Brad T. Pulcini: 2006 Charmingfare Street, Columbus, OH 43228 614-623-4338
Brad T. Pulcini: 2006 Charmingfare Street, Columbus, OH 43228 614-623-4338
Brad T. Pulcini: 2006 Charmingfare Street, Columbus, OH 43228 614-623-4338
2006 Charmingfare Street, Columbus, OH 43228
M.S.Ed. - Educational Studies
Duquesne University; Pittsburgh, PA
In Progress
Ph.D. – Higher Education Administration (ABD)
Ohio University; Athens, OH – (anticipated completion in 2019)
Scholarly Work
Peer Reviewed Publications
▪ Pulcini, B. (2018). Free speech and controversial speakers: Public institutions’ legal responsibility and
recommendations for response. College and University Journal, 93(4).
▪ Pulcini, B. (2018). Financial aid practices and procedures as impediments to low-income students’ access to
higher education. College & University Journal, 93(3).
▪ Harper, D., Mathuews, K., Pulcini, B., & Tackett, K. (2017). The role of the university president: An examination
of contemporary narratives in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Management, 32(1), 149-166.
▪ Mathuews, K., & Pulcini, B. (2017). Maintaining the access mission: Open access universities and the challenges
of performance based funding. College & University Journal.
▪ Pulcini, B., & Dennett, E. (2017). Increasing Completion and Cutting Costs: An Examination of how the Flipped
Classroom and One-Room Schoolhouse Models Benefit Community Colleges. Community College Journal of
Research and Practice.
▪ Mathuews, K., & Pulcini, B. (2017). Academic libraries impact on community college success. Library Assessment
Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC.
▪ Pulcini, B. (2017). Adults in Transition: An Appreciative approach to admissions and orientation at branch
campuses and two-year colleges. Access: The Journal of the National Association of Branch Campus
Administrators, 2(1).
▪ Pulcini, B. (2016). Closing the gap: Increasing completion rates of Appalachian women through Appreciative
Advising. NACADA Journal, 36(2).
▪ Mathuews, K., & Pulcini, B. (2016). The impact of the community college library on retention and graduation
rates: An expenditure analysis. Association for the Study of Higher Education, Conference Proceedings,
Columbus, OH.
Book Reviews
Pulcini, B. (2018). Review of the book The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democraticizing American Higher
Education by Lani Guinier. College & University Journal, 93(4).
Pulcini, B. (2017). Review of: A Guide to Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Managing across the
Generations. College & University Journal.
Professional Institutes
Member of 2018 Cohort – ACPA Aspiring Senior Student Affairs Institute. Chicago, IL.
▪ Ohio University - Frutcus Scholarship Award (scholarly work recognition)
▪ Ohio Wesleyan University - Friend of WCSA (Student Government) Golden Bishop Award
▪ Capital University Student Activities/Student Government Award – Outstanding Leadership Mentor of the Year
▪ Capital University Student Activities/Student Government Award – Outstanding Organization Advisor of the Year