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Oracle® Applications: Maintenance Utilities Release 12

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Oracle® Applications

Maintenance Utilities
Release 12
Part No. B31568-01

January 2007
Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities, Release 12

Part No. B31568-01

Copyright © 2000, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Carole Eubanks

Contributing Author: Yun Shaw, Joycelyn Wee

Contributor: Henriette Fux, Richard Lotero

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... viii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii

1 Getting Started
Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities......................................................................................... 1-1
Command Line Utilities .................................................................................................................... 1-1
Web-based Utilities ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
Online Help......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
AD Command Line Utilities .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Common AD Operations .................................................................................................................. 1-5
The AD Interface ................................................................................................................................ 1-8
Command Line Arguments.............................................................................................................. 1-9
Running AD Utilities ...................................................................................................................... 1-13
Using Parallel Processing .................................................................................................................... 1-16
Processing Tasks in Parallel........................................................................................................... 1-16
Monitoring and Controlling Parallel Processes .......................................................................... 1-18
Distributing Processing Tasks Across Nodes ............................................................................. 1-20
OAM Web-based Utilities ................................................................................................................... 1-20
Common OAM Operations ........................................................................................................... 1-21
OAM Interface ................................................................................................................................. 1-21
Accessing OAM ............................................................................................................................... 1-23

2 Installation and Upgrade

About Installations and Upgrades ........................................................................................................ 2-1
Installations ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Upgrades ............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Rapid Install .............................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Installing New Systems ..................................................................................................................... 2-3
Upgrading a Release 11i System to Release 12 .............................................................................. 2-4
Installing a New Technology Stack ................................................................................................. 2-4
The Rapid Install Interface................................................................................................................ 2-4
Running Rapid Install........................................................................................................................ 2-5

AutoPatch................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
The AutoPatch Interface.................................................................................................................... 2-8
Running AutoPatch ........................................................................................................................... 2-8
Other Patching Tools ......................................................................................................................... 2-9

3 Configuration
About System Configurations ............................................................................................................... 3-1
Web-based Configuration Utilities .................................................................................................. 3-1
Command Line Configuration Utilities .......................................................................................... 3-2
AD Splicer.................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Control Files ........................................................................................................................................ 3-2
The AD Splicer Interface ................................................................................................................... 3-3
Running AD Splicer........................................................................................................................... 3-3
File Character Set Converter .................................................................................................................. 3-4
Required Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 3-4
The File Character Set Converter Interface .................................................................................... 3-4
Running the File Character Set Converter...................................................................................... 3-4

4 Maintenance
About System Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 4-1
AD Administration Overview ............................................................................................................... 4-1
Prompts................................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Preparing for Non-interactive Processing ...................................................................................... 4-2
The AD Administration Interface .................................................................................................... 4-3
Running AD Administration Interactively .................................................................................... 4-4
Generating Applications Files ............................................................................................................... 4-5
Generate Message Files ..................................................................................................................... 4-5
Generate Form and Report Files ...................................................................................................... 4-5
Generate Product JAR Files .............................................................................................................. 4-6
Maintaining Applications Files............................................................................................................. 4-7
Relink Applications Programs ........................................................................................................ 4-7
Create Applications Environment File [Subkey in Registry]....................................................... 4-7
Copy Files to Destinations ................................................................................................................ 4-8
Convert Character Set........................................................................................................................ 4-8
Maintain Snapshot Information ....................................................................................................... 4-9
Check for Missing Files .................................................................................................................. 4-11
Managing Database Entities ............................................................................................................... 4-11
Compiling or Reloading Database Entities ................................................................................. 4-11
Maintaining Applications Database Entities............................................................................... 4-12
Changing Maintenance Mode ............................................................................................................ 4-14
AD Relink ............................................................................................................................................... 4-14
Log Files............................................................................................................................................ 4-15
Command Line Arguments........................................................................................................... 4-15
The AD Relink Interface................................................................................................................. 4-15
Running AD Relink......................................................................................................................... 4-16

5 Reporting
About Oracle Applications Reporting Tools ...................................................................................... 5-1
Reporting Tools .................................................................................................................................. 5-1
AD Job Timing Report ............................................................................................................................ 5-2
The AD Job Timing Report Interface............................................................................................... 5-2
Running AD Job Timing Report ...................................................................................................... 5-2
AD Configuration Report ....................................................................................................................... 5-3
The AD Configuration Report Interface ......................................................................................... 5-3
Running AD Configuration .............................................................................................................. 5-3
AD File Identification Report ................................................................................................................ 5-4
Command Line Arguments.............................................................................................................. 5-4
The AD File Identification Report Interface ................................................................................... 5-4
Running AD File Identification........................................................................................................ 5-4
AD Check Digest...................................................................................................................................... 5-5
The AD Check Digest Interface........................................................................................................ 5-5
Parameters........................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Running AD Check Digest................................................................................................................ 5-5



This document, along with Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures and Oracle
Applications Patching Procedures make up the Maintaining Oracle Applications
documentation set, which describes Oracle Applications utilities and associated
procedures for maintaining the application file system and database. Oracle
Applications Maintenance Utilities provides a general description of the utilities.

This book is intended for database administrators and system administrators who are
responsible for performing the tasks associated with maintaining an Oracle
Applications system.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
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within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
support, call 800.446.2398. Outside the United States, call +1.407.458.2479.

Related Documents
This book was current as of the time it was initially published. It is included in the
Oracle Applications Document Library, which is supplied in the Release 12 software
bundle. Later versions of this and other documents that have changed sufficiently
between releases to warrant re-publishing are made available at the following URL:
A full list of documentation resources is also published on OracleMetaLink. See Oracle
Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12 (Doc ID: 394692.1). You can also
purchase hard-copy documentation from the Oracle Store at:
The following references are specifically related to maintenance tasks:
■ Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures
■ Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities
■ Oracle Applications Patching Procedures
■ Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide — Configuration
■ Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide — Maintenance
■ Oracle Applications System ADministrator’s Guide — Security

The following conventions are used in this book:

Convention Meaning
UNIX: Indicates platform-specific information. This guide contains
Windows: information for both UNIX and Windows platforms. All
instructions for UNIX platforms also apply to Linux platforms,
unless otherwise noted.
$ or C:\> Represents the platform-specific command prompt. Your
prompt may differ.
Monospace text Represents command line text. Type this text exactly as shown.
<> Text enclosed in angle brackets represents a variable. Substitute
a value for the variable text. Do not type the brackets
[] Encloses optional items or indicate a function key. Do not type
the brackets.
| Represents an OR option among several options. You must enter
only one of the options. Do not type the vertical bar.
\ In examples of commands you type online, a backslash at the
end of a line signifies that you must type the entire command on
one line. Do not type the backslash.
Special notes Additional Information, Note, and Caution boxes alert you to
particular information within the body of the book.

Getting Started

This chapter contains basic information about Oracle Applications maintenance

utilities, both command line and web-based. It contains the following topics:
■ Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities
■ AD Command Line Utilities
■ Using Parallel Processing
■ OAM Web-based Utilities

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

You use Oracle Applications system maintenance utilities to perform a variety of
operations from installing and upgrading Oracle Applications systems, to updating
configuration parameters, to maintaining and patching your database and file system,
to producing system reports. In this book, we have categorized these utilities by the
way you access and use them: from the command line and from a web-based interface.

Note: As of Release 12, all information about patching and

AutoPatch has been moved to a separate book, Oracle Applications
Patching Procedures.

Command Line Utilities

The utilities generally referred to as AD utilities (AD is an abbreviation for
Applications DBA) are started and run from the command line. They kick off
processes that perform tasks such as applying and merging patches and initiating a
variety of system maintenance tasks. As they run, the utilities prompt you for
system-specific parameters necessary to perform the maintenance task. In addition,
many of the utilities produce reports, which contain information such as job timing
and file versions.
The AD utilities have similar interfaces, operation, input, and report formats. Many
also share the ability to accept arguments, flags, and options, which you can use to
refine the actions they perform. You add the argument on the command line when
you start the utility. For example, to specify the number of workers that AutoPatch
should run in parallel when applying a patch, you indicate the number of worker
processes on the command line when you start AutoPatch. A list of commonly used
command line arguments and flags, and a brief description of how to use them, begins
on page 1-9 in this chapter.
Except as noted, the AD utilities in the following table are described in this book.

Getting Started 1-1

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Utility Name Executable Description

AD Administration adadmin Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications.
AD Check Digest adchkdig Checks the integrity of Oracle Applications patches
downloaded from OracleMetaLink.
AD Configuration adutconf.sql Reports standard information about the installed
configuration of Oracle Applications.
AD Controller adctrl Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and
AD File adident Reports the version and translation level of an Oracle
Identification Applications file.
AD File Character adncnv Converts a file from one character set to another.
Set Converter
AD Merge Patch* admrgpch Merges multiple patches into a single merged patch.
AD Relink adrelink.sh Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with
the Oracle server product libraries.
AD Splicer adsplice Adds off-cycle products.
AD Job Timing adtimrpt.sql Reports a summary of the timing for jobs run by parallel
Report* workers.
AutoPatch* adpatch Applies patches and other system updates.
Rapid Install** rapidwiz Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are
specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle
Applications system.
*See Oracle Applications Patching Procedures for complete information about patches and patch
**The basic operation of Rapid Install is described here. See Oracle Applications Installation
Guide: Using Rapid Install for complete instructions on using it to install or upgrade an Oracle
Applications system.

Web-based Utilities
Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) provides a web-based interface where system
administrators can monitor system status, administer services, examine system
configuration, manage Oracle Workflow, view applied patches, and measure system
usage. It provides a concise overview of the state of your Oracle Applications system,
and serves as a gateway to utilities for tasks such as managing system configuration,
reviewing patch history, determining which patches will bring your system up to date,
registering additional products and languages, and other maintenance activities.

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Manager in

Oracle Applications Concepts.

The web-based maintenance utilities are listed in the following table. Their operation
is described fully in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures or the Oracle Applications
System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration.

OAM Utility Name Description

AutoConfig* Use to view current context files, edit parameters contained in the
context files, view previous context files, and compare current context
files against previous ones.

1-2 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

OAM Utility Name Description

License Manager* Registers additional Oracle Applications products, country-specific
functionalities, or languages. You can also use License Manager to
change the base language for your system.
Patch Wizard** Determines patches that have not been applied, but that should be
applied to keep the system current. Downloads and merges patches
from OracleMetalink.
Applied Patches** Uses key patch information in the patch history database. You can
search the database to create reports in several formats.
Registered Flagged Used to record any files in which you have made customizations.
Files** Replaces the need to use applcust.txt, which contained the record for
all customized files in previous releases.
Software Updates** Provides an overview of all patching-related information for your
*See Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide.
**See Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

Online Help
Both the AD utilities and the OAM utilities provide a help function.

Command Line Help

For the AD command line utilities, you can request a list of arguments by typing the
utility executable (start command) and adding help=y. For example, to access help for
AutoPatch, type:
adpatch help=y

The arguments and options that you can use to refine the operation of a utility are
listed, along with a brief description of how they work. Here’s an excerpt from the
command line help for AutoPatch.
usage: adpatch [help=y]
adpatch Pre-Install Mode
adpatch Test Mode
adpatch Non-Interactive mode
[order=<order>] [flags=<flags>][options=<options>]
* help=y - Prints help information about adpatch options.
* preinstall - To run adpatch in Pre-Install Mode.
Default - No.
* apply - To run adpatch in Test Mode.
Default - Yes.
* interactive - Invokes adpatch in Non-Interactive mode when
"interactive=no" is specified.
Default - Yes.

Getting Started 1-3

Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

OAM Help
OAM Help is in the form of a web-based directory tree that lists overview information
and specific features available from the Site Map or the Applications Dashboard. You
access the menu by clicking the Help icon from any page in the Oracle Applications
Manager. For example, from the Site Map Administration tab, click the Help icon.

The OAM help directory appears in a separate window. Click either the Contents tab
or Index tab to expand the branches and view the entire tree.

Click a plus sign to see more topics, and click any individual link to access information
on that topic.
Individual topics may include topical essays, procedures, and page descriptions. The
help associated with the utilities and features discussed in this book provides
navigation paths, field definitions, and general information about using the page.

