Series editors
W. Freeden
Kaiserslautern, Germany
M.Z. Nashed
Orlando, Florida, USA
This series provides an ideal frame and forum for the publication of mathematical
key technologies and their applications to geo-scientific and geo-related problems.
Current understanding of the highly complex system Earth with its interwoven
subsystems and interacting physical, chemical, and biological processes is not
only driven by scientific interest but also by the growing public concern about
the future of our planet, its climate, its environment, and its resources. In this
situation mathematics provides concepts, tools, methodology, and structures to
characterize, model, and analyze this complexity at various scales. Modern high
speed computers are increasingly entering all geo-disciplines. Terrestrial, airborne
as well as spaceborne data of higher and higher quality become available. This
fact has not only influenced the research in geosciences and geophysics, but also
increased relevant mathematical approaches decisively as the quality of available
data was improved.
Geosystems Mathematics showcases important contributions and helps to
promote the collaboration between mathematics and geo-disciplines. The closely
connected series Lecture Notes in Geosystems Mathemactics and Computing offers
the opportunity to publish small books featuring concise summaries of cutting-edge
research, new developments, emerging topics, and practical applications. Also PhD
theses may be evaluated, provided that they represent a significant and original
scientific advance.
Edited by
• Willi Freeden (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
• M. Zuhair Nashed (University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA)
In association with
• Hans-Peter Bunge (Munich University, Germany)
• Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
• Yalchin Efendiev (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA)
• Andrew Fowler (University of Limerick, Ireland & University of Oxford, UK)
• Bulent Karasozen (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)
• Jürgen Kusche (University of Bonn, Germany)
• Liqiu Meng (Technical University Munich, Germany)
• Volker Michel (University of Siegen, Germany)
• Nils Olsen (Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark)
• Helmut Schaeben (Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
• Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna, Austria)
• Frederik J. Simons (Princeton University, NJ, USA)
• Thomas Sonar (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
• Peter J.G. Teunissen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia)
• Johannes Wicht (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen,
Handbook of Mathematical
Functional Analytic and Potential
Theoretic Methods
Willi Freeden M. Zuhair Nashed
Geomathematics Group Department of Mathematics
TU Kaiserslautern University of Central Florida
Kaiserslautern, Germany Orlando, FL, USA
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 86A30, 86A20, 31A25, 47A52, 65A20, 60J45
This book is published under the imprint Birkhäuser, by the registered company
Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, v–vi
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
W. Freeden
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
F. Sansò
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem:
State and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
M. Gutting
Parameter Choices for Fast Harmonic Spline Approximation . . . . . . . . 605
vi Contents
C. Gerhards
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, vii–viii
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
all members of the mathematical community interested in any of the diverse prob-
lems relevant in today’s geodesy. On the other hand, the book represents a valuable
reference for all geodesists facing innovative modeling supplies involving recently
measured datasets in their professional tasks. For both groups the Handbook pro-
vides important perspectives and challenges in crossing the traditional frontiers.
The Handbook consolidates the current knowledge by providing summaries
and concepts as a guide for geodetic transfer from reality space (“measurements”)
to virtuality space (“models”). All in all, the work is an authoritative forum of-
fering appropriate mathematical means of assimilating, assessing, and reducing to
comprehensible form the flow of measured data and providing the methological
basis for scientific interpretation, classification testing of concepts, modeling, and
solution of problems.
The editors wish to express their particular gratitude to the people who not
only made this handbook possible, but also made it extremely satisfactory:
• The contributors to the handbook, who dedicated much time, effort, and cre-
ative energy to the project. The handbook evolved continuously throughout
the recruitment period, as more and more facets became apparent, many
aspects were entirely new at the time of recruitment.
• The folks at Birkhäuser, particularly Clemens Heine, who initiated the whole
work and gave a lot of encouragement and advice.
• Helga Nutz, Geomathematics Group of the University of Kaiserslautern, for
reading most of the proofs and giving valuable comments.
Thank you very much for all exceptional efforts and support in creating a work
offering exciting discoveries and impressive progress. We hope that the “Handbook
of Mathematical Geodesy” will stimulate and inspire new research achievements
in geodesy as well as mathematics.
Willi Freeden
In natural extension to the classical definition due to F.R. Helmert [2], geodesy is
the science that deals with the measurement and modeling of the Earth, including
its gravity field. So, the basis of geodetic science is its measurements, i.e., scalar
numbers, vectors, tensors such as distances, angles, directions, velocities, acceler-
ations. In this respect, the relevance of the gravity field manifests itself in twofold
sense: from the need to handle heights and from the determination of the Earth’s
shape. Consequently, geodesy realizes a physical rather than a geometrical under-
standing of height by observing that a point is higher than another if water flows
from the first to the second. In other words, “geometric” obligations do not allow
to be separated from physical ones. The gravity field is still present, as the driving
Nowadays, geodesy as a measuring discipline is in great shape. In fact, com-
puter facilities as well as measurement and observation methods open new research
areas and opportunities. However, it is geodetic trademark to present measured
values always together with a suitable modeling procedure for interpretation and
an appropriate knowledge and estimation about reliability and accuracy. Follow-
ing R. Rummel [6], this diligence demonstrates the geodesists role as notary of the
Earth. As an evident consequence, however, this notarial role explains that geodesy
is more than a discipline concerned only with measurements. Inherently, mathe-
matics is implied as key technology bridging the real world of measurements and
the virtual world of handling datasets, modeling geodetic quantities and processes,
and providing illustrations and interpretations. Once more, the result of measure-
ments are numbers, vectors, tensors, i.e., raw material. Mathematical handling and
approximation of datasets as well as modeling techniques are necessary to connect
the “reality space” with the “virtuality space”. In this sense, a model represents the
result of the transfer, it intends to be an image of the reality, expressed in math-
ematical language, so that an interaction between abstraction and concretization
is involved. The mathematic’s world of numbers and structures contains efficient
tokens by which we are able to describe the rule-like aspect of a real problem. This
description includes a simplification by abstraction: essential properties of, e.g.,
a certain geodetic problem are separated from unimportant ones and a solution
scheme is set up. The “eye for similarities” enables mathematicians to recognize a
x W. Freeden
posteriori that resulting solutions become applicable to multiple cases not only in
geodesy but also in other scientific disciplines after an appropriate adaptation.
Summarizing we are led to the following conclusion: Mathematical Geodesy
is characterized by a twofold interaction. An input problem from reality space
(“measurements”) reduced by abstraction and transferred into virtuality space
results in a mathematical output model which following a “circuit” (cf. Figure 1)
becomes a new “concrete” input problem in reality space (usually in geodesy, but
possibly also in other sciences).
As a consequence, the ideal process (circuit) for the solution process of geo-
detic problems (as proposed recently by R. Rummel [6]) canonically shows the
following steps to be handled (see also the approach sketched in [1]):
• Transfer from Reality to Virtuality Space: Measurements and observational
events in reality space lead to mathematical tokens and quantities as “row
material” for modeling and processing in virtuality space.
• Mathematical Modeling: The observational input is translated into the lan-
guage of the virtuality space, i.e., mathematics, requiring close cooperation
between application-oriented and mathematical geodesists.
• Development of a Mathematical Solution Method: Appropriate analytic, al-
gebraic, statistic, stochastic, and/or numeric methods must be taken into
account; if necessary, new solution techniques must be proposed.
• Retransfer from Virtuality to Reality Space: The mathematical model is vali-
dated, the aim is a good accordance of model and measurement. If necessary,
on the basis of new measurements, the model must be improved by use of
modified “raw material”.
Usually, the circuit must be applied several times in an iterative way in or-
der to get sufficient insight into the geodetic system. Obviously, the benefit of a
circuit is a better, faster, cheaper, and more secure problem solution on the basis
of the mentioned processes of modeling, simulation, visualization, and reduction,
decorrelation and denoising of large amounts of data. The more measurements are
available, the more one recognizes the causality between abstraction by mathe-
matical concepts and their impact and cross-sectional importance to reality.
Evidently, the circuit in its ideal manifestation (as illustrated in Figure 1)
has to follow an obligatory line, namely to provide an appropriate platform within
which mathematically/geodetically interrelated features can be better motivated
and understood, thereby canonically leading to an interdisciplinary palette of solu-
tion procedures in geodetic areas of application. In accordance with this intention,
criteria must be found relative to which the scope and limitations of the various
methods can be assessed. This is important both in theory and practice since there
generally is no cure-all method for most of geodetic problems.
The interaction between abstraction and concretization characterizes the his-
tory of geodesy and its efforts as an independent science.
The questions, however, are why
• today’s geodesists commonly restrict themselves to the reality space (“mea-
surements”) with a necessity to accept some “service fundamentals” of the
virtuality space,
• today’s mathematicians are interested only in rare exceptions in appropriate
handling of geodetically relevant obligations including specific model devel-
Following an article about the interconnecting roles of geodesy and mathe-
matics presented by H. Moritz [5], a prominent member of today’s geodesy, the
actual interrelationship shows a twofold appraisal from history:
• First, H. Moritz [5] states that the old days are gone when Carl Friedrich
Gauss himself developed his epoch-making theories inspired by his geodetic
concerns. Gone also are the days when Felix Klein (1849–1925), one of the
leading mathematicians of his time, called geodesy “that geometrical disci-
pline in which the idea of approximation mathematics has found its clearest
and most consequent expression”(see [4], p. 128). Gone are the times when
Henri Poincaré (1854–1912) investigated problems of astronomy and geodesy
and actively participated in geodetic life. So, we are led to the conclusion
that it apparently is the fault of today’s mathematicians that they provide
mathematics in an increasingly abstract way, without any regard to possible
geodetic applications and, so to say in the scheme of Figure 1, out of touch
with reality? Moritz’ opinion is as follows: “In part, certainly, they are out
of reality.”
• Second, H. Moritz [5] is deeply convinced that an increasing abstraction
is necessary to achieve progress, not only in mathematics, but also in to-
xii W. Freeden
[1] Freeden, W.: Geomathematics: Its Role, its Aim, and its Potential. Handbook of Geo-
mathematics, W. Freeden, M.Z. Nashed, and T. Sonar (Eds.), Vol. 1, 2nd Edition,
3–79, Springer, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015.
[2] Helmert, F.R.: Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorien der Höheren Geo-
däsie 1. Vol. 1, Teubner, Leipzig, 1880.
[3] Hörmander, L.: The Boundary Problems of Physical Geodesy. The Royal Institute
of Technology, Division of Geodesy, Report 9, Stockholm, 1975.
[4] Klein, F.: Elementarmathematik III. Die Grundlagen der Mathematischen Wis-
senschaften, Band 16, Springer, Berlin 1928.
[5] Moritz, H.: Geodesy and Mathematics. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Görniczo-
Hutniezej I.M. Stanislawa Staszica, No. 780, Geodezja, 63: 38–43, Krakow, 1981.
xiv W. Freeden
[6] Rummel R.: Geodäsie in Zeiten des Wandels – Versuch einer Standortbestimmung.
Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (ZfV), 139: 211–216,
Willi Freeden
Geomathematics Group
University of Kaiserslautern
MPI-Gebäude, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 1–163
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
1.1. C.F. Gauss (1777–1855): A brief look at his life
Carl Friedrich Gauss, born on 30 April 1777 in Brunswick (Braunschweig), came
from a humble background whose parents were only able to enroll him in a basic
writing and counting school. His mathematics teacher discovered his exceptional
arithmetic skills and became an advocate for the talented student to facilitate the
placement in a grammar school. At the age of fourteen the young Gauss was in-
troduced to the Duke of Brunswick who pledged to finance the education of the
extraordinarily talented boy. At the age of 15, Gauss had the genial idea to trans-
fer the principles of logarithm tables to the prime number theory. It was the first
time in the history of prime number research that prime number probability be-
came object of research for increasing number ranges. However, he was not able to
prove his prime number assumption that the number π(x) smaller than x behaves
asymptomatically as the quotient from x and log(x). Still this became the starting
point for a variety of number theoretical examinations of renowned mathemati-
cians until present. In the year 1795 Gauss started his studies at the University
of Göttingen. After a brief period of time he decided to study mathematics. In
2 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
1796 Gauss discovered the solution to an old geometric problem, namely the an-
swer to the question “which straight lines, regular polygons can be exclusively
constructed by compass and straightedge”. The evidence for the constructability
of the regular hexadecagon led Gauss to continue groundbreaking research work,
the results of which he compiled to a significant number theoretical work already
during his study period which, alas, was only published in 1801 because it had to
be translated into Latin as it was customary at that time. This opus published
under the title “Disquisitiones arithmeticae” (cf. Figure 2.1) assured Gauss the
recognition, in particular, amongst the leading French mathematicians of the era
(Cauchy, Laplace, d’Alembert, Laguerre). He was attributed to the best mathe-
maticians of his time due to his number theory. The “Disquisitiones arithmeticae”
contain many significant research results such as, e.g., the celebrated Fundamental
Theorem of Gauss, or the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity of Legendre. The crowning
result of his contributions was the complete solution of binomial equations, and
a most unexpected achievement in placing the imaginary unit on a firm basis. He
actually was the first to use the imaginary symbol “i”, giving it the interpreta-
tion of a geometric mean (see [27] for more details). After having graduated from
Göttingen – upon the Duke’s request who continued to grant him financial sup-
port – he switched to the University of Helmstedt where he studied under Prof.
Pfaff and finished his thesis in 1799 in which he provided the exact evidence of the
“Fundamental Theorem of Algebra” (Latin title: “Demonstratio nova theorematis,
omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores
reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse”). In the following time Gauss almost
exclusively dealt with strictly mathematic or geometric questions. Applications
were secondary during this epoch although he had already been working on the
least squares method since 1794 with a multitude of practical studies. The deeper
he penetrated into mathematics, the more fully he was persuaded that its true
meaning lies in its application to practical life and natural science (cf. [27]). On
January 1st, 1801 the astronomer Piazzi from Palermo discovered a small planet
named Ceres. He could only track it for a time period of 41 days. Due to the low
number of measuring values, the known methods at that time did not allow to
calculate the precise orbit of Ceres in order to locate this planetoid again. The
interest in the new planet caused Gauss to temporarily lay aside his purely math-
ematical researches. Now he created applicable methods for orbit determinations.
He sought the orbit which would fit the observations as good as possible using an
ellipse by applying his method of least squares. In doing so, his way resulted in
the solution of two different problems: first, to find an approximate orbit; second,
to correct this orbit in such a way that it “satisfies” the observations as well as
possible (for more details the reader is referred to [27]). At the turn of the year
1801/1802 von Zach in Gotha and Olbers in Bremen rediscovered the planetoid, its
location agreeing exactly with the ephemeris computed by Gauss. The discovery of
Ceres introduced him to the world as an astronomer of the highest order (cf. [27]).
Gauss received a lot of praise and recognition for his scientific achievements;
in January 1802 the Petersburg Academy of Sciences nominated him Correspond-
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 3
Figure 1.1. Medal (headside (left), backside (right)) of the 150th an-
niversary of the death of C.F. Gauss, 2005 (from [122]).
ing Member and in September 1802 he was invited to teach at the Academy which
he declined as other offers later. In 1807 he accepted the call to Göttingen to be-
come a professor for astronomy and the director of the observatory. In the years
to follow Gauss mainly worked on astronomic topics but still on the theory of
numbers. In the meantime he refocused his research works on application-related
topics of mathematics which he found in astronomy as well as in geodesy. From
1818 until approximately 1830 geodesy became the center of his activities. Gauss
made many geodetic observations during the arc measurements and the land sur-
veying (1821–1844) in the Kingdom of Hanover in which he personally partici-
pated. As a matter of fact, Gauss alone managed the comprehensive calculations
for this surveying project. Geodesy derived large direct and indirect profits from
this practical activity which, for instance, was lamented by Bessel because of the
entailing large time commitment and physical strain. During these works of arc
measurements and geodetic surveying Gauss also proved to be a gifted practitioner:
Particular mention should be made to the heliotrope (cf. Figure 6.5) invented by
him which significantly facilitated and accelerated surveying works. The funda-
mental studies in classical differential geometry, in particular on the theory of
surfaces, and his contributions to potential theory and the further development of
the least squares method can be attributed to his practical activity as geodesist
and astronomer. The fundamental surface studies, the so-called “Disquisitiones
generales circa superficies curvas” (Gauss’s Works, Vol. IV), due to their content,
cannot be allocated to the actual geodetic works (see [141]) but more to the math-
ematical fundus. However, they are closely related to geodesy. The significance
for geodesy constitutes in the detailed elaboration on the theory of geodetic lines
for which preparatory studies had been done by Bernoulli, Euler, and Clairaut,
but not with the strong comprehensiveness and thoroughness Gauss applied. The
“Disquisitiones” laid the grounds for suitable arithmetic formulas and coordinate
systems on the geodetically relevant rotation ellipsoid. Gauss published practical
applications for geodetic questions in his “Studies on Topics of Higher Geodesy” in
4 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
1843 and 1846 (see Gauss’s Works, Vol. IV). Their importance for geodesy can be
concisely expressed by the following words: Gauss is the founder of higher geodesy.
Since the collaboration with the Göttingen physicist Weber in the year 1831,
Gauss published contributions to classical mechanics, Earth’s magnetism, geo-
metric optics, and electrodynamics. In mechanics, for example, he developed the
principle of least constraint which was named after him and which has the advan-
tage in comparison to other approaches that it can be demonstratively construed.
The theory of optical systems of Gauss for the first time shows the exact principles
of the passage of one light beam through a coaxial lens system when it is slightly
tilted to the axis. The Gauss ocular is still used for autocollimation nowadays,
e.g., for specific tasks in engineering surveying. Gauss’s magnetic studies are rec-
ognized as his most significant contributions to physics. Gauss and Weber jointly
developed the first electromagnetic telegraph.
The three areas of geomagnetism in which Gauss made great contributions
were those related to the absolute measurement of the field, the analysis in terms of
spherical harmonics, and the organization and equipping of magnetic observatories.
Because of the insufficiency of observations over the globe at the time he worked,
many of the investigations which he proposed on the basis of the spherical harmonic
analysis had in spite of their tremendous significance to await later workers. These
include the quantitative separation of internal and external sources, the effect of
the Earth’s ellipsoidal shape, the possible non-vanishing of the constant term in the
expression for the potential and the possible existence of a non-potential portion
of the field (see, e.g., [70, 179] and the references therein).
Following W.K. Bühler [17], Gauss did not venture deeply into electrodynamics.
In this field he is an outsider fascinated by interesting ideas and phenomena. His
legacy contains several interesting recordings, however, no reasonably rounded the-
ory. In fragments regarding the nature of the electromagnetic field, Gauss attempts
to describe the theory of long-distance effects – a theory which was then further
developed by Weber and Neumann and finally superseded by Maxwell’s theory of
Measured by his rich mathematic knowledge, Gauss published a relatively
small number of papers. After his death on 23 February 1855, large amount of
unpublished mathematic ideas was detected in his legacy, among others, record-
ings on non-Euclidean geometry. Gauss supposedly asked himself the question in
view of the different geometries, which geometry correctly depicts the physical
reality. The experience taught that if the dimensions are sufficiently small, the
Euclidean geometry applied regarding the measuring precision, based on which
Gauss assumed that the Euclidean geometry also applies to the “infinite small”,
but that deviations occur with larger dimensions. Gauss wished to know whether
our space is curved, i.e., non-Euclidean. For this purpose he measured the inner
angles in a large triangle (cf. Figure 6.1). More concretely, Gauss took measure-
ments from three mountains in Germany, Hohenhagen, near Göttingen, Brocken
in the Harz Mountains and Inselsberg in the Thüringer Wald to the south. The
three lines joining these locations form a great triangle, the angle at Hohenhagen
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 5
is close to a right angle, so the area of the triangle is close to half the product of
the two short sides. Gauss assumed that light propagates along geodesics. During
his high-precision measurement campaign he was not able to detect deviations
from the Euclidean internal angle amount, implying that the Euclidean geometry
can be applied for relatively large distances in the physical space. This result was
negative for Gauss which may have been the reason for his decision not to publish
his studies on non-Euclidean geometry. It is doubtful whether this interpretation
is correct; Gauss presumably knew that potential deviations would only become
obvious in triangles of astronomic dimensions (see [240] for more details). At a
later time, Riemann, who was inspired by Gauss, created the Riemann geometry,
the basis on which Einstein was able to build up his relativity theory which also
finds its application, e.g., in satellite geodesy (see also [224]).
In conclusion, it has to be stated that it was extremely fortunate for geodesy
that the world-renowned mathematician (“Princeps Mathematicorum”), Carl
Friedrich Gauss (cf. Figure 1.2), had been so much fascinated by geodesy from
early on in his mathematical career to which he dedicated a significant part of
this work time over his life. In a letter to the astronomer Olbers in January 1802
he expressed it as follows: “The most refined geometer and the perfect astronomer
these are two separate titles which I highly esteem with all my heart, and which I
worship with passionate warmth whenever they are united” (see [27, 141] for more
1.2. Scientific bridge between mathematics and geodesy
Evidently, a contribution concerned with Gauss as scientific mediator between
mathematics and geodesy (as intended by this publication) has to follow an oblig-
atory line, namely to provide an appropriate platform within which mathemati-
cally/geodetically interrelated features can be better motivated and understood,
thereby canonically leading to an interdisciplinary palette of solution procedures
in diverse areas of application. In accordance with this intention, criteria must be
found relative to which the scope and limitations of the various methods can be
assessed. This is important both in theory and practice since there generally is no
cure-all method for most of the problems in reality; it is imperative to be able to
clarify why a certain method works in some context as well as when not to use
that method.
The authors of this work are convinced that Gauss’s suggestions and ideas
as exemplary work is still helpful to understand the intuitive principles and inter-
relations that underlie the various methods and procedures to be needed for the
solution of problems and desiderata. So, in summary, the present article may be
regarded as an attempt to justify this basic assertion.
1.3. Mathematical circuit: abstraction and concretization
What is it exactly that enables mathematicians to build a bridge between geodesy
and their discipline? What is exactly that enables the mathematicians to provide
the transfer from concrete geodetic measurements and observables to abstract
6 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
Figure 1.2. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, born, 30 April 1777 Bruns-
wick, Duchy of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Holy Roman Empire, died, 23
February 1855 (aged 77) Göttingen, Kingdom of Hanover.
mathematical formalisms and models? What is exactly that enables the mathe-
maticians to bridge the time gap from historic nomenclature to modern notation?
Some answers should be given already at this early stage: The mathematics world
of numbers and structures contains efficient tokens by which the rule-like aspect
of geodetic problems can be described appropriately. In fact, this description in-
cludes as essential step a simplification by abstraction. Essential properties of the
problem are separated from unimportant ones, further specified, and afterwards
included into a solution scheme. The “eye for similarities” often enables mathe-
maticians to recognize a posteriori that an adequately reduced problem may also
arise from very different situations in various application areas, so that the result-
ing solutions may be applicable to multiple cases after an adequate adaptation or
concretization. Without this ingredient, the abstraction remains essentially useless.
The interaction between abstraction and concretization characterizes the history
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 7
of expression have developed and changed over the past two centuries. The authors,
alas, were not able to convey and suitably illustrate the development process of
the notation. For reasons of legibility, a standardized unified notation was selected
(except quotes) adjusted to the requirements of modern times as the last link of
the term-defining process.
of radii N > 2 around the origin 0; more accurately, we deal with closed disks
The problem of determining the total number of lattice points of Z2 inside and on
a circle with radius N , i.e., the determination of the quantity
Z2 B2N = (n1 , n2 )T ∈ Z2 : n21 + n22 ≤ N 2 (2.3)
Gauss [1801] found a simple, but efficient method for its estimation (cf. Figures
2.2 and 2.3): associate to every square the Northwest edge as lattice point. The
union of all squares with lattice points inside B2N defines a polyhedral set P2N with
P2N = Z2 (B2N ) (2.5)
(cf. Figure 2.3). Since the diagonal of each square is 2, the geometry of Figure
2.3 tells us that
√ 2 √ 2
2 2
π N− ≤ Z2 B2N ≤ π N + . (2.6)
2 2
Therefore, Z2 B2N − πN 2 after division by N is bounded for N → ∞, which is
usually written with Landau’s O-symbol as
Z2 B2N = πN 2 + O(N ). (2.7)
In other words, the number of lattice points in B2N is equal to the area of that
circle plus a remainder of the order of the boundary. In particular,
Z2 B2N ∼ πN 2 (2.8)
so that a method of determining the irrational, transcendent number π becomes
obvious (for alternative approaches to π within the history of analysis the reader
is referred to [204]):
Z2 B2N
lim = π. (2.9)
N →∞ N2
C.F. Gauss [71] illustrated his result by taking N 2 = 100 000. In this case he
1 = 314 197. (2.10)
|g|2 ≤100 000;
This calculation determines the number π up to three decimals after the comma.
i.e., α2 ≤ 13 . The proof of Sierpinski is elementary (see, e.g., [47, 66] for more
details); it is a link between geometry and number theory.
By use of advanced methods on exponential sums (based on the work by,
e.g., H. Weyl [228], H.R. Chen [18], and many others) the estimate 13 could be
strengthened to some extent. It culminated in the publication by G. Kolesnik
[128], who had as his sharpest result with these techniques
Z2 B2√N − πN = O N 429 . (2.14)
M.N. Huxley [117] devised a substantially new approach (not discussed here); his
strongest result was the estimate
Z2 B2√N − πN = O N 416 . (2.15)
Summarizing our results about lattice points inside circles (cf. [47]) we are
confronted with the following situation:
1 1
≤ α2 ≤ + ε2 (2.18)
4 4
and 1
Z2 B2√N − πN = O N 4 , (2.19)
Z2 B2√N − πN = O N 4 +ε2 , (2.20)
where 0 < ε2 ≤ 4 (for example, Huxley’s bound ε2 = 0.064903 . . .).
0 g1
1 1
FΛ = x = x1 g1 + x2 g2 ∈ R2 : − ≤ xi < , i = 1, 2 (2.23)
2 2
is the fundamental cell of Λ ⊂ R2 with
FΛ = det ((gi · gj )i,j=1,2 ) (2.24)
as the area FΛ of FΛ . Moreover, the following convention
1= 1+ 1 (2.25)
|g|≤N |g|<N |g|=N
g∈Λ g∈Λ g∈Λ
is used in lattice point theory (note that the last sum only occurs if there is
a lattice point g ∈ Λ with |g| = N ).
• Lattice points can be affected by non-constant weights (see [35])
e2πiy·(a+g) F (a + g)
1 2πia·h
= lim e F (x) e−2πix·(h−y) dx, (2.26)
R→∞ FΛ |x|≤N
|h−y|≤R x∈R2
→ lim e2πia·h F (x)e−2πix·(h−y) dx, a ∈ Rq , (2.34)
N →∞ FΛ
h∈Λ−1 FG∧ (h−y)
show Λ-periodicity, i.e., as functions of the variable a ∈ Rq they are periodic with
respect to the lattice Λ ⊂ Rq . As a consequence (see [57] for the details), Shannon-
type sampling procedures can be obtained by formal integration of the lattice point
identity (2.31) over a regular region H that is not necessarily equal to G
e−2πiy·(a+g) F (a + g) da
F (x)e−2πiy·x dx
G∩ (((H∩(FΛ +{g }))−{g })+{g})
(FΛ +{g })∩H =∅ g∈Λ
g ∈Λ
= F∧ (y)
G∩ (((H∩(FΛ +{g }))−{g })+{g})
1 −τ π 2 h2 −2πih·x
= lim e F (x)e dx e2πia·(h−y) da. (2.36)
τ →0 FΛ G H
τ >0 h∈Λ−1
= FG∧ (h) = KH (h−y)
The identity (2.36) has many interesting properties. For example, by virtue of the
Gaussian summability, the convergence of the cardinal-type series on the right-
hand side of (2.36) may be exponentially accelerated. All manifestations of over-
and undersampling can be explicitly analyzed by the finite sum of Fourier trans-
forms on the left side of the identity (see [57]), dependent on the geometric con-
figurations of the chosen regular regions G, H (note that the identity (2.36) also
seems to be unknown for the uni-variate case in this generality).
The Gaussian summability of the cardinal series on the right-hand side of
(2.36) is of great importance from numerical point of view; it enables a fast com-
putation of the series. Nonetheless, W. Freeden, M.Z. Nashed [57]) show that the
identity (2.36) additionally holds true in ordinary sense, i.e., we have
e−2πiy·(a+g) F (a + g) da
F (x)e−2πiy·x dx
G∩ (((H∩(FΛ +{g }))−{g })+{g})
(FΛ +{g })∩H =∅ g∈Λ
g ∈Λ
= F∧ (y)
G∩ (((H∩(FΛ +{g }))−{g })+{g})
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 17
= F (x)e−2πih·x dx e2πia·(h−y) da. (2.37)
= FG∧ (h) = KH (h−y)
−2πia·y 2
BG = y
→ e F (a) da, y ∈ R : F ∈ L (G) .
is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with the uniquely determined kernel
KG (x − y) = e2πia·(x−y) da. (2.42)
It is easy to deduce from the theory of Gramian determinants (see, e.g., [23]) that
there is one and only one spline in Spline Ξ F
BG , denoted by ŜF , with coefficients âh
satisfying the linear equations
âh e2πia·(h −h) da = FG∧ (h), h ∈ Ξ. (2.45)
h ∈ Ξ G
is given such that ŜF is “close” to FG∧ , for example, if the nodal width of Ξ
is “small enough” (see the convergence theorems presented in [44]). Then, the
Fourier inversion formula (see, e.g., [49]) yields the identity
α(x) F (x) e2πix·y ŜF (y)dy
= âF
h e e2πia·(h −y) da dy
h ∈ Ξ Rq G
= âF
h e , x ∈ Rq , (2.47)
h ∈ Ξ
with coefficients âFh determined from the already known linear (spline) equations
(2.45). In other words, our spline interpolation technique approximately solves
the multi-variate inversion problem of determining the function αF ∈ L2 (G)
from a finite set of discrete values of FG∧ (note that combined spline interpola-
tion/smoothing (as proposed by W. Freeden, B. Witte [62]) can be used instead
of spline interpolation if the data are (partially) noisy).
Finally, a generalization of the multi-variate antenna problem should be ex-
plained in more detail: In antenna theory, the identification problem is the one
in which the far-field radiation pattern is known, either exactly or approximately,
by means of physical measurements. The problem is to find the aperture distribu-
tion producing this given pattern. The synthesis problems are ones in which we
are given a desired far-field pattern, specified exactly or partially (e.g., through
samples of the far field at a finite number of points or through measurements
contaminated by noise), and we wish to determine a source (a constrained or un-
constrained aperture distribution) whose far-field radiation pattern approximates
the desired pattern in some acceptable manner. In terms of the operator equation,
AG F (y) = e−2πia·y F (a) da = FG∧ (y), (2.48)
distribution is known from formula (2.47) to handle, for example, the multi-variate
antenna problem.
Summarizing our number theoretical excursion starting from the Gaussian
circle problem via the Hardy–Landau lattice point identities we resulted in new
geoscientifically relevant Shannon sampling procedures of high practical applicabil-
ity enabling Paley–Wiener spline interpolation of Fourier transforms from discrete
data, regularly located in lattice points.
its explicit representation. Then we list some integral formulas involving Legendre
operators which turn out to be useful in Gaussian quadrature.
Legendre Polynomials. We begin with the explicit definition of the Legendre poly-
nomial (for more details see, e.g., [50] and the references therein).
Definition 3.1. The function Pn : [−1, 1] → R, n = 0, 1, . . . , defined by
(2n − 2s)!
Pn (t) = (−1)s tn−2s , t ∈ [−1, 1] (3.1)
2n (n − 2s)!(n − s)!s!
is called the Legendre polynomial.
Pn : [−1, 1] → R is uniquely determined by the properties:
(i) Pn is a polynomial of degree n on the interval [−1, 1],
(ii) Pn (t)Pm (t) dt = 0 for n = m,
(iii) Pn (1) = 1.
This is easily seen from the usual process of orthogonalization. In particular, we
have, for n = 0, . . . , 4,
3 1
P0 (t) = 1, P1 (t) = t, P2 (t) = t2 − , (3.2)
2 2
5 3 35 4 15 2 3
P3 (t) = t3 − t, P4 (t) = t − t + . (3.3)
2 2 8 4 8
A graphical impression of the first Legendre polynomials can be found in Figure
3.1. Furthermore, an easy calculation shows that
Pn (t)Pm (t) dt = δnm . (3.4)
−1 2n +1
Ŧ0.5 P1
Ŧ1 Ŧ0.5 0 0.5 1
where Lt is called the Legendre operator. We therefore obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1. The Legendre polynomial Pn is the only twice differentiable eigen-
function of the “Legendre operator” L as defined in (3.7) on the interval [−1, 1],
corresponding to the eigenvalues L∧ (n) = n(n + 1), n = 0, 1, . . . , and bounded on
[−1, 1] with Pn (1) = 1.
The differential equation (3.7) shows that Pn and Pn cannot vanish simulta-
neously such that Pn has no multiple zeros. Moreover, the Legendre polynomial
Pn has n different zeros in the interval (−1, 1).
Lemma 3.2 (Rodriguez Formula). For n = 0, 1, . . . ,
1 d
Pn (t) = n (t2 − 1)n , t ∈ [−1, 1]. (3.8)
2 n! dt
Integrating by parts we obtain the Rodriguez rule
1 1
F (t)Pn (t) dt = n F (n) (t)(1 − t2 )n dt (3.9)
−1 2 n! −1
where we have used that P0 (x) = 1, P1 (x) = x. Therefore, for x = t, we find the
so-called Christoffel–Darboux formula
n + 1 Pn+1 (x)Pn (t) − Pn+1 (t)Pn (x)
K(x, t) = . (3.20)
2 x−t
Equivalently, we have
n+1 Pn+1 (x)Pn∗ (t) − Pn+1
(t)Pn∗ (x)
K(x, t) = √ √ . (3.21)
2n + 1 2n + 3 x−t
We take xi,n+1 , i = 1, . . . , n + 1, to be the (distinct)
zeros of Pn+1 . Then,
n 2
K(xj,n+1 , xi,n+1 ) = 0 for i = j and K(xi,n+1 , xi,n+1 ) = k=0 Pk (xi,n+1 ) > 0
since the zeros are interlaced. As a consequence (cf. [167]), we have
K(xi,n+1 , t)
F (t) = F (xi,n+1 )
K(xi,n+1 , xi,n+1 )
Pn+1 (t)
= F (xi,n+1 ) . (3.22)
Pn+1 (xi,n+1 )(t − xi,n+1 )
Green’s Function for the Legendre Operator. As already known, the Legendre
operator L has a half-bounded and discrete eigenspectrum {L∧ (n)}n=0,1,... such
(Lt + L∧ (n))Pn (t) = 0, t ∈ [−1, 1], (3.23)
L∧ (n) = n(n + 1), n = 0, 1, . . . . (3.24)
∧ ∧
Thus, SpectL = {L (n) ∈ R : L (n) = n(n + 1), n = 0, 1, . . .} is the eigenspectrum
of the Legendre operator.
The Hilbert theory of Green functions (cf. [111]) leads to the following definition.
Definition 3.2. A function G(L + λ; ·, ·): [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] → R, (x, t)
→ G(L +
λ; x, t), λ ∈ R, is called Legendre (Green) function with respect to the operator
L + λ, λ ∈ R, if it satisfies the following properties:
(i) (Boundedness) For each fixed x ∈ [−1, 1], G(L + λ; x, ·) is a continuous func-
tion on (−1, 1) satisfying the conditions
|G(L + λ; x, 1)| < ∞, (3.25)
|G(L + λ; x, −1)| < ∞. (3.26)
(ii) (Differential equations) For each fixed x ∈ [−1, 1], G(L + λ; x, ·) is twice
/ SpectL and t ∈ [−1, 1]\{x}
continuously differentiable in [−1, 1]\{x}. For λ ∈
we have
(Lt + λ)G(L + λ; x, t) = 0, t ∈ [−1, 1]\{x}, (3.27)
while, for λ = L∧ (n) ∈ SpectL , we have
(Lt + λ)G(L + λ; x, t) = −Pn∗ (x)Pn∗ (t), t ∈ [−1, 1]\{x}. (3.28)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 25
where ΣL∧ (k) =λ means that the summation is to be extended over all k ∈ N0 with
L∧ (k) = λ. Obviously, because of Pn (t) = O((n(1 − t2 ))−1/2 ), t ∈ (−1, 1), the
bilinear expansion (3.32) is absolutely and uniformly convergent both in x and t
for every compact subinterval of (−1, 1).
From the completeness of the system {Pn∗ }n=0,1,... we easily obtain that
G(L + λ; ·, ·) is uniquely determined by its defining properties (i)–(iv).
A particular role is played by the Legendre (Green) function with respect to
the operator L (i.e., λ = 0). It is explicitly available as elementary function (cf.
1 1
2 ln((1 + t)(1 − x)) + ln 2 − 2 , x≤t
G(L; x, t) = 1 1 (3.33)
2 ln((1 − t)(1 + x)) + ln 2 − 2 , t ≤ x.
