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The World Bank System

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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

June 25, 2016

I just repaired the contact page on my website at www.kahudes.net The Network of Global
Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf wanted to interfere with my
contacts with people just learning about the corruption in the international financial system.

The Network of Global Corporate Control owes 2 quadrillion dollars

The Network of Global Corporate Control is bankrupt and is getting wound down. I know this
because I am the Overseer Mandate Trustee who works with the 188 Ministers of Finance in
charge of the Network of Global Corporate Control's Treaty of Versailles Bonds that have
compounded interest and are now worth 2 quadrillion dollars.

Paper currencies and interest on country debt are a big scam. During the Spring Meetings of
the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, I spoke with a member of the Greek
delegation about this scam called country debt. Greece's former Minister of Finance, Yanis
Varoufakis, made the point that Greece could not just keep on adding to its country debt in an
interview with Noam Chomsky at the NY Public Library on April 26th:
https://www.socialeurope.eu/2016/05/45155/ 9:25-10:09
I have published in the major newspapers in Greece
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.27.16.pdf , and there is no way for the banks to
enforce their austerity measures. Even the IMF whose secretariat has been dominated by the
Network of Global Corporate Control is having a hard time figuring out how to do the math on
this unsustainable country debt, where interest on country debt increases exponentially
The bankers had not counted on the fact that the exponential calculation of interest was going
to count against them on the Treaty of Versailles Bonds. This booby trap for the bankers was
laid for them when the World Bank and IMF were set up, and I was hired into the World Bank
in 1986 and assigned to the Philippines in 1999 in the hope that I would find this out. I did.
This knowledge has also spread to Puerto Rico and to all the other countries whose assets are
being looted by the bankers.

The Network of Global Corporate Control likes to plan centuries in advance. They have never
had to improvise, like they now have to do after the unexpected vote in the UK to leave the
European Union, called "Brexit". Why was this vote unexpected? Because the votes were
counted honestly, for one. In all of the previous "close calls", the votes were not accurately
reported. This shows that the elite, who usually go along with the Network of Global Corporate
Control's lies, are in a revolt. They obviously are depending upon the amnesty that is being
offered by the Coalition for the Rule of Law that is now in charge. The terms of this amnesty are
that the elites are not going to prison and they are not going to be physically harmed.

The Network of Global Corporate Control has been lying to people for a very long time (ever
since the previous ice age), and is trying to resist. There are alot of people who still believe the
lies, and there is some nasty technology that is used to keep people from being able to think
properly. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.2.16.pdf Fortunately, many of us are
able to resist, and we are able to influence the others.

Jack Stowe1 hour agoLINKED COMMENT

This is some kind of long term drama/soap opera, if it's for real, why are you and others still
telling this story and why haven't we seen any aspect of this come into fruition?

Karen Hudes
I just added 4 more military personnel to my "friends" on Facebook. These officers are telling
the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH
Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf of their loyalty to the USA. I
am asking the State Defense Forces to allow the Global Debt Facility to print US Treasury
Dollars. Either they will or they won't, and you will find out how real this all is.
We are up against a huge corrupt force that has dogged all of humanity from the previous Ice
Age. I am filling in the details, and I am telling you whom I am working with, and I am telling
you that we are going to win with 90% likelihood.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf The model started predicting that we
were going to win when I and Elaine Colville got our comments up on the UK Parliament
website. This model shows who is corrupt, and who is a traitor. You say that you have not seen
any aspect of this come into fruition. David Cameron just got the boot.
Does that tell you anything?

To my friend in the UK: China is not going to be the reserve currency because under the Global
Currency Reset all national currencies are going to be out of gold. The local currencies issued by
each village and town are also going to figure in.

From: Friend in the UK

Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 5:37 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Brexit

Hi Karen,

For those of us here in the UK, how can we best use the Brexit outcome to move forward in the
best way possible. Seems to be rumours of China announcing their new role on October 2nd as
the world reserve currency (presumably backed by gold).
Is it a part of the power transition model? Just be interested to get your view on this.
Many thanks

Robert Galletta
Can you get the movie, Banksters Made off with America shown on PBS, or some cable channel?

Karen Hudes
Here's the preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR3XGwUMM6k. Yes, Edmund
Druilhet posted the movie at IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1639081/

Paul Jenkinson
Looks like Youtube just hacked 200 responses off your comments section unless you have done
some housekeeping.

My tweet today about Youtube and Google (which owns Youtube):


Network of Global Corporate Control

Re: Antimedia Schmantimedia;

Karen Hudes Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:39 AM

To: edits@theantimedia.org
This story is clearly slanted in favor of the Pope, and fails to include the necessary
caveats. The Roman Catholic Church has played a very sinister role, hiding behind
the Pope's skirts. There are two Popes in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church
above the Pope, and these in turn are ruled by "bloodline" families stretching back to
the days of the Sumarians. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.7.15.pdf

Here are more facts about the finances and nefarious practices of the Roman Catholic
Church sent to me by a German Catholic:

Fortunately, Jose Rizal, who served the Catholic Church as Superior General of the
Jesuits between 12/14/42 - 9/14/46, put the world's monetary gold reserves and
other assets in trust for humanity in the Global Debt Facility. Ferdinand Marcos was
the first lawyer for the Global Debt Facility, which is administered by the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF, set up so there would be an institutional

mechanism under the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement (see
paragraph 6) https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf

Many alternative media sites are just mainstream media in drag. With this story, and
then your subsequent failure to publish my comment, you have clearly distinguished
yourselves as such. By holding yourselves out as "against the current mainstream
paradigm" a more apt title for your blog is "schmantimedia"
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Why Don't You Mention the Global Debt Facility, administered by the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF?
To: Michel Chossudovsky

Dear Michel Chossudovsky,

Why doesn't GlobalResearchCRG mention the Global Debt Facility that is

administered by the World Bank and IMF, (see paragraph 6
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf ) under which Greece, Canada,
the US and all the countries of the world offset their debt against the Treaty of
Versailles bonds issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control, i.e.
bankers? https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/treaty+of+versailles+offer+of+sale+2
+quadrillion1.pdf and why don't you think it worthwhile to mention the Global Debt
Facility in your book trashing the Bretton Woods institutions?

