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The document discusses installing and deinstalling Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers.

To deinstall a Quick Start distribution, you need to start the deinstaller, manually remove the Oracle home if prompted, and clean up any JDeveloper artifacts.

Before deinstalling Oracle Fusion Middleware, you should stop all Oracle Fusion Middleware processes.

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management

Suite Quick Start for Developers
12c (

December 2016
Documentation for installers and system administrators that
describes how to use Quick Install to establish a development
or evaluation JDeveloper environment.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start
for Developers, 12c (


Copyright 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Ingrid Snedecor

Contributors: Eric Ball, Warren Briese, Simone Geib, Jay Kasi

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ ix
Audience ....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents...................................................................................................................................... ix
Conventions................................................................................................................................................... x

Part I Preparing to Install Quick Start

1 Introducing the Quick Start Distributions

1.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Planning Your Installation............................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 About Quick Start ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.4 About the Oracle SOA Quick Start Distribution .......................................................................... 1-2
1.5 About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Distribution .................. 1-3
1.6 About Quick Start Components ..................................................................................................... 1-4
1.6.1 About Oracle Stream Analytics........................................................................................... 1-5
1.6.2 About Oracle B2B .................................................................................................................. 1-5
1.6.3 About Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration........................................................ 1-5
1.6.4 About Oracle Managed File Transfer ................................................................................. 1-6
1.7 About Domain Configurations ....................................................................................................... 1-6

2 Preparing to Install Quick Start

2.1 Verifying Certification, System, and Interoperability Requirements ....................................... 2-1
2.2 About the Software Required for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product Installation.......... 2-2
2.2.1 Understanding Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware
Installation ................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Understanding JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation .... 2-4
2.3 Selecting an Installation User.......................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 Understanding User Permissions ....................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.2 Understanding Non-Default User Permissions on UNIX Operating Systems ............ 2-7
2.3.3 Verifying that the Installation User has Administrator Privileges on Windows
Operating Systems...................................................................................................................... 2-7

2.4 Setting JAVA_HOME....................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.5 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 2-8

Part II Quick Start for Oracle SOA Suite

3 Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers

3.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Downloading the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer .......................................................... 3-1
3.3 Launching the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer ............................................................... 3-2
3.4 Navigating the Installation Screens ............................................................................................... 3-2
3.5 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 3-3

4 Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain

4.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Understanding Quick Start Domains ............................................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server................................................................ 4-2
4.3.1 Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable....................................................... 4-2
4.3.2 Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable ...................................................... 4-3
4.3.3 Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux.................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain................................................................................... 4-4
4.4.1 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server........................................................................... 4-4
4.4.2 Verifying Your Domain ........................................................................................................ 4-7
4.4.3 Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ................................................................................ 4-8
4.5 Configuring a Standalone Domain ................................................................................................ 4-8
4.5.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard ..................................................................................... 4-8
4.5.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens................................................................. 4-9
4.5.3 Starting the Administration Sever ...................................................................................... 4-9
4.5.4 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard ..................................................... 4-10
4.5.5 Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens..................... 4-11
4.5.6 Verifying Your Connection................................................................................................ 4-11
4.6 Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions ............................................................................... 4-12
4.6.1 Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server....................................................................... 4-12
4.6.2 Restarting JDeveloper ......................................................................................................... 4-12
4.7 Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine ........................................................... 4-13
4.8 Switching Between Quick Start Distributions ............................................................................ 4-13
4.9 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................ 4-14

5 Configuring a Compact Domain

5.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation.............................. 5-1
5.2.1 Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB ............................... 5-2
5.2.2 Downloading and Installing a Supported Database ........................................................ 5-2
5.3 Installing Required Schemas........................................................................................................... 5-3

5.3.1 Running Installers for Additional Components ............................................................... 5-3
5.3.2 Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility ...................... 5-3
5.4 Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain ......................................... 5-6
5.4.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard ..................................................................................... 5-7
5.4.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location............................................... 5-7
5.4.3 Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start.......................... 5-8
5.4.4 Selecting the Application Home Location ......................................................................... 5-9
5.4.5 Configuring the Administrator Account ........................................................................... 5-9
5.4.6 Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK .............................................................................. 5-9
5.4.7 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type................................................................ 5-9
5.4.8 Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information........................................................ 5-10
5.4.9 Testing the JDBC Connections........................................................................................... 5-10
5.4.10 Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key................................................ 5-11
5.4.11 Selecting Advanced Configuration................................................................................. 5-11
5.4.12 Completing the Configuration ........................................................................................ 5-11
5.5 Starting the Administration Server .............................................................................................. 5-11
5.6 Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain....................................................................... 5-12
5.6.1 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard ..................................................... 5-12
5.6.2 Starting the Administration Server................................................................................... 5-13
5.6.3 Verifying Your Connection................................................................................................ 5-13
5.7 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................ 5-14

Part III Quick Start for Oracle Business Process Management Suite

6 Installing Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
6.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Downloading the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Installer ............ 6-1
6.3 Launching the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Installer.................. 6-2
6.4 Navigating the Installation Screens ............................................................................................... 6-3
6.5 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 6-3

7 Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain

7.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Understanding Quick Start Domains ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.3 Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server................................................................ 7-2
7.3.1 Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable....................................................... 7-2
7.3.2 Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable ...................................................... 7-3
7.3.3 Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux.................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain................................................................................... 7-4
7.4.1 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server........................................................................... 7-4
7.4.2 Verifying Your Domain ........................................................................................................ 7-7
7.4.3 Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ................................................................................ 7-8
7.5 Configuring a Standalone Domain ................................................................................................ 7-8

7.5.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard ..................................................................................... 7-8
7.5.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens................................................................. 7-9
7.5.3 Starting the Administration Sever ...................................................................................... 7-9
7.5.4 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard ..................................................... 7-10
7.5.5 Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens..................... 7-11
7.5.6 Verifying Your Connection................................................................................................ 7-11
7.6 Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions ............................................................................... 7-12
7.6.1 Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server....................................................................... 7-12
7.6.2 Restarting JDeveloper ......................................................................................................... 7-12
7.7 Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine ........................................................... 7-13
7.8 Switching Between Quick Start Distributions ............................................................................ 7-13
7.9 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................ 7-14

8 Configuring a Compact Domain

8.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation.............................. 8-1
8.2.1 Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB ............................... 8-2
8.2.2 Downloading and Installing a Supported Database ........................................................ 8-2
8.2.3 Configuring a 12c Database for Quick Start ...................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Installing Required Schemas........................................................................................................... 8-3
8.3.1 Running Installers for Additional Components ............................................................... 8-3
8.3.2 Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility ...................... 8-3
8.4 Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain ......................................... 8-6
8.4.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard ..................................................................................... 8-7
8.4.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location............................................... 8-7
8.4.3 Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle Business Process Management Suite
Quick Start ................................................................................................................................... 8-8
8.4.4 Selecting the Application Home Location ......................................................................... 8-9
8.4.5 Configuring the Administrator Account ........................................................................... 8-9
8.4.6 Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK .............................................................................. 8-9
8.4.7 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type................................................................ 8-9
8.4.8 Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information........................................................ 8-10
8.4.9 Testing the JDBC Connections........................................................................................... 8-10
8.4.10 Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key................................................ 8-11
8.4.11 Selecting Advanced Configuration................................................................................. 8-11
8.4.12 Completing the Configuration ........................................................................................ 8-11
8.5 Starting the Administration Server .............................................................................................. 8-11
8.6 Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain....................................................................... 8-12
8.6.1 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard ..................................................... 8-12
8.6.2 Starting the Administration Server................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.3 Verifying Your Connection................................................................................................ 8-13
8.7 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................ 8-14

Part IV Post-configuration Tasks for Oracle Quick Start

9 Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation

9.1 Orientation......................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 About Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation .......................................................... 9-2
9.3 Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed
File Transfer for Quick Start .............................................................................................................. 9-2
9.3.1 Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start.................................................................................. 9-2
9.3.2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration for Quick Start ....................... 9-4
9.3.3 Installing Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start ................................................ 9-6
9.4 Creating Schemas for Quick Start Components........................................................................... 9-7
9.5 Updating a Compact Domain ......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.5.1 Launching the Domain Configuration Wizard................................................................. 9-7
9.5.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location............................................... 9-8
9.5.3 Selecting the Configuration Templates .............................................................................. 9-8
9.5.4 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type................................................................ 9-8
9.5.5 Verifying the Component Datasources.............................................................................. 9-9
9.5.6 Testing the JDBC Connections............................................................................................. 9-9
9.5.7 Selecting Advanced Configuration..................................................................................... 9-9
9.5.8 Configuring the Domain ...................................................................................................... 9-9
9.5.9 Reviewing Your Domain Location ..................................................................................... 9-9
9.6 Understanding Oracle Stream Analytics Design Time ............................................................. 9-10
9.7 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................ 9-10

10 Running a Sample Application

10.1 Creating an Oracle Business Process Management Suite Sample Application ................... 10-1
10.2 Creating an Oracle Stream Analytics Project in JDeveloper .................................................. 10-1
10.3 Next Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 10-1

11 Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start

11.1 Performing Pre-Deinstallation Tasks ......................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Deinstalling a Quick Start Distribution ..................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.1 Starting the Deinstaller ..................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.2 Manually Removing the Oracle Home .......................................................................... 11-2
11.2.3 Cleaning Up JDeveloper Artifacts .................................................................................. 11-2


This document describes how to install a development or evaluation environment and

to build or test applications using one of the following Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers

Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers

This Preface describes:


Documentation Accessibility

Related Documents


Installing SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers is
intended for Oracle SOA Suite application developers. It can also be used by those
who want to evaluate the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management
features and capabilities available within Oracle JDeveloper.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Library for additional information.

For Oracle SOA Suite information, see Oracle SOA Suite Documentation.

For Oracle Business Process Management information, see Oracle Business Process
Management Documentation.

For installation information, see Fusion Middleware Installation Documentation.

For upgrade information, see Fusion Middleware Upgrade Documentation.

For administration-related information, see Fusion Middleware Administration


For release-related information, see Fusion Middleware Release Notes.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code

in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Part I
Preparing to Install Quick Start

Before you install Oracle Quick Start, use this part to understand the Quick Start
distributions and verify that your system is certified and capable of running Quick

Introducing the Quick Start Distributions

The Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite
Quick Start distributions allow you to quickly install a development or
evaluation environment on a single host computer. The result is a
compact domain, which is a developer domain consisting of a single
administration server and no managed servers.

Preparing to Install Quick Start

Before installing Quick Start, you must verify that it can run on your
Introducing the Quick Start Distributions

The Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start
distributions allow you to quickly install a development or evaluation environment on
a single host computer. The result is a compact domain, which is a developer domain
consisting of a single administration server and no managed servers.
This chapter will help you plan your installation by explaining each Quick Start
distribution and giving you an overview of the entire process.
Note that you cannot expand or scale a Quick Start installation into a production
environment. Quick Starts are installations for development or evaluation only. If you
want a production environment, start with About the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Installation in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and
Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management to install a full-scale
development environment that can be scaled into a production environment.


Planning Your Installation

About Quick Start

About the Oracle SOA Quick Start Distribution

About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Distribution

About Quick Start Components

About Domain Configurations

1.1 Orientation
This is the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap. You are planning your

Step Description
Plan your installation. Use this chapter to decide which distribution and
configuration path suits your goals.

Download and install a You will download and install Quick Start for Oracle SOA
Quick Start distribution Suite or Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or You will configure a default domain, a standalone domain, or

standalone domain. compact domain for your developed applications.

Develope or test an You will develop or test an application.


Introducing the Quick Start Distributions 1-1

Planning Your Installation

1.2 Planning Your Installation

You should use this chapter to make the following key decisions:

1. Make sure that a Quick Start installation suits your needs. Its limitations are
described in About Quick Start.

2. Choose between the SOA Suite Quick Start or Business Process Management Suite
Quick Start distribution. These are described in About the Oracle SOA Quick Start
Distribution and About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick
Start Distribution.

3. Decide if you want to add any SOA Suite components that were not included in
the default Quick Start distribution. Supported components for Quick Start are
described in About Quick Start Components.

4. Decide what type of domain you want to use during development. The three
domain types available for Quick Start are described in Table 1-1 in About
Domain Configurations.
Making these decisions by the end of this chapter will simplify your installation

1.3 About Quick Start

Quick Start is available for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite. A Quick Start installation differs from a full installation in setup
speed and limited uses.
When you use a Quick Start installer, you create a new Oracle home that contains all
the software required for a development or evaluation environment on a single host.
After running the installation wizard, you can quickly start developing and testing
your SOA applications by running Oracle JDeveloper from the Oracle home.
However, Quick Start installations are limited to one Administration server with no
option to add Managed servers. You also cannot upgrade your Quick Start
distribution to a production environment.
If you know you want a production environment with additional managed servers or
clusters, you should not use Quick Start. Instead, see About the Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Installation in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing
and Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management to install a full-scale
development environment that can be scaled into a production environment.
There are two different Quick Start distributions. You can choose the best distribution
for your use case by reading the following descriptions:

About the Oracle SOA Quick Start Distribution

About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Distribution

1.4 About the Oracle SOA Quick Start Distribution

Oracle SOA Suite is an integration platform centered around BPEL Process Manager
for integration and orchestration. Oracle SOA Suite is a comprehensive software suite
to build, deploy and manage Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). The components
of the suite benefit from common capabilities including consistent tooling, a single

1-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Distribution

deployment and management model, end-to-end security and unified metadata

Beginning with 12c (, Oracle SOA Suite (both Quick Start and production
installation) includes Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight. Insight enables
business users to model, collect, and monitor business level metrics. For more
information, see the Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight page on the Oracle
Technology Network (OTN).
By default, the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start installation contains Oracle JDeveloper
and an Integrated WebLogic Server.
The JDeveloper in this distribution is pre-configured with some JDeveloper IDE
extensions so that you can create various kinds of applications immediately. These
pre-installed IDE extensions include the following:

Oracle BPEL Process Manager

Oracle Human Workflow

Oracle Business Rules

Oracle Mediator

Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

SOA Spring Component Design Time

Oracle Stream Analytics design time (formerly Oracle Event Processing design
The Integrated WebLogic Server is pre-configured with Java DB and the runtime
software for the all of the components listed above except for Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler and Oracle Stream Analytics. This means you can run any JDeveloper
application that does not use Oracle Enterprise Scheduler or Oracle Stream Analytics
on the Integrated WebLogic Server immediately after you finish installing a Quick
Start distribution.
If you want to configure your installation to use Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle
Stream Analytics, or other SOA components, see About Quick Start Components.