1-4 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

The AD maintenance utilities were developed to perform specific Applications
maintenance and reporting tasks from the command line. For example, you use
AutoPatch to apply all types of patches to your system, and you use AD
Administration to perform routine maintenance tasks.
However, even though the utilities each have a specialized function, they are designed
to complement each other, therefore many (and often all) employ some similar
operations. This section summarizes the operations that AD utilities have in common.
Subsequent chapters describe each utility’s unique characteristics in detail.

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Maintenance

Procedures for specific tasks performed using the AD utilities. See
also Oracle Applications Patching Procedures for information about
AutoPatch and AD Merge Patch.

Common AD Operations
Many AD utilities employ similar features and operations as they perform processing
tasks. For example, most rely on prompts to gather values for system-specific
processes, and all automatically create log files to record processing actions. This
section describes some of these common operations.

Additional Information: See also Oracle Applications Patching

Procedures for information about AD operations that apply to

Many AD utilities prompt for information necessary for completing a task. Prompts
typically include a description of the information needed, and may include a default
answer (in square brackets). For example:
The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library uniquely
identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS

Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :

Press [Return] to accept the default value, or type a new value after the colon and
press [Return]. Read the prompts carefully to make sure you supply the correct

Interactive and Non-interactive Processing

The AD utilities perform processing tasks interactively by default. That means the
utility prompts for system-specific information at the point where it needs it, making it
necessary for you to be present during the entire operation in order to respond to the
AD Administration, AutoPatch, and AD Controller can run some file system and
database tasks non-interactively — you store necessary information in a defaults file. The
utility reads the information from this file rather than prompting you for the input you
would typically supply when responding to prompts. Non-interactive processing is
useful for scheduling routine tasks that require little or no user intervention.

Getting Started 1-5

AD Command Line Utilities

Additional Information: See Performing Maintenance Tasks

Non-interactively in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures. See
also Monitoring and Controlling Parallel Processes in this chapter
for information about running AD Controller non-interactively.

Log Files
All AD utilities record their processing actions and any errors that they encounter in
log files. Many utilities prompt you for the name of the log file that will record the
processing session.
<utility name> records your <utility name> session in a text file you specify.
Enter your <utility name> log file name or press [Return] to accept the default
name shown in brackets.

Filename [<utility name>.log] :

The default file name is <utility name>.log. For example, for AD Administration, the
default log file is adadmin.log, and for AutoPatch, it is adpatch.log.
AD Administration (and AutoPatch) place the log file in the following directory,
$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log, where <SID> is the value of the ORACLE_SID or
TWO_TASK variable (UNIX), or in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\log, where <SID>
is the value of the LOCAL variable (Windows). Log files created by Rapid Install and
AutoConfig are located in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>/log
Other utilities may not prompt you for a log file name. Typically, they write the log
file in the directory from which the utility was run.

Restart Files
Restart files contain information about what processing has already been completed.
They are located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart (UNIX) or in %APPL_
TOP%\admin\<SID>\restart (Windows).
If a utility stops during processing due to an error, or you use AD Controller (in the
case of parallel processing) to shut down workers while they are performing
processing tasks, you can restart the utility. If you do, it looks for restart files to
determine if there was a previous session. If the files exist, the utility prompts you to
continue where the processing left off, or to start a new process. If you choose to
continue, it reads the restart files to see where the process left off, and continues the
process from that point.

Caution: Do not modify or delete any manager or worker restart

files unless specifically told to do so by Oracle Support Services.

By default, AD utilities delete their restart files when processing is complete, but leave
backup versions with the extensions .bak, .bk2, or .bk3.

Caution: Restart files record passwords to your Oracle

Applications products. You should restrict access to all restart files
(located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart). If you are running
a utility with options=nohidepw, the log files may also contain
passwords on lines prefixed with HIDEPW.

1-6 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

Configuration and Environment Files

Most AD utilities require access to system parameters stored in various configuration
and environment files when processing maintenance tasks. For example, it may be
necessary to know the location of the iAS ORACLE_HOME or the RDBMS ORACLE_
Configuration and environment files are generated by AutoConfig during an
installation or upgrade. You typically do not have to manually update or maintain the
information in these files. They are updated when you run the AutoConfig script.

Additional Information: See AutoConfig in Oracle Applications

Concepts. See also Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations
in Release 12 (Doc ID: 387859.1),

The following table lists configuration and environment files commonly used by the
AD command line utilities, and in some cases, by the OAM web-based utilities. Note
that <CONTEXT_NAME> defaults to <SID>_<hostname>.

File name Location Description

adconfig.txt APPL_TOP/admin Contains environment information used by
all AD utilities. Do not update this file
<CONTEXT_NAME>.env iAS ORACLE_HOME Used to configure the environment when
(UNIX) performing maintenance operations on the
<CONTEXT_NAME>.env RDBMS ORACLE_HOME Used to configure the environment when
(UNIX) performing maintenance operations on the
<CONTEXT_NAME>.cmd database.
APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env APPL_TOP Named APPSORA in earlier releases, this
(UNIX) file calls the environment files needed to set
up the APPL_TOP and the Applications
(Windows) file to set up the APPL_TOP.
(This file calls adovars.env or
<CONTEXT_NAME>.env Applications ORACLE_ Called by APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env
(Windows) file to set up the Applications
adovars.env (UNIX) APPL_TOP/admin Called by the <CONTEXT_NAME>.env
adovars.cmd (Windows) (UNIX) or <CONTEXT_NAME>.cmd
(Windows) file located in the APPL_TOP.
Used to set environment variables for Java
and HTML.

The following configuration and environment files are also used by most AD utilities,
but are not created by AutoConfig. Do not update these files manually.

File name Location Description

applora.txt APPL_TOP/admin Contains information about required init.ora parameters for
applorau.txt APPL_TOP/admin Contains information about required init.ora parameters for
install and upgrade.

Getting Started 1-7

AD Command Line Utilities

File name Location Description

applprod.txt APPL_TOP/admin The AD utilities product description file, used to identify all
products and product dependencies.
applterr.txt APPL_TOP/admin The AD utilities territory description file. It contains information
on all supported territories and localizations.
fndenv.env FND_TOP Sets additional environment variables used by Oracle
Application Object Library. The default values should be
applicable for all customers.

Feature Versions
In order to use some AD Administration and AutoPatch features, the version number
of the feature must be the same in both the file system and the database. There may be
times when these feature versions do not match. For example, if a patch did not run
successfully to completion, it may have updated the file system, but not the database.
In this case, the file system version and the database version could be different.
When you start AD Administration or AutoPatch, an information matrix scrolls on the
screen. It indicates the status (Active=<Yes or No>) and version numbers of the
The matrix is for information only. No action is required unless the feature versions do
not match. If they do not, you can use the OAM Applied Patches utility to determine
which patches were applied successfully and verify the version level.

Additional Information: See Applied Patches Information in

Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

The AD Interface
Some AD utilities are designed to perform a single function. For example, you run AD
Relink only to relink executables programs with the server product libraries. These
utilities do not use menus or input screens. All user interaction is from the command
line in the form of prompts.
However, other utilities have multiple functions, which are presented on menus or
input screens. For example, when you run AD Administration, the first screen you see
is the main menu.

From this screen, choose one of the submenus, and then from there, choose the process
you want to run.

1-8 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

Command Line Arguments

You can direct the way the AD utilities operate by adding modifiers to the utility’s
start command. These modifiers may be in the form of arguments, flags, or options.
They all refine the actions performed by a utility.
Command line arguments, flags, and options are in the "token=value" format, where
token is the name of the modifier. You should enter both the argument and the value in
lowercase type (the utility automatically converts the "token" portion to lowercase, but
it cannot convert the "value").
For example:

The token ("LOGFILE") will be converted to lowercase, but the value (TEST.LOG) is
not recognized by the utility. The correct way to enter this command is:
$ adadmin logfile=test.log

You can enter more than one token=value argument on a single command line by
separating them with one blank space as in the following AutoPatch command.
$ adadmin printdebug=y flags=hidepw

In some cases, you can include more than one value for a token. In this case, separate
the values with commas. For example:
$ adadmin flags=nohidepw,trace

Comma-separated lists must not contain blank spaces. For example, this command is
not valid:
$ adadmin flags=nohidepw, trace

Some command line arguments are used by several utilities and are listed in the
following table. Other arguments are used only for a specific utility. For example,
AutoPatch makes extensive use of command line arguments and options that are
unique to that utility. They are listed and discussed Oracle Applications Patching

abandon Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch
Purpose Tells AD utilities to abandon an existing non-interactive
session. Can be used only when interactive=n is also specified.
Values y or n
Default n, meaning that the last utility run non-interactively did not
successfully complete the processing.
Example adadmin interactive=n abandon=y

defaultsfile Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch, AD Controller
Purpose Specifies the defaults file which stores answers to interactive AD
utility questions. Normally used non-interactively.
Values A fully-qualified filename. Must be under the $APPL_
TOP/admin/<SID> directory.

Getting Started 1-9

AD Command Line Utilities

defaultsfile Description
Default None, meaning that no defaults file is used.
Example adctrl defaultsfile=/d1/apps/prodappl/admin/prod1/prod_

help Description
Used by All AD utilities
Purpose Summarizes available command line options.
Values y or n
Default n
Example adadmin help=y

interactive Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch, AD Controller
Purpose Tells AD utilities whether to run either interactively or
Values y or n
Default y, meaning that the utility runs interactively.
Example adadmin interactive=n

localworkers Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch
Purpose Specifies the number of workers to run on the primary node in a
Distributed AD environment.
Values 1 to the maximum supported by your database, but not more
than 999, inclusive
Default Defaults to the value of the workers argument, which means all
workers run on the primary node.
Example adadmin workers=8 localworkers=3

logfile Description
Used by All AD Utilities
Purpose Tells AD utilities what log file to use. Normally used when
running a utility non-interactively.
Values A file name (not a fully-qualified path name)
Default None, meaning that the utility will prompt for the log file name.
Example adctrl logfile=test.log

menu_option Description
Used by AD Administration, AD Controller

1-10 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

menu_option Description
Purpose When running one of these utilities non-interactively, used to
connect the actions in a defaults file with a specific menu item.
Values See list of menu options in the description of these utilities.
Must be used with interactive=n and defaultsfile=<name of
defaults file>.
Default N/A
Example adctrl interactive=n defaultsfile=$APPL_
TOP/admin/prod/ctrldefs.txt menu_option=SHOW_STATUS

parallel_index_threshold Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch
Purpose Specifies the number blocks in a table. If a table contains fewer
blocks than the threshold setting, indexes are created with
parallel workers and serial DML. If the table contains more
blocks than the threshold setting, indexes are created with one
worker and parallel DML.
Values 0 to 2147483647; if set to 0, indexes are created with parallel
workers and serial DML
Default 20000; meaning a threshold of 20,000 blocks.
Example adadmin parallel_index_threshold=15000

printdebug Description
Used by All AD Utilities
Purpose Tells AD programs to display extra debugging information. In
some cases, the amount of extra debugging information is
Values y or n
Default n
Example adadmin printdebug=y

restart Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch, AD Controller
Purpose Tells AD utilities running non-interactively to restart an existing
session. Only valid when interactive=n is also specified.
Values y or n
Default n, meaning that the utility running non-interactively will expect
to run a completely new session.
Example adadmin interactive=n restart=y

wait_on_failed_job Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch
Purpose Directs the utilities to wait for user input in a non-interactive
session when a job fails.

Getting Started 1-11

AD Command Line Utilities

wait_on_failed_job Description
Values y or n
Default n
Example adadmin wait_on_failed_job=yes

workers Description
Used by AD Administration, AutoPatch
Purpose Specifies the number of workers to run. Normally used when
running the utility non-interactively.
Values 1 to the maximum supported by your database, but not more
than 999
Default No, meaning that the program prompts for the number of
workers to run.
Example adadmin workers=8

AD Flags
The flags= argument is used by all AD utilities. It passes one of several generic flags to
the utility. Enter one flag or a comma-separated list of flags. The default is None.

hidepw Description
Default hidepw
Purpose Directs the utilities to either hide or show passwords in AD Utility
log files.
Comments By default, lines in an AD utility log file containing passwords are
modified to hide the passwords.
When nohidepw is specified, each line containing hidden
passwords is followed by a corresponding line prefixed with
HIDEPW:, showing the original line with passwords.
Example adadmin flags=nohidepw

logging Description
Default logging
Purpose Tells the AD utility whether to create indexes using logging or
Comments Using flags=nologging when creating indexes may increase
performance. However, flags=nologging makes database media
recovery incomplete and does not work with standby databases.
Logging is the default in AutoPatch to support database media
recovery and standby databases. We do not recommend using
flags=nologging for production systems unless you make a
complete backup both before and after running AutoPatch.
flags=nologging affects indexes created through ODF only, not SQL
scripts. The XDF utility always creates indexes with logging.
Example adpatch flags=logging

1-12 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

trace Description
Default notrace
Purpose Tells the AD utility whether to log all database operations to a trace
Comments RDBMS trace files created while running an AD utility may aid
debugging. The flags=trace option creates multiple trace files for
the AD utility and the AD workers. A new trace file is created each
time the AD utility or a worker reconnects to the database.
Note that flags=trace only traces database operations internal to the
AD utility itself. Database operations in SQL scripts or external
programs run by the AD utility are not recorded by flags=trace.
Example adadmin flags=trace

AD utilities accept other arguments. However, they should be used only when
instructed to do so by Oracle Support Services.

