Cooperative Flood Detection Using Sms Through Iot
Cooperative Flood Detection Using Sms Through Iot
Cooperative Flood Detection Using Sms Through Iot
ABSTRACT: Flood disaster usually happens due to improper irrigation method in a housing area or the sudden
increase of water volume in a river. Flood disaster often causes lost of property, damages and life. Since this disaster is
considered dangerous to human life, an efficient countermeasure or alert system must be implemented in order to notify
people in the early stage so that safety precautions can be taken to avoid any mishaps.This paper proposes architecture
for an early warning floods system to alert public against flood disasters. An effective early warning system must be
developed with linkages between four elements, which are accurate data collection to undertake risk assessments,
development of hazard monitoring services, communication on risk related information and existence of community
response capabilities. This project focuses on monitoring water level remotely using wireless sensor network. The
project also utilizes Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), Internet of Things(IoT) and short message
service (SMS) to relay data from sensors to computers or directly alert the respective victim's through their mobile
phone. It is hope that the proposed architecture can be further develop into a functioning system, which would be
beneficial to the community and act as a precautionary action to save lives in the case of flood disaster.
Mobile phones are vital in modern day communication these days. For communication community, mobile phones act
as a medium to communicate, interact or as a device to gain knowledge. Mobile phone is defined as a communication
device used to interact between geographical areas. There are many features available in modern mobile phones now a
day that would satisfy users. Among the most popular applications in a mobile phone is short messaging system(SMS).
SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application in the world. Based on this fact, SMS application can also
be applied to other phone of information in order to help mankind. One of the ideas is to connect a sensing system and
send an alert or warning SMS indicating any mishaps to the users. Alert SMS can be exploited to be used using a
proper system with a proper sensing system. Often cases of flood disaster happened due to residents unaware of the
sudden increase of water level at the neighborhood. Due to that a proper warning system must be implemented to notify
people in the early stage so that safety precautions can be taken to avoid any mishaps. Alert system implemented
currently is via television and radio broadcasting to indicate which area is affected. However, warnings might fail to
those affected due to ineffective and late information in the area. With the rapid development of technology, a
sustainable an reliable monitoring system is required to protect the community in any case of emergency. By implying
level sensors and GSM technology, this paper aimed to build a reliable and real time response of water level alarm
system that would detect the escalation level of water in the riverbanks and send SMS alarm to the user’s mobile phone.
SMS has been proven to be a reliable source of information recently. It also utilizes IoT, for monitoring water level
increase and controlling it remotely using wireless sensor networks. Most of the information was gathered using SMS
as the lines are congested at that moment. This shows the reliability of SMS through IoT as it works on different band
and can be used even though the lines are congested.
System structure is illustrated in Fig. 1. System composed of three sensors, one MCU-based ARMLPC2148, a GSM
module, a Wi-Fi module and a mobile phone. Sensors used are retro reflective, NPN type. It uses system of blocking
interruption where the system will give 5V signal to the amplifier. Water level sensors been used for this project due to
its unique ability of detecting water level in dams and river banks. In the water level sensor, the property of 555timer IC
is used. the temperature sensor is used for detecting the temperature level. The LM35 series is used because it generates
a higher output voltage than thermocouples and may not require the output voltage be amplified. The humidity sensor
been used for detecting moisture level in the water. If the sensor voltage exceeds the reference voltage than the
comparator gives digital logical output. MCU used is ARMLPC2148. ARMLPC2148 was chosen because it is
embedded C compiler optimized architecture. Since this project runs on embedded C compiler program, it is the best
option to use this MCU. Other special features include 512K byte flash memory that could be used to write high
capacity of programming language. GSM Module is a device used to transmit SMS signal to the intended user. By
using GSM module, GSM network can be used since it is much more accountable and by using IoT, continuous
monitoring and controlling of the water level is done.
The working principle of the system is based on sensor’s detection shown in Table I. Level One sensor would be the
lowest part of all sensors. When Level One sensor receives a signal which means the temperature has increased more
than the threshold, the sensor would send „1‟ signal to the MCU. Upon reaching the MCU, program would identify it
as Alert trigger. Hence, MCU would send AT command of “Temperature exceeded” to GSM module. Level Two
sensor would be positioned higher than first sensor; hence the SMS display would be “Humidity exceeded‟. The
highest positioned sensor which is Level Three would send SMS of “water level exceeded‟. The system is also
monitored and controlled periodically by the Wi-Fi module. The information is stored in computer.
The block diagram shows the system consists of temperature sensor, humidity sensor, water level sensor, an MCU,
GSM module, Wi-Fi module, mobile phone. The three sensors would be used for detecting the level of temperature,
humidity and water in the dams and river banks. The data send by sensors will be handled by the
The MCU has been preprogrammed for different inputs in the three sensors and would send different output through
transmission pin. These outputs are in analog form and it is converted into digital form using ADC. Commands are
send using embedded C compiler program with relevant AT Commands. Data from the input also has been
interconnected with 2x16 character LCD to display the values of the three sensors when it is exceeded in dam or
river banks. The transmitted output from the MCU will be conveyed to GSM module and Wi-Fi module. By doing
this, SMS along would be send to respective user and by using Wi-Fi module monitoring and controlling is carried
out. User will receive different SMS depending on the level of sensors detection. GSM network is being exploited
to convey data to user via short message alarm SMS via GSM network proven to be reliable due to it works on
different band and can be sent or received although the phone lines are congested. It also as the advantage of
sending data to multiple users.
The project of the flowchart in fig 4.initial feasibility study was done to check whether the project able to fulfill the
objective to give early warning whether a flood as occurred or not. After that, embedded C program need to be
prepared for this project. Embedded C program is chosen due to the ability of the system to use AT Commands.
Once the embedded C program completed, hardware modeling is prepared for prototype purpose. Integrating
embedded C program with hardware is done to check viability of the project. During this period, any problems
encountered need to be adhered amendments must be rectified. The last step is to do analysis for the system ensure
it worked properly.
Prototype system had been created for this system. As mentioned above, MCU ARMLPC2148 was chosen as it is
the most common widely used MCU available the market. Besides that, it can be used with embedded C compiler
program. Embedded C compiler program was downloaded using appropriate downloader to the MCU. Three
sensors have been selected as the inputs for the system and GSM module as the output. Wi-Fi and LCD display
installed to provide indication at the control box.5v power supply used to supply voltage to the system.
Several tests have been conducted to verify the condition of Flood detection using SMS through IoT. The tests were
conducted to accomplish the objective of the project that the system able to give SMS alert whenever the sensors
detected changes of temperature, humidity and water level. The test that have been done are SMS alert receive by
the user according the user according to condition. For this test, system is tested to check whether SMS sent to user.
Sensor signal has been set using 1.5v for each signal. The system has been connected to detect signal from the
lowest sensor(Temperature sensor) and gradually to the highest sensor(water level sensor) system also has been
tested to show condition of SMS after the sensors don’t sense any changes at the sensors.
Temperature exceed
Humidity exceed
Water level exceed
Figure.5.SMS TO USER
The project cooperative detection using SMS through IoT is deemed as a success.The project found able to be
integrated between software development and hardware design. The system able to detect increase of water level
and would send SMS alert to the respective user. System also had been tested under several conditions to check the
viability and ease of usage. The system could be placed at riverbanks, dams and drainage system. It can also be
placed in water tanks and even controlling and monitoring is carried out using IoT. The SMS alert received by the
user is an real time basis and this feature allowed user to take early preventive measures.
It is hoped that the proposed architecture can be further develop into a functioning system which could be beneficial
to the community.
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