In the sense of the Fredholm–Hilbert theory of linear integral equations we may
interpret the Green function G(L + λ; ·, ·) for λ = 0 as resolvent of the kernel
G(L + λ; x, t) = G(L; x, t) + λ G(L + λ; x, u)G(L; t, u) du
1 1
− − Pn∗ (x)Pn∗ (t)δλ,L∧ (n) . (3.34)
2λ λ
Inserting the bilinear expansions we therefore obtain, for each λ = 0,
∗ 1
G(L + λ; x, t) = G(L; x, t) − λ Pk∗ (x)Pk∗ (t)
(λ − L∧ (k))L∧ (k)
1 1
− − P ∗ (x)Pn∗ (t)δλ,L∧ (n) , (3.35)
2λ λ n
26 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
where the series on the right-hand side converges uniformly and absolutely both
in x and t on the interval [−1, 1], and the symbol Σ∗ means, that the summation
is extended over all k ∈ N0 satisfying (λ − L∧ (k))L∧ (k) = 0.
Next we introduce Legendre (Green) functions with respect to the iterated
operator (L + λ)p , p ∈ N.
Definition 3.3. For λ ∈ R, the function G((L + λ)p ; ·, ·), p = 2, 3, . . ., defined
recursively by
G((L + λ)p ; x, t) = G((L + λ)p−1 ; x, u)G(L + λ; t, u) du, (3.36)
In particular, we have
Lemma 3.4. For p = 2, 3, . . . and t = x
(Lt + λ)p−1 G((L + λ)p ; x, t) = G(L + λ; x, t). (3.40)
Integral Formulas for the Legendre Operator. Suppose that F : [−1, 1] → R is of
the class C (2) ([−1, 1]). Assume that λ ∈ R, x ∈ (−1, 1), and ε > 0 (sufficiently
small). Then partial integration, i.e., the so-called Green–Lagrange formula yields
{F (t)(Lt + λ)G(L + λ; x, t) − G(L + λ; x, t)(Lt + λ)F (t)} dt
+ {F (x)(Lt + λ)G(L + λ; x, t) − G(L + λ; x, t)(Lt + λ)F (t)} dt
2 d d t=x+ε
= −(1 − t ) F (t) G(L + λ; x, t) − G(L + λ; x, t) F (t) . (3.41)
dt dt t=x−ε
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 27
Observing the differential equation and the characteristic singularity of the Green
function with respect to L + λ we obtain by letting ε → 0 the following integral
Theorem 3.1 (Integral Formula for L + λ). Let x be a point in (−1, 1). Suppose
that F is of class C (2) ([−1, 1]). Then, for λ ∈/ SpectL ,
F (x) = G(L + λ; x, t)(Lt + λ)F (t) dt. (3.42)
G0,...,m ((L + λ)p ; x, t) = P ∗ (x)Pk∗ (t). (3.49)
(λ − L∧ (k))p k
λ =L∧ (k)
G⊥0,...,m ((L+λ) ; ·, ·) is called mth truncated Legendre (Green) function with respect
Theorem 3.3 enables a comparison between the functional value F (x) at the point x
and the mth truncated orthogonal expansion of F in terms of Legendre polynomials
at x with explicit representation of the remainder term in integral form.
Later on, this formula will be used to formulate adaptive estimates of the
remainder terms in Gaussian numerical integration.
Gaussian Quadrature. Let x1,n , . . . , xn,n with x1,n < · · · < xn,n be the zeros of the
Legendre polynomial Pn of degree n. Then it is well known that there is precisely
one zero of the polynomial Pn+1 in each interval (−1, x1,n ), . . . , (xn,n , 1).
For later use we want to prove the following preparatory result.
Lemma 3.5. The matrix
A = Pk∗ (xj,n ) k=0,...,n−1 (3.52)
is non-singular.
Proof. Assume that the matrix is singular. Then there exist coefficients C0 , . . .,
Cn−1 with c = (C0 , . . ., Cn−1 )T = (0, . . . , 0)T such that cT A = 0, i.e., the following
polynomial of degree ≤ n − 1
Q(x) = Cl Pl∗ (x) (3.53)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 29
n 1
wi,n P1∗ (xi,n ) = P1 (t)P0∗ (t)dt = 0,
i=1 −1
.. ..
. .
n 1
wi,n Pn−1 (xi,n ) = Pn−1 (t)P0∗ (t) dt = 0. (3.56)
i=1 −1
From Lemma 3.5 it is clear that the system (3.56) is uniquely solvable in the
unknown weights w1,n , . . . , wn,n .
Central for our considerations is the following well-known theorem (see, e.g.,
[206, 226]).
Theorem 3.4. Let x1,n , . . . , xn,n be the zeros of the Legendre polynomial Pn . Fur-
thermore, let w1,n , . . . , wn,n be the (unique) solution of the linear system (3.56).
(i) Then, the weights are positive, i.e., wi,n > 0 for i = 1, . . . , n, and we have
P (t) dt = wi,n P (xi,n ) (3.57)
−1 i=1
for all P ∈ Pol0,...,2n−1 , i.e., for all algebraic polynomials of degrees ≤ 2n− 1,
(ii) Conversely, if (3.57) is valid for real numbers wi,n , xi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, then
the knots xi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, are the zeros of the Legendre polynomial Pn and
the weights wi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, satisfy the linear equations (3.56).
(iii) Finally, there exist no real numbers xi,n , wi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, such that (3.57)
holds true for all P ∈ Pol2n .
Proof. Consider a polynomial P ∈ Pol0,...,2n−1 . Then there exist Q, R ∈ P oln−1
Q= Ar Pr∗ (3.58)
30 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
R= Br Pr∗ (3.59)
such that
P = Pn∗ Q + R. (3.60)
Because of the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials it is clear that
+1 1
P (t) dt = P (t)P0 (t) dt
−1 −1
1 1
= Q(t)Pn∗ (t) dt + R(t)P0 (t) dt
−1 −1
= R(t)P0 (t) dt. (3.61)
Next we verify (iii). Suppose that wi,n , xi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, are given in such a
way that (3.57) is valid for all P ∈ Pol0,...,2n . Choose H ∈ Pol0,...,2n of the form
H(x) = (x − xj,n )2 . (3.67)
Then 1
0< H(x) dx = wi,n H(xi,n ) = 0. (3.68)
−1 i=1
This is a contradiction.
In order to guarantee (ii) we apply the Gauss rule (3.57) especially to the
Legendre polynomials Pk∗ , k = 0, . . . , n − 1, such that
n 1 1
wi,n Pk∗ (xi,n ) = Pk∗ (x) dx = Pk∗ (x) P0 (x) dx. (3.69)
−1 −1
Remainder Terms Involving Green’s Function. Now, the integral formula (Theo-
rem 3.3) comes into play. For all values λ ∈ R\{L∧ (2n), L∧ (2n + 1), . . .} and for
functions F ∈ C (2p) ([−1, +1]), p ∈ N, we have
n 1
wi,n F (xi,n ) = F (t) dt
i=1 −1
n 1
+ wi,n G⊥ p p
0,...,2n ((L + λ) ; xi,n , t) (Lt + λ) F (t) dt.
i=1 −1
32 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
for λ ∈ R\{L∧ (2n), L∧ (2n + 1), . . .}, where we have used the abbreviation
Aλ (n) = wi,n wj,n G⊥ 2p
0,...,2n ((L + λ) ; xi,n , xj,n ) (3.80)
i=1 j=1
G⊥ 2p
0,...,2n ((L + λ) ; xi,n , xj,n )
= G⊥ p ⊥ p
0,...,2n ((L + λ) ; xi,n , t)G0,...,2n ((L + λ) ; t, xj,n ) dt. (3.81)
Summarizing our results we obtain the following remainder estimate.
Theorem 3.5. Let xi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, be the zeros of the Legendre polynomial Pn ,
n ≥ 1, and let wi,n , i = 1, . . . , n, be the unique solution of the linear system
n 1
wi,n Pk (xi,n ) = P0 (t)Pk (t) dt, (3.82)
i=1 −1
k = 0, . . . , n − 1.
Then, for values λ ∈ R\{L∧ (2n), L∧ (2n + 1), . . .} and for functions F ∈
C [−1, 1], we have
n 1
F (t) dt − wi,n F (xi,n ) ≤ Aλ (n) |(Lt + λ)p F (t)|2 dt, (3.83)
−1 −1
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 33
n ∞
(p) 1
Aλ (n) = wi,n wj,n P ∗ (xi,n )Pk∗ (xj,n ). (3.84)
i=1 j=1
(λ − L∧ (k))2p k
F0,...,2n−1 (t) = F (t) − F (u)Pn∗ (u) du Pn∗ (t), (3.86)
n=0 −1
t ∈ [−1, 1].
Observing the estimate |Pn (t)| ≤ 1 for all n ∈ N0 and t ∈ [−1, 1] and the
properties of the Gaussian weights we get
∞ ∞
n n
2k + 1 2k + 1
|Apλ (n)| ≤ wi,n wj,n =2 (3.87)
2 i=1 j=1 (λ − L∧ (k))2p (λ − L∧ (k))2p
k=2n k=2n
where F0,...,2n−1 (t) is defined by (3.86).
n ∞
(p) 1
A0 (n) = wi,n wj,n P ∗ (xi,n )Pk∗ (xj,n ). (3.90)
i=1 j=1
(k(k + 1))2p k
The sequence ∞
2k + 1
2 (3.91)
(k(k + 1))2p
k=2n n∈N
34 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
Whether or not the Gauss method had actually been widely used in practice
up to the seventieth of the last century is a matter of some doubt, since the
method requires the evaluation of functions at irrational arguments, hence, tedious
interpolation. All this changed when powerful digital computers entered the scene,
which generated a phase of renewed interest in Gaussian quadrature. The formulas
began to be routinely applied, and increased usage, in turn, led to important new
theoretical developments.
3.2. Periodic approximate integration
Next we are interested in trapezoidal sums based on Euler-type summation for-
mulas for approximate integration of one-dimensional periodic functions.
To this end we first list some obvious results on “τ -dilated lattices”
τ Z = {τ g : g ∈ Z, τ > 0}. (3.96)
The fundamental cell Fτ Z of the lattice τ Z is given by
1 1
Fτ Z = x ∈ R : − τ ≤ x < τ . (3.97)
2 2
A function F : R → C is called τ Z-periodical if F (x + g) = F (x) holds for all
x ∈ Fτ Z and g ∈ τ Z. The function Φh : R → C, h ∈ τ1 Z, given by
→ Φh (x) = √ e2πihx (3.98)
is τ Z-periodical and satisfies the identity
1, h = h
Φh (x)Φh (x) dx = (3.99)
Fτ Z h .
0, h =
The space of all F ∈ C (m) (R) that are τ Z-periodical is denoted by Cτ Z (R), 0 ≤
m ≤ ∞. Clearly, the space L2τ Z (R) is the completion of Cτ Z (R) with respect to the
norm · L2τ Z (R) . The system {Φh }h∈ τ1 Z is orthonormal with respect to the L2τ Z (R)-
inner product. By convention, we say that λ is an eigenvalue of the lattice τ Z with
respect to the operator Δ of the second-order derivative (i.e., the one-dimensional
Laplace operator), if there is a non-trivial solution U of the differential equation
(Δ + λ)U = 0 satisfying the “boundary condition” of periodicity U (x + g) = U (x)
for all x ∈ Fτ Z and g ∈ τ Z. From classical Fourier analysis we know that the
operator Δ has a half-bounded and discrete eigenspectrum {Δ∧ (h)}h∈ τ1 Z ⊂ R
such that (Δx + Δ∧ (h)) Φh (x) = 0, x ∈ Fτ Z , with eigenvalues Δ∧ (h) given by
Δ∧ (h) = 4π 2 h2 , h ∈ τ1 Z, and eigenfunctions Φh (x) = τ − 2 e2πihx , h ∈ τ1 Z, x ∈ Fτ Z .
Consequently, the eigenspectrum of the operator Δ (with respect to τ Z) is
given by
SpectΔ (τ Z) = Δ∧ (h) : Δ∧ (h) = 4π 2 h2 , h ∈ Z . (3.100)
Trapezoidal Integration Rule. For purposes of numerical integration of one-dim-
ensional periodic functions we introduce the definition of the τ Z-lattice Green
36 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
provided that λ ∈ SpectΔ (τ Z) (note that the summation on the right side of
(3.103) is to be taken over all lattice points h ∈ τ1 Z satisfying λ − (Δ)∧ (h)) =
0, i.e., 4π 2 h2 = λ).
(iii) (Characteristic Singularity)
→ G(τ Z; Δ + λ; ·) − x sign(x) (3.104)
is continuously differentiable for all x ∈ Fτ Z.
(iv) (Normalization) For all h ∈ τ1 Z with (Δ + λ)∧ (h) = 0,
G(τ Z; Δ + λ; x)e2πihx dx = 0. (3.105)
Fτ Z
holds for all λ ∈ R\{Δ∧ (m), Δ∧ (m + 1), . . .}. Because of the 2π-periodicity of F
we are able to write
2π 2π
F (g) = F (k − 1) . (3.116)
m m m
g∈[0,2π] k=1
g∈ 2π
m Z
2π m 1
0,...,m−1 )
Z; Δ + λ; 0 = eimlx , x ∈ R. (3.123)
m 2π λ − m2 l 2
m2 l2 =λ
Equivalently, we have
1 (1 − t2 )l tn−2l
Pn (t) = n! − . (3.130)
4 (l!)2 (n − 2l)!
(note that Pn is equal to Pn,0 ). In connection with Pn,m = 0 for m > n, the
preceding result leads to the following statement (see, e.g., [46]).
Lemma 3.6 (Associated Legendre Polynomial of Degree n and Order m). For
n = 0, 1, . . . , m = 0, 1, . . ., and t ∈ [−1, 1] we have
Pn,m (t) = (1 − t2 ) 2 Cm 2
n−m−k (1 − t )
2 tk , (3.133)
satisfy the differential equation (for graphical illustrations see Figures 3.2, 3.3,
and 3.4),
LR n R
n,j (x) = |x| Ln,j (ξ), x = |x|ξ, ξ ∈ Ω, (3.142)
Yn,j = Cn,j LR
n,j , j = −n, . . . , n, (3.143)
2n + 1 (n − |j|)!
Cn,j = (2 − δj,0 ) (3.144)
4π (n + |j|)!
is called (fully) L2R (S2 )-orthonormal system of associated Legendre (spherical) har-
Remark 3.1 (Addition Theorem for the system {Yn,j }). Suppose that ξ, η ∈ Ω are
given by
ξ= 1 − t2ξ cos λξ ε1 + 1 − t2ξ sin λξ ε2 + tξ ε3
− 1 ≤ tξ ≤ 1, tξ = cos θξ , 0 ≤ λξ < 2π, (3.145)
η = 1 − t2η cos λη ε1 + 1 − t2η sin λη ε2 + tη ε3
− 1 ≤ tη ≤ 1, tη = cos θη , 0 ≤ λη < 2π, (3.146)
respectively, so that
ξ · η = tξ tη +1 − t2ξ 1 − t2η (cos λξ cos λη + sin ϕξ sin λη )
= tξ tη + 1 − t2ξ 1 − t2η cos(λξ − λη ). (3.147)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 43
Then we have
2n + 1
Pn (tξ tη + 1 − t2ξ 1 − t2η cos(λξ − λη ))
= Pn (tξ )Pn (tη )
2n + 1 (n − m)!
+ Pn,m (tξ )Pn,m (tη ) cos(m(λξ − λη ))
2π m=1 (n + m)!
= Yn,j (ξ)Yn,j (η). (3.148)
n = 0, 1, . . . , j = −n, . . . , n and ξ = tε3 + 1 − t2 (cos λε1 + sin λε2 ), t = cos θ, t ∈
[−1, 1], λ ∈ [0, 2π).
On the one hand, taking into account that Y0,0 C
= √14π , we obtain
C 4π , if k = l = 0,
Yk,l (ξ) dS(ξ) = (3.153)
S2 0 , else
(dS denotes the surface element). On the other hand, it can be readily seen that
π 2π
Yk,l (ξ) dS(ξ) = Ckl Pk,|l| (cos(θ)) sin(θ) dθ (cos(lλ) + i sin(lλ)) dλ.
S2 0 0
The combination of (3.153) and (3.154) leads us to the equation
π 2π 2π
Ckl Pk,|l| (cos(θ)) sin(θ) dθ cos(lλ) dλ + i sin(lλ) dλ
0 0 0
4π , if k = l = 0,
= (3.155)
0 , else.
This identity is the point of departure for the derivation of exact integration for-
mulas. Together with C00 = √14π we easily see that
π 2π 2π
Pk,|l| (cos(θ)) sin(θ) dθ cos(lλ) dλ + i sin(lλ) dλ
0 0 0
4π , if k = l = 0,
= (3.156)
0 , else.
(i) Determine a number Nλ ∈ N, the nodes λ0 , . . . , λNλ −1 ∈ [0, 2π), and the
weights aλ0 , . . ., aλNλ −1 ∈ R, so that the integration formula
2π 2π λ −1
N λ −1
cos(lλ)dτ + i sin(lλ) dλ = aλj cos(lλj ) + i aλj sin(lλj )
0 0 j=0 j=0
2π , if l = 0,
= (3.157)
0 , else
is exact for k = 0, . . . , m.
(iii) Combine the latitude-longitude nodal systems to the product set
and collect the integration weights aλ0 , . . . , aλNλ −1 and aθ0 , . . . aθNθ −1 .
We begin with the discretization with respect to the longitude that is well-known
from (3.120).
Lemma 3.7 (Longitude Integration). For Nλ ∈ N, assume that the nodes are given
by λj = j N λ
∈ [0, 2π), j = 0, . . . , Nλ − 1. Then, the integration rule
2π λ −1
2π 2πj
T (λ) dλ = T (3.160)
0 j=0
Nλ Nλ
Nθ −1
2 −1
2 π π 1 π
= Pk cos j sin j sin (2s + 1) j
Nθ Nθ Nθ s=0 2s + 1 Nθ
48 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
2 π π 1 π
= Pk cos j sin j sin (2s + 1)j
Nθ j=0 N −θ N −θ s=0
2s − 1 Nθ
2 −1
4 π 1 π
aθj = sin j sin (2s + 1)j (3.170)
Nθ Nθ s=0 2s + 1 Nθ
holds true for all polynomials of degrees ≤ Nθ − 1.
Now, especially for Nθ = Nλ = m + 1, m ∈ N odd, the combination of the above
schemes for longitude-latitude distribution enables us to arrange an equiangular
longitude-latitude distributed grid (ELLG) integration rule, where the nodes and
weights, respectively, are given by
π 2π
(θj , λk ) ∈ [0, π)×[0, 2π), θj = j , j = 0, . . . , m, λk = k , k = 0, . . . , m,
m+1 m+1
2 −1
4 π 1 π
aθj = sin j sin (2s + 1)j , j = 0, . . . , m,
m+1 m+1 s=0
2s + 1 m+1
aλk = , k = 0, . . . , m. (3.172)
Figure 3.5 gives a graphical illustration of the equiangular longitude-latitude grid
(ELLG) in the (θ, λ)-plane. As a consequence, any spherical harmonic Y of degree
≤ m, i.e., Y ∈ Harm 0,...,m can be integrated exactly in the form
m m
Y (η) dS(η) = aθj aλk Y (θj , λk ). (3.173)
Ω j=0 k=0
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 49
as follows:
Nλ = m + 1, (3.174)
Nθ = (m + 1). (3.175)
Let xθ1,Nθ < · · · < xθNθ ,Nθ be the zeros of the Legendre polynomial of degree Nθ ,
and suppose that the grid (GG) is given by
(θj , λk ) ∈ [0, π] × [0, 2π), (3.176)
θj = arccos(xθj,Nθ ), j = 1, . . . , Nθ = (m + 1), (3.177)
λk = k , k = 0, . . . , m. (3.178)
Then, for Y ∈ Harm 0,...,m = k=0 Harm k , we have
2 (m+1)
Y (η) dS(η) = wj,N aλ Y (θj , λk )
θ k
Ω j=0 k=0
2 (m+1)
2π θ
= wj,N θ
Y (θj , λk ). (3.179)
m+1 j=0 k=0
Thus, for m ∈ N odd and Y, F ∈ Harm 0,..., m−1 , the product Y F is of class
Harm 0,...,m , hence, the inner product of Y and F
Y, F L2 (Ω) = Y (η)F (η) dS(η) (3.180)
can be calculated in exact way by use of the Gaussian grid (GG) with 12 (m + 1)2
In particular, this result can be applied to the determination of the Fourier coef-
ficients of an arbitrary function F ∈ L2 (Ω). In more detail, if the Fourier series
expansion of a function F ∈ L2 (Ω)
F ∼ F, Yk,l L2 (S2 ) Yk,l (3.181)
k=0 l=−n
Later, the solutions of the Laplace equation came to be known as harmonic func-
tions. It should, however, be remarked that the Laplace equation had been also
considered by Lagrange in 1760 in connection with his study of fluid flow problems.
Laplace’s result was completed by his student S.D. Poisson (1781–1840) in 1813,
when he showed that ΔV = −Cρ for smooth enough densities ρ.
Δx C ρ(y) G(Δ; |x − y|) dy = 0 (4.8)
Moreover, the so-called Poisson equation under the assumption of μ-Hölder conti-
nuity, μ ∈ (0, 1], can be formulated as follows:
Theorem 4.2. If ρ is of class C (0,μ) (G), μ ∈ (0, 1], then the Poisson differential
−Δx C ρ(y) G(Δ; |x − y|) dy = Cρ(x) (4.10)
In Theorem 4.2 the assumption of μ-Hölder continuity of ρ, μ ∈ (0, 1], is needed for
its proof. As a matter of fact, H. Petrini [173] showed that the μ-Hölder continuity
of ρ, μ ∈ (0, 1], is necessary to imply the second continuous differentiability of the
Newton volume potential.
The Gauss integral theorem (from 1813) and the related Green formulas (cf.
[91]) are among the basic tools of potential theory. They are also indispensable for
a variety of problems in physical geodesy (cf. [107, 112, 159]).
The identities (4.12) and (4.13) are valid for all vector fields, whatever their
physical meaning is. Of special interest is the case (4.12) in which f may be
understood to be the velocity vector of an incompressible fluid. Inside the surface
∂G there may be sources in which the fluid is generated or sinks in which the fluid
is annihilated. The divergence
∇·f measures the strength of the sources and sinks.
The volume integral G ∇ · f (y) dy is the total amount of the fluid generated in
unit time. The surface integral ∂G f (y) · ν(y) dS(y) is the total amount of fluid
flowing in unit time across the surface ∂G. Therefore, the Gauss formula expresses
a balance equation, namely the evident fact that both integrals in (4.12) are equal.
where, as always, ∂ν = ν · ∇ denotes the derivative in the direction of the outer
(unit) normal field ν.
56 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
where α(x) id solid angle α(x) subtended by the boundary ∂G at the point x ∈ R3
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 57
These formulas, which turn out to be the point of departure for the limit and
jump relations in potential theory (see, e.g., [49, 121, 191]), are also due to Gauss.
Letting F = 1 in G, we obviously find in connection with (4.5) and Corol-
lary 4.2 the following definition (cf. (2.33)).
Definition 4.1 (Solid Angle). Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region. Then the solid angle
α(x) subtended by the boundary ∂G at the point x ∈ R3 is given by
α(x) = − G(Δ; |x − y|) dS(y). (4.23)
∂G ∂ν(y)
∂G (cf. Figure 4.1). In the case of the cube G = (−1, 1)3 ⊂ R3 we especially have
(i) α(x) = 1 if x is located in the open cube G, (ii) α(x) = 12 if x is located on
one of the six faces of the boundary ∂G of the cube G but not on an edge or in
a vertex, (iii) α(x) = 14 if x is located on one of the eight edges of ∂G but not
58 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
®(x) = 0
)y* ?
)y* ?
)y* ? 2 )z* ? 3
)y* ? :
Theorem 4.7. Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region. Then the following statements are
(a) U : G → R is harmonic in G, i.e., U ∈ C (2) (G) and ΔU = 0 in G,
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 59
at infinity. Mathematically (see, e.g., [49]), the “regularity at infinity” can be de-
duced via the Kelvin transform by a transition from functions harmonic in the
inner space to their counterparts in outer space, and vice versa.
Now we are prepared to discuss exterior versions of the Green identities involving
harmonic functions being regular at infinity. All these identities can be obtained
by first considering the auxiliary set GR
(0) = G c ∩ BR (0) (with R sufficiently large
such that G BR (0), i.e., G ⊂ BR (0) and dist(∂G, ∂BR (0)) > 0) and afterwards
letting R tend to infinity (note that GR c
(0) as the difference of the two regular
regions BR (0) and G allows the application of the interior Green formulas).
F, G ∈ C (1) (G c ) ∩ C (2) (G c )
be harmonic in G c and regular at infinity. Then
∂ ∂
F (y) H(y) − H(y) F (y) dS(y) = 0. (4.34)
∂G ∂ν ∂ν
Theorem 4.14 (Exterior Third Green Theorem). Suppose that G is a regular region
with continuously differentiable boundary ∂G. Let U be of class C (1) (G c ) ∩ C (2) (G c )
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 61
is rotating, we can also assign a centrifugal potentialΦ to the rotating body. This
results in the so-called gravity potential W given by
W = V + Φ. (4.36)
w = ∇W. (4.37)
The magnitude of w, in geodesy usually denoted by g = |w| and simply called the
gravity (intensity), can be obtained on the surface ∂G of the Earth from gravimet-
ric measurements. The direction of w gives the direction of the plumb line and can
be obtained from astronomic observations and today also from satellite measure-
ments. Plumb lines are not straight, but intersect each equipotential surface of W
normally, such that the gravity vector w at any given point is tangential to the
plumb line at this point.
Combining leveling with the gravimetric and astronomic measurements which
determine w allows us to get W on the surface up to an additional constant which
can be determined from additionally knowing at least one distance. All data sets
are assumed to be corrected for influences like gravitational potentials of other
celestial bodies or the Earth’s precession and atmosphere.
ΔW = Δ(V + Φ) = ΔV + ΔΦ = 2ω 2 (4.39)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 63
outside ∂G. The assumption of having the barycenter at the origin further on
imposes on V that the asymptotic relation
V (x) = + O(|x|−3 ), |x| → ∞, (4.40)
holds true, which can be seen by taking a multipole expansion into account.
All in all, Molodensky’s problem is a non-linear free-boundary problem and,
therefore, hard to solve mathematically. As a consequence, a variety of approximate
methods exist. Usually, Molodensky’s approach is modified via linearization. In
fact, linearization and a sophisticated iterative process which avoids the loss of
regularity are essential in treating Molodensky’s problem (note that we do not
cover here the iteration procedures as proposed by L. Hörmander [113]).
Linearizing Molodensky’s problem amounts to the introduction of two ingredients:
(α) an approximate surface ∂T for the Earth, called telluroid,
(β) an approximate potential U , called normal potential.
Classically, in the geodetic context, the following steps are carried out:
(1) Choose a reference body E, usually an ellipsoid, which lies completely inside
the Earth and rotates with the same angular speed ω as the Earth around
the x3 -axis.
(2) For every point P on ∂G, find a point Q0 on the surface ∂E such that xP −xQ0
is normal to ∂E. xP and xQ0 are the position vectors of P and Q.
(3) Determine the normal potential U such that
– its gravitational potential part is caused by a mass identical to the
Earth’s mass,
– its centrifugal potential part is identical to (4.38),
– the reference surface ∂E is an equipotential surface of U .
Note that U can be calculated explicitly as its centrifugal part is known and
its gravitational part is the solution to an exterior Dirichlet problem with
boundary values given on ∂E (see, e.g., [94, 107]).
(4) Compute the gradient ∇U of U , called normal gravity vector field and denoted
by u = ∇U with the magnitude γ = |u| called normal gravity. As ∂E is an
equipotential surface of U , u is normal to ∂E for every point on ∂E, i.e.,
u(xQ0 ) is parallel to xP − xQ0 .
(5) For every point P on the real Earth surface ∂G choose a point Q according
to one of the following conditions:
(A) Q lies on the line between P and its corresponding point Q0 on the
surface ∂E so that
W (xP ) = U (xQ ), (4.41)
w(xP ) u(xQ )
(B) = (4.42)
|w(xP )| |u(xQ )|
W (xP ) = U (xQ ), (4.43)
64 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
for all points Q on the telluroid ∂T . We shall see later why this condition is
In principle, the telluroid can be chosen by any surface as long as there is a one-
to-one mapping between ∂G and ∂T (in this respect it should be remarked that
the geoid may be assumed to be known with an accuracy of about one centimeter
or less). In order to be suitable as a point of departure in the context of lineariza-
tion, ∂T should be close to ∂G (in some sense) and chosen in a way that brings
advantages during the following process of linearization (note that a more correct
notation is to write Q0 (P ) and Q(P ) as the points Q0 and Q are dependent on P .
We will do so whenever it may help to avoid any confusion).
The introduction of the normal gravity field u also suggests the definition of
so-called normal plumb lines, i.e., lines which intersect each equipotential surface of
u normally, such that the normal gravity vector u at any given point is tangential
to the normal plumb line at this point.
The normal potential has been well established in geodesy long before Molo-
densky, whereas other surfaces have been in use for a long time before the telluroid,
e.g., the geoid ∂G. As mentioned above, ∂E is an equipotential surface of the nor-
mal potential U . Denoting the value of U on ∂E by U0 , the geoid ∂G is defined as
the equipotential surface of W for which we have W = U0 on ∂G.
Points on the geoid ∂G can be related to points on ∂G. We denote by P0 ∈ ∂G
the point related to P ∈ ∂G. We can determine P0 from P by moving along the
plumb line from P towards the center of the Earth until we reach the geoid.
Another possibility would be to use the normal plumb line to reach the geoid or
to choose P0 as the point on the geoid that lies also on the line between P ∈ ∂G
and the corresponding Q0 ∈ ∂E. With an appropriate choice of ∂E and the normal
potential U , all of these methods yield almost the same point P0 . We define the
distance vector between P0 (P ) and Q0 (P ) as
d(P ) = xP0 (P ) − xQ0 (P ). (4.46)
Its magnitude is the geoidal undulation, in the geodetic context denoted by
N (P ) = |d(P )| = |xP0 (P ) − xQ0 (P )| . (4.47)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 65
for all (ξ, χ) ∈ Ω × [0, 1]. Rewriting the equations (4.55), (4.56) in composition
form, we see that
Ẇ = Ẇ ◦ S + (g ◦ S)T Ṡ, (4.58)
ġ = ġ ◦ S + (Hess(W) ◦ S) Ṡ. (4.59)
From (4.59), we are able to deduce that
Ṡ = (Hess(W) ◦ S) ġ − ġ ◦ S (4.60)
In connection with (4.58) we therefore obtain from (4.60)
W˙ = Ẇ ◦ S + (g ◦ S)T (Hess(W) ◦ S)−1 ġ − ġ ◦ S
T −1
= Ẇ ◦ S + ġ − ġ ◦ S (Hess(W) ◦ S) (g ◦ S)
= Ẇ ◦ S + ġ − ġ ◦ S (Hess(W)) g ◦ S
= Ẇ ◦ S + ġ − ġ ◦ S (J (g)) g ◦ S, (4.61)
where we have used the fact that the Hessian is symmetric. (J (g)) g is the
tangent of the curve along which the gravity field has a fixed direction. Such lines
are called isozenithals in geodesy. We introduce
M = (J (g)) g (4.62)
to gain the more compact notation. As a matter of fact, we are able to detect the
following equivalencies
W˙ = Ẇ ◦ S + (M ◦ S)T ġ − ġ ◦ S (4.63)
⇔W ˙ − (M ◦ S)T ġ = Ẇ ◦ S − (ġ ◦ S)T (M ◦ S) (4.64)
⇔ Ẇ − (M ◦ S) ġ = Ẇ − ġT M ◦ S, (4.65)
such that
Ẇ = Ẇ ◦ S + (M ◦ S) ġ − ġ ◦ S (4.66)
˙ − (M ◦ S)T ġ = Ẇ − ∇Ẇ T M ◦ S.
⇔W (4.67)
In the case of a non-rotating sphere (see, e.g., [158]), we get with |x| = r
u(x) = − 3 x=− εr , (4.74)
|x| r2
1 ∂γ(x) 1 ∂γ(x) 2
= =− . (4.75)
γ(x) ∂τ γ(x) ∂r r
where G is the gravitational constant and M is the (mean) Earth’s mass.
Given the reference ellipsoid with the semi-principal axes a, a and b, a > b,
consider a point P with the ellipsoidal (or geodetic) coordinates (h, θ, λ), whereas
h is the height above the ellipsoid, − π2 ≤ θ ≤ π2 the latitude and 0 ≤ λ < 2π the
longitude. xP can be written (see, e.g., [89] and the references therein) as
⎛ ⎞
√ a2
⎜ 2 2 2 2
+ h cos(θ) cos(λ)⎟
⎜ a cos (λ)+b sin (λ) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
xP = ⎜⎜ √ a2
+ h cos(θ) sin(λ) ⎟
a2 cos2 (λ)+b2 sin2 (λ) ⎟. (4.76)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
√ 2 2 b 2 2 + h sin(θ)
a cos (λ)+b sin (λ)
As the derivative with respect to r coincides on the sphere with the normal deriv-
ative, this is no longer an oblique-derivative problem.
Earth's surface
height anomaly
geoidal height
= δwT εr . (4.84)
thus introducing the gravity disturbance δg, we obtain the exterior Neumann
boundary value problem (see, e.g., [112])
Note that w(x) = −g(x)ν(x) by definition, i.e., there are no surface components
of w(xP0 ) at the geoid. Therefore, we get for the surface components
uS T (xP0 ) = −uS (xP0 )
= −|u(xP0 )| [ν (xP0 ) − (ν (xP0 ) · ν(xP0 )) ν(xP0 )]
= −γu(xP0 )Θ(xP0 ) (4.91)
with the (vectorial) deflection of the vertical defined as
Θ(xP0 ) = ν (xP0 ) − (ν (xP0 ) · ν(xP0 )) ν(xP0 ). (4.92)
We can also use Bruns’s formula (cf. [15]) in the form
T (xP0 ) = γ(xQ0 )N (xP0 ) (4.93)
with Q0 being the point on the reference ellipsoid associated with P0 and N the
geoidal undulation (leading the approach given by F.A. Vening Meinesz [217].
In spherical approximation (see, e.g., [159]), we can estimate u(xQ0 ) by the
constant value u0 to arrive at
γ(xP0 )
∇S N (xP0 ) = − Θ(xP0 ). (4.94)
γ(x )
Traditionally, it is also assumed that γ0P0 ≈ 1 and that ν (xP0 ) can be approxi-
mated by the ellipsoidal normal, i.e., ν (xQ0 ).
In spherical notation, we have
ξ = sin θε3 + cos θ(cos λε1 + sin λε2 ), 0 ≤ λ < 2π, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π (4.95)
(λ: spherical longitude, θ: spherical latitude), where ε1 , ε2 , ε3 , respectively, form
the (canonical) orthonormal basis in R3 and a moving orthonormal triad on the
unit sphere Ω is given in the form
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
cos λ cos θ − sin λ − cos λ sin θ
εr = ⎝ sin λ cos θ ⎠ , ελ = ⎝ cos λ ⎠ , εθ = ⎝ sin λ sin θ ⎠ , (4.96)
sin θ 0 cos θ
so that (4.91) and (4.94) lead to
1 ∗ GM
∇ T (Rξ) = − 2 Θ(Rξ) (4.97)
R ξ R
1 ∗
⇐⇒ ∇ N (Rξ) = −Θ(Rξ). (4.98)
R ξ
The surface gradient ∇∗ξ in local spherical coordinates is given by
1 ∂ ∂
∇∗ξ = ελ + εθ , (4.99)
cos θ ∂λ ∂θ
Note that G is the gravitational constant and R is the (mean) Earth’s radius used
in spherical approximation. The particular representation of ∇∗ξ yields the scalar
72 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
1 ∂N
− (λ, θ) = NSC(λ, θ), (4.100)
R ∂λ
1 1 ∂N
− (λ, θ) = EWC(λ, θ) (4.101)
R cos λ ∂λ
with NSC(λ, ϑ), the north-south component, and EWC(λ, ϑ), the east-west com-
ponent of Θ. The difference between (4.98) on the one hand and (4.100) and (4.101)
on the other hand is, that the former is an isotropic vectorial differential equation
whereas the latter is an anisotropic system of two scalar differential equations.
The solution of the isotropic vectorial differential equation (and its multi-scale
approximation) can be found in [61], while the solution of the scalar anisotropic
differential equations is due to F.A. Vening Meinesz [217].
For Dirichlet, Neumann, and Stokes problems, there exist solution procedures
based on an integral representation of T (see, e.g., [159]). However, evaluating these
integrals can be cumbersome. Therefore, it is necessary to consider suitable inte-
gration and approximation formulas to derive a numerical procedure that allows
a fast and precise determination of the disturbing potential T from given bound-
ary data (numerical realizations by locally supported wavelets have been recently
proposed by W. Freeden, M. Schreiner [46], W. Freeden, K. Wolf [63], W. Freeden
et al. [65], W. Freeden, C. Gerhards [49]). This leads us to the consideration of
finite pointset methods on spheres and low-pass filtering involving truncated series
of spherical harmonics. Even harmonic spline Runge methods can be performed,
e.g., after a suitable Kelvin transform (see [3, 20, 49, 55, 56]).
arc measurements questioned the regular curvature of the meridians. P.S. Laplace
[136] concluded in his “Traité de Mécanique Céleste” that the Earth is noticeably
different from an elliptic shape.
