Appendix B - Analytical Methods
Appendix B - Analytical Methods
Appendix B - Analytical Methods
Aqua Ammonia sample containers and contents need to be cooled to between 5°C
and 10°C and then maintained at that temperature to prevent loss of ammonia gas
(NH3) from the sample when opening the container and transferring for tests! All
transferring shall be done as quickly as possible!
Failure to follow this requirement is likely to result in erroneous results when
testing for ammonia concentrations!
When utilizing hydrometer measurements, realize that a 1 Fahrenheit degree error
in the temperature observation results in a concentration measurement error on the
order of 0.1%. Similarly, a 0.1 Baumé degree error results in a concentration
measurement error on the order of 0.2%. Note than these errors can be additive,
e.g., a Baumé reading 0.1° too low concurrent with a temperature reading 1
Fahrenheit degree too high will cause an error in the concentration calculation on
the order of 0.3% below the true ammonia concentration!
The following information is taken from Federal
Specification OA-451-F Ammonium Hydroxide
Technical, available from the GSA Specification
Section, Room 6654, 7th and D Sts., S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20407.
Analytical Procedure
Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia)
Technical Grade
Procedure For Specific Gravity Test 5. Compare readings from hydrometers in service
with new stand-by hydrometers on a monthly
Equipment and Apparatus: basis. Hydrometers shall be calibrated by an
473ml flint glass sample container with cap (Fisher external test laboratory on an annual basis or as
Scientific #03-326-2F or equivalent) 0-120°F often as desired. Calibration shall be done with
thermometer (Taylor Red Line 21413-1 or certified hydrometers or by comparison to titration
equivalent) results.
Analytical Procedure
Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia)
Procedure For Assay By Titration
Principle: Procedure:
A sample of aqua ammonia is added to an excess 1. The sample is received in a pressure bottle.
of 3N hydrochloric acid. The excess is then Cool the sample to 50°F or lower as a safety
backtitrated with 2N sodium hydroxide. measure and to prevent losses of ammonia.
Equipment and Apparatus: 2. Pipet exactly 50ml of standard 3N hydrochloric
Bottle, pressure, 200ml flask shape, with stopper acid into the weighing bottle, and obtain the tare
and spring clamp. weight. By means of the sampling device, and
allow it to drain into the weighing bottle with
Bottle, weighing, high-form, glass stopper, 40 x 80
stirring until about 1/3 remains. Lift the pipet,
mm (70ml) or equivalent. A glass-stoppered 250
touch off the last drop of drainage, and remove.
ml Erlenmeyer flask is suitable.
Obtain the weight of the bottle containing add
Pipet, 50ml calibrated. acid sample.
Pipet sampling device. This consists of a two-hole 3. Carefully pour the contents of the weighing
#2 rubber stopper through which are inserted a bottle into a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 3 drops
10ml pipet and a short piece of glass tubing bent of methyl red indicator solution and titrate the
at a right angle. A 2oz rubber bulb is used to force excess acid with standard 2N sodium hydroxide
aqua ammonia from the sample bottle into the until the indicator color changes to yellow. Rinse
pipet. Since the glass tube is small, a short piece the weighing bottle into the flask and complete the
of tubing is needed as an adapter between the titration.
glass tube and the bulb.
4. Calculation:
Buret, 25ml calibrated.
[(3A-2C)/W] x 0.01703 x 100 = % ammonia by
Reagents: weight where A=ml 3N HCI, C=ml 2N NaOH,
Hydrochloric acid, 3N solution. Purchase and w=weight of sample in grams.
standardized solution of dilute 250ml of
concentrated, reagent grade hydrochloric acid to
1L with distilled water and standardize against
standard 2N sodium hydroxide.
Sodium hydroxide, standard 2N solution.
Purchase standardized or dilute 160g of 50%
sodium hydroxide solution to 1L with recently
boiled, distilled water. Standardize against
primary standard benzoic acid or potassium acid
Methyl red indicator, 0.1% solution in water.
Dissolve 0.10g of the sodium salt of methyl red in
100ml of distilled water. If necessary, adjust the
pH to 7.
Analytical Procedure
Ammonium Hydroxide (Aqua Ammonia)
FCC Grade
The following test procedures are reprinted with Acetic Acid TS, Diluted:
permission from the FOOD Chemical Codex.
A solution containing about 6% (w/v) of
Fourth Edition, Copyright 1996 by the National
CH3COOH Prepare by diluting 60.0ml of glacial
Academy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National
acetic acid, or 166.6ml of 36% acetic acid (6N),
Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
with sufficient water to make 1000ml.