1.5 About the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start
Oracle Business Process Management Suite is layered on top of Oracle SOA Suite. As a
result, it includes all of the Oracle SOA Suite components and additional components
that emphasize human-focused business processes. If you plan on designing
applications with end-user responses and other human task flows in mind, you should
install Oracle Business Process Management Suite.
Beginning with 12c (, Oracle Business Process Management Suite (both Quick
Start and production installation) includes Oracle Real-Time Integration Business
Insight. Insight enables business users to model, collect, and monitor business level
metrics. For more information, see the Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight
page on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
By default, the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start installation
contains Oracle JDeveloper and an Integrated WebLogic Server.

Introducing the Quick Start Distributions 1-3

About Quick Start Components

The JDeveloper in this distribution is pre-configured with some JDeveloper IDE

extensions so that you can create various kinds of applications immediately. These
pre-installed IDE extensions include the following:

All Oracle SOA Suite components listed in About the Oracle SOA Quick Start

Oracle Business Process Management Composer

Oracle Business Process Management Workspace

Oracle Case Management

Oracle BPMN Process Manager

The Integrated WebLogic Server is pre-configured with Java DB and the runtime
software for the listed components so that you can immediately test and run
applications using these components within the development environment.
If you want to configure your installation to use Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle
Stream Analytics, or other SOA components, see About Quick Start Components.

1.6 About Quick Start Components

Some Oracle SOA Suite components are not included with the Quick Start
distributions, and some are not supported to run with the included Java DB database.
These components include the following:

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Oracle B2B

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

Oracle Managed File Transfer

Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight

Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

Oracle Stream Analytics


If you are not sure what components you want to include in your installation,
see Key Components in Oracle Fusion Middleware Understanding Oracle SOA
Suite for descriptions of each component.

To add any of these components, you must install and use an Oracle database. You
can then use the domain configuration software included in the Quick Start
installation to configure a compact domain, which is a limited developer domain
consisting of an Administration server and no managed servers.
Decide which runtime components you want before beginning the domain
configuration process. The process is the same for a majority of the listed components,
but you should be aware of additional procedures for the following components:

About Oracle Stream Analytics

About Oracle B2B

1-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
About Quick Start Components

About Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

About Oracle Managed File Transfer

1.6.1 About Oracle Stream Analytics

In order to test your Oracle JDeveloper applications in an environment with Oracle
Stream Analytics (formerly called Oracle Event Processing) runtime software, you
must install a separate Oracle home for Oracle Stream Analytics and launch the Oracle
Stream Analytics-specific server.
Once you have launched the Oracle Stream Analytics server, use JDeveloper to target
and deploy applications.
The installation process for Oracle Stream Analytics is covered in Installing and
Configuring Oracle Stream Analytics.

1.6.2 About Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B is an e-commerce gateway that enables the secure and reliable exchange of
business documents between an enterprise and its trading partners. See Protocols
Supported in B2B in User's Guide for B2B for a list of the industry-standard e-
commerce protocols supported in Oracle B2B.
The capability to exchange Custom Documents is already included in a standard
Quick Start installation. You can activate this limited version of Oracle B2B by
following the activation steps detailed in Activating a Limited Oracle B2B Interface
without a Full Installation.
To obtain the full B2B user interface for more document management capabilities, you
must use the regular Oracle B2B installer on your Quick Start Oracle home and
configure a standalone32ewr compact domain. The complete installation will give you
the Oracle B2B user interface and Oracle B2B JDeveloper adapter. A walkthrough of
this process is covered in Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start.

1.6.3 About Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration uses several features of Oracle SOA Suite
to help you design, create, and manage applications that process healthcare data.
There are two configurations possible for two use cases:

X12 HIPAA users should install the full Oracle B2B installation configured with
Healthcare Integration.

Healthcare providers using HL7 documents should install the full Oracle SOA
Suite for Healthcare Integration software.
TheOracle B2B user interface is the default when you finish installing Oracle SOA
Suite for healthcare integration into your Oracle home. If you want to use the Oracle
SOA Suite for healthcare integration user interface, you must complete both of the
following post-installation configurations:

1. Use the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to set a custom variable before running
the domain configuration wizard.

2. Select an Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration-specific template during

domain configuration.

Introducing the Quick Start Distributions 1-5

About Domain Configurations

The Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration user interface will not function
properly if you do not do both tasks. These configurations are detailed further in
Activating the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User Interface.

1.6.4 About Oracle Managed File Transfer

Oracle Managed File Transfer is a product that can be configured without Oracle SOA
Suite or Oracle Business Process Management Suite. If you want to configure a
compact domain solely for Oracle Managed File Transfer, launch the domain
configuration wizard as described in this guide and only select the Oracle Managed
File Transfer template when prompted.

1.7 About Domain Configurations

Once you have installed a Quick Start distribution, you need to configure a domain to
test applications during development. To simplify your installation and configuration
experience, you should decide on a domain type now.
The three possible domain types are described and compared in Table 1-1. Note that if
you plan to install any of the Oracle SOA Suite components listed in About Quick Start
Components, your only choice is the compact domain.
For all of these domain options, SOA and B2B use the MDS file system. This means
that the edit function in SOA Composer is not supported in Quick Start.

Table 1-1 Domain Types

Default Domain in JDeveloper Standalone Domain Compact Domain

Generated by launching the A standalone version of the Generated by using software in
Integrated WebLogic Server Integrated WebLogic Server that the Quick Start Oracle home
from JDeveloper runs independently of Configured by user
Pre-configured with SOA Suite JDeveloper Includes an administration
or Business Process Pre-configured with SOA Suite server only, with SOA
Management Suite runtime or Business Process components such as soa-infra,
components Management Suite runtime Service Bus and Business
Works with a pre-configured components Activity Monitoring (BAM) all
Java DB Works with a pre-configured deployed to that server.
Java DB Works with an Oracle database
Must be explicitly targeted by that you must install and then
user in JDeveloper configure with RCU
Must be explicitly targeted by
user in JDeveloper

This domain option is best for This option is best for developers, You should only use this domain
demos or evaluation purposes especially for developers who want option if you want to add SOA
because the Integrated WebLogic to use the Oracle Service Bus Design components that are incompatible
Server will shut down every time Time Console instead of with JavaDB. These components
you end a JDeveloper session. You JDeveloper. This domain type saves include Oracle Business Activity
will have to relaunch the server you from having to relaunch the Monitoring, Oracle B2B, Oracle
every time you wanted to access server from JDeveloper every time Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle
your domain. you want to test your application. Managed File Transfer, Oracle Real-
Time Integration Business Insight,
Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare
Integration, and Oracle Stream

1-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Preparing to Install Quick Start

Before installing Quick Start, you must verify that it can run on your system.

Verifying Certification, System, and Interoperability Requirements

Oracle recommends that you use the certification matrix and system
requirements documents with each other to verify that your
environment meets the requirements for installation.

About the Software Required for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product

Before you install Oracle Fusion Middleware, you should understand
and verify the database and JDK requirements.

Selecting an Installation User

The user who installs and configures your system must have the
required permissions and privileges.

Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the location of your

Next Steps
After completing the installation preparation steps, you are ready to
install a Quick Start distribution.

2.1 Verifying Certification, System, and Interoperability Requirements

Oracle recommends that you use the certification matrix and system requirements
documents with each other to verify that your environment meets the requirements
for installation.

1. Verifying that your environment meets certification requirements

Make sure that you install your product on a supported hardware and software
configuration. For more information, see the certification document for your
release on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.
Oracle has tested and verified the performance of your product on all certified
systems and environments. Whenever new certifications are released, they are
added to the certification document right away. New certifications can be released
at any time. Therefore, the certification documents are kept outside the
documentation libraries and are available on Oracle Technology Network.

2. Using the system requirements document to verify certification

Oracle recommends that you use the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements
and Specifications document to verify that the certification requirements are met.
For example, if the certification document indicates that your product is certified
for installation on 64-Bit Oracle Linux 6.5, use this document to verify that your

Preparing to Install Quick Start 2-1

About the Software Required for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product Installation

system meets the required minimum specifications. These include disk space,
available memory, specific platform packages and patches, and other operating
system-specific requirements. System requirements can change in the future.
Therefore, the system requirement documents are kept outside of the
documentation libraries and are available on Oracle Technology Network.

3. Verifying interoperability among multiple products

To learn how to install and run multiple Fusion Middleware products from the
same release or mixed releases with each other, see Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c
Interoperability and Compatibility in Oracle Fusion Middleware Understanding
Interoperability and Compatibility.

2.2 About the Software Required for an Oracle Fusion Middleware

Product Installation
Before you install Oracle Fusion Middleware, you should understand and verify the
database and JDK requirements.

Understanding Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware

Many Oracle Fusion Middleware products require database schemas
prior to configuration. If you do not already have a database where you
can install these schemas, you must install and configure a certified

Understanding JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation

Most Fusion Middleware products are in .jar file format. These
distributions do not include a JDK. To run a .jar distribution installer,
you must have a certified JDK already installed on your system.

2.2.1 Understanding Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware

Many Oracle Fusion Middleware products require database schemas prior to
configuration. If you do not already have a database where you can install these
schemas, you must install and configure a certified database.
To find a certified database for your operating system, see the certification document
for your release on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.
To make sure your database is properly configured for schema creation, see
"Repository Creation Utility Requirements" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System
Requirements and Specifications document.
After your database is properly configured, you use the Repository Creation Utility
(RCU) to create product schemas in your database. This tool is available in the Oracle
home for your Oracle Fusion Middleware product. For more information about the
RCU, see Understanding Repository Creation Utility in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

About the Custom Variables Required for the SOA Suite Schemas
When you install the Oracle SOA Suite schemas, you are prompted to set
two custom variables, which affect the way in which these schemas are
created in the database.

2-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
About the Software Required for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product Installation About the Custom Variables Required for the SOA Suite Schemas
When you install the Oracle SOA Suite schemas, you are prompted to set two custom
variables, which affect the way in which these schemas are created in the database.

These variables are explained further in the following sections:

About the Database Profile Custom Variable

The Database Profile custom variable on the Repository Creation Utility
(RCU) Custom Variables screen allows you to identify the predicted size
or "profile" of the database on which you are installing the SOA
Infrastructure schema.

About the Healthcare Integration Custom Variable

The Healthcare Integration custom variable helps to activate the Oracle
Business Process Management Suite user interface. The interface is not
supported for Oracle Business Process Management. About the Database Profile Custom Variable

The Database Profile custom variable on the Repository Creation Utility (RCU)
Custom Variables screen allows you to identify the predicted size or "profile" of the
database on which you are installing the SOA Infrastructure schema.
To estimate the size of the database required for your Oracle SOA Suite configuration,
consider the information in Developing a Database Growth Management Strategy in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.
If you enter SMALL or MEDIUM as the database profile, the RCU performs no
special actions when the schema is created. The SMALL and MEDIUM options
should be entered for informational purposes only.
If you enter LARGE as the database profile, the RCU creates the SOA Infrastructure
schema using an Oracle database feature called Interval Partitioning. Interval
partitioning improves the efficiency of the database when large numbers of composite
applications must be processed. When you select the LARGE database profile, the
RCU creates the interval partitioned tables in a manner supported by the Oracle SOA
Suite purging scripts and guidelines.
For more information about database partitioning, see the following sections of the
Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide:

Partitioning Concepts

Interval Partitioning About the Healthcare Integration Custom Variable

The Healthcare Integration custom variable helps to activate the Oracle Business
Process Management Suite user interface. The interface is not supported for Oracle
Business Process Management.

Preparing to Install Quick Start 2-3

Selecting an Installation User

If you are not planning to use the Oracle Business Process Management Suite user
interface, then set the value of the Healthcare Integration custom variable to NO. If
you are planning to use the Oracle Business Process Management Suite user interface,
set it to YES. Otherwise, the Oracle Business Process Management Suite user interface
will not function properly after it is installed and configured.
When set to YES, the RCU creates additional materialized views in the database,
which are required by the Oracle Business Process Management Suite user interface.
When set to NO, you can perform these additional schema configuration tasks later by
running the following SQL script on the database. This script is installed in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle home when you select the Healthcare with B2B installation
For more information, see Using the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User
Interface in Oracle Fusion Middleware Healthcare Integration User's Guide for Oracle SOA

2.2.2 Understanding JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation

Most Fusion Middleware products are in .jar file format. These distributions do not
include a JDK. To run a .jar distribution installer, you must have a certified JDK
already installed on your system.
Make sure that the JDK is installed outside of the Oracle home. If you install the JDK
under the Oracle home, you will encounter problems when you try to perform tasks in
the future. Oracle Universal Installer validates that the Oracle home directory is
empty; the install will not progress until you specify an empty directory. Oracle
recommends that you locate your JDK installation in the /home/oracle/
products/jdk directory.
Some products (such as Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle JDeveloper) are available
as platform-specific distributions. Platform-specific distributions have a .bin (for
UNIX operating systems) or .exe (for Windows operating systems) installer; in these
cases, a platform-specific JDK is in the distribution and you do not need to install a
JDK separately. However, you may need to upgrade this JDK to a more recent version,
depending on the JDK versions that are certified.
Always verify the required JDK version by reviewing the certification information on
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page. For 12c (,
the certified JDK is 1.8.0_101 and later.
To download the required JDK, navigate to the following URL and download the Java

2.3 Selecting an Installation User

The user who installs and configures your system must have the required permissions
and privileges.

