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Fructooligosaccharide Supplementation Boosts Growth Performance,

Antioxidant Status, and Cecal Microbiota Differently in Two Rabbit Breeds

Article in Animals · June 2022

DOI: 10.3390/ani12121528


6 146

14 authors, including:

Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz Mahmoud Abo Ghanima

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University Damanhour University


Walaa Alsanie Ahmed Gaber

Taif University Taif University


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Fructooligosaccharide Supplementation Boosts Growth
Performance, Antioxidant Status, and Cecal Microbiota
Differently in Two Rabbit Breeds
Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz 1 , Mahmoud M. Abo Ghanima 1 , Walaa F. Alsanie 2,3 , Ahmed Gaber 3,4 ,
Abd El-Wahab Alsenosy 5 , Ahmed A. Easa 6 , Sherif A. Moawed 7 , Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza 8 ,
Ahmed Elfadadny 9 , Hany Abo Yossef 10 , Wafaa M. Ghoneem 11 , Mustafa Shukry 12, * ,
Amin Omar Hendawy 6 and Khalid Mahrose 13

1 Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Damanhour University, Damanhour 22511, Egypt; ayman.sadaka@vetmed.dmu.edu.eg (A.H.A.E.-A.);
aboghoneima.mmyvet2@vetmed.dmu.edu.eg (M.M.A.G.)
2 Department of Clinical Laboratories Sciences, The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Taif University,
P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia; w.alsanie@tu.edu.sa
3 Centre of Biomedical Sciences Research (CBSR), Deanship of Scientific Research, Taif University,
P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia; a.gaber@tu.edu.sa
4 Department of Biology, College of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia
5 Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University, Damanhour 22511, Egypt;
6 Department of Animal and Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University,
Damanhour 22516, Egypt; ahmed.allam@agr.dmu.edu.eg (A.A.E.); amin.hendawy@gmail.com (A.O.H.)
7 Department of Animal Wealth Development, Biostatistics Division, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Citation: Abd El-Aziz, A.H.; Abo
Ghanima, M.M.; Alsanie, W.F.; Gaber, Suez Canal University, Ismailia 41522, Egypt; sherifmoawed@vet.suez.edu.eg
8 College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Xianyang 712100, China;
A.; Alsenosy, A.E.-W.; Easa, A.A.;
Moawed, S.A.; Raza, S.H.A.;
9 Department of Animal Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University,
Elfadadny, A.; Yossef, H.A.; et al.
Damanhour 22511, Egypt; ahmed.elfadadny@vetmed.dmu.edu.eg
Fructooligosaccharide 10 Food Hygiene Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University, Edfina 22758, Egypt;
Supplementation Boosts Growth Hanyyossef84@gmail.com
Performance, Antioxidant Status, and 11 Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt;
Cecal Microbiota Differently in Two wafaaghoneem@agr.cu.edu.eg
12 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 22511, Egypt
Rabbit Breeds. Animals 2022, 12, 1528.
13 Animal and Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Technology and Development, Zagazig University,
Zagazig 44511, Egypt; ostrichkhalid@zu.edu.eg
Academic Editors: Rosalia Crupi and * Correspondence: mostafa.ataa@vet.kfs.edu.eg
Raffaella Rossi

Received: 8 April 2022 Simple Summary: Rapidly rising incomes are dependent on animal protein production and the
Accepted: 9 June 2022 worldwide demand for livestock. It is expected that moving towards more intensive production
Published: 13 June 2022 systems to sustain this increased demand will depend on growth promoters. Some growth pro-
moters, such as prebiotics, might be considered alternative non-antibiotic feed supplementation as
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
they enhance performance without any side effects on the consumer’s health. The present study
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
inspected the influence of supplementation of β-fructan® (a commercial fructooligosaccharide; FOS)
iations. in the drinking water of growing rabbits on growth performance, carcass traits, hematological and
biochemical indices, antioxidant status, and cecal microbiota of the NZW- and APRI-line rabbits
(Animal Production Research Institute Line). FOS supplementation in rabbits enhanced growth
carcass characteristics, significantly improving hematological parameters and antioxidant status,
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. and minimized pathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria (from 3.45 in control groups to 2.89 and 2.24
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
(Log10 CFU g−1 ) in 0.5 mL and 1 mL FOS-treated rabbits, respectively.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
Abstract: The present study examined the effects of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) supplementation
conditions of the Creative Commons
in drinking water on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, hematological and biochemi-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
cal parameters, antioxidant status, and cecal microbiota of New Zealand White (NZW) and APRI
rabbits. A total of 180 male NZW and APRI rabbits (aged five weeks; average live body weight

