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Unit Ii

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem.


UNIT II: Spring Boot: Creating a Spring Boot Application, Spring Boot Application
Annotation, What is Autowiring , Scope of a bean, Logger, Introduction to Spring
AOP, Implementing AOP advices, Best Practices : Spring Boot Application

What you will learn

 Understand Spring Boot and its advantages

 Develop Spring application using Spring Boot
 Develop application using the concept of Autowiring and bean scope
 Develop application using Aspect Oriented Programming

Spring 5 Basics with Spring Boot

Spring Framework is one of the most popularly used open-source frameworks for
developing enterprise applications. Spring Core with Spring Boot course is designed to
introduce the fundamental concepts of Spring Framework with Spring Boot. This course
provides an overview of features, basic modules, and core concepts of Spring
Framework using Spring Boot.
Pre Contents
 Java Programming Fundamentals
 Java Language Features

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is a framework built on top of the Spring framework that helps the
developers to build Spring-based applications very quickly and easily. The main
goal of Spring Boot is to create Spring-based applications quickly without
demanding developers to write the boilerplate configuration.

But how does it work? It works because of the following reasons,

1. Spring Boot is an opinionated framework

Spring Boot forms opinions. It means that Spring Boot has some sensible
defaults which you can use to quickly build your application. For example, Spring
Boot uses embedded Tomcat as the default web container.

2. Spring Boot is customizable

Though Spring Boot has its defaults, you can easily customize it at any time
during your development based on your needs. For example, if you prefer log4j
for logging over Spring Boot built-in logging support then you can easily make a

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dependency change in your pom.xml file to replace the default logger with log4j

The main Spring Boot features are as follows:

 Starter Dependencies
 Automatic Configuration
 Spring Boot Actuator
 Easy-to-use Embedded Servlet Container Support

Creating a Spring Boot Application

There are multiple approaches to create a Spring Boot application. You can use
any of the following approaches to create the application:

 Using Spring Boot CLI

 Using Spring Initializr
 Using the Spring Tool Suite (STS)

In this course, you will learn how to use Spring Initializr for creating Spring Boot

It is an online tool provided by Spring for generating Spring Boot applications

which is accessible at http://start.spring.io/. You can use it for creating a Spring
Boot project using the following steps:

Step 1: Create your Spring Boot application launch Spring Initializr. You will get
the following screen:

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Note: This screen keeps changing depending on updates from Pivotal and
changes in the Spring Boot version.

Step 2: Select Project as Maven, Language as Java, and Spring Boot as

2.1.13 and enter the project details as follows:

 Choose com.infy as Group

 Choose Demo_SpringBoot as Artifact

Click on More options and choose com.infy as Package Name

Step 3: Click on Generate Project. This would download a zip file to your local

Step 4: Unzip the zip file and extract it to a folder.

Step 5: In Eclipse, Click File → Import → Existing Maven Project. Navigate or

type in the path of the folder where you extracted the zip file to the next
screen. After finishing, our Spring Boot project should look like as follows:

You have created a Spring Boot Maven-based project. Now let us explore what
is contained in the generated project.

Understanding Spring Boot project structure

The generated project contains the following files:

1. pom.xml

This file contains information about the project and configuration details used by
Maven to build the project.

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1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

2. <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
3. xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
4. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
5. <parent>
6. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
7. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-
8. <version>2.1.13.RELEASE</version>
9. <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from
repository -->
10. </parent>
11. <groupId>com.infy</groupId>
12. <artifactId>Demo_SpringBoot</artifactId>
13. <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
14. <name>Demo_SpringBoot</name>
15. <description>Demo project for Spring
16. <properties>
17. <java.version>1.8</java.version>
18. </properties>
19. <dependencies>
20. <dependency>
22. <artifactId>spring-boot-
23. </dependency>
24. <dependency>
26. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-
27. <scope>test</scope>
28. </dependency>
29. </dependencies>
30. <build>
31. <plugins>
32. <plugin>

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34. <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-
35. </plugin>
36. </plugins>
37. </build>
38. </project>


2. application.properties

This file contains application-wide properties. To configure your application

Spring reads the properties defined in this file. In this file, you can define a
server’s default port, the server’s context path, database URLs, etc.

3. DemoSpringBootApplication.java

1. @SpringBootApplication
2. public class DemoSpringBootApplication {
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. SpringApplication.run(DemoSpringBootApplication
.class, args);
5. }
6. }


It is annotated with @SpringBootApplication annotation which triggers auto-

configuration and component scanning and can be used to declare one or more
@Bean methods also. It contains the main method which bootstraps the
application by calling the run() method on the SpringApplication class. The run
method accepts DemoSpringBootApplication.class as a parameter to tell Spring
Boot that this is the primary component.

4. DemoSpringBootApplicationTest.java

In this file test cases are written. This class is by default generated by Spring
Boot to bootstrap Spring application.

Spring Boot Starters

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Spring Boot starters are pre-configured dependency descriptors with the most
commonly used libraries that you can add to your application. So you don't need
to search for compatible libraries and configure them manually. Spring Boot will
ensure that the necessary libraries are added to the build. To use these
starters, you have to add them to the pom.xml file. For example, to use spring-
boot-starter following dependency needs to be added in pom.xml:

1. <dependency>
2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
3. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
4. </dependency>


Spring Boot comes with many starters. Some popular starters which we are
going to use in this course are as follows:

 spring-boot-starter - This is the core starter that includes support for auto-
configuration, logging, and YAML.
 spring-boot-starter-aop - This starter is used for aspect-oriented
programming with Spring AOP and AspectJ.
 spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc - This starter is used for Spring Data JDBC.
 spring-boot-starter-data-jpa - This starter is used for Spring Data JPA with
 spring-boot-starter-web - This starter is used for building a web
application using Spring MVC and Spring REST. It also provides Tomcat
as the default embedded container.
 spring-boot-starter-test - This starter provides support for testing Spring
Boot applications using libraries such as JUnit, Hamcrest, and Mockito.