In case you want to see where things stand, I am on twitter

@: https://twitter.com/KarenHudes, on facebook
at https://www.facebook.com/karen.hudes.10/ and many of the posts are
at http://www.frank-webb.com/karen-hudes---updates.html . On Tuesdays at 6:00
pm EST I have a television series on DCTV, "The Network of Global Corporate
Control" , which is livestreamed over the internet at http://dctv.org/Live archives are
at https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes

The likelihood that we make this transition from the Network of Global Corporate
Control to the Coalition for the Rule of Law is 90-95%

Are you just another mainstream media in drag?

Karen Hudes Fri, May 27, 2016 9:29 AM

To: Elvia

Perfect question. Think of a row of dominoes. You know that the dominoes are
going to fall. It is just a matter of time. The dominoes are the Network of Global
Corporate Control, surrounded by the Global Debt Facility. I have been working with
the rest of humanity to line up the dominoes in a row. The first domino that was
pushed? Look at my interview on Greek television:

Interview with the Greek Research Inst.

Translation of the questions: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.21.16.pdf
And my email to the House Committee on Armed Services and letters to the
Governors and their Adjutants General:
The Network of Global Corporate Control is powerless to prevent the spread of the
news on the internet. This puts an end to foreign control over the US military.
I discussed the 90-95% accuracy of the Department of Defense's model with Chuck
Hagel in 2008, and with Major John Spencer following his editorial in the New York
Times on November 6, 2015. The Network of Global Corporate Control removed this
tweet from the internet, but I uploaded it again
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter11.6.15.1.pdf and reprint it below. The
Global Debt Facility, containing the US' monetary gold reserves, is in charge, not the
Network of Global Corporate Control with its paper currencies.

Fri, Nov 6, 2015 5:53 AM

To: john.spencer@usma.edu

Re: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/05/opinion/from-army-of-one-to-band-of-

Dear Major Spencer,

This is in response to your op ed in the New York Times bemoaning soldiers' access to
social media. The real problem you are facing is that social media has ended the
censorship by the now bankrupt Network of Global Corporate Control identified by
Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH
Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf Most
Americans, and that includes soldiers, know that the New York Times is simply
bankers' propaganda and nothing more.
The US' international monetary gold reserves, set aside in the Global Debt Facility at
the end of WWII, are preventing the US military from having to surrender
unilaterally, despite Martin Dempsey's treason. The Global Debt Facility,
administered by the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World
Bank and IMF, is now foreclosing under the commercial lien which it has placed on
Martin Dempsey's assets. Thankfully, social media is helping the US military to
remain loyal to the rest of the country during this interregnum, predicted by a model
developed by Ronald Tammen, Chair of the Department of National Strategy at the
National War College. Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century. See
also: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf
Even while the New York Times remains mute, social media continues to inform the
public how the US is implementing what John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan set out

to do before they were shot. http://presswire.com/content/1324064/board-
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Elvia
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 8:54 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: question about interregnum

Dear Karen:

I know the US is supposed to be in interregnum, but why is it that all seems to be

business as usual. Admiralty courts continue to abuse the people with great disregard
and lack of shame despite having been exposed for their fraud. Their lack of concern
that there might be at least the slightest chance they will be held accountable for what
they have done and continue to do is undeniable. where do they get the money to
keep going if they are supposed to be broke? And how are they allowed to continue to
get credit using the people as collateral when they have been exposed? it is difficult to
understand an interregnum when there are no suspensions at all of those activities in
government that are hurting the people. can you help me understand please? Thank
you in advance


INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control. We are coming to you live from DCTV's studios. Today's
segment is dedicated to John and Robert Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Ferdinand Marcos,
and most of all, to José Rizal. We are embarking on a Global Currency Reset, thanks to
the groundwork laid by the Kennedy brothers, Reagan, Marcos, and Rizal in fighting the
Network of Global Corporate Control. The first half of the program will look at the
platform laid out for us; the second half will tell you what we are doing with this
platform that we have inherited. The platform is the world's gold and other wealth in
the Global Debt Facility that is managed by the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund.

The Network of Global Corporate Control was described by three mathematicians at the
Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland as a megaconglomerate of the
43,000 transnational companies on the world's capital markets that owns 40% of the
assets and 60% of the earnings of these companies, by interlocking directors on their
boards of directors. In February, in the segment called "World Bank Whistleblower for
Dummies" we described the world's first corporations, created in 1602: the British East
India Company, and the Dutch East India Company.

Robert Kennedy said, "A revolution is coming — a revolution which will be peaceful if
we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate
enough — But a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its
character; we cannot alter its inevitability. ~

José Rizal
In earlier programs we learned how José Rizal, one of the greatest minds of the 19th
century, an author, opthalmologist, sculptor, linguist who spoke 22 languages, and
visionary who wrote about events in his life years before they actually occurred,

liberated the Philippines from Spanish colonial rule, miraculously survived a firing
squad, and went to Rome as Father José Antonio Diaz de la Paz, eventually becoming
the Superior General of the Society of Jesus at the end of World War II. It was José
Rizal who gathered the Treaty of Versailles bonds that were issued in the 1930's in
exchange for gold that are now worth more than 2 quadrillion dollars with the accrued
compound interest. These bonds cancel all of the country indebtedness in the world.