Animals 2022, 12, 1528. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12121528 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/animals

Animals 2022, 12, 1528 2 of 12

700 ± 39 g) were divided into six groups (30 rabbits/group; 5 replicates/group) in a two × three
factorial arrangement. Rabbits of each breed were randomly assigned to one of three treatments of
FOS (control; 0.00, FOS-0.5, and FOS-1.0). Results showed that rabbits’ final body weight, FBWG, and
carcass traits were considerably enhanced compared to those in the control group. The interaction
effect of the supplement with the rabbit breed increased the growth, carcass traits, and hematobio-
chemical and antioxidant parameters with increasing FOS levels. In the cecum of both rabbit breeds,
the total bacterial count and Escherichia coli population were considerably low, with a substantial
increase in the number of Lactobacilli supplemented by FOS. In conclusion, FOS supplementation
enhanced growth and carcass traits by improving the hematobiochemical parameters and antioxidant
status and reducing cecal pathogenic bacteria in both breeds.

Keywords: antioxidant status; carcass; fructooligosaccharide; growth; haemato-biochemical parame-

ters; cecal microbiota

1. Introduction
Improving animal productivity and boosting immunity using natural substances is
a primary goal in animal breeding [1–7]. Recent studies have shown that immunostim-
ulants, such as probiotics and prebiotics, have the potential to be used as protective and
environment-friendly substitutions to antibiotics in mammals and poultry species [8–11].
These compounds are a possible method to enhance animal health and performance with-
out antibiotics [12]. Prebiotics, such as inulin-type fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides,
reveal immune-stimulating properties to the host through selective promoting of growth
and/or encouraging the growth of some beneficial bacteria (i.e., probiotics) [13,14]. Fruc-
tooligosaccharides (FOSs) are considered the popular forms of prebiotics that consist of
short-chain and undigested carbohydrates [9,15] because the β-linkages between fructose
monomers cannot be hydrolyzed by the endogenous enzymes [16]. FOS is derived from
the cell wall of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and has been reported to possess the
ability to improve growth performance, decrease pathogenic bacterial count, and enhance
immunity in two different rabbit breeds (New Zealand White and V-line rabbits) [1].
FOS may accelerate the gut fermentation of beneficial microorganisms, such as Lac-
tobacillus and Bifidobacterium, and reduce the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, such
as Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli [15,17–19], thus enhancing the general health
of animals [1,6,17]. Therefore, FOS is considered to be a prebiotic [20]. Dietary FOSs was
reported to improve the growth traits (body weight, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio)
and immune responses of broilers [21–23].
To our knowledge, there are no reports on adding FOSs to the drinking water of
growing rabbits. Hence, this study was conducted to detect the possible effects of adding
FOS (β-fructan® , a commercial FOS) in drinking water on the productive performance,
carcass characteristics, hematobiochemical parameters, oxidative stress, and cecal micro-
biota of New Zealand White (NZW) and APRI rabbits. We hypothesized that oral FOS
supplementation in combination with rabbit breed would enhance growth, improve blood
biochemistry and antioxidant status, and improve microflora population diversity to allevi-
ate the weaning stress of the rabbits.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Ethical Declaration
This research was performed after the approval of the Ethics of the Institutional
Committee of Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Department, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University, Egypt (DMU/VetMed-2019-/0145).
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 3 of 12

