Abstract— This paper describes the development of a novel issued regulations in which threshold and target values of
particle sensing system employing zinc oxide based solidly PMs are defined to maintain them within safe exposure limits.
mounted resonator (SMR) devices for the detection of airborne Commercially available instruments for particulate matter
fine particles (i.e., PM2.5 and PM10). The system operates in
a dual configuration in which two SMR devices are driven detection are generally large in size, expensive and difficult
by Colpitts-type oscillators in a differential mode. Particles are to operate [6]. These instruments are based on several meth-
detected by the frequency shift caused by the mass of particles ods and techniques. As an example, filter-based gravimetric
present on one resonator with while the other acts as a reference samplers such as the PartisolTM Sampler (Thermo Scientific)
channel. Experimental validation of the system was performed are used in the UK monitoring network. They draw an air
inside an environmental chamber using a dust generator with the
particles of known size and concentration. A sensor sensitivity sample through a filter trapping certain particles, which needs
of 4.6 Hz per µg/m3 was demonstrated for the SMRs resonating to be weighted later in the laboratory [7]. Other automated
at a frequency of 970 MHz. Our results demonstrate that the mass measurement instruments for the continuous monitoring
SMR-based system has the potential to be implemented in CMOS of PM are also available such as the tapered element oscillating
technology as a low-cost, miniature smart particle detector for microbalance (TEOMTM ) and Beta gauges. Optical methods
the real-time monitoring of airborne particles.
mainly based on absorption and scattering of light are the most
Index Terms— Acoustic wave sensor, air quality monitoring, commonly used for particle detection, counting and size mea-
Colpitts oscillator, particle sensor, particulate matter, solidly surement. The Thermo ScientificTM 5030 SHARP monitor and
mounted resonator (SMR).
the GRIMM 1.107 monitor (GRIMM Technologies, Inc.) are
I. I NTRODUCTION examples of these type of instruments [8]. Personal sampling
instruments such as the the DataRAMTM pDR-1500 (Thermo
A IRBORNE particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) consists
of a mixture of chemical substances that can be found
in the air in the form of very small particles. PM10 refers
Scientific) are also currently on the market. Optical techniques,
however, are complex and costly because they require the
to those particles that have an aerodynamic diameter equal integration of several optical components [9].
to or smaller than 10 μm whereas PM2.5 are particles with For these reasons, a low-cost, real-time and portable particle
diameters of 2.5 μm or smaller. Particulate Matter (PM) has sensing device is desired and different approaches have been
been associated with adverse effects on human health and recently proposed. Lim et al. [10] reported a MEMS particle
the consequent increase in mortality and morbidity rates [1]. detector based on the corona discharge principle, whereas a
Cardiovascular diseases and respiratory problems such as heart MEMS electrometer was proposed by Jaramillo et al. for the
failure and reduced lung capacity have been linked to the counting of aerosol particles [11]. Park et al. [12] developed
exposure to airborne particulate pollution [2]. Other health a particle sensor using a paddle-type silicon cantilever and the
problems related to PM have been reported, such as diabetes, use of thin-film piezoelectric on silicon resonators has been
atherosclerosis, and their impact on birth outcomes [3]–[5]. proposed by Harrington et al. [13]. Thermally actuated MEMS
In order to reduce human exposure to PM and so minimize resonators were demonstrated for the mass measurement of
their adverse health effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection airborne particles [9], [14] and the use of such structures
Agency (EPA) and the European Commission (EC) have within aerosol impactors for the size separation of particles
have been proposed as well [15], [16]. The collaboration
Manuscript received July 22, 2015; revised October 3, 2015; accepted between the Institute of Semiconductor Technology (IHT) and
December 20, 2015. Date of publication December 24, 2015; date of current the Fraunhofer-Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut led to the develop-
version February 24, 2016. This work was supported by the European
Commission 7th Framework Program through the Project entitled Multi- ment of silicon resonant cantilever sensors for the detection of
Sensor-Platform for Smart Building Management under Project 611887. The airborne nanoparticles [17], [18] and further work reported the
work of F. H. Villa-López was supported by the National Mexican Council development of portable cantilever-based detectors [19]–[21].
of Science and Technology. The associate editor coordinating the review of
this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Sillas Hadjiloucas. Acoustic wave based devices have also been used as an
S. Thomas, F. H. Villa-López, M. Cole, and J. W. Gardner are alternative approach for particle sensing. These devices use a
with the Microsensors and Bioelectronics Laboratory, School of piezoelectric material in which a mechanical wave is generated
Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K. (e-mail:
sanju.thomas@warwick.ac.uk; f.h.villa-lopez@warwick.ac.uk; m.cole@ when an electrical field is applied. The mass loading onto the
warwick.ac.uk; j.w.gardner@warwick.ac.uk). resonator due to the particles deposited on the sensing area
J. Theunis and J. Peters are with the Flemish Institute for Tech- causes a shift in the resonant frequency of the device. Quartz
nological Research, Mol B-2400, Belgium (e-mail: jan.theunis@vito.be;
jan.peters@vito.be). Crystal Microbalances (QCMs) were used in the system pro-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2512303 posed by Liang et al. for the measurement of particle mass
1558-1748 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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2284 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 16, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 2016
Fig. 4. Schematic of the Colpitts type oscillator circuitry designed for driving
the SMR devices.