On December 10, 2014 the Federal Reserve tried to buy back these Treaty of Versailles
bonds, and I said:

These assets of the Global Debt Facility cannot be alienated by [Wolfgang Struck]
or Rev. Floro Garcia, or any of the others who claim that they possess signature
authority for the Global Debt Facility, unless the transaction has been
authenticated by the Bretton Woods institutions, as required by paragraph 6 of
the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement. As you may recall, I
have previously turned down each proposal for the sale of these certificates at a
steep discount. This is because the network of global corporate control identified
by Vitali, Glattfelder and Battiston of ETH Zurich
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf is insolvent and is
going to be wound down.

Ferdinand Marcos. Ferdinand Marcos was the lawyer for José Rizal. Marcos put the world's
monetary gold reserves, other precious metals, gemstones, and art in trust for 50 years for the
benefit of humanity. Ferdinand Marcos is a great hero, and turned down an offer by the
Trilateral Commission in order to preserve the trust for humanity containing the world's assets.
Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by the CIA. Erick A. San Juan, a prominent journalist,
originally published this story in 1998. San Juan was friends with James Brandon Foley, a CIA
Agent in the U.S. Embassy in 1986, when the EDSA Revolution overthrew Ferdinand Marcos.
EDSA is named for Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, the street of the CIA and Vatican-engineered
demonstrations against Ferdinand Marcos. The story also includes how Ted Koppel and
Newsweek tried to destabilize Ferdinand Marcos, how the Mainstream Media ran stories
blackmailing the Marcoses, and promises of immigration to the US for striking workers and
renegade generals. http://frjoseantoniodiaz.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-trilateral-overthrow-of-

A story in the Guardian last week was accusing Marcos of corruption.

I commented that the Philippines' Presidential Commission on Good Governance is

simply the Network of Global Corporate Control (identified by by Vitali, Glattfelder, and
Battiston of the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland Zurich
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf ) trying to steal the world's
assets from the world's people. That attempt has been foiled many times. We talked
about how the CIA is not working for the security interests of the United States, or
headquartered in Langley, Virginia in our segment on Switzerland. The Central
Intelligence Agency is located in Switzerland, which is in the center of Europe. The
CIA's office in Langley, Virginia is simply a branch. The Guardian is owned by the
Network of Global Corporate Control and keeps on trying to fool the people. That
attempt is no longer working, as only 6% of the people trust the mainstream media any
more. https://www.rt.com/usa/340124-americans-trust-media-plummets

John F. Kennedy
In 1961, in a speech for the American Newspaper Publishers Association, JFK stated his
opposition to “secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” He also stated his
opposition to the Network of Global Corporate Control, which he described as a “ruthless
conspiracy…a highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific and political operations.”John Kennedy accessed the US' monetary
gold in the Global Debt Facility. On June 4, 1963 JFK signed Executive Order 11110 into

law, which gave the President the right to issue gold-backed currency without
permission from the Federal Reserve. On November 14, 1963 Kennedy signed the Green
Hilton Agreement, which accessed the US' monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt
Facility. The Green Hilton Agreement would have ended the unconstitutional Federal
Reserve Notes. Eight days later, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Robert Kennedy
The Kennedy brothers had a very close working relationship. In 1952, Robert directed
his older brother’s upset victory over Henry Cabot Lodge in the Massachusetts
senatorial contest. From '56 to '59 RFK challenged labor racketeering as chief counsel to
Senator McClellan's U.S. Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor
and Management Field. RFK published the findings about Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters
Union in a book called The Enemy Within. RFK became Attorney General in 1960 when
JFK became President. Robert Kennedy was the U.S. senator from New York between
1965 and 1968. In the Senate, RFK opposed escalation of the Vietnam War. On June 5,
1968, just after his victory in the Presidential primary race over Eugene McCarthy, the
CIA killed RFK. RFK was 42 and had 11 children.

Ronald Reagan
Ferdinand Marcos and Ronald Reagan were friends. Wolfgang Struck told me that it
was Marcos who financed Ronald Reagan's Presidential campaign. This is the third
time that we have shown a clip containing Ferdinand Marcos' prayer to the United
States, which he delivered in a speech during a state visit to Ronald Reagan: 13:40-14:40
"For I know that as I have said in many a speech before my own people and before
the world, fate and destiny have decreed that the United States of America be the
trustee of modern civilization against the threat of a possible second Dark Ages.
And America cannot fail. Therefore, we the Filipino people come and bring to you
a prayer: God in his divine providence may grant you guidance and strengthen
both your heart and hand so that hand may be strong on the lever of power and
save our humanity. If America fails, then the world is lost."

Ronald Reagan appointed the Grace Commission to find out where US income taxes
went. The Grace Commission found that money from income taxes all left the US to pay
interest on that scam called country debt.
Paper Money
When a country's Treasury issues currency, the difference between what it costs to print
the bills and the face amount of the bill, (this is called seignorage) stays with the country
and there is no bogus scam called interest on country debt. Ronald Reagan printed
Treasury Dollars and was going to get the Federal Reserve out of charging American
taxpayers interest on seignorage. Those uncut treasury dollars which Ronald Reagan
printed are on deposit with UBS in Switzerland.

Here is a graph that shows how much money the UK has had to borrow when it borrows
its currency from the private central bank called the Bank of England and allows the
Bank of England to keep its seignorage and charge interest on it:

Ferdinand Marcos put the toxic power of compounding interest on seignorage to use in
fighting the Network of Global Corporate Control. The Board of Governors of the World
Bank and IMF agreed a year ago that the Network of Global Corporate Control was in
receivership in the Global Debt Facility, which is holding 260 trillion in Treaty of
Versailles bonds issued in the 1930's. After compounding interest on these bonds, the
Fed now owes over 2 quadrillion dollars to the beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility.
We are using these bonds to offset country debt. What is good for the goose is good for
the gander.

