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PWA IAN 007 Rev A1 - AIP Documents For Hway Struct

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

Interim Advice Note No. 007

Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

Revision No. A1

This Interim Advice Note (IAN) provides the requirements for the preparation of Approval in Principle
(AIP) documents for bridges and highway structures. The IAN takes immediate effect. It is
applicable to bridges and highway structures.

This document supersedes IAN 007 Rev 0 dated March 2012. Third parties not working on Ashghal
projects make use of this document at their own risk. Paper copies of this document are
uncontrolled. Refer to Ashghal’s website for the most recent version.

A1 April 2013 Issued for All Relevant Infrastructure Projects DL AM AA

0 Mar. 2012 Issued for Expressway Projects IF EDF MG
Rev Date Reason For Issue Auth Chk App

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

1. Foreword ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Ashghal Interim Advice Note (IAN) – Feedback Form .............................................. 4
3. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
4. Withdrawn / Amended Standard ................................................................................ 5
5. Implementation ............................................................................................................ 5
Appendix A – Requirements for the Preparation of Approval in Principle Documents 6

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1. Foreword
1.1 Interim Advice Notes (IAN) may be issued by Ashghal from time to time. They define
specific requirements for works on Ashghal projects only, subject to any specific
implementation instructions contained within each IAN.
1.2 Whilst IANs shall be read in conjunction with the Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM),
the Qatar Traffic Manual (QTM) and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS), and may
incorporate amendments or additions to these documents, they are not official updates to
the QHDM, QTM, QCS or any other standards.
1.3 Ashghal directs which IANs shall be applied to its projects on a case by case basis. Where it
is agreed that the guidance contained within a particular IAN is not to be incorporated on a
particular project (e.g. physical constraints make implementation prohibitive in terms of land
use, cost impact or time delay), a departure from standard shall be applied for by the
relevant Consultant / Contractor.
1.4 IANs are generally based on international standards and industry best practice and may
include modifications to such standards in order to suit Qatar conditions. Their purpose is to
fill gaps in existing Qatar standards where relevant guidance is missing and/or provide
higher standards in line with current, international best practice.
1.5 The IANs specify Ashghal’s requirements in the interim until such time as the current Qatar
standards (such as QHDM, QTM, etc.) are updated. These requirements may be
incorporated into future updates of the QHDM, QTM or QCS, however this cannot be
guaranteed. Therefore, third parties who are not engaged on Ashghal projects make use of
Ashghal IANs at their own risk.
1.6 All IANs are owned, controlled and updated as necessary by Ashghal. All technical queries
relating to IANs should be directed to Ashghal’s Manager of the Design Department,
Infrastructure Affairs.

Signed on behalf of Design Department:

Abdulla Ahin A A Mohd
Acting Manager of Roads & Drainage Networks Design
Design Management (Roads Section)
Public Works Authority
Tel: 44950653
Fax: 44950666
P.O.Box 22188 Doha - Qatar

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

2. Ashghal Interim Advice Note (IAN) – Feedback Form

Ashghal IANs represent the product of consideration of international standards and best practice
against what would work most appropriately for Qatar. However, it is possible that not all issues
have been considered, or that there are errors or inconsistencies in an IAN.

If you identify any such issues, it would be appreciated if you could let us know so that amendments
can be incorporated into the next revision. Similarly, we would be pleased to receive any general
comments you may wish to make. Please use the form below for noting any items that you wish to

Please complete all fields necessary to identify the relevant item

IAN title:
IAN number: Appendix letter:
Page number: Table number:
Paragraph number: Figure number:
Description comment:

Please continue on a separate sheet if required:

Your name and contact details (optional):
Name: Telephone:
Organisation: Email:
Position: Address:

Please email the completed form to:

Abdulla Ahin AA Mohd

Acting Manager of Roads and Drainage Networks Design

Design Management
(Roads Section)
Public Works Authority


We cannot acknowledge every response, but we thank you for contributions. Those contributions
which bring new issues to our attention will ensure that the IANs will continue to assist in improving
quality on Ashghal’s infrastructure projects.

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

3. Introduction
3.1 This Interim Advice Note (IAN), which takes immediate effect, provides requirements with
regard to Approval in Principle (AIP) documents for highway structures.

4. Withdrawn / Amended Standard

4.1 Not applicable.

5. Implementation
5.1 The IAN is to be used with immediate effect on projects as follows:
 All Ashghal projects in Design Stage

5.2 The only exceptions are:-

 Projects where the preparation of AIP documents has already commenced or has been

5.4 If in doubt, Consultants / Contractors should seek guidance from the respective Ashghal
Project Manager or designated Programme Management Consultant (PMC) on a scheme
specific basis.