Understanding User Permissions

The user who installs a Fusion Middleware product owns the files and
has certain permissions on the files.

2-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Selecting an Installation User

Understanding Non-Default User Permissions on UNIX Operating Systems

Changing the default permissions setting reduces the security of the
installation and possibly your system. Oracle does not recommend
changing default permission settings.

Verifying that the Installation User has Administrator Privileges on Windows

Operating Systems
To update the Windows Registry, you must have administrator

2.3.1 Understanding User Permissions

The user who installs a Fusion Middleware product owns the files and has certain
permissions on the files.

Read and write permissions on all non-executable files (for

example, .jar, .properties, or .xml). All other users in the same group as the
file owner have read permissions only.

Read, write, and execute permissions on all executable files (for

example, .exe, .sh, or .cmd). All other users in the same group as the file owner
have read and execute permissions only.
This means that someone other than the person who installs the software can use the
installed binaries in the Oracle home to configure a domain or set of Fusion
Middleware products.
During configuration, the files generated by the configuration process are owned by
the user who ran the Configuration Wizard, with the same permissions as described
above for the installation user. However, security-sensitive files are not created with
group permissions. Only the user that created the domain has read and write
permissions and can administer the domain.
Consider the following examples:

Example 1: A Single User Installs the Software and Configures the Domain
This example shows the permissions if the same user installs the software and
configures the domain.
To ensure the proper permissions and privileges for all files, Oracle recommends
that the same owner perform both tasks: install the Oracle Fusion Middleware
product and configure the WebLogic Server domain using the Configuration

Preparing to Install Quick Start 2-5

Selecting an Installation User



The Oracle home is created by User1 during product

product installation. User1 has read/write/execute permissions
on all executable files, and read/write permissions on all
Oracle Home other files. All other users in User1s group have
(Oracle_Home) read/execute permissions on all executable files, and
read permissions on all other files.

The Domain home and Application home are created by

config User1 during product installation. User1 has
read/write/execute permissions on all executable files,
Domain Home and read/write permissions on all other files. All other
(domains) users in User1s group have read/execute permissions
on all executable files, and read permissions on all
other files.
Application Home

If the user who creates the domain is different than the user who installed the
software, then both users must have the same privileges, as shown in the next

Example 2: The Oracle Home and Domain are Created by Different Users
This example shows the permissions where one user creates the Oracle home and
another user configures the domain.



The Oracle home is created by User1 during product

product installation. User1 has read/write/execute permissions on
all executable files, and read/write permissions on all
Oracle Home other files. All other users in User1s group have
(Oracle_Home) read/execute permissions on all executable files, and read
permissions on all other files.

The Domain home and Application home are created by

config User2 during product installation. User2 has
read/write/execute permissions on all executable files,
Domain Home and read/write permissions on all other files. All other
(domains) users in User2s group (including User1) have
read/execute permissions on all executable files, and read
permissions on all other files.
Application Home

Note: Certain domain files do not have group permissions. For example,

Consider the following items before running the installer:

On UNIX operating systems, Oracle recommends that you set umask to 027 on
your system before you install the software. This ensures that file permissions are
set properly during installation. Use the following command:

2-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Selecting an Installation User

umask 027
You must enter this command in the same terminal window from which you plan
to run the product installer.

On UNIX operating systems, do not run the installation program as the root user.
If you run the installer as a root user, the startup validation may fail and you
cannot continue the installation.

When you manage a product installation (for example, applying patches or starting
managed Servers), use the same user ID that you used to install the product.

On Windows operating systems, you must have Administrative privileges to install

the product. See Verifying the Installation User has Administrator Privileges on
Windows Operating Systems for more information.

2.3.2 Understanding Non-Default User Permissions on UNIX Operating Systems

Changing the default permissions setting reduces the security of the installation and
possibly your system. Oracle does not recommend changing default permission
If other users require access to particular files or executable, consider using the UNIX
sudo command (or other similar command) in lieu of changing file permissions.
Refer to your UNIX operating system Administrator's Guide or contact your operating
system vendor if you need further assistance.

2.3.3 Verifying that the Installation User has Administrator Privileges on Windows
Operating Systems
To update the Windows Registry, you must have administrator privileges.
By default, users with the administrator privilege sign in to the system with regular
privileges, but can request elevated permissions to perform administrative tasks.
To perform a task with elevated privileges:
1. Find the Command Prompt icon, either from the Start menu or the Windows icon
in the lower-left corner.

2. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

This opens a new command prompt window, and all actions performed in this
window are done with administrator privileges.

Note: If you have User Access Control enabled on your system, you may see
an additional window asking you to confirm this action. Confirm and
continue with this procedure.

3. Perform the desired task.

For example, to start the product installer:

For a jar file, enter:
java jar distribution_name.jar
For an executable (.exe, .bin, or .sh file), enter:

Preparing to Install Quick Start 2-7


2.4 Setting JAVA_HOME

Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the location of your JDK.
Your path definition should look something like the following:

Environment Run Command

export JAVA_HOME

Windows Search for cmd.exe in the Start menu. Right-click the

cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.

SET JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101"

Note that JAVA_HOME must be in all caps.

Your JDK folder may not be named the same or located at the destination in the
above example. Make sure you point to the actual destination.

2.5 Next Steps

After completing the installation preparation steps, you are ready to install a Quick
Start distribution.
The rest of this guide describes how to configure your distribution to use an external
Oracle Database and compact domain, how to test your distribution with a sample
application, and how to deinstall your Quick Start distribution. Each chapter will end
with a list of actions you can take to navigate through this guide.
Note that the overall installation and configuration processes for both Oracle SOA
Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite are identical. This book offers
separate parts for them to simplify the presentation of detailed instructions.
Choose a distribution to begin using Quick Start:

Action Resource
Begin installing Oracle SOA Suite with Quick See Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start
Start. for Developers .

Begin installing Oracle Business Process See Installing Oracle Business Process
Management Suite with Quick Start. Management Suite Quick Start for
Developers .

2-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Part II
Quick Start for Oracle SOA Suite

This part covers the steps to install Oracle SOA Suite using Quick Start.

Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain

Configuring a Compact Domain

Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for

During the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start installation, you will use the Integrated
WebLogic Server's default domain or create a standalone domain.
Before beginning this installation, you should review Introducing the Quick Start


Downloading the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer

Launching the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer

Navigating the Installation Screens

Next Steps

3.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You are downloading and installing Quick
distribution Start for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or standalone domain. You will configure a default domain or

standalone domain for your developed

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

3.2 Downloading the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer

To download the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start installer:

1. Log into the host computer where you want to install your Quick Start installation.

2. Find and download the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start installer zip file. This is
located on the Oracle Technology Network under Oracle SOA Suite Downloads.

Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers 3-1

Launching the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer

If you cannot find the installers at the specified location, verify the download
location in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and
Configuration Readme File.

3.3 Launching the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Installer

After you have downloaded your distribution and installed a certified JDK, you can
launch the Quick Start installer using the following instructions:

1. Unzip the contents into a location you can find easily. You may have several .jar

2. Using the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you unzipped
the .jar files.

Launch the installation wizard with the appropriate command. The example
command shows how to run the SOA Quick Start installer.

Installer Run Command

Generic Installer for UNIX JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar


Generic Installer for Windows JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe -jar



You can also launch the installer in silent mode to ensure that no configuration
options are displayed during the installation process. For more information
about silent or command line installation, see Using the Oracle Universal
Installer in Silent Mode in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing Software with the
Oracle Universal Installer.

3. The installation wizard should launch. If you have any problems getting the
installer to run, double-check your system preparations.

Though you may have multiple .jar files, you do not need to run the install
command on all of them. You only need to run the above command on

3.4 Navigating the Installation Screens

Once you have launched the Quick Start installer, the installation wizard displays the
screens described in the following table. If you need additional help with an
installation screen, click Help in the installer.

3-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Next Steps

Table 3-1 Quick Start Install Screens

Screen Description

Welcome This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Installation Location Use this screen to specify the location of your Oracle home
directory. Ensure that the name of the directory that you choose
does not contain spaces.
For more about Oracle Fusion Middleware directory structure,
see About the Directories for Installation and Configuration in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion

Prerequisite Checks This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum
necessary requirements.

Installation Summary Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected. If
you want to save these options to a response file, click Save
Response File and provide the location and name of the
response file. Response files can be used later in a silent
installation situation.

Installation Progress This screen shows the installation progress.

When the progress bar reaches 100% complete, click Finish to
dismiss the installer, or click Next to see a summary.

Installation Complete This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review
the information on this screen.
At the bottom of this screen, there is a checkbox to launch
Oracle JDeveloper upon closing the installation wizard.

Oracle recommends that you deselect this box.

Click Finish.

3.5 Next Steps

Once you have verified your installation, you should configure a domain. See About
Domain Configurations for detailed descriptions of your domain options.
Otherwise, use the following table to help you decide quickly.

Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers 3-3

Next Steps

Action Resource
Immediately launch the See #unique_54.
Integrated WebLogic
Server to initiate a domain
with Java DB.
This option does not
require any additional

Install and configure an See #unique_55.

Oracle database to work
with your Quick Start
This option requires you to
install an Oracle database
but allows you to use more
Oracle SOA Suite
components, such as
Oracle Managed File
Transfer, Oracle Stream
Analytics, or Oracle B2B/

3-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server

You can configure the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain or standalone
domain for a Quick Start distribution.
After following the steps in this section, you will be able to test applications using the
Integrated WebLogic Server and Java DB.


Understanding Quick Start Domains

Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Configuring a Standalone Domain

Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

Switching Between Quick Start Distributions

Next Steps

4.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You downloaded and installed Quick Start
distribution for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or standalone domain. You are configuring a default domain or a

standalone domain for your developed

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-1

Understanding Quick Start Domains

4.2 Understanding Quick Start Domains

There are three supported ways to configure a domain with Quick Start. All domains
will be pre-configured with IDE plugins for the Oracle SOA Suite components of your
Use the following table to decide which domain would best suit your needs.

Suggested Method Description

Use Case
Evaluation Configure the Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside
Integrated JDeveloper to create the default domain.
WebLogic In this case, the server is tethered to your current JDeveloper
Server's default session. When you quit JDeveloper, the Integrated WebLogic
domain in Server shuts down as well. Every time you start a new
JDeveloper. JDeveloper session, you need to relaunch the Integrated
WebLogic Server.
See #unique_65 for more information.

Developme Configure a Create a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic

nt with Java standalone Server. The server and domain run independently of
DB domain. JDeveloper.
This will save you startup time if you plan on developing an
application in JDeveloper over a series of separate sessions, or
if you plan to develop applications in the Oracle Service Bus
browser-based console.
See #unique_66 for more information.

Developme Configure a You can configure your Quick Start installation to use an
nt with an compact Oracle database with an external compact domain.
Oracle domain. You should only choose this option if you know you want
Database your domain to be compatible with Enterprise Scheduler,
Managed File Transfer, B2B, Heathcare, or BAM components.
See #unique_55 for more information.

Any other method of creating a domain is not recommended.

4.3 Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server

Follow steps to prepare your environment before launching the Integrated WebLogic

Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable

Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable
Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux

4.3.1 Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable

You can set the JDEV_USER_DIR environment variable to define the location of your
user home directory. This should be a unique location for your distribution. The user
home directory will contain subdirectories for your domain files and your user-
generated application files.

4-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server


This step is crucial if you are planning to install and run multiple distributions
of JDeveloper on the same machine. Assign a unique user home directory for
each distribution you install.

Oracle recommends a directory structure similar to the one shown below, where
config shows the location of the user home directory.

Figure 4-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

If you do not define JDEV_USER_DIR, your domain home and application home will
be created at two different locations.
On an UNIX host, the default domain home will be created at $HOME/.jdeveloper/
system12. The default application home
will be created at $HOME/jdeveloper/mywork.
On a Windows host, the default domain home will be created at %USERPROFILE%
\DefaultDomain. Your default application home will be created at C:\JDeveloper
Once you have set JDEV_USER_DIR, the domain home and application home will be
collocated as subdirectories under the defined location. For example, on a UNIX
system, the domain home will be located in JDEV_USER_DIR
\system12. The application home will be located in

4.3.2 Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable

You can set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to simplify navigating to the
various directories when you are running installation and configuration commands.
The path definition should look something like this:

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-3

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Environment Run Command

setenv ORACLE_HOME $HOME/Oracle/Middleware/

SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home

4.3.3 Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux

If you are installing on an Oracle Linux (formally Oracle Enterprise Linux) machine,
you should ensure that you have sufficient entropy. You need at least 500 for the
Integrated WebLogic Server to start up in a timely manner.
To check for entropy, run the following command:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

If you have less than 500, use the following command to replenish bytes to /dev/
random using /dev/urandom as the source:
rngd -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b

You can configure this command by editing /etc/sysconfig/rngd and add the
following line:
EXTRAOPTIONS="-i -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b -t 60 -W 2048"

4.4 Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

You can configure JDeveloper's default domain by launching the Integrated WebLogic

Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

Verifying Your Domain

Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

4.4.1 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

To start the integrated WebLogic server:

1. Start JDeveloper.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you
can enter commands similar to the following examples:

Environment Run Command

UNIX cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

4-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Environment Run Command

Windows CD %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

As Oracle JDeveloper starts, you will get three prompts.

When prompted, select Studio Developer as your role and click OK.

