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Distance Measurement of An Object or Obstacle by Ultrasound Sensors Using P89C51RD2

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International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No.

1 February, 2010

Distance Measurement of an Object or Obstacle

by Ultrasound Sensors using P89C51RD2
A. K. Shrivastava, A. Verma, and S. P. Singh

network is prevalent everywhere. Sewer lines may be made of

Abstract— Distance measurement of an object in the path of a circular pipes for smaller sizes or a covered masonry channel
person, equipment, or a vehicle, stationary or moving is used in for larger sizes. Smooth working of sewer system is a present
a large number of applications such as robotic movement day necessity for keeping the cities clean. Generally maximum
control, vehicle control, blind man’s walking stick, medical portion of sewer pipelines are underground and sewer
applications, etc. Measurement using ultrasonic sensors is one blockages have become quite common. The blockages have
of the cheapest among various options. In this paper distance
become more frequent due to the dumping of polythene bags,
measurement of an obstacle by using separate ultrasonic
transmitter, receiver and a microcontroller is presented. The hair and solid materials into the sewer system [2], [3].
experimental setup and results are described and explained. The current methods of blockage detection are based on
manual visual inspection and inspection through CCD camera
Index Terms— Corrections in distance measurement, based equipments. The main limitation of these systems are that
distance measurement, microcontroller, sewer blockage sewage pipeline has to be drained out first so that visual
detection, sewer inspection system, robotics, and ultrasonic inspection by a personnel or by a camera based equipment can
sensors. work and pictures of blockage or damage can be obtained,
observed and analyzed [4].
In the sewer inspection system under development and
I. INTRODUCTION testing this system is mounted in the front portion on an
Distance measurement of an object in front or by the side automatic robotic vehicle which will move inside the fully or
of a moving entity is required in a large number of devices. semi-filled sewer pipeline. The system will compute the
These devices may be small or large and also quite simple or distance of obstacle or blockage store it and also communicate
complicated. the distance or location of the obstacle or blockage to the
Such distance measurement systems are available. These control station above ground.
use various kinds of sensors and systems. Low cost and
accuracy as well as speed is important in most of the II. RELATED WORK
applications. H. He, et al. had designed distance measurement device
In this paper, we describe such a measurement system using S3C2410. The temperature compensation module had
which uses ultrasonic transmitter and receiver units mounted also been used to improve the precision [5]. Y. Jang, et al. had
at a small distance between them and a Phillips P89C51RD2 studied a portable walking distance measurement system
microcontroller based system. This microcontroller is having 90% accuracy [6]. C. C. Chang, et al. had studied the
equivalent to the most popular 8051 microcontroller and ultrasonic measurement system for underwater applications.
hence very easily available at low cost. A correlation is
It uses ultrasonic system, laser system as well as camera
applied to minimize the error in the measured distance.
based system for 3-D position control of underwater vehicles
Ultrasound sensors are very versatile in distance
[7]. A new method of timing is described by D. Webster in
measurement. They are also providing the cheapest solutions.
Ultrasound waves are useful for both the air and underwater 1994. He used binary frequency shift-keyed signal (BSFK)
[1]. Ultrasonic sensors are also quite fast for most of the which has noise immunity [8].
common applications. In simpler system a low cost version of
8- bit microcontroller can also be used in the system to lower III. PRINCIPLE
the cost. Ultrasonic transducer uses the physical characteristics and
This system has been developed and tested for use in a various other effects of ultrasound of a specific frequency. It
robotic sewer inspection system under development. Sewer may transmit or receive the ultrasonic signal of a particular
strength. These are available in piezoelectric or
Manuscript received July 31, 2009. This work is supported by electromagnetic versions. The piezoelectric type is generally
MP Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal, Project Code No. preferred due to its lower cost and simplicity to use [5].
R&D/PHYSICS.23/08-09-1. The Ultrasonic wave propagation velocity in the air is
A. K. Shrivastava is with the Department of MCA, Krishna Institute of approximately 340 m/s at 15°C of air or atmospheric
Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India; phone:
+919873657877; (e-mail: ajay@ kiet.edu). temperature, the same as sonic velocity. To be precise, the
A. Verma is with the Department of Physics and Electronics, Dr. Hari
Singh Gour University, Sagar (M.P.), India; Phone:+919424450056 (e-mail:
S. P. Singh is with the Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department, Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida
(U.P.), India; phone:+9198733391803; (e-mail: sahdeopsingh@yahoo.com).

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010

ultrasound velocity is governed by the medium and its

temperature hence the velocity in the air is calculated using
the formula below (1).

V= 340+0.6(t-15) m/s (1)

t:temperature, °C

In this study, a room temperature of 20°C is assumed;

hence the velocity of ultrasound in the air is taken as 343 m/s.
Because the travel distance is very short, the travel time is
little affected by temperature. It takes approximately
29.15μsec for the ultrasound to propagate waves through 1cm
distance; therefore it is possible to have 1cm resolution in the
Fig. 1: System Development Kit system [6].


