Experimental and Theoretical Study of Wind Loads and Mechanical Performance Analysis of Heliostats
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Wind Loads and Mechanical Performance Analysis of Heliostats
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Wind Loads and Mechanical Performance Analysis of Heliostats
Solar Energy 105 (2014) 48–57
Received 27 December 2013; received in revised form 19 March 2014; accepted 3 April 2014
Available online 4 May 2014
Wind load greatly affects the mechanical performance and tracking accuracy of heliostats. Therefore, predicting wind loads accurately
is important for developing heliostats with good performance. Quantifying an accurate wind load shape factor is the key to predict wind
loads. In this paper, the wind load shape factor is obtained through measuring wind pressure distribution on the heliostat surface, and
then is used to analyze the mechanical parameters of the heliostat support structure, such as stress distribution and directional deforma-
tion. The said mechanical parameters are compared with those generated by the modeled wind load which is calculated according to the
related codes. The comparison results show that the theoretical method of modeling wind loads can be used to design and research the
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0038-092X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Zang et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 48–57 49
A reflective area of the heliostat (m2) uz wind pressure height variation factor
Cpi wind pressure coefficient v wind velocity (m/s)
F wind load acting on the heliostat structure (N) q air density
Pi wind pressure on the testing surface (N/m2) t influence coefficient of wind pressure fluctuation
i test points number uz structural vibration mode coefficient
bz wind flutter factor x0 reference wind pressure (N/m2)
f peak wind fluctuation factor xz wind pressure (N/m2)
us wind load shape factor
dynamic loading could be obtained. Wu et al. (2010) stud- tubes with different sections. The mechanical performance
ied the effects of gap sizes between the facets on the wind of the support structure stands for the wind-resisting capa-
load acting on the heliostat using the fluent software. The bilities of heliostats.
results showed that the wind load increased slightly with Fig. 2 displays 100 heliostats deployed in curve form of 15
increasing gap size and the flow pattern through the gap rows. The tested heliostat is located in the twelfth row and at
resembled a jet flow which reduced the static pressure on the west edge of the field. The heliostat is marked by a red1
the leeward surface of the facets and, consequently, circle in Fig. 2. In the flat open area that is on the west of the
increased the drag force. Zang et al. (2013) studied numer- field and 58.7 m from the investigated heliostat, the ane-
ical simulation of wind velocity fluctuation on the surface mometers are respectively mounted at 3.5 m, 6.5 m, 10 m
of heliostats and analyzed the wind-induced dynamic and 12.5 m above the ground to characterize the wind veloc-
response. Besides above methods, wind load test on an ities and directions approaching the heliostat from the
actual heliostat is of feasibility to analyze the structure. southwest to west to northwest direction. There are no
Sment et al. (2013) measured the boundary winds over objects between the tested heliostat and the anemometers
the heliostat field and analyzed wind velocities and turbu- so that the wind heading to the heliostat is not blocked.
lence between rows within the field, so as to characterize Due to the approximately westerly wind approaching, the
and understand some differences in the impacts of dynamic other heliostats would not affect the tested heliostat too
wind loads on heliostat strain and cyclic fatigue between much. In addition, 34 wind pressure sensors are symmetri-
perimeter and inner-field heliostats. cally mounted on the front and back of the facets, which
This paper introduces the 100 m2 heliostat for DAHAN are marked by the red spots2 in Fig. 1.
solar power tower demonstration system in China and pre-
sents methods of wind load prediction and analysis of the 2.2. Mechanical performance of the heliostat
mechanical performance of the heliostat support structure
based on the wind load experiments on a full-scale heliostat. 2.2.1. Theoretical method of wind load calculation
The main load acting on the heliostat is the wind loading
2. Structural design and analysis of the heliostat which greatly affects the mechanical performance, optical
performance and cost of the heliostat. The heliostat is a
DAHAN solar power tower demonstration station is kind of low-rise structure, close to the ground, so it works
located at Yanqing County of Beijing, China. The heliostat in a complex wind field. Wind load on heliostats is able to
field for DAHAN was built in 2009 and covers 10,000 m2 be predicted using the below equations according to the
reflective areas. The heliostat is described as below. standards (Ministry of Construction of People’s Republic
of China, 2002) for building structures:
F1 F2 F3 F4
(a) Wind pressure sensors on the (b) Wind pressure sensors on the
front surface of the facets back surface of the facets
Fig. 1. DAHAN heliostat and wind pressure sensors layout.
