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The Banking Cartel had hoped to co-opt me and

shut me up. They had not counted on my continued

Getting past the Black Nobility's censorship to reveal
corruption in the world's money

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Friday, April 19, 2019

Dear Margaret,

The censored videos on the military, gold, and secret societies used to be on Internet
archive at: https://archive.org/details/KarensDvd21
None of the links on internet archive work anymore. The Black Nobility censored them.
Recently I showed people the teleprompter for the video on secret societies, along with a
clip on a question that a student asked John Kerry about his membership in an infamous
secret society named "Skull and Bones" at Yale University.


I am also going to attach a tweet from last year that contains a clip on monoatomic gold
at the end, and shows you some of the other things that the Banking Cartel and the
Black Nobility at its center want to censor. I do have copies of the old videos on secret
societies, the military, and gold on DVD, but am unable to look for them at the moment.
(Filing is not my forté, and I have to get ready for a doctor's appointment and then
prepare for Passover).

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Fri 4/19/2019 4:51 AM

From: Margaret
Subject: link to 3 subjects

hi Karen,
this is Margaret from Poland. I love watching your vidoes . In one of them you mentioned that
you can provide a link on 3 subjects (gold, military, secret society) which is not available on you
tube. I'd be grateful for sending it. I do appreciate your great job. Thank you!
Best regards, Malgorzata

This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Out of the 150+ videos [now 231] in the DCTV archives explaining the Global Currency Reset
and proving what I say is true, I selected one; the Banking Cartel just blocked the
teleprompter for that video. Here it is again, together with the link to the video
https://youtu.be/BVoL7iSZjjg :

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is about gold and is pre-recorded. Thanks
to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Maurice Jackson, Audio and
Prompter; and Krushae Starnes, Floor Director.
Our first segment on gold was https://archive.org/details/KarensDvd21# (skip to
27:40) https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompter8.25.pdf
Background: This series has been on air every Tuesday since early May, 2015. I am
the lawyer for a trust called the Global Debt Facility that contains the world's monetary
gold reserves. General Eisenhower and President Truman agreed to deposit the US gold
in the Global Debt Facility on behalf of the United States. All nations' monetary gold
reserves are with the World Bank and IMF, and their Ministers of Finance and
Development administer the Global Debt Facility.
I vote the US shares on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF so long as
the US Constitution of 1789 is not in effect. The world's bankers and the ones who issue
your currency have been trying to run the world. They have been telling you lies. We
are going to change this corrupt arrangement in a Global Currency Reset. The chance
this comes to pass? Over 90%. We know this from the National War College's Power
Transition Model.
We are now in transition, and this transition is called the Global Currency Reset because
we are going to exchange the world's currencies for local currencies issued by villages
and towns and for national currencies minted out of the world's monetary gold reserves.
First we are going to replace the currencies issued by the nations' private central banks
with currencies issued by the real national governments.

At the moment, your governments have been replaced by corporations that belong to a
private company which is part of a large corrupt conglomerate that is called the Network
of Global Corporate Control. The existence of the Network of Global Corporate Control,
also known as the Banking Cartel, was shown by three mathematicians at Switzerland's
Federal Institute of Technology: Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston

Enough people know about this corruption and the difference between reality and the
lies in the media controlled by the Banking Cartel. This explains why the Marines
attacked the CIA's branch office in Langley on November 18th. Humanity has used gold
as money through the ages. Monoatomic gold has special properties, which we will
review again. Before we turn to gold, I want to remind you of your role in the Global
Currency Reset. This morning, the day before we pre-recorded this segment, Maria
"liked" what I tweeted on December 6th, 2017.

There are some screenshots of the tweet that are going to be in the Teleprompter that I


The tweet was about Donald Trump's announcement that he wanted to move the US embassy to
Jerusalem. In the tweet I talked about the reality that the corrupt Banking Cartel is trying to hide.
The chances that we all start living in reality, the reality where the US remains strong, and
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes are replaced by currency out of gold and local currencies, is
over 90%.

This Series is about how we all start living in reality. What I said in the tweet that Maria reminded me
about: "People stay calm. The insolvent Banking Cartel wants to provoke you during the Global
Currency Reset. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter10.15.17.1.pdf

The Banking Cartel's news outlets give you nothing but fake news and lies. Yesterday I outed

Screenshots of the rest of the tweet are at the end of the teleprompter.

