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The publication of the new standards ISO 16283 introduces some important changes regarding the
associated old standards ISO 140. The objective of this paper it is to analyze the main differences
between the standards, to find the main changes needed on the associated measurements, calculus and
report procedures.
1 Introduction
The new standards for field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements are
[1]: 1) ISO 16283-1 Airborne Insulation (1st edition 2014-02-15; under development
ISO 16283-1:2014/CD Amd 1), 2) ISO 16283-2 Impact Insulation (1st edition 2015-11-15),
3) ISO 16283-3 Façade Insulation (1st edition 2016-02-01).
These standards cancel and replace the associated old standards [1]: 1) ISO 140-4:1998 Airborne
Insulation, 2) ISO 140-5:1998 Façade Insulation, 3) ISO 140-7:1998 Impact Insulation,
4) ISO 140-14:2004 Guidelines.
There are several changes from the old ISO 140 standards to the new ISO 16283 standards, that are
divided, in this paper, in the following 17 subchapters of chapter 2, which names are associated with
ISO 16283 main chapters names: 2.1 Introduction, 2.2 Scope, 2.3 Normative references,
2.4 Terms and definitions, 2.5 Instrumentation, 2.6 General, 2.7 Default procedure (sound pressure
level measurements), 2.8 Low-frequency procedure (sound pressure level measurements),
2.9 Background noise, 2.10 Reverberation time, 2.11 Conversion to octave bands, 2.12 Uncertainty,
2.13 Test Report and 2.14 Annexes.
The chapters “Frequency range” and “Recording results/Expression of results” are not included
because there are no relevant changes.
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
2 Standards analysis
2.1 Introduction
All parts (1, 2 & 3) of ISO 16283 states in their “Introduction” chapter:
“Field sound insulation measurements that were described previously in ISO 140-4, −5, and
−7 were (a) primarily intended for measurements where the sound field could be considered
to be diffuse, and (b) not explicit as to whether operators could be present in the rooms during
the measurement”.
“ISO 16283 differs from ISO 140-4, −5, and −7 in that (a) it applies to rooms in which the
sound field may or may not approximate to a diffuse field, (b) it clarifies how operators can
measure the sound field using a hand-held microphone or sound level meter and (c) it
includes additional guidance that was previously contained in ISO 140-14”.
As we can see in the following subchapters the differences between ISO 140-4, -5, and -7, and
ISO 16283-1, -2 and -3, are in fact much more than specified in the “Introduction” chapter. One of the
differences, not expressed in the “Introduction” chapter, is the sound pressure level measurements
division in two procedures: 1) default procedure and 2) low frequency procedure.
These names (“default procedure” and “low frequency procedure”) can be misleading, so it is
important to clarify that the “default procedure”, for sound pressure level measurements, it is
applicable also for low frequencies components. The “default procedure” must be used always for
sound pressure level measurements, and for low frequency components must be used: 1) alone if the
room volume is higher or equal to 25 m3, 2) together with the “low frequency procedure” if the room
volume is lower than 25 m3. So the “low frequency procedure” could be called, more precisely, for
sound pressure level measurements, as “complementary procedure for low frequency components if
the room volume is lower than 25 m3”.
The reverberation measurements are also divided into “default procedure” and “low frequency
procedure”, but it is a little bit different from the sound pressure level measurements. For the
reverberation measurements the “low frequency procedure” must be used alone, if it is necessary
characterize the low frequency components and if the room volume is lower than 25 m3.
There are some restrictions to the “low frequency procedure”, for the sound pressure level
measurements, e.g.: 1) it is not applicable for rubber ball as impact source (see Note 2 o ISO 16283-2
chapter 6), 2) it is not applicable for traffic sources (road, rail, aircraft) for façade insulation
measurements (see Note 1 of ISO 16283-2 chapter 6).
For example, in the Portuguese Building Acoustics legislation (DL 96/2008 [ 2]), there are just two
main cases where the low frequency components could be important for the insulation:
1. Number 3 of Article 10ºA (Auditoriums and Halls): D2m,nT, w must be enough to assure
LAeq ≤ 30 dB (A) inside, and once this LAeq, according with chapter 8.4.11 of ISO 1996-2 ([1];
Determination of environmental noise levels), must include 1/3 octave bands from 50 Hz to
10000Hz, could exist, e.g. in Acoustic Design, requirements of D2m,nT, w for low frequencies.
