Earth Metals
Earth Metals
Earth Metals
The elements of the third main group are named as earth metals having an s2px
valence-shell configuration. Typically they can form three covalent bonds, their
oxidation number is +3 in compounds. The earth metals in their compounds can be
considered as electrondeficient, because with the formation of three covalent bonds
they do not reach the electron octett characteristic for noble gases. Therefore they
behave as Lewis acids and are able to form complexes.
Boron (B) the earth metal of the lowest atomic number, is perhaps one of the most
special element of the periodic table, but it arouses rather the interest of the
chemists, not that of the physicians... Boron is a very hard high-melting substance
present in network crystal lattice. It occurs in the Nature in deposits of minerals, the
most important ones are borax (Na2B407) and boric acid (H3BO3). Both of them are
crystalline, water-soluble solids. The aqueous solution of boric acid is slightly acidic,
but contrary to the other oxoacids boric acid is not a proton donor, but it acts as a
Lewis acid, binding OhTions:
The most important earth metal is aluminium (Al); aluminium is the third most
abundant element of the Earth's crust. It occurs in the nature in silicates or in
hydroxides, its most important ore is bauxite that is mostly the mixture of AIO(OH)
and Al(OH)3. Cryolite (sodium hexafluoro-aluminate(lll), Na3[AlF6]) is also an important
mineral, applied in the manufacturing of aluminium (electrolysis).
Aluminium is a bluish silvery soft metal of low density (2.7 g/cm 3, light metal). It is
an excellent thermal and electrical conductor. Therefore and because of its
advantageous mechanical properties it is applied as structural material in
construction of vehicles, as well as because its good electrical conductivity as electric
cables. Generally for these purposes its alloys are used. It can be drawn to very thin
foils (aluminium foils) that can be utilized for the packing of food. Aluminium has very
advantageous properties, but its manufacturing is rather expensive (made by
electrolysis), the objects made of aluminium cost much more than that of made of
iron (Between 1970 and 1980 coins were made of aluminium, too).
Gallium (Ga) and indium (In) are applied in the semiconductor industry for the
production of transistors, LEDs, they do not have biological importance.
Thallium (Tl) and its compounds are rather toxic, their contact with skin is
dangerous, they are very toxic by inhalation and if swallowed. (It can be found in the
periodic table between the very toxic mercury and lead.) Previously its sulphate
(TI2S04) was applied as rat poison, but this tasteless and odourless substance is too
dangerous, therefore nowadays it is not used for this purpose.
The chemical properties of aluminium
It has a medium value of electronegativity (1.5); it can form both ionic and
covalent compounds. The pure aluminium is a very reactive metal with reducing
A thin protective surface layer of aluminium oxide forms when the metal is
exposed to air, preventing further oxidation, so the objects made of aluminium are
resistant to corrosion. In order to protect aluminium from oxidation more effectively
it is oxidized by electrochemical methods (anodizing) forming a passivation layer on
the surface of the metal.
If aluminium is treated with mercury, an aluminium-amalgam (alloy) forms on its
surface inhibiting the development of the protecting layer of aluminium oxide, thus
the metal undergoes oxidation. (This happens at the treatment with
mercury(ll)chloride, too.)
At higher temperature the aluminium burns yielding aluminium oxide in an
exothermic reaction.
4 Al + 3 02 = 2 Al203
Cr203 + 2 Al = Al203 + 2 Cr
Aluminium dissolves in both acids and bases generating hydrogen gas, i.e. it is
2 Al + 6 H+ = 2 Al3+ + 3 H2
Therefore it is not advisable to clear the objects made of aluminium with cold
degreasing agents, because they contain mostly potassium hydroxide. The acidic
limescale remover liquids can damage the aluminium objects, too.
Compounds of aluminium
Boron is a trace element in our organism; it plays a role in the regulation of the
calcium metabolism. Both boric acid (H3B03) and borax (Na2B407) are used in the
medical practice. They are not harmful to the human organism, whereas they act as
bacteriostatic agents. Therefore they are constituents of disinfective baby powders
and ointments. Boric acid is also applied in eye drops and artificial tears. The dilute
solution of boric acid is a decontaminant at accidents caused by alkali burns (in Red
Cross bottle in the lab). The solutions of borax in glycerine have a role in the
treatment of the soar of infants.
Toxicity of aluminium compounds was described in the 1970s. The growth of the
plants is retarded by the contaminations caused by aluminium compounds. The
human organism does not require aluminium. In our environment the acid rains wash
out the aluminium from aluminium silicates and we ingest them with food. At the
Alzheimer patients in the grey matter of the brain there are plaques composed of
aluminium silicates but probably this is a symptom of the disease, and not its cause.