When prompted, click No to import preferences from a previous JDeveloper


Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-5

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

When prompted about Oracle Usage Tracking, check whether or not you want
Oracle JDeveloper to send automated usage reports to Oracle and click OK.
JDeveloper has fully started at this point.

2. Start the Integrated WebLogic Server by selecting Run from top menu bar, then
Start Server Instance.

Figure 4-2 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

3. The first time you start the server instance, you will be prompted to enter a
password for your default domain.

Figure 4-3 Specifying a Password for Default Domain

4-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

The Administrator ID, Listen Address, Listen Port, and SSL Listen Port should
already have values. Review them and make any appropriate changes.

4. Starting the integrated server will take several minutes.

You can track the server's launch in the Messages window pane. This window
should automatically open at the bottom of the JDeveloper screen. If it is not there,
you can open it by selecting Window from the top bar menu and Log from the
drop-down menu. You can also activate it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl


If the creation of the Integrated WebLogic Server domain fails with the
following error:
Failed to query contents of table SERVICETABLE. - Schema
'DEMODB' does not exist
Make sure to shut down all running servers, even if they are not using Java
DB, and try the domain creation again.


If your machine is connected through a VPN, Coherence may be confusing the

local and VPN IP addresses. Change the Coherence cluster to multicast.

5. When you see the following messages appear in the log, the Integrated WebLogic
Server has started successfully.

[SOA Platform is running and accepting requests

[IntegratedWebLogicServer started.]

4.4.2 Verifying Your Domain

Your default domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service
Bus runtime components. To verify your domain installation:

1. Access the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, which is located at a

URL following this format:


The default port for the Integrated WebLogic Server should always be 7101
unless you changed it during configuration.

Log in using the username and password that you specified when starting the
Integrated Weblogic Server.
For more information on using Fusion Middleware Control, see Getting Started
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-7

Configuring a Standalone Domain

2. Alternatively, if you plan to develop projects using the Oracle Service Bus console,
you can check to see if Oracle Service Bus is running.

The Oracle Service Bus console is located at an URL with the following format:

Log in using the username and password that you specified when creating your
standalone domain.
For more information on using the Oracle Service Bus console, see Getting Started
with the Oracle Service Bus Console in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Services
with Oracle Service Bus.

4.4.3 Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

This is an optional task. SSL is enabled by default in the Integrated WebLogic Server.
If you do not have stringent design time requirements, you can disable SSL as follows:

1. Go to the Administrator Console at http://localhost:7101/console

2. Log in with your credentials.

3. Select Environments, then Servers, then Admin Server.

4. Uncheck SSL Listen Port Enabled.

5. Restart the Integrated WebLogic Server.

4.5 Configuring a Standalone Domain

You can launch a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic Server and domain.

Starting the Configuration Wizard

Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens

Starting the Administration Sever

Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens

Verifying Your Connection

4.5.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

Before starting the configuration wizard, make sure no other servers are running on
your system.
To start the configuration wizard to create a standalone domain:

1. Go to the bin directory.

2. Set the environment variable QS_TEMPLATES to either the SOA domain template
or to both SOA and OSB domain template.

3. Start the standalone domain configuration wizard.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter commands similar to the following examples:

4-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Standalone Domain

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
setenv QS_TEMPLATES "$ORACLE_HOME/soa/common/templates/wls/
oracle.soa_template.jar, $ORACLE_HOME/osb/common/templates/wls/

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin
set QS_TEMPLATES=%ORACLE_HOME%\soa\common\templates\wls
\oracle.soa_template.jar, %ORACLE_HOME%\osb\common\templates

4.5.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens

Navigate through the following screens in the Configuration Wizard:

Table 4-1 Quick Start WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard Screens

Screen Description

Configuration Specify a password for your default domain.

Edit the Domain Location. By default, the domain will be
created at ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/
base_domain. To prevent confusion in the future, replace
base_domain in the Domain Location path with
Replace base_domain with standalone_domain in the
Application Location path as well.
Review the port numbers.
Click Create.

Configuration Progress This screen allows you to see the progress of the configuration.

End of Configuration This screen appears when the installation is complete. Take
note of the information on this screen.
You can leave the option to start your new domain unchecked
if you want to start it manually from the domain location listed
on this screen.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.

4.5.3 Starting the Administration Sever

If you chose not to start the domain automatically after creation, you can start your
standalone manually.
If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-9

Configuring a Standalone Domain

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

Domain configuration will take several minutes. When you see the following message
appear in the terminal, the WebLogic Server has started and your standalone domain
has been created successfully.
SOA Platform is running and accepting requests

Your standalone domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite runtime

4.5.4 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Start Oracle JDeveloper with the appropriate command.
If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

Select Window from the top menu, and then choose Application Server from the
drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-G. This will
open the Application Server Navigator in the left-hand pane.

Right-click on Application Server in the Application Server Navigator. Select New

Application Server from the drop-down menu to start the Create Application Server
Connection wizard.

4-10 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Standalone Domain

4.5.5 Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens

The Create Application Server Connection wizard includes the following screens:

Table 4-2 Application Server Connection Creation Screens

Screen Description

Usage Select Standalone Server.

Click Next.

Name and Type Specify an intuitive Connection Name for your server.
Leave WebLogic 12.x selected as the Connection Type.
Click Next.

Authentication Input the Username and Password you created during domain
Click Next.

Connections Input the standalone domain's name. Then click Next without
changing anything else on the screen.

Test Click the Test Connection button at the top. If any of the tests
fail, you should press Back to the Connections or
Authentication screens to make sure you entered everything
If everything passes, click Next.

Finish The Finish screen tells you how to launch your new connection,
covered in the following task. Click Finish.

4.5.6 Verifying Your Connection

Expand the connection node beside Application Servers in the Application Server
Navigator. You should see your standalone domain listed by the Connection Name
you specified on the Name and Type screen.
Right-click on your standalone domain's name and choose Launch Administrative

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-11

Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

Log into your administrative console. If you log in successfully, then you can begin
creating applications.

4.6 Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

You should be familiar with basic Oracle JDeveloper functions to manage JDeveloper
You can learn more about using Oracle JDeveloper in Working with Oracle JDeveloper
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server

Restarting JDeveloper

4.6.1 Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server

If you started the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside Oracle JDeveloper, you can
simply close out of Oracle JDeveloper to end a running server.
If you do not want to close out of JDeveloper for any reason, you can also click the red
stop button in the ribbon menu.

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands to stop an independent WebLogic Server:

Environment Run Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

4.6.2 Restarting JDeveloper

If you have closed Oracle JDeveloper and need to reopen it, you can use the following

4-12 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

4.7 Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

When you install multiple Quick Start distributions on the same machine, each
distribution has its own JDeveloper that runs its own unique instance of Java DB. All
Java DB instances on the same machine initialize on the same port. For these reasons,
you cannot perform the following actions:

You cannot simultaneously start two Integrated WebLogic Servers from different

You cannot access your Oracle SOA Suite runtime environment by starting the
WebLogic Server from your Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start
Oracle home.

You cannot access your Oracle Business Process Management Suite runtime
environment by starting the WebLogic Server from your Oracle SOA Suite Quick
Start Oracle home.

4.8 Switching Between Quick Start Distributions

If you want to switch between different servers using Java DB on the same machine,
you need to take the following steps to ensure you are starting the desired
development environment:

1. If you have not done so already, decide on separate user directory home locations
for each of your JDeveloper distributions. The user home directory will contain
subdirectories for your domain files and your user-generated application files.

For example, you may want to install and use both an Oracle Business Process
Management Suite JDeveloper and an Oracle SOA Suite JDeveloper on the same
machine. You could designate the user home directory for your Oracle SOA Suite
JDeveloper to be located at C:/jdev12cworkarea/soa, while your Oracle
Business Process Management Suite user home directory could be located at C:/

2. Set the environment variable JDEV_USER_DIR to the location of the user directory
home for the JDeveloper distribution that you want to use.

For the example in the previous step, set JDEV_USER_DIR=C:/

jdev12cworkarea/soa if you want to use the Oracle SOA Suite environment.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 4-13

Next Steps


Redefining JDEV_USER_DIR changes the default save location for your

application projects. If you already started and used JDeveloper without
defining JDEV_USER_DIR, you may have saved applications in the default
application home. The default application home is located at the user's root
directory under JDeveloper/mywork.

3. Go to the JDeveloper home of the distribution you want to use.

For example, if you want to use your Oracle SOA Suite environment, go to your
Oracle SOA Suite Oracle home and navigate to /jdeveloper/jdev/bin.

4. Start the JDeveloper executable from there.

You must reset the JDEV_USER_DIR variable every time you switch between
distributions using Java DB.

4.9 Next Steps

Once you have verified your installation, you can perform any of the following tasks:

Action Resource
Configure your Quick Start See #unique_55.
installation to use an external
Oracle database and standalone
compact domain.

Deploy a sample application. See Running a Sample Application.

Make or test an application of See Working with Oracle JDeveloper in Oracle Fusion
your own. Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Delete your installation. If you have tested your installation out and are done, see
Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start .

4-14 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Compact Domain

After configuring a compact domain for a Quick Start installation, you will have
created an external Oracle Database.
Follow the steps in this section only if you want create applications with components
that are incompatible with the Integrated WebLogic Server's Java DB. These
components include Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, Oracle B2B, Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle Real-Time Integration
Business Insight, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, and Oracle Stream


Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation

Installing Required Schemas

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Starting the Administration Server

Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

Next Steps

5.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You downloaded and installed Quick Start
distribution for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

Configure a compact domain. You are configuring a compact domain for

your developed applications.

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

5.2 Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start

You will need to prepare your system for configuring a compact domain.

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-1

Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation

A compact domain is a developer domain consisting of a single Administration server

and no managed servers. Configuring a compact domain will allow you to use an
Oracle Database so that you can install additional components incompatible with the
Java DB included by default in the Quick Start installation.
Make sure that you have verified that your Quick Start installation works before
moving on to the following tasks:

Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB

Downloading and Installing a Supported Database

5.2.1 Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB

Close any instance of Oracle JDeveloper.
To make sure there are no other server connections or instances of Java DB running in
the background, use the following command:

Environment Run Command

ps -ef | grep java

Then kill -9 extra running servers or instances of Java


Windows Bring up the Task Manager and select the Processes tab.
Kill any running instances of JDeveloper, Java DB, or
running servers.
You can also use:

wmic process where "name='java.exe'" get ProcessID,

Commandline /format:list

Then use taskkill /f /pid <PID> to end extra

running servers or Java DB.

5.2.2 Downloading and Installing a Supported Database

To download and install a supported database:
1. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration
Readme Files for the download location of a supported database for Oracle Fusion
Middleware 12c.

2. Run the installer. The installation guide for your database of choice is linked on the
same Oracle Technology Network page, under the Documentation tab next to

During installation, make note of your service name and port number. You will
need this information for schema creation.

Configuring a 12c Database for Quick Start Configuring a 12c Database for Quick Start

If you are using a 12c multitenant database, you must configure it to use the
AL32UTF8 character set.

5-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Required Schemas

Quick Start's Repository Creation Utility will not be able to connect to a container
database (CDB). You can choose not to create a container database on the "Global
Database Creation" screen during database creation.
If you do create container database, you can create a pluggable database (PDB) within
the CDB. Then point the RCU to the PDB. See the 12c Database Administrator's Guide for
how to configure a compatible PDB.

5.3 Installing Required Schemas

You will need to create the schemas required for a Quick Start compact domain.

Running Installers for Additional Components

Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility

5.3.1 Running Installers for Additional Components

If you know you want to add Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle B2B, or Oracle
SOA Suite for healthcare integration, you should download and run their installers
before running the RCU for the first time. Refer to Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA
Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start for
brief walkthroughs of these installations.
You do not need to run separate installers to add Oracle Enterprise Scheduler or
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring.
If you are not sure which additional products you want yet, you can add any
component after creating your compact domain. However, deciding now will
minimize the number of times you have to restart your server and run the domain
Configuration Wizard or the RCU.


In 12c, the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is included in the Oracle SOA
Suite install. Do not download or use a separate version.

If you have finished configuring a compact domain but want to add new schemas, see
Updating a Compact Domain for how to update a compact domain.

5.3.2 Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility
To create schemas with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU):

1. Launch the RCU packaged with your Quick Start installation to create schemas in
your new database. Do not download or use any other version of RCU to configure
a database with Quick Start.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you
can enter the following commands:

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-3

Installing Required Schemas

Environment Run Command

UNIX cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

Windows cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\bin

2. Navigate through the following screens. For more information about the options on
a specific screen, click Help or see Understanding Repository Creation Utility
Screens in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation

Table 5-1 RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Welcome This screen provides an introduction to what RCU is and its
purpose. Click Next.

Create Repository Choose Create Repository and System Load and Product
Load Concurrently.
If the second option doesn't appear for you, you do not have
the necessary permissions or privileges to perform DBA

Database Connection Fill the Host Name, Username, and Password blanks with
Details the credentials for your Oracle database. Your Service Name
and Port number were created when you installed your
If you using a 12c multitenant database and are having
connection issues, make sure you have configured your
database properly.
Click Next.

Checking Prerequisites This screen will pop up with a progress indicator bar. When
the prerequisites are checked off, click OK to continue.

5-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Required Schemas

Table 5-1 (Cont.) RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Select Components Specify an intuitive prefix for your new schemas, such as
SOAQS or BPMQS, so you can target them easily when you
are configuring a domain.
Select AS Common Schemes and SOA Suite to select all of
their dependencies.

If you are installing Oracle Managed File Transfer, select

Managed File Transfer from the list. You will not see this
option listed if you have not run the corresponding installer
Click Next.

Schema Passwords Select Use same passwords for all schemas. Then create a
password you will remember.