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Fig. 6. Block diagram of the setup used to perform particle testing with the
For the circuit to oscillate, the Barkhausen criterion needs developed SMR-based unit.
to be satisfied when the SMR is connected between the
RF transistor base and ground. The LC tank circuit and
the grounding conditions of the transistor base provided tions and the output frequency signal range. The comparator
through the SMR create the initial startup oscillator frequency, converts this differential frequency output into a digital signal
which is a few MHz above the steady state frequency. The with voltage level compatible to the voltage tolerance of the
LC oscillation noise and the wideband noise energy at the microcontroller digital input pins (3.3 V), where the frequency
SMR’s resonance frequency will get stored in the device [35]. counting takes place. The interface board is powered by the
The following two conditions including unity total loop gain 5 V supply of the microcontroller, which in turn is powered
magnitude and 0° phase shift for the entire loop [36] will via a USB connection to the PC.
be fulfilled when a standing electrical wave is created inside A low-cost microcontroller Teensy 3.1 was used in order
the resonator. As the energy builds up in the SMR, more to accomplish the frequency counting of the square output
current flows through the device, which results in shifting signal and log the data to a computer through USB serial
of the oscillation frequency to the resonance frequency of communication. These data were recorded with virtual instru-
the SMR. The output spectrum from the Colpitts based SMR ment developed using LabVIEW software which also allows
oscillator showing a resonant frequency of 933 MHz obtained the real time visualization of the data.
by an RF oscilloscope (Tektronix MDO3012 Mixed Domain
Oscilloscope) is shown in Fig. 5.
When the particles are deposited on to the sensor surface, III. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
the total phase of the feedback loop will get shifted by a Characterization of the developed particle sensor based
certain amount due to attenuation and velocity changes of upon solidly mounted resonators took place inside a sealed
the bulk wave. As a result, the Barkhausen criterion will be environmental chamber at VITO, Belgium. A schematic of
satisfied at a lower frequency and thus the resonance of the the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 6. The SMRs were
SMR will change from the initial resonant frequency to a placed inside the test chamber together with a range of
lower resonant frequency, resulting in a shift in frequency. reference commercial instruments for real-time monitoring of
In order to measure the frequency shift caused by the particles particle deposition within the test chamber. The commercial
deposited onto the sensing SMR device, an interface board sensors include an acoustic based Quartz Crystal microbalance
was designed that consists of a double balanced RF signal (Vitrocell® Systems), and two different optical particle coun-
mixer (Hittite Microwave Corporation), an RF low pass filter ters (Dylos Corporation, Grimm Technologies Inc.), which
(Mini-circuits®), a comparator (Analog Devices) and a dual were placed adjacent to the SMR based research sensors.
linear voltage regulator (Micrel® ). The oscillator boards were The test rig consisted of a dust generator (TOPAS® ), a suc-
connected to the interface board and powered by the 2.5 V tion pump for controlling the dust flow into the chamber and a
output of the low-dropout regulator. The reference and sensing humidity control unit. Photographs of the experimental setup
oscillator frequencies were mixed using a heterodyne down- are shown in Fig. 7. Typical conditions inside the chamber
conversion technique and the low pass filter was used to output with an internal volume of 0.72 m3 were 24 °C and 22% RH.
only the difference frequency. In this way, the mixing circuit The SMR sensors and the commercial instruments were placed
helps in reducing both the effects of common mode varia- at one of the corners inside the chamber as shown in Fig. 8.
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2286 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 16, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 2016
Fig. 9. Frequency shift of the SMR particle sensor due to the injection of a
The PM concentration readings from all the instruments were known concentration of Arizona dust.
continuously logged to the PCs.
The target particles during these measurements included
Arizona test dust (Powder Technology Inc.) with nominal concentration inside the chamber in units of μg/m3 . On the
particle diameter of 0-3 μm. The particle size distribution other hand, as gravitational sedimentation is used to collect
of these test particles had a median, d50 , of 0.927 μm. A the particles onto the SMR-based sensor and the commercial
90% of the particles were found to be below a diameter QCM device, the sensors will show a frequency shift only after
of 1.526 μm (d90 ) whereas only 10% of the particles were particles have settled on their respective surfaces. The greater
below 0.712 μm (d10 ). The free-settling velocity [37] of the amount of particles that were injected, the greater amount
Arizona dust particles with 1.5 μm in size would be ∼81 μm/s of particles that will deposit onto the resonator.
whereas finer particles with a diameter of 0.5 μm fall at
∼9 μ/s. Therefore, only the bigger particles will fall onto the IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
resonator whereas the very small particles are unlikely to settle After the injection of the test particles into the environmen-
on the device. Hence, UPFs are not detected with this method. tal chamber, a change in the oscillating frequency of the SMR
Particles were injected into the chamber for a certain period based sensor was observed. Fig. 9 shows a typical frequency
of time ranging from a couple of seconds to up to 10 minutes shift measurement of the SMR system when exposed to a
obtaining dust concentrations as low as 20 μg/m3 and as predefined amount of dust concentration. There was a decrease
high as 30,000 μg/m3 as measured by the optical particle in the resonant frequency of the SMR sensor as shown in
counters (OPCs); namely the Grimm monitor. The longer the Fig. 9, due to the addition of nanoparticles on to the sensor
particle injection period, the greater the amount of particles surface. The environmental chamber was completely sealed
inside the chamber. As the particles are injected, the commer- to ensure ambient temperature stability, to avoid any external
cial optical sensor draws a sample air and measures the particle wind effects and the deposition of any foreign material onto the
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Fig. 10. Real time frequency shift measurement of the SMR sensor response Fig. 11. Measured frequency shifts of the SMR sensor due to the different
to the deposition of Arizona dust compared to the commercial monitors concentrations of Arizona dust.
including QCM device and Grimm OPC.
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2288 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 16, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 2016
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