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Light Brace Cleat Connections for Braced Steel Frames

Author: Alistair Fussell
Affiliation: Steel Construction New Zealand Inc.
Date: 25th May 2011
Ref: CON1302

Key Words
Cleat plates, concentric connections, eccentric cleat connections, gusset plates

Light bracing cleat connections are defined as unstiffened cleats that connect light bracing such as flat bars,
rods or small tubes sections (round or square) to beams or columns (figure 1). These types of bracing systems
are typically used in low rise industrial and retail buildings as roof and wall bracing (Hogan and Collins, 2010).

(a) Small tube bracing (b) Rod bracing

Figure 1: Examples of Light Braces and Their End Connections (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

Light bracing cleats may be of several forms; one bracing member connected, two bracing members connected
and three bracing members connected, figure 2. These cleats may be subject to tensile or compressive forces
and there is typically eccentricity between the connected cleats (centroids of cleat minor axes do not coincide),
see figure 3.

Figure 2: Cleat arrangements for One, Two and Three Member Connections (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

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The principle source of design guidance presented in this paper is taken from the ASI Steel Construction Journal
article, Design Model for Light Bracing Cleat Connection (Hogan and Collins, 2010). The major area of departure
from the guidance presented in (Hogan and Collins, 2010) is the procedure for designing eccentric connections
for compression. In this instance reference has been made to HERA report R4-142 (Clifton and El Sarraf, 2007).

This paper does not include the design of the end connection of hollow steel sections such as fin plates slotted
into tubes or welded to tube cap plates (figure 1). Such guidance is found in (Syam and Chapman, 1996).

Design Issues Bracing Cleat Plates

Compliance with NZS 3404 Steel Structures Standard
The design provisions that relate to connections are found in section 9 and 12 of NZS 3404 (SNZ, 1997). Section
9 covers general design requirements while section 12 covers the additional requirements for seismic
applications. Note the Steel Structures Standard is currently under revision. When published the relevant parts
will be NZS 3404.3 Member and connection design and NZS 3404.7 Seismic design.

Minimum design actions

Connections must have a minimum capacity to ensure they are sufficiently robust in the eventuality that a
bracing system which theoretically has very small design actions is subject to loads greater than anticipated.

The requirement for minimum design actions for non-seismic applications is:
Connections at the ends of tension or compression members – a force of 0.3 times the member design
capacity, except that for threaded rod acting as a bracing member, the minimum tension force shall be
equal to the member design capacity.

For connections which are part of a seismic loading resisting must be designed for a minimum design action of:
50% of the design section capacity of the member is compression or tension as appropriate (0.5  Ns
or 0.5  Nt).

Connection Eccentricity
It is not uncommon in light cleat connections to have eccentricity with respect to the minor axes of the cleats.
This could include a flat bar brace connected to one side of a cleat or a hollow section brace fin plate connected
to one side of a cleat , see figure 3.

Figure 3: Eccentricity of Cleat Connection (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

This eccentricity with respect to cleat minor axes may be ignored for tension only connections but must be
considered for eccentric connections with compressive loading (Hogan and Collins, 2010). It is important to
appropriately account for the sway mode of behaviour that governs the design capacity of eccentrically
connected cleat connections subject to compression loading. Up until recently the design model used in Australia
and New Zealand to design eccentrically connected cleat plates in compression was based on the AISC paper
Eccentrically Connected Cleat Plates in Compression, by Kitipornchai, Al-Bermani and Murray (1993). This
procedure reportedly addressed the issue of connection eccentricity.

Concerns were raised several years ago in Australia over the use of the model which failed to recognise the
governing mode of behaviour as a sway failure mode. Following these concerns Clifton and El Sarraf (2007)
proposed a design model utilising the combined bending and compression provisions of NZS 3404 with
appropriate account taken of second order effects, fabrication tolerances and sway mode behaviour (figure 4).