In the year before this Series began, an agent of the Banking Cartel threatened me when I would not
bring him before the interbank screens to view the financial statements of the Global Debt Facility. I
refused and forwarded this threat to then-Senator Mikulski, who was on the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence, and asked her if the CIA had anything to do with the threat. This was before I knew
how deep the corruption extended, and that Congress has been extending a state of emergency and
suspending the US Constitution of 1789 ever since 1871. Between 1861 and 1871 the US was under
military rule pursuant to the Lieber Code.

Now there is a critical mass of people who know about the corruption in our money system. I tweeted
the letter I wrote to Senator Mikulski, and it went viral. Last week I showed everyone that the
Banking Cartel cannot remain hidden when so many of us see the corruption in our monetary system
and realize that we have no choice but to end state capture.

Whether it was the CIA that threatened me for doing my job as Overseer
Mandate Trustee concerning the US monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt
Facility https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lmikulski3.pdf


Gold is very much in the news. On December 7th, there was an article in Russia Insider about
how Russia and China are buying up gold to replace the Federal Reserve Note as the

international reserve currency. http://russia-insider.com/en/simple-logic-russia-chinas-massive-

The Simple Logic of Russia & China's Massive Gold

"Russia and China are just going about their business of conducting business and when all the major
competent pieces are in place it will be too late for the US/UK to retaliate."

The article goes on to say,

It is also no secret that Russia is looking for the exit door where the Federal Reserve Note (FRN),
world reserve currency, US dollar is concerned.
Russia has made it very clear that they are making all the necessary moves to stop using the
FRN/US dollar as their primary currency to settle international trade. Gold will probably handle
Russia’s trade settlement just fine.

This was of course how the Banking Cartel thought that they were going to force the unilateral surrender of
the United States. As a critical mass of people know, the United States has access to its monetary gold
reserves in the Global Debt Facility. This is reality, and what the Banking Cartel is taking great pains to
try and hide from us.

What I am going to do now is to show you the disconnect between what the Banking Cartel has been
telling you, both in the mainstream media and in the Alternative Media. I am going to show you what I
have been telling you all along during this saga. I am doing this to help you during the Global Currency
Reset, when the media is going keep on spreading their disinformation, masquerading as reality. No, folks,
reality is with us and not with the Banking Cartel. More and more people are going to be joining us in

I also want to reassure you about the transition during this period that only a critical mass knows what the
reality is, when we are going to bring the others up to speed. Do you remember the clip on murmuration,
that is how starlings fly in large groups at sunset, that we ran last July? Here are the two clips (one was in
the teleprompter only):

Human beings are interconnected, just as starlings. This

means now that we are all in reality, and we are
interconnected, the Banking Cartel has a much, much
harder time disrupting us or frightening us, or making us
panic with their lies. We process information with our
hearts and with our collective unconscious, and this
information that is the truth about the world's wealth and
the Global Currency Reset is going to wind down the
Network of Global Corporate Control, that is, the Banking

As insurance, I am advising you to keep some gold or silver on hand to use as money in the unlikely
event that there is a crash of the world's currencies and the Federal Reserve Note. This is the same
advice which I gave to a gold trading firm, Rosland Capital, that contacted me in August. Rosland
prepared this chart on the price of gold in the 21st century:

Here is my correspondence with Rosland Capital and some more background information:
The Federal Reserve Note is not the same thing as the dollar. For as long as our recorded history
extends, and even before that, we have been exploited by a Network of Global Corporate Control that
remained mostly hidden from us. Thanks to the people who have gone before us, including José
Rizal, Ferdinand Marcos, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, we can turn the
tables. Corruption has been coming into view. So the very first thing that you can do is to be open
to seeing things the way they are. What do I mean by that? Don't rule things out. An example is the
strange property of monoatomic gold. Monoatomic means one atom. We are talking about gold
where the atoms are not bonded together. It turns out that monoatomic gold, when it is heated,
grows very light, and then it disappears. The Banking Cartel kept interfering whenever I tried to tell
you how we found this out. Here is the URL for the clip on monoatomic gold that we first showed
you on August 25, 2015 and then repeated on February 21, 2017 :


Where does this monoatomic gold go when it reaches its melting point?