Running AD Utilities
To run AD utilities, set the environment to define the system configuration
parameters. For example, a utility may require the directory path to the Applications
ORACLE_HOME. This parameter, and others, make up your system environment.

Note: Before setting the environment, Windows users must also

configure Windows services.

Additional Information: See Configuration and Environment Files

on page 1-7.

Once you have pointed the utility to the correct environment, you start it by entering
the executable (start command).

Setting the Environment

To set the Applications environment, complete the following steps. See the Oracle
Installation and Upgrade Notes for any additional platform-specific steps.
1. Log in as applmgr (Applications file system owner).
2. Run the environment (UNIX) or command (Windows) file for the current APPL_
TOP and database.
The environment file is typically APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env, and is located
under APPL_TOP. From a Bourne, Korn, or Bash shell, type the following:

Run %APPL_TOP%\envshell.cmd using either Windows Explorer or the Run
command from the Start menu. This creates a Command Prompt window that
contains the required environment settings for Oracle Applications. Run all
subsequent commands in this Command Prompt window.

Getting Started 1-13

AD Command Line Utilities

3. If you have made any changes to the environment, check that it is correctly set by
typing the following commands:
$ echo $TWO_TASK
$ echo $PATH

C:\> echo %LOCAL%
C:\> echo %ORACLE_HOME%
C:\> echo %PATH%
C:\> echo %APPL_CONFIG%

For UNIX, the ORACLE_HOME must be set to the proper database directory, and
TWO_TASK or LOCAL must identify the correct database. For Windows, APPL_
CONFIG must be set to <CONTEXT_NAME>.
4. Ensure that there is sufficient temporary disk space.
You should have at least 50 MB in the temporary directories denoted by
%APPLPTMP%, and %REPORTS60_TMP% (Windows). You should also have
space in the operating system’s default temporary directory, which is usually
/tmp or /usr/tmp (UNIX) or C:\temp (Windows).
5. If you are running an AD utility to relink or update Oracle Applications product
files or modify Oracle Applications database objects, shut down the concurrent
manager, Web server listeners, forms server listeners if the files are on a node that
contains the associated servers. For example, if the files are on the node that
contains the concurrent processing server, shut down the concurrent managers.

Additional Information: See Administer Concurrent Managers in

Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide - Configuration

6. Enable Maintenance mode if the maintenance task requires system downtime.

Additional Information: See Changing Maintenance Mode in

Chapter 4.

Configuring Windows Services

If you are running AD utilities on a Windows platform, you must first shut down all
forms services, Web listener services, and concurrent manager services. In addition,
you must verify that the database and database listeners are running.
To view and change the status of a service, follow these steps:
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel, and double-click on Services.
2. Highlight the appropriate service name and click Stop or Start as appropriate. The
following table lists the services and status required when running an AD utility:

Service Type Service Name Status

Concurrent Manager Services OracleConcMgr<CONTEXTNAME> Stopped

Database Services OracleService<SID> Started

Database Listener Oracle<SID>_<DB_VERS>_RDBMSTNSListener<SID> Started

1-14 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Command Line Utilities

Starting a Utility
To start an AD utility, type the utility’s executable name (start command) on the
command line. For example, to start AD Administration, you would type:
$ adadmin

Additional Information: See Command Line Utilities on page 1-1

for a list of AD executables.

Exiting or Stopping a Utility

When menu-driven utilities complete a processing task, they return you to the main
menu, where you either choose another process or Exit. AD Administration is an
example. Other utilities do not use a menu format. In this case, the utility exits
automatically when processing is complete. AutoPatch, AD Merge Patch, and File
Character Set Converter are examples.
Before it begins processing tasks, you can stop a utility by typing abort at any prompt.
You can use this command only for utilities that display prompts, and only when a
prompt is displayed on the screen.
In some cases, a utility may begin the processing actions, but quits before the actions
are complete (because of an error). Or, during a parallel processing session, you may
decide to stop the processing actions by shutting down the workers.

Additional Information: See Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications

Maintenance Procedures for more information about shutting down
and restarting workers.

Restarting a Utility
You can restart a utility by entering the executable on the command line. When you
restart, the utility prompts you to enter a new log file, or to specify the log file from the
interrupted session. When you reuse the log file from a previous session, the utility
adds the message “Start of <utility name> session” to the end of the file and appends
messages from the continued session as it generates them.
The utility prompts you to do one of the following:
■ Continue Session (the default)
The utility checks the progress of the previous session in the restart files, and
begins processing at the point where your last session stopped.

Note: We recommend that you choose Continue Session. Some

actions from the first session may be voided or duplicated if you
start a new session.

■ Start New Session

The utility asks you to confirm your choice if you choose not to continue the
previous session. It starts the process from the beginning.
If the process that stopped was running in parallel, a FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES
table may exist. If it does, the utility asks if you want to drop the table. You must
determine if AD Administration or AutoPatch is running in another session or on
another node and then wait until that session is complete before you start a new utility
session on the current system.

Getting Started 1-15

Using Parallel Processing

Additional Information: See Restart Files on page 1-6.

Using Parallel Processing

In order to make better use of system resources, and to reduce the time it takes to
complete certain maintenance tasks, AutoPatch and AD Administration have been
designed to process jobs concurrently. This parallel processing makes use of managers,
which direct the actions of worker processes. The manager assigns each worker a
processing job and monitors its progress. When a worker completes a job, the manager
assigns it another, until all jobs are complete.
In addition, AD Administration and AutoPatch can be directed to distribute
processing tasks across nodes in a multi-node system. This type of parallel processing
operation is called Distributed AD. It further reduces time to complete a maintenance
task by utilizing the processing capabilities of all the nodes in the system.

Note: You must have a shared application tier file system to use
Distributed AD. See Distributing Processing Tasks in Oracle
Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Processing Tasks in Parallel

Parallel processing is typically used by AD Administration and AutoPatch to:
■ run database driver tasks, such as SQL scripts.
■ generate various kinds of files, such as forms, report, and message files.
Workers complete processing tasks assigned to them by the manager. The utilities
themselves determine the list of tasks to be performed and prioritize them for
execution. They also prompt for the number of workers to perform the tasks. For
example, when AutoPatch is applying a database driver, it creates a list of database
tasks and prompts you to specify the number of workers that should run concurrently
to execute these tasks.

Note: The worker processes are instances of the adworker

program. This program can only be called by the manager
processes, and cannot be run stand-alone.

The manager assigns each worker a unique ID and inserts a row for each worker in the
FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table. It creates this table to serve as a staging area for
job information, and as a way to communicate with the worker. Communication is
accomplished using two columns: CONTROL_CODE and STATUS.
The manager updates the table with a subset of the list of jobs, one job per worker. For
example, if there are five workers, then the table holds five jobs (even though there
may be 100 or more jobs involved in the complete action). The manager starts the
workers and uses the CONTROL_CODE and STATUS columns to assign tasks. It polls
these two columns continuously, looking for updates from the workers. As a worker
finishes its assignment, the manager updates each row with the next task in the list,
and leaves another message for the worker.
Once all jobs are complete, the manager tells the workers to shut down, and then
drops the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table (after it is sure all workers have actually
shut down).

1-16 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Using Parallel Processing

Each worker updates the STATUS column, giving the manager a report on its
progress. As the jobs are completed, the manager updates the table with the next job in
the queue, and updates the CONTROL_CODE and STATUS columns telling the
worker to start processing. If there is a failure, the worker reports a failed status.
For certain tasks, some worker processes spawn other child processes that do the actual
work. The spawned child process returns a status code to the worker that spawned it.
The worker interprets the code to determine if the job has been completed
successfully. Examples of child processes are SQL*Plus and FNDLOAD.

Deferred Jobs
The first time a job fails, the manager automatically defers the job and assigns a new
one to the worker. If the deferred job fails the second time it is run, the manager defers
it again only if the total runtime of the job is less than ten minutes. If the deferred job
fails a third time (or if the job’s total runtime is not less than ten minutes the second
time it is run) the job stays at failed status and the worker waits. At this point, you
must address the cause of the failure, and then restart the job.

Additional Information: For information about restarting jobs, see

Running AD Controller Interactively in this chapter.

The deferred job feature uses the AD_DEFERRED_JOBS table. This table is created
when the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table is created, and is dropped when the
FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table is dropped.

Determining Number of Workers

The AD utilities provide a default number of workers — two times the number of
CPUs on the database server. We recommend you choose a number of workers
between two times and four times the number of CPUs. For example, if there are four
CPUs on the database server, you should choose from 8 to 16 workers.
The AD utilities calculate a maximum number of workers that your database can
support (up to 999). You cannot enter a number of workers greater than the database
can support.

Worker Log Files

In addition to the information recorded in the <utility name>.log file, utilities that
process jobs in parallel write details about errors to worker log files. The
adwork<number>.log files (adwork001.log, adwork002.log...) reside in the $APPL_
TOP/admin/<SID>/log directory, where <SID> is the value of the ORACLE_SID or
TWO_TASK variable (UNIX), or in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\log, where <SID>
is the value of ORACLE_SID or LOCAL (Windows).
Concurrent requests run by AutoPatch and AD Administration create their own log

Additional Information: See Log and Output Filenames in Oracle

Applications System Administrator’s Guide - Configuration.

Worker Restart Files

Restart files are used to continue processing at the point where it stopped. Each
worker may also have a restart file called adworkxxx.rf9. These files are stored in
$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart (UNIX) or in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>

Getting Started 1-17

Using Parallel Processing

\restart (Windows). The worker creates the restart file when the manager assigns it a
job, and deletes the restart file when it finishes the job.

Caution: Do not modify or delete any manager or worker restart

files unless specifically told to do so by Oracle Support Services.

Additional Information: The Troubleshooting chapter in Oracle

Applications Maintenance Procedures discusses various error
situations when running a utility and how to resolve them.

Parallel Support for Data Manipulation Language (DML)

To reduce downtime when creating indexes, the parallel_index_threshold argument
for AD utilities is set to a default value of 20,000. This means that if a table contains
less than 20,000 blocks, the AD utilities create indexes with parallel workers and serial
DML (just as in earlier releases). If a table contains 20,000 blocks or more, indexes are
now created with only one worker and parallel DML. You can adjust this threshold
value by specifying the parallel_index_threshold argument on the AD utility
command line.

Monitoring and Controlling Parallel Processes

AD sessions that use parallel processing may run to completion without user
intervention. However, it is often useful to determine how many jobs have been
completed or whether processing has stopped for some reason. AD Controller is a
utility that you can use to determine the status of AD Administration or AutoPatch
workers and to control their actions. You can run AD Controller interactively or

Additional Information: See Interactive and Non-interactive

Processing on page 1-5.

You choose options that display worker status, restart workers, or issue commands to
the manager from the AD Controller main menu.

Note: Run this utility in its own window, not in the same window
as AD Administration or AutoPatch.

Running AD Controller Interactively

Follow these steps to access AD Controller.
1. Log in as applmgr and set the environment as described in Setting the
Environment in this chapter.
2. Start AD Controller with the adctrl command.
It prompts you to:
■ Confirm the value of APPL_TOP.
■ Specify an AD Controller log file (the default is adctrl.log). The AD Controller
log file is written in the current working directory.
■ Supply the Oracle Application Object Library user name and password.
3. Choose an option from the main menu.

1-18 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Using Parallel Processing

Once you respond to the prompts, the main menu appears.

Type a number to select an option. Press [Return] at any time to return to the AD
Controller main menu.