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Figure 4: Sway Mode behaviour of Eccentric Cleat Connection in Compression (Clifton and El Sarraf, 2007)

The full step by step procedure is presented in Clifton and El Sarraf (2007). The salient points of the
methodology are as follows:

1. It is not applicable to connections involving category 1,2 and 3 primary members in seismic load
resisting systems i.e. not applicable for concentrically braced frames with braces effective in
compression and tension. However, it could be used for compression member connections which are
secondary members in tension only concentrically braced systems.
2. There is a maximum gravity load limit for seismic applications 0.7N c  NG *
3. No load restriction applies to connections subject to non-seismic loading.
4. The cleat is treated as a column designed for combined actions in accordance with NZS 3404. As a
result of this sway behaviour the connections and brace members are subject to bending in addition to
axial loading.
5. The procedure is applicable to unstiffened cleats and for the case where one of the cleats is stiffened
6. A sway mode is the predominant failure mode.
7. At least one of the cleats in a connection must be fixed against rotation to provide resistance to lateral
movement of the of the joint due to sway mode behaviour (figure 5).
8. An additional 3mm eccentricity is allowed in the connection to account for fit up tolerances.
9. The first order moments due to eccentricity must be magnified by a sway factor s. Guidance is
provided on how to apply the second order provisions of NZS 3404 to an eccentrically connected cleat
connection. An upper limit s of 1.33 is set. If this criterion is not met one of the cleats must be
10. The amplified joint moment must be less than the sum of the minor moment capacity of the connected
cleat reduced for axial loading. Note the elastic rather than the plastic section modulus is used to to
calculate Msy as the connection stiffness is very sensitive to plate yielding.

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Figure 5: Eccentric Cleat in Compression Design Model (Clifton and El Sarraf, 2007)

Gusset Plates with Multiple Connections

Gusset plates with multiple connections represent a more complex situation than an isolated cleat. A feature of
gusset plate connections is that the size of the plate is typically large compared to the bolted or welded joints
within them. The approach taken to this situation is to treat each brace as connected to an individual bracing
cleat whose width is defined as the Whitmore section (Hogan, 2010), see figure 6.

Figure 6: Application of Whitmore Width to Multiple Member Gusset Plates (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

There is a very extensive treatment of gusset plate design and behaviour in section 10.7.2 of the HERA
Structural Steelwork Limit State Design Guide Volume 1 (Clifton, 1994). Note the block shear design equations
presented in (Clifton 1994), which were taken from the Manual of Steel Construction (AISC, 1995), have now
been revised. This is discussed below.

Whitmore Section
The Whitmore section is defines as the length of line taken through the last line of fasteners (or end of weld
line) and extending to the intersection of the lines drawn from the first line of fasteners (or start of weld line) at

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an angle of 30 degrees from the line of fasteners (or welds) (Clifton 1994). The construction of the Whitmore
section is shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: Construction of Whitmore Section (Clifton, 1994)

For multiple member connections there is the possibility that the Whitmore widths as described may over lap. In
this instance the width should be limited to avoid such an overlap (Hogan and Collins, 2010).

The Whitmore width concept is used to check both the yield capacity of the plate under tension and also the
buckling capacity under compressive loading. Note the Whitmore width as described must be modified for
eccentrically connected cleat connections using the methodology of (Clifton and El Sarraf, 2007). The
methodology for checking the buckling capacity of a concentrically connected gusset plate connection is
discussed below under plate limit states.

Combined Actions on Plate

Depending on the connection geometry and design loads, the gusset plate and connecting welds can be subject
to resultant shear, axial and flexural design actions. These can determined by consider the resultants of the
design loads with respect to the plate and weld centroids, see figure 8.

Figure 8: Resultant Design Actions on Multiple Brace Gusset Plates (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

The brace forces can be resolved into normal and transverse components Fx and Fz. In this instance Fx actions
give rise to shear forces in the plate while Fz components give rise to axial forces. A resultant moment My is
present if there is eccentricity between Fx and Fz relative to the weld or plate centroids.

Plate combined actions can be checked using equation 10.7 from (Clifton, 1994).

f x*2  f y*2  f x* f y*  3 *xy

 2
 f y


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f x* design normal stress in x direction (see figure 9)

f y* design stress in y direction (typically zero)

 *xy design shear stress in xy plane

Figure 9: Generalised Yielding (Clifton, 1994)

When moment is present, f x* , is the summation of normal stresses due to bending and axial loading. Calculation

of f x* due to bending can be undertaken using plastic or elastic properties. Assuming elastic properties will
cover all likely situations (Clifton, 1994).