Spring Boot Starter Parent

The Spring Boot Starter Parent defines key versions of dependencies and default
plugins for quickly building Spring Boot applications. It is present in the pom.xml
file of the application as a parent as follows:

1. <parent>
2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
3. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-
4. <version>2.1.13.RELEASE</version>
5. <relativePath/>

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6. </parent>


It allows you to manage the following things for multiple child projects and

 Configuration – The Java version and other properties.

 Dependencies – The version of dependencies.
 Default Plugins Configuration – This includes default configuration for
Maven plugins such as maven-failsafe-plugin, maven-jar-plugin, maven-
surefire-plugin, maven-war-plugin.

Executing the Spring Boot application

To execute the Spring Boot application run the DemoSpringBootApplication as a

standalone Java class which contains the main method. On successful
execution you will get the following output in the console:

Spring Boot Runners

So far you have learned how to create and start the Spring Boot application. Now suppose you
want to perform some action immediately after the application has started then for this Spring
Boot provides the following two interfaces:

 CommandLineRunner
 ApplicationRunner

CommandLineRunner is the Spring Boot interface with a run() method. Spring

Boot automatically calls this method of all beans implementing this interface after the
application context has been loaded. To use this interface, you can modify the
DemoSpringBootApplication class as follows:

1. @SpringBootApplication

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2. public class DemoSpringBootApplication

implements CommandLineRunner {
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
5. }
6. @Override
7. public void run(String... args) throws
Exception {
8. System.out.println("Welcome to
9. }
10. }

Spring Boot application is configured using a file named application.properties. It

is auto detected without any Spring based configurations and is placed inside the
"src/main/resources" directory as shown below:

In this file, various default properties are specified to support logging, AOP, JPA,
etc. All the default properties need not be specified in all cases. We can specify
them only on-demand. At startup, the Spring application loads all the properties
and adds them to the Spring Environment class.

To use a custom property add it to the application.properties file.


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1. message= Welcome Spring

Then autowire the Environment class into a class where the property is required.

1. @Autowired

2. Environment env;

You can read the property from Environment using the getProperty() method.

1. env.getProperty("message")

You can use other files to keep the properties. For example,


1. message=Welcome To InfyTel

But by default Spring Boot will load only the application.properties file. So how
you will load the InfyTelmessage.properties file?

In Spring @PropertySource annotation is used to read from properties file using

Spring’s Environment interface. The location of the properties file is mentioned in
the Spring configuration file using @PropertySource annotation.

So InfyTelmessage.properties which are present in classpath can be loaded

using @PropertySource as follows:

2. import
4. @SpringBootApplication
5. @PropertySource("classpath:InfyTelmessage.properties")

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6. public class DemoSpringBootApplication {

8. public static void main(String[] args) throws
Exception {
9. //code
10. }
11. }


To read the properties you need to autowire the Environment class into a class
where the property is required

1. @Autowired

2. Environment env;

You can read the property from Environment using the getProperty() method.

1. env.getProperty("message")

Understanding @SpringBootApplication Annotation

We have already learned that the class which is used to bootstrap the Spring
Boot application is annotated with @SpringBootApplication annotation as follows:

1. @SpringBootApplication
2. public class DemoSpringBootApplication {
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. SpringApplication.run(DemoSpringBootApplication
.class, args);
5. }
6. }


Now let us understand this annotation in detail.

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The @SpringBootApplication annotation indicates that it is a configuration

class and also triggers auto-configuration and component scanning. It is a
combination of the following annotations with their default attributes:

@EnableAutoConfiguration – This annotation enables auto-configuration for

the Spring boot application which automatically configures our application based
on the dependencies that you have added.

@ComponentScan – This enables the Spring bean dependency injection

feature by using @Autowired annotation. All application components which are
annotated with @Component, @Service, @Repository, or @Controller are
automatically registered as Spring Beans. These beans can be injected by
using @Autowired annotation.

@Configuration – This enables Java based configurations for Spring boot


The class that is annotated with @SpringBootApplication will be considered as

the main class, is also a bootstrap class. It kicks starts the application by invoking
the SpringApplication.run() method. You need to pass the .class file name of
your main class to the run() method.

@SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that adds all of the following:

 @Configuration : Tags the class as a source of bean definitions for the application context.
 @EnableAutoConfiguration : Tells Spring Boot to start adding beans based on classpath settings,
other beans, and various property settings.
For example, if spring-webmvc is on the classpath, this annotation flags the application as a web
application and activates key behaviors, such as setting up a DispatcherServlet .
 @ComponentScan : Tells Spring to look for other components, configurations, and services in
the com/example package, letting it find the controllers.
 The main() method uses Spring Boot’s SpringApplication.run() method to launch an

SpringBootApplication- scanBasePackages

By default, SpringApplication scans the configuration class package and all it’s sub-packages. So
if our SpringBootApplication class is in "com.eta" package, then it won’t scan com.infy.service
or com.infy.repository package. We can fix this situation using the SpringBootApplication
scanBasePackages property.

1. package com.eta;

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2. @SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages={"com.in
4. public class DemoSpringBootApplication {
5. public static void main(String[] args) {
6. SpringApplication.run(DemoSpringBootAppl
ication.class, args);
7. }
8. }

Demo on Spring Boot


Objective: To understand the Spring IOC feature using SpringBoot

Demo Steps:

Demo5Application .java

1. package com.infy;
3. import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
4. import
5. import
7. import com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl;
9. @SpringBootApplication
10. public class Demo5Application{
12. public static void main(String[] args) {

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14. CustomerServiceImpl service = null;

15. AbstractApplicationContext context =
(AbstractApplicationContext) SpringApplication
.run(Demo5Application.class, args);
17. service = (CustomerServiceImpl)
19. context.close();
20. }
22. }



1. package com.infy.service;
3. public interface CustomerService {
4. public String fetchCustomer();
5. public String createCustomer();
6. }



1. package com.infy.service;
3. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
4. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
7. @Service("customerService")
8. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService
10. @Value("10")
11. private int count;
13. public String fetchCustomer() {

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14. return " The no of customers fetched are : "

+ count;
15. }
17. public String createCustomer() {
18. return "Customer is successfully created";
19. }
21. }



2. . ____ _ __ _ _
3. /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
4. ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
5. \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
6. ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
7. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
8. :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.13.RELEASE)
10. 2020-04-07 17:21:31.908 INFO 119940 --- [ main]
com.infy.Demo5Application : Starting Demo5Application on
11. 2020-04-07 17:21:31.912 INFO 119940 --- [ main]
com.infy.Demo5Application : No active profile set, falling
back to default profiles:
12. 2020-04-07 17:21:34.211 INFO 119940 --- [ main]
com.infy.Demo5Application : Started Demo5Application in
3.998 seconds
13. The no of customers fetched are : 10

Summary: Spring Boot

This module helped us in learning the following:

 What is the Spring Boot?