2.2. Animal Rearing and Study Design

APRI rabbit was produced by crossing Baladi Red bucks with a V line to create
F1 ( 12 B 12 V) stock, and it was continued for two generations of intersex mating to attain
performing constancy. A total of 180 weaned APRI and NZW rabbits (male, aged five weeks,
weighing 700 ± 39 g) were collected and allocated to six groups (30 rabbits per group),
and each group was divided into five replicates, each with six rabbits. The rabbits were
assigned at random using a two × three completely factorial design (NZW and APRI-line
with three treatments of a commercial FOS known as β-fructan® ). The control group was
not treated with FOS, and the first and second groups were supplemented with FOS-0.5 mL
and FOS-0.1 mL, respectively. The experimental groups received 0.5 and 1.0 mL β-fructan
(1,3 pharmaceutical grade 10%) per liter of drinking water for three sequential days per
week (Glencore Company, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Each rabbit in the 0.5 mL β-fructan-treated
group was supplemented with 349.8 mg of β-fructan during the eight-weeks experimental
period, while in the 1 mL β-fructan-treated group, each rabbit was supplemented with
699.75 mg of β-fructan. Rabbits were housed in galvanized wire batteries with standard
dimensions (60 × 35 × 35 cm). All cages were supplied with galvanized steel feeding
hoppers and automatic drinkers (nipples). Plastic ear tags identified rabbits. Freshwater
was provided ad libitum, and a standard pelleted ration was provided ad libitum twice daily
at 8 am and 2 pm. The pellets measured 1 cm in length and 0.4 cm in diameter. Rabbit cages
were regularly cleaned and disinfected. Urine and feces dropped beneath the batteries
were removed every morning.

2.3. Experimental Feed Diet Preparation

Diet was prepared following the NRC [24] and Lebas [25] recommendations (Table 1).
The analysis of the ingredients was performed according to AOAC [26].

Table 1. Ingredients and chemical composition (%) of the basal diet.

Ingredients %
Yellow corn 9.5
Soybean meal (44%) 15
Wheat bran 17
Barley 21.7
Barley hay 34.5
Dicalcium phosphate 1 1.2
Ground limestone 2 0.25
DL-Methionine 0.05
Common salt 0.5
Vitamin + mineral premix 3 0.3
Total 100
Chemical composition
Dry matter 87.8
Moisture 12.2
Crude protein 17.9
Crude fiber 13.75
Ether extract 3.6
Nitrogen-free extract 4 42.75
Ash 9.8
DE (kcal /kg) 5 2677.97
1 Dicalcium phosphate: 20% phosphorus and 25% calcium; 2 limestone: 34% calcium. 3 Amounts per kg: Vitamin

A—12,000 and 900 IU of vitamin A and D3, respectively. While 2 mg of each vitamin K3, B1, and B6. 50 mg of
vitamin E, 6 mg vitamin B2, 0.01 mg vitamin B12, 0.2 mg biotin, 20 mg pantothenic, 50 mg niacin, 5 mg folic acid,
8.5 mg manganese, 70 mg zinc, 75 mg iron, 5 mg copper, 0.75 mg iodine, 0.1 mg selenium. 4 Nitrogen free extract
(NFE) was calculated by difference = 100 − (moisture % + CP% + EE% + CF% + Ash %). 5 Digestible energy (DE)
was calculated according to values given in the feed composition tables of the NRC [24].
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 4 of 12

2.4. Productive Performance and Carcass Characteristics

At the start of the fifth week, the animals were weighed individually until the end
of the experiment (13 weeks of age). The rabbit’s daily feed consumption was calculated
every week to evaluate the feed conversion ratio (FCR). Final body weight (FBW), body
weight gain (BWG), and total feed consumption (TFC) were determined. Fifteen rabbits
from each group were randomly selected to evaluate carcass characteristics at the end of
the experiment (13th week). Rabbits were fasted for 12 h before being slaughtered. After
removing the skin and bones, the carcasses were measured individually to evaluate the
weight and percentage of the dressed animals. The offal weight includes blood, viscera,
lungs, skin, arms, and tail. The obtained results were presented as the % of live weight [27].
The dressing % was calculated as hot carcass weight × 100/fasting weight. The carcass was
divided into three cuts, viz., (1) the two forelegs (including the thoracic muscle inserting
system), (2) the loin (the abdominal wall and the riveting after the seventh thoracic rib),
and (3) the hind legs (including the sacral bone and the lumbar vertebra after the sixth
lumbar vertebra).

2.5. Hematology and Biochemical and Serum Oxidative Stress Evaluations

Two blood samples were collected from the lateral ear vein (30 rabbits) during the
slaughter. One sample contained an anticoagulant and was used to determine the count
of white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), lymphocytes, monocytes, and mean
corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), red cell distribution width (RDW), platelet count, hema-
tocrit %, and hemoglobin concentration [28]. The other blood sample was centrifuged
(15 min, 3000× g) at 15–24 ◦ C for plasma separation and stored at −20 ◦ C until analysis.
Total protein, albumin, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotrans-
ferase (AST), and creatinine levels were measured in plasma using commercial kits. More-
over, the levels of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total
antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) were evaluated using the colorimetric method (kits obtained
from Bio-diagnostic, Cairo, Egypt).