Additional Information: See Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications

Maintenance Procedures for instructions on using each menu option.

Running AD Controller Non-interactively

You can run AD Controller without user intervention by creating a defaults file, which
captures information you supply at the interactive prompts in a file that you can later
use to run AD Controller without user intervention. Creating a defaults file and
running AD Controller non-interactively works in much the same way as it does for
AD Administration.

Additional Information: See Scheduling Non-interactive

Maintenance in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Like AD Administration, the same defaults file can be used to run different AD
Controller commands — a single file can contain all your choices for the different
menu options. In order to choose which task the defaults file will run, you add menu_
option= <menu choice> to the utility start command. This overrides any menu-specific
key stroke information stored in the defaults file initially, and allows you to use the
defaults file for any of the AD Controller menu items. It also ensures that the menu
option you intended for the defaults file is always valid, even it the menu items are
renumbered or relocated in subsequent releases
The available options are listed in the following table.

Note: The menu options for running AD Administration are listed

in Preparing for Non-interactive Processing in Chapter 4.

Menu Option Corresponding Menu Choice

ACKNOWLEDGE_QUIT Tell manager that a worker acknowledges quit
INFORM_FAILURE Tell manager that a worker failed its job
RESTART_JOB Tell worker to restart a failed job
SHOW_STATUS Show worker status
SHUTDOWN_WORKER Tell worker to quit

Getting Started 1-19

OAM Web-based Utilities

Menu Option Corresponding Menu Choice

START_WORKER Restart a worker on the current machine

The following is an example of running AD Controller non-interactively to show

worker status:
$ adctrl interactive=n defaults_file=$APPL_TOP/admin/prod/ctrldefs.txt \
logfile=adctr.log menu_option=SHOW_STATUS

Note: Using any menu option on the command line, except for
SHOW_STATUS, requires that you also use the worker_
range=<range> option. See the AD Controller command line help
for details.

Distributing Processing Tasks Across Nodes

AD has expanded its existing manager/worker job system used in parallel processing
to include Distributed AD. This parallel processing feature allows workers in the same
AD session to be started on multiple application tier servers to utilize all available
resources. Because the AD workers create and update file system objects, as well as
database objects, Distributed AD must be used only on systems that are using a shared
application tier file system to ensure the files are created in a single, centralized
While running either AD Administration or AutoPatch on the primary node, you start
an AD Controller session from any of the nodes in the shared application tier file
system environment to perform any standard AD Controller operation, using both
local and non-local workers.

Additional Information: See Distributing Processing Tasks in

Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.

OAM Web-based Utilities

Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) is a web-based management tool that allows you
to use and access many maintenance utilities that were formerly available only on the
command line, and makes it possible to quickly retrieve and display system-specific
information in a GUI format. Each utility in OAM is accessed from a main page, which
contains links to multiple layers of details that quickly put you in touch with all
aspects of your system data. For example, using the Patch Wizard utility, you can
access a downloaded list of recommended patches and view the effect on your file
system of applying any or all of the patches.
In addition to reporting results based on specific search criteria, many OAM utilities
can be used to enter and save changes to your system configuration. For example,
using License Manager, you can register products that were not active in your initial
installation. Or, with AutoConfig, you can view current configuration parameters and
modify the existing values.

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Manager in

Oracle Applications Concepts.

1-20 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

OAM Web-based Utilities

Common OAM Operations

The OAM web-based utilities are designed with the same look and feel, making
extensive use of common operations such as uniform navigation tools and drill-down
menus. For example, all pages present a Help button that opens the OAM Help
In addition, OAM utilities employ a powerful search feature, which displays the
search results directly on the page where you initiated the search. No need to review
log files or look in a file directory for the report. For example, using the Applied
Patches utility, you can perform a simple search for all the patches that have been
applied to your system. OAM displays the results at the bottom of Simple Search page.
This section describes several of the most commonly used OAM operations.

Applications Dashboard and Site Map Tabs

The main OAM page is called the Applications Dashboard, which provides a
"snapshot" of your Oracle Applications system. From the Applications Dashboard, you
can quickly jump to OAM utilities and features in one of two ways: from the Navigate
To drop-down list, or by clicking a link on the Site Map.
Both the Applications Dashboard and the Site Map make use of a tab format. Each tab
is a link to another part of OAM. Clicking on the tab displays a feature subset. For
example, from the Site Map, click on the Maintenance tab to access Patching and
Utilities features.

Page Navigation
On individual pages, you have navigation options, and, where appropriate, there are
drop-down lists that provide links to related features. On pages with lengthy lists of
items, OAM displays a subset of the items for easy access.

OAM Interface
The Oracle Applications Manager Dashboard presents a quick overview of the general
status of your system. The Site Map provides access to the utilities and features within
the OAM framework.

Reviewing System Status

Regardless of the way you access OAM, the first page it displays is the Applications

Getting Started 1-21

OAM Web-based Utilities

The Applications Dashboard serves as an HTML console, where system

administrators can view information on general system activity. They can check the
status of the database, concurrent managers and other services, concurrent requests,
and Oracle Workflow processes, as well as view configuration information, such as
initialization parameters and profile options.
As the gateway to the Oracle Applications Manager, the Applications Dashboard is
used in various ways, many of which are beyond the scope of this book.

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Manager in

Oracle Applications Concepts. See also Oracle Applications System
Administrator’s Guide – Configuration.

Accessing Maintenance Utilities

The Applications Dashboard is the gateway to all the web-based maintenance utilities.

1-22 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

OAM Web-based Utilities

Open the list, make a selection, and click Go. For a more complete list of all the utilities
and features included in OAM, click the Site Map tab.

The Site Map page displays tabs for Administration, Monitoring, Maintenance, and
Diagnostics and Repair. On individual tabs, there are links to utilities or functions
under general groups. For example, on this page there are headings for System
Configuration, Application Services, Workflow, and so on. Under the Maintenance
tab, there are headings for Patching Utilities and Critical Activities.

To open the main page for a utility, find it under one of the headings and click the
link. For example, to view information about patches that have already been applied
to your system, click Applied Patches under the Patching and Utilities heading on the
Maintenance tab.
Click any of the other tabs to access other functions. In this guide, all instructions for
accessing OAM web-based utilities start from the Site Map.

Accessing OAM
You access OAM using the following URL:
http:.// <HTTP hostname>.<domain>:<HTTP port>OA_HTML/AppsLogin

The Welcome page appears.

Getting Started 1-23

OAM Web-based Utilities

Enter your user name and password, and click Login. The OAM Applications
Dashboard appears. From the Dashboard, you can jump quickly to one of the utilities
listed in the Navigate to: menu, or you can move to the Site Map page to see a
complete list of utilities.

1-24 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Installation and Upgrade

This chapter describes the utilities you use to install a new Oracle Applications system
and to upgrade an existing system to a new release version. It contains these sections:
■ About Installations and Upgrades
■ Rapid Install
■ AutoPatch

About Installations and Upgrades

This section briefly describes the installation and upgrade process and summarizes the
main features of Rapid Install — the command line utility you use to install a new
Oracle Applications system. In addition to the installation utility, Rapid Install is also
one of the utilities you use to set up and configure your system for an upgrade from an
existing system to a new release level.

You install Oracle Applications systems using Rapid Install. It installs a new, fully
configured system, including a complete set of Oracle Applications products, a
certified database tier and application tier technology stack, all patches, minipacks,
family packs, and other updates that are available at the time of the software release.
The technology stack consists of the components that are required to run the new
system — those specific to both the database tier and the application tier. For example,
a new installation includes a fresh database (and the associated Oracle homes)
certified for a specific Oracle Applications version, as well as the latest application tier
All products, regardless of their licensed status, are installed. During the installation,
you have an opportunity to flag the products you have licensed to register them as
active in your system. This action marks them for inclusion in patching and other tasks
required to update and maintain your system after the initial installation.

Additional Information: The installation process and the Rapid

Install wizard are described in detail in Oracle Applications
Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install.

As a part of an upgrade, you enter configuration parameters in the Rapid Install
wizard and run Rapid Install as one of the pre-upgrade preparatory steps. Rapid
Install uses the parameters to lay down the file system and install the new database

Installation and Upgrade 2-1

Rapid Install

tier and application tier technology stack. You migrate or upgrade your existing
database to Oracle 10g as one of the pre-upgrade tasks.
In addition, you use AutoPatch at various times during the upgrade process to apply
upgrade-related patches and to run the upgrade driver that brings your Oracle
Applications system up to the full release level.

Additional Information: The upgrade process is described in detail

in the Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.
AutoPatch functionality extends beyond the upgrade process. It is
described in detail in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

Rapid Install
With Rapid Install, you can perform the following tasks:
■ Install a new, fully configured Oracle Applications system, including the latest
certified Oracle Applications technology stack and all patches, minipacks, family
packs, and other updates available at the time of this release.
■ Lay down the file system and configure server processes for an upgraded system.
■ Install a new database tier or application tier technology stack.
Rapid Install employs a wizard that guides you through the screens used to carry out
each selected task. On the wizard screens, you enter configuration values for your
system. They are typically saved in the Applications database for later use.

Note: Previous releases of Oracle Applications used a text file

(config.txt) to store the configuration values you supply. Release 12
uses this file only to support restarts where the database has not yet
been created.

If you run Rapid Install again, you typically point it to the stored information, so that
it can use those details in operations such as creating the Oracle Applications file
system, installing a fresh database, registering products, managing NLS requirements,
configuring port connections, and creating and running the start and stop scripts for
the database and listeners.
Storing the configuration enables you to perform a distributed install (repeat the process
across multiple machines) without having to re-enter the system configuration
information each time — for every run of the Rapid Install wizard. Storing the
configuration details allows you to enter the information only once, and then use the
same system configuration to run the install on all required machines.
The main configuration engine used by Rapid Install is called AutoConfig. Rapid Install
supplies the configuration information to AutoConfig, which stores it for each node in
a node-specific configuration file called a context file.
AutoConfig also simplifies and standardizes the management of your system
configuration. At any time after the initial installation, you can use the Configuration
Editor in Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) to update various system settings, and
then run an AutoConfig script to populate the system configuration files with the new

Additional Information: See AutoConfig in Oracle Applications


2-2 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Rapid Install

Installing New Systems

Rapid Install automatically supplies values for most of the many parameters your
system needs. You do, however, have an initial choice to make: you can either supply
a number of your own parameters and carry out a Standard install, or you can opt for
an Express install, and let Rapid Install supply default values for nearly all the
A Standard install gives you more flexibility to configure your system to meet
particular requirements for your site, while an Express install is useful if you know
that the default settings will suffice, or you wish to set up a test system where the
setting so not matter.
Both types offer the option of installing either a fresh database (one that is fully
configured but contains no transaction data) or a Vision Demo database (one that
contains sample transaction data for a fictitious company, which you can use for
training or demonstration purposes).

Installation Strategies and Terminology

The installation process for Oracle Applications Release 12 starts the evolution
towards meeting the needs of a grid-style environment. To this end, the process has
been streamlined, requiring fewer screens and decisions than in previous releases. It is
becoming more common to start with a basic system and add machines to it, in order
to meet growth or other deployment needs.
As you use Rapid Install, you should be familiar with these terms:
■ Server is a process or group of processes that provides a particular functionality,
often referred to as a service. For example, the HTTP server is a process that listens
for and processes HTTP requests.
■ Node is a logical grouping of servers, and therefore fundamentally a software
concept rather than a hardware concept, although it can still be used to refer to a
machine in the (common) case where all nodes are located on a single machine.
For example, application node is a combination of a specific configuration, node file
system, and instance file system, which together support the services needed for it
to act as an application node.
■ Tier is a logical grouping of services, potentially spread across more than one
physical machine. The three-tier architecture that comprises an Oracle
Applications installation is made up of the database tier (supports and manages the
database), the application tier (supports and manages the various Applications
components, and is sometimes known as a middle tier), and the desktop tier
(provides the user interface by way of an add-on component to a standard web

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Concepts for more

information about the Applications architecture in Release 12.

Distributed Installations
An installation of a distributed (multi-node) system by Rapid Install includes the setup
of a shared application node file system and associated provision for load balancing.
As the default for nodes running the same operating system, Rapid Install creates a
system that shares not only the APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file systems, but the
application node technology stack as well. All application node files are installed on a
single shared disk resource that is mounted from each application node machine,
making it possible for any application node to be used to provide standard services,

Installation and Upgrade 2-3

Rapid Install

such as serving forms or web pages, or concurrent processing. Load balancing

distributes processing and communications activity evenly across networks, so that no
single machine is overloaded.