 How to create a Spring Boot application?

What is Autowiring ?

n Spring if one bean class is dependent on another bean class then the bean
dependencies need to be explicitly defined in your configuration class. But you
can let the Spring IoC container to inject the dependencies into dependent bean

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classes without been defined in your configuration class. This is called

as autowiring.

To do autowiring, you can use @Autowired annotation. This annotation allows

the Spring IoC container to resolve and inject dependencies into your
bean.@Autowired annotation performs byType Autowiring i.e. dependency is
injected based on bean type. It can be applied to attributes, constructors, setter
methods of a bean class.

Autowiring is done only for dependencies to other beans. It doesn't work for
properties such as primitive data types, String, Enum, etc. For such properties,
you can use the @Value annotation.

Now let us see how to use @Autowired annotation.

@Autowired on Setter methods

The @Autowired annotation can be used on setter methods. This is called

a Setter Injection.

1. package com.infy.service;
2. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements
CustomerService {
4. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
6. @Autowired
7. public void setCustomerRepository(CustomerRepository
customerRepository) {

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8. this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
9. }
10. --------

11. }

In the above code snippet, the Spring IoC container will call the setter method for
injecting the dependency of CustomerRepository.
@Autowired on Constructor

The @Autowired annotation can also be used on the constructor. This is called a Constructor Injection.

1. package com.infy.service;
2. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {
4. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
6. @Autowired
7. public CustomerServiceImpl(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
8. this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
9. }
10. --------------

11. }

@Autowired on Properties

Let us now understand the usage of @Autowired on a property in Spring.

We will use @Autowired in the below code to wire the dependency of

CustomerService class for CustomerRepository bean dependency.

1. package com.infy.service;
2. public class CustomerServiceImpl {
3. // CustomerService needs to contact CustomerRepository,
hence injecting the customerRepository dependency
4. @Autowired
5. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
6. ------------

7. }

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@Autowired is by default wire the dependency based on the type of bean.

In the above code, the Spring container will perform dependency injection using
the Java Reflection API. It will search for the class which implements
CustomerRepository and injects its object. The dependencies which are injected
using @Autowired should be available to the Spring container when the
dependent bean object is created. If the container does not find a bean for
autowiring, it will throw the NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception.

If more than one beans of the same type are available in the container, then the
framework throws an exception indicating that more than one bean is available
for autowiring. To handle this @Qualifier annotation is used as follows:

1. package com.infy.service;
2. public class CustomerServiceImpl {
4. @Autowired
5. @Qualifier("custRepo")
6. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
7. ------------
8. }

In Spring @Value annotation is used to insert values into variables and method
arguments. Using @Value we can either read spring environment variables or
system variables.

We can assign a default value to a class property with @Value annotation:

1. public class CustomerDTO {

2. @Value("1234567891")
3. long phoneNo;
4. @Value("Jack")
5. String name;
6. @Value("Jack@xyz.com")
7. String email;
8. @Value("ANZ")
9. String address;

10. }

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Note that it accepts only a String argument but the passed-in value gets
converted to an appropriate type during value-injection.

To read a Spring environment variable we can use @Value annotation:

1. public class CustomerDTO {

2. @Value("${value.phone}")
3. long phoneNo;
4. @Value("${value.name}")
5. String name;
6. @Value("${value.email}")
7. String email;
8. @Value("${value.address}")
9. String address;
10. }

Demo On @Autowiring Spring Boot


Objective: To understand the Autowiring in Spring

Demo Steps:

Demo6Application .java

1. package com.infy;
3. import java.util.List;
4. import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
5. import
6. import
7. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
8. import com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl;
10. @SpringBootApplication

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11. public class Demo6Application {

13. public static void main(String[] args) {
15. CustomerServiceImpl service = null;
16. AbstractApplicationContext context =
17. args);
18. service = (CustomerServiceImpl)
19. List<CustomerDTO> listcust =
20. System.out.println("PhoneNumer" + " " +
"Name" + " " + "Email" + " " + "Address");
21. for (CustomerDTO customerDTO2 : listcust)
22. System.out.format("%5d%10s%20s%10s",
customerDTO2.getPhoneNo(), customerDTO2.getName(),
23. customerDTO2.getEmail(),
24. System.out.println();
25. }
26. }
28. }



1. package com.infy.service;
3. import java.util.List;
5. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
7. public interface CustomerService {
8. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO customerDTO);
9. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer();
11. }

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1. package com.infy.service;
3. import java.util.List;
4. import
5. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
6. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
7. import com.infy.repository.CustomerRepository;
9. @Service("customerService")
10. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements
12. @Autowired
13. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
15. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO
customerDTO) {
18. return "Customer with " +
customerDTO.getPhoneNo() + " added successfully";
19. }
21. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer() {
22. return customerRepository.fetchCustomer();
23. }
24. }



1. package com.infy.repository;

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4. import java.util.ArrayList;
5. import java.util.List;
7. import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
9. import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
10. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
13. @Repository
14. public class CustomerRepository {
15. List<CustomerDTO> customers = null;
17. //Equivalent/similar to constructor. Here, populates
the DTOs in a hard-coded way
18. @PostConstruct
19. public void initializer()
20. {
21. CustomerDTO customerDTO = new
22. customerDTO.setAddress("Chennai");
23. customerDTO.setName("Jack");
24. customerDTO.setEmail("Jack@infy.com");
25. customerDTO.setPhoneNo(9951212222l);
26. customers = new ArrayList<>();
27. customers.add(customerDTO);
28. }
30. //adds the received customer object to customers
31. public void createCustomer(CustomerDTO
32. {
33. customers.add(customerDTO);
34. }
36. //returns a list of customers
37. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer()
38. {
39. return customers;
40. }
41. }