On the basis of the well-known scientific findings at that time and his own
knowledge about the significance of the deflections of the vertical, which he traced
back to the visibility of the irregularity of the masses as well as to the different den-
sities below the Earth’s surface, C.F. Gauss came as a first scientist to a compre-
hensive definition of the mathematical figure of the Earth which was fundamental
in physical geodesy. This definition has been published in 1828: “Bestimmung des
Breitenunterschiedes zwischen den Sternwarten von Göttingen und Altona” (De-
termination of the latitude difference between the observatories of Göttingen and
Altona), (Gauss Werke vol. IX, p. 49). In this treatise one can find the following
“In our opinion the topic is viewed from a wrong angle, if such phenom-
ena are always considered as local deviations of the plumb line, and these
deviations are regarded as it were only an exception. What we call in
a geometric sense the surface of the Earth is nothing else as the same
surface, which everywhere intersects the direction of gravity at right an-
gles and part of it coincides with the surface of the world’s oceans. The
direction of the gravity is determined at every point by the shape of the
part of the solid Earth and its unequal density. At the exterior rind of
the Earth, from which we alone know anything, its shape and density
appear as extreme irregular; the irregularity of the density may extend
fairly deep under the outer rind and cannot be computed, because there
is nearly no data available. The geometrical surface is the product of the
total effect of these unequal distributed elements. In consideration of this
situation nothing can prevent us to view the Earth as a whole as a spher-
oid of revolution, from which its real (geometrical) surface will overall
deflect almost by stronger, weaker, shorter or longer undulations.”
For this definition of the geometrical surface of the Earth, Gauss’s scholar
J.B. Listing [143] chose the term “geoid”, which is up to date used, and is the
reference surface for all heights above sea level. Gauss explains the term “height”
in a letter to Olbers (Gauss works, vol. IX, p. 375):
“This surface (the surface of the oceans) is called a horizontal surface
(couche de niveau); equal heights are given to the points of this surface
without caring by no means about whether or how much these points
deviate from an ellipsoidal spheroid. The heights above this surface can
be measured by a barometer as well as trigonometrically so that both
must correspond to each other.”
According to H. Moritz [155] this surface of the Earth, in principle defined
by Gauss, can in its importance for geodesy be considered as a change like that
of Copernicus, because the simple model of the surface of an ellipsoid as an ideal
was replaced by the physically interpreted Earth. Since that time the ellipsoid
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 75
Already about 1798 Gauss succeeded in giving his approach a foundation based
on the probability theory. It is possible that the notice in his diary from June 17th
of that year refers to this achievement: “Calculus probabilitatis contra Laplace
defensus” (Gauss Werke X, p. 533). Since 1801 Gauss applied this method nearly
daily for his astronomic computations (Gauss Werke, Vol. IV, p. 98). A well-known
application during this time was the computation of the orbit of the Planetoid
Ceres (cf. [27]), which could only be observed by Piazzi over 90◦ of its orbit. In spite
of the small number of observations Gauss was able to compute the ephemeris of
Ceres so precisely that Ceres could be redetected at the predetermined place. The
discovery of the planetoid Ceres introduced Gauss to the world as a theoretical
astronomer of the highest reputation ([27]). Why Gauss published his “Theoria
motus corporum coelestium . . . ” so late can probably only be explained by the
78 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
endeavour of Gauss to give his works “an inner perfection”. Gauss’s motto was:
“pauca sed matura”.
This is probably the reason that Legendre could publish before him in the year
1806 the method without giving a thorough reasoning. R. Adrain [2] (see also the
comments by E. Hammer [97]) introduced this principle, too.
Legendre characterized this method of least squares as the most general, most
accurate, and very easy to apply adjustment principle and proved that this method
leads for one unknown to the arithmetic mean and for two or three unknowns to the
center point of the system. According to Legendre a kind of equilibrium between
the deviations of the measurements will be fixed, comparable to the determination
of a space point by measurements, which lies in the center point of the system.
Independently from Legendre, R. Adrain [2] derived in his publication “Research
concerning the probabilities of the errors which happen in making observations”
the function of the error probability and the method of least squares resulting
out of it. The correspondence of great mathematicians of that time, e.g., between
Gauss and Laplace, supports the impression that there was no dispute concerning
the priority. Rather the correspondence proves that this simple principle of the
method of least squares was highly regarded by the contemporaries (see also [87]).
According to V. Bialas [7], the method of least squares can be regarded as a
characteristic example of the increasing importance of mathematics in geodesy
in the first half of the 19th century. At the same time this method also is an
expression of how the unity of observational practice, the evaluation of measuring
results, and the corresponding theory is growing together.
Reasons for the Least Squares Method.The introduction of the “mean square er-
ror” and its definition as an independent measure of precision was an important
assumption for the foundation of the least squares method, which can be written
by the following objective function using today’s representation (see, e.g., [238]):
v T P v = min . Here P is a weight matrix, e.g., a diagonal matrix, in the Gauss-
ian approach, and v is the vector of residuals. Besides the complete definition of
this measure of precision Gauss also demonstrated in his “Theoria combinationis
observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae” how to get the mean square errors of
the unknowns as well as the weight of a function of the adjusted unknowns in the
course of an adjustment of observation equations (see [77] and the comments by
G.W. Stewart [205]).
Approximate Reasoning. Following a publication by R. Dedekind [25], Gauss did
argue in his lecture about the least squares method against the adjustment prin-
ciple of minimizing the absolute sum of errors (deviations) and the algebraic sum
being zero. This principle was first applied by Ch. Maire, R.J. Boscović [145] and
later by P.S. Laplace [136]
|vi | = min, (5.1)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 79
The formula provides a measure for the precision of the observations. Gauss
was aware of certain arbitrariness of this quantity. In fact, he wrote in Articles 178
and 179 of his publication “Theoria motus corporum coelestium: Functio modo
eruta omni quidem igore errorum probilitatis exprimere certo non potest. . . ”.
“Hoc principium, quod in omnibus applicationibus mathesis ad philosoph-
iam naturalem usum frequentissimum.”
The function just found cannot, it is true, express rigorously the probabilities of
the errors: For since the possible errors are in all cases confined within certain
limits, the probability of errors exceeding those limits ought always to be zero,
while our formula always gives some value. However, this defect, which every ana-
lytical function must, from its nature, labor under, is of no importance in practice,
because the value of our function decreases so rapidly, when it has acquired a con-
siderable magnitude, that it can safely be considered as vanishing. This principle,
which promises to be of most frequent use in all applications of the mathematics
to natural philosophy, must, everywhere, be considered an axiom with the same
propriety as the arithmetical mean of several observed values of the same quantity
is adopted as the most probable value (translated by P.J. Davis [23]).
After Gauss has determined the probability distribution for the measuring
errors (errors of observations) in such a way, he concluded in one of the next
paragraphs: The probability density of a given totality of observations will attain
its maximum under the condition that the sum of the squares of the deviations
of the observed quantities with respect to the true values of the quantities, which
have to be measured, will become a minimum. This principle can also be applied to
observations of different precision. If the mean square error is however unknown
and the deviations of the approximate values from the true values have to be
estimated, then the student distribution should be chosen according to the number
of degrees of freedom. Especially with a small number of observations the results
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 81
will be different to the ones determined with the procedure given by Gauss (see,
e.g., [87]).
In case that the Gauss’s error law and the axiom of the arithmetic mean
underlying this law would not be valid, then the unknowns determined by the
method of least squares are not any more the most probable values. Gauss came
to a second justification presumably on the basis of an article by Laplace, who
proved in his “Théorie analytique des Probabilités” ([138]) that the unknowns
determined by the method of least squares have the smallest average errors. This
proof is independent of the form of the error law, if for all observations the same
error law is valid and if positive as well as negative errors of equal absolute value are
equal probable. Laplace furnished this proof for two unknowns under the condition
that the number of the observations is infinite. Gauss did not take this assumption
into account and he proved this in his “Theoria observationum erroribus minimis
obnoxiae”. In the “Anzeigen” ([77]) the following sentence can be found:
“. . . , die Funktion für die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Fehler sei, welche sie
wolle, und die Anzahl der Beobachtungen möge gross oder klein sein.”
(. . . , the function for the probability of the errors may be as it likes to
be and the number of observations may be large or small).
In consistency with G.W. Stewart [205] we present a list of what was new in
Gauss’s treatment of random errors:
(1) The careful distinction between systematic and random errors.
(2) The use of the first moment of a distribution to measure its center.
(3) The use of the second moment to measure precision.
(4) A Chebyshev-like inequality.
(5) The correct formula for the expectation of a function of a random variable.
(6) The rate of convergence of the sample mean and variance.
(7) The correct formula for estimating the precision of observations from the
residual sum of squares.
Gaussian Adjustment Theory. For geodetic purposes, even in our days, the adjust-
ment of observation equations (Gauss–Markoff model) is in principle applied in
such a way as Gauss has proposed it. H. Wolf [236] explains: After linearization of
the observation equations, usually by Taylorizing, the system of normal equations
is set up and solved by use of the original Gaussian algorithm. Weight reciprocals
and weighting coefficients as well as the partial derivatives of the observations
with respect to the unknowns are computed. The error calculation consists of the
computation of the mean square error of unit weight, the observations, the un-
knowns, and their functions. The well-known control formula for the computation
of the sum of the squared residuals can also be dated back. Further, the problem is
solved to specify the alterations in the unknowns, which are caused by an addition
of a further observation equation or by a change of a single weight. Also the way
of getting homogeneity by multiplying with the square root of the weight can be
found in Gauss’s work.
82 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
Examples of Application by Gauss and Others. Starting with the successful com-
putation of the orbit of the planetoid Ceres (dwarf planet) up to the computation
of the geodetic arc measurements in the Kingdom of Hanover Gauss validated the
practical usefulness of his method. Besides the justification and development of his
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 83
Si valor quantitatis, quae ab alia quantitate incognita pendent, per ob-
servationem praecisione absoluta non gaudentem determinata est, valor
incognitae hinc calculatus etiam errori obnoxius erit, sed nihil in hac
determinatione arbitrio relinquiter. At si plures quantitates ab eadem
incognita pendentes per observationes haud absolute exactas innotue-
runt, valorum incognitae vel per quamlibet harum observationum eruere
possumus, vel per aliquam plurium observationum combinationem, quod
innitis modis diveris er potest. Quamquam vero valor incognitae tali
modo prodiens errori semper obnoxius manet, tamen in alia combina-
tione maior, in alia minor error metuendus ert. Similiter res se habebit,
si plures quantitates a pluribus incognitis simul pendentes sunt obser-
vatae: prout observationum multitudo multitudini incognitarum vel ae-
qualis, vel hac minor, vel maior fuerit, problema vel determinatum, vel
indeterminatum, vel plus quam determinatum erit (generaliter saltem
loquendo), et in casu tertio ad incognitarum determinationem observa-
tiones innitis modis diversis combinari poterunt. E tali combinationum
varietate eas eligere, quai maxime ad rem faciant, i.e., quae incogni-
tarum valores erroribus minimis obnoxios suppeditent, problema sane
est in applicatione matheseos ad philosophiam naturalem longe gravis-
In Theoria motus corporum coelestium ostendimus, quomodo val-
ores incognitarum maxime probabiles eruendi sint, si lex probabilitatis
errorum observationum cognita sit; et quum haec lex natura sua in om-
nibus fere casibus hypothetica maneat, theorem illam ad legem maxime
plausibilem applicavimus, ubi probabilitas erroris x quantiti exponentiale
e mit Exponent proportionalis supponitur, unde methodus a nobis dudum
in calculis praesertim astronomicis, et nunc quidem a plerisque calcu-
latoribus sub nomine methodi quadratorum minimorum usitata dem-
Postea ill. Laplace, rem alio modo aggressus, idem principium om-
nibus aliis etiamnum praeferendum esse docuit, quaecumque fuerit lex
probabilitatis errorum, si modo multitudo sit permagna. At pro multi-
tudine observationum modica, res intacta mansit , ita ut si lex nostra
hypothetica respuature, methodus quadratorum minimorum eo tantum
nomine prae aliis commendabilis habenda sit, quod calculorum concin-
nitati maxime est adaptata.
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 85
e−hhxx . From this supposition came a method which I had already used
for some time, especially in astronomical calculations. It is now used by
many calculators under the name of the method of least squares.
Later Laplace attacked the problem from a different angle and
showed that if the number of observations is very large then the method
of least squares is to be preferred, whatever the probability law of the er-
rors. But for a modest number of observations, things are as they were,
and if one rejects my hypothetical law, the only reason for recommend-
ing the method of least squares over other methods is that it lends itself
to easy calculation.
I therefore hope that mathematicians will be grateful if in this new
treatment of the subject I show that the method of least squares gives the
best of all combinations – not approximately, but absolutely, whatever
the probability law of the errors and whatever the number of observations
– provided only that we take the notion of mean error not in the sense
of Laplace but as in Arts. 5 and 6.
Here we should say that in the sequel we will be concerned only
with random errors having no constant part, since the craft of taking
observation requires that we take pains to remove all causes of constant
errors. On another occasion I will give a special treatment about what
help a calculator can expect from the calculus of probabilities when he
undertakes to treat observations he suspects are not free of constant
Problem. Given a function U of the unknown quantities V, V , V , etc.,
find the mean error M to be feared in estimating U when, instead of
the true values of V, V , V , etc. one uses independently observed values
having mean errors m, m , m , etc.
Solution. Let e, e , e , etc. denote the errors in the observed val-
ues of V, V , V , etc., and let λ, λ , λ , etc. be the differential quotients
e, e , e etc. at the true values of V, V , V , etc. Then the resulting error
in U can be represented by the linear function
λe + λ e + λ e + etc. = E
provided the observations are precise enough so that we can neglect
squares and products of the errors. From this it follows first that the
mean value of E is zero, since the observation errors are assumed to
have no constant parts. Moreover, the mean error to be feared in this
value of U is the square root of the of the mean value of EE; that is,
M M is the mean value of the sum
λλee + λ λ e e + λ λ e e + ect. + 2λλ ee + 2λλ ee + 2λ λ + etc.
Now the mean value of λλee is λλmm, the mean value of. λ λ e e is
λ λ m m , etc. The mean values of the products 2λλ ee , etc. are all
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 87
holds true. If n = m and A ∈ Rm×n is invertible, with inverse A−1 , then the
solution clearly is x = A−1 y. But, in case of n = m, the problem is a proper
understanding of the “invertibility” of Ax = y, A ∈ Rm×n , x ∈ Rn , y ∈ Rm . The
question is if there will be a mapping A† , called a generalized inverse (usually
called, pseudoinverse) of A, such that x = A† y (so that A† = A−1 in case of
n = m)?
During the last decades of the last century, the concept of a pseudo- (or
generalized) inverse has rated considerable attention in the mathematical as well
as geodetic literature (a bibliography, for example, listing over 1700 references on
the subject is due to M.Z. Nashed [163]). Early interest in the first half of the
last century in the subject of pseudoinverses was initiated by a paper on matrices
by R. Penrose [172]. However, this concept had been considered somewhat earlier.
For example, E.H. Moore [152] presented a development of the notion (see also
[4, 9, 68, 153, 169, 178, 200]). Moreover, in the setting of integral and differential
operators the concept was considered even earlier by I. Fredholm [34] and W.A.
Hurwitz [116], and by D. Hilbert [111] (see [180] for a discussion of generalized
inverses in classical analysis, and see also [5, 14, 163] for brief historical sketches
of the subject).
90 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
The relation between Gauss’s ideas and the concept of the pseudoinverse
was discussed by D.W. Robinson [183]. His paper attempts to show that although
Gauss did not formalize the notion of a pseudoinverse, he provided the essential
ingredients to produce one. Next we follow this approach almost literally, however,
formulated within a today’s notational framework of linear algebra.
The point of departure for a mathematical concretization of Gauss’s role is
what is usually called today the full-rank linear model, which can be described as
follows: Given a set L1 , . . . , Ln of linear functionals on Rn , a set y = (y1 , . . . , ym )T
of observations, a set e = (e1 , . . . , em )T of errors, and a set w = (w1 , . . . , wm )T of
positive numbers. The problem is to find x = (x1 , . . . , xn )T that makes the errors
e = (e1 , . . . , em )T = (L1 x − y1 , . . . , Lm x − ym )T
in a certain metric, as small as possible, subject to the condition that the weights
constituting the metric influence the precision of the respective equations. It should
be noted that Gauss considered the adoption of several possible principles to solve
this problem, but finally argues for the minimization of “the sum of the squares
of the differences between the observed and the computed values multiplied by
numbers which measure the degree of precision” (see [72]). In more detail, Gauss
sought to minimize the sum
wj e2j = wj (Lj x − yj )2 (5.5)
j=1 j=1
C.F. Gauss [72] provided what he termed a “very expeditious algorithm” for
solving this problem. He argued that if AT ∈ Rn×m means what is now called the
adjoint of A, i.e., AT = (Al,j ) l=1,...,n, , then the minimization problem is equivalent
to the solution of the system
AT Ax = AT y (5.10)
with A A ∈ R
T n×n T T
. These equations A Ax = A y are known to be the normal
equations, which Gauss solved by the process of elimination to obtain the unique
solution denoted by b = (b1 , . . . , bn )T . Thus, the component bi was Gauss’s choice
for the best estimate of xi , i = 1, . . . , n. Although Gauss did not formalize the
notion of linear rank, it is clear from his context that he wished to consider only
the case, where the rank of A is so that n ≤ m.
At this stage, D.W. Robinson [183] comes to the following conclusion: In
the “Theoria motus”(1809), Gauss did not hint at the idea of a pseudoinverse.
However, this work was only his first on the subject of leastsquares. In 1821 he
presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Göttingen the first part of his
“Theoria combinations”, followed by the second part in 1823 and a supplement in
1826. His purpose in preparing this lengthy paper was to improve the foundations
of the theory of least squares ([77], Art. 17). He accomplished this by introducing
the dual inner product in the space (Rn )∗ of linear functionals. As a consequence,
the functional Pj , defined by
Pj : Rm y
→ Pj y = yj , j = 1, . . . , m (5.11)
has the norm
Pj = Pj , Pj = √ . (5.12)
Thus, by considering once more the full-rank linear model n ≤ m, yj = Pj y is an
estimate of
Lj x = Aj,l xl = yj = Pj y (5.13)
having the “weight” wj = Pj . In other words, the estimate of Lj x is given as
the image of y under the linear functional Pj , which satisfies Pj A = Lj with the
additional property that
wj = Pj −2 , j = 1, . . . , m. (5.14)
The idea is to require that, for every linear functional J in (Rn )∗ , the best estimate
of Jx be the image under y of the linear functional K in (Rn )∗ satisfying KA = J
and having the maximum weight K−2 .
More concretely, Gauss formulated what he termed the “problem”, which
may be rephrased in the language of inner product spaces as follows: Given Ji
satisfying Ji x = xi , find, among the linear functionals K : Rn → R with KA = Ji ,
92 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
the one having minimum norm. Gauss successfully solved this problem. In fact, he
obtained the explicit solution in the form
Ki = Ji (B T B)AT , i = 1, . . . , m, (5.15)
where B T B is the result of transforming by elimination z = AAT x into x =
(B T B)z (cf. [77], Art. 20 Eq. (4)). Thus, the best estimate of xi = Ki y was taken
to be Ki y = Ji (B T B)AT , i = 1, . . . , m. Furthermore, Gauss argued that this best
estimate Ki y was equal to the value bi obtained by the method of least squares
([77], Art. 21). By composing these functionals together, if
A† : Rm → Rn , y
→ (K1 y, . . . , Kn y)T , (5.16)
then b = A† y minimizes Ax − y. In this sense, A† may be recognized as a
pseudoinverse of A.
In conclusion, D.W. Robinson [183] was led to the following statement: Gauss
did not formally display A† in his 1821 paper. The ingredients for the construction
of a pseudoinverse were essentially available to him, but he did not use them toward
this end. Indeed, there appears to be no evidence that he was inclined to proceed
in that direction. On the other hand, his approach to the problem of determining
best estimates is certainly in the spirit of pseudoinverses. This is suggested by the
diagrams (again a contemporary device), when A is associated to (L1 , . . . , Lm )
and A† with (K1 , . . . , Kn ):
ܣ ܣற
ࣦ ࣪ ܬ ࣥ
“When one wants to find the most likely values of several unknowns,
depending on the same observations, or when one does not know which
unknowns it is preferable to derive from the observations, it is convenient
to proceed in a different way” (translation from D.W. Robinson [183]).
The “different way” was to solve the normal equations AT Ax = AT d ex-
plicitly. He did so by letting z = AT Ax and obtained x = B T Bz by elimination.
Although he did not use the formal “inverse”, he appreciated that B T B was a
function of AT A and noted, in particular, that AT A was symmetric. He then ex-
pressed the solution of the normal equations in the form b = (B T B)AT y (see the
supplement to [77], Art. 8). Consequently, his objective was satisfied: b was the
image of y under (B T B). In other words, interpreted in contemporary language,
(B T B)AT is a pseudoinverse of A. Thus Gauss’s approach to this problem was con-
sistent with the objectives of the theory of pseudoinverses, and his explicit solution
is readily identified with the generalized inverse representation b = (AT A)† AT y
used today (see, for example, [163]).
Finally, once more following D.W. Robinson [183], the two pseudoinverses
identified above are the same; in fact, they are equal to what is called today
the pseudoinverse (or Moore–Penrose) inverse. Indeed, by using the standard
definition, for an inner product of two linear mappings, Gauss’s problem may
be viewed as a functional version of the following problem: Given the identity
map I : Rn → Rn , find among the linear mappings K : Rm → Rm , satisfying
KA = I, the one having minimum norm. Since A† is the solution to this prob-
lem, it is what is called the best approximate solution of the equation KA = I,
and in this case it is the pseudoinverse (generalized or Moore–Penrose) inverse
of A (cf. [172]). Moreover, it follows from Gauss’s explicit solution Ki of the best
linear estimate problem and the fact that (J1 x, . . . , Jn x) = x, that, for every y
in Rm , A† y = (K1 y, . . . , Kn y)T . That is A† = (B T B)AT . Consequently, we are
able to conclude that, under the conditions of the Gaussian full-rank linear model,
A† , (B T B)AT , and the Moore–Penrose inverse of A are one and the same operator.
All in all, the conclusion of D.W. Robinson [183] is as follows:
“While generalized inverses were not a part of Gauss’s vocabulary, equiva-
lent expressions may be found in his writings. Specifically, in his solution
of the problem of least squares, Gauss established explicit formulas which
may readily be identified with generalized inverses. Indeed, by translat-
ing his analytical formulation of the problem into the more geometrical
framework of vector spaces and linear mappings, the features of gener-
alized inverses are easily recognized. In particular, Gauss’s development
of best linear estimates was in the spirit of generalized inverses. This
observation suggests the possibility that Gauss’s view of least squares
in 1826 may have been more geometrical than the analytical form of
his presentation could express. He may well have conceived best linear
estimates in some mode of geometrical thought, but communicated the
results in the accepted and more rigorous analytical mode of the day,
94 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
since the geometrical tools of the early 19th century were limited, and
the conceptual framework needed to develop a theory of generalized in-
verses was not available to him.”
Hints for Further Developments. Next we list some areas of today’s mathematics
which can be essentially traced back to Gauss’s work:
(a) The probability distribution function (“bell curve”) introduced by Gauss has
as normal distribution obtained a special significance in statistics, because
theory and practice of confidence intervals and the resulting hypothesis tests
were not possible without the Gaussian distribution (see [236]).
(b) According to W. Jordan, the least squares method can be used to solve opti-
mization problems by an iterative process, if the observations are redundant,
e.g., for the detection of optimal weight distributions, a problem, which can
primarily be settled by use of the Boscović–Laplace method respectively, the
simplex algorithm of linear programming (cf. [236]).
(c) Also the procedures of spherical and spherical-harmonic prediction and col-
location, which made their headway by H. Moritz [154, 155] are based on the
method of least squares (note that “least squares collocation” as it is called in
geodesy is just named “minimum norm interpolation” in mathematical lan-
guage, while “least squares adjustment” as understood in geodesy is nothing
more than “smoothing”, e.g., in the sense of C. Reinsch [181]). Furthermore,
the prediction method can be considered as a kind of inter- or extrapolation
to determine a trend function.
These approximation methods were transferred and widely extended to
the spline context by W. Freeden and many others [39, 40, 42, 43, 62, 64, 95,
96, 182, 199, 221].
Clearly, the list of examples of Gaussian ideas as presented here is rather
incomplete. Furthermore, our approach can be deepened by far, which will be
done partly later in a functional analytic jargon.
The answers can be given in a three step (S1), (S2), (S3) procedure:
(S1) We specify the transfer from least squares solutions to the theory of the
pseudoinverse in a finite-dimensional matrix calculus. The pseudoinverse is
seen, comparably, but more generally to the Gaussian approach, as the best-
approximate solution within the set as least squares solutions in finite-dim-
ensional settings.
(S2) In turn, the reduction of the pseudoinverse to its specific properties involving
functional analytic means based on operator theoretical background leads us
to the concretization of the pseudoinverse in finite-dimensional spaces that
can be extended to infinite-dimensional spaces in a straightforward way.
(S3) As a consequence, we shall be able by use of an infinite-dimensional opera-
tor calculus to solve ill-posed problems for (compact) operator equations by
regularization. In particular, dilemmas and methodologies of resolution of ill-
posed problems become obvious with particular reference to the problem of
finding minimum norm least squares solutions of first kind integral equations
(and, more generally, of linear operator equations with non-closed range).
5.3. Pseudoinverse for finite-dimensional matrix equations
Since any numerical approximation procedure usually leads to finite-dimensional
problems involving a singular functional analytic context, we first consider finite
systems of linear equations (see, e.g., M.Z. Nashed [163, 164] for more details).
After having treated the finite-dimensional situation, we turn to the analogous
theory in operator framework.
Spectral Matrix Representation. We start with a linear matrix equation of the
Ax = y, (5.17)
with A ∈ K n×n
being a Hermitian positive definite matrix with n rows and n
columns. From the spectral theory (see, e.g., [226]) it is well known that there
exist eigenvalues 0 < λ1 ≤ · · · ≤ λn and a corresponding unitary matrix U =
(u1 , . . . , un ) of eigenvectors ui ∈ Cn \{0} (i.e., uH
i uj = δij ) such that A has a
representation of the form
⎛ ⎞
λ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
U AU = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ = diag(λ1 , . . . , λn ). (5.18)
. ⎟
⎝ .. ⎠
0 λn
The condition number of A is given by the quotient of the largest and smallest
eigenvalue, i.e., κ = λλn1 (note that λ1 > 0). For the sake of simplicity and coherence
with the analysis for the infinite-dimensional case below, we shall assume here that
the scaling is such that λn = 1, so that κ = λ−11 . The condition number is a measure
for the stable solvability of the problem (5.17).
96 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
that with increasing condition number of the matrix A, the noise amplification
increases in the worst case. For large κ one therefore speaks of an “ill-conditioned
problem” (IPP). But it should be remarked that a finite-dimensional linear problem
is never ill-posed (in the sense that the third condition in Hadamard’s classification
is violated), but for κ large one certainly comes close to this case.
We also observe that errors in low frequencies (i.e., corresponding to eigen-
vectors with large eigenvalues) are amplified less. Following our nomenclature we
see that an error in the lowest frequency, i.e., y ε − y = ε un , is not amplified at
all. In fact, we just obtain xε − x = ε from the spectral representation. This
is a typical effect for inverse problems. It means that not all possible versions of
noise of the same size are equally bad, high-frequency noise corresponding to low
eigenvalues is always worse than low-frequency noise. However, in practice, we
are able to make any assumption on the noise only in rare exceptions, so that a
regularization method has to deal with arbitrary noise.
Until now, we have assumed that the matrix A is Hermitian positive definite,
i.e., the minimal eigenvalue is positive. If this is not the case, the matrix has a
non-trivial null space. If λr denotes the minimal non-zero eigenvalue, then the
solution formula becomes
x= λ−1 H
i ui ui y, (5.23)
and the problem is solvable if and only if uH i y = 0 for i < r. If the data set is
noisy, i.e, instead of y we have y ε , we are led to use the projection P y ε onto the
range of A. In doing so we obtain for the corresponding solution xε with data P y ε
xε − x = λ−1
i ui ui (P y − y).
H ε
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 97
xε − x ≤ λr ε. (5.25)
Consequently, there is no error propagation in the null space components and the
noise amplification is actually determined by the minimal nonzero eigenvalue.
Matricial Pseudoinverse (Generalized Inverse, Moore–Penrose Inverse). Let A ∈
Kn×m be a matrix with n rows and m columns, y ∈ Km . Note that A is not
required to be square, no rank assumptions are made at this stage. Then we know
that the linear system
Ax = y, x ∈ Kn , (5.26)
needs not have a (unique) solution. If (5.26) is unsolvable, a reasonable generalized
notion of a solution is a “least square solution”, which minimizes the residual Ax−y
in the Euclidean norm (once more, note that stands for the Euclidean norm
in this subsection): A vector x ∈ Kn is called a
(1) least squares solution of (5.26) if and only if
Ax − y = inf{Az − y : z ∈ Kn }, (5.27)
(2) best-approximate-solution (or minimal norm solution) of (5.26) if and only
if x is a least squares solution and
x = inf{z : z is a least square solution}. (5.28)
As already mentioned, one could also use other norms in (5.27) and in (5.28),
which would lead to different notions of a generalized solution. Also, instead of
minimizing z in (5.28), it is often of interest to minimize T z for some pre-
scribed matrix T .
The following results are well known from classical linear algebra (see, e.g.,
(i) A vector x∗ is a solution of (5.27) if and only if the “normal equations”
AH Ax∗ = AH y are satisfied.
(ii) The problem (5.27) possesses a unique solution if and only if A has full rank.
Our purpose is to show that a best-approximate solution in the sense of (2)
always exists and is unique such that the following definition makes sense:
Definition 5.1. If A† ∈ Km×n is understood as the matrix which assigns to each
y ∈ Kn the best-approximate solution of (5.26), then it is called the pseudoinverse
(Moore–Penrose or generalized inverse) of A.
Our aim is to construct A† and, hence, best-approximation solutions via the
so-called singular value decomposition (SVD) of A. To this end we first recall the
definition of the singular values of a matrix A.
Definition 5.2. Let σ1 , . . . , σr > 0 be such that σ12 ≥ σ22 ≥ · · · ≥ σr2 > 0 are the
positive eigenvalues of the matrix AH A (each one written down as often as its
multiplicity is). Then σ1 , . . . , σr are called the “(non-zero) singular values of A”.
98 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
holds true. The columns of U and V are eigenvectors of AH A and AAH , respec-
tively. The expression (5.29) is called “singular value decomposition (SVD) of A”.
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is not unique, since the unitary
matrices U and V are not. Obviously, from (5.29), we obtain
⎛ ⎞
σ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ σr ⎟ H
A=V ⎜ ⎜
⎟U ,
⎟ (5.30)
⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠
0 0
since V and U are invertible, and the rank of A is r, where r is the number of
non-zero singular values (counted with multiplicity).
Remark 5.1. In accordance with Theorem 5.1 one has to compute the singular
values of A, e.g., as the positive square roots of the eigenvalues of AH A, which
can be done, e.g., by the QR-algorithm. However, since AH A usually has a worse
condition than A, one should (in critical cases) use a variant of the QR-method
that does not use AH A explicitly.
Note that with U = (u1 , . . . , um ), V = (v1 , . . . , vn ), we have for i ∈ {1, . . . , r}
Aui = σi vi (5.31)
AH vi = σi ui , (5.32)
which follows from the singular value decomposition (5.29) via multiplication by V
and U H , respectively. The system {(σi ; ui , vi ) : i ∈ {1, . . . , r}} is called a “singular
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 99
system” for A. Since, as we have seen in the proof of Theorem 5.1, {v1 , . . . , vr } is
an orthonormal basis for the range R(A) = {y : Ax = y}, for any x ∈ Kn ,
Ax = Ax, vi vi = x, AH vi vi , (5.33)
i=1 i=1
which implies in connection with (5.32) that
Ax = σi x, ui vi (5.34)
holds true. Analogously, for all y ∈ K , m
AH y = σi y, vi ui . (5.35)
Remark 5.2. The notion of a singular system and the expansion (5.34) and (5.35)
generalize to compact operators on infinite-dimensional spaces, e.g., integral oper-
ators, as we will see later on.
Remark 5.3. Note that if A has real entries, so U and V have.
Now we relate the SVD to the Moore–Penrose inverse. Moreover, we show
that SVD can be used to compute the best-approximate solution.
Theorem 5.2 (Pseudoinverse). Let A have the SVD (5.29). Then
⎛ 1 ⎞
σ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 ⎟ H
A† = U ⎜
σr ⎟V .
⎟ (5.36)
⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠
0 0
with an appropriately chosen value α > 0; this truncation is the first example of
a “regularization”, where the original problem is replaced by a neighboring one,
which is more stable. However, the choice of the “regularization parameter” α is
quite crucial.
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 101
We estimate the total error between xεα and the sought-for quantity A† y:
- - - -
- y, vi - - r -
- - y, vi − y ε , vi -
r r
† - y, vi
xα − A y ≤ -
ui − ui - + - ui - .
- σi σi - - σi -
i=1 i=1 i=1
σi2 ≥α σi2 ≥α
For sufficiently small α, the first summand on the right-hand side is empty. For
the second summand we have
- r -
- y, v − y ε , v -2 r
|y − y ε , vi |2 1
- -
|y − y ε , vi |2 ≤ .
i i
- ui - = 2 ≤
- σi - σi α i=1 α
i=1 i=1
σi2 ≥α σi2 ≥α
The sum (5.45) is called truncated singular value expansion. It can be inter-
preted as applying a low-pass filter to the data.
Tikhonov Regularization. Another way of making (5.36) more stable would be to
replace it by the sum
xεα = 2 + α y , vi ui .
i=1 i
This is a famous Tikhonov regularization method (cf. [211–215]), which we shall
consider in more detail in infinite dimensions, too. It is helpful to characterize it
in a different way: If xεα is defined by (5.48), then it is not hard to see that
A A + αI xεα = AH y ε , (5.49)
which is an alternative characterization of the Tikhonov regularization. From this
“regularized normal equation”, we can obtain still another characterization of xεα ,
namely as the unique minimizer of the so-called Tikhonov functional
→ Ax − y ε 2 + αx2 , (5.50)
which can be seen by putting the first derivative of the functional in (5.50) to 0,
resulting exactly in the linear equation (5.49). The minimization of (5.50) can be
seen as a combination of the two minimizations that appear in the definition of a
best-approximate solution. It has also interpretations as a penalty method, e.g.,
via Lagrange multipliers.
The computation explained above can also be performed for α = 0 (with
(5.30) replaced by (5.36)). In this case it shows that x is the solution of minimal
norm of the normal equations
AH Ax = AH y, (5.51)
102 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
which was already attacked by C.F. Gauss [72], (see also the contributions by R.L.
Plackett [175], D.W. Robinson [183]). If AH A is invertible (and hence positive
definite), the normal equations (5.51) can be solved by standard Cholesky decom-
position, which leads to an alternative method for computing best-approximation
solutions, for which no SVD is needed. However, as mentioned above, forming
AH A may seriously decrease the numerical stability. Hence, it should be avoided
in ill-conditioned cases.
5.4. Today’s functional analytical nomenclature
The following nomenclature is part of any functional analytical textbook (see, e.g.,
[120, 210, 241]). A mapping A : X → Y between two normed spaces X and Y is
called an operator. With
N (A) = {x ∈ X : Ax = 0} ⊂ X (5.52)
R(A) = {y = Ax : x ∈ X} ⊂ Y (5.53)
we denote the kernel (or the null space) of A and the image of A, respectively.
Definition 5.3. Let X and Y be normed spaces. The operator A : X → Y is called
linear, if
(1) A(x + y) = Ax + Ay for all x, y ∈ X,
(2) A(αx) = αAx for all x ∈ X and α ∈ K.
The operator A is called bounded, if there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that
AxY ≤ C xX for all x ∈ X.
Theorem 5.3. Let X and Y be normed spaces and A : X → Y be a linear operator.
Then the following statements are equivalent:
(1) A is continuous on X.
(2) A is continuous in 0 ∈ X.
(3) A is bounded on X.
The space of all continuous linear operators between X and Y is denoted by
L(X, Y ). If Y = X we set L(X) = L(X, X). A norm on L(X, Y ) is given by
A = sup = sup AxY = sup AxY . (5.54)
x =0 xX xX ≤1 xX =1
In order to be more precise we often use the notation AX→Y for the norm of an
operator A : X → Y .
Theorem 5.4. Together with the norm (5.54) the space L(X, Y ) is a normed space.
If X is a normed space and Y is a Banach space, then L(X, Y ) is a Banach space.
For combinations of two linear operators we have the following result.
