Constitutes Proactiveness
Constitutes Proactiveness
Constitutes Proactiveness
ISSUE: Whether or not the court has the jurisdiction to decide the issue beyond
since its purpose is to inform the public of the contents of the laws. Publica
tion in a mere supplement of the Official Gazette cannot satisfy the publication
requirement. This is not even substantial compliance. At any rate, this Court
is not called upon to rule upon the wisdom of a law or to repeal or modify it if
we find it
27 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 164 SCRA
31 Villanueva v. CA,
Upon HVIRA s enactment, the State of California issued administrative sub poenas a
Federal Government informed California officials that HVIRA would damage ICHEIC,
the only effective means to process quickly and completely unpaid Holocaust era
Petitioner insurance entities therefore filed this suit challenging the constitu
tionality of HVIRA.
District Court issued preliminary injunction against enforcing HVIRA, and grante
Ninth Court reversed holding that HVIRA did not violate Federal foreign policy
WON HVIRA interferes with the National Government s conduct of foreign relations.
W/N The HVIRA of the State of California violates Federal foreign policy
Yes, The HVIRA of the State of California violates Federal Foreign policy
The judgement of the CA for the Ninth Circuit is reversed. HVIRA is preempted or
At the moment there is conflict in the interest of State power against policies
There is sufficiently clear conflict between HVIRA and the president s foreign pol
icy, as expressed both in the executive agreements with Germany, Austria, and Fr
ance, and in statements by high level Executive Branch officials to require pree
e during 1920-1945
What happened?
American insurance companies were asking the courts to put a stop to HVIRA and s
ay the HVIRA was in conflict with the foreign policy of the president.
Nature of the Case: This is a petition for certiorari to reverse and set aside t
he Orders dated June 20, 1991 and September 19, 1991 of the Regional Trial Court
On April 17, 1988, Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., on behalf the petitioner, the
Holy See, and Philippine Realty Corporation (PRC), agreed to sell to Ramon Licup
a parcel of land (Lot 5-A located in the Municipality of Parañaque, Metro Manila
and registered in the name of petitioner) and lots 5-B and 5-D registered under
PRC with the following conditions: earnest money of P100,000.00 be paid by Licup
to the sellers and that the sellers clear the said lots of squatters. In the sa
me month, Licup assigned his rights over the property to private respondent, Sta
rbright Sales Enterprises, Inc. and informed them of the assignment. Thereafter,
private respondent demanded from Msgr. Cirilos the fulfillment of the assignmen
he eviction or that the earnest money be returned to the latter. Private respond
he purchase price of the lots should be reduced from P1,240.00 to P1,150.00 per
square meter. Msgr. Cirilos returned the earnest money of P100,000.00 and wrote
private respondent giving it seven days from receipt of the letter to pay the or
iginal purchase price in cash. Private respondent sent the earnest money back to
the sellers, but later discovered that on March 30, 1989, petitioner and the PR
le, one over Lot 5-A, and another over Lots 5-B and 5-D; and that the sellers' t
ransfer certificate of title over the lots were cancelled, transferred and regis
tered in the name of Tropicana. Tropicana induced petitioner and the PRC to sell
the lots to it and thus enriched itself at the expense of private respondent. P
rivate respondent demanded the rescission of the sale to Tropicana and the recon
veyance of the lots, to no avail and private respondent is willing and able to c
omply with the terms of the contract to sell and has actually made plans to deve
lop the lots into a townhouse project, but in view of the sellers' breach, it lo
W/n tHE HOLY SEE HAS SOVEREiGN IMMUNITY in the sale of the parcel of land (lot 5
YES. The Holy See has sovereign immunity in the sale of the parcel of land (lot
Claim to sovereign or diplomatic immunity is stated in the Public International
c immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where
sovereign immunity.
The Holy See exercises sovereignty over the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, and is
represented in the Philippines by the Papal Nuncio. The petitioner is, therefore
The immunity of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or a
cts jure imperii of a state, but not with regard to private acts or acts jure ge
f, then it is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken for gain
an act jure imperii. The petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary co
t jure gestionis. However, petitioner has denied that the acquisition and subseq
uent disposal of Lot 5-A were made for profit but claimed that it acquired said
property for the site of its mission or the Apostolic Nunciature in the Philippi
The petition for certiorari was granted and the complaint against petitioner was
Petitioner is the secretary of justice who has in his possession the extradition
mple time for him to submit a response to it. Petitioner declined to grant such
a request in line with article 7 of the RP-US Extradition treaty. Private respon
dent filed a petition against the petitioner at the RTC of the National Capital
at the petitioner's actions violate his basic due process rights upheld by the C
onstitution's due process clause. Respondent judge issued an order on August 10,
1999 favoring the side of the private respondent. Thus, the petitioner elevated
THE PETITION IS DISMISSED for lack of merit. The court grants that the right to
rol of the government. But in the case at hand, the invocation of this right by
the petitioner is premature since no official action of our own government has y
et been done. Only when such formal action is present that the court will favor
the interests necessary for the proper functioning of government The court also
argues that there is no conflict between the RP-US treaty and the Constitution.
All they see is a void in the provisions of the treaty as regards to the basic d
ue process rights of the extraditee. The court disagrees with such provisions of
the treaty.
The basic principles of administrative law instruct us that the essence of due p
a law or treaty.
s against him and to provide ample time for him to submit his comment with suppo
rting evidence.
FACTS: Petitioner questioned the difference in salary rates between foreign€€and€ loca
l€€ hires during the collective bargaining agreement held June 1995. Another issue i
€€€€€€€€€€€€ On Sept. 7, 1995, petitioner filed a notice of strike. June 10,1996, DOLE issu
esolving the parity and representation issues in favor of the school. Motion for
1.WON the difference in salary rates between foreign and local hires constitutes
racial discrimination and contrary to the principle of "equal pay for equal wor
YES on the first issue. Persons who work with substantially equal qualifications
, skill, effort and responsiblity, under similar conditions, should be paid simi
lar salaries. This rule applies to the School, its "international character" not
NO, on the second issue. It does not appear that foreign hires have indicated th
eir intention to be grouped together with local hires for purposes of collective
bargaining. The collective bargaining in this school also shows that these grou
ps were always treated separately.Foreign hires have limited tenure, local hires
WHEREFORE, the petition is GIVEN DUE COURSE. The petition is hereby GRANTED IN P
ART. The orders of the Sec. of Labor and Employment dated June 10, 1996 and Marc
h 19, 1997, are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, insofar as they uphold the practi
FACTS: On Sept. 14, 1990, members of the Manila Public School Teachers Associat
ion (MPSTA) and Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), staged a protest rally at
the DECS premises without disrupting classes as a last call for the government t
o negotiate the granting of demands.€ This action elicited no response from the Se
cretary of Education thus provoking some 800 public school teachers, among them
members of MPSTA and ACT to undertake "mass concerted actions" in Liwasang Bonif
acio to "dramatize and highlight" their plight.€ The "mass actions" consisted in s
initiate dismissal proceedings against those who did not comply and to hire the
ir replacements.
The directives notwithstanding, the mass actions proceeded with more teachers jo
ining in the next few days, among them were the 8 respondents (teachers at the R
The teachers failed to heed the return-to-work order and were subsequently charg
ed on the principal's report, given 5 days to answer the charges and preventivel
Respondents Budoy, Babaran del Castillo and Esber filed separate answers and opt
ed for a formal investigation, and also moved for "suspension of the administrat
Their motion for suspension was denied in November of 1990 as well as their moti
on for reconsideration and due to this, "the respondents led by their counsel st
aged a walkout signifying their intent to boycott the entire proceedings."€ After
evaluation of the evidence, Esber was dismissed and Babaran, Budoy and del Casti
were suspended for nine months.€ MPSTA filed a petition for certiorari before the
RTC against Carino which was dismissed and later went to the Supreme Court.
ghts to complain the fact that while they were participating in "mass actions, t
hey learned of their replacements as teachers (allegedly without notice and for
t. 11, 1990
and sent a subpoena to Sec. Carino requiring his attendance.€ In the said dialogue
, the Commission issued an Order and expressed its intention to try and decide o
r hear and exercise its jurisdiction.€ Sec. Carino filed a motion to ismiss the sa
id Order but the Commission denied.€ Thus, this case.€
ISSUE:€ Whether or not the Commission on Human Rights has the power under the Cons
titution to determine with character of finality and definiteness the same issue
s which have been passed upon and decided by the DECS Secretary and whether or n
n over, or the power to try and decide, or hear and determine, certain specific
type of cases.
REASONS:€ The most that may be conceded to the Commission in the way of adjudicati
ot try and decide cases as courts of justice, or even quasi-judicial bodies do.
€€€€€€ The Commission should realize that while there are "human rights", there are also co
nt (first impeachment complaint) against Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr. and
seven Associate Justices of this Court for culpable violation of the Constitutio
n, betrayal of the public trust and other high crimes. The complaint was endorsed
alen, and was referred to the House Committee on Justice on August 5, 2003 in ac
cordance with Section 3(2) of Article XI of the Constitution which reads:
Section 3(2) A verified complaint for impeachment may be filed by any Member of
by any Member thereof, which shall be included in the Order of Business within t
en session days, and referred to the proper Committee within three session days
thereafter. The Committee, after hearing, and by a majority vote of all its Mem
bers, shall submit its report to the House within sixty session days from such r
lendared for consideration by the House within ten session days from receipt the
The House Committee on Justice ruled on October 13, 2003 that the first impeachm
ent complaint was sufficient in form, but voted to dismiss the same on October 22,
2003 for being insufficient in substance. To date, the Committee Report to this
effect has not yet been sent to the House in plenary in accordance with the sai
Four months and three weeks since the filing on June 2, 2003 of the first compla
int or on October 23, 2003, a day after the House Committee on Justice voted to
dismiss it, the second impeachment complaint was filed with the Secretary Genera
ac) and Felix William B. Fuentebella (Third District, Camarines Sur) against Chi
ef Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., founded on the alleged results of the legisla
II. Whether the second impeachment complaint was filed in accordance with Se
III. Whether the legislative inquiry by the House Committee on Justice into t
he Judicial Development Fund is an unconstitutional infringement of the constitu
by the 12th Congress are unconstitutional for violating the provisions of Secti
st Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. which was filed by Representatives Gilbe
rto C. Teodoro, Jr. and Felix William B. Fuentebella with the Office of the Secr
etary General of the House of Representatives on October 23, 2003 is barred unde
Having concluded that the initiation takes place by the act of filing of the imp
eachment complaint and referral to the House Committee on Justice, the initial a
ction taken thereon, the meaning of Section 3 (5) of Article XI becomes clear.
Once an impeachment complaint has been initiated in the foregoing manner, anothe
r may not be filed against the same official within a one year period following
In fine, considering that the first impeachment complaint, was filed by former P
resident Estrada against Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., along with seven
associate justices of this Court, on June 2, 2003 and referred to the House Comm
ittee on Justice on August 5, 2003, the second impeachment complaint filed by Re
presentatives Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr. and Felix William Fuentebella against the
Chief Justice on October 23, 2003 violates the constitutional prohibition again
Petitioners are 43 high school students and elementary school students of public
The parents and consequently the children are affiliated in a religious sect kno
w as Jehovah's Witness.
J.W. admittedly teach their children not so salute the flag, sing the national a
nthem, and recite the patriotic pledge for they believe that those are "acts of
On the above ceremonies in their respective schools, the children does not raise
their hand nor sing nor pledge but only stand attention during the ceremony.
The Schools of Cebu expelled these students based on R.A 1265 and Department ord
er No. 8 series of 1955 which govern rules and regulations for conducting the fl
ag ceremony in all educational institutions. This is also called the Flag Salute
Does the State have the right to impose its will on a religious belief on the co
priority and the amplest protection among human rights for it involves the relat
ionship of man to his Creator.€ Forcing a small religious group, through the iron
will hardly be conducive to love of country or respect for duly constituted auth
urb the peace, or pose a grave and present danger of serious evil to public safe
Aguirre vs Aguirre
Leoncia, Luis, and Luningning Aguirre filed a petition for review of a decision
of the Court of Appeals that was actually in favor of them but the petitioners c
laimed that it was short of what they should be entitled to under the law.
to deceased father Dominador), Luis Aguirre Jr. and Cristeta Lamahang, and the
The Court of First Instance of Batangas acted favorably on the partition and dam
ages of the properties among the descendants of the spouses Gregorio Aguirre and
Regina Antolin. But petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals because of the
failure of the trial court to award them damages on the ground of insufficiency
of evidence.
But the CA said this was an error and found out that the damages suffered by the
petitioners amounted to P1,000 yearly since 1955. But the dispositive (transfer
The P1,000 represents the value of corn, rice, mangoes copras, salt, among other
s which the plaintiffs were entitled to but were not able to received because of
unjustified acts of the defendants. P800 was supposed to have originated from the
properties of Gregorio Aguirre and Regina Antolin while P200 was supposed to ha
ngas has 3,000 fruit bearing coconut tress while the rice lands were cultivated
Petitioners received shares of palay, salt, mangoes, corn only until 1954. In 19
55, Felipe, Dominador, Caridad and Socorro divided the 1/6 of the share due the
Aside from the P1,000 yearly damage, the CA also awarded attorney s fees of P5,000
; moral damages of P2,000; exemplary damages of P1,000 and even fees for expert
witness of P500.
Yes. The dispositive portion of its decision simply says P1,000 without qualific
any doubt that it was the intention of the CA to allow the recovery of the yearl
y damages it found out to have suffered by the petitioners. We must admit that th
Yes. Petitioners were entitled to interest at the legal rate from the date of th
2. Upon information that illegal drugs were being transported from Sagada, NARCO
coming vehicles from the Cordillera Region. A bus was stopped at about 130 in th
e afternon where the accused was riding. A routine inspection was conducted by
officers of NARCOM and accused was questioned by officers when his waist was not
iced to be sporting a bulge. Officer's asked for accused passport and when the
accused failed to comply, officers asked him to bring out whatever was causing t
he bulge. The bulging object turned out to be a pouch bag that contained what w
as suspected to be hashish. Thereafter the suspect was invited outside the bus
for questioning. Accused stopped to get two travelling bags and when officers op
ened the bag they found two teddy bears. It was only after the officers opened
the bag that the accused finally presented his passport. The officers noticed th
at the two teddy bears also had bulges which did not appear to be foam stuffing.
It was later when the suspect was brought to NARCOM headquarters at Camp Dangw
a, La Trinidad, Benguet that the officers confirmed that all the bulges were pac
kets of hashish.
W/N search without warrant is legal when searchis made pursuantto a lawful arres
W/N the search that led to Malmstedt's arrest was legal.
Yes. The officers search fall under warrantless search incident to lawful arres
t. Accused was searched and arrested while transporting illegal drugs (hashish)
. The crime of transporting was actually being committed when the search was ma
The receipt of information that a foreigner from Sagada had illegal drugs in his
possession and the fact that the accused failed to produce his passport gave ri
The fruits of the search (illegal drugs) retroactively established probable caus
e or in other words justified the illegal search made by the officers. In essenc
e the officers were fishing for evidence illegally but since their actions produ
ced a successful arrest it gave them the probable cause they needed to justify t
he search. The drugs are inadmissible in evidence since the search was made ill
Glen theatre, Inc. and Kitty Kat lounge as represented by Ms. Darlene Millier, a
The state has a public indecency statute w/c prohibits complete nudity in public
places and requires dancers to wear pastiesa or G-strings, thus petitioners can
nt on their First Amendment right on freedom of statement and that complete nudi
Lower court rule in favor of petitioner saying that statute is facially overbroa
Court of Appeals reversed and remanded the decision back to lower court saying t
hat the type of dancing the petitioners are pursuing is not expressive activity
Appealed once more, C.A. reversed the decision saying that it is an activity pro
tected by the First Amendment for it impedes the extending of the message of ero
whether or not complete nudity dancing is expressive activity covered by the Fir
First Amendment)
Issue 1
Jurisprudence supports or says so: Doran v. Salem Inc, California v. Largue, Sch
ad v. borough of Mt. Ephraimm. ( nude dancing is not without the First Amendment)
The indecency statute is a general law regulating conduct and not specifically d
or G-strings does not suppress statement as ruled by the court. Nudity is target
In April, 1987, the Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye leased land in the city of Hiale
ah, Florida and announced plans to establish a church, school, cultural center a
nd a museum.
According to its president and priest, petitioner Ernesto Pichardo, the Church s g
oal was to bring the practice of the Santeria religion, including its ritual of
The Church began the process of obtaining utility service and receiving the nece
ssary licensing, inspection and zoning approvals, which it all received by early
August, 1987.
Resolutions and ordinances passed at this and later meetings are the following:
first, Resolution 87-66, which expressed the city residents concern that certain rel
igions may propose to engage in practices inconsistent with public morals, peace
or safety and declared that the City reiterates its commitment to a prohibition a
gainst any and all acts of any and all religious groups which are inconsistent w
ith public morals, peace or safety; second, Ordinance 87-40, which incorporated
-90, which noted the city residents great concern regarding the possibility of pub
lic ritualistic animal sacrifices and the state-law prohibition and declared the
city policy to oppose the ritualistic sacrifices of animals within Hialeah, and an
nounced that any person or organization practicing animal sacrifice will be prose
ot for the primary purpose of food consumption and prohibited the owning or posse
ssing of an animal intending to use such animal for food purposes with the restric
tion to any individual or group that kills, slaughters or sacrifices animals for
any type of ritual, regardless of whether or not the flesh or blood of the anima
specifically raised for food purposes ; fifth, Ordinance 87-71, which defined sacr
ifice as had Ordinance 87-52, and provided that it shall be unlawful for any pers
rporate limits of the City of Hialeah, Florida ; and sixth, Ordinance 87-72, which
defined slaughter : as the killing of animals for food and prohibited slaughter outs
ide of areas zoned for slaughterhouse use, with the exemption for the slaughter
and processing for sale of small numbers of hogs and/or cattle per week in accord
ance with an exemption provided by state law. All these ordinances and resolution
s passed the city council by unanimous vote. Violations of each of the four ordi
nances were punishable by fines not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding
60 days, or both.
Following the enactment of these ordinances, the Church and Pichardo filed this
action, alleged violations of their rights under the Free Exercise Clause and so
ught for a declaratory judgment and monetary relief, against the City of Hialeah
and its mayor and members of the city council in their individual capacities.
The District Court ruled for the City. Upon the elevation of the case to the Cou
rt of Appeals, the said body affirmed and concluded that the ordinances were con
sistent with the Constitution. The case was then petitioned to the US Supreme Co
whether or not the resolutions and ordinances passed by the city council of Hial
eah violated the rights of the Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye and its congregants u
nder the Free Exercise Clause. €
The SC reversed the decision of the Court of Appeals, finding the decision of th
e inferior tribunals incompatible with the Free Exercise Clause. The laws passed
were neither neutral nor of general applicability. The SC further presented ind
icators of bias against the religion and its practice of animal sacrifice in the
process of the formulation of the pieces of legislation stated above. The laws
FACTS: In 1895, Jose Evangelista, defendant, borrowed 2,000 pesos, at 6 per cent
interest from the R.C. bishop of the diocese of Nueva Segovia.€ Defendant gave a
receipt reciting that the money came from the funds of Cofradia de las Animas of
the Cathedral of Vigan.€ He did not state in the receipt the fact that he borrowe
the bishop.€ After a year, the defendant signed a document acknowledging that 120
pesos (the amount of the unpaid) interest be advanced to him by the bishop and a
dded to his preexisting loan.€ Evangelista contests the right of Dennis J. Dougher
ty, R.C. bishop of the diocese, to recover the money loaned by his predecessor c
laiming that the administration of funds of a Cofradia did not rest with the bis
ISSUE:€ Whether the bishop has the right to recover from Evangelista.
HELD:€€ Yes.€ From the RC bishop of Nueva Segovia he took the money, and to the RC bis
hop of Nueva Segovia he must repay it.€ (Verbatim from the decision)
RATIO:€€ €€€€€ Whatever relations the bishop held with the Cofradia, it is plain that he ma
the loan as administrator in behalf of the Cofradia.€ Barlin vs. Ramirez 1 (5 Off.
Gaz., 130)€ Court holds that the defendant should not challenge at the due of his
payment, the same right he didn't question at the time of borrowing.*note that
the lower court judgment was for the plaintiff without specifying Philippine or
other currency.€ This is the basis for the defendant to appeal.€ (See Facts 2)
FACTS 2:€€ The defendant was asked by the court to serve his answer to a previously
overruled demurrer.€ He was notified of this on Jan.7, bound within 5 days therea
fter to serve his answer, but he neglected to except to the order.€ He duly made o
ut and verified on Jan. 12.€ He served it on March 2, deposited it in the post off
ice of Laoag, expecting it to reach Vigan before the opening of the term of cour
t on March 7.€ It was delayed.€ The service was received by the clerk on March 13.€ Ju
dgment against him was entered by default.€ He then moved for a new trial under Su
HELD:€€ The decision of the lower court was held valid.€ Costs against the defendant.
REASON:€ The delay of post was not the only reason for the non-arrival of the answ
er.€ The defendant offered no excuse for neglecting to answer 6 weeks after the ex
piration of the legal time.€ Rule of stare decisis was enforced Gaspar vs. Molina
1 (3,) Off. Gaz., 651).€ The Court held that the word pesos must be understood as
the established currency of the country at the time it was rendered.€ Since the de
fendant did not move for a new trial on grounds that it was against the weight o
f evidence, the court assumes that the proofs were sufficient to justify it.
Carson agrees with the decision save for particularly the part where the judgmen
t seems to hold that when the judgment is rendered in pesos it should be interpr
eted as pesos Philippine currency.€ He states that while this may be the general r
ule, this court has no right to give a wholly different meaning from the court's
(from which the case originated from) intention.€ He believes that there is "no d
oubt that the pesos mentioned in the disposing part of the judgment of the trial
court were of the same class as those mentioned in the decision and findings an
d the original contract, and not pesos Philippine currency".€ (Verbatim from disse
nting opinion)€ He believes that the case should be sent back for the taking of fu
rther evidence as to the relative value of pesos de plata in the cotract vs. pes
Nos. 110-112, 183, and 399. 309 U.S. 106, Jan. 29, 1940.
These cases raise the same question, namely, transfers of property inter vivos m
ade in trust, the particulars of which will later appear, are within the provisi
The value of the gross estate of the decedent shall be determined by including t
he value at the time of his death of all property, rent or personal, tangible or
To the extent of any interest therein of which the decedent has at any time made
his death, or of which he has at any time made a transfer, by trust or otherwis
e, under which he has retained his life or for any period not ascertainable with
out reference to his death or for any period which does not in fact end before h
is death (1) the possession or enjoyment o, or the right to the income from the
property, or (2) the right either alone or in conjunction with any person, to de
signate the persons who shall possess or enjoy the property or the income theref
rom: except in the case of a bona fide sale for an adequate and full considerati
ithin two years prior to his death without such consideration, shall, unless sho
the meaning of this title. (subchapter) (Section 302c of the Revenue Act of 1926
Henry Hallock in 1919 created a trust under a separation agreement, giving the i
ncome to his wife for life, with the provision that if and when Anne Lamson Hall
ock should die and in such event, the trust shall terminate and said Trustee sha
ll pay Henry if he is living any accrued income, then remaining in said trust fu
nd. If Henry is not living then and in such event payment and delivery over shal
l be made to the son and daughter Levitt Hallock and Helen Hallock.
Settlor died in 1932, his divorced wife, the life beneficiary, survived him.
The Circuit Court of Appeals held that the trust instrument had conveyed (transf
erred) the 'whole interest' of the decedent, subject only to a 'condition subseq
Nature of the Case: To review a decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit, 102 F.2d 1, affirming a decision of Board of Tax Appeal, commiss
come to be paid to his prospective wife during her life, subject to the followin
'In trust if the said Rae Spektor shall die during the lifetime of said George F
. Uber to pay over the principal and all accumulated income thereof unto the sai
d George F. Uber in fee, free and clear of any trust. 'In trust if the said Rae
Spektor after the marriage shall survive the said George F. Uber to pay over the
principal and all accumulated income unto the said Rae Spektor-then Rae Uber-in
The Circuit Court of Appeals deemed Becker v. St. Louis Trust Co., supra, contro
lling against the inclusion of the trust corpus in the gross estate.
Nature of the Case: To review a judgment if Circuit Court of Appeals for thr Thi
d Circuit, affirming judgment for the plaintiff, the collector brings certiorari
Testator provided for the payment of trust income to his wife during her life an
The instrument, which was executed in 1917, continued: 'Upon the death of the su
rvivor of said Ida Bryant and the party of the first part, unless this trust sha
ll have been modified or revoked as hereinafter provided, to convey, transfer, a
nd pay over the principal of the trust fund to the executors or administrators o
f the estate of the party hereto of the first part.' There was a further provisi
on giving to the decedent and his wife jointly during their lives, and to either
of them after the death of the other, power to modify, alter or revoke the inst
The Board of Tax Appeals allowed the Commissioner to include in the decedent's g
ross estate only the value of a 'vested reversionary interest' which the Board h
eld the grantor had reserved to himself. On appeal by the taxpayer, the Circuit
Nature of the Case: To review a judgment of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit, 104 F. 2d 1011, affirming the decision of the board, the execut
WON the doctrine of stare decisis compel us to accept the distinctions made in t
he St. Louis Trust cases as starting points for still finer distinctions spun ou
NO, the Court thinks not. The Klein case rejected the presupposition of such dis
NO, The Court holds that they are not bound by reason or by the considerations t
e reject as untenable the diversities taken in the St. Louis Trust cases in appl
ying the Klein doctrine-untenable because they drastically eat into the principl
e which those cases professed to accept and to which we adhere.
In Nos. 110, 111, 112 and 183, the judgments are REVERSED. In No. 399, the judgm
ent is AFFIRMED.
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concurs in the result upon the ground that each of these c
ases is controlled by our decision in Klein v. United States, 283 U.S. 231 , 51
This case covers 5 cases (110-112, 183 and 399) They raise the same question, na
mely, whether transfers of property inter vivos made in trust, are within the pr
operty by way of trust in which the settlement provides for return or reversion
of the corpus to the donor upon a contingency terminable at his death. Whether t
ed, is the crux of the problem. We must put to one side questions that arise und
er sections of the estate tax law other than 302(c)-sections, that is, relating
to transfers taking place at death. Section 302(c) deals with property not techn
ically passing at death but with interests theretofore created. The taxable even
t is a transfer inter vivos. But the measure of the tax is the value of the tran
In each case the Commissioner of Internal Revenue included the trust property in
the decedent's gross estate. In deciding these cases, the lower courts came ac
ross three recent decisions (Klein v. US where the court rejected formal distinct
n that the death of the grantor was the indispensable and intended event which br
ought the larger estate into being for the grantee and effected its transmission
from the dead to the living, thus satisfying the terms of the taxing act and ju
stifying the tax imposed. , Helvering v. St. Louis Trust Co. a nd Becker v. St. L
ouis Trust Co. which had distinctions from the Klein doctrine.) In none of the t
hree cases did the dominion over property which finally came to the beneficiary
fall by virtue of the grantor's will, except by his provision that his own death
should establish such final and complete dominion. And yet a mere difference in
nto being-varying forms of words in the creation of the same worldly interests-w
as found sufficient to exclude the St. Louis Trust settlements from the applicat
ion of the Klein doctrine. Because of the difficulties the lower courts found in
applying the distinctions made by these cases and the seeming disharmony of the
ir results, when judged by the controlling purposes of estate tax law, it was br
Manuela and Maria Aquial filed a complaint in forma pauperis in the Court of Fir
st Instance of Rizal, wherein they prayed that they be declared the owners of a
certain parcel of land.€ They claimed that the land was acquired by their father b
y Spanish title.
The Aquials alleged that J.M. Tuason and Co., Inc. had illegally entered upon th
e land.€ They further alleged that the land in question had been fraudulently or e
rroneously included in OCT No. 735, and was registered in the names of the petit
ioners Tuason.€ The Aquials also claimed that the TCT were issued to defendants J.
M. Tuason and Co., Inc., University of the Philippines and the National Waterwor
The Aquials prayed that OCT No. 735 and the titles derived therefrom be declared
void due to irregularities in the land registration proceedings.€ J.M. Tuason and
Co., Inc. filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction, imp
roper venue, prescription, laches and prior judgment.€ The lower court denied the
NO.€ The court noted that the supposed irregularities in the land registration pro
ceedings were the same issues raised n the civil cases decided by Judge Eulogio
Mencras.€ In that case, Judge Mencias ruled that OCT 735 was invalid.€ On the appeal
to the Supreme Court, that decision was reversed, and the validity of OCT No. 7
35 was once
more upheld.
The court underscored the governing principle of Stare Decisis et non quieta mov
ere.€€ The holding of the courts that OCT No. 735 is valid should no longer be open
to attack.
Hal McElroy, an Australian film maker, and his movie production company, Ayer Pr
oductions Pty. Ltd. envisioned the filming for commercial viewing the historic E
fictional characters interwoven with real events, and utilizing actual documenta
ry footage as background.
In a letter dated 16 Dec 1987, Hal McElroy informed Juan Ponce Enrile about the
projected motion picture. Enrile replied that he would not approve of the use, a
any member of his family in any cinema, film, or other medium of commercial exp
erbal or visual) should be made to him or any member of his family, much less to
any matter purely personal to him. McElroy acceded to this demand, deleted Enr
ile s name from the movie script, and proceeded with the project.
On 23 Feb 1988, Enrile filed a Complaint alleging that the production of the min
i-series film without his consent and over his objection constitutes an obvious
violation of his right of privacy. The RTC ruled for Enrile and ordered the Aye
r Prod to cease and desist from producing and filming The Four Day Revolution .
Whether Ayer Prod., in filming The Four Day Revolution , is validly exercising its
The prevailing doctrine is that the clear and present danger rule is such a limi
Here, the interests observable are the right to privacy asserted by Enrile and t
he right of freedom of expression invoked by Ayer Prod. Taking into account the
interplay of those interests, the SC holds that under the particular circumstan
ces presented, and considering the obligations assumed in the Licensing Agreemen
t entered into by Ayer Prod., the validity of such agreement will have to be uph
eld particularly because the limits of freedom of expression are reached when ex
Whether the balancing-of-interests test or the clear and present danger test be
applied in respect of the instant Petitions, the Court believes that the product
ion and filming by Ayer Prod. of the projected motion picture does not, in the c
Note: The Court also put into consideration that the portrayal of Enrile in the
movie was as a public figure. Public figure has been defined as a person who,
calling which gives the public a legitimate in his doings, his affairs, and his
Such public figures were held to have lost, to some extent, their right
the press had a privilege, under the Constitution, to inform the public about th
ose who have become legitimate matters of public interests.
In the case at bar, film was not intrusive of Enrile s right to privacy because he
was a public figure. The court defined public figure as a person who, by his a
which gives the public a legitimate interest in his doings, his affairs, and his
character, has become a public personage. It includes anyone who has arrived at
person, Enrile had lost, to some extent, their right to privacy. Aside from tha
t, the EDSA Revolution was clearly a subject matter of public interest. It was
not about the personal life of Enrile. It merely included Enrile as a public fi
gure and not as a private person. Since only his actions as a public figure are
referred to in the film, a license from Enrile was not needed to show such acti
Lawrence v. Texas
On June 30, 1986, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled1 that a Georgia s
tate law which specified that sodomy was a crime punishable by between one month
that such a law violated the privacy rights of those engaging in sodomy as being
obviously invalid on the grounds that "Proscriptions against that conduct have
ancient roots."
On June 26, 2003. the Supreme Court of the United States, ruling in a similar ca
se involving a law in the state of Texas which criminalized sodomy between membe
rs of the same sex (while not banning sodomy between members of the opposite sex
, or between humans and animals), held that the "right to privacy" was violated
by the law and that laws banning sodomy are invalid.
Justice Byron White, who had been appointed by President Kennedy, wrote the majo
rity opinion in Bowers v. Hardwick. The centerpiece of his argument was that the
, had all been focused on family issues: child rearing and education, procreatio
n, marriage, and the like, and that it was "evident that none of the rights anno
unced in those cases bears any resemblance to the claimed constitutional right o
f homosexuals to engage in acts of sodomy", and that it was the province of the
courts to protect those rights which were "implicit in the concept of ordered li
Seventeen years later, in the case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court consider
ed the case of two men who were arrested when police, responding to a weapons co
mplaint, entered their home and found them having sex. In the oral arguments for
the case, lawyers for the arrested men made two arguments:
hould be overturned.
A law which bans homosexual sodomy but not heterosexual sodomy is an unconstitut
ional violation of the Equal Protection Clause, and therefore this law should be
The majority opinion handed down by Justice Anthony Kennedy (who was appointed b
y President Reagan) threw out the Bowers decision wholesale, arguing that there
is some validity to the equal protection argument but that the current case requ
ires a re-assessment of Bowers. It agreed with the dissent in Bowers that "The s
on of homosexuality does not justify the use of the power of the State to enforc
e those views. This should have been obvious when Bowers was decided, Kennedy's
opinion says. Moreover, case law since then has undermined what little validity
the decision had; in particular, the decision in Romer v. Evans that Colorado co
uld not name homosexuals as a solitary class of persons who were deprived of pro
tection under state antidiscrimination laws seriously undermined much of the arg
ument in Bowers. It concluded that "the rationale of Bowers does not withstand c
areful analysis ... Bowers was not correct when it was decided, and it is not co
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, another Reagan appointee, who was in the majority i
n Bowers, declined to overrule it, but would overturn the Texas law on equal pro
tection grounds.
a reckless disregard for precedent, and that the argument for overturning it cou
unveiling the decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which was marked by "ext
Scalia's opinion proceeds to insist that (a) there is no emerging awareness that
liberty gives substantial protection to adult decisions regarding sex, and that
f its citizens that certain forms of sexual behavior are immoral and unacceptabl
e". He dismisses out of hand the equal protection claim on the grounds that if p
sion culture that has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda", add
ing "It is clear from this that the Court has taken sides in the culture war," a
nd insisting that laws protecting gay people from discrimination deprive many am
ericans of their right to "[protect] themselves and their families from a lifest
yle that they believe to be immoral and destructive." He warns that gay marriage
will be next.
Justice Thomas joined the dissent but added a shot of his own, echoing one of th
e dissenters in Griswold: he would vote to repeal the sodomy law, were he a legi
slator, on the grounds that ti is "uncommonly silly". But as a Justice, his job
On March 23, 1986, Dorsie Lee Johnson Jr., then 19 and along with Amanda Miles d
ecided to rob Allup s convenience store in Synder, Texas after some planning and s
Johnson announced the holdup and ordered the store attendant, Jack Huddleston to
After Huddleston complied with the order, Johnson shot him in the back of the ne
The pair had emptied the cash registers of about $160 and each grabbed a carton
of cigarettes.
A few weeks after the commission of the crime, Johnson was arrested for another
Johnson confessed to the murder of Huddleston and the robbery of Allsup s and was
Whether the conduct of Johnson which caused the death of Huddleston could result
to another death
Whether there is a probability that Johnson would commit crimes that would pose
Johnson appealed the decision, stating that the jury did not take into considera
tion his youth in deciding the verdict. He contends that petitioner s age must be
considered as a mitigating factor in the decision. Defense presented petitione
r s father to strengthen the claim, painting him as still immature and reckless du
e to his youth.
Issue: Whether the age of the petitioner should be considered by the jury in han
Decision: Yes. The judgment of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is affirmed.
Reasons: Youth was considered by the jury in handling out a sentence. Petitione
owever, the possibility of him committing dangerous acts in the future partly du
Reasons: Youth is more than chronological fact. The emotional and mental immatu
rity of young people may cause them to respond to events in ways that adult woul
d not. The jurors could not give effect to this aspect of Johnson s youth.
Morales vs Paredes
Pedro, Rosendo, and Prudencio Gavino applied for the registration of a parcel of
and on June 23, 1930, the application was granted and a decision to that effect
rendered. Baltazar Morales, the petitioner, now claims to be the owner of the la
nd but was not advised on the registration proceedings until the early part of S
eptember 1930. He eventually filed a motion, through his counsel Nicolas Belmont
ill be pending. Without dismissal of the motion mentioned, the movant brought th
e present action before the Supreme Court (SC) praying that the aforesaid decisi
on be set aside and that a new trial be granted in accordance with Section 513 o
Whether Mr. Morales has legal contention in his petition filed at the SC.
No. The plaintiff has unfortunately mistaken his remedy. Assuming without decidi
ng that the allegations of fraud in his complaint are true, the proper remedy is
to petition for a review under Section 38 of the Land Registration Act (LRA). T
he plaintiff s contention that such review cannot be made until the final decree h
as been issued is not in accordance with the view adopted by the SC as can be gl
eaned in the case of Rivera vs. Moran (48 Phil., 836), wherein it was pointed ou
t by the court that Sec. 38 of the LRA, which provides that a petition for revie
w of such a decree on the grounds of fraud must be filed within one year after en
try of the decree , be given further reflection and that what it meant would have
been better expressed by stating that such petitions must be presented before th
e expiration of one year from the entry of the decree. Statutes must be given a
reasonable construction and there can be no possible reason for requiring the co
mplaining party to wait until the final decree is entered before urging his clai
m of fraud. The plaintiff s view of the extent of actions under Sec. 513 of the Co
ts under that section if other adequate remedies are available, and such remedie
s are not lacking in the present case. The case is therefore dismissed by the SC
with the costs against the plaintiff.
On June 25, 1965, Emiliano Simeon and Alberta Vicencio, husband and wife, brough
e and Henry Lee to resell to them a parcel of land situated in Sitio Parugan-Iba
Barrio San Jose, Antipolo, Rizal. The land, a homestead with an area of about 2
issued by the Register of Deeds of Rizal in the names of defendants Vita Uy Lee
and Henry Lee. Defendants filed in due time their answer with affirmative defens
es. After trial, the court decided in favor of Simeon and Vicencio. The counterc
laim of the defendants are dismissed. Defendants (now petitioners) filed a motio
n for new trial and later an urgent motion for reconsideration which were both d
enied by the trial court in its orders of March 23, 1964 and June 25, 1964. The
case is now before Us on a petition for certiorari filed by spouses Vita Uy Lee
and Henry Lee. On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the decision of the Court of F
irst Instance of Rizal was affirmed in toto. A timely motion for reconsideration
Petitioners maintain that the Court of Appeals erred in not making "sufficient a
More specifically, petitioners assail the failure of the Court of Appeals to inc
lude in its decision the complete text of the three letters sent by respondent (
efore the expiration of the period within which redemption could be made petitio
ners intimating that such omission has impaired their position on appeal as anot
her question is raised by them on the basis of the terminology of the three lett
Whether or not the period to reconvey the property, subject of this case, under
the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 141 has prescribed (expired or lapsed)..
Yes it has prescribed (expired or lapsed). The rule that tender of payment of th
t in civil law. Article 1616 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, in the absenc
o wit: "The vendor cannot avail himself of the right of repurchase without retur
It is clear that the mere sending of letters by vendor Simeon expressing his des
e fell short of the requirements of law. Having failed to properly exercise his
right of redemption within the statutory five-year period, the right is lost and
the same can no longer be revived by the filing of an action to compel redempti
on after the lapse of the period. Petitioner Vita Uy Lee was justified in ignori
ng the letters sent her by respondent Emiliano Simeon because the mere mention t
f payment, did not constitute a bona fide offer of repurchase. The rule that ten
der of the repurchase price is dispensed with where the vendee has refused to pe
rmit the repurchase is premised on the ground that under such circumstance the v
endee will also refuse the tender of payment. From petitioner Lee's silence whic
lat refusal, her silence did not close the door to respondent Simeon's subsequen
t tender of payment, had he wished to do so, provided that the same was made wit
hin five-year period. Yet he neglected to tender payment and, instead, merely fi
The Supreme Court, therefore, in the light of the above ruling reversed the deci
nd ashamed by the advertisements issued by The Legal Clinic as they are _champer
tous, unethical, demeaning of the law profession and destructive of the confiden
he publication and issuance of said advertisements but claims that it is not eng
aged in the practice of law. The Legal Clinic renders support services through
Whether or not the services offered by respondent (The Legal Clinic) as advertis
In either case, whether the same can properly be suspect of advertisements herei
n complained.
YES. The Court agrees with the observations of the various bar associations that
e use of the name _The Legal Clinic_ gives the impression that respondent corpor
ation is being operated by lawyers and thus renders legal services. While some o
f the services being offered merely involve mechanical and technical know how, t
this is not limited merely to court appearances but extends to legal research, g
iving legal advice and contract drafting. Moreover, the advertisements in quest
ion (annex B)are meant to induce the performance of acts contrary to law, morals
lents or skills_law is a profession and not a trade. The lawyer degrades himsel
f and his profession who stoops to and adopts the practices of mercantilism by a
The Court resolved to RESTRAIN and ENJOIN respondent from issuing or causing the
Atty. Dalmacio de los Angeles was convicted of the crime of attempted bribery in
a final decision rendered by the Court of Appeals and was sentenced to two year
s, four months and one day of destierro and to pay a fine of P2300, with subsidi
Under Section 1, Rule 128, of the Rules of Court, he was required to show cause
In written explanation he appealed to the sympathy and mercy of this Court consi
Under Section 25, Rule 127, a member of the bar may be removed from his office a
hind this rule being that the continued possession of a good moral character is
a requisite condition for the rightful continuance of the lawyer in the practice
of law with the result that the loss of such qualification justifies his disbar
And since bribery is admittedly a felony involving moral turpitude, this court i
Operating agreement between Nielson and Co., Inc and Lepanto Consolidated Mining
Company, whereby the former operated and managed the latter s mining property.
Contract was entered into on Jan. 30, 1937, for five years, with an option to re
new for the same term on the same basis. Contract was renewed in 1941.
Dec. 1941 WW II
Feb. 1942 mills, plants and other property were destroyed and occupied by the Ja
panese Army.
1945 Japanese forces are ousted and parties regain control of the property.
1945 disagreement between Nielson and Lepanto as to w/n contract is to expire in
Terms of the contract: Both parties to this agreement fully recognize that the t
erms of this Agreement are made possible only because of the faith or confidence
that the Officials of each company have in the other; therefore, in order to as
sure that such confidence and faith shall abide and continue, NIELSON agrees tha
t LEPANTO may cancel this Agreement at any time upon ninety (90) days written no
tice, in the event that NIELSON for any reason whatsoever, except acts of God, s
trike and other causes beyond its control, shall cease to prosecute the operatio
n and development of the properties herein described, in good faith and in accor
Nielson contends that the contract was suspended and should be extended.
Lepanto contends that the contract expired in 1947 and that period of suspension
The Court of First Instance (CFI) in Manila held for the defendant, Lepanto.
Nielsen appealed to the Supreme Court (SC) and the SC reversed the decision of t
he CFI; It held that the contract was suspended until Jan. 26, 1948, when mining
operations resumed.
1. That the contract entered into was a contract of agency which was effect
2. That the court erred in holding that the period of suspension extended t
3. The court erred in reversing the ruling of the trial judge that the mana
gement agreement was only suspended but not extended on account of the war.
4. The court erred in reversing the finding of the trial judge that Nielson
's action had prescribed, but considering only the first claim and ignoring the
on account of the war lasted from February 1942 to June 26, 1948.
6. Assuming arguendo that Nielson is entitled to any relief, the court erre
d in awarding as damages (a) 10% of the cash dividends declared and paid in Dece
mber, 1941; (b) the management fee of P2,500.00 for the month of January, 1942;
and (c) the full contract price for the extended period of sixty months, since t
hese damages were neither demanded nor proved and, in any case, not allowable un
red in ordering appellee to issue and deliver to appellant share's of stock toge
s of stock and/or cash, which award cannot be ascertained and executed without f
urther litigation.
Held: No, the SC held that this ground of the motion for reconsideration be br
ushed aside.
It is the rule, and the settled doctrine of this Court, that a party cannot chan
ge his theory on appeal-that is, that a party cannot raise in the appellate cour
t any question of law or of fact that was not raised in the court below or which
was not within the issue made by the parties in their pleadings
(Obiter) Even if allowed, it cannot be sustained. It is the SC s view that the man
Issue 2: W/N the contract was actually suspended and extended until 1948,
Held: Yes, the contract was suspended and extended until 1948.
flooding of the mine, typhoon, earthquake or any other force majeure, war, insur
rection, civil commotion, organized strike, riot, fire, injury to the machinery
or other event or cause reasonably beyond the control of NIELSON and which adver
sely affects the work of mining and milling; NIELSON shall report such fact to L
EPANTO and without liability or breach of the terms of this Agreement, the same
shall remain in suspense, wholly or partially during the terms of such inability
. Also, since damages caused by the war were severe, rebuilding of the mines had
to be undergone and thus causing the operations to officially resume on June 26,
Issue 3: W/N damages awarded to Nielson is proper; (a) 10% of the cash di
vidends declared and paid in December, 1941; (b) the management fee of P2,500.00
for the month of January, 1942; and (c) the full contract price for the extende
d period of sixty months; (d) to issue and deliver to appellant share's of stock
together with fruits thereof; (e) an undetermined amount of shares of stock and
Held: Awards (a), (b), (c), and (f), with proper discretion of the court, are
Awards (a), (b), (c) are awarded because it is based on the stipulations
Award (f), is granted since attorney s fees are given to the discretion of
the court.
Award (d) and (c) is not granted because it is under the Corporation Law that st
ock dividends can only be given to stockholders of the said corporation, of whic
Valmonte v. De Villa
G.R. No. 83988. May 24, 1990. 185 SCRA 665
Petitioners are members of the Union of Lawyers and Advocates for People s Rights.
stitutional was dismissed. Petitioners filed the instant motion and supplementa
l motion for reconsideration. Respondents are General Renato de Villa and the N
ational Capital region District Command. Checkpoints may be allowed and install
ed by the government. In its decision, the Court does not legalize all checkpoi
nts, declaring instead that checkpoints are not illegal per se. In fact, checkp
oints are used as security measure in order to entrap criminals, considering rec
ent and on-going events such as the sixth attempted coup d etat staged last Decemb
er 1, 1989, the NPA move against the armed forces, murders, sex crimes and smugg
ling. As long as the vehicle is neither searched nor its occupants subjected to
a body search and the inspection of the vehicle is limited to a visual search,
onable belief that either the motorist is a law-offender or the contents of the
Yes. Completely banning checkpoints is to lose sight of the fact that the real
objective behind their use is necessary. The government has the equal right, un
der its police power, to select the reasonable means and methods for best achiev
ing them. Routine checkpoint stops do not intrude on the motoring public and ca
on whether the government employing the military has the power to install said c
heckpoints, and does not validate nor condone abuses committed by the military m
anning the checkpoints. The Court assumes that the men in uniform are assigned
Petitioners are foreign corporations that lodged a formal complaint with the NBI
for violation of PD No. 49,as amended, a.k.a. Decree on the Protection of Intell
ectual Property and sought its assistance in their anti-film piracy drive. Survei
llance operations of various video establishments in Metro Manila were then made
On November 14, 1987, NBI Senior Agent Lauro C. Reyes applied for a search warra
nt with the court a quo against Sunshine. Agent Reyes and other witnesses, Mr. R
ene C. Baltazar and Atty. Rico V. Domingo, provided affidavits and depositions d
uring the hearing of the application for the warrant. Search Warrant No. 87-053
for violation of sec. 56 of PD No. 49 was then issued. On December 14, 1987, at
1:45 p.m., the warrant was served and a receipt of properties tendered to Mr. Da
On December 16, 1987, A Return of Search Warrant was filed with the Court.
Then, a Motion To Lift the Order of Search Warrant was filed but was later denied
y the court, citing the fact that master tapes of copyrighted films were never p
resented in the proceedings for the issuance of the search warrants in question.
Petitioners thereafter appealed the order of the Trial Court granting private re
spondents motion for reconsideration, to the Court of Appeals. Said appeal was di
smissed and the motion for reconsideration thereof denied. Hence. This petition
etroactive application of the ruling in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. Co
urt of Appeals, et al., promulgated on August 19, 1988 (long after hearing of ap
Whether or not the ruling in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. Court of Appe
als, et al., ordering that for the determination of probable cause to support th
ams, the production of the master tape for comparison with the allegedly pirated
NO. The 20th Century Fox ruling cannot be retroactively applied to the instant c
ase because there was satisfactory compliance with the then prevailing standards
under the law for determination of probable cause. The lower court could not ha
earch warrant other than what the law and jurisprudence, then existing and judic
ss evidence of what the laws mean. According to the Article 8 of the New Civil C
all form part of the legal system. The settled rule supported by numerous author
ities is a restatement of the legal maxim legis interpretatio legis vim obtinet th
e interpretation placed upon the written law by a competent court has the force
of law. But when a doctrine of this Court is overruled and a different view is a
dopted, the new doctrine should be applied prospectively, and should not apply t
o parties who had relied on the old doctrine and acted on the faith thereof.
and necessarily inclusive of the order of the lower court dated Nov. 22, 1988, a
re hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The order of the court a quo of September 5, 1
988 upholding the validity of Search Warrant No. 87-053 is hereby REINSTATED and
said court is DIRECTED to take and expeditiously proceed with such appropriate
proceedings as may be called for in this case. Treble costs are further assessed
o Lex prospicit, non respicit the law looks forward not backward
The petitioner sought the assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation (NB
I) to conduct searches and seizures in connection with the latter s anti-film pira
lleged that certain videotape outlets all over the Metro Manila were engaged in
the unauthorized sale and renting out of copyrighted films, in video tape form w
of the outlets pinpointed by the petitioner and subsequently filed three (3) ap
plications for search warrants against the video outlets owned by the private re
spondents. These applications were consolidated and heard by the Regional Trial
On September 4, 1985, the lower court issued the desired search warrants on the
After the raids occurred, respondents then filed for a Motion to Lift Search War
Acting on the Motion to Lift Search Warrants, the lower court issued an order li
fting the warrants issued earlier. The petitioner thereafter filed a motion for
reconsideration, but was denied. The Court of Appeals denied the petitioner fo
Issue: W/N the search warrants were properly lifter by the judge for want of pro
bably cause.
Yes, Based on Sec. 2 Art. 3 of the 1987 Constitution provides that no warrant sh
In the case of Burgos, Sr. vs. Chief of Staff, AFP, the Court had occasion to de
fine probably cause for a valid search as such facts and circumstances which woul
d lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has been
committed and that the objects sought in connection with the offense are in the
place sought to be searched. It was likewise held by the Court that this consti
his witnesses of the facts upon which the issuance of a search warrant may be ju
stified in order to convince the judge, not the individual making the affidavit a
t the private respondents on the ground that it acted on the application for the
a particular film have been committed. The lower court ruled that there was no
probable cause that the private respondents violated PD No. 49. As found by the
lower court, the NBI agents who acted as witnesses did not have personal knowle
dge of the subject matter of their testimony which has the alleged commission of
the offense by the private respondents. Only the petitioner s counsel who was al
so a witness during the application for the issuance of the search warrants stat
ed that he had personal knowledge that the confiscated tapes owned by the privat
e respondents were pirated tapes taken from master tapes belonging to the petiti
oner. However, the lower court did not give much credence to his testimony in v
iew of the fact that the master tapes of the allegedly pirated tapes were not sh
It was thus ruled that the presentation of the master tapes of the copyrighted f
ilms which the pirated films allegedly copied, was necessary for the validity of
search warrants against those who have in their possession the pirated films.
The court cannot presume that duplicate or copied tapes were necessarily reprodu
ial similarity of the purported pirated works to the copyrighted work. Hence, t
he applicant must present to the court the copyrighted films to compare them wit
the copyrighted films cannot serve as basis for the issuance of a search warrant
Moreover, the Court ruled that the questioned warrants were in the nature of gen
eral warrants, against citing the case of Burgos, Sr. vs. Chief of Staff, AFP, w
herein the search warrants in question were declared void by the Supreme Court.
The articles described in the search warrants television sets, video cassette r
ecorders, rewinders, and tape cleaners are articles which can be found in a vide
o tape store engaged in the legitimate business of lending or renting out of vid
eo tapes.
anded the time to prosecute a child sex abuse case if the original statute of li
mitations period had expired and the prosecution of the child sex abuse case was
Facts. The defendant Stogner was charged with child sex abuse for offenses that
occurred between 1955 and 1973, and at the time the offenses were alleged to hav
e occurred the statute of limitations in California was three years. The state o
Issue. Does the Ex Post Facto Clause of the United States Constitution permit th
tatute of limitations.
Held. The United States Supreme Court held that the California law violates the
Ex Post Facto Clause of the United States Constitution. The Court stated that th
e California law threatens the kinds of harm that the Clause seeks to avoid, for
the Clause protects liberty by preventing governments from enacting statutes wit
h manifestly unjust and oppressive retroactive effects. The Court also emphasized
. Finally, the Court stated that numerous courts have concluded that the Ex Post
Petitioner questions the decision of the Court of Appeals which set aside the tw
o orders of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Kalookan City, Branch 122 which de
lis pendens.
Private respondent Willy Denate entered into an agency agreement with petitioner
as its commission agent for the sale of distilled spirits in Davao City.
November 8, 1991 Denate filed a civil action for collection of sum of money agai
nst petitioner in RTC of Davao City. Denate alleged he was entitled to the amoun
December 19, 1991 Petitioner filed complaint for collection of money from Denate
f Kalookan.
February 5, 1992 Denate filed a Motion to Dismiss the case filed against him by
petitioner on the ground of lis pendens, citing the case filed earlier in RTC of
February 14, 1992 petitioner filed its opposition to the Motion to Dismiss.
April 24, 1992 RTC of Kalookan decides that the instant motion was without merit
May 29, 1992 Denate filed Motion for Reconsideration which was denied by the RTC
on July 1, 1992. The case was then elevated to the Court of Appeals which set a
Should the action in the Kalookan RTC be dismissed on the ground of lis pendens?
Yes. To constitute the defense of lis pendens, it must appear that not only are
the parties the same but there is substantial identity in the cause of action an
d relief sought. It is also required that the identity be such that any judgment
which may be rendered in the other would, regardless of which party is successf
All these requisites are present in the instant case. Petitioner s argument that t
he Davao Court had not yet acquired jurisdiction over the parties while the Kalo
okan Court already did is untenable. A civil action is commenced by filing a com
plaint with the court. (Investors Finance Corp. v. Elarde, 163 SCRA 60 1988) Nei
ther is it required that the party be served with summons before lis pendens sho
gainst multiplicity of suits. The principle upon which a plea of another action
pending is sustained is that the latter action is deemed unnecessary and vexatio
us. The rule on litis pendentia does not require that the later case yield to th
e earlier. The criterion used in determining which case should be abated is the
more appropriate action or which court would be in a better position to serve the
interests of justice.
Applying these criteria, and considering that both cases involve a sum of money
collected in and around Davao, the Davao Court would be in a better position to
hear and try the case, as the witnesses and evidence would be coming from said a
In the same year, IDP purchased property in Culiat, Tandang Sora, Q.C.
In 1972, Martial Law was declared and most members fled to escape political pros
Thereafter, two Muslim groups came about, the Carpizo Group and the Abbas/Tamano
In 1986, SEC declared that neither were legitimate IDP. Both were prescribed to
prepare and adopt by-laws for submission. Once approved, elections can occur but
neither adhered
In 1989, with no properly concluded Board of Trustees of the IDP, the Caprizo Gr
oup, sold two lands to private respondent Inglesia Ni Cristo (INC) authorizing M
In 1991, the Tamano Group, filed a petition (SEC case No.4012) before the SEC se
eking to declare null and void the sale of property by the Caprizo Group. Tamana
Meanwhile, the INC filed a civil case no. Q-90-6937 against Ms. Ligon, to comply
with Caprizo s obligations, which was ruled in 1991 in favor of the INC despite t
Tamano Group sought to intervene in the civil case no. Q-90-6937, but was denied
Ligon,then filed in the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari in GRN SP-279
73 which was dismissed so she further petitioned it for review before the Suprem
In 1993, INC filed a Motion of Intervention in SEC case No. 4012 but was denied
IDP-Tamano Group then filed for instant petition for review in 1994 stating the
Not upholding the jurisdiction of the SEC to declare nullity of the sale.
While this pended, the Supreme Court rendered judgment in GRN 107751. Ms. Ligon s
petition denied and affirmed the 1992 decision in CA-G.R No. SP-27973.
Whether or not res judicata applies in the Court of Appeals decision for grantin
Whether or not the Courts of Appeal commit reversible error in setting aside tha
t portion of the SEC s Decision in SEC case no. 4012 which declared the sale of la
NO. Res judicata basically means that the case before the court has already been
resolved by another court, with the same parties, therefore the court at hand s
hould be dismissed. There are two concepts by which res judicata is known. The f
irst being bar by prior judgment where between the first case where the judgment w
as rendered and the second case the judgment was invoked, there is identity in p
arties, subject matters, and cause of action. When the three identities are pres
ent the judgment on the merits rendered in the first constitutes an absolute bar
to the subsequent action. The other concept which is conclusive of judgment , wher
ein there is identity of parties in both cases but no identity of cause of actio
n, then the judgment is conclusive in the second case only as to those matters a
ctually and directly controverted and determined and not as to matters merely in
volve d therein.
Neither of these cases find res judicata because while there is identity in the
subject matter (the IDP property), there is no identity in the parties of both c
YES. The CA committed reversible error as according to Sec 3 and 5 of the Presid
ential Decree No. 902-A, there can be no question as to the authority of the SEC
to pass ruling on who the legitimate Board of Trustees are within a corporation
. Based on this reasoning that they can declare who the Board are, it can also b
e said that they can declare those that are not on the Board or are considered i
llegitimate. Since it was found that no correct elections occurred nor any rulin
g was passed on as to who was the legitimate IDP, Caprizo had no right, under th
e IDP s name to sell any land that belonged to the IDP. This is found in Article 1
318 of the New Civil Code which states that to constitute a valid contract all t
hree elements must be present: consent of the contracting parties, object certai
n which is the subject matter of the contract and cause of obligation which is e
stablished. Clearly, there was no consent of the contracting parties since the C
On March 16, 1989, petitioner Baltazar Villanueva filed a complaint for reconvey
ance of property with damages against Grace Villanueva and Francisco Villanueva.
The complaint was dismissed on October 29, 2990 for failure of the plaintiff and
A motion for reconsideration was filed to reinstate the complaint but was denied
by the Court finding the motion not well taken and not meritorious.
On November 26, 1991, petitioner filed another complaint at the Regional Trial C
ourt, OC, for annulment of title and damages with prayer for a temporary restrai
ning order and/or writ of preliminary injunction involving the same real propert
A motion to dismiss was file by private respondent on the ground that the petiti
The RTC denied the motion to dismiss on the ground that the Court, in the exerci
se of its equity jurisdiction would not disregard the fundamental principle that
the rules of procedure are not to be applied with rigidity since they are desig
Furthermore, the petitioner filed a Supplemental Complaint. The same was admitte
The private respondents moved to dismiss raising once again the reasons for foru
The private respondents filed a petiotion for certiorari with the Court of Appea
The C.A rendered a decision upholding the ground for dismissal but urge private
respondents there to elevate this decision to the Supreme Court who alone has po
Whether or not res judicata applies to the two complaints filed by the petitione
If res judicata is applicable, whether or not the facts and circumstances are ju
substantial justice?
Yes, res judicata applies to both cases since all four elements for res judicata
c) It must have been rendered by a court having jurisdiction over the sueje
d) There must be, between the first and second actions, identity of parties
No, because the facts and circumstances are not justifiable for the relaxation o
f res judicata. The records show no reason for petitioner s failure to prosecute.
The motion for reconsideration was likewise denied for not being well-taken and
e should have filed an appeal, therefrom, instead of allowing said order to beco
me final and executory. The fact that petitioner did not further pursue the matt
ized that it was not worth continuing the case. Moreover, it took him ten months
to file the second case after the dismissal of the first, exhibiting a lackadai
sical attitude unworthy of judicial sympathy. For his fault and complacence, pet
itioner cannot now take refuge under the rule that justice should not be sacrifi
ce to technicality.
1. The state (Alabama) requires each corporation doing business in that state to
pay a franchise tax based upon the firm s capital.
Domestic firm (organized under the laws of Alabama) must pay tax in an a
Foreign firm (organized under the laws of a state other than Alabama) mu
st pay tax in an amt. Equal to 0.3% of the value of the actual amount of capital
employed in Alabama
Alabama law grants domestic firms considerable leeway in controlling their own t
ax base and liability as the firm can set its stock s value at a level well below
its book or market value. Alabama law does not grant a foreign firm the same ben
In 1986, the Reynolds company and 3 other foreign corporations sued Alabama s tax
authorities because they wanted a refund of the foreign franchise tax they had p
aid on the reason that the tax discriminated against foreign corporations. Thoug
h this tax law may benefit the foreign companies, it was more beneficial for loc
al companies because the latter can shrink its tax base significantly simply by
setting the par value of its stock at a low level. As a result, accdg to Reynold
s, the tax burden that the foreign corps. has was much higher than the burden on
domestic corporations and the tax thus violated both the Commerce and Equal pro
The Alabama Supreme court rejected the claims. W/o denying that the franchise ta
While the Supreme Court was deciding on that, a different foreign corp, South Ce
ntral Bell (SCB) brought this lawsuit. They had the same claim as Reynolds thoug
h in different tax years. They agreed to wait for the outcome of the former clai
e domestic corps pay does not offset discrimination in the franchise tax. The tr
ial court agreed with the Bell plaintiffs that their evidence, taken together wi
th the recent Com. Clause cases, clearly and abundantly demonstrates that the fra
nchise tax on foreign corps. Discriminates against them for no other reason than
The state, argued that the Alabama SC s decision rested upon an adequate state gro
und namely state-law principles. The SC rejected its plaintiffs claims on the mer
its and relied upon Reynolds Metals. There is no valid defense that could be mad
Turning to the merits, it is concluded that this court s commerce clause precedent
The basic question of this case is whether the franchise tax Alabama assesses on
Whether the Alabama courts refusal to permit the Bell s plaintiffs to raise their c
eprived the plaintiffs of the due process of law guaranteed by the fourteenth ame
The decision of the Alabama Supreme Court is reversed and the case is remanded f
Rather than dispute any of these matters, the State says that the flaw in the pet
itioners claim lies not in the application to the Alabama s corporate franchise tax
of this Court s recent negative CC cases. The flaw lies rather in the negative CC
cases themselves. The State adds that the Court should formally reconsider and aba
THUS answered the court, We will not entertain this invitation however because t
he State did not make clear it intended to make this argument until it filed its
Turning to the merits, it is concluded that this court s commerce clause precedent
requires us to hold Alabama s franchise tax unconstitutional.
Justice Connor, concurring the state s failure to properly raise its challenge to o
ur negative commerce clause supports a decision not to pass on the merits of thi
s claim.
e s invitation to reconsider our negative CC doctrine in this case because the Stat
e did not make clear it intended to make this argument until it filed its brief
on the merits.
n the power of the states to regulate the economy.€ At least four possible interpr
etations of the Commerce Clause have been proposed.€ First, it has been suggested
that the Clause gives Congress the exclusive power to regulate commerce.€ Under th
rce.€ Second, it has been suggested that the Clause gives Congress and the states
concurrent power to regulate commerce.€ Under this view, state regulation of comme
rce is invalid only when it is preempted by federal law.€ Third, it has been sugge
sted that the Clause assumes that Congress and the states each have their own mu
the job of the courts to determine whether one sovereign has invaded the exclus
ive regulatory zone of the other.€ Finally, it has been suggested that the Clause
by its own force divests states of the power to regulate commerce in certain way
s, but the states and Congress retain concurrent power to regulate commerce in m
any other ways.€ This fourth interpretation, a complicated hybrid of two others, t
urns out to be the approach taken by the Court in its decisions interpreting the
Commerce Clause.
The defendant A. Bignay, along with co-accused D.Pinuila and Conrado Diaz, were
charged in the Court of First Instance of Negros Oriental, with the murder of th
arge No. 560 of the Visayan Stevedoring Company, which was at that time anchored
offshore from the mouth of the Victorias River in the municipality of Victorias
in the province of Negros Oriental. The mastermind of the crime was D.Pinuila,
who had a grudge against the victim, and it was he who paid the other two an amo
unt of two pesos each for their help in killing B.Dideroy. They were witnessed b
shipmate of the victim, who awoke and managed to survive the attack; he positive
ly identified them later at the trial. A motion for dismissal was filed by the d
efense on the grounds that the jurisdiction of the Court had not yet been establ
ished as the scene of the crime was on a boat floating offshore and not actually
e Court and the case dismissed, but this was appealed by the Government. Despite
the objections of the defense who invoked the principle of double-jeopardy, the
Court of Appeals decided on March 28,1952 that the jurisdiction of the trial co
urt had indeed been proven, therefore the appeal of the Government did not invol
interim however, the accused were released due to a court order by a petition fo
r habeas corpus, and only A.Bignay was able to be reapprehended for a resumption
of criminal proceedings. During the retrial, the defense no longer raised the i
ssue of double jeopardy, and concentrated on the issue of the validity of eviden
ce beyond reasonable doubt. The defendant was found guilty of having committed m
urder, but after taking into consideration the time he had already spent incarce
rated before his release and after his rearrest, a total of 7 years, as well as
his voluntary surrender and other factors, the court became inclined to be lenie
en found him entitled to the minimum degree of the penalty for the crime reclusi
on temporal, thus sentencing him to a term of not less than 12 years of prsion m
ajor and not more than 17 years, 4 months, and 1 day of reclusion temporal. Howe
ver, while the case was discussed and before it was voted upon, Chief Justice Pa
ras raised the question of double-jeopardy and claimed that the defendant should
be acquitted.
No. In the opinion of the Court, with 9 justices concurring and 2 dissenting, th
e defendant has already been proven guilty indeed beyond reasonable doubt, and t
he question of double-jeopardy had already been answered when the Court revoked
the original order for dismissal of the trial court and remanded the case for fu
rther proceedings, in the process ruling that appeal did not violate prohibition
against double-jeopardy. Since the ruling had already long been decided, it sho
uld have already become "the law of the case", meaning that it could not be modi
fied or changed anymore, especially since the defense failed to raise the questi
er of that particular defense. Furthermore, while the "law of the case" rule is
Solid Manila Corp. owned a parcel of land in the vicinity of another parcel owne
d by Bio Hong Trading Co., Inc.
The private respondent (i.e., Bio Hong Trading Co., Inc.) acquired the land from
a prior owner who, in the deed of sale, indicated an easement of way (covering
ivate alley
In consideration for the easement, the prior owner decreased the selling price b
y Php 287,200
The construction of the private alley was annotated in the private respondent s ti
alley shall remain open at all times, and no obstructions whatsoever shall be pla
ced thereon
Sometime in 1983, private respondent constructed steel gates that precluded unha
While the appeal of the private respondent at the Court of Appeals (CA) was in p
rogress for the original case, the private respondent filed for a petition at th
e Regional Trial Court (RTC) to cancel the annotation. The court granted such p
Whether or not the CA erroneously reversed the trial court s summary judgement?
Whether or not the CA erroneously held that merger had extinguished the easement
The Supreme Court (SC) ruled in favor of the petitioner on both counts. The dec
ision of the CA was set aside; the RTC s decision was however reinstated. Additio
nally, the private respondent and its counsel were asked to show cause why they
should not be punished for contempt of court. The counsel was also facing admin
The Supreme Court found merit on the petition with regard to the summary judgmen
t rendered by the RTC. The SC invalidated the private respondent s defense of mer
ger because of the defense s impossibility. Also, the SC ruled that the sale undo
ubtedly preserved the existing easement which affirmed the RTC s decision to rende
t the last bullet point of the case facts concerning the nullification of the ea
sement (i.e., the annotation) became the LAW OF THE CASE. By the CA s decision, t
he rights of the parties regarding the easement were established. This was used
The SC ruled that there was no merger since there was no full ownership of both
lands. Besides, the SC pointed out that the servitude was a personal one.
. INC.
That on March 1, 1969, the union decided to stage a mass demonstration at Malaca
nang on March 4 to protest against alleged abuses of the Pasig police. Those par
ticipating in the demonstration are workers in the 1st shift, regular 2nd and 3r
d shifts.
The Company warned the union that the workers of the 1st shift, without leave of
absence approved by the company who fail to report on March 4 shall be dismisse
Another meeting was convoked at 5 pm reiterating the same and appealing to the P
BMEO but the union countered that it was too late to change their plans.
March 4, at 950 am, PBMEO adviser Wilfred Ariston sent a cablegram to the compan
Company filed charges against petitioner in the 1st shit with violation of the C
Under the Court of Industrial Relations (CIR), PBMEO was found guilty of bargain
ing in bad faith and the officers of PBMEO, as a consequence, were considered to
On Sept 19, petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration of said order dated S
ep 15 on the grounds that it is contrary to law and evidence as well asked for 1
Their motion was 2 days late according to the rules of CIR and accordingly DISMI
W/N the of the motion for reconsideration filed by PBMEO which was DISMISSED be
reversed and the officers of the PBMEO who were removed from employment be reins
Yes. The decision of the CIR to dismiss the petition based on technicality (bein
g 2 days late) was rendered null and void. (The constitutional rights have domin
ance over procedural rules.) And, the company was directed to reinstate the eigh
t officers with full backpay from date of separation minus the one day s pay and w
hatever earnings they might have realized from other sources during their separa
tion from service. (The removal from employment of the officers were deemed too
The decision in this case which was death penalty through lethal injection has b
een declared final and executory by Judge Thelma A. Ponferrada, RTC Br. 104, Que
zon City.
The Secretary of Justice compelled the Judge Ponferrada to give him a certified
true copy of the Warrant of Execution dated Nov. 17, 1998 bearing the date of ex
ecution of convice Leo Echegaray for there was no exact date published.
A Very Urgent Motion for Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order was filed by pe
titioner on December 28, 1998 due to supervening events about the review and rep
eal of R.A. 7659 (Death Penalty Law) and R.A. 8177 (Lethal Injection Law).
The Supreme Court held a special session on January 4, 1999 to deliberate on pet
The Supreme Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order and suspended the executi
The Solicitor General filed a Supplemental Motion to Urgent Motion for Reconside
ration stating that the Congress would reject any move to review R.A. No. 7659.
The Supreme Court granted the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration and Supplemental
Motion to Urgent Motion for Reconsideration and lifted the Temporary Restrainin
Whether or not the rule on finality of judgment has deprived the Supreme Court o
No. The finality of judgment does not mean that the Court has lost all its powe
stice Camilo Quiason on this issue: the finality of a judgment does not mean tha
t the court has lost all its powers over the case. By the finality of a judgmen
t, what the court loses is its jurisdiction to amend, modify or alter the same.
Even after the judgment has become final the court retains jurisdiction to exec
ute and enforce it. There is a difference between the jurisdiction of the court
to execute its judgment and its jurisdiction to amend, modify or alter the same
. The former continues even after the judgment has become final for the purpose
of enforcement of judgment; the latter terminates when the judgment becomes fin
Facts: In the May 11, 1998 elections, petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada was el
ent. Both petitioner and the respondent were to serve a six-year term commencing
on June 30, 1998. On October 4, 2000. Ilocos Sur Governor, Luis "Chavit" Singso
n went on air and accused the petitioner, his family and friends of receiving mi
Senator Teofisto Guingona, Jr., then the Senate Minority Leader, accused the pet
itioner of receiving some P220 million in jueteng money from Governor Singson fr
om November 1998 to August 2000. He also charged that the petitioner took from G
overnor Singson P70 million on excise tax on cigarettes intended for Ilocos Sur.
Calls for the resignation of the petitioner filled the air. However, petitioner
strenuously held on to his office and refused to resign. This led to the resign
ation of economic advisers, department heads, etc. on November 13, House Speaker
ns in both houses of Congress. On November 20, the Senate formally opened the im
e was one foot away from petitioner Estrada when he affixed the signature "Jose
ank on February 4, 2000. On January 11, Atty. Edgardo Espiritu who served as pet
itioner's Secretary of Finance took the witness stand. He alleged that the petit
ioner jointly owned BW Resources Corporation with Mr. Dante Tan who was facing c
harges of insider trading. January 16, when by a vote of 11-10 the senator-judge
s ruled against the opening of the second envelope which allegedly contained evi
dence showing that petitioner held P3.3 billion in a secret bank account under t
he name "Jose Velarde." By midnight, thousands had assembled at the EDSA Shrine
and speeches were delivered against the petitioner and the eleven senators. On J
anuary 19, the fall from power of the petitioner appeared inevitable. January 20
, at 12:20 a.m., the first round of negotiations for the peaceful and orderly tr
ansfer of power started at Malacañang Mabini Hall. Outside the palace, there was a
brief encounter at Mendiola between pro and anti-Estrada protesters which resul
ted in stone-throwing and caused minor injuries. The negotiations consumed all m
orning until the news broke out that Chief Justice Davide would administer the o
ath to respondent Arroyo at high noon at the EDSA Shrine. At about 12:00 noon, C
he Philippines. At 2:30 p.m., petitioner and his family hurriedly left Malacañang
Palace. On January 22, the Monday after taking her oath, respondent Arroyo immed
iately discharged the powers the duties of the Presidency. On February 7, the Se
nate passed Resolution No. 83 declaring that the impeachment court is functus of
ficio and has been terminated. After his fall, the petitioner's legal problems a
l panel. The petitioner filed for a petition with a prayer of preliminary injunc
1. No. The cases at bar pose legal and not political questions.
2. No. The cases filed against petitioner Estrada are criminal in character
and graft and corruption. These crimes, especially plunder which carries the dea
The petitions of Joseph Ejercito Estrada challenging the respondent Gloria Macap
On December 31, 2003, Ronald Allan Kelley, also known as Fernando Poe, Jr., file
the Philippines under the Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino Party at the Commis
mself in his COC for he was not a natural born Filipino. He was able to produce
several public documents that supported his petition to the COMELEC. On January
23, 2004, the COMELEC dismissed the petition for lack of merit. The petitioner s
oon after filed for reconsideration but it was denied on February 6, 2004. Four
days after, February 10, 2004, the petitioner assailed the decision of the COMEL
W/n Ronald Allan Kelley Poe a.k.a. Fernando Poe Jr. is a natural born Filipino c
itizen or not.
YES. FPJ is a natural-born Filipino as it was proven that his father was also a
Filipino citizen. This statement in turn was proven as documents were able to sh
ow that Lorenzo Pou, FPJ s grandfather, was a Filipino. The death certificate of P
uo presented by the respondent shows that Pou died at the age of 84 in 1954 in P
angasinan. By taking into account Pou s age at the year of his death, he would hav
e been born in 1870. Furthermore, the petitioner was not able to show that Pou w
as not in the Philippines during this period of time. It would then have to be a
ssumed that Pou was in the Philippine Islands all this time. This would make Pou
a Filipino citizen by virtue of the Philippine Bill of 1902 which declared that
Filipino citizens are those who resided in the Philippine Islands. Pou s citizens
hip would then extend to his son, Allan F. Poe, father of FPJ. By the time FPJ w
as born, the 1935 Constitution had taken into effect and it had declared that ch
s fact also erases any doubts that were raised by the petitioner that FPJ was al
so illegitimate which would have prevented him from taking on the citizenship of
his father.
Petitioners are the parents of Nancy Beth Cruzan who filed a certiorari with the
A car accident left Nancy Cruzan in a persistent vegetative state. After it beca
me apparent that Nancy Cruzan had practically no chance of regaining her mental
faculties, her parents asked the hospital employees to terminate the artificial
nutrition and hydration procedures keeping her alive. The employees refused to h
item was appointed for their daughter. Following the hearing, the Missouri trial
court, directed the employees of the hospital to carry out the parent s request.
Because based on the evidence, Nancy Cruzan will never recover because of the gr
However, both the state and the guardian ad litem appealed the decision. The Sup
although the woman was in a persistent vegetative state, she was neither dead with
the woman s right to refuse treatment whether such right proceeded from a constitu
tional right of privacy or common-law right to refuse treatment did not outweigh M
the woman s conversation with her housemate was unreliable for the purpose of dete
rmining her intent, and thus insufficient to support the parents claim to exercis
no person could assume the choice of terminating medical treatment for an incomp
etent person in the absence of either formalities required under the living will
statute or clear and convincing, inherently reliable evidence, which was absent i
Whether or not, the Due Process Clause allows Missouri to require an incompetent
ining treatment be proved by clear and convincing evidence held not violative of
The due process clause of the Federal Constitution Fourteenth Amendment did not
ing evidence, and thus a state could apply such standard in proceedings where a
The Missouri Supreme Court did not commit constitutional error in deciding that
the woman s desire to have hydration and nutrition withdrawn was not proved at tri
al pursuant to the standard of clear and convincing evidence enunciated by the c
Since the due process clause did not require a state to repose the right to judg
t withdrawn with anyone but the patient herself, a state was not required to rep
ose a right of substituted judgment as to such decision with close family member
s of the patient, and it could choose to defer to only the patient s wishes.
William Jefferson Clinton, was elected president in 1992 and re-elected in 1996.€
His term expires Jan. 20, 2001.€ In 1991 he was governor of State of Arkansas.€ Paul
a Corbin Jones lived in Arkansas in 1991 and was employee of the Arkansas Indust
rmer State Police officer, as defendants.€ The complaint alleges two federal claim
The allegations were that- on May 8, 1991 during an official conference held at
the Excelsior Hotel in Arkansas, the petitioner alleges that Ferguson persuaded
her to leave her desk and to visit the petitioner in a business suite at the hot
rejected.€ Respondent further claims that her superiors at work subsequently dealt
with her in a hostile and rude manner and changed her duties to punish her for
rejecting those advances.€ Finally, respondent alleges that after petitioner was e
implied she had accepted petitioner's alleged overtures and that various persons
authorized to speak for the president publicly branded her a liar by denying th
may refile the instant suit.€ DC Judge denied the motion on immunity grounds but o
rdered any trial stayed until the ends of petitioner's presidency.€ Both parties a
ppealed.€ A divided panel of the Court of Appeals affirmed the denial of the motio
Whether or not the contention of petitioner that he has immunity from suit groun
of his office and not beyond the scope of any action taken in an official capaci
ty.€ "The sphere of protected action must be related closely to the immunity's jus
tifying purposes."
Freedman exhibited the film Revenge at Daybreak at his Baltimore theater without s
In 1927, defendant J.M. Near, publisher of a periodical known as The Saturday Pre
Near was charged with violation of a state statute. Chapter 285 of the Session L
aws of Minnesota for the year 1925 which provides for the abatement, as a public
Complainant alleged that The Saturday Press, on September 24, 1927 and on 8 subs
equent dates until November 19, 1927, published articles which were malicious, sc
andalous and defamatory concerning certain public officials the Minneapolis Tribu
ne, the Jewish race and members of the grand jury impaneled in November, 1927.
The district court found the defendant guilty. Judgment was entered that The Sat
urday Press as a public nuisance and enjoined the defendants from producing, edit
aper as defined by law and also from further conducting said nuisance under the
name and title of said The Saturday Press or any other name or title.
Near appealed from this judgment to the Minnesota Supreme Court. The Court affir
press guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment which protects press from previous rest
raint on publication.
malicious, scandalous or
ss guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment. The fact that the public officers named i
n the case and those associated with the charges of official dereliction, may be
deemed impeccable, cannot affect the conclusion that the statute imposes an unc
Cayat, a native of Baguio, Benguet, Mountain Province, was prosecuted for violat
ing sections 2 and 3 of Act No. 1639. Cayat, a member of the non-Christian tribe
s had willfully, unlawfully, and illegally received, acquired, and have in his p
ossession and his control, a bottle of A-1-1 gin, an intoxicating liquor, other
than the so-caled native wines and liquors which the members of that tribes have
accustomed themselves t make prior to the passage of Act No. 1639. The trial co
urt have found him guilty of the crime and charged him to pay a fine of fifty pe
Section 2 of Act No. 1639 states that it is unlawful for any native of the Phili
iquors of any kind other than the so-called native wines and liquors which the m
embers of such tribes have been accustomed themselves prior to the passage of th
e Act and it is the duty of any police officer to seize and destroy any such liq
Section 3 of Act No. 1639 states that any violation of the provisions of section
s 1 and 2 of this Act shall be punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred
the court€
The Act was created because the free use of highly intoxicating liquors by the n
on-Christian tribes have often resulted in lawlessness and crimes thereby hamper
ing the efforts of the Government to raise their standard of life and civilizati
The appellant challenges the constitutionality of Act 1639 on the following grou
nds: a.) that it is discriminatory and denies the equal protection of the laws;
b.) that it is violative of the due process clause of the constitution; and c.)
Whether or not Act 1639 is unconstitutional on the following grounds: a.) that i
t is discriminatory and denies the equal protection of the laws; b.) that it is
violative of the due process clause of the constitution; and c.) that it is an i
1. Act 1639 is not discriminatory and it does not deny the equal protection of t
he laws. The counsel for the appellant mentioned that the Act causes discriminat
ion among non-Christian tribes. Act 1639 was created to secure peace and harmony
and not meant to mar the civilization and culture of these tribes. The guarante
easonable classification such as Act No. 1639. Under the constitution, for an Ac
ne to the purposes of the law, must not be limited to existing conditions only,
Act 1639 rests on substantial distinctions because the Act was intended to meet
the peculiar conditions to meet the peculiar conditions existing in the non-Chri
stian tribes.
Act 1639 is germane to the purposes of the law. It is designed to ensure peace a
the lower courts, the free use of highly intoxicating liquor by the non-Christia
n tribes often resulted to lawlessness and crimes thereby hampering the Governme
Act 1639 is not limited to existing conditions only. The Act is intended to appl
y for all times as long as those conditions exists. The legislature understood t
hat civilization is a slow process and with it must go measures of security and
2. Act 1639 does not violate the due process clause of the constitution. The app
ellant contends that the provision of law empowering any police officer to seize
and destroy any prohibited liquors found unlawfully in the possesion of a membe
notices and hearings are not necessary to constitute the due process of law. The
due process of law means simply: that there shall be a law prescribed in harmon
y with the general powers of the legislative department of the government; that
o all citizens of the state or to all of a class. Thus, for example, a person s pr
operty ay be seized by the government in payment for taxes w/o judicial hearing.€
3. Act No. 1639 is not an improper exercise of the police power of the state. An
a legitimate exercise of the police power. Act No. 1639 is designed to promote p
eace and order in the non-Christian tribes so as to remove all obstacles to thei
r moral and intellectual growth and eventually hasten their unification and equa
Act No. 1639 does not seek to mark non-Christian tribes as inferior. The Governm
ent has endeavored to raise their culture and civilization to secure them the be
nefits of their progress with the ultimate end of placing them with their other
On August 14, 1987, between 10:00 and 11:00 AM, appellant Andre Marti and common
-law wife Shirley Reyes went to the booth of the Manila Packaging and Export Serv
The proprietress, Anita Reyes, asked for the packages to be examined and inspect
The supposed content of the packages were books, cigars and gloves.
The proprietor, Job Reyes, following standard operating procedure before final d
elivery to Bureau of Customs and/or Bureau of Posts, opened the boxes for final
inspection. A peculiar odor emanated from the glove box, his curiosity aroused,
at about 1:30 PM of the same day. After being interviewed by the Chief of the N
arcotics Section, Mr. Reyes and 3 NBI agents and a photographer proceeded to Mr.
The packages that supposed to contain cigars and books were opened by Mr. Reyes
and was also discovered to contain dried leaves, which were dried marijuana leav
The NBI agents made an inventory and took charge of the boxes after signing Recei
On August 27, 1987, the appellant was invited by the NBI to shed light on the at
tempted shipment of the dried marijuana leaves, which were examined by the Foren
The appellant denied that the packages were his, instead he claimed that after a
30 minute conversation with a German national named Michael, the latter request
ed him to ship the packages and gave him P2,000 for the cost of shipment because
the German was about to leave the country the following day.
The lower court convicted the appellant of violating RA 6425, or the Dangerous D
rugs Act.
Whether the lower court erred in admitting in evidence the illegally searched an
Whether the lower court erred in convicting appellant despite the undisputed fac
t that his rights under the constitution while under custodial proceedings were
not observed.
Whether the lower court erred in not giving credence to the explanation of the a
against the government and its agencies tasked with the enforcement of the law.
Thus it can only be invoked against the State to whom the restraint against arb
the request of the law enforcers, a warrant must be generally be first secured i
and private purposes, and without the intervention of police authorities, the r
ight of unreasonable search and seizure cannot be invoked for only the act of pr
Records show that there is nothing to indicate, an undisputed fact, that appellan
t was not informed of his constitutional rights or that he gave statements witho
ut assistance of counsel.
e from the mouth of a credible witness but it must be credible in itself such as
the common experience and observation of mankind can approve as probable under
artin. That petitioner accused her husband of infidelity. That on March 26, 1982
, petitioner went to the clinic of private respondent, who is a doctor of medici
ne, without the consent of the latter. That on the same date mentioned, petition
er opened the drawers and cabinet of her husband and took 157 documents and pape
rs consisting of private correspondence between Dr. Martin and his alleged param
ours. The documents found by petitioner were seized for use as evidence in a cas
e for legal separation filed by Zulueta. Dr. Martin brought this action below fo
r recovery of the documents and papers and for damages against petitioner.
The Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch X, decided in favor of private respon
dent, declaring him the capital/exclusive owner of properties described and orderin
g petitioner to return the properties to Dr. Martin and pay him nominal and mora
l damages and attorney s fees, and cost of the suit. Furthermore, petitioner and h
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision made by the Regional Trial
HELD:€NO. The Supreme Court held that the documents and papers in question are ina
is no less applicable simply because it is the wife (who thinks herself aggriev
ed by her husband s infidelity) who is the party against whom the constitutional p
ion is if there is a lawful order [from a] court or when public safety or order r
on of this provision renders the evidence obtained inadmissible for any purpose i
n any proceeding. (Sec.3,Par.2,Art.III,1987 Consti)
A person, by contracting marriage does not shed his/her integrity or his right t
o him or to her.
The law ensures absolute freedom of communication between the spouses by making
it privileged. Neither husband nor wife may testify for or against the other wit
hout consent of the affected spouse while the marriage subsists. (Sec.22,Rule130
,Rules of Court). Neither maybe examined without the consent of the other as to
any communication received in confidence by one from the other during the marria
Goesaert v. Cleary
335 US 404€
Facts: The case is an appeal from the US District Court for the Eastern District
i and Caroline McMahon against Owen J. Cleary and others to restrain the enforce
ment of Pub.Acts Mich.1945, No. 133, 19a. from a judgment denying an injunction
of the enforcement of the Michigan law. The particular public act is claimed to
be in violation of the equal protection clause that the state of Michigan is pla
ying favorites among women without rhyme and reason by making an exception in fa
vor of the wives and daughters of the owners of the liquor establishment instead
The judgment was affirmed with Justice Rutledge, Justice Douglas and Justice Mur
phy dissenting.
Whether or not the enforcement of Public Acts of Michigan 1945, No. 133, 19a is
Pub.Acts Mich 1945, No. 133 19a: Michigan Statue requiring licensing of bartende
less she is the wife or daughter of the male owner of licensed liquor establishm
ns or groups of persons in the incidence of a law, but does not require situatio
re the same
No. Although Michigan cannot forbid females generally from being barmaids/barten
ders and at the same time make an exception in favor of the wives and daughters
of the owners of liquor establishments, the US Constitution does not require sit
uations which are different in fact or opinion to be treated in law as though the
y were the same. Michigan has not violated its duty to afford equal protection of
its laws since bartending by women may, in allowable legislative judgment, give ri
se to moral and social problems against which it may devise preventive measures,
reduce the moral and social problems otherwise calling for prohibition. The Michi
gan law therefore believes that ownership of a bar by a barmaid s husband or fathe
Dissenting Judges: The statute should be held invalid as a denial of equal prote
ction for the statute arbitrarily discriminates between male and female owners o
f liquor establishments. While a male owner may employ his wife or daughter as b
armaids, a female bar owner may neither work as a barmaid herself nor employ her
p order.
