Career Articles Emplnews 13-19 Feb 2010
Career Articles Emplnews 13-19 Feb 2010
Career Articles Emplnews 13-19 Feb 2010
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING S.Anbukumar, INTRODUCTION Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering are job oriented areas with good potential. However, the fact is that the number of institutions catering to this course of study is limited. As offshore industry is becoming commercially important in several fields like transport, trade, oil and gas, mineral exploration, etc., more efficiently designed vessels and offshore facilities are the need of the day. This commercial importance is because oceans truly are the last frontiers remaining on earth, and it is up to the ocean engineers to find ways to reckon, investigate and utilize ocean and coastal resources. Hence, the prospects for the beginners in this area looks bright. Ocean Engineering as a discipline encompasses the breadth of engineering sciences including design, construction, development, operation and planning of systems that operate in an oceanic and marine environment. Naval Architecture, which has traditionally been studied as a discipline in itself is however a subdivision of ocean engineering, that specializes in the design of ships and other sea-going vessels. In Naval Architecture, all structures related to ship building, i.e., the ships, boats, submarines, Oil rigs, hover crafts, etc., are to be designed.Therefore, the main activities involved in the discipline of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture are the preliminary design of the offshore structures, its detailed design, construction, trials, operation and maintenance, launching and dry-docking works etc. Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects: Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers are also engineers, who perform the activities of design, construction, maintenance and repair of ships, boats, other marine vessels and offshore structures. There scope is not only constrained to civilian activities, but also to military activities like in design and construction of submarines, warships, frigates, destroyers, etc,. Since, Ocean Engineering is a discipline having influence from different disciplines, to undertake all these tasks the Ocean Engineer must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be in the forefront of high technology areas such as computer aided design and calculation. Therefore, a Ocean Engineer/Naval Architect requires a creative, enquiring and logical mind; the ability to communicate clearly in speech and writing with others inside and outside the engineering profession; sound judgment and qualities of leadership. The education and training given to the Ocean Engineers are designed
to develop these skills and to lead him or her to recognised qualifications and professional status. Significance of Ocean Engineering: Ocean Engineering is a co-operative effort between groups of technically skilled individuals who are specialists in particular fields, often coordinated by a lead Ocean engineer, because of the complexity associated with operating in the marine environment and the influence of various disciplines like oceanography, environmental enginnering, structural engineering, marine engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.,. Also due to this integral complexity, the analytical tools available in this field are much less evolved than those for designing aircraft, cars and even spacecraft. This is primarily attributed to the paucity of data on the environment the marine vehicle is required to work in and the complexity of the interaction of waves and wind on a marine structure. Therefore, a lot needs to be done on this field, which increases the demand for Ocean engineers. Modern engineering on this scale is essentially a team activity conducted by professional engineers in their respective fields and disciplines. However, it is the Ocean Engineers who integrates their activities and take ultimate responsibility for the overall project. This demanding leadership role requires managerial qualities and ability to bring together the often conflicting demands of the various professional engineering disciplines involved to produce a product which is "fit for the purpose". In addition to this vital managerial role, the Ocean Engineers also have a specialist function in ensuring that a safe, economic and seaworthy design is produced. Without them providing for the safe and efficient transport and recovery of the world's raw materials and products, modern society as we know could not have existed. While engineering has been around for hundreds of years, the term "ocean engineering" has been in existence for only about 50 years. However, there are certainly a myriad of engineering problems related to our oceans that have existed for quite some time and most of which still need attention. As we know more than two-thirds of the earth is covered by oceans, and more than 90% of the biological living space exists in the oceans, but in terms of number of ocean engineers, they are very few. So, now those who choose ocean engineering have quite a collection of problems to solve, that is, they are having lots of opportunities to excel. Therefore, Ocean engineering as a field of engineering that has many opportunities within it to make an impact. Domains of Ocean Engineering: There are six main forms of ocean engineering, though most ocean engineering students will learn all aspects of the career so that they are eligible for most ocean engineering jobs as soon as they graduate. Mapping the sea or ocean floor is one of the specialties. Students spend their days in designing, building, and running equipment and programs that can be used to create clear maps of the ocean floors landscape. This knowledge can help prevent shipwrecks caused by hitting sand bars or reefs. Hydrodynamics is a branch in which students learn how the waters flow affects items in its way. Underwater acoustics is another specialty with ocean engineering that uses sound waves to study the ocean floor. Coastal modeling is a branch of ocean engineering in which physics and maths are used to predict the rate at which a tide or erosion ocean engineering students is changing a coastline. Marine geomechanics specialists study the changes of a seabed when items like erosion, earthquakes, slope deformities, and