Assay: Nonvolatile Residue:
Tare accurately a 125ml glass-stoppered
Evaporate 11ml (10g sample) in a tared platinum
Erlenmeyer flask containing 35.0 ml of 1 N
or porcelain dish to dryness, dry at 105°C for 1 h,
sulfuric acid. Partially fill a 10ml graduated pipet
cool, and weigh.
from near the bottom of a sample, previously
cooled in the original sample bottle to 10°C or Readily Oxidizable Substances:
lower. (Do not use a vacuum for drawing up the Dilute 4ml with 6 ml of water, and add a slight
sample.) Wipe off any liquid adhering to the excess of diluted sulfuric acid TS and 0.1ml of
outside of the pipet, and discard the first ml. Hold 0.1N potassium permanganate. The pink color
the pipet just above the surface of the acid, and does not completely disappear within 10min.
transfer 2ml into the flask, mix, and weigh again to
Sulfuric Acid TS, Diluted:
obtain the weight of the sample. Add methyl red
TS, and titrate the excess acid with 1N sodium A solution containing 10% (w/v) of H2SO4
hydroxide. Each ml of 1N sulfuric acid is Prepare by cautiously adding 57ml of sulfuric acid
equivalent to 17.03mg of NH3. (95% to 98%) or sulfuric acid TS to about 100 ml
of water, then cool to room temperature, and
Methyl Red TS:
dilute with water to 1000ml.
Dissolve 100mg of methyl red in 100ml of alcohol,
Packaging and Storage:
and filter if necessary.
Store in tight containers, preferably at a
temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Evaporate 11ml (10g sample) to about 2ml on a
Functional Use In Food:
steam bath, dilute to 50ml with water, and mix. A
5 ml portion of this solution meets the Alkali
requirements o the Arsenic Test, page 47.
Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate Colorimetric 100ml of water. In a separate container, dissolve
Method 2.3 g of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
(C2H5)2NCSSNa •3H2O, in 100ml of water and
filter. Cool both solutions to about 15°, mix the
Note: All reagents used in this test should be very
two solutions, while stirring, collect the yellow
low in arsenic content.
precipitate in a medium-porosity sintered glass
crucible or funnel, and wash with about 200ml of
The general apparatus shown in Fig. 2 is to be cold water.
used unless otherwise specified in an individual
monograph. It consists of a 125ml arsine
Recrystallize the reagent, whether prepared as
generator flask (a) fitted with a scrubber unit (e)
directed above or obtained commercially, as
and an absorber tube (e), with a 24/40 standard-
follows. Dissolve in freshly distilled pyridine,
taper joint (b) and a ball-and-socket joint (d),
using about 100ml of solvent for each g of reagent,
secured with a No. 12 clamp, connecting the units.
and filter. Add an equal volume of cold water to
The tubing between d and e and between d and c
the pyridine solution, while stirring. Filter off the
is a capillary diameter of 8mm. Alternatively, an
precipitate, using suction, wash with cold water,
apparatus embodying the principal of the general
and dry in vacuum at room temperature for 2 to 3
assembly described and illustrated may be used.
h. The dry salt is pure yellow in color and should
show no change in character after one month
when stored in a light-resistant container. Discard
any material that changes in color or develops a
strong odor.
NOTE: If halogen-containing compounds are proceed at room temperature (25° ±3°) for 45
present, use a lower temperature while heating the minutes, swirling the flask gently at 10min
sample with sulfuric acid, do not boil the mixture, intervals. (The addition pf a small amount of
and add the peroxide with caution, before charring isopropanol to the generator flask may improve
begins, to prevent loss of trivalent arsenic. the uniformity of the rate of gas evolution.)
Transfer 1.0g of the sample into the generator Disconnect the absorber tube from the generator
flask, add 5ml of sulfuric acid and a few glass and scrubber units and transfer the Silver
beads, and digest at a temperature not exceeding Diethyldithiocarbamate Solution to a 1cm
120° until charring begins, using preferably a hot absorption cell. Determine the absorbance at the
plate in a fume hood. (Additional sulfuric acid wavelength of maximum absorption between
may be necessary to completely wet some samples, 535nm and 540nm, with a suitable
but the total volume added should not exceed spectromotometer or colorimeter, using Silver
about 10ml.) After the sample has been initially Diethyldithiocarbamate Solution as the blank.
decomposed by the acid, add with caution, The absorbance due to any red color from the
dropwise, 30% hydrogen peroxide, allowing the solution of the sample does not exceed that
reaction to subside and reheating between drops. produced by 3.0ml of Standard Arsenic Solution
The first few drops must be added very slowly with (3 µg As) when treated in the same manner and
sufficient mixing to prevent a rapid reaction, and under the same conditions as the sample. The
heating should be discontinued if foaming room temperature during the generation of arsine
becomes excessive. Swirl the solution in the flask from the standard should be held to with ±2° of
to prevent unreacted substance from caking on the that observed during the determination of the
walls, or bottom of the flask during digestion. sample.