Connection Limit States

The design capacity of a given connection will be the limit state or failure mode with the lowest capacity. This
will include not only the various limit states of the plate such as yielding, buckling, rupture (fracture and block
shear) and plate tearing adjacent to bolts (figures 10 and 11) but also the other components such as welds and
bolts. A final consideration is the design capacity of the supporting member locally at cleat location.

Figure 10: Limit States for Bolted Plate Connections (Trahair and Bradford, 1998)

Cleat Plate Yielding

The cleat yield capacity is based on the gross area of the cleat for narrow cleats similar to the width of the
bolted or welded connection, or the Whitmore section area if the plate is wide compared to the bolted or welded
connection. The Whitmore width is discussed above.

N ty  Ag f y

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Ag = plate gross area for narrow cleat, or Whitmore section

fy = yield stress of plate

Cleat Plate Fracture

The cleat design capacity limited by fracture through the net section is calculated as follows:


fu = tensile strength
An = net area allowing for holes

Cleat Plate Block Shear

There are currently no block shear provisions in NZS 3404. Block shear equations are presented in the AISC
Manual of Steel Construction (2005).

Block shear failure involves both shear and tensile failure. Examples of block shear failure for isolated cleats are
shown in figure 11. Block shear failure should also be checked around the periphery of welded connections
(AISC, 2005)

 
Ant  S g  d h ) t i  
Ant  S g  d h ) t i
Agv  2 ( a e s p ) t i Agv  2 ( a e 2 s p ) t i

Figure 11: Examples of Block Shear Failure for Isolated Cleats (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

Block shear is a rupture or tearing phenomenon, not a yielding limit state. However, gross yielding on the shear
plane can occur when tearing on the tensile plane commences if 0.6fuAnv exceeds 0.6fyAgv.(AISC 2010).

 0.6 f y Agv  fu Ant 

N bs   
 0.6 fu Anv  fu Ant  min


fu =tensile strength of cleat

fyi =yield stress of cleat
Ant =net area subject to tension
Anv =net shear area
Agv =gross area subject to shear

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Gusset Plate Buckling
a. Concentric Cleat Connection (with respect to cleat minor axes)

Figure 12 Parameters for Computing Gusset Plate Buckling Capacity (Clifton, 1994)

The effective length used to compute the design compression capacity of the Whitmore section is found by
treating it as a column and using the nominal member capacity provisions of NZS 3404 in the following manner:

1. The design length L of the column is taken as the average of l1,l2 and l3 (figure 12).
2. The appropriate effective length factor ke is dependent on the gusset plate configuration.
a. ke=0.7 corner gusset plates (figure 13)
b. ke=1.4 midspan gusset plates (figure 13)
3. The radius of gyration of the plate r 
4. The form factor, kf is taken as 1.0 and the member constant b=0.5 for use in clause 6.3.3
5. Ns=Awwfykf


Aww Area of Whitmore section

tp Gusset plate thickness

(a) corner gusset plate (b) midspan gusset plate

Figure 13: Examples of Corner and Mid-span Gusset Plate Connections

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The effective length factor for corner gusset plate connections is specified in NZS 3404. The effective length
factor for midspan gusset plates is taken from Roeder and Lehman (2008). Experiment work by Roeder and
other researchers has shown that calculating the gusset plate buckling capacity using an effective length
determining using the method for corner gusset plates is non conservative.

b. Eccentric Cleat Connections

The design model used for eccentrically connected cleat connections is discussed above.

Plate Combined Stress

Check plate stresses using general yielding equation from combine actions on plate section above.

Gusset Plate In-plane Stability of Unsupported Compression Edges.