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

Appendix A – Requirements for the Preparation of Approval

in Principle Documents

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

Approval in Principle (AIP) documents shall be prepared generally in accordance with BD 02 of
the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) produced by the Highways Agency (UK) as
amended and supplemented by this document.
Terms and expressions in this document shall have the same meaning as in BD 02.
Ashghal require the submission of an AIP document for all proposed bridges and also for other
highway structures as defined in Clause 3.3 of BD 02. An AIP is also required for any proposed
modifications to existing bridges and also for any proposed modifications to other highway
structures as defined in Clause 3.3 of BD 02.
AIP shall generally be prepared for each individual bridge or structure. However, subject to prior
agreement with Ashghal, a single AIP may be prepared for a group of bridges within a project
which are similar in function, form and dimensions and where identical design criteria are
proposed for each bridge within the group.
Where procurement of construction is by a form of contract that requires the Contractor to
develop the detailed designs of structures, the Contractors Designer shall produce AIP’s for the
structures in line with the requirements of this document. Any pre-tender design undertaken on
behalf of Ashghal shall include preparation by the Designer of AIP’s for structures. These shall
broadly follow the format indicated in this document; however the content may be limited as
agreed in advance with Ashghal, such that the document indicates a feasible structural solution
that meets all constraints that will be imposed on the Contractor and his designers.
Functions assigned to Ashghal in this document (such as endorsements, confirmations,
agreements etc.) may be carried out by a Programme Management Consultant appointed by

The objective of the Approval in Principle document is to provide a clear understanding between
Ashghal and the Designer of what design standards, principles, criteria and any other relevant
matters will be adopted in the design prior to significant levels of design being undertaken. The
AIP document shall enable Ashghal to be satisfied as to:
(i) Suitability of the proposed structure for required function.
(ii) Those procedures are in place to minimise the possible risks to highway users and others
who may be affected.
(iii) Compliance with Ashghal’s design requirements.
(iv) The economy of the type and form of structure proposed within the overall scheme
(v) Its suitability for the environment and sub-soil conditions.
(vi) Its appearance, including the standards of finish to be adopted.
(vii) The adequacy of proposals for geotechnical and other investigations.
(viii) The loading and other design and durability criteria proposed.
(ix) The application of selected documents and Standards, and the suitability of any methods
or criteria outside existing Codes or Standards proposed for adoption in a particular

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

(x) The need for consultation with interested authorities and compliance with statutory
(xi) The need for consultation with any Public Realm Consultants appointed by Ashghal.
(xii) Constructability issues in the context of the environment, traffic management, services,
utilities and timing issues of related work.
(xiii) The provision made for the inspection and maintenance of the structure both in the context
of the structure itself and the environment in which it will function.
(xiv) In the case of temporary works, the adequacy of the proposal and design approach to
enable the temporary structure to perform its intended purpose.


The Category of a structure with regard to checking shall be defined by Ashghal.

Structures shall be checked in accordance with the requirements defined in BD 02 for the
designated Category, unless agreed otherwise in advance with Ashghal.


The Approval in Principle document shall be prepared as early as practically possible in the
design process, but not later than the completion of the Preliminary Design, unless agreed
otherwise in advance with Ashghal.
The completed document shall first be submitted by the Designer to Ashghal for comment. The
document shall then be amended as necessary following consultation with Ashghal prior to
being submitted for endorsement.
The Designer shall receive endorsement of the AIP by Ashghal before proceeding with any
further design.
Works shall not be tendered prior to endorsement of the relevant AIP’s unless specific written
agreement has been given by Ashghal to an alternative arrangement.
The completed design cannot be implemented until Ashghal is in receipt of certified confirmation
from the Checking Organisation that the implementation documents are accurate and fully in
compliance with the requirements of the AIP.


The information required in the AIP will vary and is unique for each structure. The information
shall address the objectives outlined in Section 2.

A Model Form of AIP is included in Section 6. This form is drawn up to particularly cover the
design of new bridges; some of the information requested may not be applicable to certain
structures or proposals. It should not be regarded as prescriptive nor should its contents be
regarded as exhaustive. However, Designers must as a minimum have considered all the
headings in the model and should demonstrate such consideration by developing the heading or

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures

stating that it is not relevant. New headings should be introduced at the end of each section if

The AIP shall be as concise as possible and only contain information pertinent to the particular
structure(s). Irrelevant information must not be included.

