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Oracle® Application Server

Installation Guide
10g Release 3 ( for Linux x86

October 2006
Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 3 ( for Linux x86


Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Megan Ginter

Contributing Authors: Deborah Steiner, Rodney Ward, Beth Roeser, Kevin Hwang

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Intended Audience...................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. x

1 Product and Installation Overview

1.1 Product Overview....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Basic and Advanced Installation .............................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Recommended Topologies ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3.1 Installing a Standalone OC4J Instance.............................................................................. 1-5
1.3.2 Installing an Integrated Web Server and OC4J Middle Tier ......................................... 1-5
1.3.3 Installing a SOA Administration Instance ....................................................................... 1-6
1.3.4 Installing a J2EE Server with the SOA Suite .................................................................... 1-6
1.3.5 Installing J2EE Server, Web Server, and the SOA Suite ................................................. 1-7
1.3.6 Installing J2EE Server and the SOA Suite with a Remote Oracle HTTP Server ......... 1-8
1.3.7 Installing J2EE Server and Separate SOA Applications with a Remote Oracle HTTP
Server .................................................................................................................................. 1-11
1.3.8 Installing Multiple SOA Middle Tiers with a Remote Oracle HTTP Server ............ 1-14

2 Requirements
2.1 Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain the Latest Oracle Application Server Hardware and
Software Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.2.1 Installing from the Console or X Windows ..................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Software Requirements .............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.1 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems................ 2-5
2.3.2 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems................ 2-7
2.3.3 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems ..................... 2-10
2.4 Set Shell Limits for the oracle User........................................................................................ 2-13
2.5 Ports ........................................................................................................................................... 2-14
2.5.1 Checking If a Port Is in Use ............................................................................................. 2-14
2.5.2 Using Default Port Numbers .......................................................................................... 2-14
2.5.3 Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature) .......................................... 2-15 Format of the staticports.ini File.............................................................................. 2-15

iii Error Conditions that Will Cause the Installer to Use Default Ports Instead of
Specified Ports............................................................................................................ 2-16 Ports for Oracle HTTP Server .................................................................................. 2-17 staticports.ini Example ...................................................................................... 2-17
2.6 Operating System Groups ...................................................................................................... 2-18
2.6.1 Create a Group for the Inventory Directory ................................................................. 2-18
2.7 Operating System User ........................................................................................................... 2-18
2.8 Requirements for the Database .............................................................................................. 2-19
2.9 Installing Database Schemas .................................................................................................. 2-20
2.10 Environment Variables ........................................................................................................... 2-20
2.10.1 Environment Variable Tips ............................................................................................. 2-21
2.10.2 PATH, CLASSPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH ........................................................ 2-21
2.10.3 DISPLAY ............................................................................................................................ 2-21
2.10.4 TNS_ADMIN..................................................................................................................... 2-22
2.10.5 TMP and TMPDIR ............................................................................................................ 2-22
2.10.6 ANT_HOME...................................................................................................................... 2-23
2.10.7 ORA_NLS .......................................................................................................................... 2-23
2.10.8 LD_BIND_NOW ............................................................................................................... 2-23
2.11 Network Topics ........................................................................................................................ 2-23
2.11.1 Installing on a DHCP Host.............................................................................................. 2-23
2.11.2 Installing on Multihomed (Multi-IP) Computers ........................................................ 2-24
2.11.3 Copying CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to Hard Drive, and Installing from the Hard
Drive ................................................................................................................................... 2-24
2.11.4 Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive........................................... 2-25
2.11.5 Installing on Remote Computers.................................................................................... 2-26
2.11.6 Installing on NFS-Mounted Storage .............................................................................. 2-27
2.11.7 Running Multiple Instances from One Installation ..................................................... 2-27
2.11.8 Support for NIS and NIS+ ............................................................................................... 2-27
2.12 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer .................................................................. 2-28

3 Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation

3.1 Oracle Home Directory .............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Naming Your Oracle Home ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Installing in an Existing Oracle Home.............................................................................. 3-2
3.1.3 Installing in a Non-Empty Oracle Home ......................................................................... 3-2
3.2 First-Time Installation of Any Oracle Product ....................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Installing Additional Languages .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.4 Oracle Application Server Instances and Instance Names ................................................... 3-3
3.5 The oc4jadmin User and Restrictions on its Password.......................................................... 3-4
3.6 Where Does the Installer Write Files? ...................................................................................... 3-5
3.7 Why Do I Need to be Able to Log In as Root at Certain Times During Installation?....... 3-5
3.8 Running root.sh During Installation ........................................................................................ 3-5
3.9 Rules for Adding Instances to OracleAS Clusters.................................................................. 3-6
3.10 Obtaining Software from Oracle E-Delivery........................................................................... 3-6
3.10.1 Finding and Downloading the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (
E-Pack .................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.10.2 Finding Required and Optional Downloads ................................................................... 3-6

3.10.3 Disk Space Requirements ................................................................................................... 3-6
3.10.4 Software Requirements for Unzipping Files ................................................................... 3-6
3.10.5 Extracting Software from the Zip Files............................................................................. 3-7
3.11 Setting the Mount Point for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM ..................................................... 3-7
3.12 Starting the Oracle Universal Installer..................................................................................... 3-8

4 Basic Installation
4.1 What Components Are Installed? ............................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Basic Installation Steps ............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Before You Begin.................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Installation Steps.................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 What Should I Do Next? ............................................................................................................ 4-5

5 Advanced Installation
5.1 What Components Are Installed? ............................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite .......................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 J2EE Server and Web Server .............................................................................................. 5-2
5.1.3 J2EE Server............................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.4 Web Server............................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 Advanced Installation Steps...................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Before You Begin.................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.2 Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite ........................................................ 5-3
5.2.3 Installing J2EE Server and Web Server............................................................................. 5-4
5.2.4 Installing J2EE Server .......................................................................................................... 5-5
5.2.5 Installing Web Server .......................................................................................................... 5-6
5.3 Installation Screens ..................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.1 Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen ............................ 5-8
5.3.2 Select Installation Type Screen .......................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.3 Specify Database Connect Information Screen............................................................. 5-10
5.3.4 Specify Database Schema Passwords Screen................................................................ 5-11
5.3.5 Specify Port Configuration Options Screen .................................................................. 5-12
5.3.6 Administration Settings Screen ...................................................................................... 5-12
5.3.7 Specify Instance Name Screen ........................................................................................ 5-14
5.3.8 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server, Web Server, and SOA Suite
Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.3.9 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server and Web Server
Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5-16
5.3.10 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server Installation........................... 5-18
5.3.11 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - Web Server Installation ........................... 5-19
5.3.12 Summary Screen ............................................................................................................... 5-21
5.3.13 Install Screen...................................................................................................................... 5-21
5.3.14 Configuration Assistants Screen..................................................................................... 5-22
5.3.15 End of Installation Screen ................................................................................................ 5-24
5.4 Troubleshooting Information................................................................................................. 5-24
5.5 What Should I Do Next? ......................................................................................................... 5-25

6 Installing in High Availability Environments
6.1 Overview of High Availability Configurations...................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Active-Active Topologies: OracleAS Clusters ................................................................. 6-1
6.1.2 Active-Passive Topologies: OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters ...................................... 6-2
6.1.3 OracleAS Disaster Recovery .............................................................................................. 6-3
6.1.4 Summary of Differences ..................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2 Requirements for High Availability Configurations ............................................................. 6-4
6.2.1 Check Minimum Number of Nodes ................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.2 Check That Groups Are Defined Identically on All Nodes........................................... 6-4
6.2.3 Check the Properties of the oracle User ........................................................................... 6-4
6.2.4 Check for Previous Oracle Installations on All Nodes................................................... 6-5
6.3 Creating the Active-Active Topology ...................................................................................... 6-5
6.3.1 Active-Active Topologies: Introduction ........................................................................... 6-6
6.3.2 OracleAS Clusters in Active-Active Topologies ............................................................. 6-7
6.3.3 Properties of Oracle Application Server Instances in Active-Active Topologies....... 6-8
6.3.4 Installation Steps for Active-Active Topologies.............................................................. 6-8
6.3.5 Supporting Procedures for Creating the Active-Active Topology............................ 6-12 Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method ...................................... 6-13 Setting up Multicast Replication ............................................................................. 6-13 Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication ........................................................................ 6-14 Setting up Replication to a Database ...................................................................... 6-16 Setting the Replication Policy .................................................................................. 6-16 Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To ................................................ 6-18
6.4 Creating the Active-Passive Topology.................................................................................. 6-18
6.4.1 Active-Passive Topologies: Introduction ...................................................................... 6-18
6.4.2 Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster......................... 6-20
6.4.3 Preinstallation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster .......................................... 6-21 Map the Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP Address............................................. 6-21 Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes........................... 6-23
6.4.4 OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster: Details of Installation Steps ................................... 6-24
6.5 Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration ................................................... 6-25
6.5.1 OracleAS Disaster Recovery: Introduction ................................................................... 6-26
6.5.2 Setting up the OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment ......................................... 6-27 Ensure Nodes Are Identical at the Operating System Level............................... 6-27 Set Up staticports.ini File.......................................................................................... 6-28 Set Up Identical Hostnames on Both Production and Standby Sites................. 6-28 If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the Production Site
(OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only) ........................................................................................ 6-32
6.5.3 Installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster Recovery
Environment ...................................................................................................................... 6-33 Installing the OracleAS Infrastructure (OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n Only) .... 6-34 Installing Middle Tiers (OracleAS Release and 10.1.2.n.n) ................ 6-34
6.5.4 Installing the OracleAS 10g ( Standalone Install of OracleAS Guard into
Oracle Homes .................................................................................................................... 6-35
6.5.5 Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with Release ....................... 6-36
6.5.6 What to Read Next............................................................................................................ 6-36

7 Postinstallation Tasks
7.1 State of Oracle Application Server Instances After Installation........................................... 7-1
7.2 Passwords for Oracle Application Server Components........................................................ 7-1
7.3 NFS Installations ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Configuring OracleAS Clusters ................................................................................................ 7-2
7.5 Backup and Recovery ................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.6 SSL................................................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.7 Operating System Locale and NLS_LANG Environment Variable .................................... 7-2
7.7.1 Check the Operating System Locale ................................................................................. 7-2
7.7.2 Check the NLS_LANG Setting .......................................................................................... 7-2
7.8 Proxy Settings .............................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.9 What to Do Next ......................................................................................................................... 7-3

A Silent and Non-Interactive Installation

A.1 Silent Installation........................................................................................................................ A-1
A.2 Non-Interactive Installation ..................................................................................................... A-1
A.3 Preinstallation............................................................................................................................. A-2
A.4 Create the Response File ........................................................................................................... A-2
A.4.1 Creating Response Files from Templates ........................................................................ A-3
A.4.2 Creating Response Files by Using the Record Mode in the Installer .......................... A-3
A.4.3 Example Response Files..................................................................................................... A-4
A.4.3.1 Example Response File for Basic Installation: J2EE Server and SOA Suite ........ A-4
A.4.3.2 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server and
SOA Suite...................................................................................................................... A-5
A.4.3.3 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web
Server............................................................................................................................. A-7
A.4.3.4 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server .......................... A-8
A.4.3.5 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: Web Server ........................ A-10
A.5 Start the Installation................................................................................................................. A-11
A.6 Postinstallation ......................................................................................................................... A-12
A.7 Security Tips for Silent and Non-Interactive Installations................................................. A-12
A.8 Deinstallation............................................................................................................................ A-12

B Default Port Numbers

B.1 Method of Assigning Default Port Numbers......................................................................... B-1
B.2 Default Port Numbers ............................................................................................................... B-1
B.3 Ports to Open in Firewalls ........................................................................................................ B-2

C Deinstallation and Reinstallation

C.1 Deinstallation Procedure: Overview....................................................................................... C-1
C.2 Deinstalling Procedure.............................................................................................................. C-2
C.3 Cleaning Up Oracle Application Server Processes ............................................................... C-2
C.4 Reinstallation .............................................................................................................................. C-2

D Configuration Assistants
D.1 Troubleshooting Configuration Assistants ............................................................................ D-1
D.1.1 General Tips......................................................................................................................... D-1
D.1.2 Configuration Assistant Result Codes............................................................................. D-2
D.2 Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants ................................. D-2

E Troubleshooting
E.1 Log Files ...................................................................................................................................... E-1
E.2 General Troubleshooting Tips ................................................................................................. E-1
E.3 Installation Problems and Solutions ....................................................................................... E-2
E.3.1 Location of Log Files .......................................................................................................... E-2
E.3.2 Linking Failed, ORA Errors .............................................................................................. E-2
E.3.3 Prerequisite Checks Fail at the Start of Installation ....................................................... E-3
E.3.4 Installer Disappears After Running the Preinstallation Checks .................................. E-3
E.3.5 Unable to Clean Up a Failed Installation ........................................................................ E-3
E.3.6 User Interface Does Not Display in the Desired Language, or Does Not Display
Properly................................................................................................................................ E-3
E.3.7 Configuration Assistant Failures - General .................................................................... E-4
E.4 Need More Help?....................................................................................................................... E-4



The Oracle Application Server Installation Guide covers requirements, new features in the
Oracle Universal Installer, Oracle Application Server concepts that affect installation,
installation procedures, and troubleshooting tips. In addition, this guide also provides
some sample topologies for installing and running Oracle Application Server.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for users who are comfortable running some system
administration operations, such as creating users and groups, adding users to groups,
and installing operating system patches on the computer where Oracle Application
Server is going to be installed. Users who are installing Oracle Application Server need
root access to run some scripts.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at

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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
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any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services
Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
support, call 800.446.2398.

Related Documents
For additional information, see the following manuals:
■ Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide
■ Oracle Application Server Concepts
■ Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Product and Installation Overview

This chapter describes what is contained in Oracle Application Server and

recommended topologies. It contains the following sections:
■ Section 1.1, "Product Overview"
■ Section 1.2, "Basic and Advanced Installation"
■ Section 1.3, "Recommended Topologies"

1.1 Product Overview

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( provides the Oracle SOA Suite,
which is a complete set of service infrastructure components for creating, deploying,
and managing Service Oriented Architectures. Oracle SOA Suite enables services to be
created, managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business
Oracle SOA Suite consists of:
■ Oracle BPEL Process Manager
■ Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
■ Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM)
■ Oracle Business Rules
■ Oracle Application Server (includes Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle Containers for
J2EE (OC4J or J2EE Server), Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server
Control, Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server and OC4J Java Single
You can integrate Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( with an existing
Oracle Application Server environment that includes 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) or 10g
( OracleAS Infrastructure.

See Also: Oracle Application Server Upgrade Guide for more

information about which specific versions are compatible with 10g
Release 3 (

1.2 Basic and Advanced Installation

Table 1–1 summarizes the groups of services available with each installation type.

Product and Installation Overview 1-1

Recommended Topologies

Table 1–1 Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( Install Types
Install Mode Available Installation Types
Basic ■ J2EE Server and SOA Suite
Advanced ■ J2EE Server, Web Server, and SOA Suite
■ J2EE Server and Web Server
■ J2EE Server
■ Web Server

The basic (one-click) installation prompts you with questions on the initial installation
screen, and then it proceeds to install the product without any further user interaction.
The default values for all the components are used.
The advanced installation provides you with a great degree of customization and
flexibility, which enables installation of additional languages, port configuration
options, and cluster configuration.
Table 1–2 summarizes the differences in the customization options between basic and
advanced installation.

Table 1–2 Basic and Advanced Installation Features

Action or Option Basic Advanced
Specify an Oracle Home Yes Yes
Specify an Oracle Application Server instance Yes Yes
name and oc4jadmin password
Install an Oracle Olite Database (Windows only) Yes No
Specify an Oracle Database No (Windows) Yes
Yes (Other operating systems)
Specify a Real Applications Cluster Database No Yes
Select additional languages No Yes
Specify administration settings No Yes
Specify automatic or manual port configuration No Yes
Configure Application Server Control Automatically configured Select whether or not it is
Specify default OC4J instance name No Yes
Configure instance to be part of a cluster No Yes
OC4J Java Single Sign-On is deployed Yes Yes
OC4J Java Single Sign-On is configured and started Yes No
Configuration assistants Yes Yes

1.3 Recommended Topologies

Table 1–3 provides a road map of where to find information about the supported 10g
Release 3 ( topologies.

1-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

Table 1–3 Basic and Advanced Installation Features

See This Documentation
Topology for Details Middle-Tier Topologies
A middle tier containing a single OC4J instance in one Oracle home. Section 1.3.1, "Installing a
Standalone OC4J Instance"
A middle tier containing an integrated OC4J instance with Oracle Section 1.3.2, "Installing an
HTTP Server in one Oracle home. Application Server Control is not Integrated Web Server and
deployed on this middle tier. OC4J Middle Tier"
A middle tier containing an integrated OC4J instance with Oracle Section 1.3.3, "Installing a
HTTP Server in one Oracle home. Application Server Control is SOA Administration
deployed on this middle tier. This topology is suitable for Instance"
administration the SOA suite.
A middle tier containing a single OC4J instance with the SOA Section 1.3.4, "Installing a
applications deployed in one Oracle home. J2EE Server with the SOA
A middle tier containing a two OC4J instances and Oracle HTTP Section 1.3.5, "Installing J2EE
Server with the SOA applications deployed in one Oracle home. One Server, Web Server, and the
OC4J instance contains the SOA applications and the other OC4J SOA Suite"
instance contains Application Server Control and Java SSO.
Two middle tiers, one containing Oracle HTTP Server and one Section 1.3.6, "Installing J2EE
containing two OC4J instances. One OC4J instance contains the SOA Server and the SOA Suite
applications and the other OC4J instance contains Application Server with a Remote Oracle HTTP
Control and Java SSO. Server"
Two middle tiers, one containing Oracle HTTP Server and one Section 1.3.7, "Installing J2EE
containing four OC4J instances. One OC4J instance contains ESB, one Server and Separate SOA
contains BPEL, one contains OWSM, and one contains Application Applications with a Remote
Server Control and Java SSO. Oracle HTTP Server"
Thee middle tiers, one containing Oracle HTTP Server, one containing Section 1.3.8, "Installing
one OC4J instances with the SOA applications, and another containing Multiple SOA Middle Tiers
two OC4J instances with the SOA applications, Application Server with a Remote Oracle HTTP
Control and Java SSO deployed. Server"
An enterprise data center for SOA applications that uses one of the "mySOACompany," in the
following methods for user authentication: Oracle Application Server
Enterprise Deployment Guide
■ Java Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory
■ Oracle Single Sign-On
■ Oracle Access Manager
Each of these topologies contains a web tier, an application tier, and a
data tier. The three tiers are separated by firewalls.
High-Availability Topologies
An OracleAS Clusters configuration in which two or more middle-tier Section 6.3, "Creating the
instances serve the same content. A load balancer distributes requests Active-Active Topology"
equally among the active instances.
An Oracle Application Server Cold Failover Clusters configuration in Section 6.4, "Creating the
which two or more middle-tier instances serve the same content, but Active-Passive Topology"
only instance is active at any one time.
An OracleAS Disaster Recovery configuration in which a standby site Section 6.5, "Creating an
mirrors a production site. During normal operation, the production OracleAS Disaster Recovery
site handles all the requests. If the production site goes down, the Configuration"
standby site takes over and handles all the requests.

Product and Installation Overview 1-3

Recommended Topologies

Table 1–3 (Cont.) Basic and Advanced Installation Features

See This Documentation
Topology for Details
High availability solutions for Oracle SOA Suite components, "High Availability for Oracle
including BPEL, ESB, BAM, and OWSM. SOA Suite" in the Oracle
Application Server High
Availability Guide Middle Tiers with Existing 9.0.4 or 10.1.2 Environments

10.1.2 Oracle HTTP Server: Two middle tiers, one containing 10g "Configuring Oracle
Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache Application Server 10.1.2
components and the second containing a 10g Release 3 ( with Oracle Application
OC4J instance. Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache are Server 10.1.3" in the Oracle
installed as a part of a J2EE and Web Cache middle-tier installation. Application Server
Administrator’s Guide
10.1.4 or 10.1.2 OracleAS Infrastructure: A 10g Release 3 ( "Configuring Instances to
middle-tier instance using a 10g (10.1.4) or 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Use a 10.1.4 or 10.1.2 Oracle
Oracle Identity Management. This topology also supports associating Identity Management" in the
a 10g Release 3 ( middle-tier instance with a new 10g (10.1.4) Oracle Application Server
or 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle Identity Management for the following Administrator’s Guide
"Moving 10.1.4 or 10.1.2
■ Moving to a new host Identity Management to a
New Host" in the Oracle
■ Creating a failover environment
Application Server
Administrator’s Guide
10.1.2 OracleAS Web Cache Instance: A single 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) "Configuring 10.1.2 OracleAS
OracleAS Web Cache acting as a reverse proxy for a 10g Release 3 Web Cache as a Reverse
( middle-tier. The middle tier contains an integrated OC4J Proxy" in the Oracle
instance with Oracle HTTP Server. Application Server
Administrator’s Guide
10.1.2 OracleAS Web Cache Cluster: Two or more 10g Release 2 "Configuring 10.1.2 OracleAS
(10.1.2) OracleAS Web Cache servers configured as a cluster to reverse Web Cache as a Reverse
proxy a 10g Release 3 ( middle-tier. The middle tier contains Proxy" in the Oracle
an integrated OC4J instance with Oracle HTTP Server. Application Server
Administrator’s Guide

The remainder of this section addresses the recommended topologies for installing
Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J instances. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 1.3.1, "Installing a Standalone OC4J Instance"
■ Section 1.3.2, "Installing an Integrated Web Server and OC4J Middle Tier"
■ Section 1.3.3, "Installing a SOA Administration Instance"
■ Section 1.3.4, "Installing a J2EE Server with the SOA Suite"
■ Section 1.3.5, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server, and the SOA Suite"
■ Section 1.3.6, "Installing J2EE Server and the SOA Suite with a Remote Oracle
HTTP Server"
■ Section 1.3.7, "Installing J2EE Server and Separate SOA Applications with a
Remote Oracle HTTP Server"
■ Section 1.3.8, "Installing Multiple SOA Middle Tiers with a Remote Oracle HTTP

1-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

1.3.1 Installing a Standalone OC4J Instance

Figure 1–1 shows a topology in which you install a standalone OC4J instance. This
topology is suitable for J2EE developers.

Figure 1–1 Standalone OC4J Instance


HTTP Listener


The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, as described in Section 5.2.4,
"Installing J2EE Server". During the installation procedure, follow the prompts,
ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Administration Settings screen, do not select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, do not select Access this OC4J
instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.

1.3.2 Installing an Integrated Web Server and OC4J Middle Tier

The J2EE Server and Web Server installation type in advanced installation mode
combines an Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J middle-tier instance in the same Oracle
home, as depicted in Figure 1–2. This topology is suitable for J2EE developers and
cannot manage the SOA suite.

Figure 1–2 Integrated Web Server and OC4J Middle Tier


Oracle HTTP Server




The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Product and Installation Overview 1-5

Recommended Topologies

Installation Sequence
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server and Web Server, as described in
Section 5.2.3, "Installing J2EE Server and Web Server". During the installation
procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Administration Settings screen, do not select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.

1.3.3 Installing a SOA Administration Instance

This topology is similar to the example in the previous section, Section 1.3.2. As in the
previous section, this topology combines an Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J middle-tier
instance in the same Oracle home, but it also includes Application Server Control and
Java Single Sign-On, as depicted in Figure 1–3. This topology is suitable for managing
the SOA Suite.

Figure 1–3 SOA Administration Instance


Oracle HTTP Server


Application Java
Server Single
Control Sign-On



The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server and Web Server, as described in
Section 5.2.3, "Installing J2EE Server and Web Server". During the installation
procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Administration Settings screen, select Configure this as an Administration
OC4J instance.

1.3.4 Installing a J2EE Server with the SOA Suite

The Basic Installation Mode combines the SOA Suite and OC4J middle-tier instance in
the same Oracle home with a remote Oracle Database, as depicted in Figure 1–4. This
topology is suitable for SOA developers.

1-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

Figure 1–4 J2EE Server with the SOA Suite


HTTP Listener

Application Server



The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
Perform a basic installation, as described in Section 4.2, "Basic Installation Steps".

1.3.5 Installing J2EE Server, Web Server, and the SOA Suite
The J2EE Server, Web Server, and SOA Suite installation type in advanced installation
mode combines the SOA Suite, Oracle HTTP Server, and OC4J middle-tier instance in
the same Oracle home, as depicted in Figure 1–5. This topology is suitable for SOA

Product and Installation Overview 1-7

Recommended Topologies

Figure 1–5 J2EE Server, Web Server, and the SOA Suite


Oracle HTTP Server


BPEL ESB OWSM Application Java

Server Single
Control Sign-On

(OC4J_SOA) (Home)


The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, as
described in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite". During
the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Administration Settings screen, select Configure this as an Administration
OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, do not select Access this OC4J
Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.

1.3.6 Installing J2EE Server and the SOA Suite with a Remote Oracle HTTP Server
Figure 1–6 shows a topology in which you install Oracle HTTP Server on one
computer and OC4J and the SOA Suite on another computer. Then, you cluster the
instances using dynamic node discovery. This topology enables Oracle HTTP Server to
route requests to OC4J, and OC4J to dynamically notify Oracle HTTP Server of new
application bindings when an application is deployed. It also allows for flexibility and

1-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

Figure 1–6 Cluster with J2EE Server and the SOA Suite and a Remote Oracle HTTP


Oracle HTTP Server



BPEL ESB OWSM Application Java

Server Single
Control Sign-On

(OC4J_SOA) (Home)


The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
To install this topology:
1. For the first middle tier, install a Web Server instance.
Perform an advanced installation of Web Server, as described in Section 5.2.5,
"Installing Web Server". During the installation procedure, follow the prompts,
ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Configure this Oracle
HTTP Server instance to be a part of an Oracle Application Server cluster
and specify a cluster discovery address for the cluster. The multicast address
you enter must be within the valid address range, which is to
Make a note of the address and port that you enter on this page; you will need
them later.
■ Make a note of the hostname and port for the Oracle HTTP Server instance;
you will need them later.
2. For the second middle tier, install a J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite

Product and Installation Overview 1-9

Recommended Topologies

Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, as
described in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite".
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the
■ On the Administration Settings screen, select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Access this OC4J
Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server. Specify the hostname and port
for the middle tier you installed in Step 1 of this procedure.
On this same screen, select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology and specify the same cluster discovery
address as you specified in Step 1 of this procedure.
3. Configure Java Single Sign-On. Perform the following steps on the second Oracle
Application Server instance you just installed (Oracle_Home2 in Figure 1–6):
a. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
b. Scroll to the Administration section and click Java SSO Configuration.
The Java SSO Configuration page appears.
c. Click Participating Applications.
The applications are listed.
d. Click the check box for the following applications to be Java SSO enabled:
– orabpel (for Oracle BPEL Process Manager)
– esb-dt (for Oracle Enterprise Service Bus)
– ccore (for Oracle Web Services Manager)
– ascontrol (for Application Server Control Console)
e. Click Apply.
A confirmation message appears that the SSO configuration was completed
and will take effect after the instances are restarted.
f. Click Restart.
A confirmation message appears.
g. Click Yes.
The instance is restarted.
h. To configure JSSO for OWSM, perform the following steps:
– Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin.
– Edit the ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin/install.properties file to set the
install.sso.support property to true.
– Run the following command:
prompt> wsmadmin.sh deploy password console

In the preceding commands, password is the OC4J administrator pass-


1-10 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

i. Reconfigure the owsm console application with the OID security provider as
described in "Steps to Use the Oracle Identity Management Security Provider"
and "Settings for Authentication Method with Oracle Identity Management" in
the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 8.

