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Would you like to expand your knowledge of design, analysis and research with regard to innovative
electrical engineering systems? Do you see designing, developing and producing electrical and
electronic systems and processes as an exciting challenge? If so, this two-year Master’s in Electrical
Engineering is definitely one to consider. This is an internationally oriented programme and is taught
entirely in English. You can start in September and February. You can start the pre-master’s
programme in September.

This MSc programme challenges you to develop new methods and technologies for high-tech
electronics-based systems in nanotechnology, robotics, electronics, telecommunication or biomedical


Electrical Engineering teaches you how modern
technology can be used to further enhance, accelerate or
The Electrical Engineering Master’s programme is all
scale down electronics-based systems. It will provide you
about specialization: there are no core courses that have
with skills and expertise that you can apply in nearly all
to be taken by all students. All specializations share the
fields of technology. You will be challenged to improve
same structure. In your first year you will attend lectures
high-tech systems with an emphasis on themes such as
in your specialized field and in your second year you will
sustainability, health and safety.
further develop the knowledge and skills you have
acquired during your studies by applying them to practical

RESEARCH AND SPECIALIZATION work and problem-based learning. You will be given the
chance to tackle problems that even the professionals
Our research focuses on many areas, ranging from
have yet to solve. Your personal curriculum will be
microsystems, mechatronics and telecom, to integrated
designed in consultation with your thesis supervisor.
circuit design/architecture and biomedical applications.
You can tailor a large part of the programme to suit your
own personal interests (ranging from technical to
managerial aspects).


Starting date 1 September or 1 February • Interesting specializations that tie in with your own
Degree Master of Science personal interests
Language English • A wide range of subjects
Duration 2 years, 120 credits • A strong emphasis on information systems and
Website utwente.nl/go/ee technology
• Small classes and personal guidance
• Internationally oriented, English-taught, project-based
• Close ties to world-renowned research institutes

Communication Networks focuses on the design & such systems. All of this is done to ensure dependability
implementation of dependable networked systems, such in all phases of the lifecycle (availability, reliability,
as communication systems and methods/techniques to performance and security).
support this design.
The specialization Communication Networks is directly
A dependable system is designed to satisfy the changing linked with the researchgroup Design and Analysis of
requirements of its users. You will learn to design and Communication Systems and research institute CTIT. This
implement dependable networked systems, focusing means you will have excellent peer guidance and will be
primarily on communication systems (wired, wireless, or working on the newest challenges.
embedded in other systems) as well as on methods and
techniques to support the design and dimensioning of


Computer Vision & Biometrics focuses on signal images, to identify criminals based on security camera
processing and pattern recognition to retrieve information footage, or to discover the identity of a gun owner based
from (biometric) signals. on fingerprints.

This specialization focuses on signal processing and The specialization Computer Vision & Biometrics is
pattern recognition. Signals are viewed as information directly linked with the researchgroup Services,
carriers, which can vary from 1D time signals and 2D Cybersecurity and Safety and research institute CTIT. This
images to 3D data sets and 4D moving structures. The means you will have excellent peer guidance and will be
objective is to retrieve the information from the signals, working on the newest challenges.
for example to diagnose a disease on the basis of medical


Dependable Integrated Systems focuses on computer high-tech domain (e.g. phased array antenna systems,
architectures such as streaming applications in the high- medical image processing and signal processing on board
performance domain, architectures for embedded satellites), architectures for embedded systems and ICT
systems and ICT for energy management. for energy management (e.g. smart grids).

A dependable system is a system that has been designed The specialization Dependable Integrated Systems is
to satisfy the changing requirements of its users. While directly linked with the researchgroup Computer
the Communication Networks specialization concentrates Architecture for Embedded Systems and research
on communication systems, the emphasis in Dependable institute CTIT. This means you will have excellent peer
Integrated Systems is on computer architectures. Topics guidance and will be working on the newest challenges.
include streaming applications in the high-performance


Devices for Integrated Circuits deals with silicon circuit capacitance-voltage relationship, the improvement of
technology, with a primary focus on IC processing, device characterization methods to measure contact resistances
characterization and reliability, device physics and and the reliability of MOS devices, interconnections and
modelling. novel devices.

This specialization teaches you all about silicon circuit The third, Device Physics and Modelling, addresses the
technology and focuses on three main areas. The first, IC problem of understanding and modelling ultra-thin silicon
Processing, is concerned with the fabrication of new that has almost ceased to be three-dimensional, and
on-chip components (CMOS wafer post-processing), looks at possible techniques for modelling a bulk-
incorporating features such as LEDs, high-quality acoustic-wave resonator or silicon LEDs.
passives and gas sensors into a CMOS process (novel
devices) and exploring the world of nanotechnology in the The specialization Devices for Integrated Circuits is
shape of novel thin films, nanocrystal memories, ultrathin directly linked with the researchgroup Semiconductor
silicon and silicon nanowires. Components and research institute MESA+. This means
you will have excellent peer guidance and will be working
The second, Device Characterization and Reliability, deals on the newest challenges.
with novel characterization methods to measure the


Integrated circuits are at the heart of the rapid integrated transceivers in CMOS technology. This
developments in mobile telecommunications, multimedia includes transmitters and receivers for wireless and wired
and the internet, and in numerous other applications. communication systems. Smart IC design techniques are
being developed to create portable, fast and energy-
Integrated Circuit Design focuses on smart IC design efficient communication systems. Current projects are in
techniques to create portable, fast and energy-efficient the field of frequency synthesizers, radio frontends, RF
communication systems. beam-forming and cognitive radio.

