2) Personal qualities and administrative ability that consists of knowledge and understanding
of the various policies of the organization.
Hangyo Ice creams private limited is a ISO 22000:2005 certified company and is a company
under the Srikrishna Groups, which was started in the year 2002, is a front running regional
brand manufacturing ice cream and milk products and is a brand known for its quality, purity
thus is loved by its customers in all its market segments spanning the states of Kerala, Goa and
Srikrishna Group is a 100 crore entity with various sectors under it such as milk and milk
products, fresh foods, ice creams, hospitality and restaurants. Both Srikrishna group and
Hangyo ice cream private limited are considered to be the first organized venture in milk and
ice cream industry in the Karnataka state. The company which was founded by Shri Jagdish
Pai, Shri Pradeep Pai Sri Hanumant Pai and Sri Dinesh Pai over the years has strengthened its
presence in the states of Karnataka, North Kerala, South Maharashtra and Goa. It comprises of
two manufacturing units which are situated in Heroor Village in Udupi district of Karnataka
and Kirwatti in Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka with a production capacity of 10,000 liters
and 20,000 liters of ice cream per day respectively. The company has a robust supply chain
system where in more than 6,000 retail outlets are supplied with supplies by Hangyo's dedicated
distributors network. They have their own stock keeping units which have with them more than
138 varieties of ice creams in stock. The uniqueness of Hangyo is that it operates its own
exclusive retail formats called Hangyo Mini Shoppe and Hangyo Ice parlors which serve
varieties of ice creams to its customers. Hangyo Ice Creams also has valuable associations with
bigger market giants like Big Bazaar, Metro, More and Reliance Fresh for display and sales of
its varieties of ice creams.
3.Literature Review
Training plays a significant role in the development of human resources. Today’s globalize
market demands trained personnel who adopt to market changes and are competitive enough
to face challenges and work in any work setting. Training is termed as a need rather than choice
and cannot be considered as an option in the organization. Therefore, training has nowadays
become an imperative and necessary factor for maintaining and improving employee skills,
knowledge and attitude. Need for study is as follows:
To make organization aware about the need and importance of training activities
To provide inputs on ways to improve training programs in the organization
To examine the impact of training programs on the labor force in terms of their
performance and attitude in the organization.
To put forward that training leads to employee development.
To access the satisfaction level of employees with regard to interrelated skills and
knowledge required to perform the job effectively and efficiently after training.
To measure the effectiveness of training and development with regard to casual and basic
practices being followed in the organization wherein assessment of training consists of
completing a one or two-page evaluation form at the end of a training course. The quality of
this information is of minimal value while making strategic decisions regarding training and
development. To bring transparency in training procedures and information access in order to
check if training and development supports critical organizational change and promote
improved employee growth/job satisfaction.
"To identify the gap in the training programs of the sample organization and their impact on
productivity of employees."
6.Objectives of the Study
Secondary objective:
This study regarding the effectiveness of training and development activities has a narrow
scope as it is limited only to the employees of Hangyo Ice Creams Private Limited Brahmavar.
Research Methodology is a means to achieve the research objectives through data collection
and is termed as system of practices, procedures and principles applied for specific branch of
knowledge while conducting research. In this research the data is collected from two sources
they are as follows:
Primary Data:
Any data which is collected for the first time is termed as a fresh data or primary data. Here
questionnaire method is used to collect the primary data by visiting the organization, interacting
with the employees and recording their response. Primary data can be collected through
following ways:
Personal Interviews
Secondary Data:
Data that is already available and that has been previously collected and analyzed by somebody
else is called secondary data. It may be published data or unpublished data. The sources of
secondary data are as follows:
Research Design: Exploratory research is being used in order to study and gather information
from the respondents and have a better insight on the issues prevailing in the organization.
Sampling Frame: Sampling frame for the survey is based on the employees working in the
organization and is limited within the organization.
Sampling Size: The sample size of 75 respondents is being considered for study purpose.
Sampling Method: Systematic sampling method was used to collect information from 75
respondents at Hangyo Ice Cream Private Limited Brahmavar through questionnaire method.
Analytical Tool: The survey results are analyzed using graphs and tables.
Statistical Tool: Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient is being used as a test to discover the
results of study.
Null Hypothesis:
Alternative Hypothesis:
9.Expected Outcome
This study was conducted to know the effectiveness of training and development in Hangyo
manufacture unit. And from this study we are expected know how training and development
has impact on the employees and also how it will help them to perform better in their task.
And we are expecting very good feedback from employees so that Hangyo company can use
those data in constructing effective training methods.
10.Limitations of the study
The study regarding effectiveness of training and development activities adopted at Hangyo
Ice Creams Private Limited is subjected to following limitations:
Hangyo Ice Cream Private Limited at Brahmavar is an organization which is evolving day by
day and has established a greater good will in market over the times. Through their Dedicated
and experienced workforce and management team they have always surprised their competitors
by raising the standards every time they launch a new product in market. True to its vision the
company is contributing towards the growth of society by being a support system to employees
working in it since 15 years and will continue to do so in the years to come.
The organization has won several national and international recognitions for being a truly
dedicated market player with constant efforts being displayed at all levels through quality,
consistency and Compassion in its operations. Hangyo contributes to society through
undertaking various Corporate social responsibility programs in and around its plant to always
maintain a goodwill in the market. The organization has a wide market reach and is planning
to capture greater heights by starting its operations in different towns and cities across the
country in ways in which it has been doing in present market and always share smiles as they
do so always and every time.