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Equipment Requirements Based On ASBC Methods

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Equipment Requirements based on ASBC Methods

Beer 1 – Sampling

Beer 2 – Specific Gravity

Beer 2A – By Pycnometer (Archived)

Beer 2B – By Digital Density Meter -

Digital Density Meter (Anton Paar is recommended) - Mettler TOLEDO Da-110m

Portable Digital Density Specific Gravity Meter, $800 (eBay). Mettler TOLEDO Da-110
Density/specific Gravity Meter, $850,
Hypodermic syringe or instrument autosampler (Anton Paar)

Beer 3 – Apparent Extract

Beer 3A – By Digital Density Meter (See above)

Beer 3B – By Hydrometer for Beer

Hydrometer+cylinder - $20

Water Bath

Distilled Water



Beer 4 – Alcohol

Beer 4A – Beer and Distillate Measured Volumetrically

Distilling Flask, 500ml

Entrainment Trap, Kjeldahl-type (spherical/cylindrical)

Vertical condenser, Graham, Liebig, Allihn type 400mm long

Volumetric Flask, 100ml

Digital Density Meter

Hypodermic Syringe

Delivery pipet, 100ml

Beer 4B – Beer and Distillate Measured Gravimetrically

Balance of 500g and weights

Tared distilling flask, 500ml

Entrainment Trap / Vertical Condenser

Digital Density Meter / Hypo Syringes

Beer 4C – Alcohol Determined Refractometrically

Distilled water, 500ml to 1000ml daily

Immersion Refractometer, Carl Zeiss Code No. 50-02-00 w/prisms of 1.32-1.37

Light Source, Cuvet, Cuvet Carrier for refractometer

Water bath - PolyScience WB02A11B Digital General Purpose Water Bath $400-500

Digital Density Meter / Hypo Syringes

Hydrometer and Cylinder

Beer 4D – Ethanol Determined by Gas Chromatography

n-Propanol, internal standard, 5% v/v aqueous stock soln.

Ethanol, 5% v/v aqueous stock soln.

Gas Chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID) and recorder – Agilent HP
6850GH FID $6000 (eBay) / Agilent 6890 N FID w/ Computer/software $16000 (eBay), HP GC w/FID &
NPD $1200 (eBay), Agilent 6890 single FID 6way valve, PC, $10,000 (eBay), aimanalytical.com

Chromatographic column: 6 ft x 1/8 in stainless steel or glass

Chromosorb 103, 80-100 mesh

Helium or Nitrogen


Syringe, 1uL

Flasks, with stoppers

Pipets, appropriate sizes

S & S 560 filter paper

Beer 4E – Instrumental Method for Alcohol and Original Gravity

Ethyl Alcohol 95% v/v

Detergent, Tecator, cat no. 5000-1928


Tecator SCABA Automatic Beer Analyzer

Flasks, 1 L

Graduated cylinder, 100/200mL

Vials, Tecator, cat no. 5000-1822

Beer 4F – Enzymatic method for Low Alcohol Concentrations

Boehringer Mannheim GmbH ethanol (UV-method) cat no. 176 290)