man-made intrusions take place. Finally, offshore structural engineering is a branch of ocean engineering where students learn to design offshore structures like piers, tide breaks, sewer pipes, breakwaters, jetties, oil platforms, oil rigs, etc., and study how offshore structures get affected by the marine environment and how the marine environment get affected by offshore structures. Also, the field of ocean engineering provides an important link between the other oceanographic disciplines such as marine biology, chemical and physical oceanography, and marine geology and geophysics. Just as the interests of oceanographers have driven the demand for the design skills and technical expertise of ocean engineers, the innovations in instrumentation and equipment design made by ocean engineers have revolutionized the field of oceanography. This is especially true within the last three decades. Career Scopes for Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects: Ocean Engineers have a wide range of employment opportunities world-wide. Because of the wide variety of work they are involved in and the difficulty to categorise the field comprehensively, the Ocean Engineers are mainly related to engineering field as designers and construction supervisors, they also have scope in areas like Consultancy, Marketing and Sales, Operations, Regulation, Surveying and Overseeing, Research and Development, Education and Training, etc,. Each type of work has its own distinctive character and offers opportunities for initiative and imagination in a wide variety of technical and managerial posts. The work place may be a large company, a small group, a consultancy or a government department, but their scopes are wide. As a Coastal engineer, they are dealing with the dynamic interaction of oceans and its shore by developing shore protection systems like breakwaters, jetties, etc., and designing harbours, ports, etc., and also dealing with civil engineering issues in the coastal environment. As an Offshore engineer, they design structures like steel jacket structures, concrete gravity platforms, tension-leg platforms, etc., which are capable of withstanding the severe ocean environment. As an Environmental Engineer, they have to protect the oceans from the harmful effects of mankind's activities. Also involve in harvesting and/or utilizing the oceanic resources such as minerals, wave energy, thermal energy and tidal power. Depending mainly on the type of qualifications held and personal inclination, Ocean Engineers may become specialists in one field or develop broad experience in several. Eventually they may find themselves in senior executive positions using their knowledge and experience of general management as well as their professional skills in engineering and project leadership. Indeed, aided by the breadth of their education, training and experience, the professional Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers are even successful in top management positions in government, industry and commerce quite outside the offshore field. Main Areas of Scope: There are lots of opportunities for Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects in the private, educational, corporate, and governmental sectors. Some career areas to consider are: Offshore Oil Recovery, Marine metals and corrosion, Environmental Protection, Global Climate Monitoring, Renewable Energy, Underwater Vehicles, Remote Sensing, Marine Transportation, or Naval Architecture and Defence. Therefore, some main areas of scope are: Design Office: Ocean Engineers are by necessity innovative and creative personalities. They must
have an understanding of the many facets of offshore structure design such as its function, appearance and especially importance at sea safety. They must be team leaders, able to integrate the inputs of many others to achieve a balanced and coherent whole. As a Naval Architect, apart from the architectural aspects of ship form and layout, they must be able to use complex mathematical and physical models to ensure that the design is satisfactory technically and that it meets the safety rules and standards laid down by Classification Societies and Government Agencies. Since, the design process demands the extensive employment of computer based information and communication systems, Ocean engineers should also be well versed in computer software knowledge. As a Design office employee, they are employed by ship and boat builders, offshore constructors, design consultants, and for the ships and submarines of the Navy, the Ministry of Defence. Major equipment manufacturers also employ teams of engineers, including Naval Architects and Ocean engineers on the design of such products as propulsion systems, auxiliary systems, sub sea production systems and control systems. Field Engineer: The task of the ship and boat builder and offshore constructor is to convert drawings and detailed specifications into real structures. A Naval Architect and Ocean Engineers specialising in construction usually holds a management post, taking responsibility for the management of the whole yard/site or for sections of it such as planning, production or the complex operation of fitting out. There should continuously strive to make construction work efficient through the adoption of new processes and practices and by better training for the work force. The Ocean Engineers must also organise the supply of materials and components, inspection and testing as well as the vital resources of manpower. Repair work has much in common with construction. Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects in this field can become professional managers in future, who like the builders need to master modern management and associated techniques. Emergency repair work often offers opportunities for ingenuity and on-the-spot improvisation, and in the offshore engineering world in particular repair frequently involves underwater technology. Therefore, as a site engineer, they are employed in construction and repair include both large and small shipbuilders and repairers, and those involved in the maintenance and repair of naval ships, submarines, harbours, ports and other offshore structures. Consultant: As consultants, Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects provide clients with engineering solutions, technical and commercial guidance and project management for concept design studies, new offshore structure developments, new vessel constructions, refits and conversions. Therefore, they are employed to give professional advice and technical support to customers of the offshore industry.