2.6. Bacterial Count

Total bacteria, E. coli, and lactobacilli were all counted using the ring-plate method in
the rabbit cecum sample [29,30].

2.7. Data Analysis

The attained results were statistically analyzed with the general linear model proce-
dure of SAS® (Cary, NC, USA) [31]. Homogeneity of variances among studied groups was
verified [32]. The analysis was performed using this model: Yijk = µ + Si + Ej + SEij + eijK ,
where µ = observed mean for the concerned treatment, Si = breed effect, Ej = treatment
effect, SEij = interaction effect of breed and treatment, and eijk = the error related to individ-
ual observation using Duncan’s multiple range test [32]. According to Ahrens et al. [33],
the percentages were converted into arcsine values. Results were considered statistically
significant at p ≤ 0.05.

3. Results
The FBW, FBWG, TFC, and FCR of rabbits supplemented with oral FOS were con-
siderably enhanced compared to those in the control group (Table 2). The NZW rabbits
treated with 1% FOS in drinking water showed the largest FBW, followed by APRI rabbits
in which drunk water increased with the same level of FOS. BWG was more significant
in NZW rabbits that consumed 1% and 0.5% FOS and APRI rabbits that consumed water
supplemented with 1% FOS than their counterparts. Increasing FOS concentrations in
drinking water decreased (p < 0.001) the amount of feed consumed in both breeds. The
NZW rabbits that consumed water supplemented with 1% and 0.5% FOS and the APRI
rabbits that consumed 1% FOS-supplemented water showed the lowest (p < 0.001) FCR
compared with the other groups (Table 2).
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 5 of 12

Table 2. Growth performance of rabbits as affected by breed and supplementation of the diets with
fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

Items Initial Body Weight Final Body Weight Body Weight Gain Total Feed Feed Conversion Ratio
(g) (g) (g) Consumption (g) (g Feed/g Gain)
NZW 756.45 2261.45 1464.50 4740.24 3.278
APRI 706.25 2207.91 1461.54 4736.51 3.281
FOS supplementation
FOS 0.5 mL/L DW 721.25 2160.62 1470.00 4647.45 3.19
FOS 1 mL/L DW 737.18 2409.06 1561.56 4609.54 2.96
Control 735.62 2134.37 1357.50 4958.14 3.68
Breed x Treatment interaction
Control 768.12 2139.37 c 1389.37 cd 4914.37 b 3.65 a
c abc c
NZW FOS 0.5 mL 738.12 2176.25 1519.62 4699.77 3.11 bc
a a
FOS 1 mL 763.12 2500.00 1583.75 4606.58 d 2.92 c
Control 703.12 2129.37 c 1325.62 d 5001.91 a 3.71 a
APRI FOS 0.5 mL 704.37 2145.00 c 1420.37 bcd
4595.12 d
3.26 b
b ab d
FOS 1 mL 711.25 2318.12 1539.37 4612.50 3.007 bc
SEM 18.383 19.472 18.249 8.151 0.044
Two-way ANOVA (p-value)
Breed 0.179 0.176 0.936 0.820 0.979
Treatment 0.927 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Interaction 0.827 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Means within each column for each division with no common superscript letters are significantly different
(p < 0.05). SEM = standard error of means.

Total giblets, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and dressing % in NZW and APRI rabbits
that consumed FOS-supplemented water were significantly enhanced due to FOS and the
interaction between FOS and breed (p < 0.001) compared with the control groups (Table 3).
The difference between FOS levels was insignificant.

Table 3. Carcass traits of rabbits as affected by breed and supplementation of the diets with fruc-
tooligosaccharide (FOS) (%).