Refridgerator for 4C

Redistilled or distilled deionized water

Sodium Hydroxide soln 12.5%

Spectrophotometer 340nm

Cuvets, 1cm, 4mL

Volumetric pipets, 3mL, 10mL

Micropipets, 0.1mL and 0.04mL

Volumetric flasks, 100mL

Erlenmeyer flasks, 250mL

Beer 4G – Near-Infrared and Original Extract Content

Ethyl Alcohol 95% v/v

Distilled Water

Anton Paar Alcolyzer/Density Meter beer analyzer

Sample vials, 35mL nylon caps Anton Paar cat no. 6776

Volumetric flask, 100mL

Pipette, 9.2mL

Funnel, Nalgene, top ID 158mm, stem top OD 14mm, stem length 151mm

Filter paper, Ahlstrom grade 509, 32cm diameter

Container, 500mL Nalgene w/cap

Sonication Bath

Beer 5 – Real Extract

Beer 5A – Beer Measured Volumetrically

Volumetric flask, 100mL

Digital Density Meter/hypo syringes

Beer 5B – Beer Measured Gravimetrically

Digital Density Meter/hypo syringes

Beer 5C – Real Extract Determined Refractometrically

Distilled water

Immersion refractometer

Water bath

Digital Density Meter/hypo syringes

Beer 8 – Total Acidity

Beer 8A – By Titration using Digital pH Meter

Buffer, pH 4, 7, 10

NaOH, 0.1M, CAS no. 1310-73-2

Commercial pH Meter (+/- 0.02pH units

Beaker, 100mL

Stir plate/stir bar

Buret, 25mL to 50mL

Pipette, 50mL
Beer 8B – By Titration using Phenolphthalein as Indicator

Phenolphthalein soln, 0.5% in 95% ethyl alchol, CAS no. 77-09-8

Standard NaOH, 0.1N, CAS no. 1310-73-2

Beaker/Erlenmeyer flask, 500mL

Pipet, 25mL, fast-flowing


Beer 9 – pH

Buffer, pH 4.0, 7.0

PH Meter,


Beakers, 100mL

Beer 10 – Color

Beer 10A – Spectrophotometric Color Method

Reagent water (18M-ohm resistivity or greater)

Precision spectrophotometer, bandwidth of 1nm or less at 430nm.

Cuvettes, 10mm or ½ inch

Beer 10B – Photometric Method

Any "filter photometer/abridges spectrophotometer," with 430nm filter, transmitting in

420-450nm region

Cell size with absorbance between 0.187 and 0.6999 (20-65%)

Beer 10C – Tristimulus Analysis

Reagent water (18M-ohm resistivity or greater)

Trsitimulus transmission colorimeter/precision spectophotometer

Sample cell/cuvettes, 10mm

Tristimulus analysis calculator (ASBC website)

