Non Ferrous Metal & Investment Behaviour: A Hedging Approach
Non Ferrous Metal & Investment Behaviour: A Hedging Approach
Non Ferrous Metal & Investment Behaviour: A Hedging Approach
In the past decades, the non ferrous metal especially platinum, gold
and silver are seen as new and profitable assets to invest in for investor
during financial crisis. Therefore, this paper aims is to study both
investor and investment behaviour for precious metal and its reason.
Section one focuses on describing metals application and its
importance for investment while, section two highlights the review of
the people which shows that these metals acts as portfolio balancer for
the investor in long terms. Thereafter, section three shows that a non-
ferrous metal are a good option for hedging the uncertain situation and
examines the end-use pattern of the metals for better knowing the
importance in the financial market. Finally section four concludes that
its value increases day by day because of its various usages in the
market and its helpful for different people for different reasons.
1. Introduction
Non-ferrous metal especially precious metals are traded over decades because of its
global demand and supply. Possessions of precious metal are always a symbol of
prosperity for people. It is well known to investor that precious metals always restore
their intrinsic value in the financial market even at the time of uncertainty. These
metals generally acts as “solid as a rock” in the unstable market. The class of non
ferrous metal have unique property in itself. The shine of these classy metals had never
vanished in history. Investors have more belief and faith in precious metal as compare
to stock market because their prices are much stable than stock market price. In ancient
times, gold had many applications all over the world in form of coin, currency and
530 Kavita Singh & Anurika Vaish
jewellery etc. So gold acts as a reliable precious metal for investments. With advent of
time both silver and platinum joined the bandwagon. These two metals other than
investment application have its industrial application as the other important usages,
adding precious value, especially platinum.
2. Literature Review
Non ferrous metal have been used for portfolio diversification in the financial market.
It is best known as hedging tool during economic instability. Lots of research had been
done. C. Mitchell Conover (2007) emphasised that adding non ferrous metal in the
Non Ferrous Metal & Investment Behaviour: A Hedging Approach 531
portfolio are cut down the risk and improve performance by providing reasonable
return [2]. Adding precious metal to portfolio using monetary policy will provide more
returns to the investor.
Shawkat Hammoudeh (2011) found that portfolio manager uses precious metal in
the portfolio by analysing the risk so that it give high returns to the investor and remain
in the portfolio. Precious metal reduces the chance of losing because of its increasing
price value[3].
Gold survey (2013) by Thomas reuters found that investment in gold increased as
compare to previous year. The price of gold is greatly affected by the United States
monetary policy and its economy. Investor put gold as portfolio balancer in the
portfolio for long term investment [4].
Morgan Stanley (2012) emphasized that gold, silver, platinum and palladium have
wide application in jewellery making and industries application. Therefore, buying
precious metal in physical form is also a good option during uncertainty. These metals
are always considered as safe haven due to its increasing price in the market [5].
Cemil Otar (1996) highlighted that investor put precious metal in the portfolio
because of high inflation rates. The bond and precious metal price are inversely
proportional to each other. Therefore, investor adds precious metal in the portfolio with
bond to optimize return. Possession of metal, in portfolios as inflationary hedge in the
market [6].
Hilliard Lyons (2009) said that different people have different interest for
investment in precious metals. Investors choose non ferrous metal investment when
they are searching for alternative other than equities. These metals provide both
security and return which major role in the mind of investors while doing the
investment [7].
17% investment
30% Industrial
Jewelry & Silverware
21% 5% Investment
Producer De-hedging
20.0% 40.0%
4. Conclusion
In this paper, it is evident from literature that the non ferrous metal is considered as the
good hedger against the inflation. It is clearly reflecting from various surveys that gold
have more importance for jewellery purpose and industrial uses, while silver and
platinum are industrial metal. To summarise, the use and importance of precious
metals are increasing day by day because of its increasing market value. Therefore,
investment in precious metals is always seen as good option in economy. Investors
also want to invest in the commodity which provides return at time of uncertainty and
normal scenario too.