Aluminium sulphate (AI2(S04)3) and alum (potassium aluminium sulphate,
KAI(S04)2) are colourless crystalline compounds, their solutions is acidic because of
hydrolysis. Both of them are applied as astringent that is for the precipitation of
proteins and for cauterization. Aluminium sulphate has a role in waste water
treatment. Alum is an astringent contracting the blood vessels; it is applied in after-
shave hemostatic sticks.
Aluminium oxide (Al203) is utilized as an antacid to neutralize the excess of gastric
acid. Its advantage is that it does not produce gases and it is not absorbed, because
it precipitates in the intestines at pH=7 as aluminium hydroxide polymer.
Aluminium chloride and its hydrates are the active ingredients of antiperspirants.
Since AICI3 is a highly electron deficient molecule (Lewis acid, there are only 6
valence electrons around the aluminium), it binds the basic amine components of
sweat having intense odour (see complexes).
Self-test questions
1. Write the atomic symbol of aluminium and its valence electronic configuration.
Give the oxidation number of aluminium in its compounds. What kind of
advantageous physical properties does this metal have?
2. What do you know about the application of aluminium in the every day life? List
three different items. Why do not aluminium objects undergo corrosion?
3. Write two equations to demonstrate the amphoteric character of aluminium.
4. Write two equations to demonstrate the amphoteric character of aluminium
5. Write formula for aluminium sulphate and alum. For what purposes are they
applied in the medical practice? Write equation for the dissociation of alum.
6. Name the following compounds: H3B03, KAI(S04)2, AICI3, Al203, AI2(S04)3.
7. Define the term of Lewis acid. Write equation to demonstrate the Lewis acid
character of aluminium chloride
8. For what purposes is aluminium oxide applied in the medical practice? What kind
of advantages does its application have?
9. What do you know about the physiological effect of aluminium compounds?
Oxidation of aluminium
Materials: sheet of aluminium, mercury(ll) chloride solution
Procedure: Clean the aluminium sheet with a piece of sandpaper. Add a drop of
mercury(ll) chloride solution onto the clean metallic surface. When the surface of the
sheet turned gray, shake off the drop of solution and disperse the remained liquid
with cotton wool or a piece of filter paper. (The drop of mercury(ll) chloride solution is
dropped with a pipette onto the aluminium sheet, and not with hand!) Let the sheet
stand on air. After some minutes observe the surface treated with mercury(ll)
chloride solution and touch the back side of the sheet (the not treated side). What do
we observe? Write equation.
Comments: At high temperature aluminium burns throwing out sparks. It has a very
high affinity to oxygen, which is the basis of the so-callet thermite reaction used for
the preparation of pure metals.
The elements of the s-block (alkali metals and alkaline earth metals), are soft
metals of low density and low melting point. Releasing one or two electrons they
reach the noble gas electron configuration, therefore they have very low
electronaffinity and ionization energy. They are very reactive elements; they do not
occur in nature in elementary state only in their compounds having mostly ionic
character. Their reactivity increases in the column from the top to the bottom; this
way decreases the ionization energy and the electronegativity.
Their typical feature is the flame test. The valence electrons of the atoms can be
excited easily thus the non-luminous flame of the Bunsen burner is coloured by these
substances (except magnesium and beryllium).
Alkali metals
They are very reactive, exposed to the air they immediately undergo oxidation.
To prevent it they are stored under mineral oil. Their reaction with water is very
vehement yielding hydrogen gas:
K + H20->KOH + /2H2
This reaction is rather exothermic and the hydrogen evolved can even burst into
These metals behave as strong reducing agents having the highest negative
standard electrode potential (see electrochemistry).
In their compounds the alkali metal cations always have the oxidation number
+1. Because they have a closed electron shell and a stable octet in their compounds
they are colourless with low
reactivity. Their ionic compounds (halogenides, sulphates, carbonates and
phosphates) have good water solubility. Only lithium, sodium and potassium
compounds are of biological importance.
The oxides of alkali metals are base anhydrides, with water they yield the
corresponding hydroxides:
Their hydroxides are ionic compounds of very good water solubility, they act as
strong bases, and in addition they are caustic and corrosive compounds.
NaOH-+Na+ + OH~
They sodium and potassium hydroxides are ingredients of cold degreasers and
drain cleaning unblockers, because they hydrolizes fats yielding water soluble
compounds (see organic chemistry).
The alkali hydroxides react with acids or acid anhydrides forming salts. They are
hygroscopic and readily absorb water and carbondioxide (acid anhydride) from air, so
they should be stored in an airtight container in order to prevent the formation of
Alkali metals occur in nature as salts. Sodium exists as table salt (NaCI), washing
soda or natron (Na2C03), potassium as potassium chloride or muriate of potash (KG)
found in the top layer of salt mines. Sea water contains about 3% NaCI so the
evaporitic deposits formed by the evaporation of inland seas. In mineral waters there
can be an important amount of Glauber's salt (Na2S04, sodium sulphate) showing a
mild laxative effect in higher amount. An important mineral of sodium is Chile
saltpetre (NaN03, sodium nitrate); the corresponding potassium mineral is salpetre
(KN03, potassium nitrate) formerly applied for the manufacturing of gunpowder.