1.3.7 Installing J2EE Server and Separate SOA Applications with a Remote Oracle
HTTP Server
This topology is similar to the example in the previous section, Section 1.3.6. As in the
previous section, this topology has an Oracle HTTP Server in one home and OC4J and
the SOA applications in a separate Oracle home. Unlike the previous example, the
SOA applications are separated, each with its own OC4J instance, as depicted in
Figure 1–7.

Figure 1–7 Cluster with J2EE Server and Separate SOA Applications and a Remote
Oracle HTTP Server


Oracle HTTP Server







The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
To install this topology:
1. For the first middle tier, install a Web Server instance.

Product and Installation Overview 1-11

Recommended Topologies

Perform an advanced installation of Web Server, as described in Section 5.2.5,

"Installing Web Server". During the installation procedure, follow the prompts,
ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Configure this Oracle
HTTP Server instance to be a part of an Oracle Application Server cluster
and specify a cluster discovery address for the cluster. The multicast address
you enter must be within the valid address range, which is to
Make a note of the address and port that you enter on this page; you will need
them later.
■ Make a note of the hostname and port for the Oracle HTTP Server instance;
you will need them later.
2. For the second middle tier, install a J2EE Server instance.
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, as described in Section 5.2.4,
"Installing J2EE Server". During the installation procedure, follow the prompts,
ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Administration Settings screen, select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Access this OC4J
Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.
On this same screen, select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology and specify the same cluster discovery
address as you specified in Step 1 of this procedure.
3. You must create the OC4J instances for each of the SOA applications in Oracle_
Home2, as shown in Figure 1–7. Use the steps below to create the following OC4J
instances for the SOA applications:
a. Log in to the Application Server Control Console with the password set
during installation.
The Cluster Topology page appears.
b. Click the link in the Members list for the application server instance in
The Application Server page for the instance appears, listing the Admin OC4J
instance in the System Components list.
c. Click Create OC4J Instance.
The Create OC4J Instance page appears.
d. Enter OC4J_BPEL in the OC4J Instance Name field. Leave the defaults for the
group and check the box to start the instance.
e. Click Create.
The Processing: screen appears with a message, then the Application Server
page appears with the new instance and a confirmation message that the
instance was created and added to the group.

1-12 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

f. Click the OC4J_BPEL instance.

The OC4J page appears.
g. Click Administration.
The Administration Tasks table appears.
h. Click the Go to Task icon for Server Properties in the Properties list.
The Server Properties page appears.
i. Specify an unused AJP port for the default-web-site and click Apply. You can
netstat -an

The AJP port range is 12501-12600.

The Processing screen appears with a status message, then a confirmation
message appears.
j. Repeat steps a through i for the OC4J_ESB and OC4J_WSM instances,
assigning a different unique port from the range to each.
k. Run the following commands in Oracle_Home2:
prompt> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
prompt> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

4. Deploy the SOA applications in Oracle_Home2:

a. Install BPEL using the Oracle BPEL Process Manager ( CD. Follow
the instructions in Oracle BPEL Process Manager Installation Guide.
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform
the following:
– Specify OC4J_BPEL as the OC4J Instance Name.
– In the HTTP Host:Port field, specify the hostname and port for the middle
tier you installed in Step 1 of this procedure.
b. Install ESB using the Oracle Enterprise Bus ( CD. Follow the
instructions in Oracle Enterprise Service Bus Installation Guide.
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform
the following:
– Select OC4J_ESB as the OC4J instance name.
– Specify the hostname and port for the middle tier you installed in Step 1 of
this procedure as the outgoing HTTP proxy.
c. Install OWSM using the Oracle Web Services Manager ( CD. Follow
the instructions in Oracle Web Services Manager Installation Guide.
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform
the following:
– Specify OC4J_WSM as the OC4J Instance name.
– In the HTTP Host:Port field, specify the hostname and port for the middle
tier you installed in Step 1 of this procedure.
5. Configure Java Single Sign-On. Perform the following steps on the second Oracle
Application Server instance you just installed (Oracle_Home2 in Figure 1–7):

Product and Installation Overview 1-13

Recommended Topologies

a. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control

b. Scroll to the Administration section and click Java SSO Configuration.
The Java SSO Configuration page appears.
c. Click Participating Applications.
The applications are listed.
d. Click the check box for the following applications to be Java SSO enabled:
– orabpel (for Oracle BPEL Process Manager)
– esb-dt (for Oracle Enterprise Service Bus)
– ccore (for Oracle Web Services Manager)
– ascontrol (for Application Server Control Console)
e. Click Apply.
A confirmation message appears that the SSO configuration was completed
and will take effect after the instances are restarted.
f. Click Restart.
A confirmation message appears.
g. Click Yes.
The instance is restarted.
h. To configure JSSO for OWSM, perform the following steps:
– Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin.
– Edit the ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin/install.properties file to set the
install.sso.support property to true.
– Run the following command:
prompt> wsmadmin.sh deploy password console

In the preceding commands, password is the OC4J administrator pass-

i. Reconfigure the owsm console application with the OID security provider as
described in "Steps to Use the Oracle Identity Management Security Provider"
and "Settings for Authentication Method with Oracle Identity Management" in
the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 8.

1.3.8 Installing Multiple SOA Middle Tiers with a Remote Oracle HTTP Server
This topology builds upon the example in Section 1.3.6. It adds an additional OC4J
instance with the SOA Suite, as shown in Figure 1–8. When you install this cluster
topology, you install Oracle HTTP Server on one computer, install OC4J and SOA Suite
instances on two separate computers, and specify cluster settings. You designate one
of the OC4J instances as the Administration OC4J instance for running the Application
Server Control Console. You manage both OC4J instances from this instance of
Application Server Control Console.

1-14 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

Figure 1–8 Cluster with Multiple SOA Middle Tiers and a Remote Oracle HTTP Server


Oracle HTTP Server


Oracle_Home2 Oracle_Home3



(OC4J_SOA) (Home) (OC4J_SOA)


LDAP Database

User Repository

The requirements are the same as those listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements".

Installation Sequence
To install this topology:
1. For the first middle tier, install a Web Server instance.
Perform an advanced installation of Web Server, as described in Section 5.2.5,
"Installing Web Server". During the installation procedure, follow the prompts,
ensuring you perform the following:
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Configure this Oracle
HTTP Server instance to be a part of an Oracle Application Server cluster
and specify a cluster discovery address for the cluster. The multicast address
you enter must be within the valid address range, which is to
Make a note of the address and port that you enter on this page; you will need
them later.
■ Make a note of the hostname and port for the Oracle HTTP Server instance;
you will need them later.
2. For the second middle tier, install a J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite

Product and Installation Overview 1-15

Recommended Topologies

Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, as
described in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite".
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the
■ On the Administration Settings screen, select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Access this OC4J
Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server. Specify the hostname and port
for the middle tier you installed in Step 1 of this procedure.
On this same screen, select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology and specify the same cluster discovery
address as you specified in Step 1 of this procedure.
3. For the third middle tier, install a J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite instance.
Perform an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, as
described in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite".
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the
■ On the Administration Settings screen, do not select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance.
■ On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Access this OC4J
Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server. Specify the hostname and port
for the middle tier you installed in Step 1 of this procedure.
On this same screen, select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology and specify the same cluster discovery
address as you specified in Step 1 of this procedure.
4. Configure Java Single Sign-On. Perform the following steps on the second Oracle
Application Server instance you just installed (Oracle_Home2 in Figure 1–8):
a. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
b. Scroll to the Administration section and click Java SSO Configuration.
The Java SSO Configuration page appears.
c. Click Participating Applications.
The applications are listed.
d. Click the check box for the following applications to be Java SSO enabled:
– orabpel (for Oracle BPEL Process Manager)
– esb-dt (for Oracle Enterprise Service Bus)
– ccore (for Oracle Web Services Manager)
– ascontrol (for Application Server Control Console)
e. Click Apply.
A confirmation message appears that the SSO configuration was completed
and will take effect after the instances are restarted.
f. Click Restart.
A confirmation message appears.

1-16 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Recommended Topologies

g. Click Yes.
The instance is restarted.
h. To configure JSSO for OWSM, perform the following steps:
– Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin.
– Edit the ORACLE_HOME/owsm/bin/install.properties file to set the
install.sso.support property to true.
– Run the following command:
prompt> wsmadmin.sh deploy password console

In the preceding commands, password is the OC4J administrator pass-

i. Reconfigure the owsm console application with the OID security provider as
described in "Steps to Use the Oracle Identity Management Security Provider"
and "Settings for Authentication Method with Oracle Identity Management" in
the Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide, Chapter 8.

Product and Installation Overview 1-17

Recommended Topologies

1-18 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


Before installing Oracle Application Server, ensure that your computer meets the
requirements described in this chapter.

Table 2–1 Sections in This Chapter

Section Highlights
Section 2.1, "Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain Describes how to find the most current requirements for Oracle
the Latest Oracle Application Server Application Server 10g Release 3 (
Hardware and Software Requirements"
Section 2.2, "System Requirements" Lists requirements such as supported processor speed, memory,
disk space, and swap space.
Section 2.3, "Software Requirements" Lists requirements such as supported operating systems,
operating system patches, software packages, and Linux x86-64
certification informations.
Section 2.4, "Set Shell Limits for the oracle Lists the shell limits for the oracle user.
Section 2.5, "Ports" Describes how to configure components to use ports other than
the default ports.
Section 2.6, "Operating System Groups" Describes why the operating system user who installs Oracle
Application Server should belong to certain operating system
Section 2.7, "Operating System User" Describes why you should create an operating system user to
install Oracle Application Server.
Section 2.8, "Requirements for the Database" Describes the requirements for the database used by SOA
Section 2.9, "Installing Database Schemas" Describes how to install the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM
database schemas into your Oracle database.
Section 2.10, "Environment Variables" Describes how to set or unset environment variables required for
Section 2.11, "Network Topics" Describes network issues such as installing Oracle Application
Server on a remote computer, using a remote
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive, or installing from a hard disk.
Section 2.12, "Prerequisite Checks Performed Lists the items checked by the installer, such as length of the
by the Installer" Oracle home name and whether or not the Oracle home directory
already contains another Oracle product.

Requirements 2-1
Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain the Latest Oracle Application Server Hardware and Software Requirements

2.1 Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain the Latest Oracle Application Server

Hardware and Software Requirements
The Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( hardware and software
requirements included in this guide were accurate at the time this manual was
released to manufacturing. For the most up-to-date information about hardware and
software requirements, refer to OracleMetaLink:

After logging into OracleMetaLink, click Certify. From the resulting Web page, you can
view the latest certifications by product, platform, and product availability.

2.2 System Requirements

Table 2–2 lists the system requirements for running Oracle Application Server. The
installer checks many of these requirements at the start of the installation process and
warns you if any of them is not met. To save time, you can manually check only the
ones that are not checked by the installer. Refer to Table 2–2 to see which requirements
are not checked by the installer.
You can also run the system checks performed by the installer without doing an
installation, by running the runInstaller command as shown. The runInstaller
command is on the Oracle Application Server CD-ROM (Disk 1) or DVD-ROM (in the
application_server directory).
prompt> mount_point/runInstaller -executeSysPrereqs

prompt> mount_point/application_server/runInstaller -executeSysPrereqs

The results are displayed on the screen as well as written to a log file. For more
information on the types of checks performed, see Section 2.12, "Prerequisite Checks
Performed by the Installer".

Table 2–2 System Requirements

Item Requirement
Network You can install Oracle Application Server on a computer that is connected to a network, or
on a "standalone" computer (not connected to the network).
If you are installing Oracle Application Server on a standalone computer, you can connect
the computer to a network after installation. You have to perform some configuration tasks
when you connect it to the network; see the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide
for details.
Checked by Installer: No
IP The computer’s IP address can be static or allocated using DHCP. If you later change the IP
configuration, see the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide for information on
reconfiguring Oracle Application Server. See Section 2.11.1, "Installing on a DHCP Host" for
additional requirements.
Checked by Installer: No
Hostname Ensure that your hostnames are not longer than 255 characters.
Checked by Installer: No

2-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

System Requirements

Table 2–2 (Cont.) System Requirements

Item Requirement
Processor type Pentium (32-bit)
To determine the processor type, run the following command:
prompt> cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name
model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz

Checked by Installer: No
Processor Speed 300 MHz or faster
To determine the processor speed, run the following command:
prompt> cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz
cpu MHz : 2992.553

Checked by Installer: Yes

Memory 512 MB
The memory requirement provided represents enough physical memory to install and run
Oracle Application Server. However, for most production sites, you should configure at
least 1 GB of physical memory. For sites with substantial traffic, increasing the amount of
memory further may improve your performance. For Java applications, you should either
increase the maximum heap allocated to the OC4J processes, or configure additional OC4J
processes to utilize this memory. See the Oracle Application Server Performance Guide for
To determine the optimal amount of memory for your installation, the best practice is to
load test your site. Resource requirements can vary substantially for different applications
and different usage patterns. In addition, some operating system utilities for monitoring
memory can overstate memory usage (partially due to the representation of shared
memory). The preferred method for determining memory requirements is to monitor the
improvement in performance resulting from the addition of physical memory in your load
test. Refer to your platform vendor documentation for information on how to configure
memory and processor resources for testing purposes.
■ The installer checks the amount of memory on your computer and will warn you if
your computer does not meet the minimum memory requirements.
To determine the amount of memory, enter the following command:
prompt> grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

Checked by Installer: Yes

Disk space ■ Basic Installation: J2EE Server and Oracle SOA Suite: 1 GB
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server, and Oracle SOA Suite: 1.05 GB
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web Server: 650 MB
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server: 625 MB
■ Advanced Installation: Web Server: 500 MB
The installer may display inaccurate disk space requirement figures. Refer to the figures
listed above for disk space requirements.
To determine the amount of free disk space, use the df command:
prompt> df -k dir

Replace dir with the Oracle home directory or with the parent directory if the Oracle home
directory does not exist yet. For example, if you plan to install Oracle Application Server in
/opt/oracle/j2ee, you can replace dir with /opt/oracle or /opt/oracle/j2ee.
Checked by Installer: Yes

Requirements 2-3
Software Requirements

Table 2–2 (Cont.) System Requirements

Item Requirement
Space in /tmp or 400 MB
To determine the amount of free disk space in the /tmp directory, use the df command:
prompt> df -k /tmp

If the /tmp directory does not have enough free space, you can specify a different directory
by setting the TMP or TMPDIR environment variable. See Section 2.10.5, "TMP and
TMPDIR" for details.
Checked by Installer: Yes
Swap space 512 MB of available swap space
To determine the amount of available swap space, enter the following command:
prompt> grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information on how to configure
additional swap space.
Checked by Installer: Yes
Monitor 256 color display
To determine your monitor’s display capabilities, run the following command:
prompt> /usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo

Look for the "depths" line. You need a depth of at least 8 (bits per pixel).
Checked by Installer: Yes
Supported browsers Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g is supported on the following browsers:
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 (supported on Microsoft Windows only)
■ Netscape 7.2
■ Mozilla 1.7. You can download Mozilla from http://www.mozilla.org.
■ Firefox 1.0.4. You can download Firefox from http://www.mozilla.org.
■ Safari 1.2, 2.0 (on Apple Macintosh computers)
For the most current list of supported browsers, check the OracleMetaLink site
Checked by Installer: No. However, if you access Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g using a
non-supported browser, you will get a warning message.

2.2.1 Installing from the Console or X Windows

If you are performing the installation from the console or X Windows, then add the
following line to the /etc/pam.d/xdm file:
session required pam_limits.so

2.3 Software Requirements

Depending on your distribution of Linux, see one of the following sections for
information on checking the software requirements:
■ Section 2.3.1, "Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0

2-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Software Requirements

■ Section 2.3.2, "Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0
■ Section 2.3.3, "Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems"
Oracle does not support customized kernels or modules not supported by the Linux
You can install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( on a Linux system
that is not on a network and you can install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3
( on a Linux system that is configured to use DHCP. If you want to install
Oracle Application Server on a computer that is not on a network you must configure
the computer to use either a static IP address or a loopback IP address. Configure the
computer to resolve the hostname of the computer to either a static IP address or a
loopback IP address.

2.3.1 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems
Table 2–3 lists the software requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0
systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system
meets these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle
Application Server.

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 4.0 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 are certified and supported. For the most current
list of supported Linux Operating Systems, check OracleMetaLink

Table 2–3 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems

Item Requirement
Operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0
For more information on Red Hat, see:

Red Hat Update Update 3

Requirements 2-5
Software Requirements

Table 2–3 (Cont.) Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0

Item Requirement
Software glibc-2.3.2-95.27
packages glibc-common-2.3.2-95.27
(check that these binutils-
versions or compat-glibc-7.x-
higher versions compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.128
are installed) compat-libstdc++-devel-7.3-2.96.128

Note: For Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, the equivalent version of
openmotif 2.1.30-8 is openmotif21-2.1.30-8. The
openmotif21-2.1.30-8 package can be installed from disk number 3
of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 distribution by entering:
$ rpm -ivh openmotif21-2.1.30-8
64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, Update 3 or higher, is certified on
Certification AMD64 and Intel EM64T. The following packages (or higher versions) are
glibc-3.2.3-95.27.i686.rpm (32-bit)
glibc-devel-3.2.3-95.27.i386.rpm (32-bit)
libgcc-3.2.3-20.i386.rpm (32-bit)
compat-glibc-7.x- (32-bit)
gnome-libs- (32-bit)
compat-db-4.0.14-5.1.i386.rpm (32-bit)

Note the following:

■ To install 32-bit packages on a 64-bit system, you may need to use
the --force option and the --nodeps option of the rpm utility.
■ Always use 32-bit shell emulation, use the following command
before running the installer and any other Oracle Application Server
commands or scripts:
# linux32 bash

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:
1. Log in as the root user.

2-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Software Requirements

2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the

following command:
# cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 4.0 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 are certified and supported. For the most current
list of supported Linux Operating Systems, check OracleMetaLink

3. To check that Update 3 is installed:

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 3)

4. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to

the following:
# rpm -q package_name

If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

# rpm -i package_name

When installing a package, make sure you are using the correct architecture and
optimization rpm file. To check the architecture of an rpm file, run the following
# rpm -q package_name --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

In the following example, the glibc rpm file is suitable for an Intel architecture
# rpm -q glibc --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

5. If the hugemem kernel is used, set the architecture using following command:
prompt> setarch i386

2.3.2 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems
Table 2–4 lists the software requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0
systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system
meets these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle
Application Server.

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 4.0 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 are certified and supported. For the most current
list of supported Linux Operating Systems, check OracleMetaLink

Requirements 2-7
Software Requirements

Table 2–4 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems

Item Requirement
Operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0
For more information on Red Hat, see:

Red Hat Update Update 1

Software glibc-2.3.4-2.9
packages glibc-common-2.3.4-2.9
(check that these binutils-
versions or compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2
higher versions gcc-3.4.3-22.1
are installed) gcc-c++-3.4.3-22.1

2-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Software Requirements

Table 2–4 (Cont.) Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0

Item Requirement
64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0, Update 1 or higher, is certified on
Certification AMD64 and Intel EM64T. The following packages (or higher versions) are
compat-db-4.1.25-9.i386.rpm (32-bit)
glibc-2.3.4-2.9.i686.rpm (32-bit)
libstdc++-3.4.3-22.1.i386.rpm (32-bit)
libstdc++-devel-3.4.3-22.1.i386.rpm (32-bit)
openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4.i386.rpm (32-bit)

Note the following:

■ To install 32-bit packages on a 64-bit system, you may need to use
the --force option and the --nodeps option of the rpm utility.
■ Always use 32-bit shell emulation, use the following command
before running the installer and any other Oracle Application Server
commands or scripts:
# linux32 bash

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:
1. Log in as the root user.
2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the
following command:
# cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 4.0 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 are certified and supported. For the most current
list of supported Linux Operating Systems, check OracleMetaLink

3. To check that Update 1 is installed:

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)

Requirements 2-9
Software Requirements

4. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to

the following:
# rpm -q package_name

If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

# rpm -i package_name

When installing a package, make sure you are using the correct architecture and
optimization rpm file. To check the architecture of an rpm file, run the following
# rpm -q package_name --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

In the following example, the glibc rpm file is suitable for an Intel architecture
# rpm -q glibc --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

5. If the hugemem kernel is used, set the architecture using following command:
prompt> setarch i386

2.3.3 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems

Table 2–5 lists the software requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 systems
and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system meets
these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle Application

Note: Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( is

certified with the following Operating System specific software. For
the most current list of supported Operating System specific
software, for example JDK version, Operating System version,
check OracleMetaLink (http://metalink.oracle.com).

Table 2–5 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems

Item Requirement
Operating SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
For more information on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, see:

2-10 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Software Requirements

Table 2–5 (Cont.) Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems

Item Requirement
Software glibc-2.3.3-98.28
packages gcc-3.3.3-43.24
(check that these gcc-c++-3.3.3-43.24
versions or libstdc++-3.3.3-43.24
higher versions libstdc++-devel-3.3.3-43.24
are installed) openmotif21-libs-2.1.30MLI4-119.1

64-bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is certified on AMD64 and Intel EM64T.
Certification The following packages (or higher versions) are required:
libgcc-3.2.3-20.i386.rpm (32-bit)

Always use 32-bit shell emulation, use the following command before
running the installer and any other Oracle Application Server commands
or scripts:
# linux32 bash

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:
1. Log in as the root user.
2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the
following command:

Requirements 2-11
Software Requirements

prompt> cat /etc/issue

Welcome to SuSE Linux 9.0 (i686) - Kernel \r (\l).

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 4.0 and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9 are certified and supported. For the most
current list of supported Linux Operating Systems, check
OracleMetaLink (http://metalink.oracle.com).

3. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to

the following:
prompt> rpm -q package_name

If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

prompt> rpm -i package_name

When installing a package, make sure you are using the correct architecture and
optimization rpm file. To check the architecture of an rpm file, run the following
prompt> rpm -q package_name --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

In the following example, the glibc rpm file is suitable for an Intel architecture
prompt> rpm -q glibc --queryformat "%{arch}\n"

4. Create the following symbolic link for the Perl executable if it does not already
prompt> ln -sf /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl

5. Create the following symbolic link for the fuser executable if it does not already
prompt> ln -sf /bin/fuser /sbin/fuser

6. If the orarun package was installed on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server system,
complete the following steps as the oracle user to reset the environment:
a. Enter the following commands:
prompt> cd /etc/profile.d
prompt> mv oracle.csh oracle.csh.bak
prompt> mv oracle.sh oracle.sh.bak
prompt> mv alljava.sh alljava.sh.bak
prompt> mv alljava.csh alljava.csh.bak

b. Use any text editor to comment out the following line from the
$HOME/.profile file:
. ./.oracle

c. Log out of the oracle user account.

d. Log into the oracle user account for the changes to take effect.
7. If any Java packages are installed on the system, unset the Java environment
variables, for example JAVA_HOME.

2-12 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Set Shell Limits for the oracle User

Note: Oracle recommends that you do not install any of the Java
packages supplied with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

8. If you use Network Information Service (NIS):

a. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/yp.conf file:
hostname.domainname broadcast

b. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file:
hosts: files nis dns

9. Make sure that the localhost entry in the /etc/hosts file is an IPv4 entry. If
the IP entry for localhost is IPv6 format, installation cannot succeed. The
following example shows an IPv6 entry:
prompt> special IPv6 addresses
::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
::1 ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

To correct this example /etc/hosts file, comment the localhost entry as follows:
prompt> special IPv6 addresses
prompt> ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
::1 ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

To comment the entries, you can use the perl script included in the
utils/4015045/ directory of CD-ROM Disk 1 and in the application_
server/utils/4015045/ directory on the DVD-ROM. Run the script as the
root user. This script is also available as patch 4015045. This patch is available

2.4 Set Shell Limits for the oracle User

The following table contains the recommended shell limits for the oracle user,
depending on the user's default shell.

Bourne or Bash Shell

Limit Korn Shell Limit C or tcsh Shell Limit Hard Limit
nofile nofile descriptors 65536
noproc processes maxproc 16384

To increase the shell limits:

1. Add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf file:
* soft nproc 2047
* hard nproc 16384
* soft nofile 2048
* hard nofile 65536

2. Add the following line to the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already exist:

Requirements 2-13

session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so

3. Depending on the oracle user's default shell, make the following changes to the
default shell start-up file:
■ For the Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, add the following lines to the
/etc/profile file:
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
ulimit -p 16384
ulimit -n 65536
ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

■ For the C or tcsh shell, add the following lines to the /etc/csh.login file:
if ( $USER == "oracle" ) then
limit maxproc 16384
limit descriptors 65536

2.5 Ports
Many Oracle Application Server components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use ports.
You can have the installer assign default port numbers, or use port numbers that you
■ Section 2.5.1, "Checking If a Port Is in Use"
■ Section 2.5.2, "Using Default Port Numbers"
■ Section 2.5.3, "Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)"

Why the Default Port for Oracle HTTP Server Is Port 7777 and Not Port 80
By default, the installer configures Oracle HTTP Server to use port 7777, not port 80.
Port 7777 is the default port because on UNIX, components that use port numbers
lower than 1024 require additional steps to be done as the root user before the
components can run. Because the installer does not have root access, it has to use a
port greater than 1024.
If you want Oracle HTTP Server to use a different port, such as port 80, use the "static
ports" feature, which enables you to specify port numbers for components. Although
you can change the port number after installation, it is easier to set the port number
during installation.

2.5.1 Checking If a Port Is in Use

To check if a port is being used, you can run the netstat command as follows:
prompt> netstat -an | grep portnum

2.5.2 Using Default Port Numbers

If you want to use the default port numbers for components, you do not have to do
anything. See Appendix B, "Default Port Numbers" for a list of the default port

2-14 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


numbers and ranges. Make sure that at least one port is available in the port range for
each component. If the installer is unable to find a free port in the range, the
installation will fail.

2.5.3 Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)

To instruct the installer to assign custom port numbers for components:
1. Create a file containing the component names and port numbers. Section,
"Format of the staticports.ini File" describes the file format. This file is typically
called the staticports.ini file, but you can name it anything you want.
2. In the installer, on the Specify Port Configuration Options screen, select Manual
and enter the full path to the staticports.ini file.
If you do not specify the full path to the file, the installer will not be able to find
the file. The installer will then assign default ports for all the components, and it
will do this without displaying any warning. Format of the staticports.ini File

The staticports.ini file has the following format. Replace port_num with the port
number that you want to use for the component.
Oracle HTTP Server port = port_num
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = port_num
Oracle Notification Server Request port = port_num
Oracle Notification Server Local port = port_num
Oracle Notification Server Remote port = port_num
ASG port = port_num

The easiest way to create the file is to use the staticports.ini file on the CD-ROM
(Disk 1) or DVD-ROM as a template:
1. Copy the staticports.ini file from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM to your hard

Table 2–6 Location of the staticports.ini File on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM

Media Location of staticports.ini File
CD-ROM Disk 1: mount_point/stage/Response/staticports.ini
DVD-ROM mount_point/application_server/stage/Response/staticports.ini

2. Edit the local copy (the file on the hard disk) to include the desired port numbers.
You do not need to specify port numbers for all components in the
staticports.ini file. If a component is not listed in the file, the installer uses
the default port number for that component.
The following example sets the Oracle HTTP Server ports and some Oracle
Process Manager and Notification Server ports. For components not specified, the
installer will assign the default port numbers.
Oracle HTTP Server port = 2000
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 2001
Oracle Notification Server Request port = 2002
Oracle Notification Server Local port = 2003

When installation is complete, you can run the following commands to see the
assigned ports:

Requirements 2-15

prompt> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

prompt> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status -l

Notes on Choosing Port Numbers:

■ Port numbers cannot be greater than 65535.
■ If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, you
must run the component as the root user.
■ If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, the
installer will not be able to start up the component at the end of
installation. You may need to configure the component first
before you can start it up. See the appropriate component
documentation for details.
■ If you plan to set port numbers for Oracle HTTP Server, be sure
you read Section, "Ports for Oracle HTTP Server".