Theorem 5.5. Let A ∈ L(X, Y ) and B ∈ L(Y, Z), then BA ∈ L(X, Z) and we have
BAX→Z ≤ BY →Z AX→Y . (5.55)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 103
y, vi
A† y = ui , (5.62)
It can also be seen that A† A and AA† are orthogonal projectors onto N (A)⊥ and
R(A), respectively. These facts, in turn, can be used to characterize A† in yet
another way, namely as the unique linear operator satisfying
. /−1
A† |R(A) = A|N (A)⊥ (5.68)
N (A† ) = R(A)⊥ . (5.69)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 105
In other words, the Moore–Penrose (generalized) inverse is the unique linear ex-
0 1−1
tension of A|N (A)⊥ to
A† = R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ (5.70)
satisfying (5.69). Moreover, we have
Theorem 5.8 (Pseudosolution). For each y ∈ D(A† ), the equation (5.26) has a
unique best-approximate-solution (pseudosolution) given by
x† = A† y, (5.71)
where the set of all least squares solutions is given by {x } + N (A).
5.5. Pseudoinverse for infinite-dimensional operator equations
Next our goal is to extend some material known from matrix analysis in (finite-dim-
ensional) Euclidean spaces to linear operator framework between Hilbert spaces.
Central in our considerations is the introduction of the pseudoinverse. We begin
with some preparatory remarks clarifying the functional analytic background in
order to make the Hilbert space (HS) context of the theory of ill-posed problems
(IPP) more transparent:
Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces and let A : X → Y be a bounded linear
operator whose range R(A) is not necessarily closed. Then we have the orthogonal
X = N (A) ⊕ N (A)⊥ , A = R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ (5.72)
N (A∗ ) = R(A)⊥ , (5.73)
where N (A) is the null space of A, R(A) is the closure of the range of A, and A∗
is the adjoint operator of A, i.e., Ax, y = x, A∗ y for all x ∈ X and y ∈ Y .
Four (mutually exclusive) situations (S1), . . ., (S4) arise in considering the
operator equation (cf. [165])
Ax = y, x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, (5.74)
involving Hilbert spaces X, Y :
(S1) R(A) is dense in Y , (so N (A∗ ) = {0}), and y ∈ R(A);
(S2) R(A) is dense in Y , and y ∈/ R(A);
(S3) R(A) is a proper subspace of Y , and y ∈ R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ ;
(S4) R(A) = Y , and y ∈ / R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ .
In case (S1), the operator equation (5.74) has, of course, a solution in the classical
sense; in cases (S2) and (S4), a classical solution does not exist, while in case (S3)
a solution need not exist. Later on, in analogy to finite-dimensional settings, we
shall discuss that x is a “least squares solution” of the operator equation (5.74) if
inf{Az − y : z ∈ X} = Ax − y. Since Az − y2 = Az − Qy2 + y − Qy2 ,
where Q is the orthogonal projector PR(A) of Y onto R(A), we are led to the fact
106 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
that a least squares solution exists if and only if y ∈ R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ , which is a
dense set in Y . For such y the set of all least squares solutions of Ax = y, denoted
by L(y), is a non-empty closed convex set (indeed, L(y) is the translate of N (A)
by a fixed element of L(y)), hence, has a unique element of minimal norm, denoted
by A† y.
Hadamard’s and Nashed’s Classifications. It turns out that the statements (H1),
(H2), and (H3) of Hadamard’s classification (Definition 5.5) are satisfied by the
Moore–Penrose inverse A† if and only if R (A) = R (A). This observation leads to a
new notion of well-posedness that goes back to Nashed (for more details see [166]).
Definition 5.6 (Nashed’s Classification). The problem (A; X, Y ) is called well posed
in the sense of Nashed, if R (A) is closed in Y . Otherwise, i.e., if R (A) is not closed
in Y , the problem (A; X, Y ) is called ill posed in the sense of Nashed.
In accordance with M.Z. Nashed [164], we are led to say that the operator
equation (5.74) is well posed in the least squares (relative to X and Y ) if, for each
y ∈ Y , it has a unique least squares solution (of minimal norm), which depends
continuously on y; otherwise the problem is ill posed. The advantage of adopting
this notion of well-posedness is that it focuses on infinite-dimensional problems
(e.g., an inconsistent finite system of linear algebraic equations will not be ill
posed in our sense, while it is ill posed in the sense of Hadamard). Furthermore,
we are led to show by functional analytic means that the following statements are
(a) the operator equation (5.74) is well posed;
(b) R(A) is closed;
(c) A† is bounded.
As a consequence, it turns out that the pseudoinverse A† is the linear oper-
ator which assigns to each y ∈ D(A† ) = R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ , the unique element in
L(y) ∩ N (A)⊥ , so that L(y) = A† y + N (A). A† y is the minimal-norm solution
(equivalently the unique solution in N (A)⊥ ) of the normal equations
A∗ Ax = A∗ y (5.75)
(the equation obtained with Q = PR(A) by setting the first variation of Ax − y2
equal to zero). A† = (A/N (A)⊥ )−1 Q so that A† can be characterized as the linear
operator with the function-theoretic properties: D(A† ) = R(A)⊕R(A)⊥ , N (A† ) =
R(A)⊥ = N (A∗ ), and R(A† ) = N (A)⊥ .
In fact, we are led to the following conclusions: In case (S1) above, A† indeed
gives to the minimal-norm solution of Ax = y. In case (S3), Ax = y has a least
squares solution (which is unique if and only if N (A) = {0}). In both cases, the
infimum is attained and is equal to zero and y − Qy, respectively. Cases (S2)
and (S4) are pathological and are of no deeper interest in pseudoinverse theory
and since in both cases y ∈ / D(A† ), and the infimum is not attained.
After the general remarks we are now prepared to characterize least squares
solutions of operator equations in more detail: Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 107
Remark 5.4. The normal equations (5.80) owe their name to the property that
Ax − y ∈ R (A) , i.e., Ax − y ∈ N (A∗ ).
Theorem 5.10. Assume that y belongs to Y . Then the following statements are
(1) The set of solutions of the normal equations
L (y) = {x ∈ X : A∗ Ax = A∗ y} (5.88)
is non-empty if and only if y ∈ R (A) ⊕ R (A) .
(2) L (y) is closed and convex.
Proof. (1) Assume that x ∈ L (y). Then we have y = Ax + (y − Ax) ∈ R (A) ⊕
⊥ ⊥
R (A) . Moreover, suppose that y ∈ R (A) ⊕ R (A) . Then there exists elements
x ∈ X and y4 ∈ R (A) satisfying
y = Ax + y4 (5.89)
PR(A) y = PR(A) Ax + PR(A) y4 = Ax + 0.
Thus, x satisfies the normal equations, hence, x ∈ L (y).
(2) Let {xn }n be a sequence in L (y) which converges to x ∈ X. Both opera-
tors A and A∗ are continuous. Therefore, we obtain
A∗ y = A∗ Axn , (5.90)
for all n ∈ N. Furthermore, for n → ∞,
A∗ y = A∗ Ax, (5.91)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 109
which shows us that x ∈ L (y), i.e., L (y) is closed. Suppose now that x, x ∈ L (y)
and 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. Then the identities
A∗ A (λx + (1 − λ) x ) = λA∗ Ax + (1 − λ) A∗ Ax
= λA∗ y + (1 − λ) A∗ y
= A∗ y, (5.92)
imply that L (y) is convex.
Remark 5.6. The reason for the proof of Lemma 5.1 is the theorem of best-
approximate elements. Let ∅ = U ⊂ X be closed and convex and x ∈ X. Then
there exists one and only one u ∈ U such that
x − uX < x − u X (5.95)
for all u ∈ X \{x}. The proof can be found in any standard textbook on functional
analysis (see e.g., [110]).
Pseudoinverse (Moore–Penrose Inverse, Generalized Inverse). After these con-
siderations concerned with least squares approaches we are in position to intro-
duce the pseudoinverse (Moore–Penrose inverse, generalized inverse) of operators
A ∈ L(x, y), where X and Y are Hilbert spaces.
Definition 5.7. The operator A† : R (A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ → X (i.e., D A† = R (A) ⊕
R (A) ⊂ Y ), that maps each element y ∈ D A† to the unique element x† ∈
L (y) with minimal norm, is called the pseudoinverse or Moore–Penrose inverse,
generalized inverse of A.
Theorem 5.11. Let y belong to D A† . Then x† = A† y is the best-approximate
solution of (5.76). It represents the unique solution of the normal equations in
⊥ ⊥
N (A) , i.e., x† = A† y if and only if A∗ Ax† = A∗ y and x† ∈ N (A) .
110 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
Proof. “⇒” Suppose that x† = A† y. Then x† solves the normal equations and has
minimal norm by Definition 5.7. It remains to show that x† ∈ N (A) : Assume
that x† ∈ N (A) and x† = 0. Then it follows that
A∗ Ax† = A∗ 0 = 0 = A∗ y, (5.96)
A∗ A 0 = 0 = A∗ y. (5.97)
Note that the scalar product is 0 since x† ∈ N (A) , whereas x − x† ∈ N (A). As
a consequence, we have x† = A† y.
A y + A† y − A† (y + y ) ∈ N (A) , (5.104)
† ⊥
A y + A† y − A† (y + y ) ∈ R A† = N (A) , (5.105)
so that
A† y + A† y − A† (y + y ) = 0. (5.106)
† †
Analogously we are able to show that A (αy) = αA y for all y ∈ D A and
α ∈ C.
(4) Assume that A† is continuous. Then, D A† = R (A)⊕R (A) is dense in
Y and A can be extended continuously to all of Y by B ∈ L (Y, X) (in accordance
with the continuous extension of operators, see, e.g., [110]). It follows that
ABy = PR(A) y (5.107)
for all y ∈ Y , i.e.,
R (A) = R PR(A) ⊂ R (A) . (5.108)
R (A) = R (A) . (5.109)
On the other hand, let R (A) be closed. Consider the operator  given by
 : N (A) → R (A) , x
→ Ax. (5.110)
 is bijective and bounded. Due to the inverse mapping theorem of functional
analysis (see, e.g., [110]) Â−1 is also bounded, and we obtain
- † - - -
-A y - = -Â−1 ÂA† y -
- - - -
≤ -Â−1 -Y →X -ÂA† y -Y
- - - -
= -Â−1 -Y →X -AA† y -Y (5.111)
for all y ∈ D A = Y . Furthermore,
- - - - - † - - −1 -−1 - † -
-y - ≥ -P - - - - - -A y -
Y R(A) y Y = AA y Y ≥ Â Y →X X
so that
A† yX - -
≤ -Â−1 - (5.113)
for all y ∈ Y . Altogether, we have
- †- - -
-A - ≤ -Â−1 -Y →X . (5.114)
Y →X
Thus, A† is bounded.
Thus, from (5.117) and (5.118), it can be deduced that z = x1 = PN (A)⊥ x. This
means that
We continue with part (b): Assume that B, C ∈ L(Y, X) satisfy (1) to (4).
Then we have
= BAC (note that AB = PR(A) = AC)
= CAC (note that BA = PR(B) = PN (A)⊥ = PR(C) = CA)
= C, (5.122)
where we still need to prove that R(B) = N (A) (which also shows that R(C) =
N (A) since B and C can be exchanged). Let x ∈ R(B). Assume that x ∈ N (A),
x = 0. Then it follows that
Ax = 0 ⇒ BAx = 0 ⇒ PR(B) x = 0 ⇒ x ∈ R(B) , (5.123)
which is a contradiction. Thus, x ∈ N (A) .
On the other hand, suppose that x ∈ N (A) . Moreover, assume that x ∈
R(B) . Then
0 = PR(B) x = BAx ⇒ Ax = ABAx = A0 = 0 ⇒ x ∈ N (A) , (5.124)
which again is a contradiction and, therefore, x ∈ R(B).
Summarizing our results we obtain
R(B) = N (A) , (5.125)
which yields B = C, i.e., the Moore–Penrose conditions uniquely determine the
pseudoinverse concludes the part (b) of the proof.
Compact Operators. Next we discuss a certain set of operators, viz. compact op-
erators, that turn out to be prototypes for generating a large class of ill-posed
Definition 5.8. Let X, Y be normed spaces. An operator A : X → Y is called
compact, if one of the following equivalent conditions is fulfilled:
(1) Every bounded subset U ⊂ X possesses an image in Y , which is relatively
compact, i.e., A(U ) is a compact set.
(2) For every bounded sequence {xn }n ⊂ X the sequence {Axn }n possesses a
subsequence that converges in Y .
By convention, we introduce the following settings:
K (X, Y ) = {A : X → Y : A is linear and compact} (5.126)
K (X) = K (X, X) . (5.127)
Lemma 5.2. Let X, Y be normed spaces. Then the following statements hold true:
(1) K (X, Y ) ⊂ L (X, Y ) .
(2) If A ∈ L(X, Y ) with dim R (A) < ∞, then A is compact.
114 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
Proof. (1) Assume that A belongs to K(X, Y ). Clearly, the closed unit ball B1 (0) ⊂
X is bounded. Therefore, A(B1 (0)) is relatively compact and A(B1 (0)) is bounded,
i.e., Ax ≤ C for all x ∈ B1 (0). This implies supx∈B1 (0) Ax ≤ C, so that A is
(2) A : X → Y , dim R(A) < ∞. Therefore, each closed and bounded subset
of R(A) is compact. This means that each bounded subset of R(A) is relatively
compact. Now, let U ⊂ X be bounded. Then A(U ) is also bounded and A(U ) ⊂
R(A) is relatively compact. Thus, A is compact.
Theorem 5.14. Let X, Y, Z be normed spaces.
(1) If A : X → Y is compact and B : Y → Z is continuous or A : X → Y is
continuous and B : Y → Z is compact, then AB : X → Z is compact.
(2) The identity operator I : X → X is compact if and only if X is finite-
(3) Let Y be a Banach space. Then K (X, Y ) is closed, i.e., a sequence of compact
operators {An }n ⊂ K (X, Y ) with limn→∞ An − AX→Y = 0 has a compact
limit, i.e., the limit operator A is compact.
(4) If A is compact and invertible and X is not finite-dimensional, then A−1 is
not continuous.
Example. Let G ⊂ Rq be a regular region and let K be of class C (0) G × G . We
introduce the integral operator A : C (0) G → C (0) G by letting
(AF ) (x) = K (x, y) F (y) dy, F ∈ C (0) G . (5.128)
The proof of the compactness of A can be based on a well-known theorem of clas-
sical analysis, namely the Theorem of Arzelà–Ascoli. This theorem (cf. Theorem
5.15) provides
two equivalent properties to the relative compactness of a subset
U ⊂ C (0) G .
Suppose that λi ∈ σ (A∗ A)\ {0} and denote, as usual, by xi its corresponding
eigenvector. It follows that
λi xi = λi xi , xi = λi xi , xi X = A∗ Axi , xi X
= Axi , Axi Y = Axi Y . (5.136)
Therefore we are able to conclude that λi > 0.
In the sequel, we assume that the eigenvalues are listed in#the chronological
order as follows: λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λi ≥ λi+1 ≥ · · · ≥ 0. Set σj = λj . Moreover, let
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 117
yi = σ1i Axi i.e., Axi = σi yi , i ∈ N, and A∗ yi = A∗ σ1i Axi = σ1i A∗ Axi = σ1i λi xi =
σi xi . Furthermore, we have yi , yk Y = σi1σk Axi , Axk Y = σi1σk A∗ Axi , xk X =
δi,k . Thus, {yi }i∈N ⊂ Y forms a complete orthonormal system (ONS) in R(A), so
that the system {xi }i∈N is a complete ONS in N (A) . Now, assume that x is a
member of N (A) . Then it follows that
x= x, xi X xi (5.137)
Ax = x, xi X Axi = σi x, xi X yi (5.138)
i=1 i=1
for all x ∈ N (A)⊥ .
Definition 5.10. Let X, Y be Hilbert spaces. The set {σi ; xi , yi }i∈N ⊂ (0, ∞)×X×Y
is called the singular system of an operator A ∈ K (X, Y ). The values σi are
called the singular values of A. The elements xi , yi are called the singular vectors.
Furthermore, the series
Ax = σi x, xi X yi , x ∈ X (5.139)
is called the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A.
Picard Condition. The following condition plays an essential role in the solvability
of inverse problems.
Theorem 5.20 (Picard Condition). If A : X → Y is compact with singular value
decomposition (SVD) {σi ; xi , yi }i∈N , then y ∈ R (A) is an element of R (A) if and
only if
|y, yi |2
is convergent.
Proof. “⇒” Suppose that y belongs to R (A). Then there exists a member x ∈ X
with Ax = y such that
y, yi Y = Ax, yi Y = x, A∗ yi X (5.141)
|y, yi |2 Bessel
= |x, xi |2 ≤ x2X < ∞. (5.142)
σi2 i=1
|y,yi |2
“⇐” Suppose that y belongs to R (A). Assume that the series σi2
converges. We let
y, yi
x= xi . (5.143)
118 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
∞ 1
Proof. If there exist only finitely many elements yi , then y, yi Y xi is a
i=1 σi
finite sum, hence, R A† is finite dimensional.
The representation of the generalized inverse in terms of the singular value
decomposition (5.146) opens the perspective to classify ill-posed problems. Indeed,
the summands σi−1 y, yi Y xi occurring in the series (5.146) depend closely on the
singular values. If the values σi are small, then the contribution by the series
(5.146) becomes large. The existence of SVD can be guaranteed for all compact
operators. Nevertheless, the concrete knowledge of SVD is critical. Only in rare
exceptions, SVD is explicitly known.
Remark 5.8. Singular systems are theoretically nice and easy, but their calculation
might be rather tricky.
The specific amount of the growth of the singular values finally leads us to
classify ill-posedness.
Definition 5.11 (Classification of Ill-posed Problems for Compact Operators). Let
A be a compact operator (i.e., A ∈ K(X, Y )) with SVD {σi ; xi , yi }i∈N .
(1) If there exists α > 0 such that
σi = O(i−α ), (5.151)
then the operator A is called ill posed of order α.
(2) If there exists ρ > 0 such that
| ln σi | ≥ c iρ , (5.152)
then the operator A is called exponentially ill posed.
Remark 5.9. Note that the aforementioned classification is senseful only for linear
problems reflecting the representation of A† y by its superposition in terms (5.146).
Truncated Singular Value Regularization. Obviously, the first two criteria (H1)
and (H2) determining a well-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard, can always
be enforced by considering the generalized inverse A† . A violating of the third
point, i.e., instability arises if the spectrum of the operator A is not bounded away
from zero. Thus, it seems to be natural to construct regularizing approximations
via modifying the smallest singular values.
Indeed, in accordance with the singular value decomposition of the gener-
alized inverse, it follows that such a modification of small values and, hence, a
construction of regularization operators can be obtained in the form
xα = Rα y = σi Fα (σi2 )y, yi Y xi y ∈ Y, (5.153)
for some constant CF > 0. Moreover, let the regularization operator be defined by
(5.153). Then for all y ∈ D(A† ),
Rα y → A† y, α → 0. (5.165)
Proof. From the singular value decomposition (SVD) we obtain
† 2 1
Rα y − A y = σi Fα (σi ) − y, yi Y xi
= (σi2 Fα (σi2 ) − 1)x† , xi X xi . (5.166)
From the pointwise convergence limα→0 (λFα (λ)) − 1 = 0 we obtain the de-
sired result. y
Due to the discontinuity at zero, the convergence of tFα (t) − 1 to zero is becoming
slower and slower as t decreases to zero. Since it is allowed to specify an arbitrarily
small singular value σi and the minimal norm solution x† = xi , the convergence of
regularized solutions is arbitrarily slow. On the other hand, we observe from the
proof that there is a possibly faster convergence if the components x† , xi X decay
122 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
In other words, one has to consider the limit of the function t
→ |t1+μ Fα (t)−tμ | as
t → ∞ instead, which is usually much faster. For example, in case of the truncated
singular value decomposition, we obtain
0, t ≥ α,
|t1+μ Fα (t) − tμ | = (5.171)
tμ , t < α.
If the singular values of the operatordecay sufficiently fast (which is the typi-
cal case for ill-posed problems), e.g., n=1 σiμ < ∞, we are confronted with the
2μ ∞
Rα y − A† y2 ≤ c2 σi ≤ c2 αμ σiμ (5.172)
σi <α i=1
Next we are concerned with the propagation of the data error through the
total error
Rα Ax − xX
ε Rα Y →X
Figure 5.5. Typical behavior of the total error in a regularization process.
124 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
order to keep the error as small as possible, i.e., we would like to minimize
Rα Y →X ε + Rα Ax − xX . (5.179)
In principle, we distinguish two classes of parameter choice rules: If α = α(ε)
does not depend on ε, we call α = α(ε) an a priori parameter choice rule. Otherwise
α depends also on y ε and we call α = α(ε, y ε ) an a posteriori parameter choice
rule. It is conventional to say that a parameter choice rule is convergent, if for
ε → 0 the rule is such that
lim sup{Rα(ε,yε ) y ε − A† yX : y ε ∈ Y, y ε − yY ≤ ε} = 0 (5.180)
lim sup{α(ε, y ε ) : y ε ∈ Y, y − y ε Y ≤ ε} = 0. (5.181)
All in all, numerous methods have been proposed for treating and regularizing
various types of ill-posed problems. The rationale in most methods for resolution
(approximate solvability) of ill-posed problems is to construct a “solution” that is
acceptable physically as a meaning field approximation and is sufficiently stable
from computational standpoint. The main dilemma of modeling ill-posed problems
is that the closer the mathematical model describes the ill-posed problem the worse
is the “condition number” of the associated computation problem (i.e., the more
sensitive to errors, see [165]). A way out can only be found by additional “exterior”
information about the problem to be solved.
5.6. Multi-scale solutions of inverse pseudodifferential equations
All gravitational information under discussion in physical geodesy leads to operator
equations relating the disturbing potential to geodetically relevant observables.
The most important operators are listed in the so-called “Pocket Guide of Physical
Geodesy” (see, e.g., [170, 186]).
Pocket Guide of Physical Geodesy. In physical geodesy, one can think of observ-
ables as operating on an “input signal” F (e.g., the disturbing potential) to produce
an “output signal” of the form
ΛF = G (5.182)
(for example, geoidal undulation, gravity anomaly, radial derivative), where Λ is
a certain operator (note that we use capital letters F, G, . . . in this subsection to
characterize geodetic quantities). Fortunately, it is the case in geodetic applica-
tions involving the disturbing potential that large portions of interest can be well
approximated by operators that represent linear, rotation-invariant pseudodiffer-
ential operators.
The standard pseudodifferential operators Λ occurring in physical geodesy
(cf. [208]) have to reflect the aforementioned Pizzetti concept. As an immediate
consequence, for the operator equation relating a geodetic observable G = ΛF to
the disturbing potential F (see, e.g., [107, 150]), we are led to an operator equation
ΛF = G which links F and the input function G under the following constraint:
ΛYn,k = Λ∧ (n) Yn,k , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, (5.183)
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 125
such that
Λ∧ (0) = Λ∧ (1) = 0 (5.184)
Λ∧ (n) = 0, n ≥ 2, (5.185)
where {Λ (n)}n=2,3,... is a sequence of real values (note that {Yn,k } is assumed
to constitute a (real) complete system of spherical harmonics in L2 (Ω)). Conse-
quently, we have to discuss the invertibility of the operator Λ on the space L22,...(Ω)
defined by
L22,... (Ω) = L2 (Ω) \ Harm n = L2 (Ω) \ Harm 0,1 . (5.186)
in the sense of · L2 (Ω) , we are confronted with a spectral representation of the
G∧ (n, k) = (ΛF )∧ (n, k) = Λ∧ (n) F ∧ (n, k), n = 2, 3, . . . , k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
This means that the “amplitude spectrum” {G∧ (n, k)} of the response of Λ is
described in terms of the amplitude spectrum of functions (signals) F by a simple
multiplication by the “transfer” Λ∧ (n). If a comparison of the “output function”
with the actual value is done, discrepancies would be observed. A mathematical
description of these discrepancies has to follow the laws of probability theory in a
stochastic model. According to this approach we again assume that we have
Gε = G + ε = ΛF + ε, (5.194)
where ε is the observation noise.
Table 2 shows the so-called Integrated Spherical Harmonic Model of Physical
Geodesy or “Meissl Scheme”, see [150, 170, 185] (earlier already called “Pocket
Guide of Physical Geodesy”). Herein, R designates the Earth’s mean radius, H is
the satellite height.
In spherically reflected satellite problems, the orbits are quite attractive for
mathematical modeling: A circular orbit implies that the data are lying on a sphere;
the measurements offer a global data coverage and an extremely dense and uniform
distribution; the measurements (achieved by employing the significant principles
of, e.g., satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG)) provide global information about
the second radial derivatives of the gravitational potential at a moderate altitude.
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 127
Table 2 shows that the radial derivatives on spherical orbits are representable by
rotation-invariant pseudodifferential equations (for more details on pseudodifferen-
tial operators on the sphere see, e.g., [208]; modeling concepts in modern satellite
problems are described in [45]).
Multi-scale Regularizations of Inverse Geodetic Pseudodifferential Equations.
Next we are interested in discussing a wavelet sampling solution of pseudodifferen-
tial equations. Since well-posed problems can be solved in a more or less straight-
forward way, we restrict ourselves to the solution of ill-posed pseudodifferential
equations. We shall see that a sufficiently fast decay of the Legendre transform
of the scaling function leads to regularization strategies for ill-posed problems in-
volving pseudodifferential operators of finite order. For the exponentially ill-posed
problems it is particularly adequate to use bandlimited scaling functions.
Given G ∈ L22,... (Ω), find F ∈ L22,... (Ω) so that
ΛF = G, (5.195)
where Λ : L22,...(Ω) → L22,...(Ω)
is an isotropic pseudodifferential operator of order
s < 0 or s = −∞.
We assume in the following that Λ∧ (n) = 0 for all n = 2, 3, . . . , which makes
Λ injective. So, Λ is a linear bounded injective compact operator so that problem
(5.195) is ill-posed. In the nomenclature of the theory of ill-posed problems we are
able to say that Λ possesses the singular system (σn,k ; Yn,k , Yn,k )n=2,3,...,k=1,...,2n+1
with σn,k = Λ∧ (n).
We start our considerations with the regularization of problem (5.195).
Roughly speaking we call a regularization a family of bounded linear opera-
tors Rα : L22,... (Ω) → L22,...(Ω) which approximates the inverse Λ−1 .
In more detail,
Definition 5.13 (Regularization Strategy). A regularization strategy for the prob-
lem (5.195) is a family of linear bounded pseudodifferential operators
Rα : L22,... (Ω) → L22,... (Ω), α > 0, (5.196)
with symbol {(Rα ) (n)}n=2,3,..., so that
lim Rα ΛF = F (5.197)
for all F ∈ L22,...(Ω), i.e., the operators Rα Λ converge in pointwise sense to the
identity operator in L22,... (Ω).
The following result immediately follows from the theory of inverse problems.
Theorem 5.24 (Tikhonov Regularization Strategy). Suppose that the pseudodif-
ferential operator Λ of type (5.195) is of order s < 0 or −∞. Assume that the
(non-bandlimited) Tikhonov kernel Φj is given by
2n + 1
Φj (ξ · η) = (Φj )∧ (n)Pn (ξ · η), ξ, η ∈ Ω (5.198)
128 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
(Λ∧ (n))2
(Φj )∧ (n) = , n ∈ N, j ∈ N0 , (5.199)
(Λ∧ (n))2 + γj2
where {γj }, j ∈ N0 is a sequence of real numbers satisfying limj→∞ γj = 0. Then
the operators
Rj = Φj ∗ Λ−1 (5.200)
constitute a regularization strategy in L22,... (Ω).
Since the boundedness of regularization operators is an important property,
we are led to the following characterization within the framework of L22,... (Ω).
Lemma 5.3. The pseudodifferential operator Λ : L22,...(Ω) → L22,... (Ω) with symbol
{(Λ)∧ (n)}n=2,3,... is bounded, if
2n + 1 ∧
|Λ (n)|2 < ∞. (5.201)
(ΛF )∧ (n, m) = Λ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m). (5.203)
Thus, for N ≥ 2, we are able to deduce from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality that
N 2n+1
N 2n+1 N 2n+1
|Λ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)|2 ≤ |Λ∧ (n)|2 |F ∧ (n, m)|2
n=2 m=1 n=2 m=1 n=2 m=1
≤ (2n + 1)|Λ∧ (n)|2 F 2L2 . (5.204)
2,... (Ω)
Scale 0
10 Scale 30
Scale 45
Scale 60
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
lim (Ψj )∧ (n) = lim ψ0 (2−j n) = 0, n ∈ N0 , (5.217)
j→∞ j→∞
holds for F being of class L22,...(Ω) (in the topologies ·L2 (Ω) and ·C (0) (Ω) ).
Note that the compact support of ϕ0 implies that only finitely many
(Φj )∧ (n) are different from 0. This analogously holds true for ψ0 .
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 131
Since there are only a few conditions for a function ϕ0 : [0, ∞), there are
various possibilities for its bandlimited as well as non-bandlimited realizations (cf.
[60]). In our geodetically oriented framework we restrict ourselves to bandlimited
k = 2, 3, . . . , in particular, Φj (ξ · η) = Φj (ξ · η), ξ, η ∈ Ω. The construction of
wavelets is straightforward (cf. Figure 5.7).
1, for x ∈ [2j , 2j+1 ),
ψj (t) = (5.225)
0, elsewhere.
−1 2n + 1
Ψj (t) = Pn (t) , t ∈ [−1, +1]. (5.226)
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
h ∈ (0, 1)) ⎧
⎨ 1 , for t ∈ [0, h),
ϕ0 (t) = 1−h , for t ∈ [h, 1), (5.227)
0 , for t ∈ [1, ∞).
With the definition (5.227) the “dilates” have the form
⎨ 1 , for t ∈ [0, 2j h),
ϕj (t) = 1−2 t
, for t ∈ [2j h, 2j ), (5.228)
⎩ 1−h
0 , for t ∈ [2j , ∞),
j ∈ N0 . For the formulation of the wavelets corresponding to the “de la Vallée
Poussin generator” we distinguish three cases:
• 0 < h < 12
⎪ 0, for n < 2j h,
⎪ 2 1/2
⎪ 1−2−j n
⎪ 1 − , for 2j h ≤ n < 2j+1 h,
⎨ 1−h
Ψ∧ 2 2 1/2
j (n) = 1−2−j−1 n 1−2−j n
⎪ − , for 2j+1 h ≤ n < 2j ,
⎪ 1−h 1−h
⎪ 1−2−j−1 n
⎪ , for 2j ≤ n < 2j+1 ,
⎩ 1−h
0, for 2j+1 ≤ n < ∞.
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 133
• 1>h> 2
⎪ 0, for 0 ≤ n < 2j h,
⎪ 2 1/2
⎨ 1 − 1−2
, for 2j h ≤ n < 2j ,
j (n) = (5.230)
⎪ 1, for 2j ≤ n < 2j+1 h,
⎪ 1−2−j−1 n
⎪ , for 2j+1 h ≤ n < 2j+1 ,
⎩ 1−h
0, for 2j+1 ≤ n < ∞.
• h= 2
⎪ 0, for 0 ≤ n < 2j−1 ,
⎪ 2
Ψ∧ 1 − 2 − 2j+1 n , for 2j−1 ≤ n < 2j ,
j (n) = (5.231)
⎪ − −j
2j ≤ n < 2j+1 ,
2 2 n, for
0, for 2j+1 ≤ n < ∞.
Compared with the Shannon wavelets there generally are more non-vanishing
Legendre coefficients of Ψj . This explains the suppressing frequency effect. An
illustration is given by Figure 5.8.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Nj Nj
known weights wi ∈ R and knots ηi ∈Ω
RJ0 (ξ · ζ) Gε (ζ) dS(ζ) wi RJ0 (ξ · ηi ) Gε (ηi ), (5.239)
Ω i=1
Sj (ξ · ζ) Gε (ζ) dS(ζ) wi j Sj (ξ · ηi j ) Gε (ηi j ), j = J0 , . . . , J − 1
Ω i=1
(the symbol “” always means that the error is assumed to be negligible, even
better, in case of a bandlimited regularization strategy the integration error can
be guaranteed to be 0). Since the “true” coefficients of (5.239) and (5.240) are
the ones that should be included in a selective reconstruction of G from Gε , in
estimating the unknown function F it is natural to include only coefficients larger
than some specified threshold value. The threshold value is understood to be the
scale and space error covariance at ηi j with respect to the (scale discrete) wavelet
function {Sj }j∈N0
Cov j Nj (K) = K(ξ · ζ) Sj (ξ · ηi j ) Sj (ζ · ηi j ) dS(ξ) dS(ζ) (5.241)
j,ηi Ω Ω
wpNj wrNj K(ηpNj · ηrNj ) Sj (ηpNj · ηi j ) Sj (ηrNj · ηi j ).
p=1 r=1
We compare the scale and space error covariance at ηi j with the scale and space
error variance of Gε at ηi j with respect to the (scale discrete) scaling function
{Φhj }j∈N0
Sj N N
Var Nj (G ) = Gε (ξ) Gε (ζ) Sj (ξ · ηi j ) Sj (ζ · ηi j ) dS(ξ) dS(ζ) (5.242)
j,ηi Ω Ω
wpNj wrNj Gε (ηpNj )Gε (ηrNj ) Sj (ηpNj · ηi j ) Sj (ηrNj · ηi j ).
p=1 r=1
Signal and noise scale “intersect” at the so-called scale and space resolution set
Zresj , j = J0 , . . . , J − 1. We distinguish the following cases for signal-to-noise ratio:
An estimator of the “true” solution F = Λ−1 G can be determined via the indicator
function I in the form
RJest (Gε )(ξ) (5.243)
= I Var J0 NJ0 (Gε ) ≥ Cov J0 NJ0 (K) wi J0 RJ0 (ξ · ηi J0 ) Gε (ηi J0 )
J0 ,ηi J0 ,ηi
J−1 Nj
Sj Sj N N N
+ I Var Nj (G ) ≥ Cov Nj (K) wi j Sj (ξ · ηi j ) Gε (ηi j ) .
j,ηi j,ηi
j=J0 i=1
In other words, the large coefficients are kept intact and the small coefficients are
set to zero. The thresholding estimator of “true” coefficients are thus character-
ized by
RJ0 (ξ · ζ) Gε (ζ) dS(ζ)
δ hardRJ0
(Var NJ (Gε )) wi RJ0 (ξ · ηi ) Gε (ηi ), (5.244)
Cov NJ J0 ,ηi 0
i=1 J0 ,η 0
Sj (ξ · ζ) Gε (ζ) dS(ζ)
δ hardSj
Sj N N N
(Var Nj (Gε )) wi j Sj (ξ · ηi j ) Gε (ηi j ), (5.245)
Cov Nj j,ηi
i=1 j,η
(note that the monotonicity and the compactness of ϕ0 imply ϕ20 (2j n) = 0 for
n ∈ N0 provided that ϕ20 (2j+1 n) = 0 for that n, hence, the kernel (5.249) is well
defined as finite sum). This observation enables us to realize a tree algorithm for
the decomposition of a signal Gε ∈ L22,...(Ω): Starting from a (sufficiently large)
J ∈ N, such that the sampling formula
F ε (ξ) RJ Gε = ΦJ ∗ Λ−1 ∗ Gε (ξ)
(2mJ +1)2
= wiJ ΦJ ∗ Λ−1 (ηiJ · ξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (5.250)
wiJ = aJi Gε (ηiJ ), i = 1, . . . , (2mJ + 1)2 , (5.251)
is valid, we are able to conclude that the coefficient vectors
wj = (w1 , . . . , w(2mj −1)2 )T , j = 0, . . . , J − 1 (5.252)
(being, of course, dependent on the bandlimited “replacement” of G ) can be
calculated in the following way:
(i) The vectors wj , j = 0, . . . , J − 1, with
wij = aji ΦJ ∗ Λ−1 ∗ Gε (ηij ), i = 1, . . . , (2mj + 1)2 , (5.253)
In other words, the coefficients wiJ−1 can be calculated recursively starting from
the data wiJ for the initial level J, wiJ−2 can be deduced recursively from wiJ−1 ,
etc. Moreover, the coefficients are independent of the special choice of the kernel
(observe that (5.250) is equivalent to
(2mj +1)2
G ε∧
(n, k) = wij Yn,j (ηi j ) (5.256)
for n = 0, 1, . . . , k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1). This fact finally leads us to the formulas
(2mJ +1)2
(ΦJ ∗Λ ) ∗ G (ξ) =
wiJ (Φj ∗ Λ−1 )(ηiJ · ξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (5.257)
(2mJ +1)2
(ΦJ ∗ Λ−1 ) ∗ Gε (ξ) = wiJ (Φj ∗ Λ−1 )(ηiJ · ξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (5.258)
(2mJ +1)2
(ΨJ ∗ Λ ) ∗ G (ξ) =
wiJ (Ψj ∗ Λ−1 )(ηiJ · ξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (5.259)
(2mJ +1)2
((ΨJ ∗ Ψ̃j ) ∗ Λ−1 ) ∗ Gε (ξ) = wiJ ((ΨJ ∗ Ψ̃j ) ∗ Λ−1 )(ηiJ · ξ), ξ ∈ Ω,
i=1 (5.260)
for j = 0, . . . , J with coefficients wij given by (5.251) and (5.255).