The Banking Cartel has a very hard time dealing with the subject of gold because the world's
gold is in the Global Debt Facility. It was with the gold traders that I came into public view.
Tekoa Da Silva was the third person who published an interview with me. I have reprinted
that interview which was published on May 7, 2013.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Tekoa+Da+Silva.pdf; the audio file is no longer

available. Christof Lehman did the second interview https://nsnbc.me/2013/05/02/world-
international-currency-is-waning/ In that early interview I mentioned Germany's demand
from the Fed for the return of 300 tons of gold: "German Federal Bank, Bundesbank, announced
on January 16, 2012 that Germany is repatriating 300 tons of gold from the New York Federal
Reserve." In that article I simply repeated conventional wisdom that the U.S. had taken Germany's
gold and the gold of 50 other countries for “safe keeping” at the end of World War II, also noting that
Germany´s announcement followed three months after the Federal Reserve refused Germany´s request
for a physical inspection of vaults in which Germany´s gold was stored. Instead, the U.S. Treasury
Inspector General´s Office published a paper audit.

Wolfgang Struck told me about the Global Debt Facility in an email May 8, 2013.

The Banking Cartel had hoped to co-opt me and shut me up. They had not counted on my continued
resistance. Earlier this year I pointed out the lies in the Alternative media that there was ever a
physical audit of the US monetary gold reserves. Instead, I knew that there was only a paper audit
from the documents I reviewed in connection with Germany's repatriation. This was the qualifying
language in Treasury's Office of Inspector General about the gold audit:

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Schedule is free of material
misstatement, we performed tests of Treasury’s compliance with certain provisions of laws
and regulations, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the
determination of Schedule amounts. We limited our tests of compliance to those
provisions and we did not test compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to
Treasury. We caution that noncompliance may occur and not be detected by those tests
and that testing may not be sufficient for other purposes

I downloaded from internet archive the documentation on the paper audit, which conflicted with the
bogus Freedom of Information Act that was published by Koos Jansen. None of the Banking Cartel's
liars in the Alternative Media has ever explained the discrepancies between their Freedom of
Information Act Request and the archived paper audit.

"This freedom of information act request is bogus; Silver Dollar and Koos Jansen did not try
and defend their lies after I pointed out that there was only a paper audit, as revealed by the
March 7, 2017 dctv segment which debunked their scam:
(see page 4)

Silver Dollar and Koos Jansen never responded to my calling them flat-out liars, or showed
how the audit could have taken place when the Treasury Department specifically said that
there was no physical audit, but a paper audit only. Why did the Treasury Department
remove the statement that I showed in the wayback function? And after the information that

the Treasury Department does not exist in the Federal Register from James Trafficant, which
I published and which has now gone viral?

YouTube removed this comment from my YouTube channel. The comment quotes the Federal
Register: "The United States Federal Government exists today in name only"

Congress expelled James Trafficant, who had served for 9 terms representing Ohio. Trafficant died in

I C U4 hours agoHighlighted comment

United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official
trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in
world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint
for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to
our demise. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government
has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1,
Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and
insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution
To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the
Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United
States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further
evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via
the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All
United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de
facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the
Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of
the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States.
This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established
Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was
instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the
Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary
Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S.
Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United
The Fed returned Germany's gold earlier this year. This was necessary, even though the Fed had to
purchase the gold on the open market, in order to quell the rapidly spreading doubts that the Fed had
held any gold. If the Fed does hold any gold, it is in only token amounts. The rest of the US monetary
gold reserves are in the Global Debt Facility, where I have the voice and vote of the US until the
Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect.




Thank you for listening to today's segment about gold. We have seen that the Banking Cartel is lying
to you about what happened to the US' monetary gold reserves: they are safe in the Global Debt
Facility, a trust that is managed by the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors. I have the US vote
on the Board of Governors, roughly 16%, because the Banking Cartel has bribed the Congress to
declare a state of emergency and suspend the Constitution. This is after ten years of martial law rule
following the Civil War. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

People stay calm. The insolvent Banking Cartel wants to provoke you during the Global Currency Reset.

The Banking Cartel's news outlets give you nothing but fake news and lies. Yesterday I outed Bloomberg


Donald Trump is a mere bit actor and not the legitimate President of the United States. The United
States is in interregnum, and its monetary gold reserves are in the Global Debt Facility and being
guarded by the world's militaries. We are at peace.