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1. package com.infy.dto;
3. public class CustomerDTO {
4. long phoneNo;
5. String name;
6. String email;
7. String address;
9. public long getPhoneNo() {
10. return phoneNo;
11. }
13. public void setPhoneNo(long phoneNo) {
14. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
15. }
17. public String getName() {
18. return name;
19. }
21. public void setName(String name) {
22. this.name = name;
23. }
25. public String getEmail() {
26. return email;
27. }
29. public void setEmail(String email) {
30. this.email = email;
31. }
33. public String getAddress() {
34. return address;
35. }
37. public void setAddress(String address) {
38. this.address = address;

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39. }
41. public CustomerDTO(long phoneNo, String name,
String email, String address) {
42. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
43. this.name = name;
44. this.email = email;
45. this.address = address;
47. }
48. public CustomerDTO() {
50. }
51. }



2. . ____ _ __ _ _
3. /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
4. ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
5. \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
6. ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
7. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
8. :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.13.RELEASE)
10. 2020-04-07 12:11:56.259 INFO 78268 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo6Application :
11. 2020-04-07 12:11:56.263 INFO 78268 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo6Application :
12. 2020-04-07 12:11:57.137 INFO 78268 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo6Application :
13. PhoneNumer Name Email Address
14. 9951212222 Jack Jack@infy.com Chennai

Scope of a bean

The lifetime of a bean depends on its scope. Bean's scope can be defined while
declaring it in the configuration metadata file.

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

A bean can be in singleton or prototype scope. A bean with the

"singleton" scope is initialized during the container starts up and the same bean
instance is provided for every bean request from the application. However, in the
case of the "prototype" scope, a new bean instance is created for every bean
request from the application.

Let us now understand about bean scope in detail.

There will be a single instance of "singleton" scope bean in the container and the same bean is
given for every request from the application.

The bean scope can be defined for a bean using @Scope annotation in Java class. By default, the
scope of a bean is the singleton

1. package com.infy.service;
3. @Service("customerService")
4. @Scope("singleton")
5. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {
6. @Value("10")
7. private int count;
9. public int getCount() {
10. return count;
11. }
13. public void setCount(int count) {
14. this.count = count;
15. }
17. public String fetchCustomer() {
18. return " The number of customers fetched are : "
+ count;
19. }
21. }

For the "prototype" bean, there will be a new bean created for every request from the application.

In the below example, customerService bean is defined with prototype scope. There will be a
new customerService bean created for every bean request from the application.

1. package com.infy.service;
3. import
4. import

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

5. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
7. @Service("customerService")
8. @Scope("prototype")
9. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements
CustomerService {
10. @Value("10")
11. private int count;
13. public int getCount() {
14. return count;
15. }
17. public void setCount(int count) {
18. this.count = count;
19. }
21. public String fetchCustomer() {
22. return " The number of customers
fetched are : " + count;
23. }
25. }

Demo: Scope of a bean Spring Boot


Objective: To understand the Prototype scope of a bean



1. package com.infy.service;
3. public interface CustomerService {
5. public String fetchCustomer();

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7. }


1. package com.infy.service;
3. @Service("customerService")
4. @Scope("prototype")
5. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService
6. @Value("10")
7. private int count;
9. public int getCount() {
10. return count;
11. }
13. public void setCount(int count) {
14. this.count = count;
15. }
17. public String fetchCustomer() {
18. return " The number of customers fetched are
: " + count;
19. }
21. }



1. package com.infy;
3. import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
4. import
5. import
6. import com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl;

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

8. @SpringBootApplication
9. public class Demo7Application {
11. public static void main(String[] args) {
12. AbstractApplicationContext context =
13. args);
14. CustomerServiceImpl service1 =
(CustomerServiceImpl) context.getBean("customerService");
15. System.out.println("The customerservice1
output=" + service1.fetchCustomer());
16. service1.setCount(20);
17. System.out.println("The customerservice1
output after setmethod=" + service1.fetchCustomer());
18. CustomerServiceImpl service2 =
(CustomerServiceImpl) context.getBean("customerService");
19. System.out.println("The customerservice2
output =" + service2.fetchCustomer());
20. System.out.println(service1==service2);
21. context.close();
22. }
24. }



1. /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \

2. ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
3. \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
4. ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
5. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
6. :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.13.RELEASE)
8. 2020-04-07 17:20:51.414 INFO 18992 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo7Application :
9. 2020-04-07 17:20:51.417 INFO 18992 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo7Application : 2020-
04-07 17:20:52.438 INFO 18992 --- [ main]
com.infy.Demo7Application :
10. The customerservice1 output= The number of
customers fetched are : 10

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

11. The customerservice1 output after setmethod= The

number of customers fetched are : 20
12. The customerservice2 output = The number of
customers fetched are : 10
13. false

Summary: Autowiring and Scope of a bean

This module helped us in learning the following:

 What is Autowiring?
 Different types of Autowiring
 What are the scope of a bean and its different types?

SpringBoot Logging

What is logging?

Logging is the process of writing log messages to a central location during the
execution of the program. That means Logging is the process of tracking the
execution of a program, where

 Any event can be logged based on the interest to the

 When exception and error occurs we can record those relevant messages
and those logs can be analyzed by the programmer later

There are multiple reasons why we may need to capture the application activity.

 Recording unusual circumstances or errors that may be happening in the

 Getting the info about what's going in the application

There are several logging APIs to make logging easier. Some of the popular
ones are:

 JDK Logging API

 Apache Log4j
 Commons Logging API

The Logger is the object which performs the logging in applications.

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Levels in the logger specify the severity of an event to be logged. The logging
level is decided based on necessity. For example, TRACE can be used during
development and ERROR during deployment.

The following table shows the different levels of logging.

You know that logging is one of the important activities in any application. It helps
in quick problem diagnosis, debugging, and maintenance. Let us learn the
logging configuration in Spring Boot.

While executing your Spring Boot application, have you seen things like the
below getting printed on your console?

Do you have any guess what are these?

Yes, you are right. These are logging messaged logged on the INFO
level. However, you haven't written any code for logging in to your application.
Then who does this?