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 139
with wij , ηij being known weights and knots of the applied approximate integration
Since the large “true” coefficients are the ones that should be included in a
selective approximation, in estimating an unknown function it is natural to include
only coefficients larger than some specified threshold value.
In our context a “larger” coefficient is taken to mean one that satisfies for
j = J0 , . . . , J and i = 1, . . . , Nj
2 2
Φj ∗ Λ−1 ∗ Gε (ηij )
wi j = aji
Nj 2 (2)
Gε (ξ) Gε (ζ) Φj ∗ Λ−1 (ξ, ηi j )
= (ai )
Φj ∗ Λ−1 (ζ, ηi j ) dS(ξ) dS(ζ)
≥ (ai j )2 K(ξ · ζ) Φj ∗ Λ−1 (ξ, ηi j )
Φj ∗ Λ−1 (ζ, ηi j ) dS(ξ) dS(ζ)
= (kij )2 . (5.262)
For the given threshold values kij such an estimator can be written in explicit
F̂J = I{(wJ0 )2 ≥(kJ0 )2 } ΦJ0 ∗ Λ−1 (·, ηiJ0 ) wiJ0
i i
J−1 Nj
I{(wj )2 ≥(kj )2 } ΨJ0 ∗ Λ−1 ·, ηi j
+ wij . (5.263)
i i
j=J0 i=1
140 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
both points Gauss’s idea proved to be very fertile. His formulas are distinguished
from other solutions due to their superior convergence, but also because Gauss had
proven their accuracy and the size of the neglected terms. Gauss derived these for-
mulas in two different ways: through a conformal mapping of the ellipsoid to the
sphere and through power series expansions stemming from the differential equa-
tions of the geodesic on the ellipsoid of rotation. Gauss, however, did not present
the formulas. This was done by F.R. Helmert [108] based on Gauss’s formulas of
the mean width (cf. [141]). A disadvantage of the series ansatz using arguments of
means lies in the fact that the coefficients of the series have to be newly computed
for each new pair of points, while the coefficients of the Legendre series have to be
computed only once if the coordinates of multiple points have to be determined
with respect to the same pole.
Approximately since 1965 the possibilities of numerical methods to solve the
main tasks of geodesy, provided by standard methods of numerical mathematics,
can be exploited due to the beginning development of electronic data process-
ing computers. The variety of potential solutions can be divided roughly in four
categories (according to B. Heck [105]):
(i) The first kind of approach rests on classical solutions of O. Schreiber [196] and
H. Boltz [12]. Since poles are singular points of the geographical coordinate
system Legendre’s series cannot be used in the vicinity of poles. Moreover,
these series show slow convergence in case of large distances so that this
approach makes sense only in case of a short geodesic up to 150 km and up
to 400 km if Gauss’s formulas are used.
(ii) The second category rests on Bessel’s approach (cf. [6]) of exploiting elliptic
integrals which are today directly computed by numerical quadrature rules
(see, e.g., [193]). This approach can also be used in the vicinity of poles and
is accurate and advisable even in case of large distances of > 500 km.
(iii) The solution approaches in the third category are based on Gauss’s confor-
mal mapping of the ellipsoid to the sphere or the plane (cf. [84]) which are
considered as auxiliary surfaces on which the main tasks of geodesy can be
accomplished by means of closed formulas from spherical and plane trigonom-
etry, respectively. Subsequently, the inverse mapping may be used to transfer
back to the ellipsoid.
(vi) In the fourth category we find methods which were already used by A.M.
Legendre [139] in a special case, namely that a given geodetic line is replaced
by another line connecting start and end point of the geodesic. This other line
may be a spatial chord, for example. Due to geodetic use of Earth satellites
this three-dimensional ansatz has grown in importance.
6.2. Gaussian conformal mapping of the Earth’s surface
For quite some time Gauss had dealt with the question of the method best suited to
coordinate triangulation points because the knowledge of geographical coordinates
is not sufficient. It seemed most convenient to him to exploit the coordinates with
which every point could be represented in a plane (Gauss Werke, Vol. V, p. 367).
144 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
About 1815 he recognized the conformal mapping of the triangular points onto the
plane as being the most appropriate solution to the problem. The term “konform”
was used by him since 1843. The task formulated by Gauss, to project a given
surface onto another one in a fairly general manner so that the image becomes
similar to the preimage in its smallest parts was formulated as a contest question
for the year 1821 by the Scientific Society in Copenhagen and reformulated the
next year. Gauss submitted his solution (cf. [78]) on the 11, December 1822 and
won the prize. His solution was distinguished from other known work in that it was
valid in case of arbitrary surfaces and that he had fully laid open the conditions of
conformity, the constancy of the augmenting relation in a certain point, and the
equal angle condition (cf. [141]). Gauss applied his general solution to the following
particular cases:
• Conformal mapping between two planes. As Gauss himself remarked (cf. Art.
8 in [78]), this is a useful method for the geodetic praxis, in order “to trans-
form a map based on mediocre measurements which may be good in small
details but is generally somehow distorted into a better one, if one knows the
correct loci of a number of points.”
• Conformal mapping of the sphere by transversal Mercator’s projection or
other mappings, e.g., the conforming Lambert mapping.
• Conformal mappings of the ellipsoid of rotation onto the sphere. In this map-
ping one can choose a suitable radius of the sphere to keep the differences
between the ellipsoidal and spherical geometries relatively small. Hence, for
practical applications spherical relations can be used which allow closed form
solution. In case of local computations reasonable accuracy can be gained by
letting the radius of the sphere depend on the geographic latitude. To this end
two “replacement spheres” have proved their worth, namely the image sphere
of Soldner, formerly used in Bavarian land surveying, and the Gaussian oscu-
lating sphere. The latter was used by Gauss (see [84]) with the radius M0 N0
with regard to a point P0 , M0 being the radius of curvature of the meridian
and N0 being the oblique radius of curvature.
Since the ellipsoid shows the same measure of curvature in the central
point P0 in this mapping the differences in scale between ellipsoid and sphere
stay small for regions not too large. As Gauss has shown the metric on a
surface is determined by the Gaussian curvature. Hence, line segments and
angles agree on two surfaces with the same Gaussian curvature. The surface
of an ellipsoid, however, shows a variable Gaussian curvature so that the
relationship of curvatures are only equivalent in the small (cf. Figures 6.2
and 6.3).
Under all mappings associated with Gauss’s name the so-called Gauss–Krüger
projection (and similar ones) have enjoyed wide distribution. In this projection the
main meridian is mapped length-preserving to a straight line and is the abscissa
of the plane system. Gauss had chosen this projection for the land surveying of
Hanover (1828–1844) (cf. [141]). The size of the distortion depends only on the
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 145
distance between the points and the main meridian and is independent from the
north-south dilatation. Today one follows the idea that meridian strips of 6◦ width
with a difference in longitude of 3◦ from the main meridian to the boundary
meridians suffice for tolerable distortions (this is today’s UTM-coordinate system).
Gauss’s work on surface theory was important for the later nineteenth century
in the sense of Sophus Lie, while until his time in geometry only finite groups of
transformations had been considered. Gauss paved the way for the general theory
146 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
of the multiply extended manifolds, or n-dimensional space (see [27] for more
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 147
The Hanover surveying work also stimulated Gauss’s interest in the study of
curves and surfaces in three-dimensional differential geometry in Euclidean space
(today usually called Gaussian geometry). Gauss also was led to the Gaussian
curvature (an intrinsic measure of curvature, dependent only on how distances are
measured on the surface, not on the way it is embedded in space).
was published in 1832. After seeing it, Gauss wrote to Farkas Bolyai, the father of
János Bolyai:
“To praise it would amount to praising myself. For, the entire content of
the work . . . coincides almost exactly with my own meditations which
have occupied my mind for the past thirty or thirty-five years.”
The long history of the discussion of the parallel postulate started probably
sooner than Euclid published his Elements about 300 BC as his fifth postulate
[32], p. 155:
“That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior
angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight
lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles
less than the two right angles.”
Many modern authors have commented on the meaning of this postulate; we men-
tion only R. Bonola [13], J. Gray [90], B.A. Rosenfeld [184]. In fact, even in
our time the fifth Euclidean postulate seems odd and we may understand why so
many authors after Euclid tried to prove the fifth postulate (and thus making it a
theorem) from the other axioms and postulates. Already Proclus (412–485), who
wrote a Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements, tried to prove the
fifth postulate exploiting an argument given by Aristoteles to show the finiteness
of the universe [176], p. 291, and failed, cf. [90], p. 39. Proclus informs us, that the
first of the Ptolemies under whose reign Euclid lived, wrote himself a book on the
fifth postulate and proved it, but Proclus points out the fallacy of this attempt.
John Playfair (1748–1819) gave an alternative formulation of the fifth postulate
in 1795 which is now known as Playfair’s Axiom but which he himself attributed
to William Ludlam (1717–1788). This formulation is the one which most people
refer to nowadays when speaking of the “axiom of parallels” [239, p. 16]:
“Given a line a and a point A not lying on a, then there exists, in the
plane determined by a and A, one and only one line which contains A
but not any point of a.”
Or, even shorter,
“Through a given point can be drawn only one parallel to a given line.”
Many mathematicians tried to get hold of a proof of the fifth postulate; famous
names over the centuries being Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201–1274) in Persia, John
Wallis (1616–1703) in England, Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri (1667–1733) in Italy,
the Swiss mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777) in Germany, and
Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752–1833) in France. At the beginning of the 19th cen-
tury the invention of a Non-Euclidean Geometry seemed to have been in the air.
If so many and different attempts to prove the fifth postulate a mere conclusion
of other axions had failed the question whether there exists a geometry in which
the fifth postulate was wrong became sensible. This may explain why it was not
only Gauss who found the key to this new geometry but also Nikolai Lobachevsky
(1792–1856) and János Bolyai (1802–1860) independently. However, Gauss was
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 149
the first, although he did not publish his results. It is now known that it was he
who coined the denotation “Non-Euclidean” for the new geometries which emerge
out of a neglect of the fifth postulate. Already in 1804 Gauss received a letter
of his friend Farkas Bolyai (1775–1856), father of János Bolyai, in which Bolyai
presented a proof that the fifth postulate could be deduced from other axioms of
geometry. Gauss praised the work of his friend, but found a flaw in the argument.
He wrote (cf. [16, p. 100]):
“You want to know my sincere and frank opinion. And this is that your
method does not satisfy me. I will try to make the critical point (which
belongs to the same kind of obstacles which made my own efforts so
futile) as clear as I can. I still hope that these cliffs will be navigated
eventually, and this, before I die. For now, I am, however, extremely
busy with other things. . . ”
Although Gauss remarked in 1846 that he knew about the existence of Non-
Euclidean geometries for the last fifty years it is not before 1816 that we see
written evidence. In that year Gauss reflected on different attempts to prove the
fifth postulate in a book review. Although he was too careful to express his own
opinion we can be sure that the reason why he reviewed these attempts can be
seen in the fact that Gauss was already convinced in 1816 that Non-Euclidean
geometries existed.
Perhaps the Non-Euclidean geometry which can be most easily understood
is the spherical geometry. The navigators, map makers, and naval mathematicians
of the 16th century were very well aware of this type of geometry in which every
triangle (build from parts of three great circles on the sphere) shows a sum of
inner angles of larger than 180◦ and is thus today seen as a simple model of elliptic
geometry. The Non-Euclidean geometries by Gauss, Lobachevsky, and Bolyai are
nowadays classified as being hyperbolic geometries, in which a triangle shows an
angular sum of less than 180◦ .
Spherical geometry was Gauss’s bread-and-butter occupation as early as 1803
when he started to survey the Duchy of Brunswieck by means of a triangulation
and met his wife to be, Johanna Osthoff. After Heinrich Christian Schumacher
(1780–1850), astronomer and geodesist, informed Gauss of the Danish arc mea-
surement and stimulated a surveying of the Hanoverian lands to fit the Danish
measurements in the north, Gauss became enthusiastic. Eventually, Schumacher
succeeded in persuading the English king Georg IV, who was head of the house
of Hanover, to authorize Gauss with the surveying work, and Gauss started field
work in 1821 (see Figures 6.1 and 6.4) concerned with measurements from three
mountains in Germany, Hohenhagen, near Göttingen, Brocken in the Harz Moun-
tains and Inselberg in the Thüringer Wald to the south. The three lines joining
these locations form a great triangle, the angle at Hohenhagen is close to a right
angle, so the area of the triangle is close to half the product of the two short
sides). Gauss made the important invention of the heliotrope (cf. Figure 6.5) to
ensure measurements of hitherto unknown accuracy. In fact, heliotropes were used
150 W. Freeden, T. Sonar, and B. Witte
in surveys from Gauss’s survey in Germany in 1821 through the late 1980s, when
GPS measurements replaced the use of the heliotrope in long distance surveys.
Surveying field work lasted until 1825 when Gauss withdraw from working in the
countryside. However, he oversaw the further surveying work going on in 1828 and
lasting until 1844 and did all the number crunching necessary. Friends, including
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846), criticized him for wasting his time in these
computations instead of creating new theorems, but Gauss saw deeper. In a letter
to Bessel dated March 14, 1824, he wrote (cf. [8]):
“. . . you accused me of loosing my time and wished me luck that the loss
of time might be over soon. Great God, how wrong you judge me. . . .
Certainly, I also think like you in that matter. All measurements in the
world do not outweigh a single theorem, with which the science of eternal
truths will be truly advanced. But you should not judge over the absolute,
but over the relative worth [of measurements]. . . . And however small
you estimate this worth, in my eyes it is higher than those concerns
which are interrupted by them.”
Surveying problems also motivated Gauss to develop his thoughts on least
squares and more general problems of what is now called mathematical statistics.
The result was the definitive exposition of his mature concepts in the note “Theoria
combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae” (1823, with supplement
in 1826). In “Bestimmung des Breitenunterschiedes zwischen den Sternwarten von
Göttingen and Altona durch Beobachtungen am Ramsdenschen Zenithsector” of
the year 1828 he summed up his ideas on the figure of the Earth, instrumental
Gauss as Scientific Mediator 151
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[239] Wolfe, H.E.: Introduction to Non-Euclidean Geometry. Reprint of the first edition
1945. Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, (2012).
[240] Wußing, H.: Carl Friedrich Gauss. B.G. Teubner Verlag, Leipzig, (1989).
[241] Yoshida, K.: Functional Analysis. 5th Edition, Springer, Berlin, (1980).
Willi Freeden
Geomathematics Group
University of Kaiserslautern
MPI-Gebäude, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Thomas Sonar
Institute for Computational Mathematics
University of Brunswick
Pockelsstraße 14
D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Bertold Witte
Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation
University of Bonn
Nussallee 17
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 165–199
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
Readers of this book who do not have a strong mathematical background might
wonder why it includes this chapter. Let us give a short motivation.
Most readers are probably familiar with the Fourier expansion and its spher-
ical relative, the expansion of a function in terms of spherical harmonics as it
is used, for example, to determine the gravitational potential of the Earth. This
166 M. Augustin, S. Eberle, and M. Grothaus
leads to the question which functions can be expanded in a Fourier series. Func-
tional analysis provides the context to discuss this question. As the determination
of Fourier coefficients requires the computation of integrals, the resulting answer
introduces the space of rapidly decreasing functions. However, this is probably not
the space a practitioner prefers. Dealing with signals – and in this context, the
gravitational field of the Earth might be considered as a signal – it is natural to
demand that a solution has finite energy, as it is otherwise physically impossible.
The energy density of a signal is proportional to the square of its amplitude. Thus,
the total energy is given by the integral of the square of the amplitude and has
to be finite. This yields the concept of square-integrable functions and the more
general Lebesgue spaces. It would be desirable to extend the concept of Fourier
expansions from the rapidly decreasing to square integrable functions.
The tools to discuss all of the above are given by functional analysis.
Let us consider another, more ambitious task. One of the main topics of
geodesy is the determination of the gravity field in the exterior of the Earth. As
the density distribution inside the Earth is not accessible, we cannot use Newton’s
volume potential for this purpose. Instead, early geodesists could only use data
from measurements at the Earth’s surface, yielding such results as Stokes’ famous
integral formula to compute the disturbing potential from gravity anomalies ([20]).
However, with the advancement of satellite technology, the situation changed dra-
matically in several ways. One of them is that, with modern GPS, gravity distur-
bances become available in more and more areas, leading to the conclusion that
instead of Stokes’ formula, a similar integral formula due to von Neumann be-
comes applicable. Nowadays, geodesists are confronted with a plethora of different
quantities, as not only gravity anomalies or gravity disturbances, but also, among
others, gravitational gradients, gravitational tensors, deflections of the vertical,
or height anomalies can be measured. Additionally, some of these quantities are
available from terrestrial measurements while others are collected by satellites.
This yields two questions:
1. Is it possible to find a framework which allows a common interpretation for
all of these different measurements?
2. Can we combine different types of data to get more accurate results?
If, for a moment, we consider only gravity anomalies and gravity disturbances,
the first of these two questions might be reformulated: what are the common
properties of the integral formulas by Stokes and by Neumann? Both formulas take
a certain function, assumed to be given on a sphere, as input and give another
function, the disturbing potential in the exterior of the Earth, as output. As we
try to deduce which kinds of inputs are allowed and how properties of the input
and output are linked to each other, we arrive again at the concepts of function
spaces, (integral) operators, limits and convergence. Once more, we have reached
the mathematical domain of functional analysis.
It is only a small step from opening the rich toolbox of functional analysis to
interpreting the above mentioned measurements as the application of operators.
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 167
Some of these operators are linear, some non-linear and some derived by linearizing
non-linear operators. But it would be shortsighted to assume that functional anal-
ysis is only useful to describe the setting of the problem. It also provides tools to
solve those problems efficiently. However, the aim of this chapter is not to present
solutions to geodetic problems, as this is done in other chapters, but to provide
the reader with the necessary background to understand modern approaches in
mathematical geodesy.
For this purpose, we start by recalling definitions and properties of metric
spaces, normed spaces, Banach spaces, and Hilbert spaces as well as linear opera-
tors and sesquilinear or bilinear forms. This leads us to the consideration of differ-
ent kinds of convergence, e.g., with respect to a given norm, weak convergence and
weak convergence. Next, we specifically consider function spaces, starting with
classical spaces of continuous or continuously differentiable functions, but also tak-
ing into account spaces of distributions, Lebesgue spaces, and Sobolev spaces. The
latter ones are particularly useful when dealing with differential equations in weak
form, yielding results on existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions. The
chapter is completed by a short discussion of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces.
2. Basic concepts
This section summarizes some basic concepts from functional analysis taken from
[2, 4, 10].
2.1. Metric spaces, normed spaces, Banach spaces, and linear operators
Let N, N0 , Z, R, R+ , R+ 0 , and C denote the set of positive integers, non-negative
integers, integers, real numbers, positive real numbers, non-negative real numbers,
and complex numbers, respectively.
In the following, V , W , and Z are K-vector spaces over the field K ∈ {R, C}.
As a particular space, we have for any n ∈ N, the n-dimensional vector spaces
K × · · · × K = Kn .
For the elements x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )T , y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn )T ∈ Kn we define
the (Euclidean) inner product x · y and its induced (Euclidean) norm x by
x·y = xi y i , (1)
7 n
√ 7
x = x·x =8 |xi |2 , (2)
168 M. Augustin, S. Eberle, and M. Grothaus
where z denotes the complex conjugate of z for any z ∈ C and |·| is the absolute
value in K, i.e., for x ∈ R,
⎨ x, x > 0,
|x| = 0, x = 0, (3)
⎩ −x, x < 0,
and for z = x + iy ∈ C, x, y ∈ R, i the imaginary unit,
|z| = x2 + y 2 . (4)
The canonical orthonormal basis vectors are denoted by e1 , e2 ,. . . , en . In R3
we have
e1 = (1, 0, 0)T , e2 = (0, 1, 0)T , e3 = (0, 0, 1)T . (5)
Furthermore, let δn,m given by
1, n=m
δn,m = (6)
0, n = m
for n, m ∈ N0 , denote the Kronecker delta.
For any subset G ⊂ Rn , ∂G denotes the boundary and its closure is given by
G = G ∪ ∂G.
In addition, an open ball of radius r ∈ R+ centered at x ∈ Kn is defined by
Br (x) = {y ∈ Kn : x − y < r}. (7)
The corresponding sphere is given by
∂Br (x) = {y ∈ Kn : x − y = r}. (8)
Definition 2.14 (Continuous Operator). Let (V, ρV ) and (W, ρW ) be two metric
spaces. An operator L : V ⊃ D(L) → R(L) ⊂ W is called continuous in v0 ∈
D(L) if for every sequence (vn )n∈N ⊂ D(L) with lim ρV (vn , v0 ) = 0 we have
lim ρW (Lv0 , Lvn ) = 0.
L is said to be continuous on D(L) if L is continuous for all v0 ∈ D(L).
It follows from Definition 2.15 that N (L) is a linear subspace of D(L) and
R(L) is a linear subspace of W .
Definition 2.16 (Isometric Linear Operator). Let (V, ·V ), (W, ·W ) be two
normed spaces and L : V ⊃ D(L) → R(L) ⊂ W a linear operator. L is called
isometric if for every v ∈ D(L) we have LvW = vV .
In the following, we assume every operator to be linear.
Definition 2.17 (Inverse Operator). Let L : V ⊃ D(L) → R(L) ⊂ W such that for
every w ∈ R(L) exists a unique v ∈ D(L) with Lv = w. The operator that assigns
to every w ∈ R(L) its inverse image v ∈ D(L) is called the inverse operator to L,
denoted by L−1 , and is a linear operator from R(L) to D(L). We have
L−1 (Lv) = v for all v ∈ D(L), (16)
L(L w) = w for all w ∈ R(L). (17)
As the existence of the inverse operator requires the uniqueness of the inverse
image, a linear operator L has an inverse operator L−1 if and only if N (L) = {0}.
Definition 2.18 (Bounded Operator and Operator Norm). Let (V, ·V ), (W, ·W )
be two normed spaces and L : V ⊃ D(L) → R(L) ⊂ W a linear operator. L is
bounded if it exists a C ∈ R+
0 such that
The space of all linear bounded operators with domain D(L) and range R(L) is
denoted by L (D(L), R(L)). This space can be equipped with the operator norm,
given as
LL (D(L),R(L)) = sup = sup LvW = sup LvW . (19)
v∈D(L) vV v∈D(L) v∈D(L)
v =0 vV =1 vV ≤1
If V is complete with respect to the norm ·V defined by its inner product, it is
called a Hilbert space.
Definition 2.24 (Properties of Sesquilinear Forms). Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a pre-Hilbert
space. A sesquilinear form a(·, ·) : V × V → K is called
(a) bounded or continuous, if there is a C ∈ R+ such that |a(u, v)| ≤ C uV vV
for all u, v ∈ V ,
(b) coercive, if there is a c ∈ R+ such that a(u, u) ≥ c uV for all u ∈ V .
The norm of a bounded sesquilinear form is defined as
aL (V ×V,K) = sup |a(u, v)| . (32)
uV ≤1, vV ≤1
Lemma 2.25. Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a pre-Hilbert space. Then the inner product is con-
tinuous in both components and the norm satisfies the parallelogram identity
2 2 2 2
u + vV + u − vV = 2 uV + vV (33)
for all u, v ∈ V .
Definition 2.26 (Orthogonality, Orthonormal System). Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a pre-
Hilbert space. Two elements u and v of V are orthogonal, if (u, v)V = 0.
A finite or countable set of elements, {un : n ∈ N } ⊂ V , N ⊂ N, is called an
orthonormal system if (ui , uk )V = δi,k for all i, k ∈ N.
Theorem 2.27 (Approximation in Pre-Hilbert Spaces, Bessel’s Inequality). Let
(V, (·, ·)V ) be a pre-Hilbert space and {ek : k = 1, . . . , n}
⊂ V , n ∈ N an or-
thonormal system. For every u ∈ V , the element a = nk=1 (u, ek )V ek satisfies
u − aV ≤ u − vV for all v ∈ span {ek : k = 1, . . . , n}.
The coefficients (u, ek )V are called Fourier coefficients of u with respect to
{uk : k = 1, . . . , n}.
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 173
Theorem 2.28 (Orthonormal Hilbert Basis). Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a pre-Hilbert space
and {ek : k ∈ N} ⊂ V an orthonormal system. This orthonormal system is a
Hilbert basis if it satisfies one of the following equivalent properties:
(a) span ({ek }k∈N ) is dense in V .
(b) The system {ek : k ∈ N} is closed, i.e., for all u ∈ V , there is a unique
sequence (ak )k∈N in K, such that u = lim ak e k .
n→∞ k=1
(c) {ek : k ∈ N} is complete, i.e., u = (u, ek )V ek for all u ∈ V .
(d) The Parseval identity holds for {ek : k ∈ N}, i.e., for all u ∈ V we have
uV = |(u, ek )V |
(e) The extended Parseval identity holds for {ek : k ∈ N}, i.e., for all u, v ∈ V
we have (u, v)V = (u, ek )V (v, ek )V .
If (V, (·, ·)V ) is a Hilbert space, the above properties are equivalent to the property
that there exists no 0 = u ∈ V such that (u, ek )V = 0 for all k ∈ N.
Theorem 2.29 (Existence of an Orthonormal Basis). Every separable Hilbert space
contains an orthonormal basis.
Remark 2.30. If {uk : k ∈ N } ⊂ V , N ⊂ N, is an orthonormal system in a separa-
ble Hilbert space V which is not complete, we can find a system {vk : k ∈ N \ N } ⊂
V such that both systems together form an orthonormal basis.
Theorem 2.31 (Riesz Representation Theorem). Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a Hilbert space.
For every bounded linear functional f ∈ V exists a unique element w ∈ V such
that f (v) = (v, w)V for every v ∈ V .
The function J : V → V , w → J(w) = (·, w)V is an isometric, conjugate
linear isomorphism. Consequently, f V = wV .
Remark 2.32. With the extended Parseval identity from Theorem 2.28, we get in
separable Hilbert spaces V
f (v) = (v, w)V = (v, ek )V (w, ek )V = (v, ek )V (ek , w)V = (v, ek )V f (ek )
k=1 k=1 k=1
and thus
w= f (ek ) ek . (36)
174 M. Augustin, S. Eberle, and M. Grothaus
Definition 2.33 (Hilbert Space Adjoint Operator). Let (V, (·, ·)V ), (W, (·, ·)W ) be
Hilbert spaces, JV and JW the corresponding Riesz isomorphisms according to
Theorem 2.31 and L ∈ L (V, W ). The Hilbert space adjoint operator L∗ of L is
defined by
L∗ = JV−1 L JW , (37)
whereas L is the dual space adjoint operator to L according to Definition 2.20.
L is called self-adjoint, if L∗ = L.
Lemma 2.34. Let (V, (·, ·)V ), (W, (·, ·)W ) be Hilbert spaces and L ∈ L (V, W ). Then
we have for the Hilbert space adjoint operator L∗ ∈ L (W, V ) and
(v, L∗ w)V = (Lv, w)W . (38)
Moreover, we have L∗∗ = L, L∗ L (W,V ) = LL (V,W ) and L∗ LL (V,V ) =
LL (V,W ) .
Theorem 2.35 (Lax–Milgram Theorem). Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a Hilbert space and
a(·, ·) : V × V → K a sesquilinear form. If a(·, ·) is continuous, i.e., bounded
with the constant C ∈ R+ , then there exists a unique bounded linear operator
A ∈ L (V, V ) such that
a(u, v) = (u, Av)V for all u, v ∈ V. (39)
We have AL (V,V ) ≤ C or, more precisely, AL (V,V ) = a(·, ·)L (V ×V,K) .
If a(·, ·) is also coercive with coercivity constant c ∈ R+ , then A is bijective,
i.e., there exists a -bounded- linear operator A−1 ∈ L (V, V ) which is the inverse
operator to A and A - −1 - 1
≤ c.
L (V,V )
Corollary 2.36. Let (V, (·, ·)V ) be a Hilbert space and a(·, ·) : V × V → K a
continuous, coercive sesquilinear form, A the corresponding operator according to
Theorem 2.35 and J : V → V the Riesz isomorphism according to Theorem 2.31.
For f ∈ V let u = A−1 J −1 f .
The so-defined u is the unique solution to the problem
a(u, v) = f (v) for all v ∈ V (40)
and satisfies
uV ≤ f V (41)
with c ∈ R+ being the coercivity constant to the sesquilinear form.
If, additionally, a(·, ·) is Hermitian, i.e., a(·, ·) is an inner product, then u is
also the unique minimizer of the functional
V v → F (v) = a(v, v) − Re(f (v)) ∈ R. (42)
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 175
Remark 2.40.
(i) If V is a Hilbert space, the Riesz representation Theorem 2.31 implies that
vn −−−− v means lim (vn , u) = (v, u) for all u ∈ V .
(ii) Strong convergence implies weak or weak convergence, respectively.
(iii) In the dual space V of a Banach space V , we now have three different
concepts of convergence:
(a) strong convergence: vn −−−−→ v , i.e., lim vn − v V = 0,
(b) weak convergence: vn −−−− v , i.e., limn→∞ v, vn = v, v for all
v ∈ V , and
(c) weak convergence: vn −−−− v , i.e., limn→∞ vn , v = v , v for all
v ∈V .
However, as V is always isomorph to at least a subset of V due to the
mapping constructed in Lemma 2.39, weak convergence in V always implies
weak convergence in V . If V is reflexive, both concepts are identical on V .
(iv) In a finite-dimensional normed space, strong and weak convergence coincide.
Lemma 2.41. Let V be a Banach space, W ⊂ V dense, Z ⊂ V dense, v ∈ V ,
v ∈ V , (vn )n∈N in V and (vn )n∈N in V .
(a) vn −−−− v if and only if there is a C ∈ R+ such that vn V ≤ C for all
n ∈ N and limn→∞ vn , v = v, v for all v ∈ Z .
(b) vn −−−− v if and only if there is a C ∈ R+ such that vn V ≤ C for all
n ∈ N and limn→∞ v, vn = v, v for all v ∈ W .
Lemma 2.42 (Mazur). Let V be a normed space and (vn )n∈N a sequence in V with
vn −−−− v. For every ε ∈ R+ exists a linear combination u = ak vk , N ∈ N,
{ak }N
k=1 ⊂ R, ak ≥ 0 for all k, ak = 1 such that u − vV ≤ ε.
3. Function spaces
In order to deal with differential equations, we have to introduce some notation for
differentiation and integration. As it turns out, the classical strong concept of dif-
ferentiability is too restrictive. This leads to the definition of weak differentiability.
Different kinds of requirements on the differentiability of functions yield different
sets of functions which can be shown to be normed vector spaces. There are some
more remarkable properties of these spaces and the functions they contain as well
as interesting and useful relations between them.
Definition 3.1 ((Strong) Derivative). Let G be a bounded open subset of Rn , n ∈ N,
u : G → R, γ ∈ Nn0 , and k ∈ N0 . Let x be a point in Rn with coordinates xi ,
i ∈ N, i ≤ n. Throughout this section, these are cartesian coordinates.
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 177
The spaces Ck (G) contain all functions u ∈ Ck (G) for which Dγ u is bounded and
uniformly continuous for all γ ∈ Nk0 with 0 ≤ |γ| ≤ k, i.e., it possesses a unique,
bounded, continuous extension to the closure G. These spaces are Banach spaces
when equipped with the norm
uCk (G) = max sup |(Dγ u)(x)| . (50)
0≤|γ|≤k x∈G
In some cases, functions are required to be more regular than just being
continuous, but requiring them to be continuously differentiable would be too
much. Thus, we introduce the spaces of Hölder-continuous functions ([1]).
Definition 3.5 (Hölder-Continuous Functions). Let G ⊂ Rn , n ∈ N, be a region,
γ ∈ Nk0 , and k ∈ N0 . The space Ck,s (G), 0 < s ≤ 1, is the subspace of functions
u ∈ Ck (G) whose derivatives Dγ u of order k satisfy
|(Dγ u)(x) − (Dγ u)(y)| ≤ C x − ys for all x, y ∈ G (51)
with a constant C ∈ R . We say u has Hölder-continuous derivatives of order k
with Hölder exponent s or, in the special case s = 1, u has Lipschitz-continuous
derivatives of order k. Ck,s (G) is a Banach space if equipped with the norm
|(Dγ u)(x) − (Dγ u)(y)|
uCk,s (G) = uCk (G) + max sup s . (52)
0≤|γ|≤k x,y∈G x − y
x =y
for each |γ| = k, the derivatives of order k of u are called uniformly Hölder-
continuous and u is an element of the space Ck,s
u (G).
When looking for functions whose values on the boundary of a region are
prescribed, it is often useful, if not even necessary, to restrict the kind of region
under consideration to answer questions of existence and uniqueness. The region
is required to have some kind of regularity. In order to give different kinds of
regularity properties, we need another definition ([1]).
Definition 3.6 (m-smooth Transformation). Let Φ be a one-to-one transformation
of a region G ⊂ Rn , n ∈ N, onto a region G ⊂ Rn with Ψ = Φ−1 . We call Φ
m-smooth if, writing y = Φ(x) and
y1 = φ1 (x1 , . . . , xn ), x1 = ψ1 (y1 , . . . , yn ),
y2 = φ2 (x1 , . . . , xn ), x2 = ψ2 (y1 , . . . , yn ),
.. ..
. .
yn = φn (x1 , . . . , xn ), xn = ψn (y1 , . . . , yn ), (54)
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 179
(v) the uniform Cm -regularity property if there exists a locally finite open cover
{Uj : j ∈ J} of ∂G and a corresponding set {Φj : j ∈ J} of m-smooth
one-to-one transformations ; with Φj taking Uj onto B1 (0) ⊂ Rn , such that
(a) for some δ > 0, ∞ j=1 j (B0.5 (0)) ⊃ {x ∈ G : dist(x, ∂G) < δ}, where
Ψ=Φ ,
(b) for some finite N ∈ N, every collection of N + 1 of the sets Uj has an
empty intersection,
(c) for each j, Φj (Uj ∩ G) = {y ∈ B1 (0) : yn > 0},
(d) if (φj,1 , . . . , φj,n ) and (ψj,1 , . . . , ψj,n ) denote the components of Φj and
Ψj , respectively, then there exists a finite M such that for all γ ∈ Nn0 ,
|γ| ≤ m, for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and for every j, we have |Dγ φj,i (x)| ≤ M ,
x ∈ Uj , and |Dγ ψj,i (y)| ≤ M , y ∈ B1 (0).
For the different kinds of regularity, we have (v) =⇒ (iv) =⇒ (iii) =⇒ (i).
These regularity properties require G to lie on only one side of its boundary,
whereas the cone property does not impose this condition.
Remark 3.8.
(i) If G is bounded, the requirements for G being strong local Lipschitz reduce
to the condition that for each point x ∈ ∂G, there exists a neighborhood U
of x such that U ∩ ∂G is the graph of a Lipschitz-continuous function.
(ii) In some cases it is necessary to require that the parts of the one-to-one
transformation mentioned in the definition of the Cm -regularity property
have not only bounded derivatives, but Hölder-continuous ones. This yields
the Cm,s -regularity property.
As already mentioned, the above introduced definition of strong differentia-
bility with continuous or even Hölder-continuous derivatives is often too restrictive.
Therefore, we need some other, weaker definition of derivatives. To define these
weak derivatives, we need a definition of convergence in C∞ c (G) first (see, e.g., [1]).
Remark 3.10.
(i) C∞c (G) is often denoted by D(G) and called the space of test functions, al-
though the latter identification is not unique. It is a topological vector space,
but not normable ([1, 17]).
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 181
Usually, notation is a little bit abused by also using u instead of Tu to denote the
corresponding distribution. Distributions that correspond in that way to a locally
integrable function are called regular.
There are many distributions for which no corresponding locally integrable
function can be found. The most prominent example is the evaluation of a function
φ at a certain point x, known as Dirac’s delta distribution. If 0 ∈ G, the evaluation
of a function φ ∈ C∞c (G) is given by
defined by
(u ∗ φ)(x) := u(x φ̆). (76)
Theorem 3.16 (Properties of Convolutions). Let u ∈ (C∞ ∞
c (R )) , φ, ψ ∈ Cc (R ).
n n
x ∈ Rn .
Until now, convolutions for distributions are only declared if a distribution
is convolved with an element of C∞ n
c (R ). The next lemma extends convolution to
∞ n
elements of C (R ) ([17]).
Lemma 3.17. Let u ∈ (C∞ ∞
c (R )) have compact support, φ ∈ C (R ), ψ ∈
n n
∞ ∞
Cc (R ). The convolution u ∗ φ ∈ C (R ) is well defined. Moreover,
n n
(ii) If at least one of the supports supp(u), supp(v) is compact, we have supp(u ∗
v) ⊂ supp(u) + supp(v).
(iii) If at least two of the supports supp(u), supp(v), supp(w) are compact, we
have (u ∗ v) ∗ w = u ∗ (v ∗ w).
We can now define weak derivatives by defining derivatives of distributions
([1, 17]).
Definition 3.19 (Weak Derivative). Let G be a bounded region in Rn , n ∈ N, and
u ∈ (C∞c (G)) . The weak derivative of u with respect to xi , i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, is
defined by
∂xi u, φ = − u, ∂xi φ , φ ∈ C∞c (G) . (78)
For a multi-index γ ∈ Nn0 , we have the generalization
Dγ u, φ = (−1)|γ| u, Dγ φ , φ ∈ C∞
c (G) . (79)
Remark 3.20. We use the same notation for weak derivatives and classical (strong)
partial derivatives (based on the limit of difference quotients). If a continuous
strong derivative exists, it coincides with the weak derivative as can be seen by
integration by parts ([17]).