Custom Variables This screen will show up because you are installing SOA
Infrastructure. See About the Custom Variables Required for
the SOA Suite Schemas in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing
and Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process
Management for descriptions of these variables.
If you are a healthcare provider and want the Healthcare
Integration user interface, change the Value field for
Healthcare Integration to Yes. If you do not set this value
now, the Healthcare Integration user interface will not
function properly. See Activating the Oracle SOA Suite for
Healthcare Integration User Interface for more information.

Otherwise, accept the defaults and press Next.

Map Tablespaces This screen displays default and temporary tablespaces for
the components you want to create schemas for. You can
review this information and click Next
Click OK through the next two confirmation dialogues. Then
click Next again to progress to the next screen.

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-5

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Table 5-1 (Cont.) RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Summary This screen summarizes the component schemas that will be
created. Take note of the Database details at the top of this
Click Create to begin schema creation.
A progress dialog shows the progress of schema creation.
Green checks will appear next to the names of successfully
created schemas.

Completion Summary This screen displays the log files created with the database
schemas. You can open any of the log files to review
information or to troubleshoot a creation issue.
If any operation failed, you can check the Cleanup for failed
components box. Upon clicking Close, this option will drop
failed schemas from your database.
When you click Close, schema creation is complete.

If you encountered any problems during schema creation, verify the following:

You are using the RCU included in your Quick Start installation.

Your database server and listeners are running.

If you are using a 12c database, you have configured your database properly.
You can also troubleshoot the issue using the log files generated on the
Completion Summary screen. For more information, see Troubleshooting
Repository Creation Utility in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the
Repository Creation Utility.

5.4 Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

In a developer environment, you can create a compact domain using the
Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Configuration Wizard

Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start

Selecting the Application Home Location

Configuring the Administrator Account
Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK
Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type
Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information
Testing the JDBC Connections
Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key
Use the Keystore screen to specify either the path to the trusted
certificate for each keystore, or the path to each keystores private key
and other private key information.

5-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Selecting Advanced Configuration

Completing the Configuration

5.4.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

To start the Configuration Wizard to create a compact domain:

1. Go to the bin directory.

2. Set the environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS to -

Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true. This enables the Create a
new compact domain option in the Configuration Wizard.

3. Launch the Configuration Wizard.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Operating Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
setenv CONFIG_JVM_ARGS -Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin
SET CONFIG_JVM_ARGS=-Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true

5.4.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Create a new compact domain. If you do not
see this option, you did not set the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS environment variable

In the Domain Location field, specify your Domain home directory. If you already
launched the Integrated WebLogic Server and generated the default domain, you
should create a new domain outside of base_domain.
You should create your Domain home outside the Oracle home directory. See the
location of Application Home relative to Oracle Home in the following figure.

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-7

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Figure 5-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

This directory structure will help you avoid issues when you need to upgrade or
reinstall your software. See What Are the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Directories?
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware for more

5.4.3 Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start
On the Templates screen, make sure Create Domain Using Product Templates is
selected, then select the following templates:

Oracle SOA Suite - [soa]

Selecting this template automatically selects the following as dependencies:

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension

Oracle Service Bus - [osb]

Selecting this template automatically selects the following as a dependency:

WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-RPC Extension

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service Basic - [oracle_common]

Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin for ESS - [em]

Optionally, select the following to install additional components:

Insight SOA Agent [soa]

5-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Insight Service Bus Agent [osb]

Insight [soa]

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa]

For HIPAA documents, select both Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare
integration - [soa] and Oracle B2B - [soa] .
For HL7 documents, select Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa] only.

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring - [soa]

Oracle B2B - [soa]

Oracle Managed File Transfer - [mft]

If you have not run the installers for Oracle B2B, Oracle Healthcare Integration, or
Oracle Managed File Transfer, you will not see the options to select those templates.
See About Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation for installation
instructions for these components.

5.4.4 Selecting the Application Home Location

On the Application Location screen, select the location where you want to store your
applications associated with your domain. This location is also known as the
Application home directory.
Your Application home should be created at the same location you specified for your
Domain home above.

5.4.5 Configuring the Administrator Account

On the Administrator Account screen, specify the user name and password for the
default WebLogic Administrator account for the domain. You will use these
credentials to connect to the domain's Administrator Server.

5.4.6 Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK

On the Domain Mode and JDK screen:

In the Domain Mode field, select Development.

In the JDK field, select Oracle HotSpot JDK.

5.4.7 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data to activate the fields.
The RCU Data option instructs the Configuration Wizard to connect to the database
and Service Table (STB) schema to automatically retrieve schema information for the
schemas needed to configure the domain.

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-9

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain


If you choose to select Manual Configuration on this screen, you will have to
manually fill in the parameters for your schema on the following screen.

After selecting RCU Data, fill in the following fields:

Field Description

DBMS/Service Enter the database DBMS name, or service name if you selected a
service type driver. If you are using a 12c multitenant database, make
sure you use the service name for a configured pluggable database
(PDB) and not the container.

Host Name Enter the name of the server hosting the database.

Port Enter the port number on which the database listens.

Schema Owner Enter the username and password for connecting to the database's
Schema Password Service Table schema. This is the schema username and password that
was specified for the Service Table component on the "Schema
Passwords" screen in the RCU.
The default username is prefix_STB, where prefix is the custom
prefix that you defined in RCU.

Click Get RCU Configuration when you are finished specifying the database
connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates
that the operation succeeded:
Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.


For more information about the RCU Data option, see Understanding the
Service Table Schema in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the
Repository Creation Utility.

5.4.8 Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Verify that the values on the JDBC Component Schema screen are correct for all
schemas. If you selected RCU Data on the previous screen, the schema table should
already be populated appropriately.

5.4.9 Testing the JDBC Connections

Use the JDBC Component Schema Test screen to test the datasource connections you
have just configured.
A green check mark in the Status column indicates a successful test. If you encounter
any issues, see the error message in the Connection Result Log section of the screen,
fix the problem, then try to test the connection again.

5-10 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Starting the Administration Server

5.4.10 Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key

Use the Keystore screen to specify either the path to the trusted certificate for each
keystore, or the path to each keystores private key and other private key information.
When you click in the Trusted Certificate, Private Key, or Identity Certificate fields, a
browse icon appears to the right of the field. Click this icon to browse to the
appropriate file.


For more information about this screen, see Keystore in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard .

5.4.11 Selecting Advanced Configuration

You do not need any advanced configuration for a compact domain. You can skip
through the Advanced Configuration screen without selecting anything.

5.4.12 Completing the Configuration

The Configuration Summary screen shows the final directory structure and the
components and extensions with which your compact domain will be configured.
Review this information and click Create.
The Configuration Progress screen shows the configuration progress bar.
Upon successful configuration, the Configuration Success screen shows the directory
location of your domain and the URL for your administration console access. Take
note of both and click Close.

5.5 Starting the Administration Server

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

If you want to use JDeveloper's Integrated WebLogic Server, on the same system in
conjunction with your compact domain, add the flag noderby to the end of the
command. For example, the UNIX launch command will look like the following:
./startWebLogic.sh noderby

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-11

Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

The noderby option will prevent the Derby Java Database from starting in the Java
Virtual Machine. This will prevent any conflicts with the Integrated WebLogic Server,
which needs to initialize the Derby Java Database to start up successfully.
You know that the administrator server is running when you see the following output:
Server state changed to RUNNING.

5.6 Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

After configuring a compact domain, you need to prepare JDeveloper to target the
new compact domain for launching applications.

Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Starting the Administration Server

Verifying Your Connection

5.6.1 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Start Oracle JDeveloper with the appropriate command.
If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

Select Window from the top menu, and then choose Application Server from the
drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-G. This will
open the Application Server Navigator in the left-hand pane.

Right-click on Application Server in the Application Server Navigator. Select New

Application Server from the drop-down menu to start the Create Application Server
Connection wizard.

5-12 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

5.6.2 Starting the Administration Server

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

If you want to use JDeveloper's Integrated WebLogic Server, on the same system in
conjunction with your compact domain, add the flag noderby to the end of the
command. For example, the UNIX launch command will look like the following:
./startWebLogic.sh noderby

The noderby option will prevent the Derby Java Database from starting in the Java
Virtual Machine. This will prevent any conflicts with the Integrated WebLogic Server,
which needs to initialize the Derby Java Database to start up successfully.
You know that the administrator server is running when you see the following output:
Server state changed to RUNNING.

5.6.3 Verifying Your Connection

Expand the connection node beside Application Servers in the Application Server
Navigator. You should see your standalone domain listed by the Connection Name
you specified on the Name and Type screen.
Right-click on your standalone domain's name and choose Launch Administrative

Configuring a Compact Domain 5-13

Next Steps

Log into your administrative console. If you log in successfully, then you can begin
creating applications.

5.7 Next Steps

Once you have verified your Quick start installation and compact domain connection,
you can take any of the following actions:

Action Resource
Deploy a sample application for Oracle SOA See Running a Sample Application.
Suite Quick Start.

Make or test an application of your own. See Getting Started with Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Add Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle See Adding Components to a Quick Start
Stream Analytics, or Oracle B2B/Healthcare. Installation for instructions on adding
components to a fully configured compact

Delete your installation. If you have tested your installation out and
are done, see Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start.

5-14 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Part III
Quick Start for Oracle Business Process
Management Suite

This part covers the steps to install Oracle Business Process Management Suite using
Quick Start.

Installing Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain

Configuring a Compact Domain

Installing Oracle Business Process
Management Suite Quick Start for

During the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start installation, you
will use the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain or create a standalone
Before beginning this installation, you should review Introducing the Quick Start


Downloading the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start


Launching the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Installer

Navigating the Installation Screens

Next Steps

6.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You are downloading and installing Quick
distribution Start for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or standalone domain. You will configure a default domain or

standalone domain for your developed

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

6.2 Downloading the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick

Start Installer
To download the Oracle Business Process Management Suite installer:

Installing Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers 6-1
Launching the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Installer

1. Log into the host computer where you want to install Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.

2. Download the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start installer zip
file. This is located on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud as part of the Oracle
Fusion Middleware 12c Media Pack.

If you cannot find the installer at the specified location, verify the download
location in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and
Configuration Readme File.

6.3 Launching the Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick

Start Installer
After you have installed a certified JDK and downloaded the Quick Start installer zip
file, you can launch the Quick Start installer

1. Unzip the zip file contents into a location you can find easily. You may have
several .jar files.

2. Using the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you unzipped the jar
files. Launch the installation wizard with the appropriate command.

Installer Run Command

Generic Installer for Linux JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar


Generic Installer for Windows JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe -jar



You can also launch the installer in silent mode to ensure that no configuration
options are displayed during the installation process. For more information
about silent or command line installation, see Using the Oracle Universal
Installer in Silent Mode in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing Software with the
Oracle Universal Installer.

3. The installation wizard should launch. If you have any problems getting the
installer to run, double-check your system preparations.

Though you may have multiple jar files, you do not need to run the install
command on all of them. You only need to run the above command on

6-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Navigating the Installation Screens

6.4 Navigating the Installation Screens

Once you have launched the Quick Start installer, the installation wizard displays the
screens described in the following table. If you need additional help with an
installation screen, click Help in the installer.

Table 6-1 Quick Start Install Screens

Screen Description

Welcome This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Installation Location Use this screen to specify the location of your Oracle home
directory. Ensure that the name of the directory that you choose
does not contain spaces.
For more about Oracle Fusion Middleware directory structure,
see About the Directories for Installation and Configuration in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion

Prerequisite Checks This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum
necessary requirements.

Installation Summary Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected. If
you want to save these options to a response file, click Save
Response File and provide the location and name of the
response file. Response files can be used later in a silent
installation situation.

Installation Progress This screen shows the installation progress.

When the progress bar reaches 100% complete, click Finish to
dismiss the installer, or click Next to see a summary.

Installation Complete This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review
the information on this screen.
At the bottom of this screen, there is a checkbox to launch
Oracle JDeveloper upon closing the installation wizard.

Oracle recommends that you deselect this box.

Click Finish.

6.5 Next Steps

Once you have verified your installation, you should configure a domain. See About
Domain Configurations for detailed descriptions of your domain options.
Or, use the following table to help you decide quickly.

Installing Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers 6-3
Next Steps

Action Resource
Immediately launch the Integrated WebLogic See #unique_122.
Server to initiate a domain with Java DB.
This option does not require any additional

Install and configure an Oracle database to See #unique_123.

work with your Quick Start installation.
This option requires you to install an Oracle
database but allows you to use more Oracle
SOA Suite components, such as Oracle
Managed File Transfer, Oracle Stream
Analytics, or Oracle B2B/Healthcare.

6-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server

You can configure the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain or standalone
domain for a Quick Start distribution.
After following the steps in this section, you will be able to test applications using the
Integrated WebLogic Server and Java DB.


Understanding Quick Start Domains

Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Configuring a Standalone Domain

Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

Switching Between Quick Start Distributions

Next Steps

7.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You downloaded and installed Quick Start
distribution for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or standalone domain. You are configuring a default domain or a

standalone domain for your developed

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-1

Understanding Quick Start Domains

7.2 Understanding Quick Start Domains

There are three supported ways to configure a domain with Quick Start. All domains
will be pre-configured with IDE plugins for the Oracle Business Process Management
Suite components of your choice.
Use the following table to decide which domain best suits your needs.

Suggeste Method Description

d Use
Evaluatio Configure Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside JDeveloper
n the to create the default domain.
Integrated In this case, the server is tethered to your current JDeveloper
WebLogic session. When you quit JDeveloper, the Integrated WebLogic
Server's Server shuts down as well. Every time you start a new
default JDeveloper session, you need to relaunch the Integrated
domain in WebLogic Server.
See #unique_133 for more information.

Developm Configure a Create a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic Server.

ent with standalone The server and domain run independently of JDeveloper.
Java DB domain. This will save you startup time if you plan on developing an
application in JDeveloper over a series of separate sessions, or if
you plan to develop applications in the Oracle Service Bus
browser-based console.
See #unique_134 for more information.