By default, Spring Boot configures logging via Logback to log the activities of
libraries that your application uses.

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

As a developer, you may want to log the information that helps in quick problem
diagnosis, debugging, and maintenance. So, let us see how to customize the
default logging configuration of Spring Boot so that your application can log
the information that you are interested in and in your own format.

Have you realized that you have not done any of the below activities for logging
which you typically do in any Spring application?

 Adding dependent jars for logging

 Configuring logging through Java configuration or XML configuration

Still, you are able to log your messages. The reason is Spring Boot's default
support for logging. The spring-boot-starter dependency includes spring-boot-
starter-logging dependency, which configures logging via Logback to log to the
console at the INFO level.

Spring Boot uses Commons Logging API with default configurations for Java Util
Logging, Log4j 2, and Logback implementation. Among these implementations,
Logback configuration will be enabled by default.

You, as a developer, have just created an object for Logger and raise a request
to log with your own message in LoggingAspect.java as shown below.

1. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements

2. {
3. private static Logger logger =
5. public void deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber) {
7. public void deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber) {
8. try {
10. } catch (Exception e) {
11. logger.info("In log Exception ");
12. logger.error(e.getMessage(),e);
13. }
15. }

16. }

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Apart from info(), the Logger class provides other methods for logging

The default log output contains the following information.

Date and Time

Log level

Process id

Thread name


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Logger name

Log message

But, how to change this default configuration if you want to,

 log the message in a file rather than console

 log the message in your own pattern
 log the messages of a specific level
 use Log4j instead of Logback

Log into file

By default Spring Boot logs the message on the console. To log into a file, you
have to include either logging.file or logging. path property in your
application.properties file.

Note: Please note that from Spring boot 2.3.X version onwards logging.file
and logging.path has been deprecated we should use "logging.file.name"
and " logging.file.path" for the same.

Custom log pattern

Include logging.pattern.* property in application.properties file to write the log

message in your own format.

Logging property Sample value Description

%d{yyyy-MM-dd Specifies the log pattern to use on
HH:mm:ss,SSS} the console
Specifies the log pattern to use in a
logging.pattern.file %5p [%t] %c [%M] - %m%n

Custom log level

By default, the logger is configured at the INFO level. You can change this by configuring the
logging.level.* property in application.properties file as shown below.

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

1. logging.level.root=WARN
2. logging.level.com.infosys.ars=ERROR


Log4j instead of Logback

Since Spring Boot chooses Logback implementation by default, you need to exclude it and then
include log4j 2 instead of in your pom.xml.

1. <dependency>
2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId
3. <artifactId>spring-boot-
4. <exclusions>
5. <exclusion>
7. <artifactId>spring-boot-
8. </exclusion>
9. </exclusions>
10. </dependency>
11. <dependency>
12. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId
13. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-
14. </dependency>

Demo: Logger


Objective: To implement Logging

Demo Steps:


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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

1. package com.infy.service;
3. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
5. public interface CustomerService {
7. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO dto);
9. public String fetchCustomer();
11. public void deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber)
throws Exception;

12. }


1. package com.infy.service;
3. import org.slf4j.Logger;
4. import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
5. import
6. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
8. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
9. import com.infy.repository.CustomerRepository;
11. @Service("customerService")
13. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements
CustomerService {
14. private static Logger logger =
15. @Autowired
16. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
20. @Override
21. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO dto) {

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

22. return
24. }
26. @Override
27. public String fetchCustomer() {
29. return customerRepository.fetchCustomer();
30. }
32. @Override
33. public void deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber) {
35. try {
37. } catch (Exception e) {
38. logger.info("In log Exception ");
39. logger.error(e.getMessage(),e);
40. }
42. }
43. }



1. package com.infy.repository;
4. import java.util.ArrayList;
5. import java.util.List;
7. import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
9. import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
11. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
14. @Repository

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

15. public class CustomerRepository {

16. @PostConstruct
17. public void initializer()
18. {
19. CustomerDTO customerDTO = new
20. customerDTO.setAddress("Chennai");
21. customerDTO.setName("Jack");
22. customerDTO.setEmail("Jack@infy.com");
23. customerDTO.setPhoneNo(9951212222l);
24. customers = new ArrayList<>();
25. customers.add(customerDTO);
26. }
27. List <CustomerDTO> customers=null;
28. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO dto) {
29. customers = new ArrayList<>();
30. customers.add(dto);
31. return "Customer added
32. }
34. public String fetchCustomer() {
35. return " The customer fetched
36. }
37. public void deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber)
throws Exception
38. {
40. for(CustomerDTO customer : customers)
41. {
42. if(customer.getPhoneNo() ==
43. {
44. customers.remove(customer);
phoneNumber"+customer.getPhoneNo()+"\t got deleted
46. break;
47. }
48. else
49. throw new Exception("Customer
does not exist");

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50. }
52. }
53. }



1. package com.infy.dto;
3. public class CustomerDTO {
4. long phoneNo;
5. String name;
6. String email;
7. String address;
9. public long getPhoneNo() {
10. return phoneNo;
11. }
13. public void setPhoneNo(long phoneNo) {
14. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
15. }
17. public String getName() {
18. return name;
19. }
21. public void setName(String name) {
22. this.name = name;
23. }
25. public String getEmail() {
26. return email;
27. }
29. public void setEmail(String email) {
30. this.email = email;
31. }
33. public String getAddress() {
34. return address;

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

35. }
37. public void setAddress(String address) {
38. this.address = address;
39. }
41. public CustomerDTO(long phoneNo, String name,
String email, String address) {
42. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
43. this.name = name;
44. this.email = email;
45. this.address = address;
47. }
49. public CustomerDTO() {
51. }
52. }



1. package com.infy;
3. import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
4. import
5. import
6. import com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl;
8. @SpringBootApplication
9. public class Demo8Application {
11. public static void main(String[] args) {
13. CustomerServiceImpl service = null;

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

14. AbstractApplicationContext context =

15. args);
17. service = (CustomerServiceImpl)
19. service.deleteCustomer(1151212222l);
20. // service.deleteCustomer(9951212222l);
21. }
23. }