Table 2
Peak wind fluctuation factor f.
x0 T 21 (kNs2/m2) 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60
Steel structures 1.47 1.57 1.69 1.77 1.83 1.88 2.04 2.24 2.36
x0 T 21 (kNs2/m2) 0.80 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 20.00 30.00
Steel structures 2.46 2.53 2.80 3.09 3.28 3.42 3.54 3.91 4.14
are respectively 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90° in eleva-
tion angles. Fig. 7 shows the change in the natural period
of the structure with orientations at the first ten orders.
The change in elevation hardly affects the frequency under
all orders except for the third and the eighth order. The
natural period is longer at lower mode than that at higher
mode. The basic natural period (0.23 s) is relatively short,
which implies that the structure is stiff and not much sensi-
tive to the pulse excitation of certain wind forces.
Table 4
Displacement of nodes at elevation of 85° and azimuth of 175°.
Loads Direction Displacement of nodes (mm)
Gravity and wind X 1.65 1.58 0.55 0.39
Y 22.91 22.31 1.34 1.96
Z 2.29 3.56 4.17 5.31
Gravity X 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Y 6.21 6.20 3.84 3.84
Z 1.77 1.77 2.68 2.68
350 350
250 250
200 200
11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14
Time (h) Time (h)
(a) Wind velocity time history (b) Wind direction time history
Fig. 8. Wind conditions measured at 10 m above the ground.
Table 5
position. So the mean wind velocity and direction refer to
Mean wind velocities and directions at 10 m high for different heliostat the average values in ten minutes.
Elevation angle (°) 0 30 60 85 3.2. Wind pressure coefficient analysis
Azimuth angle (°) 165 166 149 175
Mean wind velocities (m/s) 8.77 9.67 8.86 8.30 Wind load analysis is necessary for wind-resisting design
Mean wind directions (°) 254.82 256.09 238.55 265
of the heliostat structure. Generally, to obtain the wind
load shape factor us or the wind pressure coefficient is an
220° to 325°. The mean wind velocities and directions at effective method to predict the wind loads. The wind pres-
10 m high are listed in Table 5 for the said four heliostat sure coefficient is described in Eq. (6), and it is the ratio of
positions. The test time length is 10 min for each heliostat the real wind pressure to the air flow onto the testing sur-
9000 3
Height of Reflector (mm)
8000 8000
7000 7000 1.5
6000 2 6000
5000 5000 1
4000 1.5 4000
1000 1000 0
2000 4000 6000 8000 2000 4000 6000 8000
Width of Reflector (mm) Width of Reflector (mm)
(a) Elevation angle of 0°and (b) Elevation angle of 30°and
azimuth angle of -165° azimuth angle of -166°
9000 -1
Height of Reflector (mm)
Height of Reflector (mm)
7000 -1.5
4000 -1 4000
face. Based on the wind pressure coefficient, the wind load using Eq. (7), the mechanical performances of the heliostat
shape factor is obtained using Eq. (7). support structure are analyzed. Fig. 10 shows the stress dis-
Pi tribution of the support structure at different orientations
C pi ¼ ð6Þ when the heliostat faces to the east and the wind heads
to the back of the reflector. It can be compared with
C pi Ai Fig. 4 to see the differences clearly. The maximum stresses
us ¼ i¼1 ð7Þ have got the change because the empirically determined
shape coefficients are substituted into the former numerical
The test data Pi were analyzed and the average wind pres- model. For better understand, theoretical us and experi-
sure coefficients Cpi were obtained according to Eq. (6). mental us are defined here. Theoretical us means the value
Mean wind speed v was tested at different heights. Ai is of us is calculated according to the former numerical
the corresponding area of test point i. A is the total area model. Experimental us refers to the value of us that is
of the test zone. Fig. 9 shows the coefficient Cpi distribution obtained through wind pressure measurement. The experi-
on the reflector surface when the orientations are 165°, mental us distribute on the surface of the heliostat as differ-
166°, 149° and 175° for azimuth and 0°, 30°, 60° and ent values at different points. But the theoretical us has the
85° for elevation. It can be seen from Fig. 9 that the wind same value or two different values on the surface. That is
force acting on the reflector is obviously asymmetrical when the main factor causing the differences between Figs. 4
the wind is heading to the back of the reflector in some and 10. In addition, the wind direction is random and
directions. As the consequence, the wind pressure increases changes all the time. The average wind direction is chosen
gradually from the left to the right of the reflector. as the reference to calculate azimuth, which is another fac-
tor that affects the accuracy of the mechanical performance
3.3. Mechanical performance of the support structure analysis.Besides the orientations shown in Figs. 4 and 10 in
which the wind heads to the back of the heliostat, the stress
Based on the wind pressure coefficient distribution analysis of the structure were also done under the orienta-
shown in Fig. 9 and the wind load shape factors calculated tions when the wind headed to the front of the heliostat.