The installer verifies that the ports specified in the file are available by checking
memory. This means that it can only detect ports that are being used by running
processes. It does not look in configuration files to determine which ports an
application is using.
If the installer detects that a specified port is not available, it displays an alert. The
installer will not assign a port that is not available. To fix this:
1. Edit the staticports.ini file to specify a different port, or shut down the
application that is using the port.
2. Click Retry. The installer re-reads the staticports.ini file and verifies the
entries in the file again. Error Conditions that Will Cause the Installer to Use Default Ports Instead
of Specified Ports
Check your staticports.ini file carefully because a mistake can cause the installer
to use default ports without displaying any warning. Here are some things that you
should check:
■ If you specify the same port for more than one component, the installer will use
the specified port for the first component, but for the other components, it will use
the components’ default ports. The installer does not warn you if you have
specified the same port for multiple components.
■ If you specify different ports for one component on multiple lines, the installer
assigns the default port for the component. The installer does not warn you if you
have specified different ports for one component.
■ If you specify the same port for one component on multiple lines, the installer
assigns the default port for the component. The installer does not warn you if you
have specified the same port on multiple lines.
■ If you have syntax errors in the staticports.ini file (for example, if you
omitted the = character for a line), the installer ignores the line. For the
components specified on such lines, the installer assigns the default ports. The
installer does not display a warning for lines with syntax errors.

2-16 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


■ If you misspell a component name, the installer assigns the default port for the
component. Names of components in the file are case sensitive. The installer does
not display a warning for lines with unrecognized names.
■ If you specify a non-numeric value for the port number, the installer ignores the
line and assigns the default port number for the component. It does this without
displaying any warning.
■ If you specify a relative path to the staticports.ini file (for example,
"./staticports.ini" or just "staticports.ini"), the installer will not find
the file. The installer continues without displaying a warning and it will assign
default ports to all components. You must specify a full path to the
staticports.ini file. Ports for Oracle HTTP Server

Be sure you understand the following when setting ports for this component.
In the httpd.conf file for Oracle HTTP Server, the Port and the Listen directives
specify the ports used by Oracle HTTP Server (Figure 2–1). You must set both
directives to use the same port number.
To set these ports, use the "Oracle HTTP Server port" and "Oracle HTTP Server Listen
port" lines in the staticports.ini file. For example:
Oracle HTTP Server port = 8080
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 8080

To set the SSL version of these ports, use the following lines. As in the non-SSL
version, the port numbers must be the same.
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 443
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 443

Figure 2–1 Configuring Oracle HTTP Server

Line in staticports.ini
Uses this directive
to set the value for the
in the httpd.conf file

Port Oracle HTTP Server port

Oracle HTTP Server
Listen Oracle HTTP Server Listen port

Note: You must specify the same port number for both directives. staticports.ini Example In this scenario, configure Oracle HTTP Server to use
ports 80 and 443. Create a staticports.ini file that includes the following lines:
Oracle HTTP Server port = 80
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 80
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 443
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 443

Requirements 2-17
Operating System Groups

Note: Because you are using ports less than 1024, you have to
configure Oracle HTTP Server to run as the root user. You can
perform the configuration during installation or after installation.
■ You can choose to perform the configuration after installation,
but note that the installer will not be able to start up the
components (because they are not yet configured).
For details, see the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator’s Guide.

2.6 Operating System Groups

If you plan to install Oracle Application Server on a computer that does not have
Oracle products, you need to create an operating system group to own the "inventory"
directory. See Section 2.6.1, "Create a Group for the Inventory Directory".
To create a local operating system group:
Enter the following command to create the oinstall group:
# /usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall

For more information about operating system users and groups, see your operating
system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.6.1 Create a Group for the Inventory Directory

If you plan to install Oracle Application Server on a computer that does not have
Oracle products, create a group to own the inventory directory. The installer writes its
files in the inventory directory to keep track of the Oracle products installed on the
This guide uses the name oinstall for this operating system group.
By having a separate group for the inventory directory, you allow different users to
install Oracle products on the computer. Users need write permission for the inventory
directory. They can achieve this by belonging to the oinstall group.
For the first time installation of any Oracle product on a computer, the installer
displays a screen where you enter a group name for the inventory directory, and a
screen where you enter the location of the inventory directory.
The default name of the inventory directory is oraInventory.
If you are unsure if there is already an inventory directory on the computer, look in the
/etc/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the inventory directory and the
group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer does not have Oracle
products installed on it.

2.7 Operating System User

Create an operating system user to install and upgrade Oracle products. This guide
refers to this user as the oracle user. The oracle user running the installer must
have write permission for these directories:
■ the Oracle home directory, which contains files for the product you are installing
■ the inventory directory, which is used by the installer for all Oracle products

2-18 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Requirements for the Database

If the computer contains other Oracle products, you might already have a user for this
purpose. Look in the /etc/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the
inventory directory and the group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer
does not have Oracle products installed on it.
If you do not already have a user for installing Oracle products, create a user with the
following properties:

Table 2–7 Properties of the Operating System User Who Runs the Installer
Item Description
Login name You can use any name for the user. This guide refers to the user as the
oracle user.
Group identifier The primary group of the oracle user must have write permission for
the oraInventory directory. See Section 2.6.1, "Create a Group for the
Inventory Directory" for more information about this group.
You can use any name for the group. This guide uses the name
Home directory The home directory for the oracle user can be consistent with the
home directories of other users.
Login shell The default login shell can be the C, Bourne, or Korn shell.

Note: Use the oracle user only for installing and running Oracle
products. Do not use root as the oracle user.

To create a local operating system user:

1. To create the oracle user, enter a command similar to the following:
# /usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G dba[,oper] oracle

In this command:
– The -g option specifies the primary group, which must be the Oracle
Inventory group, for example oinstall
– The -G option specifies the secondary groups, which must include the OSDBA
group and if required, the OSOPER group, for example dba or dba,oper
2. Set the password of the oracle user:
# passwd oracle

To check which groups an operating system user belongs to, run the groups
command with the name of the user. For example:
prompt> groups oracle

For more information about operating system users and groups, see your operating
system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.8 Requirements for the Database

If you are performing a basic installation or an advanced installation of the J2EE
Server, Web Server and SOA Suite install type, the database for SOA suite must be one
of the following versions:

Requirements 2-19
Installing Database Schemas

Table 2–8 Supported Database Versions

Database Series Supported Versions
Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2.x) or later
Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1.x) or later
Oracle Database Express Edition 10g Release 2
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2.x) or later

To check the release of your database, query the PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION

prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
SQL> select version from product_component_version where product like ’Oracle%9i%’
or product like ’Oracle%Database%’;

password specifies the password for the SYS user.

You must install the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM into your Oracle database before
you begin the installation. See Section 2.9, "Installing Database Schemas" for more
information on loading these schemas.

Note: You can use an Oracle Database that contains Oracle

Application Server 10g Release 2 ( Metadata Repository
with the 10g Release 3 ( installation. If OracleAS Metadata
Repository is installed on your Oracle Database, you still must
install the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM schemas.

2.9 Installing Database Schemas

If you are performing a basic installation or an advanced installation of the J2EE
Server, Web Server and SOA Suite install type, you must install the ORABPEL, ORAESB,
and ORAWSM schemas into your Oracle database before you begin the installation. To
do so:
1. On Oracle Application Server Disk 1, go to the install/soa_schemas/irca
2. Run the irca.sh script.

2.10 Environment Variables

The operating system user who will be installing Oracle Application Server needs to
set (or unset) the following environment variables.
Table 2–9 summarizes whether you set or unset an environment variable.

Table 2–9 Environment Variable Summary

Environment variable Set or Unset
PATH, CLASSPATH, and Must not contain references to directories in any Oracle home
LD_LIBRARY_PATH directories
DISPLAY Set it to the monitor where you want to the installer window to
TMP and TMPDIR Optional. If unset, defaults to /tmp.

2-20 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Environment Variables

Table 2–9 (Cont.) Environment Variable Summary

Environment variable Set or Unset
ANT_HOME Must not be set.
TNS_ADMIN Must not be set.
ORA_NLS Must not be set.
LD_BIND_NOW Must not be set.

2.10.1 Environment Variable Tips

Here are some tips when working with environment variables:
■ If you set environment variables in the .profile file, they might not be read. To
ensure environment variables are set to the correct values, check their values in the
shell where you will be running the installer.
■ To check the value of environment variables, use the env command. This displays
all the currently defined environment variables and their values.
% env

■ If you use the su command to switch users (for example, switching from the root
user to the oracle user), check the environment variables when you are the new
user because the environment variables might not be passed to the new user. This
can happen even if you run su with the - parameter (su - user).
# /* root user */
# su - oracle
% env


Edit your PATH, CLASSPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so
that they do not reference any Oracle home directories.

2.10.3 DISPLAY
Set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to the X server that will display the
installer. The format of the DISPLAY environment variable is:

Example (C shell):
% setenv DISPLAY test.mydomain.com:0.0

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

$ DISPLAY=test.mydomain.com:0.0; export DISPLAY

You can test the display by running the xclock program:

$ xclock &

Oracle Application Server requires a running X server during installation only. The
frame buffer X server installed with your operating system requires that you remain
logged in and have the frame buffer running during installation. If you do not wish to

Requirements 2-21
Environment Variables

do this, then you must use a virtual frame buffer, such as X Virtual Frame Buffer
(XVFB) or Virtual Network Computing (VNC).
Visit Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technology) for
information about obtaining and installing XVFB or other virtual frame buffer
solutions. Search OTN for "frame buffer".

2.10.4 TNS_ADMIN
This section describes two requirements:
■ The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must not be set. If set, it can cause errors
during installation.
■ The /etc directory must not contain a tnsnames.ora file.
These requirements are necessary to prevent conflicts between the Net configuration
files for different Oracle products.
If you need to set TNS_ADMIN or if you have the tnsnames.ora file in /etc, do the
following steps before installing Oracle Application Server.
1. If you have the tnsnames.ora file in /etc, move the file from this directory to a
different directory. Alternatively, you can rename the file.
2. Make sure the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is not set.
Example (C shell):
% unsetenv TNS_ADMIN

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

$ unset TNS_ADMIN

After installation, you can merge the contents of the newly created tnsnames.ora
file with your existing tnsnames.ora file.

2.10.5 TMP and TMPDIR

The installer uses a temporary directory for swap space. The installer checks for the
TMP and TMPDIR environment variables to locate the temporary directory. If this
environment variable does not exist, the installer uses the /tmp directory.
If you want the installer to use a temporary directory other than /tmp, set the TMP
and TMPDIR environment variables to the full path of an alternate directory. The
oracle user must have right permission for this directory and the directory must
meet the requirements listed in Table 2–2.
Example (C shell):
% setenv TMP /tmp2
% setenv TMPDIR /tmp2

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

$ TMP=/tmp2; export TMP
$ TMPDIR=/tmp2; export TMPDIR

If you do not set this environment variable, and the default directory does not have
enough space, then the installer displays an error message that says the environment
variable is not set. You can either set the environment variable to point to a different

2-22 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Network Topics

directory or free up enough space in the default directory. In either case, you have to
restart the installation.

2.10.6 ANT_HOME
To make sure that the Oracle Application Server installation completes successfully,
unset this environment variable.
% unset ANT_HOME

Additionally, you must either remove the /etc/ant.conf file or comment out the
line in the /etc/ant.conf file that incorrectly sets the ANT_HOME environmental

2.10.7 ORA_NLS
To make sure that the Oracle Application Server installation completes successfully,
unset this environment variable.
$ unset ORA_NLS

2.10.8 LD_BIND_NOW
To make sure that the Oracle Application Server installation completes successfully,
unset this environment variable.
$ unset LD_BIND_NOW

2.11 Network Topics

Typically, the computer on which you want to install Oracle Application Server is
connected to the network, has local storage to contain the Oracle Application Server
installation, has a display monitor, and has a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server on computers that do
not meet the typical scenario. It covers the following cases:
■ Section 2.11.1, "Installing on a DHCP Host"
■ Section 2.11.2, "Installing on Multihomed (Multi-IP) Computers"
■ Section 2.11.3, "Copying CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to Hard Drive, and Installing
from the Hard Drive"
■ Section 2.11.4, "Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive"
■ Section 2.11.5, "Installing on Remote Computers"

2.11.1 Installing on a DHCP Host

If you are installing Oracle Application Server in a DHCP network you must use a
loopback configuration. To access the Oracle Application Server, you need to use a
local browser. Perform the following steps to install Oracle Application Server in a
DHCP network:

Requirements 2-23
Network Topics

1. Find the IP address allocated from the DHCP server by running the following
$ /sbin/ifconfig -a

The IP address is associated with the interface configured to use DHCP.

2. Configure the host to resolve hostname to loopback IP address:
a. Configure the host to resolve hostname to loopback IP address, by modifying
the /etc/hosts file to contain the following entries: hostname.domainname hostname localhost.localdomain localhost

b. Check that the hostname resolves to the loopback IP address by entering the
following command:
$ /bin/ping hostname.domainname

3. Complete the Oracle Application Server installation as described in this guide

using the hostname used in step 2.

2.11.2 Installing on Multihomed (Multi-IP) Computers

You can install Oracle Application Server on a multihomed computer. A multihomed
computer is associated with multiple IP addresses. This is typically achieved by
having multiple network cards on the computer. Each IP address is associated with a
hostname; additionally, you can set up aliases for the hostname. By default, Oracle
Universal Installer uses the ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable setting to find
the hostname. If ORACLE_HOSTNAME is not set and you are installing on a computer
that has multiple network cards, Oracle Universal Installer determines the hostname
by using the first name in the /etc/hosts file.
Clients must be able to access the computer using this hostname (or using aliases for
this hostname). To check, ping the hostname from the client computers using the short
name (hostname only) and the full name (hostname and domain name). Both must

2.11.3 Copying CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to Hard Drive, and Installing from the Hard Drive
Instead of installing from the Oracle Application Server CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM, you
can copy the contents of the CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to a hard drive and install from
there. This might be easier if you plan to install many instances of Oracle Application
Server on your network, or if the computers where you want to install Oracle
Application Server do not have CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives.
(You can install from remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives; see Section 2.11.4,
"Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive".)
When you install from the hard drive, the installer does not prompt you to swap
CD-ROMs. It can find all the files if they are in the proper locations (see Figure 2–2).

Space Requirement
Ensure that the hard drive contains enough space to hold the contents of the
CD-ROMs or the application_server directory on the DVD-ROM. Each CD-ROM
contains approximately 650 MB. This means that if you are copying three CD-ROMs,
you need approximately 1.9 GB of disk space.
On the DVD-ROM, the application_server directory is approximately 1.6 GB.

2-24 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Network Topics

This space is in addition to the space required for installing Oracle Application Server
(listed in Table 2–2).

To Copy the CD-ROMs:

1. Create a directory structure on your hard drive as shown in Figure 2–2.
You need to create a parent directory (called OracleAS_10g in the example, but
you can name it anything you like), and, under the parent directory, create
subdirectories called Disk1, Disk2, and so on. The names of the subdirectories
must be DiskN, where N is the CD-ROM number.

Figure 2–2 Directory Structure for Copying CD-ROMs to Disk


Disk1 Disk2 Disk3

Contents Contents Contents

of Disk1 of Disk2 of Disk3

2. Copy the contents of each CD-ROM into the corresponding directory.

prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.3disk1/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/
prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.3disk2/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk2/
... Repeat for each CD-ROM.

To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from
the Disk1 directory. Run it from the computer that will be running Oracle Application
prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/runInstaller

To Copy the application_server Directory from the DVD-ROM

1. (optional) Create a directory to contain the application_server directory.
2. Copy the application_server directory from the DVD-ROM to your hard
prompt> cp -pr /dvd_mount_point/application_server /path/to/hard/drive

To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from
the computer that will be running Oracle Application Server:
prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/application_server/runInstaller

2.11.4 Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive

You can run the installer on a remote computer ("remote_computer"), but have the
installer screens display on your local computer ("local_computer"). The installer will
install Oracle Application Server on the remote computer.
1. Allow remote_computer to display on local_computer. You need to run this
command on the local computer’s console.
local_computer> xhost +remote_computer

Requirements 2-25
Network Topics

If you do not run xhost, you might get an Xlib error similar to "Failed to connect
to server", "Connection refused by server," or "Can’t open display" when starting
the installer.
2. On local_computer, perform a remote login (using telnet or rlogin) to remote_
computer. Log in as the oracle user, as described in Section 2.7, "Operating
System User". Ensure that the user has set the environment variables correctly, as
described in Section 2.10, "Environment Variables".
local_computer> rlogin -l oracle remote_computer.mydomain.com
- OR -
local_computer> telnet remote_computer.mydomain.com

3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable on remote_computer to point to local_

Example (C shell):
remote_computer> setenv DISPLAY local_computer.mydomain.com:0.0

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

remote_computer> DISPLAY=local_computer.mydomain.com:0.0; export DISPLAY

4. Run the installer. See Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal Installer".

Note: You can use a PC X emulator to run the installer if it

supports a PseudoColor color model or PseudoColor visual. Set the
PC X emulator to use a PseudoColor visual, and then start the
installer. Refer to the X emulator documentation for instructions on
how to change the color model or visual settings.

2.11.5 Installing on Remote Computers

You can run the installer on a remote computer ("remote_computer"), but have the
installer screens display on your local computer ("local_computer"). The installer will
install Oracle Application Server on the remote computer.
1. Allow remote_computer to display on local_computer. You need to run this
command on the local computer’s console.
local_computer> xhost +remote_computer

If you do not run xhost, you might get an Xlib error similar to "Failed to connect
to server", "Connection refused by server," or "Can’t open display" when starting
the installer.
2. On local_computer, perform a remote login (using telnet or rlogin) to remote_
computer. Log in as the oracle user, as described in Section 2.7, "Operating
System User". Ensure that the user has set the environment variables correctly, as
described in Section 2.10, "Environment Variables".
local_computer> rlogin -l oracle remote_computer.mydomain.com
- OR -
local_computer> telnet remote_computer.mydomain.com

3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable on remote_computer to point to local_

Example (C shell):

2-26 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Network Topics

remote_computer> setenv DISPLAY local_computer.mydomain.com:0.0

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

remote_computer> DISPLAY=local_computer.mydomain.com:0.0; export DISPLAY

4. Run the installer. See Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal Installer".

Note: You can use a PC X emulator to run the installer if it

supports a PseudoColor color model or PseudoColor visual. Set the
PC X emulator to use a PseudoColor visual, and then start the
installer. Refer to the X emulator documentation for instructions on
how to change the color model or visual settings.

2.11.6 Installing on NFS-Mounted Storage

To run Oracle Application Server on NFS systems, you have to use a certified
NFS-mounted storage system.
Currently Oracle Application Server is certified to run on these NFS systems:
■ Network Appliance (NetApp) filers
The NetApp system should be exported to at least the remote install user and remote
root user. You can do this using exportfs command:
prompt> exportfs -i /vol/vol1

Before installing, verify that the NFS mount setuid permission is set to suid. The
nosuid option will cause the install to fail.
To check the latest certification list for any updates, visit Oracle Technology Network

2.11.7 Running Multiple Instances from One Installation

Oracle Application Server components are intended to be run only on the computer
where they are installed. You cannot run the components on remote computers, even
though the computers can access the files through NFS.

Figure 2–3 Run Oracle Application Server Only on the Computer Where It Is Installed

Computer A

If OracleAS is installed
on this computer, OracleAS
components must run
on this computer only.
Although other computers can access OracleAS files installed on Computer A,
they should not run OracleAS components from that installation. For a computer
to run OracleAS components, it must have its own OracleAS installation.

2.11.8 Support for NIS and NIS+

You can install and run Oracle Application Server in NIS and NIS+ environments.

Requirements 2-27
Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

2.12 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Table 2–10 lists the checks performed by the installer:

Table 2–10 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Item Description
Processor See Table 2–2 for recommended values.
Operating system version See Section 2.3, "Software Requirements" for supported versions.
Operating system patches See Section 2.3, "Software Requirements" for a list of required patches.
Software packages See Section 2.3, "Software Requirements" for a list of required packages.
Memory See Table 2–2 for recommended values.
Swap space See Table 2–2 for recommended values.
TMP space See Table 2–2 for recommended values.
Instance name The installer checks that the computer on which you are installing Oracle
Application Server does not already have an instance of the same name.
Oracle home directory name The installer checks that the Oracle home directory name does not contain any
Path to Oracle home directory The installer checks that the path to the Oracle home directory is not longer than
127 characters.
Oracle home directory The installer checks that the Oracle home directory does not contain any files that
contents might interfere with the installation.
Oracle home directory You should install Oracle Application Server in a new directory. Here are some
examples of installations that are not allowed:
■ Oracle Application Server into an 8.0, 8i, 9.0.1, 9.2, or 10g database Oracle
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Management Service Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle HTTP Server standalone Oracle
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Web Cache standalone Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle9i Developer Suite 9.0.2 or Oracle
Developer Suite 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Containers for J2EE standalone
Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle9iAS Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an infrastructure 9.0.2, 9.0.4, 10g Release 2
(10.1.2), or 10g ( Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle9iAS 9.0.2, 9.0.3, 9.0.4, 10g Release 2
(10.1.2), or 10g Release 3 ( middle tier Oracle home
■ Oracle Application Server into an Oracle home installed from the Oracle
Business Intelligence 10g ( CD-ROM.
Static port conflicts The installer checks the ports listed in the staticports.ini file, if specified. See
Section 2.5, "Ports".
Monitor The installer checks that the monitor is configured to display at least 256 colors.
Display permission The installer checks that the user has permissions to display on the monitor
specified by the DISPLAY environment variable.
DISPLAY environment The installer checks that the DISPLAY environment variable is set.

2-28 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Table 2–10 (Cont.) Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Item Description
TNS_ADMIN environment The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must not be set.
There must not be a tnsnames.ora file in the /etc directory.
Cluster file system The installer checks that you are not installing Oracle Application Server in a
cluster file system (CFS).
glibc version check on Linux The installer runs this check only if you are installing on Linux. The installer
makes sure that the glibc version is glibc-2.3.2-95.27 or higher on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, glibc-2.3.4-2.9 or higher on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
AS/ES 4.0, and glibc-2.3.3-98.28 or higher on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.
Packages check on Linux The installer runs this check only if you are installing on Linux.The installer makes
sure that the mandatory packages are installed. For example, it checks the gcc,
sysstat and openmotif packages as specified in Table 2–3 for Red Hat Enterprise
Linux AS/ES 3.0 , Table 2–4 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0, and
Table 2–5 for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.

Requirements 2-29
Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

2-30 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Things You Should Know Before Starting the

■ Section 3.1, "Oracle Home Directory"
■ Section 3.2, "First-Time Installation of Any Oracle Product"
■ Section 3.3, "Installing Additional Languages"
■ Section 3.4, "Oracle Application Server Instances and Instance Names"
■ Section 3.5, "The oc4jadmin User and Restrictions on its Password"
■ Section 3.6, "Where Does the Installer Write Files?"
■ Section 3.7, "Why Do I Need to be Able to Log In as Root at Certain Times During
■ Section 3.8, "Running root.sh During Installation"
■ Section 3.9, "Rules for Adding Instances to OracleAS Clusters"
■ Section 3.10, "Obtaining Software from Oracle E-Delivery"
■ Section 3.11, "Setting the Mount Point for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM"
■ Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal Installer"

3.1 Oracle Home Directory

The directory in which you install Oracle Application Server is called the Oracle home.
During installation, you specify the full path to this directory.
For example, you can install Oracle Containers for J2EE in /opt/oracle/OraHome_

Notes: Spaces are not allowed anywhere in the Oracle home

directory path. For example, you cannot install in
"/opt/oracle/app server/OC4J" because of the space character
in "app server".

3.1.1 Naming Your Oracle Home

Each Oracle home directory is automatically given a name. The Oracle home name is
oracleasx, where x is a number that depends on how many Oracle Application
Server installations are on the system.

Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation 3-1

First-Time Installation of Any Oracle Product

For example, if you are performing your first installation of Oracle Application Server
on this system, then your Oracle home is named oracleas1.
If you deinstall Oracle Application Server, you will need to know the Oracle home

3.1.2 Installing in an Existing Oracle Home

Generally, you cannot install Oracle Application Server in an existing Oracle home. See
"Oracle home directory" on page 2-28 for a list of combinations that are not allowed.

3.1.3 Installing in a Non-Empty Oracle Home

You cannot install Oracle Application Server in a directory that already contains some
files, except for the cases mentioned in Section 3.1.2, "Installing in an Existing Oracle
Home". For example, if you cancel an installation, or if an installation failed, you have
to clean up the directory before you can reinstall Oracle Application Server in it. Also,
the installer cannot "repair" an installation.

3.2 First-Time Installation of Any Oracle Product

If Oracle Application Server is the first Oracle product to be installed on a computer,
the installer displays a screen where you specify an "inventory" directory (also called
the "oraInventory" directory). This inventory directory is used by the installer to keep
track of all Oracle products installed on the computer.
The inventory directory is separate from the Oracle home directory for Oracle
Application Server.
To ensure other users in the oinstall group have access to the inventory directory
(so that they can install Oracle products), do not use the oracle user’s home directory
as the inventory directory because home directories might not have the proper
permissions set up for the oinstall group. Instead, you can put the inventory
directory in the /opt/oracle directory (for example,
If you have installed an Oracle product previously on the computer, the installer uses
the existing inventory directory. Ensure that you have write permissions on that
directory. The best way of ensuring this is to run the installer as the same operating
system user who installed the existing Oracle products.
Oracle recommends creating an operating system user to perform all tasks related to
installation of Oracle products. See Section 2.7, "Operating System User".

3.3 Installing Additional Languages

By default, the installer installs Oracle Application Server with text in English and in
the operating system language. If you need additional languages, you must perform
an advanced installation and click the Product Languages button in the "Select
Installation Type" screen.
When you select additional languages to install, the installer installs text in the
selected languages. It also installs fonts required to display the languages.
For some components, languages are installed only if you select them during
installation. In this case, if you access the application in a language that is not
available, it will fall back on the server locale language.

3-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Oracle Application Server Instances and Instance Names

For other components, available languages are installed regardless of what you select
during installation. In this case, however, fonts are installed only for the languages that
are explicitly selected. When you access the application, it uses text in your language
because the language was installed. However, if you do not have the appropriate fonts
to render the text, the text appears as square boxes. This usually applies to the Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean languages.
You can install fonts after installation. See Section E.3.6, "User Interface Does Not
Display in the Desired Language, or Does Not Display Properly".
Note that you cannot install additional languages after installation. You must install
all languages that you need during installation. If you run Oracle Application Server
in an environment that uses a language that you did not install, the user interface can
display text in that language and/or in English, or it can display square boxes (caused
by missing fonts) instead of text.

