The Summary of English For Specific Purposes (A Learning-Centered Approach by Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters) Page 9 - 15
The Summary of English For Specific Purposes (A Learning-Centered Approach by Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters) Page 9 - 15
The Summary of English For Specific Purposes (A Learning-Centered Approach by Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters) Page 9 - 15
Page 9 - 15
1. The Development of ESP
from each early beginnings in the 1960s ESP has underground three main phases of
development. It is now in fourth phase with a fifth phase starting to emerge.
Register analysis had focused on sentence grammar, but now attention shifted to understanding
how sentences were combined in discourse to produce meaning. The concern of research, therefore
was to identify the organisational patterns in texts and to specify the linguistic means by which these
patterns are signalled. These patterns would then form the syllabus of the ESP course. The typical
teaching materials based on the discourse approach taught students to recognise textual patterns and
discourse markers mainly by means of text-diagramming exercises.
The target situation analysis stage marked a certain ‘coming of age’ for ESP. what had previously
been done very much in a piecemeal way, was now systematised and learner need was apparently
placed at the centre of the course design process. It proved in the event to be a false down.
As has been noted, in terms of materials this approach generally puts the emphasis on reading
or listening strategies. The characteristic exercises get the learners to reflect on the analyse how
meaning is produced in and retrieved from written or spoken discourse.