Upgrading a Release 11i System to Release 12

As a part of an upgrade from Release 11i to Release 12, you enter configuration
parameters in the Rapid Install wizard and run Rapid Install as one of the pre-upgrade
tasks. Rapid Install uses those parameters to lay down the file system and install the
new technology stack. You must migrate or upgrade your existing database to the
version certified for this release as one of the pre-upgrade tasks.
After you complete the pre-upgrade tasks, you run AutoPatch to apply the patches
and run the drivers that upgrade your products and database to the most current
release level. Then, you run Rapid Install a second time to configure and start the
servers and services.

Additional Information: See Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide:

Release 11i to Release 12 for more upgrade information.

Installing a New Technology Stack

You can upgrade an existing database tier or application tier node to a new technology
stack (techstack) by running the Rapid Install wizard to install only the technology
stack components. In addition to creating the relevant new ORACLE_HOMEs, this
process uses AutoConfig to generate new configuration files for use with the updated
technology stack.

Additional Information: You can install a new technology stack

without upgrading products. See Oracle Applications Installation
Guide: Using Rapid Install for more information.

The Rapid Install Interface

You start Rapid Install from the command line. However, its processing operations do
not resemble the ones described in AD Command Line Utilities in Chapter 1. Instead,
it displays a Java-based screen flow called the Rapid Install wizard, which presents a
series of screens that step you through the process of collecting configuration
parameter values.
You indicate the screen flow you want to use. The wizard then displays default
configuration values for that process. Using a combination of text input boxes and
drop-down lists, you either accept the defaults or enter new values, based on type of
operation you have chosen.

Input Fields and Drop-down Lists

In the Rapid Install interface, input fields and drop-down lists allow you to:
■ Complete or accept the default shown in the input fields (provided they are not
grayed out).
■ Type information directly into input boxes, or select information from the list of
valid options in the fields that have a drop-down menu.
■ View all valid options for an input field (in drop-down lists). Click an option to
select it.

2-4 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Rapid Install

■ Replace an option in a drop-down list. Combo boxes give you the ability to replace
an option on the list by typing a valid option in the box. Whenever this type of
input is allowed, it is noted in the text.

Buttons and Keys

Use the Rapid Install interface buttons and keys to:
■ Select from mutually exclusive options by clicking the appropriate radio button.
■ Move between options (with the Tab key or Up or Down Arrow keys).
■ Cancel the Rapid Install process or move either Back to the previous screen or
forward to the Next screen.
■ Move hidden fields into view (with vertical and horizontal scroll bars).

Most screens offer mouse-over help for individual fields by providing a description of
the information that goes in the field in a small text box when you move the mouse
over the field. In addition most screens display a Help button. Click it to see
screen-level help — a general description of the screen, and a summary of the input
fields that it displays. Here is an example of screen-level help:

Running Rapid Install

This section outlines only the basic start operation. For a complete description of
Rapid Install, see Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install.
1. Create operating system accounts
Create the operating system accounts that will be used in the installation of the
database node and the application node file systems.
2. Perform other setup tasks.
The instructions may direct you to perform other setup tasks, such as installing
additional software. If your platform is not UNIX or Windows, see Oracle

Installation and Upgrade 2-5

Rapid Install

Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes (for your platform) for any additional
3. Set up the stage area.
As preparation for running Rapid Install, you must run a Perl script that creates
the install directory and copies the contents of the software bundle to the
appropriate location in the file system.
4. Start Rapid Install, using the following commands:
$ cd /u01/Stage12/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
$ ./rapidwiz

F:\>cd Stage12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
F:\Stage12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz> rapidwiz.cmd

5. Review installed components.

On the Welcome screen, Rapid Install lists the components to be installed for
Release 12.

No action is required. Click Next to continue.

6. Choose the screen flow.
On the Wizard Operation screen, choose a screen flow. For example, to perform a
Standard install, click Install Oracle Applications Release 12.

2-6 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


To perform an upgrade, click Upgrade to Oracle Applications Release 12.

Click Next. The wizard continues with the appropriate screen flow.
7. Complete the wizard screens.
The remaining wizard screens prompt for the parameters necessary to complete
the installation or upgrade. Once you complete the wizard, Rapid Install verifies
that all parameters necessary to create working environment are present, and
begins to set up your system.

You use AutoPatch to apply patches to the Oracle Applications file system or
database. It gathers necessary information about your system through a series of
prompts Once you have completed the prompts, AutoPatch performs all the tasks
required to apply the patch, including the following:

Installation and Upgrade 2-7


Note: This section briefly describes some basic information about

this important tool. Complete details about the patching process
and AutoPatch have been consolidated into a single source —
Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

■ Unloads patch metadata

■ Uploads patch information from a prior patch session to the database (if needed)
■ Reads and validates the patch driver file and reads the product driver files
■ Compares version numbers of object modules from the product libraries and
version numbers of the existing files against the patch files
■ Backs up all existing files that will be changed by the patch
■ Copies files
■ Archives the files in libraries
■ Relinks executables
■ Generates forms, reports, message, graphics, and Java archive (JAR) files
■ Compiles JSP files and invalid database objects
■ Updates database objects
■ Runs AutoConfig to update configuration files, if any template files are introduced
or updated by the patch
■ Saves patch information to the database so that it is accessible to other patching

The AutoPatch Interface

You run AutoPatch from the command line. It relies on prompts for information, not
input screens.

Running AutoPatch
Before you run AutoPatch, you must perform some preparatory tasks, including
setting the environment, shutting down services, and enabling maintenance mode.
You start AutoPatch with this command:
$ adpatch

You can direct the way AutoPatch operates by adding modifiers to its start command.
These modifiers may be in the form of arguments or options. They refine the actions
that AutoPatch performs. For example, you can add the driver=<driver file name>
option to indicate to AutoPatch the name of the driver file.
In addition, you can add an options= argument to pass generic options to AutoPatch.
For example, options=nocopyportion tells AutoPatch not to run the copy portion of a
driver. Separate each argument or option with a comma.

Additional Information: See Running AD Utilities in Chapter 1 of

this guide for general procedures for running all AD utilities. See
also Running AutoPatch in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures
for procedures that are specific to AutoPatch.

2-8 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


Other Patching Tools

Several other utilities are associated with the patching process, including:
■ AD Merge Patch – merges multiple patches into a single patch so that the required
patching tasks and processes are performed in a single operation.
■ Patch Wizard – helps you determine patches that have not yet been applied to
your system, but are recommended to keep the system current.
■ Applied Patches – allows you to query the patch history database for a list of
patches that have been applied to your system.
■ File History – allows you to view a history of the changes made to all files affected
by a patch.
■ Timing Reports – allows you to monitor patching jobs as they run.
■ Registered Flagged Files – tracks customizations made to files affected by
applying a patch.
■ Software Updates – provides an overview of all patching-related information for
your system.
These utilities are described in detail in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

Installation and Upgrade 2-9


2-10 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


During an installation or upgrade, your system is set up and configured based on the
values you specify as a part of those processes. At various times after an installation or
upgrade, you may need to reconfigure your system. Oracle Applications employs
several utilities to aid you with this task. This chapter contains the following
information about configuration utilities:
■ About System Configurations
■ AD Splicer
■ File Character Set Converter

About System Configurations

During a new installation or an existing system upgrade, you define the configuration
of your system by registering products and languages and supplying information such
as database name, top-level directories and mount points, products and
country-specific functionalities, NLS settings, and global network settings. These
values are propagated to the individual system configuration files, and also stored in a
central repository file called a context.
Your system configuration can be changed as needed by using one of several utilities
designed to report on and manage the configuration information. Some of these
utilities are accessed from the command line and some are web-based.

Web-based Configuration Utilities

The following utilities are web-based. You access them through the Oracle
Applications Manager (OAM).

System configuration parameters are stored and managed by AutoConfig. It is the
main configuration engine used by Rapid Install, which supplies configuration
information to AutoConfig, which, in turn, stores the configuration for each system
node in a node-specific configuration file call a context file.
You can also use AutoConfig independently of a Rapid Install operation to view and
edit the individual configuration parameters that define your system. At any time after
the initial installation, you use the Configuration Editor in Oracle Applications
Manager to update various system settings.

Additional Information: See AutoConfig in Oracle Applications


Configuration 3-1
AD Splicer

License Manager
Products, country-specific functionalities (localized products), and languages that you
license or begin to use after the initial installation must be registered as active in order
to be included in various system maintenance tasks. Using License Manager, you can
create reports about currently registered products and register additional products,
country-specific functionalities (localized products).

Additional Information: See License Manager in Oracle

Applications System Administrator’s Guide — Maintenance.

Command Line Configuration Utilities

These AD utilities are run from the command line. They are more fully described later
in this chapter.

AD Splicer
Splicing refers to the process of adding a product that was not included in a base
release to the products in an existing system. AD Splicer modifies the APPL_TOP and
database so that AutoPatch and AD Administration recognize the product as valid.

Additional Information: See AD Splicer in this chapter.

File Character Set Converter

This utility converts the character set of individual files — those not included in
processing performed by AD Administration, AutoPatch, or Rapid Install — to the
character set used in your system.

Additional Information: See File Character Set Converter in this


AD Splicer
AD Splicer performs the same product registration function as License Manager.
However, it registers off-cycle products — those that are released between maintenance
packs — as active in your system. This process of "splicing" modifies the APPL_TOP
and database so that AutoPatch and AD Administration recognize the off-cycle
product as a valid product for a specific release.

Note: You cannot use AD Splicer to add custom products.

Patches that contain off-cycle products also contain the control files that AD Splicer
needs to register the product. The patch also contains a readme file that describes how
to install the new product(s).

Control Files
There are two kinds of AD Splicer control files: product definition and product
configuration. You must customize the product configuration file, then copy it and the
product definition file to APPL_TOP/admin before you run AD Splicer.

Product Definition Files

There are two product definition files per spliced product: <prod>prod.txt and
<prod>terr.txt. These files define the product and the associated language information

3-2 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Splicer

and must not be edited. For example, the product definition files for Oracle Sales
Analyzer (zsa) are zsaprod.txt and zsaterr.txt.

Product Configuration
The newprods.txt file acts as a template to define necessary parameters for a spliced
product. Here is an example of the product configuration file for Oracle Sales Analyzer

You may need to edit some of the values for the parameters in this file. Refer to the
following table for more information. Do not change the order of the entries in the
product configuration file — they must appear exactly as shown in the example.

Parameter Description
product= Do not edit this entry. The product abbreviation <prod> is already set, and must
match the <prod>prod.txt and <prod>terr.txt control files for this product. Most
internal references use <prod>.
base_product_top= Identifies the base directory that contains the product's files. The default value,
*APPL_TOP*, means the product's files are written in the directory your APPL_TOP
environment is set to. If you want to write the product files to another directory,
replace the *APPL_TOP* value with the full directory path.
oracle_schema= Identifies the Oracle schema where database objects for the product are created. The
default Oracle schema is the same as the product abbreviation. You can change this
if you want to put the product's database objects in a different schema. Moving a
product's objects from one schema to another involves export/import and updates
to internal Oracle Applications tables, so choose your initial schema carefully.
sizing_factor= Identifies the sizing factor Oracle Applications uses when creating tables and
indexes for this product. The default value of 100 means 100%.The product's tables
and indexes are created with the default sizes determined by Oracle. We
recommend you accept the default sizing factor.

Release 12 uses the Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM), so you do not
need to supply AD Splicer with parameters for identifying tablespaces.

Additional Information: See Tablespace Management in Oracle

Applications Concepts.

The AD Splicer Interface

AD Splicer is a command line utility. It does not use menus or input screens.

Running AD Splicer
All the steps necessary to prepare for using this utility are described in Adding
Off-cycle Products in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures. When instructed to do
so, run AD Splicer as follows:

Configuration 3-3
File Character Set Converter

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Start AD Splicer

Start AD Splicer with this command:
$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin
$ adsplice

C:\> cd %APPL_TOP%\admin
C:\> adsplice

You must run AD Splicer for each APPL_TOP and database combination so that the
Applications utilities recognize the product as being spliced properly into the

File Character Set Converter

The File Character Set Converter converts individual files (one at a time) from one
character set to another. You may need to perform this task to convert text files you
receive from Oracle to the character set used by your system. Examples of files you
might need to convert include SQL*Plus scripts, PL/SQL scripts, loader files, driver
files, ODF files, header files, and HTML files.
Typically, you don’t need to run this utility manually because AD Administration,
AutoPatch, and Rapid Install do all required character set conversion for you

Required Parameters
The following parameters are required for running the converter.