3.4 Oracle Application Server Instances and Instance Names

When you install the middle tier, what you get is an Oracle Application Server
instance. The installer prompts you to provide a name for the Oracle Application
Server instance you are installing. For example, you can name an instance "J2EE". This
name can be different from the Oracle home name.
You cannot change this name after installation.
Oracle Application Server appends the hostname and domain name to the given
instance name to form a complete instance name. For example, if you are installing an
instance on a computer named c1, and you name the instance Oc4j1, then the full
name of the instance is Oc4j1.c1.mydomain.com, assuming the domain name is

Valid Characters in Instance Names

Instance names can consist only of the alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and the
_ (underscore) character.
The maximum length for an instance name is 63 characters.

Restrictions on Oracle Application Server Instance Names

Do not use the hostname of the computer when naming Oracle Application Server
If you are planning to place the Oracle Application Server instance in an OracleAS
Cluster, the instance name must not contain the following:
■ hostname or IP address of any computer in the OracleAS Cluster
■ Oracle home of any Oracle Application Server installation in the OracleAS Cluster

How Oracle Application Server Uses Instance Names

Instance names are important because Oracle Application Server uses them to
uniquely identify instances. This means that if you install multiple Oracle Application
Server instances on the same computer, you must give them different names.
When you administer Oracle Application Server using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g
Application Server Control (or Application Server Control for short), the instance
name appears on the screens. You can click the instance name to see details about the
instance, such as the components that are installed in that instance, if the components
are running or stopped, and the log files for the components. The Application Server

Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation 3-3

The oc4jadmin User and Restrictions on its Password

Control is a browser-based administration tool for Oracle Application Server. See the
Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for details about this administration tool.

3.5 The oc4jadmin User and Restrictions on its Password

If you select one of the following installation types, the installer prompts you to
specify the password for the oc4jadmin user:
■ Basic Installation
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web Server
■ Advanced Installation: J2EE Server
The oc4jadmin user is the administrative user for Oracle Application Server
instances. To manage Oracle Application Server instances using Application Server
Control, you log in as oc4jadmin.
On a computer, you can install multiple Oracle Application Server instances, each with
its own unique instance name, but the name of the administrative user is oc4jadmin
for all instances. The password for the oc4jadmin user can be different for each

Password for the oc4jadmin User

The password for the oc4jadmin user has these restrictions:
■ The minimum length is 5 characters.
■ The maximum length is 30 characters.
■ At least one of the characters must be a number.
■ Passwords can contain only alphanumeric characters from your database character
set, the underscore (_), the dollar sign ($), and the number sign (#).
■ Passwords must begin with an alphabetic character. Passwords cannot begin with
a number, the underscore (_), the dollar sign ($), or the number sign (#).
■ Passwords cannot be Oracle reserved words. The Oracle Database SQL Reference
lists the reserved words. You can find this guide on Oracle Technology Network
(http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation). Or you can just
avoid using words that sound like they might be reserved words.

Note: When entering your password, check that the state of the Caps
Lock key is what you want it to be. Passwords are case-sensitive.

You must remember the password because you need to enter it to perform the
following task:
■ When you log on to Application Server Control to manage Oracle Application
Server, you log on as the oc4jadmin user.
If you forget the password, you can reset it. See the Oracle Application Server
Administrator’s Guide for details.

3-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Running root.sh During Installation

Note: If you intend to register your installation with Oracle Internet

Directory after you finish installing, the password for the oc4jadmin
user must conform to Oracle Internet Directory’s password policy.
Check with your Oracle Internet Directory administrator to verify the
password policy.

3.6 Where Does the Installer Write Files?

The installer writes files to the following directories:

Table 3–1 Directories Where the Installer Writes Files

Directory Description
Oracle home directory This directory contains Oracle Application Server files. You
specify this directory when you install Oracle Application Server.
Inventory directory When you install the first Oracle product on a computer, you
specify this directory, which the installer uses to keep track of
which Oracle products are installed on the computer. In
subsequent installations, the installer uses the same inventory
/etc directory This directory contains information on locations of Oracle homes
on the computer.
If you installed Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) on your computer,
this directory also contains files that provide information for
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.
/tmp directory The installer writes files needed only during installation to a
"temporary" directory. By default, the "temporary" directory is
/tmp. To specify a different directory, set the TMP and TMPDIR
environment variables. See Section 2.10.5, "TMP and TMPDIR"
for details.

3.7 Why Do I Need to be Able to Log In as Root at Certain Times During

At least once during installation, the installer prompts you to log in as the root user
and run a script. You need to be root because the script edits files in the /etc

3.8 Running root.sh During Installation

The installer prompts you to run the root.sh script in a separate window. This script
creates files in the local bin directory (/usr/local/bin, by default).
If the script finds files of the same name, it prompts you if you want to override the
existing files. You should back up these files (you can do this from another window),
then overwrite them.
The following lines show the prompts from the root.sh script. The default values are
enclosed in square brackets.
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)[n]: y
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...

Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation 3-5

Rules for Adding Instances to OracleAS Clusters

The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)[n]: y

Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)[n]: y
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

3.9 Rules for Adding Instances to OracleAS Clusters

Instances that are added to OracleAS Clusters are subject to the following operating
system restrictions:
■ Instances in an OracleAS Cluster must be of the same installation type and version
and reside on a like operating system (Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX are like
operating systems).

3.10 Obtaining Software from Oracle E-Delivery

You can obtain Oracle products from Oracle E-Delivery at
http://edelivery.oracle.com/. Oracle products are distributed as "E-Packs".
An E-Pack is an electronic version of the software that is also available to Oracle
Customers on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM.

3.10.1 Finding and Downloading the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3
( E-Pack
Refer to the CD/Media Pack description or the list of products that you purchased on
your Oracle Ordering Document. Then, view the License List to help you decide which
Product Pack you need to select in order to search for the appropriate E-Pack(s) to
download. Prior to downloading, verify that the product you are looking for is in the
License and Options section of the E-Pack README. Oracle recommends that you
print the README for reference.

3.10.2 Finding Required and Optional Downloads

Refer to the README link that is on each E-Pack Download page. In addition to
listing the licensable products and options contained in the pack, the README lists
downloadable files that are required to run each product and which downloadable
files are optional. Oracle recommends that you print the README for reference.

3.10.3 Disk Space Requirements

In addition to having the required disk space necessary to install and run your Oracle
software, you'll need to have sufficient disk space to download all the required
software files and have enough disk space to extract them.
After extracting the software from the Zip files, you can burn them onto CD-ROM and
install from them, or install from your computer's hard drive.

3.10.4 Software Requirements for Unzipping Files

All Oracle E-Delivery files have been archived using Info-ZIP's highly portable Zip
utility. After downloading one or more of the archives, you will need the UnZip utility
to extract the files.You must unzip the archive on the platform for which it was
intended. For example, if you download the file for the Solaris Operating System
(SPARC) version of Oracle Application Server, you must unzip the file on a Solaris
Operating System (SPARC) computer. If you unzip the file on a Windows computer,

3-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Setting the Mount Point for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM

and then move the stage area to a Solaris Operating System (SPARC) machine, the
stage area files will be corrupted because Windows will not preserve the case
sensitivity or the permission bits of UNIX file names.

3.10.5 Extracting Software from the Zip Files

Verify that the file size of your downloaded file matches the file size displayed on
E-Delivery. Unzip each Zip file to its own temporary directory. For example, create a
directory structure called oraAS10g on your hard drive:

Then create a new directory for each Zip file you downloaded:

If you plan burn the files on a CD-ROM, create a separate CD-ROM from the contents
of each directory. Do not burn a CD-ROM containing the Zip file itself; you need the
unzipped contents of the Zip files to do the installation. When you burn the files to
CD-ROM, the contents of each disc must be at the root of the CD image.
To install from CD-ROM or from your hard drive, see Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle
Universal Installer".

3.11 Setting the Mount Point for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM

The Oracle Application Server CD-ROMs are in RockRidge format. The DVD-ROM is
in DVD-ROM format.
On most Linux systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert it into the disk
drive. To mount the first disk, follow these steps:
1. Insert Oracle Application Server disk 1 into the disk drive.
2. To verify that the disk mounted automatically, run the following command:
■ Red Hat:
# ls /mnt/cdrom

■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

# ls /media/cdrom

3. If the command in step 2 fails to display the contents of the disk, run the following
■ Red Hat:
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation 3-7

Starting the Oracle Universal Installer

3.12 Starting the Oracle Universal Installer

1. If your computer does not mount CD-ROMs or DVDs automatically, you need to
set the mount point manually. See Section 3.11, "Setting the Mount Point for the
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM" for details.
2. Log in as the oracle user.
3. CD-ROM users: Insert Oracle Application Server Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
DVD-ROM users: Insert the Oracle Application Server DVD-ROM into the
DVD-ROM drive.
4. Run the Oracle Universal Installer using the command shown after the notes:

■ Be sure you are not logged in as the root user when you start
the Oracle Universal Installer. The installer gives an error
message if you try to run it as the root user.
■ Do not start the installation inside the mount_point directory. If
you do, then you may not be able to eject the installation disk.
The cd command below changes your current directory to your
home directory.

prompt> cd
prompt> mount_point/

prompt> cd
prompt> mount_point/application_server/runInstaller

This launches Oracle Universal Installer, through which you install Oracle Application

3-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Basic Installation

This chapter describes how to perform a basic installation of Oracle Application

Server. The following topics are covered:
■ Section 4.1, "What Components Are Installed?"
■ Section 4.2, "Basic Installation Steps"
■ Section 4.3, "What Should I Do Next?"

4.1 What Components Are Installed?

During the Basic Installation, you must install all of the following components. If you
do not want to install all of the following components or you want to install Oracle
HTTP Server, see Chapter 5, "Advanced Installation".
The following components are installed during the Basic Installation:
■ Oracle Containers for J2EE
This component provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment
for developing Java applications.
■ Oracle SOA Suite
This component provides Oracle SOA Suite, which enables services to be created,
managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business processes.
Oracle SOA Suite includes Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB), Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM), and Oracle Business
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
This component is used for Web-based management of Oracle Application Server.
■ Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
This component provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application
Server instances and their components.
■ OC4J Java Single Sign-On
This component allows users to log in to all SSO-based applications with a single
username and password.

4.2 Basic Installation Steps

This section describes the procedure for the basic installation of Oracle Application
Server. It contains the following topics:

Basic Installation 4-1

Basic Installation Steps

■ Section 4.2.1, "Before You Begin"

■ Section 4.2.2, "Installation Steps"

4.2.1 Before You Begin

Before you begin installing Oracle Application Server, ensure that you have read both
Chapter 2, "Requirements" and Chapter 3, "Things You Should Know Before Starting
the Installation". These chapters contain important information with which you must
be familiar before you begin the installation so you can avoid potential problems
during the installation.
Note that you must perform the steps in Section 2.9, "Installing Database Schemas"
before beginning the installation.

4.2.2 Installation Steps

To install Oracle Application Server with a basic installation, perform the following
1. Start Oracle Universal Installer.
For more information, refer to Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal
2. Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen

Figure 4–1 Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen

Installation Directory: Enter the directory where you want install Oracle
Application Server.
Select Basic Install.
AS Instance Name: The instance name identifies this Oracle Application Server
instance. If you have more than one Oracle Application Server instance on the
same host, the instances must have unique names.

4-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Basic Installation Steps

AS Administration Username: The administration username for Oracle

Application Server instances is set to oc4jadmin and cannot be changed. To
manage Oracle Application Server instances using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g,
log in as the oc4jadmin user.
AS Administration Password and Confirm Password: Enter the password for the
oc4jadmin user.
Database Type: You must use an Oracle Database in the basic installation. If you
want to use a Real Application Clusters database, you must perform an advanced
installation. The Oracle Database must have the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM
schemas installed. See Section 2.9, "Installing Database Schemas" for more
Click Next.
3. Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen (Figure 4–2.)

Figure 4–2 Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen

Database Connect Information: Specify the hostname, port, and service name for
the database. Use the format hostname:port:service name.
User with DBA Privileges: Specify the login name for the DBA user.
Database User Password: Enter the password for the user specified in the User
with DBA Privileges field.
ORABPEL Schema Password: Enter the password for the ORABPEL schema in
the database specified in the Database Connect Information field.
ORAESB Schema Password: Enter the password for the ORAESB schema in the
database specified in the Database Connect Information field.
ORAWSM Schema Password: Enter the password for the ORAWSM schema in
the database specified in the Database Connect Information field.
4. Oracle Universal Installer: Install Screen

Basic Installation 4-3

Basic Installation Steps

Figure 4–3 Oracle Universal Installer: Install Screen

This screen shows the progress of installation.

5. Oracle Universal Installer: Configuration Assistants Screen

Figure 4–4 Oracle Universal Installer: Configuration Assistants Screen

This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants.

6. Oracle Universal Installer: End of Installation Screen

4-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

What Should I Do Next?

Figure 4–5 Oracle Universal Installer: End of Installation Screen

This screen tells you whether or not your installation was successful, and provides
links to various documentation, such as the product release notes and installation
log, as well as links to various Oracle Application Server pages such as the
Welcome Page or Application Server Control Console.

4.3 What Should I Do Next?

After the installation is complete, you should:
■ Refer to Chapter 7 for instructions and information about postinstallation tasks
you should perform.
■ Refer to the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for information about
how to configure, administer, and manage Oracle Application Server after it has
been successfully installed.

Basic Installation 4-5

What Should I Do Next?

4-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Advanced Installation

This chapter describes how to perform an advanced installation of Oracle Application

Server. The following topics are covered:
■ Section 5.1, "What Components Are Installed?"
■ Section 5.2, "Advanced Installation Steps"
■ Section 5.3, "Installation Screens"
■ Section 5.4, "Troubleshooting Information"
■ Section 5.5, "What Should I Do Next?"

5.1 What Components Are Installed?

During the advanced installation, you have four installation choices:
■ J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
■ J2EE Server and Web Server
■ J2EE Server
■ Web Server

5.1.1 J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite

The following components are installed in a J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
■ Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
This component provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment
for developing Java applications.
■ Oracle SOA Suite
This component provides Oracle SOA Suite, which enables services to be created,
managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business processes.
Oracle SOA Suite includes Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB), Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM), and Oracle Business
■ Oracle HTTP Server with SSL Support
This is the Web server component of Oracle Application Server
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
This component is used for Web-based management of Oracle Application Server.

Advanced Installation 5-1

Advanced Installation Steps

■ Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server

This component provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application
Server instances and their components.

5.1.2 J2EE Server and Web Server

The following components are installed in a J2EE Server and Web Server installation:
■ Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
This component provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment
for developing Java applications.
■ Oracle HTTP Server with SSL Support
This is the Web server component of Oracle Application Server
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
This component is used for Web-based management of Oracle Application Server.
■ Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
This component provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application
Server instances and their components.

5.1.3 J2EE Server

The following components are installed in a J2EE Server installation:
■ Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
This component provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment
for developing Java applications.
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
This component is used for Web-based management of Oracle Application Server.
■ Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
This component provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application
Server instances and their components.

5.1.4 Web Server

The following components are installed in a Web Server installation:
■ Oracle HTTP Server with SSL Support
This is the Web server component of Oracle Application Server
■ Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
This component provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application
Server instances and their components.

5.2 Advanced Installation Steps

This section describes the procedure for the advanced installation of Oracle
Application Server. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 5.2.1, "Before You Begin"

5-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Advanced Installation Steps

■ Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite"
■ Section 5.2.3, "Installing J2EE Server and Web Server"
■ Section 5.2.4, "Installing J2EE Server"
■ Section 5.2.5, "Installing Web Server"

5.2.1 Before You Begin

Before you begin installing Oracle Application Server, ensure that you have read both
Chapter 2, "Requirements" and Chapter 3, "Things You Should Know Before Starting
the Installation". These chapters contain important information with which you must
be familiar before you begin the installation so you can avoid potential problems
during the installation.

5.2.2 Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite

Table 5–1 provides a brief summary of the steps necessary to install J2EE Server, Web
Server and SOA Suite with an advanced installation.

Table 5–1 Steps for Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
Screen Action
1. -- Start Oracle Universal Installer.
For more information, refer to Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal
2. Oracle Application Specify the Oracle Home in the Installation Directory field.
Server SOA Suite
Select Advanced Install. Installation
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.1, "Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen".
3. Select Installation Type Select J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.2, "Select Installation Type Screen".
4. Specify Database Specify your Oracle database connection information.
Connect Information
Specify the DBA user in the User with DBA Privileges field.
Specify the password for the DBA user in the Database User Password field.
Specify the hostname and port for the database in the Hostname and Port field.
Specify the service name of the database in the Service Name field.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.3, "Specify Database Connect
Information Screen".
5. Specify Database Schema Specify the passwords for the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM database schemas.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.4, "Specify Database Schema Passwords
6. Specify Port Select whether you want to configure ports automatically or manually by
Configuration Options specifying the location of a port configuration file.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.5, "Specify Port Configuration Options

Advanced Installation 5-3

Advanced Installation Steps

Table 5–1 (Cont.) Steps for Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
Screen Action
7. Administration Settings Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name and oc4jadmin password.
Select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance if you would like to run
Application Server Control on this instance.
Specify the Oracle Containers for J2EE instance name. The default instance name is
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.6, "Administration Settings Screen".
8. Cluster Topology Select Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server if you want
Configuration the default web site to run in AJP protocol mode and specify the hostname and
port of the Oracle HTTP Server.
Select Configure this instance to be a part of an Oracle Application Server cluster
topology if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology. Specify the IP address and port for the
multicast address.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.8, "Cluster Topology Configuration
Screen - J2EE Server, Web Server, and SOA Suite Installation".
9. Summary Verify that the installation parameters shown on the screen are correct.
Click Install.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.12, "Summary Screen".
10. Install None. This screen shows the progress of the installation.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.13, "Install Screen".
11. Configuration Assistants None, unless you want to stop the installation of a particular configuration
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.14, "Configuration Assistants Screen".
12. End of Installation None. This screen tells you whether or not your installation was successful, and
provides a link to the product release notes.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.15, "End of Installation Screen".

5.2.3 Installing J2EE Server and Web Server

Table 5–2 provides a brief summary of the steps necessary to install J2EE Server and
Web Server with an advanced installation.

Table 5–2 Steps for Installing J2EE Server and Web Server
Screen Action
1. -- Start Oracle Universal Installer.
For more information, refer to Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal
2. Oracle Application Specify the Oracle Home in the Installation Directory field.
Server SOA Suite
Select Advanced Install. Installation
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.1, "Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen".

5-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Advanced Installation Steps

Table 5–2 (Cont.) Steps for Installing J2EE Server and Web Server
Screen Action
3. Select Installation Type Select J2EE Server and Web Server.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.2, "Select Installation Type Screen".
4. Specify Port Select whether you want to configure ports automatically or manually by
Configuration Options specifying the location of a port configuration file.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.5, "Specify Port Configuration Options
5. Administration Settings Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name and oc4jadmin password.
Select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance if you would like to run
Application Server Control on this instance.
Specify the default Oracle Containers for J2EE instance name.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.6, "Administration Settings Screen".
6. Cluster Topology Select if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Configuration Application Server cluster topology.
If you select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server
cluster topology, specify the IP Address and Port.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.9, "Cluster Topology Configuration
Screen - J2EE Server and Web Server Installation".
7. Summary Verify that the installation parameters shown on the screen are correct.
Click Install.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.12, "Summary Screen".
8. Install None. This screen shows the progress of the installation.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.13, "Install Screen".
9. Configuration Assistants None, unless you want to stop the installation of a particular configuration
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.14, "Configuration Assistants Screen".
10. End of Installation None. This screen tells you whether or not your installation was successful, and
provides a link to the product release notes.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.15, "End of Installation Screen".

5.2.4 Installing J2EE Server

Table 5–3 provides a brief summary of the steps necessary to install J2EE Server with
an advanced installation.

Table 5–3 Steps for Installing J2EE Server

Screen Action
1. -- Start Oracle Universal Installer.
For more information, refer to Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal

Advanced Installation 5-5

Advanced Installation Steps

Table 5–3 (Cont.) Steps for Installing J2EE Server

Screen Action
2. Oracle Application Specify the Oracle Home in the Installation Directory field.
Server SOA Suite
Select Advanced Install. Installation
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.1, "Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen".
3. Select Installation Type Select J2EE Server.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.2, "Select Installation Type Screen".
4. Specify Port Select whether you want to configure ports automatically or manually by
Configuration Options specifying the location of a port configuration file.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.5, "Specify Port Configuration Options
5. Administration Settings Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name and oc4jadmin password.
Select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance if you would like to run
Application Server Control on this instance.
Specify the default Oracle Containers for J2EE instance name.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.6, "Administration Settings Screen".
6. Cluster Topology Select if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Configuration Application Server cluster topology.
Select Access this OC4J instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server if you want
the OC4J instance to accept requests from an Oracle HTTP Server instance.
If you select Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application
Server cluster topology, specify the IP Address and Port.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.10, "Cluster Topology Configuration
Screen - J2EE Server Installation".
7. Summary Verify that the installation parameters shown on the screen are correct.
Click Install.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.12, "Summary Screen".
8. Install None. This screen shows the progress of the installation.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.13, "Install Screen".
9. End of Installation None. This screen tells you whether or not your installation was successful, and
provides a link to the product release notes.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.15, "End of Installation Screen".

5.2.5 Installing Web Server

Table 5–4 provides a brief summary of the steps necessary to install Web Server with
an advanced installation.

5-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

Table 5–4 Steps for Installing Web Server

Screen Action
1. -- Start Oracle Universal Installer.
For more information, refer to Section 3.12, "Starting the Oracle Universal
2. Oracle Application Specify the Oracle Home in the Installation Directory field.
Server SOA Suite
Select Advanced Installation Mode. Installation
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.1, "Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen".
3. Select Installation Type Select Web Server.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.2, "Select Installation Type Screen".
4. Specify Port Select whether you want to configure ports automatically or manually by
Configuration Options specifying the location of a port configuration file.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.5, "Specify Port Configuration Options
5. Specify Instance Name Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.7, "Specify Instance Name Screen".
6. Cluster Topology Select Configure this Oracle HTTP Server instance to be a part of an Oracle
Configuration Application Server cluster if you would like to configure this instance to be part of
an Oracle Application Server cluster topology.
Click Next.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.11, "Cluster Topology Configuration
Screen - Web Server Installation".
7. Summary Verify that the installation parameters shown on the screen are correct.
Click Install.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.12, "Summary Screen".
8. Install None. This screen shows the progress of the installation.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.13, "Install Screen".
9. Configuration Assistants None, unless you want to stop the installation of a particular configuration
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.14, "Configuration Assistants Screen".
10. End of Installation None. This screen tells you whether or not your installation was successful, and
provides a link to the product release notes.
For more information, refer to Section 5.3.15, "End of Installation Screen".

5.3 Installation Screens

This section describes the various Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) installation screens
for Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( It contains the following
■ Section 5.3.1, "Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen"
■ Section 5.3.2, "Select Installation Type Screen"

Advanced Installation 5-7

Installation Screens

■ Section 5.3.3, "Specify Database Connect Information Screen"

■ Section 5.3.4, "Specify Database Schema Passwords Screen"
■ Section 5.3.5, "Specify Port Configuration Options Screen"
■ Section 5.3.6, "Administration Settings Screen"
■ Section 5.3.7, "Specify Instance Name Screen"
■ Section 5.3.8, "Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server, Web Server,
and SOA Suite Installation"
■ Section 5.3.9, "Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server and Web
Server Installation"
■ Section 5.3.10, "Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server Installation"
■ Section 5.3.11, "Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - Web Server Installation"
■ Section 5.3.12, "Summary Screen"
■ Section 5.3.13, "Install Screen"
■ Section 5.3.14, "Configuration Assistants Screen"
■ Section 5.3.15, "End of Installation Screen"

5.3.1 Oracle Application Server SOA Suite Installation Screen

This is the first screen in the installation process. You need to specify the installation
directory (or Oracle home) and whether you want to perform a basic or advanced

Figure 5–1 Oracle Application Server SOA Suite10. Installation Screen

5-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

Installation Directory
Specify the full path of the installation directory or Oracle home. This is the directory
where you want to install the software. For more information about the Oracle home,
refer to Section 3.1, "Oracle Home Directory".

Select Basic or Advanced Install

In this chapter you are performing an advanced installation of Oracle Application
Server, so select Advanced Install and click Next.
If you want to perform a basic installation, see Chapter 4, "Basic Installation".
After you click the Next button, the following warning appears:

Figure 5–2 Warning Screen

Click Yes to continue with the advanced installation.

5.3.2 Select Installation Type Screen

Select the product you want to install, then click Next.

Figure 5–3 Oracle Universal Installer: Select Installation Type Screen

To learn what components are installed with the different installation types, see
Section 5.1, "What Components Are Installed?".

Advanced Installation 5-9

Installation Screens

On this screen, you can install additional languages by clicking on Product Languages.
See Section 3.3, "Installing Additional Languages" for more information.

5.3.3 Specify Database Connect Information Screen

Specify your database connection information.

Figure 5–4 Oracle Universal Installer: Specify Database Connect Information

Database Type
The type of database is set to Oracle Database and cannot be changed.

Note: The installer checks that the database contains ORABPEL,

ORAESB, and ORAWSM schemas. See Section 2.9, "Installing
Database Schemas" for more information.

User with DBA Privileges

Specify the DBA user.

Database User Password

Specify the password for the user with DBA privileges.

Hostname and Port

Specify the hostname and port for the database. The format should be:

If the Oracle Database is a 10g or above Real Application Clusters database, specify all
the virtual hostnames and ports in the cluster. Use the following format, separating the
values with carets (^):

5-10 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens


If the Oracle Database is a 9i Real Application Clusters database, specify all the
physical hostnames and ports in the cluster. Use the following format, separating the
values with carets (^):

Service Name
Specify the service name of the database. This is typically the same as the global
database name.
If you are unsure what the service name for your database is, you can obtain it from
the SERVICE_NAMES parameter in the database's initialization parameter file. If the
initialization parameter file does not contain the SERVICE_NAMES parameter, then the
service name is the same as the global database name, which is specified in the DB_
NAME and DB_DOMAIN parameters.
If the database is in a Real Application Clusters database, all the instances of the
database must have the same service name.

5.3.4 Specify Database Schema Passwords Screen

Specify the passwords for the ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM database schemas.

Note: The ORABPEL, ORAESB, and ORAWSM schemas must exist in the
database prior to Oracle Application Server installation. Please refer to
Section 2.9, "Installing Database Schemas" for instructions on how to
install these schemas.

Figure 5–5 Oracle Universal Installer: Specify Database Schema Passwords Screen

Advanced Installation 5-11

Installation Screens

ORABPEL Password
Specify the password for the ORABPEL schema.

ORAESB Password
Specify the password for the ORAESB schema.

ORAWSM Password
Specify the password for the ORAWSM schema.

5.3.5 Specify Port Configuration Options Screen

Select the method with which you want to configure ports.

Figure 5–6 Oracle Universal Installer: Specify Port Configuration Options Screen

Select Automatic if you want to use all default port numbers. Refer to Appendix B for
a list of all the default port numbers and ranges.
Select Manual if you want to customize your port numbers. You must supply the full
path and file name to an existing port configuration file containing the port numbers
you want to use for each component. Typically, this port configuration file is called
staticports.ini, although any name is valid as long as the format of the file is
correct. Refer to Section 2.5.3, "Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports"
Feature)" for more information about the staticports.ini file that is shipped with
the product.

5.3.6 Administration Settings Screen

Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name, oc4jadmin password, and the
OC4J instance name.

5-12 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

Figure 5–7 Oracle Universal Installer: Administration Settings Screen

AS Instance Name
The AS Instance Name uniquely identifies this Oracle Application Server instance.
For more information about instance names, see Section 3.4, "Oracle Application
Server Instances and Instance Names".