Items Forequarter Loin Hindquarter Giblets Gastrointestinal Tract Liver Dressing

NZW 33.48 27.10 39.21 3.67 a 25.59 5.04 55.24
APRI 33.28 27.01 39.19 3.20 b 27.24 4.64 54.74
FOS supplementation
FOS 0.5 mL/L DW 33.22 27.26 39.26 3.64 a 26.38 ab 5.02 a 55.18 a
a a
FOS 1 mL/L DW 33.73 27.60 39.68 3.71 24.13 b 5.17 56.61 a
b a b
Control 33.20 26.32 38.66 2.97 28.73 4.34 53.19 b
Breed x Treatment interaction
Control 33.16 26.93 38.43 3.11 b 28.32 a 4.15 b 53.13 b
NZW FOS 0.5 mL 33.28 27.38 39.74 3.28 b 25.77 a 4.92 ab 56.28 a
a a
FOS 1 mL 34.23 27.81 40.08 4.20 21.86 b 5.67 56.93 a
b a b
Control 32.23 25.72 37.87 2.66 29.14 4.15 53.06b
APRI FOS 0.5 mL 33.23 27.01 39.43 3.21 b 26.99 4.53 ab 53.98 b
FOS 1 mL 34.06 27.51 39.62 4.16 a 26.39 a 5.12 ab 56.37 a
SEM 0.214 0.250 0.243 0.081 0.490 0.128 0.269
Two-way ANOVA (p-value)
Breed 0.645 0.850 0.976 0.010 0.110 0.137 0.413
Treatment 0.350 0.127 0.255 0.003 0.005 0.038 0.001
Interaction 0.185 0.262 0.119 <0.001 0.008 0.047 0.003
Means within each column for each division with no common superscript letters are significantly different (p < 0.05).
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 6 of 12

Substantial improvements (p < 0.001) were found in the two breeds in hematobiochem-
ical and antioxidant parameters (Tables 4 and 5), which were enhanced with increasing
FOS levels (FOS-1.0), with no detrimental effects on the kidney and liver. However, rabbits
consuming 1% FOS had higher blood biochemicals and antioxidant parameters values than
those receiving 0.5% FOS-supplemented water.

Table 4. Hematological parameters of rabbits as affected by breed and supplementation of the diets
with fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

Lymphocytes Monocytes RBC MCH RDW Platelets

Item WBC 103 /µL Hgb % MCV ft HCT %
103 /µL 103 /µL 106 /µL pg % 103 /µL
NZW 6.11 4.36 a 0.59 4.47 11.07 60.88 32.22 24.39 25.37 a 152.07
APRI 5.94 b 0.58 4.41 11.06 61.60 34.83 24.80 b 153.07
3.71 24.95
FOS supplementation
FOS 0.5 mL/L DW 5.95 b 3.62 b 0.57 b 4.46 11.12 a 61.55 b 34.55 ab 24.90 a 25.27 b 153.60 b
FOS 1 mL/L DW 7.57 a 5.81 a 0.65 a 4.44 11.24 a 64.53 a 36.46 a 25.319 a 26.52 a 160.40 a
c c c c c
Control 4.56 2.69 0.53 4.43 10.83 b 57.65 29.57 b
23.70 b 23.69 143.70 c
Breed × Treatment interaction
Control 4.72 e 3d 0.532 c 4.42 10.84 b 58.18 d 33.12 ab 24 ab 23.80 d 144.80 c

NZW FOS 0.5 mL 6.12 c 3.71 c 0.586 b 4.44 11.14 a 62.24 bc 34.96 a 24.98 ab 25.40 c 153.80 b
a a a a a a a a
FOS 1 mL 7.83 6.38 0.664 4.49 11.24 64.68 36.50 25.40 26.90 160.60 a
e c
Control 5.78 d 2.38 0.528 4.44 10.82 b
57.12 d
26.02 b
23.40 b
23.58 d 142.60 c

APRI FOS 0.5 mL 7.32 b 3.52 c 0.566 b 4.42 11.10 a 60.86 c 34.14 a 24.80 ab 25.14 c 153.40 b
a a a
FOS 1 mL 7.32 b
5.24 b 0.646 4.49 11.24 64.38 ab 36.42 25 ab
26.14 bc 160.20 a
SEM 0.047 0.047 0.004 0.037 0.024 0.324 1.05 0.215 0.084 0.840

Breed 0.101 0.001 0.205 0.380 0.891 0.281 0.226 0.355 0.021 0.557
Treatment 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.958 0.001 0.001 0.036 0.022 0.001 0.001
Interaction 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.951 0.001 0.001 0.077 0.115 0.001 0.001
Means within each column for each division with no common superscript letters are significantly different
(p < 0.05). SEM: standard error of the means; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; HCT; hematocrit; MCH: mean
corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW: red cell distribution width.