2. Number 4, b), of Article 10ºA (Auditoriums and Halls): DnT,oit.,63Hz ≥ 45 dB between Movie
Since Auditoriums and Halls, and Movie Theatres, have usually a volume higher than 25 m3, the
characterization of sound insulations in these cases can be done, including the low frequency
components, just with the “default procedure”.
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2.2 Scope
All parts (1, 2 & 3) of ISO 16283 state, in their “Scope” chapter, a limit for the room volumes and a
limit for the frequency range: 1) 10 m3 to 250 m3 (in ISO 140 just in part 14 appears the upper limit of
250 m3, so the lower limit of 10 m3 it is something new), 2) 50 Hz to 5000 Hz (in ISO 140 this
frequency range was already stated).
All the parts (1, 2 & 3) of ISO 16283 state also, in their “Scope” chapter, that the measurements can be
done in “unfurnished or furnished rooms where the sound field might, or might not approximate to a
diffuse field”. As expressed in the “Introduction”, this is one of the differences relatively to ISO 140.
In the following subchapter are presented relevant specific parts of the “Scope” chapter related with
part 2 of the standard 16283. In part 1 there are nothing more relevant to present and in part 3 all the
additional content are similar to ISO 140-5 content.
Is stated that two impact sources are used in the standard (in ISO 140-7 just one, the tapping machine,
is used) and is described the related type of real impacts in floors (in ISO 140-7 there are no
description of the real impacts related): 1) tapping machine: “can be used to assess a variety of light,
hard impacts such as footsteps from walkers wearing hard-heeled footwear or dropped objects”,
2) rubber ball: “can be used to assess heavy, soft impacts such as from walkers in bare feet or children
jumping, as well as quantifying absolute values that can be related to human disturbance in terms of a
Fast time-weighted maximum sound pressure level”.
The rating procedures in ISO 717-2 and the prediction method in ISO 15712-2 are applicable just to
the measurements with the tapping machine. “These two aspects facilitate the specification of impact
sound insulation in national building requirements using only measurements with the tapping machine
as an impact source”. Despite that, exist already some references trying to get limits from the impact
measurements with rubber ball [3-5]. For the Portuguese Building Acoustics legislation [2], just the
tapping machine must be used.
In Table 1 are presented the normative references [1] of ISO 140-4, -5 and -7, and of ISO 16283-1, -2
and -3, and the relations.
As we can see in Table 1 there are common references in ISO 140 and ISO 16283 (ISO 717-1,
ISO 717-2, IEC 60942 and IEC 61260) and references related (ISO 354 ISO 3382-2,
ISO 140-2 ISO 12999-1, IEC 60651 & IEC 60804 IEC 61672-1).
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
The reference to ISO 140-3 is just presented in ISO 140 because the new “Terms and definitions”
chapters of 16283 are more complete, so it is not necessary allusion to terms and definitions of
ISO 140-3.
The “Terms and definitions” chapters of ISO 16283 are much more complete than the related chapters
of ISO 140, as we can see in Table 2.
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
2.5 Instrumentation
In the new ISO 16283 standards this chapter presents three subchapters, not presented in old ISO 140:
4.1 General: Similar content to ISO 140 with standards update.
4.2 Calibration: Similar content to ISO 140 with standards update and update of the
calibration procedure (no adjustment).
4.3 Verification: New content, with recommendation for verification period as presented in
Table 3, where is presented also, for comparison, the verification period stated in the IPAC
OEC013 (Portugal Specific Requirements for Accreditation of Acoustics and Vibration
Laboratories [8]).
Note that the verification periods for Loudspeaker Directivity, Tapping Machine and Rubber Ball are
not included in “Instrumentation” chapter but, respectively, in chapters A.2 of ISO 16283-1, A.1.2 of
ISO 16283-2 and A.2.3 of ISO 16283-2.
Table 3 – Equipment verification periods according with ISO 16283 and IPAC OEC13.
Equipment – Verification Period
Document Sound Level Loudspeaker Tapping
Calibrator Filters Rubber Ball
Meter Directivity Machine
Only once
ISO 16283 1 year 2 years 2 years 2 years Only once
IPAC OEC13 1 year 2 years; 1 year 2 years 1 year 2 years -
There are “new” specification for verification of random incidence response of the microphone. Legal
metrological verification. Distance between hammers, diameter of the hammers, mass of the hammers, time
between impact and lift, and maximum possible falling height of the hammers. Velocity of the hammers,
Diameter and curvature of hammer heads, falling direction of the hammers, and time between impacts.