In 1977, respondent Darren Boerckel was tried in the Circuit of Montgomery Count
y, Illinois, for the rape, burglary, and aggravated battery of an 87-year-old wo
Jury convicted him on all three charges. Sentenced to 20-60 years in prison on r
Boerckel appealed to Appellate Court of Illinois. His claims were rejected. The
Boerckel next filed a petition for leave to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court
. The Illinois Supreme Court denied the petition for leave to appeal, and this C
In 94, Boerckel filed a pro se petition for a writ of habeas corpus under 28 USC
S 2554 in the US Dictrict Court for the Central District of Illinois. The amende
that Boerckel had not knowingly and intelligently waived his Miranda rights
that the evidence against him was insufficient to sustain the conviction
that his right to discovery of exculpatory material under Brady v. Maryland (196
3) was violated
Boerckel amended federal habeas petition raised three claims he had not included
ISSUE: whether a state prisoner must present his claims to a state supreme court
HELD: In order to satisfy the exhaustion requirement, a state prisoner must pres
ent his claims to a state supreme court in a petition for discretionary review w
hen that review is part of the State s ordinary appellate review procedure.
Respondents Smith and Black were fired by a private drug rehabilitation organiza
tion because they ingested peyote, a hallucinogenic drug, for sacramental purpos
yment compensation were denied by the State of Oregon under a state law disquali
e respondent s First Amendment free exercise rights, the State Court of Appeals re
versed. State Supreme Court affirmed but vacated judgment and remanded for a det
tance law, which makes it felony to knowingly or intentionally possess the drug.
Pending that determination, the Court refused to decide whether such use is pro
tected in the Constitution. State Supreme Court held that sacramental peyote use
violated, and was not excepted from the state law prohibition, but concluded th
use of that drug; where there is no contention that the state s drug law represen
hose beliefs
The free exercise of religion clause thus permitted Oregon to deny unemployment
benefits to persons dismissed from their jobs because of such religiously inspir
ed use
rdening a particular religious practice need not be justified, under free exerci
Facts :
annul and set aside the Warrants of Arrest issued against petitioners by respond
ents Judges Raul E. de Leon and Amelita Tolentino in Crim. Case No. 95-404
Enjoin the respondents from conducting any proceeding in the aforementioned crim
inal case
dismiss said criminal case or include Jessica Alfaro as one of the accused there
On June 19, 1994, the NBI filed with the DOJ a letter-complaint charging petitio
ilart, Hospicio Fernandez, Artemio Ventura, Peter Estrada, and Gerardo Biong wit
As a result, the DOJ formed a panel of prosecutors headed by Assistant Chief Sta
harged with rape and killing on June 30, 1991 Carmela N. Vizconde (19yrs), Estra
llita Nicolas-Vizconde(51yrs./mom) and Anne Marie Jennifer(7yrs./sister) in thei
Sworn statement dated May 22, 1995 of their principal witness Maria Jessica M. A
Sworn statements of two of the former housemaids of the Webb Family in the perso
Sworn statement of Carlos J. Cristobal who alleged that on March 9, 1991, he was
a passenger of UA Flt No. 808 bound for new york and who expressed doubt on whe
Sworn statement of Lolita Birrer, a former live-in partner of Gerardo Biong, who
narrated the manner of how Biong investigated and tried to cover up the crime.
Sworn statements of Belen Dometita and Teofilo Minoza, two of the Vizconde maids
, and statements of Normal White (security guard), and Manciano Gatmaitan (engr)
Autopsy reports showing that Carmela had 9 stab wounds, Estrellita 12, and Jenni
fer 19. The genital examination of Carmela confirmed the presence of spermatozoa
Petitioner Webb before submitting his counter-affidavit, filed with DOJ a Motion
for Production and Examination of Evidence and Documents for the NBI to produce
the following.
on to and stay of Hubert Webb in the United States from March 9,1991, to October
Lab Report SN-91-17 of the Medico Legal Officer, Dr. Prospero Cabanayan, M.D.
Sworn statements of Gerardo C. Biong other than the S.S. dated Oct 7,1991
Photographs and fingerprints lifted from the Vizconde Residence taken during th
e investigation
List of names of 135suspects investigated by the NBI per Progress Report dated S
Records of Arrest, Interview, and other written statements of Jessica Alfaro oth
er than the May 22,1995 conducted by the NBI and other police agencies
Transmittal letter to the NBI, including the reports of investigation conducted
Names of NBI officials/agents composing the task force Jecares, including their
The DOJ granted the motion and the NBI submitted photocopies of the documents. N
BI alleged that it lost the original of the April 28, 1995 S.S. of Alfaro. This
compelled Webb to file Civil Case No. 951099 in the RTC of Makati, Br,. 63 for t
he purpose of obtaining the original said sworn statement. Later on, Atty. Artur
decus tecum. The Original was submitted by petitioner Webb to DOJ with other evi
dence. Webb failed to receive the copy of BU Report despite his request for its
Petitioner Webb claims that he didn t commit the crime since he left for the U.S.M
arch 1,1991, and returned Oct. 27, 1992. This alibi was reinforced by Honesto Ar
agon, Lecinia Edrosolano, Sylvia Climaco, Gina Roque, Sonia Rodriguez, Edgardo V
Bought a bought a bicycle and a 1986 toyota during the period, and was issued by
the state of California Driver s License No. A8818707 on June 14, 1991.
Submitted a letter dated July 25, 1995 of Mr. Robert Heafner, Legal Atache of th
e US Embassy, citing certain records tending to confirm, among others, his arriv
driguez, and Gerardo Biong submitted S.S. and responses and a motion to dismiss
ugh they were served with subpoena in their last known address.
Gatchalian, in his S.S.alleged that from 11p.m. of June 29, 1991 until 3a.m. of
the following day, he was at the residence of his friends, Carlos and Andrew Syy
ap, at New Alabang Village, watching video tapes. Also claims petitioner Lejano
On Aug. 8, 1995, the DOJ panel issued a resolution finding Probable Cause to hol
d respondents for Trial and recommended that an Information for rape with homici
de be filed against petitioners and their co-respondents. This was filed in the
RTC of Paranaque under CC No. 95-404 and raffled to branch 258 presided by Judge
Zosimo V. Escano. It was however Judge Raul de Leon, pairing Judge of Judge Esc
Aug 11, 1995, Judge Escano voluntarily inhibited himself from the case to avoid
an suspicion about his impartiality considering his employment with the NBI befo
The case was re-raffled to Branch 274, presided by Judge Amelita Tolentino, who
Aug 11, 1995, petitioner Webb voluntarily surrendered to the police at Camp Ric
ardo Papa Sr., Bicutan. The rest gave themselves up after filing their own petit
Judges de Leon and Tolentino gravely abused their discretion when they failed to
DOJ panel also gravely abused in holding that there is probable cause to charge
them with rape and homicide.
DOJ panel denied them their constitutional right to due process during their pre
liminary investigation
DOJ Panel unlawfully intruded into judicial prerogative when it failed to charge
After going through the S.S., the DOJ Panel then weighed these inculpatory evide
nce against the exculpatory evidence stating basically that..
The documents by respondent Webb to support his alibi can t outweigh the evidence
because he alleged that he was issued several documents in the US, this does not
mean that he couldn t have been in the country. Just because a receipt was issued
containing the respondents name does not guarantee that it was the actual buyer
The procedure entailing the issuance of the Warrant of Arrest was completed. (se
Judges Tolentino and Lejano did not gravely abuse since the issuance of the warr
ant. The issuance of the warrant does not solely depend on their complete and pe
c. The alibi defense of Webb was disputed by the S.S. of their former maids
The respondents were not deprived of their rights, in fact they were proactive i
Alfaro qualified under the qualifications of State Witness. (RA 6982 sec 10)
d. There is absolute necessity for the testimony of the accused whose disch
arge is requested
aterial points.
h. Said accused has not at any time been convicted of any offense involving
moral turpitude.
not negate its use by a person under investigation when indispensable to protec
wHEREFORE, the petitions are dismissed for lack of showing of grave abuse of disc
Petitioners are people who filed the request to the Sandiganbayan for this Court
to allow the live television and radio coverage of the trial in the mentioned C
ourt of the plunder cases against the former President Joseph E. Estrada. Their
that the foregoing cases involve a matter of public concern and interest. Allow
ing live radio and television coverage satisfies the constitutional right of eve
, and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines opposed such request. They contend t
hat live radio and television coverage is contrary to what jurisprudence tells u
s, wherein the fundamental rights of the accused is to be preferred over the rig
ht to public information. They argue that such coverage will not only affect the
life and liberty of the accused but the very credibility of the Philippine crim
inal justice system. They say that live radio and television coverage will not s
ubserve the ends of justice but will only pander to the desire for publicity of
THE PETITION IS DENIED. The Sandiganbayan should not allow live television and r
adio coverage of the trial in the mentioned Court of the plunder cases against t
Due process guarantees the accused a presumption of innocence until the contrary
is proved in a trial that is not lifted above its individual settings nor made
an object of public s attention and where the conclusions reached are induced not
The courts recognize the constitutionally embodied freedom of the press and the
right to public information. This is why the coverage is not totally restricted
but is limited to shots of the courtroom, the judicial officers, the parties and
less, within the courthouse, the overriding consideration is still the paramount
An accused has a right to public trial but it is a right that belongs to him, mo
trial; it only implies that the court doors must be open to those who wish to co
me, sit in available seats, conduct with decorum and observe the trial process.
ision and radio coverage indeed has an influence the testimony of witnesses and
the decision of judges. It can also serve as a form of mental harassment to the
them an impregnable armor against the influence of the most powerful media of pu
blic opinion. The effect of television may escape the ordinary means of proof bu
Facts: NARCOM agent Ciriaco Taduran got a tip from an informer€of an on-going€€illegal€t
€€€€€€€€€ Taduran posed as a buyer and paid Don Rodrigueza (accused/appelant) P200 in marke
for 100 gms. of marijuana in a buy-bust operation but let the accused go.
€€€€€€€€€ Subsequently,NARCOM agents raided the house of the accused without a search warra
€€€€€€€€€ When accused showed up at the headquarters, he was arrested and told to sign€ a w
Issue: Did the RTC err and was the Arrest and Seizure violative of the constitut
Agent Taduran, by letting Accused go after the buy-bust, violated the buy-bust p
Marcos v. Manglapus
Daza v. Singson
Facts: In the local and congressional elections held on May 11, 1987, Marciano M
. Pineda of the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) and Dr. Emigdio A. Bondoc
of the Nacionalista Party (NP) were rival candidates for the position of Represe
On May 19, 1987, Pineda was proclaimed winner in the election. In due time, Bond
oc filed a protest (HRET no. 25) in the House of Representatives Electoral Tribu
nal (HRET). By October 1990, a decision had been reached in which Bondoc won ove
ion of the ballots resulted in increasing Bondoc s lead over Pineda to 107 votes.
Congressman Camasura voted with the Supreme Court Justices and Congressman Ceril
juangco, Jr., LDP Secretary General, not only the final tally in the Bondoc case
but also but also that he voted for Bondoc consistent with justice and self-resp
ect , and to honor gentlemen s agreement among the members of the HRET that they would
Congressman Cojuangco notified the chairman of the tribunal to withdraw the nomi
nation and to rescind the election of Camasura to the HRET and seeks to cancel t
Issue: Whether or not the House of Representatives could change its representati
ve in House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal at the request of the dominant
political party.
Ruling: No. If the House Electoral Tribunal would serve the interest of the part
ves removing Congressman Camasura from the House Electoral Tribunal for disloyal
ty to the LDP, because he cast his votes in favor of the Nacionalista Party s cand
use Electoral Tribunal to the Sole judge of the election contest between Pineda
and Bondoc.
House Electoral Tribunal to a mere tool for the aggrandizement of the party in
power (LDP) which tree justices of the Supreme Court and the lone NP member woul
d be powerless to stop. A minority party candidate may as well abandon all hope
As judges, the members of the tribunal must be non-partisan. They must discharge
ndependence from the political party to which they belong. Hence, disloyalty to p
arty and breach of the party discipline are not valid grounds for the expulsion
of a member of the tribunal. In expelling Congressman Camasura from HRET for hav
inf cast a conscience vote in favor of Bondoc, based strictly on the result of the
examination and appreciation of the ballots and the recount of the votes by the
Nature of the case: Petition to review the order of the Executive Secretary.
Facts: Petitioner challenged the Executive Order no. 284, which in effect, allow
beit subject to the limitations imposed, runs counter to Sec. 13 Art. VII of the
Respondent on the hand, argued that the same Constitutional provision provided a
proviso stating that unless otherwise provided in this constitution . They furthe
r contended that his proviso refers to if allowed by law or by the pressing func
Issue: Does the of E.O 284 violates the Constitutional limitation prohibiting ap
Ruling: Since the evident purpose of the framers of the 1987 Constitution is to
t, their deputies and assistants with respect to holding multiple offices or emp
loyment in the government during their tenure, the exception to this prohibition
must be read with equal severity. The language of Sec. 13 Art. VII is prohibito
embers of the cabinet, their deputies or assistant from holding during their ten
ure multiple offices or employment in the government except in those cases speci
fied in the constitution itself and as above clarified with respect to post held
Sec. 13, Art VII in relation to Sec. 7 par.2 Art. IX-B of the 1987 Const
y hold in addition to their primary position to not more than two (2) positions
in the government and government corporations. E.O. No. 284 allows them to hold
Swc.13, Art. VII of the Constitution prohibiting them from doing so unless othe
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action for certiorari, mandamus and prohibitio
Facts: All petitioners are Jehovah s witnesses were expelled from their classes by
the school authorities for refusing to salute the flag, sing the national anthe
m and recite the patriotic pledge as required by R.A.1265 and D.O.#8 of the DECS
Jehovah s witnesses admittedly teach their children not to salute the flag, sing t
he national anthem for they believe that those are Acts of worship or religious dev
otion which they cannot conscientiously give to anyone except God? They consider t
he flag as an image or idol representing the state. The action of the local auth
orities in compelling the flag salute and pledge transience s constitution protect
st priority, and the amplest protection among human rights, for it involves the
s with regard to the observarnce at the flag ceremony out of respect for their r
eligious beliefs, however bizarre those beliefs may join to others. Nevertheless,
their right not to participate in the flag ceremony does not give them aright to
J. Griño Aquino
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals
advent of the 1986 revolution the OIC Mayor of Cabanatuan appointed Nerito L. Sa
ntos as City Engineer of Cabanatuan City and a memorandum was given to Sevilla i
nforming him of the same, said memorandum was received by another person on his
behalf. A few months later Generoso R. Sevilla was designated as acting District
Engineer of Pasay City, Then on Feb. 3, 1987 he was removed from the office by
the New Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).
Generoso R. Sevilla returned to Cabanatuan and filed a quo warranto petition aga
removed from office by the OIC Mayor and supposing that the OIC Mayor indeed ha
ve authority his separation was illegal because there was no ground for said sep
sed upon appointment of Santos as permanent and not acting Civil Engineer of Cab
anatuan. Petitioner was an incumbent City Engineer of Palayan when he was design
C. Cruz
May 7, 2001
J. Kapunan
Nature of the case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari.
On 1985 Teodoro C. Cruz was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps a
to the United States as a consequence thereof he had lost his Filipino citizens
On 1990, in connection with his service in the United States Marine Corp
der RA 2630. He ran for election as Representative of the 2nd District of Pangas
Subsequently Antonio Bengson III filed a case for quo warranto ad cautel
am claiming that Cruz was not qualified for the position since he is not a natur
HRET dismissed the petition declaring Cruz the duly elected Representati
Whether or not a natural born Filipino who became an American Citizen, c
ne Citizenship
The Court ruled that the act of repatriation under RA 2630 allows him to
recover or return to his original status before he lost his Philippine citizens
hip. His original status as natural born Filipino was restored, needless to say
HRET was empowered by the Constitution to be the sole judge of all conte
sts relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the members of the H
on showing of grave abuse of discretion on HRET s part. In the case at bar there w
Gutierrez, Jr., J.
Nature of the case: Petition to review the order of the President of the Mindana
o State University.
the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic affairs of MSU in a concurrent c
apacity with her position then as VP for External Studies. On January 2, 1989, t
he Office of the VP for the External Studies was merged with the OVCAA and as su
ch the functions for the former were to be exercised by the latter. The petition
er was appointed acting Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the same day. Th
for Academic Affairs. On March 14, 1990 respondent Ahmad E. Alonto, MSU Preside
nt wrote the petitioner informing her that he has decided to tap the petitioner s
talent for the MSU system as VP for academic affairs which position is under adm
inistrative staff. The petitioner did not accept the position. A certain Batara
was later appointed but refused the same. Now, the petitioner assails her remova
nd revocable in character and the holder of such appointment may be removed anyt
ime even without hearing or cause. A person who accepts an appointment in an act
ing capacity extended and received without any protest or reservation and who ac
ts thereunder for a considerable time cannot be heard to say that the appointmen
t was, in reality permanent and theretofore there can be no removal except for c
Sandoval-Gutierrez, J.
On June 30, 1987, former President Corazon Aquino, issued Executive No.
issued Memorandum Order No. 255 providing that the EIIB shall be the agency pri
mary responsibility for anti-smuggling operations in all land areas and inland w
aters and waterways outside the areas of sole jurisdiction of the Bureau of Cust
oms. On January 7, 2000, President Joseph Estrada issued Executive Order No 191
later issued executive Order No. 196 creating the President Anti Smuggling Task
Force Aduana . And on March 29, 2000 President Estrada issued Executive Order No.
233 providing that all EIIB personnel occupying positions specified therein shal
Whether or not there is a violation of their right to security of tenure
The general has always been that the power to abolish a public office i
s lodge with the legislature. This proceeds from the legal precept that the powe
the Constitution, statute or by authority by law. Thus, where the office was cr
ncies r offices in the executive department are concerned, the President s power t
cular office, or certain laws may grant him the broad authority to carry out reo
rganization measures.
GRN 112745
removal from service as Assistant Commissioner of the Excise Tax Service of the
f the Bureau of Internal Revenue and his co-accused of the crimes of violation o
f Section 268 (4) of the National Internal Revenue Code and Section 3 (e) of R.A
The fact of petitioner's conviction was reported to the President of the Philipp
It is clear from the foregoing that Mr. Larin has been found beyond reasonable d
oubt to have committed acts constituting grave misconduct. Under the Civil Servi
ce Laws and Rules which require only preponderance of evidence, grave misconduct
is punishable by dismissal.
Quisumbing issued Memorandum Order No. 164 which provides for the creation of a
Consequently, the President, in the assailed Administrative Order No. 101 found
upon him the penalty of dismissal with forfeiture of his leave credits and retir
Aggrieved, petitioner filed directly with this Court the instant petition to que
Whether or not the petitioner was unlawfully removed from office?
The Supreme Court ruled that the petitioner was given every chance to present hi
s side. The rule is well settled that the essence of due process in administrati
and to submit any evidence he may have in support of his defense. The records cl
early show that on petitioner submitted his letter-response dated to the adminis
trative charge filed against him. Aside from his letter, he also submitted vario
us documents attached as annexes to his letter, all of which are evidences suppo
rting his defense, prior to this, he received a letter from the Investigation Co
mmittee requiring him to explain his side concerning the charge. It cannot there
GRN 134657
Nature of the case: This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus
with prayer for temporary restraining order and/or preliminary injunction seekin
ran for the position of mayor of Pasay City in the May 11, 1998 elections.
On May 18, 1998 private respondent Claudio was proclaimed by the Pasay City Boar
d of Canvassers as the elected mayor with 55,325 votes over petitioner Trinidad'
s 55,097 votes.
On May 23, 1998, petitioner filed a petition for correction of manifest errors a
canvassing of five election returns and the inclusion of a bogus election return
in the canvass.
was alleged that in the said summary of statement of votes Trinidad gathered 100
9 votes per Statement of Vote (SOV) No. 094284. But in SOV No. 094284 it was ref
On June 9, 1998, an order was issued by the COMELEC requiring the parties to fil
e their simultaneous memoranda within five days after which the case will be dee
The Pasay City Board of Canvassers filed its Answer on given date. Thereafter, o
r on June 15, 1998, private respondent Claudio filed his answer/memorandum (with
rors which, if corrected, would entitle Claudio to an additional forty (40) vote
90 votes to his total and manifested two (2) new errors, namely: (1) the electi
on returns from five precincts were not canvassed and (2) there were some discre
pancies in the election returns of nine precincts. These errors as well as the u
ncanvassed returns, if corrected and accounted for in the total number of votes,
would allegedly give petitioner an edge of eighteen (18) votes over private res
ts Jovito O. Claudio and Reynaldo Mateo and the Supplemental Petition for correc
tion of the Summary of the Statement of Votes. We AFFIRM the proclamation of res
pondents Claudio and Mateo with the margin of votes indicated above.
We take pains to emphasize that the same was filed only on July 18, 1998, thirty
-four (34) days after the case had been submitted for resolution on June 14, 199
8.When a case is already deemed submitted for decision or resolution, the court
can only consider the evidence presented prior to this period. It can not and mu
st not take into account evidence presented thereafter without obtaining prior l
eave of court. For as held in the case of Arroyo vs. House of Representatives El
ectoral Tribunal,
must stand or fall upon the issues he had raised in his original or amended plea
ding filed prior to the lapse of the statutory period for filing of protest or c
ounter protest."
t be filed not later than five (5) days following the date of proclamation while
an election protest must be filed within ten (10) days after the proclamation o
At this juncture, we have to point out that the said Manifestation and Comments,
May 7, 2002.
DAVIDE, JR., C .J p:
Nature of the case: The pivotal issue raised in the petition in this case is whe
ther, for the purpose of computing an employee's retirement pay, prior service r
endered in a government agency can be tacked in and added to the creditable serv
inal charter.
Petitioner Cayo F. Gamogamo was first employed with the Department of Health (DO
loyed at the DOH for fourteen years until he resigned on 2 November 1977.
Petitioner was hired as company dentist by Luzon Stevedoring Corporation (LUSTEV
Transport Corporation (hereafter Respondent) acquired and took over the shippin
not make reference to nor assumed petitioner's service credits with the DOH. The
Petitioner retired after serving the Respondent and LUSTEVECO for 17 years and 4
months upon reaching his 60th birthday. He received a retirement pay which is
equivalent to one month pay for every year of service and other benefits.
or the full payment of his retirement benefits. Petitioner argued that his servi
ce with the DOH should have been included in the computation of his years of ser
vice. Hence, with an accumulated service of 32 years he should have been paid a
two-month pay for every year of service per the retirement plan.
Whether or not petitioner maintains that his government service with the
DOH should be recognized and tacked in to his length of service with Respondent
because LUSTEVECO, which was later bought by Respondent, and Respondent itself,
ment-owned and controlled corporations, and fall under the Civil Service Law.
Sec. 2. (1) The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, instrumen
It is not at all disputed that while Respondent and LUSTEVECO are govern
In any case, petitioner's fourteen years of service with the DOH may not remain
uncompensated because it may be recognized by the GSIS pursuant to the afore quo
ted Section 12, as may be determined by the GSIS. Since petitioner may be entitl
Abbas v. COMELEC
Antonio Bengzon III vs. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal and Teodoro
C. Cruz
May 7, 2001
J. Kapunan
Nature of the case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari.
On 1985 Teodoro C. Cruz was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps a
to the United States as a consequence thereof he had lost his Filipino citizens
On 1990, in connection with his service in the United States Marine Corp
der RA 2630. He ran for election as Representative of the 2nd District of Pangas
Subsequently Antonio Bengson III filed a case for quo warranto ad cautel
am claiming that Cruz was not qualified for the position since he is not a natur
HRET dismissed the petition declaring Cruz the duly elected Representati
ne Citizenship
The Court ruled that the act of repatriation under RA 2630 allows him to
recover or return to his original status before he lost his Philippine citizens
hip. His original status as natural born Filipino was restored, needless to say
HRET was empowered by the Constitution to be the sole judge of all conte
sts relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the members of the H
on showing of grave abuse of discretion on HRET s part. In the case at bar there w
Vitug, J.
The herein petitioner was alleged in violating the Republic Act No.3019,
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act upon willfully, law
fully and criminally approve the application for the legalization of the stay of
disqualified aliens. Thus, the Sandiganbayan ordered for her preventive suspens
Section 13 of R.A 3019 does not state the public officer concerned must
be suspended only in the office where he is allegedly to committed the acts with
which he has been charged -the use of the word â officeâ would indicate that it applies
to any office which the officer charged may be holding, and not only the particu
lar office under which he stands accused. Hence, R.A.3019 does not exclude from
its coverage the members of Congress and that, therefore the Sandiganbayan did n
October 20,1992
G.R, No.106971,
Campos, Jr., J
The herein petitioner, in behalf of his party (LAKAS â NUCD) filed a petitio
n for the issuance of a writ of prohibition to prohibit the said respondents fro
ssion from recognizing and allowing the respondents to sit as members of the sai
d Commission. Petitioner had allegedly that it was violative of the rule of prop
ortional representation, and the right of the minority political parties in the
tion in the Commission on Appointments to complete one seat therein and to decid
e who among the Senators in their ranks shall be additionally nominated and elec
Whether or not the said respondents are entitled as members of the said
y in character and does not leave and discretion to the majority party in the Se
declares the election of Senator Alberto Romulo and Senator Wigberto Tanada as m
embers of the Commission on Appointments as null and void for being violation of
987 Constitution.
Padilla, J.
The herein petitioner having been qualified and assumed the duties and f
of six Senators and seven members of the House of Representatives rejected the s
aid ad interim appointment. The herein respondent was designated by the Presiden
t as acting Deputy Administrator of said office without the consent of the petit
The court holds that the rejection of the ad interim appointment of peti
led to hold the said office and the respondent should vacate the same and turn i
t over to petitioner.
Grino- Aquino, J.
In the local and congressional elections held on May 11, 1987, Marciano M. Pined
a of the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) and Dr. Emigdio A. Bondoc of the
Nacionalista Party (NP) were rival candidates for the position of Representative
On May 19, 1987, Pineda was proclaimed winner in the election. In due ti
me, Bondoc filed a protest (HRET no. 25) in the House of Representatives Elector
al Tribunal (HRET). By October 1990, a decision had been reached in which Bondoc
won over Pineda by margin of twenty-three (23) votes. The reexamination and rea
ppreciation of the ballots resulted in increasing Bondoc s lead over Pineda to 107
votes. Congressman Camasura voted with the Supreme Court Justices and Congressm
se S. Cojuangco, Jr., LDP Secretary General, not only the final tally in the Bon
doc case but also but also that he voted for Bondoc consistent with justice and s
elf-respect , and to honor gentlemen s agreement among the members of the HRET that th
the nomination and to rescind the election of Camasura to the HRET and seeks to
cal party.
No. If the House Electoral Tribunal would serve the interest of the party in pow
ving Congressman Camasura from the House Electoral Tribunal for disloyalty to th
e LDP, because he cast his votes in favor of the Nacionalista Party s candidate, B
toral Tribunal to the Sole judge of the election contest between Pineda and Bond
House Electoral Tribunal to a mere tool for the aggrandizement of the party in
power (LDP) which tree justices of the Supreme Court and the lone NP member woul
d be powerless to stop. A minority party candidate may as well abandon all hope
ndependence from the political party to which they belong. Hence, disloyalty to p
arty and breach of the party discipline are not valid grounds for the expulsion
of a member of the tribunal. In expelling Congressman Camasura from HRET for hav
inf cast a conscience vote in favor of Bondoc, based strictly on the result of the
examination and appreciation of the ballots and the recount of the votes by the
Fernan, C.J.
Nature of the case: Petition to review the order of the Executive Secretary.
Petitioner challenged the Executive Order no. 284, which in effect, allows membe
bject to the limitations imposed, runs counter to Sec. 13 Art. VII of the Consti
ovided a proviso stating that unless otherwise provided in this constitution . The
y further contended that his proviso refers to if allowed by law or by the press
Does the of E.O 284 violates the Constitutional limitation prohibiting appointiv
Since the evident purpose of the framers of the 1987 Constitution is to impose
in the government during their tenure, the exception to this prohibition must be
read with equal severity. The language of Sec. 13 Art. VII is prohibitory so th
embers of the cabinet, their deputies or assistant from holding during their ten
ure multiple offices or employment in the government except in those cases speci
fied in the constitution itself and as above clarified with respect to post held
Sec. 13, Art VII in relation to Sec. 7 par.2 Art. IX-B of the 1987 Const
y hold in addition to their primary position to not more than two (2) positions
in the government and government corporations. E.O. No. 284 allows them to hold
Swc.13, Art. VII of the Constitution prohibiting them from doing so unless othe
Bellosillo, J.
The constitutionality of Sec. 13 par (d) of R.A. 7227, otherwise known as the b
ases conversion and development Act of 1992 under which respondent Mayor Richard
J. Gordon of Olongapo City was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer o
f the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) is challenged in this original pet
ition with a prayer for prohibition, preliminary injunction and temporary restra
ublic funds by way of salaries and other operational expenses attached in the of
the Subic Zambales and officers and members of the Filipino Civilian Employees
par. (d) Sec. 13, herein, infringes on the following constitutional and statutor
y provisions: (A) Sec. 7, first par. Art IX-B of the Constitution which states A
rt IX-B of the Constitution, which states that No elective Official shall be elig
ible for the appointment in any capacity to any public officer and position duri
ng his tenure, because the City Mayor of Olongapo City is an elective Official a
nd the Subject post are public offices of the government whose appointments are
not otherwise provided for by law, and those whom he may be authorized by law to
appoint, since it was Congress through the questioned proviso and not the Presi
dent who appointed the Mayor to the subject post (c) Sec. 26 par. (g) of the Omn
Whether or not the appointive was valid in the view of the provision of
par (d) of RA 7227 for no legislative act can prevail over fundamental law of t
he land.
lowed by law or by the primary functions of his office ignores the clear-cut dif
ference in the wording of the two (2) paragraphs of Sec.7, Art. IX-B of the Cons
law or by the primary functions of his position, the first paragraph appears to
be more stringent by not providing any exception to the rule against appointment
he SBMA; hence his appointment thereto pursuant to a legislative act that contra
venes that the Constitution cannot be sustained. He, however remains Mayor of Ol
aongapo City and his Acts as SBMA official are not necessarily null and void; he
Gr no. 81561
Bidin, J.
RA 6425, otherwise known as The Dangerous Drugs Act. On August 14, 1987 the app
ellant and his common law wife Shirley Reyes€went to the booth of the Manila Packi
ng and Export Forwarders carrying with them the 4 gift wrapped packages to be se
nt to a friend in Zürich, Switzerland. He claimed that only books, cigars and glov
es are contained in the boxes. The Proprietress Anita Reyes, no longer insisted
on inspecting the packages. Before the€ delivery of the appellant's box to the bur
eau of customs, Anita and her husband Job Reyes, following the sop, opened the b
oxes for final inspection. When€ he opened Marti's box, a peculiar odor emanated w
ithin, his curiosity aroused, he squeezed the box allegedly containing the glove
s and felt dried leaves inside. He€ took several grams of the content inside. Job
Reyes forthwith prepared a letter to NBI requesting the lab to examine the sampl
es. NBI made an inventory and took charge of the boxes. They tried to locate Mar
ti but the address that he used in his passport was that of Manila Central Post
Office, On August 27, 1987, they invited Marti to NBI as he was cling his mail a
t the post office. Information was filed and appellant was then accused of viola
tion of RA 6425.
Whether or not the lower court erred in admitting in evidence the illegally sear
ched and seized objects contained in four parcels and erred in convicting appell
ant despite the undisputed fact that his rights under the constitution while und
er custodial proceedings.
The court sees no error committed by the trial court. The evidence was o
be invoked against the state. In his second contention, the court examined the r
ecords of the case and found nothing to indicate as an undisputed fact that the
Padilla; J
Nature of the Case:
utor Alejandro A. Pulido of Cagayan charging Dante, Oscar, Rito, Joel, George, a
ll surnamed Castro, Caridad Menor y Castro alias Caring and Genesia Garcia y Cas
d pleaded not guilty to the charge. Defense counsel waived pre-trial for the acc
used and moved for continuous trial which commenced on 2 March 1992 and terminat
ing on 15 February 1994 when both prosecution and defense submitted the case for
an rendered a decision where the parties are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. In
the present case, however, the issue is not whether the private respondents enga
ged in any prohibited activity which may warrant the imposition of disciplinary
erved, the resolution of this case revolves around the question of due process o
Whether or not the right of due process by the parties has been violated
e the following: (1) the right to actual or constructive notice of the instituti
on of proceedings which may affect a respondent's legal rights; (2) a real oppor
esses and evidence in one's favor, and to defend one's rights; (3) a tribunal ve
itted for consideration during the hearing or contained in the records or made k
nown to the parties affected. The legislature enacted a special law, RA 4670 kno
wn as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, which specifically covers admi
rs' organization and a supervisor of the division. Mere membership of said teach
ers in their respective teachers' organizations does not ipso facto make them au
A 4670. Under this section, the teachers' organization possesses the right to in
ing committee. Such right to designate cannot be usurped by the secretary of edu
cation or the director of public schools or their underlings. In the instant cas
e, there is no dispute that none of the teachers appointed by the DECS as member
sible error in affirming the trial court's decision setting aside the questioned
orders of petitioners; and ordering the unqualified reinstatement of private re
spondents and the payment to them of salaries, allowances, bonuses and other ben
efits that accrued to their benefit during the entire duration of their suspensi
that may have accrued to them during the period of their unjustified suspension
remises considered, the petition is hereby denied for its utter failure to show
any reversible error on the part of the Court of Appeals. The assailed Decision
is thus AFFIRMED.
Yap vs Lutero
Gr no. L- 12669
Concepcion, J.
Nature of the case: Appeal from an order of the Court of First Instance of Iloil
o City.
On September 12, 1956, petitioner Yap was accused, in Criminal Case No.
f a city ordinance. December 10, 1956, he was again charged in Criminal Case No.
16443 of the same court, with serious physical injuries through reckless imprud
ence. Petitioner moved to quash the latter information on the ground of double j
eopardy. This motion was denied by the respondent municipal judge. Meanwhile, th
e petitioner was acquitted in Case No. 16054. Petitioner instituted the present
case for certiorari in the Court of First Instance, charging the respondent with
grave abuse of discretion in denying his motion to quash. The Petition was dism
set aside by an order directing the respondent to desist from further proceeding
s in Criminal Case No. 16443. Respondent has brought the case for review, conten
Whether or not the lower court erred in ruling that the accused is guilt
ough reckless driving-with which Diaz stood charged in the court of first instan
ce-is a violation of Revised Penal Code, not the Automobile Law. Hence, Diaz was
not twice accused of a violation of the same law. Secondly, reckless driving an
d certain crimes committed through reckless driving are punishable under differe
nt provisions of said Automobile Law. Hence, from the viewpoint of Criminal Law,
different offenses, although, under certain conditions, one offense may include
the other, and, accordingly, once placed in jeopardy for one, the plead of doub
le jeopardy may be in order as regards the other, as in the Diaz case. The issue
in the case at bar hinges, therefore, on whether or not, under the information
in Case No. 16443, petitioner could-if he failed to plead double jeopardy-be con
victed of the same act charged in Case No. 16054, in which he has already been a
cquitted. The information in Case No. 16054 charged the petitioner with reckless
driving; while in Case No. 16443 he was accused of serious physical injuries th
rough reckless imprudence. Thus, if the injuries mentioned in the second informa
tion were not established by the evidence, petitioner could be convicted in the
first case of the very same violation of municipal ordinance charged in case No.
Decision affirmed.
Bellosillo, J
nila who were simultaneously charged, preventively suspended, and eventually dis
ed to Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) and then to the Civil Service Commiss
ion (CSC). The CSC found petitioners guilt of conduct prejudicial to the best int
erest of the service for having been participated in the mass actions and imposed
the reduced penalty of 6 months. However CSC ordered petitioners automatic rei
nstatement in the service without back wages, in view of the length of time they r
e out in the service by reason of the immediate dismissal. Petitioners filed pet
itions for certiorari with this court which were referred to CA. CA dismissed th
e petitions for lack of merit. Petitioner contends that they should not be penal
ized because they were merely exercising their constitutional right to free asse
to award of back wages for the period they were not allowed to work while await
asonable limits. They committed acts prejudicial to the best interest of the ser
vice by staging mass protest on regular school days, abandoning their classes an
d refusing to go back even after they have been ordered to do so. Petitioners ar
e not entitled to back wages on the ground that the petitioners were neither exo
nerated nor unjustifiably suspended, two (2) circumstances necessary for the gr
Fabella vs. CA
November 28,1997
Panganiban, J.
er to all public school teachers who had participated in walk-outs and strikes o
n various dates during the period Sept. 26, 1990 to Oct. 18, 1990. The mass act
ion had been staged to demand payment of 13th month differentials, clothing allo
On Oct. 18, 1990 Secretary Carino filed Administrative cases against her
ein petitioner-appellees, who are teachers of the Mandaluyong High School. The
d not be punished for having taken part in the mass action in violation of civil
llees counsel objected to the procedure adopted by the committee and demanded tha
t he be furnished of the copy of the guidelines adopted by the committee for the
The teachers filed an injunctive suit with the RTC in Quezon City, charg
ing the committee with fraud and deceit however the court denied the order. The
y amended the complaint and made it one for certiorari and mandamus. Petitioner
-appellee Adriano S. Valencia filed a motion to intervene and the trial court gr
anted his motion. The DECS investigating committee rendered a decision finding
the appellees guilty. The teachers filed a petition in the Supreme Court which
issued a resolution en banc declaring void the trial court s order of dismissal a
nd reinstating petitioner-appellee s action. The trial court set the case for he
aring which denied the motion for reconsideration and the manifestation and moti
On July 3, 1992 the Solicitor General informed the trial court that Carino had c
eased to be DECS Secretary and asked for his substitution. But the trial court
failed to act on his motion. The trial court rendered a decision in which it st
arted the dismissal of the teachers is not justified, it being arbitrary and vio
lative of the teacher s right to due process. The petition was granted. From thi
s decision former DECS Secretary Carino filed an appeal with the Court of Appeal
s which affirmed the decision of the RTC. Hence this petition for review.
tice of the institution of proceedings which may affect the resondent s legal righ
el, to present witness and evidence in one s favor, and to defend one s right, 3) a
ence submitted for consideration during the hearing or contained in the records
or made known to the parties affected. The legislature enacted a special law, R
.A. 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, which specially c
the local or in its absence, any existing provincial or national teacher s organi
ssarily void. They could not provide any basis for the suspension or dismissal
It was this requirement that would have given a substance and meaning to the ri
ght to be heard. In the instant case, there is no dispute that none of the teac
hers appointed by the DECS as members of its investigating committee was ever de
committee. Indeed in the case at bar neither the DECS Secretary nor the DECS-N
eachers and consultants. But there was no representative of the teacher s organiz
ation. This is a serious flaw in the composition of the committee because the p
ounsel walked out of the hearing, the teachers did not waive their rights based
on such action of counsel. The walk out was staged in protest against the proce
dures of the committee. The committee concluded its investigation and ordered t
he dismissal of the teachers without giving the teachers the right to full acces
s of the evidence against them and the opportunity to defend themselves. The pe
Panganiban, J.
Nature of the case: Petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
ilippines. His forced heir was his widow Helen Meyer Guzman and his son David Re
y Guzman both defendant appellee are also American citizens. Helen executed a de
ed of quitclaim, assigning, tampering, and conveying to David Rey all her rights
, title and interests in and over six parcels of land which the two of them inhe
rited from Simeon. Among the said parcels of land is that now in litigation. Dav
Petitioners who are owners of the adjoining lot filed a complaint before
the RTC questioning the validity and constitutionality of the two conveyances a
The trial court dismissed the complaint. It ruled that Helen Guzman s waiv
er of her inheritance in favor of her son was not contrary to the constitutional
prohibition against the sale of land to an alien, since the purpose of the waiv
cordance with the Constitution and the law of the Philippines and not to subvert
Whether or not the conveyance from Helen Meyer Guzman to her son David R
ey Guzman is illegal and should be declared null and void.
e appellate courts holding that the sale of the subject land to Cataniag renders
moot any question on the constitutionality of the prior transfer made by Helen
True Helen s deed of quitclaim collided with the Constitution Art. 12 Sec.
ublic domain except only by way of legal succession. But what is the effect of a
iginal transaction is considered cured and the title of the transferee is render
ed valid.
o citizen, the prior invalid transfer can no longer be assailed the objective of
the constitutional provision - to keep one land in Filipino hands - has been se
US vs. Barrias
GR No. 4349
Nature of the Case: The power of the Commissioner to prescribe rules and regulat
Defendant was charged for violating paragraphs 70 and 83 of Circular No.
397 of the Insular Collector of Customs which prohibits heavily loaded casco, l
ighter or other similar craft to move in the Pasig River without being towed by
steam or moved by other adequate power. Defendant questions the validity of para
alid and there was no illegal delegation of legislative power. The criminal offe
nse is fully and completely defined by the Act and the task given to the commiss
Pardo, J.
Nature of the Case: Special civil action for certiorari to annul and set aside t
amos issued a Memorandum Order No.61 directing the Committee to include in its i
nvestigation, inventory and study all non-performing loans which shall embrace b
oth behest and non-behest loans. The Committee reported that the Philippines See
ds, Inc. was one of the 21 corporations which obtained behest loans. In his inst
ructions, handwritten on the cover of the aforementioned report, Pre. Ramos dire
nd judicial actions against the 21 firms in this batch with positive findings as
soon as possible. The Committee filed with the Ombudsman a sworn complaint agai
nst the Directors of PSI and the Directors of the Development Bank of the Philip
pines who approved the loans for the violation of par. E & G of Sec.3 of R.A. 30
f prescription. Relying on the case of People vs. Dinsay, a case decided by the
Whether or not the public respondent Ombudsman gravely abused his discre
tion in holding that the prescriptive period in this case should be counted from
the date of the grant of the behest loans involved and not from the date of dis
pply to civil actions for recovery of ill-gotten wealth and not to criminal acti
ons such as the complaint against the respected firms. This is clear from the pr
period is Sec.2 of Act. No.326 in the special law violated. It stated that if th
In the case at bar, the Ombudsman forthwith dismissed the complaint with
out even requiring the respondents to submit their counter-affidavits and solely
on the basis of dates the alleged behest loans were granted or the dates of the
Since the computation of the prescriptive period for the filing of the c
riminal actions should commence from the discovery of the offense, the Ombudsman
clearly acted with grave abuse of discretion in dismissing outright the case. P
etition granted.
GR No. 116763
Mendoza, J.
Nature of the Case: Appointment of the Governor in case of permanent vacancy cau
sed by a Sangguniang Bayan Member who does not belong to any political party.
A member of the Sangguniang Bayan of San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, who does
not belong to any political party, resigned after going without leave to the Un
ited State. To fill the vacancy, respondent Mayor recommended to petitioner Gove
rnor, the appointment of Edward Palafox. Sangguniang Bayan of San Nicolas made t
ssation from office of a member who does not belong to any political party, who
y. Any vacancy therein caused by the cessation from office of a member must be m
ade by the mayor upon the recommendation of that Sanggunian. The reason is that
members of the Sangguniang Barangay are not allowed to have party affiliations.
Indeed there is no reason for supposing that those who drafted Section 4
y members who do not belong to any political party, different from the manner of
filling such vacancies when created by members who belong to political party or
parties. The provision for the first must approximate the provision for the sec
ond situation. Any difference in procedure must be limited to the fact that in t
party which can nominate a replacement while there is none in the case of those
who have no political affiliation. Accordingly, where there is no political part
y to make a nomination, the Sanggunian, where the vacancy occurs, must be consid
ered the appropriate authority for making the recommendation, by analogy to vaca
ncies created in the Sangguniang Barangay whose members are by law prohibited fr
o the seat in the Sangguniang Bayan of San Nicolas. For while petitioner Al Naci
no was appointed by the provincial Governor, he was not recommended by the Sangg
uniang Bayan of San Nicolas, on the other hand, respondent Edward Palafox was re
commended by the Sangguniang Bayan but it was the Mayor and not the provincial G
GR No. 134213
Ynares-Santiago, J.
ice-Governor Romeo Gamboa, Jr. as Acting Governor for the duration of his offici
al trip abroad until his return. Later, when the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) h
amboa to preside therein in view of his designation as Acting Governor. When the
court declared Gamboa temporarily legally incapacitated to preside over the ses
sions of the SP during the period that he is the Acting Governor, Gamboa filed t
si-Governor. This means that, for purposes of exercising his legislative preroga
tives and powers, he is deemed as a non-member of the SP for the time being. Und
er RA 7160, the governor was deprived of the power to preside over the SP as he
is not a member thereof. Hence, being the Acting Governor, the Vice-Governor can
not continue to simultaneously exercise the duties of the latter office since th
e nature and duties of the Provincial Governor call for a full-time occupant to
discharge them. The creation of a temporary vacancy in the office of the Governo
henever the latter acts as Governor by virtue of such temporary vacancy. This ev
ent constitutes an inability on the part of the regular presiding officer (Vice-
Governor) to preside during SP sessions, which thus calls for the operation of t
he remedy set in Art. 49(b) of the Local Government Code concerning the election
such capacity. Under Sec. 49 (b), in the event of the inability of the regular p
residing officer to preside during SP session, the members present sand constitu
Makalintal, J.
Nature of the case: State immunity from suit and the capacity of a citizen to su
e the government.
No. 639 of the Banilad Estate in Cebu City as shown by Transfer Certificate of T
itle No. T-18060, which superseded Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT-3272 (T-
3435) issued to her by the Register of Deeds of Cebu on February 1, 1924. No ann
otation in favor of the government of any right or interest in the property appe
le, the government used a portion of said lot, with an area of 6,167 square mete
rs, for the construction of the Mango and Gorordo Aveunes. On February 6, 1959 A
migable filed in the court a quo a complaint, which was later amended on April 1
7, 1959 upon motion of the defendants, against the Republic of the Philippines a
covery of ownership and possession of the 6,167 square meters of land traversed
by the Mango and Gorordo Avenues. She also sought the payment of compensatory da
mages in the sum of P50,000.00 for the illegal occupation of her land, moral dam
ages in the sum of P25,000.00, attorney's fees in the sum of P5,000.00 and the c
YES. If the constitutional mandate that the owner be compensated for pro
perty taken for public use were to be respected, as it should, then a suit of th
citizen. Had the government followed the procedure indicated by the governing l
aw at the time, a complaint would have been filed by it, and only upon payment o
f the compensation fixed by the judgment, or after tender to the party entitled
to such payment of the amount fixed, may it "have the right to enter in and upon
the land so condemned, to appropriate the same to the public use defined in the
uld not be in the sad plaint they are now. It is unthinkable then that precisely
because there was a failure to abide by what the law requires, the government w
ould stand to benefit. It is just as important, if not more so, that there be fi
delity to legal norms on the part of officialdom if the rule of law were to be m
aintained. It is not too much to say that when the government takes any property
for public use, which is conditioned upon the payment of just compensation, to
of a court. There is no thought then that the doctrine of immunity from suit co
Moran, C.J.
y the war. In May, 1945, he sought to accomplish said registration but was denie
d by the register of deeds of Manila on the ground that, being an alien, he cann
ot acquire land in this jurisdiction. Krivenko then brought the case to the four
hat court rendered judgment sustaining the refusal of the register of deeds, fro
e XIII of the Constitution and which was embodied in the report of the Committee
resources constitute the exclusive heritage of the Filipino nation. They should
, therefore, be preserved for those under the sovereign authority of that nation
and for their posterity." Delegate Ledesma, Chairman of the Committee on Agricu
nnection with the national policy on agricultural lands, said: "The exclusion of
aliens from the privilege of acquiring public agricultural lands and of owning
real estate is a necessary part of the Public Land Laws of the Philippines to ke
ep pace with the idea of preserving the Philippines for the Filipinos." And, of
the same tenor was the speech of Delegate Montilla who said: "With the complete
ur God-given birthright should be one hundred per cent in Filipino hands. Lands
and natural resources are immovables and as such can be compared to the vital or
gans of a person's body, the lack of possession of which may cause instant death
most important belongings, I am afraid that the time will come when we shall be
sorry for the time we were born. Our independence will be just a mockery, for w
hat kind of independence are we going to have if a part of our country is not in
our hands but in those of foreigners?" Professor Aruego says that since the ope
ning days of the Constitutional Convention one of its fixed and dominating objec
tives was the conservation and nationalization of the natural resources of the c
ountry. This is ratified by the members of the Constitutional Convention who are
now members of this Court, namely, Mr. Justice Perfecto, Mr. Justice Briones, a
nd Mr. Justice Hontiveros. And, indeed, if under Article XIV, section 8, of the
Constitution, an alien may not even operate a small jitney for hire, it is certa
inly not hard to understand that neither is he allowed to own a piece of land.
Griño-Aquino, J.
Nature of the case: To ascertain the power of the CHR to issue a writ of injunct
On May 30, 1980, P.D. 1980 was issued reserving and designating certain
parcels of land in Rosario and General Trias, Cavite, as the "Cavite Export Proc
essing Zone" (CEPZ). For purposes of development, the area was divided into Phas
erly Filoil Industrial Estate, Inc. The same parcel was later sold by Filoil to
the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA). Before EPZA could take possession o
f the area, several individuals had entered the premises and planted agricultura
ial-assistance to those who accepted the same and signed quitclaims. Among them
were Teresita Valles and Alfredo Aledia, father of respondent Loreto Aledia.Ten
years later, on May 10, 1991, respondent Teresita Valles, Loreto Aledia and Pedr
o Ordoñez filed in the respondent Commission on Human Rights (CHR) a joint complai
nt (Pinagsamahang Salaysay) praying for "justice and other reliefs and remedies"
NO. The constitutional provision directing the CHR to "provide for preve
ntive measures and legal aid services to the underprivileged whose human rights
have been violated or need protection" may not be construed to confer jurisdicti
that were the intention, the Constitution would have expressly said so. "Jurisdi
plication. Evidently, the "preventive measures and legal aid services" mentioned
reliminary writ of injunction) which the CHR may seek from the proper courts on
behalf of the victims of human rights violations. Not being a court of justice,
the CHR itself has no jurisdiction to issue the writ, for a writ of preliminary
injunction may only be issued "by the judge of any court in which the action is
e Supreme Court. It may also be granted by the judge of a Court of First Instanc
e [now Regional Trial Court] in any action pending in an inferior court within h
the rights and interest of a party thereto, and for no other purpose
Quiason, J.
This is a consolidation of four cases upon to rule on the conflicting cl
aims of authority between the Legislative and the Executive. Providing the focus
for the contest between the President and the Congress over the control of the
axpayers on the claim that Congress and the President have impermissibly exceede
d their respective authorities, and by several Senators on the claim that the Pr
Whether or not the Presidential veto of the special provision in the app
ropriation for debt services and the automatic appropriation of funds is valid.
The Court went one step further and ruled that provisions are beyond the e
xecutive power to veto, but such sections were not provisions in the budgetary sen
se of the term, they are inappropriate provisions that should be treated as items fo
The petitions were dismissed, except with respect to G.R. Nos. 113766 an
d 113105 only insofar as they pray for the annulment of the veto of the special
provision on debt service and G.R. No. 113888 only insofar as it prays for the a
G.R. 91890
June 9, 1995
Romero, J.
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action for certiorari and prohibition. En Banc
Philippine Airlines, Inc seeks to review and annul and reverse the
Order No. 19, Circular No. 498 and 88-565 that PAL is required to
sought for reconsideration for preferring to bid out and secure its
fuel supply from more than one supplier and such order should not be
November 6, 1989.
Cruz, J.
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the decision of the then Intermediate App
ellate Court.
On November 21, 1981, petitioner Joel Caes was charged in two separate informati
On August 31, 1982, Caes was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Trial was schedul
ed for October 13, 1982, but this was reset upon agreement of the parties.
ed hearings and also for the hearing which is an indication of lack of interest,
upon motion of the trial fiscal for the provisional dismissal of the cases and
with the conformity of the accused, the above-entitled cases are hereby ordered
provisionally dismissed.
On January 9, 1984, a motion to revive the cases was denied on October 9 filed b
y Major Dacanay who alleged that they could not attend the hearing for lack of n
The present petition is based in two agreements to wit: a. that the motion to re
vive the cases was invalid because it was not filed by the proper party nor was
a copy served on the petitioner; and b. the revival of he cases would place the
the government prosecution and must always be under his control. This is true e
ven if a private prosecutor is allowed to assist him and actually handles the ex
amination of the witnesses and the introduction of other evidence. The witnesses
, even if they are the complaining witnesses, cannot act for the prosecutor of t
he case. Although they may ask for the filing of the case, they have no personal
ity to move for its dismissal or revival as they are not even parties thereto no
r as they represent the parties to the action. Their only function is to testify
On the second issue, the position of the public respondent is that double jeopar
dy has not attached because the case was only provisionally dismissed and it was
with the conformity of the accused. The petitioner denies that he consented to
the dismissal and submits that the dismissal was final notwithstanding its descr
Fittingly described as res judicata in prison grey , the right against double jeopa
rdy prohibits the prosecution of a person for a crime of which he has been previ
ously acquitted or convicted. The purpose is to set the effects of the first pro
secution forever at rest, assuring the accused that he shall not thereafter be s
ubjected to the danger and anxiety of a second charge against him for the same o
It has been held in a long line of cases that to constitute double jeopardy, the
c. to which the defendant had pleaded and d. of which he had been previously ac
express consent.
There is no question that the first three requisites are present in the case at
bar. What we must resolve is the effect of the dismissal, which the petitioner c
ontends finally and irrevocably terminated the two cases against him. Its submis
sion is that the dismissal was not provisional simply because it was so designat
Petition Granted.
Narvasa, C.J.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
On December 14, 1995, Senior Inspector PNP James Brillantes applied for search w
arrant before Branch 261, RTC of Quezon City against Mr. Azfar Hussain, who had
The following day, December 15, 1995, search warrant against Mr. Hussain was iss
ued not at Abigail Variety Store resulting in the arrest of four (4) Pakistani n
ationals and in the seizure of their personal belongings, papers and effects suc
and traveling bags including cash amounting to $ 3,550.00 and P 1,500.00 aside f
The Solicitor General now seeks reversal of foregoing verdict, describing to Cou
ct of disregarding the proceedings before the issuing court and overturning the
Whether or not a search warrant was validly issued as regards the apartment in w
The government insists that the police officers who applied to Quezon City Regio
nal Trial Court for the search warrant had direct, personal knowledge of the pla
ce to be searched and the things to be seized. It claims that one of the said of
ficers, in fact, had been able to surreptitiously later the place to be searched
or to the search: this being the first of four (4) separate apartments behind t
he Abigail Variety Store and they were also the same police officers who eventua
lly effected the search and seizure. They thus had personal knowledge of the pla
ce to be searched and had the competence to make a sketch thereof; they knew exa
ctly what objects should be taken therefrom; and they had presented evidence suf
ficient to establish probable cause. That may be so; but unfortunately, the plac
e they had in mind-the first of four (4) separate apartment units (No.1) at the
rear of Abigail Variety Store - was not what the judge who issued the warrant himse
lf had in mind, and was not what was ultimately described in the search warrant.
Wherefore the judgment if the Fourteenth Division of the Court of Appeals is her
eby affirmed.
August 7, 1996
G.R. No.91885
Panganiban, J.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review under Rule 45 to set aside the decision
1 of the court of appeals, 2 Promulgated on November 27, 1989 and the resolution
828 entitled Republic of the Philippines vs. Laureano Bros., Co, Inc.
It appears that under the contract (date not indicated in the pleadings)
blic of the Philippines with plumbing materials for the use of the National Wate
r and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) which procurement was financed by the United S
because they did not conform to the agreed specifications. Refusing to refund th
e money paid for says materials, private respondent was sued by the Republic in
the then Court of first Instance of Manila docketed as Civil Case No. 44566.
ent whereby private respondent agreed to pay the petitioner the amount of US$358
ange for conversion of the dollars into pesos was settled by this court in G.R.
No. L-250554 by fixing such rate at P3.91 per US$1.00. This judgment became fina
l and executory on July 27, 1968. On April 16, 1973, the trial court issued an o
rder authorizing private respondent to sell the attached property. On May 31, 19
73, Firma Techno Machineries, Inc, purchased the said lot and building through a
s. On December 10, 1973, NEDA disapproved said sale on the ground that the price
was too low and that the conditions imposed by the trial court were not allowed
. NEDA thus returned the two checks it received (P10,000.00 earnest money and O8
81,004.01 net proceeds of the sale) and filed an action to annul the sale.
Whether or not the five-year period within which to enforce the decision
in Civil case No. 44566 was interrupted by the period when the question of the
legality if the sale of respondent s properties was pending in the Court of Appeal
The court held that there is no question that the decision in favor of
the Republic has not been satisfied and the private respondent has not paid its
obligation under such judgment. The only question is how such decision shall be
enforced against the obligor. Under the Rules, 7 a Judgment may be executed withi
n five (5) years from the date of its entry or from the date it becomes final an
d executory. After the lapse of such time, and before it is barred by the statut
and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial Court of Manila is hereby directed to issued t
he writ of execution in Civil Case No. 44566 for the enforcement of the decision
August 4, 1994.
Padilla, J.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
On 2 May 1990, private respondent Rafael S. Ortanez filed with the Regional Tria
l Court of Quezon City a complaint for annulment of marriage with damages agains
ivil case No. Q-90-5360 and raffled to Branch 94, RTC of Quezon City presided ov
vidence on 9 June 1992; on the same day, the trial court admitted all of private
A petition for certiorari was then filed by petitioner in the Court of Appeals a
Whether or not the remedy of certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court was
interlocutory order of a trial court. The proper remedy in such cases is an ordi
nary appeal from an adverse judgment, incorporating in said appeal the grounds f
However, where the assailed interlocutory order is patently erroneous and the re
medy of appeal would not afford adequate and expeditious relief, the Court may a
In the present case, the trial court issued the assailed order admitting all of
were made and obtained when private respondent allowed his friends from the mili
Clearly, respondent trial court and Court of Appeals failed to consider the afor
estion. Absent a clear showing that both parties to the telephone conversations
allowed the recording of the same, the inadmissibility of the subject tapes is m
Wherefore, the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 28545 is hereb
y set aside. The subject cassette tapes are declared inadmissible in evidence
Hon. Renato C. Corona vs. United Harbor Pilots Association of the Philippines an
Romero, J.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of a decision of the Regional Trial Cour
t of Manila, Branch 6.
The PPA was created on July 11, 1974, by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 505.
On December 23, 1975, Presidential Decree No. 857 was issued revising the PPA s ch
On August 12, 1992, respondents United Harbor Pilot Association and the Manila P
ilots Association, through Capt. Alberto C. Compas, questioned PPA-AO No. 04-92
then DOTC Secretary Jesus B. Garcia that the matter of reviewing, recalling or an
nulling PPA s administrative issuances lies exclusively with its Board of Director
s as its governing body.
ction with prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and damages,
before Branch 6 of the Regional Trial Court of Manila. which was docketed as Ci
Whether or not the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) violate respondent s right to
The court a quo pointed out that the Bureau of Customs, the precursor of the PPA
anta v. Carnation Philippines, Inc. Thus, abbreviating the term within which tha
ight must be strictly made in accordance with the constitutional mandate of due
process of law. This was apparently not followed by the PPA when it did not cond
uct public hearings prior to the issuance of PPA-AO No. 04-92; respondents alleg
edly learned about it only after its publication in the newspapers. From this de
Wherefore, the instant petition is hereby dismissed and the assailed decision of
the court a quo dated September 6, 1993, in Civil Case No. 93-65673 is affirmed
Facts: This is a consolidation of four cases upon to rule on the conflicting cla
ims of authority between the Legislative and the Executive. Providing the focus
for the contest between the President and the Congress over the control of the n
xpayers on the claim that Congress and the President have impermissibly exceeded
their respective authorities, and by several Senators on the claim that the Pre
Issue: Whether the Presidential veto of the special provision in the appropriati
Ruling: The Court went one step further and ruled that "provisions" are beyond t
he executive power to veto, but such sections were not "provisions" in the budge
tary sense of the term, they are "inappropriate provisions" that should be treat
€€€€€ The petitions were dismissed, except with respect to G.R. Nos. 113766 and 113105 onl
y insofar as they pray for the annulment of the veto of the special provision on
debt service and G.R. No. 113888 only insofar as it prays for the annulment of
the veto.
306 SCRA 287
Mendoza, J.
Private respondents are public schools teachers. During the teacher s str
ike, they did not report to work. For this reason they were administratively cha
rge and place under preventive suspension. The investigation was concluded befor
e the lapse 90-day suspension and private respondents were found guilty. Respond
ent Margallo was dismissed from service while other respondents were suspended f
ard (MSPB) which found him guilty. Other respondent also appealed but it was dis
missed. On appeal, Civil service Commission (CSC) affirmed the decision of the M
SPB with respect to Margallo, but found the other three (Abad, Bandigas, Someban
g) guilty of reasonable office rules and regulations and ordered them reinstated
to their former positions. Rspondent filed petition for certiorari in this Cour
t. The case was referred to Court of Appeals (CA) which rendered decision (1) af
firming the decision of CSC with respect to Amparo, Bandigas, Somebang but (2)
reversing the CSC ordered suspension of Margallo. The appellate court found him
guilty of reasonable office rules and regulations only and imposed him the pena
at they should be exonerated of all charges against them and that they be paid s
alaries during their suspension. CA ruled that they are entitled to the payment
of salaries during their suspension beyond 90 days . Petitioner Gloria moved for a
reconsideration, but the motion was denied. Hence this petition. Petitioner con
tends that the administrative investigation was concluded within the 90 day peri
od of preventive suspension and that the continued suspension of private respond
ents is due to their appeal, hence the government should not be held answerable
for payment.
Yes, they are entitled. There are two kinds of preventive suspension of
civil service employee who are charged with offenses punishable by removal or s
uspension: (1) preventive suspension pending investigation (§51) and (2) preventiv
lready stated, CA ordered DECS to pay private respondents their salaries, allowa
nces and other benefits beyond the 90 day preventive suspension . In other words, n
o compensation was due for the period of the preventive suspension pending inves
tigation but only for the period of preventive suspension pending appeal in the
ted from the time of their dismissal/suspension by DECS until their actual reins
FACTS: On November 21, 1981, petitioner Joel Caes was charged in two separate in
na before the Court of First Instance of Rizal. The cases were consolidated on
Arraignment was originally scheduled on January 11, 1982, but was for some reaso
n postponed.
On August 31, 1982, Caes was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Trial was schedu
led for October 13, 1982, but this was reset upon agreement of the parties.
On April 19, 1983, the trial of the case had not yet started. It was reset becau
On June 3, 1983, a sheriffs return informed the trial court that the prosecution
witnesses, namely, Capt. Carlos Dacanay and Sgt. Bonifacio Lustado had been per
sonally served with subpoena to appear and testify at the hearing scheduled on J
une 6, 1983.
On November 14, 1983, the prosecution moved for the provisional dismissal of the
case because its witnesses had not appeared. On the same date, Judge Alfredo M.
and also for the hearing today which is an indication of lack of interest, upon
motion of the trial fiscal for the provisional dismissal of these cases and with
the conformity of the accused, the above-entitled cases are hereby ordered Prov
isionally Dismissed.
On January 9, 1984, a motion to revive the cases was filed by Maj. Dacanay (he h
ad been promoted in the meantime) and Sgt. Lustado who alleged that they could n
ot attend the hearing scheduled on November 14, 1983, for lack of notice.
On May 18, 1984, the respondent judge issued the following order:
On the "Motion for the Revival of the Case" no opposition has been filed and con
sidering that the dismissal of these cases was only provisional, for reasons sta
The petitioner questioned the judge's order which was dismissed for lack of meri
t on May 20, 1986, and reconsideration was denied on June 17, 1986. Hence, this
a) Whether or not the motion to revive the cases was invalid because it was riot
filed by the proper party nor was a copy served on the petitioner; and
b) Whether or not the revival of the cases would place the petitioner in double
ility of the government prosecutor and must always be under his control. The wit
nesses, even if they are the complaining witnesses, cannot act for the prosecuto
r in the handling of the case. Although they may ask for the filing of the case,
they have no personality to move for its dismissal or revival as they are not e
ven parties thereto nor do they represent the parties to the action. In a crimin
The mere fact that the government prosecutor was furnished a copy of the motion
and he did not interpose any objection was not enough to justify the action of t
hese witnesses. The prosecutor should have initiated the motion himself if he th
ought it proper. The presumption that he approved of the motion is not enough, e
specially since we are dealing here with the liberty of a person who had a right
at least to be notified of the move to prosecute him again. The fact that he wa
On the second issue, the position of the public respondent is that double jeopar
dy has not attached because the case was only provisionally dismissed and it was
To constitute double jeopardy, there must be: (a) a valid complaint or informati
on; (b) filed before a competent court; (c) to which the defendant had pleaded;
and (d) of which he had been previously acquitted or convicted or which was dism
There is no question that the first three requisites are present in the case at
bar. A case may be dismissed if the dismissal is made on motion of the accused h
imself or on motion of the prosecution with the express consent of the accused.
sumed nor may it be merely implied from the defendant's silence or his failure t
There are instances in fact when the dismissal will be held to be final and to d
ispose of the case once and for all even if the dismissal was made on motion of
the accused himself. The first is where the dismissal is based on a demurrer to
the evidence filed by the accused after the prosecution has rested. Such dismiss
The other exception is where the dismissal is made, also on motion of the accuse
d, because of the denial of his right to a speedy trial. This is in effect a fai
lure to prosecute.
As the record shows, the petitioner was arraigned on August 31, 1982, but was ne
ver actually tried until the cases were dismissed on November 14, 1983, followin
was not prepared. Meantime, the charges against him continued to hang over his
head even as he was not given an opportunity to deny them because his trial coul
d not be held.
Under these circumstances, Caes could have himself moved for the dismissal of th
ribed by the trial judge as "provisional" did not change the nature of that dism
issal. As it was based on the "lack of interest" of the prosecutor and the conse
quent delay in the trial of the cases, it was final and operated as an acquittal
of the accused on the merits. No less importantly, there is no proof that Caes
peatedly held, is not enough; neither may it be lightly inferred from the presum
ption of regularity, for we are dealing here with the alleged waiver of a consti
tutional right. Any doubt on this matter must be resolved in favor of the accuse
We conclude that the trial judge erred in ordering the revival of the cases agai
nst the petitioner and that the respondent court also erred in affirming that or
der. Caes having been denied his constitutional right to a speedy trial, and not
him, he was entitled to their final dismissal under the constitutional prohibiti
It is possible that as a result of its in attention, the petitioner has been nee
dlessly molested if not permanently stigmatized by the unproved charges. The oth
er possibility, and it is certainly worse, is that a guilty person has been allo
wed to escape the penalties of the law simply because he may now validly claim t
es with the Office of the City Prosecutor of Caloocan City for its negligence an
d ineptitude.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of the order of dismissal
the morning of July 7, 1980 at Barangay Laguinbanua West, Numancia, Aklan, Edgar
lbabao was charged for slight physical injuries through reckless imprudence in
a complaint that was filed on September 5, 1980 in the Municipal Circuit Court o
f Malinao, Aklan. The case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 1028-N wherein a ce
rtain Crispin Conanan was the offended party. On October 1, 1980, an information
for serious physical injuries through reckless imprudence was filed against the
same accused in the Regional Trial Court of Aklan. The case was docketed as Cri
minal Case No. 1421 with one Eduardo Salido as the offended party. This second c
Upon the arraignment of the accused in Criminal Case No. 1028-N, he entered a pl
ea of not guilty. The case was first set for hearing on January 19, 1983. Both t
he offended party and the prosecuting fiscal failed to appear at the scheduled h
earing despite due notice. Counsel for the accused thus verbally moved for the d
ismissal of the case for lack of interest on the part of the prosecution. This m
otion was granted. A motion for reconsideration of the said order was filed by t
he fiscal on January 27, 1983. The motion for reconsideration was granted in an
order dated May 27, 1983. The case was, therefore, set for trial. However, upon
a motion for reconsideration filed by the accused, the inferior court issued ano
ther order dated August 30, 1983, dismissing the case anew.
Considering that the said case had been dismissed on January 19, 1983, counsel f
or the accused filed a motion to dismiss Criminal Case No. 1421 on the ground th
at the dismissal of the prior case is a bar to the prosecution of the latter. Th
e trial court dismissed Criminal Case No. 1421 on the ground of double jeopardy.
A motion for reconsideration was filed by the prosecution but was denied.
Thus, this petition filed by the private prosecutor with the conformity of the p
rovincial fiscal. Petitioner argues that double jeopardy has not set-in in this
case because:
(1) The dismissal of Criminal Case No. 1028-N was at the instance and with the e
xpress consent of accused and his counsel.
2) The second offense charged is not the same as the first, nor is it an attempt
Whether or not there is a violation of the right of the accused to a speedy tria
RULING: To raise the defense of double jeopardy, three requisites must be presen
t: (1) a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the second; (2) the first je
opardy must have been validly terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be fo
Legal jeopardy attaches only (a) upon a valid indictment, (b) before a competent
court, (c) after arraignment, (d) a valid plea having been entered, and (e) whe
n the defendant was acquitted or convicted, or the case was dismissed or otherwi
Although there are criminal cases which were dismissed upon motion of the accuse
d because the prosecution was not prepared for trial since the complainant and/o
r his witnesses did not appear at the trial and where this Court held that the d
defendant for the same offense the facts and the circumstances of the present c
In the present case, the accused was duly notified that the case was set for hea
ring on January 19, 1983. On said date of hearing neither the complainant nor th
e fiscal appeared despite due notice. This was the first date of hearing after a
rraignment. The court a quo should not have dismissed the case and should have i
nstead reset the case to another date to give the prosecution another day in cou
Thus, while a violation of the right of the accused to a speedy trial can serve
as a basis for the dismissal of a case, this must be balanced with the right of
In the instant case, the complaining witness and the prosecutor failed to appear
only in the first hearing. Even if the court did not dismiss the case but merel
y postponed the hearing to another date, there would not have been a denial of t
he right of the accused to a speedy trial. The right of the accused to have a sp
eedy trial is violated when unjustified postponements of the trial are asked for
and secured, or when, without good cause or justifiable motive, a long period o
f time is allowed to elapse without his case being tried. None of said situation
s exists in the present case. Surely, it cannot be said that there was a violati
on of the constitutional right of the accused to a speedy trial. The more pruden
t step that the court a quo should have taken was to postpone the hearing to giv
e the prosecution another opportunity to present its case. The dismissal of the
case by the trial court on the ground that the accused is entitled to a speedy t
Double jeopardy will apply even if the dismissal is made with the express consen
two grounds, i.e., insufficiency of the evidence or denial of the right to a spe
edy trial. In both cases, the dismissal will have the effect of an acquittal. Si
nce the dismissal in this case does not fall under either of these two instances
and it was made with the express consent of the accused, it would not thereby b
Nature of the case: Motion for reconsideration on the Court s decision dated Septe
mber 15,1989 dismissing the petition, after finding that the President did not a
FACTS: On September 28, 1989, former President Marcos died in Honolulu, Hawaii.
In the interest of the safety and for the tranquility of the state and order of
our country until such time as the government, be it under this administration
1. to bar former President Marcos and his family from returning to the Philippin
es is to deny them not only the inherent right of citizens to return to their co
untry of birth but also the protection of the Constitution and all of the rights
2. the President has no power to bar a Filipino from his own country; if she has
3. there is no basis for barring the return of the family of former President Ma
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner s arguments are impressed with merit.
RULING: The death of Mr. Marcos, although it may be viewed as a supervening even
t, has not changed the factual scenario under which the Court's decision was ren
dered. The threats to the government, to which the return of the Marcoses has be
en viewed to provide a catalytic effect, have not been shown to have ceased.
It cannot be denied that the President, upon whom executive power is vested, has
unstated residual powers which are implied from the grant of executive power an
d which are necessary for her to comply with her duties under the Constitution.
The powers of the President are not limited to what are expressly enumerated in
the article on the Executive Department and in scattered provisions of the Const
itution. This is so, notwithstanding the avowed intent of the members of the Con
stitutional Commission of 1986 to limit the powers of the President as a reactio
n to the abuses under the regime of Mr. Marcos, for the result was a limitation
-in-chief clause, but not a diminution of the general grant of executive power.
Among the duties of the President under the Constitution, in compliance with his
(or her) oath of office, is to protect and promote the interest and welfare of
the people. Her decision to bar the return of the Marcoses and subsequently, the
remains of Mr. Marcos at the present time and under present circumstances is in
compliance with this bounden duty. In the absence of a clear showing that she h
s decision, the Court will not enjoin the implementation of this decision.
The Court resolved to DENY the Motion for Reconsideration for lack of merit.
Nature of the Case: Appeal on decision dated March 21, 1987 by the Court of Appe
als setting aside the decision and order of execution pending appeal which the R
egional Trial Court of Manila issued in favor of the Philippine Rock Industries
in Civil Case No. 82-11394, authorizing the immediate execution of its decision
against the funds deposited in the Philippine National Bank (PNB) of the respond
FACTS: On July 30, 1982, PHILROCK filed in the Regional Trial Court of Manila, B
ranch 38, a complaint against the Board of Liquidators for Specific Performance
or Revaluation with Damages, praying that the defective rock pulverizing machine
ry which it purchased from REPACOM be replaced with a new one in good and operab
le condition according to the specifications of their contract, or, in the alter
of its contract price. PHILROCK also prayed for actual damages of P 5,000 per mo
nth for losses it allegedly incurred due to the increased expenses of maintainin
g the plant, P 4,000 per day as unrealized profits, exemplary damages, attorney
On April 23, 1987, the trial court rendered a decision in favor of PHILROCK and
1. To reimburse Plaintiff Philrock for the expenses it had invested and incurred
in connection with its purchase of the said rock pulverizing plant from REPACOM
On May 5, 1987, PHILROCK filed an urgent motion for execution pending appeal.
On May 14, 1987, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the State, filed a notice o
f appeal and an opposition to the "Motion for Execution Pending Appeal" on the g
round that the funds sought to be garnished by PHILROCK are public funds, hence,
On May 19, 1987, an order of Garnishment was served to PNB against the funds of
REPACOM in the account of the Board of Liquidators to satisfy the judgment in fa
vor of PHILROCK.
... the funds deposited by the Board of Liquidators in the Philippine National B
ank may not be garnished to satisfy a money judgment against the petitioner as t
ators in the Philippine National Bank may be garnished to satisfy a money judgme
RULING: The Board of Liquidators is a government agency under the direct supervi
sion of the President of the Republic created by EO 372, dated November 24, 1950
. It is tasked with the specific duty of administering the assets and paying the
liabilities of the defunct REPACOM. Hence, when a suit is directed against said
no juridical personality of its own, the suit is against the agency's principal
The sale of the rock pulverizing plant to PHILROCK by the Board of liquidators,
oard's primary and governmental function of settling and closing the affairs of
the REPACOM. Hence, its funds in the Philippine National Bank are public funds,
It should be mentioned that when the State consents to be sued, it does not nece
ssarily concede its liability. Even when the government has been adjudged liable
in a suit to which it has consented, it does not necessarily follow that the ju
dgment can be enforced by execution against its hands for, every disbursement of
Even though the rule as to immunity of a state from suit is relaxed, the power o
f the courts ends when the judgment is rendered. Although the liability of the s
tate has been judicially ascertained, the state is at liberty to determine for i
tself whether to pay the judgment or not, and execution cannot issue on a judgme
nt against the state. Such statutes do not authorize a seizure of state property
to satisfy judgments recovered, and only convey an implication that the legisla
ture will recognize such judgment as final and make provision for the satisfacti
on thereof.
Funds should be appropriated by the legislature for the specific purpose of sati
sfying the judgment in favor of PHILROCK before said judgment may be paid.
FACTS: Prior to February 16, 1946, the petitioner was a cadastral judge. On said
date he qualified for and assumed the position of judge-at-large of first insta
ondent Secretary of Justice duty informed the petitioner that latter was thereup
on separated from the service. Thereafter and until the present action was insti
tuted on July 11, 1947, his efforts were limited to the task of being reappointe
d. It was argued that then petitioner did not cease to be a cadastral judge. At
any rate, the petitioner does not pretend that he has ever rendered service as c
It is now argued by the petitioner that under section 9, Article VIII, of the Co
ge are not incompatible and that therefore by the acceptance of the latter offic
e he did not cease to be a cadastral judge, especially where his ad interim appo
preme Court and judge of inferior court to hold offices during good behavior unt
il they reach the age of seventy years or become incapacitated to discharge the
pon his taking of the oath of office on February 16, 1946, amounted to a waiver
of his right to hold the position of cadastral judge during the term fixed and g
Article VII, of the Constitution, which provides that the " President shall hav
e the power to make appointments during the recess of the Congress, but such app
In the case at bar, the petitioner accepted and qualified for the position of ju
itioner "knew, or at least he should know, that his ad interim appointment was s
y and that if said commission were to disapprove the same, it would become ineff
In a situation faced by the petitioner, the safer course to follow would have be
en for him to await the confirmation of the ad interim appointment before qualif
f a second office may be held as amounting to a vacation of the first, the two o
The situation before us is undoubtedly not one wherein he may appropriately hold
two compatible offices at one time such, for instance, as the positions of town
recorder and county and probate judge but one wherein he cannot legally hold tw
o offices of similar category at the same time, like two positions of judge of f
irst instance. Two offices are incompatible when viewed in the light of the publ
ic policy expressed in the statutes creating them and defining their powers and
duties. To hold otherwise would be to say that, in certain instances, there shou
ld be but two magistrates in the township, and it would become wholly without fo
ied by the Secretary of Justice about his separation from the service, constitut
Nature of the case: A petition for prohibition, with prayer for a restraining or
der and preliminary injunction. The petitioners ask us to prohibit public respon
dent CHR from further hearing and investigating CHR Case No. 90-1580, entitled "
Facts: A demolition order was signed Carlos Quimpo, in his capacity as an Execut
ive Officer of the Quezon City Integrated Hawkers Management Council under the O
ffice of the City Mayor, which was sent and received by herein private responden
ts. It was an order to leave after 3 days, the area in North Edsa to give way to
Led by their President Roque Fermo, the North EDSA Vendors Association, Incorpor
ainst the petitioners, asking the late CHR Chairman Mary Concepcion Bautista for
a letter to be addressed to then Mayor Brigido Simon, Jr., of Quezon City to st
op the demolition of the private respondents' stalls, sari-sari stores, and cari
nderia along North EDSA. The complaint was docketed as CHR Case No. 90-1580. €On 2
3 July 1990, the CHR issued an Order, directing the petitioners "to desist from
demolishing the stalls and shanties at North EDSA pending resolution of the vend
July 1990, as well as CHR's own ocular inspection, and convinced that on 28 July
1990 the petitioners carried out the demolition of private respondents' stalls,
sari-sari stores and carinderia, €the CHR, in its resolution of 1 August 1990, or
avor of the private respondents to purchase light housing materials and food und
om further demolition, with the warning that violation of said order would lead
During the 12 September 1990 hearing, the petitioners moved for postponement, ar
guing that the motion to dismiss set for 21 September 1990 had yet to be resolve
d. The petitioners likewise manifested that they would bring the case to the cou
rs, stating that the Commission's authority should be understood as being confin
at "the rights allegedly violated in this case (were) not civil and political ri
ghts, (but) their privilege to engage in business."
On 21 September 1990, the motion to dismiss was heard and submitted for resoluti
on, along with the contempt charge that had meantime been filed by the private r
espondents, albeit vigorously objected to by petitioners (on the ground that the
In an Order, dated 25 September 1990, the CHR cited the petitioners in contempt
for carrying out the demolition of the stalls, sari-sari stores and carinderia d
espite the "order to desist", and it imposed a fine of P500.00 on each of them.
On 1 March 1991, the CHR issued an Order, denying petitioners' motion to dismiss
Issue: Whether or not the public respondent has jurisdiction to investigate the
alleged violations of the "business rights" of the private respondents whose sta
lls were demolished by the petitioners at the instance and authority given by th
Constitution. €It was formally constituted by then President Corazon Aquino via Ex
ecutive Order No. 163, €issued on 5 May 1987, in the exercise of her legislative p
ower at the time. It succeeded, but so superseded as well, the Presidential Comm
In its Order of 1 March 1991, denying petitioners' motion to dismiss, the CHR th
make CHR a quasi-judicial body. €This view, however, has not heretofore been shar
ed by this Court. In Cariño v. Commission on Human Rights, €the Court, through then
Associate Justice, now Chief Justice Andres Narvasa, has observed that it is "on
ly the first of the enumerated powers and functions that bears any resemblance t
is that it may investigate, i.e., receive evidence and make findings of fact as
regards claimed human rights violations involving civil and political rights. B
ut fact finding is not adjudication, and cannot be likened to the judicial funct
o the end that the controversy may be decided or determined authoritatively, fin
ally and definitively, subject to such appeals or modes of review as may be prov
ided by law. This function, to repeat, the Commission does not have.
Nature of the case: This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules
of Court seeking the annulment of the decision of the Regional Trial Court of M
akati, Branch 62, which granted the writ of preliminary injunction applied for b
ainst petitioner.
Facts: Respondent municipality passed Ordinance No. 86 which authorized the clos
ure of J. Gabriel, G.G. Cruz, Bayanihan, Lt. Garcia Extension and Opena Streets
located at Baclaran, Parañaque, Metro Manila and the establishment of a flea marke
t thereon. The said ordinance was approved by the municipal council pursuant to
MMC Ordinance No. 2, authorizing and regulating the use of certain city and/or m
unicipal streets, roads and open spaces within Metropolitan Manila as sites for
flea market and/or vending areas, under certain terms and conditions.
The Metropolitan Manila Authority approved Ordinance No. subject to the followin
g conditions:
1. That the aforenamed streets are not used for vehicular traffic, and that the
majority of the residents do not oppose the establishment of the flea market/ven
2. That the 2-meter middle road to be used as flea market/vending area shall be
marked distinctly, and that the 2 meters on both sides of the road shall be used
by pedestrians;
3. That the time during which the vending area is to be used shall be clearly de
4. That the use of the vending areas shall be temporary and shall be closed once
the reclaimed areas are developed and donated by the Public Estate Authority.
alfrido N. Ferrer to enter into contract with any service cooperative for the es
anyag, a service cooperative, entered into an agreement whereby the latter shall
operate, maintain and manage the flea market in the aforementioned streets with
the obligation to remit dues to the treasury of the municipal government of Par
añaque. Consequently, market stalls were put up by respondent Palanyag on the said
Command, ordered the destruction and confiscation of stalls along G.G. Cruz and
J. Gabriel St. in Baclaran.
Hence, respondents municipality and Palanyag filed with the trial court a joint
petition for prohibition and mandamus with damages and prayer for preliminary in
The trial court issued an order upholding the validity of Ordinance No. 86 of th
Ruling: The property of provinces, cities and municipalities is divided into pro
perty for public use and patrimonial property (Art. 423, Civil Code). As to what
consists of property for public use, Article 424 of Civil Code states:
Art. 424. Property for public use, in the provinces, cities and municipalities,
consists of the provincial roads, city streets, the squares, fountains, public w
aters, promenades, and public works for public service paid for by said province
s, cities or municipalities.
All other property possessed by any of them is patrimonial and shall be governed
Based on the foregoing, J. Gabriel G.G. Cruz, Bayanihan, Lt. Garcia Extension an
d Opena streets are local roads used for public service and are therefore consid
nment which are devoted to public service are deemed public and are under the ab
is vested upon them by Congress. One such example of this authority given by Con
gress to the local governments is the power to close roads as provided in Sectio
Sec. 10. Closure of roads. A local government unit may likewise, through its hea
ting law and the provisions of this Code, close any barangay, municipal, city or
provincial road, street, alley, park or square. No such way or place or any par
t of thereof shall be close without indemnifying any person prejudiced thereby.
A property thus withdrawn from public use may be used or conveyed for any purpos
e for which other real property belonging to the local unit concerned might be l
However, the aforestated legal provision which gives authority to local governme
nt units to close roads and other similar public places should be read and inter
preted in accordance with basic principles already established by law. These bas
ic principles have the effect of limiting such authority of the province, city o
l Code lays down the basic principle that properties of public dominion devoted
to public use and made available to the public in general are outside the commer
ivate persons. Aside from the requirement of due process which should be complie
d with before closing a road, street or park, the closure should be for the sole
purpose of withdrawing the road or other public property from public use when c
ircumstances show that such property is no longer intended or necessary for publ
Even assuming, in gratia argumenti, that respondent municipality has the authori
ty to pass the disputed ordinance, the same cannot be validly implemented becaus
Respondent municipality has not shown any iota of proof that it has complied wit
h the foregoing conditions precedent to the approval of the ordinance. The alleg
ations of respondent municipality that the closed streets were not used for vehi
cular traffic and that the majority of the residents do not oppose the establish
ment of a flea market on said streets are unsupported by any evidence that will
show that this first condition has been met. Likewise, the designation by respon
dents of a time schedule during which the flea market shall operate is absent.
Further, it is of public notice that the streets along Baclaran area are congest
ed with people, houses and traffic brought about by the proliferation of vendors
occupying the streets. To license and allow the establishment of a flea market
along J. Gabriel, G.G. Cruz, Bayanihan, Lt. Garcia Extension and Opena streets i
n Baclaran would not help in solving the problem of congestion. We take note of
The powers of a local government unit are not absolute. They are subject to limi
tations laid down by toe Constitution and the laws such as our Civil Code. Moreo
Nature of the case: This is an appeal from the decision of the Regional Trial Co
urt, Branch 104, Quezon City, finding Danilo Roque and Ernesto Roque guilty beyo
Facts: In Criminal Case No. Q-53781, Eduardo Macam, Antonio Cedro and Eugenio Ca
wilan, Jr., were accused of Robbery with Homicide as defined and penalized under
On or about the 18th day of August, 1987, in Quezon City, the accused rob one BE
NITO MACAM entered the residence of Benito Macam and rob properties valued in th
e total amount of P454,000.00. And by reason of the crime of Robbery, said accus
ed attacked Leticia Macam, thereby inflicting upon her serious and mortal injuri
es which were direct and immediate cause of her death, and on the occasion of sa
id offense, Benito Macam, Salvacion Enrera, and Nilo Alcantara, all sustained ph
Together with Criminal Case No. Q-53781, Criminal Case No. Q-53783 was filed aga
inst Eugenio Cawilan, Sr. for violation of Presidential Decree No. 1612, otherwi
Cedro and Eugenio Cawilan, Jr., assisted by their respective counsels, changed
The trial court rendered its judgment finding appellants guilty beyond reasonabl
e doubt of the crime of Robbery with Homicide in Criminal Case No. Q-53781 and a
Issue: Whether or not their arrest without a warrant and their uncounseled ident
ification by the prosecution witnesses during the police line-up at the hospital
Ruling: In Gamboa v. Cruz, it was held that the right to counsel attaches upon t
The counsel guarantee was intended to assure the assistance of counsel at the tr
ial, inasmuch as the accused was "confronted with both the intricacies of the la
w and the advocacy of the public prosecutor." However, as a result of the change
ersaries and the judicial system well before his trial begins. It is therefore a
n before the trial. The law enforcement machinery at present involves critical c
the result might well settle the accused's fate and reduce the trial itself to a
in the case at bench where the police officers first talked to the victims befo
re the confrontation was held. The circumstances were such as to impart improper
suggestions on the minds of the victims that may lead to a mistaken identificat
cation at the police line-up. Hence, the exclusionary sanctions against the admi
be applied. On the other hand, appellants did not object to the in-court identif
ication made by the prosecution witnesses. The prosecution witnesses, who made t
ntified appellants in open court. Appellants did not object to the in-court iden
tification as being tainted by the illegal line-up. In the absence of such objec
tion, the prosecution need not show that said identifications were of independen
t origin.
The arrest of appellants was made without the benefit of a warrant of arrest. Ho
wever, appellants are estopped from questioning the legality of their arrest. Th
is issue is being raised for the first time by appellants before this Court. The
y have not moved for the quashing of the information before the trial court on t
his ground. Thus, any irregularity attendant to their arrest was cured when they
Nature of the Case: This is an appeal from the decision rendered by the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 88, Quezon City, finding accused-appellant guilty of the sp
ecial complex crime of robbery with homicide and sentencing him accordingly.