Parameter Definition
source_file Path and file name for the (source) file to be converted.
source_char_set Character set for the file to be converted (source).
destination_file Path and file name for the (destination) file after it is converted.
dest_char_set Character set for the converted (destination) file.

The File Character Set Converter Interface

The File Character Set Converter is a command line utility. It does not use menus or
input screens.

Running the File Character Set Converter

To run this utility, complete these steps:

3-4 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

File Character Set Converter

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Start the utility

Start the File Character Set Converter with this command:
adncnv <source_file> <source_char_set> <destination_file> <dest_char_set>

The path and file name for the source and the destination files can be the same if the
source file’s directory and the APPLTMP directory are on the same file system. In
general, it is simpler and safer to use different source and destination file names.

Note: If you cannot convert to the same file name, convert to a

different file name, or change APPLTMP to a directory on the same
file system as the source file directory.

For example, to convert the file afdict.ldt from the we8iso8859p1 character set to the
utf8 character set, you would type:
$ cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/<language>
$ cp afdict.ldt afdict.old
$ adncnv afdict.old we8iso8859p1 afdict.ldt utf8

C:\> cd %FND_TOP%\patch\115\import\<language>
C:\> copy afdict.ldt afdict.old
C:\> adncnv afdict.old we8iso8859p1 afdict.ldt utf8

Configuration 3-5
File Character Set Converter

3-6 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


In order to ensure that your Oracle Applications system runs smoothly, you must
perform routine maintenance tasks. This chapter discusses the AD utilities designed to
help you perform those tasks. It contains these sections:
■ About System Maintenance
■ AD Administration Overview
■ Generating Applications Files
■ Maintaining Applications Files
■ Managing Database Entities
■ Changing Maintenance Mode
■ AD Relink

About System Maintenance

After your system is installed, it will be necessary to perform certain maintenance
tasks to keep it running smoothly. For example, you will generate form files, maintain
snapshot information, relink executables, compile or validate the APPS schema, and so
on. Some tasks are routine, and should be performed on a regular basis. Other tasks
are performed more infrequently.
You run maintenance tasks from the command line using AD Administration. Once
you start this utility, it presents the tasks in menu form, grouped generally by type of
activity you will perform. For example, the tasks associated with compiling and
reloading Applications database entities are grouped on the same menu.
In addition to the AD Administration maintenance tasks, this chapter describes AD
Relink — a command line utility used to relink AD executables. While you can relink
Oracle Applications product executables using AD Administration, you cannot relink
AD utilities executables using AD ADministration, so you must relink them manually
using the command line utility AD Relink.

AD Administration Overview
AD Administration manages most of the maintenance tasks required for your Oracle
Applications system. Currently, these maintenance tasks are grouped by types on the
AD Administration main menu.
When you start AD Administration from the command line, it prompts you for the
basic system-specific information it needs. For example, you need to supply a name
for the log file where processing actions and error messages will be recorded.

Maintenance 4-1
AD Administration Overview

Additional Information: See Prompts in Chapter 1.

Once you respond to these prompts, AD Administration displays the main menu,
which serves as the gateway to various submenus where you select the individual
maintenance tasks. For example, on the Generating Applications Files menu, you can
run tasks that generate message files, forms files, report files, message files, or product
JAR files. These submenu tasks may also require you to respond to prompts to collect
task-specific information. For example, some tasks require you to enter the number of
workers you want to employ to process the jobs associated with the task.

Additional Information: See Processing Tasks in Parallel in

Chapter 1.

When you respond to AD Administration prompts, you are running the utility
interactively. However, like AutoPatch and AD Controller, you can also run AD
Administration non-interactively — specifying a previously created defaults file that
contains the information necessary to run a specific maintenance task without user

Additional Information: See Interactive and Non-interactive

Processing in Chapter 1.

In addition to the basic prompts described in Chapter 1, AD Administration may
require additional information that is specific to one of the submenu tasks. If so, it
displays additional prompts. For example, when running the Generate Product JAR
files task from the Generate Applications Files menu, AD Administration prompts you
as follows:
Do you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No]:

The task-specific prompts are described more fully in the discussion of each task.

Preparing for Non-interactive Processing

A discussion of command line prompts assumes you are running AD Administration
interactively — you respond to the standard prompts and those required for specific
tasks you choose from the AD main menu and submenus. AD Administration can also
run some tasks non-interactively by using the information you store in a defaults file,
instead of requiring you to respond to prompts.

Additional Information: See Interactive and Non-interactive

Processing on page 1-5. See also Scheduling Non-interactive
Maintenance in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Specifying a Menu Option in the AD Administration Defaults File

The same defaults file can be used to run different AD Administration tasks — a single
file can contain all your choices for the different menu options. In order to choose
which task the defaults file will run, you add menu_option= <menu choice> to the
utility start command. This overrides any menu-specific key stroke information stored
in the defaults file initially, and allows you to use the defaults file for any of the AD
Administration menu items. It also ensures that the menu option you intended for the
defaults file is always valid, even if the menu items are renumbered or relocated in
subsequent releases.

4-2 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Administration Overview

The following table lists the menu options and the corresponding menu tasks:

Menu Option Corresponding AD Administration Menu Choice

GEN_MESSAGES Generate message files
GEN_FORMS Generate form files
GEN_REPORTS Generate reports files
GEN_JARS Generate product JAR files
RELINK Relink Applications programs
CREATE_ENV Create Applications environment file
COPY_FILES Copy files to destinations
CONVERT_CHARSET Convert character set
SCAN_APPLTOP Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions
SCAN_CUSTOM_DIR Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions
LIST_SNAPSHOT List snapshots
UPDATE_CURRENT_VIEW Update current view snapshot
CREATE_SNAPSHOT Create named snapshot
EXPORT_SNAPSHOT Export snapshot to file
IMPORT_SNAPSHOT Import snapshot from file
DELETE_SNAPSHOT Delete named snapshot
CHECK_FILES Check for missing files
CMP_INVALID Compile APPS schema
CMP_MENU Compile menu information
CMP_FLEXFIELDS Compile flexfield data in AOL tables
RELOAD_JARS Reload JAR files to database
VALIDATE_APPS Validate APPS schema
CREATE_GRANTS Recreate grants and synonyms for APPS schema
MAINTAIN_MLS Maintain multi-lingual tables
ENABLE_MAINT_MODE Enable Maintenance Mode
DISABLE_MAINT_MODE Disable Maintenance Mode

The AD Administration Interface

You start AD Administration from the command line. However, all maintenance tasks
are initiated from the AD Administration Main Menu. This section describes some of
the common features used to run this utility.

Main Menu
After you start AD Administration and respond to the prompts, the AD
Administration Main Menu appears.

Maintenance 4-3
AD Administration Overview

This menu displays the submenus where the individual maintenance tasks are
grouped. To choose a submenu, type the number of the menu at the prompt. To exit
AD Administration, press [Return].

Option Numbers
The submenus for AD Administration may display slightly different option names
and numbers from the ones shown here based on your system configuration.

Running AD Administration Interactively

Complete the steps in this section to display the AD Administration Main Menu and
access the submenus and the maintenance tasks.

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Start AD Administration

From any directory, start AD Administration with this command:
$ adadmin

The utility starts and displays the first prompt.

Step 3 Respond to prompts

Complete the information in the AD Administration prompts. The basic AD command
line prompts are described in Chapter 1. Prompts that are unique to options are
described in this chapter in the section that describes the option.
When you complete the prompts, the Main Menu appears.

Step 4 Choose maintenance tasks

On the Main Menu, choose a submenu. The submenus and the options they display
are described fully beginning with Generating Applications Files in the next section.

4-4 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Generating Applications Files

Step 5 Exit AD Administration

You can exit AD Administration from the Main Menu by choosing option 6 (Exit AD
Administration) at the screen prompt. You can also choose to exit the utility at any
prompt by typing abort on the command line. See Restart Files in Chapter 1 for
information about restarting AD utilities after using the abort command.

Generating Applications Files

You may need to generate Applications files from time to time during your
Applications life cycle. You access the associated tasks from the Generate Applications
Files menu.

If system users are having difficulty accessing messages, forms, or reports, you may be
able to resolve the issue by generating the associated files. Or, when you apply a patch
that adds or changes product functionality, you may want to generate the associated
files after you apply the patch, instead of running the generate driver during the
patching downtime. The generate files tasks may be performed on any server, as

Note: You do not have to shut down your system to generate files.
However, users that access the files being generated (for example,
for Human Resources forms) must log off.

Additional Information: See Generating Product Files in Oracle

Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Generate Message Files

Oracle Applications uses these files to display messages. This task generates message
binary files (extension .msb) from Oracle Application Object Library tables.

Caution: Run this task only when instructed to do so in a patch

readme file, or by Oracle Support Services.

Generate Form and Report Files

These tasks operate in much the same way.

Maintenance 4-5
Generating Applications Files

■ Generate form files

Generates executable Oracle form files (extension .fmx) from the binary forms
definition files (extension .fmb). The definition files are located under AU_TOP,
and the executable files are stored under each product’s directory.
■ Generate report files
Generates the binary Oracle Reports report files (extension .rdf).
The prompts and behavior work in similar fashion, except as noted:
■ Ask for the number of workers and generate selected objects for selected products
in parallel.
■ Display the current character set (from NLS_LANG) and ask if you want to
generate form or report objects in this character set.
■ Ask if you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files, menu files, and
executable files. (Form files only.)
■ Ask for the products associated with the form or report objects.
■ Ask if you want to generate specific form or report objects for each selected
■ Display the current set of installed languages and ask if you want to generate form
or report files in these languages.
■ Create a list of all objects to generate.
■ Display the list of objects to be generated. (Specific objects or all objects.)

Generate Product JAR Files

Generate Java archive (JAR) files whenever you upgrade the Developer technology
stack or when recommended by Oracle Support Services. It signs JAR files (if on the
Web server) and does the following:
■ Generates product JAR files in JAVA_TOP and copies them to APPL_TOP.
■ Generates other Java-related files under APPL_TOP and JAVA_TOP.
■ Recreates Java libraries (appsborg.zip and appsborg2.zip) under APPL_TOP and
When you run the task, it prompts:
Do you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No]

If you choose No, it generates only JAR files that are missing or out-of-date. If you
choose Yes, all JAR files are generated.

Note: If AD Administration displays a list of warnings or errors

and objects that did not generate successfully and asks if you want
to continue as if successful, review the log file to determine if the
problems require attention. If you choose not to continue and
restart your session at a later time, AD Administration attempts to
regenerate only the files that did not generate successfully.

4-6 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Maintaining Applications Files

Maintaining Applications Files

Certain maintenance tasks are required to keep your Applications files up to date. For
example, you may need to copy product files to a central location or convert files in
the APPL_TOP to another character set. These tasks are grouped on the Maintain
Applications Files menu.

Some of these tasks are performed for you without having to run AD Administration.
For example, each time you run AutoConfig, it creates the environment file. However,
when required, you can run any of these tasks by choosing it from this menu. They
may be performed on any server, as required.

Relink Applications Programs

Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server libraries so
that they function with the Oracle database. For each product, choose whether to link
all executables or only specific ones.

Note: The default is to relink without debug information. Use the

debug option only when requested to do so by Oracle Support

Additional Information: AD Administration cannot link

executables for AD products. See Relinking AD Executables in
Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Create Applications Environment File [Subkey in Registry]

Creates an environment file (UNIX) or an environment subkey (Windows registry)
that defines your system configuration.

Note: If your system was installed at release 11.5.8 or later,

AutoConfig is enabled. AD Administration prompts for the
environment file name (<CONTEXT_NAME>.env) and generates
the environment file.

Maintenance 4-7
Maintaining Applications Files

The environment file is placed directly under the APPL_TOP (UNIX) or under the
subkey (Windows registry).
If you need to customize this file, you can do so using AutoConfig in the Oracle
Applications Manager.

Additional Information: See AutoConfig in Oracle Applications


Copy Files to Destinations

Copies files from each product area to central locations where they can be easily
referenced by non-Applications programs. This option uses revision-based copy logic
to ensure that the destination file versions are the same as, or higher than, the source
file versions.