Developm Configure a You can configure your Quick Start installation to use an Oracle
ent with compact database with an external compact domain.
an Oracle domain. You should only choose this option if you know you want your
Database domain to be compatible with Enterprise Scheduler, Managed
File Transfer, B2B, Heathcare, or BAM components.
See #unique_123 for more information.

Any other method of creating a domain is not recommended.

7.3 Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server

Follow steps to prepare your environment before launching the Integrated WebLogic

Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable

Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable
Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux

7.3.1 Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable

You can set the JDEV_USER_DIR environment variable to define the location of your
user home directory. This should be a unique location for your distribution. The user
home directory will contain subdirectories for your domain files and your user-
generated application files.

7-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server


This step is crucial if you are planning to install and run multiple distributions
of JDeveloper on the same machine. Assign a unique user home directory for
each distribution you install.

Oracle recommends a directory structure similar to the one shown below, where
config shows the location of the user home directory.

Figure 7-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

If you do not define JDEV_USER_DIR, your domain home and application home will
be created at two different locations.
On an UNIX host, the default domain home will be created at $HOME/.jdeveloper/
system12. The default application home
will be created at $HOME/jdeveloper/mywork.
On a Windows host, the default domain home will be created at %USERPROFILE%
\DefaultDomain. Your default application home will be created at C:\JDeveloper
Once you have set JDEV_USER_DIR, the domain home and application home will be
collocated as subdirectories under the defined location. For example, on a UNIX
system, the domain home will be located in JDEV_USER_DIR
\system12. The application home will be located in

7.3.2 Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable

You can set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to simplify navigating to the
various directories when you are running installation and configuration commands.
The path definition should look something like this:

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-3

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Environment Run Command

setenv ORACLE_HOME $HOME/Oracle/Middleware/

SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home

7.3.3 Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux

If you are installing on an Oracle Linux (formally Oracle Enterprise Linux) machine,
you should ensure that you have sufficient entropy. You need at least 500 for the
Integrated WebLogic Server to start up in a timely manner.
To check for entropy, run the following command:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

If you have less than 500, use the following command to replenish bytes to /dev/
random using /dev/urandom as the source:
rngd -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b

You can configure this command by editing /etc/sysconfig/rngd and add the
following line:
EXTRAOPTIONS="-i -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b -t 60 -W 2048"

7.4 Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

You can configure JDeveloper's default domain by launching the Integrated WebLogic

Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

Verifying Your Domain

Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

7.4.1 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

To start the integrated WebLogic server:

1. Start JDeveloper.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you
can enter commands similar to the following examples:

Environment Run Command

UNIX cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

7-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

Environment Run Command

Windows CD %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

As Oracle JDeveloper starts, you will get three prompts.

When prompted, select Studio Developer as your role and click OK.

When prompted, click No to import preferences from a previous JDeveloper


Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-5

Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

When prompted about Oracle Usage Tracking, check whether or not you want
Oracle JDeveloper to send automated usage reports to Oracle and click OK.
JDeveloper has fully started at this point.

2. Start the Integrated WebLogic Server by selecting Run from top menu bar, then
Start Server Instance.

Figure 7-2 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

3. The first time you start the server instance, you will be prompted to enter a
password for your default domain.

Figure 7-3 Specifying a Password for Default Domain

7-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

The Administrator ID, Listen Address, Listen Port, and SSL Listen Port should
already have values. Review them and make any appropriate changes.

4. Starting the integrated server will take several minutes.

You can track the server's launch in the Messages window pane. This window
should automatically open at the bottom of the JDeveloper screen. If it is not there,
you can open it by selecting Window from the top bar menu and Log from the
drop-down menu. You can also activate it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl


If the creation of the Integrated WebLogic Server domain fails with the
following error:
Failed to query contents of table SERVICETABLE. - Schema
'DEMODB' does not exist
Make sure to shut down all running servers, even if they are not using Java
DB, and try the domain creation again.


If your machine is connected through a VPN, Coherence may be confusing the

local and VPN IP addresses. Change the Coherence cluster to multicast.

5. When you see the following messages appear in the log, the Integrated WebLogic
Server has started successfully.

[SOA Platform is running and accepting requests

[IntegratedWebLogicServer started.]

7.4.2 Verifying Your Domain

Your default domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service
Bus runtime components. To verify your domain installation:

1. Access the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, which is located at a

URL following this format:


The default port for the Integrated WebLogic Server should always be 7101
unless you changed it during configuration.

Log in using the username and password that you specified when starting the
Integrated Weblogic Server.
For more information on using Fusion Middleware Control, see Getting Started
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-7

Configuring a Standalone Domain

2. Alternatively, if you plan to develop projects using the Oracle Service Bus console,
you can check to see if Oracle Service Bus is running.

The Oracle Service Bus console is located at an URL with the following format:

Log in using the username and password that you specified when creating your
standalone domain.
For more information on using the Oracle Service Bus console, see Getting Started
with the Oracle Service Bus Console in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Services
with Oracle Service Bus.

7.4.3 Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

This is an optional task. SSL is enabled by default in the Integrated WebLogic Server.
If you do not have stringent design time requirements, you can disable SSL as follows:

1. Go to the Administrator Console at http://localhost:7101/console

2. Log in with your credentials.

3. Select Environments, then Servers, then Admin Server.

4. Uncheck SSL Listen Port Enabled.

5. Restart the Integrated WebLogic Server.

7.5 Configuring a Standalone Domain

You can launch a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic Server and domain.

Starting the Configuration Wizard

Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens

Starting the Administration Sever

Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens

Verifying Your Connection

7.5.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

Before starting the configuration wizard, make sure no other servers are running on
your system.
To start the configuration wizard to create a standalone domain:

1. Go to the bin directory.

2. Set the environment variable QS_TEMPLATES to either the SOA domain template
or to both SOA and OSB domain template.

3. Start the standalone domain configuration wizard.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter commands similar to the following examples:

7-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Standalone Domain

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
setenv QS_TEMPLATES "$ORACLE_HOME/soa/common/templates/wls/
oracle.soa_template.jar, $ORACLE_HOME/osb/common/templates/wls/

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin
set QS_TEMPLATES=%ORACLE_HOME%\soa\common\templates\wls
\oracle.soa_template.jar, %ORACLE_HOME%\osb\common\templates

7.5.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens

Navigate through the following screens in the Configuration Wizard:

Table 7-1 Quick Start WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard Screens

Screen Description

Configuration Specify a password for your default domain.

Edit the Domain Location. By default, the domain will be
created at ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/
base_domain. To prevent confusion in the future, replace
base_domain in the Domain Location path with
Replace base_domain with standalone_domain in the
Application Location path as well.
Review the port numbers.
Click Create.

Configuration Progress This screen allows you to see the progress of the configuration.

End of Configuration This screen appears when the installation is complete. Take
note of the information on this screen.
You can leave the option to start your new domain unchecked
if you want to start it manually from the domain location listed
on this screen.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.

7.5.3 Starting the Administration Sever

If you chose not to start the domain automatically after creation, you can start your
standalone manually.
If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-9

Configuring a Standalone Domain

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

Domain configuration will take several minutes. When you see the following message
appear in the terminal, the WebLogic Server has started and your standalone domain
has been created successfully.
SOA Platform is running and accepting requests

Your standalone domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite runtime

7.5.4 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Start Oracle JDeveloper with the appropriate command.
If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

Select Window from the top menu, and then choose Application Server from the
drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-G. This will
open the Application Server Navigator in the left-hand pane.

Right-click on Application Server in the Application Server Navigator. Select New

Application Server from the drop-down menu to start the Create Application Server
Connection wizard.

7-10 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Standalone Domain

7.5.5 Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens

The Create Application Server Connection wizard includes the following screens:

Table 7-2 Application Server Connection Creation Screens

Screen Description

Usage Select Standalone Server.

Click Next.

Name and Type Specify an intuitive Connection Name for your server.
Leave WebLogic 12.x selected as the Connection Type.
Click Next.

Authentication Input the Username and Password you created during domain
Click Next.

Connections Input the standalone domain's name. Then click Next without
changing anything else on the screen.

Test Click the Test Connection button at the top. If any of the tests
fail, you should press Back to the Connections or
Authentication screens to make sure you entered everything
If everything passes, click Next.

Finish The Finish screen tells you how to launch your new connection,
covered in the following task. Click Finish.

7.5.6 Verifying Your Connection

Expand the connection node beside Application Servers in the Application Server
Navigator. You should see your standalone domain listed by the Connection Name
you specified on the Name and Type screen.
Right-click on your standalone domain's name and choose Launch Administrative

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-11

Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

Log into your administrative console. If you log in successfully, then you can begin
creating applications.

7.6 Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

You should be familiar with basic Oracle JDeveloper functions to manage JDeveloper
You can learn more about using Oracle JDeveloper in Working with Oracle JDeveloper
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server

Restarting JDeveloper

7.6.1 Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server

If you started the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside Oracle JDeveloper, you can
simply close out of Oracle JDeveloper to end a running server.
If you do not want to close out of JDeveloper for any reason, you can also click the red
stop button in the ribbon menu.

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands to stop an independent WebLogic Server:

Environment Run Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

7.6.2 Restarting JDeveloper

If you have closed Oracle JDeveloper and need to reopen it, you can use the following

7-12 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

7.7 Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

When you install multiple Quick Start distributions on the same machine, each
distribution has its own JDeveloper that runs its own unique instance of Java DB. All
Java DB instances on the same machine initialize on the same port. For these reasons,
you cannot perform the following actions:

You cannot simultaneously start two Integrated WebLogic Servers from different

You cannot access your Oracle SOA Suite runtime environment by starting the
WebLogic Server from your Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start
Oracle home.

You cannot access your Oracle Business Process Management Suite runtime
environment by starting the WebLogic Server from your Oracle SOA Suite Quick
Start Oracle home.

7.8 Switching Between Quick Start Distributions

If you want to switch between different servers using Java DB on the same machine,
you need to take the following steps to ensure you are starting the desired
development environment:

1. If you have not done so already, decide on separate user directory home locations
for each of your JDeveloper distributions. The user home directory will contain
subdirectories for your domain files and your user-generated application files.

For example, you may want to install and use both an Oracle Business Process
Management Suite JDeveloper and an Oracle SOA Suite JDeveloper on the same
machine. You could designate the user home directory for your Oracle SOA Suite
JDeveloper to be located at C:/jdev12cworkarea/soa, while your Oracle
Business Process Management Suite user home directory could be located at C:/

2. Set the environment variable JDEV_USER_DIR to the location of the user directory
home for the JDeveloper distribution that you want to use.

For the example in the previous step, set JDEV_USER_DIR=C:/

jdev12cworkarea/soa if you want to use the Oracle SOA Suite environment.

Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain 7-13

Next Steps


Redefining JDEV_USER_DIR changes the default save location for your

application projects. If you already started and used JDeveloper without
defining JDEV_USER_DIR, you may have saved applications in the default
application home. The default application home is located at the user's root
directory under JDeveloper/mywork.

3. Go to the JDeveloper home of the distribution you want to use.

For example, if you want to use your Oracle SOA Suite environment, go to your
Oracle SOA Suite Oracle home and navigate to /jdeveloper/jdev/bin.

4. Start the JDeveloper executable from there.

You must reset the JDEV_USER_DIR variable every time you switch between
distributions using Java DB.

7.9 Next Steps

Once you have verified your installation, you can perform any of the following tasks:

Action Resource
Configure your Quick Start See #unique_123.
installation to use an external Oracle
database and standalone compact

Deploy a sample application. See Running a Sample Application.

Make or test an application of your See Working with Oracle JDeveloper in Oracle Fusion
own. Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle

Delete your installation. If you have tested your installation out and are done,
see Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start .

7-14 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Configuring a Compact Domain

After configuring a compact domain for a Quick Start installation, you will have
created an external Oracle Database.
Follow the steps in this section only if you want create applications with components
that are incompatible with the Integrated WebLogic Server's Java DB. These
components include Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, Oracle B2B, Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle Real-Time Integration
Business Insight, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, and Oracle Stream


Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation

Installing Required Schemas

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Starting the Administration Server

Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

Next Steps

8.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You downloaded and installed Quick Start
distribution for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

Configure a compact domain. You are configuring a compact domain for

your developed applications.

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

8.2 Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start

You will need to prepare your system for configuring a compact domain.

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-1

Preparing to Configure a Compact Domain for a Quick Start Installation

A compact domain is a developer domain consisting of a single Administration server

and no managed servers. Configuring a compact domain will allow you to use an
Oracle Database so that you can install additional components incompatible with the
Java DB included by default in the Quick Start installation.
Make sure that you have verified that your Quick Start installation works before
moving on to the following tasks:

Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB

Downloading and Installing a Supported Database

Configuring a 12c Database for Quick Start

8.2.1 Closing Oracle JDeveloper, Extra Server Connections, or Java DB

Close any instance of Oracle JDeveloper.
To make sure there are no other server connections or instances of Java DB running in
the background, use the following command:

Environment Run Command

ps -ef | grep java

Then kill -9 extra running servers or instances of Java


Windows Bring up the Task Manager and select the Processes tab.
Kill any running instances of JDeveloper, Java DB, or
running servers.
You can also use:

wmic process where "name='java.exe'" get ProcessID,

Commandline /format:list

Then use taskkill /f /pid <PID> to end extra

running servers or Java DB.

8.2.2 Downloading and Installing a Supported Database

To download and install a supported database:

1. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Download, Installation, and Configuration

Readme Files for the download location of a supported database for Oracle Fusion
Middleware 12c.

2. Run the installer. The installation guide for your database of choice is linked on the
same Oracle Technology Network page, under the Documentation tab next to

During installation, make note of your service name and port number. You will
need this information for schema creation.