2. . ____ _ __ _ _
3. /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
4. ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
5. \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
6. ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
7. =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
8. :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.13.RELEASE)
10. 2020-04-07 14:50:12.615 INFO 99756 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo8Application :
Starting Demo8Application
11. 2020-04-07 14:50:12.621 INFO 99756 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo8Application : No
active profile set,
12. 2020-04-07 14:50:14.183 INFO 99756 --- [
main] com.infy.Demo8Application :
Started Demo8Application in
13. 2020-04-07 14:50:14.187 INFO 99756 --- [
main] com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl : In log
14. 2020-04-07 14:50:14.192 ERROR 99756 --- [
main] com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl :
Customer does not exist

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

16. java.lang.Exception: Customer does not exist

17. at
ustomerRepository.java:49) ~[classes/:na]
18. at
tomerServiceImpl.java:38) ~[classes/:na]
19. at
) [classes/:na]

Summary: Spring Boot Logging

This module helped us in learning the following:

 What is Logging?
 How to implement logging in Spring Boot?

Intrng AOP
Introduction to Spring AOP (See Appendix A )

AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) is used for applying common behaviors

like transactions, security, logging, etc. to the application.

These common behaviors generally need to be called from multiple locations in

an application. Hence, they are also called as cross cutting concerns in AOP.

Spring AOP provides the solution to cross cutting concerns in a modularized and
loosely coupled way.


 AOP ensures that cross cutting concerns are kept separate from the core
business logic.
 Based on the configurations provided, the Spring applies cross cutting
concerns appropriately during the program execution.
 This allows creating a more loosely coupled application wherein you can
change the cross cutting concerns code without affecting the business
 In Object Oriented Programming(OOP), the key unit of modularity is class.
But in AOP the key unit of modularity is an Aspect.

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

What is an Aspect?

Aspects are the cross-cutting concerns that cut across multiple classes.

Examples: Transaction Management, Logging, Security, etc.

For a better understanding of Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP) concepts let

us consider a Banking scenario comprising of BankAccount class
with Withdraw and Deposit functionalities as shown below.

In Spring AOP, we can add these cross-cutting concerns at run time by

separating the cross-cutting concerns from the client logic as shown below.

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

 Aspect is a class that implements cross-cutting concerns. To declare a

class as an Aspect it should be annotated with @Aspect annotation. It
should be applied to the class which is annotated with @Component
annotation or with derivatives of it.
 Joinpoint is the specific point in the application such as method execution,
exception handling, changing object variable values, etc. In Spring AOP a
join point is always the execution of a method.
 Advice is a method of the aspect class that provides the implementation for
the cross-cutting concern. It gets executed at the selected join point(s).
The following table shows the different types of advice along with the
execution point they have

Type Of
Execution Point
Before Before advice is executed before the Joinpoint execution.
After advice will be executed after the execution of Joinpoint whether it
returns with or without exception. Similar to finally block in exception

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

Type Of
Execution Point
AfterReturning advice is executed after a Joinpoint executes and
returns successfully without exceptions
AfterThrowing advice is executed only when a Joinpoint exits by
throwing an exception
Around advice is executed around the Joinpoints which means Around
advice has some logic which gets executed before Joinpoint invocation
and some logic which gets executed after the Joinpoint returns

 Pointcut represents an expression that evaluates the method name before

or after which the advice needs to be executed.
 In Spring AOP, we need to modularize and define each of the cross cutting
concerns in a single class called Aspect.
 Each method of the Aspect which provides the implementation for the
cross cutting concern is called Advice.
 The business methods of the program before or after which the advice can
be called is known as a Joinpoint.
 The advice does not get inserted at every Joinpoint in the program.
 An Advice gets applied only to the Joinpoints that satisfy
the Pointcut defined for the advice.
 Pointcut represents an expression that evaluates the business method
name before or after which the advice needs to be called.

Consider an Aspect "LoggingAspect" as shown below to understand different

Spring AOP terminologies. LoggingAspect is defined as Spring AOP Aspect by
using @Aspect annotation.

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A pointcut is an important part of AOP. So let us look at pointcut in detail.

Pointcut expressions have the following syntax:

1. execution(<modifiers> <return-type> <fully qualified

class name>.<method-name>(parameters))



 execution is called a pointcut designator. It tells Spring that joinpoint is the

execution of the matching method.
 <modifiers> determines the access specifier of the matching method. It is
not mandatory and if not specified defaults to the public.
 <return-type> determines the return type of the method in order for a join
point to be matched. It is mandatory. If the return type doesn't matter
wildcard * is used.
 <fully qualified class name> specifies the fully qualified name of the class
which has methods on the execution of which advice gets executed. It is
optional. You can also use * wildcard as a name or part of a name.
 <method-name> specifies the name of the method on the execution of
which advice gets executed. It is mandatory. You can also use * wildcard
as a name or part of a name.

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 parameters are used for matching parameters. To skip parameter filtering,

two dots( ..) are used in place of parameters.

Pointcut Description
execution of any public
execution(public * *(..))
execution of any method with a
execution(* service *(..))
name beginning with "service"
execution of any method
defined in
CustomerServiceImpl of
com.infy.service package
execution of any method
execution(* com.infy.service.*.*(..)) defined in the com.infy.service
execution of any public method
execution(public *
of CustomerServiceImpl of
com.infy.service package
execution of all public method
execution(public String of CustomerServiceImpl of
com.infy.service.CustomerserviceImpl.*(..)) com.infy.service package that
returns a String

To use Spring AOP and AspectJ in the Spring Boot project you have to add the
spring-boot-starter-aop starter in the pom.xml file as follows:

1. <dependency>
2. <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
3. <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-aop</artifactId>
4. </dependency>

Implementing AOP advices

Before Advice:

This advice is declared using @Before annotation. It is invoked before the actual
method call. ie. This advice is executed before the execution of
fetchCustomer()methods of classes present in com.infy.service package. The
following is an example of this advice:

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1. @Before("execution(*
2. public void logBeforeAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
3. logger.info("In Before Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
4. long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
5. String date =
6. logger.info("Report generated at time:{}",

7. }

After Advice:

This advice is declared using @After annotation. It is executed after the

execution of the actual method(fetchCustomer), even if it throws an exception
during execution. It is commonly used for resource cleanup such as temporary
files or closing database connections. The following is an example of this advice :

1. @After("execution(*
2. public void logAfterAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
3. logger.info("In After Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
4. long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
5. String date =
6. logger.info("Report generated at time {}",
7. }

After Returning Advice

This advice is declared using @AfterReturning annotation. It gets executed after

joinpoint finishes its execution. If the target method throws an exception the
advice is not executed. The following is an example of this advice that is
executed after the method execution of fetchCustomer()method of classes
present in com.infy.service package.