Innovative or landmark structures may require further studies, investigation and/or specialist
reports in addition to the AIP and specific requirements in this regard shall be agreed with

The headings and numbering shown in the Model Form shall be adopted. Any heading which is
not required for the structure(s) in question shall still be included and followed by the text “Not
applicable”. Additional headings may be added to the ends of sections if necessary.

Text in italics are guidance notes only. All other text shall be included in the AIP.

AIP documents shall be in A4 format and portrait page layout. Drawings should be A3 size
folded to A4 size and bound into the document.

Appendices shall be used to include; photographs, photomontages, drawings, extracts from

factual site investigation data, structure geotechnical summary sheets / extracts from
geotechnical interpretative reports, third party reports, and lists of standards to be used (TAS).
The appendices should include references to any other reports, studies and working papers,
which were used to develop the structure to the AIP stage.


The Model Form for AIP documents is shown on the following pages.

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Include Ashghal Project Number, Project Name and bridge name(s).
Include and document control information/forms/sheets required by the designer’s quality
assurance system.
Document should have revision number and a record of revision history.

1.1 Type of Highway
Describe all roads, including both over/under at bridges e.g. freeways, expressway,
arterial, collector, local, high load routes etc.
1.2 Permitted Traffic Speed
Indicate for all roads, including over/under at bridges

2.1 Obstacles Crossed
List all obstacles including roads, rail lines, tracks, watercourses, major pipelines etc.

3.1 Description of Structure
Basic description e.g. four span road over road bridge.
3.2 Structural Type
Basic description to include proposed basic material and form of construction e.g. in-
situ post tensioned concrete box girder.
3.3 Foundation Type
Basic description to include proposed basic material and form of construction e.g. in-
situ reinforced concrete pile cap on bored cast in situ piles
3.4 Span Arrangements and General Dimensions
List number and dimensions of spans, deck width, skew angle etc.
3.5 Articulation Arrangements
Describe articulation arrangements including location of any fixed, guided and free
Indicate type of any bearings proposed e.g. pot bearing, spherical bearing etc.
Indicate type of any expansion joints proposed e.g. slip strip, elastomeric etc.
3.6 Types of Road Restraint Systems
Parapet or barrier shape, material, containment level, height etc
3.7 Maintenance and Inspection
3.7.1 Traffic management
Indicate any requirements during access for maintenance and inspection e.g. road
closures, lane closures etc.
3.7.2 Access
Access proposals for maintenance and inspection e.g. abutment galleries, access
hatches, access equipment etc.

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3.8 Materials and Finishes

Include details of materials and finishes and/or refer to the appropriate contents of
the Design Criteria for Highway Structures (including Revision number) produced by
3.9 Risks and Hazards
Document Risk Assessment undertaken and any unusual or exceptional risks
3.10 Estimated Cost and Alternatives Considered
Estimated cost of proposed structure together with other structural forms considered.
Note - details of other forms considered is not required if this has been documented
in an earlier submission to Ashghal.
3.11 Proposed Arrangements for Construction
Describe construction method and requirements.
3.11.1 Traffic management
If traffic management is required to construct the structure, a brief description should
be provided.
3.11.2 Utility diversions
Note any major utilities diversion required specifically to construct the structure, which
have significant cost or programme implications.
3.11.3 Interface with existing structures
If applicable.

4.0 General Design Criteria
Sample text:
The structure shall be designed in accordance with the “Design Criteria for Highway
Structures Revision XX” produced by Ashghal and appended in Annex X.
Refer to and append the current revision of the document.
4.1 Live Loading and Headroom
4.1.1 HA Loading
Sample text:
HA loading shall be applied in accordance with the “Design Criteria for Highway
Structures Revision XX” produced by Ashghal and appended in Annex X. This
includes traffic live loading to the full width of the structure between parapet faces
and not to the width between kerbs as required by BD 37.
4.1.2 HB Loading
Sample text:
45 units of HB loading shall be applied in accordance with the “Design Criteria for
Highway Structures Revision XX” produced by Ashghal and appended in Annex X.
This includes traffic live loading to the full width of the structure between parapet
faces and not to the width between kerbs as required by BD 37.
4.1.3 Footway or footbridge live loading
If required.
4.1.4 Loading Relating to Exceptional Loads
Document any exceptional loads to be designed for including location of vehicle track
on deck cross section.
4.1.5 Any special loading not covered above
As required.

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4.1.6 Heavy or high load route

Heavy or high load route requirements and arrangements being made to preserve
the route, including any provision for future heavier loads or future widening.
4.1.7 Minimum headroom provided
State the minimum headroom provided to each obstacle crossed. The clearance
envelopes must also be shown on the drawings.

4.1.8 Authorities consulted and any special conditions required

List authorities and any conditions imposed.