Facts: The case arose from the killing in the early hours of November 1, 1989 of
in a drinking spree with friends at a basketball court near the scene of the cri
me. He was detained and in a police lineup, was identified by witnesses as one o
On November 9, 1989, an information was filed against him and a John Doe for the
Upon being arraigned, accused-appellant pleaded not guilty. As the other accused
The prosecution evidence is the testimony of the witness Elizabeth de los Santos
.€The witness said that at dawn of November 1, 1989, she was roused from her sleep
by the cries of a distressed person calling for his "mama". She got up, partly
opened the door and saw, at a distance of about one meter, two male persons, one
of them holding Winnie Cabunilas and the other one stabbing him. She identified
Appellant denied involvement in the crime. However, the trial court found the te
Ruling: That Elizabeth De los Santos' testimony was uncorroborated does not make
s correctly rejected by the trial court. Alibi is the weakest of all defenses be
cause it is easy to fabricate it while it is difficult to disprove it. It cannot
not physically impossible for the accused to be present at the place of the cri
independent witness who has not been shown to have any reason or motive to testi
fy falsely must prevail over simple denials and unacceptable alibis of the accus
The accused complains that he was made to join a police lineup where he was iden
tified by three persons, including Elizabeth De los Santos, without the assistan
ce of counsel. It was settled in Gamboa v. Cruz, however, that the right to coun
sel guaranteed in Art. III, Section 12(1) of the Constitution does not extend to
police lineups because they are not part of custodial investigations. The reaso
n for this is that at that point, the process has not yet shifted from the inves
tigatory to the accusatory. The accused's right to counsel attaches only from th
Nature of the case: Two passengers who were apprehended after they supposedly st
aged a hold-up inside a passenger jeepney on September 29, 1990 were haled to co
urt, not for the felonious asportation, but for possession of the two unlicensed
firearms and bullets recovered from them which were instrumental in the commiss
Facts: At around 3:45 in the morning of September 29, 1990, when Percival Tan wa
s driving his jeepney, two men boarded the vehicle in Cubao. When they crossed P
asay Road, the two wayfarers, together with two other companions, announced a ho
ld-up. Percival Tan was instructed to proceed atop the Magallanes interchange wh
ere the other passengers were divested of their personal belongings, including t
he jacket of passenger Rene Araneta. Thereafter, the robbers alighted at the She
ll Gas Station near the Magallanes Commercial Center after which Percival Tan an
d his passengers went to Fort Bonifacio to report the crime. A CAPCOM team was f
orthwith formed to track down the culprits. Victim Rene Araneta who went with th
e responding police officers, upon seeing four persons, one of whom was wearing
his stolen jacket, walking casually towards Fort Bonifacio, told the police auth
orities to accost said persons. After the CAPCOM officers introduced themselves,
the four men scampered to different directions but three of them, namely, Tirso
Acol, Pio Boses, and Albert Blanco, were apprehended. Tirso Acol and Pio Boses
were each found in possession of an unlicensed .38 caliber revolver with bullets
. After the arrest, the three men were brought to Fort Bonifacio and were identi
fied by Percival Tan and the passengers who ganged up on the accused.
Pio Boses and Tirso Acol pleaded innocent to the charges levelled against them.
pellant can not feign denial of due process where he had the opportunity to pres
ent his defense, through his own narration on the witness stand.
The search in the case at bar falls within the purview of Section 5(b) of Rule 1
offense has in fact been committed, and the has €personal knowledge of facts indi
The police team was formed and dispatched to look for the persons responsible fo
r the crime on account of the information related by Percival Tan and Rene Arane
ta that they had just been robbed.€And since accused-appellant's arrest was lawful
, it follows that the search made incidental thereto was valid. Moreover, the un
licensed firearms were found when the police team apprehended the accused for th
e robbery and not for illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.€The principle
imparted by Justice Padilla in Cruz was based on the ruling of this Court in Ma
goncia vs. Palacio that:. . . When, in pursuing an illegal action or in the comm
ission of a criminal offense, the offending police officers should happen to dis
cover a criminal offense being committed by any person, they are not precluded f
rom performing their duties as police officers for the apprehension of the guilt
y person and the taking of the corpus delicti.
Facts: The petitioners 43 high school and elementary school students in the town
s of Daan Bantayan, Pinamungajan, Carcar, and Taburan, Cebu province. All minors
, they are assisted by their parents who belong to the religious group known as
Jehovah' Witnesses which claims some 100,000 "baptized publishers" in the Phil
All the petitioners in these two cases were expelled from their classes by the p
ublic school authorities in Cebu for refusing to salute the flag, sing the not
ional anthem and recite the patriotic pledge as required by Republic Act No. 126
5 of July 11, 1955, and by Department Order No. 8 dated July 21, 1955 of Depar
tment of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) making the flag ceremony compulsor
"Sec. 1. All educational institutions shall henceforth observe daily flag ceremo
ny, which shall be simple and dignified and shall include the playing or singing
r cause to be issued rules and regulations for the proper conduct of the flag ce
"Sec. 3. Failure or refusal to observe the flag ceremony provided by this Act an
after proper notice and hearing, shall subject the educational institution conc
erned and its head to public censure as an administrative punishment which shall
"In case of failure to observe for the second time the flag ceremony provided by
this Act, the Secretary of Education, after proper notice and hearing, shall ca
use the cancellation of the recognition or permit of the private educational ins
Jehovah's Witnesses admittedly teach their children not to salute the flag, sing
the national anthem, and recite the patriotic pledge for they believe that thos
y give x x x to anyone or anything except God". They feel bound by the Bible's c
ommand to "guard ourselves from idols-1 John 5:21". They consider the flag as an
image or idol representing the State. They think the action of the local author
ities in compelling the flag salute and pledge transcends constitutional limitat
ions on the State's power and invades the sphere of the intellect and spirit tha
Issue: Whether school children who are members of a religious sect known as Jeho
vah's Witnesses may be expelled from school (both public and private), for refus
ing, on count of their religious beliefs, to take part in the flag ceremony whic
h includes playing (by a band) or singing the Philippine national anthem, salut
Ruling: The flag is not an image but a symbol of the Republic of the Philippine
edom and liberty which it and the Constitution guarantee and protect. Unde
r a system of complete separation of church and state in the government, the fla
g is utterly devoid of any religious significance. Saluting the flag does not i
nvolve any religious ceremony. The flag salute is no more a religious ceremony
than the taking an oath of office by a public official or by a candidate for adm
"In requiring school pupils to participate in the flag salute, the State thru th
ehovah's Witness. The State is merely carrying, at the duty imposed upon it by t
he Constitution which charges it with supervision over and regulation of all edu
of public education, and see to it that all schools aim to develop, among othe
e flag ceremony. They have no valid right to such exemption. Moreover, exemption
to the requirement will disrupt school discipline and demoralize the rest of th
"The freedom of religious belief guaranteed by the Constitution does not and can
"The right to religious profession and worship has a twofold aspect, via., freed
om to believe and freedom to act on one's belief. The first is absolute as long
as the belief is confined within the realm of thought. The second is subject to
regulation where the belief is translated into external acts that affect the pub
lic welfare"
Petitioners stress, however, that while they do not take part in the compulsory
flag ceremony, they do not engage in "external acts" or behavior that would offe
nd their countrymen who believe in expressing their love of country through the
observance of the flag ceremony. They quietly stand at attention during the flag
ceremony to show their respect for the right of those who choose to participate
in the solemn proceedings. Since they do not engage in disruptive behavior, the
re is no warrant for their expulsion.
"Furthermore, let it be noted that coerced unity and loyalty even to the country
, x x x--assuming that such unity and loyalty can be attained through coercion-i
erty. A desirable end cannot be promoted by prohibited means." (Meyer vs. Nebras
Moreover, the expulsion of members of Jehovah's Witnesses from the schools where
they are enrolled will violate their right as Philippine citizens, under the 19
87 Constitution, to receive free education, for it is the duty of the State to "
protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education x x x and to
We hold that a similar exemption may be accorded to the Jehovah's Witness with
regard to the observance of the flag ceremony out of respect for their religiou
eir right not to participate in the flag ceremony does not give them a right to
Whether or not petitioner were denied due process when information for libel wer
e filed against them although the case was still under review by the Secretary o
t RTC judge issued a warrant for his arrest without personally examining the com
Whether or not the President of the Philippines, under the Constitution, may ini
tiate criminal proceedings against the petitioners through the filing of a compl
aint affidavit.
RULING: Anent the third issue, petitioner Beltran argues that the reason which ne
or the prosecution, bringing her under the trial court s jurisdiction. This would
urt or perjury.
ffice and may be invoked only by the holder of the office, not by any other pers
s accused.
Moreover, there is nothing in our laws that would prevent the President from wai
ving the privilege. Thus, if so minded the President may shed the protection aff
orded by the privilege and submit to the court s jurisdiction. The choice of wheth
ndition that petitioner would not again violate any of the penal laws of the Phi
y released from confinement. Subsequently, the Board of Pardons and parole resol
ved to recommend to the President the cancellation of the conditional pardon bas
ed upon the evidence showing that the petitioner had been charged 20 counts of e
stafa in a criminal case which were then pending trial before the RTC and on his
conviction by the RTC of the crime of sedition which is now pending appeal befo
re the IAC. Respondent Minister of Justice based on the board s resolution, recomm
l pardon after which the respondent issued by authority of the President, an Ord
ested. It was the petitioner s contention that he did not violate his conditional
pardon since he has not been convicted by final judgment of the 20 counts estafa
nor of the crime of sedition. Petitioner also contends that he was not given th
e opportunity to be heard before he was arrested and thus deprived of his rights
his case.
RULING: These issues were discussed in three cases before and can be summed up a
s follows:
1) The grant of pardon and the determination of the terms and conditions of
a conditional pardon are purely executive acts that are not subject to scrutiny
t, not subject to a judicial scrutiny under Sec 649i) of the Rev. Administration
Code; or it may be judicial act consisting of a trial for and conviction of vio
lation of a conditional pardon under Art. 159 Revised Penal Code. Where the Pres
ident opts to proceed under Sec 64(i) of the Rev. Adm. Code no judicial pronounc
Because due process is not semper et ubique judicial process and because the con
ditionally pardoned convict had already been accorded judicial due process in hi
s trials and conviction for the offense which he was conditionally pardoned, Sec
64(i) of the Rev. Adm. Code is not afflicted with a constitutional vice.
In this case, the President has chosen to proceed against the petitioner under S
ec 64(i) of the Rev. Adm. Code that choice is an exercise of the President s execu
Nature of the case: Petition to review the resolution of the Executive Secretary
FACTS: Petitioner Rodolfo Llamas is the incumbent Vice Governor of the Province
nt governor of the province of Tarlac and was suspended from office for a period
Governor before the Department of Local Government charging him with alleged vio
lation of the local government code and the anti-graft and corrupt practices law
. Public respondent Orbos was Executive Secretary at that time and is being impl
eaded herein in that official capacity for being issued, by authority of the Pre
Petitioner s main argument is that the President may grant executive clemency only
olely to criminal cases and no other law allows the grant of executive clemency
ISSUE: Whether or not the President of the Philippines has the power to grant ex
RULING: The President has the power to grant executive clemency in administrativ
e case because the law does not distinguish. The constitution does not distingui
sh between which cases executive clemency may be exercised by the President, wit
s the view of the SC that is the President can grant reprieves, commutations and
pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures in criminal cases, with much more reas
on can she grant executive clemency in administrative cases, which are clearly l
The President in the exercise of her power of supervision and control over all e
st especially where the basis therefore would be to serve the greater public int
erest. It is clearly within the power of the President not only to grant executiv
e clemency but also to reverse or modify the ruling issued by a subordinate again
Facts: Juan Garcia Rivera and private respondent Juan Mitre Garcia were candidat
es for the position of Mayor of Guinobatan, Albay in the January 1998 elections.
The Municipal Board of Canvassers proclaimed Rivera as the duly elected Mayor b
Garcia filed an election protest with the Regional Trial Court(RTC) . The trial
court found Garcia to have obtained 6, 376 votes against Rivera's 6, 222.
Rivera appealed to the Comelec through its First Division, the COMELEC sustained
with modification the appealed judgment of the RTC declaring Garcia as the duly
Rivera's motion for reconsideration was acted upon by the COMELEC en banc. COMEL
EC denied the motion. Garcia commenced to discharge the duties and functions of
cision until when he has served notice of this Court's temporary restraining ord
Rivera filed the present petition seeking the annulment of the COMELEC en banc d
ecision. Garcia contends that the Constitution declares the decisions of the COM
Issue: Whether or not the decisions of the COMELEC in election contests involvin
g elective municipal and baranagy officials, being final and executory and not a
Ruling: NO. The provision of Article IX-C, Section 2(2) of the Constitution tha
lving elective municipal and baranagay offices shall be final, executory and not
appealable applies only to questions of fact and not of law. The said provision
was not intended to divest the Supreme Court of its authority to resolve questio
of administrative bodies are final unless grave abuse of discretion has marred s
Facts: Petitioner filed the instant petition assailing the jurisdiction of the C
OMELEC to annul his proclamation after he had taken his oath of office, assumed
office, and discharged the duties as Congressman of the First District of Pampan
ga. The petitioner claims that the House Electoral Tribunal and not the COMELEC
is the sole judge of all election contests(Sec. 17 Art.VI of the 1987 Constituti
Issue: Whether or not the House Electoral Tribunal is the sole judge of all elec
Ruling: YES. Petitioner has been proclaimed winner of the Congressional election
s in the first district of Pampanga, has taken his oath of office as such, and a
ssumed his duties as congressman. For the Supreme Court to take cognizance of th
e electoral protest against him would be usurp the functions of the House Electo
ral Tribunal. The alleged invalidity of the proclamation despite alleged irregul
arities in connection therewith, and despite the pendency of the protests of the
Nature of the Case: Petition for a writ of prohibition to prevent the Court of F
irst Instance of Manila from taking cognizance of the criminal action filed agai
FACTS: The petitioner was duly accredited honorary consul of Uruguay at Manila,
he jurisdiction of the court on the ground that both under the Constitution of t
he United States and the Constitution of the Philippines the court below had no
Petitioner contends that the Court of First Instance of Manila is without jurisd
iction to try the case filed against the petitioner for the reason that under Ar
ticle III, section 2, of the Constitution of the United States, the Supreme Cour
t of the United States has original jurisdiction in all cases affecting ambassad
ors, other public ministers, and consuls, and such jurisdiction excludes the cou
rts of the Philippines and even under the Constitution of the Philippines origin
ISSUE: Whether or not the Philippine courts have jurisdiction over the person of
the petitioner.
RULING: Court of First Instance of Manila has jurisdiction to try the petitioner
This case involves no question of diplomatic immunity. It is well settled that a
ister, but is subject to the laws and regulations of the country to which he is
located along Tomas Mapua Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila, which doubled as the dwell
ing of its proprietors, the spouses Manuel and Mary Jay. The intruders made thei
r way into the furniture shop through the window grills they detached on the sec
ond floor where the bedroom of the Jays was located. Two (2) of the robbers fort
hwith herded the two (2) maids of the owners into the bathroom. They then rushed
to the ground floor where they saw Manuel sprawled on the floor among the piece
eratives of the Western Police District (WPD) that just before the incident that
evening, he saw his co-workers Marlo Compil, Baltazar Mabini and Jose Jacale go
to the back of the furniture shop. Linda then confirmed the information of Bart
olome to the police investigators who also learned that the trio who were all fr
om Samar failed to report for work the day after the incident, and that Baltazar
, to look for Baltazar Mabini and his companions. From the records of the parish
they were able to confirm that suspect Baltazar Mabini stood as godfather in th
e baptism of the child of his sister Mamerta and Rey Lopez. Immediately they pro
ceeded to the house of Lopez who informed them that Baltazar Mabini and his comp
anions already left the day before, except Compil who stayed behind and still pl
anning to leave.
After being positively identified as one of the workers of the Jay spouses, accu
sed Marlo Compil who was lying on a couch was immediately frisked and placed und
er arrest. After regaining his composure and upon being interrogated, Compil rea
dily admitted his guilt and pointed to the arresting officers the perpetrators o
f the heist from a picture of the baptism of the child of Mabini's sister. Compi
l was then brought to the Tayabas Police Station where he was further investigat
ed. On their way back to Manila, he was again questioned. He confessed that shor
tly before midnight on 23 October 1987 he was with the group that robbed MJ Furn
itures. He divulged to the police officers who his companions were and his parti
cipation as a lookout for which he received P1,000.00. He did not go inside the
furniture shop since he would be recognized. Only those who were not known to th
eir employers went inside. Compil said that his cohorts stabbed Manuel Jay to de
ath. He also narrated that after the robbery, they all met in Bangkal, Makati, i
n the house of one Pablo Pakit, a brother of his co-conspirator Rogelio Pakit, w
here they shared the loot and drank beer until four-thirty in the morning. Then
they all left for Quezon and agreed that from there they would all go home to th
From Tayabas, Quezon, the arresting team together with accused Compil proceeded
to the house of Pablo Pakit who confirmed that his younger brother Rogelio, with
some six (6) others including Compil, went to his house past midnight on 23 Oct
ober 1987 and divided among themselves the money and jewelry which, as he picked
up from their conversation, was taken from Sta. Cruz, Manila. They drank beer u
The day following his arrest, accused Compil after conferring with CLAO lawyer M
elencio Claroz and in the presence of his sister Leticia Compil, brother Orville
l. Patricio Balanay of the WPD admitting his participation in the heist as a loo
kout. He named the six (6) other perpetrators of the and asserted that he was me
rely forced to join the group by Jose Jacale and Baltazar Mabini who were the ma
Meanwhile WPD agents had gathered other leads and conducted follow-up operations
in Manila, Parañaque and Bulacan but failed to apprehend the cohorts of Compil.
Later on, an Information for robbery with homicide was filed against Marlo Compi
ned. After the prosecution had rested, the accused represented by counsel de par
f Manila, Br. 49, denied the demurrer, found the accused guilty of robbery with
On appeal, accused Compil claims that "(he) was not apprised of his constitution
al rights (to remain silent and seek the assistance of counsel) before the polic
e officers started interrogating him from the time of his arrest at the house of
Rey Lopez, then at the Tayabas Police Station, and while on their way to Manila
. . . . (he) was made to confess and declare statements that can be used agains
t him in any proceeding." And, the belated arrival of counsel from the CLAO pri
or to the actual execution of the written extrajudicial confession did not cure
the constitutional infirmity since the police investigators had already extracte
d incriminatory statements from him the day before, which extracted statements f
ormed part of his alleged confession. He then concludes that "[w]ithout the admi
e) cannot be convicted beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of robbery with homi
cide based on the testimonies of other witnesses" which are replete with "serio
Issue: Whether or not the accused-appellant was denied of his constitutional rig
Ruling: In People v. Rous, the Court held that an extrajudicial confession may b
ed that it was read and fully explained to confessant by counsel before it was s
igned. However the Court adopts the view in Gamboa v. Cruz where the Court En Ba
nc ruled that "[t]he right to counsel attaches upon the start of an investigatio
n, i.e., when the investigating officer starts to ask questions to elicit inform
stage, the person being interrogated must be assisted by counsel to avoid the p
the lips of the person undergoing interrogation for the commission of the offen
cted to an interrogation upon his arrest in the house of Rey Lopez in Tayabas, Q
uezon. He was then brought to the Tayabas Police Station where he was further qu
estioned. And while on their way to Manila, the arresting agents again elicited
n of the crime and admitted his participation therein. In all those instances, h
The belated arrival of the CLAO lawyer the following day even if prior to the ac
tual signing of the uncounseled confession does not cure the defect for the inve
ellant. The operative act, it has been stressed, is when the police investigatio
n is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has begun to focus o
n a particular suspect who has been taken into custody by the police to carry ou
t a process of interrogation that lends itself to eliciting incriminatory statem
ents, and not the signing by the suspect of his supposed extrajudicial confessio
n. Thus in People v. de Jesus the Court said that admissions obtained during cu
writing and signed in the presence of counsel are still flawed under the Constit
What is more, it is highly improbable for CLAO lawyer Melencio Claroz to have fu
lly explained to the accused who did not even finish Grade One, in less than ten
(10) minutes as borne by the records, the latter's constitutional rights and th
mentions details which could not have been merely concocted, and jibes with the
he Court finds other sufficient factual circumstances to prove his guilt beyond
reasonable doubt.
Facts: Socrates Rous alias Bobby, Rolando Laygo y Collado alias Lando, Primitivo
Garcia alias Bong/Peming, Virgilio Pradis, and Celestino Rabina were charged wi
th the crime of Highway Robbery with Homicide. Further accused, except Laygo, we
re charged with violation of Republic Act No. 6539, the Anti-Carnapping Act of 1
After joint trial against Laygo and Rous only, as the other accused were never a
rrested and have remained at large, the court a quo rendered a decision acquitti
ng Rous of the charge of carnapping, but finding both Rous and Laygo guilty unde
From said decision, Rolando Laygo and Socrates Rous appealed, with both of them
ascribing as error the admission of their extrajudicial confessions.
ble in evidence because the taking thereof was started and finished without the
assistance of counsel.
The record shows that the investigating officer fully informed accused-appellant
Laygo of his right to counsel and categorically asked Laygo whether he wanted t
ought him to the office of Atty. Abraham Datlag. Accused-appellant and Atty. Dat
lag conferred for a while; thereafter, Sgt. Gaddi and accused-appellant returned
to the CIS Office of Sgt. Gaddi and Sgt. Gaddi started the investigation. Atty.
Datlag arrived soon after the investigation started and left before the last th
ree questions were asked, instructing them to follow him to his office. After th
ygo went to the office of Atty. Datlag who read and examined Exhibit C, after wh
ich, Atty. Datlag conferred with Laygo and then advised Laygo to sign Exhibit C.
From the above facts, we find that there was more than substantial compliance wi
th the constitutional requirement that a person under investigation for the comm
ission of a crime should be provided with counsel, (Section 12 (1), Article III,
The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines). The very purpose of said
fession from a suspect. Any form of coercion, whether physical, mental, or emoti
onal in extracting confessions stamps the confession with the taint of inadmissi
bility (People vs. Cuison, 106 SCRA 98 [1981]). Nowhere in the evidence is it sh
own that coercion was ever employed by the investigating officer in obtaining th
The fact that Atty. Datlag arrived shortly after the investigation of Laygo had
begun and left before the confession was concluded does not negate the validity
and admissibility of said confession for the reason that after the confession wa
to the office of Atty. Datlag and the latter then read the confession, conferre
d with Laygo and then advised Laygo to sign the confession. It will be readily s
een that the confession was voluntary and the signing thereof by Laygo was done
upon advice of counsel. The constitutional requirements were thus fully complied
with. Moreover, the presence of Rolando's uncle, Tiburcio Laygo and the latter s
wife, Fely, clearly precluded the use of coercion in extracting the confession.
ong presumption that no person of normal mind would deliberately and knowingly c
dmissible until the accused successfully proves that it was given as a result of
sig, 221 SCRA 549 [1993]). There is not a speck of evidence to show that the con
fession of Laygo was extracted by such means or promise. Atty. Datlag would not
or Laygo had he known or had he been informed by Laygo of any infirmity in its e
ppellant Rous. Although Atty. Ferrer, the counsel of Rous, was not present when
the confession was taken, after the confession was prepared, Sgt. Gaddi brought
Rous to the office of Atty. Ferrer who read the confession and fully explained i
t to Rous. Only after Atty. Ferrer had interviewed Rous and fully explained the
confession and apprised Rous of his rights and the consequences of his answers d
id Rous sign said confession. It is clear, therefore, that Rous signed his confe
ssion upon advice and in the presence of his counsel, without any violence, inti
midation or threats being employed against him. Said confession suffers from no
lant Rous and found no injury on his body, evidently showing that no violence wa
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED, without special pronou
ncement as to costs.
Facts: Jose Flores y Salinas, Manuel Corpuz y Lacuata, Romeo Artienda y Galvez,
Jr., Amado Merca y Lopez, Edwin "Eden" Tubiera y Detabli, Leonito Macapagal and
one other unknown person who remains at-large, were charged before the Regional
Trial Court of La Trinidad, Benguet, with the crimes of Murder with Unintentiona
l Abortion, two (2) counts of Murder and Frustrated Murder in four (4) separate
Upon arraignment, all the accused present pleaded not guilty to all the offenses
charged. The cases were tried jointly and on 2 July 1993, the trial court rende
red a decision finding Jose Flores y Salinas, Manuel Corpuz y Lacuata, Romeo Art
ienda y Galvez, Jr., Amado Merca y Lopez, and Edwin Tubiera y Detabli GUILTY of
the crimes filed against them. For insufficiency of evidence, the Court finds th
e accused Leonito Macapagal NOT GUILTY of the crimes charged and hence his acqui
ttal him.
All five (5) convicted accused appealed the judgment to this Court claiming, amo
Ruling: In People v. Salveron, the Court held that: The alibi itself, although co
rroborated . . was not convincing enough in the face of the positive identificat
Furthermore, in People v. Cortes the Court ruled that: Justifiably, courts have al
ways looked upon the defense of alibi with suspicion and have received the same
with caution, not only because it is inherently weak and unreliable but also bec
ause of its easy fabrication. It cannot prevail over the clear, direct and posit
In the cases at bench, the alibis presented do not clearly show that it was impo
ssible for the accused-appellants to be at the locus criminis at the time the cr
imes were committed. It is of note that a certain police officer, Robert Cabrera
, who could have corroborated the alibis of Manuel Corpuz and Jose Flores, if th
e defense version were to be given credence, was never presented. The presumptio
The other defense witnesses who tried to establish the alibis of the other accus
rna Diones' positive identification that the five (5) accused-appellants were th
ted having fallen unconscious after she was struck in the head, she could not ha
onclude that the findings of the trial court that they committed the crimes are
Myrna Diones was able to convincingly testify to the participation of the five (
5) accused-appellants in taking her and her three (3) female companions to Nagui
lian Road in the early hours of 19 June 1992. Myrna testified that her two (20 c
ompanions in the Fiera-typed vehicle were handcuffed, tied around the neck with
rope and mauled by the accused-appellants. Myrna testified that she, herself, wa
s stabbed and hit three (3) times with a wooden club by accused-appellant Edwin
Tubiera before she fell unconscious. The acts of accused-appellants clearly show
that there was a conspiracy to inflict potentially fatal injuries on the four (
4) women. Myrna and the three (3) deceased victims sustained injuries consistent
with Myrna's account of how they were mauled, stabbed and strangled with ropes.
stablished by circumstantial evidence which proves with moral certainty that acc
e three (3) deceased victims but that they also conspired in committing the crim
nts has been overcome by proof which to a moral certainty establishes their guil
t for the crimes of Double Murder, Murder with Unintentional Abortion and Frustr
ated Murder.
The five (5) accused-appellants are still fortunate that the court could not the
n impose the penalty of death upon them, for undoubtedly they would have been se
ntenced to suffer the supreme penalty of death for having violated, so heinously
at that, the laws which they had sworn to uphold as members of the police force
WHEREFORE, the joint decision rendered by the trial court in Criminal Case Nos.
92-CR-1358, 92-CR-1365, 92-CR-1366 and 92-CR-1407 convicting the five (5) accuse
Nature of the case: This is a contempt proceeding which arose in Civil Case No.
9564 of the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan wherein Apolonio Cabansag and
his lawyers Roberto V. Merrera were found guilty and sentenced the first to pay
a fine of P20 and the last two P50 each with the warning that a repetition of th
Facts: Apolonio Cabansag filed on January 13, 1947 in the Court of First Instanc
from a parcel of land. However, the case was only partially heard during the p
der No. I creating the Presidential Complaints and Action Commission (PCAC), whi
ch was later superseded by Executive Order 19 promulgated on March 17, 1954. And
on August 12, 1954 Apolonio Cabansag, apparently irked and disappointed by the
delay in the disposition of his case, wrote the PCAC, a letter copy which he fur
nished the Secretary of Justice and the Executive Judge of the Court of First In
stance of Pangasinan.
Counsel for defendants, filed a motion before Judge Morfe praying that Apolonio
de in his letter to the PCAC to the effect that he, Cabansag, has long been depr
ived of his land "thru the careful maneuvers of a tactical lawyer", to which cou
nsel for Cabansag replied with a counter-charge praying that Atty. Fernandez be
1954, Judge Morfe dismissed both charges but ordered Cabansag to show cause in
writing within 10 days why he should not be held liable for contempt for sending
the above letter to the PCAC which tended to degrade the court in the eyes of t
he President and the people. Cabansag filed his answer stating that he did not h
ave the idea to besmirch the dignity or belittle the respect due the court nor w
as he actuated with malice when he addressed the letter to the PCAC; that there
is no single contemptuous word in said letter nor was it intended to give the Ch
ief Executive a wrong impression or opinion of the court; and that if there was
any inefficiency in the disposal of his case, the same was committed by the judg
Issue: Whether or not the writing of said letter tend to draw the intervention o
f the PCAC in the instant case which will have the effect of undermining the cou
Ruling: We agree that the trial court that courts have the power to preserve the
stice is bound to falter or fail. This is the preservative power to punish for c
ontempt. This power is inherent in all courts and essential to their right of se
tions which tends to impair the impartiality of its decisions or otherwise obstr
uct the administration of justice, the court will not hesitate to exercise it re
ed press and the free exercise of the rights of the citizen is the maintenance o
f the independence of the judiciary".The reason for this is that respect of the
courts guarantees the stability of their institution. Without such said institut
ion would be resting on a very shaky foundation.
The question that now arises is: Has the lower court legitimately and justifiabl
We are therefore confronted with a clash of two fundamental rights which lie at
right to petition the government for redress of grievance. How to balance and re
concile the exercise of these rights is the problem posed in the case before us.
between freedom of expression and independence of the judiciary. These are the "
clear and present danger" rule and the "dangerous tendency" rule. The first as i
nterpreted in a number of cases, means that the evil consequence of the comment
gh" before the utterance can be punished. The danger to be guarded against is th
e "substantive evil" sought to be prevented. And this evil is primarily the "dis
rule in constitutional law. It provides the criterion as to what words maybe pub
lished. Under this rule, the advocacy of ideas cannot constitutionally be abridg
ed unless there is a clear and present danger that such advocacy will harm the a
dministration of justice.
Thus, speaking of the extent and scope of the application of this rule, the Supr
eme Court of the United States said "Clear and present danger of substantive evi
only if the evils are extremely serious and the degree of imminence extremely hi
gh. . . . A public utterance or publication is not to be denied the constitution
al proceeding still pending in the courts, upon the theory that in such a case i
t must necessarily tend to obstruct the orderly and fair administration of justi
No less important is the ruling on the power of the court to punish for contempt
in relation to the freedom of speech and press. We quote; "Freedom of speech an
d press should not be impaired through the exercise of the punish for contempt o
f court unless there is no doubt that the utterances in question are a serious a
t one who ventures to publish anything that tends to make him unpopular or to be
oncerning a judge's decision is not alone the measure of the power to punish for
contempt. The fires which it kindles must constitute an imminent not merely a l
And in weighing the danger of possible interference with the courts by newspaper
criticism against the right of free speech to determine whether such criticism
The question in every case, according to Justice Holmes, is whether the words us
ed are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear
and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that congres
The "dangerous tendency" rule, on the other hand, has been adopted in cases wher
nds and the right of courts to protect their independence begins. There must be
a remedy to borderline cases and the basic principle of this rule lies in that t
he freedom of speech and of the press, as well as the right to petition for redr
ess of grievance, while guaranteed by the constitution, are not absolute. They a
This rule may be epitomized as follows: If the words uttered create a dangerous
tendency which the state has a right to prevent, then such words are punishable.
ral terms. Nor is it necessary that the language used be reasonably calculated t
the natural tendency and probable effect of the utterance be to bring about the
substantive evil the utterance be to bring about the substantive evil which the
legislative body seeks to prevent. (Gitlow vs. New York, 268 U.S. 652.).
The question then to be determined is: Has the letter of Cabansag created a suff
icient danger to a fair administration of justice? Did its remittance to the PCA
C create a danger sufficiently imminent to come under the two rules mentioned ab
he PCAC which has given rise to the present contempt proceedings, we would at on
ce see that it was far from his mind to put the court in ridicule and much less
to belittle or degrade it in the eyes of those to whom the letter was addressed
for, undoubtedly, he was compelled to act the way he did simply because he saw n
The only disturbing effect of the letter which perhaps has been the motivating f
actor of the lodging of the contempt charge by the trial judge is the fact that
the letter was sent to the Office of the President asking for help because of th
y not be a wise one for it would have been proper had he addressed his letter to
the Secretary of Justice or to the Supreme Court, such act alone would not be c
ontemptuous. To be so the danger must cause a serious imminent threat to the adm
inistration of justice. Nor can we infer that such act has "a dangerous tendency
" to belittle the court or undermine the administration of justice for the write
r merely exercised his constitutional right to petition the government for redre
ss of a legitimate grievance.
Under such a state of affairs, appellant Cabansag cannot certainly be blamed for
entertaining the belief that the only way by which he could obtain redress of h
is grievance is to address his letter to the PCAC which after all is the office
created by the late President to receive and hear all complaints against officia
ls and employees of the government to facilitate which the assistance and cooper
ation of all the executive departments were enjoined (Executive Order No. 1, as
amended by Executive Order No. 19). And one of the departments that come under t
he control of the President is the Department of Justice which under the law has
dministrative Code) The PCAC is part of the Office of the President. It can, the
refore, be said that the letter of Cabansag though sent to the PCAC is intended
for the Department of Justice where it properly belongs. Consequently, the sendi
ng of that letter may be considered as one sent to the Department of Justice and
as such cannot constitute undue publication that would place him beyond the man
Nature of the case: A petition for certiorari seeking the nullification of the o
FACTS: On November 17, 1964, respondent Edgardo Gener filed a complaint for inju
nction with the Court of First Instance of Bataan against petitioner, Donald Bae
Barrio Mabayo, Municipality of Morong, Bataan and that the American Naval Base
Counsel for petitioner, upon instructions of the American Ambassador to the Phil
ippines, entered their appearance for the purpose of contesting the jurisdiction
of respondent Judge on the ground that the suit was one against a foreign sover
Then, on December 12, 1964, petitioner filed a motion to dismiss, wherein such g
round was reiterated. It was therein pointed out that he is the chief or head of
matter of the action being official acts done by him for and in behalf of the Un
ited States of America. It was added that in directing the cessation of logging
operations by respondent Gener within the Naval Base, petitioner was entirely wi
thin the scope of his authority and official duty, the maintenance of the securi
ty of the Naval Base and of the installations therein being the first concern an
to dismiss by respondent Gener, relying on the principle that "a private citizen
claiming title and right of possession of certain property may, to recover poss
ession of said property, sue as individuals, officers and agents of the Governme
nt, who are said to be illegally withholding the same from him, though in doing
so, said officers and agents claim that they are acting for the Government." Tha
t was his basis for sustaining the jurisdiction of respondent Judge. Petitioner,
sonnel in Balanga, Bataan dated January 8, and January 11, 1965, directing immed
the fact that the records of the office show no new renewal of timber license or
The above notwithstanding, respondent Judge, on January 12, 1965, issued an orde
ary injunction and denying petitioner's motion to dismiss the opposition to the
Whether or not the invocation of the doctrine of immunity from suit of a foreign
Whether or not the Commander of the United States Naval Base in Olongapo, posses
s diplomatic immunity.
The invocation of the doctrine of immunity from suit of a foreign state without
its consent is appropriate. Based from the opinion of Justice Montemayor: "It is
clear that the courts of the Philippines including the Municipal Court of Manil
a have no jurisdiction over the present case for unlawful detainer. The question
of lack of jurisdiction was raised and interposed at the very beginning of the
action. The U.S. Government has not given its consent to the filing of this suit
which is essentially against her, though not in name. Moreover, this is not onl
y a case of a citizen filing a suit against his own Government without the latte
without said government's consent, which renders more obvious the lack of juris
diction of the courts of his country. The principles of law behind this rule are
ippine War Damage Commission, where respondent, a United States agency establish
ed to compensate damages suffered by the Philippines during World War II was hel
d as falling within the above doctrine as the suit against it "would eventually
se ..., the Commission has no funds of its own for the purpose of paying money j
from the opinion of Justice Tuason clearly shows: "It is a widely accepted princ
iple of international law, which is made a part of the law of the land (Article
II, Section 3 of the Constitution), that a foreign state may not be brought to s
uit before the courts of another state or its own courts without its consent."
s Court. Petitioner, as the Commander of the United States Naval Base in Olongap
n his personal capacity, or when the action taken by him cannot be imputed to th
iquiabas v. Commanding General and Dizon v. The Commanding General of the Philip
pine-Ryukus Command, both of them being habeas corpus petitions, there was no qu
, in the cited cases of Syquia, Marquez Lim, and Johnson, the parties proceeded
against were American army commanding officers stationed in the Philippines. The
sovereign without its consent is haled into court in connection with acts perfor
The infirmity of the actuation of respondent Judge becomes even more glaring whe
n it is considered that private respondent had ceased to have any right of enter
ing within the base area. This is made clear in the petition in these words: "In
1962, respondent Gener was issued by the Bureau of Forestry an ordinary timber
license to cut logs in Barrio Mabayo, Morong, Bataan. The license was renewed on
July 10, 1963. In 1963, he commenced logging operation inside the United States
Naval Base, Subic Bay, but in November 1963 he was apprehended and stopped by t
he Base authorities from logging inside the Base. The renewal of his license exp
ired on July 30, 1964, and to date his license has not been renewed by the Burea
en the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the United States Ambassador to provide
"direct liaison and consultation between appropriate Philippine and United State
oreign Affairs in writing that: "The enclosed map shows that the area in which M
r. Gener was logging definitely falls within the boundaries of the base. This ma
p also depicts certain contiguous and overlapping areas whose functional usage w
ould be interfered with by the logging operations.'" 36 Nowhere in the answer of
respondents, nor in their memorandum, was this point met. It remained unrefuted
WHEREFORE, the writ of certiorari prayed for is granted, nullifying and setting
aside the writ of preliminary injunction issued by respondent Judge in Civil Cas
e No. 2984 of the Court of First Instance of Bataan. The injunction issued by th
is Court on March 18, 1965 enjoining the enforcement of the aforesaid writ of pr
Nature of the case: An appeal by certiorari to review the decision and resolutio
te respondents before the metropolitan Trial Court of Manila. Judgment was rende
red against the said occupants, ordering them to vacate the lot and pay reasonab
le compensation therefor. This judgment was affirmed by the Regional Trial Court
, the Court of Appeals and subsequently by the Supreme Court in G.R. No. 85262.
Trial Court of Manila, a motion for execution of judgment, which was granted on
April 9, 1990. A writ of demolition was later prayed and likewise issued by the
On June 8, 1990, private respondents filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch
27, Manila, a petition for injunction and prohibition with preliminary injuncti
on and restraining order against the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila and peti
tioner herein (Civil Case No. 90-53346) to enjoin their ejectment from and the d
On June 28, 1990, the City of Manila filed a complaint docketed as Civil Case No
. 90-53531 against petitioner before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 41, Manila
, for the expropriation of the 4,842.90 square meter lot subject of the ejectmen
dismiss the complaint, alleging, inter alia, that the City of Manila had no pow
er to expropriate private land; that the expropriation is not for public use and
welfare; that the expropriation is politically motivated; and, that the deposit
of P2 million in the City of Manila representing the provisional value of the l
and, was insufficient and was made under P.D. 1533, a law declared unconstitutio
The land subject of this case is the 4,842.90 square meter lot, which was former
ly a part of the Fabie Estate. As early as November 11, 1966, the Municipal Boar
d of the City of Manila passed Ordinance No. 5971, seeking to expropriate the Fa
bie Estate. Through negotiated sales, the City of Manila acquired a total of 18,
017.10 square meters of the estate, and thereafter subdivided the land into home
The remaining area of 4,842.90 square meters, more or less, was sold in 1977 by
its owner, Dolores Fabie-Posadas, to petitioner. Since the time of the sale, the
lot has been occupied by private respondents. On 23, 1989, the City Council of
Manila, with the approval of the Mayor, passed Ordinance No. 7704 for the exprop
RULING: Petitioner forgot that the Revised Charter of the City of Manila, R.A. N
o. 409, expressly authorizes the City of Manila to "condemn private property for
public use" (Sec. 3) and "to acquire private land . . . and subdivide the same
into home lots for sale on easy terms to city residents" (Sec. 100).
The Revised Charter of the City of Manila expressly grants the City of Manila ge
neral powers over its territorial jurisdiction, including the power of eminent d
omain, thus:
General powers. The city may have a common seal and alter the same at pleasure,
and may take, purchase, receive, hold, lease, convey, and dispose of real and pe
rsonal property for the general interest of the city, condemn private property f
or public use, contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, and prosecute a
nd defend to final judgment and execution, and exercise all the powers hereinaft
Section 100 of said Revised Charter authorizes the City of Manila to undertake u
Sec. 100. The City of Manila is authorized to acquire private lands in the city
and to subdivide the same into home lots for sale on easy terms for city residen
ts, giving first priority to the bona fide tenants or occupants of said lands, a
is section, the city may raise the necessary funds by appropriations of general
funds, by securing loans or by issuing bonds, and, if necessary, may acquire the
lands through expropriation proceedings in accordance with law, with the approv
al of the President . . .
The City of Manila, acting through its legislative branch, has the express power
to acquire private lands in the city and subdivide these lands into home lots f
or sale to bona fide tenants or occupants thereof, and to laborers and low-salar
ied employees of the city. That only a few could actually benefit from the expro
priation of the property does not diminish its public use character. It is simpl
y not possible to provide all at once land and shelter for all who need them.
Through the years, the public use requirement in eminent domain has evolved into
pra; Manotok v. National Housing Authority, 150 SCRA 89 [1987]; Heirs of Juancho
Ardona v. Reyes, 125 SCRA 220 [1983]). Public use now includes the broader noti
The due process requirement in the expropriation of subject lot has likewise bee
n complied with. Although the motion to dismiss filed by petitioner was not set
uela, 159 SCRA 396 [1988]), it never questioned the lack of hearing before the t
rial and appellate courts. It is only now before us that petitioner raises the i
The Court of Appeals, in determining whether grave abuse of discretion was commi
tted by respondent courts, passed upon the very same issues raised by petitioner
ount not only fixed by the court, but accepted by both parties. The fact remains
estopped from assailing the same. It must be remembered that the valuation is me
rely provisional. The parties still have the second stage in the proceedings in
the proper court below to determine specifically the amount of just compensation
Nature of the case: Appeal by certiorari from the decision of the Court of Appea
ands by local government units is subject, to the prior approval of the Secretar
Sur passed Resolution No. 129, Series of 1988, authorizing the Provincial Govern
The San Joaquins moved to dismiss the complaints on the ground of inadequacy of
the price offered for their property. In an order dated December 6, 1989, the tr
ial court denied the motion to dismiss and authorized the Province of Camarines
Sur to take possession of the property upon the deposit with the Clerk of Court
of the amount of P5,714.00, the amount provisionally fixed by the trial court to
answer for damages that private respondents may suffer in the event that the ex
propriation cases do not prosper. The trial court issued a writ of possession in
is subject to the prior approval of the Secretary of the Agrarian Reform as the
inure to the direct benefit and advantage of the people of the Province of Cama
rines Sur. Once operational, the center would make available to the community in
valuable information and technology on agriculture, fishery and the cottage indu
stry. Ultimately, the livelihood of the farmers, fishermen and craftsmen would b
e enhanced. The housing project also satisfies the public purpose requirement of
the Constitution.
To sustain the Court of Appeals would mean that the local government units can n
idges, schools, hospitals, etc, without first applying for conversion of the use
of the lands with the Department of Agrarian Reform, because all of these proje
cts would naturally involve a change in the land use. In effect, it would then b
The petition is GRANTED and the questioned decision of the Court of Appeals is s
et aside insofar as it (a) nullifies the trial court's order allowing the Provin
ers the trial court to suspend the expropriation proceedings; and (c) requires t
he Province of Camarines Sur to obtain the approval of the Department of Agraria
l to non-agricultural use.
FACTS: The petitioners are questioning P.D. No. 27 and E.O. Nos. 228 and 229 on
grounds inter alia of separation of powers, due process, equal protection and th
se without just compensation. They contend that President Aquino usurped legisla
tive power when she promulgated E.O. No. 228. The said measure is invalid also f
vide for retention limits for small landowners. Moreover, it does not conform to
Article VI, Section 25(4) and the other requisites of a valid appropriation.
ISSUE: Whether or not constitutionality of P.D. No.27, E.O. Nos.228 and 229, and
R.A. No.6657.
RULING: The said laws are constitutional. The argument of the small farmers that
they have been denied equal protection because of the absence of retention limi
ts has also become academic under Section 6 of R.A. No. 6657. However, no eviden
ce has been submitted to the Court that the requisites of a valid classification
each other in certain particulars and different from each other in these same pa
rticulars. 31 To be valid, it must conform to the following requirements: (1) it
es of the law; (3) it must not be limited to existing conditions only; and (4) i
t must apply equally to all the members of the class. 32 The Court finds that al
l these requisites have been met by the measures here challenged as arbitrary an
d discriminatory.
1. R.A. No. 6657, P.D. No. 27, Proc. No. 131, and E.O. Nos. 228 and 229 are SUST
AINED against all the constitutional objections raised in the herein petitions.
3. All rights previously acquired by the tenant- farmers under P.D. No. 27 are r
4. Landowners who were unable to exercise their rights of retention under P.D. N
o. 27 shall enjoy the retention rights granted by R.A. No. 6657 under the condit
Nature of the case: A petition for certiorari, to set aside the order of deporta
he Regional Trial Court of Makati, which rendered a decision ordering the deport
ation of petitioner. Said decision was sustained by the Court of Appeals; hence,
petitioner came to this Court by way of review on certiorari, to set aside the
order of deportation. Petitioner contends that the provision of the Treaty givin
g retroactive effect to the extradition treaty amounts to an ex post facto law w
court's decision ordering his extradition, arguing that the evidence adduced in
the court below failed to show that he is wanted for prosecution in his country
. Capsulized, all the principal issues raised by the petitioner before this Cour
ISSUE: Whether or not the order of the judge extraditing the petitioner valid.
RULING: The order of the trial court is affirmed.Desiring to make more effective
cooperation between Australia and the Government of the Philippines in the supp
ression of crime, the two countries entered into a Treaty of Extradition on the
7th of March 1988. The said treaty was ratified in accordance with the provision
the Senate on September 10, 1990 and became effective thirty (30) days after bo
th States notified each other in writing that the respective requirements for th
The provisions of Article 6 of the said Treaty pertaining to the documents requi
red for extradition are sufficiently clear and require no interpretation. The wa
rrant for the arrest of an individual or a copy thereof, a statement of each and
every offense and a statement of the acts and omissions which were alleged agai
nst the person in respect of each offense are sufficient to show that a person i
Furthermore, the 'Charge and Warrant of Arrest Sheets' attest to the fact that p
etitioner is not only wanted for prosecution but has, in fact, absconded to evad
e arrest and criminal prosecution. Since a charge or information under the Treat
y is required only when appropriate, i.e., in cases where an individual charged
before a competent court in the Requesting State thereafter absconds to the Requ
ested State, a charge or a copy thereof is not required if the offender has in f
act already absconded before a criminal complaint could be filed. As the Court o
f Appeals correctly noted, limiting the phrase "wanted for prosecution" to perso
n charged with an information or a criminal complaint renders the Treaty ineffec
tive over individuals who abscond for the purpose of evading arrest and prosecut
In signing the Treaty, the government of the Philippines has determined that it
is within its interests to enter into agreement with the government of Australia
untry. The said Treaty was concurred and ratified by the Senate in a Resolution
dated September 10, 1990. Having been ratified in accordance with the provision
of the 1987 Constitution, the Treaty took effect thirty days after the requireme
nts for entry into force were complied with by both governments.
Facts: Petitioner is the Holy See who exercises sovereignty over the Vatican Cit
The petition arose from a controversy over a parcel of land registered in the na
e name of the Philippine Realty Corporation (PRC). The three lots were sold to
Ramon Licup, through Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., acting as agent to the selle
rs. Later, Licup assigned his rights to the sale to private respondent.
In view of the squatters to vacate the lots, a dispute arose as to who of the pa
rties has the responsibility of evicting and clearing the land of squatters. Co
mplicating the relations of the parties was the sale by petitioner of one of the
Private respondent filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court for annulment
Petitioner and Msgr. Cirilos moved to dismiss the complaint based sovereign immu
The trial court denied petitioner s motion to dismiss after finding that petitione
r shed off [its] sovereign immunity by entering into the business contract in que
stion .
Petitioner moved for reconsideration. The trial court issued an order deferring
Thereafter, a motion for intervention was filed by the Department of Foreign Aff
There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign immunity, each widely held and f
annot, without its consent, be made a respondent in the court of another soverei
gn. According to the newer or restrictive theory, the immunity of the sovereign
is recognized only with regard to public acts or acts jure imperii of a state,
t with our own guidelines. The mere entering into a contract by a foreign state
with a private party cannot be the ultimate test. The logical question is whet
her the foreign state is engaged in the activity in the regular course of busine
ss. If the foreign state is not engaged regularly in a business or trade, the p
In the case at bench, if petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary co
urse of a real estate business, surely the said transaction can be categorized a
s an act jure gestionis. However, petitioner has denied that the acquisition an
d subsequent of the lot were made for profit but claimed that it acquired said p
roperty for the site of its mission. Private respondent failed to dispute said
The lot was acquired by petitioner as a donation. The donation was not made for
a commercial purpose, but for the use of petitioner to construct thereon the of
ficial residence of the papal nuncio. The decision to transfer the property and
the subsequent disposal thereof are likewise clothed with a governmental charac
ter. Petitioner did not sell the lot for profit or gain. It merely wanted to d
ispose off the same because the squatters living thereon made it almost impossib
Facts: The United States of America (US) had a naval base in Zambales. The base
was one of those provided in the Military Bases Agreement between the Philippin
The US invited the submission of bids for several projects. Eligio de Guzman & C
o., Inc. responded to the invitation and submitted bids. Subsequent thereto, th
e company received from the US two telegrams requesting it to confirm its price
proposals and for the name of its bonding company. The company complied with it
s requests.
Thereafter, the company received a letter from petitioner stating that the compa
ny did not qualify to receive an award for the projects and said projects had be
The defendants entered their special appearance for the purpose only of question
ing the jurisdiction of this court over the subject matter of the complaint and
the persons of the defendants, the subject matter of the complaint being acts an
vereign which has not given her consent to this suit or any other suit. Subsequ
ently, defendants filed a motion to dismiss. The trial court denied the motion.
The traditional rule of State immunity exempts a State from being sued in the co
urts of another State without its waiver or consent. However, State immunity no
A State may be said to have descended to the level of an individual and can thus
In this case, the projects are an integral part of the naval base which is devot
the government of the highest order; they are not utilized for nor dedicated to
Nature of the case: These cases have been consolidated because they all involve
Air Force in connection with the bidding conducted by them for contract for bar
ber services. The bidding was won by Ramon Dizon, over the objection of the pri
vate respondents, who claimed that he had made a bid for four facilities, includ
ing the Civil Engineering Area, which was not included in the invitation to bid.
Petitioners explained that said concession was not awarded to Dizon but was al
ready operating such, and the expiration of the contract had been extended. Pri
e ground that the action was in effect a suit against the US, which had not waiv
In GR No. 79470, Fabian Genove filed a complaint against petitioners for his dis
missal as cook in the US Air Force Recreation Center. It had been ascertained a
fter investigation that Genove had poured urine into the soup stock used in cook
ing the vegetables served to the club customers. The club manager suspended him
and thereafter referred the case to the board of arbitrators. The board unanim
was dismissed from his employment. He then filed a complaint for damages.
In GR No. 80258, according to the plaintiffs, the defendants beat them up, handc
uffed and unleashed dogs on them which bit them in several parts of their bodies
and caused extensive injuries to them. The defendants deny this and claim the
plaintiffs were arrested for theft and were bitten by the dogs because they were
he law on which the right depends . The doctrine is sometimes derisively called th
he rule says that the state may not be sued without its consent, which clearly i
mports that it may be sued if it consents. The consent of the State may be mani
or special law. Consent is implied when the State enters into a contract or it
commences litigation.
In the case of the United States of America, the customary rule of international
law on state immunity is expressed with more specificity in the RP-US Treaty.
There is no question that the United States of America, like any other state, wi
involves its sovereign or governmental capacity that no such waiver may be impli
ed. State immunity now extends only to sovereign and governmental acts or acts
jure imperii.
In GR No. 80018, petitioners therein were acting in the exercise of their offici
al functions when they conducted the buy-bust operation against the complainant
and thereafter testified against him at his trial. It follows that for discharg
ing their duties as agents of the US, they cannot be directly impleaded for acts
imputable to their principal, which has not given its consent to be sued. The
In GR No. 80258, the record is too meager to indicate if the defendants were rea
lly discharging their official duties or had actually exceeded their authority w
hen the incident in question occurred. Only after it shall have determined in w
hat capacity the petitioners were acting at the time of the incident in question
will this Court determine, if still necessary, if the doctrine of state immunit
y is applicable.
In GR No. 79470, the Court can assume that the restaurant services partake of th
tary capacity. Such services are not extended to the American servicemen for fr
ee as a perquisite of membership in the Armed Forces of the US. Neither does it
appear that they are exclusively offered to these servicemen; on the contrary,
it is well known that they are available to the general public as well, includin
g the tourists. Such services are undoubtedly operated for profit, as a commerc
ial and not a governmental activity. The consequence of this finding is that th
e petitioners cannot invoke the doctrine of state immunity to justify the dismis
sal of the damage suit against them by Genove. For that matter, not even the US
government itself can claim such immunity. The reason is that by entering into
it impliedly divested itself of its sovereign immunity from suit. There was not
hing arbitrary about the proceedings. The petitioners acted quite properly in t
erminating the private respondent s employment for his unbelievably nauseating act
. It is surprising that he should still have the temerity to file his complaint
This being the case, the petitioners cannot plead any immunity from the complain
t filed by the private respondents in the court below. The contracts in questio
n being decidedly commercial, the conclusion reached in the US vs Ruiz case cann
ot be applied.
s citizenship.
Facts: On complaint of then Acting Immigration Commissioner, Martiniano P. Vivo,
Mallare, who was admitted to the Philippine Bar on March 5, 1962, for the purpos
e of determining whether his name should be stricken from the roll of persons au
ecision was rendered by this Court on April 29, 1968, holding that by prepondera
was a Chinese up to his death; and his mother admittedly being a Chinese, respon
as declared excluded from the practice of law; his admission to the bar was revo
ked, and he was ordered to return to this Court, the lawyer's diploma previously
issued to him.
Respondent moved for reconsideration of the decision, which was denied by the Co
urt in its resolution of January 10, 1969. On February 4, 1969, respondent petit
ioned the Court for the reopening of the case and for new trial on the ground, i
nter alia, of newly discovered evidence, the introduction of which could alter t
ted of (1) an entry in the registry of baptism of the Immaculate Concepcion Chur
ather) is the natural son of Ana Mallare, a Filipino; and (2) testimonies of cer
tain persons who had a known Esteban Mallare and his mother during their lifetim
Considering that the respondent, as a duly admitted member of the bar, should be
given ample opportunity to establish the true facts about his citizenship and t
hat no effort should be spared to ascertain the truth before strippling him of t
he privilege granted to him by the Court since 1962, and denying him the practic
e of his chosen profession which he has honorably discharged as far as the recor
ds show.
Respondent's petition to set aside the decision of this Court of April 29, 1968,
as well as the resolution of January 10, 1969, is premised upon three basic arg
uments, to wit: (a) Respondent's father, Esteban Mallare, being the natural son
of Ana Mallare, a Filipino, was a Filipino citizen; (b) Esteben Mallare, the son
of a Filipino mother, by his own overt acts, had chosen Philippine citizenship;
ld also be a Filipino and the objection against his inclusion in the Roll of Att
Ruling: After a painstaking study of the original and additional evidences herei
ide of Our decision of April 29, 1968, and a definitive declaration that respond
ent Florencio Mallare is a Filipino citizen and therefore with qualification and
In Our decision of April 29, 1968, respondent's claim that he is a Filipino was
denied for lack of evidence proving the Philippine citizenship of his father, Es
teban Mallare. It was ruled that Ana Mallare (Esteban's mother) can not be consi
dered a Filipino, there being no proof that she was "an inhabitant of the Philip
pines continuing to reside therein who was a Spanish subject on the eleventh day
of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine"; that the landing certificate issue
the evidence presented by therein applicant and consequently carries little evid
entiary weight as to the citizenship of her said husband; and that the affidavit
of Esteban Mallare, executed on February 20, 1939, to the effect that he had ch
osen to follow the citizenship of his Filipino mother was not only self-serving,
ranted by this Court, the aforementioned void in the proof of respondent's citiz
The witnesses, all natives of Macalelon, who had personal knowledge of the perso
n, birth and residency of both Ana Mallare and her son Esteban, were one in thei
r declaration that Ana Mallare is a Tagalog who had continuously resided in the
place, and that Esteban, her son, was reputedly born out of wedlock. Such declar
allare. Reputation has been held admissible as evidence of age, birth, race, or
race-ancestry, and on the question of whether a child was born alive. Unlike tha
s who are not members of the family the reason for the distinction is the public
The principle could not have been more true than in a Philippine rural community
ubject of criticisms and public cynosure. Thus, the public reputation in Macalel
on that Esteban was Ana's natural child, testified to by the witness, would cons
titute proof of the illegitimacy of the former. Besides, if Estaban were really
born out of legal union, it is highly improbable that he would be keeping the su
rname "Mallare" after his mother, instead of adopting that of his father. And it
would be straining the imagination to perceive that this situation was purposed
t concede that alien inhabitants of his country were that sophisticated or legal
The assertion of the witnesses, which have not been controverted, that Ana Malla
g mere conclusions devoid of evidentiary value. The declarations were not only b
ased on the reputation in the community regarding her race or race-ancestry, whi
ch is admissible in evidence, but they must have certain factual basis. For it m
ust be realized that in this Philippine society, every region possesses certain
characteristics all its own. Thus, a Tagalog would normally detect if a person h
ails from the same region even from the way the latter speaks. Considering that
the witnesses testified having known, and lived with, Ana Mallare in Macalelon,
their declaration that she is a Tagalog should receive a high degree of credibil
a Filipino, and no other act would be necessary to confer on him all the rights
and privileges attached to Philippine citizenship (U.S. vs. Ong Tianse, 29 Phil.
332; Santos Co vs. Government of the Philippine Islands, 42 Phil. 543; Serra vs
. Republic, L-4223, May 12, 1952; Sy Quimsuan vs. Republic, L-4693, Feb. 16, 195
3; Pitallano vs. Republic, L-5111, June 28, 1954). Neither could any act taken o
And even assuming arguendo that Ana Mallare were legally married to an alien, Es
teban's exercise of the right of suffrage when he came of age, constitutes a pos
teban Mallare was a registered voter as of April 14, 1928, and that as early as
1925 (when he was about 22 years old), Esteban was already participating in the
elections and campaigning for certain candidate. These acts are sufficient to sh
xpect the presentation of a formal deed to that effect considering that prior to
Nature of the case: A petition for certiorari assailing the Resolution of the Co
mmission on Elections (COMELEC) dated June 11, 1988, which dismissed the petitio
Facts: On November 19, 1987, private respondent Emilio "Lito" Osmeña filed his cer
tificate of candidacy with the COMELEC for the position of Provincial Governor o
On January 22, 1988, the Cebu PDP-Laban Provincial Council (Cebu-PDP Laban, for
ent Provincial Chairman, filed with the COMELEC a petition for the disqualificat
ion of private respondent on the ground that he is allegedly not a Filipino citi
Thus, on January 28, 1988, the COMELEC en banc resolved to order the Board to co
At the hearing before the COMELEC (First Division), the petitioner presented the
en: Application for Alien Registration Form No. 1 of the Bureau of Immigration s
igned by private respondent dated November 21, 1979; Alien Certificate of Regist
ration No. 015356 in the name of private respondent dated November 21, 1979; Per
mit to Re-enter the Philippines dated November 21, 1979; Immigration Certificate
alleging: that he is the legitimate child of Dr. Emilio D. Osmeña, a Filipino and
son of the late President Sergio Osmeña, Sr.; that he is a holder of a valid and
subsisting Philippine Passport No. 0855103 issued on March 25, 1987; that he has
been continuously residing in the Philippines since birth and has not gone out
of the country for more than six months; and that he has been a registered voter
roclaim the winning candidates. Having obtained the highest number of votes, pri
vate respondent was proclaimed the Provincial Governor of Cebu.
Thereafter, on June 11, 1988, COMELEC (First Division) dismissed the petition fo
r disqualification for not having been timely filed and for lack of sufficient p
a) Whether or not the dismissal of the petition by the COMELEC was valid an
d proper.
registered candidate to run for the office for which his certificate of candidac
y was filed can be raised under the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881), to wi
andidacy may be filed by any person exclusively on the ground that any material
he petition may be filed at any time not later than twenty-five days from the ti
me of the filing of the certificate of candidacy and shall be decided, after the
notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days before the election. and
'Sec. 253. Petition for quo warranto. Any voter contesting the election of any M
ember of the Batasang Pambansa, regional, provincial, or city officer on the gro
und of ineligibility or of disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines shall f
ile a sworn petition for quo warranto with the Commission within ten days after
The records show that private respondent filed his certificate of candidacy on N
ovember 19, 1987 and that the petitioner filed its petition for disqualification
of said private respondent on January 22, 1988. Since the petition for disquali
fication was filed beyond the twenty five-day period required in Section 78 of t
he Omnibus Election Code, it is clear that said petition was filed out of time.
The petition for the disqualification of private respondent cannot also be treat
ed as a petition for quo warranto under Section 253 of the same Code as it is un
enship and qualification to hold the public office to which he has been proclaim
ed elected. There is enough basis for us to rule directly on the merits of the c
herefore, disqualified from running for and being elected to the office of Provi
In the proceedings before the COMELEC, the petitioner failed to present direct p
roof that private respondent had lost his Filipino citizenship by any of the mod
es provided for under C.A. No. 63. Among others, these are: (1) by naturalizatio
eign country. From the evidence, it is clear that private respondent Osmeña did no
t lose his Philippine citizenship by any of the three mentioned hereinabove or b
nited States of America, the petitioner merely relied on the fact that private r
espondent was issued alien certificate of registration and was given clearance a
Philippine courts are only allowed to determine who are Filipino citizens and wh
o are not. Whether or not a person is considered an American under the laws of t
By virtue of his being the son of a Filipino father, the presumption that privat
e that private respondent had lost his Philippine citizenship. As earlier stated
Nature of the case: A petition for review on certiorari in seeking relief from t
cting Chairman, in the issuance of an order for the release of petitioner's reti
rement benefits.
ission and the Department of Education and Culture (DEC). Using falsified comput
ations and service records, some sixty-eight (68) treasury warrants were issued
ur), all of which appeared to be genuine and duly signed by the authorized signa
tories of the DEC. Twenty-eight (28) of these warrants are the subject of this c
The Auditor assigned to the Treasury Vault and Banking Audit Division of the Bur
eau of Treasury requested the National Cashier to "cause the dishonor of the sub
ject warrants and the encashment thereof charged back to the account of the bank
s concerned or to Miss Cruz, as the case may be. The first charge back against M
iss Cruz as made on August 17, 1976 in the amount of the P15,308.91 and subseque
ntly increased by P6,236.17 on August 23, 1976 thus making her total cash accoun
tabilities amount to P21,545.08. The Auditor also formally demanded that petitio
ner produce the missing funds while the Acting National Cashier required her to
In her written explanations to these demands, petitioner stressed that she paid
the warrants in good faith as there was nothing on their faces or in the endorse
ieu of charging her for the shortage, "the same be dropped from the cash book an
Acting on the matter which was formally referred to him, the respondent Commissi
on on Audit (COA) Acting Chairman issued an order stating among others that:
appearing from these papers that it was Miss Romana Cruz, Cashier IV, Cash Divisi
on, that Bureau, who paid the treasury warrants in question totalling P21,545.08
to wrong or fictitious payees and, therefore, is the last indorser liable for t
he value thereof, it is hereby directed that she be required to restore and rest
itute to that Bureau the said amount, without prejudice to her right of recourse
In case of failure of Miss Cruz to effect the restitution of said amount as here
in directed, her salary should be withheld pursuant to Section 624 of the Revise
indorsement opined ". . . that the loss of government funds arising from the enc
ashment of the subject treasury warrants as a result of the negligent act of the
y the DEC and not by Miss Romana Cruz who paid them in good faith and pursuant t
o her duty as Cashier IV of this Treasury to pay treasury warrants and governmen
Issue: Whether or not petitioner should be held liable for the treasury warrants
Ruling: It is not disputed that on the face of the treasury warrants, there appe
he DEC. Furthermore, Editha Gonzales, the party who presented the treasury warra
nts for encashment, was a bona fide employee of the DEC who regularly cashed war
rants with the petitioner and was therefore known to her personally. Considering
arrants did not amount to an act of negligence for which she should be made liab
Having established that petitioner was not negligent in encashing the treasury w
arrants, justice dictates that she should not be made personally liable for the
consequent losses.
asury warrants. Even assuming that. she could be held liable for non- compliance
with or violation of some rule or regulation, this Court agrees with the petiti
oner that Section 624 of the Revised Administrative Code cannot be construed to
authorize a deduction of the value of the treasury warrants from her retirement
Sec. 624. Retention of salary for satisfaction of indebtedness. When any person is
indebted to the Government of the Philippine Islands (or Government of the Unit
ed States), the Insular Auditor may direct the proper officer to withhold the pa
yment of any money due him or his estate, the same to be applied in satisfaction
of such indebtedness.
The question to be determined is whether or not the gratuity of the petitioner i
n this case can be withheld and applied to the payment of his remaining indebted
ness to the San Lazaro Investment Fund notwithstanding the provision of section
3 of Act No. 4051 that the gratuity provided for in this Act shall not be attach
ed or levied upon execution. *** The respondents contend that the withholding of
the corresponding amount of the petitioner's gratuity was made with a view to i
that "When any person is indebted to the government of the Philippine Islands o
r Government of the United States, the Insular Auditor may direct the proper off
icer to withhold the payment of any money due him or his estate, the same to be
While Section 3 of Act No. 4051 refers merely to attachment or levy upon executi
on, we are of the opinion that the exemption should be liberally construed in fa
vor of the pensioner. Pension in this case is a bounty flowing from the gracious
ness of the Government intended to reward past services and, at the same time, t
o provide the pensioner with the means with which to support himself and his fam
ily. Unless otherwise clearly provided, the pension should insure wholly to the
benefit of the pensioner. It is true that the withholding and application of the
amount involved was had under section 624 of the Administrative Code and not by
any judicial process, but if the gratuity could not be attached or levied upon
execution in view of the prohibition of section 3 of Act No. 4051, the appropria
tion thereof by administrative action, if allowed, would lead to the same prohib
ited result and enable the respondents to do indirectly what they can not do dir
ectly under section 3 of Act No. 4051. Act No. 4051 is a later statute having be
en approved on February 21, 1933, whereas the Administrative Code of 1917 which
embodies section 624 relied upon by the respondents was approved on March 10 of
that year. Considering section 3 of Act No. 4051 as an exception to the general
Nature of the case: This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus,
pplied for clearance from all money, property and other accountabilities in prep
aration for his retirement. He obtained the clearance applied for, which covered
the period from 1976 to December 31, 1985. The clearance had all the required s
ignatures and bore a certification that petitioner was "cleared from money, prop
After the EDSA Revolution, petitioner submitted his courtesy resignation to Pres
ident Corazon C. Aquino. He relinquished his office to the newly appointed Chair
man, now Executive Secretary Teofisto Guingona, Jr. on March 10, 1986. That same
Petitioner sought a second clearance to cover the period from January 1, 1986 to
March 9, 1986. All the signatures necessary to complete the second clearance, e
xcept that of Chairman Guingona, were obtained. The second clearance embodies a
certificate that petitioner was "cleared from money, property and/or accountabil
ity by this Commission. Chairman Guingona, however, failed to take any action th
Chairman issued COA Office Order No. 87-10182, which created a committee to inve
ntory all equipment acquired during the tenure of his two predecessors.
Not satisfied with the audit reports he received, respondent Chairman created a
special audit team for the purpose of conducting a financial and compliance audi
t of the COA transactions and accounts during the tenure of petitioner from 1976
to 1984. The special audit team submitted its report stating: (i) that the audi
nd the State Accounting and Auditing Center; (ii) that the audit disclosed a num
ber of deficiencies which adversely affected the financial condition and operati
related rules and regulations; and (iii) that there were some constraints in the
audit, such as the unavailability of records and documents, and personnel movem
ents and turnover. While the report did not make any recommendation, it instead
mentioned several officials and employees, including petitioner, who may be resp
In a letter dated December 21, 1989, a copy of which was received by petitioner
his application for retirement under R.A. No. 1568, effective as of March 9, 19
bove, payment of only one-half (½) of the money value of the benefits due you by r
nd the usual accounting and auditing rules. Payment of the balance of said retir
ement benefits shall be subject to the final results of the audit concerning you
In a letter dated January 22, 1990, petitioner requested full payment of his ret
irement benefits.
be discovered from the audit concerning his fiscal responsibility as former COA
Chairman, respondent Chairman cannot withhold the benefits due petitioner under
In said case, where petitioner herein was one of the respondents, we found that
the employee had been cleared by the National Treasurer from all money and prope
rty responsibility, and held that the retirement pay accruing to a public office
In Tantuico, we cited Justice Laurel's essay on the rationale for the benign rul
. . . Pension in this case is a bounty flowing from the graciousness of the Gove
rnment intended to reward past services and, at the same time, to provide the pe
nsioner with the means with which to support himself and his family. Unless othe
rwise clearly provided, the pension should inure wholly to the benefit of the pe
nsioner. It is true that the withholding and application of the amount involved
was had under Section 624 of the Administrative Code and not by any judicial pro
cess, but if the gratuity could not be attached or levied upon execution in view
dministrative action, if allowed, would lead to the same prohibited result and e
nable the respondent to do indirectly what they can not do directly under Sectio
n 3 of the Act No. 4051. Act No. 4051 is a later statute having been approved on
February 21, 1933, whereas the Administrative Code of 1917 which embodies Secti
on 624 relied upon by the respondents was approved on March 10 of that year. Con
sidering Section 3 of Act No. 4051 as an exception to the general authority gran
ted in Section 624 of the Administrative Code, antagonism between the two provis
ions is avoided.
Under Section 4 of R.A. No. 1568 (An Act to Provide Life Pension to the Auditor
General and the Chairman or Any Member of the Commission of Elections), the bene
fits granted by said law to the Auditor General and the Chairman and Members of
on. Likewise, under Section 33 of P.D. No. 1146, as amended (The Revised Governm
ent Service Insurance Act of 1977), the benefits granted thereunder "shall not b
Well-settled is the rule that retirement laws are liberally interpreted in favor
of the retiree because the intention is to provide for the retiree's sustenance
Nature of the case: Petitioner challenges his removal from the Commission on App
Facts: After the congressional elections of May 1987, the House of Representativ
in the HOR. Twenty-four members of the Liberal Party formally resigned from tha
t party and joined the LDP, thereby swelling its number to 159 and corresponding
ly reducing their former party to only 17 members. On the basis of this developm
ent, the HOR raised its representation in the CA by withdrawing the seat occupie
Respondent Singson was added as a member from the LDP. The petitioner went to th
e Supreme Court to challenge his removal from the commission and the assumption
of his seat by the respondent. The respondent questions the court s jurisdiction o
Issue: Whether or not the SC has the competence to act, in the case at bar, sinc
e it involved the legality of the act of the HOR in removing the petitioner from
the CA.
Ruling: The Court declared that it has the competence to act on the matter at ba
r. The case is not a discretionary act of the HOR that may not be reviewed by th
the wisdom of the act of the HOR in removing the petitioner from the Commission
other words, it refers to those questions which under the Constitution, are to
ch of the government. It is concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom. Not
Nature of the Case: Administrative Matter in the Supreme Court. Partiality, abus
Facts: Petitioner Garcia filed an administrative case before the Supreme Court a
gainst respondent Judge Meljohn dela Peña for partiality, abuse of authority and g
rave abuse of discretion for presiding over a criminal case in which the respond
ent's brother was a complainant and petitioner Garcia's wife was an accused in s
aid criminal case. A complaint was earlier filed by the complainant against res
pondent judge before the Office of the Ombudsman, which however, dismissed the c
Ruling: Respondent judge dismissed from the service. The dismissal of the crimi
nal aspect of the same complaint by the Office of the Ombudsman in its resolutio
n of March 23, 1993 will not affect the resolution of this case which basically
relates to the power of the Supreme Court under Article VIII, Section 6 of the 1
987 Constitution to exercise administrative supervision over all courts and cour
t personnel, from the presiding justice of the CA down to the lowest municipal t
rial court clerk. By virtue of this power, it is only the Supreme Court that ca
n oversee the judges and court personnel's compliance with all laws and pertinen
t rules and take proper administrative action against them, in the event that th
ey commit any violation thereof. No other branch of government may intrude into
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari to nullify the order of the Ombudsma
mplaint before the Office of the Ombudsman against petitioner Dra. Brigida S. Bu
enaseda, among others, for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practice Act.
uspension by the Ombudsman. The Solicitor General submitted its comment finding
that the authority of the Ombudsman is only to recommend suspension and he has
no direct power to suspend. Respondents argue that the power of the Ombudsman t
n 24 of R.A No. 6770 as being contemplated by Sec. 13 (8) of Art. XI of the 1987
Issue: Whether or not the Ombudsman has the power to suspend Government official
s and employees working in offices other than the Office of the Ombudsman, pendi
ls and employees.
Ruling: Petition dismissed. When the Constitution vested on the Ombudsman the p
d to "suspension," as a punitive measure. All the words associated with the wor
e.g. removal, demotion, fine, censure. Section 24 of R.A No. 6770, which grants
the Ombudsman the power to preventively suspend public officials and employees
The preventive suspension is imposed after compliance with the requisite therei
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
Facts: Petitioner Industrial Enterprises Inc. (IEI) was granted a coal operating
contract by the Government through the Bureau of Energy Dev't. (BED) for the ex
ploration of two coal blocks in Eastern Samar. However, it turned out that the
Marinduque Mining & Industrial Corp. (MMIC) shall be the logical coal operator.
Thus, IEI & MMIC executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) whereby IEI assigned a
nd transferred to MMIC all its rights and interests in the two coal blocks which
are the subject of IEI's coal operating contract. Eventually, IEI filed with t
he Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati Br. 150 an action for rescission of the
MOA with damages on the ground of certain violations of the provisions of the MO
The RTC ordered the rescission of the MOA. The CA reversed the RTC ruling that
the latter has no jurisdiction over the action considering that, under PD No. 12
06, it is the BED that has the power to decide controversies relative to the exp
Issue: Whether or not the civil court has jurisdiction to hear and decide the su
it for rescission of the MOA concerning a coal operating contract over coal bloc
Ruling: Petition denied. While the action filed by IEI sought the rescission of
coal-bearing lands and the determination of whether or not the reversion of the
coal operating contract over the subject coal blocks to IEI would be in line wit
h the integrated national program for coal-development and with the objective of
y cognizable in the courts, and comes into play whenever enforcement of the clai
m requires the resolution of issues which, under a regulatory scheme, have been
placed within the special competence of an administrative body; in such case the
Rosario vs. CA
FACTS: There was a land dispute that arose between petitioner Juanito A. Rosari
o and private respondent Alejandro Cruz over a lot. The controversy stemmed from
the "land for the landless program". The City of Manila through its City Tenant
land to the occupants thereof. Lot 3, Block 3 was subdivided into three lots, d
esignated as lots 3-A, 3-B and 3-C with areas of 56.5 sq. m. each. Private respo
ndent, as original lessee of the area, sublet his house on lot 3-A to petitioner
. Both parties filed with the City Tenant's Security Commission their applicati
ons to purchase lots 3-A and 3-C. The Commission awarded lot 3-A to Rosario whil
e lot 3-C was awarded to Cruz. Not satisfied, Cruz opposed the award of lot 3-A
to Rosario. Eventually the Commission revoked its resolution awarding lot 3-A
to Rosario. Rosario filed an action to quiet title before the Court of First In
stance (CFI) which dismissed the complaint on the ground that petitioner did not
exercise his right to exhaust administrative remedies by filing an appeal to th
e Office of the President before seeking a judicial review thereof. The CA like
wise dismissed petitioner's appeal filed before it. Hence, this petition.
a hard and fast rule, the failure to resort thereto warrants the dismissal of t
s is not, however, necessarily fatal to an action. Citing Soto vs. Jareno, 114
SCRA 116, the Court ruled that failure to observe the doctrine of exhaustion of
administrative remedies does not affect the jurisdiction of the court. The only
effect of non compliance with this rule is that it will deprive the complainant
It does not appear in this case that a motion to dismiss, based on non-exhausti
on of administrative remedies had been filed. The Supreme Court, in the broader
interests of justice has in a number of cases given due course to a petition for
Nature of the case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari
FACTS: Petitioner Ottomama Benito and the deceased Hadji Murad Kismen Sampiano O
gca were candidates for mayor in the municipality of Balabagan, Lanao del Sur in
the May 11, 1992 elections. There was a disqualification case filed against Og
etitioner, probably not aware of the death of his opponent, filed a motion to su
spend the proclamation of Ogca as elected mayor of Balabagan, Lanao del Sur in w
hich the COMELEC denied the same. The Municipal Board of Canvassers ruled that
the votes of deceased Ogca be excluded from tallying, counting and canvassing.
Herein private respondent appealed the above ruling to the COMELEC praying that
the Municipal Board of Canvassers be enjoined from implementing its ruling. The
ndidate who obtained the highest vote. The Municipal Board of Canvassers procla
imed petitioner as the duly elected mayor. The COMELEC declared such proclamatio
ISSUE: Whether or not the death of a candidate who obtained the highest number o
f votes in a regular election shall allow the candidate obtaining the second hig
RULING: Petition dismissed. The fact that the candidate who obtained the highe
for the office to which he was elected does not necessarily entitle the candida
te who obtained the second highest number of votes to be declared the winner of
the elective office. For to allow the defeated and repudiated candidate to take
the electorate without any fault on their part and to undermine the importance
and meaning of democracy and the people's right to elect officials of their choi
Nature of the case: Petition for certiorari with the issuance of temporary restr
aining order.
ks Snack Mobile owned by petitioner, filed on July 16, 1986 with the Office of t
yment of incentive leave benefits and non-payment of overtime pay. The complaint
pay on rest day, non-payment of maternity leave benefits and illegal exaction.
Minerva Peran, the representative of the employees during the proceedings before
the hearing officer filed a motion to dismiss claiming that Samahan ng mga Mang
gagawa sa Little Folks Snack Mobile (SAMAHAN) a local chapter of respondent KAMP
IL-KATIPUNAN, to which the seventy nine (79) employees allegedly belong, and pet
itioner employer were able to settle amicably their dispute through a compromise
agreement. The employees opposed the motion on the ground that Minerva Peran wa
s not authorized to enter into the alleged compromise agreement and much less to
move for the dismissal of the complaint. The Regional Director if DOLE rendered
a decision denying the motion to dismiss and directing petitioner to pay the em
ployees their various claims. On appeal, the Secretary of Labor affirmed the dec
ision of the Regional Director. Hence, they filed a petition for certiorari with
the issuance of temporary restraining order, after their two motions for recons
Petitioner relies heavily on the amicable settlement which was allegedly entered
into with the employees through their representative Minerva Peran. According t
o petitioner, with the execution of the amicable settlement, the employees' comp
laint was rendered moot and academic and petitioner's submission of a position p
aper became unnecessary. Petitioner also alleged denial of due process when the
Regional Director of DOLE rendered judgment in favor of the employees.
2) Whether or not there was denial of due process.
1) The rule in this jurisdiction is that money claims due to laborers cannot be
counsel without the specific individual consent of each laborer concerned. This
Their representative can only assist but not decide for them. In the light of t
he categorical denial by the employees that Peran was authorized to enter into a
n amicable settlement as regards their claims, the Court holds that public respo
be heard in a case filed against him. However, what the law prohibits is the ab
solute lack of an opportunity to be heard. Hence, it has been ruled that there w
as no denial of due process where the employer was duly represented by counsel a
nd given sufficient opportunity to be heard and present his evidence nor where t
Petitioner, in this case, was given at least three chances by the hearing office
r to submit his position paper but failed each time. Even prior to the hearing o
fficer's order for the submission of the position paper, petitioner was given th
t on the employees' computation of their claims. The comment was never submitted
since petitioner failed to appear during the two hearings set for the purpose d
espite due notice. Clearly, petitioner was granted ample opportunity to present
3) Petitioner impugns the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor and the Regiona
l Director to award the money claims of the employees contending that all money
claims of workers arising from an employer- employee relationship are within the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter as provided by Art. 217 of the Labo
r Code, as amended. This contention, which is being raised for the first time in
The active participation of the party against whom the action was brought, coupl
iction and a willingness to abide by the resolution of the case and will bar sai
f Manila, brought before this court this petition for a writ of prohibition agai
ion; Vicente Fragante, as Director of Public Works; Sergio Bayan, as Acting Secr
etary of Public Works and Communications; Eulogio Rodriguez, as Mayor of the Cit
tor of Public Works and to the Secretary of Public Works and Communications that
animal-drawn vehicles be prohibited from passing along Rosario Street extending
m. and from 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.; and along Rizal Avenue extending from the
, for a period of one year from the date of the opening of the Colgante Bridge t
to the detriment not only of their owners but of the riding public as well.
It is contended by the petitioner that Commonwealth Act No. 548 by which the Dir
ector of Public Works, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Co
on and control of the use of and traffic on national roads and streets is uncons
Commonwealth Act No. 548 was passed by the National Assembly in the exercise of
the paramount police power of the state. Said Act, by virtue of which the rules
and regulations complained of were promulgated, aims to promote safe transit upo
he public. In enacting said law, therefore, the National Assembly was prompted b
to relieve congestion of traffic, which is, to say the least, a menace to public
safety. Public welfare, then, lies at the bottom of the enactment of said law,
and the state in order to promote the general welfare may interfere with persona
l liberty, with property, and with business and occupations. Persons and propert
e general comfort, health, and prosperity of the state to this fundamental aim o
f our Government the rights of the individual are subordinated. Liberty is a ble
ssing without which life is a misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail
over authority because then society will fall into anarchy. Neither should autho
rity be made to prevail over liberty because then the individual will fall into
slavery. The citizen should achieve the required balance of liberty and authorit
y in his mind through education and, personal discipline, so that there may be e
stablished the resultant equilibrium, which means peace and order and happiness
for all. The moment greater authority is conferred upon the government, logicall
y so much is withdrawn from the residuum of liberty which resides in the people.
The paradox lies in the fact that the apparent curtailment of liberty is precis
Social justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy,"
but the humanization of laws and the equalization of social and economic force b
y the State so that justice in its rational and objectively secular conception m
f all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insur
e economic stability of all the competent elements of society, through the maint
opuli est suprema lex. Social justice, therefore, must be founded on the recogni
tion of the necessity of interdependence among divers and diverse units of a soc
iety and of the protection that should be equally and evenly extended to all gro
ups as a combined force in our social and economic life, consistent with the fun
damental and paramount objective of the state of promoting the health, comfort.
and quiet of all persons, and of bringing about "the greatest good to the greate
st number."
Nature of the Case: Petition for a writ of prohibition to prevent the Court of F
irst Instance of Manila from taking cognizance of the criminal action filed agai
FACTS: The petitioner was duly accredited honorary consul of Uruguay at Manila,
Philippine Islands. He was subsequently charged in the Court of First Instance o
he jurisdiction of the court on the ground that both under the Constitution of t
he United States and the Constitution of the Philippines the court below had no
Petitioner contends that the Court of First Instance of Manila is without jurisd
iction to try the case filed against the petitioner for the reason that under Ar
ticle III, section 2, of the Constitution of the United States, the Supreme Cour
t of the United States has original jurisdiction in all cases affecting ambassad
ors, other public ministers, and consuls, and such jurisdiction excludes the cou
rts of the Philippines and even under the Constitution of the Philippines origin
ISSUE: Whether or not the Philippine courts have jurisdiction over the person of
the petitioner.
RULING: Court of First Instance of Manila has jurisdiction to try the petitioner
ister, but is subject to the laws and regulations of the country to which he is
ON THEREOF FOR THE OPERATION OF CASINO. and Ordinance No. 3375-93 entitled AN ORDI
nd that under the Local Government Code s general welfare clause, the petitioner w
Ruling: The petition is DENIED and the challenged decision of the respondent Cou
rt of Appeals is AFFIRMED.
The morality of gambling is not a justiciable issue. Gambling is not illegal per
ling or, for that matter, even mentioning it at all. It is left to Congress to d
eal with the activity as it sees fit. In the exercise of its own discretion, the
it may prohibit some forms of gambling and allow others for whatever reasons it
may consider sufficient. Thus, it has prohibited jueteng and monte but permits l
everse. Well has it been said that courts do not sit to resolve the merits of co
atutes are not addressed to the judiciary but may be resolved only by the legisl
ative and executive departments, to which the function belongs in our scheme of
government. That function is exclusive. Whichever way these branches decide, the
y are answerable only to their own conscience and the constituents who will ulti
The tests of a valid ordinance are well established. A long line of decisions ha
We begin by observing that under Sec. 458 of the Local Government Code, local go
chance which are not prohibited but are in fact permitted by law. The petitione
rs are less than accurate in claiming that the Code could have excluded such gam
es of chance but did not. In fact it does. The language of the section is clear
and unmistakable. Under the rule of noscitur a sociis, a word or phrase should b
e interpreted in relation to, or given the same meaning of, words with which it
ated with "and other prohibited games of chance," the word should be read as ref
erring to only illegal gambling which, like the other prohibited games of chance
The apparent flaw in the ordinances in question is that they contravene P.D. 186
9 and the public policy embodied therein insofar as they prevent PAGCOR from exe
he ordinances that have changed P.D. 1869 for an ordinance admittedly cannot pre
vail against a statute. Their theory is that the change has been made by the Loc
al Government Code itself, which was also enacted by the national lawmaking auth
ority. In their view, the decree has been, not really repealed by the Code, but
merely "modified pro tanto" in the sense that PAGCOR cannot now operate a casino
over the objection of the local government unit concerned. This modification of
P.D. 1869 by the Local Government Code is permissible because one law can chang
It seems to us that the petitioners are playing with words. While insisting that
the decree has only been "modified pro tanto," they are actually arguing that i
t is already dead, repealed and useless for all intents and purposes because the
Code has shorn PAGCOR of all power to centralize and regulate casinos. Strictly
speaking, its operations may now be not only prohibited by the local government
unit; in fact, the prohibition is not only discretionary but mandated by Sectio
n 458 of the Code if the word "shall" as used therein is to be given its accepte
d meaning. Local government units have now no choice but to prevent and suppress
gambling, which in the petitioners' view includes both legal and illegal gambli
ng. Under this construction, PAGCOR will have no more games of chance to regulat
e or centralize as they must all be prohibited by the local government units pur
suant to the mandatory duty imposed upon them by the Code. In this situation, PA
GCOR cannot continue to exist except only as a toothless tiger or a white elepha
nt and will no longer be able to exercise its powers as a prime source of govern
It is noteworthy that the petitioners have cited only Par. (f) of the repealing
ntions the specific laws or the parts thereof which are repealed (or modified) b
y the Code. Significantly, P.D. 1869 is not one of them. A reading of the entire
Sec. 534. Repealing Clause. (a) Batas Pambansa Blg. 337, otherwise known
as the "Local Government Code," Executive Order No. 112 (1987), and Executive Or
(b) Presidential Decree Nos. 684, 1191, 1508 and such other decrees, orders,
hereby repealed.
(c) The provisions of Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Republic Act No. 1939 regardin
g hospital fund; Section 3, a (3) and b (2) of Republic Act. No. 5447 regarding
the Special Education Fund; Presidential Decree No. 144 as amended by Presidenti
al Decree Nos. 559 and 1741; Presidential Decree No. 231 as amended; Presidentia
l Decree No. 436 as amended by Presidential Decree No. 558; and Presidential Dec
ree Nos. 381, 436, 464, 477, 526, 632, 752, and 1136 are hereby repealed and ren
cally-funded projects.