Nowadays it is used to prepare artificial fertilizers. The detection of the alkali metals
can be performed in an easy way using their flame test: sodium colours the non-
luminous flame of the Bunsen burner intense yellow, while potassium give a faint
blue flame test.
Some lithium salts are used in the treatment of maniac depression. Sodium and
potassium ions are responsible for the electrical properties of the cell membranes,
the Na+/K+ proportion between the living cell and its environment serves as a base of
the membrane potential, signal transductions and some active transport processes.
In case of severe diarrhoea or application of diuretics there is a significant loss of
potassium of the organism that must be supplied with medicines containing
potassium chloride.
Alkaline earth metals
Their most important compounds are the hydroxides acting as strong bases. The
solubility of the hydroxides increases as the column is descended: Mg(OH)2 and
Ca(OH)2 are precipitates of low solubility; the other hydroxides are well soluble in
water. The saturated solution of calcium hydroxide is the lime water.
Solubility of their sulphates decreases as the column is descended, while their
carbonates are not soluble in water.
The in earth's crust their compounds are very abundant: CaC03 (calcium
carbonate: limestone, marble, calcite or chalk), CaC03 ■ MgC03 (dolomite), CaS04 ■
2 H20 (gypsum, alabaster), MgC03 (magnesite). The carbonates and sulphates of
strontium and barium also occur in nature. All of the isotopes of radium are
radioactive, in small amounts they occur in the uranium ores.
Both of them are silvery light metals. Magnesium is protected by its tough oxide
layer, therefore it can be stored in air. Calcium is covered by a thin calcium nitride
(Ca3N2) layer avoiding oxidation.
On ignition magnesium burns with a brilliant white light. Contrary to the other
alkali and alkaline earth metals its flame colouration is not in the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Calcium's flame test is brick-red, that of strontium is
crimson and that of barium is green.
Metallic magnesium is applied as a reducing agent, in the organic chemical
practice it is used to prepare organometallic compounds. Metallic calcium has an
importance in the preparation of anhydrous organic solvents. Calcium reacts with
water vigorously, while magnesium reacts only slowly at ambient temperature, at an
elevated temperature the reaction is faster.
Mg + 2 H20 == MgiOH^ + H2
Calcium compounds
The same reaction happens at the hardening of lime and mortar (mixture of lime
and sand), applied in building industry. In addition calcium hydroxide is used for the
softening of water, manufacturing of paper and steel.
By dissolving copper(ll)sulphate (CuS04 • 5 H20) in lime water Bordeaux mixture
forms having fungicide effect used as a fungicide spray in agriculture.
Calcium carbonate (CaC03) occurs in nature as a mineral, it is a colourless water
insoluble crystalline substance. In addition it is widespread in the teeth, in bones, in
tartar, in egg-shell, in pearl and in scale. Calcium carbonate is the main component of
solid skeleton of shells, snails and corals. Thermal decomposition of limestone
(calcium carbonate) yields slaked lime, which is an indispensable material for the
building industry.
CaCQ3 + 2 H+ = Ca2+ + H20 + C02 (strong acid liberates the weaker one from its
This is the theoretical base of the scaling, in the household the most widely used
scale removing agents contain phosphoric or citric acid. Calcium carbonate is also
applied to neutralize the excess of gastric acid.
The permanent hardness of waters arises from other dissolved calcium and
magnesium salts (chlorides, sulphates) that can not be broken down by heating.
Though drinking of hard water (till 30 German degrees*) physiologically is preferable,
but it is less appropriate for household and industrial purposes: on heating
precipitate (scale, fur) forms, the traditional soaps also form a scum, precipitate with
calcium ions without cleaning activity.
Calcium sulphate (CaS04 • 2 H20), gypsum or alabaster is a colourless
crystalline water insoluble mineral. On heating it yields a derivative, calcium
sulphate hemihydrate (CaS04 • 1/4H20) containing half mole of crystalline water. This
substance when mixed with water liberates heat and then hardens.
It is applied in surgery for plaster casts, in dentistry for mounting casts and in
addition for making statues, mouldings. Special mortars also contain plaster (CaS04 •
34 H20).
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is a colourless crystalline water-soluble compound. It is
used as a desiccant for drying liquids and gases (see Drying p.13.), as well as mixed
with ice it forms freezing mixtures (the CaCl2-ice mixture has as low temperature as
-50°C). In winter streets it is applied as an defrosting agent harmless to the
The calcium phosphates are not soluble in water. They play important role in
the organism as components of the bone.