The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver module
controlled by a microcontroller P89C51RD2. A
microcontroller development kit has been used for testing of
the system (Fig, 1). 40 KHz ultrasound sensors have been
used for the experiments. Fig. 2 & Fig. 3 show the
photographs of the transmitter module and the receiver
module, Fig. 4 shows the photograph of ultrasonic transmitter
and receiver sensors. The block diagram of the system is
shown in Fig. 5.
In the Fig. 5, an interrupt INT1 signal initiates the system.
When the interrupt INT1 signal is received, MCU
Fig. 2: Transmitter Module (microcontroller unit) starts the timer1 and simultaneously
generates the controlled 40 KHz burst pulse having a train of
specific number of pulses. These pulses are applied to the
amplifier circuit and after amplification; the ultrasound
transmitter transmits the 40 KHz ultrasound pulses in the air
in the direction of the object. These ultrasonic pulses are
reflected from the object and travels back in different
When these waves arrive at receiver, the signals received
by the receiver is amplified and processed by the receiver
module. The receiver module also generates an interrupt
signal; INT2 at the instant the first pulse of the burst is
received. Interrupt INT2 stops the timer1, and MCU
calculates the time period between the generation of the wave
and reception of the wave, which is proportional to the
Fig. 3: Receiver Module distance travelled by the waves. Using the formula, MCU
calculates the distance of the obstacle and displays it or
transfers it to the part of the total system where it is to be used
for further control.

A recording of the transmitted and received waveforms
of the ultrasonic signal as displayed on a Digital Storage
Oscilloscope, is shown in Fig. 6.
The transmitted wave is shown on the upper part of the
Fig. 6 and the received wave is shown in the lower part of
the same figure.
Measurements of travel time have been taken for a
number of distances at intervals of 5 cm. Three
measurments have been made for each distance. The
results of the measurement are shown in Table I. The table
Fig. 4: Sensor Module shows the average of the three travel time measurements.

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010

MCU Transmitter

Display R

Fig. 5: Block Diagram of the System

The maesured distance is calculated on the basis of

travel time. The formula to calculate the distance is shown
below (2) Fig. 6: Waveforms of Transmitted & Received Waves
Actual Distance Vs Measured Distance
Distance (cm) = (Travel Time*10-6 * 34300) / 2 (2) 55
The ultrasonic waves travevelled to and from the object 45
hence the whole distence is divided by two. 40

Measured Distance
Table I: Experimental Results 30
S.No. Actual Travel Measured % 20
Distance Time Distance Error
(cm) (µSec) (cm)
1 5 400 6.86 37.20 0
2 10 690 11.83 18.34 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
3 15 1050 18.01 20.05
Actual Distance
4 20 1250 21.44 7.19
5 25 1650 28.30 13.19
Fig. 7: Graph between Actual Distance and Measured
6 30 1930 33.10 10.33
7 35 2180 37.39 6.82
8 40 2400 41.16 2.90
9 45 2700 46.31 2.90
10 50 3000 51.45 2.90 The observed errors in the measured distance are due to
many factors. One important factor is the inclusion of
The experimental results for the distance measurement are generation and processing times of the burst pulse signals.
shown in Table I. Fig. 7 shows the graph between actual These are as follows:
distance and measured distance. We observe that there is 1. Time period between the starting of the timer1 and
considerable error in the measured distance as compared to actual time of the transmission of the first pulse of
the actual distance. The %error column also shows similar the burst pulse train by the ultrasonic transmitter.
results. The error is specially large at lower distances of the This happens due to two delays, first the time taken
obstacle. The same error is also observed in the graph of Fig. by the microcontroller to start generating the burst
7 between actual distance and measured distance. pulses and second the time delay introduced by the
2. The reflected signal received by the ultrasonic
receiver sensor is passed on to the receiver amplifier,
which amplifies it and generates the interrupt signal
INT2. This is applied to the microcontroller.
The above time periods are also included in the measured
travel time. Hence these time periods have been calculated
and their sum deducted from the measured travel time. This
has been shown as corrected travel time in Table II, which
shows the corrected experimental results.

Table II: Corrected Experimental Results

S. No. Actual Distance Travel Correc. Time (µSec) Correc. Measured % Error
(cm) Time (µSec) Distance (cm)

1 5 400 335 5.75 14.91

2 10 690 625 10.72 7.19
3 15 1050 985 16.89 12.62
4 20 1250 1185 20.32 1.61

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010

5 25 1650 1585 27.18 8.73

6 30 1930 1865 31.98 6.62
7 35 2180 2115 36.27 3.64
8 40 2400 2335 40.05 0.11
9 45 2700 2635 45.19 0.42
10 50 3000 2935 50.34 0.67

From the Table II, it is observed that corrected measured REFERENCES

[1] J. David and N. Cheeke, “Fundamentals of ultrasonic waves,” CRC
Actual Distance Vs Correc. Measured Distance Press, Florida, USA, 2002, ISBN 0-8493-0130-0.
55 [2] S. P. Singh, A. Verma, and A. K. Shrivastava , “Design and
development of robotic sewer inspection equipment controlled by
50 embedded systems,” Proceedings of the First IEEE International
45 Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Jul.
Corr. Measured Distance

2008, Nagpur, India, pp. 1317-1320.