In both rabbit breeds that consumed FOS-supplemented water, the cecum, total bacte-
rial, and E. coli populations (Table 6) were considerably lower (p < 0.001), with a substantial
increase in the Lactobacillus population compared with the control groups. Rabbits that
consumed 1% FOS showed the most significant count of beneficial bacteria and a lower
count of pathogenic ones compared with the other treatments.
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 7 of 12

Table 5. Blood biochemical parameters and some selected oxidative stress biomarkers of rabbits as
affected by breed and supplementation with fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

Serum Biochemical Parameters Oxidative Stress Biomarkers

Item Total Protein Albumin Globulin A/G Cholesterol ALT AST Creatinine GPX SOD T-AOC
(g/dL) (g/dL) (g/dL) Ratio (mg/dL) (U/L) (U/L) (mg/dL) (U/L) (U/L) (mmol/L)
NZW 6.45 3.70 2.75 1.48 50.80 35 31.87 1.74 27.27 a 79.40 1.32
APRI 6.42 3.69 2.72 1.43 54.80 35.66 31.93 1.74 b 78.60 1.31
FOS supplementation
FOS 0.5 mL/L DW 6.59 b 3.69 2.89 b 1.28 b 48 b 35.10 32.60 1.79 27.70 b 80.30 b 1.33 b
a a c a a
FOS 1 mL/L DW 7.14 3.74 3.39 1.11 b 33.30 36.10 31.40 1.69 31.40 88.40 1.36 a
Control 5.57 c 3.65 1.91 c 1.98 a 77.10 a 34.80 31.70 1.74 20.50 c 68.30 c 1.27 c
Breed × Treatment interaction
Control 5.60 c 3.67 1.97 c 1.87 a 76.6 a 34.4 31.6 1.74 20.80 d 68.60 c 1.28 c
b b b c bc b
NZW FOS 0.5 mL 6.60 3.70 2.90 1.27 44 34.8 32.6 1.73 28.20 81.40 1.33 b
a a a a
FOS 1 mL 7.20 3.78 3.50 1.06 b
31.80 d 35.8 31.4 1.67 32.80 88.60 1.36 a
c c a a c
Control 5.54 3.62 1.85 2.09 77.6 35.2 31.8 1.81 20.20 d 68 1.27c
APRI FOS 0.5 mL 6.58 b 3.68 2.89 b 1.28 b 52 b 35.4 32.7 1.78 27.20 c 79.20 b 1.33 b
a ab b d b a
FOS 1 mL 7.08 3.71 3.29 1.15 34.80 36.4 31.4 1.71 30 88.20 1.34 ab
SEM 0.049 0.020 0.054 0.048 1.018 0.293 0.374 0.023 0.248 0.728 0.004
Two-way ANOVA (p-value)
Breed 0.789 0.960 0.774 0.638 0.061 0.257 0.930 0.989 0.016 0.588 0.518
Treatment 0.001 0.221 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.188 0.409 0.183 0.001 0.001 0.001
Interaction 0.001 0.367 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.450 0.860 0.571 0.001 0.001 0.001
Means within each column for each division with no common superscript letters are significantly different
(p < 0.05). SEM: standard error of the means; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; AST; aspartate aminotransferase;
GPX, glutathione peroxidases; SOD, superoxide dismutase; T-AOC, total antioxidant capacity.

Table 6. Cecal bacterial counts of rabbits as affected by breed and supplementation with fruc-
tooligosaccharide (FOS) (Log10 CFU g−1 ).

Total Bacterial Count Cecal Escherichia coli

Items Cecal Lactobacilli
(TBC) (E. coli)
NZW 7.09 2.82 b 7.57
APRI 7.14 2.96 a 7.60
FOS supplementation
FOS 0.5 mL/L DW 7.03 b 2.89 b 7.86 a
c c
FOS 1 mL/L DW 6.05 2.24 7.95 a
a a
Control 8.26 3.54 6.94 b
Breed × Treatment interaction
Control 8.24 a 3.50 a 6.90 b
NZW FOS 0.5 mL 7b 2.84 b 7.80 a
FOS 1 mL 5.98 c 2.12 d 7.92 a
a a
Control 8.28 3.58 6.98 b
APRI FOS 0.5 mL 7.06 b 2.94 b 7.90 a
c c
FOS 1 mL 6.13 2.36 8a
SEM 0.027 0.029 0.081
Two-way ANOVA (p-value)
Breed 0.697 0.024 0.839
Treatment <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Interaction <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Means within each column for each division with no common superscript letters are significantly different
(p < 0.05). SEM = standard error of means.
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 8 of 12

