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Republic v. Jaralve - Digest

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G.R. No. 175177 October 24, 2012


The herein respondents filed with the RTC Cebu applications for registration in their names a parcel of land with an
area of 731,380 square meters pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1529. In support of their application, they
presented, among others, a CENRO Certificate signed by CENR and PENR Officers that the subject property is within
the alienable and disposable portion of Lot 18590.

Several private persons and entities filed their oppositions to the case alleging their ownership on some portions of
the subject property. In addition, petitioner Republic of the Philippines, argued that the subject property was part of
the public domain, which belonged to the State and not subject to private appropriation.

Finding the testimonial and documentary evidence, mainly on the CENRO Certificate, of the respondents sufficient to
show that they had acquired ownership over the subject property, the RTC ruled in their favor. It held that the
petitioner failed to controvert the fact that the subject property was within the alienable and disposable portion of
the public domain. The decision was affirmed by the CA.

Hence, this petition.


Whether or not the grant of respondents’ application for registration of title to the subject property was proper under
the law and jurisprudence.


NO. The Public Land Act or Commonwealth Act No. 141, is the general law governing the classification and disposition
of lands of the public domain. The law and jurisprudence provide stringent requirements to prove the alienability and
disposability of lands. Our Constitution, no less, embodies the Regalian doctrine that all lands of the public domain
belong to the State, which is the source of any asserted right to ownership of land.

Land classification or reclassification cannot be assumed. It must be proved. The CENRO certification presented by the
respondents is not enough to certify that a land is alienable and disposable. The applicant for land registration must
prove that the DENR Secretary had approved the land classification and released the land of the public domain as
alienable and disposable and that the land subject of the application for registration falls within the approved area per
verification through survey by the PENRO or CENRO.

The respondents failed to present in evidence an actual copy of the classification of the land as alienable and
disposable issued by the DENR Secretary and certified as true by the legal custodian of official records. Moreover,
Under DAO No. 20, issuance for certificates of land classification status for areas below 50 hectares is within the
function of CENRO, otherwise, the PENRO. Since the subject property has an area of 73.138 hectares, it is clearly
beyond the authority of the CENRO to issue the certification.

Thus, the respondents’ application for registration and issuance of title is dismissed since they were not able to
discharge the burden of overcoming the presumption that the land they sought to be registered forms part of the
public domain.

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