AS Administrator Username
The administrative username for Oracle Application Server instances is set to
oc4jadmin and cannot be changed. To manage Oracle Application Server instances
using Enterprise Manager, log in as the oc4jadmin user.
For more information about the oc4jadmin user, see Section 3.5, "The oc4jadmin User
and Restrictions on its Password".

AS Administrator Password and Confirm AS Administrator Password

On a host, you can install multiple Oracle Application Server instances, each with its
own unique instance name, but the name of the administrative user is oc4jadmin for
all instances. You can specify a different password for the oc4jadmin user for each
For more information about the oc4jadmin password, see Section 3.5, "The oc4jadmin
User and Restrictions on its Password".

Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance

Select this option if you want to run Application Server Control on this system to
provide management capabilities.
If you are using a single instance topology, you should select this option to be able to
manage the instance.
If you are using a cluster topology, you should select this option if you want this
instance to administer the cluster using Application Server Control. In a cluster

Advanced Installation 5-13

Installation Screens

topology, only one instance should be configured as an Administration OC4J instance.

Note that the Administration OC4J instance for the cluster does not have to be the first
installed node.
If you do not select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance, then
Application Server Control will be configured to not run on this system. This
Application Server instance will need to be managed by Application Server Control
running on another OC4J instance within the cluster topology. You can configure the
Application Server Control to run on this instance following installation if required.
See "Enabling Remote Management by Setting Administrator Credentials" in the
Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for details.

OC4J Instance Name

The OC4J instance name identifies the default OC4J instance created by the installer.
OC4J instance names can consist only of the alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)
and the underscore character (_).
The maximum length for an OC4J instance name is 63 characters.

5.3.7 Specify Instance Name Screen

This screen only appears if you select the Web Server option on the Select Installation
Type screen shown in Figure 5–3.

Figure 5–8 Oracle Universal Installer: Specify Instance Name Screen

Instance Name
Specify the Oracle Application Server instance name. The instance name uniquely
identifies this Oracle Application Server instance.
For more information about instance names, see Section 3.4, "Oracle Application
Server Instances and Instance Names".

5-14 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

5.3.8 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server, Web Server, and SOA Suite
Select whether you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology.

Figure 5–9 Oracle Universal Installer: Cluster Topology Configuration (J2EE Server, Web
Server, and SOA Suite Installation)

Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server

Select this option if you want the OC4J instance to accept requests from an Oracle
HTTP Server instance. If you select this option, then the OC4J instance will be
configured so that its default web site is running in AJP protocol mode and accepts
requests from mod_oc4j running in Oracle HTTP Server.
If you do not select this option, the OC4J instance will listen for requests from browser
clients using its own HTTP listener. The OC4J instance will be configured so that its
default web site is running in HTTP protocol mode and can be directly accessed from
browser clients.
You can change how this OC4J instance is accessed following installation. See
"Configuring Multicast Discovery with opmnctl" in the Oracle Containers for J2EE
Configuration and Administration Guide.

Specify the hostname and port of the load balancer or the Oracle HTTP Server
Specify the IP Address and the Port number of the load balancer or Oracle HTTP
Server from which you will accept requests.

Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster

Select this option if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology. You may also configure the cluster topology
following installation. See Section 7.4, "Configuring OracleAS Clusters" for details.

Advanced Installation 5-15

Installation Screens

Specify the Oracle Application Server cluster discovery address

Specify the IP Address and the Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes
in the cluster.

■ When installing the first instance of the cluster, you only need to
provide the discovery address. You do not need to perform any
additional steps before installing the first instance of the cluster.
■ All nodes within the topology must be configured to use the same
multicast address and port.
■ The multicast address must be within the valid address range,
which is to
■ The installer does not validate the IP address or port of the cluster
discovery address.

If you are adding an instance to an existing cluster and do not know the multicast
address, find the <discover> element in the opmn.xml file on an Oracle Application
Server instance in the topology. The <discover> element should appear like this:
<discover list="*"/>

In this example, the IP address is and the port is 8001.

5.3.9 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server and Web Server Installation
Select whether you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology.

5-16 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

Figure 5–10 Oracle Universal Installer: Cluster Topology Configuration (J2EE Server and
Web Server Installation)

Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster

Select this option if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology. You may also configure the cluster topology
following installation. See Section 7.4, "Configuring OracleAS Clusters" for details.

Specify the Oracle Application Server cluster discovery address

Specify the IP Address and the Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes
in the cluster.

■ When installing the first instance of the cluster, you only need to
provide the discovery address. You do not need to perform any
additional steps before installing the first instance of the cluster.
■ All nodes within the topology must be configured to use the same
multicast address and port.
■ The multicast address must be within the valid address range,
which is to
■ The installer does not validate the IP address or port of the cluster
discovery address.

If you are adding an instance to an existing cluster and do not know the multicast
address, find the <discover> element in the opmn.xml file on an Oracle Application
Server instance in the topology. The <discover> element should appear like this:

Advanced Installation 5-17

Installation Screens

<discover list="*"/>

In this example, the IP address is and the port is 8001.

5.3.10 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - J2EE Server Installation

Select whether you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology.

Figure 5–11 Oracle Universal Installer: Cluster Topology Configuration (J2EE Server)

Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server

Select this option if you want the OC4J instance to accept requests from an Oracle
HTTP Server instance. If you select this option, then the OC4J instance will be
configured so that its default web site is running in AJP protocol mode and accepts
requests from mod_oc4j running in Oracle HTTP Server.
If you do not select this option, the OC4J instance will listen for requests from browser
clients using its own HTTP listener. The OC4J instance will be configured so that its
default web site is running in HTTP protocol mode and can be directly accessed from
browser clients.
You can change how this OC4J instance is accessed following installation. See
"Configuring Multicast Discovery with opmnctl" in the Oracle Containers for J2EE
Configuration and Administration Guide.

Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster

Select this option if you would like to configure this OC4J instance to be part of an
Oracle Application Server cluster topology. You may also configure the cluster

5-18 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

topology following installation. See Section 7.4, "Configuring OracleAS Clusters" for

Specify the Oracle Application Server cluster discovery address

Specify the IP Address and the Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes
in the cluster.

■ When installing the first instance of the cluster, you only need to
provide the discovery address. You do not need to perform any
additional steps before installing the first instance of the cluster.
■ All nodes within the topology must be configured to use the same
multicast address and port.
■ The multicast address must be within the valid address range,
which is to
■ The installer does not validate the IP address or port of the cluster
discovery address.

If you are adding an instance to an existing cluster and do not know the multicast
address, find the <discover> element in the opmn.xml file on an Oracle Application
Server instance in the topology. The <discover> element should appear like this:
<discover list="*"/>

In this example, the IP address is and the port is 8001.

5.3.11 Cluster Topology Configuration Screen - Web Server Installation

Select whether you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology.

Advanced Installation 5-19

Installation Screens

Figure 5–12 Oracle Universal Installer: Cluster Topology Configuration (Web Server)

Configure this Oracle HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle Application

Server cluster
Select this option if you would like to configure this instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster. You may also configure the cluster following installation.
See Section 7.4, "Configuring OracleAS Clusters" for details.

Specify the Oracle Application Server cluster discovery address

Specify the IP Address and the Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes
in the cluster.

■ When installing the first instance of the cluster, you only need to
provide the discovery address. You do not need to perform any
additional steps before installing the first instance of the cluster.
■ All nodes within the topology must be configured to use the same
multicast address and port.
■ The multicast address must be within the valid address range,
which is to
■ The installer does not validate the IP address or port of the cluster
discovery address.

If you are adding an instance to an existing cluster and do not know the multicast
address, find the <discover> element in the opmn.xml file on an Oracle Application
Server instance in the topology. The <discover> element should appear like this:
<discover list="*"/>

5-20 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens


In this example, the IP address is and the port is 8001.

5.3.12 Summary Screen

Check and verify that the installation parameters shown in this window are correct.

Figure 5–13 Oracle Universal Installer: Summary Screen

Click Install to begin the installation.

5.3.13 Install Screen

This screen shows the progress of the installation.

Advanced Installation 5-21

Installation Screens

Figure 5–14 Oracle Universal Installer: Install Screen

Click Stop Installation if you want to abort the installation. You will be asked to verify
that you want to stop the installation.
This screen also provides the location of the install log, in case you want to view the
contents of the log.

5.3.14 Configuration Assistants Screen

This screen shows the name, status, and tool type for tools recommended to be run
before completing the installation.

5-22 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Screens

Figure 5–15 Oracle Universal Installer: Configuration Assistants Screen

A tool may have one of the following states, as shown in the status column:
■ Succeeded: The tool ran successfully.
■ Failed: The tool ran, but failed.
■ Pending: The tool is waiting to run.
■ Cancelled: The tool was cancelled by the user (by clicking Stop).
■ In Progress: The tool is currently running.
■ Skipped: A configuration assistant running before this tool was cancelled or
failed. Tools that follow a failed or cancelled tool are skipped.
When you select a tool, its details are shown in the Details box. Details are displayed
as the tool is running. If you want to stop a configuration assistant while it is running,
click Stop.
If all tools succeed on the first try, OUI automatically proceeds to the next page.
Otherwise, OUI remains on the Configuration Assistants page until all tools are
successful. You can then click Next to proceed.
If one or more tools fail, OUI does not proceed to the next page. Instead, you can read
the details of failed tools, fix the problems, and try running the configuration assistant
again. You should also consult the installation document for the product being
installed for instructions on what to do if a tool fails. For all failed or skipped tools,
OUI generates a list of the tool names and the commands used to run them; you can
copy/paste this information directly into a shell script or batch file to run these tools
after installation is complete.
By default, the check box in the Retry column will be checked for all tools that failed or
were skipped. To retry all checked configuration assistants, click Retry.
To continue without fixing the problem, click Next.

Advanced Installation 5-23

Troubleshooting Information

Note: The installation is considered successful even if all

configuration assistants failed, irrespective of their type
(Recommended or Optional). However, failing to successfully run all
recommended tools results in an improperly configured product that
may not function.

5.3.15 End of Installation Screen

This screen tells you whether or not your Oracle Application Server installation was
successful and displays some important information that you must remember about
the products you have installed. For example, it might contain information about the
URLs for particular Web applications. Write down this information so that you can
remember it.
This information can also be found in the ORACLE_HOME/install/readme.txt file.

Figure 5–16 Oracle Universal Installer: End of Installation

To view release notes for the products you have installed, click Release Information or
see the documentation page on OTN
Click Exit to exit the Oracle Universal Installer.

5.4 Troubleshooting Information

If you encounter any problems with the installation, configuration assistants, or
product in general, refer to Appendix E, "Troubleshooting" for common problems and

5-24 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

What Should I Do Next?

5.5 What Should I Do Next?

After the installation is complete, you should:
■ Refer to Chapter 7 for instructions and information about postinstallation tasks
you should perform.
■ Refer to the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for information about
how to configure, administer, and manage Oracle Application Server after it has
been successfully installed.

Advanced Installation 5-25

What Should I Do Next?

5-26 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installing in High Availability Environments

This chapter provides an overview of the high availability configurations supported

by Oracle Application Server and instructions for installation.
Contents of this chapter:
■ Section 6.1, "Overview of High Availability Configurations"
■ Section 6.2, "Requirements for High Availability Configurations"
■ Section 6.3, "Creating the Active-Active Topology"
■ Section 6.4, "Creating the Active-Passive Topology"
■ Section 6.5, "Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration"

6.1 Overview of High Availability Configurations

This chapter provides only a brief overview of the high availability configurations in
Oracle Application Server. For a complete description of the configurations, see the
Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide.
Oracle Application Server supports the following types of high availability
configurations at installation time. Note that there are multiple variants of each type.
■ Section 6.1.1, "Active-Active Topologies: OracleAS Clusters"
■ Section 6.1.2, "Active-Passive Topologies: OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters"
■ Section 6.1.3, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery"
For a quick summary of the high availability configurations, see Section 6.1.4,
"Summary of Differences".

6.1.1 Active-Active Topologies: OracleAS Clusters

Oracle Application Server provides an active-active redundant model for all its
components with OracleAS Clusters. In an OracleAS Clusters configuration, two or
more Oracle Application Server instances are configured to serve the same workload.
These instances can run on the same machine or on different machines.
The instances are front-ended by an external load balancer, which directs requests to
any of the active instances. Instead of an external load balancer, you can also run a
software load balancer to distribute the requests. In production environment, however,
a hardware load balancer is recommended.
Common properties of an OracleAS Clusters configuration include:
■ Similar instance configuration

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-1

Overview of High Availability Configurations

The instances need to serve the same workload or applications. Some

configuration properties should have similar values across instances so that the
instances can deliver the same reply to the same request. Other configuration
properties may be instance-specific, such as local host name information.
If you make a configuration change to one instance, you should also make the
same change to the other instances in the active-active topology. The "Configuring
and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and
Administration Guide lists the files that contain properties that should be replicated.
■ Independent operation
If one Oracle Application Server instance in an active-active topology fails, the
other instances in the cluster continue to serve requests. The load balancer directs
requests only to instances that are alive.
Advantages of an OracleAS Clusters configuration include:
■ Increased availability
An active-active topology is a redundant configuration. Loss of one instance can
be tolerated because other instances can continue to serve the same requests.
■ Increased scalability and performance
Multiple identically-configured instances provide the capability to share a
workload among different machines and processes. You can scale the topology by
adding new instances as the number of requests increase.
For instructions on creating the OracleAS Clusters configuration, see Section 6.3,
"Creating the Active-Active Topology".

6.1.2 Active-Passive Topologies: OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters

Oracle Application Server provides an active-passive model for all its components in
OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters. In an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology, two
Oracle Application Server instances are configured to serve the same application
workload but only one is active at any particular time. The passive instance runs (that
is, becomes active) only when the active instance fails. These instances run on nodes
that are in a hardware cluster.
Common properties of an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology include:
■ Hardware cluster
In an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology, you run Oracle Application Server
on machines that are in a hardware cluster, with vendor clusterware running on
the machines.
■ Shared storage
You install the Oracle home for the Oracle Application Server instance on storage
shared by the machines in the hardware cluster.
The active node in the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology mounts the
shared storage so that it has access to the Oracle home. If it fails, the passive
instance mounts the shared storage and accesses the same Oracle home.
■ Virtual hostname
The virtual hostname gives clients a single system view of the Oracle Application
Server middle tier. Clients use the virtual hostname to access the Oracle
Application Server middle tier.

6-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Overview of High Availability Configurations

The virtual hostname is associated with a virtual IP. This name-IP entry must be
added to the DNS that the site uses. For example, if the two physical hostnames of
the hardware cluster are node1.mycompany.com and node2.mycompany.com,
the single view of this cluster can be provided by the virtual hostname
apps.mycompany.com. In the DNS, apps maps to a virtual IP address that floats
between node1 and node2 via a hardware cluster. Clients access Oracle
Application Server using apps.mycompany.com; they do not know which
physical node is active and actually servicing a particular request.
You can specify the virtual hostname during installation. See Section 6.4, "Creating
the Active-Passive Topology".
■ Failover procedure
An active-passive configuration also includes a set of scripts and procedures to
detect failure of the active instance and fail over to the passive instance while
minimizing downtime.
Advantages of an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology include:
■ Increased availability
If the active instance fails for any reason or must be taken offline, an identically
configured passive instance is prepared to take over at any time.
■ Reduced operating costs
In an active-passive topology only one set of processes is up and serving requests.
Managing the active instance is generally easier than managing an array of active
■ Application independence
Some applications may not be suited to an active-active topology. This may
include applications that rely heavily on application state or on information stored
locally. An active-passive topology has only one instance serving requests at any
particular time.
For instructions on creating the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration, see
Section 6.4, "Creating the Active-Passive Topology".

6.1.3 OracleAS Disaster Recovery

OracleAS Disaster Recovery configurations have the following characteristics:
■ A production site and a standby site that mirrors the production site. Typically,
these sites are located some distance from each other to guard against site failures
such as floods, fires, or earthquakes. During normal operation, the production site
handles all the requests. If the production site goes down, the standby site takes
over and handles all the requests.
■ Each site has all the hardware and software to run. It contains nodes for running
Oracle Application Server instances, load balancers, and DNS servers.
For installation details, see Section 6.5, "Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery

6.1.4 Summary of Differences

Table 6–1 summarizes the differences among the high availability configurations.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-3

Requirements for High Availability Configurations

Table 6–1 Differences Among the High Availability Configurations

OracleAS Cold OracleAS Disaster
Failover Cluster OracleAS Clusters Recovery
Node configuration Active-Passive Active-Active Active-Passive
Hardware cluster Yes No Optional (hardware cluster
required only if you installed
the OracleAS Infrastructure
in an OracleAS Cold Failover
Cluster configuration)
Virtual hostname Yes No Yes
Load balancer No Yes No
Shared storage Yes No No

6.2 Requirements for High Availability Configurations

This section describes the requirements common to all high availability configurations.
In addition to these common requirements, each configuration has its own specific
requirements. See the individual chapters for details.

Note: You still need to meet the requirements listed in Chapter 2,

"Requirements", plus requirements specific to the high availability
configuration that you plan to use.

The common requirements are:

■ Section 6.2.1, "Check Minimum Number of Nodes"
■ Section 6.2.2, "Check That Groups Are Defined Identically on All Nodes"
■ Section 6.2.3, "Check the Properties of the oracle User"
■ Section 6.2.4, "Check for Previous Oracle Installations on All Nodes"

6.2.1 Check Minimum Number of Nodes

You need at least two nodes in a high availability configuration. If a node fails for any
reason, the second node takes over.

6.2.2 Check That Groups Are Defined Identically on All Nodes

Check that the /etc/group file on all nodes in the cluster contains the operating
system groups that you plan to use. You should have one group for the oraInventory
directory, and one or two groups for database administration. The group names and
the group IDs must be the same for all nodes.
See Section 2.6, "Operating System Groups" for details.

6.2.3 Check the Properties of the oracle User

Check that the oracle operating system user, which you log in as to install Oracle
Application Server, has the following properties:
■ Belongs to the oinstall group and to the osdba group. The oinstall group is
for the oraInventory directory, and the osdba group is a database administration
group. See Section 2.6, "Operating System Groups" for details.

6-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

■ Has write privileges on remote directories.

6.2.4 Check for Previous Oracle Installations on All Nodes

Check that all the nodes where you want to install in a high availability configuration
do not have existing oraInventory directories.
Details of all Oracle software installations are recorded in the Oracle Installer
Inventory directory. Typically, this directory is unique to a node and named
oraInventory. The directory path of the Oracle Installer Inventory directory is
stored in the oraInst.loc file.
The existence of this file on a node confirms that the node contains some Oracle
software installation. Since the high availability configurations require installations on
multiple nodes with Oracle Installer Inventory directories on a file system that may
not be accessible on other nodes, the installation instructions in this chapter and
subsequent chapters for high availability configurations assume that there have not
been any previous installations of any Oracle software on any of the nodes that are
used for this high availability configuration. The oraInst.loc file and the Oracle
Installer Inventory directory should not exist on any of these nodes prior to these high
availability installations.
To check if a node contains an oraInventory directory that could be detected by the
1. On each node, check for the existence of the oraInst.loc file. This file is stored
in the /etc directory.
If a node does not contain this file, then it does not have an oraInventory directory
that will be used by the installer. You can check the next node.
2. For nodes that contain the oraInst.loc file, rename the file and the
oraInventory directory. The installer then prompts you to enter a location for a
new oraInventory directory.
For example enter the following commands as root:
# cat /etc/oraInst.loc
# mv /etc/oraInst.loc /etc/oraInst.loc.orig
# mv /localfs/app/oracle/oraInventory /localfs/app/oracle/oraInventory.orig

Since the oraInst.loc file and the Oracle Installer Inventory directory are required
only during the installation of Oracle software, and not at runtime, renaming them
and restoring them later does not affect the behavior of any installed Oracle software
on any node. Make sure that the appropriate oraInst.loc file and Oracle Installer
Inventory directory are in place before starting the Oracle Universal Installer.

Note: For an OracleAS Disaster Recovery configuration, the correct

oraInst.loc file and associated oraInventory directory are required
during normal operation, not just during installation.

6.3 Creating the Active-Active Topology

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in an active-active
topology with OracleAS Clusters. OracleAS Clusters is one of the high availability
environments supported by Oracle Application Server.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-5

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Contents of this section:

■ Section 6.3.1, "Active-Active Topologies: Introduction"
■ Section 6.3.2, "OracleAS Clusters in Active-Active Topologies"
■ Section 6.3.3, "Properties of Oracle Application Server Instances in Active-Active
■ Section 6.3.4, "Installation Steps for Active-Active Topologies"
■ Section 6.3.5, "Supporting Procedures for Creating the Active-Active Topology"

6.3.1 Active-Active Topologies: Introduction

An active-active topology consists of redundant middle-tier instances that deliver
greater scalability and availability than a single instance. Active-active topologies
remove the single point of failure that a single instance poses. While a single Oracle
Application Server instance leverages the resources of a single host, a cluster of
middle-tier instances spans multiple hosts, distributing application execution over a
greater number of CPUs. A single Oracle Application Server instance is vulnerable to
the failure of its host and operating system, but an active-active topology continues to
function despite the loss of an operating system or a host, hiding any such failure from
In active-active topologies, all the instances are active at the same time. This is
different from active-passive topologies, where only one instance is active at any time.
The nodes in the active-active topologies are not in a hardware cluster.

Load Balancer Requirements

Active-active topologies use a load balancer to direct requests to one of the Oracle
Application Server instances in the topology. In other words, the Oracle Application
Server instances are fronted by the load balancer.
You configure the load balancer with virtual server names for HTTP and HTTPS
traffic. Clients use the virtual server names in their requests. The load balancer directs
requests to an available Oracle Application Server instance.
See the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for a list of features that your
load balancer should have.

Figures of Active-Active Topologies

The following figures show two active-active topologies. The difference in the
topologies is whether you install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle
home or in separate Oracle homes.
Figure 6–1 shows an active-active topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the
same Oracle home. Figure 6–2 shows an active-active topology with Oracle HTTP
Server and OC4J in separate Oracle homes.

6-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Figure 6–1 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home


Node 1 Node 2

OC4J OC4J Variation: You can use Oracle Identity Management
from 10.1.2 with this topology.

Figure 6–2 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes


Node 1 Node 2


Node 3 Node 4 Variation:

· You can use Oracle Identity Management
OC4J OC4J from 10.1.2 with this topology.
· You can use Oracle HTTP Server from
10.1.2 with this topology.

6.3.2 OracleAS Clusters in Active-Active Topologies

All the Oracle Application Server instances in an active-active topology belong to the
same cluster. Oracle HTTP Server forwards application requests only to OC4J
instances that belong to the same cluster.
You can cluster instances with OPMN using one of the following ways:
■ All the instances use the same multicast IP address and port.
■ All the instances are chained to the same discovery server.
■ Each instance specifies all other instances in the opmn.xml configuration file.
■ If the instances run on nodes that are on different subnets, you have to designate a
node to be the gateway server, which bridges the instances on the different
Clustering with OPMN also enables you to use the @cluster parameter in some
opmnctl commands. Commands that use the @cluster parameter apply to all
instances in the cluster. For example, you can use the @cluster parameter to start all
components in all instances in the cluster.
OC4J instances in a cluster have the following features:

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-7

Creating the Active-Active Topology

■ OC4J instances have cluster-wide properties as well as instance-specific properties.

Cluster-wide properties are properties whose values are identical for all OC4J
instances in the cluster. Instance-specific properties are properties that have
different values for each OC4J instance. For a list of cluster-wide properties, see
the "Configuring and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE
Configuration and Administration Guide.
■ If you modify a cluster-wide property in one OC4J instance, make sure that you
propagate the change to all other OC4J instances in the cluster.
■ When you deploy an application to an OC4J instance, you also need to deploy it
on all other OC4J instances in the cluster.
■ The number of OC4J processes is an instance-specific property: it can be different
for each OC4J instance. This must be configured for each Oracle Application
Server instance in the cluster. The OC4J process configuration provides flexibility
to tune according to the specific hardware capabilities of the host. By default, each
OC4J instance is instantiated with a single OC4J process.
For details, see the "Configuring and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle
Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.3 Properties of Oracle Application Server Instances in Active-Active Topologies

Because the load balancer can send a request to any Oracle Application Server instance
in the topology, you need to ensure that the instances are configured in the same
manner so that clients get the same response regardless of which instance handles the
request. This includes the following:
■ Deploy the same applications on each OC4J instance in the topology.
■ Ensure that you replicate state and stateful session bean information across OC4J
instances so that in the event that an OC4J instance fails, another OC4J instance
contains the state information and can continue the session.
■ Ensure that configuration properties for all the OC4J instances in the topology are
identical. These configuration properties are listed in chapter 8, "Configuring and
Managing Clusters", in section "Replicating Changes Across a Cluster", in the
Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.4 Installation Steps for Active-Active Topologies

To create the topology shown in Figure 6–1 or Figure 6–2, you perform the following
Step 1: Configure the Load Balancer with Virtual Server Names
Step 2: Install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using OPMN
Step 3: Cluster the OC4J Components to Create an Application Cluster
The following sections describe the steps in detail.

Step 1 Configure the Load Balancer with Virtual Server Names

Refer to your load balancer documentation for configuration steps. On your load
balancer, you need to configure a virtual server name and port for HTTP traffic, and
another virtual server name and port for HTTPS traffic. The port numbers for the
virtual server names should match the port numbers at which Oracle HTTP Server is
listening. Clients will use the virtual server names and ports to access Oracle
Application Server instances.