Theorem 3.21 (Weak Derivatives and Convolution).
n n
(i) Suppose u ∈ (C∞ ∞ ∞
c (R )) and φ ∈ Cc (R ), n ∈ N, or u ∈ (Cc (R )) with
compact support and φ ∈ C (R ), then D (u ∗ φ) = (D u) ∗ φ = u ∗ (Dγ φ)
n γ γ
Moreover, the space L∞ (G) contains all such equivalence classes whose rep-
resentatives are measurable, essentially bounded functions u : G → R, i.e.,
ess sup |u(x)| := inf sup |u(x)| < ∞ . (82)
x∈G V (N )=0 x∈G\N
(ii) The space L2 (G) is a Hilbert space if equipped with the scalar product
(u, v)L2 (G) = u(x)v(x) dV (x) . (85)
(iii) For arbitrary 1 ≤ p1 , p2 < ∞ with p1 ≥ p2 , we have Lp1 (G) ⊂ Lp2 (G) and
Lp1 (G) ⊂ L1loc (G), with L1loc (G) being the space of locally integrable functions.
(iv) Let 1 < p1 < ∞ and p2 such that p11 + p12 = 1. For u ∈ Lp1 (G), v ∈ Lp2 (G),
we have uv ∈ L1 (G) and
uvL1 (G) ≤ uLp1 (G) vLp2 (G) . (86)
For p = 2, we denote Hk (G) = Wk,2 (G). These spaces are separable Hilbert spaces
with inner product
(u, v)Hk (G) = (Dγ u, Dγ v)L2 (G) . (89)
Remark 3.33. It is possible to extend the above definition in several ways. For
example, we can combine several surfaces which satisfy Definition 3.32 by gluing
them. This is necessary for closed surfaces, which do not directly satisfy Definition
3.32, e.g, the unit sphere which can be seen as the combination of two hemispheres.
For an even more general definition see, e.g., [19].
φ is called rapidly decreasing if pk,l (φ) < ∞ for all k, l ∈ N0 . The space S (Rn ) of
all rapidly decreasing functions is called Schwartz space.
Convergence of a sequence (φj )j∈N in S (Rn ) is defined by
φj −→ φ ⇐⇒ lim pk,l (φj − φ) = 0 ∀ k, l ∈ N0 . (110)
We can now define Fourier transformation for rapidly decreasing functions ([4]):
Definition 3.39 (Fourier Transformation in Schwartz Space). Let φ ∈ S (Rn ). The
Fourier transform F φ of φ is defined by
F φ(ξ) := (2π)− 2 e−ix·ξ φ(x)dV (x), ξ ∈ Rn . (111)
(ii) If there exists a continuous operator E : Hk (G) → Hk (Rn ) with Eu|G = u for
all u ∈ Hk (G), the space Hk (G) coincides with the restriction of functions in
Hk (Rn ) on G and the norm
- -
- k -
uHk (G) = inf -(1 + |·|) F u 4- (116)
k n 2 n L (R )
∈H (R )
4. Differential equations
Assume we have an open bounded region G ⊂ Rn , n ∈ N, n > 1, and a map
k k−1
F : Rn × R n × · · · × Rn × R × G → R, k∈N. (117)
Then for u ∈ C (G)
F D u (x), . . . , u(x), x = 0 for all x ∈ G (118)
is a partial differential equation (PDE) of order k if at least one derivative of order
k is actually a part of the equation and no derivative of higher order than k is
present. This can be done analogously for systems of differential equations. We
only deal with linear PDEs here that can be written as
aγ (x) (Dγ u) (x) = f (x), γ ∈ Nn0 for all x ∈ G , (119)
skaya Theorem (see, e.g., [15]) needs analytic coefficients to guarantee the
existence and uniqueness of analytic solutions. If we want the operator L
in (119) to be continuous
from H l+k (G) to H l (G), this can be achieved by
requiring aγ ∈ C l G (see, e.g., [21]).
As already pointed out, the formulations of differential equations as given
above with strong partial derivatives is often not suited to find answers to the
questions of solvability, uniqueness of solutions, or their regularity. Instead, we
would like to have a formulation based on weak derivatives.
Let us assume that a linear second-order differential equation is given in its
strong form by
Lu(x) = f (x) for all x ∈ G . (126)
For simplicity, we equip this equation with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary
u(x) = 0 for all x ∈ ∂G . (127)
In the context of differential equations, we often use the abbreviation Γ = ∂G.
A classical strong solution of this PDE has to be in C2 (G) which is a rather
restrictive requirement. We can relax this requirement in two points. First, we can
change over to a weakly differentiable solution. For this purpose, suppose v is an
arbitrary function belonging to C∞ c (G), multiply the differential equation by v and
integrate over G. We obtain
(Lu, v)L2 (G) = (f, v)L2 (G) for all v ∈ C∞
c (G) . (128)
Moreover, we can relax the requirements on differentiability of u by performing an
integration by parts on the left-hand side, which gives us a bilinear form a(u, v).
Thus, a useful assumption on u is u ∈ H10 (G). Additionally, as C∞ c (G) is a dense
subspace of H10 (G), we can extend the space of functions with which we multiply
to H10 (G). This yields
a(u, v) = f (v) for all v ∈ H10 (G) . (129)
Here, we interpreted the right-hand side as a linear functional on H10 (G).
It is easy
to see that every solution of the strong formulation is also a solution of the weak
formulation. However, the opposite may not be true.
For other kinds of boundary conditions, the above procedure is changed in
two points. On the one hand, if the values of u on the boundary are given and
different from zero, u has to belong to another subspace of H1 (G). On the other
hand, if normal derivatives of u are specified in a Neumann boundary condition,
integration by parts yields some integrals over (parts of) the boundary Γ of G.
These are usually incorporated into the linear form f on the right-hand side.
Other modifications may be necessary for other boundary conditions.
To answer the question whether a unique solution to a PDE in its weak form
(129) exists, we can use Corollary 2.36 or directly the Theorems by Riesz (2.31) or
Lax–Milgram (2.35) for elliptic PDEs. There are also general results for parabolic
or hyperbolic systems, but those are out of the scope of this chapter.
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 195
On the other hand, K(·, y) is an element of V and we can apply the functional L
to K(·, y) to get
LK(·, y) = (K(·, y), h)V . (135)
By comparing Eqs. (134) and (135), we get
Theorem 5.6. Let V have a reproducing kernel K(·, ·), and let L be a bounded
linear functional defined on V . Then the function
h(y) = LK(·, y) (136)
is in V and for all f ∈ V ,
L(f ) = (f, h)V . (137)
Moreover, we have
L2V = Ly Lx K(x, y). (138)
Here, the indices x and y on L are used to clarify that we first regard K(x, y) as
a function of x with parameter y and apply L with respect to x and then regard
Lx K(x, y) as a function of y with parameter x and apply L with respect to y.
An important example for a reproducing kernel Hilbert space is given in the
following definition.
Definition 5.7. Let G ⊂ C be a bounded region. The space of all functions f ∈
L2 (G) which are analytic is denoted by L2A (G).
Theorem 5.8. Let {hn : n ∈ N} be an orthonormal basis in L2A (G).
Then K(x, y) = n=1 hn (x)hn (y) is a (and hence the) reproducing kernel for
L2A (G); that is, for all f ∈ L2A (G) we have
f (y) = (f (·), K(·, y))V = f (x)K(x, y) dx. (139)
The above theorems show how an orthonormal basis can be used to find
a reproducing kernel. However, we can also use a reproducing kernel to find an
orthonormal basis using Theorem 5.6 ([3]).
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 197
Theorem 5.10. Let V be a Hilbert space of functions that has the reproducing kernel
K(·, ·). If (Ln )n∈N is a sequence of bounded linear functionals on V such that from
Ln f = 0, for all n ∈ N, follows that f = 0, then the functions
hn (y) = Ln K(·, y), n∈N (142)
form a basis for V .
Moreover, Theorem 5.8 can be used the other way around to examine whether
an orthonormal system is complete ([3]).
Theorem 5.11. Let K(·, ·) be the reproducing kernel of L2A (G) and {hn : n ∈ N} be
an orthonormal system. This system is complete if and only if
K(x, x) = |hn (x)|2 for all x ∈ G. (143)
The null space of A consists of all functions in L2 (B1 (0)) that are orthogonal to
harmonic functions in B1 (0). We denote the space of functions which are harmonic
in B1 (0) by Pot(B1 (0)). It can be shown (see, e.g., [7]) that A|Pot(B1 (0)) is a linear
bijective operator. We can define an inner product on R(A) by
(h1 , h2 )R(A) := (A−1 h1 , A−1 h2 )L2 (B1 (0)) . (147)
Moreover, R(A) equipped with this inner product is a Hilbert space which satisfies
Theorem 5.2.
198 M. Augustin, S. Eberle, and M. Grothaus
6. Summary
As we have seen in this chapter, functional analysis provides many useful concepts
to tackle geodetic problems. The structures and results which we discussed here are
the very foundations for the solution of such problems as the (stochastic) oblique
derivative problem ([11]), the inverse problem of determining the density distri-
bution in the Earth’s crust from gravity measurements ([7]) or the very successful
and still expanding applications of wavelets to deal with local data concentration
and data refinement ([7, 8]). They are also used in [12] to derive limit formulae
and jump relations of potential theory in Sobolev spaces.
As can be deduced from their success so far, the application of functional
analytic results and concepts has a key role in facing future challenges in geodesy.
Among those are the incorporation of heterogeneous data, i.e., measurements of
different quantities related to the gravity potential of the Earth to determine said
potential. Moreover, the unequal distribution of those measurements, which may
provide a high data density in some regions but show gaps in others, calls for
locally oriented methods as opposed to the classical, globally oriented methods.
[1] R. Adams. Sobolev Spaces. Academic Press, New York, 1975.
[2] H.W. Alt. Lineare Funktionalanalysis. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
[3] P. Davis. Interpolation and Approximation. Blaisdell Publishing Company, Waltham,
MA, 1963.
[4] M. Dobrowolski. Angewandte Funktionalanalysis. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
[5] P. Enflo. A counterexample to the approximation property in Banach spaces. Acta
Math., 130:309–317, 1973.
[6] L. Evans. Partial Differential Equations, volume 19 of Graduate Studies in Mathe-
matics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1998.
[7] W. Freeden and C. Gerhards. Geomathematically Oriented Potential Theory. Chap-
man & Hall / CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012.
An Overview on Tools from Functional Analysis 199
[8] W. Freeden and V. Michel. Multiscale Potential Theory with Applications to Geo-
science. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2004.
[9] A. Friedman. Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, 1964.
[10] G. Grosche, V. Ziegler, D. Ziegler, and E. Zeidler, editors. Teubner Taschenbuch der
Mathematik – Teil II. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1995.
[11] M. Grothaus and T. Raskop. The Outer Oblique Boundary Problem of Potential
Theory. Numer Funct Anal Optim, 30:711–750, 2009.
[12] M. Grothaus and T. Raskop. Limit Formulae and Jump Relations of Potential The-
ory in Sobolev Spaces. Int. J. Geomath., 1:51–100, 2010.
[13] J.-L. Lions. Equations Différentielles Operationelles et Problèmes aux Limites, vol-
ume 111 of Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstel-
lungen. Springer, Berlin, 1961.
[14] W. McLean. Strongly Elliptic Systems and Boundary Integral Equations. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
[15] V.P. Mikhailov. Partial Differential Equations. MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1978.
[16] M. Renardy and R.C. Rogers. An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.
Texts in Applied Mathematics. Springer, New York, 1993.
[17] W. Rudin. Functional Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973.
[18] R.E. Showalter. Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Dif-
ferential Equations, volume 49 of Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. American
Mathematical Society, Providence, 1996.
[19] L. Simon. Lectures on Geometric Measure Theory, volume 3 of Proceedings of the
Centre for Mathematical Analysis. Centre for Mathematical Analysis, The Australian
National University, Canberra, 1984.
[20] G.G. Stokes. On the variation of gravity on the surface of the Earth. Trans Camb
Phil Soc, 8:672–695, 1849.
[21] J. Wloka. Partial Differential Equations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Matthias Augustin
Mathematical Image Analysis Group
Fakultät 6
Saarland University
D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Sarah Eberle
Numerical Analysis Group
Mathematical Institute
University of Tübingen
D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
Martin Grothaus
Functional Analysis and Stochastic Analysis Group
Fachbereich Mathematik
University of Kaiserslautern
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 201–314
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
This contribution on operator-theoretic approaches to ill-posed problems (IPP’s)
develops a general framework for regularization and approximation methods for
ill-posed problems. Most inverse problems are ill-posed. For example, gravimet-
ric and downward continuation problems of geodesy are ill-posed. Three levels
in the resolution processes are distinguished and analyzed in this expository re-
search paper: philosophy of resolution, regularization-approximation schema, and
regularization algorithms. Our essential objective is to provide an outlook within
Ill-posed and inverse problems represent classical topics in the research of mathematical geodesy.
Hence, the necessity of such a contribution comes naturally. This is the reason why the editors and
the publisher have decided to include this chapter here despite the fact that its content has been
extracted from W. Freeden, M.Z. Nashed, Operator-Theoretic and Regularization Approaches
to Ill-Posed Problems, GEM Int. J. Geomath., Springer, 2017 (
202 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
In standard functional analytic nomenclature (see, e.g., [120, 135, 229, 245,
265]) we are usually confronted with the following operator equation: Given spaces
X, Y equipped with the settings of norm and inner product, respectively. Consider
a mapping A from X to Y , i.e., (A; X, Y ) with
A : X → Y. (2.1)
The Direct Problem (DP) is as follows: Given x ∈ X, find y = Ax ∈ Y . The
Inverse Problem (IP) is as follows: Given an observed output y, find an input x
that produces it, i.e., Ax = y ∈ Y , or given a desired output z, find an input x
that produces an output y = Ax ∈ Y that is as “close” to z as possible.
A Well-Posed (Properly-Posed) Problem in the sense of Hadamard is as fol-
lows: For each “data” y ∈ Y , the operator equation X x → Ax = y ∈ Y has one
and only one solution, and the solution depends continuously on y. In more detail,
a mathematical problem is well posed in the sense of Hadamard (cf. [109, 110]), if
it satisfies the following properties:
(H1) Existence: For all (suitable) data, there exists a solution of the problem (in
an appropriate sense).
(H2) Uniqueness: For all (suitable) data, the solution is unique.
(H3) Stability: The solution depends continuously on the data.
According to this definition, a problem is ill posed or improperly posed in the sense
of Hadamard if one of these three conditions is violated.
As already mentioned, ill-posed problems arise in many branches of science,
engineering, and mathematics, including computer vision, natural language pro-
cessing, machine learning, statistics, statistical inference, medical imaging, remote
sensing, non-destructive testing, astronomy, geodesy and geophysics, exploration
and prospection, and many other fields. It should be noted that J. Hardamard
(1865–1963) dismissed ill-posed problems as irrelevant to physics or real world ap-
plications, but he was proven wrong four decades after his declaration. In fact, it
turned out that Hadamard’s classification had a tremendous influence on the de-
velopment of mathematics. Some years ago, starting from Hadamard’s properties
a more relevant understanding of ill-posedness was provided by a more detailed
functional analytical background (cf. [185]) that will be explained later on.
The condition number of A is given by the quotient of the largest and smallest
eigenvalue, i.e., κ = λλn1 (note that λ1 > 0). For the sake of simplicity and coherence
with the analysis for the infinite-dimensional case below, we shall assume here that
the scaling is such that λn = 1, so that κ = λ−11 . The condition number is a measure
for the stable solvability of the problem (2.2).
Ill-conditioned matrix equations. Assume that we have noisy data y ε instead of y,
which satisfy
y ε − y ≤ ε (2.4)
in the Euclidean norm on K . Let x denote the solution with right-hand side y ε .
n ε
that with increasing condition number of the matrix A, the noise amplification
increases in the worst case. For large κ one therefore speaks of an “ill-conditioned
problem” (ICP). But it should be remarked that a finite-dimensional linear problem
is never ill posed (in the sense that the third condition in Hadamard’s classification
is violated), but for κ large one certainly comes close to this case.
We also observe that errors in low frequencies (i.e., corresponding to eigen-
vectors with large eigenvalues) are amplified less. Following our nomenclature we
see that an error in the lowest frequency, i.e., y ε − y = ε un is not amplified at
all. In fact, we just obtain xε − x = ε from the spectral representation. This
is a typical effect for inverse problems. It means that not all possible versions of
noise of the same size are equally bad, high-frequency noise corresponding to low
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 207
AH Ax∗ = AH y (2.11)
are satisfied. The problem (2.9) possesses a unique solution if and only if A has
full rank. If A† ∈ Km×n may be understood as the matrix which assigns to each
y ∈ Kn the best-approximate solution of (2.8), then it is called the generalized
inverse (also designated, Moore–Penrose inverse or pseudoinverse) of A.
In order to construct A† and, hence, best-approximate solutions via the so-
called singular value decomposition (SVD) of A we recall the definition of singular
values of a matrix A:
208 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Let σ1 , . . . , σr > 0 be such that σ12 ≥ σ22 ≥ · · · ≥ σr2 > 0 are the positive
eigenvalues of the matrix AH A (each one written down as often as its multiplicity
is). Then σ1 , . . . , σr are denoted the (non-zero) singular values of A.
This setting makes sense, since AH A is positive semidefinite. Obviously, r ≤
min{n, m}, where r is the rank of A. We know that a Hermitian matrix can
be diagonalized, where the diagonal elements are its eigenvalues. The following
theorem generalizes this result to the non-Hermitian case.
Let σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ · · · ≥ σr > 0 be the singular values of A. Then there exist
unitary matrices U ∈ Km×m and V ∈ Kn×n such that
⎛ ⎞
σ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ σr ⎟
V AU = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ (2.12)
0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠
0 0
holds true. The columns of U and V are eigenvectors of AH A and AAH , respec-
tively. The expression (2.12) is the so-called singular value decomposition (SVD)
of A.
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is not unique, since the unitary
matrices U and V are not. Obviously, from (2.12), we obtain
⎛ ⎞
σ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ σ ⎟ H
A=V ⎜ ⎜ r ⎟U , (2.13)
0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠
0 0
since V and U are invertible, the rank of A is r, the number of non-zero singular val-
ues (counted with multiplicity). Note that with U = (u1 , . . . , um ), V = (v1 , . . . vn ),
we have for i ∈ {1, . . . , r}
Aui = σi vi (2.14)
AH vi = σi ui , (2.15)
which follows from the singular value decomposition (2.12) via multiplication by
V and U H , respectively. The system {(σi ; ui , vi ) : i ∈ {1, . . . , r}} is the so-called
singular system for A. The system {v1 , . . . , vr } is an orthonormal basis for the
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 209
AH y = σi y, vi ui . (2.18)
Note that if A has real entries, so U and V have. The notion of a singular
system and the expansions (2.17) and (2.18) generalize to compact operators on
infinite-dimensional spaces, e.g., integral operators, as we will see later on.
Let A have the SVD (2.12). Then
⎛ 1 ⎞
σ1 0
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 ⎟ H
A =U⎜ ⎜ σ r ⎟V . (2.19)
0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ .. ⎟
⎝ . ⎠
0 0
considerations of problems in geodesy. One should point out that Gauss [87, 88]
did not formally display A† . However, following [226], the ingredients for the con-
struction of a generalized inverse were essentially available to him, but he did not
use them. Indeed, there appears to be no evidence that he was inclined to proceed
in that direction. On the other hand, his approach to the problem of determining
best estimates is certainly in the spirit of generalized inverses. Early interest in
the first half of the last century in the subject of generalized inverses was initi-
ated by a paper on matrices by R. Penrose [208]. Indeed, basic elements of this
concept had been considered somewhat earlier. For example, E.H. Moore [165] pre-
sented a development of the notion (see also R. Baer [17], A. Bjerhammar [29, 30],
K. Friedrichs [84], F.Helmert [119], E.H. Moore [166], C.R. Rao, S.K. Mitra [220],
C.L. Siegel [238], and H. Wolf [261]). Moreover, in the setting of integral and dif-
ferential operators the concept was considered even earlier by I. Fredholm [70] and
W.A. Hurwitz [127], and by D. Hilbert [121] (see [223] for a discussion of gener-
alized inverses in classical analysis, and see also [23, 31, 178] for brief historical
sketches of the subject).
also shows how errors in y affect the result A† y: Errors in components of y corre-
sponding to small singular values are amplified by the large factor of the singular
value, so that such data errors are dangerous. This explains the numerical insta-
bility of (2.21), if A has small singular values. Although the problem of computing
the best-approximate solution is well posed, it is then numerically unstable. The
first idea to reduce this instability is to replace (2.21) by
y, vi
xα = ui (2.22)
σi2 ≥a
with an appropriately chosen value α > 0; this truncation is the first example of a
regularization, where the original problem is replaced by a neighboring one, which
is more stable. However, the choice of the “regularization parameter” α is quite
If we use (2.22) with perturbed data y ε (with y − y ε ≤ ε), we obtain as the
“regularized solution”
y ε , vi
xεα = ui . (2.23)
σi2 ≥α
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 211
We estimate the total error between xεα and the sought-for quantity A† y:
- -
- -
- r -
- y ε , vi r
y, v -
xα − A y = -
ε - ui −
ui - (2.24)
σi σi -
- i=1 -
-σ2 ≥α i=1
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- r y, vi r
y, v - - r
y, v − y ε
, v -
=-- ui −
i - -
ui - + -
i i
ui -
- .
- i=1 σi σi - - i=1 σi -
- i=1
σ2 ≥α - -σ2 ≥α -
i i
This is a classical variant of the famous Tikhonov regularization method for matrix
equations, which we shall consider in more detail in infinite dimensions. It is helpful
to characterize it in a different way: Let xεα be defined by (2.27). Then, by the
orthonormality of the ui , we have, for all j ∈ {1, . . . , r},
xεα , uj = y ε , vj (2.28)
σj2 + α
σj2 xεα , uj + αxεα , uj = σj y ε , vj . (2.29)
212 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
2 ε
ε H
σj xα , uj + αxεα , uj uj = xα , A Auj + αxεα , uj uj
j=1 j=1
note that xεα is in the linear span of {u1 , . . . , ur } which follows from (2.27). Now,
the identity (2.29) implies in vector nomenclature that
A A + αI xεα = AH y ε , (2.32)
which can be seen by putting the first derivative of the functional in (2.33) to 0,
resulting exactly in the linear equation (2.32). The minimization of (2.33) can be
seen as a combination of the two minimizations that appear in the definition of a
best-approximate solution. It has also interpretations as a penalty method, e.g.,
via Lagrange multipliers.
The computation explained above can be formally performed for α = 0, too.
In this case it shows that x is the solution of minimal norm of the normal equation
AH Ax = AH y which was already attacked by C.F. Gauss [87] (see also the contri-
butions by R.L. Plackett [217] and D.W. Robinson [226], and for a deeper insight
[178]). The monograph [178] also contains a brief historical sketch of this subject.
The book [260] (see also the references therein) presents an overview about numer-
ical methods and procedures. If AH A is invertible (and hence positive definite),
the normal equation AH Ax = AH y can be solved by standard Cholesky decom-
position, which leads to an alternative method for computing best-approximation
solutions, for which no SVD is needed.
linear operator whose range R(A) is not necessarily closed. Then we have the
orthogonal decompositions
X = N (A) ⊕ N (A)⊥ , (2.34)
Y = R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ , (2.35)
N (A∗ ) = R(A)⊥ , (2.36)
where N (A) is the orthogonal complement of N (A), R(A) is the closure of the
range of A, and A∗ is the adjoint operator of A, i.e., Ax, y = x, A∗ y for all
x ∈ X and y ∈ Y .
We consider the operator equation
Ax = y. (2.37)
Four (mutually exclusive) situations arise (cf. [184]):
1) R(A) is dense in Y , (hence, N (A∗ ) = {0}), and y ∈ R(A);
2) R(A) is dense in Y , and y ∈ / R(A);
3) R(A) is a proper subspace of Y , and y ∈ R(A) + R(A)⊥ ;
4) R(A) = Y , and y ∈ / R(A) + R(A)⊥ .
In case 1) one has, of course, a solution in the classical sense; in case 2) and 4) a
classical solution does not exist, while in case 3) a solution need not exist.
We say x is a “least squares solution” of (2.37) if
inf{Au − y : u ∈ X} = Ax − y. (2.38)
Au − y2 = Au − Qy2 + y − Qy2 , (2.39)
where Q is the orthogonal projector of Y onto R(A), it is clear that a least squares
solution exists if and only if
y ∈ R(A) + R(A)⊥ , (2.40)
where R(A) + R(A)⊥ is a dense set in Y . For such y the set of all least squares
solutions of (2.37), denoted by L(y), is a non-empty closed convex set (indeed
L(y) is the translate of N (A) by a fixed element of N (y)), hence, it has a unique
element of minimal norm, denoted by A† y.
The generalized inverse (or pseudoinverse) A† is the linear operator which
assigns to each y ∈ D(A† ) := R(A)+ R(A)⊥ , the unique element in L(y)∩N (A)⊥ ,
so that L(y) = A† y + N (A). It is easy to show that A† y is the minimal norm
solution (equivalently the unique solution in N (A)⊥ ) of the normal equation
A∗ Ax = A∗ y (2.41)
(the equation obtained by setting the first variation of Ax − y equal to zero).
It also follows that A† = (A/N (A)⊥ )−1 Q so that A† can be characterized as the
linear operator with the function-theoretic properties:
D(A† ) = R(A) + R(A)⊥ , N (A† ) = R(A)⊥ = N (A∗ ) (2.42)
214 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
R(A† ) = N (A)⊥ . (2.43)
The equivalence of these characterizations of A† is established in [173] (see also
[104, 185] for a lucid exposition and [185, 194] for generalization to unbounded
In case 1) above, A† gives the minimal-norm solution of 3). In case 3), Equa-
tion (2.37) has a least squares solution (which is unique if and only if N (A) = {0}).
In both cases the infimum in (2.38) is attained and is equal to zero and y − Qy,
respectively. Case 2) and 4) are pathological and usually are not under discussion
in generalized inverse theory, since in both cases y ∈ / D(A† ), and the infimum in
(2.38) is not attained.
As canonical evolution of Hadamard’s classification, M.Z. Nashed [178, 184]
called the operator equation (2.37) well posed in the least squares (relative to
X and Y ) if for each y ∈ Y the equation has a unique least squares solution
(of minimal norm), which depends continuously on y; otherwise the problem is ill
posed. The advantage of adopting this notion of well-posedness is that it focuses on
infinite-dimensional problems (e.g., an inconsistent finite system of linear algebraic
equations will not be ill posed in above sense, while it is ill-posed in the sense of
Hadamard). It follows immediately from the open mapping theorem in functional
analysis (see, e.g., [245]) that the following statements are equivalent:
a) the problem (2.37) is well posed;
b) R(A) is closed;
c) A† is bounded.
Summarizing we are led to the following conclusion (see [16, 184, 185]): The
problem (A; X, Y ) is called well posed in the sense of Nashed, if R (A) is closed
in Y . If R (A) is not closed in Y , the problem (A; X, Y ) is called ill posed in the
sense of Nashed.
The following results are standard for a Banach space X (see, e.g., [120]):
(1) If λ ∈ σ (A), then |λ| ≤ A, i.e., the spectrum is bounded.
(2) σ (A) ⊂ C is compact.
Let X be a normed space. Suppose that A is a compact operator on X (i.e.,
A ∈ K (X)).
(1) If λ ∈ σ (A) \ {0} , then λ is an eigenvalue of A.
(2) If λ is an eigenvalue of A, then dim N (λI − A) < ∞.
(3) σ (A) is at most countable. Furthermore, 0 ∈ σ (A).
(4) 0 is the only accumulation point of σ (A).
Suppose that λi ∈ σ (A∗ A)\ {0} and denote, as usual, by xi its corresponding
eigenvector. It follows that
2 2
λi xi = λi xi , xi = λi xi , xi X = A∗ Axi , xi X = Axi , Axi Y = Axi Y .
Therefore we are able to conclude that λi > 0.
Singular values. In the sequel, we assume that the eigenvalues are listed in the
chronological order as follows:
λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λi ≥ λi+1 ≥ · · · ≥ 0. (2.59)
Set σj = λj . Moreover, let yi = σ1i Axi i.e., Axi = σi yi , i ∈ N, and
1 1 1
A∗ yi = A∗ Axi = A∗ Axi = λi xi = σi xi . (2.60)
σi σi σi
It is not hard to see that
1 1 1
yi , yk Y = Axi , Axk Y = A∗ Axi , xk X = λi xi , xk X
σi σk σi σk σi σk
λi σi
= xi , xk X = δi,k = δi,k .
σi σk σk
Thus, {yi }i∈N ⊂ Y forms a complete orthonormal system (ONS) in R(A), so that
the system {xi }i∈N is a complete ONS in N (A) . Now, assume that x is a member
of N (A) . Then it follows that
x= x, xi X xi (2.62)
Ax = x, xi X Axi = σi x, xi X yi (2.63)
i=1 i=1
for all x ∈ N (A) .
Let X, Y be Hilbert spaces. The set {σi ; xi , yi }i∈N ⊂ (0, ∞) × X × Y is called
the singular system of an operator A ∈ K (X, Y ). The values σi are called the sin-
gular values of A. The elements xi , yi are called the singular vectors. Furthermore,
the series
Ax = σi x, xi X yi , x ∈ X (2.64)
is called the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A.
Picard condition. The following condition plays an essential role in the solvability
of inverse problems.
If A : X → Y is compact with singular value decomposition (SVD)
{σi ; xi , yi }i∈N ,
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 219
where CFα is a bound for the norm of Rα . Note that the pointwise convergence of
Fα immediately implies the pointwise convergence of Rα to A† .
Truncated singular value regularization. Let A be a compact operator (i.e., A ∈
K (X, Y )) with SVD {σi ; xi , yi }i∈N . The main idea of truncated singular value
decomposition is to ignore all singular values below a certain threshold value, which
we can identify with the regularization parameter α, hence, the representation of
the regularized solution is given by
, λ≥α
Fα (λ) = λ (2.71)
0, λ<α
xα = Rα y = y, yi xi , y ∈ Y, (2.72)
σi ≥α
which explains the name truncated singular value decomposition, since all terms
in the sum corresponding to small singular values are truncated. Since 0 is the
only accumulation point of the singular values of a compact operator, the sum in
(2.72) is always finite for α > 0. In particular, only a finite number of singular
values and singular vectors has to be computed in order to realize this method.
On the other hand it should be mentioned that, for α being sufficiently small,
the number of singular values that need to be computed can increase strongly.
Obviously, CFα = α−1 .
Lavrentiev regularization. The main idea of this regularization method is to shift
all singular values by α, i.e.,
Fα (λ) = √ √ , λ > 0, α > 0, (2.73)
λ( λ + α)
so that
xα = Rα y = y, yi xi , y ∈ Y. (2.74)
σi + α
In this case, the sum is really infinite and the full singular system is needed in
order to compute the solution. However, if A is a positive semidefinite operator
(and, thus, xi = yi ), we obtain
(A + αI) xα = y, yi xi = y. (2.75)
Hence, the regularized solution can also be obtained in this case without any knowl-
edge of the singular system as the solution of the linear equation (A + αI) xα = y.
Clearly, (σ + α)−1 ≤ α−1 , hence, CFα = α−1 .
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 221
Error estimates. For the error between x† and xεα in the case of noisy data y ε , we
are able to write (with xεα = Rα y ε )
x† − xεα = (x† − xα ) + (xα − xεα ). (2.86)
The first term x − xα is the approximation error of the regularization method,
which is independent of the noise. The second term xα − xεα corresponding to the
222 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
propagation of data noise in the regularized case. By aid of the triangle inequality
it follows that
x† − xεα ≤ x† − xα + xα − xεα . (2.87)
Thus, the estimate of the error between the regularized solution and the exact
solution, can be handled by two error terms separately. It is clear that such an
estimation provides a guideline for the parameter choice, namely by choosing α
such that the terms on the right-hand side are balanced.
Next we deal with an estimate of the approximation error, which is indepen-
dent of the noise level ε:
Let Fα : R+ → R+ be a piecewise continuous function satisfying the assump-
Fα (λ) → , λ > 0, α → 0,
|Fα (λ)| ≤ Mα < ∞, λ > 0,
sup(λFα (λ)) ≤ CF < ∞ (2.88)
for some constant CF > 0. Moreover, let the regularization operator be defined by
(2.67). Then, for all y ∈ D(A† ), we have
Rα y → A† y, α → 0. (2.89)
The function t → Fα (t), t ∈ R , converges pointwise to the function
0 , t>0
F (t) = (2.90)
1 , t = 0.
Due to the discontinuity at zero, the convergence of tFα (t) − 1 to zero is becoming
slower and slower as t decreases to zero. Since it is allowed to specify an arbitrarily
small singular value σi and the minimal norm solution x† = xi , the convergence of
regularized solutions is arbitrarily slow. On the other hand, we observe that there
is a possibly faster convergence if the components x† , xi decay sufficiently fast
compared to the eigenvalues. For example, if we have |x† , xi | ≤ cσiμ for some
constant c > 0 and μ > 0, then it follows
lim sup Rα y − A† y2 ≤ lim sup c2 (σi Fα (σi ) − 1)2 σi2μ
α→0 α→0
≤ c2 lim(σi1+μ Fα (σi ) − σiμ )2 . (2.91)
In other words, one has to consider the limit of the function t → |t1+μ Fα (t)−tμ | as
t → ∞ instead, which is usually much faster. For example, in case of the truncated
singular value decomposition, we obtain
1+μ 0 , t≥α
|t Fα (t) − t | =
tμ , t < α.
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 223
If the singular values of the operatordecay sufficiently fast (which is the typi-
cal case for ill-posed problems), e.g., n=1 σiμ < ∞, we are confronted with the
2μ ∞
Rα y − A† y2 ≤ c2 σi ≤ c2 αμ σiμ (2.93)
σi <α i=1
so that
Axα − Axεα ≤ CF ε (2.95)
is valid. In the same way we obtain
xα − xεα 2 ≤ (Fα (σi ))2 |y − y ε , yi |2
≤ Mα2 |y − y ε , yi |2 = Mα2 y − y ε 2 ≤ (Mα ε)2 , (2.96)
so that
xα − xαα ≤ Mα ε (2.97)
is implied (note that (2.97) estimates the norm of Rα by CF ).
the more sensitive to errors). For ill-posed problems, the difficulty is to bring ad-
ditional information about the desired solution, compromises, or new outlooks as
aids to the resolution of IPP. It is conventional to use the phrase “regularization
of an ill-posed problem” to refer to various approaches to circumvent the lack of
continuous dependence (as well as to bring about existence and uniqueness if nec-
essary). Roughly speaking, this entails an analysis of an IPP via an analysis of
an associated well-posed problems, i.e., a system (usually a sequence or a family)
of well-posed problems, yielding meaningful answers to the IPP. We distinguish
three aspects of regularization:
(a) strategy of resolution and reconstruction,
(b) regularization-approximation schema,
(c) regularization algorithms.
One of the purposes of our work is to dramatize this delineation with reference
to specific methods and results.
The strategy of resolution and reconstruction of ill-posed problems involves
one or more of the following intuitive ideas (cf. [184]):
(α) change the notion of what is meant by a solution (e.g., ε-approximate solu-
tion: Au − y ≤ ε, where ε > 0 is prescribed; quasi-solution: Au − y ≤
Ax − y for all x ∈ M, a prescribed subset of the domain of A; least squares
solution of minimal norm, etc.),
(β) modify the operator equation or the problem itself,
(γ) change the spaces and/or topologies,
(δ) specify the type of involved noise (“strong” or “weak” noise).
The philosophy of resolution leads to the use of algebraic methods versus func-
tion space methods, statistical versus deterministic approaches, strong versus weak
noise (see [50, 51, 53], where the concept of weakly bounded noise was first intro-
duced), etc.
By a regularization-approximation scheme we refer to a variety of methods
such as Tikhonov’s regularization, projection methods, multiscale methods, itera-
tive approximation, etc., that can be applied to ill-posed problems. These schemes
turn into algorithms once a resolution strategy can be effectively implemented. Un-
fortunately, this requires a determination of a suitable value of a certain parameter
associated with the scheme (e.g., regularization parameter, mesh size, dimension
of subspace in the projection scheme, specification of the level of a scale space,
classification of noise, etc.). This is not a trivial problem since it involves a trade-off
between accuracy and numerical stability, a situation that does not usually arise
in well-posed problems.
From the standpoint of mathematical and numerical analysis one can roughly
group “regularization methods” into three categories (cf. [184]):
(a) Regularization methods in function spaces is one category. This includes
Tikhonov-type regularization, the method of quasi-reversibility, the use for
certain function spaces such as scale spaces in multi-resolutions, the method
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 225
where we assume that both norms on the right side of (3.2) are known. Note that
Rt y − A−1 y gives a rate of convergence of Rt Ax to x and Rt y ε − Rt y is the
modulus of continuity of the operator Rt at y. Observe that Rt y ε − Rt y → 0 as
ε → 0 for any fixed t. For given ε > 0 we choose t = t(ε) to minimize the right side
of (3.2). Then xε = Rt(ε) y ε has the claimed property since Rt(ε) y ε − A−1 y → 0
as ε → 0.