Last week we talked about the "show of force to the CIA" by a Marine Expeditionary Unit, and said that
the US military knows that the CIA is headquartered in Switzerland, and does not have the security
interests of the United States as its mission. This indicates that enough people in the military remain
loyal to the US Constitution and to their oaths to prevent the demise of the United States. This is also
since Germany and Japan do not want the US military to surrender unilaterally because of the
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes.

The corruption coming from the central banks and the rest of the companies that own them (the
"Banking Cartel") through a rigged money system is getting exposed. The secret martial law that was in
effect in the US ever since the Civil War in 1861 is over now that a critical mass knows. A critical mass
of people sees through Donald Trump's charade. This includes the US military , over 70% of them,
according to my information. The Banking Cartel has lost its ability to manipulate us, and is continuing
to lose more and more control.

The Banking Cartel owes more than $2 quadrillion and is being wound down in a trust called the Global
Debt Facility. The more the Banking Cartel tries to convince us that it is "business as usual," the more
we see that this is not the case.

Teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt12.5.17.pdf

Karen Hudes2 minutes ago (edited)

You know that the Global Debt Facility holds the Treaty of Versailles bonds because the
Banking Cartel's agents tried to get me to approve the sale at a discount:

Humanity will learn these details during the Global Currency Reset. They do not change the
facts on the ground. I had to edit this response because YouTube broke the link to the deal
that Wolfgang Struck put together for me to approve. Even after I edited this reply,
Youtube broke the link again. So now I will tweet this.
As for the gold, you know that the Global Debt Facility still holds the
monetary gold reserves of the world because of the many times that I

prevented the Banking Cartel from stealing them. The Banking Cartel hasn't figured out
that its shenanigans backfire.
I estimate the actual number of views on YouTube at around 50,000; I will answer the rest of the
comments (most of which were from the Banking Cartel) later. In the meantime, I am going to
reprint the two tweets where I told you that we are now on a one-way street to the Global Currency
Reset. Chances we have a peaceful Global Currency Reset? Above 90%



The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

To the Coalition for the Rule of Law that is now in charge:

In July I used the analogy of Moby Dick, and explained that things were taking so long to turn
around just like it was hard to catch a whale. I will put that Tweet at the end.

Yesterday I placed a harpoon in the Network of Global

Corporate Control, to be more exact, in the CIA. The CIA was
trying to steal the assets in the Global Debt Facility through a
lawsuit against CMKX diamonds. The CIA tried to get me to
vote the US shares on the Board of Governors, and allow the
Global Debt Facility to fund settlement of this CIA lawsuit, by
sending me shares in CMKX diamonds. Then yesterday the
CIA tweeted that the CIA was going to rise like a Phoenix, via
the theft of the Global Debt Facility in the CMKX lawsuit. I
tweeted back that the CIA was getting wound down in the
Global Debt Facility, just like the rest of the bankrupt Network
of Global Corporate Control, and that I was holding the shares
of CMKX diamonds in escrow for the beneficiaries of the Global
Debt Facility. For people whose eyes glaze over at all this legal mumbo-jumbo, what you need to
know is that everything is out in the open, and we are all working together to sort things out. By
sorting things out, we mean the corrupt bullies are not getting their way anymore. But sometimes
whales drag the whalers along for some time until the whales get tired. There is no doubt that the
CIA is harpooned. The CIA and the rest of the Network of Global Corporate Control are not going to
shake loose if the harpoon is big enough. Because enough people are paying attention, I think this
harpoon is big enough.




I found confirmation in my inbox this morning that the CIA knew that the Coalition
for the Rule of Law has exposed them as a foreign agency covering up the corruption
in the money system and that the Banking Cartel is trying to bring down the US and
the rest of the world with it in WWIII.

There were many distractions, from some of the Network of Global Corporate
Control's known Agents, and from some other probable agents. Many of these
people were hoping I would take the bait, and be distracted myself and distract
others. I will deal with these other topics later.

It is difficult to keep on denying that the CIA is a foreign entity in service to the
Network of Global Corporate Control when you are trying to bribe the person who
represents the US on the Board of the group that manages the monetary gold
reserves and other wealth of the nations in the Global Debt Facility.
Some of my followers are retweeting this.