4. Discussion
This study investigated the possible effects of adding FOS in drinking water on the
growth performance, carcass characteristics, hematobiochemical parameters, oxidative
stress biomarkers, and cecal microbiota of NZW and APRI rabbits. Our results showed that
supplementing water with FOS significantly enhanced the growth performance traits of
the two rabbit breeds.
The beneficial effects of adding FOS to the drinking water of growing rabbits may
be due to the augmentation of feed efficiency and absorption, which improves anabolic
metabolism, enhances the intestinal response to pathogens, and increases serum protein
levels, thereby encouraging rabbit growth [1,6,7]. Prebiotics provide suitable environments
for the growth of helpful microflora and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which
may explain the improvement in growth performance [7].
Consistent with our findings, the rabbits’ growth was enhanced with Bacillus subtilis
and FOS with a more significant average daily BWG than the control [22]. In addition,
Inmunair17.5® (Propionibacterium acnes and coli lipopolysaccharides) as a prebiotic in the
drinking water of fattening NZW rabbits resulted in an enhancement of BW at marketing,
BWG, and FCR [11]. Comparable findings reported that a diet supplemented with S. cere-
visiae and probiotics accelerated the BWG and FCR of NZW rabbits [34,35]. By contrast,
Rotolo et al. [36,37] found that the dietary supplementation of S. cerevisiae did not affect rab-
bits’ BW, BWG, and FCR. Additionally, Zarei et al. [38] reported that dietary prebiotics did
not modify FCR in laying hens. In broilers, Xu et al. [14] concluded that supplementation
with 4 g of FOS/kg diet increased BWG and improved FCR.
Regarding carcass characteristics, our findings were consistent with those observed
by Abd El-Aziz et al. [1], Mahrose et al. [6], and Abo Ghanima et al. [2]. Similarly, Mousa
et al. [11] showed that dressing and giblet percentages were significantly higher in the car-
casses of rabbits that drank water supplemented with 1 mL Inmunair17.5® /litter. However,
Rotolo et al. [36] found nonsignificant changes in the carcass characteristics of growing
rabbits treated with dietary prebiotics. Moreover, Juśkiewicz et al. [39] concluded that
increasing turkeys fed with a diet supplemented with FOS showed no differences from the
control group. There were no significant changes between the two rabbit breeds regarding
the breed impact on carcass traits in the present study. Such an absence of significant
differences in carcass traits between genetic breeds has also been confirmed in previous
studies [1,7].
Hematological measurements are valuable indicators for evaluating the animals’
health statuses [4]. In our study, most hematological parameters were altered by the
water supplemented with FOS in the two rabbit breeds. Our findings are consistent with
those of Akrami et al. [13], who found that WBC counts were increased in fish fed with 1%
FOS compared with the control group. They also found a nonsignificant elevation of RBCs,
MCV, HCT, Hgb, and lymphocytes in the fish fed with a diet supplemented with 1% FOS.
In a study on birds, FOS supplementation resulted in low heterophil counts, indicating
that FOS may reduce stress reactions and alleviate the possible damaging consequences on
growth performance [9]. Moreover, broilers supplemented with FOS had more significant
monocyte counts than broilers fed with the control diet. Monocytes comprise 5%–10%
of peripheral blood leukocytes and can migrate rapidly in response to diseases, release
cytokines, and differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells to assist the innate im-
mune response [40]. FOS supplementation increased monocyte %, suggesting that dietary
FOS supplementation in broilers augments cytokine release and alleviates pathogenic
infections rapidly [9]. This effect is probably due to the alteration in the gut microbiota,
such as variations in the Lactobacillus profile, which shows diverse patterns for dendritic
cell activation [41,42]. The findings concerning hematological indices revealed that these
measurements were increased in rabbits that consumed water supplemented with FOS-0.5
and FOS-0.1. Hoseinifar et al. [43] mentioned that WBC count, primarily lymphocytes, was
significantly increased in belugas fed with 1 and 2 g kg−1 dietary oligofructose. The high
leukocyte count may increase activity and improve defense mechanisms during feeding.
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 9 of 12

