Internship Report On HR Polices of Bangladesh Bank: Ms. Rahma Akhter Lecturer, BRAC Business School
Internship Report On HR Polices of Bangladesh Bank: Ms. Rahma Akhter Lecturer, BRAC Business School
Internship Report On HR Polices of Bangladesh Bank: Ms. Rahma Akhter Lecturer, BRAC Business School
Prepared For-
Prepared By-
BRAC University
Date of Submission
Letter of Transmittal
BRAC University
Dear Mam,
Here is my report with the title “HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank” which is a complete study
on Human Resource department of Bangladesh Bank and the activities that are done by
various wings of this department.
To make this report a commendable one, I have tried my best to assemble all applicable
data by which functions of HR can be properly understood. I trust that it will meet the
standard which I was recommended. Subsequent to breaking down the point I am
presenting this report for any sort through and expression gratitude towards you for ant
steady help and direction. I will be accessible for any grouping of this report, at whatever
point essential.
Yours Sincerely,
BRAC University
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
In the name of Allah the most Gracious and the most Merciful, without whose desire I could
not have completed the internship report successfully under the department of Human
Resources in Bangladesh Bank.
This report is entitled “HR Policies of Bangladesh Bank” and has been undertaken by me, a
student of BRAC Business School Department in BRAC University. It is an attempt to realize
the practical knowledge regarding Human Resource Department of Bangladesh Bank.
I feel proud to express my sincere appreciation and boundless gratitude, best regards and
respects to my honorable supervisor Ms. RAHMA AKHTER, lecturer of BRAC Business School
for her generosity and scholastic guidance, kind supervision, suggestion and constructive
comments in carrying out the internship work.
Also I express my deepest sense of gratitude, sincere appreciation and profound regards to
my official supervisor Md. OSMAN GANI MOLLAH, Deputy General Manager (DGM) of
Human Resources Department in Bangladesh Bank for his consult and kind co-operation
throughout my work experience.
Lastly, I also want to thank all the officers of Human Resource Department in Bangladesh
Bank for the unconditional support that they offered.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter One ............................................................................................................................... 8
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 8
1.1 Rationale of the study ............................................................................................. 8
1.2 Objective of the Study .................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Limitations of the study ................................................................................................ 8
Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................... 9
Company Profile ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Bangladesh bank the Organization ............................................................................... 9
2.2 Vision ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Mission.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Organogram of Bangladesh Bank ............................................................................... 13
Chapter Three .......................................................................................................................... 14
Research Methodology ........................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Data Collection ........................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Sources of Data ........................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Primary Data: ...................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Secondary Data: .................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Sampling: .................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Variables covered: ...................................................................................................... 15
3.4.1 Recruitment and Outsourcing Wing ................................................................... 15 Function of RO wing ..................................................................................... 15 Recruitment Desk......................................................................................... 16 Outsourcing desk ......................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Planning Promotion and Transfer (PPT) Wing .................................................... 17 Responsibilities of PPT Wing: ....................................................................... 17 Core functions of PPT wing: ......................................................................... 17 Basis for Promotion Evaluation: .................................................................. 17 Length of Service.......................................................................................... 18 Basis for Promotion ..................................................................................... 18 Qualification Marks: ..................................................................................... 18
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Executive Summary
Human Resource Department is the frame work for helping employees to develop their
personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. Human Resource Department
provides opportunities as employee training, employee career development, coaching
monitoring, succession planning, identification and organization development.
Bangladesh Bank’s Human Resource Department provides various trainings and they are
able to create such a working environment where bankers gain the experience of leadership
and they are able to work perfectly in different wings. It will be better to introduce
Bangladesh Bank as the supervisor of the banking sector rather than the controller. In this
context, Human Resource Department of Bangladesh Bank can create a huge impact to the
development of the country. The whole process of Human Resource Department is followed
by strategic HR Management with proper tactics.