6-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Step 2 Install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using
You can install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle home (see
Figure 6–1), or in different Oracle homes (see Figure 6–2).
For Oracle Application Server instances that you want to group in the same
active-active topology, you need to place them in the same cluster. This enables
communication between the Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J instances, and simplifies
the management of Oracle Application Server instances. OracleAS Clusters enable you
to use the @cluster parameter for the opmnctl command to manage all the
instances in the cluster.
You can create clusters using one of the following methods:
■ Dynamic Discovery Method
In this method, each ONS node within the same subnet announces its presence
with a multicast message. The cluster topology map for each node is automatically
updated as nodes are added or removed, enabling the cluster to be self-managing.
If you use this method, you should specify the multicast address and port on the
Cluster Topology Configuration screen in the installer.
■ Discovery Server Method
In this method, specific nodes within a cluster are configured to serve as
"discovery servers", which maintain the topology map for the cluster; the
remaining nodes then connect with one another via this server.
If you use this method, you can define a cluster for OPMN by specifying the
names of the Oracle Application Server instances explicitly in the opmn.xml file of
each instance by following the steps in Section, "Setting up Clusters with
the Discovery Server Method" after installation.
■ Gateway Method
This configuration is used to connect topologies separated by firewalls or on
different subnets using specified "gateway" nodes.
If you use this method, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways" in
the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for
configuration details.
You can perform either an integrated installation or a distributed installation.
■ For Integrated Installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle
You install Oracle Application Server on the local storage of each node in the
active-active topology.
Perform an advanced installation by following the steps in Section 5.2.3, "Installing
J2EE Server and Web Server" so that both Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J will run
from the same Oracle home.
During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the
■ On the Administration Instance Settings screen:
– If you want this node to administer the cluster using Application Server
Control, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance. In a
cluster topology, only one instance should be configured as an

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-9

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Administration OC4J instance. Note that the Administration OC4J

instance for the cluster does not have to be the first installed node.
– If you do not want this node to administer the cluster, deselect Configure
this as an Administration OC4J instance.
■ If you are using the dynamic discovery method to cluster the Oracle
Application Server instances for OPMN, perform the following:
On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Configure this instance
to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology. Specify the IP
Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the
Note that the multicast address must be between and
If you are installing on the first node in the cluster, you may choose any IP
address and port, as long as it falls in the multicast address range.
Note the following:
■ Set the Oracle home to be on the local storage of each node.
■ Ensure that the same component uses the same port number in each Oracle
Application Server instance in the cluster. For example, ensure that Oracle
HTTP Server is listening at the same port number for all instances in the
■ To simplify administering the instances, use the same Oracle home path and
the same instance name for each node.
■ If you are using the discovery server method to cluster the Oracle Application
Server instances for OPMN, be sure to perform the steps in Section,
"Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method" after installation.
■ If you are using the gateway method to cluster the Oracle Application Server
instances for OPMN, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways"
in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for
configuration details.
■ For Distributed Installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Different Oracle
You install Oracle Application Server on the local storage of each node in the
active-active topology.
For the nodes where you want to run Oracle HTTP Server, follow the steps in
Section 5.2.5, "Installing Web Server". For the nodes where you want to run OC4J,
follow the steps in Section 5.2.4, "Installing J2EE Server".
During installation, select the following options:
■ On the Administration Instance Settings screen:
– If you want this node to administer the cluster using Application Server
Control, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance. In a
cluster topology, only one instance should be configured as an
Administration OC4J instance. Note that the Administration OC4J
instance for the cluster does not have to be the first installed node.
– If you do not want this node to administer the cluster, deselect Configure
this as an Administration OC4J instance.
■ If you are using the dynamic discovery method to cluster the Oracle
Application Server instances for OPMN, perform the following:

6-10 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

– If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server, select Configure this HTTP
Server instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster on the
"Cluster Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port
for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster.
– If you are installing OC4J, select Configure this OC4J instance to be part
of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology on the "Cluster
Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port for the
multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster and select Access
this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.
Note that the multicast address must be between and
If you are installing on the first node in the cluster, you may choose any IP
address and port, as long as it falls in the multicast address range.
Note the following:
■ Set the Oracle home to be on the local storage of each node.
■ Ensure that the same component uses the same port number in each Oracle
Application Server instance in the cluster. For example, ensure that Oracle
HTTP Server is listening at the same port number for all instances in the
■ To simplify administering the instances, use the same Oracle home path and
the same instance name for each node.
■ If you are using the discovery server method to cluster the Oracle Application
Server instances for OPMN, be sure to perform the steps in Section,
"Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method" after installation.
■ If you are using the gateway method to cluster the Oracle Application Server
instances for OPMN, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways"
in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for
configuration details.

Step 3 Cluster the OC4J Components to Create an Application Cluster

You can also cluster the OC4J components within the Oracle Application Server
instances. This type of cluster is called Application Cluster.
Application Clusters provides the following features:
■ Replication of objects and data contained in an HTTP session or a stateful session
Enterprise JavaBean
■ In-memory replication using multicast or peer-to-peer communication, or
persistence of state to a database
■ Load-balancing of incoming requests across OC4J instances
■ Transparent failover across applications within the cluster
Application Clusters Defined at the Global Level or Application Level
You can define properties of an application cluster at the global level or at the
application level. Properties defined at the global level apply to all applications, but
you can override specific properties by defining them at the application level.
To define properties at the global level, you define them in the ORACLE_
HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file, which is the configuration file
for the global default application.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-11

Creating the Active-Active Topology

To define properties at the application level, you define them in the application’s
orion-application.xml file. When you deploy the application, the file is located
in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/application-deployments/<app-name>/
To create an application cluster at either the global or application level, you perform
these steps:
1. Add an empty <distributable/> tag to the web.xml file for all Web modules
that are part of an application configured for clustering.
2. Specify the mechanism for replicating state and session information between
Oracle Application Server instances. You choose one of the following replication

Table 6–2 Application Cluster Replication Mechanisms

Replication Mechanism Description
Multicast OC4J instances use a multicast address and port to
replicate information between themselves.
See Section, "Setting up Multicast Replication" for
Peer-to-peer Oracle Application Server supports two types of
peer-to-peer replication: dynamic and static.
■ In dynamic peer-to-peer replication, OC4J discovers
other OC4J instances through OPMN. You do not have
to list the names of the instances in a configuration
■ In static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of
the instances that you want to be involved in the
See Section, "Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication" for
Replication to database State and session information are saved to the database
that you specify. The database must be defined in the
data-sources.xml file.
See Section, "Setting up Replication to a Database"
for details.

3. Specify how often and which data are replicated. See Section, "Setting the
Replication Policy" for details.
4. Specify the number of nodes to replicate the data to. See Section,
"Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To" for details.
For details, see the "Application Clustering in OC4J" chapter in the Oracle Containers for
J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.5 Supporting Procedures for Creating the Active-Active Topology

This section describes some common procedures that you may need to perform to
maintain the active-active topology:
■ Section, "Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method"
■ Section, "Setting up Multicast Replication"

6-12 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

■ Section, "Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication"

■ Section, "Setting up Replication to a Database"
■ Section, "Setting the Replication Policy"
■ Section, "Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To" Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method

If you do not want to use the multicast method, you can define a cluster by specifying
the names of the nodes running the Oracle Application Server instances in the
opmn.xml file of each instance.
Example: if you want to cluster four instances (inst1.node1.mycompany.com,
inst2.node2.mycompany.com, inst3.node3.mycompany.com,
inst4.node4.mycompany.com), you would perform these steps:
1. Designate at least one of the instances to serve as the "discovery server". The
discovery server maintains the topology for the cluster.
This example assumes that inst1.node1.mycompany.com and
inst2.node2.mycompany.com will be the discovery servers for the cluster.
In distributed installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J on different Oracle
homes), any instance, whether running Oracle HTTP Server or OC4J, can serve as
the discovery server.
2. In the opmn.xml file for all instances in the cluster, specify the nodes that are
running the discovery servers (node1.mycompany.com and
node2.mycompany.com in the example).
In the example, the opmn.xml file is changed to include the following lines:

The 6201 specifies the port number at which the notification server is listening.
You can find this value in the opmn.xml file of that instance.
If you have more than one discovery server, you separate them with the comma
3. On all the instances, run "opmnctl reload" to force OPMN to read the updated
opmn.xml file.
> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload Setting up Multicast Replication

Multicast replication is the default replication type. To set up an application to use
multicast replication, you can just add the empty <cluster/> tag to the application’s
orion-application.xml file or to the global ORACLE_
HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file. For example:
<orion-application ... >

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-13

Creating the Active-Active Topology


You need to add the <cluster/> tag on all nodes where the application is deployed.
By default, multicast replication uses multicast address and port 45566. If
you want to change these values, you specify the desired values in the ip and port
attributes of the multicast element. For example, the following snippet shows the
ip and port attributes set to customized values:
<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
<multicast ip="" port="45577" bind-addr=""/>

The multicast address must be between and

Description of other tags and attributes used in the snippet above:
■ allow-colocation: specifies whether or not application state is replicated to
other Oracle Application Server instances running on the same host. The default is
■ trigger and scope: see Section, "Setting the Replication Policy".
■ bind-addr: specifies the IP of the network interface card (NIC) to bind to. This is
useful if the host machine has multiple NICs, each with its own IP address. Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication

Oracle Application Server supports two types of peer-to-peer replication: dynamic and
■ In dynamic peer-to-peer replication, OC4J discovers other OC4J instances through
OPMN. You do not have to list the names of the instances in a configuration file.
■ In static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of the instances that you want
to be involved in the replication.

Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Replication

To specify dynamic peer-to-peer replication, you include an empty
<opmn-discovery/> tag in the application’s orion-application.xml file or in
the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file
<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>

You defined how OPMN discovers instances in a cluster in step 2, "Install Oracle
HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using OPMN" on page 6-9.

6-14 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Static Peer-to-Peer Replication

To specify static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of the hosts in the <node>
element in the application’s orion-application.xml file or in the global ORACLE_
HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file. For each node, you specify
another node in the active-active topology such that all the nodes in the topology are
connected in the chain. For example, if you have three Oracle Application Server
instances in your topology, node 1 can specify node 2, node 2 can specify node 3, and
node 3 can specify node 1.
On node 1, the <node> tag specifies node 2:
<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
<peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
<node host="node2.mycompany.com" port="7900"/>

On node 2, the <node> tag specifies node 3:

<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
<peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
<node host="node3.mycompany.com" port="7900"/>

On node 3, the <node> tag specifies node 1:

<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
<peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
<node host="node1.mycompany.com" port="7900"/>

Another way of doing this is to have all the nodes specify the same node. In a
three-node example, you could also have nodes 1 and 2 specify node 3, and node 3 can
specify either node 1 or node 2.
Description of the tags and attributes used in the example above:
■ start-port: specifies the first port on the local node that Oracle Application
Server tries to bind to for peer communication. If this port is already in use, Oracle

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-15

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Application Server increments the port number until it finds an available port. The
default is 7800.
■ timeout: specifies the length of time in milliseconds to wait for a response from
the specified peer node. The default is 3000 milliseconds.
■ host: specifies the name of the peer node.
■ port: specifies the port to use on the specified host (in the host attribute) for peer
communication. The default is 7800.
■ range: specifies the number of times to increment the port specified on the port
(not start-port) attribute. The default is 5.
Note the following:
■ In static peer-to-peer replication, the application’s orion-application.xml file
is different for each instance. When you deploy your application, you have to
make sure that you update the orion-application.xml accordingly. Setting up Replication to a Database

In this replication mechanism, the replicated data is saved to a database. You specify
the database in the <database> tag in the application’s orion-application.xml
file or in the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file.
For example:
<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
<database data-source="jdbc/MyOracleDS"/>

The value for the data-source attribute must match the data source’s jndi-name as
specified in the data-sources.xml file. See the Oracle Containers for J2EE Services
Guide for details on creating and using data sources. Setting the Replication Policy

Attributes in the <replication-policy> tag enable you to specify which data is to
be replicated and how frequently the data is replicated.

The trigger attribute

The trigger attribute specifies when replication occurs. Table 6–3 describes
supported values for this attribute:

6-16 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Active Topology

Table 6–3 Values for the trigger Attribute

Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean
onSetAttribute Replicate each change made to Not applicable.
an HTTP session attribute at
the time the value is modified.
From a programmatic
standpoint, replication occurs
each time setAttribute() is
called on the HttpSession
This option can be resource
intensive in cases where the
session is being extensively
onRequestEnd Queue all changes made to Replicate the current state of the
(default) HTTP session attributes, then bean after each EJB method call. The
replicate all changes just before state is replicated frequently, but
the HTTP response is sent. offers higher reliance.
onShutdown Replicate the current state of Replicate the current state of the
the HTTP session whenever the bean whenever the JVM is
JVM is terminated gracefully, terminated gracefully. State is not
such as with Control-C. State is replicated if the host is terminated
not replicated if the host is unexpectedly, as in case of a system
terminated unexpectedly, as in crash.
the case of a system crash.
Because bean state was not
Because session state was not previously replicated, all state data
previously replicated, all is sent across the network at once
session data is sent across the upon JVM termination, which can
network at once upon JVM impact network performance. This
termination, which can impact option may also significantly
network performance. This increase the amount of time needed
option can also significantly for the JVM to shut down.
increase the amount of time
needed for the JVM to shut

The scope attribute

The scope attribute specifies which data is replicated. Table 6–4 describes supported
values for the attribute:

Table 6–4 Values for the scope Attribute

Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean
modifiedAttributes Replicate only the modified HTTP Not applicable.
session attributes.
This is the default replication
setting for HttpSession.
allAttributes Replicate all attribute values set on Replicate all member
the HTTP session. variable values set on the
stateful session bean.
This is the default replication
setting for stateful session

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-17

Creating the Active-Passive Topology Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To

To specify the number of nodes to replicate to, use the write-quota attribute of the
<cluster> tag. For example, the following snippet specifies that the replicated data
is replicated to two other nodes.
<orion-application ... >
<cluster allow-colocation="false" write-quota="2">
<replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>

The default is 1.
Recommendations: For a two-node active-active topology, set write-quota to 1, so
that the data is replicated to the other node.
For topologies with three or more nodes, set write-quota to at least 2 to ensure that
the data is replicated to at least two other nodes.
To replicate data to all nodes in the topology, set write-quota to the total number of
nodes in the topology. It is possible to write back to the same node if there is another
instance running on that node.
The write-quota attribute is not used if you are replicating to database.

6.4 Creating the Active-Passive Topology

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in an active-passive
topology with OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster. OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster is one
of the high availability environments supported by Oracle Application Server.
Contents of this section:
■ Section 6.4.1, "Active-Passive Topologies: Introduction"
■ Section 6.4.2, "Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster"
■ Section 6.4.3, "Preinstallation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster"
■ Section 6.4.4, "OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster: Details of Installation Steps"

6.4.1 Active-Passive Topologies: Introduction

An active-passive topology consists of the following:
■ Two nodes in a hardware cluster
■ A virtual hostname and IP address
■ A shared storage, to be shared between the two nodes
You install the Oracle home on the shared storage. During runtime in an active-passive
topology, only one node is active. The other node is passive. The active node mounts
the shared storage so that it can access the files and runs all the processes and handles
all the requests. Clients access the active node through the virtual hostname. Clients
do not need to know the physical hostnames of the nodes in the topology.

6-18 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

If the active node fails for any reason, a failover event occurs and the passive node
takes over and becomes the active node. It mounts the shared storage and runs all the
processes and handles all the requests. The virtual hostname and IP now point to the
passive node. Clients, because they access the nodes using the virtual hostname, do
not know that it is the passive node that is servicing their requests.
The nodes need to be in hardware cluster to enable failover.

Note: Installing the Oracle home on the local storage of each node in
the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology is not supported. You
have to install it on the shared storage.

Vendor Clusterware
The two nodes in an active-passive topology are in a hardware cluster, which typically
includes some vendor clusterware. For a list of certified clusterware, visit the Oracle
Technology Network website (http://www.oracle.com/technology).
These products must be installed on both nodes (active and passive) in the topology.

Figures of Active-Passive Topologies

Figure 6–3 shows a diagram of an active-passive topology with the Oracle Application
Server Oracle home installed on the shared storage. The Oracle home contains both
Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J. Figure 6–4 shows a distributed active-passive topology,
where Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J are installed on different Oracle home.

Figure 6–3 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home

Virtual Hostname:
Virtual IP:

HTTP(S) On Failover

Hardware Cluster Variation:

You can use Oracle
Identity Management
Cluster Node 1 Cluster Node 2
from 10.1.2 with
(Active) (Passive)
this topology


Vendor Clusterware Vendor Clusterware On Windows platforms you

need Microsoft Cluster
InterConnect Server and Oracle
Fail Safe.

On Failover



Installing in High Availability Environments 6-19

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

Figure 6–4 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes

Virtual Hostname:
Virtual IP:

HTTP(S) On Failover

Hardware Cluster Variations:

· You can use Oracle Identity
Management from 10.1.2
Cluster Node 1 Cluster Node 2
with this topology.
(Active) (Passive)
· You can use Oracle HTTP
Server from 10.1.2 with
OHS OHS this topology.

Vendor Clusterware Vendor Clusterware On Windows platforms, you

need Microsoft Cluster Server
InterConnect and Oracle Fail Safe.

On Failover



Virtual Hostname:
Virtual IP:

HTTP(S) On Failover

Hardware Cluster

Cluster Node 1 Cluster Node 2

(Active) (Passive)


Vendor Clusterware Vendor Clusterware On Windows platforms, you

need Microsoft Cluster Server
InterConnect and Oracle Fail Safe.

On Failover



6.4.2 Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

Follow the steps in Table 6–5 to create the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster
configuration. If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle
Home (Figure 6–3), perform the steps on the hardware cluster. If you are installing
Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in separate Oracle Homes (Figure 6–4), perform each
step on both hardware clusters.

6-20 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

Table 6–5 Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster
Step Description
1. Perform Preinstallation Steps Preinstallation tasks, described in Section 6.4.3 include:
■ Section, "Map the Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP
■ Section, "Set Up a File System That Can Be
Mounted from Both Nodes"
2. Set VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME Environment Set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME variable to the virtual
Variable hostname.
3. Install Oracle Application Server on the In this step, you run the installer from either node of the
Shared Disk hardware cluster to install Oracle HTTP Server and OPMN on
the shared disk.
4. (optional) Configure the Oracle Application If you want the Oracle Application Server instance to use SSL,
Server Instance for SSL enable SSL in the Oracle Application Server installation.
5. (optional) Create a File System on the Shared If you are using OracleAS JMS, create a file system on the
Disk for OracleAS JMS File-Based Persistence shared disk.

6.4.3 Preinstallation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

Before installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster,
perform these procedures:
■ Section, "Map the Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP Address"
■ Section, "Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes"

Note: In addition to the requirements listed in this chapter, ensure

that you meet the requirements described in Section 6.2,
"Requirements for High Availability Configurations". Map the Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP Address

Each node in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration is associated with its
own physical IP address. In addition, the active node in the cluster is associated with a
virtual hostname and virtual IP address. This allows clients to access the OracleAS
Cold Failover Cluster using the virtual hostname.
Virtual hostnames and virtual IP addresses are any valid hostname and IP address in
the context of the subnet containing the hardware cluster.

Note: Map the virtual hostname and virtual IP address only to the
active node. Do not map the virtual hostname and IP address to
both active and passive nodes at the same time. When you failover,
only then map the virtual hostname and IP address to the passive
node, which is now the active node.

Note: Before attempting to complete this procedure, ask the

system or network administrator to review all the steps required.
The procedure will reconfigure the network settings on the cluster
nodes and may vary with differing network implementations.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-21

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

The following example configures a virtual hostname called vhost.mydomain.com,

with a virtual IP of
1. Register the virtual hostname and IP address with DNS for the network.
For example, register the vhost.mydomain.com/ pair with
2. Determine the primary public network interface.
The primary public network interface for Ethernet encapsulation is typically eth0.
Use the following command and search for a network interface that has an inet
addr value of the physical IP address of the node:

3. Find an available index number for the primary public network interface.
For example, if the following is the output of the /sbin/ifconfig command
and eth0 is determined to be the primary public interface in step 2, then eth0:1 is
available for an additional IP address:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:B0:D0:68:B4:3D
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:608598569 errors:8 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:8
TX packets:578257570 errors:111 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:111
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:2407934851 (2296.3 Mb) TX bytes:3386476912 (3229.5 Mb)
Interrupt:26 Base address:0xe0c0 Memory:fbefc000-fbefc038

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:B3:28:80:8C

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:781415 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:725511 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:280473135 (267.4 Mb) TX bytes:254651952 (242.8 Mb)
Interrupt:23 Base address:0xccc0 Memory:fabff000-fabff038

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:114185902 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:114185902 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:2307872746 (2200.9 Mb) TX bytes:2307872746 (2200.9 Mb)

4. Add the virtual IP address to the primary public network interface by running the
following command, as the root user, using the available index number from step
/sbin/ifconfig <primary_public_interface>:<available_index> <virtual_ip_
address> netmask <netmask_value> up

For example, enter the following command if eth0:1 is available:

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 up

5. Check that the virtual IP address is configured correctly:

a. Use the instructions listed in step 2 to confirm the new entry for the
primary_public_interface:available_index entry created in step 4.

6-22 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

b. Try to connect to the node using the virtual hostname and virtual IP address
from another node. For example, entering both of the following commands
from a different node should provide a login to the node you configured in
this procedure:
telnet hostname.domain
telnet ip_address

For example, enter:

telnet vhost.mydomain.com

On Failover
If the active node fails, then the passive node takes over. If you do not have a
clusterware agent to map the virtual IP from the failed node to the passive node, then
you have to do it manually. You have to remove the virtual IP mapping from the failed
node, and map it to the passive node.
1. On the failed node, remove the virtual IP address by running the following
command as the root user:
/sbin/ifconfig configured_interface down

For example, enter the following command if eth0:1 is configured with the
virtual IP address:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 down

Note: Use the commands in step 2 of the previous procedure to

confirm that the virtual IP address has been removed.

2. On the passive node, add the virtual IP address.

On the passive node, follow steps 2 to 5 of the previous procedure to add and
confirm the virtual IP address on the passive node. Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes
Although the hardware cluster has shared storage, you need to create a file system on
this shared storage such that both nodes of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster can
mount this file system. You will use this file system for the following directories:
■ Oracle home directory for the Oracle Application Server instance
■ The oraInventory directory
For disk space requirements, see Section 2.2, "System Requirements".
If you are running a volume manager on the cluster to manage the shared storage,
refer to the volume manager documentation for steps to create a volume. Once a
volume is created, you can create the file system on that volume.
If you do not have a volume manager, you can create a file system on the shared disk
directly. Ensure that the hardware vendor supports this, that the file system can be
mounted from either node of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, and that the file
system is repairable from either node if a node fails.
To check that the file system can be mounted from either node, do the following steps:

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-23

Creating the Active-Passive Topology

1. Set up and mount the file system from node 1.

2. Unmount the file system from node 1.
3. Mount the file system from node 2 using the same mount point that you used in
step 1.
4. Unmount it from node 2, and mount it on node 1, because you will be running the
installer from node 1.

Note: Only one node of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

should mount the file system at any given time. File system
configuration files on all nodes of the cluster should not include an
entry for the automatic mount of the file system upon a node restart
or execution of a global mount command. For example, on UNIX
platforms, do not include an entry for this file system in
/etc/fstab file.

6.4.4 OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster: Details of Installation Steps

This section lists the steps for installing OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster.
If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in separate Oracle Homes, you
need to perform each of these steps on both clusters.

Step 1 Perform Preinstallation Steps

Perform the preinstallation steps listed in Section 6.4.3, "Preinstallation Steps for
OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster".

Step 2 Set VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME Environment Variable

Set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME environment variable to the virtual hostname on
either node of the hardware cluster. You will perform the install from this node onto
the shared disk in the next step. To find out more about how to set environment
variables, see Section 2.10, "Environment Variables".

Step 3 Install Oracle Application Server on the Shared Disk

Install Oracle Application Server on the shared disk of the hardware cluster from the
node where you set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME environment variable.
■ For OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the
Same Oracle Home
Follow the steps in Section 5.2.3, "Installing J2EE Server and Web Server". During
installation, perform the following actions:
– On the "Administration Instance Settings" screen, select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance if you want to configure Application Server
Control for administering the OC4J instance. Otherwise, deselect this option.
■ For OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in
Separate Oracle Homes
If you are installing on the hardware cluster where you want to run Oracle HTTP
Server, follow the steps in Section 5.2.5, "Installing Web Server". During
installation, perform the following actions:
– If you want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server,
select Configure this HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle

6-24 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

Application Server cluster on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen.

Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the
nodes in the cluster.
– If you do not want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP
Server, deselect Configure this HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen.
If you are installing on the hardware cluster where you want to run OC4J, follow
the steps in Section 5.2.4, "Installing J2EE Server". During installation, perform the
following actions:
– On the "Administration Instance Settings" screen, select Configure this as an
Administration OC4J instance if you want to configure Application Server
Control for administering the OC4J instance. Otherwise, deselect this option.
– If you want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server,
select Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application
Server cluster topology on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen.
Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the
nodes in the cluster. Select Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle
HTTP Server.
– If you do not want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP
Server, deselect Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle
Application Server cluster topology on the "Cluster Topology Configuration"

Step 4 (optional) Configure the Oracle Application Server Instance for SSL
If you want the Oracle Application Server instance to use SSL, follow the steps in the
Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

Step 5 (optional) Create a File System on the Shared Disk for OracleAS JMS
File-Based Persistence
If you are using OracleAS JMS with file-based persistence, create a file system on the
shared disk for the OracleAS JMS queues, and mount this file system from node 1.

6.5 Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in OracleAS Disaster
Recovery configurations. OracleAS Disaster Recovery is one of the high availability
environments supported by Oracle Application Server.
Contents of this section:
■ Section 6.5.1, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery: Introduction"
■ Section 6.5.2, "Setting up the OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment"
■ Section 6.5.3, "Installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster
Recovery Environment"
■ Section 6.5.4, "Installing the OracleAS 10g ( Standalone Install of
OracleAS Guard into Oracle Homes"
■ Section 6.5.5, "Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with Release"
■ Section 6.5.6, "What to Read Next"

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-25

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

6.5.1 OracleAS Disaster Recovery: Introduction

Use the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment when you want to have two
physically separate sites in your environment. One site is the production site, and the
other site is the standby site. The production site is active, while the standby site is
passive; the standby site becomes active when the production site goes down.
OracleAS Disaster Recovery supports a number of basic topologies for the
configuration of the Infrastructure and middle tier on production and standby sites.
OracleAS Disaster Recovery supports these basic topologies:
■ Symmetrical topologies -- strict mirror of the production site with collocated
Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure
■ Asymmetrical topologies -- simple asymmetric standby topology with collocated
Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure
■ Separate OracleAS Metadata Repository for OracleAS Portal with collocated
Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure
(the Departmental Topology)
■ Distributed Application OracleAS metadata Repositories with Non collocated
Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure
■ Redundant Multiple OracleAS 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology
■ Redundant Single OracleAS 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology Integrated with an
Existing Oracle Identity Management Topology
In a symmetric topology, each node in the standby site corresponds to a node in the
production site. This includes the nodes running both OracleAS Infrastructure and
middle tiers. In an asymmetric topology, the number of instances required on the
standby site are fewer than the number on the production site and the number of
instances required on the standby site must be the minimum set of instances required
to run your site in the event of a switchover or failover operation. The last two
supported topologies are particularly important in OracleAS Release See the
Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for a detailed description of these
As a small variation to this environment, you can set up the OracleAS Infrastructure
on the production site in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster environment. See
Section, "If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the Production
Site (OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only)" for details.
For these supported topologies, OracleAS Guard will be installed in every Oracle
home on every system that is part of your production and standby topology
configured for the OracleAS Disaster Recovery solution.
OracleAS Guard can be installed as a standalone install kit located on OracleAS
Companion CD #2. See Section 6.5.4, "Installing the OracleAS 10g (
Standalone Install of OracleAS Guard into Oracle Homes" for more information about
when this standalone kit should be installed.
Figure 6–5 shows an example symmetric OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment.
Each site has two nodes running middle tiers and a node running OracleAS

Data Synchronization
For OracleAS Disaster Recovery to work, data between the production and standby
sites must be synchronized so that failover can happen very quickly. Configuration
changes done at the production site must be synchronized with the standby site.

6-26 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

You need to synchronize two types of data. The synchronization method depends on
the type of data:
■ Use Oracle Data Guard to synchronize data in the OracleAS Metadata Repository
databases on the production and standby sites. You can configure Oracle Data
Guard to perform the synchronization.
■ Use the backup and recovery scripts to synchronize data outside of the database
(such as data stored in configuration files).
See the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for details on how to use Oracle
Data Guard and the backup and recovery scripts.