I also found a tweet about CMKX to show you:


I want to give the CIA a taste of its own medicine. Just remember that it was the CIA
that invented the term "conspiracy theory" to keep people from questioning the
cover-up by the Warren Commission of John F. Kennedy's assassination.


Twitter removed my July 28th tweet, but I had already put screenshots in the teleprompter
for the DCTV segment on August 9th

Critical mass? reality? Do you think the CIA might be concerned and trying to counter



Alis Castano The Simple Logic of Russia & China's Massive Gold Acquisition.
"Russia and China are just going about their business of conducting business and when all the major
competent pieces are in place it will be too late for the US/Uk to retaliate."
As we reported both here and here, gold is the answer going forward. How we the people will access physical
gold or if we will be able to access physical gold is really the only remaining question.

How high gold is going is the other important question. I hope it doesn’t get into the lofty heights that have
been suggested in recent years - highs like $7,000, $9,000 and even $10,000 an ounce, as it would be much
harder for people to use in everyday transactions. Unless, of course, it was on the blockchain or some other
yet-to-be-developed type of fintech.

It is also no secret that Russia is looking for the exit door where the Federal Reserve Note (FRN), world
reserve currency, US dollar is concerned.

Russia has made it very clear they are making all the necessary moves to stop using the FRN/US dollar as their
primary currency to settle international trade. Gold will probably handle Russia’s trade settlement just fine.
Russia’s increased purchases of gold is not a red flag, but a clear message of diversification away from the
U.S. dollar and its “monetary hegemony,” according to Jeff Christian, the CPM Group managing director.

In October, Russia added another 21 metric tons of gold, which tripled the amount over the last decade and
brought the overall total to 1,800 tons.
Russia has added, approximately 18 tons per month, every month, for the past 3 years. At their current pace
Russia will move ahead of China into sixth largest gold hoard by late Q1 2018.
But, it’s “business as usual for Russia,” Christian told Kitco News at the Silver & Gold Summit in San Francisco.
“[Russia is] finally able to execute on a long-term desire to rebuild their [gold] inventories and to diversify
away from the dollar.”

Russia has witnessed most of its gold reserves sold off after the breakup of the Soviet Union, which it has
been attempting to regain since about 1997, Christian pointed out.

“In 1997 to 2005 [Russia] didn’t have the foreign exchange and capital inflows needed to convert money to
gold. But, as the oil, palladium, and nickel prices started rising in 2005, all of a sudden, Russia’s economy had
a massive inflow of U.S. dollars.”

But, the Russian government quickly realized that it had a problem relying on the U.S. currency, said
“Russia had a massive inflow of U.S. dollars at a time when the U.S. government was increasingly hostile
toward the Russian government,” he noted, adding that Russia decided to diversify away from the American

Christian added that Russia is not alone in sending this kind of message of diversification, highlighting that
China as well as many other countries are on the same page.

“China in Q1 2009 bought a lot of gold that was supposed to go to China Investment Corp, the sovereign
wealth fund. And instead, the government decided to add it to monetary reserves to send a message to the
U.S. Treasury that China can in fact diversify monetary reserves,” he said.

Change is in the air, according to Christian: “There is a great dissatisfaction with the monetary hegemony that
the U.S. has exercised since WWII and [the world] will move towards some sort of post-Bretton Wood
floating exchange rate program at some point in the future.”
You know there is a serious alliance between Russia and China when even Jeffrey Christian can’t discuss one
without mentioning the other. These two countries are working hand-in-glove to displace the FRN from it’s
world reserve currency status and move into a system that includes gold at the foundation.

Neither country wishes to upset the warmongers in Washington DC as these two countries understand they
are dealing with an unstable group who haven’t honored one treaty they have ever signed – not one treaty in
all the history of Washington DC has ever been honored.

Russia and China are just going about their business of conducting business and when all the major
competent pieces are in place it will be too late for the US/Uk to retaliate. http://russia-

Alis Castano American dominance becoming history, Germany must hold ground against US: German FM.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel says the world order is changing and the era of the American
dominance is gradually fading away under US President Donald Trump...See More

Karen Hudes Whistleblower

· December 5 at 10:51am ·

As we transition to a kinder world through getting rid of the corrupt Banking Cartel

Karen Hudes Whistleblower

· December 5 at 9:43am ·

@FerdiGiugliano As the lawyer for the world's monetary gold reserves, my comments are usually fairly well

Karen Hudes Whistleblower

· December 5 at 6:33am ·

Calling Bloomberg out, yet again, for the Banking Cartel's propaganda masquerading as objective news:

Today at 5pm EST dctv.org/Live Jigsaw Puzzle 2

When I pre-taped this segment last week, I had to speak extemporaneously for 30 minutes; the Banking
Cartel broke DCTV's teleprompter.