The gusset plate unsupported edge, bg (figure 12), should be checked against local buckling under compression
loading using equation 10.16 from (Clifton, 1994).

bg  C1tp / fy / 250


C1 = 45 for gusset plates bolted to the supported member(s)

C1 = 40 for gusset plates welded to the supported member(s)

Bolt Limit States

The general requirements for bolts are given in section 9 of NZS 3404. The appropriate bolt limit states for cleat
connections are:

1. The shear capacity of a bolt is dependent amongst other things on the number of shear planes (single
or double) or whether the threads are included or excluded from the shear plane. See table 1 for shear
values for grade 8.8 bolts. The shear capacity of a long bolted connection is reduced due to non
uniform load distribution. A reduction factor applies for bolted joints where the centreline dimension
between the first and last bolt is greater than 300mm (table NZS 3404)
2. Ply in bearing
a. Local bearing failure Vb  3.2d f t p fup (see figure 10)
b. End plate tearout Vb  a e t p fup (see figure 10)

df is the bolt diameter

tp is the plate thickness
fup is the plate tensile strength
ae is the bolt edge distance in the direction of loading (see figure 11)

Table 1: Grade 8.8 Bolt Capacities (AISC, 1999)

Note the values of plate tear out only apply for grade 250 plate with an fu=440 MPa.

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The fu values appropriate with various grades of plate are as follows:

Table 2: Grade Dependent fu Values

Grade fup MPa

250 410
300 430
350 450
400 480

Note: fu is plate thickness dependent. Therefore, for plate thicker than 16mm reference should be made to the
appropriate plate standards (AS/NZS 3678).

Additional values of end plate tearing are given in table T9.5 from (AISC, 1999).

Weld Limit States

Cleat connections are subject to a combination of resultant design actions depending on the arrangement of
braces. The weld may either be a full strength butt weld or a weld group consisting of two parallel lines of fillet
welds, figure 14. The equations that govern the design of this fillet weld group are as follows.

Figure 14: Design Actions on Parallel Weld Group (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

The weld group properties are


Iwy = (Lw3)/6

At points 1,2,5 and 6 y=t/2

The design forces per unit length are:


M y *  w 
F* M*  2
V*z= z  x 
2 Lw Lw t I wy

The governing equation for fillet welds is: v * 


 v *y 2  v *z 2   v w

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The following tabulated values for the nominal capacity of fillet weld per length are taken from the AISC Design
Capacity Tables for Structural Steel (1999).

Table 3: Fillet Weld Capacities SP Welds (AISC, 1999)

Support Member Locally at Cleat Location Limit State

Depending on the location of the bracing cleat to the supporting beam or column, the supporting elements may
be subject to local design actions such as bending of the webs of I sections or the faces of circular or
rectangular hollow sections (figure 15).

(a) Cleat to face of hollow section b) cleat connected mid web height

Figure 15: Cleat Positions Inducing Local Design Actions in Beam/Column Elements (Hogan and Collins, 2010)

Solutions for the support member design actions induced by bracing cleats connected to the faces of hollow
sections or the webs of I sections are presented in (Hogan and Collins, 2010).

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AISC, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction ,
Chicago, Illinois, 2010

AISC, Design Capacity Tables for Structural Steel, 3rd Edition, Australian Institute of Steel Construction, Sydney,

Clifton, C. and El Sarraf, R., Eccentric Cleats in Compression and Columns in Moment Resisting Connections, NZ
Heavy Engineering Research Association, Manukau City, 2007

Clifton, G.C., New Zealand Structural Steel Limit State Design Guide Volume 1, NZ Heavy Engineering Research
Association, Manukau City, 1994

Hogan, T.J. and Collins, R.T., Design Model for Light Bracing Cleat Connections, Australian Institute of Steel
Construction, volume 43 Number 2, Sydney, March 2010

Hogan, T.J, and Munter, S.A., Connection Handbook 1 – Background and Theory, Australian Steel Institute,
Sydney, 2007

Kitipornchai, S., Al-Bermani, F.D.A. and Murray, N.W, Eccentrically Connected Cleat Plates in Compression,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, volume 11, No 3, 1993

Roeder, C., W., and Lehman, D., E., Performance Behaviour of Gusset Plate Connections, Conference
proceedings, AISC North Americas Steel Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2008

Syam, A.A and Chapman, B.G., Design of Structural Hollow Section Connections, Australian Institute of Steel
Construction, Sydney, 1996

SNZ, Steel Structures Standard: NZS 3404 Parts 1 and 2, Standards New Zealand, Wellington, 1997

Trahair, N.S. and Bradford, M.A., The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to AS 4100, 3 rd edition, E & FN
Spon, London, 1998

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