Maintain oxidizing conditions at all times during Interferences
the digestion by adding small quantities of the
Metals, or salts of metals such as chromium,
peroxide whenever the mixture turns brown or
cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel,
darkens. Continue the digestion until the organic
palladium and silver are said to interfere with the
matter is destroyed, gradually raising the
evolution of arsine. Antimony, which forms
temperature of the hot plate to 250°-300° until
stibine, is the only metal likely to produce a
fumes of sulfur trioxide are copiously evolved and
positive interference in the color development
the solution becomes colorless or retains only a
with the silver diethyldithiocarbamate. Stibine
slight straw color. Cool, add cautiously 10ml of
forms a red color that has a maximum absorbance
water, again evaporate to strong fuming, and cool.
at 510nm, but at 535 to 540 the absorbance of the
Add cautiously 10ml of water mix, wash the sides
antimony complex is so diminished that the results
of the flask with a few ml of water, and dilute to
of the determination would not be altered
If the Sample Solution was not prepared in the
generator flask, transfer to the flask a volume of
the solution, prepared as directed, equivalent to
1.0g of the substance being tested, and water to
make 35ml. Add 20ml of dilute sulfuric acid (1 in
5), 2 ml of potassium iodide TS, and 0.5 ml of
Stannous Chloride Solution, and mix. Allow the
mixture to stand for 30 min at room temperature.
Pack the Impregnated Cotton, leaving a small air
space between the two plugs, lubricate joints b
and d with stopcock grease, if necessary, and
connect the 3.0ml of Silver
Diethyldithiocarbamate Solution to the absorber
tube, add 3.0g of granular zinc (20-mesh) to the
mixture in the flask, and immediately insert the
standard-taper joint in the flask. Allow the
evolution of hydrogen and color development to
Heavy Metal Test Solution C - Into a third color comparison tube
that matches those used for Solutions A and B,
This test is designed to limit the content of place 25ml of the solution prepared as directed in
common metallic impurities that are colored by the individual monograph, and add 2.0ml of
sulfide ion (Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sn) Standard Lead Solution. Adjust the pH to
under the specified test conditions. It between 3.0 and 4.0 (using short-range pH
demonstrates that the test substance is not grossly indicator paper) by addition of diluted acetic acid
contaminated by such heavy metals and, within TS or ammonia TS, dilute with water to 40ml, and
the precision of the test, that it does not exceed mix.
the Heavy Metals limit given in the individual
To each tube add 10ml of freshly prepared
monograph, as determined by concomitant visual
hydrogen sulfide TS, mix, allow to stand for 5min,
comparison with a control solution. It has been
and view downward over a white surface. The
found that, in the specified pH range, the
color of Solution B is not darker than that of
optimum concentration of lead ion (Pb) for
Solution A, and the intensity of the color of
matching purposes by this method is 20 µg in 50
Solution C is equal to or greater than that of
ml of solution.
Solution A. If the color of Solution C is lighter
Special Reagents than that of Solution A, the test substance is
Ammonia TS - dilute 400ml of ACS reagent-grade providing an interference with the test procedure
ammonium hydroxide to 1000ml with water. and Method II must be used for the substance
under examination.
Hydrochloric Acid - Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid.
30% Hydrogen, Peroxide Use ACS reagent-grade
Lead Nitrate Stock Solution - Dissolve 159.8mg
of ACS reagent-grade lead nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, in
100ml of water containing 1 ml of nitric acid,
dilute with water to 1000.0 ml, and mix. Prepare
and store this solution in glass containers that are
free from lead salts.
Standard Lead Solution - On the day of use dilute
10.0ml of Lead Nitrate Stock solution with water
to 100.0 ml. Each ml of Standard Lead Solution
contains the equivalent of 10µg of lead ion (Pb).
NOTE: In the following procedures, failure to
adjust accurately the pH of the solution within the
specified limits may result in a significant loss of
test sensitivity.
Solution A - Pipet 2.0ml of Standard Lead
Solution (20µg of Pb) into a 50ml color-
comparison tube, and add water to make 25ml.
Adjust the pH to between 3.0 and 4.0 (using short-
range pH indicator paper) by addition of diluted
acetic acid TS or ammonia TS, dilute with water to
40ml, and mix.
Solution B - Place 25ml of the solution prepared
as directed in the individual monograph in a 50ml
color-comparison tube that matches the one used
for Solution A, adjust the pH to between 3.0 and
4.0 (using short-range pH indicator paper) by
addition of diluted acetic acid TS or ammonia TS,
dilute with water to 40ml, and mix.