2.6 General
This chapter of all parts of ISO 16283 explains better the measurement method including the new
(relatively to ISO 140) low frequency procedure and the new possibility to use manually-scanned
microphone or manually-held microphone. Despite the fact that all parts of ISO 16283 state: “All
measurement methods ... are equivalent”, must be noted that, according with references [9-10], the
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Fixed Positions method seems to give better results, and it is also recommended due to uncertainties
calculation (see chapter 2.11 of this paper). Despite also the fact that all parts of ISO 16283 state: “In
case of dispute, the airborne/impact sound insulation determined using measurement methods without
an operator inside the receiving room shall be taken to be the reference result”, it is very important
the presence of the operator to control any kind of problem in the measurements, like external
background noise influence.
This procedure, in all parts of ISO 16283, is similar to the related procedure of ISO 140. The main
differences are the following [9]:
Loudspeaker position (ISO 16283-1): Distance from room boundaries to loudspeaker: ≥ 1 m
for separating partition.
Loudspeaker and outside microphone position (ISO 16283-3): The loudspeaker and outside
microphone position requirements are the same in ISO 16283-3 and in ISO 140-5, with the
same statement: “Systematic errors will occur at low frequencies due to interference effects”.
In the special case of low frequency components, despite the fact that ISO 16283-3 does not
include any additional requirement for loudspeaker and microphone outside position, maybe it
is better to take into account some related references [11-12], that recommends the average of
more than one position.
Microphone positions (ISO 16283-1, -2 & -3 (indoor)): Possibility of manually-scanned
microphone or manually-held microphone, and new specification for Fixed Microphone
Positions: “No two microphone positions shall lie in the same plane relative to the room
boundaries and the positions shall not be in a regular grid”.
Impact source and microphone positions (ISO 16283-2): The requirements for impact source
and microphone positions are now different: “The same number of microphone positions shall
be used for each tapping machine position”.
Emission spectrum (ISO 16283-1): The ISO 140-4 requirement of a difference in level not
higher than 6 dB between adjacent one-third octave bands, changes in ISO 16283-1 for a
difference in level not higher than 8 dB, and it is clarified that applies to the energy-average
sound pressure level, not to each position in the case of fixed positions.
Graphic equalizer (ISO 16283-1): There is a new statement: “A graphic equaliser is often
essential as there may be situations where the 8 dB requirement cannot be met without
shaping the source signal”. According with reference [9] it is often possible verify the 8 dB
requirement without using a graphic equaliser, but it is recommended to include in the
loudspeaker “qualification procedure” (A.2 of ISO 16283-1, B.2 of ISO 16283-2 and C.2 of
ISO 16283-3), the spectrum verification in free field: 8 dB between adjacent 1/3 octave
(ISO 16283-1) and/or 6 dB for one-third octave bands that define the 125 Hz octave band,
5 dB for 250 Hz and 4 dB for bands higher than 250 Hz (ISO 16283-3).
Level difference for single loudspeaker at more than one position (ISO 16283-1 & -3): It is
clarified in the ISO 16283-1, relatively to ISO 140-4, that must be calculate the Level
Difference for each loudspeaker position and after the energetic-average of the Level
Differences, instead of the Level average of all emission and all receiver values and the final
Level Difference. As shown in reference [9] the results, for one and other procedure, could be
different, and the new procedure tends to give lower values (more conservative approach) than
the “old” procedure.
Impact sound pressure level for impact source at more than one position (ISO 16283-2): It is
also clarified in the ISO 16283-2, relatively to ISO 140-7, that must be calculate the Impact
Level for each position of the impact source machine, and after the average o these values, but
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
since are Levels (not Level differences) it is the same, as is proved in the expression (1),
where Lb is the background levels and T the reverberation time.
“The low-frequency energy-average sound pressure level in the 50 Hz, 63 Hz and 80 Hz bands
is calculated by combining L from the default procedure and LCorner from the low-frequency
procedure using Formula” (3) (note that in the case of the low frequency components do not
apply the rule of the energetic-average of the Level Differences; the Level Difference must be
calculated after all emission and receiver averages):
The only thing new in this chapter it is the necessity of background noise measurements in the corner
points (low frequency procedure) and the new statement of round rule for the background noise.
In all parts of ISO 16283 the “Reverberation time” chapter is more complete than in ISO 140, and the
main new specifications are:
Standards update: Change from reference to ISO 354 for reference to ISO 3382-2 and
ISO 18233 [1].
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
Number of measurements and decays: All parts of ISO 16283 establish, for Integrated Impulse
Response Method: “Using an impulse source, the minimum number of measurements required
for each frequency band is six. At least one source position and six fixed microphone positions
shall be used”.
