symposium on
( R. P. , In English) Environment & Hydrology May-
ASCE – Egypt Sec. 1999
(B) Technical Simplified Articles (In Both Arabic and English Languages).
Many Scientific Simplified Scientific Articles (About : Coastal The International Maritime Economic Magazine Variable
Processes Containers, Container Ports Planning, Design and (International).
Construction). ( T. C. N., In Both Arabic & English).
Simplified Scientific Articles (About: Coastal Processes
Containers, Container Ports Planning, Design and Construction). El Mallah Monthly Magazine Variable
( T. C. N., In Arabic). Arab Institute For Navigation, (AIN).
(C) Technical Research Theses.
Ph.D. Thesis: [Statistical and Uncertainty Analysis, Data Alexandria University
Management and Sedimentation Evaluation, in Particular Faculty Of Engineering Jan.-
Reference to the Siltation Phenomenon in the Northern Entrances Irrigation & Hydraulics Engineering Dept. 2009
of The Suez Canal at Port Said] - ( R. Th. , In English).
Phd Thesis got The 7Th. best grade all over the Egyptian
Universities (2009-2010).
M.Sc. Thesis: [Planning and Design of a New Container Port UNESCO Institute For Water Education (UNESCO IHE, April-
in Hambantota , Sri Lanka] - ( R. Th. , In English). Delft-NL.). 2002