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Chapter 6-8 LOB

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Name : Yuki Masrifah

Class : International – 6

Subject : Chapter 6 Performance Management


Performance management (PM) is a set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining,
monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations. Defined
in this way, PM is far more than the simple and common performance appraisal. Successfully managing
performance is a powerful means for improving individual, group, and organizational effectiveness.
Effective performance management generally influences important outcomes such as greater employee
engagement and better organizational performance.

Rewards are a critical component of a performance management system. And just as any particular
motivational approach affects people differently, so do rewards. Some employees see their job as the
source of a pay check and little else. Others derive great pleasure from their job and association with co-
workers. The key components of organizational reward systems focus on three important components:
1. Types of rewards
2. Distribution criteria
3. Desired outcomes

Performance and Reward Management PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.

Bank Mandiri distribute the company’s target to each individual based on the potential and capability of
personnel, as outlined in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Employees. Furthermore, the individual
performance planned, established, reviewed and rated using tools system named the Individual
Performance Management System (IPMS) which specifically arranged structured so employees can carry
out their duties optimally, enhances employee loyalty and drive the work climate that is open, positive
and progressive. IPMS assessment process carried out in the form of an annual cycle Working Planning
(planning and goal setting) as well as monitoring and evaluation. This process is done online at Mandiri
system Easy Internet-based so it can be accessed by any employee anywhere and anytime.

Bank Mandiri give rewards to employees whom their performance becomes the foundation of the
principles of competitiveness and fairness, where reward given to employees, either in financial or non-
financial things that are tailored to the ability of Bank Mandiri. One form of financial reward to Bank
Mandiri employees is the annual performance bonus which given because of the optimum performance
of Bank Mandiri that has been achieved. Meanwhile, performance bonuses are granted in accordance
with the assessment of the performance of each employee assessed through Mandiri Easy. In addition to
the compensation that is cash, Bank Mandiri also provides benefits to employees in the form of a health
facility, days off, credit employee welfare and other facilities by location and occupation.
Non-financial reward is given in a series of event Mandiri Excellence Award which is the highest
appreciation for employees and work units best in various categories involving the subsidiary. In order to
support and improve Bank Mandiri performance, the Company ensure the presence of top talent to fill all
strategic positions. Programs in preparation for succession among other talent as a leadership
development program for senior and middle management through Coaching and Mentoring program, the
Great Leader Program, and Leadership Forum Program. Senior and middle management were also
measured levels of capabilities through the Mandiri program for assessment by a consultant to prepare a
development program that suits each individual.

Employment Engagement Survey

The employee engagement survey of Bank Mandiri which conducted in 2016 has successfully got score of
73.7% which is the highest category (platinum) for the employee engagement survey. By the results of
this survey, Bank Mandiri obtained 2 (two) awards, namely Platinum and Best of the best Award Winner
in Indonesia Employee Engagement Award 2016 that organized by the Indonesian Banking Development
Institute (LPPI), Stability, Performance and Blessing White Indonesia.

Several factors that contribute to the high score of Bank Mandiri employee engagement survey in this
year, among others, good relation with colleagues, clarity about the priorities and objectives of the work,
as well as an understanding of the contribution of the work performed to support the company's strategy.

Career Development
Bank Mandiri ensure that all employees have a big chance and same career opportunities based on the
principles and provisions that applicable in Bank Mandiri. Related to this, employees whom can be
promoted are employees who have met the criteria in the guidelines Promotion. This promotion and
transfer program is one form of employee career development and implemented in accordance with the
promotion cycle that takes place in May and November.

Bank Mandiri has defined contribution pension plan for all its permanent employees through DPBM (Bank
Mandiri Pension Fund) with the provisions of defined contribution funds paid from employees’ salaries by
5% and 10% is paid by the company. Besides this program, Employees who have reached retirement age
also get health facility that has been prepared since the active employees work called Mandiri Health
Care. For those employees who would and have reached retirement age, Bank Mandiri also conducted
special training special training for employee retirement preparation programs i.e. preretirement, where
this training aims to establish a mental and expertise as well as a briefing for employees to remain
productive despite being a retired employee. In 2016, 610 employees already trained which divided in 39
batches number and cost amounted to Rp13 billion.
Name : Yuki Masrifah

Class : International – 6

Subject : Chapter 7 Positive Organizational Behavior


Positive OB (POB) involves the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and
psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance
improvement in today’s workplace. Strategies to Increase Your Positivity The following activities can help
you increase your positive experiences and decrease your negative ones.

Create high-quality connections. Any social interaction, whether with family, co-workers, classmates, or
the person ahead of you in line, is a chance to create a high-quality connection. Such connections are
energizing and enhance your positivity. Cultivate kindness. Give yourself the goal of performing five new
acts of kindness in a single day. Aim for actions that really make a difference and come at no cost to you.
Assess what those around you might need most and make a plan, but execute your plan so that your acts
of kindness all occur on the same day. Develop distractions. One of the best ways to break from negativity
is to distract yourself. The more attention a distraction requires the better.

Over the decades there has been a great deal of research investigating the importance of physical space
within the workplace and how it affects employee motivation. Studies showed that within a workplace
that encourages collaborative working, that productivity increases by 15%.

Employee motivation – the Google way

At Google, office culture promotes “casual collision” between employees. This is paramount in
demonstrating how collaboration promotes creativity and drives production. Google’s culture focuses
more on their employees rather than the results themselves. While Google also provides the standard
perks including no-cost health and vacation benefits, and in keeping with its philosophy that “life at Google
is not all work”, what contributes to this culture is its unconventional workspace design.

While some of Google’s offices across the world may seem somewhat alternative: an office putting-green
and authentic jungle (Dublin), beach volleyball and climbing walls (California), an authentic New York
apartment styled conference room and a virtual library with secret, revolving bookcases leading to other
departments (New York), such extremity does have its benefits.

To ensure that Google creates the perfect workspaces for their employees, everything from the corridors
and ornaments to the colours of paint are carefully analysed. Each workspace is designed to stimulate
creativity and ultimately encourage social interaction with members from structurally separate teams –
someone who an employee wouldn’t normally network with. Google intentionally hires people who are
ambitious and that have established accolades of fantastic achievement. They can therefore be confident
that through a combination of vigilant hiring and delivering an employee-friendly workplace environment,
their staff will always perform to the best of their ability.

According to Gallup's 2014 State of the Global Workplace report, 51% of workers said they weren't
engaged with 17% saying they were actively disengaged. By having workplaces that are beautiful and
interesting, employees become more productive. Dingy lighting, isolating cubicles and colorless offices all
work together to create an environment that is uninspiring and off-putting. Investing in the ambiance of
your office will change the overall mood. People will look forward to coming to work instead of counting
down the minutes to freedom.

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