During the Spring Meetings, I spoke with a member of the Greek delegation about this
scam called country debt. Greece's former Minister of Finance, Yanis Varoufakis made
the point that Greece could not just keep on adding to its country debt in an interview
with Noam Chomsky at the NY Public Library on April 26th:
https://www.socialeurope.eu/2016/05/45155/ 9:25-10:09

This idea that you can just allow country debt to skyrocket, this is an invention by the
Network of Global Corporate Control, which is trying to put the world back into another
Dark Ages. We described how Moscow State University started a new discipline of
chronologia which shows the systematic falsification of ancient history:

It was in the 1600's, right around the time that the East and West India Companies
came into being, that this falsification began.

I work with whistleblowers in the World Bank, and after I started accessing the social
media in 2013, with other whistleblowers, to find out about hidden reality. Our track
record helps show the truth. In a segment I am taping tonight after this live program, I
will moderate the interviews I did this week-end with Betsy Banfield Malone and Nick
Blain. Betsy has been writing the @Securenewstv blog http://3rddog.weebly.com/blog
Nick was the one who told me about the discipline of chronologia.

The way forward: The question I get asked the most often, is "when is the Global
Currency Reset" going to start? Sherri asked me also to "Make it Simple" so we the people
can understand.

So let me tell you where we are. At the end of the Spring Meetings the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF approved the minutes on the Global Currency
Reset. The challenge was to get through to the United States so they understand:

i. that the Network of Global Corporate Control had replaced the Constitution of 1789
ii. that General Dunford was heading a martial law regime
iii. that the US Congress kept this in place by extending a state of emergency and
iv. that this unacceptable state of affairs is now ended.

So I sent a letter to the 50 Governors and their Adjutants General and asked them to
correct me if I was wrong in saying that the US was under a martial law regime headed
by General Dunford. Not a single Adjutant General or Governor was willing to
contradict this statement.

I repeated on my social media:

Martial law has no legitimacy https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.3.16.pdf I

tweeted to President Barack Obama about this martial law, and the fact that Judge
Merrick Garland was a poor nominee for the Supreme Court after Garland was on the
three judge panel in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals which ignored the settlement of my
case by 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and then
refused to acknowledge that the federal judiciary are not sitting in Article III courts
under the Constitution of 1789. Justice Anton Scalia met with an untimely death when
he was on record supporting an Article V convention to limit the federal government's
usurpation of power.

So I contacted Maryland's Adjutant General, Governor, and Secretary of State with a

copy to the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF:

-------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Fri, May 13, 2016 at 2:09 PM
Subject: Global Debt Facility Containing the World's Monetary Gold Reserves, and the
Treaty of Versailles Bonds (https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lucc3.pdf)
To: governor.mail@maryland.gov, linda.l.singh.mil@mail.mil,
Cc: dhile@aacounty.org,
This is in follow-up to my letters to the 50 Governors and their Adjutants General.
During the Global Currency Reset, and until further notice, the Board of Governors of
the World Bank and IMF have authorized me to speak on their behalf unless they
rescind my instructions in writing. The second, secret Constitution of the United States
of 1871 is illegitimate, has no validity, and is hereby suspended.

During this interregnum, and until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect, I
exercise the voice and vote of the United States on the Board of Governors and the
Boards of Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF. The Global Debt Facility
containing the US monetary gold reserves is making sure that the US currency continues
to support economic activity.

I have explained to Maj. Gen. Singh's office that the Global Debt Facility's liens in
Maryland are to be recorded against payment of the tax for the assessed value of the
property on which the lien is recorded.

There is alot going on during the Global Currency Reset, and I am grateful to Carmen
Stanley, Mo Jackson, and the rest of the crew at DCTV for helping to keep everyone
informed. The archives on YouTube contain alot of information in the comments
section. I will discuss some of the issues raised if time allows at the end of this
OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global
Corporate Control." We are standing on the shoulders of giants: the Kennedy brothers,
Ferdinand Marcos, José Rizal, have paved the way for the United States minus the
Federal Reserve to be just what was intended: a bulwark of stability to prepare the way
into a bright future for humanity. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: question regarding currency
To: Bengt Carlsson
cc: info+burgerinitiatief@onsgeld.nu, Netherlands Distribution List


Thank you for this. I sent the question to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Netherland's Minister of
Finance, about replacing fractional reserve fiat currency with currency containing gold from
international monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility to the Ministry of Finance's
contact page, https://www.government.nl/contact/contact-form#ez_form_fcbd5491-863c-433b-
and tweeted it to him on the 25th of March:

This followed a letter from Minister Dijsselbloem that was debated in the Netherlands' Parliament,
in which Minister Dijsselbloem lied that the Netherlands could not carry out its own policy. H.E.
Dijsselbloem knows about the decision of the Board of Governors for a Global Currency Reset.
I reminded Minister Dijsselbloem of these facts:
My letter of December 28, 2015 to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem
This is further to my letter to you of July 24, 2015,
fax to the Executive Directors dated December 18, 2015,
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.18.15.pdf , and
email to the Chair of the Development Committee of December 26, 2015,
concerning the Global Currency Reset from the assets in the Global Debt Facility, as described
in https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.25.15.1.pdf .

I hope you can give the Ministry of Finance some of this feedback for their survey on their service.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Bengt wrote:

Dear KAREN !

What is "THE QUESTION" for everyone to get ANSWERED ?


any Government in any Country .............

