West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies: Department of Education Lesson Plan Format
West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies: Department of Education Lesson Plan Format
West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies: Department of Education Lesson Plan Format
ELA.10.3 - Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the
course of a literary text, interact with other characters, and affect the plot or develop the theme.
ELA.10.8 - Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a literary text, order events within it (e.g.,
parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing or flashbacks) contribute to its overall structure and
create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise
NCTE.1 - Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts to build an understanding of texts, of
themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to
respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among
these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
NCTE.2 - Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an understanding of
the many dimensions (e.g., philosophical, ethical, aesthetic) of human experience.
Begin class with a teacher-led discussion; ask the following questions about American Born Chinese:
“What do you notice about structure of this story?
“How is it different than most books you’ve read?”
Review the lesson from the day before, asking students to recall what they learned about the theme of
“identity” in this book.
Assessing their understanding of the previous lesson is important if you want to make connections between
theme and structure.
Formative Assessment
Assess the students’ ability to construct the story’s three parallel plots using the index cards.
The Venn diagram activity can be assessed to determine how much guidance students still need before writing
their reading response paragraphs.
Students will write a one-paragraph (5-8 sentences) response that will be worth a total of 50 points -- 20
points per response, 10 points for grammar/spelling. Their writing will be in response to the following
1. How does the story’s parallel plot structure help develop the identity theme?
2. How might the story be different if the hidden identities and alter egos were known from the
beginning of the story?
Begin class with a teacher-led discussion; ask the following questions about American Born Chinese:
“What do you notice about structure of this story?
“How is it different than most books you’ve read?”
Review the lesson from the day before, asking students to recall what they learned about the theme of
“identity” in this book. What is the message Gene Luen Yang is trying to make about identity?
Ask for volunteers to share the order of their cards. (Keep asking until a group gets it all right.)
Correct order – 9, 12, 3, 6, 11, 8, 13, 1, 5, 10, 2, 7, 4
If none get it right, tell them to refer to their books and try again.
Next, instruct students to adjust their cards in a way that separates the different storylines in the book.
MK: 9, 6, 13
JW: 12, 11, 1 JW + D/CK: 5, 10 JW + D/CK + MK: 2, 7, 4
D/CK: 3, 8
Explain the concept of parallel plots and write the following definition on the board:
Parallel Plots - The writer weaves two or more dramatic plots that are usually linked by a common
character and/or a similar theme.
Ask students: “Who can identify when the parallel plot lines converge? How do they come together?”
(#5 and again at #2 – hidden identities and alter egos are revealed)
The Venn diagram can be completed on paper or on the iPad (MS Word, Lucid Charts, Creately).
1. How does the story’s parallel plot structure help develop the identity theme?
2. How might the story be different if the hidden identities and alter egos were known from the
beginning of the story?
Ask the following questions aloud as a quick review:
Who can tell me what parallel plots are?
How many are there in American Born Chinese?
Before they come together toward the end, what connects these separate plot lines?
Instruct students to finish their reading responses before class the following day.
The reading response will be collected the following date as a summative assessment.
Scaffolding, teacher-led discussion, cooperative groups, graphic organizers
Index cards, pencils, smart board, iPads, copies of American Born Chinese, numbered event list,
If Student Finishes Early
Instruct him or her to work on the reading response
If Technology Fails
The events list will be read aloud and students will write each one on the corresponding index card
Venn diagrams will all be created on paper