Ship Surveyor: Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers employed by Classification Societies as Ship Surveyors are engaged world-wide in evaluating the safety of ships and marine structures using the Society's Rules and those of intergovernmental organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation. Plans of ships to be built and eventually classed with the
Society are scrutinised, and aspects of design such as strength, stability, and lifesaving approved before construction. Also during construction, Ship Surveyors carry out inspections to ensure that the quality of the workmanship and materials used is in accordance with the Rules and Regulations. Once the vessel or structure is in service, Ship Surveyors will continue to carry out inspections to ensure that any serious defects arising from operation are made good and that a safe and seaworthy structure is maintained. Government Departments employ Naval Architects who deal mainly with the framing of safety regulations and the surveying of ships and equipment from the safety point of view. Research and Development: Offshore research, in general, enjoys a high reputation world-wide. The Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, many with post-graduate qualifications, are engaged in research in universities and industry throughout the world. Classification Societies also devote resources to Research and Development employing Naval Architects in this field. Because of lack of data in the discipline, the scientists in the field of Ocean engineering and Naval architecture are enjoying high esteem world-wide. This variety of work provides a rewarding challenge to the Ocean Engineers and Naval Architects, not only as engineers but also as managers, consultants, surveyors, scientists, etc. Institutes offering Course: The various institutes in India providing Bachelor and Master degree in Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture are as follows: S.No. Institutes Offered Courses 1 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Ocean Engg. and Naval Chennai 600 036. Architecture 2 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, B.Tech.- Ocean Engg. and Kharagpur 721 302. Naval Architecture M. Tech. - Ocean Engg. and Naval Architecture National Institute of Technology Surathkal,M.Tech in Marine Structures Mangalore 575025. National Institute of Technology Calicut, M.Tech in Offshore Structures Calicut - 673 601. Cochin University of Science and M.Tech in Ocean Technology Technology, Cochin. Chennai School Of Ship Management, Diploma programme in Mambakkam, Chennai 600 048. Marine engineering College of Engineering (Autonomous), B.E. Naval Architecture Andhra University, Visakhapatnam M.E. Hydraulic, Coastal & 530003. Harbour Engineering Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, Vasco Four year diploma da Gama, Goa - 403 802. programme in Shipbuilding Engineering
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Conclusion: It is a new field and is making tremendous advancements. It is our only frontier -we know less about the oceans than we do about the moon -- so it is new and extremely
rewarding. Be it engineering, marine biology, marine chemistry, just about any ocean science or engineering is truly on the frontier. There is so much we have yet to learn about our oceans. Therefore, it is for sure that the career opportunities in this field will absolutely increase further. There are not enough ocean scientists or engineers to meet all the demands of day. Also, the tomorrows greatest discoveries in science, medicine and life knowledge will come from the oceans.
The Author is Lecturer (Senior Scale), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi- 110042. E-mail :
Author: S. Anbukumar