Bangladesh Bank’s aim should be to provide the required leadership by discharging its
duties in a manner that shows a clear vision, responsiveness and with efficient
communication strategy. Human Resources Department of Bangladesh Bank is very updated
and efficient one, as it produces committed and capable bankers who can guide and
monitor other banks in a progressive manner.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter One
Specific Objectives:
There are some specific objectives as well. The specific objectives are given below:
To investigate the recruitment, selection and promotion policies of Bangladesh Bank.
To assess the human resource development policies and practices of Bangladesh
To find out problems of HRD functions, processes, policies and practices.
To make recommendations for solving problems and future developments.
In preparing this report, it was difficult to communicate with the employees of the
bank because many of them were reluctant to respond.
As an employee of Bangladesh Bank, there was a limitation not to disclose some data
and information for obvious reasons, which might be very much useful.
The researcher could not be able to accommodate and spend enough time to make
an in depth study for giving time in my official work.
No research report was available in the same area. That is why the researcher could
not make any depth study.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Two
Company Profile
The Powers and the functions of the Bangladesh Bank are governed by various laws and acts
including the Banker’s Book Evidence Act 1891, Insolvency Act 1920, Banking Companies
Ordinance 1962, Foreign Exchange (Regulation Act 1986), Money Loan Court act 1990,
banking Companies Act 1991, Financial Institution Act 1993 and the rules 1994, Companies
act 1994 and Bankruptcy Act 1997. At Present it has ten offices located in Motijheel,
Sadarghat, Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Rangpur and Mymensingh in
2.2 Vision
To develop continually as a forward looking central bank with competent and committed
professionals of high ethical standards, conducting monetary management and financial
sector supervision to maintain price stability and financial system robustness, supporting
rapid broad based inclusive economic growth, employment generation and poverty
eradication in Bangladesh.
2.3 Mission
Bangladesh Bank is carrying out its following main functions as the country’s central
Formulation monetary and credit policies
Managing currency issue and regulating paying system
Managing foreign exchange reserves and regulating the foreign exchange market
Regulating and supervising banks and financial institutions and advising the
government on interactions and impacts of fiscal, monetary and other economic
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
They shall catalyze and support social responsibilities and environmental sustainable
development initiatives, inter alia including fuller financial inclusion of under-served
productions sectors and bringing in needed new dimensions in financial markets and
institutions, to facilitate broad based growth in output, employment and income, for the
rapid poverty eradication and inclusive economic and social progress.
They shall adopt and implement monetary and credit policies confirming with national
priorities in coordination with governments fiscal and other macroeconomic objectives. We
shall optimize foreign exchange reserves and return thereon, maintain stability in financial
markets curbing excessive volatility and provides analysis and advice to the government on
issues in economic management and development.
For the depositors in banks and financial institutions, investors in financial assets
They shall ensure safety of deposits in licensed banks and financial institutions with on-site
and off-site supervisions of their activities and with adequate financial information
disclosure requirements, besides insuring small deposits. They shall maintain an interest
rate structure that provides fair return on financial assets while also supporting growth in
the real sector and we shall promote and support development of markets in bonds and
They shall provide precise prudential regulatory, risk management and disclosure
framework to protect solvency and liquidity of individual institution and stability of overall
financial system, acting as lender of last resort if and when needed. They shall issue
regulations and enforce compliance therewith inter alia on capital adequacy, asset
classification, income recognition and provisioning, large exposure and risk management,
through open consultative process. They shall maintain external sector visibility with
exchange rate stability and adequate foreign exchange reserves. They shall provide a secure
and quick payment settlement system. They shall promote and support development of
new financial products, services and instruments.
They shall maintain a solvent, liquid domestic financial system with precise prudential
regulatory, risk management and disclosure framework in line with global best practice
standards. They shall maintain external sector viability with exchange rate stability and
adequate reserves. They shall maintain a secure, quick payment system for settlement of
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
They shall maintain liquidity conditions and credit policies ensuring adequate credit flows at
market driven flexible interest rates for all productive economics activities, including in
sectors like agriculture and SMEs where market have not been very responsive. They shall
foster macroeconomic stability through monetary and external sector management. They
shall promote and support development of new financial products, services and
instruments. They shall maintain a secure and quick payment system for settlement of
They shall facilitate remittances from your earnings abroad to Bangladesh through
legitimate banking channels free of involvement of money launderers or terrorism
financiers. They shall support and promote development new investment opportunities for
your remittances to Bangladesh.