-------- Vidarebefordrat meddelande --------

Ämne:question regarding currency

Datum:Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:50:38 +0200
Från:Informatie Rijksoverheid <noreply@informatierijksoverheid.nl>
Till:Bengt Carlsson

Your reference is E3299217

Dear Mr Carlsson,

Your query regarding a new form of Dutch currency is not quite clear. We have tried
contacting you to for some added information on 3 occasions, but there was no
answer. Would you please be so kind and repeat the question by filling out the form
on the website of the Dutch national government, providing further clarification and
also send us the reference (E3299217) of this e-mail? You can find the form through
the link below:


We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Kees Teeuwen
Public Information Service, Government of the Netherlands

Your opinion about our service matters to us! We would like to get your feedback
with a brief survey.

If you have any further questions about this matter or other questions relating to
rules and regulations in the Netherlands you can send them through the contact
form on www.government.nl. In order to prevent spam and viruses we kindly ask
you to use the contact form.

If you have a Twitter account, you can also send your questions to @Rijksoverheid.

--- Original Message ---

From: Bengt Carlsson

Received: 3/25/16 2:43:40 PM CET
To: Informatie Rijksoverheid
Subject: Question regarding the famous coming NEW Netherlands Currency.

Referring website: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.25.16.pdf

Aard van uw vraag: Personal

Aanspreekvorm: Mr
Naam: Bengt André Carlsson




Onderwerp: Question regarding the famous coming NEW Netherlands


WHEN, as a datum defined in Almanac for 2016 or coming years, will the
Netherlands enjoy a sovereign aurum-based currency ?


"mbonnie@quaedvliegbonnie.nl" <mbonnie@quaedvliegbonnie.nl>,"adactio@quaedvliegbonnie.nl"
"sven.lieten@mow.vlaanderen.be" <sven.lieten@mow.vlaanderen.be>,
e" <kabinet.schauvliege@vlaanderen.be>,"kabinet.bourgeois@vlaanderen.be"
kabinet.bourgeois@vlaanderen.be>,"kabinet.crevits@vlaanderen.be" <kabinet.crevits@vlaanderen.be>,
"kabinet.gatz@vlaanderen.be" <kabinet.gatz@vlaanderen.be>,"kabinet.gouverneur@limburg.be"
<kabinet.gouverneur@limburg.be>,"voorzitter@pvda.nl" <voorzitter@pvda.nl>,Publieksvoorlichting PvdA
<pvda_voorlichting@tweedekamer.nl>,"lhurkmans@pvda.nl" <lhurkmans@pvda.nl>,PvdA Partij van de
Arbeid <redactie@pvda.nl>,ledenadministratie@pvda.nl,info <info@minbzk.nl>,"cie.biza"
cie.biza@tweedekamer.nl>,gerdinekeijzer <gerdinekeijzer@bprbzk.nl>,"GJJ.Beukeveld@ziggo.nl"
<gjj.beukeveld@ziggo.nl>,"A,M,L Van Rooij" <ekc.avanrooij@gmail.com>,"wede51gp@kpnmail.nl"
<wede51gp@kpnmail.nl>,"a.gelder@wilnu.nu" <a.gelder@wilnu.nu>,"rob.brockhus@gmail.com"
<rob.brockhus@gmail.com>,"hans.v.d.broek@planet.nl" <hans.v.d.broek@planet.nl>,Erik Braeken
<erik.braeken@telenet.be>,THE EUROPEAN GREENS BELGIE <de.groenen.belgie@gmail.com>,Arend
Loomeijer <arendloomeijer@gmail.com>,EKC <a.vanrooij1@chello.nl>,bianca
bianca.van.dijk.fitters@gmail.com>,Marjo v d Heuvel <marjovdheuvel@gmail.com>,No Cancer Foundation
<nocancerfoundation@gmail.com>,"j.fitters1" <J.Fitters1@kpnplanet.nl>,"Anton F. P. van Putten"
<anton37.putten@wxs.nl>,Henk Niggebrugge <henkn@hetechtenieuws.org>,Jan Boeykens
<werkgroepmorkhoven@gmail.com>,"info@degroenen.nl" <info@degroenen.nl>,Ronald van Uden
<ronald.van.uden@gmail.com>,Rob Brekel <r.brekel@wilnu.nu>,Gerard Kucharek
kucharek0@gmail.com>,bosgroep wieteke van Dort <wieteke@wietekevandort.nl>,"R.KAHLMAN"
<r.kahlman@quicknet.nl>,Arie van Velsen <mijnpleidooi@gmail.com>,bosgroep miep miep@miepbos.nl>,
"Gentechvrij (Miep Bos)" <miep@gentechvrij.nl>,Lijst Smolders Tilburg
<smol.013@hetnet.nl>,"f.bovenkerk" <F.Bovenkerk@uu.nl>,GroenLinks <groenlinks@tweedekamer.nl>,
julius vischjager <julius601@hotmail.com>,Jan Pasterkamp <info@jpasterkamp.nl>,Jager Jikke
<info@jikkejager.nl>,ikke Jager <jjj17@live.nl>,Linda Van Vliet <linda_vanvliet@hotmail.nl>,
"kareldewerd@kpnmail.nl" <kareldewerd@kpnmail.nl>,"b.vojik" <b.vojik@tweedekamer.nl>,
"(" <l.vtongeren@tweedekamer.nl>,wolbrin Veen <ine.veen@quicknet.nl>,pinodjem meramun
<jeanthomassen@hotmail.com>,marcel vervloesem <marcelvervloesem@hotmail.com>,"sp@sp.nl"
<sp@sp.nl>,tribune@sp.nl,"Raak van A.A.G.M." <r.vraak@tweedekamer.nl>,Emile Roemer
<e.roemer@tweedekamer.nl>,"Agema, M." <m.agema@tweedekamer.nl>,FractiePartijvoordeDieren
<partijvoordedieren@tweedekamer.nl>,ruud merks <r.merks@home.nl>,"m.broekmeulen"
<m.broekmeulen@onsbrabantnet.nl>,Barend Hoogteijling
info <info@telveghel.nl>,veghel <veghel@sp.nl>,schijndel <schijndel@sp.nl>,2e Kamerfractie PvdD
<m.thieme@tweedekamer.nl>,Elly Brocken <ellybrocken@gmail.com>,Jose Goossens
josegoossens2@gmail.com>,Theo Groenemans <t.groenemans@kpnmail.nl>,remcostefanheeren
<remcostefanheeren@hotmail.com>,helga helders <helgahelders@gmail.com>,jelle jelle@jelledejong.nl>,
rvdlooij <rvdlooij@kpnmail.nl>,".meulenbroeks2" <.meulenbroeks2@chello.nl>,"t.advies"
t.advies@gmail.com>,"griffie@const-court.be" <griffie@const-court.be>,Parquet fédéral
<panorama@canvas.be>,"info@xandervanvessem.nl" <info@xandervanvessem.nl>,Will Van gerwen
<w.gerwen@chello.nl>,Will Van gerwen <willvangerwen@gmail.com>,Demorgen BE
info@demorgen.be>,katholieknieuwsblad <Redactie@katholieknieuwsblad.nl>,"redactie@volkskrant.nl"
<redactie@volkskrant.nl>,"redactienbo@nieuwsblad.be" <redactienbo@nieuwsblad.be>,katohliek
nieuwsblad <henk@katholieknieuwsblad.nl>,NOS Met het Oog op Morgen
<oog@nos.nl>,"info@mooirooi.nl" <info@mooirooi.nl>,
"redactiesecretariaat@hbvl.be" <redactiesecretariaat@hbvl.be>,redactie@hln.be,redactie@humo.be,
"redactie@telegraaf.nl" <redactie@telegraaf.nl>,knack@knack.be,"groen@trouw.nl"
<groen@trouw.nl>,Opgelicht TROS <opgelicht@tros.nl>,"buitenland@trouw.nl" <buitenland@trouw.nl>,
"jan.tytgat@pharm.kuleuven.be" <jan.tytgat@pharm.kuleuven.be>,"jacques.janssens@rztienen.be"