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1. @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(*
2. public void logDetails(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
3. logger.info("In AfterReturning Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());

4. }

You can also access the value returned by the joinpoint by defining the returning
attribute of @AfterReturning annotation as follows:

1. @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(*
", returning = "result")
2. public void logDetails(JoinPoint joinPoint, String
result) {
3. logger.info("In AfterReturning Advice with
return value, Joinpoint signature :{}",
4. logger.info(result.toString());

5. }

In the above code snippet, the value of the returning attribute is returnvalue
which matches the name of the advice method argument.

AfterThrowing Advice :

This advice is defined using @AfterThrowing annotation. It gets executed after

an exception is thrown from the target method. The following is an example of
this advice that gets executed when exceptions are thrown from
the fetchCustomer() method of classes present in com.infy.service package. So it
is marked with @AfterThrowing annotation as follows:

1. @AfterThrowing("execution(*
2. public void logAfterThrowingAdvice(JoinPoint
joinPoint) {

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3. logger.info("In After throwing Advice, Joinpoint

signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());

5. }

You can also access the exception thrown from the target method inside
the advice method as follows:

1. @AfterThrowing(pointcut ="execution(*
",throwing = "exception")
2. public void logAfterThrowingAdvice(JoinPoint
joinPoint,Exception exception) {
3. logger.info("In After throwing Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
4. logger.info(exception.getMessage());

5. }

Demo: AOP


Objective: To implement AOP

Demo Steps:


1. package com.infy.util;
3. import java.text.DateFormat;
4. import java.util.List;
6. import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
7. import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
8. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.After;
9. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterReturning;

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10. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterThrowing;

11. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
12. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
13. import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
14. import org.slf4j.Logger;
15. import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
16. import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
18. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
20. @Component
21. @Aspect
22. public class LoggingAspect {
23. private static Logger logger =
25. @AfterThrowing("execution(*
26. public void logAfterThrowingAdvice(JoinPoint
joinPoint) {
27. logger.info("In After throwing Advice,
Joinpoint signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
29. }
31. @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(*
throwing = "exception")
32. public void logAfterThrowingAdviceDetails(JoinPoint
joinPoint, Exception exception) {
33. logger.info("In After throwing Advice,
Joinpoint signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
36. }
38. @After("execution(*
39. public void logAfterAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
40. logger.info("In After Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
41. long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
42. String date =
43. logger.info("Report generated at time {}",
44. }

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46. @Before("execution(*
47. public void logBeforeAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
48. // Log Joinpoint signature details
49. logger.info("In Before Advice, Joinpoint
signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
50. long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
51. String date =
52. logger.info("Report generated at time:{}",
54. }
56. @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(*
57. public void logAfterReturningAdvice(JoinPoint
joinPoint) {
58. logger.info("In AfterReturning Advice,
Joinpoint signature :{}", joinPoint.getSignature());
59. }
61. @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(*
returning = "result")
62. public void logAfterReturningDetails(JoinPoint
joinPoint, List<CustomerDTO> result) {
63. logger.info("In AfterReturning Advice with
return value, Joinpoint signature :{}",
64. System.out.println(result);
65. long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
66. String date =
67. logger.info("Report generated at time:{}",
68. }
70. @Around("execution(*
71. public Object aroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint
joinPoint) throws Throwable {
72. System.out.println("Before proceeding part of
the Around advice.");
73. Object cust = joinPoint.proceed();
74. System.out.println("After proceeding part of
the Around advice.");

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75. return cust;

76. }
78. }



1. package com.infy.service;
3. import java.util.List;
5. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
7. public interface CustomerService {
8. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO customerDTO);
10. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer();
12. public String updateCustomer(long phoneNumber,
CustomerDTO customerDTO);
14. public String deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber);
16. }



1. package com.infy.service;
3. import java.util.List;
5. import
6. import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
8. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
9. import com.infy.repository.CustomerRepository;
11. @Service("customerService")

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IV B.Tech.- I Sem. CSE-2/CSE-AI&ML (JNTUK-R20) API AND MICROSERVICES (Job Oriented Course)

12. public class CustomerServiceImpl implements

CustomerService {
14. @Autowired
15. private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
17. public String createCustomer(CustomerDTO
customerDTO) {
20. return "Customer with " +
customerDTO.getPhoneNo() + " added successfully";
21. }
23. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer() {
24. // uncomment the below line to see the
AfterThrowing advice
25. // int b=10/0;
26. return customerRepository.fetchCustomer();
27. }
29. public String updateCustomer(long phoneNumber,
CustomerDTO customerDTO) {
31. return
32. }
34. public String deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber) {
36. return
37. }
38. }



1. package com.infy.repository;
3. import java.util.ArrayList;
4. import java.util.List;

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6. import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
8. import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
9. import com.infy.dto.CustomerDTO;
11. @Repository
12. public class CustomerRepository {
13. List<CustomerDTO> customers = null;
15. @PostConstruct
16. public void initializer() {
17. CustomerDTO customerDTO = new CustomerDTO();
18. customerDTO.setAddress("Chennai");
19. customerDTO.setName("Jack");
20. customerDTO.setEmail("Jack@infy.com");
21. customerDTO.setPhoneNo(9951212222l);
22. customers = new ArrayList<>();
23. customers.add(customerDTO);
25. }
27. // adds the received customer object to customers
28. public void createCustomer(CustomerDTO customerDTO)
29. customers.add(customerDTO);
30. }
32. // returns a list of customers
33. public List<CustomerDTO> fetchCustomer() {
35. return customers;
36. }
38. // deletes customer
39. public String deleteCustomer(long phoneNumber) {
40. String response = "Customer of:" +
phoneNumber + "\t does not exist";
41. for (CustomerDTO customer : customers) {
42. if (customer.getPhoneNo() ==
phoneNumber) {
43. customers.remove(customer);
44. response = customer.getName() +
"of phoneNumber" + customer.getPhoneNo()
45. + "\t got deleted
46. break;
47. }