Broken link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt3.21.17.pdf...

The Banking Cartel's lies: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.20.15.pdf

December 4 at 10:49am ·

People know about the corruption in the world's money system and are ready for the Global Currency Reset

Alis Castano Russia-China bond market play could kick-start new dollarless financial system.
The Moscow stock exchange will soon issue nearly...See More

Richard Dziadek I'm working on gathering a local group now. I have a local mayor interested in discovering
how to use local currencies.

Karen Hudes Whistleblower

· December 3 at 9:28pm ·

People see that the Banking Cartel is corrupt and its version of reality is fake. We have outgrown the Banking
Cartel. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.3.17.2.pdf

Karen Hudes Whistleblower

· December 3 at 5:09pm ·

Central Bankers starting to leave the Network of Global Corporate Control
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.3.17.1.pdf #RaghuramRajan

Alis Castano De-Dollarization Continues: China, Iran To Eliminate Greenback From Bilateral Trade. The more
Washington lashes out in anger at those who will not bow to the unipolar world order, the more the rest of
the world fights back. As the launch of its Yuan/Go...See More

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Friday, May 26, 2017

Re: Gold

Dear Vaclav,

Why was my reply unexpected? I answer all my emails personally.

Why are you droning on about an unproven theory when I have already told you that I no longer
concern myself with this? It is your own preoccupation, and you don't need to bore me with it.

Why did you write that the Banking Cartel is conducting "class warfare to the death" when the
story is not finished, and the National War College's Power Transition model, with 90-95%
likelihood, is showing that the Global Currency Reset will be the outcome?

The coalition for the rule of law is stronger than the Banking Cartel. I have already proven this in
my April 28th tweet, attached. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt4.28.17.pdf

You claim that you are writing for advice and yet you ignore what I am telling you.

As far as whether the Banking Cartel is going to confiscate gold using dead letter laws,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102 or whether humanity is going to keep the
gold they are currently holding, and access the gold in the Global Debt Facility, this is the same
issue as "class warfare to the death".

We have already drawn the line and taken a stand with the Banking Cartel's "War on Cash". This
is described in the April 25, 2017 DCTV segment https://youtu.be/HXrI5QrH6vg teleprompter:

A critical mass that understands we are now in reality is confronting the Banking Cartel with its
corrupt, empty lies. Your response is defeatist. You are the one who is mistaken. Please don't
bother responding. As big Cahuna said, and I retweeted, "Better get out of the way:"



Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstructiion and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

P.S. Please don't include me in your list of fake whistleblowers

From: Vaclav
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 2:11 AM
To: KarenHudes@hotmail.com
Subject: Gold

Dear Karen,

I deeply appreciate your unexpected and prompt reply.

I believe all of us are victims of the banking cartel (I don't think this entity deserves capitalization,
because it may be perceived as a sign of respect/appreciation of some sort), some of us to a very
large extent, but some to a much larger one, like yourself for example.

I didn't quite get the meaning of "second species", but, if you alluded to the "elongated heads or
reptilians", all I can say is that, although I am open to anything outside the "mainstream" BS
(Belief Science I would call it), I feel all the ills of humanity have ample and provable causes in

humanity's own doings. I don't think one should seek explanations outside humanity, at least for
the time being. This humanity idea is, I find, kind of tricky and funny. When it comes to any type
of issue, including religion (in particular the organized one and especially when it colludes with
the government and the military), I tend to be materialistic, dialectic, pragmatic, scientific,
causal, rational etc. in my analysis and formulation of causalities. Kind of trying to figure out "a
qui profite le crime" as French say. Your type of approach as well, I would say. In other words,
issues always tend to to be simple and, as such, to have simple causes, hence simple explanations.