At this stage we shall be primarily interested in the case when A will be
assumed to be linear. For simplicity, Rt will be required to be linear, too. We then
xε − A−1 y ≤ Rt y − A−1 y + M (t) ε (3.3)
where Rt ≤ M (t) (note that the operators Rt are not uniformly bounded since
A−1 is unbounded, so M (t) → ∞ as t → 0).
The first term (regularization error ) tends to zero as t → 0, while the second term
(magnification of contamination error due to ill-posedness) tends to ∞:
- -
- † -
-AL y − Rt y - −→ 0
t→0 (3.5)
Rt (y − y ε ) ≤ Rt ε −→ ∞
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 227
- -
- † -
-AL y − Rt y - −→ ∞
t→∞ (3.6)
Rt (y − y ε ) ≤ Rt ε −→ 0
If we know an error estimate for the first term and a growth estimate for
Ct , a suitable t can be determined. Such estimates can be obtained for particular
regularizers Rt using additional information on the solution A†L y, e.g., smoothness,
and some robustness condition on Ct , e.g., one might estimate that Ct ≤ d(t) is
a known function which tends to ∞ as t → 0, and Rt y − A†L y ≤ b(t), where
b(t) → 0 as t → 0. Then, an optimal t(ε) can be easily calculated, and for this
t(ε), Rt(z) y ε → A†L y, as ε → 0. Concrete realizations of regularizers abound in
regularization methods, projection and iterative methods, etc., as we shall see
in the remaining work. In the case of an iterative scheme, t = 1/n, xn = Rt y
represents the nth iterate of a process which converges to A†L (or A−1 ) in the
absence of contamination in y. In projection methods t = 1/n, where n is the
dimension of the approximating subspace. In finite differences, t represents the
mesh size h. The preceding results then show how to obtain stable approximate
solutions in the presence of error in y it the needed estimates in (3.4) are available.
Weak noise. Let K : X → Y be a linear compact operator between the Hilbert
spaces X and Y . The inner products and norms of X and Y are denoted by ·, ·X ,
·, ·Y and ·X , ·Y (note that we do not use subscripts if they are clear from the
context, here and elsewhere). Consider the data y ∈ Y according to the equation
y = Kx0 + η , (3.7)
where η ∈ Y is the unknown noise and x0 ∈ X is an unknown element one wishes
to recover from the data y. The following model is imposed on the noise. Let
A : Y → Y be linear, compact, Hermitian, and positive-definite (i.e., y, Ay > 0
for all y ∈ Y , y = 0), and let
ε2 := η, Aη. (3.8)
We assume that ε is “small” and investigate what happens when ε → 0. The
operator A introduced above is not meant to be arbitrary. In fact, it must be
connected with K in the sense that, for some m ≥ 1 (not necessarily integer), the
range of K is continuously embedded into the range of Am , so that
A−m K : X → Y is continuous . (3.9)
If η satisfies (3.8), (3.9), it is referred to as weakly bounded noise.
Some comments should be made: In a deterministic setting, a reasonable
model for the noise is that it is “high-frequency”, and we would like to investigate
what happens when the frequency tends to ∞, but without the noise tending
to 0 strongly, that is without assuming that ηY → 0. Thus, η → 0 weakly
begins capturing the essence of “noise”. Then, for any linear compact operator
228 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
(note that the factor β −1/2 stays the same, regardless of m).
set automatically prevails. For example, consider the simple situation treated by
Tikhonov (see [250]), where
Jα (f ) = Af − g2 + α Ω(f ), α > 0, (3.13)
Ω(f ) = {p(x)[f (x)]2 + q(x)[f (x)]2 } dx, (3.14)
when p and q are positive, q is continuous, and q has a continuous derivative. Then
the set
Cr := {f ∈ L2 [0, 1] : Ω(f ) ≤ r} (3.15)
is compact in X for each r > 0. The smoothing function Ω(f ) can be con-
sidered to be induced by a differential operator L, i.e., Ω(f ) = Lf 2, where
L∗ Lf = −(pf ) + qf on [0, 1] with the boundary conditions f (0) = f (1) = 0.
In particular, taking p = q = 1, it follows that Cr is a ball in the Sobolev space
W21 [0, 1]. Thus by restricting solutions to lie in a ball in W21 [0, 1] the problem is
no longer ill-posed. Similar results can be obtained using more general differential
operators and related spaces that are compactly embedded in X. The success of
the aforementioned approach hinges on the fact that the unit ball of W21 [0, 1] is a
compact set in the topology of L2 [0, 1] (note that it is, of course, not compact in the
topology of W12 [0, 1], for more details the reader is referred, e.g., to [2, 184, 185]).
Under the above assumptions for each α > 0, there exists a unique xα which
Jα (x) := Ax − y2Y + αLx2Z . (3.19)
xα = (A∗ A + αL∗ L)−1 A∗ y (3.20)
and xα converges to A†L y for y ∈ D(A† ) as α → 0, and diverges otherwise. Thus
it follows that in the presence of contamination, say y is replaced by yε , where
yε − y ≤ ε for some ε > 0, the norm of the corresponding xεα may well diverge.
It should be noted that (A∗ A + αL∗ L)−1 A∗ does not converge in the uniform
operator topology as α → 0; in fact, (A∗ A + αL∗ L)−1 A∗ → ∞. Furthermore,
the equation system (A∗ A + αL∗ L)x = A∗ y is poorly conditioned for small α,
and hence numerically unstable. Thus, both contamination and numerical approx-
imation dictate that a choice for α has to be made which would be a suitable
compromise between accuracy and stability. Several procedures for the choice of
“optimal” α are available, some of which take into consideration various a priori
information. A simple choice that works would be α = ε2 .
Strongly bounded noise in Tikhonov’s regularization. We come back to the situ-
ation where K : X → Y is a linear compact operator between the Hilbert spaces
X and Y . Consider the data y ∈ Y according to the equation y = Kx0 + η, where
η ∈ Y is the unknown noise and x0 ∈ X is an unknown element one wishes to re-
cover from the data y. We study Tikhonov’s regularization as a scheme to recover
x0 from the data y in the strong noise model
y = Kx0 + η with ηY ≤ ε . (3.21)
The interest is in what happens when ε → 0. It should be noted that, in the
Tikhonov regularization scheme, the unknown x0 is estimated by specifying the
solution x = xα,ε of the problem
minimize Kx − y2Y + αx2X over x ∈ X (3.22)
for some regularization parameter α, α > 0, yet to be specified. This procedure
dates back to [216, 249]. Its minimizer exists and is unique. Moreover, it is well-
known (see, e.g., [106]) that convergence rates on the error xα,δ − x0 X can be
obtained from a source condition. For simplicity, it is assumed there that there
exists a z0 ∈ X such that the “source condition”
x0 = (K ∗ K) ν/2 z0 for some 0 < ν ≤ 2 (3.23)
holds true. Precise necessary and sufficient conditions are given in [202]. In the
study of convergence rates under the source condition (3.23), it is assumed here
that ν is known and that α is chosen accordingly. Clearly, one wants to obtain
bounds on the error xα,ε − x0 X . As usual, this is broken up into two parts
xα,ε − x0 X ≤ xα,ε − xα,0 X + xα,0 − x0 X , (3.24)
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 231
where xα,ε is the “noiseless” estimator, i.e., the minimizer of Kx − y2Y + αx2X .
Thus, xα,ε − xα,0 is the noise part of the error and xα,0 − x0 is the error introduced
by the regularization.
The following results (see, e.g., [50, 106]) are well known:
(1) There exists a constant c such that for all α, 0 < α ≤ 1,
xα,ε − xα,0 X ≤ c α− 2 ηY . (3.25)
(2) Under the source condition (3.23), there exists a constant such that for all α,
0 < α ≤ 1,
xα,ε − x0 X ≤ c α ν/2 . (3.26)
As a consequence, the two results (3.25), (3.26) above then provide the fol-
lowing convergence rates:
Assuming the source condition (3.23) and the condition (3.21) on the noise
for α → 0 we have
xα,ε − x0 X = O α− 1/2 ε + α ν/2 . (3.27)
This leads to the convergence rates (3.32) and (3.33) specified below, where
it is shown in [50] that they are optimal, following arguments from [201], but
assuming, in addition, that A−m K has a continuous inverse.
(2) Assuming the source condition (3.23) and the conditions (4.216) and (3.9)
on the noise for α → 0, we have
1 1
xα,ε − x0 X = O α− 2 − 4m ε + α ν/2 . (3.32)
Remark. The set of all operators in L(X, Y ) that have bounded outer inverses with
infinite-dimensional range and the set of full-rank m × n matrices share several
common properties: Each of them is both open and dense, and all elements of each
of the sets have outer inverses with the maximal possible rank (namely, the same
as the rank of A). These properties and other results to be analyzed next indicate
that, in Hilbert space, an equation involving a bounded non-compact operator with
non-closed range is “less” ill-posed than an equation with a compact operator with
infinite-dimensional range. In comparison with least squares or generalized inverse
problems for m×n matrices, one may say that for operators with non-closed range,
the case of a non-compact operator corresponds to the full-rank case for matrices,
while the case of a (nondegenerate) compact operator is the infinite-dimensional
analog of the rank-deficient case for matrices.
The same analysis and properties of outer inverses can be easily extended to
linear inverse problems with discrete data (such as those that arise from moment
discretization of ill-posed linear integral and operator equations in Hilbert space
(see, e.g., [24, 178]) or when projection methods on finite-dimensional subspaces
are used (see, e.g., [105, 181]).
Outer inverses are not “equation solvers” (cf. [185]), i.e., if B is an outer
inverse for A, which is not also an inner inverse, then for y ∈ R(A), x := By
is not a solution to Ax = y, and for y ∈ / R(A), x := By is not a least squares
solution (in the case of a Hilbert space). One finds in some books statements like:
“Since almost every application of various generalized inverses involves subsets of
1-inverses (inner inverses), we will mainly consider inner inverses that satisfy addi-
tional conditions. . . ”. For ill-posed problems (see [185]), the situation is precisely
the opposite. We are not interested in a generalized or inner inverse that would be
an “equations solver”, since such an “inverse” will be unbounded. Rather we seek
a bounded operator that has some “inverse-like” properties, and that can serve
simultaneously as an “approximate inverse” and stabilizer to the inverse problem.
Indeed, outer inverses possess these qualities:
(a) If B is an outer inverse of A, then B is also an inner inverse of à := A|R(B).
(b) For all y ∈ R(AB), x := By is the unique solution in M = R(B) of the
equation Ax = y.
From these properties (see [185] for more details), it follows that the unique
solution of Ax = y in R(B) is a “regularized” solution and can be constructed in a
stable way. If R(BA) or R(B) is infinite-dimensional, then we have in a sense the
possibility of “infinite resolution”, and the equation with bounded outer inverses
of infinite rank are not as ill posed as those for which an outer inverse with infinite
rank does not exist.
236 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Bμ y ≤ Γμ y for all y ∈ Y. (3.47)
Each such Bμ is called an approximate outer inverse of A. Properties of C(μ), Γμ
and Bμ are to be prescribed for convergence analysis.
For a compact linear operator K : H1 → H2 , the filtered truncated SVD
Br y = y, yi xi , α>0 (3.48)
i=1 i
If the sequence {Rt }t>0 is a subset of L (Y, X), then the regularization
{Rt }t>0 , α is called linear. The mapping α is known as the parameter choice
provided that
sup {α (ε, y ε ) : y ε ∈ Y with y − y ε ≤ ε} −→ 0. (4.2)
If α is only dependent on ε, i.e., α (ε, y ε ) = α (ε), we speak of an a priori
parameter choice. If α is dependent on ε and y ε , i.e., α = α (ε, y ε ) , it is called an
a posteriori parameter choice.
The limit relation (4.1) can be equivalently written in the form
!- - " ε→0
sup -x − Rα(ε,yε ) y ε - : y ε ∈ Y with Ax − y ε ≤ ε −→ 0 (4.3)
for all x ∈ N (A) . A direct consequence of a regularization method is that the
limit relation - -
lim -A† y − Rα(ε,y) y - = 0 (4.4)
holds true for all y ∈ R(A) (note that, in Equation (4.4), the regularization is
applied to y instead of y ε ). It is usual to collect all regularization parameters that
are relevant in the limit relation (4.4) in a set Γ = {α (ε, y) : ε > 0, y ∈ R (A)} .
Because of the fact that limε→0 α (ε, y) = 0 the set Γ possesses an accumulation
240 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
- -
point at 0. Moreover, limΓλ→0 -A† y − Rλ y - = 0 for all y ∈ R (A). All in all, we
are led to the following result:
Assume that A is of class L (X, Y ) . Let {Rt }t>0 , α be a regularization
method of A† . Then, the subfamily {Rλ }λ∈Γ converges pointwise in R (A) to A†
for λ → 0.
As a direct consequence we obtain the statement (see, e.g., Louis [148], Rieder
Assume that A is of class L (X, Y ) . Let {Rt }t>0 , α be a regularization of
A† . If R (A) = R (A), then {Rt }t>0 is unbounded.
As already known, for a linear regularization, the reconstruction error
A† y − Rt y ε can be split by use of a family {Rt }t>0 in the following way:
- † - - † -
-A y − Rt y ε - ≤ -A y − Rt y - + Rt y − Rt y ε
approximation error data error
≤ Rt y − y ≤ Rt · ε.
Once again, it should be pointed out, that both parts of the reconstruction
error, i.e., the approximation error and the data error, exhibit an opposed behavior
in limit considerations for t → 0 and t → ∞.
Hence, an essential task is to search for a value topt that balances both er-
rors. In fact, the regularization parameter should be chosen in such a way that
α (ε, y ε ) ≈ topt .
Classification of regularization methods. The question (cf. [148]) arises how to
classify regularization methods. Since all methods need to converge as ε → 0, an
obvious criterion of specifying their characteristics is the speed of the convergence,
i.e., we make the attempt to introduce a classification with respect to the speed
of convergence of the total error:
!- - " ε→0
sup -A† y − Rα(ε,yε ) y ε - : y ∈ R(A), y ε ∈ Y with y − y ε ≤ ε −→ 0. (4.6)
Unfortunately, it turns out that the speed of the convergence is arbitrarily slow
for all regularization methods.
Let A be of class L(X, Y ). Assume that R(A) = R(A). Let ({Rt }t>0 , α) be
a regularization of A† . Then there exists no function h : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) with
limε→0 h(ε) = 0 such that
!- - "
sup -A† y − Rα(ε,yε ) y ε - : y ∈ R(A), y ≤ 1, y ε ∈ Y with y − y ε ≤ ε ≤ h(ε).
Powers of absolute values and smooth Hilbert spaces. Next our interest is to show
that the concept of smoothness can be used for the classification of regularization
methods. An auxiliary tool is the absolute value |A| of the operator A. In order
to motivate the setting |A| we start with the explanation of a functional calcu-
lus for compact operators which also helps us to introduce filters for purposes of
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 241
regularization in the next subsection. Even better, the functional calculus for com-
pact operators enables us to reduce spectral features to a study in terms of real
Let A be of class K (X, Y ) with the singular system {σj ; xj , yj }j∈N . Let
0 1
Φ : [0, ∞) → R be a piecewise continuous function defined on the interval 0, A2 .
Then we understand the operator Φ (A∗ A) to be given as
Φ (A∗ A) x = Φ σj2 x, xj xj + Φ (0) PN (A) x. (4.8)
0 Note
1 that the series on the right side of (4.8) is convergent on the interval
0, A2 .
Let A ∈ K(X, Y ) be a compact operator with the singular system
{σj ; xj , yj }j∈N .
Suppose that Φ : [0, ∞) → R is piecewise continuous. Then the following properties
hold true:
(a) A = σ1 , i.e., the norm coincides with the largest singular value of A,
(b) Φ(A∗ A)A∗ = A∗ Φ(AA∗ ), (4.9)
(c) Φ(A A) = sup |Φ(σj2 )| ≤ sup |Φ(λ)|,
j∈N 0≤λ≤A2
(d) Φ(A∗ A)A∗ = A∗ Φ(AA∗ ) = sup σj |Φ(σj2 )| ≤ sup λ |Φ(λ)| .
j∈N 0≤λ≤A2
Example. If Φ = 1, then it is clear that
Φ (A∗ A) x = x, xj xj + PN (A) x = PR(A∗ ) x + PN (A) x = PX x = x. (4.12)
Remark. Our notation (4.13) can be used to introduce fractional powers (A∗ A)μ ,
μ ≥ 0, of A∗ A:
|A|2μ x = (A∗ A)μ x = σj2μ x, xj xj . (4.16)
Note that the best worst case error, i.e., Eν (ε, ρ), depends on the problem
(i.e., on the operator A), but not on the reconstruction method.
The next result tells us about the quantity of the best worst case error.
Let A be of class L(X, Y ). Then we have
Eν (ε, ρ) = eν (ε, ρ), (4.24)
eν (ε, ρ) = sup {x : x ∈ Xν , Ax ≤ ε, xν ≤ ρ} . (4.25)
Clearly, our results characterize the best worst case error independently of
the knowledge of a specific reconstruction method.
Let A be of class L(X, Y ). Then, for ν > 0,
1 ν
eν (ε, ρ) ≤ ρ ν+1 ε ν+1 . (4.26)
Furthermore, there exists a sequence {εk }k∈N with εk → 0 for k → ∞ such that
1 ν
eν (ε, ρ) = ρ ν+1 ε ν+1 . (4.27)
In other words, the estimate (4.26) is sharp, i.e., it cannot be improved.
Regularizing filters. If A is an injective operator of class K(X, Y ), then A† can
be expressed in the form (A∗ A)−1 A∗ . The non-continuity is caused by the term
(A∗ A)−1 , that has to be stabilized. In connection with the functional calculus for
compact operators we are therefore led to filters as appropriate tools for regular-
244 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
. /
Let {Ft }t>0 , Ft : 0, A → R be a family of piecewise continuous functions
satisfying the conditions
(F1) limt→0 Ft (λ) = λ1 for all λ ∈ 0, A ,
. /
(F2) λ |Ft (λ)| ≤ CF for all λ ∈ 0, A and t > 0.
Then the family {Ft }t>0 is called a filter relative to A.
By virtue of Condition (F1), Ft (A∗ A) becomes a continuous operator, which
converges in pointwise sense to (A∗ A)−1 as t → 0. This is the reason why we let
Rt y = Ft (A∗ A) A∗ y, y ∈ Y. (4.28)
As a consequence, {Ft }t>0 filters the influence of small singular values of A on the
operator Rt in (4.28).
In terms of the singular system {σk ; xk , yk }k∈N we are able to write
Ft (A∗ A) A∗ y = Ft σk2 σk y, yk xk + Ft (0) PN (A) A∗ y
= Ft σk2 σk y, yk xk (4.29)
due to fact that PN (A) A∗ y = 0 (note that A∗ y ∈ R (A∗ ) = N (A) ). Considering
the approximation error we obtain, for y ∈ R(A), that
A† y − Rt y = A† y − Ft (A∗ A) A∗ y
= A† y − Ft (A∗ A) A∗ AA† y
= (I − Ft (A∗ A) A∗ A) A† y
= pt (A∗ A) A† y, (4.30)
. /
where the function pt : λ → pt (λ) , λ ∈ 0, A is given by
. /
pt (λ) = 1 − λFt (λ) , λ ∈ 0, A . (4.31)
The identity (4.30) leads us to the formulation of the following result:
Assume that A ∈ K (X, Y ). Let {Ft }t>0 be a filter. Then
A† y y ∈ D A† ,
lim Rt y = (4.32)
t→0 ∞ y∈/ D A† ,
Rt y = Ft (A∗ A) A∗ y
for y ∈ Y .
The next result concretizes the stability of Rt y ε under the noise level ε in
more detail:
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 245
Let {Ft }t>0 be a filter so that (F1), (F2) hold true. For y, y ε ∈ Y with
y − y ε ≤ ε, set xt = Rt y and xεt = Rt y ε . Then, for the residual term, we
Axt − Axεt ≤ CF ε, (4.33)
while, for the error term, it follows that
xt − xεt ≤ ε CF M (t)
where we have used the abbreviation
M (t) = sup |Ft (λ)| . (4.34)
† †
us continue with the estimate of the total error, thereby using x = A y,
y ∈ D A . We base our considerations on the usual splitting into the approxi-
mation error and the data error in the form
- † - - -
-A y − Rt y ε - ≤ -A† y − Rt y - + Rt y − Rt y ε
- -
= -x† − xt - + xt − xεt
t→0 - - #
≤ -x† − xt - + ε CF M (t). (4.35)
Obviously, the approximation error x − Rt y tends to 0. The discussion of the
data error is much more problematic than the approximation error: From the
limit relation limt→0 Ft (λ) = λ1 imposed on a filter within the interval [0, A ] it
follows that M (t) −→ ∞. Therefore, for the total error, we are confronted with
a divergent behavior as t → 0. Nevertheless, convergence properties can be forced
by a suitable coupling of t and ε. In fact, it can be deduced that, under the a
priori parameter choice indicated above, the approximation error as well as the
data error converge to 0, if the noise level ε tends to zero (cf. [227]):
Let {Ft }t>0 be a filter. If we choose α : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) , ε → α(ε), such
ε→0 # ε→0
that α (ε) −→ 0 as well as ε M (α (ε)) −→ 0, then {Rt }t>0 , α with Rt =
Ft (A∗ A) A∗ is a regularization of A† (by convention, {Ft }t>0 is called a regular-
izing filter).
Next we mention which additional requirement imposed on filters Rt =
Ft (A∗ A)A∗ will be necessary to guarantee the order optimality.
Let {Ft }t>0 be a regularizing filter for A ∈ L(X, Y ). Assume there are t0 > 0,
μ > 0, and a function ωμ : (0, t0 ] → R such that
sup λμ/2 |pt (λ)| ≤ ωμ (t) (4.36)
for all t ∈ (0, t0 ] (with pt (λ) = 1 − λFt (λ)). Let y ∈ R(A) and let x† = A† y in Xμ
with x† μ ≤ . Then the following estimates
(a) x† − xt X ≤ ωμ (t),
(b) Ax† − Axt Y ≤ ωμ+1 (t)
246 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
hold true for xt = Rt y = Ft (A∗ A)A∗ y and 0 < t < t0 . Moreover, let
(1) ωμ (t) ≤ Cp t 2 for t → 0,
(2) M (t) = sup |Ft (λ)| ≤ CM t−1 for t → 0,
where μ > 0, Cp , CM > 0 are constants. Let the a priori parameter choice α :
(0, ∞) → (0, ∞) fulfill
2 μ+1
ε ε
C1 ≤ α(ε) ≤ C2 , ε → 0, (4.37)
ρ ρ
where C1 , C2 are positive constants. Then, ({Rt }t>0 , α), Rt = Ft (A∗ A)A∗ , is an
order optimal regularization for A† with respect to Xμ .
Of course, we need to know the values ρ and μ to guarantee the order opti-
mality. Without the availability of ρ but based on the knowledge of μ, we are led
to α(ε) = Cε μ+1 with C being a positive constant to find an order optimal regu-
larization. Without any information of both parameters ρ as well as μ we have to
deal with a posteriori parameter choices.
An asymptotic behavior of ωμ determines the speed of convergence for the
reconstruction error. An important feature is the so-called qualification.
Let {Ft }t≥0 be a regularizing filter for A† , where A ∈ L (X, Y ) satisfying the
asymptotic relation
M (t) ≤ , t → 0. (4.38)
where CM is a positive constant. The maximal value μ0 , such that there exists,
for all values μ ∈ (0, μ0 ] , a constant Cp > 0 satisfying
sup λ μ/2 |pt (λ)| ≤ Cp t μ/2 , t → 0, (4.39)
is called the qualification of the filter (remember pt (λ) = 1 − λFt (λ)).
In other words, the qualification can be regarded as the maximal rate of
decay. If the qualification is finite, there exists a parameter choice α (ε) such that
- † -
-A y − Rα(ε) y ε - = O ε μ0 /(μ0 +1) , ε → 0, (4.40)
holds true for A† y ∈ Xμ0 . If the qualification is infinite, there exists a parame-
ter choice α (ε) for which the error decay comes arbitrarily close to O (ε). As a
consequence, filters with infinite qualification are more advantageous than others.
Order optimality of special regularizing filters. In the following we recover impor-
tant examples of regularization methods constituted by filters, i.e., the truncated
singular value decomposition SVD and the Tikhonov–Phillips regularization.
Truncated singular value decomposition revisited: The SVD of A† is
A† y = y, yk xk .
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 247
Together with M (t) = 1t we find that this filter possesses an infinite qualification,
and it is order optimal for all μ > 0. However, one can show that the TSVD is not
optimal for any μ > 0.
Asymptotic regularization revisited. We choose the following filter
⎨ 1−exp(− λt ) λ>0
Ft (λ) = λ (4.44)
⎩ 1
λ = 0.
Then we obtain
∞ 1 − exp − σk
Rt y = Ft σk2 σk y, yk xk = y, yk xk .
k=1 k=1
It is not difficult to prove the following properties:
(1) limt→0 Ft (λ)= λ1 for λ > 0
1 − exp − λt , λ>0
(2) λ |Ft (λ)| = λ .≤1 , t > 0,
t, λ=0
248 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
=hμ (λ,t)
Note that, for the values μ ∈ (μ0 − 1, μ0 ] we obtain nothing, whereas, the
1 2
Tikhonov case leads to the order of convergence O(ε 2 ) instead of O(ε 3 ). This is
the reason why the discrepancy principle may produce suboptimal rates of con-
vergence in case of a finite qualification. However, in connection with an infinite
qualification, no such problems arise.
Generalized discrepancy principle: Next we are interested in a generalization of
the discrepancy principle. To this end we make a reformulation: Let {tk } be a
strictly monotonously decreasing sequence with limit zero. Then, tk∗ is chosen as
- -2
tk∗ = sup tk : -Axεtk − y ε - ≤ τ ε2
- -2
= sup tk : -ptk (AA∗ ) y ε - ≤ τ ε2
! ? @ "
= sup tk : y ε , p2tk (AA∗ ) y ε ≤ τ ε2 . (4.58)
In doing so we have used the function st = p2t .
For a generalization we allow arbitrary functions st in the following sense:
Let τ > 1 be chosen (fixed) and {tk } as before. Determine k ∗ such that
! "
tk∗ = sup tk : y ε , stk (AA∗ ) y ε ≤ τ ε2 . (4.59)
α (ε, y ε ) = tk∗ . (4.60)
We have to look for functions st which yield order optimal methods for the whole
parameter domain (0, μ0 ]. An answer is given by the example:
2+ 2 t
st (λ) = pt μ0 (λ) = p3t (λ) = . (4.61)
The generalized discrepancy principle with this family of functions st together
with the Tikhonov regularization is an order optimal method with respect to Xμ
for μ ∈ (0, 2].
In the previous considerations we have studied a number of a posteriori pa-
rameter choice rules which all depend in one way or the other on the computed
approximation – and on the given data error level ε. A perfect example to illus-
trate this general reasoning is the discrepancy principle where reconstructions are
discarded unless their data fit has the order to the noise level ε.
In practical examples such noise level information is not always available
(or reliable). For instance, a given discrete data vector may consist of a finite
number of measurements, for each of which we may or may not know the standard
deviation and/or a worst-case error bound. Typically, the worst-case bound will
be a severe overestimation, while the standard deviation might underestimate the
true error. both estimates may therefore lead to a significant loss of accuracy when
used in these parameter choice rules. Another uncertainty problem arises if we are
going to embed the discrete data into a continuous model by some interpolation
or approximation process. Then we have to estimate the L2 -norm of the difference
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 251
between the constructed function and the true data function from the discrete
noise information, and from a priori assumed smoothness properties of the data.
Often it is necessary to consider alternative (a posteriori) parameter choice
rules that avoid knowledge of the noise level, and to determine some realistic reg-
ularization parameter on the basis of the actual performance of the regularization
method under consideration. Such heuristic parameter choice rules will be called
error free. A good reference to these strategies is [63]. It must be emphasized,
however, that error free parameter choice rules cannot provide a convergent regu-
larization method in the strict sense. Still, there are examples where an error free
rule leads to better reconstructions than some sophisticated order-optimal rule,
cf., e.g., [113] for some numerical comparisons.
Another heuristic parameter choice rule which can be interpreted via some
kind of error estimation is the method of generalized cross-validation introduced
by Wahba (cf. [256] for the history of this method and a more detailed exposition).
It applies to problems where A is an operator into a finite-dimensional data space,
e.g., a generalized moment problem.
Another very popular error-free parameter choice rule has been advocated
by Hansen [116]. This method is based on an inspection of the residual norms
of the computed approximations, this time by relating them to the norms of the
approximations themselves (cf. [113]). In spite of its use in several applications,
for example, in satellite to satellite tracking, satellite gravity gradiometry (see,
e.g., [72, 79, 79, 94] [231], there still lacks a sound mathematical foundation of the
L-curve method.
Tikhonov–Phillips regularization. The Tikhonov–Phillips filter is given by
0 1
Ft (λ) = 1 /(λ + t) , t > 0, λ ∈ 0, A2 . (4.62)
Let A be of class L (X, Y ) . Without loss of generality, suppose that A is
injective (otherwise we have to replace X by N (A) ). Let Z be a Hilbert space and
B ∈ L (X, Z) be continuously invertible, i.e., there exists a value β > 0 such that
β xX ≤ BxZ for all x ∈ X. (4.63)
Before we deal with the generalization of the Tikhonov–Phillips regularization we
mention some preparatory results:
(1) Lax–Milgram Lemma Suppose that L ∈ L (X) . Assume there exists a
value λ > 0 such that
Lx, x ≥ λ x2 (4.64)
holds for all x ∈ X. Then L is continuously invertible and
- −1 -
-L - ≤ 1/ λ. (4.65)
(2) The stabilized normal equation
(A∗ A + tB ∗ B) x = A∗ y (4.66)
with y ∈ Y possesses a unique solution for all t > 0 which continuously de-
pends on y.
252 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Our aim is to show that the solution of (4.66) can be equivalently obtained
by minimizing the argument of the Tikhonov–Phillips functional given by
2 2
Jt,y (x) = Ax − y + t Bx . (4.67)
Note that the second term on the right-hand side of (4.67) is called the penalty
term of the Tikhonov–Phillips functional:
Let A and B be given as indicated above. Moreover, assume that y ∈ Y and
t > 0. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(1) (A∗ A + tB ∗ B) xt = A∗ y,
(2) xt minimizes the functional
2 2
Jt,y (x) = Ax − y + t Bx , (4.68)
i.e., xt = arg min {Jt,y (x) : x ∈ X}.
Our purpose is to comment on this result in more detail: For y ∈ Y and the
family of generalized Tikhonov–Phillips regularizations Rt given by
xt = Rt y = (A∗ A + tB ∗ B)−1 A∗ y
= arg min {Jt,y (x) : x ∈ X} , (4.69)
the penalty term satisfies the estimate
Bxt ≤ √ y . (4.70)
In fact, the property (4.70) explains the role of the penalty term. If t is large,
then Bxt is small compared to Axt − yY . If t 1, then Bxt becomes
large in comparison with the residual term Axt − y. All in all, the choice of the
operator influences the character of xt . Some features can be strengthened, where
others can be weakened.
Let A and B be given as before. Furthermore, suppose that y ∈ D A† and
r > 0. Set - -
- 1 ∗ -
- † ∗ -
δr = inf - 2 B BA y − A y - : y ∈ Y, y ≤ r . (4.71)
Then the following statements hold true for xt = (A∗ A + tB ∗ B)−1 A∗ y:
- -2
(1) -xt − A† y - ≤ δr2 + tβ 2 r2 , r, t > 0,
(2) limt→0 xt = A† y.
Once again, it is possible to prove that O(ε 3 ) is the maximal order of decay
for the error. In other words, the qualification does not increase based on this
generalization. However, it should be remarked that the reconstructions using B =
I may lead to strongly different results. In particular, it is possible to adapt βk to
the spectrum of the noise, if this information is known or it can be estimated by
other methods.
4.1. Generalized inverses in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Within the L2 -context the range of a compact linear operator K with infinite-
dimensional range is always non-closed. In [195–197] we are confronted with the
question: Can one endow R(K) with a new inner product that would make R(K)
a Hilbert space and that would have additional useful properties?
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) framework. A Hilbert space H of
complex-valued functions on a (bounded) set G (e.g., a regular region) is called a
reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) if all the evaluation functional H x →
x(t) ∈ C are continuous (bounded) for each fixed t ∈ G, i.e., there exists a positive
constant Ct for each t ∈ G such that |x(t)| ≤ Ct xH for all x ∈ H. By the Riesz
Representation Theorem, for each t ∈ G, there exists a unique element Qt such
that x(t) = x, Qt H for all x ∈ H. The reproducing kernel Q(·, ·) : G × G → C of
a RKHS H is defined by Q(s, t) = Qs , Qt H , s, t ∈ G.
We list some basic properties of RKHS’s that are particularly relevant in
approximation and estimation theory:
• Q(s, t) = Q(t, s) for all t, s ∈ G.
• Q(s, s) ≥ 0# ∈ G.
for all s #
• |Q(s, t)| ≤ Q(s, s) Q(t, t) for all s, t ∈ G.
• The reproducing kernel Q(s, t) on G × G is a non-negative definite Hermitian
kernel. Conversely by the Aronszajn–Moore Theorem, every non-negative def-
inite Hermitian function Q(·, ·) on G × G determines a unique Hilbert space
HQ for which Q(·, ·) is a reproducing kernel ([15]) (note that a complex-
valued kernel F on G × G is said to be positive definite if, for any n points
t1 , . . . , tn ∈ G, the matrix A = (F (ti , tj ))1≤i,j≤n is non-negative definite, i.e.,
uH Au = ui F (ti , tj ) uj ≥ 0 (4.79)
where {ui }ni=1is an orthonormal basis for H (notice that the sum in the above
definition of the kernel Q is invariant under the choice of an orthonormal
• If the integral relation
|Q(s, t)|2 ds dt < ∞, (4.82)
holds true, then Q(·, ·) has a countable sequence of eigenvalues and eigen-
functions (Theorem of Mercer).
• Let {ϕn }n∈N be a sequence of complex functions defined on G such that, for
every t ∈ G,
|ϕn (t)|2 < ∞. (4.83)
∞ ∞
For every sequence {cn }n∈N with n=1 |cn |2 < ∞, the series n=1 cn ϕn (t)
is then convergent in C for every t ∈ G. The functions which are the sums
of such series form a linear subspace H, on which we are able to define the
structure of a separable Hilbert space by taking as scalar product, for
f= cn ϕn , g = dn ϕn , (4.84)
n=1 n=1
the number
f, gH = cn dn . (4.85)
This space has a reproducing kernel, namely
Q(x, y) = ϕn (t)ϕn (s), t, s ∈ G × G. (4.86)
• Let H be a separable RKHS, then its reproducing kernel Q(·, ·) has the
Q(s, t) = ϕn (t) ϕn (s), (4.87)
where {ϕn }∞
n=1 is an orthonormal basis for H (we remark that for a general
separable Hilbert space H, n=1 ϕn (t) ϕn (s) is not a reproducing kernel
256 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
(note that L2 (G) is not an RKHS) and also that φn ’s do not generally cor-
respond to sampling expansions. If they do,∞ i.e., if ϕn (t) = Q(tn , t) for some
sequence {tn }, then we have that f (t) = n=1 f (tn ) ϕn (t), this constitutes
a sampling theorem.)
• If the reproducing kernel Q(s, t) of a RKHS H is continuous on G ×G, then H
is a space of continuous functions (being uniformly continuous on a bounded
G). This follows from
|x(t) − x(s)| = |x, Qt − Qs H | ≤ xH Qt − Qs H (4.88)
Qt − Qs 2 = Q(t, t) − 2Q(t, s) + Q(s, s) (4.89)
for all s, t ∈ G.
• Strong convergence in a RKHS H implies pointwise convergence and uniform
convergence on compact sets, because of the fact
|x(t) − xn (t)| = |x − xn , Qt H | ≤ Q(t, t) x − xn H . (4.90)
• Let HQ denote the RKHS with reproducing kernel Q, and denote the inner
product and norm in HQ by ·, ·HQ and · HQ , respectively. Note that
Q(s, s )(= Qs (s )) is a non-negative definite Hermitian kernel on G × G, and
that {Qs , s ∈ G} spans HQ since Qs , xHQ = 0, s ∈ G, implies x(s) = 0. For
more properties of reproducing kernel spaces the reader is referred to, e.g.,
[15, 37, 131] and the references therein.
• For every positive definite kernel Q(·, ·) on G × G, there exist a zero mean
Gaussian process with Q(·, ·) as its covariance, giving rise to the relation
between Bayes estimates, Gaussian processes, and optimization processes in
RHKS (for more details the reader is referred to the geodetic literature, see,
e.g., [100, 159, 160, 167], and the monographs [148, 256]).