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48. }
49. return response;
50. }
52. // updates customer
53. public String updateCustomer(long phoneNumber,
CustomerDTO customerDTO) {
54. String response = "Customer of:" +
phoneNumber + "\t does not exist";
55. for (CustomerDTO customer : customers) {
56. if (customer.getPhoneNo() ==
phoneNumber) {
58. if (customerDTO.getName() !=
60. if (customerDTO.getAddress() !=
customers.set(customers.indexOf(customer), customer);
64. response = "Customer of
phoneNumber" + customer.getPhoneNo() + "\t got updated
65. break;
66. }
67. }
68. return response;
69. }
71. }



1. package com.infy;
3. import

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4. import
5. import
6. import com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl;
8. @SpringBootApplication
9. public class Demo9Application {
11. public static void main(String[] args) {
13. CustomerServiceImpl service = null;
14. AbstractApplicationContext context =
15. args);
16. service = (CustomerServiceImpl)
17. service.fetchCustomer();
18. context.close();
19. }
21. }

Summary :AOP

This module helped us in learning the following:

 What is AOP?
 Different types of Advices used in AOP
 How to implement AOP in Spring?

Best Practices : Spring Boot Application

Let us discuss the best practices which need to be followed as part of the Quality
and Security for the Spring application and Spring with Spring Boot applications.
These practices, when applied during designing and developing a Spring/Spring
Boot application, yields better performance.

Best Practices:

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1. To create a new spring boot project prefer to use Spring Initializr

2. While creating the Spring boot projects must follow the Standard Project

3. Use @Autowired annotation before a constructor.

4. Use constructor injection for mandatory dependencies and Setter injection for
optional dependencies in Spring /Spring boot applications

5. Inside the domain class avoid using the stereotype annotations for the
automatic creation of Spring bean.

6. To create a stateless bean use the singleton scope and for a stateful bean
choose the prototype scope.

Let us understand the reason behind these recommendations and their


There are three different ways to create a Spring Boot project. They are:

 Using Spring Initializr

 Using the Spring Tool Suite (STS)
 Using Spring Boot CLI

But the recommended and simplest way to create a Spring Boot application is
the Spring Boot Initializr as it has a very good UI to download a production-ready
project. And the same project can be directly imported into the STS/Eclipse.

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Note: The above screen keeps changing depending on updates from Pivotal and
changes in the Spring Boot version.

There are two recommended ways to create a spring boot project structure for
Spring boot applications, which will help developers to maintain a standard
coding structure.

Don't use the “default” Package:

When a developer doesn't include a package declaration for a class, it will be in

the “default package”. So the usage of the “default package” should be avoided
as it may cause problems for Spring Boot applications that generally use the
annotations like @ComponentScan, or @SpringBootApplication. So, during the
creation of the classes, the developer should follow Java's package naming
conventions. For example, com.infy.client, com.infy.service, com.infy.controller

There are 2 approaches that can be followed to create a standard project

structure in Spring boot applications.

First approach: The first approach shows a layout which generally

recommended by the Spring Boot team. In this approach we can see that all the
related classes for the customer have grouped in the "com.infy.cutomer"
package and all the related classes for the order have grouped in
the "com.infy.order" package

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Second approach: However the above structure works well but developers
prefer to use the following structure.

In this approach, we can see that all the service classes related to customer and
Order are grouped in the "com.infy.service" package. Similar to that we can
see we grouped the repository, controller, and entity classes.

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Best Practices : Spring Application

 Inside the domain class, try to avoid using the stereotype

annotations for the automatic creation of Spring bean.

1. @Component
3. public class Employee {
5. // Methods and variables

7. }

Avoid creating beans for the domain class like the above.

 Avoid scanning unnecessary classes to discover Beans. Specify

only the required class for scanning.

Suppose that if we need to discover beans declared inside the service package.
Let us write the code for that.

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1. @Configuration
3. @ComponentScan("com.infosys")
5. public class AppConfig {

7. }

In the above configuration class, we mentioned scanning the entire package

com.infosys. But our actual requirement is only needed to scan the service
packages. We can avoid this unnecessary scanning by replacing the code as

1. @Configuration
3. @ComponentScan("com.infosys.service")
5. public class AppConfig {
7. }

 Java doesn't allow annotations placed on interfaces to be inherited

by the implemented class so make sure that we place the spring
annotations only on class, fields, or methods.
 As a good practice place @Autowired annotation before a

We know that there are three places we can place @Autowired annotation in
Spring on fields, on setter method, and on a constructor. The classes using field
injection are difficult to maintain and it is very difficult to test. The classes using
setter injection will make testing easy, but this has some disadvantages like it will
violate encapsulation. Spring recommends that use @Autowired on constructors
that are easiest to test, and the dependencies can be immutable.

 In the case of AOP as a best practice store all the Pointcuts in a

common class which will help in maintaining the pointcuts in one

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1. public class CommonPointConfig {

3. @Pointcut("execution(*
4. public void logAfterAdvice(JoinPoint
5. @Pointcut("execution(*
6. public void logBeforeAdvice(){}
7. }


The above common definition can be used when defining pointcuts in other

1. @Around("com.infy.service.CustomerServiceImpl.fetchCust


 While defining the scope of the beans choose wisely.

If we want to create a stateless bean then singleton scope is the best choice. In
case if you need a stateful bean then choose prototype scope.

 When to choose Constructor-based DI and setter-based DI in Spring

/Spring boot applications

A Spring application developer can mix the Constructor injection and Setter
injection in the same application but it's a good practice to use constructor
injection for mandatory dependencies and Setter injection for optional

Summary :Best Practices

This module helped us in learning the following:

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 The Best Practices need to follow in the Spring application.

 The Best Practices needs to follow in Spring Boot.

Appendix A: AOP

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