They shall maintain an environment that reinforce our pride in being employees of
Bangladesh bank with compensation structure adequate to attract and retain the best in the
market, job assignment and logistically well-resourced work situations encouraging
continues learning rewarding innovations and performance excellence by fast tracking in
career path, clear delegation and delineation of responsibilities and accountabilities,
fairness and objectivity in performance appraisal and personal placement decisions.
As the central bank of Bangladesh the objectives of the Bangladesh Bank are:
To regulate currency issuance and to keep foreign exchange reserves.
To manage the monetary and credit system of Bangladesh with a view to stabilizing
domestic monetary value.
To preserve the par value of the Bangladesh Taka.
To Promote and maintain a high level of production, employment and real income of
Bangladesh and to foster growth and development of the countries productive
To reserve the all rights of the bank.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Bangladesh Bank performs all core functions of a monetary and financial sector regulator
that it is along with a number of other non-core functions. Some of the major functions are
the Bangladesh Bank are as follows:
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Duputy Governor
Excuitive Director
General Manager
Joint Director
Deputy Director
Assistant Director
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.3 Sampling:
There are many departments in Bangladesh bank. The researcher has selected one
department (HRD) for primary data collection. Respondents were chosen randomly from the
department. The sample size was 20.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Company Profile
HRD processes Of Bangladesh Bank
o Recruitment and Outsourcing
o Planning , promotion and transfer
o ERP Implementation Unit
o Organization and development wing
o Recognition and reward wing
o Performance Management wings
o Benefits and administration wing
o Performance and discipline wing
o Tanning and development wing
Analysis and Findings
Conclusion and recommendations
The researcher used different software to make report more presentable for the reader,
such as- Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.
Recruitment Desk
Outsourcing Desk
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Receding online application
Open Tender/RFQ for selecting test taking institution
Conducting written/Aptitude/practical test
Viva Voce
Preparation of Panel
Approval of Panel
Selection of Candidates from panel
Primary Police clearance
Issuing offer letter
Acceptance of joining letter
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
No Category Marks
01 Performance Appraisal 70
02 Educational and Professional Qualification 20
03 Length of Service 10
Total = 100
Marks Distribution
Category Marks
Excellent 14
Very Good 10
Good 07
Satisfactory 04
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
No Category Marks
01 Masters/Four year graduation 14
02 3 years honors graduation 12
03 2 years honors pass course 09
04 Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination 07
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
HR and Finance &
Payroll module
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
As Bangladesh Bank is also having its own projects they also do an internal valuation with
the other organizations. Functions of Bangladesh Bank are also to research on economic
condition of Bangladesh, they also publish data’s on economic matters and advices the
government on its policy formulation. Bangladesh Bank also plays a vital role to promote
foreign trade of our country and remove balance of trade difficulties through its foreign
exchange police. So this wing helps Bangladesh Bank to work faster and helps to create an
organized development process for our production resources.
The policy started from 2005 and it is enlisted in Bangladesh Bank Recognition & Reward
(BBR&R), 2006. Among all employees only 5 employees are rewarded or recognized. First
the wing asks to each department for the list of the employees who are capable to get
recognition and reward. In the list details of employee are included. They sort out the list
and then list will be send to the Board of Directors (BOD). After the approval those people
will be rewarded and such honor will be provided on the International Mother Language
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Weighted %
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Weighted rating
No Rating Points
01 Excellent 91% and above
02 Very Good 81%-90%
03 Good 71%-80%
04 Satisfactory 61%-70%
05 Unsatisfactory 60% and below
IF there comes any negative gap to any competency problem then they take another action
to overcome the gap. This action plan can be created from the following:
Development needed
Action Plan
In this method Bangladesh Bank gives the promotion to the employees in their rating
performance. After receiving the APF form for the final measurement, an arbitration
committee/moderation committee is to be made by the HOD to make the system more
logical through biased information. In between the department if there are any linkage,
then upper level authority makes a committee EMT (Executive management team) to
reduce such linkage and then the department achieves the actual rating which they desire.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Internal Administration
Applications are invited from eligible employee through circular for accommodation
Quarter is allocated among the employee.