(e) The following provisions are hereby repealed or amended insofar as they
are inconsistent with the provisions of this Code: Sections 2, 16, and 29 of Pre
sidential Decree No. 704; Sections 12 of Presidential Decree No. 87, as amended;
Sections 52, 53, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, and 74 of Presidential Decree
No. 463, as amended; and Section 16 of Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended,
(f) All general and special laws, acts, city charters, decrees, executive or
ch are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Code are hereby repealed
or modified accordingly.
Furthermore, it is a familiar rule that implied repeals are not lightly presumed
in the absence of a clear and unmistakable showing of such intention.
rary, as the private respondent points out, PAGCOR is mentioned as the source of
funding in two later enactments of Congress, to wit, R.A. 7309, creating a Boar
d of Claims under the Department of Justice for the benefit of victims of unjust
punishment or detention or of violent crimes, and R.A. 7648, providing for meas
ures for the solution of the power crisis. PAGCOR revenues are tapped by these t
wo statutes. This would show that the PAGCOR charter has not been repealed by th
e Local Government Code but has in fact been improved as it were to make the ent
nflict between P.D. 1869 and the Code, the proper action is not to uphold one an
d annul the other but to give effect to both by harmonizing them if possible. Th
is is possible in the case before us. The proper resolution of the problem at ha
nd is to hold that under the Local Government Code, local government units may (
and indeed must) prevent and suppress all kinds of gambling within their territo
ries except only those allowed by statutes like P.D. 1869. The exception reserve
d in such laws must be read into the Code, to make both the Code and such laws e
This approach would also affirm that there are indeed two kinds of gambling, to
wit, the illegal and those authorized by law. Legalized gambling is not a modern
concept; it is probably as old as illegal gambling, if not indeed more so. The
petitioners' suggestion that the Code authorizes them to prohibit all kinds of g
ambling would erase the distinction between these two forms of gambling without
a clear indication that this is the will of the legislature. Plausibly, followin
g this theory, the City of Manila could, by mere ordinance, prohibit the Philipp
169 and B.P. 42 or stop the races at the San Lazaro Hippodrome as authorized by
In light of all the above considerations, we see no way of arriving at the concl
usion urged on us by the petitioners that the ordinances in question are valid.
On the contrary, we find that the ordinances violate P.D. 1869, which has the ch
aracter and force of a statute, as well as the public policy expressed in the de
cree allowing the playing of certain games of chance despite the prohibition of
gambling in general.
The rationale of the requirement that the ordinances should not contravene a sta
tute is obvious. Municipal governments are only agents of the national governmen
o suggest that the local government units can undo the acts of Congress, from wh
ich they have derived their power in the first place, and negate by mere ordinan
This basic relationship between the national legislature and the local governmen
t units has not been enfeebled by the new provisions in the Constitution strengt
hening the policy of local autonomy. Without meaning to detract from that policy
, we here confirm that Congress retains control of the local government units al
though in significantly reduced degree now than under our previous Constitutions
. The power to create still includes the power to destroy. The power to grant st
ill includes the power to withhold or recall. True, there are certain notable in
novations in the Constitution, like the direct conferment on the local governmen
t units of the power to tax, which cannot now be withdrawn by mere statute. By a
nd large, however, the national legislature is still the principal of the local
government units, which cannot defy its will or modify or violate it.
January 21, 1949, G.R. No. L-1278
Facts: Petitioners Norberto Jimenez and Loreto Barrioquinto were charged with th
e crime of murder. As the latter had not yet been arrested the case proceeded ag
ainst the former, Jimenez was to life imprisonment. Before the period for perfec
ting an appeal had expired, the defendant Jimenez became aware of the Proclamati
on No. 8, which grants amnesty in favor of all persons who may be charged with a
n act penalized under the Revised Penal Code in furtherance of the resistance to
the enemy or against persons aiding in the war efforts of the enemy, and commit
ted during the period from December 8, 1941, to the date when particular area of
the Philippines where the offense was actually committed was liberated from ene
my control and occupation, and said Jimenez decided to submit his case to the Gu
errilla Amnesty Commission presided by the respondents herein, and the other pet
itioner Loreto Barrioquinto, who had then been already apprehended, did the same
The Amnesty Commission returned the application of the petitioners to the CFI of
Zamboanga, without deciding over the amnesty on the ground that inasmuch as nei
ther Barrioquinto nor Jimenez have admitted having committed the offense, becaus
e Barrioquinto alleged that it was Hipolito Tolentino who shot and killed the vi
ust be pleaded and proved by the person pardoned, because the courts take no not
ice thereof; while amnesty by Proclamation of the Chief Executive with the concu
rrence of Congress, and it is a public act of which the courts should take judic
ial notice. Pardon is granted to one after conviction; while amnesty is granted
s after conviction. Pardon looks forward and relieves the offender from the cons
forgives the punishment, and for that reason it does ""nor work the restoration
of the rights to hold public office, or the right of suffrage, unless such right
s be expressly restored by the terms of the pardon," and it "in no case exempts
the culprit from the payment of the civil indemnity imposed upon him by the sent
ence" while amnesty looks backward and abolishes and puts into oblivion the offe
nse itself, it so overlooks and obliterates the offense with which he is charged
that the person released by amnesty stands before the law precisely as though h
mit having committed the criminal act or offense with which he is charged and al
lege the amnesty as a defense; it is sufficient that the evidence either of the
complainant or the accused, shows that the offense committed comes within the te
rms of said Amnesty Proclamation. Hence, it is not correct to say that "invocati
ance." Although the accused does not confess the imputation against him, he may
or, whether or not he admits or confesses having committed the offense with whic
sted party, conduct summary hearing of the witnesses both for the complainants a
sistance to the enemy, or against persons aiding in the war efforts of the enemy
r not, in accordance with the terms of the Amnesty Proclamation. Since the Amnes
reated thereby should take notice of the terms of said Proclamation and apply th
, whether pleaded or claimed by the person charged with such offenses or not, if
the evidence presented show that the accused is entitled to said benefits.
The right to the benefits of amnesty, once established by the evidence presented
roclamation which has the force of a law, not only as innocent, for he stands in
the eyes of the law as if he had never committed any punishable offense because
Just as the courts of justice can not convict a person who, according to the evi
dence, has committed an act not punishable by law, although he confesses being g
uilty thereof, so also and a fortiori they can not convict a person considered b
y law not a criminal, but as a patriot and hero, for having rendered invaluable
Vera v. People
Nature of the Case: Special proceeding for certiorari to set aside a decision of
FACTS: Petitioners Gaudencio Vera, Restituto, Figueras, Lorenzo Ambas, Justo Flo
rido, Paulino Bayran, and 92 others, as John Does, were charged with the complex
crime of kidnapping with murder of Amadeo Lozanes, alias Azarcon. Upon petition
ers' motion, invoking the benefits of Amnesty Proclamation of the President, ser
ies of 1946, the case was referred to the Eighth Guerilla Amnesty Commission, wh
the crime charged and as there was no admission to their crime the Commission,
in its decision of January 12, 1956, held that it could not take cognizance of t
he case, on the ground that the benefits of the Amnesty Proclamation, could be i
he crime, plead that said commission was in pursuance of the resistance movement
and perpetrated against persons who aided the enemy during the Japanese occupat
ion. Consequently, the Commission ordered that the case be remanded to the court
of origin for trial. Where the court denied the application for amnesty.
ISSUE: Whether or not persons invoking the benefit of amnesty should first admit
HELD: Petitioners are not entitled to amnesty in not admitting the crime.
r an act which, according to him., he has not committed. Amnesty presupposes the
commission of a crime, and when an accused maintains that he has not committed
a crime, he cannot have any use for amnesty. Where an amnesty proclamation impos
f a plea of confession and avoidance, which means that the pleader admits the al
facts which, if proved, would bring the crime charged within the scope of the a
mnesty proclamation.
At any rate, the facts established before the Commission no not bring this case
within the terms of Amnesty Proclamation No. 8. Note that said proclamation exte
nds its provisions to "all persons who committed any act penalized under the Rev
ised Penal Code in furtherance of the resistance to the enemy or against persons
aiding in the war effort of the enemy." As found by the Commission, the killing
of the deceased (Lozañes) was not in furtherance of the resistance movement, but
was due to the rivalry between the Hunter's Guerrilla, to which he belonged, and
Nature of the case: Special Civil Action for Prohibition and Mandamus with Praye
Facts: Mateo A.T. Caparas, then Chairman of PCGG, wrote then President Corazon C
. Aquino, requesting her for authority to sign the proposed Consignment Agreemen
t between the Republic of the Philippines through PCGG and Christie, Manson and
scheduled sale on 11 January 1991 of eighty-two (82) Old Masters Paintings and
antique silverware seized from Malacañang and the Metropolitan Museum of Manila al
leged to be part of the ill-gotten wealth of the late President Marcos, his rela
The Commission on Audit (COA) through then Chairman Eufemio C. Domingo submitted
to President Aquino the audit findings and observations of COA on the Consignme
nt Agreement of 15 August 1990 to the effect that: (a) the authority of former P
CGG Chairman Caparas to enter into the Consignment Agreement was of doubtful leg
ality; (b) the contract was highly disadvantageous to the government; (c) PCGG h
ad a poor track record in asset disposal by auction in the U.S.; and, (d) the as
sets subject of auction were historical relics and had cultural significance, he
Issue: Whether the instant petition complies with the legal requisites for this
cutive Secretary and PCGG exercised their functions with grave abuse of discreti
is compliance with the legal requisites for judicial inquiry, namely: that the
question must be raised by the proper party; that there must be an actual case o
r controversy; that the question must be raised at the earliest possible opportu
nity; and, that the decision on the constitutional or legal question must be nec
On the first requisite, the Court have held that one having no right or interest
action. This is premised on Sec. 2, Rule 3, of the Rules of Court which provide
s that every action must be prosecuted and defended in the name of the real part
y-in-interest, and that all persons having interest in the subject of the action
and in obtaining the relief demanded shall be joined as plaintiffs. The Court w
ill exercise its power of judicial review only if the case is brought before it
by a party who has the legal standing to raise the constitutional or legal quest
ion. "Legal standing" means a personal and substantial interest in the case such
that the party has sustained or will sustain direct injury as a result of the g
overnmental act that is being challenged. The term "interest" is material intere
, the interest of the party plaintiff must be personal and not one based on a de
sire to vindicate the constitutional right of some third and related party.
There are certain instances however when this Court has allowed exceptions to th
e rule on legal standing, as when a citizen brings a case for mandamus to procur
e the enforcement of a public duty for the fulfillment of a public right recogni
zed by the Constitution, and when a taxpayer questions the validity of a governm
ental act authorizing the disbursement of public funds.
Similarly, as alleged in the petition, the pieces of antique silverware were giv
en to the Marcos couple as gifts from friends and dignitaries from foreign count
ries on their silver wedding and anniversary, an occasion personal to them. When
intings and silverware were taken from Malacañang and the Metropolitan Museum of M
anila and transferred to the Central Bank Museum. The confiscation of these prop
erties by the Aquino administration however should not be understood to mean tha
nt disposition must be raised only by the proper parties the true owners thereof
whose authority to recover emanates from their proprietary rights which are pro
tected by statutes and the Constitution. Having failed to show that they are the
legal owners of the artworks or that the valued pieces have become publicly own
ed, petitioners do not possess any clear legal right whatsoever to question thei
Neither can this petition be allowed as a taxpayer's suit. Not every action file
he government. A taxpayer's suit can prosper only if the governmental acts being
questioned involve disbursement of public funds upon the theory that the expend
iture of public funds by an officer of the state for the purpose of administerin
e paintings and antique silverware were acquired from private sources and not wi
th public money.
For a court to exercise its power of adjudication, there must be an actual case
pposite legal claims susceptible of judicial resolution; the case must not be mo
zable by a court of justice. 16 A case becomes moot and academic when its purpos
e has become stale, such as the case before us. Since the purpose of this petiti
on for prohibition is to enjoin respondent public officials from holding the auc
tion sale of the artworks on a particular date 11 January 1991 which is long p
ast, the issues raised in the petition have become moot and academic.
At this point, however, the Court need to emphasize that this Court has the disc
retion to take cognizance of a suit which does not satisfy the requirements of a
n actual case or legal standing when paramount public interest is involved. Howe
ver, there is no such justification in the petition at bar to warrant the relaxa
The Court agrees with the certification of the Director of the Museum. Under the
law, it is the Director of the Museum who is authorized to undertake the invent
of administrative officials and agencies who have acquired expertise because the
respect but at times even finality if such findings are supported by substantial
evidence and are controlling on the reviewing authorities because of their ackn
Marcos v. Manglapus
Nature of the Case: Petition for mandamus and prohibition to order the responden
FACTS: This is a petition for mandamus and prohibition asking the court to order
the respondents to issue travel documents to Mr. Marcos and the immediate membe
ar their return to the Phils. Petitioners advance the view that the President s po
wers are limited to those specifically enumerated in the Constitution, i.e. the
power of control over all executive departments, bureaus and offices; the power
to execute the laws, the appointing powers, the powers under the commander-in-ch
ief clause; the power to contract or guarantee foreign loans; the power to enter
ss and all the power to address Congress and that what is not enumerated is impl
iedly to her.
ISSUE: Whether or not the President may prohibit the Marcoses from returning to
the Philippines.
within the scope of "executive power." Corollarily, the powers of the President
cannot be said to be limited only to the specific powers enumerated in the Const
itution. In other words, executive power is more than the sum of specific powers
so enumerated in the Constitution. The President has the obligation under the C
onstitution to protect the people, promote their welfare and advance national in
terest. To the President, the problem is one of the balancing the general welfar
e and common good against the exercise of right of certain individuals. The powe
r involved us the President s residual power to protect the general welfare of the
right of liberty to abode and travel. It must be treated as a matter that is app
ropriately addressed to the residual unstated powers of the President which are
implicit in and correlative to the paramount duty residing in that office to saf
eguard and protect the general welfare.
It has been advanced that whatever power inherent in the government that is neit
The President cannot be said to have acted arbitrarily and capriciously and whim
sically in determining that the return of the Marcoses poses a serious threat to
the national interest and welfare and in prohibiting their return.
It will not do to argue that if the return of the Marcoses to the Philippines wi
ll cause the escalation of violence against the State that would be the time for
the President to step in and exercise the commander-in-chief powers granted her
by the Constitution to suppress or stamp out such violence. The State, acting t
hrough the Government, is not precluded from taking pre-emptive action against t
hreats to its existence if, though still nascent, they are perceived as apt to b
ecome serious and direct. Protection of the people is the essence of the duty of
nty-is an obligation in the highest order. The President, sworn to preserve and
defend the Constitution and to see the faithful execution the laws, cannot shirk
Nature of the case: Petition to review the order of the Commission on Elections.
Facts: Petitioner Cua was proclaimed as winner in the lone congressional distric
t of Quirino through a 2-1 decision rendered by COMELEC First Division but never
theless was suspended of his proclamation due to the lack of the unanimous vote
required by the procedural rules in COMELEC Resolution No. 1669 dated May 2, 198
The position of the petitioner is that the 2-1 decision of the First Division wa
s a valid decision of the COMELEC itself despite the above rule because of Artic
le IX-A. Section 7 of the new Constitution, providing that "each Commission shal
l decide by a majority vote of all its members any case or matter brought before
it." He argues that this applies to the votings of the COMELEC both in division
and en banc and that the private respondent himself recognized this when he fil
Respondents argue that in any case no valid decision was reached by the COMELEC
en banc because only three votes were cast in favor of the petitioner and these
Issue: Whether or not a valid decision was rendered by the COMELEC First Divisio
Ruling: Petition is granted and the public respondent is enjoined from further p
roceeding with the private respondent s motion. The restraining order enjoining pe
A 2-1 decision rendered by the First Division is a valid decision as the total n
After considering the issues and the arguments raised by the parties, the Court h
olds that the 2-1 decision rendered by the First Division was a valid decision u
nder Article IX-A, Section 7 of the Constitution. Furthermore, the three members
who voted to affirm the First Division constituted a majority of the five membe
rs who deliberated and voted thereon en banc and their decision is also valid un
he basis of the two aforecited decisions was a valid act that entitles him now t
It is expected that the above categorical rulings will put an end to the seeming
ly interminable debates on this matter that have been festering for quite some t
ime now not only in this case but also in other cases still pending in the COMEL
EC. The indecisiveness of the public respondent in the appreciation and applicat
ion of its own rules has seriously prejudiced a considerable number of our peopl
act that the congressional elections were held more than seven months ago.
Laguna Lake Development Authority v. Court of Appeals
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari, prohibition and injunction with pra
Facts: The clash between the responsibility of the City Government of Caloocan t
o dispose off the 350 tons of garbage it collects daily and the growing concern
arin, Tala Estate, Caloocan City where these tons of garbage are dumped everyday
is the hub of this controversy elevated by the protagonists to the Laguna Lake
The Task Force Camarin Dumpsite of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Barangay Camarin,
Caloocan City, filed a letter-complaint with the Laguna Lake Development Author
ity seeking to stop the operation of the 8.6-hectare open garbage dumpsite in Ta
la Estate, Barangay Camarin, Caloocan City due to its harmful effects on the hea
lth of the residents and the possibility of pollution of the water content of th
e surrounding area.
The LLDA conducted an on-site investigation and found that the water collected f
rom the leachate and the receiving streams could considerably affect the quality
other than coliform, which may have contaminated the sample during collection or
The LLDA issued a Cease and Desist Order ordering the City Government of Calooca
letely halt, stop and desist from dumping any form or kind of garbage and other
, 1992, the LLDA issued another order reiterating the December 5, 1991, order an
d issued an Alias Cease and Desist Order enjoining the City Government of Calooc
Issue: Whether or not the LLDA have the power and authority to issue a "cease an
d desist" order under Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendatory laws, on the basi
s of the facts presented in this case, enjoining the dumping of garbage in Tala
Ruling: The petition is granted. The temporary restraining order issued by the C
ourt on July 19, 1993 enjoining the City Mayor of Caloocan and/or the City Gover
nment of Caloocan from dumping their garbage at the Tala Estate, Barangay Camari
To be sure, the LLDA was not expressly conferred the power "to issue and ex-part
Caloocan, similar to the express grant to the defunct National Pollution Control
Commission under Section 7 of P.D. No. 984 which, admittedly was not reproduced
in P.D. No. 813 and E.O. No. 927, series of 1983. However, it would be a mistak
e to draw therefrom the conclusion that there is a denial of the power to issue
the order in question when the power "to make, alter or modify orders requiring
the discontinuance of pollution" is expressly and clearly bestowed upon the LLDA
Ex parte cease and desist orders are permitted by law and regulations in situati
ons like that here presented precisely because stopping the continuous discharge
of pollutive and untreated effluents into the rivers and other inland waters of
the Philippines cannot be made to wait until protracted litigation over the ult
imate correctness or propriety of such orders has run its full course, including
multiple and sequential appeals such as those which Solar has taken, which of c
ourse may take several years. The relevant pollution control statute and impleme
nting regulations were enacted and promulgated in the exercise of that pervasive
, sovereign power to protect the safety, health, and general welfare and comfort
of the public, as well as the protection of plant and animal life, commonly des
vital public interests like those here involved, through the exercise of police
blic interests" gives vitality to the statement on ecology embodied in the Decla
ration of Principles and State Policies or the 1987 Constitution. Article II, Se
ction 16.
the state "to protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill
s is party to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Alma Conference
The issuance, therefore, of the cease and desist order by the LLDA, as a practic
of its power and authority under its charter and its amendatory laws. Had the c
ease and desist order issued by the LLDA been complied with by the City Governme
nt of Caloocan as it did in the first instance, no further legal steps would hav
e been necessary.
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari with prayer for prohibition, prelimi
Facts: The constitutionality of Sec. 13, par. (d), of R.A. 7227, 1 otherwise kno
wn as the "Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992," under which respondent
Mayor Richard J. Gordon of Olongapo City was appointed Chairman and Chief Execu
tive Officer of the Subic Bay etropolitan Authority (SBMA), is challenged in thi
s original petition with prayer for prohibition, preliminary injunction and temp
orary restraining order "to prevent useless and unnecessary expenditures of publ
ic funds by way of salaries and other operational expenses attached to the offic
e . . . ." Paragraph (d) reads that a the President shall appoint a professional
bic, Zambales, and officers and members of the Filipino Civilian Employees Assoc
iation in U.S. Facilities in the Philippines, maintain that the proviso in par.
utional and statutory provisions: (a) Sec. 7, first par., Art. IX-B, of the Cons
titution, which states that "[n]o elective official shall be eligible for appoin
s tenure," because the City Mayor of Olongapo City is an elective official and t
he subject posts are public offices; (b) Sec. 16, Art. VII, of the Constitution,
which provides that "[t]he President shall . . . . appoint all other officers o
f the Government whose appointments are not otherwise provided for by law, and t
hose whom he may be authorized by law to appoint", since it was Congress through
the questioned proviso and not the President who appointed the Mayor to the sub
ject posts; and, (c) Sec. 261, par. (g), of the Omnibus Election Code, stated th
Issue: Whether the proviso in Sec. 13, par. (d), of R.A. 7227 which states, "Pro
vided, however, That for the first year of its operations from the effectivity o
f this Act, the mayor of the City of Olongapo shall be appointed as the chairman
and chief executive officer of the Subic Authority," violates the constitutiona
l proscription against appointment or designation of elective officials to other
government posts.
Ruling: The proviso in par. (d), Sec. 13, of R.A. 7227, which states: ". . . Pro
vided, however, That for the first year of its operations from the effectivity o
f this Act, the Mayor of the City of Olongapo shall be appointed as the chairman
al; consequently, the appointment pursuant thereto of the Mayor of Olongapo City
Sec. 7 of Art. IX-B of the Constitution expresses the policy against the concent
ployee may serve full-time with dedication and thus be efficient in the delivery
In the case before us, the subject proviso directs the President to appoint an e
lective official, i.e., the Mayor of Olongapo City, to other government posts (a
s Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of SBMA). Since this is prec
ing of the imagination to conclude that the proviso contravenes Sec. 7, first pa
r., Art. IX-B, of the Constitution. Here, the fact that the expertise of an elec
tive official may be most beneficial to the higher interest of the body politic
is of no moment.
In any case, the view that an elective official may be appointed to another post
if allowed by law or by the primary functions of his office, ignores the clear-
cut difference in the wording of the two (2) paragraphs of Sec. 7, Art. IX-B, of
the Constitution. While the second paragraph authorizes holding of multiple off
ices by an appointive official when allowed by law or by the primary functions o
f his position, the first paragraph appears to be more stringent by not providin
ficial to the government post, except as are particularly recognized in the Cons
titution itself, e.g., the President as head of the economic and planning agency
; the Vice-President, who may be appointed Member of the Cabinet; and, a member
of Congress who may be designated ex officio member of the Judicial and Bar Coun
Congress did not contemplate making the subject SBMA posts as ex officio or auto
matically attached to the Office of the Mayor of Olongapo City without need of a
ake the SBMA posts appointive and not merely adjunct to the post of Mayor of Olo
ngapo City. Had it been the legislative intent to make the subject positions ex
officio, Congress would have, at least, avoided the word "appointed" and, instea
The analogy with the position of Chairman of the Metro Manila Authority made by
proviso since it is not put in issue in the present case. In the same vein, the
post then Sec. 8, Art. IX-B, of the Constitution allowing him to receive double
compensation would be useless, is non sequitur since Sec. 8 does not affect the
Art. VII, may receive the compensation attached to the cabinet position if spec
rson or persons having authority therefor, to discharge the duties of some offic
ersons having authority therefor, to fill an office or public function and disch
Indeed, the power of choice is the heart of the power to appoint. Appointment in
volves an exercise of discretion of whom to appoint; it is not a ministerial act
In the case at bar, while Congress willed that the subject posts be filled with
a presidential appointee for the first year of its operations from the effectivi
ty of R.A. 7227, the proviso nevertheless limits the appointing authority to onl
y one eligible, i.e., the incumbent Mayor of Olongapo City. Since only one can q
ualify for the posts in question, the President is precluded from exercising his
the essential element of choice, is no power at all and goes against the very na
While it may be viewed that the proviso merely sets the qualifications of the of
ficer during the first year of operations of SBMA, i.e., he must be the Mayor of
e qualifications where only one, and no other, can qualify. Accordingly, while t
slative act, the proviso limiting his choice to one is certainly an encroachment
on his prerogative.
Since the ineligibility of an elective official for appointment remains all thro
ughout his tenure or during his incumbency, he may however resign first from his
c office.
not automatically forfeit his elective office nor remove his ineligibility impos
ovision should not be confused with Sec. 13, Art. VI, of the Constitution where
"(n)o Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may hold any other offic
eat . . . ." "Where the constitution, or statutes declare that persons holding o
her generally or of a certain kind, the prohibition has been held to incapacitat
e the incumbent of the first office to hold the second so that any attempt to ho
to the position of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive of SBMA; hence, his
tion cannot be sustained. He however remains Mayor of Olongapo City, and his act
s as SBMA official are not necessarily null and void; he may be considered a de
facto officer, "one whose acts, though not those of a lawful officer, the law, u
pon principles of policy and justice, will hold valid so far as they involve the
interest of the public and third persons, where the duties of the office were e
e officer was not eligible, or because there was a want of power in the electing
Nature of the case: Petition seeking to annul the Philippine Amusement and Gamin
egedly contrary to morals, public policy and order and because it waived the Man
ila City government right to impose taxes and license fees, which is recognized
by law. Petitioners also claim that PD 1869 is contrary to the declared national
policy of the new restored democracy and the people s will as expressed in the 1987
ntrary to Sections 11, 12 and 13 of Art. II Sec. 1 of Art. VII and c. 3(2) of Ar
a waiver of the right of the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees that
. They must be referring to Sec. 13 par 2 of PD 1869 which exempts PAGCOR as the
branches holder from paying any tax, any kind of term income or otherwise as we
The City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation has no inherent right to
impose taxes. Thus, "the Charter or statute must plainly show an intent to confe
r that power or the municipality cannot assume it". Its "power to tax" therefore
must always yield to a legislative act which is superior having been passed upo
egislative powers". Congress, therefore, has the power of control over Local gov
ernments. And if Congress can grant the City of Manila the power to tax certain
matters, it can also provide for exemptions or even take back the power.
The City of Manila's power to impose license fees on gambling, has long been rev
oked. As early as 1975, the power of local governments to regulate gambling thru
the grant of "franchise, licenses or permits" was withdrawn by P.D. No. 771 and
was vested exclusively on the National Government. Therefore, only the National
Government has the power to issue "licenses or permits" for the operation of ga
mbling. Necessarily, the power to demand or collect license fees which is a cons
of Manila.
rter, PD 1869. All of its shares of stocks are owned by the National Government.
PAGCOR has a dual role, to operate and to regulate gambling casinos. The latter
ld be and actually is exempt from local taxes. Otherwise, its operation might be
Justice Holmes, speaking for the Supreme Court, made reference to the entire abs
ence of power on the part of the States to touch, in that way (taxation) at leas
t, the instrumentalities of the United States and it can be agreed that no state
Otherwise, mere creatures of the State can defeat National policies thru extermi
imitations" which Congress may provide by law. Since PD 1869 remains an "operati
ve" law until "amended, repealed or revoked", its "exemption clause" remains as
nd fees. It cannot therefore be violative but rather is consistent with the prin
Besides, the principle of local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution simply mean
th gambling is a State concern and hence, it is the sole prerogative of the Stat
2.) No valid ground to sustain this contention. The petitioners' posture ignores
the well-accepted meaning of the clause "equal protection of the laws." The cla
use does not preclude classification of individuals who may be accorded differen
rbitrary. A law does not have to operate in equal force on all persons or things
The "equal protection clause" does not prohibit the Legislature from establishin
e Constitution does not require situations which are different in fact or opinio
If the law presumably hits the evil where it is most felt, it is not to be overt
hrown because there are other instances to which it might have been applied. The
equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment does not mean that all occupation
s called by the same name must be treated the same way; the state may do what it
can to prevent which is deemed as evil and stop short of those cases in which h
arm to the few concerned is not less than the harm to the public that would insu
The judiciary does not settle policy issues. The Court can only declare what the
law is and not what the law should be. Under our system of government, policy i
ssues are within the domain of the political branches of government and of the p
On various dates, the Philippine Patent Office issued to the corporation separat
venue Bienvenido A. Tan, Jr., to Deputy Minister Ramon Diaz of the Presidential
assify 'Champion,' 'Hope,' and 'More' as foreign brands since they were listed i
e Tobacco changed the names of 'Hope' to Hope Luxury' and 'More to 'Premium More
,' thereby removing the said brands from the foreign brand category. Proof was a
lso submitted to the Bureau (of Internal Revenue ['BIR']) that 'Champion' was an
e 1993, by the legislature and signed into law, on 14 June 1993, by the Presiden
About a month after the enactment and two (2) days before the effectivity of RA
7654, Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 37-93 ("RMC 37-93"), was issued by the BIR
which expressed:
"In view of the issues raised on whether 'HOPE.' 'MORE' and 'CHAMPION' cigarette
s which are locally manufactured are appropriately considered as locally manufac
tured cigarettes bearing a foreign brand, this Office is compelled to review the
"Under the foregoing, the test for imposition of the 55% ad valorem tax on cigar
ettes is that the locally manufactured cigarettes bear a foreign brand regardles
s of whether or not the right to use or title to the foreign brand was sold or t
ransferred by its owner to the local manufacturer. The brand must be originally
is, however, not definitely determinable, 'x x x the listing of brands manufact
On 03 August 1993, Fortune Tobacco filed a petition for review with the CTA.On 1
In its resolution, dated 11 October 1994, the CTA dismissed for lack of merit th
Whether RMC 37-93 is merely an interpretative rule the issuance of which needs n
o prior notice and hearing, or an adjudicatory Ruling which calls for the twin r
RULING: The Court must sustain both the appellate court and the tax court.
Petitioner stresses on the wide and ample authority of the BIR in the issuance o
f rulings for the effective implementation of the provisions of the National Int
ernal Revenue Code. Let it be made clear that such authority of the Commissioner
is not here doubted. Like any other government agency, however, the CIR may not
lement a primary legislation by providing the details thereof. In the same way t
hat laws must have the benefit of public hearing, it is generally required that
erested parties the opportunity to submit their views prior to the adoption of a
ny rule.
"(2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final order shall be valid unless the pr
"In addition such rule must be published. On the other hand, interpretative rule
s are designed to provide guidelines to the law which the administrative agency
is in charge of enforcing."
ative in nature, its applicability needs nothing further than its bare issuance
for it gives no real consequence more than what the law itself has already presc
ribed. When, upon the other hand, the administrative rule goes beyond merely pro
viding for the means that can facilitate or render least cumbersome the implemen
tation of the law but substantially adds to or increases the burden of those gov
ance to be heard, and thereafter to be duly informed, before that new issuance i
t has been issued, convinces us that the circular cannot be viewed simply as a c
orrective measure (revoking in the process the previous holdings of past Commiss
ioners) or merely as construing Section 142(c)(1) of the NIRC, as amended, but h
as, in fact and most importantly, been made in order to place "Hope Luxury," "Pr
emium More" and "Champion" within the classification of locally manufactured cig
arettes bearing foreign brands and to thereby have them covered by RA 7654. Spec
ifically, the new law would have its amendatory provisions applied to locally ma
nufactured cigarettes which at the time of its effectivity were not so classifie
d as bearing foreign brands. Prior to the issuance of the questioned circular, "
Hope Luxury," "Premium More," and "Champion" cigarettes were in the category of
locally manufactured cigarettes not bearing foreign brand subject to 45% ad valo
rem tax. Hence, without RMC 3 7-93, the enactment of RA 7654, would have had no
o place "Hope Luxury," "Premium More," and "Champion" cigarettes within the scop
e of the amendatory law and subject them to an increased tax rate, the now dispu
ted RMC 37-93 had to be issued. In so doing, the BIR not simply interpreted the
law; verily, it legislated under its quasi-legislative authority. The due observ
Indeed, the BIR itself, in its RMC 10-86, has observed and provided:
or the BIR to observe and comply with the above requirements before giving effec
Article VI, Section 28, paragraph 1, of the 1987 Constitution mandates taxation
oth in privileges and liabilities. Thus, all taxable articles or kinds of proper
ty of the same class must be taxed at the same rate and the tax must operate
with the same force and effect in every place where the subject may be found.
Apparently, RMC 37-93 would only apply to "Hope Luxury," Premium More" and "Cham
pion" cigarettes and, unless petitioner would be willing to concede to the submi
ssion of private respondent that the circular should, as in fact my esteemed col
d adjudicatory in nature and thus violative of due process following the Ang Tib
cision, the CTA has keenly noted that other cigarettes bearing foreign brands ha
All taken, the Court is convinced that the hastily promulgated RMC 37-93 has fal
ng power is the power to make rules and regulations which results in delegated l
egislation that is within the confines of the granting statute and the doctrine
Interpretative rule, one of the three (3) types of quasi-legislative or rule mak
ing powers of an administrative agency (the other two being supplementary or det
ore than interpret the statue. Simply, the rule tries to say what the statue mea
all those belonging to the same class which may be covered by the said interpre
tative rule. It need not be published and neither is a hearing required since it
law and is intended merely to clarify statutory provisions for proper observanc
e by the people. In Tañada v. Tuvera,6 this Court expressly said that "interpre
tative regulations x x x need not be published."
t is the power to hear and determine questions of fact to which the legislative
policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid down by t
he law itself in enforcing and administering the same law.7 The administrative
wer to act in such manner is incidental to or reasonably necessary for the perfo
red to investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings, wei
gh evidence, and draw conclusions from them as basis for their official action a
The importance of due process cannot be underestimated. Too basic is the rule th
otice and fair open hearing are essential to the validity of the proceeding. The
right to reasonable prior notice and hearing embraces not only the right to pre
sent evidence but also the opportunity to know the claims of the opposing party
and to meet them. The right to submit arguments implies that opportunity otherwi
se the right may as well be considered impotent. And those who are brought into
s and to be heard upon its proposal before it issues its final command.
There are cardinal primary rights which must be respected in administrative proc
eedings. The landmark case of Ang Tibay v. The Court of Industrial Relations9 e
numerated these rights (1) the right to a hearing, which includes the right of t
he party interested or affected to present his own case and submit evidence in s
upport thereof, (2) the tribunal must consider the evidence presented; (3) the d
ecision must have something to support itself, (4) the evidence must be substant
ial; (5) the decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at the hearing,
or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties affected; (6)
the tribunal or any of its Judges must act on its or his own independent conside
ration of the law and facts of the controversy, and not simply accept the views
controversial questions render its decision in such manner that the parties to t
he proceeding may know the various issues involved and the reasons for the decis
ion rendered.
In determining whether RMC No. 37-93 is merely an interpretative rule which requ
ires no prior notice and hearing, or an adjudicatory rule which demands the obse
(c), subpar. (1), of the NIRC, as amended, by citing the law and clarifying or e
xplaining what it means Section 142 (c) (1), National Internal Revenue Code, as
foreign brand, fifty-five (55%) Provided, That this rate shall apply regardless
of whether or not the right to use or title to the foreign brand was sold or tr
ansferred by its owner to the local manufacturer. Whenever it has to be determin
ed whether or not a cigarette bears a foreign brand, the listing of brands manuf
all govern.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals, sustaining that of the Court of
Facts: Petitioners in this special civil action for mandamus with preliminary i
njunction invoke their right to information and pray that respondent be directed
(a) to furnish petitioners the list of the names of the Batasang Pambansa member
s belonging to the UNIDO and PDP-Laban who were able to secure clean loans immed
iately before the February 7 election thru the intercession/marginal note of the
(b) to furnish petitioners with certified true copies of the documents evidencin
(c) to allow petitioners seem to the public records for the subject information.
which provides:
xxxAs a lawyer, member of the media and plain citizen of our Republic, I am requ
esting that I be furnished with the list of names of the opposition members of (
the) Batasang Pambansa who were able to secure a clean loan of P2 million each o
n guarranty (sic) of Mrs. Imelda Marcos. We understand that OIC Mel Lopez of Man
ila was one of those aforesaid MPs. Likewise, may we be furnished with the certi
fied true copies of the documents evidencing their loan. Expenses in connection
We are premising the above request on the following provision of the Fre
ubject to such limitation as may be provided by law. (Art. IV, Sec. 6).
On June 20, 1986, apparently not having yet received the reply of the Go
vernment Service and Insurance System (GSIS) Deputy General Counsel, petitioner
Valmonte wrote respondent another letter, saying that for failure to receive a r
eply, "We are now considering ourselves free to do whatever action necesary with
On June 26, 1986, Valmonte, joined by the other petitioners, filed the i
nstant suit.
f a writ of mandamus, among which is that petitioners have failed to exhaust adm
inistrative remedies.
eans of administrative redress available under the law. The courts for reasons o
f law, comity and convenience will not entertain a case unless the available adm
inistrative remedies have been resorted to and the appropriate authorities have
been given opportunity to act and correct the errors committed in the administra
ubject to settled exceptions, among which is when only a question of law is invo
The issue raised by petitioners, which requires the interpretation of th
pon by the regular courts more competently than the GSIS or its Board of Trustee
s, involving as it does a purely legal question. Thus, the exception of this cas
e from the application of the general rule on exhaustion of administrative remed
ies is warranted. Having disposed of this procedural issue. We now address ourse
lves to the issue of whether or not mandamus lies to compel respondent to perfor
We shall deal first with the second and third alternative acts sought to
be done, both of which involve the issue of whether or not petitioners are enti
This is not the first time that the Court is confronted with a controver
ra, and in the recent case of Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission, the Court uph
st and ordered the government agencies concerned to act as prayed for by the pet
moral and artistic thought and data relative to them, and the free exchange of i
deas and discussion of issues thereon, is vital to the democratic government env
isioned under our Constitution. The cornerstone of this republican system of gov
ernment is delegation of power by the people to the State. In this system, gover
nmental agencies and institutions operate within the limits of the authority con
ferred by the people. Denied access to information on the inner workings of gove
rnment, the citizenry can become prey to the whims and caprices of those to whom
the power had been delegated. The postulate of public office as a public trust,
institutionalized in the Constitution (in Art. XI, Sec. 1) to protect the peopl
e from abuse of governmental power, would certainly be were empty words if acces
s to such information of public concern is denied, except under limitations pres
Hence, before mandamus may issue, it must be clear that the information
The Court has always grappled with the meanings of the terms "public int
n be applied. "Public concern" like "public interest" is a terra that eludes exa
ct definition. Both terms embrace a broad spectrum of subjects which the public
may want to know, either because these directly affect their lives, or simply be
cause such matters naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary citizen. In the
final analysis, it is for the courts to determine on a case by case basis whethe
the public.
In the Tañada case the public concern deemed covered by the constitutional
right to information was the need for adequate notice to the public of the vari
ous laws which are to regulate the actions and conduct of citizens. In Legaspi,
equiring civil service eligibility are occupied only by persons who are eligible
forced through mandamus proceedings, viz., that the information sought must not
When the information requested from the government intrudes into the pri
vacy of a citizen, a potential conflict between the rights to information and to
privacy may arise. However, the competing interests of these rights need not be
resolved in this case. Apparent from the above-quoted statement of the Court in
Morfe is that the right to privacy belongs to the individual in his private cap
acity, and not to public and governmental agencies like the GSIS. Moreover, the
right cannot be invoked by juridical entities like the GSIS. Neither can the GSI
S through its General Manager, the respondent, invoke the right to privacy of it
s borrowers. The right is purely personal in nature, and hence may be invoked on
It may be observed, however, that in the instant case, the concerned bor
rowers themselves may not succeed if they choose to invoke their right to privac
y, considering the public offices they were holding at the time the loans were a
lleged to have been granted. It cannot be denied that because of the interest th
ey generate and their newsworthiness, public figures, most especially those hold
Respondent next asserts that the documents evidencing the loan transacti
ons of the GSIS are private in nature and hence, are not covered by the Constitu
ess to official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official act
orming proprietary functions, are outside the coverage of the people's right of
It is further contended that since the loan function of the GSIS is mere
ly incidental to its insurance function, then its loan transactions are not cove
red by the constitutional policy of full public disclosure and the right to info
rmation which is applicable only to "official" transactions.
loans granted by the GSIS, subject to reasonable regulations that the latter may
promulgate relating to the manner and hours of examination, to the end that dam
age to or loss of the records may be avoided, that undue interference with the d
uties of the custodian of the records may be prevented and that the right of oth
ereto, are entitled to "access to official records," the Constitution does not a
stracts, summaries and the like in their desire to acquire information on matter
s of public concern.
that the applicant has a well-defined, clear and certain legal right to the thi
ng demanded and that it is the imperative duty of defendant to perform the act r
equired. The corresponding duty of the respondent to perform the required act mu
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the decision of the Regional Trial Court
he NMAT three times and flunked it as many times.1 When he applied to take it ag
ain, the petitioner rejected his application on the basis of the aforesaid rule.
He then went to the Regional Trial Court of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, to compel
In his original petition for mandamus, he first invoked his constitutional right
ivate respondent was allowed to take the NMAT scheduled on April 16, 1989, subje
ourt, he squarely challenged the constitutionality of MECS Order No. 12, Series
of 1972, containing the above-cited rule. The additional grounds raised were due
After hearing, the respondent judge rendered a decision on July 4, 1989, declari
ng the challenged order invalid and granting the petition. Judge Teresita Dizon-
Capulong held that the petitioner had been deprived of his right to pursue a med
ical education through an arbitrary exercise of the police power.
Whether or not the three-flunk rule is constitutional?
s a measure intended to limit the admission to medical schools only to those who
have initially proved their competence and preparation for a medical education.
Perhaps the only issue that needs some consideration is whether there is some re
asonable relation between the prescribing of passing the NMAT as a condition for
admission to medical school on the one hand, and the securing of the health and
safety of the general community, on the other hand. This question is perhaps mo
ne in all its branches has long been recognized as a reasonable method of protec
ting the health and safety of the public. That the power to regulate and control
the practice of medicine includes the power to regulate admission to the ranks
tion and administrative regulations requiring those who wish to practice medicin
e first to take and pass medical board examinations have long ago been recognize
e. What we have before us in the instant case is closely related: the regulation
of access to medical schools. MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, as noted earlier, art
iculates the rationale of regulation of this type: the improvement of the profes
sional and technical quality of the graduates of medical schools, by upgrading t
he quality of those admitted to the student body of the medical schools. That up
ting, among other things, of limiting admission to those who exhibit in the requ
ired degree the aptitude for medical studies and eventually for medical. practic
urrent state of our social and economic development, are widely known.
dical education in the country." Given the widespread use today of such admissio
n tests in, for instance, medical schools in the United States of America (the M
edical College Admission Test [MCAT]) and quite probably, in other countries wit
h far more developed educational resources than our own, and taking into account
we are entitled to hold that the NMAT is reasonably related to the securing of
the ultimate end of legislation and regulation in this area. That end, it is use
ful to recall, is the protection of the public from the potentially deadly effec
ts of incompetence and ignorance in those who would undertake to treat our bodie
However, the respondent judge agreed with the petitioner that the said case was
not applicable. Her reason was that it upheld only the requirement for the admis
sion test and said nothing about the so-called "three-flunk rule."
We see no reason why the rationale in the Tablarin case cannot apply to the case
at bar. The issue raised in both cases is the academic preparation of the appli
cant. This may be gauged at least initially by the admission test and, indeed wi
th more reliability, by the three-flunk rule. The latter cannot be regarded any
less valid than the former in the regulation of the medical profession
There is no need to redefine here the police power of the State. Suffice it to r
epeat that the power is validly exercised if (a) the interests of the public gen
nce of the State, and (b) the means employed are reasonably necessary to the att
ainment of the object sought to be accomplished and not unduly oppressive upon i
In other words, the proper exercise of the police power requires the concurrence
The subject of the challenged regulation is certainly within the ambit of the po
lice power. It is the right and indeed the responsibility of the State to insure
The method employed by the challenged regulation is not irrelevant to the purpos
to insulate the medical schools and ultimately the medical profession from the
While every person is entitled to aspire to be a doctor, he does not have a cons
titutional right to be a doctor. This is true of any other calling in which the
public interest is involved; and the closer the link the longer the bridge to on
e's ambition. The State has the responsibility to harness its human resources an
d to see to it that they are not dissipated or, no less worse, not used at all.
These resources must be applied in a manner that will best promote the common go
ts. If one who wants to be a lawyer may prove better as a plumber, he should be
the other hand he may not force his entry into the bar. By the same token, a stu
dent who has demonstrated promise as a pianist cannot be shunted aside to take a
The right to quality education invoked by the private respondent is not absolute
. The Constitution also provides that "every citizen has the right to choose a p
It is time indeed that the State took decisive steps to regulate and enrich our
system of education by directing the student to the course for which he is best
mped with mediocrity," in the words of Justice Holmes, not because we are lackin
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the respondent court dated J
Ricardo Valmonte vs. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr.
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action for Mandamus with Preliminary Injuncti
The controversy arose when petitioner Valmonte wrote respondent Belmonte which p
As a lawyer, member of the media and plain citizen of our Republic, I am request
ing that I be furnished with the list of names of the opposition members of (the
) Batasang Pambansa who were able to secure a clean loan of P2 million each on g
uaranty (sic) of Mrs. Imelda Marcos. We understand that OIC Mel Lopez of Manila
was one of those aforesaid MPs. Likewise, may we be furnished with the certified
true copies of the documents evidencing their loan. Expenses in connection here
We are premising the above request on the following provision of the Freedom Con
The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be rec
On June 20, 1986, apparently not having yet received the reply of the Government
Service and Insurance System (GSIS) Deputy General Counsel, petitioner Valmonte
wrote respondent another letter, saying that for failure to receive a reply, "W
e are now considering ourselves free to do whatever action necesary within the p
On June 26, 1986, Valmonte, joined by the other petitioners, filed the instant s
ive remedies
Whether or not there was a lack of exhaustion of administrative proceedings.
Among the settled principles in administrative law is that before a party can be
administrative redress available under the law. The courts for reasons of law, c
omity and convenience will not entertain a case unless the available administrat
ive remedies have been resorted to and the appropriate authorities have been giv
en opportunity to act and correct the errors committed in the administrative for
o settled exceptions, among which is when only a question of law is involved [Pa
scual v. Provincial Board, 106 Phil. 466 (1959); Aguilar v. Valencia, et al., G.
R. No. L-30396, July 30, 1971, 40 SCRA, 210; Malabanan v. Ramento, G.R. No. L-22
70, May 21, 1984, 129 SCRA 359.] The issue raised by petitioners, which requires
one which can be passed upon by the regular courts more competently than the GSI
the exception of this case from the application of the general rule on exhaustio
sue. We now address ourselves to the issue of whether or not mandamus lies to co
We shall deal first with the second and third alternative acts sought to be done
, both of which involve the issue of whether or not petitioners are entitled to
This is not the first time that the Court is confronted with a controversy direc
tly involving the constitutional right to information. In Tanada v. Tuvera, G.R.
No. 63915, April 24,1985, 136 SCRA 27 and in the recent case of Legaspi v. Civi
l Service Commission, G.R. No. 72119, May 29, 1987, 150 SCRA 530, the Court uphe
t and ordered the government agencies concerned to act as prayed for by the peti
The pertinent provision under the 1987 Constitution is Art. 111, Sec. 7 which st
The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be rec
a used an basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject t
d artistic thought and data relative to them, and the free exchange of ideas and
agencies and institutions operate within the limits of the authority conferred b
the citizenry can become prey to the whims and caprices of those to whom the pow
er had been delegated. The postulate of public office as a public trust, institu
tionalized in the Constitution (in Art. XI, Sec. 1) to protect the people from a
buse of governmental power, would certainly be were empty words if access to suc
Hence, before mandamus may issue, it must be clear that the information sought i
s of "public interest" or "public concern", and is not exempted by law from the
e is no rigid test which can be applied. "Public concern" like "public interest"
is a terra that eludes exact definition. Both terms embrace a broad spectrum of
subjects which the public may want to know, either because these directly affec
t their lives, or simply because such matters naturally arouse the interest of a
In the Tañada case the public concern deemed covered by the constitutional right t
o information was the need for adequate notice to the public of the various laws
which are to regulate the actions and conduct of citizens. In Legaspi, it was t
civil service eligibility are occupied only by persons who are eligibles."
A second requisite must be met before the right to information may be enforced t
hrough mandamus proceedings, viz., that the information sought must not be among
When the information requested from the government intrudes into the privacy of
may arise. However, the competing interests of these rights need not be resolve
d in this case. Apparent from the above-quoted statement of the Court in Morfe i
s that the right to privacy belongs to the individual in his private capacity, a
nd not to public and governmental agencies like the GSIS. Moreover, the right ca
nnot be invoked by juridical entities like the GSIS. As held in the case of Vass
ar College v. Loose Wills Biscuit Co. [197 F. 982 (1912)], a corporation has no
right of privacy in its name since the entire basis of the right to privacy is a
n injury to the feelings and sensibilities of the party and a corporation would
have no such ground for relief. Neither can the GSIS through its General Manager
, the respondent, invoke the right to privacy of its borrowers. The right is pur
ely personal in nature (Cf. Atkinson v. John Doherty & Co., 121 Mich 372, 80 N.W
. 285, 46 L.RA. 219 (1899); Schuyler v. Curtis, 147 N.Y. 434, 42 N.E. 22, 31 L.R
.A. 286 (1895)], and hence may be invoked only by the person whose privacy is cl
aimed to be violated.
It may be observed, however, that in the instant case, the concerned borrowers t
hemselves may not succeed if they choose to invoke their right to privacy, consi
dering the public offices they were holding at the time the loans were alleged t
o have been granted. It cannot be denied that because of the interest they gener
ate and their newsworthiness, public figures, most especially those holding resp
Respondent next asserts that the documents evidencing the loan transactions of t
he GSIS are private in nature and hence, are not covered by the Constitutional r
fficial records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, trans
roprietary functions, are outside the coverage of the people's right of access t
o official records.
It is further contended that since the loan function of the GSIS is merely incid
ental to its insurance function, then its loan transactions are not covered by t
ate relating to the manner and hours of examination, to the end that damage to o
r loss of the records may be avoided, that undue interference with the duties of
the custodian of the records may be prevented and that the right of other perso
ns entitled to inspect the records may be insured [Legaspi v. Civil Service Comm
ission, supra at p. 538, quoting Subido v. Ozaeta, 80 Phil. 383, 387.] The petit
ion, as to the second and third alternative acts sought to be done by petitioner
s, is meritorious.
Although citizens are afforded the right to information and, pursuant thereto, a
summaries and the like in their desire to acquire information on matters of pub
lic concern.
e applicant has a well-defined, clear and certain legal right to the thing deman
ded and that it is the imperative duty of defendant to perform the act required.
The corresponding duty of the respondent to perform the required act must be cl
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby granted and respondent General Manager
s to the time and manner of inspection, not incompatible with this decision, as
August 2l,1992.
Nature of the Case: Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Inj
Petitioner was the duly elected Governor of the province of Cagayan, having been
elected to said position during the local elections held on January 17, 1988, t
o serve a term of four (4) years therefrom. He took his oath sometime around Mar
ch 1988.
Shortly after the December 1989 coup d'etat was crushed, respondent Secretary of
Local Government sent a telegram and a letter, both dated December 4, 1989, to
petitioner requiring him to show cause why he should not be suspended or removed
from office for disloyalty to the Republic, within forty-eight (48) hours from
receipt thereof.
On December 7, 1989, a sworn complaint for disloyalty to the Republic and culpab
le violation of the Constitution was filed by Veronico Agatep, Manuel Mamba and
nd Lasam, all in Cagayan, against petitioner for acts the latter committed durin
g the coup. Petitioner was required to file a verified answer to the complaint.
1989 letter requiring him to explain why he should not be suspended or removed f
rom office for disloyalty. In his letter, petitioner denied being privy to the p
omplaint of Mayor Veronica Agatep and others.2 On the basis thereof, respondent
Secretary suspended petitioner from office for sixty (60) days from notice, p
ending the outcome of the formal investigation into the charges against him.
oner guilty as charged and ordering his removal from office. Installed as Govern
or of Cagayan in the process was respondent Melvin Vargas, who was then the Vice
Governor of Cagayan.
Petitioner relies on three grounds for the allowance of the petition, namely: (1
) that the power of respondent Secretary to suspend or remove local government o
fficials under Section 60, Chapter IV of B.P. Blg. 337 was repealed by the 1987
Constitution; (2) that since respondent Secretary no longer has power to suspend
or remove petitioner, the former could not appoint respondent Melvin Vargas as
Governor of Cagayan; and (3) the alleged act of disloyalty committed by petition
er should be proved by proof beyond reasonable doubt, and not he a mere preponde
d Penal Code.
While this case was pending before this Court, petitioner filed his certificate
of candidacy for the position of Governor of Cagayan for the May 11, 1992 electi
ons. Three separate petitions for his disqualification were then filed against h
im, all based on the ground that he had been removed from office by virtue of th
granted the petitions by way of a resolution dated May 9, 1992. On the same day
at inasmuch as the resolutions of the Commission become final and executory only
after five (5)days from promulgation, petitioner may still be voted upon as a c
andidate for governor pending the final outcome of the disqualification cases wi
th this Court.
Consequently, on May 13, 1992, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari with t
his Court, d seeking to nullify the resolution of the Commission ordering his di
squalification. The Court, in a resolution dated May 14, 1992, issued a temporar
y restraining order against the Commission to cease and desist from enforcing it
s May 9, 1992 resolution pending the outcome of the disqualification case, there
by allowing the canvassing of the votes and returns in Cagayan to proceed. Howev
er, the Commission was ordered not to proclaim a winner until this Court has dec
petition and annulling the May 9, 1992 resolution of the Commission on the grou
nd that the decision of respondent Secretary has not yet attained finality and i
s still ending review with this Court. As petitioner won by a landslide margin i
n the elections, the resolution paved the way for his eventual proclamation as G
overnor of Cagayan
Whether or not Secretary of Department of Local government has the power to sus
pend or remove local government officials as alter ego of the President, and as
embodied in B.P. Blg. 337 has been repealed by the 1987 Constitution and which i
Under the environmental circumstances of the case, We find the petition meritori
administrative case pending before Us moot and academic. It appears that after
the canvassing of votes, petitioner garnered the most number of votes among the
Offenses committed, or acts done, during a previous term are generally held not
to furnish cause for removal and this is especially true where the Constitution
provides that the penalty in proceeding for removal shall not extend beyond the
removal from office, and disqualification from holding office for a term for whi
The Court should never remove a public officer for acts done prior to his presen
to elect their officers. When the people have elected a man to office, it must b
e assumed that they did this with knowledge of his life and character, and that
y overrule the will of the people.' (Lizares v. Hechanova, et al. 17 SCRA 58, 59
Clearly then, the rule is that a public official can not be removed for administ
rative misconduct committed during a prior term, since his re-election to office
cutting off the right to remove him therefor. The foregoing rule, however, find
ontends that the power of respondent Secretary to suspend or remove local govern
ment officials as alter ego of the President, and as embodied in B.P. Blg. 337 h
as been repealed by the 1987 Constitution and which is now vested in the courts.
ficials is anchored on both the Constitution and a statutory grant from the legi
slative branch. The constitutional basis is provided by Articles VII (17) and X
(4) of the 1987 Constitution which vest in the President the power of control ov
er all executive departments, bureaus and offices and the power of general super
vision over local governments, and by the doctrine that the acts of the departme
nt head are presumptively the acts of the President unless expressly rejected by
him.4 The statutory grant found in RR Blg. 337 itself has constitutional roots,
having been enacted by the then Batasan Pambansa pursuant to Article XI of the
he National Assembly shall enact a local government code which may not thereafte
r be amended except by a majority vote of all its Members, defining a more respo
nsive and accountable local government structure with an effective system of rec
all, allocating among the different local government units their powers, respons
ibilities, and resources, and providing for the qualifications, election and rem
oval, term, salaries, power, functions, and duties of local government officials
, and all other matters relating to the organization and operation of the local
units. However, any change in the existing form of local government shall not ta
hich reads:
'SEC. 3. The Congress shall enact a local government code which shall provide fo
and referendum, allocate among the different local government units their powers
appointment, and removal, term and salaries, powers and functions and duties of
local officials, and all other matters relating to the organization and operati
on of the local units.6
Inasmuch as the power and authority of the legislature to enact a local governme
nt code, which provides for the manner of removal of local government officials,
can not be said that BP Blg. 337 was repealed by the effectivity of the present
Moreover, in Bagabuyo et al. vs. Davide, Jr., et al., 7 this Court had the occa
sion to state that B.P. Blg. 337 remained in force despite the effectivity of th
e present Constitution, until such time as the proposed Local Government Code of
1991 is approved.
ection 48 (1) of B.P. Blg 337 to show the fallacy of the same, to wit In case a
vernor ... shall assume the office for the unexpired term of the former.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the decision of public respondent
Secretary of Local Government dated March 19, 1990 in Adm. Case No, P-10437-89,
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
ig, Metro Manila, with an area of about four hundred ninety-two (492) square met
ers. When the parcel was ascertained by the NHI to have been the birthsite of Fe
lix Y. Manalo, the founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo, it passed Resolution No. 1, Ser
986, approved by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports. Later, the opini
on of the Secretary of Justice was asked on the legality of the measure. In his
Opinion No. 133, Series of 1987, the Secretary of Justice replied in the affirma
tive; he explained:
"According to your guidelines, national landmarks are places or objects that are
under of the Iglesia ni Cristo, the late Felix Y. Manalo, who, admittedly, had m
ade contributions to Philippine history and culture has been declared as a natio
nal landmark. It has been held that places invested with unusual historical inte
rest is a public use for which the power of eminent domain may be authorized x x
"The National Museum and the National Historical Commission are hereby vested wi
th the right to declare other such historical and cultural sites as National Shr
ines, Monuments, and/or Landmarks, in accordance with the guidelines set forth i
Accordingly, on 29 May 1989, the Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor-G
eneral, instituted a complaint for expropriation3 before the Regional Trial Cour
t of Pasig for and in behalf of the NHI alleging, inter alia, that:
nstitute issued Resolution No. 1, Series of 1986, which was approved on January,
1986 by the then Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, declaring the above
ce needs the land as such national historical landmark which is a public purpose
Petitioners moved to dismiss the complaint on the main thesis that the intended
expropriation was not for a public purpose and, incidentally, that the act would
petitioners' motion seeking the dismissal of the case, the trial court issued i
90,17another order was issued by the trial court, declaring moot and academic th
reconsideration of the 20th February 1990 order was likewise denied by the trial
ical landmark.
Eminent domain, also often referred to as expropriation and, with less frequency
, as condemnation, is, like police power and taxation, an inherent power of sove
reignty. It need not be clothed with any constitutional gear to exist; instead,
provisions in our Constitution on the subject are meant more to regulate, rather
than to grant, the exercise of the power. Eminent domain is generally so descri
bed as "the highest and most exact idea of property remaining in the government"
that may be acquired for some public purpose through a method in the nature of
property within the state for public use or to meet a public exigency. It is sa
id to he an essential part of governance even in its most primitive form and thu
s inseparable from sovereignty.10 The only direct constitutional qualification i
s that "private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensa
buse and so to protect as well the individual against whose property the power i
s sought to be enforced.
Petitioners assert that the expropriation has failed to meet the guidelines set
a) the size of the land expropriated; (b) the large number of people benefited;
and, (c) the extent of social and economic reform.13 Petitioners suggest that we
confine the concept of expropriation only to the following public uses,14 i.e.
, the
"x x x taking of property for military posts, roads, streets, sidewalks, bridge
ks, playgrounds, plazas, market places, artesian wells, water supply and sewerag
The court, in Guido, merely passed upon the issue of the extent of the President
's power under Commonwealth Act No. 539 to, specifically, acquire private lands
for subdivision into smaller home lots or farms for resale to bona fide tenants
or occupants. It was in this particular context of the statute that the Court ha
d made the pronouncement. The guidelines in Guido were not meant to be preclusiv
e in nature and, most certainly, the power of eminent domain should not now be u
nderstood as being confined only to the expropriation of vast tracts of land and
landed estates.
The term "Public use," not having been otherwise defined by the constitution, mu
st be considered in its general concept of meeting a public need or a public exi
gency.16 Black summarizes the characterization given by various courts to the te
rm; thus:
"Public Use. Eminent domain. The constitutional and statutory basis for taking p
roperty by eminent domain. For condemnation purposes, 'public use' is one which
es for which condemnation is sought and, as long as public has right of use, whe
benefit' accrues sufficient to constitute a public use. Montana Power Co. vs. B
to take private property in virtue of eminent domain, means a use concerning the
whole community as distinguished from particular individuals. But each and ever
and directly affected by it; if the object is to satisfy a great public want or
exigency, that is sufficient. Rindge Co. vs. Los Angeles County, 262 U.S. 700,
43 S. Ct. 689, 692, 67 L.Ed. 1186. The term may be said to mean public usefulnes
n, and not for a particular individual. The use must be a needful one for the pu
blic, which cannot be surrendered without obvious general loss and inconvenience
. A 'public use' for which land may be taken defies absolute definition for it c
hanges with varying conditions of society, new appliances in the sciences, chang
ing conceptions of scope and functions of government, and other differing circum
The validity of the exercise of the power of eminent domain for traditional pur
poses is beyond question; it is not at all to be said, however, that public use
should thereby be restricted to such traditional uses. The idea that "public use
" is strictly limited to clear cases of "use by the public" has long been discar
sirable. The concept of the public welfare is broad and inclusive. See DayBrite
Lighting, Inc. v. Missouri, 342 US 421, 424, 96 L. Ed. 469, 472, 72 S Ct 405. Th
onetary. It is within the power of the legislature to determine that the communi
ced as well as carefully patrolled. In the present case, the Congress and its au
thorized agencies have made determinations that take into account a wide variety
of values. It is not for us to reappraise them. If those who govern the Distric
nitary, there is nothing in the Fifth Amendment that stands in the way.
"Once the object is within the authority of Congress, the right to realize it th
rough the exercise of eminent domain is clear. For the power of eminent domain i
" A historical research discloses the meaning of the term 'public use' to be on
e of constant growth. As society advances, its demands upon the individual incre
ase and each demand is a new use to which the resources of the individual may be
"The taking to be valid must be for public use. There was a time when it was fel
ect is undertaken must be for the public to enjoy, as in the case of streets or
as the purpose of the taking is public, then the power of eminent domain comes
into play. As just noted, the constitution in at least two cases, to remove any
doubt, determines what is public use. One is the expropriation of lands to be su
bdivided into small lots for resale at cost to individuals. The other is the tra
nsfer, through the exercise of this power, of utilities and other private enterp
public use."20
Chief Justice Fernando, writing the ponencia in J.M. Tuason & Co. vs. Land Tenur
e Administration,21 has viewed the Constitution a dynamic instrument and one tha
adequately whatever problems the future has in store." Fr. Joaquin Bernas, a not
ed constitutionalist himself, has aptly observed that what, in fact, has ultimat
ely emerged is a concept of public use which is just as broad as "public welfare
Petitioners ask: But "(w)hat is the so-called unusual interest that the expropri
priate for the exercise of the power of eminent domain" when only members of the
Iglesia ni Cristo would benefit? This attempt to give some religious perspectiv
he principal objective of, not the casual consequences that might follow from, t
recognize the distinctive contribution of the late Felix Manalo to the culture
e Iglesia ni Cristo. The practical reality that greater benefit may be derived b
y members of the Iglesia ni Cristo than by most others could well be true but su
property does not necessarily diminish the essence and character of public use.
All considered, the Court finds the assailed decision to be in accord with law a
nd jurisprudence.
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Prohibition
The record shows that the judgements rendered in 1955 by the Court of First Inst
ance (CFI) of Rizal in the two ejectment cases filed by J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc.
against respondents, Bruna Rosete and Buenaventura Dizon, were upon regular appe
al, affirmed in toto by the Court of Appeals.The CFI, after the appellate court s
decision became final and upon return of the records in due course, issued writ
of execution of the judgement against the said respondents as prayed for by the
landowner, Tuason & Company. Subssequently, On November 19, 1960, the CFI issue
On November 16, 1960 , the landowner also applied for prohibition in the CFI aga
inst the Land Tenure Administration (LTA), the Auditor-General and the Solicitor
r Company s land in Quezon City, generally known as Tatalon Estate by virtue of Repu
blic Act (R.A.) No. 2616, that became law without executive approval on August 3
, 1959 on the basis that said law is unconstitutional, null and void as legislat
ion aimed at depriving it of its property for the benefit of squatters and occup
ants, even if said property had been actually subdivided and its lots were being
sold to public.
The court saw nothing in the terms of R.A. No. 2616 to justify the belie
f that the Legislature intended departure from the normal course prescribed for
eminent domain cases, where the rights of the owner of the land may not be distu
rbed without previous deposit of the provisional value of the property brought t
ent proceedings against a present occupants and restraining any act of dispositi
restraining the land owner from enforcing even final judgements in his favor to
of ownership that give it value, and his property is virtually taken from him wi
Rights requires that private property shall not be taken for public use without p
ayment of just compensation and Article XIII, Section 4 in prescribing that Congre
ence the mere filing of the condemnation proceedings for the benefit of tenants
cannot, by itself alone, lawfully suspend the condemnee s dominical rights, whethe
e final and executory judgements of ejectment have been obtained against the occ
upants of the property as in the case at bar. The LTA confesses that it has onl
y Two Million Pesos available funds, an amount way short of the P6,034,865.95 re
asonable assessed value of the property subject of the case. Based on the for
egoing, the court remanded the case to CFI to hear and resolve the prohibition c
May 2, 1997
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari
The emergence of World Trade Organization (WTO) after half a century and severa
ber with the goal, brought about the ratification of the WTO Agreement by then P
resident Fidel V. Ramos on the basis, as articulated in his two letters to Senat
he Senate.
However, this drew unfavorable reactions from various sectors of the Philippine
society, that resulted in the filing of the subject petition-case on the grounds
WTO intrudes, limits and/or impairs the constitutional powers of both Congress a
Hence, assails the WTO Agreement for violating the mandate of the 1987 Constitut
lled by Filipinos (to) give preference to qualified Filipinos (and to) promote th
Does the provisions of WTO Agreement and its three annexes contravene section 19
of Article II, and Sections 10 and 12 of Article XII of the Philippine Constitu
Do the provisions of said Agreement and its annexes limit, restrict or impair th
Do said provisions unduly impair or interfere with the exercise of judicial powe
Was the concurrence of the Senate in the WTO Agreement and its annexes sufficien
t and/or valid, considering that it did not include the final act, ministerial d
The jurisdiction of this Court to adjudicate the matters raised in the petition
is clearly set out in the 1987 Constitution, Judicial power includes the duty of
the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has b
part of any branch or instrumentality of the government. As this Court has rep
eatedly and firmly emphasized in many cases, it will not shirk, digress from or
abandon its sacred duty and authority to uphold the Constitution in matters that
e Court stress though that in deciding to take jurisdiction over this petition,
it will not review the wisdom of the decision of the President and the Senate in
enlisting the country into the WTO, or pass upon the merits of the trade libera
ather it will only exercise its constitutional duty to determine whether or not t
here had bee a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdic
tion on the part of the Senate in ratifying the WTO Agreement and its three annex
abor and enterprises, at the same time, it recognizes the need for business exch
ange with the rest of the world on the bases of equality and reciprocity and lim
its protection of Filipino enterprises only against foreign competition and trad
e practices that are unfair. In other words, the Constitution did not intend to
pursue an isolation policy. It did not shut out foreign investments, goods, se
es not encourage the unlimited entry of foreign goods, services, and investments
into the country, it does not prohibit them either. In fact, it allows an exch
ange on the basis of equality and reciprocity. Frowning only on foreign competit
type isolation of the country from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of
Principles and State Policies, the Constitution adopts the generally accepted pr
inciples of international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the
policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nat
of our own laws. A treaty engagement is not a mere moral obligations but creates
a legally binding obligation on the parties A state which has contracted valid i
ne of the oldest and most fundamental rules in international law is PACTA SUNT S
Suffice it to say that the reciprocity clause more than justifies the intrusion,
if any actually exists. Besides, Article 34 does not contain unreasonable burde
ns and Decisions (MDD). The assailed Senate Res. No. 97 expressed concurrence i
n exactly what the Final Act required from its signatories namely, concurrence o
The MDD were deemed adopted without the need for ratification. They were approv
ariffs and Trade) which provides that representatives of the members can meet to
give effect to those provisions of this Agreemet which invoke joint action and g
enerally with a view to facilitating the operation and furthering of this Agreem
h does not apply to the Philippines. It applies only to those 27 Members which h
tional treatment with respect to access to payment, clearing systems and refinan
the WTO remains the only viable structure for multilateral trading and the veri
table forum for the development of international trade law. Let the people, thr
ough their duly authorized elected officers make their free choice.
Nature of the Case: Appeal from the Judgment of the Circuit Criminal Court of Pa
sig, Rizal.
The defendant-appellant, Francisco Galit, was convicted for the crime of Robbery
with Homicide with death sentence as its penalty. Such being the case it is su
an, Province of Rizal, Mrs. Natividad Fernando, a widow was found dead in the be
even (7) stab wounds inflicted upon the different parts of her body by a blant i
nstrument. More than two (2) weeks later, police authorities of Montalban pick
kina, Rizal on suspicion of the murder based on the testimony of his son-in-law,
Florentino Valentino. Valentino testified that he heard accused Galit and his
wife s arguments in connection with the robbery and killing of the victim which th
e former, together with two of his accomplices, Juling Dulat and a certain Pabl
ing perpetrated.
Whether or not the alleged extra-judicial confession extracted and the pictures
as evidence?
After a review of the records, the Court found that the evidence presented by th
e prosecution does not support a conviction. In fact, the findings of the trial
court relative to the acts attributed to the accused are not supported by compe
tent evidence. In the case of Morales vs. Ponce Enrile, the court laid down the
correct procedure for peace officers to follow when making an arrest and in cond
ucting a custodial investigation which, At the time the person is arrested, it s
hall be the duty of the arresting officer to inform him of the reason for his ar
his constitutional rights to remain silent and to counsel, and that any stateme
nt he might make could be used against him. The person arrested shall have the
the presence of counsel engaged by the person arrested, by any person on his beh
alf, or appointed by the court upon petition either of the detainee himself or b
y anyone on his behalf. The right to counsel may be waived but the waiver shall
not be valid unless made with the assistance of counsel. Any statement obtaine
There were no eyewitnesses, no property recovered from the accused, no state wit
nesses and not even fingerprints of the accused at the scene of the crime. The
only evidence against the accused is his alleged confession. Such confession wa
es not satisfy the requirements of the law that the accused be informed of his r
ights under the Constitution and our laws. The court said that there should inst
ead be several short and clear questions and every right explained in simple wor
rom Samar and there is no showing that he understands Tagalog. Moreover, at the
time of his arrest, accused was not permitted to communicate with his lawyer, a
relative, or a friend, In fact his sisters were and other relatives did not kn
ow that he had been brought to the NBI for investigation and it was only about t
wo weeks after he had executed the salaysay that his relatives were allowed to v
isit him. His statement does not even contain any waiver of right to counsel an
d yet during the investigation he was not assisted by one. At the supposed re-en
actment, again accused was not assisted by counsel of his choice. The court dec
lared that these constitute gross violations of his rights, hence, the alleged c
onfession and the pictures of the supposed re-enactment are inadmissible as evid
Nature of the Case: Appeal from the decision of the RTC of Roxas, Isabela Br. 23
On September 18, 1991, on or about 4:00 in the afternoon, a ten-year old pupil n
amed Fesnaida Magaway, while sweeping the ground near her classroom having been
assigned as cleaner that day, witnessed the stabbing incident perpetrated by the
ementary School known as Carmelita Aguinaldo. The victim was rushed to the hosp
ital by her fellow teachers but was pronounced dead on arrival (DOA). Through t
case was filed against the accused in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Roxas,
Isabela. RTC rendered its decision on April 21, 1994 declaring the accused guilt
y beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder provided for and penalized unde
r Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code and imposes upon him a penalty of reclus
ion perpetua together with all the necessary penalties provided by law, to indem
nify the heirs of victim in the amount of P50,000 pesos, without however, subsid
Appellant sought the reversal of that verdict claiming that the lower court erre
Whether or not the accused rightfully raised the issue of violation of the MI
RANDA DOCTRINE when allegedly the police unceremoniously stripped him of his clo
thing and personal items, the latter having been introduced as evidence during t
he trial?
The court is not persuaded. The protection of the accused under custodial
o TESTIMONIAL COMPULSION. Section 12, Article III of the 1987 Constitution (Bil
l of Rights) provides that such accused shall have the right to be informed of h
is right to remain silent, the right to counsel and the right to waive the right
. As held in People vs. Gamboa, this constitutional right applies only against
testimonial compulsion and not when the body of the accused is proposed to be ex
ured, or his garments or shoes removed or replaced or to move his body to enable
the foregoing things to be done, without running afoul of the proscription agai
nst testimonial compulsion.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
On June 9, 1987, the officers and members of SSSEA staged an illegal strike and
from reporting to work and SSS members from transacting business with the SSS.
The reason for the strike was due to SSS s failure to act on the union s demands wh
ich included, among other things, implementation of the provisions of the old SS
t of accrued overtime pay, night differential pay and holiday pay, conversion of
temporary or contractual employees with six (6) months or more of service into
regular and permanent status and their entitlement to the same salaries, allowan
ces and benefits granted to other regular employees of the SSS, etc. The strike
was reported to the Public Sector Labor-Management Council (PSLMC) which ordere
d the strikers to return to work. For failure of the strikers to heed the PSLMC s
order, SSS filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City a complai
nt for damages with a prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the
Whether or not the employees of the Social Security System have the right to str
The court held that while the 1987 Constitution, in the Article on Social Justic
e and Human Rights provides that the State shall guarantee the rights of all work
rted activities in accordance with law (Article XIII, Section 31), it is silent
as to whether such recognition also includes the right to strike. Resort to the
intent of the framers of the organic law as gleaned from the proceedings of the
Constitutional Commission that drafted the 1987 Constitution would show that in
tended to limit the right to the formation of unions or associations only withou
the sponsors to the provision that the right to self-organization shall not be
have the right to organize, they also have the right to strike. That is a diffe
rent matter. We are only talking of organizing, uniting as a union. Now then, i
f the purpose of the state is to prohibit the strikes from employees exercising
governmental functions, that could be done because the moment that is prohibited
, then the union which will go on strike will be an illegal union. And that prov
ision is carried in Republic Act (R.A.) No. 875. In R.A. No. 875, workers inclu
ding those from government-owned and controlled are allowed to organize but they
sued Executive Order (E.O.) No. 180 which provides that the Civil Service law and
rules governing concerted activities and strikes in the government service shal
tly referring to Memorandum Circular No. 6, series of 1987 of the Civil Service
Commission dated April 21, 1987 which prior to the enactment by Congress of appl
icable laws concerning strike by government employees enjoins under pain of admini
strative sanctions, all government officers and employees from staging strikes,
demonstrations, mass leaves, walk-outs and other forms of mass actions which wil
the considered view that SSS employees are covered by the prohibition against s
trikes considering that under the 1987 Constitution the Civil Service embraces al
IX.B, Section 2(1) and Section 1 of E.O. No. 180) with SSS is one such governmen
t controlled corporation with original charter having created under R.A. No. 116
1. Thus, the court declared that the strike staged by the SSS employees was ill
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari.
Petitioners, except Rodolfo Mariano, were among the 800 public school te
achers who staged "mass actions" on September 17 to 19, 1990 to dramatize their
grievances concerning, in the main, the alleged failure of the public authoritie
s to implement in a just and correct manner certain laws and measures intended f
or their material benefit. On September 17, 1990, the Secretary of the Departmen
ners failed to comply with said order, hence they were charged by the Secretary
with "grave misconduct; gross neglect of duty; gross violation of Civil Service
law, rules and regulations and reasonable office regulations; refusal to perform
of the service; and absence without official leave in violation of PD 807, other
wise known as the Civil Service Decree of the Philippines." They were simultaneo
usly placed under preventive suspension. Despite due notice, petitioners failed
to submit their answer to the complaint so, the DECS Secretary rendered a decisi
on finding petitioners guilty as charged and dismissing them from the service ef
fective immediately.
Petitioners Bangalisan et al, filed a motion for reconsideration with the DECS
ine months without pay. Not satisfied with the aforestated adjudication of their
respective cases, petitioners appealed to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) wh
o decided to rule on the merits of their appeal in the interest of justice. All
the petitioners moved for reconsideration of the CSC resolutions but these were
all denied, except that of petitioner Rodolfo Mariano who was found guilty only
e to inform the school of his intended absence and to file an application for le
Petitioners then filed a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court but thei
Whether or not employees in the public service have the right to engage
in strikes.
service may not engage in strikes. While the Constitution recognizes the right
emonstrations, mass leaves, walk-outs and other forms of mass action which will
On April 11, 1972, the Don Bosco Technical Institute posted the list of honor st
udents for the graduation of its elementary department which was to take place o
n April 22, 1972. Rommel Rosales, a student of Grade VI, candidate for graduatio
n and likewise candidate for Valedictorian, reported to his parents that he was
not listed as Valedictorian of the class but that it was another boy by the name
grades of their son who, they averred, should be class valedictorian and filed a
formal complaint with the Director of Bureau of Private Schools against the sch
ool claiming anomalous ranking of honor pupils for the grade school with a reque
st for a review of the computations made by the school. The Chief of the Legal D
ivision of the Bureau of Private Schools sent a copy of the complaint by first i
ndorsement to the Rector of herein respondent school stating, among others, that
the complaint had lost its validity because the same was filed on the eve of th
ph 176, Section XI of the Manual of Regulation for Private Schools requiring com
plaints of the kind to be filed not later than ton (10) days before commencement
gation in order to erase any doubt as to the selection of the honor students of
the grade school concerned. On May 5, 1972, the Director of Private Schools rend
ered a decision holding that Rommel Rosales was the rightful valedictorian. On N
ovember 29, 1972, Rosales filed a complaint for damages in view of the failure o
f the school to graduate Rommel Rosales as valedictorian of his class. In its an
swer, respondent school prayed that the complaint be dismissed on the ground tha
t the Director of Private Schools acting on its motion dated May 11, 1972 recons
idered and set aside his decision of May 5, 1972 and instead "approved and/or co
nfirmed the selection and award of honors to the students concerned for the scho
Petitioners, in their reply, averred that said motion for reconsideration was my
steriously filed, there being no original copies of the same in the Office of th
e Director of Private Schools which would show the date of filing thereof and th
l however, insisted that their motion for reconsideration was regularly filed an
d the assailed decision was in fact reconsidered as above stated on December 18,
1972. The records show that petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration on J
anuary 11, 1973 of said decision of December 18, 1972 but was denied on January
19, 1973. Thus, on February 7, 1973, petitioners appealed both decisions of Dece
mber 18, 1972 and January 19, 1973 to the Secretary of Education which appeal wa
On September 14, 1973, the trial court issued an order finding that plaintiffs h
ave not exhausted all administrative remedies against the defendants and that it
does not fall within any of the recognized exceptions to the requirement. Since
the complaint does not allege exhaustion of said remedies principally on appeal
to the Secretary of Education which was available to him, the Court finds that
the complaint does not allege facts sufficient to constitute cause of action. On
appeal, the Court of Appeals found that the court a quo incurred no error when
it found that the decision of the Director of Private Schools dated May 5, 1972
was far from being final and that the administrative remedies availed of by plai
ntiffs had not yet been exhausted and affirmed the decision appealed from in tot
rough court action, as a general rule, cannot prosper until all the remedies hav
e been exhausted at the administrative level. When an adequate remedy may be had
fails or refuses to avail himself of the same, the judiciary shall decline to i
nterfere. This traditional attitude of the courts is based not only on convenien
ce but likewise on respect; convenience of the party litigants and respect for a
rative machinery, this should be resorted to before resort can be made to (the)
Nature of the Case: Petition for review from the decision and Resolution of the
Court of Appeals.
The petitioner was granted a Timber License Agreement (TLA), authorizing
it to cut, remove and utilize timber within the concession area covering 29,500
hectares of forest land in Zamboanga del Sur, for a period of ten years. Privat
sources for the cancellation of the TLA, on the ground of serious violations of
its conditions and the provisions of forestry laws and regulations. The same cha
rges were subsequently made, also by the herein private respondents, in a compla
int for injunction with damages against the petitioner in the RTC of Pagadian Ci
ty. The petitioner moved to dismiss this case on three grounds, to wit: 1) the c
ourt had no jurisdiction over the complaint; 2) the plaintiffs had not yet exhau
sted administrative remedies; and 3) the injunction sought was expressly prohibi
Judge Alfonso G. Abad denied the motion to dismiss and also the motion for recon
sideration. The petitioner then elevated the matter to the respondent Court of A
ppeals, which sustained the trial court s decision and in its resolution denying t
he motion for reconsideration. The Court of Appeals held that the doctrine of ex
haustion of administrative remedies was not without exception and pointed to the
several instances approved by this Court where it could be dispensed with. The
respondent court found that in the case before it, the applicable exception was
the urgent need for judicial intervention. The decision also declared invalid Se
Section 1. No court of the Philippines shall have jurisdiction to issue any rest
ion or suspension of, or any action whatsoever by the proper administrative offi
cial or body on concessions, licenses, permits, patents, or public grants of any
This was held to be an encroachment on the judicial power vested in the Supreme
Court and the lower courts by Article VIII, Section 1, of the Constitution. The
respondent court cited Export Processing Zone Authority v. Dulay,7 where several
versy falling under their jurisdiction before the same may be elevated to the co
cause of action,8 which is one of the grounds allowed in the Rules of Court for
miss and the court may then proceed with the case as if the doctrine had been ob
served. One of the reasons for the doctrine of exhaustion is the separation of p
owers, which enjoins upon the Judiciary a becoming policy of noninterference wit
h matters coming primarily (albeit not exclusively) within the competence of the
hat administrative decisions are usually questioned in the special civil actions
of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, which are allowed only when there is n
o other plain, speedy and adequate remedy available to the petitioner. It may be
added that strict enforcement of the rule could also relieve the courts of a co
nsiderable number of avoidable cases which otherwise would burden their heavily
loaded dockets.
nstances when the doctrine may be dispensed with and judicial action validly res
orted to immediately. Among these exceptional cases are: 1) when the question ra
e act complained of is patently illegal; 4) when there is urgent need for judici
will be suffered; 7) when there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy;
8) when strong public interest is involved; 9) when the subject of the controver
In this case, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedy was not correc
tly applied. Even if it be assumed that the forestry laws do not expressly requ
ire prior resort to administrative remedies, the reasons for the doctrine above
given, if nothing else, would suffice to still require its observance. Even if s
uch reasons were disregarded, there would still be the explicit language of pert
inent laws vesting in the DENR the power and function "to regulate the developme
nt, disposition, extraction, exploration and use of the country's forests" and "
nds of the public domain, and in the Forest Management Bureau (formerly the Bure
au of Forest Development) the responsibility for the enforcement of the forestry
laws and regulations" here claimed to have been violated. This comprehensive co
nferment clearly implies at the very least that the DENR should be allowed to ru
le in the first instance on any controversy coming under its express powers befo
Nature of the Case: Petition for review for Certiorari of a decision of the Cour
t of Appeals.
Macario Aro was the former owner of two (2) parcels of agricultural land
ula, Inc. were the tenants thereon. Sometime in 1979, Mr. Aro sold the said parc
els of land to Arrow Head Golf Club, Inc., which was founded by Ricardo Silverio
who envisioned to establish a car assembly plant within the area. In the proces
s, the members of petitioner were evicted. But the establishment of a car assemb
ly plant in the place never materialized. The parcels of land in question were l
ater leased to the spouses Rodriguez for a term of seven (7) years and were the
The same property was acquired by the Philippine National Bank at a Sheriff's au
ction sale. The members of petitioner sought the assistance of the former Minist
me out of such efforts. The ownership of subject parcels of land was later trans
ferred to the Asset Privatization Trust which conveyed the same to the Republic
instituting agrarian reform in the country, the DAR issued Certificate of Land O
wnership ("CLOA") for the said parcels of land in favor of the petitioner.
1. Whether or not there was a need for the private respondents to exhaust admini
strative remedies before filing their petition for Certiorari with the CA.
2.Whether or not there was observance of due process by the DAR prior to the iss
1. From the DARAB Revised Rules of Procedure, it can be gleaned that dec
isions of the DAR Secretary cannot be questioned before DARAB. Pertinent rules,
judication Board shall have primary jurisdiction, both original and appellate, t
o determine and adjudicate all agrarian disputes, cases, controversies, and matt
rm Program under Republic Act No. 6657, Executive Order Nos. 229, 228 and 129-A,
Republic Act No. 3844 as amended by Republic Act No. 6389, Presidential Decree
No. 27 and other agrarian laws and their implementing rules and regulations.
Specifically, such jurisdiction shall extend over but not be limited to the foll
officials other than the Secretary, lease contracts or deeds of sale or their am
endments under the administration and disposition of the DAR and LBP;" (Rule II,
DARAB Revised Rules of Procedure)
From the foregoing, it is decisively clear that DARAB may only entertain appeals
from decisions or orders of DAR officials other than the Secretary. It is also
irrefutable that the issuance of subject CLOAs constituted a decision of the Sec
retary, who issued and signed the same. Consequently, the propriety of the recou
to assail the issuance by the DAR of the CLOAs in question, is beyond cavil. Un
der Section 54 of RA 6657, decisions and awards of the DAR may be brought to the
Court of Appeals by certiorari. Time and again, this court has ruled that in ca
2. Respondent court found that herein private respondents were denied the opport
unity to ventilate their stance before the DAR. But according to the petitioner,
nment, Mr. Ruben Rodriguez was notified of the same Records show, however, that
the letter which was supposed to be the notice to the private respondents regar
ding the inclusion of subject properties in the CARP, was ineffective. First of
all, the letter of Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer Serapio T. Magpayo to Mr.
Ruben Rodriguez indicates no receipt of the same by Mr. Rodriguez nor was it sig
ned by Mr. Magpayo. Secondly, if it was ever sent, it was sent too late, the sam
e being dated June 5, 1991, when the said parcels of land had already been award
ed to the members of petitioner. (The CLOAs under controversy were issued on Mar
ch 26, 1991.) Thirdly, the letter was addressed to Mr. Ruben Rodriguez, who no l
onger possessed the said properties as his lease thereover ended on July 8, 1990
There is thus a need for further hearings to determine the beneficiaries of subj
ect parcels of land. In such hearings, the private respondents, who were deprive
6657, providing for the order or priority of the qualified beneficiaries of CAR
Natividad Nazareno vs. Court of Appeals
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
On 15 March 1985 Natividad Nazareno filed a Complaint for Annulment of Sale and
Damages against spouses Romeo and Eliza Nazareno. Natividad avers in her complai
nt that she is the sole and absolute owner of a parcel of land located in Naic,
Cavite, covered by TCT No. 51798 of the Registry of Deeds of Cavite. Sometime in
April 1981 Natividad's brother, Romeo, and his wife Eliza convinced Natividad t
o lend them TCT No. 51798 to be used as collateral to a loan the proceeds of whi
ch would be used in the completion of the construction of the Naic Cinema on the
subject property. Natividad agreed on the condition that title to her property
would be returned within one (1) year from the completion of the construction of
spouses Romeo and Eliza over the lot covered by TCT No. 51798. The sale, howeve
r, was simulated because Natividad did not receive any consideration therefor.
The cinema was completed in November 1981 but despite several demands by Nativid
ad, spouses Romeo and Eliza failed and refused to return Natividad's title to th
e property; instead, they had the property transferred in their name. Consequent
ly, TCT No. T-118276 was issued in their name in lieu of TCT No. 51798.