8-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Required Schemas

8.2.3 Configuring a 12c Database for Quick Start

If you are using a 12c multitenant database, you must configure it to use the
AL32UTF8 character set.
Quick Start's Repository Creation Utility will not be able to connect to a container
database (CDB). You can choose not to create a container database on the "Global
Database Creation" screen during database creation.
If you do create container database, you can create a pluggable database (PDB) within
the CDB. Then point the RCU to the PDB. See the 12c Database Administrator's Guide for
how to configure a compatible PDB.

8.3 Installing Required Schemas

You will need to create the schemas required for a Quick Start compact domain.

Running Installers for Additional Components

Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility

8.3.1 Running Installers for Additional Components

If you know you want to add Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle B2B, or Oracle
SOA Suite for healthcare integration, you should download and run their installers
before running the RCU for the first time. Refer to Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA
Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start for
brief walkthroughs of these installations.
You do not need to run separate installers to add Oracle Enterprise Scheduler or
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring.
If you are not sure which additional products you want yet, you can add any
component after creating your compact domain. However, deciding now will
minimize the number of times you have to restart your server and run the domain
Configuration Wizard or the RCU.

In 12c, the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is included in the Oracle SOA
Suite install. Do not download or use a separate version.

If you have finished configuring a compact domain but want to add new schemas, see
Updating a Compact Domain for how to update a compact domain.

8.3.2 Creating Schemas for Quick Start with the Repository Creation Utility
To create schemas with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU):

1. Launch the RCU packaged with your Quick Start installation to create schemas in
your new database. Do not download or use any other version of RCU to configure
a database with Quick Start.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you
can enter the following commands:

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-3

Installing Required Schemas

Environment Run Command

UNIX cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

Windows cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\bin

2. Navigate through the following screens. For more information about the options on
a specific screen, click Help or see Understanding Repository Creation Utility
Screens in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation

Table 8-1 RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Welcome This screen provides an introduction to what RCU is and its
purpose. Click Next.

Create Repository Choose Create Repository and System Load and Product
Load Concurrently.
If the second option doesn't appear for you, you do not have
the necessary permissions or privileges to perform DBA

Database Connection Fill the Host Name, Username, and Password blanks with
Details the credentials for your Oracle database. Your Service Name
and Port number were created when you installed your
If you using a 12c multitenant database and are having
connection issues, make sure you have configured your
database properly.
Click Next.

Checking Prerequisites This screen will pop up with a progress indicator bar. When
the prerequisites are checked off, click OK to continue.

8-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Required Schemas

Table 8-1 (Cont.) RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Select Components Specify an intuitive prefix for your new schemas, such as
SOAQS or BPMQS, so you can target them easily when you
are configuring a domain.
Select AS Common Schemes and SOA Suite to select all of
their dependencies.

If you are installing Oracle Managed File Transfer, select

Managed File Transfer from the list. You will not see this
option listed if you have not run the corresponding installer
Click Next.

Schema Passwords Select Use same passwords for all schemas. Then create a
password you will remember.

Custom Variables This screen will show up because you are installing SOA
Infrastructure. See About the Custom Variables Required for
the SOA Suite Schemas in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing
and Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process
Management for descriptions of these variables.
If you are a healthcare provider and want the Healthcare
Integration user interface, change the Value field for
Healthcare Integration to Yes. If you do not set this value
now, the Healthcare Integration user interface will not
function properly. See Activating the Oracle SOA Suite for
Healthcare Integration User Interface for more information.

Otherwise, accept the defaults and press Next.

Map Tablespaces This screen displays default and temporary tablespaces for
the components you want to create schemas for. You can
review this information and click Next
Click OK through the next two confirmation dialogues. Then
click Next again to progress to the next screen.

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-5

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Table 8-1 (Cont.) RCU Schema Creation Screens

Screen Description
Summary This screen summarizes the component schemas that will be
created. Take note of the Database details at the top of this
Click Create to begin schema creation.
A progress dialog shows the progress of schema creation.
Green checks will appear next to the names of successfully
created schemas.

Completion Summary This screen displays the log files created with the database
schemas. You can open any of the log files to review
information or to troubleshoot a creation issue.
If any operation failed, you can check the Cleanup for failed
components box. Upon clicking Close, this option will drop
failed schemas from your database.
When you click Close, schema creation is complete.

If you encountered any problems during schema creation, verify the following:

You are using the RCU included in your Quick Start installation.

Your database server and listeners are running.

If you are using a 12c database, you have configured your database properly.
You can also troubleshoot the issue using the log files generated on the
Completion Summary screen. For more information, see Troubleshooting
Repository Creation Utility in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the
Repository Creation Utility.

8.4 Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

In a developer environment, you can create a compact domain using the
Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Configuration Wizard

Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle Business Process Management

Suite Quick Start

Selecting the Application Home Location

Configuring the Administrator Account
Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK
Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type
Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information
Testing the JDBC Connections

8-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key

Use the Keystore screen to specify either the path to the trusted
certificate for each keystore, or the path to each keystores private key
and other private key information.

Selecting Advanced Configuration

Completing the Configuration

8.4.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

To start the Configuration Wizard to create a compact domain:

1. Go to the bin directory.

2. Set the environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS to -

Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true. This enables the Create a
new compact domain option in the Configuration Wizard.

3. Launch the Configuration Wizard.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Operating Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
setenv CONFIG_JVM_ARGS -Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin
SET CONFIG_JVM_ARGS=-Dcom.oracle.cie.config.showProfile=true

8.4.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Create a new compact domain. If you do not
see this option, you did not set the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS environment variable

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-7

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

In the Domain Location field, specify your Domain home directory. If you already
launched the Integrated WebLogic Server and generated the default domain, you
should create a new domain outside of base_domain.
You should create your Domain home outside the Oracle home directory. See the
location of Application Home relative to Oracle Home in the following figure.

Figure 8-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

This directory structure will help you avoid issues when you need to upgrade or
reinstall your software. See What Are the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Directories?
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware for more

8.4.3 Selecting Configuration Templates for Oracle Business Process Management

Suite Quick Start
On the Templates screen, make sure Create Domain Using Product Templates is
selected, then select the following template:

Oracle BPM Suite - [soa]

Selecting this template automatically selects the following as dependencies:

Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle WSM Policy Manager

Oracle JRF

WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension

Optionally, select the following to install additional components:

Insight SOA Agent [soa]

8-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

Insight Service Bus Agent [osb]

Insight [soa]

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa]


For HIPAA documents, select both the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare
integration - [soa] template and Oracle B2B - [soa]
For HL7 documents, select the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa] template only.

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring - [soa]

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service Basic - [oracle_common]

Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin for ESS - [em]

Oracle B2B - [soa]

Oracle Managed File Transfer - [mft]

If you have not run the separate installers for Oracle B2B, Oracle Healthcare
Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer, you will not see the options to select
those templates. See Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation for installation
instructions for these components.

8.4.4 Selecting the Application Home Location

On the Application Location screen, select the location where you want to store your
applications associated with your domain. This location is also known as the
Application home directory.
Your Application home should be created at the same location you specified for your
Domain home above.

8.4.5 Configuring the Administrator Account

On the Administrator Account screen, specify the user name and password for the
default WebLogic Administrator account for the domain. You will use these
credentials to connect to the domain's Administrator Server.

8.4.6 Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK

On the Domain Mode and JDK screen:

In the Domain Mode field, select Development.

In the JDK field, select Oracle HotSpot JDK.

8.4.7 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data to activate the fields.
The RCU Data option instructs the Configuration Wizard to connect to the database

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-9

Using the Configuration Wizard to Configure a Compact Domain

and Service Table (STB) schema to automatically retrieve schema information for the
schemas needed to configure the domain.


If you choose to select Manual Configuration on this screen, you will have to
manually fill in the parameters for your schema on the following screen.

After selecting RCU Data, fill in the following fields:

Field Description

DBMS/Service Enter the database DBMS name, or service name if you selected a
service type driver. If you are using a 12c multitenant database, make
sure you use the service name for a configured pluggable database
(PDB) and not the container.

Host Name Enter the name of the server hosting the database.

Port Enter the port number on which the database listens.

Schema Owner Enter the username and password for connecting to the database's
Schema Password Service Table schema. This is the schema username and password that
was specified for the Service Table component on the "Schema
Passwords" screen in the RCU.
The default username is prefix_STB, where prefix is the custom
prefix that you defined in RCU.

Click Get RCU Configuration when you are finished specifying the database
connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates
that the operation succeeded:
Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.


For more information about the RCU Data option, see Understanding the
Service Table Schema in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the
Repository Creation Utility.

8.4.8 Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Verify that the values on the JDBC Component Schema screen are correct for all
schemas. If you selected RCU Data on the previous screen, the schema table should
already be populated appropriately.

8.4.9 Testing the JDBC Connections

Use the JDBC Component Schema Test screen to test the datasource connections you
have just configured.

8-10 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Starting the Administration Server

A green check mark in the Status column indicates a successful test. If you encounter
any issues, see the error message in the Connection Result Log section of the screen,
fix the problem, then try to test the connection again.

8.4.10 Specifying the Path to the Keystore Certificate or Key

Use the Keystore screen to specify either the path to the trusted certificate for each
keystore, or the path to each keystores private key and other private key information.
When you click in the Trusted Certificate, Private Key, or Identity Certificate fields, a
browse icon appears to the right of the field. Click this icon to browse to the
appropriate file.


For more information about this screen, see Keystore in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard .

8.4.11 Selecting Advanced Configuration

You do not need any advanced configuration for a compact domain. You can skip
through the Advanced Configuration screen without selecting anything.

8.4.12 Completing the Configuration

The Configuration Summary screen shows the final directory structure and the
components and extensions with which your compact domain will be configured.
Review this information and click Create.
The Configuration Progress screen shows the configuration progress bar.
Upon successful configuration, the Configuration Success screen shows the directory
location of your domain and the URL for your administration console access. Take
note of both and click Close.

8.5 Starting the Administration Server

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

If you want to use JDeveloper's Integrated WebLogic Server, on the same system in
conjunction with your compact domain, add the flag noderby to the end of the
command. For example, the UNIX launch command will look like the following:
./startWebLogic.sh noderby

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-11

Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

The noderby option will prevent the Derby Java Database from starting in the Java
Virtual Machine. This will prevent any conflicts with the Integrated WebLogic Server,
which needs to initialize the Derby Java Database to start up successfully.
You know that the administrator server is running when you see the following output:
Server state changed to RUNNING.

8.6 Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

After configuring a compact domain, you need to prepare JDeveloper to target the
new compact domain for launching applications.

Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Starting the Administration Server

Verifying Your Connection

8.6.1 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Start Oracle JDeveloper with the appropriate command.
If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter the following commands:

Environment Run Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

Select Window from the top menu, and then choose Application Server from the
drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-G. This will
open the Application Server Navigator in the left-hand pane.

Right-click on Application Server in the Application Server Navigator. Select New

Application Server from the drop-down menu to start the Create Application Server
Connection wizard.

8-12 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Connecting JDeveloper to the Compact Domain

8.6.2 Starting the Administration Server

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home
location, you can enter the following commands to start the domains Administration

Operating Command


cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

If you want to use JDeveloper's Integrated WebLogic Server, on the same system in
conjunction with your compact domain, add the flag noderby to the end of the
command. For example, the UNIX launch command will look like the following:
./startWebLogic.sh noderby

The noderby option will prevent the Derby Java Database from starting in the Java
Virtual Machine. This will prevent any conflicts with the Integrated WebLogic Server,
which needs to initialize the Derby Java Database to start up successfully.
You know that the administrator server is running when you see the following output:
Server state changed to RUNNING.

8.6.3 Verifying Your Connection

Expand the connection node beside Application Servers in the Application Server
Navigator. You should see your standalone domain listed by the Connection Name
you specified on the Name and Type screen.
Right-click on your standalone domain's name and choose Launch Administrative

Configuring a Compact Domain 8-13

Next Steps

Log into your administrative console. If you log in successfully, then you can begin
creating applications.

8.7 Next Steps

Once you have verified your Quick start installation and compact domain connection,
you can take any of the following actions:

Action Resource
Deploy a sample application for Oracle SOA See Running a Sample Application.
Suite Quick Start.

Make or test an application of your own. See Getting Started with Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Add Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle See Adding Components to a Quick Start
Stream Analytics, or Oracle B2B/Healthcare. Installation for instructions on adding
components to a fully configured compact

Delete your installation. If you have tested your installation out and
are done, see Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start.

8-14 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Part IV
Post-configuration Tasks for Oracle Quick

This part covers some steps you can take after installing a Quick Start distribution.

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation

Running a Sample Application

Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start

Adding Components to a Quick Start

You can add Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare
integration, Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, and Oracle Managed File Transfer to
your Quick Start installation. You can also obtain an Oracle Stream Analytics runtime
Use this section to walk through the installation process for each component that you
can add to a Quick Start installation, or to add components to a completely configured
compact domain.


About Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation

Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle
Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

Creating Schemas for Quick Start Components

Updating a Compact Domain

Understanding Oracle Stream Analytics Design Time

Next Steps

9.1 Orientation
This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description
Plan your installation. You used Chapter 1 to decide which
distribution and configuration path suits
your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start You downloaded and installed Quick Start
distribution for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

Configure a compact domain. You are configuring or reconfiguring a

compact domain.

Develop or test an application. You will develop or test an application.

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation 9-1

About Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation

9.2 About Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation

To add Oracle B2B, Oracle Healthcare, and Oracle Managed File Transfer to your
Quick Start installation, you need to download their independent installers These
installers are discussed in Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare
Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start.
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring and Oracle Enterprise Scheduler do not have
separate installers. The compact domain can be configured for these components
directly in the domain configuration wizard. Using the domain configuration wizard
to update a compact domain is covered in Updating a Compact Domain.


To minimize the number of times you have to invoke the Repository Creation
Utility and the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, run all installers for
all of the components that you want to add before launching the RCU or the
Configuration Wizard. Each installer will activate a set of product-specific
schemas and provide a set of product-specific configuration templates.