If any employee takes house building loan to build house at Dhaka, then he/she
could stay at quarter at 10 years.
If any employee takes house building loan outside Dhaka, then he/she could use the
quarter’s facility.
Casual Leave:
Casual leave which is taken by the employees need to deal with their related department in
which they are appointed.
Ordinary Leaves:
This desk deals with keeping records of ordinary leave from employee.
Maternity Leave:
Maternity leave is not counted as an ordinary leave it has been settled as and special leaves
which allows the female employees of Bangladesh Bank to have a leave of six months when
such leave is required
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank Welfare
Re-imbursement of medical expenses:
For operation purpose, not for diagnosis 90% of the total bill will be reimbursed for the
medical expenses of an employee of his/her eligible dependents. Stipends
Governor welfare fund:
The funds are administrated by Board of Trustee (BOT). This stipend is sanctioned for the
daughter/son of the employees of Bangladesh Bank who did well in the Secondary School
Certificate Examination (S.S.C) and also in the Higher Secondary School Certificate
examination (H.S.C). Such facility is offered to the employees of all categories form officers
up to Joint Director.
Stipends are also sanctioned for the C and D categories employees who have completed and
did well in their Secondary School Certificate Examination (S.S.C) and also in the Higher
Secondary School Certificate examination (H.S.C).
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Internal employees of Bangladesh bank must maintain the rules and regulations of the bank.
Procedures of the wing are: Punishments
The punishments that the provided to the employees are:
Delay and stoppage of the promotion or increment.
Degradation to a lower post.
Compulsory retirement
Removal from service
Dismissal form service.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
In House Training
BBTA Training
Out Reach Training
The Head of the BBTA is the Principal who is in charge of the total supervision of the
Training Academy; it is also a part of Head office. Expenditure budget of BBAT is settled by
the Head Office which in Mothijeel. All activity of Bangladesh training academy is divided
into 10 sections and on the beginning of each year an annual program calendar is made by
consulting the head of the Training Academy. 10 wings of BBTA are:
Administration Wing-1
o Administration.
o Accounts.
o Hostel.
Administration Wing-2
o Engineering Maintenance.
o Canteen.
o Gardening, Cleaning and Security Supervision.
o Other Related Support Services.
Training Wing-1
o Diploma in SME Banking.
o Master’s Degree in Inclusive Banking.
o International Training Courses.
Training Wing-2
o Foundation Training Courses.
o Annual Training Plan (ATP).
Training Wing-3
o All Types of Request Courses/ Programs.
o Monthly Training Program.
o BBTA Co-ordination.
o Outreach Training workshop, seminar etc.
Training Wing-4
o Nomination of speaker.
o Seminar, Workshop, etc. for Bangladesh Bank Officer.
o All type of Joint Courses for Bangladesh Bank Officers and others.
Training Wing-5
o MSME Financing related Issue.
o All Training Courses (as per ATP) for BB Officials except foundation courses.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
o Seminars, Workshop etc. for the official of scheduled Bank, NBFIs etc.
Research and Publication
o Research and Publications.
o Library.
o Courses and Speaker Evaluation.
o Academic council meeting.
ICT Wing
o Maintenance of IT Equipment’s.
o ICT related Training Workshop and Seminars.
Statistics Wing
o Diploma in E-econometrics.
o Statistics related Training, workshop and Seminars.
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Four
Strength Weakness
Opportunity Threats
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
4.2.1 Political
Human Resources Department of Bangladesh Bank hold the power of doing recruitment and
outsourcing for Bangladesh Bank and there are some posts that are highly influenced by the
political situation of the country, for example Deputy governor and Governor post of
Bangladesh Bank are the political post that are recruited by the political parties and such
decisions are taken due to the political aspects it creates a great impact as the total
monetary policy are led by them.