Despite your admissions of mistakes, the said cartel is obviously powerful, unforgiving,
unrelenting and implacable. In my opinion this is simply class warfare to the death waged by the
greedy and fearful haves (as opposed to the have-nots, or their representatives). Because it seems
to depend a whole lot on who made one respective mistake: one mistake made by different
persons may not have the same "weight" in terms of magnitude of the retribution from the said

My question about gold had simply a pragmatic purpose: I have about $300,000 in my business
account and was trying to figure out a means to transform it into a safe equivalent that would
allow myself and my family to survive though the bleak times ahead. So, if the gold reserve act
(sic) from 01/1934, only suspended in 2008, is still on the books potentially to be reactivated at
any time, why would you advise buying gold ? If that was another mistake of yours hammered
over and over by the resentful cartel, I give up and you can forget about my question.
To finalize, I keep you in the same Pantheon with John Kiriakou, John Perkins, Ed Snowden,
Bradley (not Chelsea, despite the conceivable shock HE may have suffered after seeing the
"Collateral Murder" tapes) Manning, Gary Webb and many others I just can't recall right now.

All the best to you,

From: Karen Hudes <KarenHudes@hotmail.com>
To: Vaclav

Sent: Thu, May 25, 2017 4:54 pm

Subject: Gold
Dear Vaclav,

You are victim of the Banking Cartel. I do not think that we are dealing with a "second species"
because there is no proof. The Banking Cartel is trying to discredit me with old interviews I have
renounced. Shills gave me that unproven theory which at first I repeated by mistake. They gave
me that unproven theory hoping I would be uncritical enough to just repeat it which I did. I
admit my mistake, but the Banking Cartel will not let me live it down.

As for old laws on the books that were enacted by a complicit Congress when the Constitution of
1789 was not in effect. We are not going to live by these dead, unconstitutional laws. (you can see
from the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102 that these are no longer on
the books; the upshot is that contracts which specify payment in gold are converted to fiat.



From: Vaclav
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:50 AM
To: karenhudes@hotmail.com
Subject: Gold

Message Body:
Dear Karen,

I "discovered" you about three hours ago, while researching some YouTube things about the JFK
assassination. I already watched some of your interviews and comments and I must say I agree
almost completely with your positions (private printing of money and lending at interest as
primary cause of the current disaster, corruption, Jesuits, maritime admiralty law of
monetization of the human being and many other topics). About Akenaten and other elongated
heads I don't know, I feel that more material proof of their existence is needed, just like when it
comes to reptilians - I don't discard this type of hypotheses, I just think there's not enough
evidence of that yet.
But when it comes to gold, I have serious questions. I don't know what the laws regarding gold are
in other countries, but in the US the 1933 act signed by FDR that allowed the theft of Americans'
gold is still on the books. I know the Federal Reserve Notes are toilet paper, but why do you
advocate for gold purchase when the above law is still on the books ?
Thank you,

PS: I don't remember who said that if a government is capable of printing bonds, it certainly can
print money. I think that's absolutely right

The Banking Cartel is censoring the information that I am trying to provide you on
monoatomic gold. You will notice that YouTube has hacked into and lowered the sound on
the clip which I showed you in my Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control two
weeks ago. I finally succeeded in uploading this video on the internet.

This clip starts at 6:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Jp45hLQWk

I had a hard time providing this clip to DCTV. I went to find the section on monoatomic
gold in the teleprompter for the 2015 segment, and found out the Banking Cartel had hacked
into my computer to remove it. I have now edited it back to include information about
monoatomic gold:


In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some very strange
materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land. Hudson spent several million
dollars over the following decade figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange
materials. In 1989 David Hudson was granted patents on these materials and methods for
obtaining them. Many people are claiming that monoatomic gold, also known as white

powder gold, holds the key to health, energy, and longevity. What is monoatomic gold?
Monoatomic elements are made of single atoms not bound to one another. One strange and
exotic property of monatomic gold is that when heated to certain temperatures, it becomes
very light.

The rest of my 2015 teleprompter has been edited, and has to do with that part that
describes David Hudson's work with the spectroscopy on monoatomic gold. I then did a
little research on the web about this. It is that when monoatomic gold is heated, it
disappears at a melting point. I had to use my laptop to read this article on the web, because
my PC is hacked, and I could not read the article on it; I had to do it from my laptop:



On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live


interviews: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Bibliography1.pdf

censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are



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