Spouses Romeo and Eliza denied that the property belonged to Natividad. On the c
ontrary, they averred that it originally formed part of the estate of the late M
aximino Nazareno, Jr., father of Romeo and Natividad. According to Romeo, the pr
operty was his share in their inheritance. As regards the deed of sale, he expla
ined that it was only resorted to for the purpose of carrying out and implementi
ng the transfer of the property forming part of the estate of Maximino Nazareno
The trial court found for the spouses Romeo and Eliza and ruled that although th
e Deed of Absolute Sale was simulated, the same could be treated as an adjudicat
ion and a conveyance to Romeo of his share in the estate of his father.
But the Court of Appeals ruled otherwise. It found that during pre-trial, the pa
rties stipulated that the Deed of Absolute Sale between Natividad and spouses Ro
meo and Eliza was simulated as there was in fact no money consideration. Consequ
ently, the burden of proof was shifted to Romeo to prove that the transfer was i
n reality a conveyance of his share in the estate of his father. But during tria
l, Romeo failed to prove this so-called conveyance of his share. On the other ha
nd, Natividad satisfactorily showed that the property was previously sold to her
by their late father. Romeo failed to disprove this fact. Neither did he succes
sfully cause the deed of sale executed by Maximino Nazareno Jr. in favor of Nati
vidad to be declared null and void. Resultingly, its authenticity and validity r
emained unrebutted.
In short, the Court of Appeals did not sustain the trial court and set aside its
The case was brought to us on a Petition for Review on Certiorari but we denied
the petition after having ascertained that the appellate court committed no reve
rsible error. Thus, the Court of Appeals' decision became final and executory on
13 June 1996.
f law.
A writ of execution must conform to the judgment to be executed; it may not vary
the terms of the judgment it seeks to enforce. Nor may it go beyond the terms o
f the judgment sought to be executed. Where the execution is not in harmony with
the judgment which gives it life, and in fact exceeds it, it has pro tanto no v
t would be defeating the ends of justice should we require that for the parties
to obtain possession of the property duly adjudged to be theirs from those who h
ave no right to remain therein, they must submit to court litigations anew.2 An
exception however exists where the actual possessor has shown a valid right over
Execution not in harmony with the judgment has no validity. It must conform more
sion, as the only portion of the decision that becomes the subject of execution.
a settled rule that a writ of possession is improper to eject another from poss
ession unless sought in connection with (1) a land registration proceeding; (2)
property provided that the mortgagor has possession and no third party has inter
It is an undisputed fact that this case is for the annulment of a private sale m
4-A-3. A case in point is Perez v. Evite7 wherein the lower court declared Evite
as owner of the disputed land. When the judgment became final and executory, Ev
ite moved for the issuance of a writ of execution which the trial court granted.
Perez moved to quash the writ arguing that the writ was at variance with the de
cision as the decision sought to be executed merely declared Evite owner of the
property and did not order its delivery to him. Perez argued citing the cases of
Jabon v. Alo8 and Talens v. Garcia9 which held that adjudication of ownership o
f the land did not include possession thereof. In resolving in favor of Evite th
is Court held -
f the property apart from their claim of ownership which was rejected by the low
er court and, consequently, has no right to remain thereon after such ownership
the property duly adjudged to be theirs, from those who have no right to remain
In the instant case, spouses Romeo and Eliza could not use Jabon v. Alo and Tale
the land does not necessarily include possession. As already decreed in Perez v
. Evite -
It may be observed that in both decisions (Jabon v. Alo and Talens v. Garcia), t
his Court underscored the possibility that the actual possessor has some rights
which must be respected and defined. It is thus evident that the pronouncement w
as made having in mind cases wherein the actual possessor has a valid right over
the property enforceable even against the owner thereof. As example, we gave th
e cases of tenants and lessees. However, it is our view that that above doctrine
may not be invoked in instances where no such right may be appreciated in favor
of the possessor. In the instant case there appears in the appealed order of Ju
ne 30, 1959, the specific finding of the trial court that "the plaintiffs have n
ot given any reason why they are retaining the possession of the property" x x x
x This factual finding cannot be reviewed in this instance as the appeal has be
The same ruling would apply in the instant case. The Court of Appeals categorica
lly declared that the claim of spouses Romeo and Eliza over the disputed lot has
n of the property.
But the same could not be said of the Naic Cinema. The matter of ownership and p
ossession of the Naic Cinema was never put in issue. Consequently, petitioner ca
nnot ask for a writ of possession to place her in physical occupancy of the Naic
Cinema. Being declared owner of subject lot does not also mean that she is auto
actual possessor would be deprived of his property without due process of law.
Finally, petitioner cannot validly claim possession over the Naic Cinema since i
n her complaint and subsequent pleadings, she has admitted not being the owner t
hereof. On the contrary, she claims that the Naic Cinema belongs to the estate o
f her father. On the other hand, respondent spouses have asserted dominion over
the Naic Cinema. Plainly, petitioner cannot wrest possession of the moviehouse f
rom respondent spouses through a mere writ of possession as she herself even dis
claims being the owner thereof. Ownership over the Naic Cinema must be threshed
out in a proper proceeding. A mere prayer for the issuance of a writ of possessi
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals denying
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the decision and order of RTC Pasig, Mani
Estrella was appointed as PGH Director. After several weeks, the new UP Preside
enter. The Board affirmed the recommendation and declared all seats in the form
for the issuance of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) alleging that he enjoys se
curity of tenure. UP Board argues that it has the power to abolish the position
of PGH Director held by Estrella and that there was a valid reorganization cond
ucted by it.
Whether or not respondent Dr. Felipe A. Estrella who holds the position of Direc
tor of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) can invoke security of tenure durin
g his term of office notwithstanding the abolition of the said position by the U
1.)€€€ As the PGH Director and UP-PGH Medical Director s functions are one and the same,
the abolishing of the former position is not and abolishment, bona fide, agains
Hence, the purported reorganization is not valid. The Dario V. Mison doctrine i
s affirmed.
3.)€€€ Assuming there was an abolition, the charter at UP does not grant its power to
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari, Prohi
over the amount of ten (10) Million. By reconciliation of records, it was decre
ts. He made several motions with the Sandiganbayan for the dismissal of the cas
e and the cancellation or suspension of scheduled hearings for the presentation
of Republic s evidence. The same were all denied by the sandiganbayan. Come hear
ing date, the Republic through the ASGs however were not prepared due to flimsy
re-schedule of hearing but the Sandiganbayan ordered them to file formal offer
Order for filing of formal offer of evidence affirmed. The counsel of the Repub
lic should have prepared with due diligence the cause of its client and not unre
asonably request for postponement of hearings cause at which is due to its own n
Under the circumstances, it cannot rightly be said that the OSG was not guilty o
y in assuming that public respondent would grant its oral motion for postponemen
t, coming to court unprepared and without a witness. Hence public respondent was
well within its authority to deny the Republic's oral motion for postponement o
f the hearings set on 19 and 20 October 1995 and require it, instead, to just fo
rmally offer its evidence within fifteen (15) days from notice. Petitioner is no
t guilty of abuse of discretion, much less grave, nor can it be charged by petit
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus is DENI
GABRITO vs. Court of Appeals
Nature of the Case: Petition for Certiorari with Preliminary Injunction €to review
Tanâs predecessor applied for a sales application over a parcel of land and had it
leased by Gabrito. Tan later on acquired the land and when he decided to use t
he land for their personal use, demanded its return from Gabrito, although the o
riginal sales application is pending approval. Gabrito failed to heed the deman
d and later on filed a sales application for the same with the Bureau of Lands a
mplaint for unlawful detainer against Gabrito and was sustained by the MTC, the
RTC and the CA. Later, Gabrito s application was granted and the prior sales appl
ication of Tana s predecessor was cancelled but Tan filed an appeal of the same wi
th the DENR.
The issue in unlawful detainer is the possession and the issue with the Bureau o
f Lands is for ownership; although the law grants the Administrative Agency the
power to decide issue on ownership, it does not deprive courts the power to deci
de issue of possession.
ies arising out of the dispositive of public lands (Geukoko vs. Araneta, 102 Ph
il. 706 (1957); Marukot vs. Jacinto, 98 Phil. 128 (1957), alienation of public l
ands (Rallos vs. Ruiz, Jr., supra) or to the determination of the respective rig
hts of rival claimants to public lands (Pitarque vs. Sorilla, supra) and not to
possessory actions involving public lands which are limited to the determination
of who has the actual, physical possession or occupation of the land in questio
In fact, the Bureau of Lands in its decision of June 7, 1987, admitted the juris
diction of the courts to decide the case on the question of physical possession,
Under the circumstances, a careful study of the records failed to show any cogen
t reason to disturb the findings of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities; of the
Regional Trial Court, both of Olongapo City and finally of the Court of Appeals.
WHEREFORE, the decision of respondent Court of Appeals is Affirmed and the tempo
Nature of the Case: Petition for review the decision of the Secretary of Departm
Petitioner, was the Elementary School Principal of Talisay and also the Assistan
t Principal of the Talisay Barangay High School of the Division of Gingoog City.
The barangay high school was in deficit at that time due to the fact that the s
tudents could hardly pay for their monthly tuition fees. Since at that time also
, the President of the Philippines who was earnestly campaining was giving aid i
n the amount of P 2,000.00 for each barrio, the barrio council through proper re
solutions alloted the amount of P 840.00 to cover up for the salaries of the hig
h school teachers, with the honest thought in mind that the barrio high school w
as a barrio project and as such therefore, was entitled to its share of the RICD
fund in question.
The only part that the herein petitioner played was his being authorized
by the said barrio council to withdraw the above amount and which was subsequen
tly deposited in the City Treasurer's Office in the name of the Talisay Barrio H
igh School. That was a grave error on the part of the herein petitioner as it in
volves the very intricacies in the disbursement of government funds and of its t
echnicalities. Thus, the herein petitioner, together with the barrio captain, we
re charged of the violation of Republic Act 3019, and both were convicted to suf
The Court of appeals modified the decision by eliminating the subsidiary impriso
nment in case of insolvency in the payment of one-half of the amount being invol
ved. The herein petitioner, being financially battered, could no longer hire a l
Finally, the herein petitioner was granted an ABSOLUTE PARDON by the President o
f the Republic of the Philippines, restoring him to 'full civil and political ri
ghts.' With this instrument on hand, the herein petitioner applied for reinstate
mere classroom teacher and not to his former position as Elementary School Prin
cipal I.
Whether or not petitioner merits reappointment to the position he held prior to
o the same position he was in before he was convicted on a mere technical erro
to our mind, there is a definite and concrete controversy touching the legal rel
ations of parties having adverse legal relations. This is a real and substantial
ive in character. The case does not call for a mere opinion or advise, but for a
ffirmative relief .
but under the circumstances of this case, if the petitioner had been unfairly d
eprived of' what is rightfully his, the discretion is qualified by the requireme
on the part of the appointing power, but discretion tempered with fairness and j
As to the argument that the Department of Education, Culture and Sports cannot b
e sued, the only answer is that its officials can be sued for alleged grave erro
Taking into consideration that this petition is filed by a non-lawyer, who claim
s that poverty denies him the services of a lawyer, We also set aside the requir
ement of exhaustion of administrative remedies and resolved to go direct to the
In Monsanto vs. Factoran, Jr., 3 this Court held that the absolute disqualificat
ion from office or ineligibility from public office forms part of the punishment
prescribed under the penal code and that pardon frees the individual from all t
he penalties and legal disabilities and restores him to all his civil rights. Al
though such pardon restores his eligibility to a public office it does not entit
In the present case after his absolute pardon, petitioner was reinstated to the
As there are no circumstances that would warrant the diminution in his rank, jus
tice and equity dictate that he be returned to his former position of Elementary
However, the Court cannot grant his prayer for backwages from September 1, 1971
to November 23, 1982 since in Monsanto 4 this Court said he is not entitled to a
rvice upon his conviction for an offense. Thus, although his reinstatement had b
een duly authorized, it did not thereby entitle him to backwages. Such right is
afforded only to those who have been illegally dismissed and were thus ordered r
In the same light, the Court cannot decree that his government service be made c
ontinuous from September 10, 1948 to the present when it is not. At any rate whe
n he reaches the compulsory age of retirement, he shall get the appropriate reti
rement benefits as an Elementary School Principal I and not as a mere classroom
Nature of the Case: Appeal from an order of the Court of First Instance of Bagui
o City.
Rullan and Valdez are members of Baguio Loakan Placer Mining Association (BLPMA
) at which Valdez owes 40% interest. BLPMA has located and grabbed mining clai
ms at Morning Glory and Silica. Unknown to his co-members, Valdez decreased the
protion at Silica and included the excluded portion to his lease application fo
r Selecta Placer claim. Rullan filed and adverse claim against the same lease a
pplication, pending due course at the adverse claim, Rullan filed an action with
the CFI for the recognition of BLPMA/Rullan s rights over the excluded portion.
Defendant Valdez moved for its dismissal for lack of sufficient allegation of ri
ghts but was denied, on Motion for Reconsideration, Valdez argued that CFI has n
o jurisdiction yet on the action as to the adverse claim in the lease applicatio
n has yet to be given course by Director of Mines. CFI dismissed the complaint.
Is the action on the adverse claim a condition sine qua non for the filing of cl
aim in court?
No. Section 73 of CA 137 prescribes that the adverse claimants must file their c
laim in the Bureau of Mines and thereafter file an action with the proper court
within twenty (20) days from such filing at adverse claim. The filing in court
stays the application.
Act No. 137, as amended by Republic Act No. 745, which we quote:
"Sec. 73. At any time during the period of application, any adverse claim may be
filed under oath with the Director of Mines. and shall state in full detail the
nature, boundaries, and extent of the adverse claim, and shall be accompanied b
y all plans, documents, and agreements upon which such adverse claim is based: *
* * Upon the filing of any adverse claim all proceedings except the making and
stayed until the controversy shall have been settled or decided by a court of co
mpetent jurisdiction, or the adverse claim waived. It shall be the duty of the a
dverse claimant, within thirty days after filing his claim, to commence proceedi
rosecute the same with reasonable diligence to final judgment, and a failure to
aving an adverse claim to a certain mineral land can have his day in court. If h
e fails to file an adverse claim within the time therein provided for or fails t
o commence the proceeding within the statutory period, his claim is deemed waive
d. Any person who has an adverse interest in the whole or to a portion of the su
rface of a mining claim for which a lease is applied for by another may file an
adverse claim which must state in full the nature, boundaries and extent thereof
he issue is based. The filing of said adverse claim produces the effect of stayi
ng all the proceedings on the application filed with the Bureau of Mines, except
only in relation to the publication and proof of notice, until the controversy
shall have been decided by a court of competent jurisdiction. Since then the fun
ctions of the Bureau of Mines are suspended to, await the action of the court.
This is the situation herein obtained. After plaintiffs had filed their adverse
claim with the Bureau of Mines with regard to the lease application of certai
n mining claims filed by defendant, they at the same time commenced the present
action wherein they squarely brought to the fore the issue of ownership over the
mining claim controverted. The question, therefore, comes well within the juris
diction of the court a quo regardless of whether the action of the Director of M
ines on the adverse claim filed in his office is still pending. This is the reve
rse situation of a case involving the ownership of a portion of public land wher
ein exhaustion of administrative remedies is required, for here the law is speci
fic that the question of ownership affecting an adverse claim must first be dete
rmined by the competent court before administrative action could proceed to its
termination. It is, therefore, error for the court a quo to dismiss the complain
t on the ground that plaintiffs have not exhausted their administrative remedies
before coming to court. The situation obtained herein is just the contrary.
Wherefore, the order appealed from is set aside. This case should be
remanded to the court a quo for further proceedings. Costs against appellee.
October 9, 1997
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
ity Cemetery. The policemen were Pat. Romeo Espiritu and Pat. Anger Lumabas and
a driver named Arnold Enriquez AasdrivingaTarnaraw vehicle which was the officia
l car of the Police Station of Kalookan City. The surveillance was being made be
cause of information that drug addicts were roaming the area in front of' the Ka
Upon reaching the Kalookan City Cemetery, the policemen alighted from th
eir vehicle. They then chanced Upon a male person in front of the cemetery who a
ppeared high on drugs. The male person was observed to have reddish eyes and to
be walking in a swaying manner. When this male person tried to avoid the police
men, the latter approached him and introduced themselves as police officers. The
policemen then asked the male person what he was holding in his hands. The male
person tried to resist. Pat. Romeo Espiritu asked the male person if he could s
ee what said male person had in his hands. The latter showed the wallet and allo
wed Pat. Romeo Espiritu to examine the same. Pat. Espiritu took the wallet and e
xamined it. He found Suspected Crushed marijuana residue inside. He kept the wal
The male person was then brought to the Anti-Narcotics Unit of the Kalo
okan City Police Headquarters Lind was turned over to Cpl. Wilfredo Tamondong fo
r investigation. Pat. Espiritu also turned over to Cpl. Tamondong the confiscate
d wallet and its suspected marijuana contents. The man turned out to be the accu
piritu, Cpl. Tamondong wrapped the same with a white sheet of paper on which he
wrote 'Evidence 'A' 4/11/88 Alain Manalili.' The white sheet of paper was marked
as Exhibit 'E-3'. The residue was originally wrapped in a smaller sheet of fold
Cpl. Tamondong next prepared a referral slip addressed to the NBI Forens
idue (Exhibit 'D'). Cpl. Tamondong thereafter prepared a Joint Affidavit of the
apprehending policemen (Exhibit 'A'). Pat. Angel Lumabas handcarried the referra
e subject marijuana residue for chemical analysis. The signature of Pat. Lumabas
The Forensic Chemistry Section of the NBI received the aforesaid referra
l slip and the subject marijuana residue at 7:40 o'clock in the evening of April
It was NBI Aida Pascual who conducted the microscopic and chemical exami
nations of the specimen which she identified. (Exhibit 'E')13 Mrs. Pascual refer
ated April 11, 1988 (Exhibit 'F').14 These crushed marijuana leaves gave positiv
n. In this examination, she also found that the 'crushed marijuana leaves' gave
positive results for marijuana. She then prepared a Final Report of her examinat
ions (Exhibit 'G'), After conducting the examinations, Ms. Pascual placed the sp
ecimen in a white letter-envelope and sealed it. (Exhibit 'E'). She then wrote i
Pat. Lumabas carried the Certification marked as Exhibit 'F' from the NB
I Forensic Chemistry Section to Cpl. Tamondong. Upon receipt thereof, Cpl. Tamon
dong prepared a referral slip addressed to the City Fiscal of Kalookan City. (Ex
hibit 'C')
On rebuttal, Pat. Espiritu testified that appellant was not riding a tri
cycle but was walking in front of the cemetery when he was apprehended.
(the) accused (and) in Ruling that the guilt of the accused had been proved (be
In the case at hand, Patrolman Espiritu and his companions observed duri
ng their surveillance that appellant had red eyes and was wobbling like a drunk
along the Caloocan City Cemetery, which according to police information was a po
pular hangout of drug addicts. From his experience as a member of the AntiNarcot
ics Unit of the Caloocan City Police, such suspicious behavior was characteristi
c of drug addicts who were "high." The policemen therefore had sufficient reason
when he failed to raise this issue or to object thereto during the trial. A val
id waiver of a right, more particularly of the constitutional right against unre
asonable search, requires the concurrence of the following requirements: (1) the
right to be waived existed; (2) the person waiving it had knowledge, actual or
he right. Otherwise, the Courts will indulge every reasonable presumption agains
t waiver of fundamental safeguards and will not deduce acquiescence from the fai
lure to exercise this elementary right. In the present case, however, petitioner
is deemed to have waived such right for his failure to raise its violation befo
re the trial court. In petitions under Rule 45, as distinguished from an ordinar
y appeal of criminal cases where the whole case is opened for review, the appeal
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision and Resolution are hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFIC
Nature of the Case: Appeal from a judgment of the RTC DasmariÔas, Cavite, Br.90
That on or about the 20th day of June 1994, at Barangay Salitran, Municipality o
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, not being authorized by law, did then
and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, administer, transport, and del
iver twenty-eight (28) kilos of dried marijuana leaves, which are considered pro
hibited drugs, in violation of the provisions of R.A. 6425 thereby causing damag
t guilty from appellant who was assisted therein by his counsel de parte. Trial
in a decision of the trial court dated June 8, 1995 and which imposed the extrem
e penalty of death on appellant. He was further ordered to pay a fine in the amo
It appears from the evidence of the prosecution that appellant was apprehended a
t around 4:00 A.M. of June 20, 1994 near a waiting shed located at Barangay Sali
tran, Dasmariñas, Cavite by SPO1 Concordio Talingting and SPO1 Armando Clarin, bot
pellant, according to the two officers, was caught transporting 28 marijuana bri
cks contained in a traveling bag and a carton box, which marijuana bricks had a
These two officers later asserted in court that they were aided by an informer i
rug courier, whom said informer could recognize, would be arriving somewhere in
Barangay Salitran, Dasmariñas from Baguio City with an undetermined amount of mari
juana. It was the same informer who pinpointed to the arresting officers the app
ellant when the latter alighted from a passenger jeepney on the aforestated day,
Upon the other hand, appellant disavowed ownership of the prohibited drugs. He c
laimed during the trial that while he indeed came all the way from Baguio City,
he traveled to Dasmariñas, Cavite with only some pocket money and without any lugg
age. His sole purpose in going there was to look up his cousin who had earlier o
ould return to Baguio City. He never got around to doing so as he was accosted b
he was never informed of his constitutional rights and was in fact even robbed
of the P500.00 which he had with him. Melita Adaci, the cousin, corroborated app
ellant's testimony about the job offer in the garment factory where she reported
ly worked as a supervisor, although, as the trial court observed, she never pres
Section 2, Article III of the Constitution lays down the general rule that a sea
rch and seizure must be carried out through or on the strength of a judicial war
rant, absent which such search and seizure becomes "unreasonable" within the mea
ning of said constitutional provision. Evidence secured on the occasion of such
an unreasonable search and seizure is tainted and should be excluded for being t
clusionary rule is not, however, an absolute and rigid proscription. Thus, (1) c
ain view; (4) consented searches; (5) searches incidental to a lawful arrest;
and (6) "stop and frisk" measures 18 have been invariably recognized as the tra
ditional exceptions.
rresting police officer with authority to validly search and seize from the offe
nder (1) dangerous weapons, and (2) those that may be used as proof of the commi
ssion of an offense. On the other hand, the apprehending officer must have been
ne in cadence with the instances of permissible arrests set out in Section 5(a).
These instances have been applied to arrests carried out on persons caught in
flagrante delicto. The conventional view is that probable cause, while largely a
relative term the determination of which must be resolved according to the fact
s which could lead a reasonable, discreet, and prudent man to believe and conclu
In the case at bar, as soon as appellant had alighted from the passenger jeepney
the informer at once indicated to the officers that their suspect was at hand b
y pointing to him from the waiting shed. SPO1 Clarin recounted that the informer
told them that the marijuana was likely hidden inside the traveling bag and car
ton box which appellant was carrying at the time. The officers thus realized tha
t he was their man even if he was simply carrying a seemingly innocent looking p
air of luggage for personal effects. Accordingly, they approached appellant, int
roduced themselves as policemen, and requested him to open and show them the con
tents of the traveling bag, which appellant voluntarily and readily did. Upon cu
rsory inspection by SPO1 Clarin, the bag yielded the prohibited drugs, so, witho
ut bothering to further search the box, they brought appellant and his luggage t
Here, there were sufficient facts antecedent to the search and seizure that, at
the point prior to the search, were already constitutive of probable cause, and
which by themselves could properly create in the minds of the officers a well-gr
ounded and reasonable belief that appellant was in the act of violating the law.
The search yielded affirmance both of that probable cause and the actuality tha
bited drugs. With these attendant facts, it is ineluctable that appellant was ca
ught in flagrante delicto, hence his arrest and the search of his belongings wit
Furthermore, that appellant also consented to the search is borne out by the evi
dence. To repeat, when the officers approached appellant and introduced themselv
es as policemen, they asked him about the contents of his luggage, and after he
replied that they contained personal effects, the officers asked him to open the
ned to the fact that the law had caught up with his criminal activities. When an
individual voluntarily submits to a search or consents to have the same conduct
It is worth mentioning at this juncture that the law itself provides a specific
penalty where the violation thereof is in its aggravated form as laid down in th
n said section be the proximate cause of the death of a victim thereof, the maxi
mum penalty shall be imposed. 32 While the minority or the death of the victim w
ill increase the liability of the offender, these two facts do not constitute ge
neric aggravating circumstances, as the law simply provides for the imposition o
f such factual features. In that situation, obviously the rules on the graduatio
neither a minor victim nor a consequent death of any victim. Hence, the basic r
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 90, of Dasmariñas, Cav
ite in Criminal Case No. 3401-94 is hereby MODIFIED in the sense that accused-ap
pellant Ruben Montilla y Gatdula shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
In all other respects, the judgment of the trial court is hereby AFFIRMED, with
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court filed by t
he Solicitor General to set aside the order of the respondent Judge dismissing C
riminal Case No. Q-91-17782, on the ground that the prosecution was not prepared
for the first scheduled hearing of the case due to the non-availability of its
"That on or about the 10th day of April 1990, in Quezon City, Philippines and wi
thin the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with mal
icious intent of impeaching the honesty, virtue and reputation of one DEMOCRITO
T. MENDOZA, a well-known labor leader in Cebu and with the malicious intent of i
njuring and exposing said Democrito T. Mendoza to public hatred, contempt and ri
dicule, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously caused (sic) to
On May 3, 1991, private respondent entered a plea of not guilty. Trial of Crimin
Three days before said scheduled hearing or on July 26, 199 1, private prosecuto
therefor, the fact that the complainant, Atty. Democrito T. Mendoza, "would stil
l be out of town during said date for the reason that he would be in Cebu City t
o attend to the strike of some workers in some firms in Cebu City and his person
al presence thereat is very necessary." Since said witness "would be out of the
country during the month of August 1991 to attend to some official transaction
relative to the International Labor Movement" and would be back during the first
week of September 1991, private prosecutor prayed that the scheduled hearing be
reset to a later day, preferably on September 9 or 13, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. Only t
Also on July 26, 1991, private respondent, through Atty. Lorenda Estrella-Amion
of the Public Attorney's Office, filed a motion to dismiss the case on the groun
d that the facts charged in the Information do not constitute an offense.4 Invok
ing Kunkle vs. Cablenews-American and Lyons5 holding it not sufficient that the
offended party recognized himself as the person attacked or defamed but that a t
hird person must be able to identify the complainant as the object of the libelo
us publication, private respondent claimed that the Information did not identify
the person allegedly alluded to in the article and neither did it state that a
third person could identify said Democrito T. Mendoza as the object thereof. Pri
vate respondent stressed that he did not write the article nor cause its publica
tion, and never had the intention to publish the same. The Office of the City Pr
On July 29, 1991, the day of the scheduled hearing, private prosecutor manifeste
d in open court that he had filed an urgent motion for postponement, and moved f
or the cancellation of hearing for that day due to the unavailability of the pro
secution witness.
The public prosecutor did not object to the postponement. On the other hand, the
defense manifested that it had filed a motion to dismiss. The respondent Judge
then issued in open court the following Order6 now being assailed:
The private prosecutor filed an urgent motion for the reconsideration of said Or
der, stating that the prosecution had no opportunity to file an objection to the
motion to dismiss as it was served a copy thereof only on the day of hearing it
self. He insisted that the court should have considered as valid the reason for
the absence of the prosecution's principal witness, as his presence in Cebu City
Mediation Board.
On August 7, 1991, the trial court gave the defense five (5) days from notice wi
thin which "to file a comment to the motion for reconsideration furnishing copy
to the opposing counsel who shall have five (5) days to file a reply, after whi
Whether or not the grant of the prosecution's motion for postponement have viola
ted the accused's right to a speedy trial
Whether or not would the reversal of the trial court's assailed Orders place th
To be perfectly clear, we restate the general rule: motions for postponement are
granted only upon meritorious grounds and no party has the right to assume that
his motion will be granted. The grant or denial of a motion for postponement is
addressed to "the sound discretion of the court, (which) should always be predi
cated on the consideration that more than the mere convenience of the courts or
of the parties in the case, the ends of justice and fairness should be served th
ereby. After all, postponements and continuances are part and parcel of our proc
edural system of dispensing justice."15 Thus, when no substantial rights are aff
ected and the intention to delay is not manifest, the corresponding motion to tr
ansfer the hearing having been filed accordingly, it is sound judicial discretio
n to allow the same to the end that the merits of the case may be fully ventilat
ed. Unless grave abuse of discretion is shown, such discretion will not be inter
While it is true that any motion that does not comply with the requirements of R
ule 15 should not be accepted for filing and, if filed, is not entitled to judic
ial cognizance,17 this Court has likewise held that where a rigid application o
urt held in Galvez vs. Court of Appeals "an order of the court granting the mot
ion to dismiss despite the absence of a notice of hearing, or proof of service t
In the case at bench, the postponement of the July 29, 1991 hearing was the very
first one ever requested by the private prosecutor. And it was for a valid reas
on: the principal prosecution witness, a labor lawyer, had to be in Cebu City to
City. There being no showing that any substantial right of the accused would hav
e been unduly prejudiced by the postponement, respondent Judge should have grant
ed the motion to afford the prosecution a fair opportunity to prosecute its case
tate due process. In People vs. Navarro20 this Court held that:
The right of an accused to speedy trial is not violated by the mere postponement
trial for an unreasonable length of time are what offend the right of the accuse
not to deprive the prosecution its day in court.21 As held in Gonzales vs. Sand
ial, is deemed violated only when the proceeding is attended by vexatious, capri
cious, and oppressive delays; or when unjustified postponements of trial are ask
ed for and secured, or when without cause or justifiable motive a long period of
time is allowed to elapse without the party having his case tried. Equally appl
icable is the balancing test used to determine whether a defendant has been deni
ed his right to a speedy trial, or a speedy disposition of a case for that matte
r, in which the conduct of both the prosecution and the defendant are weighed, a
nd such factors as length of the delay, reason for the delay, the defendant's as
Anent private respondent's claim that a reopening of the case would place him in
"x x x The three (3) requisites of double jeopardy are: (1) a first jeopardy mus
t have attached prior to the second, (2) the first jeopardy must have been valid
ly terminated, and (3) a second jeopardy must be for the same offense as that of
the first. Legal jeopardy attached only: (1) upon a valid indictment, (2) befor
e a competent court, (3) after arraignment, (4) when a valid plea has been enter
ed, and (5) when the defendant was acquitted or convicted, or the case was dismi
ssed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of the accused. (italic
s supplied)
In the instant case, the termination of the case was precisely sought by accused
In any event, private respondent's right to speedy trial not having been violate
"It is true that in an unbroken line of cases, we have held that the dismissal o
would bar further prosecution of the accused for the same offense. It must be s
tressed, however, that these dismissals were predicated on the clear right of th
e accused to speedy trial. These cases are not applicable to the petition at ben
ch considering that the right of the private respondents to speedy trial has not
been violated by the State. For this reason, private respondents cannot invoke
led to its day in court, and to a reasonable opportunity to present its case. A
hasty dismissal such as the one in question, instead of unclogging dockets, has
actually increased the workload of the justice system -as a whole and caused unc
alled for delays in the final resolution of this and other cases. Unwittingly, t
delayed the case - in the process, causing the very evil it apparently sought t
o avoid. Such action does not inspire public confidence in the administration of
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for certiorari is hereby GRANTED, The Order of J
uly 29, 1991 as well as the Order of November 5, 1991 dismissing Criminal Case N
o. Q-91-17782 are hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The respondent Judge is ordered
to proceed with the trial and resolution of the case with judicious and deliber
ate dispatch, with a stern warning to avoid similar unjustified and unwarranted
March 6, 1996
Nature of the Case: Special Civil Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari.
Petitioner Luis Malaluan and private respondent Joseph Evangelista were both may
ronized National and Local Elections held on May 11, 1992. Private respondent Jo
seph Evangelista was proclaimed by the Municipal Board of Canvassers as the duly
elected Mayor.
On May 22, 1992, petitioner filed an election protest with the Regional Trial Co
urt contesting 64 out of the total 181 precincts of the said municipality. The t
rial court declared petitioner as the duly elected municipal mayor of Kidapawan,
North Cotabato with a plurality of 154 votes. Acting without precedent, the cou
rt found private respondent liable not only for Malaluan s protest expenses but al
so for moral and exemplary damages and attorney s fees. On February 3, 1994, priva
994, petitioner filed a motion for execution pending appeal. The motion was gran
By virtue of said order, petitioner assumed the office of MunicipaJ Mayor of Kid
apawan, North Cotabato, and exercised the powers and functions of said office. S
uch exercise was not for long, though. In the herein assailed decision adverse t
anc affirmed said decision. Malaluan filed this petition before us on May 31, 19
95 as a consequence.
Whether or not the COMELEC gravely abused its discretion in awarding the aforeci
YES. The COMELEC found the election protest filed by the petitioner to be clearl
y unfounded because its own appreciation of the contested ballots yielded result
s contrary to those of the trial court. Assuming, ex gratia argumentis, that thi
of the trial court. In other words, the actuations of the trial court, after the
filing of a case before it, are its own, and any alleged error on its part does
not, in the absence of clear proof, make the suit clearly unfounded for which the
attorney s fees are concerned, therefore we find them to have been awarded by res
pondent COMELEC without basis, the election protest not having been a clearly un
It is significant to note that the term of office of the local officials elected
in the May, 1992 elections expired on June 30, 1995. This petition, thus, has b
ecome moot and academic insofar as it concerns petitioner s right to the mayoralty
the election protest has the effect of rendering the same moot and academic.
The petitioners, who are taxpayers, lawyers, members of the Integrated Bar of th
The President shall nominate and, with the consent of the Commission on Appointm
ents, appoint the heads of the executive departments, ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, or officers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel
or naval captain, and other officers whose appointments are vested in him in thi
s Constitution. He shall also appoint all other officers of the Government whose
appointments are not otherwise provided for by law, and those whom he may be au
thorized by law to appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of ot
her officers lower in rank in the President alone, in the courts, or in the head
The President shall have the power to make appointments during the recess of the
tive only until disapproval by the Commission on Appointments or until the next
€€€€€€However laws (Rep. Act No. 1937 and PD No. 34) which were approved during the effecti
ity of the 1935 Constitution, under which the President may nominate and, with t
After the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, however, Rep. Act No. 1937 and P
D No. 34 have to be read in harmony with Sec. 16, Art. VII, with the result that
, while the appointment of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs is one that
February 6, 1997
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Inj
unction and Restraining order to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
Zenaida Reyes was accused of falsifying a deed of sale of four (4) parcels of l
and "by feigning and signing the name of Pablo Floro, who could not affix his si
gnature anymore due to age infirmity, on the said document as seller and causing
it to appear that said Pablo Floro [had] participated in the execution of the s
aid document when in truth and in fact, as said accused well knew, said deed of
sale was not executed and signed by the said Pablo Floro, nor did he ever appear
before any notary public for the purpose of acknowledging the deed above mentio
€€€€€€Upon being arraigned, petitioner pleaded not guilty. Trial on the merits then followe
Whether the trial court properly held petitioner to have waived the righ
NO. It was Atty. Tenorio's absences, then, rather than petitioner's, which appea
r to be the cause for the defense's failure to present its evidence. Atty. Tenor
io's negligence did not consist in error of procedure or even a lapse in strateg
y but something as basic as failing to appear in court despite clear warning tha
t such failure would amount to waiver of her client's right to present evidence
in her defense.
Keeping in mind that this case involves personal liberty, the negligence of coun
sel was certainly so gross that it should not be allowed to prejudice petitioner
st easy on a conviction based solely on the evidence of the prosecution just bec
ause the presentation of the defense evidence had been barred by technicality. R
igid application of rules must yield to the duty of courts to render justice whe
re justice is due to secure to every individual all possible legal means to prov
€€€€€€WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration of the resolution of November 29, 1995 is G
Garcia vs. The Faculty Admission Committee
in Theology; 4. That on May 30, 1975, when Petitioner wanted to enroll for the s
ame course for the first semester, 1975-76, Respondent told her about the letter
he had written her, informing her of the faculty's decision to bar her from re-
admission in their school; That the reasons stated in said letter, dated May 19,
1975 ... do not constitute valid legal ground for expulsion, for they neither p
resent any violation of any of the school's regulation, nor are they indicative
of gross misconduct.
continue studying at said school and that such right ought to be respected.
NO. It is not an easy matter then to disregard the views of persons knowledgeab
le in the field, to whom cannot be imputed lack of awareness of the need to resp
ect freedom of thought on the part of students and scholars. Moreover, it could
amount to minimizing the full respect that must be accorded the academic freedom
is equally difficult to yield conformity to the approach taken that colleges and
October 4, 1971
Lau Yuen Yeung was a Hong Kong national who came to visit the Philippines and wa
s allowed to stay for 1 month. Upon approved extensions however, she was able to
stay for more than one year and later married Moy Ya Lim Yao, a Filipino citize
as she was already staying beyond the allowed time. Petitioner Moy Ya Lim Yao t
hen filed a petition seeking the issuance of a writ of injunction against the C
of marriage, which was denied. They then appealed to the Supreme Court.
Under Sec. 15 of the Revised Naturalization Law, a foreign woman who marries a F
ilipino citizen becomes a Filipino citizen provided she possesses none of the di
squalifications for naturalization. The proviso that she must be one "who might
and proved in evidence. The word "might," as used in that phrase, precisely repl
ies that at the time of her marriage to a Philippine citizen, the alien woman "h
ad (the) power" to become such a citizen herself under the laws then in force. T
hat she establishes such power long after her marriage does not alter the fact t
hat at her marriage, she became a citizen. Lau Yuen Yeung, is hereby declared t
5 SCRA 108
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the resolution of the Deputy Executive Se
nt treasurer of Calbayog City) and three other accused of the complex crime
er conviction which subsequently affirmed the same. She then filed a motion for
reconsideration but while said motion was pending, she was extended by the Presi
requesting that she be restored to the past assistant city treasurer since the
Whether or not a public officer, who has been granted an absolute pardon
The Supreme Court held that the pardon does not ipso facto restore convi
such conviction.
f the punishment prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for estafa thru falsificat
ion of public documents. It is clear from the authorities referred to that when
her guilt and punishment were expunged by her pardon, this particular disability
was likewise removed. Henceforth, petitioner may apply for reappointment to the
office which was forfeited by reason of her conviction. And in considering her
qualifications and suitability for the public past, the facts constituting her o
ffenses must and should be evaluated and taken into account to determine ultimat
ely whether she can once again be entrusted with public funds. The pardon grante
ic employment but it cannot go beyond that. To regain her former past as assista
nt city treasurer, she must reapply and undergo the usual procedure required for
a new appointment.
San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission
196 SCRA 69
Nature of the Case: Petition for Certiorari to review the resolution of the CSC.
zal was left vacant. In a letter dated April 18, 1988, the petitioner informed D
irector Reynaldo Abella of the Department if Budget and Management (DBM) Regio
n IV that Ms. Dalisay Santos assumed office as Acting PBO since March 22, 1988 p
l Municipal Budget officers of the said province which included three names of t
ned the appointment papers of the private respondent as PBO of Rizal upon the af
€€€€€€ In a letter dated August 3, 1988 addressed to Secretary Corague, the petitioner rei
erated his request for the appointment of Dalisay Santos to the contested petiti
The Supreme Court ruled that the Department of Budget and Managemen
t may appoint provincial budget officers only from the list of qualified recomm
endies nominated by the Governor. If none is qualified, he must return the list
of nominees to the Governor explaining why no one meets the legal requirements a
nd ask for new recommendees who have the necessary eligibilities and qualificati
on as enunciated in EO# 112 Sec 1. The PBO is expected to synchronize his work w
ith DBM. Provincial and Municipal Budgets are prepared at the local level and af
ter completion are forwarded to the national officials for review. It is for thi
rmonization of proposals from both the local and national officials. It is for t
he reason that the nomination and appointment involves a sharing of power betwee
Our national officials should not only comply with the constitutional provisions
on local autonomy but should also appreciate the spirit of liberty upon which t
and Management is ordered to appoint the Provincial Budget Officer€of Rizal among
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the orders of the CFI of Rizal Br. XV, Ru
iz, J.
The United States invited bids for the repair of the military base in Subic. Res
pondent who submitted a bid was asked to confirm the price proposals and to subm
it the name of its bonding company. Respondent complied with the request. Later
on the projects were awarded to another. Respondent sued the US for specific per
formance on the ground that the request was an acceptance pursuant to the biding
practices of US.
Whether or not the US may be sued in the case at bar.
The US is immune from suit without its consent. While the immunity exten
ds only to governmental acts and does not extend to proprietary acts, no tacit c
onsent to be sued can be deemed to have been given in this case. The contracts r
elate to the exercise of the sovereign functions of the US. The projects were in
tegral parts of the naval bases devoted to the defense of the US and RP.
Nature of the Case: Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Inj
The private respondents are suing several officers of the US Air Force stationed
in Clark Air Base in connection with the bidding conducted by them for contract
The petitioners filed a motion to dismiss and opposition to the petition for pre
liminary injunction on the ground that the action was in effect a suit against t
he USA which had not waived its non-suitability. The individual defendants as of
ficials or employees of the US Air Force were also immune from suit.
There is no question that the USA, like any other state will be deemed to have i
mpliedly waived its non-suitability if it has entered into a contract in its pro
prietary or private capacity. It is only when the contract undue its sovereign o
r governmental capacity that no such waiver may be implied. The barbershops subj
perated by private persons. The petitioner cannot plead any immunity from the co
had been repossessed by the Shipping Administration and title thereto reacquire
in his payment of the unpaid balance and insurance premiums for the said vessel
. Pan Oriental chartered said vessel and operated the same after it had repaired
the vessel and paid the stipulated initial payment, thereby exercising its opti
€€€€€€The Cabinet resolved to restore Froilan to his rights under the original contract of
ale on condition that he shall pay a sum of money upon delivery of the vessel to
him, that he shall continue paying the remaining installments due, and that he
shall assume the expenses incurred for the repair and by docking of the vessel.
Pan Oriental protested to this restoration of Froilan s rights under the contract
of sale, for the reason that when the vessel was delivered to it, the Shipping A
n having already relinquished whatever rights he may have thereon. Froilan paid
the required cash of P10, 000.00 and as Pan Oriental refused to surrender posses
sion of the vessel, he filed an action for in the CFI of Manila to recover posse
ssion thereof and have him declared the rightful owner of said property.
€€€€€€The Republic of the Philippines was allowed to intervene in said civil case praying f
r the possession of the in order that the chattel mortgage constituted thereon m
ay be foreclosed.
ms may prosper.
Under the circumstances already ad voted to, Pan Oriental cannot be cons
idered a possessor in bad faith until after the institution of the instant case.
However, since it is not disputed that said appellant is entitled to the refund
of such expenses with the right to retain the vessel until he has been reimburs
c of the Philippines that the appellant ha a lien far his expenses, appellees Fr
oilan, Compania Maratma, and the Republic of the Philippines are declared liable
Nature of the Case: Appeal from the decision of the CFI of Cebu.
Victoria Amigable is the registered owner of Lot No. 639 of the Banilad
Estate in the Cebu City. Without prior expropriation or negotiated sale, the gov
ernment used a portion of said lot for the construction of the Mongo and Gorordo
yment of the portion of her lot which has been appropriated by the government. T
he claim was disallowed. Amigable then filed a complaint with the CFI of Cebu fo
r the recovery of ownership and possession of the land traversed by the Mongo an
d Gorordo Avenues. She also sought the payment of compensatory damages in the su
m of P50,000.00 for the illegal occupation of her land, moral damages in the sum
of P25,000.00, attorney's fees in the sum of P5,000.00 and the costs of the sui
t. Said court rendered a decision holding that it had no jurisdiction over the p
laintiff s cause of action on the ground that the government cannot be sued withou
t its consent. Accordingly, the complaint was dismissed. Unable to secure a reco
nsideration, the plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeals, which subsequently
certified the case to the Supreme Court, there being no question of fact involve
If the constitutional mandate that the owner be compensated for property taken f
the government followed the procedure indicated by the governing law at the tim
e, a complaint would have been filed by it, and only upon payment of the compens
ation fixed by the judgment, or after tender to the party entitled to such payme
nt of the amount fixed, may it "have the right to enter in and upon the land so
condemned, to appropriate the same to the public use defined in the judgment." I
the sad plaint they are now. It is unthinkable then that precisely because ther
e was a failure to abide by what the law requires, the government would stand to
benefit. It is just as important, if not more so, that there be fidelity to leg
is not too much to say that when the government takes any property for public u
appears at the back of her certificate of title and that she has not executed a
ny deed of conveyance of any portion of her lot to the government, the appellant
remains the owner of the whole lot. As registered owner, she could bring an act
at this time because it is now and has been used for road purposes, the only rel
ief available is for the government to make due compensation which it could and
should have done years ago. To determine the due compensation for the land, the
basis should be the price or value thereof at the time of the taking. As regards
the claim for damages, the plaintiff is entitled thereto in the form of legal i
nterest on the price of the land from the time it was taken up to the time that
payment is made by the government. In addition, the government should pay for at
torney's fees, the amount of which should be fixed by the trial court after hear
65 SCRA 416
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari from an order of the CIR.
On December 20, 1966, private respondents filed with respondent Court a petitio
xcess of the regular eight hours a day rendered by them, and the failure to pay
them overtime compensation in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 444. Petition
f Commonwealth Act No. 444. After the parties submitted the case for decision, t
sustaining the claims of private respondents for overtime services from December
23, 1963 up to the date the decision was rendered on March 21, 1970, and direct
ing petitioner to pay the same, minus what it had already paid. There was a moti
on for reconsideration, but respondent Court en banc denied the same. Hence, thi
A reference to the enactments creating Petitioner Corporation suffices to demons
trate the merit of petitioner's plea that it performs governmental and not propr
ietary functions. As originally established by Republic Act No. 2265, its purpos
es and objectives were set forth thus: "(a) To promote the effective merchandisi
ng of Virginia tobacco in the domestic and foreign markets so that those engaged
h and maintain balanced production and consumption of Virginia tobacco and its m
anufactured products, and such marketing conditions as will insure and stabilize
the price of a level sufficient to cover the cost of production plus reasonable
profit both in the local as well as in the foreign market; (c) To create, estab
suitable centers and supervise the selling and buying of Virginia tobacco so tha
t the farmers will enjoy reasonable prices that secure a fair return of their in
vestments; (d) To prescribe rules and regulations governing the grading, classif
ying, and inspecting of Virginia tobacco; and (e) To improve the living and econ
omic conditions of the people engaged in the tobacco industry." The amendatory s
tatute, Republic Act No. 4155, renders even more evident its nature as a governm
ental agency. Its first section on the declaration of policy reads: "It is decla
red to be the national policy, with respect to the local Virginia tobacco indust
ry, to encourage the production of local Virginia tobacco of the qualities neede
h this industry on an efficient and economic basis, and, to create a climate con
public, blending imported and native Virginia leaf tobacco to improve the qualit
y of locally manufactured cigarettes." The objectives are set forth thus: "To at
tain this national policy the following objectives are hereby adopted: 1. Financ
ration (ACA) and the Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration (PVTA) at the be
NOVEMBER 5, 1992
Bellosillo, J.
Nature of the Case: Appeal from the decision of the then CFI of Manila, Br. 22.
Proclamation No. 430 was issued reserving Block no. 4, Reclamation Area No. 4,
of Cebu City, for warehousing purposes under the administration of National Ware
ed corporation (GOCC), taking over its assets and functions. Commencing 1948, Ce
bu City (CEBU) assessed and collected from NDC real estate taxes on the land and
the warehouse thereon. NDC wrote the City Assessor demanding full refund of the
real estate taxes paid to CEBU claiming that the land and the warehouse standin
g thereon belonged to the Republic and therefore exempt from taxation. CEBU did
not acquiesce in the demand; hence, the present suit filed 25 October 1972 in th
e Court of First Instance of Manila, which ruled in favor of NDC. The defendants
appealed to the Court of Appeals which however certified the case to the Suprem
To come within the ambit of the exemption provided in Art. 3, par. (a), of the
ned, the nature of the use of the property, whether for proprietary or sovereign
purposes, becomes immaterial. What appears to have been ceded to NWC (later tra
nsferred to NDC) is merely the administration of the property while the governme
nt retains ownership of what has been declared reserved for warehousing purposes
public reservation, a different rule should apply because "the exemption of publ
ic property from taxation does not extend to improvements on the public lands ma
wn expense, and these are taxable by the state." Consequently, the warehouse co
nstructed on the reserved land by NWC (now under administration by NDC), indeed,
should properly be assessed real estate tax as such improvement does not appear
Since the reservation is exempt from realty tax, the erroneous tax payments coll
ected by CEBU should be refunded to NDC. This is in consonance with Sec. 40, par
. (a) of the former Real Property Tax Code which exempted from taxation real pro
perty owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its political subdivisi
85 PHIL 766
Moran, C.J.
Petitioner was charged in the CFI with frustrated murder, for having allegedly i
nflicted upon Benjamin Obillo, with a kitchen knife and with intent to kill. Sev
eral serious wounds on different parts of the body. On December 29, 1949, at 8 i
n the morning, the accused pleaded not guilty to the offense charged, and at 10:
15 in the evening of the same day Obillo died from his wounds. Evidence of death
was available to the prosecution only on January 3, 1950, and on the next day,
an amended information was filed charging the accused with consummated homicide.
Melo filed a motion to quash alleging double jeopardy, motion that was denied b
The rule is that where after the first prosecution a new fact supervenes for whi
d together with the facts existing at the time, constitutes a new and distinct o
ffense. The accused cannot be said to be in second jeopardy if indicted for the
new offense. Hence, the amended information was rightly allowed to stand.
April 15,1998
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
Respondent Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Pangasinan (Branch 39)
rendered a Joint Decision in Criminal Cases Nos. L-3553 and L-3554 finding accu
sed Eduardo Cuison guilty of the crime of double homicide, beyond reasonable dou
bt and therefore sentences him to suffer imprisonment from 6 years and 1 day of
for each offense, with the accessories provided by law and to pay the costs. Ac
cused is also ordered to indemnify the heirs of Rafael Sapigao the amount of P30
,000.00 and the heirs of Rulo Castro also the amount of P30,000.00 without subsi
said decision was affirmed with the modification that the civil indemnity was i
ncreased to P50,000.00. The Supreme Court denied accused s petition for review. T
he case was remanded to the Regional Trial Court of Pangasinan (Br. 39) for prom
iability of the accused but did not commit the accused to jail to commence servi
spondent Judge then set the promulgation of the decision anew. The accused, how
ever, filed a Motion to Set Aside Promulgation on the ground to pursue with the
scheduled promulgation will violate the accused s constitutional right against jeo
pardy. In a Resolution dated April 12, 1996, the respondent Judge granted the af
orestated motion.
first jeopardy must have attached prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy m
ust have been validly terminated; (3) the second jeopardy must be for the same o
rustration thereof. And legal jeopardy attaches only: (a) upon a valid indictm
ent; (b) before a competent court; (c) after arraignment; (d) [when] a val
id plea [has] been entered; and (e) the case was dismissed or otherwise termin
ated without the express consent of the accused. As a rule, a criminal prosecuti
uch case disposes of both the criminal as well as the civil liabilities of an ac
cused. Here, trial court promulgated only the civil aspect of the case, but not
the criminal. As earlier observed, the promulgation of the CA Decision was not
complete. In fact and in truth, the promulgation was not merely incomplete; it
was also void. In excess of its jurisdiction, the trial judge rendered a substa
his April 12, 1996 Order. We emphasize that grave abuse of discretion rendered
the aforementioned act of the trial court void. Since the criminal cases have n
ot yet been terminated, the first jeopardy has not yet attached. Hence, double
leuterio Perez for Consented Abduction. The accused pleaded not guilty and trial
on the merits ensued. On June 28, 1980 a judgment of conviction was rendered ag
ainst Perez. On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed, and acquitted Perez of th
t Yolanda Mendoza filed another criminal complaint against Perez on July 22, 198
3, this time for Qualified Seduction. Petitioner Perez filed a motion to quash
Whether or not double jeopardy exists for two distinct offenses punishab
le separately by law.
The rule on double jeopardy is that, "No person shall be twice put in jeopardy o
f punishment for the same offense" [Article IV, Sec. 22 of the 1973 Constitution
, Article III, Sec 21 of the 1987 Constitution.] The term "same offense" means i
dentical offense or any attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof or any
However, the plea of double jeopardy cannot therefore be accorded merit, as the
two indictments are perfectly distinct in point of law howsoever closely they ma
nst double jeopardy may be invoked only for the same offense or identical offens
e. A single act may offend against two or more entirely distinct and unrelated p
e information under one does not bar prosecution under the other. Phrased elsewi
se, where two different laws or articles of the same code define two crimes, pri
ough both offenses arise from the same facts, if each crime involves some import
An examination of the elements of these two crimes would show that although they
may have arisen from the same set of facts, they are not identical offenses as
There are similar elements between Consented Abduction and Qualified Seduction,
namely: (1) that the offended party is a virgin, and, (2) that she must be over
twelve (12) and under eighteen (18) years of age. However, two elements differen
tiate the two crimes. Consented Abduction, in addition to the two common element
s, requires that: (1) the taking away of the offended party must be with her con
sent, after solicitation or cajolery from the offender, and, (2) the taking away
of the offended party must be with lewd designs. On the other hand, an informat
ion for Qualified Seduction also requires that: (1) the crime be committed by ab
use of authority, confidence or relationship, and, (2) the offender has sexual i
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
The petition for prohibition against Ordinance No. 4760 was filed by the petitio
ners, Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association, one of its members, H
otel del Mar Inc., and a certain Go Chiu, who is "the president and general mana
ger of the second petitioner" against the respondent Mayor of the City of Manila
who was sued in his capacity as such "charged with the general power and duty t
o enforce ordinances of the City of Manila and to give the necessary orders for
the faithful execution and enforcement of such ordinances. It was then alleged t
hat the Municipal Board of the City of Manila enacted Ordinance No. 4760, approv
ed by the then Vice-Mayor Herminio Astorga, who was at the time acting as Mayor
In the answer filed, there was an admission of the personal circumstances regard
ing the respondent Mayor and of the fact that petitioners are licensed to engage
in the hotel or motel business in the City of Manila, of the provisions of the
cited Ordinance but a denial of its alleged nullity, whether on statutory or con
stitutional grounds. After setting forth that the petition did fail to state a c
ause of action and that the challenged ordinance bears a reasonable relation, to
he police power and that only the guests or customers not before the court could
complain of the alleged invasion of the right to privacy and the guaranty again
st self incrimination, with the assertion that the issuance of the preliminary i
njunction ex parte was contrary to law, respondent Mayor prayed for its dissolut
unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void and made permanent the prelimina
ry injunction issued against respondent Mayor and his agents "to restrain him fr
Whether or not challenged Ordinance No. 4760 of the City of Manila is unconstitu
y rest the exercise of the police power, which, it cannot be too often emphasize
ood order, safety and general welfare of the people. In view of the requirements
and the exercise of such police power insofar as it may affect the life, libert
y or property of any person are subject to judicial inquiry. Where such exercise
tes of justice. Negatively put, arbitrariness is ruled out and unfairness avoide
d. To satisfy the due process requirement, official action, to paraphrase Cardoz
o, must not outrun the bounds of reason and result in sheer oppression. Due proc
ess is thus hostile to any official action marred by lack of reasonableness. Cor
t of the sporting idea of fair play. It exacts fealty "to those strivings for ju
stice" and judges the act of officialdom of whatever branch "in the light of rea
uch a clause requiring a "close and perceptive inquiry into fundamental principl
Considering the foregoing principles and rules of law, it would thus be an affro
nt to reason to stigmatize the challenged Ordinance No. 4760 of the City of Mani
seem that what should be deemed unreasonable and what would amount to an abdicat
of the state of public morals. To be more specific, the Municipal Board of the C
ity of Manila felt the need for a remedial measure. It provided it with the enac
tment of the challenged ordinance. A strong case must be found in the records, a
nd, as has been set forth, none is even attempted here to attach to an ordinance
of such character the taint of nullity for an alleged failure to meet the due p
rocess requirement. Nor does it lend any semblance even of deceptive plausibilit
vagueness. Admittedly there was a decided increase of the annual license fees pr
ovided for by the challenged ordinance for hotels and motels but these fees clea
rly in the nature of privilege taxes for revenue have frequently been upheld ins
pite rarely been declared unreasonable. Moreover, the fixing amount of the lic
this class of cases and aside from applying the well-known legal principle that
s have, as a general rule, declined to interfere with such discretion. Nor does
the restriction on the freedom to contract on the ground that there appears a co
Nature of the Case: Administrative matter in the Supreme Court. Ignorance of the
Law, Grave Misconduct and violations of Rules 2.01, 3.01, 3.02 of the Code of J
udicial Conduct.
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 54, was charged by State Prosec
utors Nilo C. Mariano, George C. Dee and Paterno V. Tac-an with ignorance of the
law, grave misconduct and violations of Rules 2.01, 3.01 and 3.02 of the Code o
f Judicial Conduct, committed as follows:
1. That the respondent judge issued an Order dismissing eleven (11) cases o
date hereof, has not even been officially issued, and basing his Order/decision
he full intent of the new CB Circular or Monetary Board resolution, and whether
the same provided for exception, as in the case of persons who had pending crimi
nal cases before the courts for violations of Central Bank Circulars and/or regu
2. That respondent Judge did not even have the prudence of requiring first
the comment of the prosecution on the effect of aforesaid Central Bank Circular/
Monetary Board resolution on the pending cases before dismissing the same, there
by denying the Government of its right to due process; and
3. That the lightning speed with which respondent Judge acted to dismiss th
e cases may be gleaned from the fact that such precipitate action was undertaken
despite already scheduled continuation of trial dates set in the order of the c
ourt (the prosecution having started presenting its evidence . . .) dated August
11, 1992 to wit: August 31, September 3, 10, 21, & 23 and October 1, 1992, all
at 9:30 o'clock in the morning, in brazen disregard of all notions of fair play,
thereby depriving the Government of its right to be heard, and clearly exposing
The respondent judge s order was subsequently assailed in a petition for certiorar
i filed with the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals rendered a decision set
ting aside the order of Judge Muro, and reinstating Criminal Cases Nos. 92-10195
II. Whether or not respondent judge is guilty of ignorance of the law, grave
The doctrine of judicial notice rests on the wisdom and discretion of the courts
. To say that a court will take judicial notice of a fact is merely another way
of saying that the usual form of evidence will be dispensed with if knowledge of
the fact can be otherwise acquired. This is because the court assumes that the
al knowledge of the court, and he is not authorized to make his individual knowl
edge of a fact, not generally or professionally known, the basis of his action.
Judicial cognizance is taken only of those matters which are "commonly" known.
ce removed, took judicial notice of the supposed lifting of foreign exchange con
trols, a matter which was not and cannot be considered of common knowledge or of
ich was not yet in force when the order of dismissal was issued. Jurisprudence d
ictates that judicial notice cannot be taken of a statute before it becomes effe
ctive. The reason is simple. A law which is not yet in force and hence, still i
monstration, which is one of the requirements before a court can take judicial n
otice of a fact.
Evidently, it was impossible for respondent judge, and it was definitely not pro
per for him, to have taken cognizance of CB Circular No. 1353, when the same was
not yet in force at the time the improvident order of dismissal was issued.
law. The very act of respondent judge in altogether dismissing sua sponte the e
leven criminal cases without even a motion to quash having been filed by the acc
used, and without at least giving the prosecution the basic opportunity to be he
ard on the matter by way of a written comment or on oral argument, is not only a
blatant denial of elementary due process to the Government but is palpably indi
cative of bad faith and partiality.
The avowed desire of respondent judge to speedily dispose of the cases as early
as possible is no license for abuse of judicial power and discretion, nor does s
without malice, he failed to observe in the performance of his duty that diligen
ce, prudence and care which the law is entitled to exact in the rendering of any
public service. Negligence and ignorance are inexcusable if they imply a manife
results logically and reasonably, and in a very clear and indisputable manner, i
In the present case, a cursory perusal of the comment filed by respondent judge
n of his act. He utterly failed to show any legal, factual, or even equitable ju
stification for the dismissal of the eleven criminal cases. The explanation give
ot speak well of respondent and cannot but further depreciate his probity as a j
On the foregoing premises and considerations, the Court finds respondent Judge M
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court
of Appeals.
Petition for review with an urgent prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction a
nd/or restraining order is filed before the Supreme Court, seeking to: (a) annul
and set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 31733 enti
tled "People of the Philippines vs. Hon. Pedro S. Espina et al.", insofar as it
denied the People's prayer to inhibit respondent Judge Pedro S. Espina of the Re
gional Trial Court of Tacloban City from hearing Criminal Cases No. 93-01-38 & 9
t al." and "People of the Philippines vs. Jane C. Go"; and b) enjoin respondent
judge from conducting further proceedings in the aforesaid criminal cases. All t
he respondents have not yet filed their comments after several notices were sent
to them, for verily, delay in the submission of the same would appear to benefi
t respondents, and sanction against them may not really amount to much, consider
ing that most of them are under detention. Thus, so as not to unduly delay the d
isposition of Criminal Cases No. 93-01-38 and 93-01-39, we now resolve to dispen
se with respondent's comments and to proceed with the disposition of the petitio
ding is that there must be an impartial court or tribunal clothed with judicial
power to hear and determine the matter before it. In Javier vs. Commission on E
lections (144 SCRA 194 [1986]), this Court has repeatedly and consistently deman
compliance with what Justice Frankfurter calls the rudiments of fair play. Fair
play calls for equal justice. There cannot be equal justice where a suitor appro
aches a court already committed to the other party and with a judgment already m
ade and waiting only to be formalized after the litigants shall have undergone t
e not orchestrated plays in which the parties are supposed to make the motions a
dence is in and all the arguments are filed, on the basis of the established fac
In the case at bar, Judge Espina's decision in favor of respondent Jane Go serve
s as sufficient and reasonable basis for the prosecution to seriously doubt his
impartiality in handling the criminal cases. Verily, it would have been more pru
dent for Judge Espina to have voluntarily inhibited himself from hearing the cri
minal cases.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision of the Court of Appeals
in CA-G.R. No. 31733 is hereby SET ASIDE and The Honorable Pedro Espina, Presidi
ng Judge of Branch 7 of the Regional Trial Court of the 8th Judicial Region stat
inal Cases No. 93-01-38 and 93-01-39. It is further ordered that these criminal
J. Paras, J.:
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari to review the decision of the Police
ity Police Department for misconduct, dishonesty and/or violation of law was ins
tituted by Mayor Carlos J. Quizon of Cebu City with the former Municipal Board o
ayor pending the outcome of the investigation and was reinstated 60 days thereaf
ter. However, before the case could be decided, the name Municipal Board was cha
nged to City Council of the City of Cebu, pursuant to the approval of Charter of
Cebu City (R.A. 3857) on June 10, 1964, providing under Section 30 thereof that
the Fiscal of the City shall investigate and report to the mayor whenever it is
brought to his knowledge that any city officer or employee is guilty of neglect
or misconduct in office.
€€€ The case was forwarded to the Cebu City Fiscal for reinvestigation. On the b
asis of the records and testimonies before the Municipal Board (now City Council
) and finding no prima facie evidence, the Assistant City Fiscal, in a resolutio
scal and transmitted to the City Mayor on December 14, 1965. Records show that n
o appropriate resolution was submitted by the City Fiscal and no such administra
tive order was issued by the Mayor.
€€€€€ €On February 5, 1968, invoking Section 26 of R.A. 4864, the Mayor forwarded the
ecords of the case to Jesus E. Zabate, Acting City Treasurer and chairman, Cebu
City Board of Investigators requesting that he take cognizance of this case. The
case was thereafter forwarded to the Police Commission. Apparently the Chairman
since the City Fiscal's Office had recommended dismissal of the aforementioned
administrative case. On the other hand, the Commission found Mangubat of the Ceb
u City Police Department guilty of Grave Misconduct and Violation of Law and was
€ NO. Petitioner insists that the action of the Police Commission was highly irreg
ular when it took over the case and thereafter made its own findings, contrary t
o the findings of the City Fiscal acquitting petitioner of the charges, apart fr
om the fact that its decision was based on the records which were forwarded by t
he Board of Investigators without the latter making its own investigation, and i
€ This argument misconceives the meaning of due process. The proceeding provided f
ated, where due process is present, the administrative decision is generally sus
€ The records show that the case at bar was exhaustively heard both in the Municip
al Board and in the Fiscal's Office, with both parties afforded ample opportunit
y to adduce their evidence and argue their causes. But as earlier stated, the fi
ndings of the Fiscal that there was no prima facie case were not finalized with
the requested brief statement of materials and relevant facts on which a conclus
ion could be based. Without the requested resolution, the City Mayor was unable
on can not be bound by the findings of the City Fiscal, much less was it prohibi
ted from making findings of its own on the basis of the records which both the C
endering a decision. Neither was the Board's discretion not to conduct a new inv
€ €Furthermore, apart from the fact that the uniform requirements of due process wer
e all complied with under Republic Act No. 557, Republic Act No, 3857 (the Revis
ed Charter of Cebu City) and Republic Act No. 4864 by the investigating official
s, there is nothing in the records indicative of any act on the part of subject
strative process.
are generally accorded not only respect but also finality where the decision an
d the order of execution issued by public respondents are not tainted with unfai
rness or arbitrariness that would amount to abuse of discretion or lack of juris
that the Board of Investigators be directed to conduct its own investigation and
give the parties a chance to present their evidence and not merely rely on the
result of the investigation conducted by the Municipal Board and by the City Fis
€€ Clearly, petitioner was given his "day in court" and there is no occasion to imp
ute deprivation of due process. On the contrary, the rendition of the questioned
decision by the Police Commission actually promoted and served the interests of
justice. In addition, there is no denial of due process if the decision was ren
dered on the evidence presented at the hearing, or at least contained in the rec
J. Vitug, J.:
€Private respondent Ricardo Sadac was appointed, effective 01 August 1981, Vice-Pr
esident for the Legal Department of Equitable Banking Corporation. However, on€Jun
e 26, 1989, nine lawyers of the bank's Legal Department, who were all under priv
ach of the nine lawyers were attached to the "letter-petition." Private responde
al, civil and administrative charges against the nine lawyers. Various alternati
ves and avenues to solve the crisis, nothing positive, however, came out of thei
r meeting, Convinced that reconciliation was out of the question, A report submi
tted a report to the Board of Directors with the findings that abusive conduct,
On August 10, 1989, a memorandum was issued to private respondent Sadac informin
g him that no formal hearing would there be instituted just to terminate his ser
vices, consonant with the due process requirements of the Constitution, the Labo
r Code, the Implementing Regulations thereof and other pertinent laws, it has ch
osen the more compassionate option of€voluntary resignation. Private respondent re
quested for a full hearing by the Board of Directors. It was stressed by petitio
ners that private respondent's services were not terminated by the Board which,
adhere to the Bank s compassionate policy, a hearing would not anymore be resorte
d to. Private then instituted a complaint for illegal dismissal against Petition
ers. The Board of Directors after learning of the filing of the complaint adopte
d Resolution No. 5803 terminating the services of private respondent "in view of
his belligerence" and the Board's "honest belief that the relationship" between
private respondent and petitioner bank was one of "client and lawyer." Labor Ar
biter dismissed the complaint for lack of merit, convinced that the relationship
between petitioner bank and private respondent was one of lawyer-client. On app
eal, the NLRC reversed the decision of the Labor Arbiter. NLRC ruled that privat
e respondent was denied the right to due process with the bank's failure to obse
€ €YES. Failure to comply with the procedural requirements for terminating one's emp
loyment taints the dismissal with illegality. This procedure is mandatory, any j
udgment reached by management without that compliance can be considered void and
inexistent. While it is true that the essence of due process is simply an oppor
ch as the case here, however, may not be valid substitutes for the proper observ
ance of notice and hearing. For having violated private respondent's right to du
ount of P5,000.
August 4, 1994
J. Cruz
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of a resolution of the Civil Service Com
€ €Rodolfo Palmera started working in the government in 1953 and has held various po
sitions in the Ministry of Public Works. On October 1, 1982, upon the merger of
the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministy of Public Highways, he was appointe
d Assistant Regional Director of the National Capital Region (NCR). Palmera then
turned over his office to Pacifico Mendoza as directed by DPWH Minister Rogacia
no Mercado.
€ On June 26, 1987, Palmera was charged along with several others, with grave misc
onduct and dishonesty in two administrative cases and were placed under 90-day p
reventive suspension, which was lifted on November 16, 1987. On December 1, 1987
, he was again charged with grave misconduct and dishonesty. Palmera was again p
laced under preventive suspension. All such administrative cases were based on t
alies in the flood control and related projects in Metro Manila. Its findings we
fice of the Tanodbayan (Ombudsman) and the Sandiganbayan, for malversation, esta
fa, falsification and violations of R.A. No. 3019 and P.D. 1759. On May 19, 1988
, Palmera's second preventive suspension was lifted but he was no longer ordered
The petitioner alleged that it was while he was still under preventive suspensio
h appointment was ever extended him. Instead, Palmera was hired on a contractual
basis for the period from January 1 to December 31, 1987, to provide a legal ba
sis for the payment of his salaries. After December 31, 1987, the contract was n
ever renewed. On November 21, 1991, Palmera filed with respondent Civil Service
Commission a letter-appeal for his reinstatement with full back wages and withou
t loss of seniority rights. He also prayed for the nullification of the appointm
e of the Civil Service Law and Rules. Nevertheless, it dismissed the appeal main
the contract and his non-reinstatement within a reasonable period, thus renderin
Whether or not the petitioner s constitutional right to security of tenure was vio
YES. It is not disputed that the petitioner has the constitutional right to secu
rity of tenure P.D. 807 specifically includes the position of Assistant Regional
rtunity for advancement to higher career positions; and (3) security of tenure.
€ €Security of tenure means that no officer or employee in the Civil Service shall b
e suspended or dismissed except for cause as provided by law and after due proce
ss. In the case at bar, the circumstances surrounding the herein petitioner's ac
abandon his permanent position and his security of tenure therein. The petition
er had been working in the government for about 34 years. It cannot be reasonabl
y supposed that by signing the contract, he was knowingly relinquishing his perm
anent post and all big concomitant rights, including his accrued leave benefits.
Furthermore, the petitioner was already getting on in years and could not affor
d to face an uncertain future without a regular and steady income. It can be inf
erred that Palmera did not seek to be appointed as Technical Assistant to the Se
cretary. He was not informed of the real objective of contract. He was made to u
nderstand that the contract was merely for the sake of formality, to give some l
t. There must be an intention, actual or imputed to abandon the office. The Comm
ission itself has held that the contract of service entered into by the petition
er and DPWH officials was null and void for being contrary to law and public pol
icy, A void or inexistent contract is one which has no force and effect from the
very beginning, as if it had never been entered into, and which cannot be valid
ated either by time or by ratification. Hence, the subject contract cannot be us
ed as basis for the claim that the petitioner abandoned his post as Assistant Re
gional Director.
€ In addition, the doctrine of laches is an equitable principle applied to promote
but never to defeat justice. Thus, where laches is invoked against a plaintiff
by reason of the latter's failure to come to court within the statutory period p
rovided in the law, the doctrine of laches will not be taken against him where t
he defendant is shown to have promised from time to time to grant the relief sou
Any person who has been permanently appointed to a position in the career servic
llows that the petitioner should be immediately reinstated to his former positio
February 8, 1989
G.R.No. 82819
Nature of the Case: Petition for certiorari to review the decision of the NLRC
€ On March 20, 1987, Luz Lumanta, joined by 54 other retrenched employees, filed a
espondent Food Terminal, Inc. (FTI) with the Department of Labor and Employment.
Private respondent FTI argued that being a government-owned and controlled corp
oration, its employees are governed by the Civil Service Law not by the Labor Co
de, and that claims arising from employment fall within the jurisdiction of the
Civil Service Commission and not the Department of Labor and Employment. The pet
itioners, on the other hand, contended that although FTI is a corporation owned
and controlled by the government, it has still the marks of a private corporatio
n - it directly hires its employees without seeking approval from the Civil Serv
ice Commission and its personnel are covered by the Social Security System and n
ot the Government Service Insurance System. Petitioners also argued that being a
espondent FTI clearly falls outside the scope of the civil service as marked out
€ The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction. NLRC affirme
Whether or not a labor law claim against a government-owned and controlled corpo
ration, such as private respondent FTI, falls within the jurisdiction of the Dep
€ NO. The pleadings show that FTI was previously a privately owned enterprise, cre
ated and organized under the general incorporation law, with the corporate name
"Greater Manila Food Terminal Market, Inc." The record does not indicate the pre
cise amount of the capital stock of FTI that is owned by the government; the pet
itioners' claim, and this has not been disputed, that FTI is not hundred percent
As provided under Article IX-B, Section 2 [1]) of the 1987 Constitution which to
ok effect on February 2, 1987 - The civil service embraces all branches, subdivi
al charter, it is the Department of Labor and Employment, and not the Civil Serv
ice Commission, which has jurisdiction over the dispute arising from employment
of the petitioners with private respondent FTI, and that consequently, the terms
and conditions of such employment are governed by the Labor Code and not by the
ing petitioners' complaint. Petition for Certiorari is hereby GRANTED and the De
cision of the Labor Arbiter and NLRC are hereby SET ASIDE. The case is remanded
G.R.No. 103524.
Nature of the Case: Petition to review the constitutionality of the veto by the
President of certain provisions of the General Appropriations Act for the Fiscal
Year 1999.
€ On June 20, 1953, Republic Act No. 910 was enacted to provide the retirement pen
sions of Justices of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeals, who have ren
dered at least twenty (20) years service either in the Judiciary or in any other
branch of the Government or in both, having attained the age of seventy (70) ye
ars or who resign by reason of incapacity to discharge the duties of the office.
The retired Justice shall receive during the residue of his natural life the sa
€ President Marcos issued PD 644 on January 25, 1975 repealing Section 3-A of Repu
blic Act No. 1797 and Republic Act No. 3595 (amending Republic Act No. 1568 and
Presidential Decree No. 578) which authorized the adjustment of the pension of t
he retired Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Chairman and members
of the Constitutional Commissions and the officers and enlisted members of the
Armed Forces to the prevailing rates of salaries. PD 1909 was also issued provid
ing for the automatic readjustment of the pensions of members of the Armed Force
s who have retired prior to September 10, 1979. While the adjustment of the reti
rement passions for the Armed Forces who€number in the tens of thousands was resto
red, that of the retired Justices of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals who
are only a handful and fairly advanced in years, was not.
Congress approved in 1990 a bill for the reenactment of the repealed provisions
of RA 1797 and RA 3595. Congress was under the impression that PD 644 became law
after it was published in the Official Gazette on April 7, 1977. In the explana
tory note of HB 16297 and SB 740, the legislature saw the need to reenact RA 179
7 and 3595 to restore said retirement pensions and privileges of the retired Jus
tices and members of the Constitutional Commissions in order to assure those ser
ving in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Constitutional Commissions adequ
ate old age pensions even during the time when the purchasing power of the peso
President Aquino, however vetoed HB 16297 on July 11, 1990 on the ground that it
would erode the very foundation of the Government's collective effort to adhere
t of 1989. Further, the Government should not grant distinct privileges to selec
t group of officials whose retirement benefits under existing laws already enjoy
preferential treatment over those of the vast majority of our civil service ser
Whether or not the veto by the Executive is violative of the doctrine of separat
ion of powers.
Yes. Under the principle of separation of powers, neither Congress, the Presiden
t, nor the Judiciary may encroach on fields allocated to the other branches of g
ecutive to the enforcement of laws and the judiciary to their interpretation and
€ The Constitution expressly confers on the judiciary the power to maintain inviol
ate what it decrees. As the guardian of the Constitution we cannot shirk the dut
d their constitutionally allocated boundaries and that the entire Government its
elf or any of its branches does not violate the basic liberties of the people. T
constitutionally vested power. But even as the Constitution grants the power, i
t also provides limitations to its exercise. The veto power is not absolute.
In the exercise of the veto power, it is generally all or nothing. However, when
e money to run the machinery of government and it can not veto the entire bill e
ven if it may contain objectionable features. The President is, therefore, compe
lled to approve into law the entire bill, including its undesirable parts. It is
for this reason that the Constitution has wisely provided the "item veto power"
revenue measure. The Constitution provides that only a particular item or items
may be vetoed. The power to disapprove any item or items in an appropriate bill
does not grant the authority to veto a part of an item and to approve the remai
In the case at bar, it turns out, however, that P.D. No. 644 never became valid
law. If P.D. No. 644 was not law, it follows that Rep. Act No. 1797 was not repe
aled and continues to be effective up to the present. In the same way that it wa
s enforced from 1957 to 1975, so should it be enforced today. House Bill No. 162
97 was superfluous as it tried to restore benefits which were never taken away v
alidly. The veto of House Bill No. 16297 in 1990 did not also produce any effect
. Both were based on erroneous and non-existent premises. It can be seen that wh
t, she was actually vetoing Republic Act No. 1797 which, of course, is beyond he
public Act No. 1797 never achieved that purpose because it was not properly publ
The challenged veto has far-reaching implications which the Court can not counte
nance as they undermine the principle of separation of powers. The Executive has
no authority to set aside and overrule a decision of the Supreme Court. We must
emphasize that the Supreme Court did not enact Rep. Act No. 1797. It is not wit
hin its powers to pass laws in the first place. Its duty is confined to interpre
ting or defining what the law is and whether or not it violates a provision of t
he Constitution.
As early as 1953, Congress passed a law providing for retirement pensions to ret
ired Justices of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals. This law was amende
d by Republic Act 1797 in 1957. Funds necessary to pay the retirement pensions u
nder these statutes are deemed automatically appropriated every Thus, Congress i
and savings which may be used to pay the adjusted pensions pursuant to the SC Re
solution. As long as retirement law remains in the statute book, there is an exi
sting obligation on the part of the government to pay the adjusted pension rate
pursuant to RA 1797 and AM-91-8-225-CA. Neither may the veto power of the Presid
power to amend statutes promulgated by her predecessors much less to repeal exi
sting laws. The President's power is merely to execute the laws as passed by Con
gress. There is a matter of greater consequence arising from this petition. The
attempt to use the veto power to set aside a Resolution of this Court and to dep
rive retirees of benefits given them by Rep. Act No. 1797 trenches upon the cons
Accordingly, Section 3 Art. VIII of the 1987 Constitution mandates that the Judi
ciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Appropriations for the Judiciary may not be r
educed by the legislature below the amount appropriated for the previous year an
dded guarantee that justices and judges can administer justice undeterred by any
the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Audit, the Commission on Electi
ons and the Office of the Ombudsman contemplates a guarantee of full flexibility
to allocate and utilize their resources with the wisdom and dispatch that their
needs require. It recognizes the power and authority to levy, assess and collec
t fees, fix rates of compensation not exceeding the highest rates authorized by
law for compensation and pay plans of the government and allocate and disburse s
uch sums as may be provided by law or prescribed by them in the course of the di
scharge of their functions. Fiscal autonomy means freedom from outside control.
If the Supreme Court says it needs 100 typewriters but DBM rules we need only 10
typewriters and sends its recommendations to Congress without even informing us
, the autonomy given by the Constitution becomes an empty and illusory platitude
The Judiciary, the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman must have the i
es. The imposition of restrictions and constraints on the manner the independent
constitutional offices allocate and utilize the funds appropriated for their op
erations is anathema to fiscal autonomy and violative not only of the express ma
ndate of the Constitution but especially as regards the Supreme Court, of the in
dependence and separation of powers upon which the entire fabric of our constitu
tional system is based. In the interest of comity and cooperation, the Supreme C
ourt, Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman have so far limited their ob
e their intention is to provide for his sustenance, and hopefully even comfort,
when he no longer has the stamina to continue earning his livelihood. After devo
ting the best years of his life to the public service, he deserves the appreciat
nt gratuity commensurate with the value and length of his services. That generos
ity is the least he should expect now that his work is done and his youth is gon
e. Even as he feels the weariness in his bones and glimpses the approach of the
is task well, and was rewarded for it." For as long as these retired Justices ar
e entitled under laws which continue to be effective, the government can not dep
€€ The vetoed provisions of the 1992 Appropriations Act are declared valid and subs
isting. The respondents are ordered to automatically and regularly release pursu
ant to the grant of fiscal autonomy the funds appropriated for the subject pensi
February 3, 1997
Nature of the Case: Special Civil action in the Supreme Court. Prohibition and M
The Filipino First Policy enshrined in the 1987 Constitution, i. e., in the gra
petitioner in its bid to acquire 5 1% of the shares of the Manila Hotel Corporat
ion (MHC) which owns the historic Manila Hotel. Opposing, respondents maintain t
for its enforcement. Corollarily, they ask whether the 51% shares form part of
the national economy and patrimony covered by the protective mantle of the Const
The controversy arose when respondent Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
amation No. 50 dated 8 December 1986, decided to sell through public bidding 30%
to 51% of the issued and outstanding shares of respondent MHC The winning bidde
held on 18 September 1995 only two (2) bidders participated: petitioner Manila
he MHC or 15,300,000 shares at P41.58 per share, and Renong Berhad, a Malaysian
firm, with ITTSheraton as its hotel operator, which bid for the same number of s
hares at P44.00 per share. or P2.42 more than the bid of petitioner.
dent GSIS dated 28 September 1995 matched the bid price of P44.00 per share tend
sent a manager's check issued by Philtrust Bank for Thirty-three Million Pesos (
P33-000,000.00) as Bid Security to match the bid of the Malaysian Group, Messrs.
e tender of the matching bid and that the sale of 51% of the MHC may be hastened
by respondent GSIS and consummated with Renong Berhad. petitioner came to this
Court on prohibition and mandamus. On 18 October 1995 the Court issued a tempora
(1) Whether section 10, paragraph 2 of Article XII of the Constitution is a self
-executing provision and does not need implementing legislation to carry it into
as a nation;
(3) Whether GSIS is included in the term "State," hence, mandated to implement S
(4) Assuming GSIS is part of the State, whether it failed to give preference to
oreign corporation, in the sale of the controlling shares of the Manila Hotel Co
(5) Whether petitioner is estopped from questioning the sale of the shares to Re
Anent the first issue, it is now familiar learning that a Constitution provides
the guiding policies and principles upon which is built the substantial foundati
on and general framework of the law and government.5 As a rule, its provisions a
s a hard row to hoe. The key lies on the intent of the framers of the fundamenta
orcement. The inquiry demands a micro-analysis of the text and the context of th
e provision in question.
Courts as a rule consider the provisions of the Constitution as selfexecuting, r
ather than as requiring future legislation for their enforcement.10 The reason i
s not difficult to discern. For if they are not treated as self-executing, the m
andate of the fundamental law ratified by the sovereign people can be easily ign
ored and nullified by Congress. Suffused with wisdom of the ages is the unyieldi
ng rule that legislative actions may give breath to constitutional rights but co
arrests, searches and seizures, the rights of a person under custodial investiga
ovisions forbidding the taking or damaging of property for public use without ju
st compensation.
Contrariwise, case law lays down the rule that a constitutional provision is not
self-executing where it merely announces a policy and its language empowers the
Legislature to prescribe the means by which the policy shall be carried into ef
fect.19 Accordingly, we have held that the provisions in Article II of our Const
d that some provisions of Article XIII on "Social Justice and Human Rights," and
Article XIV on "Education Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports''can
d to the discretion of Congress though they provide the framework for legislatio
Guided by this map of settled Jurisprudence, we now consider whether Section 10,
gency, when the national interest dictates, reserve to citizens of the Philippin
certain areas of investments. The Congress shall enact measures that will encou
rage the formation and operation of enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by
In the grant of rights, privileges and concessions covering the national economy
The State shall regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments within
its national jurisdiction and in accordance with its national goals and prioriti
that will encourage the formation and operation of one hundred percent Filipino-
owned enterprises. In checkered contrast, the second paragraph orders the entire
State to give preference to qualified Filipinos in the grant of rights and priv
ileges covering the national economy and patrimony. The third paragraph also dir
ects the State to regulate foreign investments in line with our national goals a
nd well-set priorities.
rship in certain areas of investments in the country and to encourage the format
ion and operation of wholly-owned Filipino enterprises. The right granted by the
provision is clearly still in esse. Congress has to breathe life to the right b
3, Article XIV of the 1973 Constitution.27 The provision in the 1973 Constituti
on affirmed our ruling in the landmark case of Lao Ichong v. Hernandez,28 where
in favor of Filipinos.
The second and third paragraphs of Section 10 are different. They are directed t
o the State and not to Congress alone which is but one of the three great branch
es of our government. Their coverage is also broader for they cover "the nationa
l economy and patrimony" and "foreign investments within [the] national jurisdic
tion" and not merely "certain areas of investments." Beyond debate, they cannot
be read as granting Congress the exclusive power to implement by law the policy
leges covering our national economy and patrimony. Their language does not sugge
st that any of the State agency or instrumentality has the privilege to hedge or
to refuse its implementation for any reason whatsoever. Their duty to implement
aration of Principles and State Policies." Its Section 19 provides that ''[T]he
n our fundamental law and by the use of the mandatory word "shall," directs its
The second issue is whether the sale of a majority of the stocks of the Manila H
otel Corporation involves the disposition of part of our national patrimony. The
" refers not only to our rich natural resources but also to the cultural heritag
e of our race.By this yardstick, the sale of Manila Hotel falls within the cover
ilipinos in the grant of rights involving our national patrimony. The unique val
ue of the Manila Hotel to our history and culture cannot be viewed with a myopic
eye. The value of the hotel goes beyond pesos and centavos. As chronicled by Be
th Day Romulo,31 the hotel first opened on July 4, 1912 as a first-class hotel b
uilt by the American Insular Government for Americans living in, or passing thro
ugh, Manila while travelling to the Orient. Indigenous materials and Filipino cr
used by American and Caucasian travelers and served as the "official guesthouse"
began coming to the Hotel as guests during the Commonwealth period. When the Jap
anese occupied Manila, it served as military headquarters and lodging for the hi
ghest-ranking officers from Tokyo. It was at the Hotel and the Intramuros that t
he Japanese made their last stand during the Liberation of Manila. After the war
, the Hotel again served foreign guests and Filipinos alike. Presidents and king
elebrities were housed in the Hotel. It was also the situs of international conv
entions and conferences. In the local scene, it was the venue of historic meetin
gs, parties and conventions of political parties. The Hotel has reaped and conti
nues reaping numerous recognitions and awards from international hotel and trave
. These are judicially cognizable facts which cannot be bent by a biased mind.
The Hotel may not, as yet, have been declared a national cultural treasure pursu
ant to Republic Act No. 4846 but that does not exclude it from our national patr
imony. Republic Act No. 486, 'The Cultural Properties Preservation and Protectio
32 Approved on June 18, 1966 and amended by P.D. 3 74 in 1974, the law is limite
d in its reach and cannot be read as the exclusive law implementing Section 10,
Article XII of the 1987 Constitution. To be sure, the law does not equate cultur
al treasure and cultural property as synonymous to the phrase "patrimony of the
The third issue is whether the constitutional command to the State includes the
respondent GSIS. A look at its charter will reveal that GSIS is a government-own
ed and controlled corporation that administers funds that come from the monthly
contributions of government employees and the government.33 The funds are held i
are to be used to finance the retirement, disability and life insurance benefit
s of the employees and the administrative and operational expenses of the GSIS.3
5 Excess funds, however, are allowed to be invested in business and other ventur
es for the benefit of the employees.36 It is thus contended that the GSIS' inves
t beyond the contemplation of Section 10, paragraph 2 of Article XII of the Cons
ople. One of these policies is the Filipino First policy which the people elevat
ed as a constitutional command.
The fourth issue demands that we look at the content of the phrase "qualified Fi
lipinos" and their "preferential right." The Constitution desisted from defining
their contents. This is as it ought to be for a Constitution only lays down fle
xible policies and principles which can be bent to meet today's manifest needs a
Nature of the Case: Original action in the Supreme Court. Quo Warranto.
On September 12, 1917, the late Elias Imperial was issued Original Certificate o
f Title (OCT) 408 (500) pursuant to Decree No. 55173 of the then Court of First
Instance of Albay, covering a parcel of land identified as Lot No. 1113 of the C
adastral Survey of Legazpi, G.L. Cad. Rec. No. 88, containing an area of fifty e
ight thousand and twenty six square meters (58,026), more or less, situated in L
egazpi City.