Figure 6–5 OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment

Production Site Standby Site

External hostname: prodmid1 External hostname: standbymid1

Internal hostname: asmid1 Internal hostname: asmid1

Middle Tier External hostname: prodmid2 Middle Tier External hostname: standbymid2

Internal hostname: asmid2 Internal hostname: asmid2

Middle Tier Middle Tier

OracleAS Infrastructure OracleAS Infrastructure

Oracle Data
OracleAS Metadata Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository

Hostname: prodinfra Hostname: standbyinfra

Alias: asinfra Alias: asinfra

6.5.2 Setting up the OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment

Before you can install Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster Recovery
environment, you have to perform these steps:
■ Section, "Ensure Nodes Are Identical at the Operating System Level"
■ Section, "Set Up staticports.ini File"
■ Section, "Set Up Identical Hostnames on Both Production and Standby
■ Section, "If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the
Production Site (OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only)" Ensure Nodes Are Identical at the Operating System Level

Ensure that the nodes are identical with respect to the following items:
■ The nodes are running the same version of the operating system.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-27

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

■ The nodes have the same operating system patches and packages.
■ You can install Oracle Application Server in the same directory path on all nodes. Set Up staticports.ini File

The same component must use the same port number on the production and standby
sites. For example, if Oracle HTTP Server is using port 80 on the production site, it
must also use port 80 on the standby site. To ensure this is the case, create a
staticports.ini file for use during installation. This file enables you to specify
port numbers for each component. See Section 2.5.3, "Using Custom Port Numbers
(the "Static Ports" Feature)" for details. Set Up Identical Hostnames on Both Production and Standby Sites

The names of the corresponding nodes on the production and standby sites must be
identical, so that when you synchronize data between the sites, you do not have to edit
the data to fix the hostnames.

For the Infrastructure Nodes

For the node running the infrastructure, set up a virtual name. To do this, specify an
alias for the node in the /etc/hosts file.
For example, on the infrastructure node on the production site, the following line in
the hosts file sets the alias to asinfra: prodinfra asinfra

On the standby site, the following line sets the node’s alias to asinfra. standbyinfra asinfra

When you install OracleAS Infrastructure on the production and standby sites, you
specify this alias (asinfra) in the Specify Virtual Hostname screen. The configuration
data will then contain this alias for the infrastructure nodes.

For the Middle-Tier Nodes

For the nodes running the middle tiers, you cannot set up aliases like you did for the
infrastructure nodes because the installer does not display the Specify Virtual
Hostname screen for middle-tier installations. When installing middle tiers, the
installer determines the hostname automatically by calling the gethostname() function.
You want to be sure that for each middle-tier node on the production site, the
corresponding node on the standby site returns the same hostname.
To do this, set up a local, or internal, hostname, which could be different from the
public, or external, hostname. You can change the names of the nodes on the standby
site to match the names of the corresponding nodes on the production site, or you can
change the names of the nodes on both production and standby sites to be the same.
This depends on other applications that you might be running on the nodes, and
whether changing the node name will affect those applications.
1. On the nodes whose local names you want to change, reconfigure the node so that
the hostname command returns the new local hostname.

6-28 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

Note: The procedure to change the hostname of a system differs

between different operating systems. Contact the system
administrator of your system to perform this step. Note also that
changing the hostname of a system will affect installed software that
has a dependency on the previous hostname. Consider the impact of
this before changing the hostname.

2. Enable the other nodes in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment to be able
to resolve the node using the new local hostname. You can do this in one of two
Method 1: Set up separate internal DNS servers for the production and standby
sites. This configuration allows nodes on each site (production or standby) to
resolve hostnames within the site. Above the internal DNS servers are the
corporate, or external, DNS servers. The internal DNS servers forward
non-authoritative requests to the external DNS servers. The external DNS servers
do not know about the existence of the internal DNS servers. See Figure 6–6.

Figure 6–6 Method 1: Using DNS Servers

External DNS Server External DNS Server External DNS Server

Internal DNS Server Internal DNS Server

for the Production Site for the Standby Site

asinfra asmid1 asmid2 asinfra asmid1 asmid2

Production Site Standby Site

Method 1 Details
a. Make sure the external DNS names are defined in the external DNS zone.
prodmid1.us.oracle.com IN A
prodmid2.us.oracle.com IN A
prodinf.us.oracle.com IN A
standbymid1.us.oracle.com IN A
standbymid2.us.oracle.com IN A
standbyinf.us.oracle.com IN A

b. At the production site, create a new zone at the production site using a
domain name different from your external domain name. To do this, populate
the zone data files with entries for each node in the OracleAS Disaster
Recovery environment.
For the infrastructure node, use the virtual name or alias.
For the middle-tier nodes, use the node name (the value in /etc/nodename).

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-29

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

The following example uses "asha" as the domain name for the new zone.
asmid1.asha IN A
asmid2.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A

Do the same for the standby site. Use the same domain name that you used for
the production site.
asmid1.asha IN A
asmid1.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A

c. Configure the DNS resolver to point to the internal DNS servers instead of the
external DNS server.
In the /etc/resolv.conf file for each node on the production site, replace
the existing name server IP address with the IP address of the internal DNS
server for the production site.
Do the same for the nodes on the standby site, but use the IP address of the
internal DNS server for the standby site.
d. Create a separate entry for Oracle Data Guard in the internal DNS servers.
This entry is used by Oracle Data Guard to ship redo data to the database on
the standby site.
In the next example, the "remote_infra" entry points to the infrastructure node
on the standby site. This name is used by the TNS entries on both the
production and standby sites so that if a switchover occurs, the entry does not
have to be changed.

Figure 6–7 Entry for Oracle Data Guard in the Internal DNS Servers

Production Site Standby Site

asinfra = asinfra =
remote_infra =

remote_infra =

On the production site, the DNS entries look like this:

asmid1.asha IN A
asmid2.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A
remote_infra.asha IN A

On the standby site, the DNS entries look like this:

asmid1.asha IN A
asmid2.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A
remote_infra.asha IN A

Method 2: Edit the /etc/hostsfile on each node on both sites. This method does
not involve configuring DNS servers, but you have to maintain the hosts file on
each node in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. For example, if an IP

6-30 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

address changes, you have to update the files on all the nodes, and restart the
Method 2 Details
a. On each node on the production site, include these lines in the /etc/hosts
file. The IP addresses resolve to nodes on the production site.

Note: In the hosts file, be sure that the line that identifies the
current node comes immediately after the localhost definition (the
line with the address). localhost asmid1.oracle.com asmid1 asmid2.oracle.com asmid2 asinfra.oracle.com asinfra

b. On each node on the standby site, include these lines in the hosts file. The IP
addresses resolve to nodes on the standby site.

Note: In the hosts file, be sure that the line that identifies the
current node comes immediately after the localhost definition (the
line with the address). localhost asmid1.oracle.com asmid1 asmid2.oracle.com asmid2 asinfra.oracle.com asinfra

c. Ensure that the "hosts:" line in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file has "files" as
the first item:
hosts: files nis dns

The entry specifies the ordering of the name resolution. If another method is
listed first, then the node will use the other method to resolve the hostname.

Note: Restart the nodes after editing these files.

Verifying that the Nodes Resolve the Hostnames Correctly

After making the changes and restarting the nodes, check that the nodes resolve the
hostnames properly by running the following commands:
■ On the middle-tier nodes on both sites, you must set the internal hostname. For
example, for the prodmid1 middle-tier, set the internal hostname as asmid1 as
> hostname asmid1

■ On the middle-tier nodes on both sites, run the hostname command. This should
return the internal hostname. For example, the command should return "asmid1"
if you run it on prodmid1 and standbymid1.
prompt> hostname

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-31

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

■ On each node, ping the other nodes in the environment using the internal
hostname as well as the external hostname. The command should be successful.
For example, from the first midtier node, prodmid1, run the following commands:
prompt> ping prodinfra ping the production infrastructure node
PING prodinfra: 56 data byes
64 bytes from prodinfra.oracle.com ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

prompt> ping iasinfra ping the production infrastructure node

PING iasinfra: 56 data byes
64 bytes from iasinfra.oracle.com ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

prompt> ping iasmid2 ping the second production midtier node

PING iasmid2: 56 data byes
64 bytes from iasmid2.oracle.com ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

prompt> ping prodmid2 ping the second production midtier node

PING prodmid2: 56 data byes
64 bytes from prodmid2.oracle.com ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

prompt> ping standbymid1 ping the first standby midtier node

PING standbymid1: 56 data byes
64 bytes from standbymid1.oracle.com ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
^C If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the Production Site
(OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only)

Note: You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release

10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This
information is presented here for informative purposes only.

On the production site of a OracleAS Disaster Recovery system, you can set up the
OracleAS Infrastructure to run in a OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration. In
this case, you have two nodes in a hardware cluster, and you install the OracleAS
Infrastructure on a shared disk. See Chapter 11, "Installing in High Availability
Environments: OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster" in the Oracle Application Server
Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Documentation set for details.

6-32 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

Figure 6–8 Infrastructure in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster Configuration

Production Site Standby Site

OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

prodinfra = prodinfra2 =

Virtual hostname: asinfra

Virtual IP address:

Nodes running middle tiers (unchanged)

To set up OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster in this environment, use the virtual IP
address (instead of the physical IP address) for asinfra.asha on the production site. The
following example assumes is the virtual IP address.
asmid1.asha IN A
asmid2.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A this is a virtual IP address
remote_infra.asha IN A

On the standby site, you still use the physical IP address for asinfra.asha, but the
remote_infra.asha uses the virtual IP address.
asmid1.asha IN A
asmid2.asha IN A
asinfra.asha IN A physical IP address
remote_infra.asha IN A virtual IP address

6.5.3 Installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster Recovery

For OracleAS Release, you can only install middle tiers on the production
and standby sites.
Install Oracle Application Server as follows:

Note: For all of the installations, be sure to use staticports.ini to

specify port numbers for the components. See Section, "Set
Up staticports.ini File".

Install Middle Tiers (OracleAS Release only)

1. Install middle tiers on the production site.

2. Install middle tiers on the standby site.

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-33

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

Install OracleAS Infrastructure and Middle Tiers (Release 10.1.2.n.n only)

Note: You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release

10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This
information is presented here for informative purposes only.

1. Install OracleAS Infrastructure on the production site.

2. Install OracleAS Infrastructure on the standby site.
3. Start the OracleAS Infrastructure in each site before installing the middle tiers for
that site.
4. Install middle tiers on the production site.
5. Install middle tiers on the standby site. Installing the OracleAS Infrastructure (OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n Only)

Note: You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release

10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This
information is presented here for informative purposes only.

In an OracleAS Release environment, you must install the Oracle Identity
Management and the OracleAS Metadata Repository components of OracleAS
Infrastructure on the same node. You cannot distribute the components over multiple
nodes. In an OracleAS Release environment, you can distribute the
components over multiple nodes.
The installation steps are similar to that for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster. See
Section 11.3, "Installing an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Infrastructure)
Configuration" in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Documentation set for the screen sequence.
Note the following points:
■ Select Configuration Options screen: be sure you select High Availability and
Replication. See Table 11–5, step 2.
■ Specify Virtual Hostname screen: enter an alias as the virtual address (for example,
asinfra.oracle.com). See Table 11–5, step 6. Installing Middle Tiers (OracleAS Release and 10.1.2.n.n)

Depending on your configuration, you can install OracleAS middle tiers or
OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n middle tiers, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher.

OracleAS Release

On OracleAS release, you can install any type of middle tier that you like:
For installing J2EE Server, see Section 5.2.4, "Installing J2EE Server".
For installing Web Server, see Section 5.2.5, "Installing Web Server".
For installing J2EE Server and Web Server, see Section 5.2.3, "Installing J2EE Server and
Web Server".

6-34 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

For installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, see Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE
Server, Web Server and SOA Suite".

OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n

Note: You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release

10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This
information is presented here for informative purposes only.

On OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n, you can install any type of middle tier that you like:
For installing J2EE and Web Cache, see Section 7.9 "Installing J2EE and Web Cache in a
Database-Based Farm Repository and with Oracle Identity Management Access" in the
Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).
For installing Portal and Wireless or Business Intelligence and Forms, see Section 7.13,
"Installing Portal and Wireless or Business Intelligence and Forms".
Note the following points on OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n:
■ When the installer prompts you to register with Oracle Internet Directory, and
asks you for the Oracle Internet Directory hostname, enter the alias of the node
running OracleAS Infrastructure (for example, asinfra.oracle.com).

6.5.4 Installing the OracleAS 10g ( Standalone Install of OracleAS Guard into
Oracle Homes
OracleAS 10g ( standalone install of OracleAS Guard is located on
Companion CD Disk 2. This standalone install of OracleAS Guard can be installed in
the following environments:
■ In its own home in the case when you are cloning an instance or topology to a new
standby system (see the section on standby site cloning in Oracle Application Server
High Availability Guide for more information).
■ Oracle database server home for an OracleAS Metadata Repository configuration
created using OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.
■ OracleAS Disaster Recovery full site upgrade from OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) to
OracleAS 10g ( (see the chapter on OracleAS Disaster Recovery site
upgrade procedure in Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for more
■ OracleAS Guard patch upgrade from OracleAS 10g ( to OracleAS 10g
( (see Section 6.5.5, "Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with
Release" for more information).
If this is an upgrade installation of OracleAS Guard, make a copy of your dsa.conf
configuration file to save your current settings for your OracleAS Guard environment.
After running the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install kit of OracleAS Guard,
you can restore your saved dsa.conf configuration file with your settings to continue
using the same settings for the upgraded OracleAS Guard environment.
To run the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install kit of OracleAS Guard, run the
kit in the following directory path:
On UNIX systems:

Installing in High Availability Environments 6-35

Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

Choose the type of install that you want. Choose Typical for most installations. Choose
Custom or Reinstall for upgrading from an older release of OracleAS Guard to the
current release.
Enter the oc4jadmin account password to continue the installation.

6.5.5 Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with Release

If you already have an OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment set up using
OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n (where n.n represents 0.0 or higher, you can patch
OracleAS Guard in your environment to take advantage of new features and support
for the topologies described in Section 6.5.1, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery:
Introduction". To patch your OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, follow these
basic steps:
1. Stop the OracleAS Guard server in all OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n Oracle homes on both
production and standby sites using the following opmnctl command:
On UNIX systems:
<ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

2. Install the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install of OracleAS Guard into each
Oracle home on the production and standby sites.
If multiple Oracle homes exist on the same system, ensure that different ports are
configured for each of the OracleAS Guard servers in this configuration file.
Because this is an upgrade installation of OracleAS Guard, make a copy of your
dsa.conf configuration file to save your current settings for your OracleAS
Guard environment. After running the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install
kit of OracleAS Guard, you can restore your saved dsa.conf configuration file
with your settings to continue using the same settings for the upgraded OracleAS
Guard environment.
On UNIX systems:

3. Start the OracleAS Guard server in all OracleAS Oracle homes on both
production and standby sites using the following opmnctl command:
On UNIX systems:
<ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
<ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=ASG

6.5.6 What to Read Next

For information on how to manage your OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment,
such as setting up Oracle Data Guard and configuring the OracleAS Metadata
Repository database, see the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide.

6-36 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Postinstallation Tasks

■ Section 7.1, "State of Oracle Application Server Instances After Installation"
■ Section 7.2, "Passwords for Oracle Application Server Components"
■ Section 7.3, "NFS Installations"
■ Section 7.4, "Configuring OracleAS Clusters"
■ Section 7.5, "Backup and Recovery"
■ Section 7.6, "SSL"
■ Section 7.7, "Operating System Locale and NLS_LANG Environment Variable"
■ Section 7.8, "Proxy Settings"
■ Section 7.9, "What to Do Next"

7.1 State of Oracle Application Server Instances After Installation

After installation, the components that you have configured are started up (unless you
have configured them to use ports lower than 1024, in which case you have to start
them up manually).
You can view the Welcome page and the Application Server Control page in a browser.
The URLs for these pages are shown in the last screen of the installer. You can view the
contents of the last screen in the file ORACLE_HOME/install/readme.txt.
You can use scripts or you can use the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application
Server Control to start and stop Oracle Application Server instances. See the Oracle
Application Server Administrator’s Guide for details.

7.2 Passwords for Oracle Application Server Components

By default, all passwords for Oracle Application Server components are set to be the
same as the Oracle Application Server instance password. For security reasons, you
should change the passwords of the various components to have different values.
See the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide and the component guides in the
Oracle Application Server Documentation Library for details on how to alter the
passwords for the components you have installed.

Postinstallation Tasks 7-1

NFS Installations

7.3 NFS Installations

If you installed Oracle Application Server on an NFS disk, you need to edit the
LockFile directive in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf file
so that it points to a local disk. This file is used by the Oracle HTTP Server component.
See the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator’s Guide for details.

7.4 Configuring OracleAS Clusters

If you did not configure OracleAS Clusters during installation, you can use Oracle
Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) commands to do so following
installation. See "Configuring Cluster Topologies" in the Oracle Application Server
Administrator’s Guide for details.

7.5 Backup and Recovery

After installation would be a good time to start backing up the files, and to set up your
backup and recovery strategy. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for

7.6 SSL
By default, all components are configured for SSL. For more information, see the SSL
section in the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide.

7.7 Operating System Locale and NLS_LANG Environment Variable

If you installed Oracle Application Server in a non-English language environment,
please check your settings as described in these sections:
■ Section 7.7.1, "Check the Operating System Locale"
■ Section 7.7.2, "Check the NLS_LANG Setting"

7.7.1 Check the Operating System Locale

To make sure the default locale is set properly, verify that the LC_ALL or LANG
environment variables are set with the appropriate values. To check the current
setting, run the locale command:
prompt> locale

7.7.2 Check the NLS_LANG Setting

To check the NLS_LANG setting:
1. Make sure the value of the NLS_LANG environment variable is compatible with
the default locale setting of the operating system. See the Oracle Application Server
Globalization Guide for details, including a list of files that set this variable. You
might need to edit the value of the NLS_LANG variable in these files.
2. Check that the NLS_LANG setting in the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
file is identical to the NLS_LANG environment variable.
Example: The NLS_LANG setting in the opmn.xml file might look something like

7-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

What to Do Next

<variable id="TMP" value="/tmp"/>
<variable id="NLS_LANG" value="JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS"/>

7.8 Proxy Settings

If you want the Oracle Application Server instance to use a proxy server, perform the
following steps:
1. Run the following command to shutdown all processes:
prompt> ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl shutdown

2. To set the proxy server for BPEL, modify the following lines in the ORACLE_
HOME/bpel/bin/obsetenv.sh file:
if [ "${PROXY_SET}" = "true" ]
OB_JAVA_PROPERTIES="-Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy_server_
hostname -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxy_server_port -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|non_

3. To set the proxy server for OC4J, modify the following lines for the OC4J module
in the ORACLE_HOME/opmn/config/opmn.xml file:
<process-type id="oc4j_instance_name" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled">
<category id="start-parameters">
<data id="java-options" value= ...
-Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy_server_hostname

7.9 What to Do Next

After installing Oracle Application Server, you should read the Oracle Application
Server Administrator’s Guide. Specifically, you should read the "Getting Started After
Installing Oracle Application Server" chapter.
You should also perform a complete Oracle Application Server environment backup
after installing Oracle Application Server. This enables you to restore a working
environment in case something goes wrong. For details on how to perform a complete
Oracle Application Server environment backup, see the Oracle Application Server
Administrator’s Guide.
You should also perform a complete Oracle Application Server environment backup
after each successful patchset upgrade and after each successful configuration change.

Postinstallation Tasks 7-3

What to Do Next

7-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation

This appendix describes how to install Oracle Application Server in silent mode. This
appendix contains the following topics:
■ Section A.1, "Silent Installation"
■ Section A.2, "Non-Interactive Installation"
■ Section A.3, "Preinstallation"
■ Section A.4, "Create the Response File"
■ Section A.5, "Start the Installation"
■ Section A.6, "Postinstallation"
■ Section A.7, "Security Tips for Silent and Non-Interactive Installations"
■ Section A.8, "Deinstallation"

A.1 Silent Installation

Silent installation eliminates the need to monitor the Oracle Application Server
installation because there is no graphical output and no input by the user.
Silent installation of Oracle Application Server is accomplished by supplying the
Oracle Universal Installer with a response file and specifying the -silent flag on the
command line. The response file is a text file containing variables and parameter
values which provide answers to the installer prompts.
If this is a first time installation of Oracle Application Server, you must create the
oraInst.loc file before starting. File creation is described in Section A.3,
Following installation of Oracle Application Server, you need to run the root.sh
script as the root user. The root.sh script detects settings of environment variables
and enables you to enter the full path of the local bin directory.
Use silent installation of Oracle Application Server when there are similar installations
on more than one computer. Additionally, use silent install when performing the
Oracle Application Server installation from a remote location using the command line.

A.2 Non-Interactive Installation

Non-interactive installations also use a response file to automate the Oracle
Application Server installation. In non-interactive installations, there is graphical
output and users may enter input.

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-1


Non-interactive installation of Oracle Application Server is also accomplished by

supplying the Oracle Universal Installer with a response file but without specifying
the -silent flag on the command line. The response file is a text file containing
variables and parameter values which provide answers to the installer prompts. If you
have not provided responses to all of the installer prompts, you need to enter
information during the installation.
If this is a first time installation of Oracle Application Server, you must create the
oraInst.loc file before starting. File creation is described in Section A.3,
Following installation of Oracle Application Server, you need to run the root.sh
script as the root user. The root.sh script detects settings of environment variables
and enables you to enter the full path of the local bin directory.
Use non-interactive installation of Oracle Application Server when there are specific
screens you want to observe during installation.

A.3 Preinstallation
1. Log in as the root user.
prompt> su

2. Create the /etc/oraInst.loc file. This file specifies the inventory directory that
the installer will use.
Using a text editor such as vi or emacs, enter the following line in the file:

Replace oui_inventory_directory with the full path to the directory where you want
the installer to create the inventory directory. For example:

Make sure that the oinstall operating system group has write permissions to
this directory. For more information about the inventory directory and the group
that owns it, see Section 2.6.1, "Create a Group for the Inventory Directory".
3. Create an empty /etc/oratab file.
# touch /etc/oratab

4. Exit from the root user.

# exit

A.4 Create the Response File

Before doing a silent or non-interactive installation, you must provide information
specific to your installation in a response file. The installer will fail if you attempt an
installation using a response file that is not configured correctly. Response files are text
files that you can create or edit in a text editor.

A-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Create the Response File

A.4.1 Creating Response Files from Templates

Templates for response files are available in the stage/Response directory on Disk 1
of the Oracle Application Server CD-ROM. Response file templates are available for
the following installation types:

Table A–1 Response File Templates in the stage/Response Directory

Installation Type Filename
Basic Installation: J2EE Server and SOA Suite oracle.as.j2ee.top.allProducts.rsp
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server oracle.as.j2ee.top.allProducts.rsp
and SOA Suite
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server oracle.as.j2ee.top.core.rsp
Advanced Installation: Web Server oracle.as.j2ee.top.httpServer.rsp
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web oracle.as.j2ee.top.allProductsNoSOA.rsp

See the template files for descriptions of the parameters in the file.

Note: For Boolean parameters, specify either "true" or "false".

If you are performing a basic installation of J2EE Server and SOA Suite, you must set
the following variables in the response file:

A.4.2 Creating Response Files by Using the Record Mode in the Installer
You can run the installer in record mode to save your inputs to a file that you can use
later as a response file. This feature is useful if you need to perform the same
installation on different computers.
To run the installer in record mode:
1. Start up the installer with the -record and -destinationFile parameters.
prompt> /path/to/runInstaller -record -destinationFile newResponseFile

Replace newResponseFile with the full path to the response file that you want the
installer to create. Example: /opt/oracle/myJ2EEResponse.rsp.
2. Enter your values in the installer screens. The installer will write these values to
the file specified in the -destinationFile parameter.
When you click the Install button, the installer automatically writes all your
values to the specified file. At this point, you can complete the installation on this
computer, or you can exit without performing the installation.
Secure information, such as passwords, is not written to the file, so you must modify
the response file before you can use it. To set the password, modify the sl_
adminDialogReturn parameter. See the generated response file for a description of
the parameter.

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-3

Create the Response File

Note: Response files created by record mode can only be used for
non-interactive installations. You cannot use a response file created by
record mode in a silent installation.

A.4.3 Example Response Files

The following sections shows example response files for the following Oracle
Application Server installation types:
■ Section A.4.3.1, "Example Response File for Basic Installation: J2EE Server and
SOA Suite"
■ Section A.4.3.1, "Example Response File for Basic Installation: J2EE Server and
SOA Suite"
■ Section A.4.3.3, "Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server
and Web Server"
■ Section A.4.3.4, "Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server"
■ Section A.4.3.5, "Example Response File for Advanced Installation: Web Server"

Note: Be sure that you read the description of each parameter=value in

the provided sample files, and edit value accordingly for your

A.4.3.1 Example Response File for Basic Installation: J2EE Server and SOA Suite
The following shows an example of a response file for a silent installation of Basic
Installation: J2EE Server and SOA Suite as described in Section 4.2, "Basic Installation
RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>
CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>

A-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Create the Response File



sl_DlgClusterInfoSOAReturn={"NO","","","NO","", ""}
adminDialogReturn={"appserver","oc4jadmin","welcome1","welcome1","true", "home"}
s_selection="Using the local Application Server Control installed with this
sDBTypeName="Oracle Database"
szl_PasswordUserInput={"orabpel", "oraesb", "orawsm"}

A.4.3.2 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server
and SOA Suite
The following shows an example of a response file for a silent installation of
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite as described in
Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite".

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-5

Create the Response File

RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>
CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>



sl_DlgClusterInfoSOAReturn={"NO","", "", "NO", "",""}
adminDialogReturn={"appserver","oc4jadmin","welcome1","welcome1","true", "oc4j_
s_selection="Using the local Application Server Control installed with this

A-6 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Create the Response File

sDBTypeName="Oracle Database"
szl_PasswordUserInput={"orabpel", "oraesb", "orawsm"}
Database","SYS","welcome1","dbhost.mycompany.com:1521","", "",

A.4.3.3 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web
The following shows an example of a response file for a silent installation of
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server and Web Server as described in Section 5.2.3,
"Installing J2EE Server and Web Server".
RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-7

Create the Response File

CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>
adminDialogReturn={"appserver","oc4jadmin","welcome1","welcome1","true", "my_
s_selection="Using the local Application Server Control installed with this
sDBTypeName="Oracle Database"
szl_PasswordUserInput={"", "", ""}
szl_RepositoryUserInput={"Oracle Database","","",":","", "", ""}

A.4.3.4 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: J2EE Server

The following shows an example of a response file for a silent installation of
Advanced Installation: J2EE Server as described in Section 5.2.4, "Installing J2EE

A-8 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Create the Response File

RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>
CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>
adminDialogReturn={"appserver","oc4jadmin","welcome1","welcome1","true", "home"}
s_selection="Using the local Application Server Control installed with this
sDBTypeName="Oracle Database"

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-9

Create the Response File

szl_PasswordUserInput={"", "", ""}
szl_RepositoryUserInput={"Oracle Database","","",":","", "", "orcl.mycompany.com"}

A.4.3.5 Example Response File for Advanced Installation: Web Server

The following shows an example of a response file for a silent installation of
Advanced Installation: Web Server as described in Section 5.2.5, "Installing Web
RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>
CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>




A-10 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Start the Installation

adminDialogReturn={"appserver","oc4jadmin","welcome1","welcome1","true", "home"}
s_selection="Using the local Application Server Control installed with this
sDBTypeName="Oracle Database"
szl_PasswordUserInput={"", "", ""}
szl_RepositoryUserInput={"Oracle Database","","",":","", "", ""}

A.5 Start the Installation

To make the installer use the response file, specify the location of the response file that
you want to use as a parameter when starting the installer.
To perform a non-interactive installation:
prompt> setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0
prompt> runInstaller -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename

To perform a silent installation, use the -silent parameter:

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-11


prompt> runInstaller -silent -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename

A.6 Postinstallation
The success or failure of the non-interactive and silent installations is logged in the
installActions<time_stamp>.log file. Additionally, the silent installation
creates the silentInstall<time_stamp>.log file. The log files are created in the
oraInventory/logs directory.
The silentInstall<time_stamp>.log file contains the following line if the
installation was successful:
The installation of OracleAS <Installation Type> was successful.