4.2.2 Economic
Bangladesh Bank has got experts and economists who are involved in the Board of Director
panel and their main duty is to plan annual budget and they are also involved in the industry
trend analysis. They are mainly known as the think tanks of Bangladesh Bank. This
economist provides Bangladesh Bank by forming task force with a duty to negotiate with
international organization like ADB, World Bank, JAICA etc. Their major duty is to monitor
money flow in our economy so that inflation can remain a tolerable stage. They are also
engaged in deciding interest rates and suggest hoe commercial banks will operate in
Bangladesh. Human Resources Department of Bangladesh Bank conducts the selection
process of these experts through massive research. And thus they contribute in our
4.2.3 Social
Bangladesh Bank has got their own training center known as BBTA (Bangladesh Bank
Training Academy) at Mirpur and over there they conduct training for both Bangladesh Bank
employees and for other private banks and companies also. Training of various joint courses
is offered which not only increase skills but also enrich the way of working. Seminar,
Workshops and training on different aspects of the country are arranged which helps
Bangladesh Bank to contribute in the social welfare of the country. There is a saying that
Bangladesh Bank provides training to the total Banking industry of Bangladesh.
There are cultural clubs in Bangladesh bank who arranges various functions related with
numerous occasions of our countries culture and traditions.
4.2.4 Legal
Human Resources Department of Bangladesh has got a specific wing which is Recruitment
and outsourcing and there are some specific norms and rules which they need to abide by,
there have been no such incident of breaking any rules for a very long period and due to
having a fear of losing job employees refrain themselves form unethical activities. So it is
obvious that the recruitment process is done in a legal way. Planning Promotion and
Transfer wing (PPT) does all the confidential activates by following all the legal notices and
evaluating the employees for promotion is done under legal authenticity. Apart of that all
other wing provides their services legally and by maintains the banks regulations and
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
4.2.5 Environmental
Human Resources Department of Bangladesh Bank maintains the BCD category and the
MLSS employees who deal with external factors of Bangladesh Bank. Bangladesh Bank
plants lots of trees around their premises and on every occasion the plant trees and
contribute funds to keep tree plantation project alive. All the ten branches of Bangladesh
Bank are decorated with beautiful flower trees and they have got a separate unit for
maintaining them. Some initiative were taken by the former Governor to plant more and
more trees in the colony and hostels of Bangladesh Bank which not only highlighted banks
motive but also helped creating a desire for healthy environment in peoples mind.
4.2.6 Technological
Human Recourses Department of Bangladesh Bank invests a huge portion of their allocated
budget in buying high tech machineries and keeps their employs updated with the advanced
technology. In every floor there is high tech security system and each and every employee is
provided with a scan able ID card which they need to punch in every floor while entering. All
the employees are provided with most updated desktop and after every one year new
updates are provided. The security system of the entire Bangladesh Bank is very strict and
Bangladesh Bank invests a huge portion of money to bring updates and improvements in
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Five
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Six
The Human Resource Department of Bangladesh Bank is running wealthy. Some factors
should be included and be conscious which are suggested below:
HR Policies Of Bangladesh Bank
Chapter Seven
Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of Bangladesh. Its activities are important for the
development of the people of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank has a great role to survive the
other NCBs and private banks in different kind of administration. Human Resource
Management is one of the vital administrative points to control the whole banking system.
If Bangladesh Bank can implement the world class human resource management system
then it can motivate and convince the other banks to update their administration for human
resource management as Bangladesh Bank training Academy provides training to all the
banks in Bangladesh. It has got a huge amount of manpower to do all the functions of this
organization. An organization gains success by producing skilled and effective manpower
and for that Human Resource department of Bangladesh Bank is working day and night and
that’s what I saw while doing my internship. Since as the central bank, Bangladesh Bank is
well known by most of the people, it just need to maintain its activity with proper
dedication and should show consistency in their workflow.