The plaintiff seeks to judicially declare the transfer certificate of titles des
cribed in the preceding paragraphs null and void; to order the said defendants t
eeds of Legazpi City and directing [sic] the latter to cancel them as well as th
e originals thereof and to declare the reversion of the lots covered by the afor
In support of its stand, the plaintiff contends among others that on letter requ
est addressed to the Honorable Solicitor General dated March 20, 1994, residents
of Purok No. 1 and Bgy. 24 Legazpi City, represented by Antonio F. Aguilar, req
uested that Original Certificate of Title No. 408 (500) in the name of Elias Imp
erial be cancelled and the land covered thereby reverted back to the State on th
e ground that the land subject thereof is a foreshore land. Subsequent investiga
gion V, Legazpi City, upon the request of the Office of the Solicitor General (O
SG) disclosed that OCT No. 408 (500), from whence the transfer certificate of ti
tles of the defendants were derived it null and void, and was, thus, acquired to
a. the parcel of land covered by OCT No. 408 (500) has the features of a foresh
ore land;
b. natural ground plants such as mangroves and nipas thrive on certain portions
c. some portions of the same land are permanently submerged in seawater even at
low tide;
d. some portions of the same land are not anymore inundated by seawater due to
the considerable amount of improvements built thereon and the placing of boulder
s and other land-filling materials by the actual residents therein.
The plaintiff alleged that consequently on the basis of said findings, the Direc
tor, Lands Management Bureau recommended to the Director, Lands services, DENR,
the cancellation of OCT No. 406 [sic] (500) as well as its derivative titles thr
The plaintiff contended that since the land in question is foreshore land, the s
ame cannot be registered under the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496, now F.D.
No. 1529) in the name of private persons since it is non-alienable and belongs t
o the public domain, administered and managed by the State for the benefit of th
e general public.
The plaintiff further contended that under Public Land Act No. 141, as amended,
such land shall be disposed of to private parties by lease only and not otherwis
and Natural Resources, now DENR, shall declare that the same are not necessary f
Within the time for pleading, defendants EANCRA Corporation, Lolita Alcazar and
Salvador Alcazar filed their answer with cross-claim, while the rest of the defe
The aforesaid motion to dismiss was anchored on the following grounds: (a) the l
ands covered by the defendants' transfer certificate of titles which were derive
d from OCT No. 408 (500) was already the subject of the cadastral proceedings in
1917 and which has been implemented by the issuance of OCT No. 408 (500) under
The adjudication by the cadastral court is binding against the whole world inclu
ding the plaintiff since cadastral proceedings are in rem and the government its
elf through the Director of Lands instituted the proceedings and is a direct and
active participant. OCT No. 408 (500) issued under the Torrens system has long
become incontrovertible after the lapse of one year from the entry of decree of
registration; (b) OCT No. 408 (500) was judicially reconstituted in 1953 in acco
rdance with Republic Act [No.] 26 in the then Court of First Instance of Albay,
by Jose R. Imperial Samson in Court Case No. RT-305, entitled. The Director of L
ands vs. Jose R. Imperial Samson. The proceedings in the judicial reconstitution
in said case No. RT-305 is one in rem and has long become final and gave rise t
o res judicata and therefore can no longer legally be assailed; (c) the findings
of the Director of Lands dated February 22, 1983 [sic] from which no appeal was
taken in said administrative investigation that Lot No. 1113, Cd. 27 and a port
ion of it covered by Lot No. 1113-M-5 in the name of Jose Baritua cannot be cons
idered as part of the shore or foreshore of Albay Gulf. This finding of the Dire
ctor of Lands has become final and thus constitute res judicata, and finally mov
ing defendants contended that several interrelated cases have been decided relat
ed to OCT No. 408 (500), specifically Civil Cases Nos. 6556, 6885, 6999 and 7104
, all of the Regional Trial Court, Legazpi City which have been brought by sever
al squatters [sic] family against Jose Baritua attacking the latter's title over
Lot No. 1113-M-5 which was derived from OCT No. 408 (500) which cases were all
decided in favor of Jose Baritua, hence, the decisions rendered therein have bec
The plaintiff through the Office of the Solicitor General filed an objection to
the motion to dismiss based on the following grounds: (1) the purported decision
issued by the Court of First Instance of Albay in G.R. Cad. Rec. No. 88 suppose
dly resulting in the issuance of OCT No. 408 (500) pursuant to Decree No. 55173
does not constitute res judicata to the present case; (2) the incontestable and
indisputable character of a Torrens certificate of title does not apply when the
land thus covered, like foreshore land, is not capable of registration; (3) a c
Lands is not a bar to the filing of reversion suits; and (5) the filing of the m
otion to dismiss carries with it the admission of the truth of all material fac
ts of the complaint.
After hearing the motion to dismiss, or on 9 August 1996, the trial court dismis
sed the complaint on the ground that the judgment rendered by the cadastral cour
t in G.R. Cad. Rec. No. 88 and our resolution in the petition to quiet title, G
.R. No. 85770, both decreed that the parcel of land covered by OCT No. 408 (500)
was not foreshore. The 1917 cadastral proceeding was binding upon the governmen
t, which had initiated the same and had been an active and direct participant th
ereon. Likewise, the 1982 petition to cancel OCT No. 408 (500) filed by the clai
mants of Lot No. 1113, Cad-47, and resolved by the Director of Lands in his 22 F
ebruary 1984 letter5 to the effect that "Original Certificate of Title No. 408 (
500) 2113 in the name of Elias Imperial and its derivative title[s] were legall
y issued" was res judicata to the instant case. Petitioner's contention that the
judicially reconstituted certificate of title was void since the land covered b
y OCT No. 408 (500) was foreshore land was a mere assumption contrary to existin
tempt to seek a favorable opinion after it was declared in related cases questio
ning the title of a certain Jose Baritua, which was also derived from OCT No. 40
's brief within forty-five (45) days from receipt of the notice. Petitioner rece
Due to the alleged heavy workload of the solicitor assigned to the case, petiti
oner moved for an extension of thirty (30) days from 12 June 1997, or until 12 J
uly 1997, within which to file the appellant's brief. The Court of Appeals grant
12 July 1997, its second motion for extension of thirty (30) days or until 11 Au
On 11 August 1997, petitioner asked for a third extension of thirty (30) days, o
r until 10 September 1997, within which to file appellant's brief citing the sam
Meanwhile, on 30 July 1997, the Court of Appeals issued a resolution, the full t
The Office of the Solicitor General is GRANTED a LAST EXTENSION of thirty (30) d
ays from July 12, 1997, or until August 11, 1997, within which to file the oppos
itor-appellant's brief. Failure to file said brief within the said period will m
d, despite the appellate court's warning, reiterated its third motion for extens
ther extension of five (5) days, or until 15 September 1997, within which to fil
e appellant's brief, reasoning that the brief, although finalized, was yet to be
On 29 September 1997, the Court of Appeals denied petitioner's motion for recons
ideration for lack of merit and sustained its Resolution of 30 July 1997 dismiss
ing the case for failure to file the appellant's brief within the extended perio
Whether or not the lands subject of petitioner's reversion efforts are foreshore
lands which constitutes good and sufficient cause for relaxing procedural rule
s and granting the third and fourth motions for extension to file appellant's br
The rules of court governing practice and procedure were formulated in order to
Nevertheless, an appeal may be dismissed by the Court of Appeals on its own moti
on or on that of the appellee upon failure of the appellant to serve and file th
If the appeal brief cannot be filed on time, extension of time may be allowed pr
ovided (1) there is good and sufficient cause, and (2) the motion for extension
is filed before the expiration of the time sought to be extended.9 The court's l
motions for extension would be granted as a matter of course or for the length
of time sought; their concession lies in the sound discretion of the Court exerc
What constitutes good and sufficient cause that will merit suspension of the rul
es is discretionary upon the court. The court has the power to relax or suspend
the rules or to except a case from their operation when compelling reasons so wa
rrant or when the purpose of justice requires it. Among the reasons which the co
urt allowed in suspending application of the rules on filing an appeal brief wer
e the following: (1) the cause for the delay was not entirely attributable to th
e fault or negligence of the party favored by the suspension of the rules; (2) t
here was no objection from the State, and the brief was filed within the period
requested; (3) no material injury was suffered by the appellee by reason of the
delay in filing the brief; (4) the fake lawyer failed to file the brief; (5) ap
died; and (7) the preparation of the consolidated brief involved a comparative s
At the core of the controversy is whether the parcels of land in question are fo
reshore lands. Foreshore land is a part of the alienable land of the public doma
in and may be disposed of only by lease and not otherwise. It was defined as "th
at part (of the land) which is between high and low water and left dry by the fl
ux and reflux of the tides."19 It is also known as "a strip of land that lies be
tween the high and low water marks and is alternatively wet and dry according to
rnment, specifically the director of lands (now the director of the Lands Manage
ment Bureau). The decision of the director of lands when approved by the Secreta
s of fact is conclusive upon the court. The principle behind this ruling is tha
t the subject has been exhaustively weighed and discussed and must therefore be
given credit. This doctrine finds no application, however, when the decision of
the director of lands is revoked by, or in conflict with that of, the DENR Secre
There is allegedly a conflict between the findings of the Director of Lands and
the DENR, Region V, in the present case. Respondents contend that the Director o
f Lands found Jose Baritua's land covered by TCT No. 18655, which stemmed from O
the other hand, claims that subsequent investigation of the DENR, Region V, Lega
zpi City, disclosed that the land covered by OCT No. 408 (500) from whence the t
itles were derived "has the features of a foreshore land."24 The contradictory v
iews of the Director of Lands and the DENR, Region V, Legazpi City, on the true
nature of the land, which contradiction was neither discussed nor resolved by th
e RTC, cannot be the premise of any conclusive classification of the land involv
The need, therefore, to determine once and for all whether the lands subject of
petitioner's reversion efforts are foreshore lands constitutes good and sufficie
nt cause for relaxing procedural rules and granting the third and fourth motions
for extension to file appellant's brief. Petitioner's appeal presents an. excep
tional circumstance impressed with public interest and must then be given due c
997 and 29 September 1997 of the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE; petitioner's ap
peal is reinstated; and the instant case is REMANDED to the Court of Appeals for
further proceedings.
Nature of the Case: Original action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari and Prohibi
alf of the Republic of the Philippines in this certiorari and prohibition procee
ding arose from the failure of respondent Judge Amante P. Purisima of the Court
f the non-suability of a State, including its offices and agencies, from suit wi
It was so alleged in a motion to dismiss filed by defendant Rice and Corn Admini
stration in a pending civil suit in the sala of respondent Judge for the collect
ion of a money claim arising from an alleged breach of contract, the plaintiff b
eing private respondent Yellow Ball Freight Lines, Inc.1 Such a motion to dismis
s was filed on September 7, 1972. At that time, the leading ease of Mobil Philip
less consent be shown, had been applied in 53 other decisions. There is thus mor
e order of respondent Judge denying the motion to dismiss dated October 4, 1972.
4 What is more, the position of the Republic has been fortified with the explici
oncept of law which, to para-phrase Holmes, negates the assertion of any legal r
ight as against the state, in itself the source of the law on which such a right
may be predicated. Nor is this all. Even if such a principle does give rise to
he analytical school of thought alone that calls for its continued applicability
for as against the inconvenience that may be caused private parties, the loss of
functions are far greater if such a fundamental principle were abandoned and th
e availability of judicial remedy were not thus restricted. With the well-known
he loss of time and energy required to defend against law suits, in the absence
of such a basic principle that constitutes such an effective obstacle, could ver
y well be imagined.'"It only remains to be added that under the present Constitu
tion which, as noted, expressly reaffirmed such a doctrine, the following decisi
ons had been rendered: Del Mar v. The Philippine Veterans Administration;8 Repub
Apparently respondent Judge was misled by the terms of the contract between the
private respondent, plaintiff in his sala, and defendant Rice and Corn Administ
ration which, according to him, anticipated the case of a breach of contract wit
hin the parties and the suits that may thereafter arise.13 The consent. to be ef
fective though, must come from the State acting through a duly enacted statute a
s pointed out by Justice Bengzon in Mobil. Thus, whatever counsel for defendant
Rice and Corn Administration Weed to had no binding force on the government. Tha
t was clearly beyond the scope of his authority At any rate, Justice Sanchez, in
y, by the law of its creation, it is an office directly 'under the Office of the
President of the Philippines/'"
WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is granted and the resolution of October
4. 1972 denying the motion to dismiss filed by the Rice and Corn Administration
nullified and set aside and the petition for prohibition is likewise granted res
training respondent Judge from acting on Civil Case No. 79082 pending in his sal
a except for the purpose of ordering its dismissal for lack of jurisdiction. The
Nature of the Case: Appeal from resolution of the CFI of Manila, Ibanez, J.
The Register of Deeds for the province of Rizal refused to accept for record a d
eed of donation executed in due form on January 22, 1953, by Jesus Dy, a Filipin
lot No. 2, block 48-D, PSD-4212, G.L.R.O. Record No. 11267, in favor of the unre
gistered religious organization "Ung Siu Si Temple", operating through three tru
stees all of Chinese nationality. The donation was duly accepted by Yu Juan, of
The refusal of the Registrar was elevated en Consulta to the IVth Branch of the
Court of First Instance of Manila. On March 14, 1953, the Court upheld the actio
It appearing from the record of the Consulta that UNG SIU SI TEMPLE is a religio
us organization whose deaconess, founder, trustees and administrator are all Chi
nese citizens, this Court is of the opinion and so hold that in view of the prov
isions of the sections 1 and 5 of Article XIII of the Constitution of the Philip
which is owned by such citizens adopted after the enactment of said Act No. 271,
and the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Krivenko vs. the Register
of Deeds of Manila, the deed of donation in question should not be admitted for
Not satisfied with the ruling of the Court of First Instance, counsel for the do
nee Uy Siu Si Temple has appealed to this Court, claiming: (1) that the acquisit
ion of the land in question, for religious purposes, is authorized and permitted
f other country, or not incorporated at all, to hold land in the Philippine Isla
"SEC. 2. Such religious institutions, if not incorporated, shall hold the land i
n the name of three Trustees for the use of such associations; * * *". (Printed
We are of the opinion that the Court below has correctly held that in view of th
f Act No. 271 of the old Philippine Commission must be deemed repealed since the
lified to acquire or hold lands of the public domain in the Philippines",the Con
e any such saving found in sections 1 and 2 of Article XIII, restricting the acq
The fact that the appellant religious organization has no capital stock does not
members are of foreign nationality. The purpose of the sixty per centum requirem
os; and the spirit of the Constitution demands that in the absence of capital st
ural lands would be to drive the opening wedge to revive alien religious land ho
ldings in this country. We can not ignore the historical fact that complaints ag
ainst land holdings of that kind were among the factors that sparked the revolut
ion of 1896.
As to the complaint that the disqualification under article XIII is violative of
y no means convinced (nor has it been shown) that land tenure is indispensable
ne may not worship the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience unl
ess upon land held in fee simple.The resolution appealed from is affirmed, with
December 8, 1988
Nature of the Action: Special Civil action for certiorari, and prohibition to r
Petitioner and private respondent are candidates for Representative of the first
prohibit him from assuming office which was granted by COMELEC. Petitioner the
n challenged the said Resolution in the Supreme Court which was granted in his f
had been filed late, citing Sec. 250 of the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881
). However, the HRET filed that the protest had been filed on time in accordance
with Sec. 9 of the HRET Rules. Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was also
The Court is of the view that the protest had been filed on time and, hence,
the HRET acquired jurisdiction over it. The power of the HRET, as the sole judge
of all contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the Mem
ve to matters within its jurisdiction, including the period for filing election
protests before it, is beyond dispute. Its rule-making power necessarily flows f
rom the general power granted it by the Constitution. Petition is hereby DISMISS
Nature of the Case: This is an original action for certiorari and prohibition wi
th preliminary injunction
The President of the Philippines created the Presidential Agency on Reforms and
Government Operations (PARGO) and vested in the Agency all the powers of an inve
ena duces tecum, administer oaths, take testimony or evidence relevant to the in
sued to respondent Fernando Manalastas, then Acting City Public Service Officer
... then and there to declare and testify in a certain investigation pending th
erein. Instead of obeying the subpoena, respondent Fernando Manalastas filed with
the Court of First Instance of Manila an Amended Petition for prohibition, cert
d assailed its legality. Manalastas petition was granted by the judge. Petitioner
Whether or not the Agency, acting thru its officials, enjoys the authority to is
An administrative agency may be authorized to make investigations, not only
ve or judicial nature may be taken and may require the attendance of witnesses i
into evils calling for correction, and to report findings to appropriate bodies
and make recommendations for actions. Nothing then appears conclusive than that
rnando Manalastas is well within the legal competence of the Agency to issue. Th
e order of respondent Judge, is hereby set aside and declared of no force and ef
January 31,1987
Nature of the Case: Original and Supplementary Petition in Supreme Court. Mandam
Carlos Teodoro was hired by Teodoro Chavez as security guard in his fish pond
and later was asked to find workers to construct salt beds. Teodoro and his br
others then constructed salt beds in the said fishpond and were the ones who mai
ntained it for several years. They were however forcibly ejected one day from t
heir work and not allowed to return. They then filed a case against Teodoro Chav
eds as they are tenants of Chavez which was granted by the court. Defendants app
ealed to the court of Appeals but were denied. Hence, this petition.
lt bed cultivation of the questioned landholdings leaves no doubt that the tenan
ted by the records. The findings of facts of the trial court which heard, saw an
findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are generally binding upon the Supreme
Nature of the Case: Original Action in the Supreme Court. Certiorari with Prelim
inary Injunction.
The municipal waters of the town of Paoay were divided by the municipality and l
eased out to private persons for fishing. One of the lots was leased to Francis
co Duque but was later confiscated for his failure to comply with the lease agre
ements. The said lot was later leased to Teodoro Manaois. When Manaois tried to
enter said lot he was refused entrance by Duque as the latter still assumes own
ership over the said lot. Manaois then brought an action against the municipali
ty for the recovery of the sum paid by him plus dmages which was decided in his
favor. A levy of attachment was then executed. The municipality then filed a p
etition for dissolution alleging that the said lots are not subject to levy as t
hey are properties for public use, which was denied. Their motion for reconside
ration was also denied. Hence this petition.
The fishery or municipal waters of the town of Paoay, Ilocos Norte, are
clearly not subject to execution. In the first place, they do not belong to the
1. SEC. 2321. Grant of fishery. A municipal council shall have authority, for pu
"Municipal waters", as herein used, include not only streams, lakes, and tidal w
aters, include within the municipality, not being the subject of private ownersh
ip, but also marine waters include between two lines drawn perpendicular to the
general coast line from points where the boundary lines of the municipality touc
h the sea at high tide, and third line parallel with the general coast line and
Where two municipalities are so situated on opposite shores that there is less t
han six marine leagues of marine waters between them the third line shall be a l
ine equally distant from the opposite shores of the respective municipalities.
The order of the respondent Judge is reversed insofar as it failed to dissolve t
he attachment of the fishery lots. In all other respect, said order is hereby af
October 1, 1990
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals.
ed by private respondent Admiral Finance Creditors Consortium Inc., et. al, atta
count at PNB Buendia Branch, however, after the writ of execution filed by the p
rivate respondent was granted by the RTC, petitioner refused to pay on the groun
d that the manner of payment should be installment which was opposed by private
informing the court that private respondent was no longer the true and lawful o
wner of the subject property because a new title for the property has been regis
, one was exclusively opened for the payment of said land and the other for sta
tutory obligations and other purposes of the municipal government which it conte
nded as exempted from execution without the proper appropriation required under
the law.
that the orders assailed of respondent RTC judge involved the net amount, the fu
nds garnished by respondent sheriff in excess, which are public funds earmarked
for the municipal government s other statutory obligations, are exempted from exec
Well settled is the rule that public funds are not subject to levy and e
xecution, unless otherwise provided by a statute. However, this does not to say
that private respondent and PSB are left with no other recourse. They may avail
of the remedy of mandamus to compel the enacment and and approval of the necessa
Within the context of the State s inherent power of eminent domain, just compensa
tion means not only the correct determination of the amount to be paid to the ow
ner but also the payment of the land within a reasonable time from its taking. W
ithout prompt payment, compensation cannot be considered just for the property o
wner is made to suffer the consequence of being immediately deprived of his land
while being made to wait for a decade or more before actually receiving the amo
The State s power of eminent domain should be exercised within the bounds
of fair play and justice. In this case, considering that valuable property has b
een taken, the compensation to be paid is fixed and the Municipality is in full
possession and utilizing the property for public purpose, for three years, the
Court finds the municipality has had more than reasonable time to pay full compe
Petitioner should immediately pay Phillippine Savings Bank and private responden
t the corresponding amount and to submit to the Court a report of its compliance
September 1, 1927
Petitioner who is a counsel for the leper confined at the San Lazaro Hos
pital contends that the law authorizing the segregation of lepers found in Artic
, its findings are not subject to judicial review. Debatable questions are for t
he legislature to decide.
Petitioner should reopen the question to the local legislature who has r
he dread scourge.
April 15, 1988
€€€€€€ The Court CONSIDERED the 1st Indorsement dated 16 March 1988 from Mr. Raul M. Go
Employees of the Supreme Court," together with a telegram of Miguel Cuenco, for
"comment within ten (10) days from receipt hereof." Mr. Justice Fernan had broug
ht this 1st Indorsement to the attention of the Court en banc in view of the imp
The mentioned 1st Indorsement has two (2) attachments. First, an anonymo
. Gonzalez referring to charges for disbarment brought by Mr. Miguel Cuenco agai
nst Mr. Justice Marcelo B. Fernan and asking Mr. Gonzalez "to do something about
this." The second attachment is a copy of a telegram from Mr. Miguel Cuenco add
ressed to Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez, where Mr. Cuenco refers to pleadings he apparen
tly filed on 29 February 1988 with the Supreme Court in Administrative Case No.
3135, which, in the opinion of Mr. Cuenco, made improper any "intervention" by M
r. Raul Gonzalez. Mr. Cuenco, nonetheless, encourages Mr. Gonzalez "to file resp
onsive pleading Supreme Court en banc to comply with Petition Concerned Employee
The Court DIRECTED the Clerk of Court to furnish Mr. Raul M. Gonzalez a
copy of the per curiam Resolution, dated 17 February 1988 of the Court in Admini
strative Case No. 3135 entitled "Miguel Cuenco v. Honorable Marcelo B. Fernan" i
n which Resolution, the Court Resolved to dismiss the charges made by complainan
t Cuenco against Mr. Justice Fernan for utter lack of merit. In the same Resolut
ion, the Court Resolved to require complainant Cuenco to show cause why he shoul
an extension of up to 30 March 1988 within which to file his Motion for Reconsid
inter alia, Administrative Case No. 3135. Insofar as Administrative Case No. 313
By a per curiam Resolution dated 15 April 1988, the Court denied with finality
ed. This principle may be succinctly formulated in the following terms: A public
Bar as a qualification for the office held by him and who may be removed from o
ffice only by impeachment, cannot be charged with disbarment during the incumben
cy of such public officer. Further, such public officer, during his incumbency,
cannot be charged criminally before the Sandiganbayan or any other court with an
y offense which carries with it the penalty of removal from office, or any penal
The Court dealt with this matter in its Resolution of 17 February 1988:
"There is another reason why the complaint for disbarment here must be d
ismissed. Members of the Supreme Court must, under Article VIII (7) (1) of the C
onstitution, be members of the Philippine Bar and may be removed from office onl
to circumvent and hence to run afoul of the constitutional mandate that Members
of the Court may be removed from office only by impeachment for and conviction
ion on Elections (Article XI [C] [1] [1] in relation to Article XI [2], id. and
the members of the Commission on Audit who are not certified public accountants
(Article XI [D] [1] [1], id.), all of whom are constitutionally required to be m
It is important to make clear that the Court is not here saying that its Members
ity from liability for possibly criminal acts or for alleged violation of the Ca
nons of Judicial Ethics or other supposed misbehavior. What the Court is saying
re such liability may be determined and enforced. A Member of the Supreme Court
must first be removed from office via the constitutional route of impeachment un
der Sections 2 and 3 of Article XI of the 1987 Constitution. Should the tenure o
or any wrong or misbehavior that may be proven against him in appropriate procee
nce and separation of powers. The rule is important because judicial independenc
e is important. Without the protection of this rule, Members of the Supreme Cour
umber of reasons might seek to affect the exercise of judicial authority by the
Republic vs. Go Bon Lee
1 SCRA 1166
Nature of the Case: Appeal from the order of the CFI of Manila, Br.5
on June 3, 1949 with the then Court of First Instance of Manila, which petition
was docketed as Case No. 8225. After several hearings on the petition were held
wherein the Office of the Solicitor General, in the representation of the Republ
ic of the Philippines appeared, the lower court rendered a decision in his favor
About fifteen years later, the Republic of the Philippines, through the
ralization on the ground that it was fraudulently and illegally obtained. That h
e was not a person of good moral character, having had illicit amorous relations
hips with several women other than his lawfully wedded wife, by whom he fathered
ao without prior judicial authority to use the aforesaid first name Francisco, t
he same not appearing to be his baptismal name. He was also known and had used t
he name and/or alias LI CHAY TOO, JR. before the last World War, and under which
name, a trust fund was created for him. He evaded the payment of lawful taxes d
and Anti-Dummy laws prohibiting aliens from acquiring real properties by employi
n illegitimate son he fathered, named William Jose Antonio, that the latter's mo
William Li Yao opposed the forgoing motion on July 22, 1971. The lower c
ourt, however, without touching on all the grounds upon which the said motion wa
s based, relied solely on ground that William Li Yao evaded the payment of lawfu
come tax returns for the years 1946-1951. William Li Yao filed a motion for reco
nsideration on December 29, 1971, which the lower court denied. William LI Yao f
iled a notice of appeal to this Court, manifesting that he was appealing from th
e order of the lower court dated July 22, 1971, and from the order dated Decembe
r 29, 1971. After the parties had filed their respective briefs, petitioner-appe
llant Li Yao died. The case has not, however, become moot and academic since its
disposition, either way, will have grave implications for the late petitioner-a
The issue in this case is whether or not the cancellation of the certifi
t therefore obtained it by misleading the court upon any material fact. Law and
upon grounds had conditions arising subsequent to the granting of the certifica
, the decision rendered therein, not constituting res judicata as to any matter
onduct himself "in a proper and irreproachable manner during the entire period o
s well as with the community in which he is living," to strip him of his citizen
ship without going into the other grounds for cancellation presented by the Soli
citor General. Finally, taking into account the fact that naturalization laws sh
ould be rigidly enforced in favor of the Government and against the applicant, t
his Court has repeatedly maintained the view that where the applicant failed to
meet the qualifications required for naturalization, the latter is not entitled
to Filipino citizenship.
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of orders or resolutions of the Executiv
e Secretary, Secretary of Budget and Management, National Treasurer, and the Com
mission on Audit.
House Bill No. 10900, the General Appropriation Bill of 1994 (GAB of 1994), was
passed and approved by both houses of Congress on December 17, 1993. As passed,
them and to realign their respective operating budgets. The President signed th
e bill into law. The Philippine Constitution Association, Exequiel B. Garcia and
unconstitutional and void: (a) Article XLI on the Countrywide Development Fund,
ional Expenses, and Article XLVIII on the Appropriation for Debt Service or the
amount appropriated under said Article XLVIII in excess of the P37.9 Billion all
ocated for the Department of Education, Culture and Sports; and (b) the veto of
Article XLVIII of the GAA of 1994. Article XLI of the GAA of 1994 sets up a Coun
rchase of ambulances and computers and other priority projects and activities an
Petitioners claim that the power given to the members of Congress to propose and
al and identification of the projects do not involve the making of laws or the r
epeal and amendment thereof, the only function given to the Congress by the Cons
n his allocation for operational expenses to any other expense category, claimin
Petitioners argue that the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Repr
esentatives, but not the individual members of Congress are the ones authorized
service the highest priority in the GAA of 1994 because under the Constitution
The President vetoed the first Special Provision, without vetoing the P86,323,43
8,000.00 appropriation for debt service in said Article. Petitioners claim that
the President cannot veto the Special Provision on the appropriation for debt se
rvice without vetoing the entire amount of P86,323,438.00 for said purpose. The
Solicitor General counterposed that the Special Provision did not relate to the
item of appropriation for debt service and could therefore be the subject of an
item veto.
Petitioners contend that granting arguendo that the veto of the Special Provisio
n on the ceiling for debt payment is valid, the President cannot automatically a
ppropriate funds for debt payment without complying with the conditions for auto
matic appropriation under the provisions of R.A. No. 4860 as amended by P.D. No.
81 and the provisions of P.D. No. 1177 as amended by the Administrative Code of
opriation bill.
Under the Constitution, the spending power belongs to Congress, subject only to
the veto power of the President. The President may propose the budget, but still
The power of appropriation carries with it the power to specify the project or a
The Countrywide Development Fund is explicit that it shall be used "for infrastr
ucture, purchase of ambulances and computers and other priority projects and act
The authority given to the members of Congress is only to propose and identify p
rojects to be implemented by the President. Under Article XLI of the GAA of 1994
, the President must perforce examine whether the proposals submitted by the mem
bers of Congress fall within the specific items of expenditures for which the Fu
nd was set up, and if qualified, he next determines whether they are in line wit
h other projects planned for the locality. Thereafter, if the proposed projects
qualify for funding under the Funds, it is the President who shall implement the
re merely recommendatory.
is innovative.
must take into account the complexities, realities and politics attendant to the
ere was an uneven allocation of appropriations for the constituents of the membe
rs of Congress, with the members close to the Congressional leadership or who ho
ld cards for "horse-trading," getting more than their less favored colleagues. T
of a Representative or Senator.
The Countrywide Development Fund attempts to make equal the unequal. It is also
a recognition that individual members of Congress, far more than the President a
es, the members of Congress only determine the necessity of the realignment of t
he savings in the allotments for their operating expenses. They are in the best
position to do so because they are the ones who know whether there are savings a
vailable in some items and whether there are deficiencies in other items of thei
and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, who shall
as tripled to upgrade and improve the facility of the public school system. The
aside for the Department of Education, Culture and Sports under the General Appr
opriations Act (R.A. No. 6381), is the highest budgetary allocation among all de
partment budgets.
any power, guided only by its good judgment, to provide an appropriation, that c
an reasonably service our enormous debt, the greater portion of which was inheri
ted from the previous administration. It is not only a matter of honor and to pr
otect the credit standing of the country. More especially, the very survival of
for debt service bigger than the share allocated to education, the Court finds
ay not veto a provision without vetoing the entire bill not only disregards the
basic principle that a distinct and severable part of a bill may be the subject
of a separate veto but also overlooks the Constitutional mandate that any provis
ion in the general appropriations bill shall relate specifically to some particu
lar appropriation therein and that any such provision shall be limited in its op
Section 25 [2]). In other words, in the true sense of the term, a provision in
ion to which it relates, and does not relate to the entire bill.
opriation for debt service insofar as it refers to funds in excess of the amount
f 1991.
of P.D. No. 1177 (Foreign Borrowing Act) and E.O. No. 292, and to reverse the d
ebt payment policy. As held by the Court in Gonzales, the repeal of these laws s
ive Department rather than in Article VII on the Executive Department in the Con
stitution. There is, therefore, sound basis to indulge in the presumption of val
idity of a veto. The burden shifts on those questioning the validity thereof to
Under his general veto power, the President has to veto the entire bill,
not merely parts thereof. The exception to the general veto power is the power
given to the President to veto any particular item or items in a general appropr
iations bill. In so doing, the President must veto the entire item.
A general appropriations bill is a special type of legislation, whose content is
e fiscal unit.
Petitioners cannot anticipate that the President will not faithfully exe
cute the laws. The writ of prohibition will not issue on the fear that official
iate any misunderstanding, that we are sustaining the veto of the Special Provis
ion of the item on debt service only with respect to the proviso therein requiri
ng that "any payment in excess of the amount herein, appropriated shall be subje
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED, except with respect to G.R. No. 113105 onl
y insofar as they pray for the annulment of the veto of the special provision on
debt service specifying that the fund therein appropriated "shall be used for p
ayment of the principal and interest of foreign and domestic indebtedness" prohi
biting the use of the said funds "to pay for the liabilities of the Central Bank
Nature of the Case: Petition for review of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
FACTS: The subject programs were barred from public viewing by the board for at
tacking certain doctrines and practices of the Catholic and Protestant religions
, but were sustained by the regional trial court, which also prohibited the Boar
d from requiring the petitioner to submit its programs to it for previous cleara
nce. The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court, prompting the INC to go to t
ISSUES: Two basic issues were raised, to wit, whether the Movies and Television
Review and Classification Board had the power to review the petitioner s programs
and clear them for showing on television and, assuming it had, whether it gravel
RULING: The majority of the Court held for the Board on the first issue
but found that it should not have banned the telecast of the programs because th
ey did not attack but merely criticized the other religions in the exercise by t
he INC of its freedom of _expression and religion. The criticisms did not create
a clear and present danger requiring the prior restraint of the state, accordin
g to Justice Puno, who was joined by Justices Regalado, Davide, Romero, Francisc
o and Torres, with Chief Justice Narvasa concurring in the result. Justices Padi
lla, Melo and Kapunan, while agreeing that the Board had indeed committed grave
FACTS: Due process was invoked by the petitioners in demanding the disclosure o
f a number of presidential decrees which they claimed had not been published as
required by law. In the decision of this case, the Court affirmed the necessity
for the publication of some of these decrees, declaring in the dispositive port
ion as follows:
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders respondents to publish in the Official Gazett
Statement of Facts:
The individual citizen is but a speck of particle or molecule vis-à-vis the vast and overwhelming powers
of government. His only guarantee against oppression and tyranny are his fundamental liberties under
the Bill of Rights which shield him in times of need. The Court is now called to decide whether to uphold
a citizen's basic due process rights, or the government's ironclad duties under a treaty. The bugle sounds
and this Court must once again act as the faithful guardian of the fundamental writ.
The petition at our doorstep is cast against the following factual backdrop:
On January 13, 1977, then President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 1069
"Prescribing the Procedure for the Extradition of Persons Who Have Committed Crimes in a Foreign
Country". The Decree is founded on: the doctrine of incorporation under the Constitution; the mutual
concern for the suppression of crime both in the state where it was committed and the state where the
criminal may have escaped; the extradition treaty with the Republic of Indonesia and the intention of
the Philippines to enter into similar treaties with other interested countries; and the need for rules to
guide the executive department and the courts in the proper implementation of said treaties.
On November 13, 1994, then Secretary of Justice Franklin M. Drilon, representing the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines, signed in Manila the "Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United States of America" (hereinafter referred
to as the RP-US Extradition Treaty). The Senate, by way of Resolution No. 11, expressed its concurrence
in the ratification of said treaty. It also expressed its concurrence in the Diplomatic Notes correcting
Paragraph (5)(a), Article 7 thereof (on the admissibility of the documents accompanying an extradition
request upon certification by the principal diplomatic or consular officer of the requested state resident
in the Requesting State).
On June 18, 1999, the Department of Justice received from the Department of Foreign Affairs U.S. Note
Verbale No. 0522 containing a request for the extradition of private respondent Mark Jimenez to the
United States. Attached to the Note Verbale were the Grand Jury Indictment, the warrant of arrest
issued by the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, and other supporting documents for said
extradition. Based on the papers submitted, private respondent appears to be charged in the United
States with violation of the following provisions of the United States Code (USC):
A) 18 USC 371 (Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States; two [2] counts;
Maximum Penalty — 5 years on each count);
B) 26 USC 7201 (Attempt to evade or defeat tax; four [4] counts; Maximum Penalty — 5 years on
each count);
C) 18 USC 1343 (Fraud by wire, radio, or television; two [2] counts; Maximum Penalty — 5 years
on each count);
D) 18 USC 1001 (False statement or entries; six [6] counts; Maximum Penalty — 5 years on each
E) 2 USC 441f (Election contributions in name of another; thirty-three [33] counts; Maximum
Penalty — less than one year).
On the same day, petitioner issued Department Order No. 249 designating and authorizing a panel of
attorneys to take charge of and to handle the case pursuant to Section 5(1) of Presidential Decree No.
1069. Accordingly, the panel began with the "technical evaluation and assessment" of the extradition
request and the documents in support thereof. The panel found that the "official English translation of
some documents in Spanish were not attached to the request and that there are some other matters
that needed to be addressed" (p. 15, Rollo).
Pending evaluation of the aforestated extradition documents, private respondent, through counsel,
wrote a letter dated July 1, 1999 addressed to petitioner requesting copies of the official extradition
request from the U.S. Government, as well as all documents and papers submitted therewith; and that
he be given ample time to comment on the request after he shall have received copies of the requested
papers. Private respondent also requested that the proceedings on the matter be held in abeyance in
the meantime.
Later, private respondent requested that preliminary, he be given at least a copy of, or access to, the
request of the United States Government, and after receiving a copy of the Diplomatic Note, a period of
time to amplify on his request.
In response to private respondent's July 1, 1999 letter, petitioner, in a reply-letter dated July 13, 1999
(but received by private respondent only on August 4, 1999), denied the foregoing requests for the
following reasons:
1. We find it premature to furnish you with copies of the extradition request and supporting
documents from the United States Government, pending evaluation by this Department of the
sufficiency of the extradition documents submitted in accordance with the provisions of the
extradition treaty and our extradition law. Article 7 of the Extradition Treaty between the
Philippines and the United States enumerates the documentary requirements and establishes
the procedures under which the documents submitted shall be received and admitted as
evidence. Evidentiary requirements under our domestic law are also set forth in Section 4 of
P.D. No. 1069.
It is only after the filing of the petition for extradition when the person sought to be extradited
will be furnished by the court with copies of the petition, request and extradition documents
and this Department will not pose any objection to a request for ample time to evaluate said
2. The formal request for extradition of the United States contains grand jury information and
documents obtained through grand jury process covered by strict secrecy rules under United
States law. The United States had to secure orders from the concerned District Courts
authorizing the United States to disclose certain grand jury information to Philippine
government and law enforcement personnel for the purpose of extradition of Mr. Jimenez. Any
further disclosure of the said information is not authorized by the United States District Courts.
In this particular extradition request the United States Government requested the Philippine
Government to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the subject information. This Department's
denial of your request is consistent with Article 7 of the RP-US Extradition Treaty which provides
that the Philippine Government must represent the interests of the United States in any
proceedings arising out of a request for extradition. The Department of Justice under P.D. No.
1069 is the counsel of the foreign governments in all extradition requests.
3. This Department is not in a position to hold in abeyance proceedings in connection with an
extradition request. Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, to which we are
a party provides that "[E]very treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be
performed by them in good faith". Extradition is a tool of criminal law enforcement and to be
effective, requests for extradition or surrender of accused or convicted persons must be
processed expeditiously.
Such was the state of affairs when, on August 6, 1999, private respondent filed with the Regional Trial
Court of the National Capital Judicial Region a petition against the Secretary of Justice, the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, and the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, for mandamus (to compel
herein petitioner to furnish private respondent the extradition documents, to give him access thereto,
and to afford him an opportunity to comment on, or oppose, the extradition request, and thereafter to
evaluate the request impartially, fairly and objectively); certiorari(to set aside herein petitioner's letter
dated July 13, 1999); and prohibition (to restrain petitioner from considering the extradition request and
from filing an extradition petition in court; and to enjoin the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Director
of the NBI from performing any act directed to the extradition of private respondent to the United
States), with an application for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and a writ of preliminary
injunction (pp. 104-105, Rollo).
The aforementioned petition was docketed as Civil Case No. 99-94684 and thereafter raffled to Branch
25 of said regional trial court stationed in Manila which is presided over by the Honorable Ralph C.
After due notice to the parties, the case was heard on August 9, 1999. Petitioner, who appeared in his
own behalf, moved that he be given ample time to file a memorandum, but the same was denied.
On August 10, 1999, respondent judge issued an order dated the previous day, disposing:
WHEREFORE, this Court hereby Orders the respondents, namely: the Secretary of Justice, the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, their
agents and/or representatives to maintain the status quo by refraining from committing the acts
complained of; from conducting further proceedings in connection with the request of the
United States Government for the extradition of the petitioner; from filing the corresponding
Petition with a Regional Trial court; and from performing any act directed to the extradition of
the petitioner to the United States, for a period of twenty (20) days from service on respondents
of this Order, pursuant to Section 5, Rule 58 of the 1997 Rules of Court.
The hearing as to whether or not this Court shall issue the preliminary injunction, as agreed
upon by the counsels for the parties herein, is set on August 17, 1999 at 9:00 o'clock in the
morning. The respondents are, likewise, ordered to file their written comment and/or
opposition to the issuance of a Preliminary Injunction on or before said date.
On August 17, 1999, the Court required private respondent to file his comment. Also issued, as prayed
for, was a temporary restraining order (TRO) providing:
NOW, THEREFORE, effective immediately and continuing until further orders from this Court,
You, Respondent Judge Ralph C. Lantion, your agents, representatives or any person or persons
acting in your place or stead are hereby ORDERED to CEASE and DESIST from enforcing the
assailed order dated August 9, 1999 issued by public respondent in Civil Case No. 99-94684.
GIVEN by the Honorable HILARIO G. DAVIDE, JR., Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines,
this 17th day of August 1999.
From the pleadings of the opposing parties, both procedural and substantive issues are patent.
However, a review of these issues as well as the extensive arguments of both parties, compel us to
delineate the focal point raised by the pleadings: During the evaluation stage of the extradition
proceedings, is private respondent entitled to the two basic due process rights of notice and hearing? An
affirmative answer would necessarily render the proceedings at the trial court, moot and academic (the
issues of which are substantially the same as those before us now), while a negative resolution would
call for the immediate lifting of the TRO issued by this Court dated August 24, 1999, thus allowing
petitioner to fast-track the process leading to the filing of the extradition petition with the proper
regional trial court. Corollarily, in the event that private respondent is adjudged entitled to basic due
process rights at the evaluation stage of the extradition proceedings, would this entitlement constitute a
breach of the legal commitments and obligations of the Philippine Government under the RP-US
Extradition Treaty? And assuming that the result would indeed be a breach, is there any conflict
between private respondent's basic due process rights and the provisions of the RP-US Extradition
The issues having transcendental importance, the Court has elected to go directly into the substantive
merits of the case, brushing aside peripheral procedural matters which concern the proceedings in Civil
Case No. 99-94684, particularly the propriety of the filing of the petition therein, and of the issuance of
the TRO of August 17, 1999 by the trial court.
To be sure, the issues call for a review of the extradition procedure. The RP-US Extradition Treaty which
was executed only on November 13, 1994, ushered into force the implementing provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1069, also called as the Philippine Extradition Law. Section 2(a) thereof defines
extradition as "the removal of an accused from the Philippines with the object of placing him at the
disposal of foreign authorities to enable the requesting state or government to hold him in connection
with any criminal investigation directed against him or the execution of a penalty imposed on him under
the penal or criminal law of the requesting state or government." The portions of the Decree relevant to
the instant case which involves a charged and not convicted individual, are abstracted as follows:
The request is made by the Foreign Diplomat of the Requesting State, addressed to the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, and shall be accompanied by:
1. The original or an authentic copy of the criminal charge and the warrant of arrest issued by
the authority of the Requesting State having jurisdiction over the matter, or some other
instruments having equivalent legal force;
2. A recital of the acts for which extradition is requested, with the fullest particulars as to the
name and identity of the accused, his whereabouts in the Philippines, if known, the acts or
omissions complained of, and the time and place of the commission of these acts;
3. The text of the applicable law or a statement of the contents of said law, and the designation
or description of the offense by the law, sufficient for evaluation of the request; and
4. Such other documents or information in support of the request.
Sec. 5 of the Presidential Decree, which sets forth the duty of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
pertinently provides
. . . (1) Unless it appears to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs that the request fails to meet the
requirements of this law and the relevant treaty or convention, he shall forward the request
together with the related documents to the Secretary of Justice, who shall immediately
designate and authorize an attorney in his office to take charge of the case.
The above provision shows only too clearly that the executive authority given the task of evaluating the
sufficiency of the request and the supporting documents is the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. What then is
the coverage of this task?
In accordance with Paragraphs 2 and 3, Article 7 of the RP-US Extradition Treaty, the executive authority
must ascertain whether or not the request is supported by:
1. Documents, statements, or other types of information which describe the identity and
probable location of the person sought;
2. A statement of the facts of the offense and the procedural history of the case;
3. A statement of the provisions of the law describing the essential elements of the offense for
which extradition is requested;
4. A statement of the provisions of law describing the punishment for the offense;
5. A statement of the provisions of the law describing any time limit on the prosecution or the
execution of punishment for the offense;
7. Such evidence as, according to the law of the Requested State, would provide probable cause
for his arrest and committal for trial if the offense had been committed there;
8. A copy of the warrant or order of arrest issued by a judge or other competent authority; and
(Paragraph 3, ibid.)
The executive authority (Secretary of Foreign Affairs) must also see to it that the accompanying
documents received in support of the request had been certified by the principal diplomatic or consular
officer of the Requested State resident in the Requesting State (Embassy Note No. 052 from U. S.
Embassy; Embassy Note No. 951309 from the Department of Foreign Affairs).
In this light, Paragraph 3, Article 3 of the Treaty provides that "[e]xtradition shall not be granted if the
executive authority of the Requested State determines that the request is politically motivated, or that
the offense is a military offense which is not punishable under non-military penal legislation."
Upon a finding made by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs that the extradition request and its supporting
documents are sufficient and complete in form and substance, he shall deliver the same to the Secretary
of Justice, who shall immediately designate and authorize an attorney in his office to take charge of the
case (Paragraph [1], Section 5, P.D. No. 1069). The lawyer designated shall then file a written petition
with the proper regional trial court of the province or city, with a prayer that the court take the
extradition request under consideration (Paragraph [2], ibid.).
The presiding judge of the regional trial court, upon receipt of the petition for extradition, shall, as soon
as practicable, issue an order summoning the prospective extraditee to appear and to answer the
petition on the day and hour fixed in the order. The judge may issue a warrant of arrest if it appears that
the immediate arrest and temporary detention of the accused will best serve the ends of justice
(Paragraph [1], Section 6, ibid.), particularly to prevent the flight of the prospective extraditee.
The Extradition Law does not specifically indicate whether the extradition proceeding is criminal, civil, or
a special proceeding. Nevertheless, Paragraph [1], Section 9 thereof provides that in the hearing of the
extradition petition, the provisions of the Rules of Court, insofar as practicable and not inconsistent with
the summary nature of the proceedings, shall apply. During the hearing, Section 8 of the Decree
provides that the attorney having charge of the case may, upon application by the Requesting State,
represent the latter throughout the proceedings.
Upon conclusion of the hearing, the court shall render a decision granting the extradition and giving the
reasons therefor upon a showing of the existence of a prima facie case, or dismiss the petition (Section
10, ibid.). Said decision is appealable to the Court of Appeals, whose decision shall be final and
immediately executory (Section 12, ibid.). The provisions of the Rules of Court governing appeal in
criminal cases in the Court of Appeals shall apply in the aforementioned appeal, except for the required
15-day period to file brief (Section 13, ibid.).
The trial court determines whether or not the offense mentioned in the petition is extraditable based on
the application of the dual criminality rule and other conditions mentioned in Article 2 of the RP-US
Extradition Treaty. The trial court also determines whether or not the offense for which extradition is
requested is a political one (Paragraph [1], Article 3, RP-US Extradition Treaty).1âwphi1.nêt
With the foregoing abstract of the extradition proceedings as backdrop, the following query presents
itself: What is the nature of the role of the Department of Justice at the evaluation stage of the
extradition proceedings?
A strict observance of the Extradition Law indicates that the only duty of the Secretary of Justice is to file
the extradition petition after the request and all the supporting papers are forwarded to him by the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs. It is the latter official who is authorized to evaluate the extradition papers,
to assure their sufficiency, and under Paragraph [3], Article 3 of the Treaty, to determine whether or not
the request is politically motivated, or that the offense is a military offense which is not punishable
under non-military penal legislation. Ipso facto, as expressly provided in Paragraph [1], Section 5 of the
Extradition Law, the Secretary of Justice has the ministerial duty of filing the extradition papers.
However, looking at the factual milieu of the case before us, it would appear that there was failure to
abide by the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1069. For while it is true that the extradition request
was delivered to the Department of Foreign Affairs on June 17, 1999, the following day or less than 24
hours later, the Department of Justice received the request, apparently without the Department of
Foreign Affairs discharging its duty of thoroughly evaluating the same and its accompanying documents.
The statement of an assistant secretary at the Department of Foreign Affairs that his Department, in this
regard, is merely acting as a post office, for which reason he simply forwarded the request to the
Department of Justice, indicates the magnitude of the error of the Department of Foreign Affairs in
taking lightly its responsibilities. Thereafter, the Department of Justice took it upon itself to determine
the completeness of the documents and to evaluate the same to find out whether they comply with the
requirements laid down in the Extradition Law and the RP-US Extradition Treaty. Petitioner ratiocinates
in this connection that although the Department of Justice had no obligation to evaluate the extradition
documents, the Department also had to go over them so as to be able to prepare an extradition petition
(tsn, August 31, 1999, pp. 24-25). Notably, it was also at this stage where private respondent insisted on
the following; (1) the right to be furnished the request and the supporting papers; (2) the right to be
heard which consists in having a reasonable period of time to oppose the request, and to present
evidence in support of the opposition; and (3) that the evaluation proceedings be held in abeyance
pending the filing of private respondent's opposition to the request.
The two Departments seem to have misread the scope of their duties and authority, one abdicating its
powers and the other enlarging its commission. The Department of Foreign Affairs, moreover, has,
through the Solicitor General, filed a manifestation that it is adopting the instant petition as its own,
indirectly conveying the message that if it were to evaluate the extradition request, it would not allow
private respondent to participate in the process of evaluation.
Plainly then, the record cannot support the presumption of regularity that the Department of Foreign
Affairs thoroughly reviewed the extradition request and supporting documents and that it arrived at a
well-founded judgment that the request and its annexed documents satisfy the requirements of law.
The Secretary of Justice, eminent as he is in the field of law, could not privately review the papers all by
himself. He had to officially constitute a panel of attorneys. How then could the DFA Secretary or his
undersecretary, in less than one day, make the more authoritative determination?
The evaluation process, just like the extradition proceedings proper, belongs to a class by itself. It is sui
generis. It is not a criminal investigation, but it is also erroneous to say that it is purely an exercise of
ministerial functions. At such stage, the executive authority has the power: (a) to make a technical
assessment of the completeness and sufficiency of the extradition papers; (b) to outrightly deny the
request if on its face and on the face of the supporting documents the crimes indicated are not
extraditable; and (c) to make a determination whether or not the request is politically motivated, or that
the offense is a military one which is not punishable under non-military penal legislation (tsn, August 31,
1999, pp. 28-29; Article 2 & and Paragraph [3], Article 3, RP-US Extradition Treaty). Hence, said process
may be characterized as an investigative or inquisitorial process in contrast to a proceeding conducted in
the exercise of an administrative body's quasi-judicial power.
In administrative law, a quasi-judicial proceeding involves: (a) taking and evaluation of evidence; (b)
determining facts based upon the evidence presented; and (c) rendering an order or decision supported
by the facts proved (De Leon, Administrative Law: Text and Cases, 1993 ed., p. 198, citing Morgan vs.
United States, 304 U.S. 1). Inquisitorial power, which is also known as examining or investigatory power,
is one or the determinative powers of an administrative body which better enables it to exercise its
quasi-judicial authority (Cruz, Phil. Administrative Law, 1996 ed., p. 26). This power allows the
administrative body to inspect the records and premises, and investigate the activities, of persons or
entities coming under its jurisdiction (Ibid., p. 27), or to require disclosure of information by means or
accounts, records, reports, testimony of witnesses, production of documents, or otherwise (De Leon, op.
cit., p. 64).
The power of investigation consists in gathering, organizing, and analyzing evidence, which is a useful
aid or tool in an administrative agency's performance of its rule-making or quasi-judicial functions.
Notably, investigation is indispensable to prosecution.
In Ruperto v. Torres (100 Phil. 1098 [1957], unreported), the Court had occasion to rule on the functions
of an investigatory body with the sole power of investigation. It does not exercise judicial functions and
its power is limited to investigating the facts and making findings in respect thereto. The Court laid down
the test of determining whether an administrative body is exercising judicial functions or merely
investigatory functions: Adjudication signifies the exercise of power and authority to adjudicate upon
the rights and obligations of the parties before it. Hence, if the only purpose for investigation is to
evaluate evidence submitted before it based on the facts and circumstances presented to it, and if the
agency is not authorized to make a final pronouncement affecting the parties, then there is an absence
of judicial discretion and judgment.
The above description in Ruperto applies to an administrative body authorized to evaluate extradition
documents. The body has no power to adjudicate in regard to the rights and obligations of both the
Requesting State and the prospective extraditee. Its only power is to determine whether the papers
comply with the requirements of the law and the treaty and, therefore, sufficient to be the basis of an
extradition petition. Such finding is thus merely initial and not final. The body has no power to
determine whether or not the extradition should be effected. That is the role of the court. The body's
power is limited to an initial finding of whether or not the extradition petition can be filed in court.
Clearly, there is an impending threat to a prospective extraditee's liberty as early as during the
evaluation stage. It is not only an imagined threat to his liberty, but a very imminent one.
Because of these possible consequences, we conclude that the evaluation process is akin to an
administrative agency conducting an investigative proceeding, the consequences of which are
essentially criminal since such technical assessment sets off or commences the procedure for, and
ultimately, the deprivation of liberty of a prospective extraditee. As described by petitioner himself, this
is a "tool" for criminal law enforcement (p. 78, Rollo). In essence, therefore, the evaluation process
partakes of the nature of a criminal investigation. In a number of cases, we had occasion to make
available to a respondent in an administrative case or investigation certain constitutional rights that are
ordinarily available only in criminal prosecutions. Further, as pointed out by Mr. Justice Mendoza during
the oral arguments, there are rights formerly available only at the trial stage that had been advanced to
an earlier stage in the proceedings, such as the right to counsel and the right against self-incrimination
(tsn, August 31, 1999, p. 135; Escobedo vs. Illinois, 378 U.S. 478; Gideon vs. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335;
Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436).
In Pascual v. Board of Medical Examiners (28 SCRA 344 [1969]), we held that the right against self-
incrimination under Section 17, Article III of the 1987 Constitution which is ordinarily available only in
criminal prosecutions, extends to administrative proceedings which possess a criminal or penal aspect,
such as an administrative investigation of a licensed physician who is charged with immorality, which
could result in his loss of the privilege to practice medicine if found guilty. The Court, citing the earlier
case of Cabal vs. Kapunan (6 SCRA 1059 [1962]), pointed out that the revocation of one's license as a
medical practitioner, is an even greater deprivation than forfeiture of property.
Cabal vs. Kapunan (supra) involved an administrative charge of unexplained wealth against a respondent
which was filed under Republic Act No. 1379, or the Anti-Graft Law. Again, we therein ruled that since
the investigation may result in forfeiture of property, the administrative proceedings are deemed
criminal or penal, and such forfeiture partakes the nature of a penalty. There is also the earlier case
of Almeda, Sr. vs. Perez (5 SCRA 970 [1962]), where the Court, citing American jurisprudence, laid down
the test to determine whether a proceeding is civil or criminal: If the proceeding is under a statute such
that if an indictment is presented the forfeiture can be included in the criminal case, such proceeding is
criminal in nature, although it may be civil in form; and where it must be gathered from the statute that
the action is meant to be criminal in its nature, it cannot be considered as civil. If, however, the
proceeding does not involve the conviction of the wrongdoer for the offense charged, the proceeding is
civil in nature.
The cases mentioned above refer to an impending threat of deprivation of one's property or property
right. No less is this true, but even more so in the case before us, involving as it does the possible
deprivation of liberty, which, based on the hierarchy of constitutionally protected rights, is placed
second only to life itself and enjoys precedence over property, for while forfeited property can be
returned or replaced, the time spent in incarceration is irretrievable and beyond recompense.
Petitioner's reliance on Wright vs. Court of Appeals (235 SCRA 241 [1992]) (p. 8, petitioner's
Memorandum) that the extradition treaty is neither a piece of criminal legislation nor a criminal
procedural statute is not well-taken. Wright is not authority for petitioner's conclusion that his
preliminary processing is not akin to a preliminary investigation. The characterization of a treaty
in Wright was in reference to the applicability of the prohibition against an ex post factolaw. It had
nothing to do with the denial of the right to notice, information, and hearing.
As early as 1884, the United States Supreme Court ruled that "any legal proceeding enforced by public
authority, whether sanctioned by age or custom, or newly devised in the discretion of the legislative
power, in furtherance of the general public good, which regards and preserved these principles of liberty
and justice, must be held to be due process of law" (Hurtado vs. California, 110 U.S. 516). Compliance
with due process requirements cannot be deemed non-compliance with treaty commitments.
The United States and the Philippines share a mutual concern about the suppression and punishment of
crime in their respective jurisdictions. At the same time, both States accord common due process
protection to their respective citizens.
The due process clauses in the American and Philippine Constitutions are not only worded in exactly
identical language and terminology, but more importantly, they are alike in what their respective
Supreme Courts have expounded as the spirit with which the provisions are informed and impressed,
the elasticity in their interpretation, their dynamic and resilient character which make them capable of
meeting every modern problem, and their having been designed from earliest time to the present to
meet the exigencies of an undefined and expanding future. The requirements of due process are
interpreted in both the United States and the Philippines as not denying to the law the capacity for
progress and improvement. Toward this effect and in order to avoid the confines of a legal straitjacket,
the courts instead prefer to have the meaning of the due process clause "gradually ascertained by the
process of inclusion and exclusion in the course of the decisions of cases as they arise" (Twining vs. New
Jersey, 211 U.S. 78). Capsulized, it refers to "the embodiment of the sporting idea of fair play" (Ermita-
Malate Hotel and Motel Owner's Association vs. City Mayor of Manila, 20 SCRA 849 [1967]). It relates to
certain immutable principles of justice which inhere in the very idea of free government (Holden vs.
Hardy, 169 U.S. 366).
Due process is comprised of two components — substantive due process which requires the intrinsic
validity of the law in interfering with the rights of the person to his life, liberty, or property, and
procedural due process which consists of the two basic rights of notice and hearing, as well as the
guarantee of being heard by an impartial and competent tribunal (Cruz, Constitutional Law, 1993 Ed.,
pp. 102-106).
True to the mandate of the due process clause, the basic rights of notice and hearing pervade not only in
criminal and civil proceedings, but in administrative proceedings as well. Non-observance of these rights
will invalidate the proceedings. Individuals are entitled to be notified of any pending case affecting their
interests, and upon notice, they may claim the right to appear therein and present their side and to
refute the position of the opposing parties (Cruz, Phil. Administrative Law, 1996 ed., p. 64).
These twin rights may, however, be considered dispensable in certain instances, such as:
1. In proceeding where there is an urgent need for immediate action, like the summary
abatement of a nuisance per se (Article 704, Civil Code), the preventive suspension of a public
servant facing administrative charges (Section 63, Local Government Code, B.P. Blg. 337), the
padlocking of filthy restaurants or theaters showing obscene movies or like establishments
which are immediate threats to public health and decency, and the cancellation of a passport of
a person sought for criminal prosecution;
2. Where there is tentativeness of administrative action, that is, where the respondent is not
precluded from enjoying the right to notice and hearing at a later time without prejudice to the
person affected, such as the summary distraint and levy of the property of a delinquent
taxpayer, and the replacement of a temporary appointee; and
3. Where the twin rights have previously been offered but the right to exercise them had not
been claimed.
Applying the above principles to the case at bar, the query may be asked: Does the evaluation stage of
the extradition proceedings fall under any of the described situations mentioned above?
Let us take a brief look at the nature of American extradition proceedings which are quite noteworthy
considering that the subject treaty involves the U.S. Government.
American jurisprudence distinguishes between interstate rendition or extradition which is based on the
Extradition Clause in the U.S. Constitution (Art. IV, §2 cl 2), and international extradition proceedings. In
interstate rendition or extradition, the governor of the asylum state has the duty to deliver the fugitive
to the demanding state. The Extradition Clause and the implementing statute are given a liberal
construction to carry out their manifest purpose, which is to effect the return as swiftly as possible of
persons for trial to the state in which they have been charged with crime (31A Am Jur 2d 754-755). In
order to achieve extradition of an alleged fugitive, the requisition papers or the demand must be in
proper form, and all the elements or jurisdictional facts essential to the extradition must appear on the
face of the papers, such as the allegation that the person demanded was in the demanding state at the
time the offense charged was committed, and that the person demanded is charged with the
commission of the crime or that prosecution has been begun in the demanding state before some court
or magistrate (35 C.J.S. 406-407). The extradition documents are then filed with the governor of the
asylum state, and must contain such papers and documents prescribed by statute, which essentially
include a copy of the instrument charging the person demanded with a crime, such as an indictment or
an affidavit made before a magistrate. Statutory requirements with respect to said charging instrument
or papers are mandatory since said papers are necessary in order to confer jurisdiction on the
government of the asylum state to effect extradition (35 C.J.S. 408-410). A statutory provision requiring
duplicate copies of the indictment, information, affidavit, or judgment of conviction or sentence and
other instruments accompanying the demand or requisitions be furnished and delivered to the fugitive or
his attorney is directory. However, the right being such a basic one has been held to be a right
mandatory on demand (Ibid., p. 410, citing Ex parte Moore, 256 S.W. 2d 103, 158 Tex. Cr. 407 and Ex
parte Tucker, Cr., 324, S.W.2d 853).
In international proceedings, extradition treaties generally provide for the presentation to the executive
authority of the Requested State of a requisition or demand for the return of the alleged offender, and
the designation of the particular officer having authority to act in behalf of the demanding nation
(31A Am Jur 2d 815).
In petitioner's memorandum filed on September 15, 1999, he attached thereto a letter dated
September 13, 1999 from the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, summarizing the U.S.
extradition procedures and principles, which are basically governed by a combination of treaties (with
special reference to the RP-US Extradition Treaty), federal statutes, and judicial decisions, to wit:
1. All requests for extradition are transmitted through the diplomatic channel. In urgent cases,
requests for the provincial arrest of an individual may be made directly by the Philippine
Department of Justice to the U.S. Department of Justice, and vice-versa. In the event of a
provisional arrest, a formal request for extradition is transmitted subsequently through the
diplomatic channel.
2. The Department of State forwards the incoming Philippine extradition request to the
Department of Justice. Before doing so, the Department of State prepares a declaration
confirming that a formal request has been made, that the treaty is in full force and effect, that
under Article 17 thereof the parties provide reciprocal legal representation in extradition
proceedings, that the offenses are covered as extraditable offenses under Article 2 thereof, and
that the documents have been authenticated in accordance with the federal statute that
ensures admissibility at any subsequent extradition hearing.
3. A judge or magistrate judge is authorized to issue a warrant for the arrest of the prospective
extraditee (18 U.S.C. §3184). Said judge or magistrate is authorized to hold a hearing to consider
the evidence offered in support of the extradition request (Ibid.)
4. At the hearing, the court must determine whether the person arrested is extraditable to the
foreign country. The court must also determine that (a) it has jurisdiction over the defendant
and jurisdiction to conduct the hearing; (b) the defendant is being sought for offenses for which
the applicable treaty permits extradition; and (c) there is probable cause to believe that the
defendant is the person sought and that he committed the offenses charged (Ibid.)
5. The judge or magistrate judge is vested with jurisdiction to certify extraditability after having
received a "complaint made under oath, charging any person found within his jurisdiction" with
having committed any of the crimes provided for by the governing treaty in the country
requesting extradition (Ibid.) [In this regard, it is noted that a long line of American decisions
pronounce that international extradition proceedings partake of the character of a preliminary
examination before a committing magistrate, rather than a trial of the guilt or innocence of the
alleged fugitive (31A Am Jur 2d 826).]
6. If the court decides that the elements necessary for extradition are present, it incorporates its
determinations in factual findings and conclusions of law and certifies the person's
extraditability. The court then forwards this certification of extraditability to the Department of
State for disposition by the Secretary of State. The ultimate decision whether to surrender an
individual rests with the Secretary of State (18 U.S.C. §3186).
7. The subject of an extradition request may not litigate questions concerning the motives of the
requesting government in seeking his extradition. However, a person facing extradition may
present whatever information he deems relevant to the Secretary of State, who makes the final
determination whether to surrender an individual to the foreign government concerned.
From the foregoing, it may be observed that in the United States, extradition begins and ends with one
entity — the Department of State — which has the power to evaluate the request and the extradition
documents in the beginning, and, in the person of the Secretary of State, the power to act or not to act
on the court's determination of extraditability. In the Philippine setting, it is the Department of Foreign
Affairs which should make the initial evaluation of the request, and having satisfied itself on the points
earlier mentioned (see pp. 10-12), then forwards the request to the Department of Justice for the
preparation and filing of the petition for extradition. Sadly, however, the Department of Foreign Affairs,
in the instant case, perfunctorily turned over the request to the Department of Justice which has taken
over the task of evaluating the request as well as thereafter, if so warranted, preparing, filing, and
prosecuting the petition for extradition.
Private respondent asks what prejudice will be caused to the U.S. Government should the person sought
to be extradited be given due process rights by the Philippines in the evaluation stage. He emphasizes
that petitioner's primary concern is the possible delay in the evaluation process.
The establishment of prompt efficacious procedures to achieve legitimate state ends is a proper
state interest worthy of cognizance in constitutional adjudication. But the Constitution
recognizes higher values than speed and efficiency. Indeed, one might fairly say of the Bill of
Rights in general, and the Due Process Clause, in particular, that they were designed to protect
the fragile values of a vulnerable citizenry from the overbearing concern for efficiency and
efficacy that may characterize praiseworthy government officials no less, and perhaps more,
than mediocre ones.
One of the basic principles of the democratic system is that where the rights of the individual
are concerned, the end does not justify the means. It is not enough that there be a valid
objective; it is also necessary that the means employed to pursue it be in keeping with the
Constitution. Mere expediency will not excuse constitutional shortcuts. There is no question
that not even the strongest moral conviction or the most urgent public need, subject only to a
few notable exceptions, will excuse the bypassing of an individual's rights. It is no exaggeration
to say that a person invoking a right guaranteed under Article III of the Constitution is a majority
of one even as against the rest of the nation who would deny him that right (Association of
Small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. vs. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175 SCRA 343, 375-
376 [1989]).
There can be no dispute over petitioner's argument that extradition is a tool of criminal law
enforcement. To be effective, requests for extradition or the surrender of accused or convicted persons
must be processed expeditiously. Nevertheless, accelerated or fast-tracked proceedings and adherence
to fair procedures are, however, not always incompatible. They do not always clash in discord. Summary
does not mean precipitous haste. It does not carry a disregard of the basic principles inherent in
"ordered liberty."
Is there really an urgent need for immediate action at the evaluation stage? At that point, there is no
extraditee yet in the strict sense of the word. Extradition may or may not occur. In interstate extradition,
the governor of the asylum state may not, in the absence of mandatory statute, be compelled to act
favorably (37 C.J.S. 387) since after a close evaluation of the extradition papers, he may hold that federal
and statutory requirements, which are significantly jurisdictional, have not been met (31 Am Jur 2d 819).
Similarly, under an extradition treaty, the executive authority of the requested state has the power to
deny the behest from the requesting state. Accordingly, if after a careful examination of the extradition
documents the Secretary of Foreign Affairs finds that the request fails to meet the requirements of the
law and the treaty, he shall not forward the request to the Department of Justice for the filing of the
extradition petition since non-compliance with the aforesaid requirements will not vest our government
with jurisdiction to effect the extradition.
In this light, it should be observed that the Department of Justice exerted notable efforts in assuring
compliance with the requirements of the law and the treaty since it even informed the U.S. Government
of certain problems in the extradition papers (such as those that are in Spanish and without the official
English translation, and those that are not properly authenticated). In fact, petitioner even admits that
consultation meetings are still supposed to take place between the lawyers in his Department and those
from the U.S. Justice Department. With the meticulous nature of the evaluation, which cannot just be
completed in an abbreviated period of time due to its intricacies, how then can we say that it is a
proceeding that urgently necessitates immediate and prompt action where notice and hearing can be
dispensed with?
Worthy of inquiry is the issue of whether or not there is tentativeness of administrative action. Is private
respondent precluded from enjoying the right to notice and hearing at a later time without prejudice to
him? Here lies the peculiarity and deviant characteristic of the evaluation procedure. On one hand there
is yet no extraditee, but ironically on the other, it results in an administrative if adverse to the person
involved, may cause his immediate incarceration. The grant of the request shall lead to the filing of the
extradition petition in court. The "accused" (as Section 2[c] of Presidential Decree No. 1069 calls him),
faces the threat of arrest, not only after the extradition petition is filed in court, but even during the
evaluation proceeding itself by virtue of the provisional arrest allowed under the treaty and the
implementing law. The prejudice to the "accused" is thus blatant and manifest.
Plainly, the notice and hearing requirements of administrative due process cannot be dispensed with
and shelved aside.
Apart from the due process clause of the Constitution, private respondent likewise invokes Section 7 of
Article III which reads:
Sec. 7. The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized.
Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions,
or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall
be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
The above provision guarantees political rights which are available to citizens of the Philippines, namely:
(1) the right to information on matters of public concern, and (2) the corollary right of access to official
records documents. The general right guaranteed by said provision is the right to information on
matters of public concern. In its implementation, the right of access to official records is likewise
conferred. These cognate or related rights are "subject to limitations as may be provided by law"
(Bernas, The 1987 Phil. Constitution A Reviewer-Primer, 1997 ed., p. 104) and rely on the premise that
ultimately it is an informed and critical public opinion which alone can protect the values of democratic
government (Ibid.).
Petitioner argues that the matters covered by private respondent's letter-request dated July 1, 1999 do
not fall under the guarantee of the foregoing provision since the matters contained in the documents
requested are not of public concern. On the other hand, private respondent argues that the distinction
between matters vested with public interest and matters which are of purely private interest only
becomes material when a third person, who is not directly affected by the matters requested, invokes
the right to information. However, if the person invoking the right is the one directly affected thereby,
his right to information becomes absolute.
The concept of matters of public concerns escapes exact definition. Strictly speaking, every act of a
public officer in the conduct of the governmental process is a matter of public concern (Bernas, The
1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, 1996 ed., p. 336). This concept embraces a broad
spectrum of subjects which the public may want to know, either because these directly affect their lives
or simply because such matters arouse the interest of an ordinary citizen (Legaspi v. Civil Service
Commission, 150 SCRA 530 [1987]). Hence, the real party in interest is the people and any citizen has
When the individual himself is involved in official government action because said action has a direct
bearing on his life, and may either cause him some kind of deprivation or injury, he actually invokes the
basic right to be notified under Section 1 of the Bill of Rights and not exactly the right to information on
matters of public concern. As to an accused in a criminal proceeding, he invokes Section 14, particularly
the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him.
The right to information is implemented by the right of access to information within the control of the
government (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, 1996 ed., p. 337). Such
information may be contained in official records, and in documents and papers pertaining to official
acts, transactions, or decisions.
In the case at bar, the papers requested by private respondent pertain to official government action
from the U.S. Government. No official action from our country has yet been taken. Moreover, the
papers have some relation to matters of foreign relations with the U.S. Government. Consequently, if a
third party invokes this constitutional provision, stating that the extradition papers are matters of public
concern since they may result in the extradition of a Filipino, we are afraid that the balance must be
tilted, at such particular time, in favor of the interests necessary for the proper functioning of the
government. During the evaluation procedure, no official governmental action of our own government
has as yet been done; hence the invocation of the right is premature. Later, and in contrast, records of
the extradition hearing would already fall under matters of public concern, because our government by
then shall have already made an official decision to grant the extradition request. The extradition of a
fellow Filipino would be forthcoming.
We now pass upon the final issue pertinent to the subject matter of the instant controversy: Would
private respondent's entitlement to notice and hearing during the evaluation stage of the proceedings
constitute a breach of the legal duties of the Philippine Government under the RP-Extradition Treaty?
Assuming the answer is in the affirmative, is there really a conflict between the treaty and the due
process clause in the Constitution?
First and foremost, let us categorically say that this is not the proper time to pass upon the
constitutionality of the provisions of the RP-US Extradition Treaty nor the Extradition Law implementing
the same. We limit ourselves only to the effect of the grant of the basic rights of notice and hearing to
private respondent on foreign relations.
The rule of pacta sunt servanda, one of the oldest and most fundamental maxims of international law,
requires the parties to a treaty to keep their agreement therein in good faith. The observance of our
country's legal duties under a treaty is also compelled by Section 2, Article II of the Constitution which
provides that "[t]he Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of
peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with nations." Under the doctrine of
incorporation, rules of international law form part of the law of the and land no further legislative action
is needed to make such rules applicable in the domestic sphere (Salonga & Yap, Public International Law,
1992 ed., p. 12).
The doctrine of incorporation is applied whenever municipal tribunals (or local courts) are confronted
with situations in which there appears to be a conflict between a rule of international law and the
provisions of the constitution or statute of the local state. Efforts should first be exerted to harmonize
them, so as to give effect to both since it is to be presumed that municipal law was enacted with proper
regard for the generally accepted principles of international law in observance of the observance of the
Incorporation Clause in the above-cited constitutional provision (Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 1996 ed.,
p. 55). In a situation, however, where the conflict is irreconcilable and a choice has to be made between
a rule of international law and municipal law, jurisprudence dictates that municipal law should be
upheld by the municipal courts (Ichong vs. Hernandez, 101 Phil. 1155 [1957]; Gonzales vs. Hechanova, 9
SCRA 230 [1963]; In re: Garcia, 2 SCRA 984 [1961]) for the reason that such courts are organs of
municipal law and are accordingly bound by it in all circumstances (Salonga & Yap, op. cit., p. 13). The
fact that international law has been made part of the law of the land does not pertain to or imply the
primacy of international law over national or municipal law in the municipal sphere. The doctrine of
incorporation, as applied in most countries, decrees that rules of international law are given equal
standing with, but are not superior to, national legislative enactments. Accordingly, the principle lex
posterior derogat priori takes effect — a treaty may repeal a statute and a statute may repeal a treaty. In
states where the constitution is the highest law of the land, such as the Republic of the Philippines, both
statutes and treaties may be invalidated if they are in conflict with the constitution (Ibid.).
In the case at bar, is there really a conflict between international law and municipal or national law? En
contrario, these two components of the law of the land are not pined against each other. There is no
occasion to choose which of the two should be upheld. Instead, we see a void in the provisions of the
RP-US Extradition Treaty, as implemented by Presidential Decree No. 1069, as regards the basic due
process rights of a prospective extraditee at the evaluation stage of extradition proceedings. From the
procedures earlier abstracted, after the filing of the extradition petition and during the judicial
determination of the propriety of extradition, the rights of notice and hearing are clearly granted to the
prospective extraditee. However, prior thereto, the law is silent as to these rights. Reference to the U.S.
extradition procedures also manifests this silence.
Petitioner interprets this silence as unavailability of these rights. Consequently, he describes the
evaluation procedure as an "ex parte technical assessment" of the sufficiency of the extradition request
and the supporting documents.
We disagree.
In the absence of a law or principle of law, we must apply the rules of fair play. An application of the
basic twin due process rights of notice and hearing will not go against the treaty or the implementing
law. Neither the Treaty nor the Extradition Law precludes these rights from a prospective extraditee.
Similarly, American jurisprudence and procedures on extradition pose no proscription. In fact, in
interstate extradition proceedings as explained above, the prospective extraditee may even request for
copies of the extradition documents from the governor of the asylum state, and if he does, his right to
be supplied the same becomes a demandable right (35 C.J.S. 410).
Petitioner contends that the United States requested the Philippine Government to prevent
unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. Hence, the secrecy surrounding the action of the
Department of Justice Panel of Attorneys. The confidentiality argument is, however, overturned by
petitioner's revelation that everything it refuses to make available at this stage would be obtainable
during trial. The Department of Justice states that the U.S. District Court concerned has authorized the
disclosure of certain grand jury information. If the information is truly confidential, the veil of secrecy
cannot be lifted at any stage of the extradition proceedings. Not even during trial.
Earlier, we stated that there are similarities between the evaluation process and a preliminary
investigation since both procedures may result in the arrest of the respondent or the prospective
extraditee. In the evaluation process, a provisional arrest is even allowed by the Treaty and the
Extradition Law (Article 9, RP-US Extradition Treaty; Sec. 20, Presidential Decree No. 1069). Following
petitioner's theory, because there is no provision of its availability, does this imply that for a period of
time, the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended, despite Section 15, Article III of the
Constitution which states that "[t]he privilege of the writ or habeas corpus shall not be suspended
except in cases of invasion or rebellion when the public safety requires it"? Petitioner's theory would
also infer that bail is not available during the arrest of the prospective extraditee when the extradition
petition has already been filed in court since Presidential Decree No. 1069 does not provide therefor,
notwithstanding Section 13, Article III of the Constitution which provides that "[a]ll persons, except
those charged with offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall,
before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided
by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
suspended. . ." Can petitioner validly argue that since these contraventions are by virtue of a treaty and
hence affecting foreign relations, the aforestated guarantees in the Bill of Rights could thus be
subservient thereto?
The basic principles of administrative law instruct us that "the essence of due process in administrative
proceeding is an opportunity to explain one's side or an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the
actions or ruling complained of (Mirano vs. NLRC, 270 SCRA 96 [1997]; Padilla vs. NLRC, 273 SCRA 457
[1997]; PLDT vs. NLRC, 276 SCRA 1 [1997]; Helpmate, Inc. vs. NLRC, 276 SCRA 315 [1997]; Aquinas School
vs. Magnaye, 278 SCRA 602 [1997]; Jamer vs. NLRC, 278 SCRA 632 [1997]). In essence, procedural due
process refers to the method or manner by which the law is enforced (Corona vs. United Harbor Pilots
Association of the Phils., 283 SCRA 31 [1997]). This Court will not tolerate the least disregard of
constitutional guarantees in the enforcement of a law or treaty. Petitioner's fears that the Requesting
State may have valid objections to the Requested State's non-performance of its commitments under
the Extradition Treaty are insubstantial and should not be given paramount consideration.
How then do we implement the RP-US Extradition Treaty? Do we limit ourselves to the four corners of
Presidential Decree No. 1069?
Of analogous application are the rulings in Government Service Insurance System vs. Court of
Appeals (201 SCRA 661 [1991]) and Go vs. National Police Commission (271 SCRA 447 [1997]) where we
ruled that in summary proceedings under Presidential Decree No. 807 (Providing for the Organization of
the Civil Service Commission in Accordance with Provisions of the Constitution, Prescribing its Powers
and Functions and for Other Purposes), and Presidential Decree No. 971 (Providing Legal Assistance for
Members of the Integrated National Police who may be charged for Service-Connected Offenses and
Improving the Disciplinary System in the Integrated National Police, Appropriating Funds Therefor and
for other purposes), as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1707, although summary dismissals may be
effected without the necessity of a formal investigation, the minimum requirements of due process still
operate. As held in GSIS vs. Court of Appeals:
. . . [I]t is clear to us that what the opening sentence of Section 40 is saying is that an employee
may be removed or dismissed even without formal investigation, in certain instances. It is
equally clear to us that an employee must be informed of the charges preferred against him,
and that the normal way by which the employee is so informed is by furnishing him with a copy
of the charges against him. This is a basic procedural requirement that a statute cannot dispense
with and still remain consistent with the constitutional provision on due process. The second
minimum requirement is that the employee charged with some misfeasance or malfeasance
must have a reasonable opportunity to present his side of the matter, that is to say, his defenses
against the charges levelled against him and to present evidence in support of his defenses. . . .
(at p. 671)
Said summary dismissal proceedings are also non-litigious in nature, yet we upheld the due process
rights of the respondent.
In the case at bar, private respondent does not only face a clear and present danger of loss of property
or employment, but of liberty itself, which may eventually lead to his forcible banishment to a foreign
land. The convergence of petitioner's favorable action on the extradition request and the deprivation of
private respondent's liberty is easily comprehensible.
We have ruled time and again that this Court's equity jurisdiction, which is aptly described as "justice
outside legality," may be availed of only in the absence of, and never against, statutory law or judicial
pronouncements (Smith Bell & Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 267 SCRA 530 [1997]; David-Chan vs. Court
of Appeals, 268 SCRA 677 [1997]). The constitutional issue in the case at bar does not even call for
"justice outside legality," since private respondent's due process rights, although not guaranteed by
statute or by treaty, are protected by constitutional guarantees. We would not be true to the organic
law of the land if we choose strict construction over guarantees against the deprivation of liberty. That
would not be in keeping with the principles of democracy on which our Constitution is premised.
Verily, as one traverses treacherous waters of conflicting and opposing currents of liberty and
government authority, he must ever hold the oar of freedom in the stronger arm, lest an errant and
wayward course be laid.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of
merit. Petitioner is ordered to furnish private respondent copies of the extradition request and its
supporting papers, and to grant him a reasonable period within which to file his comment with
supporting evidence. The incidents in Civil Case No. 99-94684 having been rendered moot and academic
by this decision, the same is hereby ordered dismissed.
Separate Opinions
The only real issue before the Court, I would take it, is whether or not private respondent can validly ask
for copies of pertinent documents while the application for extradition against him is still undergoing
process by the Executive Department.
There is, I agree with the majority, a right of access to such extradition documents conformably with the
provisions of Article III, Section 7, of the Philippine Constitution.1 The constitutional right to free access
to information of public concern is circumscribed only by the fact that the desired information is not
among the species exempted by law from the operation of the constitutional guaranty and that the
exercise of the right conforms with such reasonable conditions as may be prescribed by law.
There is no hornbook rule to determine whether or not an information is of public concern. The term
"public concern" eludes exactitude, and it can easily embrace a broad spectrum of matters which the
public may want to know either because the subject thereof can affect their lives or simply because it
arouses concern.2
I am not convinced that there is something so viciously wrong with, as to deny, the request of private
respondent to be furnished with copies of the extradition documents.
I add. The constitutional right to due process secures to everyone an opportunity to be heard,
presupposing foreknowledge of what he may be up against, and to submit any evidence that he may
wish to proffer in an effort to clear himself. This right is two-pronged — substantive and procedural due
process — founded, in the first instance, on Constitutional or statutory provisions, and in the second
instance, on accepted rules of procedure.3 Substantive due process looks into the extrinsic and intrinsic
validity of the law that figures to interfere with the right of a person to his life, liberty and property.
Procedural due process — the more litigated of the two — focuses on the rules that are established in
order to ensure meaningful adjudication in the enforcement and implementation of the law. Like "public
concern," the term due process does not admit of any restrictive definition. Justice Frankfurter has
viewed this flexible concept, aptly I believe, as being ". . . compounded by history, reason, the past
course of decisions, and stout confidence in the democratic faith."4 The framers of our own Constitution,
it would seem, have deliberately intended, to make it malleable to the ever-changing milieu of society.
Hitherto, it is dynamic and resilient, adaptable to every situation calling for its application that makes it
appropriate to accept an enlarged concept of the term as and when there is a possibility that the right of
an individual to life, liberty and property might be diffused.5 Verily, whenever there is an imminent
threat to the life, liberty or property of any person in any proceeding conducted by or under the auspices
of the State, his right to due process of law, when demanded, must not be ignored.
A danger to the liberty of the extraditee, the private respondent, is real. Article 9 of the Extradition
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United
States of America provides that in case of urgency, a Contracting Party may request the provisional
arrest of the person prior to the presentation of the request for extradition. I see implicit in this provision
that even after the request for extradition is made and before a petition for extradition is filed with the
courts, the possibility of an arrest being made on the basis of a mere evaluation by the Executive on the
request for extradition by the foreign State cannot totally be discounted.
The conclusion reached by the majority, I hasten to add, does not mean that the Executive Department
should be impeded in its evaluation of the extradition request. The right of the extraditee to be
furnished, upon request, with a copy of the relevant documents and to file his comment thereon is not
necessarily anathema to the proceedings duly mandated by the treaty to be made.
The petition in the case at bar raises one and only issue, which is the validity of the Temporary
Restraining Order (TRO) issued by respondent Judge Ralph C. Lantion on August 9, 1999 in Civil Case No.
99-94684. The TRO directed respondents in said case to:
. . . maintain the status quo by refraining from committing the acts complained of; from
conducting further proceedings in connection with the request of the United States Government
for the extradition of the petitioner; from filing the corresponding Petition with the Regional
Trial Court; and from performing any act directed to the extradition of the petitioner to the
United States, for a period of twenty days from the service on respondents of this Order,
pursuant to Section 5, Rule 58 of the 1997 Rules of Court.1 (Emphasis ours.)
The petition itself categorically states that "(t)he issue sought to be presented and litigated here is
solely-the validity of the TRO."2
Notably, there is no allegation in the petition that respondent Judge is without jurisdiction to hear the
case below or that he has exceeded his jurisdiction in hearing the same. Nor is there any other act,
ruling, order, or decision, apart from the TRO already mentioned, of respondent Judge that is being
challenged in the petition before us.
Since, as alleged in the petition, a copy of the TRO was served on respondents below on August 10,
1999, the TRO ceased to be effective on August 30, 1999; consequently, the instant petition has become
moot and academic. This Court does not exercise jurisdiction over cases which are moot and
academic or those not ripe for judicial consideration.3
Assuming that the present case has not become moot and academic, still, it should be dismissed for lack
of merit.
The substantive issues raised in this case are: (a) whether a person whose extradition is sought by a
foreign state has due process rights under Section 2, Article III of the 1997 Constitution before the
Department of Justice as the request for extradition is being evaluated, or whether due process rights
maybe invoked only upon the filing of a petition for extradition before a regional trial court; and (b)
whether or not private respondent has a right of access to extradition documents under Section 7,
Article III of the 1997 Constitution.
Petitioner contends that due process rights such as the right to be informed of the basis of the request
for extradition and to have an opportunity to controvert are not provided in the extradition treaty or in
P.D. 1069 and therefore does not exist in this stage of the proceedings. Further, he argues that the
documents sought to be furnished to private respondent only involve private concerns, and not matters
of public concern to which the people have a constitutional right to access.
While the evaluation process conducted by the Department of Justice is not exactly a preliminary
investigation of criminal cases, it is akin to a preliminary investigation because it involves the basic
constitutional rights of the person sought to be extradited. A person ordered extradited is arrested,
forcibly taken from his house, separated from his family and delivered to a foreign state. His rights of
abode, to privacy, liberty and pursuit of happiness are taken away from him — a fate as harsh and cruel
as a conviction of a criminal offense. For this reason, he is entitled to have access to the evidence
against him and the right to controvert them.
While the extradition treaty and P.D. 1069 do not provide for a preliminary investigation, neither does
either prohibit it. The right to due process is a universal basic right which is deemed written into our
laws and treaties with foreign countries.
Like a preliminary investigation, the evaluation by the Department of Justice of the extradition request
and its accompanying documents is to establish probable cause and to secure the innocent against
hasty, malicious and oppressive prosecution.
In this connection, it should be stressed that the evaluation procedure of the extradition request and its
accompanying documents by the Department of Justice cannot be characterized as a mere "ex-
parte technical assessment of the sufficiency" thereof. The function and responsibilities of the
Department of Justice in evaluating the extradition papers involve the exercise of judgment. They
involve a determination whether the request for extradition conforms fully to the requirements of the
extradition treaty and whether the offense is extraditable. These include, among others, whether the
offense for which extradition is requested is a political or military offense (Article 3); whether the
documents and other informations required under Article 7(2) have been provided (Article 7); and
whether the extraditable offense is punishable under the laws of both contracting parties by deprivation
of liberty for a period of more than one year (Article 2). Consequently, to arrive at a correct judgment,
the parties involved are entitled to be heard if the requirements of due process and equal protection are
to be observed.
With respect to petitioner's claim that private respondent has no right to demand access to the
documents relating to the request for extradition, suffice it to say, that any document used in a
proceeding that would jeopardize a person's constitutional rights is matter of public concern. As Martin
Luther King said, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," so any violation of one's rights
guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is everybody's concern because they, one way or another, directly or
indirectly, affect the rights of life and liberty of all the citizens as a whole.