<jacques.janssens@rztienen.be>,"info@niburu.co" <info@niburu.co>,"alexandra@niburu.co"
alexandra@niburu.co>,Steven Brown <jestelesto@hotmail.com>,andre fleere <a.fleere@chello.nl>,
kristien.smets@telenet.be,"kristien.smets" <kristien.smets@zonhoven.be>,info@wouterbeke.be,
Herman Decroo <herman@decroo-desguin.be>,"info@premier.fed.be" <info@premier.fed.be>,VVD
<vvd@tweedekamer.nl>,CU <christenunie@tweedekamer.nl>,contact@tweedekamer.nl,2e Kamerfractie
D'66 <d66@tweedekamer.nl>,PvdA <pvda@tweedekamer.nl>,2e Kamerfractie SGP
sgp@tweedekamer.nl>,SP <sp@tweedekamer.nl>,pvv <pvv@tweedekamer.nl>,CDA
cda@tweedekamer.nl>,50plus@tweedekamer.nl,pvdd@tweedekamer.nl,"(" m.azmani@tweedekamer.nl>,
"(" <S.Blok@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <b.dboer@tweedekamer.nl>,a.bosman@tweedekamer.nl,"("
hantenbroeke@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <brigitte.vdburg@tweedekamer.nl>,i.dcaluwe@tweedekamer.nl,"("
k.dijkhoff@tweedekamer.nl>,secretariaat.elias@tweedekamer.nl,"(" <m.harbers@tweedekamer.nl>,"("
<bart.deliefde@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <h.lodders@tweedekamer.nl>,Anouchka van Miltenburg
a Van Nieuwenhuizen Wijbenga c.vnieuwenhuizen@tweedekamer.nl>,a.rutte@tweedekamer.nl,Mark
Rutte <m.rutte@tweedekamer.nl>,edithschippers@tweedekamer.nl,secretariaat vandersteur
" <t.venrooy-
amer.nl" <h.zijlstra@tweedekamer.nl>,Commissie weede Kamer Justitie
jsink@tweedekamer.nl)" <A.Eijsink@tweedekamer.nl>,Hamer arriette
M.Hamer@tweedekamer.nl>,"p.heijnen@tweedekamer.nl" <p.heijnen@tweedekamer.nl>,"Jacobi L."
l.jacobi@tweedekamer.nl>,t.jadnanansing@tweedekamer.nl,"(" <j.klijnsma@tweedekamer.nl>,"("
a.kuiken@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <a.marcouch@tweedekamer.nl>,"(j.monasch@tweedekamer.nl)"
j.monasch@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <r.plasterk@tweedekamer.nl>,"Recourt J. (Jeroen)"
j.recourt@tweedekamer.nl>,Diederik Samsom
s@tweedekamer.nl,"(" a.wolbert@tweedekamer.nl>,k.yucel@tweedekamer.nl,R.Dik-
s.fritsma@tweedekamer.nl,Machiel de Graaf
<r.deroon@tweedekamer.nl>,"(<r.vvliet@tweedekamer.nl>,Geert Wilders g.wilders@tweedekamer.nl>,"(
(" <f.bashir@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" <HvBommel@sp.nl>,jasper.vdijk@tweedekamer.nl,"Gerven van H.P.J."
<h.vgerven@tweedekamer.nl>,"(" s.gesthuizen@tweedekamer.nl>,"("
<pjansen@sp.nl>,skarabulut@sp.nl,"Kooiman C.J.E." n.kooiman@tweedekamer.nl>,sp7
<r.leijten@tweedekamer.nl>,Arnold M <a.merkies@tweedekamer.nl>,rvraak@sp.nl,"("
<m.smits@tweedekamer.nl>,"Ulenbelt P." p.ulenbelt@tweedekamer.nl>,sp jan de wit <jdewit@sp.nl>,"("
S.Buma@tweedekamer.nl>,p.Heerma@tweedekamer.nl,Eddy van Hijum
<E.vHijum@tweedekamer.nl>,M.Keijzer@tweedekamer.nl,Raymond Knops
@tweedekamer.nl,M.Rog@tweedekamer.nl,"(" s.derouwe@tweedekamer.nl>,Madeleine Van Toorenburg
<m.vtoorenburg@tweedekamer.nl>,V.Bergkamp@tweedekamer.nl,"(" <m.berndsen@tweedekamer.nl>,"("
en@tweedekamer.nl,Alexander Pechtold a.pechtold@tweedekamer.nl>,"("
<g.schouw@tweedekamer.nl>,S.sjoerdsma@tweedekamer.nl,Stientje an Veldhoven
<j.klaver@tweedekamer.nl>,"a.vojik@tweedekamer.nl" <A.vOjik@tweedekamer.nl>,"Sap J.C.M."
j.sap@tweedekamer.nl>,R.Bisschop@tweedekamer.nl,Elbert Dijkgraaf
<C.vdStaaij@tweedekamer.nl>,esther.ouwehand@tweedekamer.nl,Marianne Thieme