Note: We recommend that you do not use the force option to

overwrite existing files unless instructed by Oracle Support
Services. Copying files with this option updates all JAR files.
JInitiator then downloads required JAR files to each client again,
causing runtime performance degradation.

The file types and their respective destinations are shown in the following table:

These files: ...are copied to (UNIX) ...are copied to (Windows)

Java files $JAVA_TOP %JAVA_TOP%
Media files $OAM_TOP %OAM_TOP%

The directories for the variables are specified in the adovars.env file (UNIX) or the
adovars.cmd file (Windows).

Note: When this option is used to copy reports or graphics files,

the default destination is under AU_TOP.

Convert Character Set

Prepares the files in the APPL_TOP for conversion to another character set, and then
performs the conversion.

Additional Information: See Internationalization Support in Oracle

Applications Concepts.

When you choose this option, AD Administration presents another submenu, which
contains options for scanning your files in preparation for the conversion. The scan
searches for exceptions — files that will have incomplete (lossy) conversions — so that
you can fix potential problems before you actually convert the character set. Choose
one of the following scan options.

4-8 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Maintaining Applications Files

Note: Verify the compatibility of the database character set before

converting the APPL_TOP character set.

1. Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions.

Scans the APPL_TOP and creates three files in the admin\<SID>\out directory.

File Contents
admanifest_excp.lst Lists files that will not be converted because of lossy conversion.
admanifest.lst Lists files that can be converted.
admanifest_lossy.lst Lists files with lossy conversions, including line by line detail.

Review the files listed in admanifest_excp.lst. Fix files that report lossy conversion
before you convert the character set. Repeat this task until there are no entries in
admanifest_excp.lst. If you need to see more detail, review admanifest_lossy.lst.
2. Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions.
Collects the same information as the first task, but scans custom Applications
directories rather than the APPL_TOP directory.
3. Convert character set.
Run this task only if admanifest_excp.lst has no entries. It prompts you for the
manifest file (admanifest.lst) created when you ran the scan option(s).
The utility backs up the product source files and the APPL_TOP/admin source
files. It saves product files in the <PROD>_TOP directories in the format <prod>_
s_<char_set>.zip. It saves admin source files in the APPL_TOP/admin directory in
the format admin_s_<char_set>.zip

Maintain Snapshot Information

There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An
APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global
snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire Applications system
(that is, across all APPL_TOPs).
Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either current view snapshots
or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once and updated when
appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A partial view snapshot allows you to
synchronize only selected files from a current view. A named view snapshot is a copy
of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current
view snapshot) and is not updated.
Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the global current view snapshot to
determine which patches have already been applied. AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP
current view snapshot to determine if all prerequisite patches have been applied to
that APPL_TOP. Snapshot information is stored in the AD_SNAPSHOTS, AD_
A complete current view snapshot is required for automatic prerequisite patch
checking to operate. During a new installation, Rapid Install creates a current snapshot
as a baseline. And, each time you run AutoPatch, it automatically creates a new
(updated) snapshot so that the information is current as of the application of the patch.
To maintain snapshot information, go to the Maintain Applications Files menu.

Maintenance 4-9
Maintaining Applications Files

1. Access the Maintain Snapshot Information menu.

Choose Maintain Snapshot Information from the Maintain Applications Files

2. Choose an option.
From this menu, you can:
■ List snapshots (stored in the system)
■ Update current view snapshot (full or partial APPL_TOP and global)
■ Create named snapshot (select a current view snapshot to copy and name)
■ Export snapshot to file (select one to export to a text file)
■ Import snapshot from (a text) file
■ Delete named snapshot (select a snapshot for deletion)

Maintain current view snapshot information

When you maintain a current view snapshot, you can choose to synchronize selected
files — maintaining a partial snapshot — instead of synchronizing all files for the entire
APPL_TOP. Use this option when you have copied only a few files to the APPL_TOP.
1. Select the Update Current View Snapshot option from the Maintain Snapshot
Information menu.

4-10 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Managing Database Entities

2. From the Maintain Current View Snapshot Information menu, select one of the
following options:
■ Update Complete APPL_TOP
This is the original functionality of the Update Current View Snapshot option.
It synchronizes all the files in your APPL_TOP.
■ Update JAVA_TOP only
Synchronizes only the files in the JAVA_TOP. At the prompt, enter the path to
the JAVA_TOP subdirectory where the files were copied. If the files were
copied to more than one directory, press Enter. AD Administration scans the
entire JAVA_TOP and updates the information in both the current view and
the global view snapshots.
■ Update a <PRODUCT>_TOP
Synchronizes only the files in a specific <PRODUCT>_TOP. Enter the product
abbreviation, then provide the subdirectory information at the prompt.
Enter the path to a single subdirectory in the <PRODUCT>_TOP. If the files
were copied to more than one directory in the <PRODUCT>_TOP, press
Enter. AD Administration scans the entire <PRODUCT>_TOP and updates
the information in both the current and the global view snapshots.

Check for Missing Files

Verifies that all files needed to run Oracle Applications for the current configuration
are in the current APPL_TOP. Choose this task if you suspect there are files missing in
your APPL_TOP.

Managing Database Entities

Database entities are database objects or data in the database related to Oracle
Applications. Tasks for managing entities are grouped into two options on the AD
Administration Main Menu: one for compiling or reloading entities and one for
verifying their integrity.

Compiling or Reloading Database Entities

To compile or reload database entities, choose the Compile/Reload Applications
Database Entities Menu option from the AD Administration Main Menu.

Maintenance 4-11
Managing Database Entities

You run the tasks on this menu any time you need to compile or reload database
objects. For example, after you upload new menu entries or apply a patch that changes
the setup of flexfields. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology
directories (the administration server) are located.

Compile APPS schema

Spawns parallel workers to compile invalid database objects in the APPS schema.

Note: The need for a separate MRC schema has been removed in
this release, as has the associated prompt to run Invoker Rights.

Additional Information: See Compiling Invalid Objects in Oracle

Applications Maintenance Procedures.

Compile menu information

Compiles menu data structures. Choose this task after you have uploaded menu
entries to the FND_MENU_ENTRIES table, or if Compile Security concurrent requests
submitted from the Menus form (after changing menu entries) fail for any reason.
AD Administration asks if you want to force compilation of all menus. If you choose
the default (No), only menus with changes are compiled. If you enter Yes, all menus
are compiled. Compiling all menus is generally not advised.

Compile flexfields
Compiles flexfield data structures in Oracle Application Object Library (FND) tables.
Choose this task after you apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Patches
usually indicate when you should perform this step.
Flexfields automatically compile data when you use them for the first time, so running
this task is not required. However, compiling flexfield data at a specific time (for
example, when system use is low), rather than automatically at first use, can alleviate
potential runtime performance issues.

Reload JAR files to database

Reloads all appropriate Oracle Applications JAR files into the database. Choose this
task if all Oracle Applications Java classes are removed from your database, for
example, if the database Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is reloaded because of a corrupt

Maintaining Applications Database Entities

During normal system use, the integrity of your database can be compromised, for
example through user error or after you apply a large patch. It’s a good idea to verify
the integrity of database entities as a regular maintenance procedure, or whenever the
behavior of your system indicates that database entities may have been corrupted.
To perform these maintenance tasks, choose the Maintain Applications Database
Entities Menu option from the AD Administration Main Menu.

4-12 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

Managing Database Entities

Some tasks on this menu report on issues, or potential issues, with database entities,
and others actually remedy the issues. Run these tasks only on the node where the core
AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.

Validate APPS schema

Verifies the integrity of the APPS schema. It produces a report named <APPS schema
name>.lst that lists issues and potential issues, grouped by the action required:
■ Issues you MUST fix (not specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you MUST fix (specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you may want to address (specific to the APPS schema)
The report is located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out (UNIX), where <SID> is the
value of the ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable, or in %APPL_
TOP%\admin\<SID>\out (Windows), where <SID> is the value of the LOCAL
variable. Most issues can be fixed by either compiling invalid database objects or
recreating grants and synonyms.

Additional Information: See Creating Grants and Synonyms and

Compiling Invalid Objects in Oracle Applications Maintenance

Recreate grants and synonyms for APPS schema

This task recreates grants and synonyms for the Oracle Applications public schema
(APPLSYSPUB), recreates grants on some packages from SYSTEM to APPS, and
spawns parallel workers to recreate grants and synonyms linking sequences and tables
in the base schemas to the APPS schema.
Typically, you run this task after the Validate APPS schema task has reported issues
with missing grants and synonyms.

Maintain multi-lingual tables

Run this task after you add a language. It prompts you for the number of workers,
then updates all multilingual tables.

Maintenance 4-13
Changing Maintenance Mode

Check DUAL table

Some Oracle Applications products must access the DUAL table. It must exist in the
SYS schema and contain exactly one row. This tasks verifies the existence of this table
and the single row.

Caution: If the DUAL table does not exist, or if it does not contain
only one row, the Applications products that access it will fail.

Changing Maintenance Mode

Maintenance mode controls the system downtime period by managing user logons.
You toggle maintenance mode from enabled to disabled from the Change Maintenance
Mode menu.

Additional Information: See Preparing your System for Patching

in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures. See also Maintenance
Mode in Oracle Applications Concepts.

Choose Change Maintenance Mode from the AD Administration Main Menu. The
menu appears, displaying the current maintenance mode status at the top of the

Select option 1 to enable maintenance mode or option 2 to disable it. Maintenance

mode must be enabled before running AutoPatch and disabled during normal runtime

AD Relink
You use AD Relink to relink AD executables with the Oracle server product libraries
to keep them functioning properly with the Oracle database. While you link product
executables using the Relink Applications Executables task on the AD Administration
Maintain Applications Files submenu, you cannot use it to relink an AD executable.
So, you must relink AD executables manually using AD Relink. You can relink
multiple AD executables simultaneously.

4-14 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Relink

Log Files
As you run AD Relink, it creates a log file (adrelink.log) where it records errors and
messages. AD Relink appends information about the latest relink action to the end of
the file. This file is located in APPL_TOP/admin/log. If an error occurs while you are
using AD Relink, or if you are not sure that the relinking was successful, review this
file to see what issues should be fixed.

Note: Relinking errors encountered during an AD Administration

or an AutoPatch session are recorded in the main log files for those
utilities. See Log Files in Chapter 1.

To recover disk space, you can delete the adrelink.log file if you do not need the
information. A new log file is created each time AD Relink runs.

Command Line Arguments

You can modify or refine the operation of AD Relink with the command line
arguments in the following table. They are intended for use specifically for this utility.

force Description
Purpose indicates which executable programs to relink. This argument
is required.
Values n, meaning relink only if the libraries or object files are more
recent that the current executable program.
y, meaning relink regardless of the status of the libraries or
object files.
Default none (you must enter either y or n)
Example adrelink force=n

backup_mode Description
Purpose indicates whether you want to back up executables
Values none, meaning do not back up any executables
all, meaning back up all executables
file, meaning back up files according to instructions in
Default backup_mode=file
Example adrelink force=n backup_mode=all

Files that are critical to running Oracle Applications are listed in the adlinkbk.txt file,
which is located in APPL_TOP/admin. Using the backup_mode=file argument directs
AD Relink to back up only these files.

The AD Relink Interface

You run AD Relink from the command line. It does not use menus or input screens.

Maintenance 4-15
AD Relink

Running AD Relink
Run AD Relink as follows.
1. Set the environment.
You must set the environment to indicate the location of the configuration
parameters that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See
Setting the Environment in Chapter 1.
2. Relink files.
Run AD Relink with the following command:
S adrelink.sh force=n "ad <executable name>"

C:\> sh adrelink.sh force=n "ad <executable name>"

Additional Information: See Relinking AD Executables in Oracle

Applications Maintenance Procedures for complete instructions for
running this utility with the various command line arguments.

4-16 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


This chapter describes various reports and views of your system, including
information about patches you have applied to your system, statistics for maintenance
sessions and the time it takes to run them, and other important system information. It
contains the following sections:
■ About Oracle Applications Reporting Tools
■ AD Job Timing Report
■ AD Configuration Report
■ AD File Identification Report
■ AD Check Digest

About Oracle Applications Reporting Tools

As you use your Oracle Applications, you perform maintenance tasks that modify and
enhance your system. Oracle Applications supplies numerous reports about system
status. For example, you can generate a report about the version and translation level
of your files. You can also generate reports that contain statistics about how many
maintenance sessions are complete, number of jobs in each session, and the time it
took to complete the session and individual jobs.
Many of the Oracle Applications reporting capabilities are related to patching. For
complete details about those reports, see Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

Reporting Tools
These AD utilities are run from the command line.