Due process rights in a preliminary investigation is now an established principle. The respondent has a
right of access to all of the evidence. He has the right to submit controverting evidence. The prosecuting
official who conducts the preliminary investigation is required to be neutral, objective, and impartial in
resolving the issue of probable cause. I see no reason why the same rights may not be accorded a
person sought to be extradited at the stage where the Department of Justice evaluates whether a
petition for extradition would be filed before a regional trial court. If denied such rights, not only denial
of due process rights but of equal protection may be raised.
It is suggested that after a petition for extradition is filed with a regional trial court, the person sought to
be extradited may exercise all due process rights. He may then have access to all the records on the
basis of which the request for extradition has been made. He may controvert that evidence and raise all
defenses he may consider appropriate. That, it is urged, meets the due process requirement.
But why must he wait until the petition for extradition is filed? As succinctly expressed, if the right to
notice and hearing is to serve its full purpose, then, it is clear that it must be granted at a time when the
deprivation can still be prevented.4 Like the filing of an information in a criminal case, the mere filing of a
petition for extradition causes immediate impairment of the liberty of the person sought to be
extradited and a substantial curtailment of other rights. His arrest may be immediately ordered by the
regional trial court. He would be compelled to face an open and public trial. He will be constrained to
seek the assistance of counsel and incur other expenses of litigation. The public eye would be directed at
him with all the concomitant intrusions to his right to privacy. Where the liberty of a person is at risk,
and extradition strikes at the very core of liberty, invocation of due process rights can never be too
As I concur in the result reached by the ponencia of Justice Melo, may I just add my modest
The human rights of person, whether citizen or alien, and the rights of the accused guaranteed in our
Constitution should take precedence over treaty rights claimed by a contracting state. Stated otherwise,
the constitutionally mandated duties of our government to the individual deserve preferential
consideration when they collide with its treaty obligations to the government of another state. This is so
although we recognize treaties as a source of binding obligations under generally accepted principles of
international law incorporated in our Constitution as part of the law of the land.
As both majority and dissenting colleagues in the Court will recognize, American authorities follow two
tracks in extradition proceedings: (1) the interstate practice where, pursuant to statute, the state
Executive upon demand furnishes the would be extraditee or counsel copies of pertinent documents as
well as the request for extradition; and (2) the international practice where the Executive department
need not initially grant notice and hearing at all. Rules of reciprocity and comity, however, should not
bar us from applying internationally now what appears the more reasonable and humane procedure,
that is, the interstate practice among Americans themselves. For in this case the American people
should be among the most interested parties.
Truly, what private respondent is asking our Executive department (notice, copies of documents, and
the opportunity to protect himself at the earliest time against probable peril) does not, in my view,
violate our Extradition Treaty with the USA. His request if granted augurs well for transparency in
interstate or intergovernmental relations rather than secrecy which smacks of medieval diplomacy and
the inquisition discredited long ago.
That private respondent is a Filipino citizen is not decisive of the issue here, although it is obviously
pertinent. Even if he were a resident alien (other than American perhaps), he is, in my view, entitled to
our full protection against the hazards of extradition (or deportation, similarly) from the very start. More
so because, looking at the facts adduced at the hearing and on the record of this case, the charges
against him involve or are co-mingled with, if not rooted in, certain offenses of a political nature or
motivation such as the ones involving alleged financial contributions to a major American political party.
If so, long established is the principle that extradition could not be utilized for political offenses or
politically motivated charges.
There may, of course, be other charges against private respondent in the USA. But then they are, in my
view, already tainted there with political color due to the highly charged partisan campaign atmosphere
now prevailing. That private respondent's cases will be exploited as political fodder there is not far-
fetched, hence the need here for cautious but comprehensive deliberation on the matter at bar. For,
above all, it is not only a Treaty provision we are construing; it is about constitutional and human rights
we are most concerned.
I concur in the ponencia of Mr. Justice Jose A.R. Melo with its conceptive analysis of a citizen's right to
be given what is due to him. I join in his exposition of this Court's constitutional duty to strike the correct
balance between overwhelming Government power and the protection of individual rights where only
one person is involved.
However, I am constrained to write this short concurrence if only to pose the question of why there
should be any debate at all on a plea for protection of one's liberty which, if granted, will not result in
any meaningful impediment of thwarting any state policy and objectives.
I see no reason why respondent Mark Jimenez, or other citizens not as controversial or talked about,
should first be exposed to the indignity, expense, and anxiety of a public denunciation in court before he
may be informed of what the contracting states in an extradition treaty have against him. There is no
question that everything which respondent Jimenez now requests will be given to him during trial. Mr.
Jimenez is only petitioning that, at this stage, he should be informed why he may be deported from
his own country.
I see no ill effects which would arise if the extradition request and supporting documents are shown to
him now, instead of later.
Petitioner Secretary of Justice states that his action on the extradition request and its supporting
documents will merely determine whether or not the Philippines is complying with its treaty obligations.
He adds that, therefore, the constitutional rights of an accused in all criminal prosecutions are not
available to the private respondent.
The July 13, 1999 reply-letter from petitioner states the reasons why he is denying respondent Jimenez's
requests. In short, the reasons are:
1. In evaluating the documents, the Department merely determines whether the procedures
and requirements under the relevant law and treaty have been complied with by the Requesting
Government. The constitutional rights of the accused in all criminal prosecutions are, therefore,
not available.
2. The United States Government has requested the Philippine Government to prevent
unauthorized disclosure of certain grand jury information.
I respectfully submit that any apprehensions in the Court arising from a denial of the petition — "breach
of an international obligation, rupture of states relations, forfeiture of confidence, national
embarrassment, and a plethora of other equally undesirable consequences" — are more illusory than
real. Our country is not denying the extradition of a person who must be extradited. Not one provision
of the extradition treaty is violated. I cannot imagine the United States taking issue over what, to it,
would be a minor concession, perhaps a slight delay, accorded in the name of human rights. On the
other hand, the issue is fundamental in the Philippines. A citizen is invoking the protection, in the
context of a treaty obligation, of rights expressly guaranteed by the Philippine Constitution.
Until proved to be a valid subject for extradition, a person is presumed innocent or not covered by the
sanctions of either criminal law or international treaty. At any stage where a still prospective extraditee
only seeks to know so that he can prepare and prove that he should not be extradited, there should be
no conflict over the extension to him of constitutional protections guaranteed to aliens and citizens
Petitioner cites as a reason for the denial of respondent's requests, Article 7 of the Treaty. Article 7
enumerates the required documents and establishes the procedures under which the documents shall
be submitted and admitted as evidence. There is no specific provision on how that Secretary of Foreign
Affairs should conduct his evaluation. The Secretary of Justice is not even in the picture at this stage.
Under petitioner's theory, silence in the treaty over a citizen's rights during the evaluation stage is
interpreted as deliberate exclusion by the contracting states of the right to know. Silence is interpreted
as the exclusion of the right to a preliminary examination or preliminary investigation provided by the
laws of either one of the two states.
The right to be informed of charges which may lead to court proceedings and result in a deprivation of
liberty is ordinarily routine. It is readily available to one against whom the state's coercive power has
already been focused. I fail to see how silence can be interpreted as exclusion. The treaty is silent
because at this stage, the preliminary procedure is still an internal matter. And when a law or treaty is
silent, it means a right or privilege may be granted. It is not the other way around.
The second reason alleging the need for secrecy and confidentiality is even less convincing. The
explanation of petitioner is self-contradictory. On one hand, petitioner asserts that the United States
Government requested the Philippine Government to prevent unauthorized disclosure of certain
information. On the other hand, petitioner declares that the United States has already secured orders
from concerned District Courts authorizing the disclosure of the same grand jury information to the
Philippine Government and its law enforcement personnel.
Official permission has been given. The United States has no cause to complain about the disclosure of
information furnished to the Philippines.
Moreover, how can grand jury information and documents be considered confidential if they are going
to be introduced as evidence in adversely proceedings before a trial court? The only issue is whether or
not Mr. Jimenez should be extradited. His innocence or guilt of any crime will be determined in an
American court. It is there where prosecution strategies will be essential. If the Contracting States
believed in a total non-divulging of information prior to court hearings, they would have so provided in
the extradition treaty. A positive provision making certain rights unavailable cannot be implied from
I cannot believe that the United States and the Philippines with identical constitutional provisions on
due process and basic rights should sustain such a myopic view in a situation where the grant of a right
would not result in any serious setbacks to criminal law enforcement.
It is obvious that any prospective extraditee wants to know if his identity as the person indicated has
been established. Considering the penchant of Asians to adopt American names when in America, the
issue of whether or not the prospective extraditee truly is the person charged in the United States
becomes a valid question. It is not only identity of the person which is involved. The crimes must also be
unmistakably identified and their essential elements clearly stated.
There are other preliminary matters in which respondent is interested. I see nothing in our laws or in the
Treaty which prohibits the prospective extraditee from knowing until after the start of trial whether or
not the extradition treaty applies to him.
Paraphrasing Hasmin vs. Boncan, 71 Phil. 216; Trocio vs. Manta, 118 SCRA 241 (1941); and Salonga vs.
Hon. Paño, 134 SCRA 438 (1985), the purpose of a preliminary evaluation is to secure an innocent
person against hasty, faulty and, therefore, oppressive proceedings; to protect him from an open and
extensively publicized accusation of crimes; to spare him the trouble, expense, and anxiety of a public
trial; and also to protect the state from useless and expensive trails. Even if the purpose is only to
determine whether or not the respondent is a proper subject for extradition, he is nonetheless entitled
to the guarantees of fairness and freedom accorded to those charged with ordinary crimes in the
The third reason given by petitioner is the avoidance of delay. Petitioner views the request to be
informed as part of undesirable delaying tactics. This is most unfortunate. Any request for extradition
must be viewed objectively and impartially without any predisposition to granting it and, therefore,
hastening the extradition process.
In the first place, any assistance which the evaluating official may get from the participation of
respondent may well point out deficiencies and insufficiencies in the extradition documents. It would
incur greater delays if these are discovered only during court trial. On the other hand, if, from
respondent's participation, the evaluating official discovers a case of mistaken identity, insufficient
pleadings, inadequate complaints, or any ruinous shortcoming, there would be no delays during trial. An
unnecessary trial with all its complications would be avoided.
The right to be informed is related to the constitutional right to a speedy trial. The constitutional
guarantee extends to the speedy disposition of cases before all quasi-judicial and administrative bodies
(Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 16). Speedy disposition, however, does not mean the deliberate exclusion of
the defendant or respondent from the proceedings. As this Court rules in Acebedo vs. Sarmiento, 36
SCRA 247 (1970), "the right to a speedy trial, means one free from vexatious, capricious and oppressive
delays, its salutary objective being to assure that an innocent person may be free from the anxiety and
expense of a court litigation or, if otherwise, of having his guilt (in this case, his being extradited)
determined within the shortest possible time compatible with the presentation and consideration of
whatsoever legitimate defense he may interpose."
The right to be informed and the right to a preliminary hearing are not merely for respondent. They also
serve the interests of the State.1âwphi1.nêt
In closing, I maintain that the paramount consideration of guaranteeing the constitutional rights of
individual respondent override the concerns of petitioner. There should be no hurried or indifferent
effort to routinely comply with all requests for extradition. I understand that this is truer in the United
States than in other countries. Proposed extraditees are given every legal protection available from the
American justice system before they are extradited. We serve under a government of limited powers
and inalienable rights. Hence, this concurrence.
PUNO, J., dissenting opinion;
If the case at bar was strictly a criminal case which involves alone the right of an accused to due process,
I would have co-signed the ponencia of our esteemed colleague, Mr. Justice Jose A.R. Melo, without
taking half a pause. But the case at bar does not involve the guilt or innocence of an accused but the
interpretation of an extradition treaty where at stake is our government's international obligation to
surrender to a foreign state a citizen of its own so he can be tried for an alleged offense committed
within that jurisdiction. The issues are of first impression and the majority opinion dangerously takes us
to unknown shoals in constitutional and international laws, hence this dissenting opinion.
Extradition is a well-defined concept and is more a problem in international law. It is the "process by
which persons charged with or convicted of crime against the law of a State and found in a foreign State
are returned by the latter to the former for trial or punishment. It applies to those who are merely
charged with an offense but have not been brought to trial; to those who have been tried and convicted
and have subsequently escaped from custody; and those who have been convicted in absentia. It does
not apply to persons merely suspected of having committed an offense but against who no charge has
been laid or to a person whose presence is desired as a witness or for obtaining or enforcing a civil
judgment."1 The definition covers the private respondent who is charged with two (2) counts of
conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States, four (4) counts of attempt to evade or
defeat tax, two (2) counts of fraud by wire, radio or television, six (6) counts of false statements or
entries and thirty-three (33) counts of election contributions in the name of another. There is an
outstanding warrant of arrest against the private respondent issued by the US District Court, Southern
District of Florida.
A brief review of the history of extradition law will illumine our labor. Possibly the most authoritative
commentator on extradition today, M. Cherif Bassiouni, divides the history of extradition into four (4)
periods: "(1) ancient times to seventeenth century — a period revealing almost exclusive concern for
political and religious offenders; (2) the eighteenth century and half of the nineteenth century — a
period of treaty-making chiefly concerned with military offenders characterizing the condition of Europe
during that period; (3) from 1833 to 1948 — a period of collective concern in suppressing common
criminality; and (4) post-1948 developments which ushered in a greater concern for protecting the
human rights of persons and revealed an awareness of the need to have international due process of
law regulate international relations."2
It is also rewarding to have a good grip on the changing slopes in the landscape of extradition during
these different periods. Extradition was first practiced by the Egyptians, Chinese, Chaldeans and Assyro-
Babylonians but their basis for allowing extradition was unclear. Sometimes, it was granted due to pacts;
at other times, due to plain good will.3 The classical commentators on international law thus focused
their early views on the nature of the duty to surrender an extraditee — whether the duty is legal or
moral in character. Grotius and de Vattel led the school of thought that international law imposed
a legal duty called civitas maxima to extradite criminals.4 In sharp contrast, Puffendorf and Billot led the
school of thought that the so-called duty was but an "imperfect obligation which could
become enforceable only by a contract or agreement between states.5
Modern nations tilted towards the view of Puffendorf and Billot that under international law there is no
duty to extradite in the absence of treaty, whether bilateral or multilateral. Thus, the US Supreme Court
in US v. Rauscher,6held: ". . . . it is only in modern times that the nations of the earth have imposed upon
themselves the obligation of delivering up these fugitives from justice to the states where their crimes
were committed, for trial and punishment. This has been done generally by treaties . . . Prior to these
treaties, and apart from them there was no well-defined obligation on one country to deliver up such
fugitives to another; and though such delivery was often made it was upon the principle of comity . . ."
Then came the long and still ongoing debate on what should be the subject of international law. The
20th century saw the dramatic rise and fall of different types and hues of authoritarianism — the
fascism of Italy's Mussolini and Germany's Hitler, the militarism of Japan's Hirohito and the communism
of Russia's Stalin, etc. The sinking of these isms led to the elevation of the rights of the individual against
the state. Indeed, some species of human rights have already been accorded universal
recognition.7 Today, the drive to internationalize rights of women and children is also on high gear.8 The
higher rating given to human rights in the hierarchy of values necessarily led to the re-examination of
rightful place of the individual in international law. Given the harshest eye is the moss-covered doctrine
that international law deals only with States and that individuals are not its subject. For its undesirable
corrally is the sub-doctrine that an individual's right in international law is a near cipher. Translated in
extradition law, the view that once commanded a consensus is that since a fugitive is a mere object and
not a subject of international law, he is bereft of rights. An extraditee, so it was held, is a mere "object
transported from one state to the other as an exercise of the sovereign will of the two states
involved."9 The re-examination consigned this pernicious doctrine to the museum of ideas.10 The new
thinkers of international law then gave a significant shape to the role and rights of the individual in
state-concluded treaties and other international agreements. So it was declared by then US Ambassador
Philip C. Jessup in audible italics: "A very large part of international affairs and, thus, of the process of
international accommodation, concerns the relations between legal persons known as states. This is
necessarily so. But it is no longer novel for the particular interest of the human being to break through
the mass of interstate relationship."11 The clarion call to re-engineer a new world order whose dominant
interest would transcend the parochial confines of national states was not unheeded. Among the world
class scholars who joined the search for the elusive ideological underpinnings of a new world order were
Yale Professor Myres McDougal and Mr. Justice Florentino Feliciano. In their seminal work. Law and
Minimum World Public Order, they suggested that the object of the new world should be "to obtain in
particular situations and in the aggregate flow of situations the outcome of a higher degree of
conformity with the security goals of preservation, deterrence, restoration, rehabilitation and
reconstruction of all societies comprising the world community."12 Needless to stress, all these prescient
theses accelerated the move to recognize certain rights of the individual in international law.
We have yet to see the final and irrevocable place of individual rights, especially the rights of an
extraditee, in the realm of international law. In careful language, Bassiouni observes that today,
"institutionalized conflicts between states are still rationalized in terms of sovereignty, national interest,
and national security, while human interests continue to have limited, though growing impact on the
decision-making processes which translate national values and goals into specific national and
international policy."13
I belabor the international law aspect of extradition as the majority opinion hardly gives it a sideglance.
It is my humble submission that the first consideration that should guide us in the case at bar is that a
bilateral treaty — the RP-US Extradition Treaty — is the subject matter of the litigation. In our
constitutional scheme, the making of a treaty belongs to the executive and legislative departments of
our government. Between these two departments, the executive has a greater say in the making of a
treaty. Under Section 21, Article VII of our Constitution, the President has the sole power to negotiate
treaties and international agreements although to be effective, they must be concurred in by at least
two thirds of all the members of the Senate. Section 20 of the same Article empowers the President to
contract or guarantee foreign loans with the prior concurrence of the Monetary Board. Section 16 of the
same Article gives the President the power to appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls
subject to confirmation by the Commission on Appointments. In addition, the President has the power
to deport undesirable aliens. The concentration of these powers in the person of the President is not
without a compelling consideration. The conduct of foreign relations is full of complexities and
consequences, sometimes with life and death significance to the nation especially in times of war. It can
only be entrusted to that department of government which can act on the basis of the best available
information and can decide with decisiveness. Beyond debate, the President is the single most powerful
official in our land for Section 1 of Article VII provides that "the executive power shall be vested in the
President of the Philippines," whereas Section 1 of Article VI states that "the legislative power shall be
vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives
. . . except to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and referendum," while
Section 1 of Article VIII provides that "judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such
lower courts as may be established by law." Thus, we can see that executive power is vested in the
President alone whereas legislative and judicial powers are shared and scattered. It is also the President
who possesses the most comprehensive and the most confidential information about foreign countries
for our diplomatic and consular officials regularly brief him on meaningful events all over the world. He
has also unlimited access to ultra-sensitive military intelligence data.14 In fine, the presidential role in
foreign affairs is dominant and the President is traditionally accorded a wider degree of discretion in the
conduct of foreign affairs. The regularity, nay, validity of his actions are adjudged under less stringent
standards, lest their judicial repudiation lead to breach of an international obligation, rupture of state
relations, forfeiture of confidence, national embarrassment and a plethora of other problems with
equally undesirable consequences.
These are some of the dominant policy considerations in international law that the Court must balance
against the claim of the private respondent that he has a right to be given the extradition documents
against him and to comment thereon even while they are still at the evaluation stage by the
petitioner Secretary of Justice, an alter ego of the President. The delicate questions of what
constitutional rights and to what degree they can be claimed by an extraditee do not admit of easy
answers and have resulted in discrete approaches the world over.15 On one end of the pole is the
more liberal European approach. The European Court of Human Rights embraces the view that an
extraditee is entitled to the benefit of all relevant provisions of the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It has held that ". . . in so far as a measure of
the extradition has consequences adversely affecting the enjoyment of a convention right, it may,
assuming that the consequences are not too remote, attract the obligations of a Contracting State under
the relevant convention guarantee."16 At the other end of the pole is the more cautious approach of the
various Courts of Appeal in the United States. These courts have been more conservative in light of the
principle of separation of powers and their faith in the presumptive validity of executive decisions. By
and large, they adhere to the rule of non-inquiry under which the extraditing court refuses to examine
the requesting country's criminal justice system or consider allegations that the extraditee will be
mistreated or denied a fair trial in that country.17
The case at bar, I respectfully submit, does not involve an irreconcilable conflict between the RP-US
Extradition Treaty and our Constitution where we have to choose one over the other. Rather, it calls for
a harmonization between said treaty and our Constitution. To achieve this desirable objective, the
Court should consider whether the constitutional rights invoked by the private respondent have truly
been violated and even assuming so, whether he will be denied fundamental fairness. It is only when
their violation will destroy the respondent's right to fundamental fairness that his constitutional claims
should be given primacy.
Given this balancing approach, it is my humble submission that considering all the facts and facets of the
case, the private respondent has not proved entitlement to the right he is claiming. The majority
holds that the Constitution, the RP-US extradition and P.D. No. 1069 do not prohibit respondent's
claims, hence, it should be allowed. This is too simplistic an approach. Rights do not necessarily arise
from a vacuum. Silence of the law can even mean an implied denial of a right. Also, constitutional
litigations do not always involve a clear cut choice between right and wrong. Sometimes, they involve a
difficult choice between right against right. In these situations, there is need to balance the contending
rights and primacy is given to the right that will serve the interest of the nation at that particular time. In
such instances, the less compelling right is subjected to soft restraint but without smothering its essence.
Proceeding from this premise of relativism of rights, I venture the view that even
assuming arguendorespondent's weak claim, still, the degree of denial of private respondent's rights to
due process and to information is too slight to warrant the interposition of judicial power. As admitted in
the ponencia itself, an extradition proceeding is sui generis. It is, thus, futile to determine what it
is. What is certain is that it is not a criminal proceeding where there is an accused who claim the entire
array of rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Let it be stressed that in an extradition proceeding, there
is no accused and the guilt or innocence of the extraditee will not be passed upon by our executive
officials nor by the extradition judge. Hence, constitutional rights that are only relevant do determine
the guilt or innocence of an accused cannot be invoked by an extraditee. Indeed, an extradition
proceeding is summary in nature which is untrue of criminal proceedings.18 Even the rules of evidence
are different in an extradition proceeding. Admission of evidence is less stringent, again because the
guilt of the extraditee is not under litigation.19 It is not only the quality but even the quantum of evidence
in extradition proceeding is different. In a criminal case, an accused can only be convicted by proof
beyond reasonable doubt.20 In an extradition proceeding, an extraditee can be ordered extradited "upon
showing of the existed of a prima facie case."21 If more need be said, the nature of an extradition
decision is different from a judicial decision whose finality cannot be changed by executive fiat. Our
courts22 may hold an individual extraditable but the ultimate decision to extradite the individual lies in
the hands of the Executive. Section 3, Article 3 of the RP-US Extradition Treaty specifically provides that
"extradition shall not be granted if the executive authority of the Requested State determined that the
request was politically motivated, or that the offense is a military offense which is not punishable under
non-military penal legislation." In the United States, the Secretary of State exercises this ultimate power
and is conceded considerable discretion. He balances the equities of the case and the demands of the
nation's foreign relations.23 In sum, he is not straitjacketed by strict legal considerations like an ordinary
The type of issue litigated in extradition proceedings which does not touch on the guilt or innocence of
the extraditee, the limited nature of the extradition proceeding, the availability of adequate remedies in
favor of the extraditee, and the traditional leeway given to the Executive in the conduct of foreign affairs
have compelled courts to put a high threshold before considering claims of individuals that enforcement
of an extradition treaty will violate their constitutional rights. Exemplifying such approach is
the Supreme Court of Canada which has adopted a highly deferential standard that emphasizes
international comity and the executive's experience in international matters.24 It continues to deny
Canada's charter protection to extraditees unless the violation can be considered shocking to the
In the case, at bar and with due respect, the ponencia inflates with too much significance the threat to
liberty of the private respondent to prop us its thesis that his constitutional rights to due process and
access to information must immediately be vindicated. Allegedly, respondent Jimenez stands in danger
of provisional arrest, hence, the need for him to be immediately furnished copies of documents
accompanying the request for his extradition. Respondent's fear of provisional arrest is not real. It is a
self-imagined fear for the realities on the ground show that the United States authorities have not
manifested any desire to request for his arrest. On the contrary, they filed the extradition request
through the regular channel and, even with the pendency of the case at bar, they have not moved for
respondent's arrest on the ground of probable delay in the proceedings. To be sure, the issue of whether
respondent Jimenez will be provisionally arrested is now moot. Under Section 1 of Article 9 of the RP-US
Extradition Treaty, in relation to Section 20(a) of PD No. 1069, the general principle is enunciated that a
request for provisional arrest must be made pending receipt of the request for extradition. By filing the
request for extradition, the US authorities have implicitly decided not to move for respondent's
provisional arrest. But more important, a request for respondent's arrest does not mean he will be the
victim of an arbitrary arrest. He will be given due process before he can be arrested. Article 9 of the
treaty provides:
1. In case of urgency, a Contracting Party may request the provisional arrest of the person
sought pending presentation of the request for extradition. A request for provisional arrest may
be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or directly between the Philippine Department
of Justice and the United States Department of Justice.
c) a brief statements of the facts of the case, including, if possible, the time and location
of the offense;
f) a statement that a request for extradition for the person sought will follow.
3. The Requesting State shall be notified without delay of the disposition of its application and
the reasons for any denial.
4. A person who is provisionally arrested may be discharged from custody upon the expiration of
sixty (60) days from the date of arrest pursuant to this Treaty if the executive authority of the
Requested State has not received the formal request for extradition and the supporting
documents required in Article 7.
In relation to the above, Section 20 of P.D. No. 1069 provides:
Sec. 20. Provisional Arrest. — (a) In case of urgency, the requesting state may, pursuant to the
relevant treaty or convention and while the same remains in force, request for the provisional
arrest of the accused, pending receipt of the request for extradition made in accordance with
Section 4 of this Decree.
(b) A request for provisional arrest shall be sent to the Director of the National Bureau of
Investigation, Manila, either through the diplomatic channels or direct by post or telegraph.
(c) The Director of the National Bureau of Investigation or any official acting on his behalf shall
upon receipt of the request immediately secure a warrant for the provisional arrest of the
accused from the presiding judge of the Court of First Instance of the province or city having
jurisdiction of the place, who shall issue the warrant for the provisional arrest of the accused.
The Director of the National Bureau of Investigation through the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
shall inform the requesting state of the result of its request.
(d) If within a period of 20 days after the provisional arrest, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs has
not received the request for extradition and the documents mentioned in Section 4 of this
Decree, the accused shall be released from custody.
The due process protection of the private-respondent against arbitrary arrest is written in cyrillic letters
in these two (2) related provisions. It is self-evident under these provisions that a request for provisional
arrest does not mean it will be granted ipso facto. The request must comply with certain requirements.
It must be based on an "urgent" factor. This is subject to verification and evaluation by our executive
authorities. The request can be denied if not based on a real exigency of if the supporting documents
are insufficient. The protection of the respondent against arbitrary provisional arrest does not stop on
the administrative level. For even if the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation agrees with the
request for the provisional arrest of the respondent, still he has to apply for a judicial warrant from the
"presiding judge of the Court of First Instance (now RTC) of the province of city having jurisdiction of the
place. . . . ." It is a judge who will issue a warrant for the provisional arrest of the respondent. The judge
has comply with Section 2, Article III of the Constitution which provides that "no . . . warrant of arrest
shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally by the judge after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly
describing the . . . persons or things to be seized." The message that leaps to the eye is that compliance
with this requirements precludes any arbitrary arrest.
In light of all these considerations, I respectfully submit that denying respondent's constitutional claim
to be furnished all documents relating to the request for his extradition by the US authorities during
their evaluation stage will not subvert his right to fundamental fairness. It should be stressed that this is
not a case where the respondent will not be given an opportunity to know the basis of the request for his
extradition. In truth, and contrary to the impression of the majority, P.D. No. 1069 fixes the specific
time when he will be given the papers constituting the basis for his extradition. The time is when he is
summoned by the extradition court and required to answer the petition for extradition. Thus, Section 6
of P.D. No. 1069 provides:
Sec. 6. Issuance of Summons; Temporary Arrest; Hearing, Service of Notices. — (1) Immediately
upon receipt of the petition, the presiding judge of the court shall, as soon as practicable,
summon the accused to appear and to answer the petition on the day and hour fixed in the
order. He may issue a warrant for the immediate arrest of the accused which may be served
anywhere within the Philippines if it appears to the presiding judge that the immediate arrest
and temporary detention of the accused will best serve the ends of justice. Upon receipt of the
answer within the time fixed, the presiding judge shall hear the case or set another date for the
hearing thereof.
(2) The order and notice as well as a copy of the warrant of arrest, if issued, shall be promptly
served each upon the accused and the attorney having charge of the case.
Upon receipt of the summons and the petition, respondent is free to foist all defense available to
him. Such an opportunity does not deny him fairness which is the essence of due process of law.
Thus, with due respect, I submit that the ponencia failed to accord due importance to the international
law aspect of an extradition treaty as it unduly stressed its constitutional law dimension. This goes
against the familiar learning that in balancing the clashing interests involved in extradition
treaty, national interest is more equal than the others. While lately, humanitarian considerations are
being factored in the equation, still the concept of extradition as a national act is the guiding idea.
Requesting and granting extradition remains a power and prerogative of the national government of a
State. The process still involves relations between international personalities.25 Needless to state, a more
deferential treatment should be given to national interest than to individual interest. Our national
interest in extraditing persons who have committed crimes in a foreign country are succinctly expressed
in the whereas clauses of P.D. No. 1069, viz:
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the Philippines adopts the generally accepted principles of
international law as part of law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations;
WHEREAS, the suppression of crime is the concern not only of the state where it is committed
but also of any other state to which the criminal may have escaped, because it saps the
foundation of social life and is an outrage upon humanity at large, and it is in the interest of
civilized communities that crimes should not go unpunished. . . . .
The increasing incidence of international and transnational crimes, the development of new technologies
of death, and the speed and scale of improvement of communication are factors which have virtually
annihilated time and distance. They make more compelling the vindication of national interest to insure
that the punishment of criminals should not be frustrated by the frontiers of territorial sovereignty. This
overriding national interest must be upheld as against respondent's weak constitutional claims which in
no way amount to denial of fundamental fairness.
At bottom, this case involves the respect that courts should accord to the Executive that concluded the
RP-US Extradition Treaty in the conduct of our foreign affairs. As early as 1800, the legendary John
Marshall, then a congressman, has opined that the power to extradite pursuant to a treaty rests in the
executive branch as part of its power to conduct foreign affairs.26 Courts have validated this forward-
looking opinion in a catena of unbroken cases. They defer to the judgment of the Executive on the
necessities of our foreign affairs and on its view of the requirements of international comity.
The deferential attitude is dictated by the robust reality that of the three great branches of our
government, it is the Executive that is most qualified to guide the ship of the state on the known and
unknown continents of foreign relations. It is also compelled by considerations of the principle
of separation of powers for the Constitution has clearly allocated the power to conduct our foreign
affairs to the Executive. I respectfully submit that the majority decision has weakened the Executive by
allowing nothing less than an unconstitutional headbutt on the power of the Executive to conduct our
foreign affairs. The majority should be cautions in involving this Court in the conduct of the nation's
foreign relations where the inviolable rule dictated by necessity is that the nation should speak with one
voice. We should not overlook the reality that courts by their nature, are ill-equipped to fully comprehend
the foreign policy dimension of a treaty, some of which are hidden in shadows and silhouettes.
The main issue before us is whether Private Respondent Mark B. Jimenez is entitled to the due process
rights of notice and hearing during the preliminary or evaluation stage of the extradition proceeding
against him.
There are essentially two stages in extradition proceedings: (1) the preliminary or evaluation stage,
whereby the executive authority of the requested state ascertains whether the extradition request is
supported by the documents and information required under the Extradition Treaty; and (2) the
extradition hearing, whereby the petition for extradition is heard before a court of justice, which
determines whether the accused should be extradited.
The instant petition refers only to the first stage. Private respondent claims that he has a right to be
notified and to be heard at this early stage. However, even the ponencia admits that neither the RP-US
Extradition Treaty nor PD 1069 (the Philippine Extradition Law) expressly requires the Philippine
government, upon receipt of the request for extradition, to give copies thereof and its supporting
documents to the prospective extraditee, much less to give him an opportunity to be heard prior to the
filing of the petition in court.
Notably, international extradition proceedings in the United States do not include the grant by the
executive authority of notice and hearing to the prospective extraditee at this initial stage. It is the judge
or magistrate who is authorized to issue a warrant of arrest and to hold a hearing to consider the
evidence submitted in support of the extradition request. In contrast, in interstate rendition, the
governor must, upon demand, furnish the fugitive or his attorney copies of the request and its
accompanying documents, pursuant to statutory provisions.1 In the Philippines, there is no similar
statutory provision.
Evaluation Stage Essentially Ministerial
The evaluation stage simply involves the ascertainment by the foreign affairs secretary of whether the
extradition request is accompanied by the documents stated in paragraphs 2 and 3, Article 7 of the
Treaty, relating to the identity and the probable location of the fugitive; the facts of the offense and the
procedural history of the case; provisions of the law describing the essential elements of the offense
charged and the punishment therefor; its prescriptive period; such evidence as would provide probable
cause for the arrest and the committal for trial of the fugitive; and copies of the warrant or order of
arrest and charging document. The foreign affairs secretary also sees to it that these accompanying
documents have been certified by the principal diplomatic or consular officer of the Philippines in the
United States, and that they are in English language or have English translations. Pursuant to Article 3 of
the Treaty, he also determines whether the request is politically motivated, and whether the offense
charged is a military offense not punishable under non-military penal legislation.2
Upon a finding of the secretary of foreign affairs that the extradition request and its supporting
documents are sufficient and complete in form and substance, he shall deliver the same to the justice
secretary, who shall immediately designate and authorize an attorney in his office to take charge of the
case. The lawyer designated shall then file a written petition with the proper regional trial court, with a
prayer that the court take the extradition request under consideration.3
According to private Respondent Jimenez, his right to due process during the preliminary stage
emanates from our Constitution, particularly Section 1, Article III thereof, which provides:
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
He claims that this right arises immediately, because of the possibility that he may be provisionally
arrested pursuant to Article 9 of the RP-US Treaty, which reads:
In case of urgency, a Contracting Party may request the provisional arrest of the person sought
pending presentation of the request for extradition. A request for provisional arrest may be
transmitted through the diplomatic channel or directly between the Philippine Department of
Justice and the United States Department of Justice.
Justice Melo's ponencia supports private respondent's contention. It states that there are two occasions
wherein the prospective extraditee may be deprived of liberty: (1) in case of a provisional arrest pending
the submission of the extradition request and (2) his temporary arrest during the pendency of the
extradition petition in court.4 The second instance is not in issue here, because no petition has yet been
filed in court.
However, the above-quoted Article 9 on provisional arrest is not automatically operative at all times,
and in enforcement does not depend solely on the discretion of the requested state. From the wordings
of the provision itself, there are at least three requisites: (1) there must be an urgency, and (2) there is a
corresponding request (3) which must be made prior to the presentation of the request for extradition.
In the instant case, there appears to be no urgency characterizing the nature of the extradition of
private respondent. Petitioner does not claim any such urgency. There is no request from the United
States for the provisional arrest of Mark Jimenez either. And the secretary of justice states during the
Oral Argument that he had no intention of applying for the provisional arrest of private
respondent.5 Finally, the formal request for extradition has already been made; therefore, provisional
arrest is not likely, as it should really come before the extradition request.6
Under the outlined facts of this case, there is no open door for the application of Article 9, contrary to
the apprehension of private respondent. In other words, there is no actual danger that Jimenez will be
provisionally arrested or deprived of his liberty. There is as yet no threat that his rights would be
trampled upon, pending the filing in court of the petition for his extradition. Hence, there is no
substantial gain to be achieved in requiring the foreign affairs (or justice) secretary to notify and hear
him during the preliminary stage, which basically involves only the exercise of the ministerial power of
checking the sufficiency of the documents attached to the extradition request.
It must be borne in mind that during the preliminary stage, the foreign affairs secretary's determination
of whether the offense charged is extraditable or politically motivated is merely preliminary. The same
issue will be resolved by the trial court.7 Moreover, it is also the power and the duty of the court, not the
executive authority, to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to establish probable cause that
the extraditee committed the crimes charged.8The sufficiency of the evidence of criminality is to be
determined based on the laws of the requested state.9 Private Respondent Jimenez will, therefore,
definitely have his full opportunity before the court, in case an extradition petition will indeed be filed,
to be heard on all issues including the sufficiency of the documents supporting the extradition request.10
Private respondent insists that the United States may still request his provisional arrest at any time. That
is purely speculative. It is elementary that this Court does not declare judgments or grant reliefs based
on speculations, surmises or conjectures.
In any event, even granting that the arrest of Jimenez is sought at any time despite the assurance of the
justice secretary that no such measure will be undertaken, our local laws and rules of procedure
respecting the issuance of a warrant of arrest will govern, there being no specific provision under the
Extradition Treaty by which such warrant should issue. Therefore, Jimenez will be entitled to all the
rights accorded by the Constitution and the laws to any person whose arrest is being
The right of one state to demand from another the return of an alleged fugitive from justice and the
correlative duty to surrender the fugitive to the demanding country exist only when created by a treaty
between the two countries. International law does not require the voluntary surrender of a fugitive to a
foreign government, absent any treaty stipulation requiring it.11 When such a treaty does exist, as
between the Philippines and the United States, it must be presumed that the contracting states perform
their obligations under it with uberrimae fidei, treaty obligations being essentially characterized
internationally by comity and mutual respect.
In the context of the factual milieu of private respondent, there is really no threat of any deprivation of
his liberty at the present stage of the extradition process. Hence, the constitutional right to due process
— particularly the right to be heard — finds no application. To grant private respondent's request for
copies of the extradition documents and for an opportunity to comment thereon will constitute "over-
due process" and unnecessarily delay the proceedings.
Sec. 7. The right of the people to information of public concern shall be recognized. Access to
official records, and to documents, and papers a pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be
afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
Legaspi vs. Civil Service Commission, 150 SCRA 530; Valmonte vs. Belmonte, Jr., 170 SCRA 256.
Aniag, Jr. vs. Commission on Elections, 237 SCRA 424; Tupas vs. Court of Appeals, 193 SCRA
Abraham, Henry J., Some Basic Guidelines of "Due Process of Law." The Lawyers Review, Vol. IX,
30 April 1995, p. 1.
Cruz, Isagani A. Constitutional Law. 1995 Ed. pp. 94-95.
Petition, p. 4.
Edillon vs. Fernandos, 114 SCRA 153 (1982); Pangilinan vs. Zapata, 69 SCRA 334 (1976).
Stanley v. Illinois, 1405 U.S. 645, 647.
Weston, Falk, D'Amato, International Law and World Order, 2nd ed., p. 630 (1990).
International Extradition, United States Law and Practice, 2nd ed., p. 7 (1987).
The Practice of Extradition from Antiquity to Modern France and the United States: A Brief
History, 4 B.C. Int'l. & Comp. L. Rev. 39 (1981).
They were supported by scholars like Heineccuis, Burlamaqui, Rutherford, Schmelzing and
Kent. See Sheareer, Extradition in Internal Law, p. 24 (1971).
They were supported by scholars like Voet, Martons, Kuber, Leyser, Lint, Seafied, Schmaltz,
Mittermaier and Heffter. See Shearer, supra, p. 24.
119 US 407, 411, 7 S. Ct. 234, 236, 30 L. ed. 425 (1886).
See Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), The International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (1966) and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
otherwise known as "Bill of Rights for Women" was adopted by the UN General Assembly in
December 1979. As of November 1999, one hundred sixty seven (167) states including the
Philippines have ratified or acceded to it. See Statement of Angela King, Special Adviser to the
Secretary General of the UN on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, Judicial Colloquium
on the Application of International Human Rights Law at the Domestic Level, Vienna, Austria,
October 27, 1999.
Blakesley and Lagodny, Finding armony Amidst Disagreement Over Extradition, Jurisdiction,
The Role of Human Rights and Issues of Extraterritoriality Under International Criminal Law,
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 44 (1991).
See generally Kelsen, Principles of International Law, 2nd ed., (1966); Korowicz, The Problem
of the International Personality of Individuals, 50 Am. J., Int'l. Law 553 (1966).
The Conquering March of an Idea, Speech before the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American
Bar Association, St. Louis, Mo., September 6, 1949.
See also R. Falk and S. Mendlovitz, Strategy of World Order, etc. (1996); G. Clark and L. Sohn,
World Peace Through World Law (1966); Bassiouni, International Extradition in American
Practice and World Public Order, 36 Tenn. L. Rev. 1 (1968).
Bassiouni, supra, p. 625.
US v. Curtiss-Wright Expert Corp., 299 US 304, 57 S Ct. 216, 81 L. ed. 255 (1936).
Spencer, The Role of the Charter in Extradition Cases, University of Toronto L. Rev., vol. 51, pp.
62-63, (Winter, 1993).
Spencer, op cit., citing the decision in Soering, 11 E.H.R.R. 439 (1989).
Semmelman, Federal Courts, The Constitution and the Rule of Non-Inquiry in International
Extradition Proceedings, Cornell Law Rev., vol. 76, No. 5, p. 1198 (July 1991).
Sec. 9, P.D. No. 1069.
Sec. 2, Rule 133, Revised Rules of Court.
Sec. 10, P.D. No. 1069.
Referring to the Regional Trial Courts and the Court of Appeals whose decisions are deemed
final and executory. See Section 12, P.D. No. 1069.
Note, Executive Discretion in Extradition, 62 Col. Law Rev., pp. 1314-1329.
Spencer, op cit., citing decided cases.
Weston, Falk and Amato, International Law and World Order, 2nd ed., p. 630 (1990).
Semmelman. op cit., p. 1206.
35 CJS § 14(1) Extradition 410. See also ponencia, p. 25.
See ponencia, pp. 11-12.
Ibid., Section 5, pars. (1) & (2), PD 1069.
Ponencia, p. 18.
TSN, p. 76.
See also TSN, p. 30.
§ 5 (2) & (3) in rel. to § 10, PD 1069. See also last par., p. 13 of ponencia.
18 USCS § 3184, n 58 Criminal Procedure 456; 31A Am Jur 2d § 109 Extradition 828.
18 USCS § 3184, n 64 Criminal Procedure 458.
See Wright v. Court of Appeals, 235 SCRA 341, August 15, 1994.
31A Am Jur 2d Extradition § 14.
CASE 2: International School Alliance of Educators v. Hon, Quisimbing, G.R. No. 128845
Receiving salaries less than their counterparts hired abroad, the local-hires of private respondent
School, mostly Filipinos, cry discrimination. We agree. That the local-hires are paid more than their
colleagues in other schools is, of course, beside the point. The point is that employees should be given
equal pay for work of equal value. That is a principle long honored in this jurisdiction. That is a principle
that rests on fundamental notions of justice. That is the principle we uphold today.1âwphi1.nêt
Private respondent International School, Inc. (the School, for short), pursuant to Presidential Decree
732, is a domestic educational institution established primarily for dependents of foreign diplomatic
personnel and other temporary residents.1 To enable the School to continue carrying out its educational
program and improve its standard of instruction, Section 2(c) of the same decree authorizes the School
to employ its own teaching and management personnel selected by it either locally or abroad, from
Philippine or other nationalities, such personnel being exempt from otherwise applicable laws and
regulations attending their employment, except laws that have been or will be enacted for the
protection of employees.
Accordingly, the School hires both foreign and local teachers as members of its faculty, classifying the
same into two: (1) foreign-hires and (2) local-hires. The School employs four tests to determine whether
a faculty member should be classified as a foreign-hire or a local hire:
a. What is one's domicile?
d. Was the individual hired abroad specifically to work in the School and was the School
responsible for bringing that individual to the Philippines?2
Should the answer to any of these queries point to the Philippines, the faculty member is classified as a
local hire; otherwise, he or she is deemed a foreign-hire.
The School grants foreign-hires certain benefits not accorded local-hires.1avvphi1 These include
housing, transportation, shipping costs, taxes, and home leave travel allowance. Foreign-hires are also
paid a salary rate twenty-five percent (25%) more than local-hires. The School justifies the difference on
two "significant economic disadvantages" foreign-hires have to endure, namely: (a) the "dislocation
factor" and (b) limited tenure. The School explains:
A foreign-hire would necessarily have to uproot himself from his home country, leave his family
and friends, and take the risk of deviating from a promising career path — all for the purpose of
pursuing his profession as an educator, but this time in a foreign land. The new foreign hire is
faced with economic realities: decent abode for oneself and/or for one's family, effective means
of transportation, allowance for the education of one's children, adequate insurance against
illness and death, and of course the primary benefit of a basic salary/retirement compensation.
Because of a limited tenure, the foreign hire is confronted again with the same economic reality
after his term: that he will eventually and inevitably return to his home country where he will
have to confront the uncertainty of obtaining suitable employment after along period in a
foreign land.
The compensation scheme is simply the School's adaptive measure to remain competitive on an
international level in terms of attracting competent professionals in the field of international
When negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement were held on June 1995, petitioner
International School Alliance of Educators, "a legitimate labor union and the collective bargaining
representative of all faculty members"4 of the School, contested the difference in salary rates between
foreign and local-hires. This issue, as well as the question of whether foreign-hires should be included in
the appropriate bargaining unit, eventually caused a deadlock between the parties.
On September 7, 1995, petitioner filed a notice of strike. The failure of the National Conciliation and
Mediation Board to bring the parties to a compromise prompted the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) to assume jurisdiction over the dispute. On June 10, 1996, the DOLE Acting
Secretary, Crescenciano B. Trajano, issued an Order resolving the parity and representation issues in
favor of the School. Then DOLE Secretary Leonardo A. Quisumbing subsequently denied petitioner's
motion for reconsideration in an Order dated March 19, 1997. Petitioner now seeks relief in this Court.
Petitioner claims that the point-of-hire classification employed by the School is discriminatory to
Filipinos and that the grant of higher salaries to foreign-hires constitutes racial discrimination.
The School disputes these claims and gives a breakdown of its faculty members, numbering 38 in all,
with nationalities other than Filipino, who have been hired locally and classified as local hires.5 The
Acting Secretary of Labor found that these non-Filipino local-hires received the same benefits as the
Filipino local-hires.
The compensation package given to local-hires has been shown to apply to all, regardless of
race. Truth to tell, there are foreigners who have been hired locally and who are paid equally as
Filipino local hires.6
The Acting secretary upheld the point-of-hire classification for the distinction in salary rates:
The Principle "equal pay for equal work" does not find applications in the present case. The
international character of the School requires the hiring of foreign personnel to deal with
different nationalities and different cultures, among the student population.
We also take cognizance of the existence of a system of salaries and benefits accorded to
foreign hired personnel which system is universally recognized. We agree that certain amenities
have to be provided to these people in order to entice them to render their services in the
Philippines and in the process remain competitive in the international market.
Furthermore, we took note of the fact that foreign hires have limited contract of employment
unlike the local hires who enjoy security of tenure. To apply parity therefore, in wages and other
benefits would also require parity in other terms and conditions of employment which include
the employment which include the employment contract.
A perusal of the parties' 1992-1995 CBA points us to the conditions and provisions for salary and
professional compensation wherein the parties agree as follows:
All members of the bargaining unit shall be compensated only in accordance with
Appendix C hereof provided that the Superintendent of the School has the discretion to
recruit and hire expatriate teachers from abroad, under terms and conditions that are
consistent with accepted international practice.
The new salary schedule is deemed at equity with the Overseas Recruited Staff (OSRS)
salary schedule. The 25% differential is reflective of the agreed value of system
displacement and contracted status of the OSRS as differentiated from the tenured
status of Locally Recruited Staff (LRS).
To our mind, these provisions demonstrate the parties' recognition of the difference in the
status of two types of employees, hence, the difference in their salaries.
The Union cannot also invoke the equal protection clause to justify its claim of parity. It is an
established principle of constitutional law that the guarantee of equal protection of the laws is
not violated by legislation or private covenants based on reasonable classification. A
classification is reasonable if it is based on substantial distinctions and apply to all members of
the same class. Verily, there is a substantial distinction between foreign hires and local hires, the
former enjoying only a limited tenure, having no amenities of their own in the Philippines and
have to be given a good compensation package in order to attract them to join the teaching
faculty of the School.7
We cannot agree.
That public policy abhors inequality and discrimination is beyond contention. Our Constitution and laws
reflect the policy against these evils. The Constitution8 in the Article on Social Justice and Human Rights
exhorts Congress to "give highest priority to the enactment of measures that protect and enhance the
right of all people to human dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities." The very broad
Article 19 of the Civil Code requires every person, "in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of
his duties, [to] act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
International law, which springs from general principles of law,9 likewise proscribes discrimination.
General principles of law include principles of equity, 10 i.e., the general principles of fairness and justice,
based on the test of what is reasonable. 11 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 12 the
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 13 the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 14 the Convention against Discrimination in
Education, 15 the Convention (No. 111) Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and
Occupation 16 — all embody the general principle against discrimination, the very antithesis of fairness
and justice. The Philippines, through its Constitution, has incorporated this principle as part of its
national laws.
In the workplace, where the relations between capital and labor are often skewed in favor of capital,
inequality and discrimination by the employer are all the more reprehensible.
The Constitution 17 specifically provides that labor is entitled to "humane conditions of work." These
conditions are not restricted to the physical workplace — the factory, the office or the field — but
include as well the manner by which employers treat their employees.
The Constitution 18 also directs the State to promote "equality of employment opportunities for all."
Similarly, the Labor Code 19 provides that the State shall "ensure equal work opportunities regardless of
sex, race or creed." It would be an affront to both the spirit and letter of these provisions if the State, in
spite of its primordial obligation to promote and ensure equal employment opportunities, closes its eyes
to unequal and discriminatory terms and conditions of employment. 20
Discrimination, particularly in terms of wages, is frowned upon by the Labor Code. Article 135, for
example, prohibits and penalizes 21 the payment of lesser compensation to a female employee as against
a male employee for work of equal value. Article 248 declares it an unfair labor practice for an employer
to discriminate in regard to wages in order to encourage or discourage membership in any labor
Notably, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, supra, in Article 7 thereof,
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of
just and favourable conditions of work, which ensure, in particular:
(i) Fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value without
distinction of any kind, in particular women being guaranteed conditions of
work not inferior to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work;
The foregoing provisions impregnably institutionalize in this jurisdiction the long honored legal truism of
"equal pay for equal work." Persons who work with substantially equal qualifications, skill, effort and
responsibility, under similar conditions, should be paid similar salaries. 22 This rule applies to the School,
its "international character" notwithstanding.
The School contends that petitioner has not adduced evidence that local-hires perform work equal to
that of foreign-hires. 23 The Court finds this argument a little cavalier. If an employer accords employees
the same position and rank, the presumption is that these employees perform equal work. This
presumption is borne by logic and human experience. If the employer pays one employee less than the
rest, it is not for that employee to explain why he receives less or why the others receive more. That
would be adding insult to injury. The employer has discriminated against that employee; it is for the
employer to explain why the employee is treated unfairly.
The employer in this case has failed to discharge this burden. There is no evidence here that foreign-
hires perform 25% more efficiently or effectively than the local-hires. Both groups have similar functions
and responsibilities, which they perform under similar working conditions.
The School cannot invoke the need to entice foreign-hires to leave their domicile to rationalize the
distinction in salary rates without violating the principle of equal work for equal pay.
"Salary" is defined in Black's Law Dictionary (5th ed.) as "a reward or recompense for services
performed." Similarly, the Philippine Legal Encyclopedia states that "salary" is the "[c]onsideration paid
at regular intervals for the rendering of services." In Songco v. National Labor Relations
Commission, 24 we said that:
"salary" means a recompense or consideration made to a person for his pains or industry in
another man's business. Whether it be derived from "salarium," or more fancifully from "sal,"
the pay of the Roman soldier, it carries with it the fundamental idea of compensation for
services rendered. (Emphasis supplied.)
While we recognize the need of the School to attract foreign-hires, salaries should not be used as an
enticement to the prejudice of local-hires. The local-hires perform the same services as foreign-hires and
they ought to be paid the same salaries as the latter. For the same reason, the "dislocation factor" and
the foreign-hires' limited tenure also cannot serve as valid bases for the distinction in salary rates. The
dislocation factor and limited tenure affecting foreign-hires are adequately compensated by certain
benefits accorded them which are not enjoyed by local-hires, such as housing, transportation, shipping
costs, taxes and home leave travel allowances.
The Constitution enjoins the State to "protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare," 25 "to
afford labor full protection." 26 The State, therefore, has the right and duty to regulate the relations
between labor and capital. 27These relations are not merely contractual but are so impressed with public
interest that labor contracts, collective bargaining agreements included, must yield to the common
good. 28 Should such contracts contain stipulations that are contrary to public policy, courts will not
hesitate to strike down these stipulations.
In this case, we find the point-of-hire classification employed by respondent School to justify the
distinction in the salary rates of foreign-hires and local hires to be an invalid classification. There is no
reasonable distinction between the services rendered by foreign-hires and local-hires. The practice of
the School of according higher salaries to foreign-hires contravenes public policy and, certainly, does not
deserve the sympathy of this Court.1avvphi1
We agree, however, that foreign-hires do not belong to the same bargaining unit as the local-hires.
A bargaining unit is "a group of employees of a given employer, comprised of all or less than all of the
entire body of employees, consistent with equity to the employer, indicate to be the best suited to serve
the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the collective bargaining provisions of the
law." 29 The factors in determining the appropriate collective bargaining unit are (1) the will of the
employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unity of the employees' interest, such as substantial
similarity of work and duties, or similarity of compensation and working conditions (Substantial Mutual
Interests Rule); (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4) similarity of employment status. 30 The
basic test of an asserted bargaining unit's acceptability is whether or not it is fundamentally the
combination which will best assure to all employees the exercise of their collective bargaining rights. 31
It does not appear that foreign-hires have indicated their intention to be grouped together with local-
hires for purposes of collective bargaining. The collective bargaining history in the School also shows
that these groups were always treated separately. Foreign-hires have limited tenure; local-hires enjoy
security of tenure. Although foreign-hires perform similar functions under the same working conditions
as the local-hires, foreign-hires are accorded certain benefits not granted to local-hires. These benefits,
such as housing, transportation, shipping costs, taxes, and home leave travel allowance, are reasonably
related to their status as foreign-hires, and justify the exclusion of the former from the latter. To include
foreign-hires in a bargaining unit with local-hires would not assure either group the exercise of their
respective collective bargaining rights.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GIVEN DUE COURSE. The petition is hereby GRANTED IN PART. The Orders
of the Secretary of Labor and Employment dated June 10, 1996 and March 19, 1997, are hereby
REVERSED and SET ASIDE insofar as they uphold the practice of respondent School of according foreign-
hires higher salaries than local-hires.
Puno and Pardo, JJ., concur.
Davide, Jr., C.J., on official leave.
Ynares-Santiago, J., is on leave.
JUAN ANTONIO, ANNA ROSARIO and JOSE ALFONSO, all surnamed OPOSA, minors, and represented
by their parents ANTONIO and RIZALINA OPOSA, ROBERTA NICOLE SADIUA, minor, represented by her
minors and represented by their parents ENRICO and NIDA FLORES, GIANINA DITA R. FORTUN, minor,
represented by her parents SIGRID and DOLORES FORTUN, GEORGE II and MA. CONCEPCION, all
surnamed MISA, minors and represented by their parents GEORGE and MYRA MISA, BENJAMIN ALAN
V. PESIGAN, minor, represented by his parents ANTONIO and ALICE PESIGAN, JOVIE MARIE ALFARO,
minor, represented by her parents JOSE and MARIA VIOLETA ALFARO, MARIA CONCEPCION T.
CASTRO, minor, represented by her parents FREDENIL and JANE CASTRO, JOHANNA DESAMPARADO,
minor, represented by her parents JOSE and ANGELA DESAMPRADO, CARLO JOAQUIN T. NARVASA,
minor, represented by his parents GREGORIO II and CRISTINE CHARITY NARVASA, MA. MARGARITA,
JESUS IGNACIO, MA. ANGELA and MARIE GABRIELLE, all surnamed SAENZ, minors, represented by
DAVID IAN, all surnamed KING, minors, represented by their parents MARIO and HAYDEE KING,
DAVID, FRANCISCO and THERESE VICTORIA, all surnamed ENDRIGA, minors, represented by their
parents BALTAZAR and TERESITA ENDRIGA, JOSE MA. and REGINA MA., all surnamed ABAYA, minors,
represented by their parents ANTONIO and MARICA ABAYA, MARILIN, MARIO, JR. and MARIETTE, all
surnamed CARDAMA, minors, represented by their parents MARIO and LINA CARDAMA, CLARISSA,
ANN MARIE, NAGEL, and IMEE LYN, all surnamed OPOSA, minors and represented by their parents
QUIPIT, minors, represented by their parents JOSE MAX and VILMI QUIPIT, BUGHAW CIELO,
CRISANTO, ANNA, DANIEL and FRANCISCO, all surnamed BIBAL, minors, represented by their parents
THE HONORABLE FULGENCIO S. FACTORAN, JR., in his capacity as the Secretary of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources, and THE HONORABLE ERIBERTO U. ROSARIO, Presiding Judge of
the RTC, Makati, Branch 66, respondents.
The controversy has its genesis in Civil Case No. 90-77 which was filed before Branch 66 (Makati, Metro
Manila) of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), National Capital Judicial Region. The principal plaintiffs therein,
now the principal petitioners, are all minors duly represented and joined by their respective parents.
Impleaded as an additional plaintiff is the Philippine Ecological Network, Inc. (PENI), a domestic, non-
stock and non-profit corporation organized for the purpose of, inter alia, engaging in concerted action
geared for the protection of our environment and natural resources. The original defendant was the
Honorable Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr., then Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR). His substitution in this petition by the new Secretary, the Honorable Angel C. Alcala,
was subsequently ordered upon proper motion by the petitioners.1 The complaint2 was instituted as a
taxpayers' class suit3 and alleges that the plaintiffs "are all citizens of the Republic of the Philippines,
taxpayers, and entitled to the full benefit, use and enjoyment of the natural resource treasure that is the
country's virgin tropical forests." The same was filed for themselves and others who are equally
concerned about the preservation of said resource but are "so numerous that it is impracticable to bring
them all before the Court." The minors further asseverate that they "represent their generation as well
as generations yet unborn."4 Consequently, it is prayed for that judgment be rendered:
. . . ordering defendant, his agents, representatives and other persons acting in his
behalf to —
(2) Cease and desist from receiving, accepting, processing, renewing or approving new
timber license agreements.
and granting the plaintiffs ". . . such other reliefs just and equitable under the premises."5
The complaint starts off with the general averments that the Philippine archipelago of 7,100 islands has
a land area of thirty million (30,000,000) hectares and is endowed with rich, lush and verdant rainforests
in which varied, rare and unique species of flora and fauna may be found; these rainforests contain a
genetic, biological and chemical pool which is irreplaceable; they are also the habitat of indigenous
Philippine cultures which have existed, endured and flourished since time immemorial; scientific
evidence reveals that in order to maintain a balanced and healthful ecology, the country's land area
should be utilized on the basis of a ratio of fifty-four per cent (54%) for forest cover and forty-six per
cent (46%) for agricultural, residential, industrial, commercial and other uses; the distortion and
disturbance of this balance as a consequence of deforestation have resulted in a host of environmental
tragedies, such as (a) water shortages resulting from drying up of the water table, otherwise known as
the "aquifer," as well as of rivers, brooks and streams, (b) salinization of the water table as a result of
the intrusion therein of salt water, incontrovertible examples of which may be found in the island of
Cebu and the Municipality of Bacoor, Cavite, (c) massive erosion and the consequential loss of soil
fertility and agricultural productivity, with the volume of soil eroded estimated at one billion
(1,000,000,000) cubic meters per annum — approximately the size of the entire island of Catanduanes,
(d) the endangering and extinction of the country's unique, rare and varied flora and fauna, (e) the
disturbance and dislocation of cultural communities, including the disappearance of the Filipino's
indigenous cultures, (f) the siltation of rivers and seabeds and consequential destruction of corals and
other aquatic life leading to a critical reduction in marine resource productivity, (g) recurrent spells of
drought as is presently experienced by the entire country, (h) increasing velocity of typhoon winds
which result from the absence of windbreakers, (i) the floodings of lowlands and agricultural plains
arising from the absence of the absorbent mechanism of forests, (j) the siltation and shortening of the
lifespan of multi-billion peso dams constructed and operated for the purpose of supplying water for
domestic uses, irrigation and the generation of electric power, and (k) the reduction of the earth's
capacity to process carbon dioxide gases which has led to perplexing and catastrophic climatic changes
such as the phenomenon of global warming, otherwise known as the "greenhouse effect."
Plaintiffs further assert that the adverse and detrimental consequences of continued and deforestation
are so capable of unquestionable demonstration that the same may be submitted as a matter of judicial
notice. This notwithstanding, they expressed their intention to present expert witnesses as well as
documentary, photographic and film evidence in the course of the trial.
8. Twenty-five (25) years ago, the Philippines had some sixteen (16) million hectares of
rainforests constituting roughly 53% of the country's land mass.
9. Satellite images taken in 1987 reveal that there remained no more than 1.2 million
hectares of said rainforests or four per cent (4.0%) of the country's land area.
10. More recent surveys reveal that a mere 850,000 hectares of virgin old-growth
rainforests are left, barely 2.8% of the entire land mass of the Philippine archipelago and
about 3.0 million hectares of immature and uneconomical secondary growth forests.
11. Public records reveal that the defendant's, predecessors have granted timber license
agreements ('TLA's') to various corporations to cut the aggregate area of 3.89 million
hectares for commercial logging purposes.
A copy of the TLA holders and the corresponding areas covered is hereto attached as
Annex "A".
12. At the present rate of deforestation, i.e. about 200,000 hectares per annum or 25
hectares per hour — nighttime, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included — the
Philippines will be bereft of forest resources after the end of this ensuing decade, if not
13. The adverse effects, disastrous consequences, serious injury and irreparable damage
of this continued trend of deforestation to the plaintiff minor's generation and to
generations yet unborn are evident and incontrovertible. As a matter of fact, the
environmental damages enumerated in paragraph 6 hereof are already being felt,
experienced and suffered by the generation of plaintiff adults.
14. The continued allowance by defendant of TLA holders to cut and deforest the
remaining forest stands will work great damage and irreparable injury to plaintiffs —
especially plaintiff minors and their successors — who may never see, use, benefit from
and enjoy this rare and unique natural resource treasure.
15. Plaintiffs have a clear and constitutional right to a balanced and healthful ecology
and are entitled to protection by the State in its capacity as the parens patriae.
16. Plaintiff have exhausted all administrative remedies with the defendant's office. On
March 2, 1990, plaintiffs served upon defendant a final demand to cancel all logging
permits in the country.
A copy of the plaintiffs' letter dated March 1, 1990 is hereto attached as Annex "B".
17. Defendant, however, fails and refuses to cancel the existing TLA's to the continuing
serious damage and extreme prejudice of plaintiffs.
18. The continued failure and refusal by defendant to cancel the TLA's is an act violative
of the rights of plaintiffs, especially plaintiff minors who may be left with a country that
is desertified (sic), bare, barren and devoid of the wonderful flora, fauna and indigenous
cultures which the Philippines had been abundantly blessed with.
19. Defendant's refusal to cancel the aforementioned TLA's is manifestly contrary to the
public policy enunciated in the Philippine Environmental Policy which, in pertinent part,
states that it is the policy of the State —
(a) to create, develop, maintain and improve conditions under which man and nature
can thrive in productive and enjoyable harmony with each other;
(b) to fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future
generations of Filipinos and;
c. "conserve and promote the nation's cultural heritage and resources (sic)" (Section 14,
Article XIV, id.);
d. "protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature." (Section 16, Article II, id.)
21. Finally, defendant's act is contrary to the highest law of humankind — the natural
law — and violative of plaintiffs' right to self-preservation and perpetuation.
22. There is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in law other than the instant
action to arrest the unabated hemorrhage of the country's vital life support systems and
continued rape of Mother Earth. 6
On 22 June 1990, the original defendant, Secretary Factoran, Jr., filed a Motion to Dismiss the complaint
based on two (2) grounds, namely: (1) the plaintiffs have no cause of action against him and (2) the issue
raised by the plaintiffs is a political question which properly pertains to the legislative or executive
branches of Government. In their 12 July 1990 Opposition to the Motion, the petitioners maintain that
(1) the complaint shows a clear and unmistakable cause of action, (2) the motion is dilatory and (3) the
action presents a justiciable question as it involves the defendant's abuse of discretion.
On 18 July 1991, respondent Judge issued an order granting the aforementioned motion to dismiss.7 In
the said order, not only was the defendant's claim — that the complaint states no cause of action
against him and that it raises a political question — sustained, the respondent Judge further ruled that
the granting of the relief prayed for would result in the impairment of contracts which is prohibited by
the fundamental law of the land.
Plaintiffs thus filed the instant special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of
Court and ask this Court to rescind and set aside the dismissal order on the ground that the respondent
Judge gravely abused his discretion in dismissing the action. Again, the parents of the plaintiffs-minors
not only represent their children, but have also joined the latter in this case.8
On 14 May 1992, We resolved to give due course to the petition and required the parties to submit their
respective Memoranda after the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed a Comment in behalf of the
respondents and the petitioners filed a reply thereto.
Petitioners contend that the complaint clearly and unmistakably states a cause of action as it contains
sufficient allegations concerning their right to a sound environment based on Articles 19, 20 and 21 of
the Civil Code (Human Relations), Section 4 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 192 creating the DENR, Section
3 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1151 (Philippine Environmental Policy), Section 16, Article II of the
1987 Constitution recognizing the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology, the concept
of generational genocide in Criminal Law and the concept of man's inalienable right to self-preservation
and self-perpetuation embodied in natural law. Petitioners likewise rely on the respondent's correlative
obligation per Section 4 of E.O. No. 192, to safeguard the people's right to a healthful environment.
It is further claimed that the issue of the respondent Secretary's alleged grave abuse of discretion in
granting Timber License Agreements (TLAs) to cover more areas for logging than what is available
involves a judicial question.
Anent the invocation by the respondent Judge of the Constitution's non-impairment clause, petitioners
maintain that the same does not apply in this case because TLAs are not contracts. They likewise submit
that even if TLAs may be considered protected by the said clause, it is well settled that they may still be
revoked by the State when the public interest so requires.
On the other hand, the respondents aver that the petitioners failed to allege in their complaint a specific
legal right violated by the respondent Secretary for which any relief is provided by law. They see nothing
in the complaint but vague and nebulous allegations concerning an "environmental right" which
supposedly entitles the petitioners to the "protection by the state in its capacity as parens patriae." Such
allegations, according to them, do not reveal a valid cause of action. They then reiterate the theory that
the question of whether logging should be permitted in the country is a political question which should
be properly addressed to the executive or legislative branches of Government. They therefore assert
that the petitioners' resources is not to file an action to court, but to lobby before Congress for the
passage of a bill that would ban logging totally.
As to the matter of the cancellation of the TLAs, respondents submit that the same cannot be done by
the State without due process of law. Once issued, a TLA remains effective for a certain period of time
— usually for twenty-five (25) years. During its effectivity, the same can neither be revised nor cancelled
unless the holder has been found, after due notice and hearing, to have violated the terms of the
agreement or other forestry laws and regulations. Petitioners' proposition to have all the TLAs
indiscriminately cancelled without the requisite hearing would be violative of the requirements of due
Before going any further, We must first focus on some procedural matters. Petitioners instituted Civil
Case No. 90-777 as a class suit. The original defendant and the present respondents did not take issue
with this matter. Nevertheless, We hereby rule that the said civil case is indeed a class suit. The subject
matter of the complaint is of common and general interest not just to several, but to all citizens of the
Philippines. Consequently, since the parties are so numerous, it, becomes impracticable, if not totally
impossible, to bring all of them before the court. We likewise declare that the plaintiffs therein are
numerous and representative enough to ensure the full protection of all concerned interests. Hence, all
the requisites for the filing of a valid class suit under Section 12, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court are
present both in the said civil case and in the instant petition, the latter being but an incident to the
This case, however, has a special and novel element. Petitioners minors assert that they represent their
generation as well as generations yet unborn. We find no difficulty in ruling that they can, for
themselves, for others of their generation and for the succeeding generations, file a class suit. Their
personality to sue in behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based on the concept of
intergenerational responsibility insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is concerned.
Such a right, as hereinafter expounded, considers
the "rhythm and harmony of nature." Nature means the created world in its entirety.9 Such rhythm and
harmony indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious disposition, utilization, management, renewal
and conservation of the country's forest, mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and
other natural resources to the end that their exploration, development and utilization be equitably
accessible to the present as well as future generations. 10Needless to say, every generation has a
responsibility to the next to preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and
healthful ecology. Put a little differently, the minors' assertion of their right to a sound environment
constitutes, at the same time, the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection of that right
for the generations to come.
The locus standi of the petitioners having thus been addressed, We shall now proceed to the merits of
the petition.
After a careful perusal of the complaint in question and a meticulous consideration and evaluation of
the issues raised and arguments adduced by the parties, We do not hesitate to find for the petitioners
and rule against the respondent Judge's challenged order for having been issued with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction. The pertinent portions of the said order reads as follows:
After a careful and circumspect evaluation of the Complaint, the Court cannot help but
agree with the defendant. For although we believe that plaintiffs have but the noblest of
all intentions, it (sic) fell short of alleging, with sufficient definiteness, a specific legal
right they are seeking to enforce and protect, or a specific legal wrong they are seeking
to prevent and redress (Sec. 1, Rule 2, RRC). Furthermore, the Court notes that the
Complaint is replete with vague assumptions and vague conclusions based on unverified
data. In fine, plaintiffs fail to state a cause of action in its Complaint against the herein
Furthermore, the Court firmly believes that the matter before it, being impressed with
political color and involving a matter of public policy, may not be taken cognizance of by
this Court without doing violence to the sacred principle of "Separation of Powers" of
the three (3) co-equal branches of the Government.
The Court is likewise of the impression that it cannot, no matter how we stretch our
jurisdiction, grant the reliefs prayed for by the plaintiffs, i.e., to cancel all existing timber
license agreements in the country and to cease and desist from receiving, accepting,
processing, renewing or approving new timber license agreements. For to do otherwise
would amount to "impairment of contracts" abhored (sic) by the fundamental law. 11
We do not agree with the trial court's conclusions that the plaintiffs failed to allege with sufficient
definiteness a specific legal right involved or a specific legal wrong committed, and that the complaint is
replete with vague assumptions and conclusions based on unverified data. A reading of the complaint
itself belies these conclusions.
The complaint focuses on one specific fundamental legal right — the right to a balanced and healthful
ecology which, for the first time in our nation's constitutional history, is solemnly incorporated in the
fundamental law. Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution explicitly provides:
Sec. 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
This right unites with the right to health which is provided for in the preceding section of
the same article:
Sec. 15. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill
health consciousness among them.
While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to be found under the Declaration of Principles
and State Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it does not follow that it is less important than any of
the civil and political rights enumerated in the latter. Such a right belongs to a different category of
rights altogether for it concerns nothing less than self-preservation and self-perpetuation — aptly and
fittingly stressed by the petitioners — the advancement of which may even be said to predate all
governments and constitutions. As a matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be written in the
Constitution for they are assumed to exist from the inception of humankind. If they are now explicitly
mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is because of the well-founded fear of its framers that unless
the rights to a balanced and healthful ecology and to health are mandated as state policies by the
Constitution itself, thereby highlighting their continuing importance and imposing upon the state a
solemn obligation to preserve the first and protect and advance the second, the day would not be too
far when all else would be lost not only for the present generation, but also for those to come —
generations which stand to inherit nothing but parched earth incapable of sustaining life.
The right to a balanced and healthful ecology carries with it the correlative duty to refrain from
impairing the environment. During the debates on this right in one of the plenary sessions of the 1986
Constitutional Commission, the following exchange transpired between Commissioner Wilfrido
Villacorta and Commissioner Adolfo Azcuna who sponsored the section in question:
Does this section mandate the State to provide sanctions against all
forms of pollution — air, water and noise pollution?
The said right implies, among many other things, the judicious management and conservation of the
country's forests.
Without such forests, the ecological or environmental balance would be irreversiby disrupted.
Conformably with the enunciated right to a balanced and healthful ecology and the right to health, as
well as the other related provisions of the Constitution concerning the conservation, development and
utilization of the country's natural resources, 13 then President Corazon C. Aquino promulgated on 10
June 1987 E.O. No. 192, 14 Section 4 of which expressly mandates that the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources "shall be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation,
management, development and proper use of the country's environment and natural resources,
specifically forest and grazing lands, mineral, resources, including those in reservation and watershed
areas, and lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as
may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for
the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos." Section 3 thereof makes the following
statement of policy:
Sec. 3. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared the policy of the State to ensure the
sustainable use, development, management, renewal, and conservation of the country's
forest, mineral, land, off-shore areas and other natural resources, including the
protection and enhancement of the quality of the environment, and equitable access of
the different segments of the population to the development and the use of the
country's natural resources, not only for the present generation but for future
generations as well. It is also the policy of the state to recognize and apply a true value
system including social and environmental cost implications relative to their utilization,
development and conservation of our natural resources.
This policy declaration is substantially re-stated it Title XIV, Book IV of the Administrative Code of
1987,15 specifically in Section 1 thereof which reads:
Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. — (1) The State shall ensure, for the benefit of the Filipino
people, the full exploration and development as well as the judicious disposition,
utilization, management, renewal and conservation of the country's forest, mineral,
land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and other natural resources, consistent
with the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological balance and protecting and
enhancing the quality of the environment and the objective of making the exploration,
development and utilization of such natural resources equitably accessible to the
different segments of the present as well as future generations.
(2) The State shall likewise recognize and apply a true value system that takes into
account social and environmental cost implications relative to the utilization,
development and conservation of our natural resources.
The above provision stresses "the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological balance and protecting
and enhancing the quality of the environment." Section 2 of the same Title, on the other hand,
specifically speaks of the mandate of the DENR; however, it makes particular reference to the fact of the
agency's being subject to law and higher authority. Said section provides:
Sec. 2. Mandate. — (1) The Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall be
primarily responsible for the implementation of the foregoing policy.
(2) It shall, subject to law and higher authority, be in charge of carrying out the State's
constitutional mandate to control and supervise the exploration, development,
utilization, and conservation of the country's natural resources.
Both E.O. NO. 192 and the Administrative Code of 1987 have set the objectives which will serve as the
bases for policy formulation, and have defined the powers and functions of the DENR.
It may, however, be recalled that even before the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, specific statutes
already paid special attention to the "environmental right" of the present and future generations. On 6
June 1977, P.D. No. 1151 (Philippine Environmental Policy) and P.D. No. 1152 (Philippine Environment
Code) were issued. The former "declared a continuing policy of the State (a) to create, develop, maintain
and improve conditions under which man and nature can thrive in productive and enjoyable harmony
with each other, (b) to fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future
generations of Filipinos, and (c) to insure the attainment of an environmental quality that is conducive
to a life of dignity and well-being." 16 As its goal, it speaks of the "responsibilities of each generation as
trustee and guardian of the environment for succeeding generations." 17 The latter statute, on the other
hand, gave flesh to the said policy.
Thus, the right of the petitioners (and all those they represent) to a balanced and healthful ecology is as
clear as the DENR's duty — under its mandate and by virtue of its powers and functions under E.O. No.
192 and the Administrative Code of 1987 — to protect and advance the said right.
A denial or violation of that right by the other who has the corelative duty or obligation to respect or
protect the same gives rise to a cause of action. Petitioners maintain that the granting of the TLAs, which
they claim was done with grave abuse of discretion, violated their right to a balanced and healthful
ecology; hence, the full protection thereof requires that no further TLAs should be renewed or granted.
. . . an act or omission of one party in violation of the legal right or rights of the other;
and its essential elements are legal right of the plaintiff, correlative obligation of the
defendant, and act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. 18
It is settled in this jurisdiction that in a motion to dismiss based on the ground that the complaint fails to
state a cause of action, 19 the question submitted to the court for resolution involves the sufficiency of
the facts alleged in the complaint itself. No other matter should be considered; furthermore, the truth of
falsity of the said allegations is beside the point for the truth thereof is deemed hypothetically admitted.
The only issue to be resolved in such a case is: admitting such alleged facts to be true, may the court
render a valid judgment in accordance with the prayer in the complaint? 20 In Militante vs.
Edrosolano, 21 this Court laid down the rule that the judiciary should "exercise the utmost care and
circumspection in passing upon a motion to dismiss on the ground of the absence thereof [cause of
action] lest, by its failure to manifest a correct appreciation of the facts alleged and deemed
hypothetically admitted, what the law grants or recognizes is effectively nullified. If that happens, there
is a blot on the legal order. The law itself stands in disrepute."
After careful examination of the petitioners' complaint, We find the statements under the introductory
affirmative allegations, as well as the specific averments under the sub-heading CAUSE OF ACTION, to be
adequate enough to show, prima facie, the claimed violation of their rights. On the basis thereof, they
may thus be granted, wholly or partly, the reliefs prayed for. It bears stressing, however, that insofar as
the cancellation of the TLAs is concerned, there is the need to implead, as party defendants, the
grantees thereof for they are indispensable parties.
The foregoing considered, Civil Case No. 90-777 be said to raise a political question. Policy formulation
or determination by the executive or legislative branches of Government is not squarely put in issue.
What is principally involved is the enforcement of a right vis-a-vis policies already formulated and
expressed in legislation. It must, nonetheless, be emphasized that the political question doctrine is no
longer, the insurmountable obstacle to the exercise of judicial power or the impenetrable shield that
protects executive and legislative actions from judicial inquiry or review. The second paragraph of
section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution states that:
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
Commenting on this provision in his book, Philippine Political Law, 22 Mr. Justice Isagani A. Cruz, a
distinguished member of this Court, says:
The first part of the authority represents the traditional concept of judicial power,
involving the settlement of conflicting rights as conferred as law. The second part of the
authority represents a broadening of judicial power to enable the courts of justice to
review what was before forbidden territory, to wit, the discretion of the political
departments of the government.
As worded, the new provision vests in the judiciary, and particularly the Supreme Court,
the power to rule upon even the wisdom of the decisions of the executive and the
legislature and to declare their acts invalid for lack or excess of jurisdiction because
tainted with grave abuse of discretion. The catch, of course, is the meaning of "grave
abuse of discretion," which is a very elastic phrase that can expand or contract
according to the disposition of the judiciary.
In Daza vs. Singson, 23 Mr. Justice Cruz, now speaking for this Court, noted:
In the case now before us, the jurisdictional objection becomes even less tenable and
decisive. The reason is that, even if we were to assume that the issue presented before
us was political in nature, we would still not be precluded from revolving it under the
expanded jurisdiction conferred upon us that now covers, in proper cases, even the
political question. Article VII, Section 1, of the Constitution clearly provides: . . .
The last ground invoked by the trial court in dismissing the complaint is the non-impairment of contracts
clause found in the Constitution. The court a quo declared that:
The Court is likewise of the impression that it cannot, no matter how we stretch our
jurisdiction, grant the reliefs prayed for by the plaintiffs, i.e., to cancel all existing timber
license agreements in the country and to cease and desist from receiving, accepting,
processing, renewing or approving new timber license agreements. For to do otherwise
would amount to "impairment of contracts" abhored (sic) by the fundamental law. 24
We are not persuaded at all; on the contrary, We are amazed, if not shocked, by such a sweeping
pronouncement. In the first place, the respondent Secretary did not, for obvious reasons, even invoke in
his motion to dismiss the non-impairment clause. If he had done so, he would have acted with utmost
infidelity to the Government by providing undue and unwarranted benefits and advantages to the
timber license holders because he would have forever bound the Government to strictly respect the said
licenses according to their terms and conditions regardless of changes in policy and the demands of
public interest and welfare. He was aware that as correctly pointed out by the petitioners, into every
timber license must be read Section 20 of the Forestry Reform Code (P.D. No. 705) which provides:
. . . Provided, That when the national interest so requires, the President may amend,
modify, replace or rescind any contract, concession, permit, licenses or any other form
of privilege granted herein . . .
Needless to say, all licenses may thus be revoked or rescinded by executive action. It is not a
contract, property or a property right protested by the due process clause of the Constitution.
In Tan vs. Director of Forestry, 25 this Court held:
. . . A timber license is an instrument by which the State regulates the utilization and
disposition of forest resources to the end that public welfare is promoted. A timber
license is not a contract within the purview of the due process clause; it is only a license
or privilege, which can be validly withdrawn whenever dictated by public interest or
public welfare as in this case.
We reiterated this pronouncement in Felipe Ysmael, Jr. & Co., Inc. vs. Deputy Executive Secretary: 26
. . . Timber licenses, permits and license agreements are the principal instruments by
which the State regulates the utilization and disposition of forest resources to the end
that public welfare is promoted. And it can hardly be gainsaid that they merely evidence
a privilege granted by the State to qualified entities, and do not vest in the latter a
permanent or irrevocable right to the particular concession area and the forest products
therein. They may be validly amended, modified, replaced or rescinded by the Chief
Executive when national interests so require. Thus, they are not deemed contracts
within the purview of the due process of law clause [See Sections 3(ee) and 20 of Pres.
Decree No. 705, as amended. Also, Tan v. Director of Forestry, G.R. No. L-24548,
October 27, 1983, 125 SCRA 302].
Since timber licenses are not contracts, the non-impairment clause, which reads:
In the second place, even if it is to be assumed that the same are contracts, the instant case does not
involve a law or even an executive issuance declaring the cancellation or modification of existing timber
licenses. Hence, the non-impairment clause cannot as yet be invoked. Nevertheless, granting further
that a law has actually been passed mandating cancellations or modifications, the same cannot still be
stigmatized as a violation of the non-impairment clause. This is because by its very nature and purpose,
such as law could have only been passed in the exercise of the police power of the state for the purpose
of advancing the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology, promoting their health and
enhancing the general welfare. In Abe vs. Foster Wheeler
Corp. 28 this Court stated:
The freedom of contract, under our system of government, is not meant to be absolute.
The same is understood to be subject to reasonable legislative regulation aimed at the
promotion of public health, moral, safety and welfare. In other words, the constitutional
guaranty of non-impairment of obligations of contract is limited by the exercise of the
police power of the State, in the interest of public health, safety, moral and general
The reason for this is emphatically set forth in Nebia vs. New York, 29 quoted in Philippine American Life
Insurance Co. vs. Auditor General,30 to wit:
Under our form of government the use of property and the making of contracts are
normally matters of private and not of public concern. The general rule is that both shall
be free of governmental interference. But neither property rights nor contract rights are
absolute; for government cannot exist if the citizen may at will use his property to the
detriment of his fellows, or exercise his freedom of contract to work them harm. Equally
fundamental with the private right is that of the public to regulate it in the common
In short, the non-impairment clause must yield to the police power of the state. 31
Finally, it is difficult to imagine, as the trial court did, how the non-impairment clause could apply with
respect to the prayer to enjoin the respondent Secretary from receiving, accepting, processing,
renewing or approving new timber licenses for, save in cases of renewal, no contract would have as of
yet existed in the other instances. Moreover, with respect to renewal, the holder is not entitled to it as a
matter of right.
WHEREFORE, being impressed with merit, the instant Petition is hereby GRANTED, and the challenged
Order of respondent Judge of 18 July 1991 dismissing Civil Case No. 90-777 is hereby set aside. The
petitioners may therefore amend their complaint to implead as defendants the holders or grantees of
the questioned timber license agreements.
No pronouncement as to costs.
Cruz, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino, Regalado, Romero, Nocon, Bellosillo, Melo and Quiason, JJ., concur.
Separate Opinions
I join in the result reached by my distinguished brother in the Court, Davide, Jr., J., in this case which, to
my mind, is one of the most important cases decided by this Court in the last few years. The seminal
principles laid down in this decision are likely to influence profoundly the direction and course of the
protection and management of the environment, which of course embraces the utilization of all the
natural resources in the territorial base of our polity. I have therefore sought to clarify, basically to
myself, what the Court appears to be saying.
The Court explicitly states that petitioners have the locus standi necessary to sustain the bringing and,
maintenance of this suit (Decision, pp. 11-12). Locus standi is not a function of petitioners' claim that
their suit is properly regarded as a class suit. I understand locus standi to refer to the legal interest which
a plaintiff must have in the subject matter of the suit. Because of the very broadness of the concept of
"class" here involved — membership in this "class" appears to embrace everyone living in the country
whether now or in the
future — it appears to me that everyone who may be expected to benefit from the course of action
petitioners seek to require public respondents to take, is vested with the necessary locus standi. The
Court may be seen therefore to be recognizing a beneficiaries' right of action in the field of
environmental protection, as against both the public administrative agency directly concerned and the
private persons or entities operating in the field or sector of activity involved. Whether such
beneficiaries' right of action may be found under any and all circumstances, or whether some failure to
act, in the first instance, on the part of the governmental agency concerned must be shown ("prior
exhaustion of administrative remedies"), is not discussed in the decision and presumably is left for
future determination in an appropriate case.
The Court has also declared that the complaint has alleged and focused upon "one specific fundamental
legal right — the right to a balanced and healthful ecology" (Decision, p. 14). There is no question that
"the right to a balanced and healthful ecology" is "fundamental" and that, accordingly, it has been
"constitutionalized." But although it is fundamental in character, I suggest, with very great respect, that
it cannot be characterized as "specific," without doing excessive violence to language. It is in fact very
difficult to fashion language more comprehensive in scope and generalized in character than a right to
"a balanced and healthful ecology." The list of particular claims which can be subsumed under this rubic
appears to be entirely open-ended: prevention and control of emission of toxic fumes and smoke from
factories and motor vehicles; of discharge of oil, chemical effluents, garbage and raw sewage into rivers,
inland and coastal waters by vessels, oil rigs, factories, mines and whole communities; of dumping of
organic and inorganic wastes on open land, streets and thoroughfares; failure to rehabilitate land after
strip-mining or open-pit mining; kaingin or slash-and-burn farming; destruction of fisheries, coral reefs
and other living sea resources through the use of dynamite or cyanide and other chemicals;
contamination of ground water resources; loss of certain species of fauna and flora; and so on. The
other statements pointed out by the Court: Section 3, Executive Order No. 192 dated 10 June 1987;
Section 1, Title XIV, Book IV of the 1987 Administrative Code; and P.D. No. 1151, dated 6 June 1977 — all
appear to be formulations of policy, as general and abstract as the constitutional statements of basic
policy in Article II, Section 16 ("the right — to a balanced and healthful ecology") and 15 ("the right to
P.D. No. 1152, also dated 6 June 1977, entitled "The Philippine Environment Code," is, upon the other
hand, a compendious collection of more "specific environment management policies" and "environment
quality standards" (fourth "Whereas" clause, Preamble) relating to an extremely wide range of topics:
Two (2) points are worth making in this connection. Firstly, neither petitioners nor the Court has
identified the particular provision or provisions (if any) of the Philippine Environment Code which give
rise to a specific legal right which petitioners are seeking to enforce. Secondly, the Philippine
Environment Code identifies with notable care the particular government agency charged with the
formulation and implementation of guidelines and programs dealing with each of the headings and sub-
headings mentioned above. The Philippine Environment Code does not, in other words, appear to
contemplate action on the part of private persons who are beneficiaries of implementation of that Code.
As a matter of logic, by finding petitioners' cause of action as anchored on a legal right comprised in the
constitutional statements above noted, the Court is in effect saying that Section 15 (and Section 16) of
Article II of the Constitution are self-executing and judicially enforceable even in their present form. The
implications of this doctrine will have to be explored in future cases; those implications are too large and
far-reaching in nature even to be hinted at here.
My suggestion is simply that petitioners must, before the trial court, show a more specific legal right — a
right cast in language of a significantly lower order of generality than Article II (15) of the Constitution —
that is or may be violated by the actions, or failures to act, imputed to the public respondent by
petitioners so that the trial court can validly render judgment granting all or part of the relief prayed for.