Integrated circuits are at the heart of the rapid The specialization Integrated Circuit Design is directly
developments in mobile telecommunications, multimedia, linked with the researchgroup Integrated Circuit Design
the internet and numerous other applications. IC design is and research institute CTIT. This means you will have
of major industrial importance, and this is even more true excellent peer guidance and will be working on the
of analogue circuit design, an area in which the European newest challenges in the design of integrated transceivers
electronics industry is leading the way. You will focus on in CMOS technology.


Integrated Optical Systems focuses on microscale/ functionalities. Our main focus is on applications in
nanoscale integrated on-chip optical devices. sensing and communication (i.e. on-chip optical
This specialization focuses on microscale and nanoscale
integrated on-chip optical devices. We are particularly The specialization Integrated Optical Systems is directly
interested in the integration of active nanodevices and linked with the researchgroup Optical Sciences and
microdevices (e.g. amplifiers and lasers) in passive research institute MESA+. This means you will have
photonic technology platforms. We are also investigating excellent peer guidance and will be working on the
how to utilize the beneficial aspects of plasmonics to newest challenges.
produce integrated devices with novel and/or improved


Lab-on-a-chip Systems for Biomedical & Environmental experiments on the microscale and nanoscale, in
Applications focuses on electrical, fluidic, and optical microreactors, for the manipulation and analysis of cells
functions integrated in a microsystem in (bio)chemical and biomolecules and in tissue engineering. You will learn
and medical fields. more about nanofluidics and nanosensing, and about
new micro and nanotechnologies for Lab-on-a-Chip
A ‘lab-on-a-chip’ (LoC) consists of electrical, fluidic, and systems and the potential of LoC applications.
optical functions integrated in a microsystem, and has
applications in (bio)chemical and medical fields. The core The specialization Lab-on-a-Chip Systems for Biomedical
of the lab-on-a-chip system is a microfluidic channel and Environmental Applications is directly linked with the
structure, through which fluid samples of less than a researchgroup Bios Lab-on-a-chip and research institutes
nanolitre are propelled by hydraulic, electro-kinetic or MESA+ and MIRA. This means you will have excellent
surface forces. The fluid sample is then analysed by the peer guidance and will be working on the newest
LoC’s circuitry. LoCs can be used for diagnostic devices in challenges.
clinical measurements and in life sciences, for

Nano Electronics examines the electronic and magnetic electronics, spin electronics and quantum electronics and
properties of systems at the nanoscale. Its subfields it combines aspects of Electrical Engineering, Physics,
include hybrid inorganic-organic electronics, spin Chemistry, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology.
electronics and quantum electronics.
The specialization Nano Electronics is directly linked with
The specialization in Nano Electronics comprises the the researchgroup Nano Electronics and research institute
study of the electronic and magnetic properties of MESA+. This means you will have excellent peer
systems with critical dimensions at the nanoscale, i.e. sub guidance and will be working on the newest challenges.
~100 nm. Its key areas include hybrid inorganic-organic


Neurotechnology & Biomechatronics focuses on neural and dynamic identification with reference to pain, motor
engineering, interfacing with the neural system and on control and heart function; diagnosis, functional support
monitoring and influencing body functions on distance and neurofeedback training in rehabilitation.
through such interfaces. - At healthcare level you will explore areas of
telemedicine, such as remote monitoring and remotely
This specialization focuses on neural engineering, supervised treatment using wearable interfaces and ICT
interfacing with the neural system and on monitoring and systems.
influencing body functions through such interfaces.
Research is conducted at three levels: The specialization Neurotechnology and
- At cellular and network level, you will look at neuro- Biomechatroniccs is directly linked with the
electronic interfacing of live neural tissue on electrode researchgroup Biomedical Signals and Systems and
substrates, learning and memory in cultured circuits and research institute MIRA. This means you will have
neural endcap prosthesis. excellent peer guidance and will be working on the
- At human function level you will study neuromodulation newest challenges.


Robotics & Mechatronics focuses on robotics and deals science and engineering topics you will work on include
with modelling and simulation of physical systems, modelling and simulation of physical systems, intelligent
intelligent control, robotic actuators and embedded control, robotic actuators, and embedded control
control systems. systems.

