JH Resume
JH Resume
JH Resume
OBJECTIVE To obtain a teaching position in which I can share my passion for language arts and love of
education to create a positive learning experience for students.
English 322- Teaching Writing and Grammar 5-Adult | Fall 2016 | Grade: A
Education 200- Foundations of Education | Spring 2017 | Grade: A
Education 201- Human Growth and Development | Spring 2017 | Grade: A
Field Experience: Mary C. Snow Elementary | Ms. Smith | Kindergarten | 15 hours
Education 202- Educational Psychology and Learning | Fall 2017 | Grade: A
Field Experience: Stonewall Jackson Middle School | Ms. Thornton | 8th grade English | 25 hours
Education 227- Exceptionalities and Human Diversity | Fall 2017 | Grade: A
Education 300- Educational Technology | Spring 2018 | Grade: A
Education 316- Integrated Methods | Spring 2018 | Grade: A
Field Experience: Nitro High School | Mrs. Kerber | 10th/11th grade English | 40 hours
English 421- Teaching English in Secondary School | Spring 2018 | Grade: A
Education 331- Curriculum for Special Education | Spring 2018 | Grade: A
Field Experience: Nitro High School | Mrs. Kessler | 9th grade Resource Room | 30 hours
Education 319- Content Area Literacy | Fall 2018 | Grade: TBD
Field Experience: St. Albans High School | Mrs. Halstead | 12th grade English | 30 hours
Education 426- Creating Learning Communities | Fall 2018 | Grade: TBD
Field Experience: Poca Middle School | Mrs. Broome | 6th/7th grade English | 40 hours
FALL 2003 – SPRING 2004
Major: Business
West Virginia State University
Every semester