Magnesium compounds
The water soluble compounds of beryllium and barium are toxic, while magnesium
and calcium ions are essential for the living organisms. The toxic effect of
beryllium(ll) probably connected to the fact that it replaces magnesium in the
magnesium containing enzymes.
Magnesium ion is the constituent of the prosthetic group of chlorophyll playing
essential role for the green plants. In the humans it functions as an activator of
enzymes and takes part in the electrolytic balance of the body fluids. It catalyzes the
hydrolysis of the phosphates (e.g. ATP, nucleotides and phosphoproteines, see.
Bioinorganic chemistry). It can reduce the cramps, muscle contractions; therefore it
is recommended a higher intake for sportsman and pregnant women.
The magnesium sulphate (MgS04, bitter salt), an important component of mineral
waters, is applied as a laxative in medicine.
The majority of calcium of the body is deposited in the bones or in the teeth as
water insoluble hydroxyapatite (Ca5(P04)3OH) or fluorapatite (Ca5(P04)3F). Calcium ion
plays a vital role in several physiological processes, e.g. muscle contraction, blood
clotting, because it is a secondary messenger and activator of several enzymes.
Calcium carbonate (CaC03) has a medical role as calcium supplement and antacid.
The basic magnesium carbonate (3MgC03 • Mg(OH)2 • 3 H20) is a water insoluble
powder acting as a base, it has a similar application. Acids dissolve it by releasing
carbon dioxide; it has a mild laxative effect, too.
Strontium and its compounds have no chemical and biological importance.
Strontium has radioactive isotopes, e.g. the 90
Sr is a by-product of nuclear fission of
uranium (explosion of uranium bomb). It can substitute for calcium in bone; the
isotope is a (B-emitter causing bone sarcoma.
The water soluble barium compounds are toxic. The water insoluble barium
sulphate (BaS04) suspension is used as an X-ray contrast medium (barium-cocktail) of
the gastrointestinal system, it absorbs X-rays but it is not absorbed from the stomach
at all.
The alkali and alkaline earth metals ions are excreted from the body through the
urine and sweat. At an important loss of liquid or at surgical event the so called
Ringer solution -in infusion- is applied as a supplement of these ions. This solution
has a physiological osmotic pressure and contains Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+-ions with
chloride and hydrogencarbonate counterions.
Self-test questions
1. Write names and chemical symbols for alkali metals. Give the valence shell
configuration of the alkali metals. How many valence electrons do they have?
2. Write names and chemical symbols for alkaline earth metals. Give the valence
shell configuration of the alkaline earth metals. How many valence electrons do
they have?
3. Compare the electronegativity, ionization energy and atomic radii of the s-block
elements. Characterize the reactivity of the s-block elements. What is their
characteristic oxidation number?
4. Characterize the water solubility of the hydroxides, sulphates and carbonates of
the s-block metals.
water solubility alkali metals alkaline earth metals
5. Describe of the chemical properties of the s-field elements. Write equation for the
reaction of sodium and water.
6. Describe the solubility and the chemical properties of the alkali metal hydroxides.
What happens to sodium hydroxide stored in the air? Write the equation.
7. Write name and empirical formula for three minerals of calcium and magnesium.
8. Write equation for the reaction of calcium with water. How is it possible to detect
the products?
9. Write equation for the reaction of calcium oxide with water. For what purposes
are calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide applied in the everyday life?
10. How is it possible to detect carbon dioxide in the laboratory practice? Write an
11. What kind of reaction occurs, if the mortar hardens? Write an equation.
12. 12. How does calcium carbonate react with the gastric juice (hydrochloric
acid)? Write an equation. What kind of forms of calcium carbonate can be found
in the nature or in our organism?
13. 13. Which alkaline earth metal compounds are applied as antacids (names
and formulas)?
14. How does limestone react with carbonic acid? Write an equation. Which ions
are responsible for the temporary hardness of water?
15. Write equations for the reactions describing the formation and dissolution of
16. Write equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate. What is
the practical importance of the product?
17. What is calcium sulphate hemihydrate applied in the medical practice for?
Give an equation showing its reaction with water.
18. Give the chemical composition of the following substances: lime water,
gypsum, chalk, Bordeaux mixture, quick lime.
Comments: Light emitted by excited alkali metal atoms has a characteristic line
spectrum, which can be made monochromatic by appropriate filters. This is used in
sodium lamps (polarimetry). In everyday life sodium lamps of very intense yellow
light are used for the night illumination of busy road-crossings. By investigating the
spectrum in atomic absorption spectrophotometry the elemental composition of a
sample can be established.