Vibration Effect On Vickers Hardness Measurement: Tassanai Sanponpute
Vibration Effect On Vickers Hardness Measurement: Tassanai Sanponpute
Vibration Effect On Vickers Hardness Measurement: Tassanai Sanponpute
Abstract − The effect of environmental vibration on experiment. The Vickers hardness testing machines were
Vickers hardness machine is reported in this paper. Test placed on the vibration table. In this study, only indentation
force 9.807 N (HV1) and 98.07 N (HV10), representing process was under vibration influence. No vibration effect
low-force hardness test and normal hardness test, were involved in diagonal length measuring process.
selected for this experiment. Two machines with different To study the response-to-vibration behavior of different
loading mechanism made indentation under influence of loading mechanism of Vickers hardness testing machine,
single sinusoidal vibration with frequency ranging from 10 two machines with two types of mechanism, which are the
Hz to 100 Hz and amplitude ranging from 0.002 m/s2 to 0.04 common types in Vickers hardness testing machine, were
m/s2. Indentations were captured by CCD camera and used in this experiment. First machine, machine A is capable
diagonal lengths were measured automatically by software. of measure hardness scale HV0.01-HV1. Test force is
Response to vibration for each loading mechanism, hardness generated directly from deadweight and transferred through
level, and test force level is discussed in this paper. This weight axle, which slides in the Teflon coated bush.
experiment shows that the relative errors are higher than Machine B composes of 2 loading devices. The first one
maximum permissible error in ISO 6507-2 when vibration is for hardness measurement scale HV0.01-HV2. Weight of
amplitude higher than 0.005 m/s2 or 0.0005 gn. Result from indenter and deadweight is deducted by internal counter
this paper can be used as a guideline to revise maximum weight, so the initial force starts at 10 gf for scale HV0.01.
allowable vibration acceleration and test force scale to Indenter moves vertically in ball bearing slot. This is called
which the limit should be applied. as Machine B-I.
The second loading device of machine B is used for
Keywords : Vibration effect, Vickers hardness hardness scale HV0.1 to HV10. This loading device has
similar main structure as loading device I, but weight of
1. INTRODUCTION indenter and indenter rod was designed to generate initial
force at 100 gf. Therefore, counter weight is not needed for
National Institute of Metrology Thailand had studied on the smallest scale, HV0.1. Machine B with loading device II
vibration effect on Rockwell scale hardness measurement in is called as B-II.
2009 [1,2]. The research emphasized the importance of To eliminate the effect of diagonal length measurement,
setting the allowable vibration limit as a guideline for the same microscope was used to measure all indentations in
Rockwell hardness testing machine users. Although this experiment. Indentations were captured by 12-
vibration limit according to ISO 6507-3[3] was applied, Megapixel CCD camera. Then, diagonal lengths were
vibration still caused the error of Rockwell hardness directly measured by software with reproducibility 0.05%
measurement higher than the maximum permissible error. for 300 µm and 1% for 50 µm.
Vibration effect on Vickers was assumed to cause error Machine A, machine B-I and machine B-II were under
higher than maximum permissible error as similar as in the experiment respectively. First, machines were verified
Rockwell hardness measurement. The maximum allowance by calibration procedure according to ISO 6507-2. Then, the
acceleration identified in ISO 6507-3 is applied only to experiment started from hardness measurement at free from
micro hardness testing only. Therefore, this research was vibration condition at nominal 200 HV1 and 900 HV1 for
aimed to investigate the effect of vibration on Vickers machine A, 200 HV1, 600 HV1, 900 HV1 for machine B-I,
hardness measurement for vibration acceleration under and 200 HV10, 600 HV10, 900 HV10 for machine B-II.
maximum allowance applied to low-force and normal This measurement values were used as reference for error
Vickers hardness test. calculation. Then, peak of error were found under vibration
at amplitude of 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.04 m/s2. For
2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP each amplitude, frequencies were set depending on the error
trend to ensure that the error peak was found. However all
In this experiment, the vibration signal was single frequencies used in this research are between 5 Hz to 100
sinusoidal wave. Accelerometer was used to confirm Hz.
vibration frequencies and amplitudes and also to check that
no other vibration noises reaching the machines during the
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The result analysis includes the behavioral response to X denotes to magnitude of the solution and ϕ is phrase
vibration of each structure type, hardness level, and test shift of mass oscillation. r is frequency ratio and ξ is
force level. damping ratio. The ratio of maximum response magnitude
to the input displacement magnitude, displacement
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION transmissibility, is used to describe how motion is
transmitted from the base to the mass as a function of
3.1 Machine Calibration Result frequency ratio, as shown in figure 3.
Both machines passed direct and indirect verification
according to ISO 6507-2:2005. However, during the test
force verification, some of observation was made as follows.
- Repeatability of test force of machine A is larger than
one of machine B. During the 30-second loading time, creep
of test force on precision balance shows the instability of
test force. This could be the result from friction between the
bush and the indenter rod.
- Test force verification result of machine B shows good
repeatability. No creep occurred during calibration indicates
only slightly friction remaining in the system. However,
indenter rod can loosely move horizontally due to gap
between bearing and indenter rod.
1 + (2ξr ) 2
1/ 2
3.3 Absolute Error by Machines
X =Y 2 To compare absolute error by machine, result of HV1
(1 − r ) + (2ξr )
2 2
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Fig. 7 Absolute error in HV10 of machine B-II
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F Test force in Newtons (N)
d Mean of diagonal lengths in millimeters (mm)
h Indentation depth in millimeters (mm)
From (3), Rockwell hardness value is function of depth,
so absolute hardness error is in linear correlation with
hardness value as same as the depth error. For Vickers
hardness, on the other hand, HV is inversely proportional to
square of depth, as in (4). Figure 11 illustrates correlation
between absolute error of HV10 and HRC and hardness
Fig.9 Comparison of error of indentation depth between HV10 and value under vibration acceleration of 0.04 m/s2 at peak of
HRC error and frequency and nearby frequencies.
8h 2 tan 2 136o
= f( ) (4)
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Fig. 13 Relative error in percentage of HV10 machine B-II
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