Beer 11 – Protein
Beer 11A – By Kjeldahl

Reagent water (18M-ohm resist. CAS no. 7789-20-0

Sulfuric Acid, 0.05M, CAS no. 7664-93-9

Hydrochloric Acid, 0.1M, CAS no. 7647-01-0

Sodium hydroxide, 0.1M, CAS no. 1310-73-2

Sulfuric acid, 18M, nitrogen-free, CAS 7664-93-9

Titanium dioxide poweder, CAS 73463-67-7

Potassium sulfate, nitrogen-free, CAS 778-80-5

Copper sulfate pentahydrate, CAS 7758-99-8

Sodium hydroxide pellets, nitrate-free, CAS 1310-73-2

Sodium hydroxide soln, 45% w/v

Zinc granules, CAS 7440-66-6

Methyl red indicator, CAS 7440-66-6

Sucrose, CAS 57-50-1

Kjeldahl digestion rack, trapping H2SO4 fumes

Kjeldahl distillation unit w/ connecting bulb traps/vertical condensers

Kjeldahl flasks, 500mL or 800mL

Erlenmeyer flasks, 500mL

Pipette, 25mL

Burets, 50mL

Stoppererd/capped glass flask, 200mL

Balance, 500g +/-1.0g

Beer 11B – By Combustion

Lysine hydrocholoride, nitrogen standard, CAS 657-27-2

Reagent water (18M-ohm), CAS 7789-20-0

Oxygen, ultrapure grade

Helium, nitrogen-free

Combustion nitrogen analyzer w/thermal conductivity detector, reducing NOx to N2

Analytical balance, 0.1mg accuracy

Beer 11C – By Spectrophotometer

Reagent water, (18M-ohm), CAS 7789-20-0

Volumetric pipette, 6mL

Erlenmeyer flasks, 500mL, 1000mL

Top-loading balance, 1kg capacity, 0.01g resolution

Pasteur pipettes, 9in

Spectrophotometric cells, 1cm, quartz

UV/Vis spectrophotometer (single/dual beam), wavelengths as short as 215nm

Beer 13 – Dissolved Carbon Dioxide

Beer 13A – Pressure Method for Beer in Tanks

Zahm-Hartung CO2 Volume Meter

Beer 13B – Pressure Method for Beer in Bottles and Cans

Sodium hydroxide soln, 15%

Piercing apparatus, Zahm and Nagel

Absorption buret

Leveling bottle, 300mL

Water bath

Torsion balance/trip scale, 500g-1000g capacity, 0.1g sens

Graduated Cylinder, 100mL


Beer 13C – Manometric/Volumetric Method

Octyl Alcohol

Syringe, graduated with cap, 60cm^3


Barometer, able to read lb/in

Beer 13D – Volume Expansion Method

Water, grade 3

Beverage carbonation meter, Anton Paar CarboQC

Piercing and Filling Device (PFD), Anton Paar PFD

Graduated cylinder, 250mL

Absolute pressure sensor, 10 +/- 0.01 bar

Beer 14 – Percent Ash Determination

Evaporating dish, 100mL, platinum, fused silica, or porcelain

Hot plate/drying oven

Muffle furnace

Transfer pipette, 50mL

Analytical Balance, 0.1mg sens

Beer 16 – End Fermentation/Yeast Fermentable Extract

Compressed Brewers' yeast

Fermentation flasks, Erlenmeyer, 500mL, 1000mL

Fermentation seals, water-filled

Buchner fullnel

Filter paper

Balance, 0.1g sens

Graduated cylinder, 250mL

Rotary shaker, or stir plate/stir bar

Beer 18 – Iron

Beer 18A – Analysis by Colorimetry

Reagent water (18M-ohm)

Glacial Acetic Acid, CAS 64-19-7

Color Reagent, 2,2'-bipyridine CAS 366-18-7/orthophnanthroline CAS 66-71-7

Iron standard solution, 1000mg/L

Nitric Acid, CAS 7697-37-2

Ascorbic acid, CAS 50-81-7


Water bath, 70C

Pipettes, volumetric, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 50mL

Volumetric flasks, 100, 500, 1000mL + stoppers

Cuvettes, 10mm glass, quartz, plastic

Balance, 0.001g res

Thermometer, accurate at 70C

Beer 18B – Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectophotometry

Reagent water

Iron standard soln, 1000mg/L

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, w/iron hollow cathode lamp

Volumetric flasks, glass-stoppered, 100mL

Pipettes, 1mL, 0.1mL graduated

Pipettes, 10mL, volumetric

Beer 20 – Calcium

Beer 20A – Chrome Black T indicator method

Various reagents
Various lab glassware and filters

Beer 20B – Calcein indicator Method

Various reagents

Various lab glassware

Beer 20C – Atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Various reagents

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, w/ calcium hollow-cathode lamp

Various lab glassware

Beer 21 – Total Sulfure dioxide

Beer 21A – p-Rosaniline method

Various reagents

Photoelectric photometer, colorimeter, or spectrophotometer

Various lab glassware

Beer 21B – Segmented flow analyzer method

Various reagents

Segmented flow analyzer w/colorimetric detector, 560nm

Various lab glassware

Beer 22 – Foam Collapse Rate

Beer 22A – Sigma value method

Various lab glassware

Beer 22B – Foam flashing method

Isopropyl alcohol

Compresses CO2 gas in steel cylinder

Pressure surge tank, 2gal

Orifice foam flashing apparatus

Lab glassware

Beer 23 – Beer Bitterness

Beer 23A – Bitterness Units

Various reagents

Mechanical shaker, wrist action/platform type

Precision spectrophotometer


Beer 23B – Iso alpha acids (IAAs) by solvent extraction

Various reagents

Various labware

Same as 23A hardware

Beer 23C – ISAA by solid phase extraction and HPLC

Various reagents

HPLC w/UV detector and 20uL injection loop

C8 SPE octyl column, 500mg, 3mL


Chromatographic column, shimadzu, shim-pack CLC-ODS, 25cmx4.6mm

Beer 23D – Bitterness by automated flow analysis

Various reagents

Automated flow analyzer, configured for bitterness

UV detector with flow cell, 275nm detect/6nm bandpass

Lab glassware

Beer 23E – ISAA by HPLC

Various reagents

HPLC w/column heater and UV detector

Analytical column, C18, 250x4mm (Nucleosil 5, or eq.) or 125x4mm (nucleodur 100-5