To my mind, the Court should be understood as simply saying that such a more specific legal right or
rights may well exist in our corpus of law, considering the general policy principles found in the
Constitution and the existence of the Philippine Environment Code, and that the trial court should have
given petitioners an effective opportunity so to demonstrate, instead of aborting the proceedings on a
motion to dismiss.
It seems to me important that the legal right which is an essential component of a cause of action be a
specific, operable legal right, rather than a constitutional or statutory policy, for at least two (2) reasons.
One is that unless the legal right claimed to have been violated or disregarded is given specification in
operational terms, defendants may well be unable to defend themselves intelligently and effectively; in
other words, there are due process dimensions to this matter.
The second is a broader-gauge consideration — where a specific violation of law or applicable regulation
is not alleged or proved, petitioners can be expected to fall back on the expanded conception of judicial
power in the second paragraph of Section 1 of Article VIII of the Constitution which reads:
Section 1. . . .
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
(Emphasis supplied)
When substantive standards as general as "the right to a balanced and healthy ecology" and
"the right to health" are combined with remedial standards as broad ranging as "a grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction," the result will be, it is respectfully
submitted, to propel courts into the uncharted ocean of social and economic policy making. At
least in respect of the vast area of environmental protection and management, our courts have
no claim to special technical competence and experience and professional qualification. Where
no specific, operable norms and standards are shown to exist, then the policy making
departments — the legislative and executive departments — must be given a real and effective
opportunity to fashion and promulgate those norms and standards, and to implement them
before the courts should intervene.
My learned brother Davide, Jr., J., rightly insists that the timber companies, whose concession
agreements or TLA's petitioners demand public respondents should cancel, must be impleaded in the
proceedings below. It might be asked that, if petitioners' entitlement to the relief demanded
is not dependent upon proof of breach by the timber companies of one or more of the specific terms
and conditions of their concession agreements (and this, petitioners implicitly assume), what will those
companies litigate about? The answer I suggest is that they may seek to dispute the existence of the
specific legal right petitioners should allege, as well as the reality of the claimed factual nexus between
petitioners' specific legal rights and the claimed wrongful acts or failures to act of public respondent
administrative agency. They may also controvert the appropriateness of the remedy or remedies
demanded by petitioners, under all the circumstances which exist.
I vote to grant the Petition for Certiorari because the protection of the environment, including the forest
cover of our territory, is of extreme importance for the country. The doctrines set out in the Court's
decision issued today should, however, be subjected to closer examination.
# Separate Opinions
I join in the result reached by my distinguished brother in the Court, Davide, Jr., J., in this case which, to
my mind, is one of the most important cases decided by this Court in the last few years. The seminal
principles laid down in this decision are likely to influence profoundly the direction and course of the
protection and management of the environment, which of course embraces the utilization of all the
natural resources in the territorial base of our polity. I have therefore sought to clarify, basically to
myself, what the Court appears to be saying.
The Court explicitly states that petitioners have the locus standi necessary to sustain the bringing and,
maintenance of this suit (Decision, pp. 11-12). Locus standi is not a function of petitioners' claim that
their suit is properly regarded as a class suit. I understand locus standi to refer to the legal interest which
a plaintiff must have in the subject matter of the suit. Because of the very broadness of the concept of
"class" here involved — membership in this "class" appears to embrace everyone living in the country
whether now or in the
future — it appears to me that everyone who may be expected to benefit from the course of action
petitioners seek to require public respondents to take, is vested with the necessary locus standi. The
Court may be seen therefore to be recognizing a beneficiaries' right of action in the field of
environmental protection, as against both the public administrative agency directly concerned and the
private persons or entities operating in the field or sector of activity involved. Whether such
beneficiaries' right of action may be found under any and all circumstances, or whether some failure to
act, in the first instance, on the part of the governmental agency concerned must be shown ("prior
exhaustion of administrative remedies"), is not discussed in the decision and presumably is left for
future determination in an appropriate case.
The Court has also declared that the complaint has alleged and focused upon "one specific fundamental
legal right — the right to a balanced and healthful ecology" (Decision, p. 14). There is no question that
"the right to a balanced and healthful ecology" is "fundamental" and that, accordingly, it has been
"constitutionalized." But although it is fundamental in character, I suggest, with very great respect, that
it cannot be characterized as "specific," without doing excessive violence to language. It is in fact very
difficult to fashion language more comprehensive in scope and generalized in character than a right to
"a balanced and healthful ecology." The list of particular claims which can be subsumed under this rubic
appears to be entirely open-ended: prevention and control of emission of toxic fumes and smoke from
factories and motor vehicles; of discharge of oil, chemical effluents, garbage and raw sewage into rivers,
inland and coastal waters by vessels, oil rigs, factories, mines and whole communities; of dumping of
organic and inorganic wastes on open land, streets and thoroughfares; failure to rehabilitate land after
strip-mining or open-pit mining; kaingin or slash-and-burn farming; destruction of fisheries, coral reefs
and other living sea resources through the use of dynamite or cyanide and other chemicals;
contamination of ground water resources; loss of certain species of fauna and flora; and so on. The
other statements pointed out by the Court: Section 3, Executive Order No. 192 dated 10 June 1987;
Section 1, Title XIV, Book IV of the 1987 Administrative Code; and P.D. No. 1151, dated 6 June 1977 — all
appear to be formulations of policy, as general and abstract as the constitutional statements of basic
policy in Article II, Section 16 ("the right — to a balanced and healthful ecology") and 15 ("the right to
P.D. No. 1152, also dated 6 June 1977, entitled "The Philippine Environment Code," is, upon the other
hand, a compendious collection of more "specific environment management policies" and "environment
quality standards" (fourth "Whereas" clause, Preamble) relating to an extremely wide range of topics:
Two (2) points are worth making in this connection. Firstly, neither petitioners nor the Court has
identified the particular provision or provisions (if any) of the Philippine Environment Code which give
rise to a specific legal right which petitioners are seeking to enforce. Secondly, the Philippine
Environment Code identifies with notable care the particular government agency charged with the
formulation and implementation of guidelines and programs dealing with each of the headings and sub-
headings mentioned above. The Philippine Environment Code does not, in other words, appear to
contemplate action on the part of private persons who are beneficiaries of implementation of that Code.
As a matter of logic, by finding petitioners' cause of action as anchored on a legal right comprised in the
constitutional statements above noted, the Court is in effect saying that Section 15 (and Section 16) of
Article II of the Constitution are self-executing and judicially enforceable even in their present form. The
implications of this doctrine will have to be explored in future cases; those implications are too large and
far-reaching in nature even to be hinted at here.
My suggestion is simply that petitioners must, before the trial court, show a more specific legal right — a
right cast in language of a significantly lower order of generality than Article II (15) of the Constitution —
that is or may be violated by the actions, or failures to act, imputed to the public respondent by
petitioners so that the trial court can validly render judgment granting all or part of the relief prayed for.
To my mind, the Court should be understood as simply saying that such a more specific legal right or
rights may well exist in our corpus of law, considering the general policy principles found in the
Constitution and the existence of the Philippine Environment Code, and that the trial court should have
given petitioners an effective opportunity so to demonstrate, instead of aborting the proceedings on a
motion to dismiss.
It seems to me important that the legal right which is an essential component of a cause of action be a
specific, operable legal right, rather than a constitutional or statutory policy, for at least two (2) reasons.
One is that unless the legal right claimed to have been violated or disregarded is given specification in
operational terms, defendants may well be unable to defend themselves intelligently and effectively; in
other words, there are due process dimensions to this matter.
The second is a broader-gauge consideration — where a specific violation of law or applicable regulation
is not alleged or proved, petitioners can be expected to fall back on the expanded conception of judicial
power in the second paragraph of Section 1 of Article VIII of the Constitution which reads:
Section 1. . . .
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
(Emphasis supplied)
When substantive standards as general as "the right to a balanced and healthy ecology" and
"the right to health" are combined with remedial standards as broad ranging as "a grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction," the result will be, it is respectfully
submitted, to propel courts into the uncharted ocean of social and economic policy making. At
least in respect of the vast area of environmental protection and management, our courts have
no claim to special technical competence and experience and professional qualification. Where
no specific, operable norms and standards are shown to exist, then the policy making
departments — the legislative and executive departments — must be given a real and effective
opportunity to fashion and promulgate those norms and standards, and to implement them
before the courts should intervene.
My learned brother Davide, Jr., J., rightly insists that the timber companies, whose concession
agreements or TLA's petitioners demand public respondents should cancel, must be impleaded in the
proceedings below. It might be asked that, if petitioners' entitlement to the relief demanded
is not dependent upon proof of breach by the timber companies of one or more of the specific terms
and conditions of their concession agreements (and this, petitioners implicitly assume), what will those
companies litigate about? The answer I suggest is that they may seek to dispute the existence of the
specific legal right petitioners should allege, as well as the reality of the claimed factual nexus between
petitioners' specific legal rights and the claimed wrongful acts or failures to act of public respondent
administrative agency. They may also controvert the appropriateness of the remedy or remedies
demanded by petitioners, under all the circumstances which exist.
I vote to grant the Petition for Certiorari because the protection of the environment, including the forest
cover of our territory, is of extreme importance for the country. The doctrines set out in the Court's
decision issued today should, however, be subjected to closer examination.
# Footnotes
4 Rollo, 67.
5 Id., 74.
6 Rollo, 70-73.
10 Title XIV (Environment and Natural Resources), Book IV of the Administrative Code of
1987, E.O. No. 292.
13 For instance, the Preamble and Article XII on the National Economy and Patrimony.
14 The Reorganization Act of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
16 Section 1.
17 Section 2.
18 Ma-ao Sugar Central Co. vs. Barrios, 79 Phil. 666 [1947]; Community Investment and
Finance Corp. vs. Garcia, 88 Phil. 215 [1951]; Remitere vs. Vda. de Yulo, 16 SCRA 251
[1966]; Caseñas vs. Rosales, 19 SCRA 462 [1967]; Virata vs. Sandiganbayan, 202 SCRA
680 [1991]; Madrona vs. Rosal, 204 SCRA 1 [1991].
20 Adamos vs. J.M. Tuason and Co., Inc. 25 SCRA 529 [1968]; Virata vs.
Sandiganbayn, supra; Madrona vs. Rosal, supra.
23 180 SCRA 496, 501-502 [1989]. See also, Coseteng vs. Mitra, 187 SCRA 377 [1990];
Gonzales vs. Macaraig, 191 SCRA 452 [1990]; Llamas vs. Orbos, 202 SCRA 844 [1991];
Bengzon vs. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, 203 SCRA 767 [1991].
24 Rollo, 44.
31 Ongsiako vs. Gamboa, 86 Phil. 50 [1950]; Abe vs. Foster Wheeler Corp. supra.; Phil.
American Life Insurance Co. vs. Auditor General, supra.; Alalayan vs. NPC, 24 SCRA
172[1968]; Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers' Union, 59 SCRA 54 [1974]; Kabiling vs.
National Housing Authority, 156 SCRA 623 [1987].
Case 4: League of Cities v. COMELEC G.R. No. 1769951
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP), represented by LCP National President Jerry P. Treñas; City of
Calbayog, represented by Mayor Mel Senen S. Sarmiento; and Jerry P. Treñas, in his personal capacity
as Taxpayer, Petitioners,
Commission on Elections; Municipality of Lamitan, Province of Basilan; Municipality of Tabuk,
Province of Kalinga; Municipality of Bayugan, Province of Agusan del Sur; Municipality of Batac,
Province of Ilocos Norte; Municipality of Mati, Province of Davao Oriental; and Municipality of
Guihulngan, Province of Negros Oriental, Respondents.
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP), represented by LCP National President Jerry P. Treñas; City of
Calbayog, represented by Mayor Mel Senen S. Sarmiento; and Jerry P. Treñas, in his personal capacity
as Taxpayer, Petitioners,
Commission on Elections; Municipality of Cabadbaran, Province of Agusan del Norte; Municipality of
Carcar, Province of Cebu; Municipality of El Salvador, Province of Misamis Oriental; Municipality of
Naga, Cebu; and Department of Budget and Management, Respondents.
We hereby consider and resolve:– (a) the petitioners’ Motion for Leave to File Motion for
Reconsideration of the Resolution of 12 April 2011, attached to which is a Motion for Reconsideration of
the Resolution dated 12 April 2011 dated April 29, 2011 (Motion For Reconsideration), praying that the
resolution of April 12, 2011 be reconsidered and set aside; and (b) the respondents’ Motion for Entry of
15 February 2011) is of no consequence, for the constitutionality of R.A. No. 9009 is neither relevant nor
decisive in this case, the reference to said legislative enactment being only for purposes of discussion.
The Motion for Reconsideration, being a second motion for reconsideration, cannot be entertained. As
to that, Section 24 of Rule 51 of the Rules of Court is unqualified. The Court has firmly held that a second
motion for reconsideration is a prohibited pleading,5 and only for extraordinarily persuasive reasons and
only after an express leave has been first obtained may a second motion for reconsideration be
entertained.6 The restrictive policy against a second motion for reconsideration has been re-emphasized
in the recently promulgated Internal Rules of the Supreme Court, whose Section 3, Rule 15 states:
Section 3. Second motion for reconsideration. – The Court shall not entertain a second motion for
reconsideration, and any exception to this rule can only be granted in the higher interest of justice by
the Court en banc upon a vote of at least two-thirds of its actual membership. There is reconsideration
"in the higher interest of justice" when the assailed decision is not only legally erroneous, but is likewise
patently unjust and potentially capable of causing unwarranted and irremediable injury or damage to
the parties. A second motion for reconsideration can only be entertained before the ruling sought to
be reconsidered becomes final by operation of law or by the Court’s declaration.
In the Division, a vote of three Members shall be required to elevate a second motion for
reconsideration to the Court En Banc.
We observe, too, that the prescription that a second motion for reconsideration "can only be
entertained before the ruling sought to be reconsidered becomes final by operation of law or by the
Court’s declaration" even renders the denial of the petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration more
compelling. As the resolution of April 12, 2011 bears out,7the ruling sought to be reconsidered became
final by the Court’s express declaration. Consequently, the denial ofthe Motion for Reconsideration is
immediately warranted.
Still, the petitioners seem to contend that the Court had earlier entertained and granted the
respondents’ own second motion for reconsideration. There is no similarity between then and now,
however, for the Court en banc itself unanimously declared in the resolution of June 2, 2009 that the
respondents’ second motion for reconsideration was "no longer a prohibited pleading."8 No similar
declaration favors the petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration.
Finally, considering that the petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration merely rehashes the issues
previously put forward, particularly in the Ad Cautelam Motion for Reconsideration (of the Decision
dated 15 February 2011), the Court, having already passed upon such issues with finality, finds no need
to discuss the issues again to avoid repetition and redundancy.
Accordingly, the finality of the resolutions upholding the constitutionality of the 16 Cityhood Laws now
absolutely warrants the granting of respondents’ Motion for Entry of Judgment.
WHEREFORE, the Court denies the petitioners’ Motion for Leave to File Motion for Reconsideration of
the Resolution of 12 April 2011 and the attached Motion for Reconsideration of the Resolution of 12
April 2011; grants the respondents’ Motion for Entry of Judgment dated May 9, 2011; and directs the
Clerk of Court to forthwith issue the Entry of Judgment in this case.
Associate Justice
Chief Justice
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above
decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of
the Court.
Chief Justice
The prayer for relief of the Motion for Reconsideration states:
WHEREFORE, Petitioners most respectfully pray that the Resolution dated 12 April 2011
The dispositive portion of the resolution of April 12, 2011 reads:
WHEREFORE, the Ad Cautelam Motion for Reconsideration (of the Decision dated 15
February 2011) is denied with finality.
The dispositive portion of the resolution of February 15, 2011 says:
WHEREFORE, the Motion for Reconsideration of the "Resolution" dated August 24,
2010, dated and filed on September 14, 2010 by respondents Municipality of Baybay, et
al. is GRANTED. The Resolution dated August 24, 2010 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The
Cityhood Laws—Republic Acts Nos. 9389, 9390, 9391, 9392, 9393, 9394, 9398, 9404,
9405, 9407, 9408, 9409, 9434, 9435, 9436, and 9491—are declared CONSTITUTIONAL.
Section 2. Second motion for reconsideration. – No second motion for reconsideration of a
judgment or final resolution by the same party shall be entertained.
Securities and Exchange Commission v. PICOP Resources, Inc., 566 SCRA 451 (2008); APO Fruits
corporation v. Land Bank of the Philippines, G.R. No. 164195, April 5, 2011; Ortigas and
Company Limited Partnership v. Velasco, 254 SCRA 234.
Ortigas and Company Limited Partnership v. Velasco, supra.
Supra, note 2.
The resolution of June 2, 2009 pertinently declared:
In the present case, the Court voted on the second motion for reconsideration filed by
the respondent cities. In effect, the Court allowed the filing of the second motion for
reconsideration. Thus, the second motion for reconsideration was no longer a
prohibited pleading. However, for lack of the required number of votes to overturn the
18 November 2009 Decision and 31 March 2009 Resolution, the Court denied the
second motion for reconsideration in its 28 April 2009 Resolution.
The majority decision upheld the constitutionality of the Cityhood Laws because (1) of the pendency of
the conversion bills during the 11th Congress; and (2) compliance with the requirements of the Local
Government Code prior to its amendment by Republic Act No. 9009.
I reiterate my dissent.
The Cityhood Laws violate Section 10, Article X of the Constitution.
No province, city, municipality, or barangay shall be created, divided, merged, abolished or its boundary
substantially altered, except in accordance with the criteria established in the local government
code and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political units directly
affected. (Emphasis supplied)
The Constitution is clear. The creation of local government units must follow the criteria established in
the Local Government Code itself and not in any other law. There is only one Local Government
Code.1 To avoid discrimination and ensure uniformity and equality, the Constitution expressly requires
Congress to stipulate in the Local Government Code itself all the criteria necessary for the creation of a
city, including the conversion of a municipality into a city. Congress cannot write such criteria in any
other law, like the Cityhood Laws.
Notably, each Cityhood Law provides in its Separability Clause that if any of its provisions is
"inconsistent with the Local Government Code," the other consistent provisions "shall continue to be
in full force and effect." The clear and inescapable implication is that any provision in each Cityhood
Law that is "inconsistent with the Local Government Code" has no force and effect – in short, void and
ineffective. Each Cityhood Law expressly and unequivocally acknowledges the superiority of the Local
Government Code, and that in case of conflict, the Local Government Code shall prevail over the
Cityhood Law. The clear intent and express language of the Cityhood Laws is for these laws to conform
to the Local Government Code and not the other way around.
Moreover, Congress, in providing in the Separability Clause that the Local Government Code shall prevail
over the Cityhood Laws, treats the Cityhood Laws as separate and distinct from the Local Government
Code. In other words, the Cityhood Laws do not form integral parts of the Local Government Code but
are separate and distinct laws. There is therefore no question that the Cityhood Laws are
laws other than the Local Government Code. As such, the Cityhood Laws cannot stipulate an exception
from the requirements for the creation of cities, prescribed in the Local Government Code, without
running afoul of the explicit mandate of Section 10, Article X of the 1987 Constitution.
Contrary to the faulty conclusion of the majority, the Cityhood Laws do not amend the Local
Government Code. The Legislature never intended the Cityhood Laws to amend the Local Government
Code. Nowhere in the plain language of the Cityhood Laws can this interpretation be discerned. Neither
the title nor the body of the Cityhood Laws sustains such conclusion. Simply put, there is absolutely
nothing in the Cityhood Laws to support the majority decision that the Cityhood Laws amended the
Local Government Code.
The Cityhood Laws violate the equal protection clause.
There is no substantial distinction between municipalities with pending cityhood bills in the 11th
Congress and municipalities that did not have pending bills. The mere pendency of a cityhood bill in the
11th Congress is not a material difference to distinguish one municipality from another for the purpose
of the income requirement. The pendency of a cityhood bill in the 11th Congress does not affect or
determine the level of income of a municipality. Municipalities with pending cityhood bills in the 11th
Congress might even have lower annual income than municipalities that did not have pending cityhood
bills. In short, the classification criterion − mere pendency of a cityhood bill in the 11th Congress − is not
rationally related to the purpose of the law which is to prevent fiscally non-viable municipalities from
converting into cities.
The fact of pendency of a cityhood bill in the 11th Congress limits the exemption to a specific condition
existing at the time of passage of RA 9009. That specific condition will never happen again. This violates
the requirement that a valid classification must not be limited to existing conditions only.
In the same vein, the exemption provision in the Cityhood Laws gives the 16 municipalities a unique
advantage based on an arbitrary date − the filing of their cityhood bills before the end of the 11th
Congress – as against all other municipalities that want to convert into cities after the effectivity of RA
Further, limiting the exemption only to the 16 municipalities violates the requirement that the
classification must apply to all similarly situated. Municipalities with the same income as the 16
respondent municipalities cannot convert into cities, while the 16 respondent municipalities can.
Clearly, as worded the exemption provision found in the Cityhood Laws, even if it were written in
Section 450 of the Local Government Code, is unconstitutional for violation of the equal protection
Respondent municipalities must comply with the
₱100 million income requirement under the prevailing LGC.
RA No. 9009 amended the Local Government Code precisely because the criteria in the old Local
Government Code were no longer sufficient. In short, RA No. 9009 repealed the old income requirement
of ₱20 million, a requirement that no longer exists in our statute books. Compliance with the old income
requirement is compliance with a repealed, dead, and non-existent law – a totally useless, futile, and
empty act. Worse, compliance with the old requirement is an outright violation of the Constitution
which expressly commands that "no x x x city x x x shall be created x x x except in accordance with the
criteria established in the local government code." Therefore, respondent municipalities in order to
validly convert into cities must comply with the ₱100 million income requirement under the prevailing
Local Government Code, as amended by RA 9009, and not with the old ₱20 million income requirement.
Otherwise, such compliance with the old ₱20 million income requirement is void for being
There must be strict compliance with the express command of the Constitution that "no city x x x shall
be created x x x except in accordance with the criteria established in the local government code."
Substantial compliance is insufficient because it will discriminate against all other cities that were
created before and after the enactmentof the Cityhood Laws in strict compliance with the criteria in the
Local Government Code, as amended by RA No. 9009. The conversion of municipalities into new cities
means an increase in the Internal Revenue Allotment of the former municipalities and a corresponding
decrease in the Internal Revenue Allotment of all other existing cities. There must be strict, not only
substantial, compliance with the constitutional requirement because the economic lifeline of existing
cities may be seriously affected.
The increased income requirement of ₱100 million
is neither arbitrary nor difficult to comply.
According to the majority, "the imposition of the income requirement of ₱100 million from local sources
under R.A. No. 9009 was arbitrary. x x x no research or empirical data buttressed the figure. Nor was
there proof that the proposal took into account the after-effects that were likely to arise."
The Legislature, in enacting RA No. 9009, is not required by the Constitution to show the courts data like
inflation figures to support the increased income requirement. As long as the increased income
requirement is not impossible to comply, such increase is a policy determination involving the wisdom
of the law, which exclusively lies within the province of the Legislature. When the Legislature enacts
laws increasing taxes, tax rates, or capital requirements for businesses, the Court cannot refuse to apply
such laws on the ground that there is no economic justification for such increases. Economic, political or
social justifications for the enactment of laws go into the wisdom of the law, outside the purview of
judicial review. This Court cannot refuse to apply the law unless the law violates a specific provision of
the Constitution. There is plainly nothing unconstitutional in increasing the income requirement from
₱20 million to ₱100 million because such increase does not violate any express or implied provision of
the Constitution.
Failure of 59 existing cities to post ₱100 million annual income
does not render the ₱100 million income requirement
difficult to comply.
Suffice it to state that there is no Constitutional or statutory requirement for the 59 existing cities to
comply with the ₱100 million income requirement. Obviously, these cities were already cities prior to
the amendment of the Local Government Code providing for the increased income requirement of
₱100 million. In other words, at the time of their creation, these cities have complied with the criteria
prescribed under the old Local Government Code for the creation of cities, and thus are not required to
comply with the ₱100 million income requirement of the prevailing Local Government Code. It is utterly
misplaced and grossly erroneous to cite the "non-compliance" by the 59 existing cities with the
increased income requirement of ₱100 million to conclude that the ₱100 million income requirement is
arbitrary and difficult to comply.
Moreover, as stated, the increased income requirement of ₱100 million is neither unconstitutional nor
unlawful. Unless the ₱100 million income requirement violates a provision of the Constitution or a law,
such requirement for the creation of a city must be strictly complied with. Any local government unit
applying for cityhood, whether located in or outside the metropolis and whether within the National
Capital Region or not, must meet the ₱100 million income requirement prescribed by the prevailing
Local Government Code. There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional or unlawful if the ₱100 million
income requirement is easily complied with by local government units within or near the National
Capital Region. The majority’s groundless and unfair discrimination against these metropolis-located
local government units must necessarily fail.
The Cityhood Laws violate Section 6, Article X of the Constitution.
Uniform and non-discriminatory criteria as prescribed in the Local Government Code are essential to
implement a fair and equitable distribution of national taxes to all local government units. Section 6,
Article X of the Constitution provides:
Local government units shall have a just share, as determined by law, in the national taxes which shall
be automatically released to them. (Emphasis supplied)
If the criteria in creating local government units are not uniform and discriminatory, there can be no fair
and just distribution of the national taxes to local government units.
A city with an annual income of only ₱20 million, all other criteria being equal, should not receive the
same share in national taxes as a city with an annual income of ₱100 million or more. The criteria of land
area, population and income, as prescribed in Section 450 of the Local Government Code, must be
strictly followed because such criteria, prescribed by law, are material in determining the "just share" of
local government units in national taxes. Since the Cityhood Laws do not follow the income criterion in
Section 450 of the Local Government Code, they prevent the fair and just distribution of the Internal
Revenue Allotment in violation of Section 6, Article X of the Constitution.
As pointed out by petitioners, "respondent municipalities have a total population equivalent to that of
Davao City only, or around 1.3 million people. Yet, the IRA that pertains to the 16 municipalities
(₱4,019,776,072) is more than double that for Davao City (₱1,874,175,271). x x x As a result, the per
capita IRA alloted for the individual denizen of Davao is even less than half of the average per capita IRA
of the inhabitants of the sixteen (16) municipalities (₱1,374.70 divided by ₱3,117.24)."
This indisputable fact vividly reveals the economic inequity that will inevitably result from the unjust
allocation of the IRA as a consequence of the conversion of respondent municipalities into cities. Clearly,
if the existing cities’ share in the Internal Revenue Allotment is unreasonably reduced, it is possible,
even expected, that these cities may have to lay-off workers and abandon projects, greatly hampering,
or worse paralyzing, the delivery of much needed public services in their respective territorial
The Constitution expressly requires Congress to stipulate in the Local Government Code itself all the
criteria necessary for the creation of a city, including the conversion of a municipality into a city. To
avoid discrimination and ensure uniformity and equality, such criteria cannot be embodied in any other
law except the Local Government Code. In this case, the Cityhood Laws, which are unmistakably laws
other than the Local Government Code, provide an exemption from the increased income requirement
for the creation of cities under Section 450 of the Local Government Code, as amended by RA No. 9009.
Clearly, the Cityhood Laws contravene the letter and intent of Section 10, Article X of the Constitution.
In addition, the Cityhood Laws violate the equal protection clause and Section 6, Article X of the
Constitution on the fair and equitable distribution of national taxes to all local government units.
Without any doubt, the Cityhood Laws must be striken down for being unconstitutional.
Accordingly, I vote to GRANT the motion for reconsideration of the League of Cities of the Philippines.
Associate Justice
Republic Act No. 7160, as amended.
"If changing judges changes laws, it is not even clear what law is."
- Richard A. Posner1
I maintain my dissent that the sixteen Cityhood Laws are unconstitutional. In questioning the Court’s
latest Resolution,2 petitioners have raised concerns over the "highly irregular and unprecedented" acts
of entertaining several motions for reconsideration.3 In response to these concerns, I wish to expound
on the effects of the "flip-flopping" decisions on the Court’s role in our democratic system and its
decision-making process, in order that it may "serve to bulwark the fortifications of an orderly
government of laws."4
Our system of democracy is committed irrevocably to a government of laws,5 and not of men.6 Laws give
witness to society’s moral values7 and are the depositories of what the sovereign as a whole has agreed
to uphold as the minimum standards of conduct that will govern relationships and transactions within
that society. In a representative democracy, the Filipino people, through their elected representatives,
deliberate, distill and make moral judgments, which are crystallized into written laws that are made
public, accessible and binding to all.8 Perhaps no characteristic of an organized and cohesive society is
more fundamental than its erection and enforcement of a system of rules defining the various rights and
duties of its members, enabling them to govern their affairs and definitively settle their differences in an
orderly, predictable manner.9
Obedience to the rule of law forms the bedrock of our system of justice.10 Once the sovereign people’s
"soft" moral choices are hardened through the constitutionally mandated legislative process,11 statutory
laws perform an equalizing function of imposing a knowable standard of conduct or behavior to which
all members of society must conform to – a social contract which everyone regardless of class, sex or
religion is bound.12 Legislative enactments are ordinarily prospective and general in character insofar as
they prescribe limitations on an individual’s future conduct. Under the rule of law,13 ordinary people can
reasonably assume that another person’s future conduct will be in observance of the laws and can
conceivably expect that any deviation therefrom will be punished accordingly by responsible authorities.
Thus, written constitutions and statutory laws allow citizens a minimum confidence in a world of
Through constitutionalism we placed limits on both our political institutions and ourselves, hoping that
democracies, historically always turbulent, chaotic, and even despotic, might now become restrained,
principled, thoughtful and just. So we bound ourselves over to a law that we made and promised to
keep. And though a government of laws did not displace governance by men, it did mean that now men,
democratic men, would try to live by their word.14
As man-made creations, however, laws are not always entirely encompassing, as future conditions may
change – conditions that could not have been perceived or accounted for by the legislators. Actual
situations may arise between two conflicting claims by specific parties with differing interpretations of
the law. In those instances in which a gray area or an unintended gap exists in the implementation or
execution of laws, the judicial department is charged with the duty of determining the limitations that
the law places upon all actions of individuals.15 Hence, the court’s primary adjudicatory function is to
mark the metes and bounds of the law in specific areas of application, as well as to pass judgment on
the competing positions in a case properly brought before it.
The Court not only functions to adjudicate rights among the parties, but also serves the purpose of a
supreme tribunal of last resort that establishes uniform rules of civil justice.16 Jurisprudence "narrows
the field of uncertainty"17 in the application of an unclear area of the law. The certainty of judicial
pronouncement lends respect for and adherence to the rule of law – "the idea that all citizens and all
organs of government are bound by rules fixed in advance, which make it possible to foresee how the
coercive powers of government will be used, whether in its own interests or in aid of citizens who call on
them, in particular circumstances."18 The Court’s historic role of pronouncing what the law is between
the parties19 is the cornerstone of a government of laws, and not of men.20Justice Antonin Scalia of the
United States Supreme Court expounded on the objectives of uniformity and predictability of judicial
decisions, to wit:
This last point suggests another obvious advantage of establishing as soon as possible a clear, general
principle of decision: predictability. Even in simpler times uncertainty has been regarded as incompatible
with the Rule of Law. Rudimentary justice requires that those subject to the law must have the means of
knowing what it prescribes. It is said that one of emperor Nero's nasty practices was to post his edicts
high on the columns so that they would be harder to read and easier to transgress. As laws have become
more numerous, and as people have become increasingly ready to punish their adversaries in the
courts, we can less and less afford protracted uncertainty regarding what the law may mean.
Predictability, or as Llewellyn put it, "reckonability," is a needful characteristic of any law worthy of the
name. There are times when even a bad rule is better than no rule at all.21 (Emphasis supplied)
Certainty and "reckonability" in the law are the major objectives of the legal system, and judicial
decisions serve the important purpose of providing stability to the law and to the society governed by
that law.22 If we are to subscribe to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ theory of a bad man,23 then law
provides reasonable predictability in the consequences of one’s actions relative to the law, if performed
in a just and orderly society. As judicial decisions form part of the law of the land,24 there is a strong
public interest in stability and in the orderly conduct of our affairs, an end served by a consistent course
of adjudication.25 Thus, once a court has decided upon a rule of law, "that decision should continue to
govern the same issues in subsequent stages" of the same case26 and thus offers to the people some
measure of conviction about the legal effects of their actions. In the absence of extraordinary
circumstances, courts should be loathe to revisit prior decisions.27
In the instant case, the public confusion, sown by the pendulum swing of the Court’s decisions, has
yielded unpredictability in the judicial decision-making process and has spawned untold consequences
upon the public’s confidence in the enduring stability of the rule of law in our jurisdiction.
The Court has been entrusted by the sovereign with the duty of voicing out and sharpening with finality
society’s collective ideals in its written decisions. Yet, if cases are litigated in perpetuity, and judgments
are clouded with continuous uncertainty, the public’s confidence in the stability of judicial precedents
promulgated by the Court would be greatly diminished. In this case, the Court has reviewed and
reconsidered, no less than five times already,28 the constitutionality of the sixteen Cityhood
Laws.29 During this time, the public has been made to endure an inordinate degree of indecision that has
disturbed the conduct of local government affairs with respect not only to the municipalities asking to
become cities, but also with respect to cities genuinely fearful of the destruction of the standards for the
creation of cities and the correlative diminution of the internal revenue allotments of existing cities. The
Court’s commitment to provide constant and steadfast rules on the creation of cities has been inevitably
weakened by the "flip-flopping" in the case that has opened the doors to rabid criticisms of the Court’s
failure to abide by its own internal rules and, thus, diminishing reliance on the certainty of its decisions.
To be sure, the Court is not precluded from rectifying errors of judgment if blind and stubborn
adherence to the doctrine of immutability30 would involve the sacrifice of justice for technicality.31 The
Court has previously provided for exceptions to the rule on immutability of final judgments, as follows:
(1) the correction of clerical errors;32 (2) nunc pro tunc entries which cause no prejudice to any
party;33 (3) void judgments;34 and (4) supervening events.35As exceptions to the general rule, their
application to instances wherein a review of a final and executory decision is called are to be strictly
construed.36 No convincing argument or extraordinary circumstance has been raised to justify and
support the application of any of these exceptions to warrant a reversal of the Court’s First Decision.
Reversing previous, final, and executory decisions are to be done only under severely limited
circumstances. Although new and unforeseen circumstances may arise in the future to justify a review
of an established legal principle in a separate and distinct case, the extension of a principle must be
dealt with exceptionally and cautiously.
Undeniably, the Court in the past has overturned prior decisions even on a second or third motion for
reconsideration and recalled entries of judgment on the ground of substantial interest of justice and
special and compelling reasons.37 The Court bows to "the lessons of experience and the force of better
reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial and error, so fruitful in the physical sciences, is
appropriate also in the judicial function."38Notable reversals in recent memory include the cases
involving the request for extradition of Mark Jimenez,39 the constitutionality of the Philippine Mining Act
of 1995,40 the land title covering the Piedad Estate in Quezon City,41the just compensation due to Apo
Fruits Corporation,42 and the "deemed resigned" provision for public appointive officials in the recent
May 2010 election.43 Although no prohibition exists that would prevent this Court from changing its
mind in the light of compelling reasons and in the interest of substantial justice as abovedemonstrated,
extreme retrospect and caution must accompany such review.
In the instant case, there is no substantial interest of justice or compelling reason that would warrant
the reversal of the First Decision declaring the Cityhood Laws unconstitutional. There is no injustice in
preventing the conversion of the sixteen municipalities into cities at this point in time. In fact, justice is
more equitably dispensed by the stringent application of the current legislative criteria under the Local
Government Code (LGC),44 as amended by Republic Act No. 9009 (RA 9009), for creating cities without
distinction or exception. It must be remembered that the declaration of unconstitutionality is not an
absolute ban on these municipalities prohibiting them from pursuing cityhood in the future once they
are able to achieve the PhP100,000,000 income requirement under RA 9009.45Alternatively, their
congressional representatives can also press for another amendatory law of the LGC that would include
an explicit exception to the income requirement for municipalities with pending cityhood bills prior to
the enactment of RA 9009. The route purportedly chosen by Congress to indirectly amend the LGC
through the exemption of annual income requirements in the Cityhood Laws is improper. If Congress
believes that the minority’s construction of its intention in increasing the annual income requirement is
erroneous, then the legislature can show its disapproval by directly enacting amendatory legislation of
the LGC. In both cases, the remedy available to the sixteen municipalities is not with the Court, but with
the legislature, which is constitutionally empowered to determine the standards for the creation of a
local government unit. The reasoning and substantial justice arguments expounded to reverse the initial
finding of the Court that the Cityhood Laws are unconstitutional are poorly founded.
The LGC is a distinctly normative law that regulates the legislative power to create cities and establishes
the standards by which the power is exercised. Unlike other statutes that prohibit undesirable conduct
of ordinary citizens and are ends by themselves, the LGC prescribes the means by which congressional
power is to be exercised and local government units are brought into legal existence. Its purpose is to
avoid the arbitrary and random creation of provinces, cities and municipalities. By encapsulating the
criteria for cityhood in the LGC, Congress provided objective, equally applicable and fairly ascertainable
standards and reduced the emphasis on currying political favor from its members to approvingly act on
the proposed cityhood law. Otherwise, cities chartered under a previous Congress can be unmade, at a
whim, by a subsequent Congress, regardless of its compliance with the LGC’s requirements. Fairness and
equity demand that the criteria established by the LGC be faithfully and strictly enforced, most
especially by Congress whose power is the actual subject of legislative delimitation.
In granting it the power to fix the criteria for the creation of a city, the Constitution, of course, did not
preclude Congress from revising the standards imposed under the LGC. Congress shall enjoy the
freedom to reconsider the minimum standards under the LGC, if future circumstances call for it.
However, the method of revising the criteria must be directly done through an amendatory law of the
LGC (such as RA 9009), and not through the indirect route of creating cities and exempting their
compliance with the established and prevailing standards. By indiscriminately carving out exemptions in
the charter laws themselves, Congress enfeebled the normative function of the LGC on the legislative
power to create cities. Taking the argument to the extreme, a single barangay now has the chance of
being chartered as a component city without compliance with the income, territorial or population
requirements under the LGC, for as long as enough Congressional support is mustered to push for its
exemption – not in a general amendatory law, but through its own specific legislative charter. The
selective disregard of the norms under the LGC in favor of some municipalities cannot be sanctioned in a
system where the rule of law remains dominant. Unless prevented by the Court, Congress will now be
emboldened to charter new cities wholesale and arbitrarily relax the stringent standards under the LGC,
which it imposed on itself.
It must be emphasized that no inconsistency arises from the present minority’s continued participation
in the disposition of the second or subsequent motions for reconsideration of the parties with the
avowed purpose of predictability of judicial pronouncements. The reiteration of the minority’s position
that the Cityhood Laws are unconstitutional is an expression that none of the "new" or rehashed
arguments in the subsequent motions have merited a change in their stand and appreciation of the facts
and the law. For the minority to abandon their involvement from the proceedings in a mechanical
adherence to the rule that the second and subsequent motions for reconsideration are prohibited
pleadings that do not warrant the Court’s attention is to capitulate to the sixteen municipalities’
abhorrent strategy of insistent prayer for review of re-hashed arguments, already passed on, repeatedly.
If stability in the Court’s decisions46 is to be maintained, then parties should not be encouraged to
tirelessly seek reexamination of determined principles and speculate on the fluctuation of the law with
every change of its expounders.47 In Clavano v. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, the Court
explained that:
"The tendency of the law," observes Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, "must always be to narrow the field
of uncertainty." And so was the judicial process conceived to bring about the just termination of legal
disputes. The mechanisms for this objective are manifold but the essential precept underlying them is
the immutability of final and executory judgments.
This fundamental principle in part affirms our recognition of instances when disputes are inadequately
presented before the courts and addresses situations when parties fail to unravel what they truly desire
and thus fail to set forth all the claims which they want the courts to resolve. It is only when judgments
have become final and executory, or even when already deemed satisfied, that our negligent litigants
belatedly come forth to pray for more relief. The distilled wisdom and genius of the ages would tell us to
reject their pleas, for the loss to litigants in particular and to society in general would in the long run be
greater than the gain if courts and judges were clothed with power to revise their final decisions at
will.48 (Emphasis supplied)
Unlike that of the other two political branches whose mandates are regularly renewed through direct
election, the Court’s legitimacy must be painstakingly earned with every decision that puts voice to the
cherished value judgments of the sovereign. The judicial function in an organized and cohesive society
governed by the rule of law is placed in serious peril if the people cannot rely on the finality of court
decisions to regulate their affairs. There is no reason for the Court to bend over backwards to
accommodate the parties’ requests for reconsideration, yet again, of the unconstitutionality of the
sixteen Cityhood Laws as borne by the First Decision, especially if the result would lead to the fracturing
of central tenets of the justice system. The people’s sense of an orderly government will find it
unacceptable if the Supreme Court, which is tasked to express enduring values through its judicial
pronouncements, is founded on sand, easily shifting with the changing tides.
The legal process of creating cities – as enacted and later amended by the legislature, implemented by
the executive, and interpreted by the judiciary –serves as the people’s North Star: certain, stable and
predictable. Absent the three branches’ adherence to the rule of law, our society would denigrate into
uncertainty, instability and even anarchy. Indeed, the law is the only supreme power in our system of
government, and every man who by accepting office participates in its functions is only the more
strongly bound to submit to that supremacy and to observe the limitations it imposes upon the exercise
of the authority that it gives.49 No public officer is held to these highest of normative standards than
those whose duties are to adjudicate the rights of the people and to articulate on enduring principles of
law applicable to all.
As Justice Robert Jackson eloquently expressed,50 the Supreme Court is not final because it is infallible; it
is infallible because it is final. And because its decisions are final, even if faulty, there must be every
energy expended to ensure that the faulty decisions are few and far between. The integrity of the
judiciary rests not only upon the fact that it is able to administer justice, but also upon the perception
and confidence of the community that the people who run the system have done justice.51
The determination of the correctness of a judicial decision turns on far more than its outcome.52 Rather,
it turns on whether its outcome evolved from principles of judicial methodology, since the judiciary’s
function is not to bring about some desired state of affairs, but to find objectively the right decision by
adhering to the established general system of rules.53
What we are dealing with in this case is no longer limited to the question of constitutionality of Cityhood
Laws; we are also confronted with the question of certainty and predictability in the decisions of the
Court under a democratic system governed by law and rules and its ability to uphold the Constitution
and normative legislation such as the LGC.
The public has unduly suffered from the repeated "flip-flopping" in this case, especially since it comes
from the branch of government tasked to embody in a clear form enduring rules of civil justice that are
to govern them. In expressing these truths, I echo the sentiment of a judicial colleague from a foreign
jurisdiction who once said, "I write these words, not as a jeremiad,54 but in the belief that unless the
courts adhere to the guidance of fixed principles, we will soon bring objective law to its sepulcher."55
Posner, Richard A., How Judges Think (2008), at 1.
Resolution dated 12 April 2011.
Petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration dated 29 April 2011, para. 1.6, at 7.
"In concluding this tedious and disagreeable task, may we not be permitted to express the
hope that this decision may serve to bulwark the fortifications of an orderly government of laws
and to protect individual liberty from illegal encroachment." (Villavicencio v. Lukban, G. R. No.
14639, 25 March 1919, 39 Phil. 778; emphasis supplied)
Dissenting Opinion, Justice Paras, Austria v. Amante, G. R. No. L-959, 09 January 1948, 79 Phil.
"The Government of the Philippine Islands is essentially a Government of laws and not of
men." (In Re: Mulloch Dick, G. R. No. 13862, 16 April 1918, 38 Phil. 41)
"The laws enacted become expressions of public morality. As Justice Holmes put it, ‘(t)he law is
the witness and deposit of our moral life.’ ‘In a liberal democracy, the law reflects social morality
over a period of time.’ Occasionally though, a disproportionate political influence might cause a
law to be enacted at odds with public morality or legislature might fail to repeal laws embodying
outdated traditional moral views. Law has also been defined as ‘something men create in their
best moments to protect themselves in their worst moments.’ … Law deals with the minimum
standards of human conduct while morality is concerned with the maximum. … Law also serves
as ‘a helpful starting point for thinking about a proper or ideal public morality for a society’ in
pursuit of moral progress." (Estrada v. Escritor, A.M. No. P-02-1651, 04 August 2003, 408 SCRA
"In a democracy, this common agreement on political and moral ideas is distilled in the public
square. Where citizens are free, every opinion, every prejudice, every aspiration, and every
moral discernment has access to the public square where people deliberate the order of their
life together. Citizens are the bearers of opinion, including opinion shaped by, or espousing
religious belief, and these citizens have equal access to the public square. In this representative
democracy, the state is prohibited from determining which convictions and moral judgments
may be proposed for public deliberation. Through a constitutionally designed process, the
people deliberate and decide. Majority rule is a necessary principle in this democratic
governance. Thus, when public deliberation on moral judgments is finally crystallized into law,
the laws will largely reflect the beliefs and preferences of the majority, i.e., the mainstream or
median groups." (Estrada v. Escritor, id.)
Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371, 91 S.Ct. 780, 28 L.Ed.2d 113 (1971).
People v. Veneracion, G. R. No. 119987-88, 12 October 1995, 319 Phil. 364.
Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 26 and 27.
"For when any number of men have, by the consent of every individual, made a community,
they have thereby made that community one body, with a power to act as one body, which is
only by the will and determination of the majority: for that which acts any community, being
only the consent of the individuals of it, and it being necessary to that which is one body to
move one way; it is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries
it, which is the consent of the majority: or else it is impossible it should act or continue one
body, one community, which the consent of every individual that united into it, agreed that it
should; and so every one is bound by that consent to be concluded by the majority. And
therefore we see, that in assemblies, empowered to act by positive laws, where no number is
set by that positive law which empowers them, the act of the majority passes for the act of the
whole, and of course determines, as having, by the law of nature and reason, the power of the
whole." (Locke, John. Second Treatise on Civil Government, cited in footnote no. 47 of Chief
Justice Reynato Puno’s Concurring Opinion in Province of North Cotabato v. GRP Peace Panel on
Ancestral Domain, 568 SCRA 402)
The rule of law has likewise been described as "a defeasible entitlement of persons to have
their behavior governed by laws that are publicly fixed in advance." (Stephen R. Munzer, A
Theory of Retroactive Legislation, 61 Tex. L. Rev. 425 [1982] at 438)
Separate Opinion, Justice Santiago Kapunan, Estrada v. Desierto, G. R. No. 146710-15 &
146738, 02 March 2001, 356 SCRA 108.
Separate Opinion, Justice Reynato Puno in IBP v. Zamora, G. R. No. 141284, 15 August 2000,
338 SCRA 81.
"… Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning and
operation. … Their true import, as far as respects individuals, must, like all other laws, be
ascertained by judicial determinations. To produce uniformity in these determinations, they
ought to be submitted, in the last resort, to one supreme tribunal. … There are endless
diversities in the opinions of men. We often see not only different courts but the judges of the
same court differing from each other. To avoid the confusion which would unavoidably result
from the contradictory decisions of a number of independent judicatories, all nations have
found it necessary to establish one court paramount to the rest, possessing a general
superintendence, and authorized to settle and declare in the last resort a uniform rule of civil
justice." (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No. 22; emphasis supplied)
"Still, the tendency of the law must always be to narrow the field of uncertainty." (Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Common Law at 53)
J. D. Heydon, Limits to the Powers of Ultimate Appellate Courts, L.Q.R. 2006, 122(JUL), 399-
425, 404, citing Planned Parenthood of South Eastern Pennsylvania v Casey,505 U.S. 833, 854
Abueva v. Wood, G. R. No. 21327, 14 January 1924, 45 Phil. 612.
Separate Opinion, Justice Reynato Puno in IBP v. Zamora, supra. Note 12.
Justice Antonin Scalia, The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules, 56 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1175 (1989) at
Dissenting Opinion, Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association, et al.,
v. Ramos, G. R. No. 127882, 01 February 2005.
"If you want to know the law and nothing else, you must look at it as a bad man, who cares
only for the material consequences which such knowledge enables him to predict, not as a good
one, who finds his reasons for conduct, whether inside the law or outside of it, in the vaguer
sanctions of conscience." (Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., The Path of the Law, 10 Harv. L. R.
457 [1897])
Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the
legal system of the Philippines. (Civil Code, Art. 8; Floresca v. Philex Mining Corporation, G. R.
No. L-30642, 30 April 1985, 136 SCRA 141)
Concurring Opinion, Justice John Paul Stevens, Thornburgh v. American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 476 U.S. 747, 780-781, 106 S.Ct. 2169 (1986)
Jano Justice Systems, Inc., v. Burton, F.Supp.2d, 2010 WL 2012941 (C.D.Ill.) (2010),
citing Christianson v. Colt Indus. Operating Corp., 486 U.S. 800, 816, 108 S.Ct. 2166, 100 L.Ed.2d
811 (1988).
Jano Justice Systems, Inc., v. Burton, id.
In a little over three years, the Court’s decisions in the instant case have swung like a
pendulum from unconstitutionality to validity. Beginning with the First Decision dated 18
November 2008, the Court initially found the subject sixteen Cityhood Laws as unconstitutional,
but reversed itself in the Second Decision dated 21 December 2009, where the laws were
declared valid. However, the Court had a change of heart and reinstated its earlier finding of
unconstitutionality in the Third Decision (SC Resolution dated 24 August 2010, penned by Justice
Antonio Carpio), but less than a year later, it overturned the last ruling by again declaring the
Cityhood Laws constitutional in the Fourth Decision (SC Resolution dated 15 February 2011,
penned by Justice Lucas Bersamin). The Fifth Decision and latest Resolution of the Court denied
with finality the Ad Cautelam Motion for Reconsideration and reiterated that the Cityhood Laws
were constitutional (SC Resolution dated 12 April 2011 penned again by Justice Bersamin)
The sixteen Cityhood Laws consist of Republic Acts Nos. 9389-94, 9398, 9404-05, 9407-09,
9434-36 and 9491.
"A decision that has acquired finality becomes immutable and unalterable and may no longer
be modified in any respect, even if the modification is meant to correct erroneous conclusions
of fact or law and whether it will be made by the court that rendered it or by the highest court
of the land." (Labao v. Flores, G. R. No. 187984, 15 November 2010, 634 SCRA 723, citing Peña v.
Government Service Insurance System, G.R. No. 159520, 19 September 2006, 502 SCRA 383,
Republic v. Ballocanag, G. R. No. 163794, 28 November 2008, 572 SCRA 436, citing Heirs of
Maura So v. Obliosca, G. R. No. 147082, 28 January 2008, 542 SCRA 406, 421-422.
FGU Insurance Corporation v. RTC of Makati, G. R. No. 161282, 23 February 2011, citing Villa
v. GSIS, G. R. No. 174642, 31 October 2009.
"The object of a judgment nunc pro tunc is not the rendering of a new judgment and the
ascertainment and determination of new rights, but is one placing in proper form on the record,
the judgment that had been previously rendered, to make it speak the truth, so as to make it
show what the judicial action really was, not to correct judicial errors, such as to render a
judgment which the court ought to have rendered, in place of the one it did erroneously render,
nor to supply nonaction by the court, however erroneous the judgment may have been."
(Mocorro v. Ramirez, G. R. No. 178366, 28 July 2008, 560 SCRA 362, citing Briones-Vasquez v.
Court of Appeals, 450 SCRA 482, 492 [2005])
"Void judgments may be classified into two groups: those rendered by a court without
jurisdiction to do so and those obtained by fraud or collusion." (Legarda v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 94457, 16 October 1997, 280 SCRA 642)
"One of the exceptions to the principle of immutability of final judgments is the existence of
supervening events. Supervening events refer to facts which transpire after judgment has
become final and executory or to new circumstances which developed after the judgment has
acquired finality, including matters which the parties were not aware of prior to or during the
trial as they were not yet in existence at that time." (Natalia Realty, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.
R. No. 126462, 12 November 2002, 391 SCRA 370)
"Under the rules of statutory construction, exceptions, as a general rule, should be strictly but
reasonably construed." (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. CA, G. R. No. 107135, 23 February
1999, 303 SCRA 508)
"… In the past, however, we have recognized exceptions to this rule by reversing judgments
and recalling their entries in the interest of substantial justice and where special and compelling
reasons called for such actions."
Dissenting Opinion, Justice Louis Brandeis, Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas, Co., 285 U.S. 393,
407-408 (1932).
In Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, G. R. No. 139645, the Court first ordered the Secretary of
Justice to furnish private respondent Mark Jimenez, copies of the extradition request and its
supporting papers, and to give him a reasonable period within which to file his comment with
supporting evidence. (Decision dated 18 January 2000) The Court subsequently reversed itself
and declared that private respondent is bereft of the right to notice and hearing during
the evaluation stage of the extradition process. (Decision 17 October 2000)
In La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association v. Ramos, G. R. No. 127882, the Court first declared some
of the provisions of Republic Act No. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995) unconstitutional and
void (Decision dated 27 January 2004); but on a motion for reconsideration the ruling was later
reversed and the mining law was declared constitutional (Resolution dated 01 December 2004).
In Heirs of Manotok v. Barque, G. R. No. 162335 & 162605, the Court’s First Division initially
affirmed the cancellation of the Manotok title over the friar land and ordered that the title be
reconstituted in favor of the Homer L. Barque, Sr. (Decision dated 12 December 2005) After the
Decision was recalled and the case remanded to the Court of Appeals for reception of evidence
(Resolution dated 18 December 2008), the Court en banc nullified the titles of Manotok and
Barque and declared the land as legally belonging to the national government. (Decision dated
24 August 2010)
In Apo Fruits Corporation v. Landbank of the Philippines, G. R. No. 164105, the Court’s Third
Division ordered Landbank to pay Apo Fruits Corporation and Hijo Plantation to pay
P1,383,179,000 with 12% legal interest as just compensation for the two companies’
expropriated lands. (Decision dated 06 February 2007) Landbank’s motion for reconsideration
was partially granted and the award of legal interest was deleted (Decision dated 19 December
2007 and 30 April 2008), which was affirmed by the Court en banc. (Decision dated 04
December 2009) However, the award of legal interest was reinstated later on. (Decision dated
12 October 2010)
In Quinto v. COMELEC, G. R. No. 189698, the Court first declared unconstitutional the
provision in the Omnibus Election Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 9369, considering
public appointive officials as ipso facto resigned from the filing of their certificate of candidacy.
(Decision 01 December 2009) The Court again reversed itself and declared the same provision as
"not unconstitutional." (Resolution dated 22 February 2010)
Republic Act No. 7160, Sec. 450.
"Requisites for Creation. — (a) A municipality or a cluster of barangays may be converted into
a component city if it has a locally generated average annual income, as certified by the
Department of Finance, of at least One hundred million pesos (P100,000,000.00) for the last two
(2) consecutive years based on 2000 constant prices, and if it has either of the following
(i) a contiguous territory of at least one hundred (100) square kilometers, as certified by
the Land Management Bureau; or
(ii) a population of not less than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) inhabitants, as
certified by the National Statistics Office.
Concurring Opinion, Justice Romeo Callejo, Sr., Lambino v. COMELEC, G. R. No. 174153, 25
October 2006, 505 SCRA 160, citing London Street Tramways Co., Ltd. v. London County Council,
Concurring Opinion, Justice Romeo Callejo, Sr., Lambino v. COMELEC, supra.
G.R. No. 143781, 27 February 2002, 378 SCRA 172.
U. S. v. Lee, 106 US 196, 261 (1882)
"Rightly or wrongly, the belief is widely held by the practicing profession that this Court no
longer respects impersonal rules of law but is guided in these matters by personal impressions
which from time to time may be shared by a majority of Justices. Whatever has been intended,
this Court also has generated an impression in much of the judiciary that regard for precedents
and authorities is obsolete, that words no longer mean what they have always meant to the
profession, that the law knows no fixed principles. …"
"… Whenever decisions of one court are reviewed by another, a percentage of them are
reversed. That reflects a difference in outlook normally found between personnel
comprising different courts. However, reversal by a higher court is not proof that justice
is thereby better done. There is no doubt that if there were a super-Supreme Court, a
substantial proportion of our reversals of state courts would also be reversed. We are
not final because we are infallible, but we are infallible only because we are final."
(Concurring Opinion of Justice Robert Jackson, Brown v. Allen, 344 U.S. 443 [1953];
emphasis supplied).
Spouses Sadik v. Casar, A. M. No. MTJ-95-1053, 02 January 1997, 266 SCRA 1, citing Talens-
Dabon v. Arceo, Administrative Matter No. RTJ-96-1336, 25 July 1996.
Dissenting Opinion, Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association, et al.,
v. Ramos, G. R. No. 127882, 01 February 2005.
Dissenting Opinion, Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association, et al.,
v. Ramos, id.
A lamenting and denunciatory complaint; a doleful story; or a dolorous tirade. (Webster’s
Third New International Dictionary [Merriam Webster 1993] at 1213)
Dissenting Opinion, Circuit Judge Tam, In Re: Estate of Burrogh, 475 F.2d 370, 154
U.S.App.D.C. 259 (1973).
Case 5: Holy See v. Del Rosario Jr., 238 SCRA 524
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court to reverse and set aside the
Orders dated June 20, 1991 and September 19, 1991 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 61, Makati,
Metro Manila in Civil Case No. 90-183.
The Order dated June 20, 1991 denied the motion of petitioner to dismiss the complaint in Civil Case No.
90-183, while the Order dated September 19, 1991 denied the motion for reconsideration of the June
20,1991 Order.
Petitioner is the Holy See who exercises sovereignty over the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, and is
represented in the Philippines by the Papal Nuncio.
Private respondent, Starbright Sales Enterprises, Inc., is a domestic corporation engaged in the real
estate business.
This petition arose from a controversy over a parcel of land consisting of 6,000 square meters (Lot 5-A,
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 390440) located in the Municipality of Parañaque, Metro Manila and
registered in the name of petitioner.
Said Lot 5-A is contiguous to Lots 5-B and 5-D which are covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos.
271108 and 265388 respectively and registered in the name of the Philippine Realty Corporation (PRC).
The three lots were sold to Ramon Licup, through Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., acting as agent to the
sellers. Later, Licup assigned his rights to the sale to private respondent.
In view of the refusal of the squatters to vacate the lots sold to private respondent, a dispute arose as to
who of the parties has the responsibility of evicting and clearing the land of squatters. Complicating the
relations of the parties was the sale by petitioner of Lot 5-A to Tropicana Properties and Development
Corporation (Tropicana).
On January 23, 1990, private respondent filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 61,
Makati, Metro Manila for annulment of the sale of the three parcels of land, and specific performance
and damages against petitioner, represented by the Papal Nuncio, and three other defendants: namely,
Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., the PRC and Tropicana (Civil Case No.
The complaint alleged that: (1) on April 17, 1988, Msgr. Cirilos, Jr., on behalf of petitioner and the PRC,
agreed to sell to Ramon Licup Lots 5-A, 5-B and 5-D at the price of P1,240.00 per square meters; (2) the
agreement to sell was made on the condition that earnest money of P100,000.00 be paid by Licup to the
sellers, and that the sellers clear the said lots of squatters who were then occupying the same; (3) Licup
paid the earnest money to Msgr. Cirilos; (4) in the same month, Licup assigned his rights over the
property to private respondent and informed the sellers of the said assignment; (5) thereafter, private
respondent demanded from Msgr. Cirilos that the sellers fulfill their undertaking and clear the property
of squatters; however, Msgr. Cirilos informed private respondent of the squatters' refusal to vacate the
lots, proposing instead either that private respondent undertake the eviction or that the earnest money
be returned to the latter; (6) private respondent counterproposed that if it would undertake the eviction
of the squatters, the purchase price of the lots should be reduced from P1,240.00 to P1,150.00 per
square meter; (7) Msgr. Cirilos returned the earnest money of P100,000.00 and wrote private
respondent giving it seven days from receipt of the letter to pay the original purchase price in cash; (8)
private respondent sent the earnest money back to the sellers, but later discovered that on March 30,
1989, petitioner and the PRC, without notice to private respondent, sold the lots to Tropicana, as
evidenced by two separate Deeds of Sale, one over Lot 5-A, and another over Lots 5-B and 5-D; and that
the sellers' transfer certificate of title over the lots were cancelled, transferred and registered in the
name of Tropicana; (9) Tropicana induced petitioner and the PRC to sell the lots to it and thus enriched
itself at the expense of private respondent; (10) private respondent demanded the rescission of the sale
to Tropicana and the reconveyance of the lots, to no avail; and (11) private respondent is willing and
able to comply with the terms of the contract to sell and has actually made plans to develop the lots into
a townhouse project, but in view of the sellers' breach, it lost profits of not less than P30,000.000.00.
Private respondent thus prayed for: (1) the annulment of the Deeds of Sale between petitioner and the
PRC on the one hand, and Tropicana on the other; (2) the reconveyance of the lots in question; (3)
specific performance of the agreement to sell between it and the owners of the lots; and (4) damages.
On June 8, 1990, petitioner and Msgr. Cirilos separately moved to dismiss the complaint — petitioner for
lack of jurisdiction based on sovereign immunity from suit, and Msgr. Cirilos for being an improper party.
An opposition to the motion was filed by private respondent.
On June 20, 1991, the trial court issued an order denying, among others, petitioner's motion to dismiss
after finding that petitioner "shed off [its] sovereign immunity by entering into the business contract in
question" (Rollo, pp. 20-21).
On July 12, 1991, petitioner moved for reconsideration of the order. On August 30, 1991, petitioner filed
a "Motion for a Hearing for the Sole Purpose of Establishing Factual Allegation for claim of Immunity as a
Jurisdictional Defense." So as to facilitate the determination of its defense of sovereign immunity,
petitioner prayed that a hearing be conducted to allow it to establish certain facts upon which the said
defense is based. Private respondent opposed this motion as well as the motion for reconsideration.
On October 1, 1991, the trial court issued an order deferring the resolution on the motion for
reconsideration until after trial on the merits and directing petitioner to file its answer (Rollo, p. 22).
Petitioner forthwith elevated the matter to us. In its petition, petitioner invokes the privilege of
sovereign immunity only on its own behalf and on behalf of its official representative, the Papal Nuncio.
On December 9, 1991, a Motion for Intervention was filed before us by the Department of Foreign
Affairs, claiming that it has a legal interest in the outcome of the case as regards the diplomatic
immunity of petitioner, and that it "adopts by reference, the allegations contained in the petition of the
Holy See insofar as they refer to arguments relative to its claim of sovereign immunity from suit" (Rollo,
p. 87).
Private respondent opposed the intervention of the Department of Foreign Affairs. In compliance with
the resolution of this Court, both parties and the Department of Foreign Affairs submitted their
respective memoranda.
A preliminary matter to be threshed out is the procedural issue of whether the petition
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court can be availed of to question the order denying
petitioner's motion to dismiss. The general rule is that an order denying a motion to dismiss is not
reviewable by the appellate courts, the remedy of the movant being to file his answer and to proceed
with the hearing before the trial court. But the general rule admits of exceptions, and one of these is
when it is very clear in the records that the trial court has no alternative but to dismiss the complaint
(Philippine National Bank v. Florendo, 206 SCRA 582 [1992]; Zagada v. Civil Service Commission, 216
SCRA 114 [1992]. In such a case, it would be a sheer waste of time and energy to require the parties to
undergo the rigors of a trial.
The other procedural question raised by private respondent is the personality or legal interest of the
Department of Foreign Affairs to intervene in the case in behalf of the Holy See (Rollo, pp. 186-190).
In Public International Law, when a state or international agency wishes to plead sovereign or diplomatic
immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued to convey to the
court that said defendant is entitled to immunity.
In the United States, the procedure followed is the process of "suggestion," where the foreign state or
the international organization sued in an American court requests the Secretary of State to make a
determination as to whether it is entitled to immunity. If the Secretary of State finds that the defendant
is immune from suit, he, in turn, asks the Attorney General to submit to the court a "suggestion" that
the defendant is entitled to immunity. In England, a similar procedure is followed, only the Foreign
Office issues a certification to that effect instead of submitting a "suggestion" (O'Connell, I International
Law 130 [1965]; Note: Immunity from Suit of Foreign Sovereign Instrumentalities and Obligations, 50
Yale Law Journal 1088 [1941]).
In the Philippines, the practice is for the foreign government or the international organization to first
secure an executive endorsement of its claim of sovereign or diplomatic immunity. But how the
Philippine Foreign Office conveys its endorsement to the courts varies. In International Catholic
Migration Commission v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 (1990), the Secretary of Foreign Affairs just sent a letter
directly to the Secretary of Labor and Employment, informing the latter that the respondent-employer
could not be sued because it enjoyed diplomatic immunity. In World Health Organization v. Aquino, 48
SCRA 242 (1972), the Secretary of Foreign Affairs sent the trial court a telegram to that effect. In Baer v.
Tizon, 57 SCRA 1 (1974), the U.S. Embassy asked the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to request the Solicitor
General to make, in behalf of the Commander of the United States Naval Base at Olongapo City,
Zambales, a "suggestion" to respondent Judge. The Solicitor General embodied the "suggestion" in a
Manifestation and Memorandum as amicus curiae.
In the case at bench, the Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Office of Legal Affairs moved with
this Court to be allowed to intervene on the side of petitioner. The Court allowed the said Department
to file its memorandum in support of petitioner's claim of sovereign immunity.
In some cases, the defense of sovereign immunity was submitted directly to the local courts by the
respondents through their private counsels (Raquiza v. Bradford, 75 Phil. 50 [1945]; Miquiabas v.
Philippine-Ryukyus Command, 80 Phil. 262 [1948]; United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644
[1990] and companion cases). In cases where the foreign states bypass the Foreign Office, the courts can
inquire into the facts and make their own determination as to the nature of the acts and transactions
The burden of the petition is that respondent trial court has no jurisdiction over petitioner, being a
foreign state enjoying sovereign immunity. On the other hand, private respondent insists that the
doctrine of non-suability is not anymore absolute and that petitioner has divested itself of such a cloak
when, of its own free will, it entered into a commercial transaction for the sale of a parcel of land
located in the Philippines.
A. The Holy See
Before we determine the issue of petitioner's non-suability, a brief look into its status as a sovereign
state is in order.
Before the annexation of the Papal States by Italy in 1870, the Pope was the monarch and he, as the
Holy See, was considered a subject of International Law. With the loss of the Papal States and the
limitation of the territory under the Holy See to an area of 108.7 acres, the position of the Holy See in
International Law became controversial (Salonga and Yap, Public International Law 36-37 [1992]).
In 1929, Italy and the Holy See entered into the Lateran Treaty, where Italy recognized the exclusive
dominion and sovereign jurisdiction of the Holy See over the Vatican City. It also recognized the right of
the Holy See to receive foreign diplomats, to send its own diplomats to foreign countries, and to enter
into treaties according to International Law (Garcia, Questions and Problems In International Law, Public
and Private 81 [1948]).
The Lateran Treaty established the statehood of the Vatican City "for the purpose of assuring to the Holy
See absolute and visible independence and of guaranteeing to it indisputable sovereignty also in the
field of international relations" (O'Connell, I International Law 311 [1965]).
In view of the wordings of the Lateran Treaty, it is difficult to determine whether the statehood is vested
in the Holy See or in the Vatican City. Some writers even suggested that the treaty created two
international persons — the Holy See and Vatican City (Salonga and Yap, supra, 37).
The Vatican City fits into none of the established categories of states, and the attribution to it of
"sovereignty" must be made in a sense different from that in which it is applied to other states (Fenwick,
International Law 124-125 [1948]; Cruz, International Law 37 [1991]). In a community of national states,
the Vatican City represents an entity organized not for political but for ecclesiastical purposes and
international objects. Despite its size and object, the Vatican City has an independent government of its
own, with the Pope, who is also head of the Roman Catholic Church, as the Holy See or Head of State, in
conformity with its traditions, and the demands of its mission in the world. Indeed, the world-wide
interests and activities of the Vatican City are such as to make it in a sense an "international state"
(Fenwick, supra., 125; Kelsen, Principles of International Law 160 [1956]).
One authority wrote that the recognition of the Vatican City as a state has significant implication — that
it is possible for any entity pursuing objects essentially different from those pursued by states to be
invested with international personality (Kunz, The Status of the Holy See in International Law, 46 The
American Journal of International Law 308 [1952]).
Inasmuch as the Pope prefers to conduct foreign relations and enter into transactions as the Holy See
and not in the name of the Vatican City, one can conclude that in the Pope's own view, it is the Holy See
that is the international person.
The Republic of the Philippines has accorded the Holy See the status of a foreign sovereign. The Holy
See, through its Ambassador, the Papal Nuncio, has had diplomatic representations with the Philippine
government since 1957 (Rollo, p. 87). This appears to be the universal practice in international relations.
B. Sovereign Immunity
As expressed in Section 2 of Article II of the 1987 Constitution, we have adopted the generally accepted
principles of International Law. Even without this affirmation, such principles of International Law are
deemed incorporated as part of the law of the land as a condition and consequence of our admission in
the society of nations (United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]).
There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign immunity, each widely held and firmly established.
According to the classical or absolute theory, a sovereign cannot, without its consent, be made a
respondent in the courts of another sovereign. According to the newer or restrictive theory, the
immunity of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or acts jure imperii of a state, but
not with regard to private acts or acts jure gestionis
(United States of America v. Ruiz, 136 SCRA 487 [1987]; Coquia and Defensor-Santiago, Public
International Law 194 [1984]).
Some states passed legislation to serve as guidelines for the executive or judicial determination when an
act may be considered as jure gestionis. The United States passed the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
of 1976, which defines a commercial activity as "either a regular course of commercial conduct or a
particular commercial transaction or act." Furthermore, the law declared that the "commercial
character of the activity shall be determined by reference to the nature of the course of conduct or
particular transaction or act, rather than by reference to its purpose." The Canadian Parliament enacted
in 1982 an Act to Provide For State Immunity in Canadian Courts. The Act defines a "commercial activity"
as any particular transaction, act or conduct or any regular course of conduct that by reason of its
nature, is of a "commercial character."
The restrictive theory, which is intended to be a solution to the host of problems involving the issue of
sovereign immunity, has created problems of its own. Legal treatises and the decisions in countries
which follow the restrictive theory have difficulty in characterizing whether a contract of a sovereign
state with a private party is an act jure gestionis or an act jure imperii.
The restrictive theory came about because of the entry of sovereign states into purely commercial
activities remotely connected with the discharge of governmental functions. This is particularly true with
respect to the Communist states which took control of nationalized business activities and international
This Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with private parties as acts jure
imperii: (1) the lease by a foreign government of apartment buildings for use of its military officers
(Syquia v. Lopez, 84 Phil. 312 [1949]; (2) the conduct of public bidding for the repair of a wharf at a
United States Naval Station (United States of America v. Ruiz, supra.); and (3) the change of employment
status of base employees (Sanders v. Veridiano, 162 SCRA 88 [1988]).
On the other hand, this Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with private
parties as acts jure gestionis: (1) the hiring of a cook in the recreation center, consisting of three
restaurants, a cafeteria, a bakery, a store, and a coffee and pastry shop at the John Hay Air Station in
Baguio City, to cater to American servicemen and the general public (United States of America v.
Rodrigo, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]); and (2) the bidding for the operation of barber shops in Clark Air Base in
Angeles City (United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]). The operation of the restaurants
and other facilities open to the general public is undoubtedly for profit as a commercial and not a
governmental activity. By entering into the employment contract with the cook in the discharge of its
proprietary function, the United States government impliedly divested itself of its sovereign immunity
from suit.
In the absence of legislation defining what activities and transactions shall be considered "commercial"
and as constituting acts jure gestionis, we have to come out with our own guidelines, tentative they may
Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a foreign state with a private party cannot be the
ultimate test. Such an act can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question is whether the foreign
state is engaged in the activity in the regular course of business. If the foreign state is not engaged
regularly in a business or trade, the particular act or transaction must then be tested by its nature. If the
act is in pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it is an act jure imperii, especially
when it is not undertaken for gain or profit.
There is no question that the United States of America, like any other state, will be
deemed to have impliedly waived its non-suability if it has entered into a contract in its
proprietary or private capacity. It is only when the contract involves its sovereign or
governmental capacity that no such waiver may be implied.
In the case at bench, if petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary course of a real estate
business, surely the said transaction can be categorized as an act jure gestionis. However, petitioner has
denied that the acquisition and subsequent disposal of Lot 5-A were made for profit but claimed that it
acquired said property for the site of its mission or the Apostolic Nunciature in the Philippines. Private
respondent failed to dispute said claim.
Lot 5-A was acquired by petitioner as a donation from the Archdiocese of Manila. The donation was
made not for commercial purpose, but for the use of petitioner to construct thereon the official place of
residence of the Papal Nuncio. The right of a foreign sovereign to acquire property, real or personal, in a
receiving state, necessary for the creation and maintenance of its diplomatic mission, is recognized in
the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (Arts. 20-22). This treaty was concurred in by the
Philippine Senate and entered into force in the Philippines on November 15, 1965.
In Article 31(a) of the Convention, a diplomatic envoy is granted immunity from the civil and
administrative jurisdiction of the receiving state over any real action relating to private immovable
property situated in the territory of the receiving state which the envoy holds on behalf of the sending
state for the purposes of the mission. If this immunity is provided for a diplomatic envoy, with all the
more reason should immunity be recognized as regards the sovereign itself, which in this case is the
Holy See.
The decision to transfer the property and the subsequent disposal thereof are likewise clothed with a
governmental character. Petitioner did not sell Lot
5-A for profit or gain. It merely wanted to dispose off the same because the squatters living thereon
made it almost impossible for petitioner to use it for the purpose of the donation. The fact that
squatters have occupied and are still occupying the lot, and that they stubbornly refuse to leave the
premises, has been admitted by private respondent in its complaint (Rollo, pp. 26, 27).
The issue of petitioner's non-suability can be determined by the trial court without going to trial in the
light of the pleadings, particularly the admission of private respondent. Besides, the privilege of
sovereign immunity in this case was sufficiently established by the Memorandum and Certification of
the Department of Foreign Affairs. As the department tasked with the conduct of the Philippines'
foreign relations (Administrative Code of 1987, Book IV, Title I, Sec. 3), the Department of Foreign Affairs
has formally intervened in this case and officially certified that the Embassy of the Holy See is a duly
accredited diplomatic mission to the Republic of the Philippines exempt from local jurisdiction and
entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities of a diplomatic mission or embassy in this country
(Rollo, pp. 156-157). The determination of the executive arm of government that a state or
instrumentality is entitled to sovereign or diplomatic immunity is a political question that is conclusive
upon the courts (International Catholic Migration Commission v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 [1990]). Where
the plea of immunity is recognized and affirmed by the executive branch, it is the duty of the courts to
accept this claim so as not to embarrass the executive arm of the government in conducting the
country's foreign relations (World Health Organization v. Aquino, 48 SCRA 242 [1972]). As
in International Catholic Migration Commission and in World Health Organization, we abide by the
certification of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Ordinarily, the procedure would be to remand the case and order the trial court to conduct a hearing to
establish the facts alleged by petitioner in its motion. In view of said certification, such procedure would
however be pointless and unduly circuitous (Ortigas & Co. Ltd. Partnership v. Judge Tirso Velasco, G.R.
No. 109645, July 25, 1994).
Private respondent is not left without any legal remedy for the redress of its grievances. Under both
Public International Law and Transnational Law, a person who feels aggrieved by the acts of a foreign
sovereign can ask his own government to espouse his cause through diplomatic channels.
Private respondent can ask the Philippine government, through the Foreign Office, to espouse its claims
against the Holy See. Its first task is to persuade the Philippine government to take up with the Holy See
the validity of its claims. Of course, the Foreign Office shall first make a determination of the impact of
its espousal on the relations between the Philippine government and the Holy See (Young, Remedies of
Private Claimants Against Foreign States, Selected Readings on Protection by Law of Private Foreign
Investments 905, 919 [1964]). Once the Philippine government decides to espouse the claim, the latter
ceases to be a private cause.
According to the Permanent Court of International Justice, the forerunner of the International Court of
By taking up the case of one of its subjects and by reporting to diplomatic action or
international judicial proceedings on his behalf, a State is in reality asserting its own
rights — its right to ensure, in the person of its subjects, respect for the rules of
international law (The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, 1 Hudson, World Court
Reports 293, 302 [1924]).
WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is GRANTED and the complaint in Civil Case No. 90-183 against
petitioner is DISMISSED.
Narvasa, C.J., Bidin, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan and Mendoza,
JJ., concur.
Case 6: American Insurance Association, et al. v, Garamendi, US Supreme Court, No. 02-722, June 23,
Referred to the Court en banc are the appointments signed by the President dated March 30, 1998 of
Hon. Mateo Valenzuela and Hon. Placido Vallarta as judges of the RTC of Bago City and Cabanatuan
City,respectively. These appointments appear prima facie, at least, to be expressly prohibited by Sec. 15,
Art. VII of the Constitution. The said constitutional provision prohibits the President from making any
appointments two months immed iately before the next presidentia l elections and up to the end of his
term, therein will prejudice public service or endanger except temporary appointments to executive
positions when continued vacancies public safety. V. Statement of the Case: In compliance with the
foregoing Resolution, the following pleadings and other documents were filed, to wit: 1) the
manifestation dated May 28, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A. Velenzuela in compliance with the Resolution of
May 14, 1998; 2) the letter dated June 1, 1998 of Hon. Placido B. Vallarta in compliance with the same
Resolution; 3) the "Comments" of Hon. Valenzuela dated May 25, 1998; 4) his "Addendum to
Comments" dated June 8, 1998; 5) his "Explanation" dated June 8, 1998; 6) the letter of Hon. Vallarta
dated June 8, 1998; 7) his letter dated June 16, 1998; 8) the "Explanation" of Hon. Valenzuela dated July
17, 1998; and 9) the "Comment" of the Office of the Solicitor General dated August 5, 1998. A.
Valenzuela's Assumption of Duty as Judge on May 14, 1998 In his Manifestation dated May 28, 1998,
Judge Valenzuela alleged inter alia: "***that on May 14, 1998, he took his Oath of Office as Judge, RTC
Branch 62, Bago City, before Hon. Anastacio C. Rufon, Judge RTC, Branch 52, Bacolod City, pursuant to
Appointment dated March 30, 1998, (and) he also reported for duty as such before said RTC Branch 62,
Bago City *** (and that he did so) "faultlessly," *** without knowledge of the on-going deliberations on
the matter." At that time, the originals of the appointments of Messrs. Valenzuela and Vallarta, dated
March 30, 1998 - addressed to them "Thru: the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines, Manila."
and which had been sent to and received by the Chief Justice on May 12, 1998 -- were still in the latter's
Office, and had not been transmitted to them precisely because of the serious issue concerning the
validity of their appointments. Indeed, one of the directives in the Resolution of May 14, 1998 was that
"pending *** deliberation by the Court on the matter, and until further orders, no action be taken on
the appointments *** which in the meantime shall be held in abeyance and not given any effect ***."
For this reason, by Resolution dated June 23, 1998, the Court required Valenzuela to explain by what
authority he had taken his oath on May 14, 1998 as Judge of Branch 62 of the RTC at Bago City. In his
"Explanation" dated July 17, 1998. Valenzuela stated that he did so because on May 7, 1998 he
"received from Malacaang copy of his appointment ***" which contained the following direction: "By
virtue hereof, you may qualify and enter upon the performance of the duties of the office***." The
Court then deliberated on the pleadings and documents above mentioned, in relation to the facts and
circumstances on record, and thereafter Resolved to promulgate the following opinion. VI. Issue:
Whether or not, during the period of the ban on appointments imposed by Sec. 15, Art. VII of the
Constitution, the President is nonetheless required to fill vacancies in the judiciary, in view of Secs. 4(1)
and 9 of Art. VIII. VII. Ruling: During the period stated in Sec. 15, Art. VII of the Constitution “two months
immediately before the next presidential elections and up to the end of his term” the President is
neither required to make appointments to the courts nor allowed to do so; and that Secs. 4(1) and 9 of
Art. VIII simply mean that the President is required to fill vacancies in the courts within the time frames
provided therein unless prohibited by Sec. 15 of Art. VII. This prohibition on appointments comes into
effect once every 6 years. The appointments of Valenzuela and Vallarta were unquestionably made
during the period of the ban. They come within the operation of the prohibition relating to
appointments. While the filling of vacancies in the judiciary is undoubtedly in the public interest, there is
no showing in this case of any compelling reason to justify the making of the appointments during the
period of the ban VIII. Dispositive Portion: Wherefore, In view of the foregoing considerations, the Court
Resolved to DECLARE VOID the appointments signed by His Excellency the President under date of
March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A. Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial
Court of Branch 62, Bago City and of Branch 24, Cabanatuan City, respectively, and to order them,
forthwith on being served with notice of this decision, to forthwith CEASE AND DESIST from discharging
the office of Judge of the Courts to which they were respectively appointed on March 30, 1998. This,
without prejudice to their being considered anew by the Judicial and Bar Council for re-nomination to
the same positions. IT IS SO ORDERED.
and registered in the name of petitioner) and lots 5-B and 5-D registered under
PRC with the following conditions: earnest money of P100,000.00 be paid by Licup
to the sellers and that the sellers clear the said lots of squatters. In the sa
me month, Licup assigned his rights over the property to private respondent, Sta
rbright Sales Enterprises, Inc. and informed them of the assignment. Thereafter,
private respondent demanded from Msgr. Cirilos the fulfillment of the assignmen
to vacate the lots, proposing instead either that private respondent undertake t
he eviction or that the earnest money be returned to the latter. Private respond
he purchase price of the lots should be reduced from P1,240.00 to P1,150.00 per
square meter. Msgr. Cirilos returned the earnest money of P100,000.00 and wrote
private respondent giving it seven days from receipt of the letter to pay the or
iginal purchase price in cash. Private respondent sent the earnest money back to
the sellers, but later discovered that on March 30, 1989, petitioner and the PR
le, one over Lot 5-A, and another over Lots 5-B and 5-D; and that the sellers' t
ransfer certificate of title over the lots were cancelled, transferred and regis
tered in the name of Tropicana. Tropicana induced petitioner and the PRC to sell
the lots to it and thus enriched itself at the expense of private respondent. P
rivate respondent demanded the rescission of the sale to Tropicana and the recon
veyance of the lots, to no avail and private respondent is willing and able to c
omply with the terms of the contract to sell and has actually made plans to deve
lop the lots into a townhouse project, but in view of the sellers' breach, it lo
W/n tHE HOLY SEE HAS SOVEREiGN IMMUNITY in the sale of the parcel of land (lot 5
YES. The Holy See has sovereign immunity in the sale of the parcel of land (lot
c immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where
sovereign immunity.
The Holy See exercises sovereignty over the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, and is
represented in the Philippines by the Papal Nuncio. The petitioner is, therefore
The immunity of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or a
cts jure imperii of a state, but not with regard to private acts or acts jure ge
f, then it is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken for gain
an act jure imperii. The petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary co
t jure gestionis. However, petitioner has denied that the acquisition and subseq
uent disposal of Lot 5-A were made for profit but claimed that it acquired said
property for the site of its mission or the Apostolic Nunciature in the Philippi
The petition for certiorari was granted and the complaint against petitioner was
Petitioner is the secretary of justice who has in his possession the extradition
mple time for him to submit a response to it. Petitioner declined to grant such
a request in line with article 7 of the RP-US Extradition treaty. Private respon
dent filed a petition against the petitioner at the RTC of the National Capital
at the petitioner's actions violate his basic due process rights upheld by the C
onstitution's due process clause. Respondent judge issued an order on August 10,
1999 favoring the side of the private respondent. Thus, the petitioner elevated
THE PETITION IS DISMISSED for lack of merit. The court grants that the right to
rol of the government. But in the case at hand, the invocation of this right by
the petitioner is premature since no official action of our own government has y
et been done. Only when such formal action is present that the court will favor
the interests necessary for the proper functioning of government The court also
argues that there is no conflict between the RP-US treaty and the Constitution.
All they see is a void in the provisions of the treaty as regards to the basic d
ue process rights of the extraditee. The court disagrees with such provisions of
the treaty.
Facts: The Hon. Valenzuela and Hon. Vallarta and others were appointed by the president as RTC judges
and to other judicial positions during the prohibited period contemplated by Art. VII, Sec. 15 of the
Constitution in light of the upcoming elections. The President expressed the view that "the election-ban
provision Article VII, Sec. 15 applies only to executive appointments or appointments in the executive
branch of government," the whole article being "entitled 'EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.'" He also observed
that further proof of his theory "is the fact that appointments to the judiciary have special, specific
provisions applicable to them" citing Article VIII, Sec. 4 [1] and Article VIII, Section 9. In view thereof, he
"firmly and respectfully reiterate his request for the Judicial and Bar Council to transmit the final list of
nominees for the lone Supreme Court vacancy in order to complete the appointments. On the contrary,
Chief Justice Narvasa is of the contrary view, CJ Narvasa claims that the election ban provision also
applies to appointments in the judiciary. Faced by an important and ripe constitutional question, hence,
the Court En banc was called to decide on the instant Administrative matter. Issues: 1. Whether during
the period of the ban on appointments imposed by Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution, the
President is required to fill vacancies in the judiciary, in view of Sections 4(1) and 9 of Article VIII. 2.
Whether the President can make appointments to the judiciary during the period of the ban in the
interest of public service. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1 DEAN’S CIRCLE 2016 86 | Page Ruling: 1. NO. The
Court's view is that during the period stated in Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution "two months
immediately before the next presidential elections and up to the end of his term" - the President is
neither required to make appointments to the courts nor allowed to do so; and that Sections 4(1) and 9
of Article VIII simply mean that the President is required to fill vacancies in the courts within the time
frames provided therein unless prohibited by Section 15 of Article VII. It is noteworthy that the
prohibition on appointments comes into effect only once every six years. In view of the general
prohibition in Art. VII, sec.15, One interpretation that immediately suggests itself is that Section 4(1),
Article VIII is a general provision while Section 15, Article VII is a particular one; that is to say, normally,
when there are no presidential elections - which after all occur only every six years - Section 4(1), Article
VIII shall apply: vacancies in the Supreme Court shall be filled within 90 days; but when (as now) there
are presidential elections, the prohibition in Section 15, Article VII comes into play: the President shall
not make any appointments. The reason for said prohibition, according to Fr. J. Bernas, S.J., an authority
on Constitutional Law and himself a member of the Constitutional Commission, is "In order not to tie the
hands of the incoming President through midnight appointments." In the ultimate analysis of the
provision, it appears that Section 15, Article VII is directed against two types of appointments: (1) those
made for buying votes and (2) those made for partisan considerations. The first refers to those
appointments made within the two months preceding a Presidential election and are similar to those
which are declared election offenses in the Omnibus Election Code. The second type of appointments
prohibited by Section 15, Article VII consists of the so-called "midnight" appointments. In Aytona v.
Castillo, it was held that after the proclamation of Diosdado Macapagal as duly elected President,
President Carlos P. Garcia, who was defeated in his bid for reelection, became no more than a
"caretaker" administrator whose duty was to "prepare for the orderly transfer of authority to the
incoming President. Therefore, the appointments by Hon. Valenzuela and Vallarta by the President
during the prohibited period is deemed void. 2. YES. The exception allows only the making of temporary
appointments to executive positions when continued vacancies will prejudice public service or endanger
public safety. To be sure, instances may be conceived of the imperative need for an appointment, during
the period of the ban, not only in the executive but also in the Supreme Court. This may be the case
should the membership of the court be so reduced that it will have no quorum or should the voting on a
particularly important question requiring expeditious resolution be evenly divided. Such a case,
however, is covered by neither Section 15 of Article VII nor Section 4 (1) and 9 of Article VIII. The
appointments of Valenzuela and Vallarta on March 30, 1998 (transmitted to the Office of the Chief
Justice on May 14, 1998) were unquestionably made during the period of the ban. Consequently, they
come within the operation of the first prohibition relating to appointments which are considered to be
for the purpose of buying votes or influencing the election. While the filling of vacancies in the judiciary
is undoubtedly in the public interest, there is no showing in this case of any compelling reason to justify
the making of the appointments during the period of the ban. On the other hand, as already discussed,
there is a strong public policy for the prohivelation that everything it refuses to make available
The basic principles of administrative law instruct us that the essence of due p