<H.Krol@tweedekamer.nl>,N.Klein@tweedekamer.nl,"korpschef@hazodi.be" <korpschef@hazodi.be>,Ad
an Oosten <ad.van.oosten@nieuwsuur.nl>,secr.cass@just.fgov.be,"burgemeester@zonhoven.be"
elenet.be,Raf Baerts
nderen.be,maarten.vanholle@vlaanderen.be,Lindsay Van Wassenhove
lindsay.vanwassenhove@bz.vlaanderen.be>,"Craeghs, Jo" <jo.craeghs@bz.vlaanderen.be>,"Cloesen,
tefan" <stefan.cloesen@bz.vlaanderen.be>,edwin.lefebre@bz.vlaanderen.be,"ronny.switten@skynet.be"
ronny.switten@skynet.be>,Jozef van Kessel <jozef@degroenen.nl>,Bea van kessel
b.v.kessel@kpnmail.nl>,michel vitaliti <vitaliti68@hotmail.nl>,Karen Hudes
<h.k3511@gmail.com>,Nieuwsbrief@pateo.nl,Ricken Patel - Avaaz
l.nl" <info@geenstijl.nl>,de Rechtspraak <voorlichting@rechtspraak.nl>,Raad van State Voorlichting
dekring@hpdetijd.audax.nl>,Jan Wouters
<herman.van.rompuy@telenet.be>,Pateo <info@pateo.nl>,kleintje stelling
<kleintje@stelling.nl>,"redactie@brabantsdagblad.nl" <redactie@brabantsdagblad.nl>,Pierre Schreuder
Brabant@om.nl,hans.dijkman@philips.com,nanda.huizing@philips.com,Eric Drent
edlington <nicola.bedlington@eu-patient.eu>,Anders Olauson
pricorn.be,stephen.elop@nokia.com,jil.baldwin@tunstall.co.uk,efn@efn.be,Silvia Gomez
erwijst@hotmail.nl,Jos Beerens <jcmbeerens@gmail.com>,hanshulsen@hotmail.com,Bert Ernest
berternest1@gmail.com>,Nick de Laat <nickdelaat@gmail.com>,p-
klaasen@hotmail.com,"booh@xs4all.nl" <booh@xs4all.nl>,m.vanseventer@chello.nl,Henri Raaijmakers
raaijmakers.henri@gmail.com>,hans@zwembadenbouw.nl,Marius Raaijmakers
is.nl,mamvanerp11@kpnmail.nl,theo.zanden@hetnet.nl,vvdsintoedenrode@gmail.com,Jeroen Dekker
m,Caspar van den Brandt <cvdbrandt@home.nl>,Hüseyin Simsek
erman <wherman@home.nl>,martijnvanesch@hotmail.com,Johan Meesters
ruins@msn.nl,acacouwenberg@home.nl,rheesbeen@heusden.nl,marianne de wild
dewildmarianne@gmail.com>,han vonk
s.nl,andre.broere@dvhn.nl,Andre Klumpje
ijbom@dvhn.nl,Annie Kamstra <annie.kamstra@dvhn.nl>,Anniek Boswijk
anniek.boswijk@leeuwardercourant.nl>,Annique Oosting <annique.oosting@dvhn.nl>,Ans Merkx <ans-

en@home.nl>,de Stentor Apeldoorn <apeldoorn@destentor.nl>,applications@icc-
cpi.int,ard.schouwman@dvhn.nl,Arend van Wijngaarden
echt.zwb@rechtspraak.nl,belgrade-outreach@un.org,Break the System - Netherlands
s@fco.gov.uk,team <team@jhelp.com>,frost@tuj.temple.edu,international@nichibenren.or.jp,aono
aono@jcra.com>,"yukihisafujita1 ." <info@y-
ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>,kgrif <kgrif@optonline.net>,mgriffin
mgriffin@countyexecutives.org>,baker <baker@countyexecutives.org>,dmccoy
dmccoy@countyexecutives.org>,"heather.morton" <heather.morton@ncsl.org>,Pete Sepp
pressguy@ntu.org>,sgo@unctad.org,"sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>,Christian Åhlund
christian.ahlund@ilac.se>,"SMITH, Angela C"
<angela.smith.mp@parliament.uk>,brics@utoronto.ca,info@bricsmedia.net,"Jenkinson, Paul"
bard@nelsonmullins.com,"tokuro.ambe" <tokuro.ambe@mofa.go.jp>,mochika
mochika@law.ritsumei.ac.jp>,"imafuku.takao" <imafuku.takao@mofa.go.jp>,information
information@kunaicho.go.jp>,"hideo.ishizuki" <hideo.ishizuki@mofa.go.jp>,"otsuru.tetsuya"
otsuru.tetsuya@mofa.go.jp>,"nakamura.kimitake" <nakamura.kimitake@mofa.go.jp>,kouhou