4.2 List of Relevant Documents from the TAS

List all relevant documents that are being proposed for use in the design. This should
be included as an Appendix to the AIP. The format and guidance given in BD 2 shall
be adopted.
4.2.1 Additional relevant standards
List all relevant documents that are being proposed for use in the design that are not
included in the TAS. The list should be included as an Appendix to the AIP.
4.3 Proposed Departures
Details of any proposed departures from standards given in 4.2 and 4.2.1 and/or from
the Design Criteria for Highway Structures issued by Ashghal. Include details of any
proposed departures together with reasons and justification, including benefits to
Ashghal. Note – endorsement of an AIP by Ashghal is not an approval of proposed
departures listed in that AIP. A separate approval procedure exists for departures.
4.2 Proposed Methods for Dealing with Aspects not Covered by Standards in 4.2
and 4.2.1
As required.

5.1 Methods of Analysis Proposed for Superstructure, Substructure and
5.2 Description and Diagram of Idealised Structure to be used for Analysis
5.3 Assumptions Intended for Calculation of Structural Element Stiffness
5.4 Earth Pressure Coefficients
Proposed earth pressure coefficients (Ka, K0, or Kp) to be used in the design of earth
retaining elements.

6.1 Acceptance of the Geotechnical Report
Acceptance of recommendations of the Geotechnical Report to be used in the design
and reasons for any proposed changes.
If the Geotechnical Report is not yet available, state when the results are expected
and list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice of
foundations. When the results of the ground investigation become available, an
addendum to the AIP, covering section 6, shall be submitted to Ashghal. The
addendum shall have its own sections 8, 9 and 10 to provide a list of drawings,
documents and signatures

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6.2 Geotechnical Summary

Provide a brief description of the ground conditions and any relevant soil or rock
properties assumed in the design.
6.3 Differential Settlement
Clarify differential settlement to be allowed for in the design of the structure.

7.1 Proposed Category
Category 3
7.2 Name of Proposed Independent Checker
7.3 Erection Proposals or Temporary Works
Erection proposals or temporary works for which an independent check will be
required, listing parts of the structure affected with reasons for recommending an
independent check.


8.1 Drawings and Documents
List of documents and drawings (including numbers) appended to the AIP.

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Signed ________________________________

Name ________________________________

Position Held ________________________________

Engineering Qualifications ________________________________

On behalf of (Organisation) ________________________________

Date ________________________________

Organisation’s Stamp

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures


________________________________ confirms that this Approval in Principle is compliant with
Ashghal’s current Design Criteria for Highway Structures.

Signed ________________________________

Name ________________________________ Organisation’s Stamp

Position Held ________________________________

Engineering ________________________________

Acceptance ________________________________

Date ________________________________


This acceptance in no way modifies:

1. The contractual and statutory responsibility of any party for the work carried out.
2. The legal responsibility of professional engineers and / or the consultant.

This acceptance does not relieve the designer/checker or the category 3 checker of the responsibility for:
1. The validity and arithmetic correctness of the calculation and their translations into the design details
& drawings, specification clauses, etc.
2. The applicability and accuracy of all computer programs.
3. Ensuring the validity to the programs for each application

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Ashghal – Approval in Principle Documents for Highway Structures


Include, without limitation:

(a) Copy of the proposed Ashghal Design Criteria for Highway Structures being adopted for the
(b) Technical Approval Schedule (TAS).
(c) Site Location Plan at 1:50,000 or other agreed scale.
(d) General Arrangement Drawing(s). These shall be drawn to scale with border and shall
include the following details as appropriate;
North arrow
Right of Way
Earthworks profile
Plan dimension on carriageway(s) / watercourse / railway
Skew angle
Service ducts / chambers
Interface with existing or proposed structures
Direction of flow for watercourses
Articulation arrangement

Existing ground profile
Rock profile / competent strata
Intermediate and end support details
Foundations (hidden detail)
Access arrangements
Paving details
Slope protection
Safety barriers
Interfaces with existing or proposed structures
Clearance envelope
Overall length
Span dimensions
Water levels (flood level assumed)
Road / rail under – camber, dimensions
Watercourse cross-section dimensions
Parapets / pedestrian guardrail
Earthworks profile

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Cross Section
Bridge cross section dimensions
Superstructure cross section
Interface with existing structures
Interface with intermediate supports
Raised verge / footway details
Parapet / pedestrian guardrail
Surfacing and waterproofing

Approach arrangements
Waterproofing details
Indicative location of construction joints

(e) Relevant extracts from the Geotechnical Report

(f) Departures from Standards
(g) Methods of dealing with aspects not covered by Standards

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