You may also want a runtime environment that can run applications using Oracle
Stream Analytics components. This process is reviewed in Understanding Oracle
Stream Analytics Design Time.

9.3 Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or
Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start
This section describes how to add Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare
Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer to your Quick Start distribution.

Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start

Installing Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration for Quick Start

Installing Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

9.3.1 Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start

This section covers how to install Oracle B2B for Quick Start. Make sure you
understand the installation options for Oracle B2B, as described in About Oracle B2B.

Activating a Limited Oracle B2B Interface without a Full Installation

Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start Activating a Limited Oracle B2B Interface without a Full Installation

To activate a limited Oracle B2B user interface without running the full B2B installer,
set the following property in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control:
If you do not set this property, inbound documents will fail with an XEngine lookup
error. You will be able to use Custom Documents with this interface.
For more information about using the MBean browser, see Getting Started Using the
Fusion Middleware Control MBean Browsers in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

9-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start Installing Oracle B2B for Quick Start

Oracle B2B and Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration share the same installer.
Obtain the installer zip file labeled fmw_12.
Using the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the
installer. Unzip the contents. You may have several .jar files, but you will only need to
launch fmw_12.
Launch the installation wizard with the appropriate command.

Installer Run Command

Generic Installer for UNIX

%JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar

Generic Installer for Windows Search for cmd.exe in the Start Menu. Right-click the
cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.
In the command prompt, use the Java executable from the
JDK on your system. Your command may look like this:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar

Once you have launched the installer, the installation wizard displays the screens
listed and described sequentially in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 Oracle B2B Install Screens

Screen Description

Welcome This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Installation Location Use this screen to specify the location of your Quick Start's
Oracle home. You are not creating a new Oracle home.

Installation Type Select the B2B option. This will install the Oracle B2B user
interface and XEngine

Prerequisite Checks This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum
necessary requirements.

Installation Summary Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected. If
you want to save these options to a response file, click Save
Response File and provide the location and name of the
response file. Response files can be used later in a silent
installation situation.

Installation Progress This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Installation Completed This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review
the information on this screen.

When you have exited the installation wizard, an Oracle B2B template will now be a
selectable option on the Templates screen during domain configuration.

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation 9-3

Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

9.3.2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration for Quick Start
This section covers how to configure your Quick Start installation for Oracle SOA
Suite for Healthcare Integration. Make sure you have understood the different
configuration options for Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration described in
About Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration before proceeding.

Installing Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration for Quick Start

Activating the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User Interface Installing Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration for Quick Start
Oracle B2B and Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration share the same installer.
Obtain the installer zip file labeled fmw_12.
Using the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the
installer. Unzip the contents. You may have several .jar files, but you will only need to
launch fmw_12.
Launch the installation wizard with the appropriate command.

Installer Run Command

Generic Installer for UNIX

%JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar

Generic Installer for Windows Search for cmd.exe in the Start Menu. Right-click the
cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.
In the command prompt, use the Java executable from the
JDK on your system. Your command may look like this:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar

Once you have launched the installer, the installation wizard displays the screens
listed and described sequentially in Table 9-2.

Table 9-2 Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Install Screens

Screen Description

Welcome This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Installation Location Use this screen to specify the location of your Quick Start's
Oracle home. You are not creating a new Oracle home.

Installation Type Select B2B with Healthcare to install the B2B user interface, the
Healthcare user interface, XEngine, and Healthcare libraries.

Prerequisite Checks This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum
necessary requirements.

9-4 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

Table 9-2 (Cont.) Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Install Screens

Screen Description

Installation Summary Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected. If
you want to save these options to a response file, click Save
Response File and provide the location and name of the
response file. Response files can be used later in a silent
installation situation.

Installation Progress This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Installation Completed This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review
the information on this screen.

When you exit the installation wizard, an Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration
template will now be available on the Templates screen during domain configuration.
If you want to use the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration user interface to
exchange healthcare documents, you should review all of the post-installation steps
required to activate the Healthcare user interface in Activating the Oracle SOA Suite
for Healthcare Integration User Interface. Activating the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User Interface
This section describes how to activate the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration
user interface to replace the default Oracle B2B interface. Make sure you understand
the user interface options described in About Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare
Integration before proceeding.
You should have already run the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration installer
and chosen the B2B with Healthcare installation option. Now complete the following

1. Run the RCU. On the Custom Variables screen, input Yes for the Healthcare
Integration variable. This creates additional materialized views required by the
Healthcare integration software.

If you do not set this custom variable when creating the SOA schemas for your
domain, the Healthcare Integration User Interface will not function properly.


If you already ran the RCU for a previous component and did not input YES
for the Healthcare Integration custom variable, you can still set this variable
by running the following SQL script on the database:

For more information about the Healthcare Integration variable you set in RCU, see
About the Custom Variables Required for the SOA Suite Schemas in Oracle Fusion
Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process

2. Run the domain configuration wizard. On the Templates screen, select the Oracle
SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa] template. This changes the

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation 9-5

Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

default message delivery mode from AQ to JMS, as Healthcare is not supported in

AQ mode.

For more information on the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration user
interface, see Using the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User Interface in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Healthcare Integration User's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

9.3.3 Installing Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start

This section reviews the installation process for Oracle Managed File Transfer. You
need to run this installer before you can configure a Quick Start compact domain with
Oracle Managed File Transfer runtime components.
Obtain the installer zip file labeled fmw_12.
Using the command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the
installer. Unzip the contents. You may have several .jar files, but you will only need to
launch fmw_12.
Launch the installation wizard with the appropriate command.

Installer Run Command

Generic Installer for UNIX

%JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar

Generic Installer for Windows Search for cmd.exe in the Start Menu. Right-click the
cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.
In the command prompt, use the Java executable from the
JDK on your system. Your command may look like this:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar

Once you have launched the installer, the installation wizard displays the screens
listed and described sequentially in Table 9-3.

Table 9-3 Oracle Managed File Transfer Install Screens

Screen Description

Welcome This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Installation Location Use this screen to specify the location of your Quick Start's
Oracle home. You are not creating a new Oracle home.

Prerequisite Checks This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum
necessary requirements.

Installation Summary Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected. If
you want to save these options to a response file, click Save
Response File and provide the location and name of the
response file. Response files can be used later in a silent
installation situation.

9-6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Creating Schemas for Quick Start Components

Table 9-3 (Cont.) Oracle Managed File Transfer Install Screens

Screen Description

Installation Progress This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Installation Completed This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review
the information on this screen.

When you have exited the installation wizard, an Oracle Managed File Transfer
template will now be a selectable option on the Templates screen during domain

9.4 Creating Schemas for Quick Start Components

Once you have finished running the installers for the components that you want, run
the RCU.
If you have not finished configuring a compact domain for the first time, you should
return to #unique_55 or #unique_123.
If you are adding components to an existing compact domain, see Updating a
Compact Domain.

9.5 Updating a Compact Domain

This section describes the actions you can take to reconfigure your compact domain to
add new components.
To add Oracle B2B, Healthcare, or Managed File Transfer, you must have run their
separate installers as described in Installing Oracle B2B, Oracle SOA Suite for
Healthcare Integration, or Oracle Managed File Transfer for Quick Start before
proceeding to the following steps:

Launching the Domain Configuration Wizard

Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

Selecting the Configuration Templates

Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type

Verifying the Component Datasources

Testing the JDBC Connections

Selecting Advanced Configuration
Configuring the Domain
Reviewing Your Domain Location

9.5.1 Launching the Domain Configuration Wizard

Go to ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin for your Quick Start
distribution and launch the configuration wizard.
If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can
enter commands similar to the following examples:

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation 9-7

Updating a Compact Domain

Operating Command

cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

cd %ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin

Then navigate through the following configuration screens.

9.5.2 Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Update an existing domain.
In the Domain Location field, select the location of the compact domain that you want
to update.

9.5.3 Selecting the Configuration Templates

On the Templates screen, make sure Update Domain Using Product Templates is
selected. The templates that you have installed already will be greyed out.
Select the templates for the components you want to add to your installation:

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration - [soa]


For HIPAA documents, you need to select both the Oracle SOA Suite for
healthcare integration - [soa] template and Oracle B2B -
[soa] template.
For HL7 documents, you only need to select both the Oracle SOA Suite for
healthcare integration - [soa] template.

Oracle B2B - [soa]

Oracle Managed File Transfer - [mft]

Oracle Business Activity Manager - [soa]

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service Basic - [oracle_common]

Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin for ESS - [em]

9.5.4 Specifying the Datasource Configuration Type

Select RCU Data to activate the fields on this screen. All of the fields should auto-
populate with the values you specified when you first configured your domain.
Click Get RCU Configuration. The following output in the Connection Result Log
indicates that the operation succeeded:

9-8 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Updating a Compact Domain

Connecting to the database server...OK

Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.


More information about the RCU Data option can be found in About the
Service Table Schema in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the
Repository Creation Utility.
More information about the other options on this screen can be found under
Database Configuration Type in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic
Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

9.5.5 Verifying the Component Datasources

Verify that the values on the Component Datasource screen are correct for all
schemas. If you selected RCU Data on the previous screen, the schema table should
already be populated appropriately.

9.5.6 Testing the JDBC Connections

Use the JDBC Component Schema Test screen to test the datasource connections you
have just configured. A green check mark in the Status column indicates a successful
If you encounter any issues, see the error message in the Connection Result Log
section of the screen, fix the problem, then try to test the connection again.


More information about the other options on this screen can be found under
JDBC Component Schema Test in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic
Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

9.5.7 Selecting Advanced Configuration

You do not need any advanced configuration for a compact domain. You can skip
through this screen without selecting anything.

9.5.8 Configuring the Domain

This screen shows you the final directory structure and the components and
extensions with which your compact domain will be configured.
Review this information and click Update. The configuration progress bar will appear
on the next screen.

9.5.9 Reviewing Your Domain Location

Upon successful configuration, the wizard will give you the directory location of your
domain and the URL for your administration console access. Take note of both and
click Close.

Adding Components to a Quick Start Installation 9-9

Understanding Oracle Stream Analytics Design Time

9.6 Understanding Oracle Stream Analytics Design Time

Oracle Stream Analytics design time is included as a JDeveloper extension when you
install a Quick Start distribution.
However, Oracle Stream Analytics does not run on the Integrated WebLogic Server.
You must install a separate Oracle Stream Analytics Oracle home and launch the
Oracle Stream Analytics-specific server from there to create a compatible runtime
For more information on how to install Oracle Stream Analytics, see Installing and
Configuring Oracle Stream Analytics. Then see Standalone-Server Domains in Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Stream Explorer to configure an Oracle Stream
Analytics domain.

9.7 Next Steps

Once you have verified your Quick Start installation and compact domain connection,
you can take any of the following actions:

Action Resource
Deploy a sample application. See Running a Sample Application.

Make or test an application of your own. See Getting Started with Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Delete your installation. If you have tested your installation out and
are done, see Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start .

9-10 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Running a Sample Application

You can load and run a sample application for the Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start
distribution using the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain. You can also find
sample applications for Oracle Process Management Suite and begin a project for
Oracle Stream Analytics.

Creating an Oracle Business Process Management Suite Sample Application

Creating an Oracle Stream Analytics Project in JDeveloper

Next Steps

10.1 Creating an Oracle Business Process Management Suite Sample

You can find an Oracle Business Process Management Suite tutorial for building an
end-to-end loan application at the following URL:

10.2 Creating an Oracle Stream Analytics Project in JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Stream Analytics, and Oracle Event Processing are now
compatible. To build and run Oracle Stream Analytics projects in Oracle JDeveloper,
see Create an Oracle Event Processing Project in Oracle Fusion Middleware Getting
Started with Event Processing for Oracle Stream Analytics.

10.3 Next Steps

After you have successfully run a sample application, you can do any of the following

Action Resource
Make or test an application of your own. See Getting Started with Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper in
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing
Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Deinstall your current Quick Start See Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start .

Install a different Quick Start distribution. See Introducing the Quick Start Distributions.

Running a Sample Application 10-1

Next Steps

10-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers
Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start

Follow the instructions in this section to remove Oracle Quick Start products from
your system.

Performing Pre-Deinstallation Tasks

Deinstalling a Quick Start Distribution

11.1 Performing Pre-Deinstallation Tasks

Before deinstalling Oracle Fusion Middleware software components, you should stop
all Oracle Fusion Middleware processes.
For more information about starting and stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware, refer to
Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

11.2 Deinstalling a Quick Start Distribution

When you run the deinstaller, it removes everything under the Oracle home (referred
to in this guide as ORACLE_HOME) from which the deinstaller is started. Be sure that no
system components are using the Oracle home you want to remove.

Starting the Deinstaller

Manually Removing the Oracle Home

Cleaning Up JDeveloper Artifacts

11.2.1 Starting the Deinstaller

To deinstall a Quick Start distribution, do the following:

1. Go to the following location in your ORACLE_HOME:

On a Windows system:

On Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X systems:


2. Start the deinstaller by running the following command:

On a Windows system:
install.exe -deinstall

On Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X systems:

Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start 11-1

Deinstalling a Quick Start Distribution


11.2.2 Manually Removing the Oracle Home

If you selected No on the warning screen during deinstallation, you must manually
remove your ORACLE_HOME directory and all sub-directories. For example, if your
ORACLE_HOME directory is /home/Oracle/, then on a Linux or UNIX operating
system, enter the following commands:
cd /home/Oracle/
rm -rf

On a Windows operating system, if your ORACLE_HOME directory is C:\Oracle\, use

a file manager window and navigate to the C:\Oracle\ directory and delete the
contents of the directory..

11.2.3 Cleaning Up JDeveloper Artifacts

Make sure you delete any remaining jdeveloper and .jdeveloper directories
from your home directory.

11-2 Installing Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers

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