40 [3] A. K. Shrivastava, A. Verma, and S. P. Singh, “Partial automation of
35 the current sewer cleaning system,” Invertis Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2008, pp. 261-265.
30 [4] O. Duran, K. Althoefer, and L. Seneviratene, “State of the art in sensor
25 technologies for sewer inspection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Apr. 2002,
20 Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 73-81.
[5] H. He, and J. Liu, “The design of ultrasonic distance measurement
15 system based on S3C2410,” Proceedings of the IEEE International
10 Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation,
Oct. 2008, pp. 44-47.
5 [6] Y. Jang, S. Shin, J. W. Lee, and S. Kim, “A preliminary study for
0 portable walking distance measurement system using ultrasonic
sensors,” Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE International
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Conference of the EMBS, France, Aug. 2007, pp. 5290-5293.
Actual Distance [7] C. C. Chang, C. Y. Chang, and Y. T. Cheng, “Distance measurement
technology development at remotely teleoperated robotic manipulator
system for underwater constructions,” IEEE International Symposium
on Underwater Technology, Apr. 2004, pp. 333-338.
Fig. 8: Graph between Actual Distance and Corrected [8] D. Webster, “A pulsed ultrasonic distance measurement system based
Measured Distance upon phase digitizing,” IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and
Measurement, Vol. 43, No. 4, Aug. 1994, pp. 578-582.

distance comes very close to the actual distance. The

corrected measured distances have also reduced the %error to
A. K. Shrivastava was born at Guna (M.P.),
small levels for long distances.
India on 7th August, 1977. He had done his
The graph for the corrected measured distance versus graduation in Electronics from Dr. H.S.Gour
actual distance is shown in Fig. 8. It shows that the plotting of University, Sagar (M.P.), India in 1998. After
the graph for corrected measured distance and actual distance that he had completed his MCA from the same
university in 2002.
is almost linear. He has more than seven years of teaching
experience. He had worked as Lecturer in Technocrats Institute of
Technology, Bhopal (M.P.), India for three years. Presently he is working as
Associate Professor in Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology,
I. CONCLUSION Ghaziabad (U.P.), India from Aug. 2005. His research interests include
The results show that the results for measured distance is Embedded Systems and Data Mining.
Mr. Shrivastava is the life member of Computer Society of India (CSI).
satisfying for use in the sewer inspection system being He is also life member of Association of Computer, Electronics and
developed. It can also be used for other devices requiring Electrical Engineers (ACEEE) and International Association of Computer
distance measurement of an object or obstacle. Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) and International
As shown, the system is implementable in the robotic Association of Engineers (IAENG). He is also reviewer of various ACEEE
organized conferences. He has published a paper in National Journal and
sewer blockage detection system. The distance of the published/presented four papers in conferences.
blockage from a specified entry point in the sewer pipeline
can be calculated by adding travelled distance by the robotic
vehicle and the distance of the blockage from the robotic Dr. A. Verma was born on 23rd March 1963. He
received the M.Sc. degree in Physics with
vehicle. The accuracy of distance of blockage will be specialization in Electronics and solid-state physics
sufficient for normal practical uses. in1984 and Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1991 from Dr.
The system can be easily implemented in other devices Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar, (M.P.),
and systems requiring the measurement of distance of an India.
He has having 24 years of teaching (UG/PG) and
object or an obstacle from stationary or moving observation research experience and is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the
point where the ultrasonic sensor will be located. department of Physics and Electronics, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central
University, Sagar. He guided 4 Ph.D. students (One as Co-Supervisor).
Presently, he is guiding 8 Ph.D. students for their innovative research. He is
supervising 3 Ph.D. students in Physics and Electronics of M.P. BHOJ (Open)
University, Bhopal, (M.P.), India. He had published a book entitled
“Microprocessor”, Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Sagar (M.P.), India and

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010

written two chapters in “Bhotiki”, Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy,

Bhopal (M.P.), India.
Dr. Verma published / presented about 50 research papers in the National
/International Journals / Conferences of high repute. He is the Executive
Council (Government Nominee) in Government Girls Autonomous College,
Sagar, (M.P.).

Prof. S. P. Singh was born at village Manirampur in Nalanda district,

Bihar, India on 10th June 1939. He completed his B.Sc.(Engg.) degree in
Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur,
India in the year 1964. He did M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering (Electronic
Devices and Circuits) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in
1975. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Ranchi University, Ranchi, India in
the year 1993. His topic was microprocessor based speed control of induction
He joined N.I.T., Jamshedpur, India as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
in 1964 continued there as lecturer, AP and Professor till 1999. He started
teaching electronic subjects and shifted to electronics engineering. After
retirement from NIT in 1999, he continued to work as professor in institutes
around Delhi. Currently, he is working as professor in Electronics &
Communication Engineering at Noida Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Greater Noida, U.P., India.
Prof. Singh was a member of IEEE from 1974 to 1991. At present Dr.
Singh is a fellow of I.E.T.E., India.


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