Leukocytes are imperative cells that stimulate the immune responses of fish. They produce
antibodies and may exhibit macrophage activities [44]. Saha et al. [19] obtained similar
results, where the MCH in broilers receiving a water-soluble organic additive at different
doses fluctuated from that in the control.
The total protein and globulin levels were increased in the experimental groups
treated with varying levels of FOS in their diets, indicating a more robust innate immune
response. Globulin is believed to be the main protein that plays a significant role in immune
response [5]. Moreover, FOS was found to have the potential to control enteric pathogens
and alter immunity [1]. This result was also previously supported by Abd El-Gawad
et al. [17] who concluded that ALT and AST activities were diminished with dietary FOS
than in the control fish group. Our results failed to show significant differences in AST and
ALT activities with FOS supplementation in drinking water.
Interestingly, our findings showed an increase in SOD, GPX, and T-AOC values in
the supplemented groups of the two rabbit breeds. These results suggest that the FOS-
supplemented drinking water could alleviate oxidative stress in the two breeds of growing
rabbits and maintain their healthy. The first line of antioxidant enzymatic defense is
believed to involve GPX, SOD, and T-AOC [5], which act as biomarkers of oxidative
stress due to the inequality between the production and elimination of reactive oxygen
species. The enhancement of antioxidant enzymatic activities in the present study with FOS
supplementation in the drinking water of growing rabbits was also previously reported by
Guerreiro et al. [45] and Zhang et al. [46] as FOS supplementation may relieve oxidative
stress [17].
In the present study, FOS supplementation in drinking water caused a stimulatory
impact on the growth of health-supporting bacterial species (Lactobacillus). Moreover, FOS
supplementation decreased the total bacterial count and harmful or potential pathogens (E.
coli) in the two rabbit breeds. Our results are consistent with those reported by Xu et al. [16]
who examined the effects of FOS at doses of 0, 2, 4, and 8 g/kg diet on intestinal microbiota.
The inclusion of FOS at a 4 g/kg diet resulted in a beneficial effect on Bifidobacterium and
Lactobacillus, with an immediate reduction of E. coli growth in the broilers’ gastrointestinal
tract. Saminathan et al. [47] evaluated the impact of applying various oligosaccharides
by isolating 11 Lactobacillus species from the gastrointestinal tract of fowls. The in vitro
data revealed that Lactobacillus species utilized FOS more competently than mannan
oligosaccharides. The increased availability of FOS may be related to particular enzymatic
actions and the oligosaccharide conveyance technique of Lactobacillus species. Nevertheless,
broilers’ intestinal microbiota is further complicated than in vitro examinations. Prebiotics
may be fermented not only by Lactobacillus species but also by other microbes in the
gastrointestinal tracts of animals [23].

5. Conclusions
FOS supplementation in the drinking water of rabbits improved most growth per-
formance parameters, carcass characteristics, hematobiochemical parameters, antioxidant
status, and cecal microbiota in NZW and APRI rabbits. Moreover, the response of NZW
rabbits to FOS supplementation was more significant than that of APRI rabbits.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.H.A.E.-A., W.M.G., A.E.-W.A. and M.M.A.G.; method-

ology, W.F.A., A.G., A.E.-W.A. and K.M.; software, W.M.G. and A.A.E.; validation, S.A.M., K.M. and
A.A.E.; formal analysis, S.H.A.R.; investigation., A.H.A.E.-A.; resources, K.M., A.E.-W.A. and M.S.;
data curation, A.O.H., A.E., H.A.Y., W.M.G. and K.M.; writing—original draft preparation, M.S.,
A.O.H., M.M.A.G., and K.M.; writing—review and editing, W.F.A., A.G., S.H.A.R. and M.S.; visualiza-
tion, H.A.Y., W.F.A., W.M.G. and A.G.; supervision, W.F.A., A.O.H. and A.G.; project administration,
M.S. and K.M.; funding acquisition, W.F.A., A.G., M.S., A.E.-W.A. and A.H.A.E.-A. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript..
Funding: The research was partially funded by Taif University Researchers Supporting Project
number (TURSP2020/53), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Animals 2022, 12, 1528 10 of 12

Institutional Review Board Statement: All investigations in this study were carried out following
the Native Experimental Animal Care Committee and approved by the Ethics of the Institutional Com-
mittee of Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Department, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Damanhour University, Egypt (DMU/VetMed-2019-/0145).
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available on
request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical
Acknowledgments: The authors appreciate Taif University Researchers Supporting Project number
(TURSP2020/53), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funder had no role in the study’s
design or interpretation of data.

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