AD Job Timing Report

Produced automatically by AutoPatch and AD Administration to report on
long-running processes, this report can be run manually from the command line to
provide summary information about AD utility sessions.

AD Configuration Report
This report contains information about the installed configuration of Oracle
Applications, including product group information, whether Multi-Org or MRC
functionality is installed, base language and other installed languages, and so on.

AD File Identification Report

This report identifies the version and translation level of Oracle Applications files.

Reporting 5-1
AD Job Timing Report

AD Job Timing Report

When you run AutoPatch or AD Administration, they automatically generate an AD
Job Timing report (adt<session_id>.lst) that shows how long it takes it takes to
complete a parallel processing session, and provides information about the actions of
workers as they process jobs during the session. These reports include timing statistics
for the entire session, the phases in the session (AD Administration does not group
jobs by phases), and individual jobs.
At any time during an AutoPatch or an AD Administration session, you can run a
script to create an AD Job Timing report that shows the progress of the current session.
Or, you can go to the APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out directory to view an
adt<session_id>.lst report from a previous session.

Note: For AutoPatch and AD Administration sessions, the

adt<session_id>.lst report is very similar to the web-based Timing
Report you access in Oracle Applications Manager. See Timing
Reports in Oracle Applications Patching Procedures.

The AD Job Timing Report Interface

You can view job timing statistics from the Timing Reports page in Oracle
Applications Manager. You can also run the AD Job Timing Report for AD
Administration jobs from the command line. There are no menus or input screens. You
enter the necessary parameters directly on the command line.

Running AD Job Timing Report

The <output file> in these commands should not have an extension. The adtimrpt.sql
script creates two files: an .lst file, which is the timing report, and a .csv file, which is
currently not used. The timing report is named adt<session_id>.lst and located in
$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out (UNIX) or %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\out

Step 1 Set the environment

Set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define your
system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment in
Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Run AD Job Timing report

Run the report with this command, where <session_id> is the session of the timing
statistics you want to see, and <output file> is the name of the file where the statistics
will be written.
$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out
$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adtimrpt.sql \
<session id> <output file>

C:\> cd %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\out
C:\> sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @%AD_TOP%\admin\sql\adtimrpt.sql \
<session id> <output file>

5-2 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Configuration Report

AD Configuration Report
The AD Configuration utility is a SQL script that reports standard information about
the installed configuration of Oracle Applications. Run this task in order to debug or
document the status of your installation. Running AD Configuration generates a
report file (adutconf.lst) that contains the following:
■ SQL*Plus PAUSE and NEWPAGE settings
■ Rollback segment information
■ Information about the product group
■ Whether Multi-Org is installed and list of operating units
■ Whether Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) functionality is installed
■ List of registered products
■ Information on all registered schemas
■ Information about all installed products, including shared and dependent
■ Status of localization modules
■ The base language and other installed languages
■ NLS init.ora settings

The AD Configuration Report Interface

You run AD Configuration and supply the information it needs from the command
line. There are no menus or input screens.

Running AD Configuration
Run this utility as follows:

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Run AD Configuration report

Use the following commands. The report output file is written to adutconf.lst in the
current working directory.
$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out
$ sqlplus <APPS schema username>/<APPS schema password> \

C:\> cd %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\out
C:\> sqlplus <APPS schema username>/<APPS schema password> \

Reporting 5-3
AD File Identification Report

AD File Identification Report

The AD File Identification utility creates a report that identifies the version and
translation level of Oracle Applications files. It is useful when collecting information
about your site for Oracle Support Services.

Command Line Arguments

You may provide any number of file names as arguments on the command line. The
<file n> arguments should be the name of any Applications text file, binary object file
(extension .o for UNIX and .obj for Windows), library file (extension .a for UNIX and
.lib for Windows), dynamic link library (.dll for Windows), or executable program
(.exe for Windows).
When you give adident the name of a library file or executable, it lists all of the files
that comprise the library or executable and their respective versions. For example:
$ adident Header $FND_TOP/lib/wfload.o $FND_TOP/lib/libfnd.a

wfload.oc 115.5.1100.3
fdacon.lc 115.0
fdatat.lc 115.0
fdastr.lc 115.0
fdaupd.lc 115.0.1100.2
fdahmi.lc 115.0.1100.2
fdacv.lc 115.0
fdfutl.lc 115.4

C:\> adident Header %FND_TOP%\lib\wfload.obj %FND_TOP%\lib\fndst.lib

wfload.oc 115.5.1100.3
fdacon.lc 115.0
fdatat.lc 115.0
fdastr.lc 115.0
fdaupd.lc 115.0.1100.2
fdahmi.lc 115.0.1100.2
fdacv.lc 115.0
fdfutl.lc 115.4
You can also use an asterisk (*) to identify all files in a directory (For example, *.sql to
identify all SQL scripts).

The AD File Identification Report Interface

You run AD File Identification and supply the information it needs from the command
line. There are no menus or input screens.

Running AD File Identification

Run this utility as follows:

5-4 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities

AD Check Digest

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Run AD File Identification

Use the following commands. The output is written to the screen.
$ adident Header <file 1> [ <file 2> <file 3> ... ]

C:\> adident Header <file 1> [ <file 2> <file 3> ... ]

AD Check Digest
The AD Check Digest utility checks the integrity of downloaded patches. Oracle
provides MD5 and SHA-1 digests for each Oracle Applications patch. The MD5 digest
is a 128-bit string output that uniquely identifies the patch and the SHA-1 is a 160-bit
string output. The patch digests are viewable from the OracleMetaLink download page
for a particular patch. Use AD Check Digest to verify whether the computed digests
for the downloaded patch match the digests published on OracleMetaLink.

The AD Check Digest Interface

You run AD Check Digest and supply the information it needs from the command
line. There are no menus or input screens.

The following parameters are used for running AD Check Digest.

Parameter Definition
-file Path and file name for the patch. This parameter is required. When
the -file parameter is used without the -md5 and -sha1 parameters,
AD Check Digest will compute the MD5 and SHA-1 digests for the
-md5 The MD5 output from the OracleMetaLink patch download page.
When you use the -md5 parameter, AD Check Digest compares the
MD5 value you provide with the MD5 digest computed for the
patch file.
-sha1 The SHA-1 output from the OracleMetaLink patch download page.
When you use the -sha1 parameter, AD Check Digest compares the
SHA-1 value you provide with SHA-1 digest computed for the
patch file.

Running AD Check Digest

Run this utility as follows:

Reporting 5-5
AD Check Digest

Step 1 Set the environment

You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define
your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment
in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

Step 2 Run AD Check Digest

Use the following commands. The output is written to the screen.
$ adchkdig -file <File> [ -md5 <MD5_digest> -sha1 <SHA-1_digest> ]

C:\> adchkdig -file <File> [ -md5 <MD5_digest> -sha1 <SHA-1_digest> ]

5-6 Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities


A AD utilities
AD Administration, 4-1
AD Administration AD Check Digest, 5-5
about, 4-1 AD Configuration, 5-3
adadmin, 4-4 AD Controller, 1-18
Change Maintenance Mode menu, 4-14 AD File Identification, 5-4
Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities AD Splicer, 3-2
menu, 4-11 AutoPatch, 2-7
Generate Applications Files menu, 4-5 Character Set Converter, 3-4
Main Menu, 4-3 command line arguments, 1-9
Maintain Applications Database Entities common operations, 1-5
menu, 4-12 configuration files, 1-7
Maintain Applications Files submenu, 4-7 environment files, 1-7
maintain snapshot, 4-9 feature versions, 1-8
Maintain Snapshot Information menu, 4-10 flags, 1-12
menu options for non-interactive operation, 4-3 interactive processing, 1-5
prompts, 4-2 log files, 1-6
running non-interactively, 4-2 non-interactive processing, 1-5
starting, 4-4 parallel processing, 1-16
AD Check Digest, 5-5 prompts, 1-5
AD Configuration restart files, 1-6
about, 5-3 restarting, 1-15
adutconf.sql, 5-3 running, 1-13
AD Controller starting, 1-15
about, 1-18 stopping, 1-15
running non-interactively, 1-19 temporary disk space, 1-14
starting, 1-18 adadmin, 1-2, 4-4
AD File Identification, 5-4 adaimgr, 1-2
AD Job Timing report
adchkdig, 1-2, 5-5
about, 5-2 adconfig.txt, 1-7
adtimrpt.sql, 5-2 adctrl, 1-2, 1-18
running, 5-2 adident, 1-2, 5-4
AD Relink admrgpch, 1-2
about, 4-14 adncnv, 1-2, 3-4
adrelink.sh, 4-16 adovars.cmd, 1-7
command line arguments adovars.env, 1-7
backup_mode, 4-15 adpatch, 1-2
force, 4-15 adrelink.sh, 1-2, 4-16
log file, 4-15 adsplice, 1-2, 3-4
running, 4-16 adtimrpt.sql, 1-2, 5-2
AD Splicer, 3-2 adutconf.sql, 1-2, 5-3
adsplice, 3-4 APPL_TOP
control files, 3-2 missing files, 4-10, 4-11
newprods.txt, 3-3 snapshots, 4-9
product definition files, 3-2 application tier file system
running, 3-3 shared, 1-16

Applications files executable programs
generating, 4-5 relinking, 4-7
maintaining, 4-7
applora.txt, 1-7
applorau.txt, 1-7
applprod.txt, 1-8 File Character Set Converter
applterr.txt, 1-8 about, 3-4
APPS schema adncnv, 3-4
compiling with AD Administration, 4-12 running, 3-4
validating with AD Administration, 4-13 files
AutoPatch copying (to destinations), 4-8
about, 2-7 generating JAR files, 4-6
generating message files, 4-5
flexfield data
C compiling, 4-12
character set FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table, 1-15
converting, 3-4, 4-8 FND_MENU_ENTRIES table, 4-12
command line arguments fndenv.env, 1-8
AD Utilities
abandon, 1-9
defaultsfile, 1-9
flags=logging, 1-12 grants and synonyms
flags=nohidepw, 1-12 recreating, 4-13
flags=trace, 1-13
help, 1-10 J
interactive, 1-10
logfile, 1-10 JAR files
printdebug, 1-11 generating, 4-6
restart, 1-11 reloading, 4-12
wait_on_failed_job, 1-11
configuration files, 1-7 L
adconfig.txt, 1-7
log files
applora.txt, 1-7
about, 1-6
applorau.txt, 1-7
applprod.txt, 1-8
applterr.txt, 1-8 M
maintenance mode
disabling, 4-14
D enabling, 4-14
menu data structures
database entities
compiling, 4-12
compiling, 4-11
menu information
maintaining, 4-12
compiling, 4-12
reloading, 4-11
message files
Distributed AD, 1-16
generating, 4-5
documentation library
multi-lingual tables
contents, viii
maintaining, 4-13
DUAL table
verifying, 4-14
E newprods.txt, 3-3
setting, 1-13 O
environment file
OAM see Oracle Applications Manager
creating, 4-7
online help
environment files, 1-7
command line, 1-3
adovars.cmd, 1-7
OAM Help, 1-4
adovars.env, 1-7
Oracle Application Object Library (AOL)
fndenv.env, 1-8
compiling flexfields in tables, 4-12
envshell.cmd, 1-13

Oracle Applications
maintaining, 4-1
Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)
about, 1-2
accessing maintenance utilities, 1-22
Applications Dashboard, 1-21
common operations, 1-21
help, 1-4
Site Map, 1-4
Oracle Store
URL, viii

parallel processing
about, 1-16
distributing across nodes, 1-20
PT PrefaceTitle, vii
about, 3-2
registering, 3-2
splicing, 3-2
PT PrefaceTitle, vii

Rapid Install
running, 2-5
restart files, 1-6

server libraries
relinking with executables, 4-7
creating, 4-9
current view, 4-9
global, 4-9
maintaining, 4-9
named view, 4-9
recreating with AD Administration, 4-13
system maintenance, 4-1

AD, 1-1
command line, 1-1
web-based, 1-2

Web-based utilities, 1-20
Windows services
configuring, 1-14
child processes, 1-17
log files, 1-17


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