The installActions<time_stamp>.log file contains specific information for each

Oracle Application Server installation type.

See Also: Appendix D, "Configuration Assistants"

A.7 Security Tips for Silent and Non-Interactive Installations

One of the pieces of information in the response file is the installation password. The
password information is in clear text.
To minimize security issues regarding the password in the response file, follow these
■ Set the permissions on the response files so that they are readable only by the
operating system user who will be performing the silent or non-interactive
■ If possible, remove the response files from the system after the silent or
non-interactive installation is completed.

A.8 Deinstallation
You can perform a silent deinstallation of Oracle Application Server by supplying a
silent deinstallation parameter to the response file you used for installation.
Modify the following parameter in your installation response file:
REMOVE_HOMES={"<ORACLE_HOME to be removed>"}

For example:

Note: You still need to follow the clean up steps described in

Appendix C, "Deinstallation and Reinstallation". The silent
deinstallation command only replaces the step where you run the
installer interactively to deinstall the instance.

To perform a silent deinstallation, use the -deinstall parameter when entering the

A-12 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


prompt> runInstaller -silent -deinstall -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename

Silent and Non-Interactive Installation A-13


A-14 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Default Port Numbers

By default, the installer assigns port numbers to components from a set of default port
numbers. This appendix contains a list of these port numbers.
If you want to use a different set of port numbers, you have to create a file called
staticports.ini, in which you list the port numbers that you want to use. See
Section 2.5.3, "Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)" for details.
This appendix contains the following topics:
■ Section B.1, "Method of Assigning Default Port Numbers"
■ Section B.2, "Default Port Numbers"
■ Section B.3, "Ports to Open in Firewalls"

B.1 Method of Assigning Default Port Numbers

The installer assigns default port numbers to each component using the following
1. The installer checks if the default port number is in use. If it is not in use, the
installer assigns it to the component.
2. If the default port number is already in use by an Oracle product or by any
running application, the installer tries the lowest number in the port number
range. It keeps trying the port numbers in the range until it finds one that is

B.2 Default Port Numbers

Table B–1 lists the default port numbers for components. The last column, Name in
staticports.ini, specifies the component name as it appears in the staticports.ini
file, which enables you to override the default port numbers. See Section 2.5.3, "Using
Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)" for details.

Default Port Numbers B-1

Ports to Open in Firewalls

Table B–1 Default Port Numbers and Ranges (Grouped by Component)

Port Number
Component Default Port Range Name in staticports.ini
Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
Oracle Notification Server Request Port 6003 6003 - 6099 Oracle Notification
Server Request port
Oracle Notification Server Local Port 6100 6100 - 6199 Oracle Notification
Server Local port
Oracle Notification Server Remote Port 6200 6200 - 6299 Oracle Notification
Server Remote port
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE
OC4J AJP 12501 12501 - 12600 Not settable through
OC4J RMI 12401 12401 - 12500 Not settable through
JMS 12601 12601 - 12700 Not settable through
IIOP 13301 13301 - 13400 Not settable through
IIOPS1 13401 13401 - 13500 Not settable through
IIOPS2 13501 13501 -13600 Not settable through
Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port 7777 7777 - 7877, Not settable through
8888 staticports.ini
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) Port 4443 4443 Not settable through
Oracle HTTP Server Port 7777 7777 - 7877, Oracle HTTP Server port
Oracle HTTP Server SSL Port 4443 443, 4443 Oracle HTTP Server SSL
Java Object Cache 7000 7000 - 7099 Not settable through
Port Tunneling 7501 7501 - 7599 Not settable through
Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic port 7200 7200 - 7299 Not settable through
Oracle Application Server Guard
Oracle Application Server Guard 7890 7890 - 7895 ASG port

B.3 Ports to Open in Firewalls

If you plan to install Oracle Application Server behind firewalls, you need to open
certain ports in the firewall during installation (and also during runtime).

B-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Ports to Open in Firewalls

For a 10g Release 3 ( middle-tier instance, you need access to Oracle
Notification Server and AJP ports. You need to open the following ports used by these
components in the firewall:
■ OPMN Oracle Notification Server remote port
■ OC4J AJP port

Default Port Numbers B-3

Ports to Open in Firewalls

B-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Deinstallation and Reinstallation

This appendix guides you through the deinstallation and reinstallation process for
Oracle Application Server.
■ Section C.1, "Deinstallation Procedure: Overview"
■ Section C.2, "Deinstalling Procedure"
■ Section C.3, "Cleaning Up Oracle Application Server Processes"
■ Section C.4, "Reinstallation"

C.1 Deinstallation Procedure: Overview

Follow these high-level steps to deinstall Oracle Application Server (the details are
provided in later sections):
1. Run the installer and click the Deinstall Products button.
2. Clean up any remaining files.

Items to Remove or Clean Up

To deinstall Oracle Application Server instances, you have to clean up the items listed
in Table C–1. The procedures are described later in this appendix.

Table C–1 Items to Deinstall

Item to Clean Up Tool to Use
Files from the Oracle home directory Installer
If the installer does not remove all the files, you can remove
the remaining files using the rm command.
Entries for the deleted instance in the Inventory Installer
Instance name from Farm page Installer
Entries for the deleted instance in the /etc directory You have to remove the entries manually. See Step 6 on
page C-2.

The installer does not permit custom deinstallation of individual components.

Deinstallation and Reinstallation C-1

Deinstalling Procedure

C.2 Deinstalling Procedure

1. Log in as the operating system user who installed the instance you want to
2. Stop all processes associated with the instance you want to deinstall.
See the Oracle Application Server Administrator’s Guide for details on how to stop the
3. Start the installer.
prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller

4. Follow these steps in the installer.

a. Welcome screen: Click Deinstall Products.
b. Inventory screen: Select the instance you want to deinstall, and click Remove.
c. Confirmation screen: Verify the components selected for deinstallation. Click
Yes to continue.
d. Deinstallation Progress screen: Monitor the progress of the deinstallation.
e. Exit the installer when the deinstallation is complete.
5. Delete any remaining files in the deleted instance’s Oracle home directory.
prompt> rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME

6. Remove the line for the deinstalled instance from the /etc/oratab file.
Towards the end of the file, you should see lines that specify the Oracle home
directory. Remove the line for the Oracle home that you deinstalled. For example,
if your Oracle home is /private1/j2ee, the line would look like the following:

C.3 Cleaning Up Oracle Application Server Processes

If you forgot to shut down Oracle Application Server processes before starting the
installation, you have to kill the processes because the files for these processes are
deleted. To check for processes that are still running, run the ps command:
prompt> ps -ef

To kill a process, use the kill command:

prompt> kill -9 process_id

You can determine the process_id from the ps command.

If you need to shut down the dcmctl shell process, you can try exiting the shell by
typing exit.

C.4 Reinstallation
The installer does not allow reinstallation of an Oracle Application Server instance in a
directory that already contains an Oracle Application Server instance. To reinstall

C-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


Oracle Application Server in the same directory, you have to deinstall and then install

Deinstallation and Reinstallation C-3


C-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Configuration Assistants

This appendix lists the configuration assistants and the location of their log files.
■ Section D.1, "Troubleshooting Configuration Assistants"
■ Section D.2, "Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants"

D.1 Troubleshooting Configuration Assistants

■ Section D.1.1, "General Tips"
■ Section D.1.2, "Configuration Assistant Result Codes"

D.1.1 General Tips

If a configuration assistant fails, try the following steps to correct the problem:
1. Review the installation log files listed in Section E.1, "Log Files".
2. Review the log files for the failed configuration assistant. Configuration assistant
log files are listed in Section D.2, "Description of Oracle Application Server
Configuration Assistants". Try to fix the issue that caused the error.
3. If the failed configuration assistant has any dependencies, then run the
dependencies again. You must do this even if the dependency completed
4. If an optional configuration assistant fails, and it does not have any dependencies,
run the remaining configuration assistants. Uncheck the cancelled optional
configuration assistant, highlight and check the next listed configuration assistant,
and click Retry.
5. If configuration assistant failure occurs when running configuration assistant
execution commands on the command line, then re-run the configuration assistant
execution command again.
You can use the generated script file named configtoolcmds.pl located in the
ORACLE_HOME/bin directory to execute the failed configuration assistant again.
The configtoolcmds.pl script is generated after you exit the installer. During
silent or non-interactive installation, the configtoolcmds.pl script is generated
immediately after configuration assistant failure.
6. If you see a "Fatal Error. Reinstall" message, find the cause of the problem by
analyzing the log files. You cannot recover from a fatal error by correcting the
problem and continuing. You must remove the current installation and reinstall
Oracle Application Server. The following tasks describe the recovery procedure:

Configuration Assistants D-1

Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

a. Deinstall the failed installation using the procedure described in Appendix C,

"Deinstallation and Reinstallation".
b. Correct the cause of the fatal error.
c. Reinstall Oracle Application Server.
d. If the fatal error reoccurs, then you must remove all Oracle installations from
your computer.

D.1.2 Configuration Assistant Result Codes

If a configuration assistant fails, the bottom half of the installation screen displays the
error message, and the configuration assistant writes its result code (Table D–1) to the
following log file:

Table D–1 Result Codes for Configuration Assistants

Result Code Description
0 Configuration assistant succeeded
1 Configuration assistant failed
-1 Configuration assistant cancelled

D.2 Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Table D–2 lists the Oracle Application Server configuration assistants in alphabetical
order. Different installations use different configuration assistants depending on
installation type and configuration options you selected.

Table D–2 Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Assistant Description Log File Location
Oracle Enables Java Single Sign-On for Application Server ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Application Control. configtoolstimestamp.log
Oracle ESB Deploys and configures Enterprise Service Bus ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Configuration applications to the active OC4J instance. For a basic configtoolstimestamp.log
Assistant installation, the active OC4J instance is named home.
For an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web
Server and SOA Suite, the name of the active OC4J
instance is specified on the Administration Settings
Oracle BPEL Deploys and configures Business Process Execution ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Process Manager Language Process Manager applications to the active configtoolstimestamp.log
Configuration OC4J instance. For a basic installation, the active
Assistant OC4J instance is named home. For an advanced
installation of J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA
Suite, the name of the active OC4J instance is
specified on the Administration Settings screen.

D-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Table D–2 (Cont.) Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Assistant Description Log File Location
Oracle Web Deploys and configures Web Services Manager ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Services Manager applications to the active OC4J instance. For a basic configtoolstimestamp.log
Configuration installation, the active OC4J instance is named home.
Assistant For an advanced installation of J2EE Server, Web
Server and SOA Suite, the name of the active OC4J
instance is specified on the Administration Settings
OPMN Starts OPMN and OPMN-managed processes. ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Configuration configtoolstimestamp.log
Oracle Web Deploys the Web Services Inspection Language ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/
Services application. configtoolstimestamp.log
Language ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/wsil.txt

Configuration Assistants D-3

Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

D-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


This appendix describes solutions to common problems that you might encounter
when installing Oracle Application Server. It contains the following sections:
■ Section E.1, "Log Files"
■ Section E.2, "General Troubleshooting Tips"
■ Section E.3, "Installation Problems and Solutions"
■ Section E.4, "Need More Help?"

E.1 Log Files

The installer writes the following log files:
■ oraInventory_location/logs/installActionstimestamp.log
■ oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.err
■ oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.out

E.2 General Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter an error during installation:
■ Read the Oracle Application Server Release Notes for the latest updates. The release
notes are available with the platform-specific documentation. The most current
version of the release notes is available on Oracle Technology Network
■ Verify that your computer meets the requirements specified in Chapter 2,
■ If you entered incorrect information on one of the installation screens, return to
that screen by clicking Back until you see the screen.
■ If a configuration assistant failed, check the log file for that configuration assistant.
Section D.2, "Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants"
lists the configuration assistants and the location of their log files. If you do not see
log files from some configuration assistants in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs
directory, exit the installer. This causes the installer to copy the log files to that
■ If an error occurred while the installer is copying or linking files:
1. Note the error and review the installation log files.

Troubleshooting E-1
Installation Problems and Solutions

2. Remove the failed installation by following the steps in Appendix C,

"Deinstallation and Reinstallation".
3. Correct the issue that caused the error.
4. Restart the installation.

E.3 Installation Problems and Solutions

This section describes common installation problems and solutions:
■ Section E.3.1, "Location of Log Files"
■ Section E.3.2, "Linking Failed, ORA Errors"
■ Section E.3.3, "Prerequisite Checks Fail at the Start of Installation"
■ Section E.3.4, "Installer Disappears After Running the Preinstallation Checks"
■ Section E.3.5, "Unable to Clean Up a Failed Installation"
■ Section E.3.6, "User Interface Does Not Display in the Desired Language, or Does
Not Display Properly"
■ Section E.3.7, "Configuration Assistant Failures - General"

E.3.1 Location of Log Files

There are two sets of log files:
■ The installer writes the following log files:
– oraInventory_location/logs/installActionstimestamp.log
– oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.err
– oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.out
– Oracle_Home/install/make.log
■ The configuration assistants write log files in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs
Note that if you want to access the log files created by the configuration assistants,
you need to exit the installer first. The log files are inaccessible if the installer is
still in use.

E.3.2 Linking Failed, ORA Errors

Linking failed, and ORA errors were displayed during installation

Exit the installer and check the log files for any error message. In particular, check the
ORACLE_HOME/install/make.log file.
Remove the failed installation. Before reinstalling Oracle Application Server, make
sure that your computer meets all the requirements listed in Chapter 2,
Check especially the following requirements:

E-2 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

Installation Problems and Solutions

■ Check that the kernel parameters are set to the proper values. Note that if you
change the value of a kernel parameter, you must exit the installer and restart your
computer for the new value to take effect.
■ Check that you are installing Oracle Application Server in a valid directory. For
example, you cannot install Oracle Application Server in a database Oracle home.
See Section 2.12 for a complete list.

E.3.3 Prerequisite Checks Fail at the Start of Installation

The prerequisite checks that are run at the start of installation failed

If the prerequisite checks display warnings about missing operating system patches or
patch bundles, the patch may actually be missing, or it may have been superseded. If
your computer contains the patch that supersedes it, you can ignore the warning.
See Section 2.3, "Software Requirements" for a list of required operating system

E.3.4 Installer Disappears After Running the Preinstallation Checks

The installer disappears after running preinstallation checks

The directory that is the mount point of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM was mounted
with incorrect permissions, and this caused the pwd command to not work correctly.
When you run pwd, it returns "cannot determine current directory".
To fix:
1. Unmount the CD-ROM.
2. Change permissions of the mount directory to 755.
3. Remount the CD-ROM.
The installer should now run correctly.

E.3.5 Unable to Clean Up a Failed Installation

If your installation was not successful, you have to deinstall it first before you can
install Oracle Application Server again. Refer to Appendix C, "Deinstallation and
Reinstallation" for instructions.

E.3.6 User Interface Does Not Display in the Desired Language, or Does Not Display
Messages do not appear in the desired language, or messages are not displayed

Troubleshooting E-3
Need More Help?

Currently Oracle Application Server does not support adding or removing languages
after installation.
If you are serving non-English content, be sure you add all the languages that you
need during installation. To add languages during installation, click the Product
Languages button in the "Select Installation Type" screen. To see which languages are
installed by default, see Section 3.3, "Installing Additional Languages".
If you are serving non-English content and forgot to click the Product Languages in
the installation, the user interface might not display properly because the required
fonts were not installed. You can fix this by contacting Customer Service for the
requirement fonts.

E.3.7 Configuration Assistant Failures - General

This section describes general tips for troubleshooting configuration assistant failures.
See the next sections for specific configuration assistant failures. See also Appendix D,
"Configuration Assistants".

Configuration assistant failed

Configuration assistants fail from a variety of causes. Some things you can check are:
■ Check the log files for the failed configuration assistant to determine the problem.
The log files are located in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory.
Fix the problem indicated in the log file, and click Retry to rerun the failed
configuration assistant.
If the configuration assistant fails while running configuration assistant execution
commands on the command line, then run the configuration assistant execution
command again.
You can use the generated script file named configtoolcmds.pl located in the
ORACLE_HOME/bin directory to run the failed configuration assistant again. The
configtoolcmds.pl script is generated after you exit the installer. During silent or
non-interactive installation, the configtoolcmds.pl script is generated
immediately after configuration assistant failure.

E.4 Need More Help?

If this appendix does not solve the problem you encountered, try these other sources:
■ Oracle Application Server Release Notes, available on the Oracle Technology Network
■ OracleMetaLink (http://metalink.oracle.com)
If you do not find a solution for your problem, open a service request.

E-4 Oracle Application Server Installation Guide


Numerics format of, 3-7

mount point, 3-7
256 color requirement, 2-4
CLASSPATH environment variable, 2-21
A variable, 6-29
active-active topology
default port numbers, B-1
creating, 6-5
how to assign custom port numbers, 2-15
installation, 6-8
configuration assistants, D-1
introduction, 6-6
dependencies, D-1
supporting procedures, 6-12
descriptions of, D-2
active-passive topology
error codes, D-2
creating, 6-18
fatal errors, D-1
installation details, 6-24
troubleshooting, D-1
installation overview, 6-20
introduction, 6-18
installing from, 2-4
OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, 6-2
copying CD-ROM/DVD to hard drive, 2-24
preinstallation steps, 6-21
CPU requirements, 2-3
additional languages, 3-2
csh.login file, 2-14
advanced installation, 5-1
csh.login.local file, 2-14
installation steps, 5-2
custom ports
installed components, 5-1
see static ports
J2EE Server, 5-5
J2EE Server and Web Server, 5-4
J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, 5-3 D
Web Server, 5-6
default port numbers, 2-14, B-1
deinstallation, C-1
B overview, C-1
silent mode, A-12
backup and recovery
deinstallation procedure, C-2
in OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, 6-27
postinstallation, 7-2
installing on DHCP computers, 2-23
Bash shell
disk space requirements, 2-3
setting shell limits, 2-13
DISPLAY environment variable, 2-21
basic installation, 4-1
DNS server for name resolution (OracleAS Disaster
installation steps, 4-2
Recovery), 6-29
installed components, 4-1
Bourne shell
copying to hard drive, 2-24
setting shell limits, 2-13
format of, 3-7
browser requirement, 2-4
mount point, 3-7

C shell
environment variables, 2-20
setting shell limits, 2-13
copying to hard drive, 2-24

DISPLAY, 2-21 hosts file for name resolution (OracleAS Disaster
LD_BIND_NOW, 2-23 Recovery), 6-30
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 2-21 httpd.conf file, 2-17
ORA_NLS, 2-23
PATH, 2-21
set in .profile file, 2-21 installActions.log, A-12
su command and, 2-21 installation
TMP, 2-22 advanced
TMPDIR, 2-22 see advanced installation
TNS_ADMIN, 2-22 basic
error codes from configuration assistants, D-2 see basic installation
/etc directory, 3-5 J2EE Server, 5-5
oraInst.loc file, 2-18 J2EE Server and Web Server, 5-4
/etc/csh.login file, 2-14 J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite, 5-3
/etc/csh.login.local file, 2-14 Web Server, 5-6
/etc/group file, 6-4 installation steps
/etc/pam.d/login file, 2-13 advanced installation, 5-2
/etc/profile file, 2-14 basic installation, 4-2
/etc/profile.local file, 2-14 installation types, 1-2
/etc/resolve.conf file, 6-30 installer
/etc/security/limits.so file, 2-13 see Oracle Universal Installer
installing additional languages, 3-2
installing from hard drive, 2-24
F instance names, 3-3
failover (OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster), 6-23 how they are used, 3-3
fatal errors, D-1 restrictions, 3-3
files valid characters, 3-3
default shell startup file, 2-14 inventory directory, 3-2, 3-5
/etc/csh.login, 2-14 group for, 2-18
/etc/csh.login.local, 2-14 location of, 2-18
/etc/pam.d/login, 2-13 IP
/etc/profile, 2-14 installing on a computer with multiple IP
/etc/profile.local, 2-14 addresses, 2-24
/etc/security/limits.so, 2-13 requirements, 2-2
and ports, B-2
first-time installation of any Oracle product, 3-2
font problems, E-3 J2EE Server
installation, 5-5
J2EE Server and Web Server
G installation, 5-4
groupadd command, 2-18 J2EE Server, Web Server and SOA Suite
groups (operating system) installation, 5-3
see operating system groups
groups command, 2-19
Korn shell
H setting shell limits, 2-13
high availability environments, 6-1
active-active topology, 6-5
active-passive topology, 6-18
/etc/group file, 6-4 languages, installing additional, 3-2
inventory directory, 6-5 LD_BIND_NOW environment variable, 2-23
oracle user, 6-4 LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, 2-21
OracleAS Clusters, 6-5 limit command, 2-14
OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, 6-18 limits.so file, 2-13
overview, 6-1 linking failed, E-2
requirements, 6-4 log files, E-1
summary of differences, 6-3 from non-interactive installations, A-12
hostname requirement, 2-2 location of, E-2

login file, 2-13 groups command, 2-19
oracle user, 2-19
ORA_NLS environment variable, 2-23
Oracle Data Guard (for OracleAS Disaster
memory requirements, 2-3 Recovery), 6-27, 6-30
middle tiers Oracle Database 10g, 2-20
installing in OracleAS Disaster Recovery, 6-34 Oracle E-Delivery, 3-6
monitor requirements, 2-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server
mount point for CD-ROM, 3-7 Control
mount point for DVD, 3-7 URL, 7-1
multihomed computers, installing on, 2-24 Oracle home
directory, 3-1
N installing in a non-empty, 3-2
installing in an existing, 3-2
name resolution (OracleAS Disaster Recovery), 6-29 naming, 3-1
using DNS servers, 6-29 Oracle HTTP Server
using hosts file, 6-30 configuring static ports, 2-17
names of instances in NFS installations, 7-2
see instance names Oracle MetaLink
Network Appliance filers, 2-27 using to obtain updates to, 2-2
network requirements, 2-2 oracle software owner user
network topics, 2-23 setting shell limits, 2-13
installing from hard drive, 2-24 Oracle Universal Installer
installing from remote CD-ROM/DVD disappears after preinstallation checks, E-3
drive, 2-25 log files, E-1
installing on DHCP computers, 2-23 prerequisite checks, 2-28
installing on multihomed computers, 2-24 starting, 3-8
NFS storage, 2-27 where it writes files, 3-5
remote installations, 2-26 oracle user, 2-18, 2-19, 6-4
NFS installations setting shell limits, 2-13
configuring Oracle HTTP Server, 7-2 OracleAS Clusters
NFS storage, 2-27 see active-active topology
NIS and NIS+, 2-27 OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster
NLS_LANG environment variable, 7-2 advantages, 6-3
nofile failover, 6-23
shell limit on Linux, 2-13 in OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, 6-32
non-interactive installations, A-1 mapping virtual hostname, 6-21
deinstalling, A-12 mapping virtual IP address, 6-21
log files, A-12 preinstallation steps, 6-21
postinstallation steps, A-12 see active-passive topology
preinstallation steps, A-2 setting up mountable file system, 6-23
security tips, A-12 OracleAS Disaster Recovery
noproc data synchronization, 6-26
shell limit on Linux, 2-13 installation steps, 6-33
installing middle tiers, 6-34
O installing OracleAS Infrastructure, 6-34
name resolution, 6-29
oc4jadmin user, 3-4 Oracle Data Guard, 6-30
password for, 3-4 setting up, 6-27
oinstall group, 2-18, 3-2
setting up identical hostnames, 6-28
operating system staticports.ini file, 6-28
patches, 2-4 with OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, 6-32
operating system groups, 2-18
OracleAS Infrastructure
for inventory directory, 2-18 installing in OracleAS Disaster Recovery, 6-34
groups command, 2-19 oraInst.loc file, 2-18
oinstall group, 2-18
creation (non-interactive installations), A-2
operating system patches oraInventory directory, 2-18, 3-2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, 2-5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0, 2-7
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 2-10
operating system users, 2-18

P on DVD, 3-8
passwd command, 2-19
passwords S
for oc4jadmin user, 3-4 security tips for silent and non-interactive
patches installations, A-12
see operating system. setting shell limits, 2-13
PATH environment variable, 2-21 shared storage, 6-2
ports, 2-14 shell
checking if a port is in use, 2-14 default shell startup file, 2-14
choosing port numbers, 2-16 shell limits, 2-13
list of default port numbers, B-1 silent installations, A-1
static ports, 2-15 deinstalling, A-12
to open in firewalls, B-2 postinstallation steps, A-12
using default port numbers, 2-14 preinstallation steps, A-2
postinstallation steps, 7-1 security tips, A-12
for silent or non-interactive installations, A-12 silentInstall.log, A-12
preinstallation steps SSL
for silent and non-interactive installations, A-2 postinstallation configuration, 7-2
prerequisite checks, 2-28 starting Oracle Universal Installer, 3-8
failures, E-3 startup file
processor, 2-3 default shell startup file, 2-14
Product Languages button, 3-2 static ports, 2-15
.profile file, 2-21 for Oracle HTTP Server, 2-17
profile file, 2-14 not working, 2-16
profile.local file, 2-14 staticports.ini file, 2-15
creating, 2-15
R format, 2-15
in OracleAS Disaster Recovery, 6-28
RAM requirements, 2-3
su command, 2-21
record mode in the installer, A-3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, patches required
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0, patches for, 2-10
required for, 2-5
swap space requirement, 2-4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0, patches
system requirements, 2-2
required for, 2-7
remote installations, 2-25, 2-26
requirements T
browser, 2-4 tcsh shell
disk space, 2-3 setting shell limits, 2-13
environment variables, 2-20 /tmp directory, 2-22, 3-5
for DHCP computers, 2-23 space required in, 2-4
for multihomed computers, 2-24 TMP environment variable, 2-22
hostname, 2-2 TMPDIR environment variable, 2-22
IP, 2-2 TNS_ADMIN environment variable, 2-22
memory, 2-3 tnsnames.ora file, 2-22
monitor, 2-4 topologies
network, 2-2 middle tiers, 1-3
operating system patches, 2-4 high availability, 1-3
processor, 2-3 integrated web server and OC4J middle
swap space, 2-4 tier, 1-5
response files, A-1 J2EE server and separate SOA applications with
creating, A-2 a remote oracle HTTP server, 1-11
creating using the record mode, A-3 J2EE server and the SOA suite with a remote
examples, A-4 HTTP server, 1-8
specifying on command-line, A-11 J2EE server with the SOA suite, 1-6
templates, A-3 J2EE server, web server, and the SOA
root user, 3-5 suite, 1-7
root.sh, 3-5 multiple SOA middle tiers with a remote oracle
runInstaller command HTTP server, 1-14
-executeSysPrereqs parameter, 2-2 SOA administration instance, 1-6
on CD-ROM, 3-8

standalone OC4J instance, 1-5
with 10.1.2 Oracle HTTP Server, 1-4
with 10.1.2 OracleAS Web Cache, 1-4
with 10.1.2 OracleAS Web Cache cluster, 1-4
with 10.1.4 or 10.1.2 OracleAS
Infrastructure, 1-4
supported, 1-2 to 1-17
trigger attribute (for replication-policy), 6-16
troubleshooting, E-1
configuration assistants, D-1
general tips, E-1

ulimit command, 2-14
UNIX commands
groupadd, 2-18
limit, 2-14
passwd, 2-19
ulimit, 2-14
useradd, 2-19
UNIX users
setting shell limits, 2-13
user interface problems, E-3
useradd command, 2-19
setting shell limits for UNIX users, 2-13
users (operating system)
see operating system users

virtual IP, 6-3

Web Server
installation, 5-6
Welcome page, URL for, 7-1
write-quota attribute (in cluster tag), 6-18

X Windows
installing from, 2-4


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