Nucleotec 2222
Nucleotec 2222
Nucleotec 2222
NucleoTec 2222
• X-ray quality weldsii
• Easy to use in all positions
• Ideal for critical welding problems
• High tensile strength (~100,000 psi)
• High crack resistance
• Superior bend strength properties
• Improved impact properties
2222 is a XuperLIFE FridgidArc coated electrode. Its a spe- • All steels and nickel alloys
cially formulated alloy with a high percentage of nickel,
• Difficult to weld steels
chromium and manganese. Deposits offer an unusual
combination of physical properties which include: • Clad steels
• Cryogenic steels
• High Ductility • Mold steels
• High Impact Resistance • Free-machining and specialty steels
• Minimum Base Metal Dilution
• Extraordinary Thermal Integrity
• Excellent Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance
TeroMatec OA 46t-up Information The ideal solution when welding critical engineering
equipment, cryogenic equipment, injection molds, forging
tools and dies, gas liquidification equipment, chemical pro-
Current: DC Reverse cessing equipment, heat exchange equipment.
Tensile Strength : 100,000 psi to 120,000 psi
Yield Strength : 61,600 psi
Elongation (1=5d): 45% WELDING PROCEDURE & TECHNIQUE:
Reduction of Area: 53.2% Clean weld area. Remove fatigued metal. Preheat is not
Bend Test Results: (3 x 90° free-bend tests): Free from fissures necessary unless heavy sections are involved. Hold a medi-
and/or cracking um-short arc. Tilt the electrode in the direction of travel.
Deposit stringer beads. At the end of each bead, increase
Diameter Amperage [A] the rate of travel, run electrode off to either side and back
[mm] / [in.] Range whip approximately 45°. Vertical: Weld from the bottom up
with a close arc and 2x weave.
Thick sections, heavy build up
3/32” 80-90
1/8” 100-110
5/32” 120-140
3/16” 150-170
Thin sections, out of position
3/32” 50-70
1/8” 70-90
5/32” 90-110
3/16” 110-140
Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in specific applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without
representation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user
in all respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Eutectic Corporation and its affiliates shall have no liability in respect thereof.