The specialization in Robotics and Mechatronics deals The specialization Robotics and Mechatronics is directly
with the application of modern systems and control linked with the researchgroup Robotics and Mechatronics
methods in practical situations. Its focus is on robotics as and research institute CTIT. This means you will have
a specific class of mechatronic systems. Areas of excellent peer guidance and will be working on the
application include inspection robotics (UAVs, UGV, newest challenges.
UUVs), medical robotics (assistance to surgeons), and
service robotics (street cleaning, service to people). The

Telecommunication Engineering concentrates on optical research focuses on modelling radiated emission and
signal processing and networks, mobile communications, immunity of circuits at IC and PCB level, signal integrity
microwave techniques and radiation from ICs and PCBs. of high-speed electronic circuits, development of test
techniques for high-intensity electromagnetic fields,
Our research concentrates on optical signal processing and the combination of two or more numerical
and networks, mobile communications, microwave methods for optimum prediction of Electromagnetic
techniques and radiation from ICs and PCBs. The Interference.
Telecommunication Engineering group’s research can be
divided in two principal areas: The specialization Telecommunication Engineering is
• Short-Range Radio (SRR): The main issues in this directly linked with the researchgroup Telecommunication
research area are low power consumption, resilience to Engineering and research institute CTIT. This means you
interference, on-chip integration (including antenna) will have excellent peer guidance and will be working on
and overall costs. the newest challenges.
• Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): The EMC group’s


Transducers Science & Technology centres on three- generations of fabrication technologies, in different
dimensional nanofabrication and microfabrication based stages of the process between fundamental research and
on top-down lithography methods. application: microtechnology, nanotechnology and self-
Research at TST is conducted at the MESA+ Research
Institute for Nanotechnology. We specialize in three- The specialization Transducers Science and Technology is
dimensional nanofabrication and microfabrication based directly linked with the researchgroup Transducers
on top-down lithography methods. We invent new Science and Technology and research institute MESA+.
fabrication techniques and demonstrate them on various This means you will have excellent peer guidance and will
devices with the aim of ultimately transferring our be working on the newest challenges.
knowledge to industry. We are working on three
The Master’s programme in Electrical Engineering Applicants for the Master’s programme should have a
provides you with the knowledge and skills you will need Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification from a
to be successful in almost any area of technology. It is an recognized university or accredited academic institution
innovative engineering discipline in which you will in a discipline related to that of the Master’s programme
develop new methods and technologies. Electrical Electrical Engineering such as Electrical Engineering,
engineers are highly employable, largely because their Advanced Technology, Physics or Computer Science.
training encompasses a branch of science rather than
focusing on a specific profession. You will be trained in
development teams for all kinds of new technologies.
International students: English-language test results.
Without electrical engineers there would be no cars,
Academic IELTS, overall band score of at least 6.5, or
aircraft, mobile phones, tablets, PCs or TVs.
TOEFL, internet based (TOEFL-iBT) of at least 90, or
Cambridge CAE-C (CPE). For the minimum CPGA of your
The programme offers a wide variety of specializations.
country, please visit our Master’s website: utwente.nl/
You will build your own future in line with your personal
interests, whether you would like to be a researcher, a
designer (developer of new products and services) or an
organizer (manager of an engineering department or DUTCH UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES:
provider of consulting services). You may need to complete a pre-Master’s programme
first with a maximum of 30 credits.
Many of the programme’s graduates start their careers in
R&D departments. Our research groups enjoy close ties For more specific admission requirements, please visit
with major companies such as Philips (consumer and our website: utwente.nl/go/ee
medical electronic devices), ASML (machine fabrication
to produce chips), NXP (chips), Demcon (robots) and
Thales, but also with SMEs. These ties could help you find
your first job, often with an internship as a first step. You
might also decide to specialize further by becoming a PhD
researcher at one of our research groups. You could then
go to work as a specialist for a company, or start your
own business as many of our past graduates have done.

Our eligibility check is designed to assist you as a student holding a non-Dutch diploma. It will give you an indication of
your eligibility to be admitted to the master’s programme Electrical Engineering. The check will take about five minutes
to complete. Please note that this is not part of the official admission procedure. No rights can be obtained from the
outcome of the eligibility check.

Check your eligibility: utwente.nl/go/ee/eligibility-check

If you are considering studying at the University of You can also start by enquiring at your own Ministry of
Twente, but have not yet succeeded in securing funding, Education, or Department of Education, as they may have
please note that our Master of Science programmes are details of scholarship or bursary opportunities for
eligible for various scholarships. It is advisable to apply for students wishing to study overseas.
multiple funding opportunities at an early stage of your
application process. Please note that the University of Twente cannot provide
assistance during the scholarship application process.
For your convenience, we have listed a variety of Before applying, most scholarships require your academic
scholarship opportunities on our website. These admission to be completed. Make sure you apply for
scholarships vary from government grants to funding by admission at least two months before the scholarship
organizations or private persons. In addition, the deadline, because of strict deadlines.
University of Twente Scholarship Programme offers
scholarships to excellent international students enrolled in
Master of Science programmes.

For more information, please check out our website:


The UTS scholarship application is also open for EU-students.

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