Loudspeaker Directivity: It is strange that differently to the established in
ISO 3382-2 (no specific requirement for directivity, for reverberation measurements), all parts
of ISO 16283 establish the same requirement of loudspeaker directivity for insulation
Low frequency procedure: “This procedure requires that the reverberation time is measured
in the 63 Hz octave band instead of the 50 Hz, 63 Hz, and 80 Hz one-third octave bands and
that this single measured value is used to represent the 50 Hz, 63 Hz and 80 Hz bands”.
In ISO 16283-1 and -2 the only thing new, in the conversion to octave band, is the one decimal round
rule. In ISO 16283-3 beyond one decimal round rule there are additional statements for standardized
or normalized (including single event) level differences: instead of energetic operation directly in
Difference level 1/3 octave values, must be done the energetic operation in 1/3 octave outside and
inside levels and in the end calculate the difference.
2.12 Uncertainty
In all ISO 16283 parts is stated: “The uncertainty of the measurement result shall be determined in
accordance with the method given in ISO 12999-1”.
Reading the ISO 12999-1, and some references related [13], seems that it is not necessary to calculate
the standard deviation of the measurements (only possible in the fixed microphone method) to
calculate the uncertainty, which contradicts, somehow, some Guidelines, e.g. the Portuguese Acoustics
Uncertainty Guideline [14]. The uncertainty must be expressed according with the default value
presented in ISO 12999-1: “... the uncertainty of the measurement can be reduced by further
independent measurements, which means other persons measure with other equipment”.
The test report shall include at least the information stated in Table 4, according with ISO 140 and
ISO 16283.
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2.14 Annexes
EuroRegio2016, June 13-15, Porto, Portugal
There are new Annexes of ISO 16283 that did not exist in ISO 140:
ISO 16283-2, Annex B, and ISO 16283-2, Annex C, Requirements for loudspeakers:
o For reverberation measurement, and for façade, the same loudspeaker requirements of
airborne insulation (ISO 16283-1, Annex A) apply now.
ISO 16283-1, Annex C, D & E, and ISO 16283-2, Annex D, E & F: “Additional Guidance”:
o The guidelines of ISO 140-14 appear now in Annex of ISO 16283-1 and ISO 16283-
3 Conclusions
The differences between ISO 140 and ISO 16283 standards are a lot, from small to big changes, with
the possibility of influence in the results. So it is very important, for who works with these standards,
to know well which are the differences.
The authors hope that this paper can help to find and understand the main differences.
[1] http://www.iso.org/
[2] Portuguese Republic Journal – DL 96/2008, June 9th.
[3] Sato, Hiroshi; Yoshimura, Junichi. Classification scheme of floor impact sounds with the standardrubber
ball in dwellings. Proceedings of InterNoise, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
[4] Jeong, Jeong Ho. Heavy/soft impact sound criteria and regulation in Korea. Proceedings of InterNoise,
Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
[5] Jeong, Jeong Ho. Evaluation method of rubber ball impact sound. Proceedings of EuroNoise, Maastricht,
[6] http://www.iec.ch/
[7] Dezelak, Ferdinand; Cudina, Mirko; Curovic, Luka. Airborne sound insulation measurements using
impulsive sound source. Proceedings of 6th Congress of Alps-Adria Acoustics Assosiation, Graz, Austria,
[8] Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC). OEC013: Requisitos específicos de acreditação -
Laboratórios de Ensaios de Acústica e Vibrações. 2014.
[9] Rosão, Vitor; Silva, João; Gama, Vasco. Comparing results of using ISO 140-4:1998 to
ISO 16283-1:2014. Proceedings of ICSV22, Florence, Italy, 2015.
[10] Simmons, C., Uncertainties of room average sound pressure levels measured in the field according to the
draft standard ISO 16283-1: Experiences from a few case studies. SP Technical Research Institute of
Sweden, 2012.
[11] Berardi, Umberto. The position of the instruments for the sound insulation measurement of building
façades: From ISO 140-5 to ISO 16283-3. Noise Control Engr. J. 61 (1), January-February 2013.
[12] American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM E966-10: Standard Guide for Field Measurements of
Airborne Sound Attenuation of Building Facades and Facade Elements. 2011.
[13] Johansson, Reine, et. al. Dealing with measurement uncertainties in building acoustics. Proceedings of 17th
International Congress of Metrology, Paris, France, 2015.
[14] Portugal Accredited Laboratories Association (RELACRE), Guia 22: Cálculo de Incertezas - Acústica,
[15] Portuguese Republic Journal – DL 251/87, June 24th.