Beer 23F – IAA

Various reagents

Mechanicak shaker


Various lab glassware

Beer 25 – Diacetyl

Beer 25B – Broad spectrum method for VDK

Alpha-naphthol son

KOH-creatine soln

Diacetyl, stock soln

Diacetyl, working soln

Colorimeter/specrophotometer (Appendix IA)

Distillation equipment, all glass (boiling flask, 2-neck, 500mL; distilling tube, mounted
vertically; condenser, water cooled; curved tapered tube adapter; receiver, 50ml beaker

Heating mantle for boiling flask

Other glassware

Beer 25C – Micro dimethyl glyoxime method

Various reagents


Generator trap assy

Tygon tubing

Beer 25F – Gas chromatographic method B

Reagent water, deionized, distilled, or 18 MΩ, CAS# 7732-18-5

Ethanol, anhydrous, 200 proof, CAS# 64-17-5

Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate, CAS# 7758-99-8

2,3-Butanedione, 99%, CAS# 431-03-8

2,3-Pentanedione, 97%, CAS# 600-14-6

2,3-Hexanedione, technical grade, 90%, CAS# 3848- 24-6

Hydrochloric acid, concentrated, 37%, CAS# 7647- 01-0

Gas chromatograph, equipped with a headspace autosampler and ECD

Column, capable of giving baseline separation of 2,3-butanedione, 2,3-pentanedione,

and 2,3-hexanedione, such as a Restek Rtx-5 column (15 m, 0.32 mm ID, 1.5 µm df) (Cat.#
10266) or similar

Vials and caps, compatible with autosampler

Orbital mixer

Volumetric flasks and stoppers, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mL, Class A

Volumetric pipette, 25 mL

Pipettes, capable of delivering 50–200, 100–1,000, and 1,000–10,000 µL.

Beer 26 – Formazin turbidity standards

Various reagents

Nephelometer, (optional), capable of 580nm measurements

Various lab glassware

Beer 27 – Physical Stability

I. Total haze after chilling

a. Visual method
i. Formazin turbidity standards
ii. Clark turbidimeter model T1
iii. Red plexiglass sheet
iv. Temp bath
v. Flint glass bottles
vi. Clear drinking glasses
b. Nephelometric method
i. Formazin turbidity standard
ii. Nephelometer
iii. Thermometer
II. Accelerated chill-haze test
a. Elevated temperature before chilling
i. Incubator/bath

Beer 29 – Lower boiling volatiles in beer or ale

Various reagents

Various glassware

Laboratory bottle crowner

GC with FID

Column, 15ftx1/8in stainless steel with 20% carbowax 20M on chromosorb W (HDMS) 60/80

Beer 32 – Viscosity

View Beer1A and Wort 13

Beer 36 – Sodium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Various reagents

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, sodium hollow-cathode lamp

Various glassware

Beer 37 - Potassium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Various reagents

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, potassium hollow-cathode lamp

Various glassware

Beer 38 – Magnesium and calcium

Beer 38A – Magnesium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Various reagents

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Magnesium hollow cathode lamp


Beer 38B – Calcium and magnesium by sequential titration

Various reagents


Microburet, 10mL

Beer 41 – Total Carbohydrates

Beer 41B

Various reagents

HPLC with refractive index detector, column heater, electronic integrator, autosampler

Chromatographic column, Bio-Rad fruit quality analysis column, 100x7.8mm hydrogen-form

cation exchange resin-based column

Aliquot mixer, Thermolyne M126125

Filter system, disk filter holders

Beer 38 – Headspace GC FID analysis of Beer volatiles

Various reagents

Static headspace autosampler, Teledyne Tekmar, Model 7000


Column, stabilWax 60mx0.32mmID x1um film thickness

Vortex mixer

Autosampler vials, 20mL borosilicate glass

Crimp top septa, aluminum ring with teflon septa

Syringes, air-tight, 100, 250, 500uL

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