Table 6
Maximum stress comparison.
Elevation (°) 0 30 60 85 0 30 60 85
Azimuth (°) 165 166 149 175 22 20 24 23
Maximum stress with theoretical us (MPa) 62.95 97.05 131.54 131.47 60.92 78.54 129.62 147.51
Maximum stress with experimental us (MPa) 67.62 82.91 88.22 115.73 67.91 67.20 92.25 145.65
Relative error (%) 7.4 14.6 32.9 12.0 11.5 14.4 28.8 1.3
Table 7
Displacement values comparison at elevation of 85° and azimuth of 175°.
Displacement of nodes (mm)
Theoretical us
X 1.65 1.58 0.55 0.39 0.58 0.60 0.59
Y 22.91 22.31 1.34 1.96 9.12 8.80 8.03
Z 2.29 3.56 4.17 5.31 0.87 1.62 0.07
Experimental us
X 1.28 1.30 0.75 0.65 0.48 0.50 0.49
Y 21.45 16.36 0.28 2.23 8.77 6.80 6.96
Z 1.56 2.53 3.29 3.98 0.93 1.53 0.07
The azimuth angles are respectively 22°, 24°, 20°and mance analysis of the 100 m2 DAHAN heliostat at different
23°. Table 6 presents the comparison results of the max- orientations under wind loads. To verify the method of
imum stress between the cases of theoretical us and exper- wind load calculation according to the codes, it is the key
imental us. Under the similar azimuth angles, the to look into the wind load shape factor which was obtained
maximum stress grows with the increase of the elevation. through measuring the wind pressures on the full scale
The theoretical maximum stresses agree with the experi- heliostat. The results show that the stress and displacement
mental stresses except of the case of 60° in elevation. The of heliostat under the case of theoretical us agree with those
relative error ranges from 1.3% to 32.9%. In most cases, under the case of experimental us. In most cases, the theo-
the theoretical maximum stresses are a little larger than retical maximum stresses are a little larger than the exper-
the experimental ones, but it is to the contrary in the case imental ones, but it is smaller in the case of 0° elevation
of 0° elevation angle. In general, the conclusion could be angle. Generally speaking, the method of wind load calcu-
drawn that the method of wind load calculation according lation according to the codes (Ministry of Construction of
to the codes (Ministry of Construction of People’s People’s Republic of China, 2002) is feasible and can be a
Republic of China, 2002) is feasible and can be a reference reference to predict wind loads on heliostats. To guarantee
to estimate wind loads for heliostats design. To guarantee the reliability of the heliostat, the wind load values calcu-
the reliability of the heliostat, the wind load values calcu- lated using the codes might be increased by 8–12% or more
lated using the codes might be increased by 8–12% or more in the case of the stow position.
in the case of 0° elevation angle.
In addition, the deformation of the support structure is Acknowledgments
presented under the orientation of 175° for azimuth and
85° for elevation when the heliostat faced to the east and This work is supported by the National Natural Science
the wind headed to the back of the reflector at the speed Foundation of China (No. 51308524) and the National
of 13 m/s. Owing to the non-symmetry of the real wind Basic Research Program of China (No. 2010CB227106).
loads acting on the reflector, the deformation values appear We would like to show our thanks to Prof. Zhengnong
left-right asymmetry. Table 7 shows the comparison of Li and his team for their great contributions to the wind
deformation values between the cases of theoretical us load measurement. Also we would like to express our sin-
and experimental us. The nodes A G has been marked cere appreciation to the reviewers for their insightful com-
in Fig. 5. It can be seen obviously that the displacement ments, which have greatly aided us in improving the quality
values under the case of theoretical us are a little larger than of the paper.
those under experimental us. The accuracy of wind load
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