Saturday, January 16, 2016 6:22 AM

Subject: Interregnum in the UK

From: Karen Hudes

To: Philip
Cc: bernard.jenkin.mp@parliament.uk; alun.cairns.mp@parliament.uk;
paulflynnmp@talk21.com; sheila.gilmore.mp@parliament.uk;
halfon4harlow@roberthalfon.com; heyesd@parliament.uk; hopkinsk@parliament.uk;
greg.mulholland.mp@parliament.uk; priti.patel.mp@parliament.uk;
lroymp@parliament.uk; mail@islandmp.org; pasc@parliament.uk

Here is how the corruption in the UK Parliament is being distributed out on the

corruption: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter1.15.16.1.pdf

It is not possible to deny the existence of the Global Debt Facility, and MP's look very
foolish when they try.

As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, on behalf of the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF, I am implementing the Global Currency Reset at
this time: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.25.15.1.pdf

The United States is in interregnum,

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.23.15.pdf and with this information
about the illegitimacy of QEII, the United Kingdom is also in interregnum. Queen
Victoria had a legitimate first-born son who was exiled to Portugal. Victoria's son
Edward VII, (Elizabeth II's great-grandfather) was illegitimate. See:

I learned this from a Dutch Knight, let's call him Sir Henk:

From: Karen Hudes
To: Henk

So what the whole matrix is coming down. This is just a footnote in a history book.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Henk wrote:

Queen Victoria had a first born son from a secret legal marriage at age 14, in 1834, who
was exiled to Portugal. She never divorced her 1st husband. And we have all the proof,
DNA, seals etc to prove this.

Who the real King of England is is revealed in this book: "The Hidden King of England,
ARMA Christ, Unveiling the Rose":

Link: www.thehiddenkingofengland.com

A 1100 + page document with 750 color pictures. 19 years of research, 4 years of typing
and a lot of $$$. Will try to send you a PDF in the near future for free....Hope that I

Nathan Mayer de Rothschild bought up the entire British economy on June 19, 1815,
one day after the battle of Waterloo. 3 days later (June 22) he bought up (took over) the
Bank of England. This man`s younger brother (James / Jacob de Rothschild is the true
Biological father of Queen Victoria (as they got a hold on the breeding rights of the
British Monarchy). The Rothschild family used Marcos Manoel (the first born) to take
over the Planet. England was not for nothing with their 100 % compromised monarchy
since at least 1852, such an important player in WWI and WWII...Marcos Manoel was
secretly crowed to KING JOHN II of England (in 1862 or 1863, I forgot now)....He
was the ONLY true HEIR to the throne of England and can prove it easily....

5 later born children of Queen Victoria were married into other European Royal
families, making them half illegitimate. The Tsars in Russia fell because of this story, the
Dutch Monarchy is just an invention (fake), and Princes Diana knew about this story
too, and was murdered 3 days before Francisco manoel was informed by the British
Embassy in Lisbon (Portugal) that she was "murdered".....

This 1150 page docy with 750 color pictures is of "extreme importance

And 'we' have more letters from QV to her firstborn son. Also many dates of 'secret'
meetings between the two on her Private beach on the Isle of Wight in South-England
(QV lived on that Island rather than London, so she could receive her son travelling by
ship from Portugal).

This is only one of many (+/- 35) pieces of evidence that QV had a firstborn son that was
exiled to Portugal, who was the ONLY heir to the throne of England. Another piece of
evidence is a PORTUGUESE coin, that doesn`t officially exist, with the face of QV on it
(see the 3rd attachment in this email)...

We have codified Physical evidence that QV sent to her firstborn son Marcos Manoel
in Lisbon, Portugal in 1850 (see picture attachment 2 in this email). This little statue is
besides being codified, contains a blood-drop being varnished over, so DNA tests are
able to be carried out. We have all "reasons" to believe that when reading the
codifications correctly, Jacob (In English: "James") (de) Rothschild (who was stationed
in Paris and the youngest of 5 brothers from the old Armschel Rothschild) is the
Biological father of QV.
Interestingly, in 2013 or 2014 a picture appeared of this man on the internet (Only
paintings existed of this man, as far as we could find), which we included in the book.
See picture in attachment # 1 in this email. Judge yourself to compare if this man is the
Biological father of QV...A picture says a thousand words...

Now a question for you: Why would "the powers that be" make such an effort to send
this firstborn of QV to Portugal and produce (make) so many codified objects (given to
him in 1850), that are a one of a kind? They include swords, paintings, statues, blood
DNA ready to be examined, coins and a couple of personal letters from QV, QV`s
personal diary, Royal emblems, Royal seals, signatures of Queen Victoria on certain
items, the ring-seal of QV`s husband, whom she never divorced (see attached pictures #
4 and #5 of Prince George the V of Hanover), and some 1100 pages written to back the
whole "story" further up after 19 years of research and 300 K US $ spent on it.
See the true British Monarchy family tree in Picture # 6. This man, Francisco Manoel,
was called into the British Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal, 3 or 4 days after Princess Diana
died, to be "informed" that she was murdered, and that it was not an accident. Why
would this man be called into the Embassy to be personally informed regarding this
event (If he is not the "Hidden King of England")?
This Wedding-date (9th of March 1834) is not to be found anywhere, except with
"Francisco Manoel" in Portugal, the true "Hidden King of England".
Thank you very much Regards, Sir Henk

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