Interest in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces have increased in recent years,
as the computer capacity has made solutions of ever larger and more complex
problems practicable. Indeed, new reproducing kernel representations and new ap-
plications (in particular in physical geodesy and geophysics) are being contributed
at a rapid rate. For example, a certain RHKS in terms of outer harmonics al-
lows the adequate determination of the Earth’s gravitational potential (see, e.g.,
[71, 237] for early spline approaches) in consistency with gravitational observables
of heterogeneous type (that are interpretable as (bounded) linear functionals on
the RKHS under consideration).
Hilbert–Schmidt operator theory. An RKHS HQ with RK Q determines a self-
adjoint Hilbert–Schmidt operator (also denoted by Q) on L2 (G) to L2 (G) by letting
(Qx)(s) = Q(s, s ) x(s ) ds , x ∈ L2 (G). (4.91)
Since Q is assumed to be continuous, then by the Theorem of Mercer (see, e.g.,
[139]), the operator Q has an L2 (G)-complete orthonormal system ofeigenfunctions
{φi }∞
i=1 and corresponding eigenvalues {λ i } ∞
i=1 with λi ≥ 0 and i=1 λi < ∞.
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 257
Thus Q is a trace-class operator (see, e.g., [46]) so that Q(·, ·) has the uniformly
convergent Fourier expansions
Q(s, s ) = λi φi (s) φi (s ) (4.92)
Qx = λi x, φi L2 (G) φi , (4.93)
where ·, ·L2 (G) is the inner product in L2 (G). It is well known (see, for example,
[249]) that the space HQ consists of all x ∈ L2 (G) satisfying the condition
λi −1 x, φi L2 (G) < ∞, (4.94)
(note that the notational convention 0/0 = 0 is being adopted) with inner product
·, ·HQ given by
x1 , x2 HQ = λ−1
i x1 , φi L2 (G) x2 , φi L2 (G) . (4.95)
The operator Q has a well-defined symmetric square root Q1/2 which is a Hilbert–
Schmidt operator (see, e.g., [195–197]):
∞ #
Q1/2 x = λi x, φi L2 (G) φi . (4.96)
Et x = (Ax)(t) (4.110)
(ηt (s) is readily obtained in a more explicit form from (4.112) if A is a differential
or integral operator).
Assume that HR is the RKHS with RK R given by (4.113). Let Rt be the element
of HR defined by Rt (t ) = R(t, t ), and let ·, ·HR be the inner product in HR .
Suppose that V is the closure of the span of {ηt , t ∈ H} in HQ . Now, {Rt , t ∈ H}
spans HR , and by the properties of RKHS, we have
We list the following table of corresponding sets and elements, under the
correspondence “∼” of (4.115), where the entries on the left are in HQ :
V ∼ HR , (4.117)
x ∼ y, (4.118)
ηt ∼ Rt , (4.119)
PV Qs ∼ ηs∗ . (4.120)
Here, PV is the projector from HQ onto the (closed) subspace V , y(t) = ηt , xHQ ,
t ∈ H, and ηs∗ = AQs = A(PV Qs ), i.e.,
ηs∗ (t) = ηi , PV Qs HQ = ηt (s). (4.121)
This leads to the following result (the proof is given in [196, 197]):
Let A and HQ satisfy (4.110), and let R be given by (4.114), where ηi is
defined by (4.111). Let ηs∗ = AQs . Then, for y ∈ HR ,
(A†(Q,R) y)(x) = ηs∗ , yHR , s ∈ G. (4.122)
On the other hand, the number γ(A; X, Y ) may be large. Thus, the casting of the
operator equation Ax = y in the reproducing kernel spaces HQ , HR always leads
to a well-conditioned (indeed, optimally-conditioned) problem.
Regularization of pseudosolutions in reproducing kernel spaces. We study proper-
ties of regularized pseudosolutions (in RKHS) xα of the operator equation Ax = y,
where y is not necessarily in the range of the operator A. By a regularized pseudoso-
lution we mean a solution to the variational problem: Find xα in HQ to minimize
Jy (x) = y − Ax2HP + αx2HQ , α > 0, (4.126)
where HQ is an RKHS in the domain of A, · HP denotes the norm in an RKHS
HP with RK P , HP ⊂ Y , Jy ⊂ Y , φy (x) is assigned the value +∞ if y − Ax ∈
/ HP ,
and α > 0. We suppose A and HQ satisfy (4.110), hence, A(HQ ) = HR possesses
an RK. As before, A may be unbounded, invertible, or compact considered as an
operator from X(= L2 (G)) to Y (= L2 (H)). It is assumed that y possesses a (not
necessarily unique) representation y = y0 + ξ, for some y0 ∈ A(HQ ) and ξ ∈ HP ,
where ξ may be thought of as a “disturbance”.
For α > 0, let HαP be the RKHS with RK αP (t, t ), where P (t, t ) is the RK
on H × H associated with HP . We have HP = HαP and
· 2HP = α · 2HαP . (4.127)
Let R(α) = R + αP , and let HR(α) be the RKHS with RK R(α) = R(α, t, t ).
According to [15], HR(α) is the Hilbert space of functions of the form
y = y0 + ξ, (4.128)
where y0 ∈ HR and ξ ∈ HP . Following [15], we note that this decomposition is not
unique unless HR and HP have no element in common except the zero element.
The norm in HR(α) is given by
y2R(α) = min{y0 2HR + ξ2HαR : y0 ∈ HR , ξ ∈ HP , y0 + ξ = y}, (4.129)
where, however, the y0 and ξ attaining the minimum in (4.129) are easily shown
to be unique by the strict convexity of the norm.
Consider the problem of finding xα ∈ HQ to minimize Jy (x) in (4.126) for
y ∈ HR(α) . Then y − Axα must be in HP and it is obvious that xα ∈ V , the
orthogonal complement of the null space of A in HQ . For any x ∈ V , xHQ =
AxHR by the isometric isomorphism between V and HR , and (4.126) may be
written in the equivalent form: Find xα ∈ V to minimize
αAx2HR + y − Ax2HP . (4.130)
Comparing (4.129) and (4.130) with the aid of (4.127), we see that y0 and ξ
attaining the minimum on the right-hand side of (4.129) are related to the solution
xα of the minimization problem (4.130), by
y0 = Axα and ξ = y − Axα . (4.131)
A representation of the solution xα is given (see [195, 196]) as follows:
262 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
where ηs∗ = AQs . We call the (linear) mapping which assigns to each y ∈ HR(α) the
unique minimizing element xα the regularization operator of the equation Ax = y.
The most useful situations occur, of course, when HR is strictly contained
in HR(α) . For example, HR may be a dense subset of Y in the Y -topology and
HR(α) a bigger dense subset. We deal with this situation later. If HR (in Y ) is
not empty, then P may be chosen so that the closure of HP in the Y -topology
equals HR in Y . Then HP ∩ HR = {0}, HαP and HR are orthogonal subspaces
of HR(α) (see, e.g., [15]), and the decomposition (4.128) is unique. In this case
we have the following theorem which shows that the regularization operator is
indeed a generalized inverse in an appropriate RKHS: If HP ∩ HR = {0}, then the
minimizing element xα of (4.126) is the solution to the problem: Find x ∈ L(y)
to minimize
xHQ , (4.133)
L(y) = {x : x ∈ HQ , y − AxHR(α) = inf y − AzHR(α) }. (4.134)
for y ∈ D(A†(Q,R(α)) ) .
It is helpful to remember that the topology on HR is not, in general, the
restriction of the topology of HR(α) , with the notable exception of the case HR ∩
HP = {0}. In [129] a concrete example is provided arising in the approximate
solution of boundary value problems, where HR is not a closed subspace of HR(α) .
If HR ∩ HP = {0}, then HR is a closed subspace of HR(α) , and we have
Note that in this case, the generalized inverse and the regularization operator
coincide. If HR = A(HQ ) is not closed in HR(α) , then the regularization operator
and the generalized inverse are different. Also, the right-hand side of (4.136) and
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 263
(4.137) are not the same: (4.137) has maximal domain HR(α) , while (4.136) has
maximal domain HR ⊕ HR (⊥ in HR(α) ).
Rates of convergence to the generalized inverse. We note some properties of xα
as α → 0 when HR ⊂ HP . If y ∈ HR = A(HQ ), then we have xα → A†(Q,R) y
as α → 0; here we may say something about the rate of convergence if certain
additional conditions are satisfied (compare also with [129]). However, y may not
be in the domain of A†(Q,R) . This situation can occur if, for example, HR is dense in
HR(1) . In this case, limα→0 xα Q = ∞: Assume that y = Ax0 + ξ0 , where x0 ∈ V ,
ξ0 ∈ HP and suppose that HR ⊂ HP . Then the following properties hold true:
(i) B = P −1/2 R1/2 is a bounded operator on Y = L2 (H).
(ii) If ξ0 = 0 and (B ∗ B)−1 R−1/2 (Ax0 )L2 (H) < ∞, then
A†(Q,R) y − xα 2HQ = O(α2 ). (4.138)
(iii) If ξ0 = 0 and (B ∗ B)−1/2 R−1/2 (Ax0 )L2 (H) < ∞, then
A†(Q,R) y − xα 2HQ = O(α). (4.139)
(iv) If ξ0 ∈
/ HR , then limα→0 xα HQ = ∞.
Here inverses indicated by “– ” are the generalized inverses in the topology
of L2 -spaces.
i.e., P = 1.
(b) (Interpolation Operator.) Let X = C (0) ([a, b]) be the space of real-valued con-
tinuous functions on [a, b] supplied with the supremum norm ·C (0) [a,b] . Then
264 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
A priori assumption. For the remaining part of this subsection about projection
methods, it is helpful to make the following a priori assumption (APA):
(i) Let A : X → Y be a linear, bounded, and injective operator between Banach
spaces, Xn ⊂ X and Yn ⊂ Y be finite-dimensional subspaces of;dimension
n and Qn : Y → Yn be a projection operator. We assume that n∈N Xn is
dense in X and the Qn A|Xn : Xn → Yn is one-to-one and, thus, invertible.
(ii) Let x ∈ X be the solution of
Ax = y. (4.146)
By xn ∈ Xn , we understand the unique solutions of the equations
Qn Axn = Qn y, n ∈ N. (4.147)
As a consequence of (APA) we are allowed to represent the solutions xn of
(4.147) in the form xn = Rn y, where Rn : Y → Xn ⊂ X is defined by
Rn := (Qn A|Xn )−1 Qn : Y → Xn ⊂ X. (4.148)
Suppose that (APA) is valid throughout this section. The projection method
is called convergent if the approximate solutions xn ∈ Xn of (4.147) converge to
the exact solution x ∈ X of (4.146) for every y ∈ A(X), i.e., if the limit relation
Rn Ax = (Qn A|Xn )−1 Qn Ax → x, n → ∞, (4.149)
holds true for every x ∈ X.
Obviously, this definition of convergence coincides with the definition of a
regularization strategy for the equation Ax = y. Therefore, the projection method
converges if and only if Rn is a regularization strategy for the equation Ax = y.
Convergence can only be expected if we require that n∈N Xn is dense in X
and Qn y → y for all y ∈ A(X). For a compact operator A, however, this property
is not sufficient for the convergence. In fact we have to assume an additional
boundedness condition:
The solution xn = Rn y ∈ Xn of (4.147) converges to x for every y = Ax if
and only if there exists c > 0 such that
Rn A ≤ c for all n ∈ N. (4.150)
If (4.150) is satisfied, the following error estimate can be shown to be valid
xn − x ≤ (1 + c) min zn − x (4.151)
zn ∈Xn
It follows that
xn − x ≤ (c + 1)x − zn for all z n ∈ Xn (4.153)
such that (4.151) is valid. Convergence xn → x follows from the fact that n∈N Xn
is dense in X.
Thus far, we were concerned with the case, where the right-hand side y is
exactly known. Next we consider the case where the right-hand side is known only
approximately, i.e., we start from an element y ε ∈ Y with y ε − y ≤ ε. To this
end we understand the operator Rn from (4.148) as a regularization operator in
the usual sense so that we are led to distinguish two kinds of errors for the right-
hand side. A straightforward application of the triangle inequality yields with
xεn := Rn y ε the inequality
xεn − x ≤ xεn − Rn y + Rn y − x
≤ Rn y ε − y + Rn Ax − x. (4.154)
As usual, we are confronted with the dilemma of IP: The error ε of the right-hand
side is multiplied by the norm of Rn . The second term describes the discretization
error against the exact data.
In practice one solves the discrete system (4.143) where the vector β is re-
placed by a perturbed vector β ε ∈ Kn with
|β ε − β|2 = |βjε − βj |2 ≤ ε2 . (4.155)
The second term on the right-hand side of (4.156) is the error for the equation Ax =
y. Hence, our results include both the continuous and the discrete perturbations
of the right-hand side. Forthe continuous case we set ynε := Qn y ε , while in the
discrete case, we set ynε = i=1 βiε yi .
All in all, a framework for reduction of inverse and identification problems
to finite-dimensional problems exists within the concept of projection methods
(cf. [184]). Projection methods (e.g., spline or finite-element functions) can be
either applied directly to IPP or to the regularized problem, i.e., to the problem
of minimizing a Tikhonov type functional (see, e.g., [158, 199, 241]). The moment-
discretization (or semidiscretization) method for integral equations of the first
kind and for IPP in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (see [178, 195]), viewed
as a projection method, is both quasi-optimal and robust. It is also particularly
suited when values of the data function y(s) are known only at a finite number
of points. These properties, together with the convergence and commutativity
properties established in [178] may account for the favorable behavior of computer
implementations of this method [16], which the authors [16] call Nashed’s method.
Galerkin methods. We deal with the situation that X and Y are (real or complex)
Hilbert spaces. Moreover, A : X → Y is assumed to be linear, bounded, and one-
to-one; Xn ⊂ X and Yn ⊂ Y are assumed to be finite-dimensional subspaces with
dim Xn = dim Yn = n; and Qn : Y → Yn is the orthogonal projection operator
onto Yn . Then, Qn Axn = Qn y reduces to the so-called Galerkin equations
Axn , zn = y, zn for all zn ∈ Yn . (4.157)
Choosing bases {x̂1 , . . . , x̂n } and {ŷ1 , . . . , ŷn } of
Xn and Yn , respectively, we are
led to a finite system in the coefficients of xn = j=1 αj x̂j (see (4.145)):
Bij αj = βi , i = 1, . . . , n, (4.158)
where we have used the abbreviations Bij = Ax̂j , ŷi Y and βi = y, ŷi Y . We
observe that Bij and βi coincide with the settings in (4.142) only if the set {ŷj :
j = 1, . . . , n} forms an orthonormal basis of Yn .
268 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
It should be remarked that the Galerkin method is also known as the Petrov–
Galerkin method (see [215]) since Petrov was the first to consider the general
situation of (4.157). The special case X = Y and Xn = Yn was studied by Bubnov
in 1914 and later by Galerkin in 1915 (see [86]). For this reason, this special case
is also known as the Bubnov–Galerkin method. In the case when the operator A
is self-adjoint and positive definite, we will see that the Bubnow–Galerkin method
coincides with the Rayleigh–Ritz method (see [221, 228]).
Error estimates. The following error estimates for the Galerkin method of
the form (4.154) (see, e.g., [137]) differ only in the first term, which corresponds
to the perturbation of the right-hand side. The second term bounds the error for
the exact right-hand side and tends to zero, provided the boundedness assumption
(4.150) is satisfied.
Assume that the Galerkin equations (4.157) are uniquely solvable for every
right-hand side of the equation Ax = y.
(a) Let y ε ∈ Y with y − y ε ≤ ε be given and xεn ∈ Xn be the solution of
Axεn , zn = y ε , zn for all zn ∈ Yn . (4.159)
Then the following error estimate holds true:
xεn − x ≤ εRn + Rn Ax − x. (4.160)
(b) Let B and β be given by (4.158) and β ε ∈ Kn with |β − β ε | ≤ ε, where | · |
the Euclidean norm in Kn . Let αε ∈ Kn be the solution of Bαε := β ε . Set
xn := j=1 αεj x̂j ∈ Xn . Then the following error estimate holds true:
xεn − x ≤ ε + Rn Ax − x, (4.161)
xεn − x ≤ bn Rn ε + Rn Ax − x, (4.162)
⎧- - ⎫
⎨-- n -
- n ⎬
an = max - ρ x̂ - : |ρ | 2
= 1 , (4.163)
⎩- -
j j j
- j=1 - ⎭
⎧6 X
- - ⎫
⎨7 - - ⎬
7 n
- n -
bn = max 8 |ρj |2 : - - ρ j ŷ j
-=1 ,
- (4.164)
⎩ - j=1 - ⎭
Galerkin equations for the perturbed cases first without using particular bases and
then with respect to given bases in Xn and Yn .
Least squares method. For a finite-dimensional subspace Xn ⊂ X, determine
xn ∈ Xn such that
Axn − y ≤ Azn − y for all zn ∈ Xn . (4.165)
Clearly, existence and uniqueness of xn ∈ Xn can be guaranteed easily since Xn
is finite-dimensional and A is assumed to be one-to-one. The solution xn ∈ Xn of
the least squares problem is characterized by
Axn , Azn = y, Azn for all zn ∈ Xn . (4.166)
We notice that this method is a special case of the Galerkin method, where we
have Yn = A(Xn ). Choosing a basis {x̂j , j = 1, . . . , n} of Xn leads to the finite
linear system
αj Ax̂j , Axi = βi = y, Ax̂i for all i = 1, . . . , n, (4.167)
The system (4.169) is uniquely solvable, since the matrix B is positive definite.
Obviously, for least squares methods, the boundedness condition (4.150) is
not satisfied without imposing additional assumptions (for more details we refer,
e.g., to [139, 234]):
Let A : X → Y be a linear, bounded, and injective operator between
; Hilbert
spaces. Suppose that Xn ⊂ X form finite-dimensional subspaces such that n∈N Xn
is dense in X. Let x ∈ X be the solution of Ax = y and xεn ∈ Xn be the least
squares solution from (4.168) or (4.169). Denote by σn the quantity
σn = max {zn : zn ∈ Xn , Azn = 1} . (4.170)
270 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Then, the least squares method is convergent, and we have Rn ≤ σn . Moreover,
we have the error estimate
x − xεn ≤ rn σn ε + c min {x − zn : zn ∈ Xn } (4.172)
for some c > 0. Here, rn = 1, if xεn ∈ Xn solves (4.168), i.e., ε measures the
continuous perturbation y ε− yY . If ε measures the discrete error |β ε − β| in the
Euclidean norm and xn = j=1 αεj x̂j ∈ Xn , where the vector αε = (αε1 , . . . , αεn )T
For further numerical aspects of least squares method, we refer, e.g., to [57,
58, 134, 157, 173, 178].
Dual least squares method. As another variant of the Galerkin method, we come to
the dual least squares method. In this case the boundedness condition (4.150) is in-
deed always satisfied: Given some finite-dimensional subspaces Yn ⊂ Y , determine
un ∈ Yn such that
A∗ un , zn = y, zn for all zn ∈ Yn , (4.174)
where, as always, A∗ : Y → X denotes the adjoint of A. Then xn = A∗ zn is called
the dual least squares solution. It is a special case of the Galerkin method, where
Xn = A∗ (Yn ). Writing (4.174) for y = Ax in the form
A∗ un , A∗ zn = x, A∗ zn for all zn ∈ Yn , (4.175)
we see that the dual least squares method is just the least squares method for the
equation A∗ u = x. This explains the standard terminology in the literature.
Suppose now that the right-hand side is perturbed. Let y ε ∈ Y be given
such that y ε − y ≤ ε. Instead of the linear equation (4.174), we determine
xεn := A∗ uεn ∈ Xn via
A∗ uεn , A∗ zn = y ε , zn for all zn ∈ Yn . (4.176)
For discrete perturbations, we specify a basis {ŷj , j = 1, . . . , n} of Yn and assume
that the right-hand side βi = y, ŷi Y , i = 1, . . . , n, of the resulting linear equations
are perturbed by a vector β ε ∈ Kn with |β ε −β| ≤ ε, where |·| denotes the Euclidean
norm in Kn . Instead of (4.174) we are then led to
xεn = A∗ uεn = αεj A∗ ŷj , (4.177)
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 271
Results on convergence and error estimates are listed, e.g., in the textbook [137].
Let X and Y be Hilbert spaces. Suppose that A : X → Y is linear, bounded,
an one-to-one such that the range; A(X) is dense in Y . Let Yn ⊂ Y form finite-
dimensional subspaces such that n∈N Yn is dense in Y . Assume that x ∈ X is the
solution of Ax = y. Then the linear equations (4.176) and (4.178) are uniquely
solvable for every right-hand side and every n ∈ N. Furthermore, the dual least
squares method is convergent, and we have
Rn ≤ σn = max{zn : zn ∈ Yn , A∗ zn = 1}. (4.179)
Moreover, we have the error estimate
x − xεn ≤ rn σn ε + c min{x − zn : zn ∈ A∗ (Yn )} (4.180)
for some c > 0. Here, rn = 1 if ∈ Xn solves (4.176), i.e., ε measures
rnε n the norm
y ε − y in Y . If ε measures the discrete error |β ε − β| and xδn = j=1 αεj A∗ ŷj ∈
Xn , where αε solves (4.178), then rn is given by
⎧6 - - ⎫
⎨7 - - ⎬
7 n
- n -
rn = max 8 |ρj |2 : -
- ρ j ŷ j
- (4.181)
⎩ - j=1 - ⎭
Next we show that the Rayleigh–Ritz method, in fact, is a special case of the
Bubnov–Galerkin method.
Rayleigh–Ritz method. Let A : X → X be also self-adjoint and positive
definite, so that Ax, yX = x, AyX and Ax, xX > 0 for all x, y ∈ X with
x = 0. We introduce the functional
J(z) = Az, z − 2Rey, z for z ∈ X. (4.185)
The identity
J(z) − J(x) = 2ReAx − y, z − x + A(z − x), z − x (4.186)
and the positivity of A tells us that x ∈ X is the unique minimum of J if and
only if x solves Ax = y. The Rayleigh–Ritz method is to minimize J over the
finite-dimensional subspace Xn . From (4.186), we see that if xn ∈ Xn minimizes
J on Xn , then , for zn = xn ± εun with un ∈ Xn and ε > 0, it follows that
0 ≤ J(zn ) − J(xn ) = ±ε 2ReAxn − y, un + ε2 Aun , un
for all un ∈ Xn . By dividing ε > 0 and afterwards letting ε → 0 we find that
xn ∈ Xn satisfies the equation system (4.182). If, on the other hand, xn ∈ Xn
solves (4.182), then we get from (4.186),
J(zn ) − J(xn ) = A(zn − xn ), zn − xn ≥ 0
for all zn ∈ Xn . Therefore, the Rayleigh–Ritz method coincides with the Bubnov–
Galerkin method.
Finally we are interested in the Bubnov–Galerkin method for the important
class of coercive operators. As preparatory material we briefly recapitulate some
settings (see, e.g., [137]):
(i) A Gelfand triple (V, X, V ∗ ) consists of a reflexive Banach space V , an Hilbert
space X, and the dual space V ∗ of V such that
(a) V is a dense subspace of X,
(b) the imbedding J : V → X is bounded.
It is conventional to write (see, e.g., [137]) V ⊂ X ⊂ V ∗ since we can identify
X with a dense subspace of V ∗ . This identifications given by the dual operator
J ∗ : X → V ∗ of J, where we identify the dual of the Hilbert space X by
itself. From (x, y) = J ∗ x, y, for all x ∈ X and y ∈ V we see that with this
identification the dual pairing ·, · in (V ∗ , V ) is an extension of the inner
product (·, ·) in X, i.e., we write
x, y = (x, y) for all x ∈ Y and y ∈ V.
Furthermore, we have the estimates
|x, y| ≤ xV ∗ yV for all x ∈ V ∗ , y ∈ V,
|x, y| ≤ xV ∗ yV for all x ∈ X, y ∈ V.
It is well known that J is one-to-one and has a dense range.
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 273
(ii) Let V be a reflexive Banach space with dual space V ∗ . We denote the norms
in V and V ∗ by · V and · V ∗ , respectively. A linear bounded operator
A : V ∗ → V is called coercive if there exists γ > 0 with
Rex, Ax ≥ γ x2V for all x ∈ V ∗ , (4.187)
where ·, · denotes the dual pairing in (V ∗ , V ).
(iii) The operator A satisfies Garding’s inequality if there exists a linear compact
operator C : V ∗ → V such that A + C is coercive, i.e.,
Re(x, Ax) ≥ γ x2V ∗ − Rex, Cx for all x ∈ V ∗ .
Note that, by the same argument as in the Lax–Milgram theorem, it can
be shown that every coercive operator is an isomorphism from V ∗ onto V .
Coercive operators play an important role in the study of partial differential
equations and integral equations by variational methods. In the conventional
definition, the roles of V and V ∗ are interchanged. For integral operators that
are “smoothing”, our definition seems to be more appropriate. However, both
definitions are equivalent in the sense that the inverse operator A−1 : V → V ∗
is coercive in the usual sense with γ replaced by γ/A2 .
Convergence of the Bubnov–Galerkin method. After these preparations we are in
the position to formulate convergence of the Bubnov–Galerkin method for coercive
operators (see [137]).
Let (V, X, V;∗ ) be a Gelfand triple, and Xn ⊂ V be finite-dimensional sub-
spaces such that n∈N Xn is dense in X. Let K : V ∗ → V be coercive with constant
γ > 0. Let x ∈ X be the solution of Ax = y. Then we have the following results:
(a) There exist unique solutions of the Galerkin equations (4.182)–(4.184), and
the Bubnov–Galerkin method converges in V ∗ with
x − xn V ∗ ≤ c min{x − zn V ∗ : zn ∈ Xn } (4.188)
for some c > 0.
(b) Define the quantity ρn > 0 by
ρn = max{u : u ∈ Xn , uV ∗ = 1} (4.189)
and the orthogonal projection operator Pn from X onto Xn . The Bubnov–
Galerkin method converges in X if there exists c > 0 with
u − Pn uV ∗ ≤ u for all u ∈ X. (4.190)
In this case, we have the estimates
1 2
Rn ≤ ρ (4.191)
γ n
x − xεn ≤ c[rn ρ2n + min{x − zn : zn ∈ Xn }] (4.192)
274 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
for some c > 0. Here rn = 1 if xεn ∈ Xn solves (4.183), i.e., ε measures the norm
y ε −
y in X. If ε measures the discrete error |β ε − β| in the Euclidean norm and
xεn = j=1 αεj x̂j ∈ Xn , where αε solves (4.184), then rn is given by
⎧6 ⎫
⎨77 n
n ⎬
rn = max 8 |ρj |2 : ρj x̂j = 1 . (4.193)
⎩ ⎭
j=1 j=1
In this case it is known that the solution of (4.197) is representable in the form
x= σn−1 yY∧ (n)xn = A† y. (4.199)
Since the right-hand side y is error affected (due to the inaccuracy of the
measuring instrument) in any practical application, the series (4.199) will not
converge in general. For that purpose we are interested in regularized solutions.
The idea (cf. [77]) we follow is to represent the J-level regularization of the
Ax = y, x ∈ X, y ∈ Y (4.200)
by means of a wavelet analysis. The overall advantage of such a method is that
we obtain a J + 1-level regularization by starting with the J-level regulariza-
tion and adding so-called detail information. It becomes clear that any classical
regularization method based on a filtered singular value decomposition can be re-
formulated in terms of our wavelet method. Thus, any known parameter choice
strategy depending on the special method is also applicable and, moreover, any of
the corresponding error estimates holds true, too. For that reason we omit these
discussions here.
As is well known, a family {RJ }J∈Z of linear operators RJ : Y → X, J ∈ Z,
is a regularization of A† if it satisfies the following properties:
(i) RJ is bounded on Y for all J ∈ Z,
(ii) for any member y ∈ R(A), the limit relation limJ→∞ RJ y = A† y holds in
the · X -sense.
The kernel xJ = RJ y is called the J-level regularization of the problem (4.197).
Product kernels. A function ΓP,Q ·, · : GP × GQ → R, P, Q ∈ {X, Y }, of the
Γ (x, y) = Γ∧ (n) pn (x) qn (y), x ∈ GP , y ∈ GQ , Γ∧ (n) ∈ R, n ∈ N0 ,
is called a (P, Q)-(product) kernel. Note that the indices P and Q in ΓP,Q are
associated to the variables x and y, respectively, such that ΓP,Q (x, y) = ΓQ,P (y, x).
The sequence {Γ∧ (n)}n=0,1,... is called the symbol of the (P, Q)-kernel. For brevity,
a (P, P )-kernel is simply said to be a P -kernel.
An important question for our investigations is as follows: Fix one variable
of a product kernel, what are the conditions for the product kernel (as a function
of the remaining variable) to be of class P ∈ {X, Y }? The answer is provided by
the concept of symbol admissibility.
276 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
and it follows that ΓX,Y ∗ y ∈ X. Lastly, the convolution of an (X, Y )-kernel ΓX,Y
having an Y -admissible symbol with a function F ∈ X is given by
? @
(ΓX,Y ∗ x)(s) = ΓX,Y (·, s), x X = Γ∧ (n)x∧
X (n)yn (s), s ∈ GY , (4.206)
and we have ΓX,Y ∗ x ∈ Y . Next we proceed with the convolution of two product
kernels leading to the following result: Let ΓX,X be an X-kernel with X-admissible
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 277
symbol and let ΥX,Y be an (X, Y )-kernel with Y -admissible symbol. Then
(Γ ∗ Υ)X,Y (t, s) = (ΓX,X ∗ ΥX,Y (·, s))(t)
? @
= ΓX,X (t, ·), ΥX,Y (·, s) X
= Γ∧ (n)Υ∧ (n)xn (t)yn (s), t ∈ GX , s ∈ GY (4.207)
For RJ : Y → X defined by
RJ = rΦJ ∗d ΦJ ∗ y, y ∈ Y
we have (see [77])
RJ y = ((ΦJ )∧ (n))2 yY∧ (n) xn
RJ ≤ ((ΦJ )∧ (n))4 , J ∈ Z. (4.213)
As an immediate consequence of our results we obtain the result: Let y be a
member of R(A). Suppose that y ε ∈ Y denotes the right-hand side of problem
(4.200) with noise level y − y ε ≤ ε. Moreover, assume that {(ΦJ )∧ (n)}n=0,1,... ,
J ∈ Z, is the generating symbol of a regularization scaling function, where the
parameter J = J(ε) is assumed to satisfy
(1) limε→0 J(ε) = ∞,
(2) limε→0 ε((ΦJ )∧ (n))2 = 0.
Then we have
lim (rΦJ ∗ d ΦJ )X,Y ∗ y ε − A† y = 0. (4.214)
Condition iii) seems to be unnecessary for the proof of (4.214) and, in fact, it
is. Nevertheless, in what follows we need this assumption for our multiresolution
analysis and the (spectral) introduction of wavelets.
Multiresolution analysis. For any y ∈ R(A) each (rΦJ ∗ d ΦJ )X,Y ∗ y provides a
regularization of the solution A† y at scale J by ”smoothing” the Fourier coefficients
of A† y with the symbol {((ΦJ )∧ (n))2 }n=0,1,... . In terms of filtering, (rΦJ ∗ d ΦJ )X,Y
may be interpreted as a low-pass filter. Accordingly we understand the scale spaces
VJ to be the image of R(A) under the operator RJ :
VJ = RJ (R(A)) = {(rΦJ ∗ d ΦJ )X,Y ∗ y : y ∈ R(A)}. (4.215)
This leads us to the properties formulated in the following statement:
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 279
((Φ0 )∧ (n + 1)) = (Ψ̃j )∧ (n)(Ψj )∧ (n) = ((Φ0 )∧ (n)) + (Ψ̃j )∧ (n)(Ψj )∧ (n).
j=−∞ j=0
Thus, we easily see in connection with 4.216 that
Φ̃J+1 ∗ d ΦJ+1 = (r Ψ̃j ∗ d Ψj )X,Y = (rΦ0 ∗ d Φ0 )X,Y + (r Ψ̃j ∗ r Ψj )X,Y .
j=−∞ j=0
In analogy to the definition of the operator RJ we consider now convolution op-
erators SJ : Y → X, J ∈ Z, defined by
SJ y = (r Ψ̃J ∗ d ΨJ )X,Y ∗ y. (4.223)
It describes the “detail information” of the right-hand side y at scale J. From
Equation (4.222) it follows that the operator RJ+1 can be decomposed in the
following way:
RJ+1 = R0 + Sj . (4.224)
But this gives rise to introduce the detail spaces as follows:
WJ = SJ (R(A)) = {(r Ψ̃J ∗ d ΨJ )X,Y ∗ y : y ∈ R(A)}. (4.225)
The space WJ contains the “detail information” needed to go from a regularization
at level J to a regularization at level J + 1. Note that
VJ = VJ−1 + WJ−1 , (4.226)
Wj = V 0 + Wj = VJ+1 . (4.227)
j=−∞ j=0
From (4.222) it is not hard to verify the main result in this context:
Let {(ΦJ )∧ (n)}n=0,1,... , J ∈ Z, be the generating symbol of a regularization
scaling function. Suppose that
{(Ψj )∧ (n)}n=0,1,... , {(Ψ̃j )∧ (n)}n=0,1,... , j∈Z
are the generating symbols of the corresponding regularization wavelets. Further-
more, let y be of class Y . Then,
xJ = (rΦ0 ∗ d Φ0 )X,Y ∗ y + r
Ψ̃j ∗ RW T (y)(j; ·) (4.231)
V0 ⊂ V1 ⊂ V2 ... = A† X
V0 + W0 + W1 + W2 ... = A† X
Some generating symbols. The singular values {σn }n=0,1,... of A satisfy Axn =
σn yn , A∗ yn = σn xn , n ∈ N0 . Keeping these facts in mind we are led to introduce
the following examples of generating symbols of a regularization scaling function:
i) Truncated singular value decomposition (bandlimited regularization).
a) orthogonal:
∧ σn for n = 0, . . . , NJ
(ΦJ ) (n) = , (4.233)
0 for n ≥ NJ + 1
0 for J ∈ Z, J < 0
NJ = , (4.234)
2J − 1 for J ∈ Z, J ≥ 0
282 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
b) non-orthogonal:
⎪ −1/2
⎨ σn for n = 0, . . . , MJ
(ΦJ )∧ (n) = σ
(τ (n)) 1/2
for n = MJ + 1, . . . , NJ , (4.235)
⎩ 0
n J
for n ≥ NJ + 1
0 for J ∈ Z, J < 0
NJ = ,
2J+1 − 1 for J ∈ Z, J ≥ 0
0 for J ∈ Z, J < 0
MJ =
2J − 1 for J ∈ Z, J ≥ 0
τJ (n) = 2 − 2−J (n + 1), n ∈ [2J − 1, 2J+1 − 1], J ∈ N0 . (4.237)
It is easy to see that case a) leads to an orthogonal RMRA, i.e., the detail
and the scale spaces satisfy the orthogonality conditions
VJ+1 = VJ ⊕ WJ , WJ ⊥ WK , K = J, K, J ≥ 0. (4.238)
In case b) the scale and detail spaces are still finite dimensional, but the
detail spaces are no longer orthogonal.
ii) Tikhonov’s regularization (non-bandlimited regularization).
a) classical
(ΦJ )∧ (n) = , n ∈ N, J ∈ Z, (4.239)
σn2 + γJ2
b) Tikhonov–Phillips
∧ σn
(ΦJ ) (n) = , n ∈ N, J ∈ Z (4.240)
σn + γJ (n + 14 )4
2 2
Let us base the determination of a (uniquely determined) fixed point on the fol-
lowing iteration:
x(0) ∈ Kn , arbitrary,
Bx(n+1) = Cx(n) + y, n ∈ N0 .
! (n) "
Clearly, if x converges to x∗ ∈ Rn , then it follows that Ax∗ = y.
In numerical linear algebra the following procedures are convenient which
should be recapitulated here: Let A ∈ Rn×n be given. Let us decompose the
matrix A in the form A = L + D + U such that
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 0 a11 0 0 ∗
⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ .. ⎟
L=⎝ . ⎠ D=⎝ . ⎠ U =⎝ . ⎠ (4.242)
∗ 0 0 ann 0 0
We distinguish the following concepts:
(1) (Jakobi Method) We let
B = D, C = −L − U. (4.243)
Then we are led to
x(n+1) = D−1 (L + U ) x(n) + D−1 y, n ∈ N. (4.244)
(2) (Gauss–Seidel Method) We choose
B = D + L, C = −U. (4.245)
Then we are led to
−1 −1
x(n+1) = (D + L) U x(n) + (D + L) y, n ∈ N. (4.246)
(3) (Richardson Method) For ω > 0, let
1 1
B = I, C = I − A. (4.247)
ω ω
Then we are led to the recursion
−1 −1
1 1 1
x(n+1) = I I − A x(n) + I y
ω ω ω
=ω I − A x(n) + ωy
= (I − ωA) x(n) + ωy, n ∈ N. (4.248)
Since iteration methods known from linear algebra that use the upper or
lower triangular part of a matrix cannot be adequately transferred to operator
equations, we are not able to use the first two of the aforementioned iteration
procedures. However, the third method (i.e., Richardson method or successive
relaxation method) can be applied leading to a variant called Landweber iteration.
Landweber iteration. In order to solve the normal equation
A∗ Ax = A∗ y, y ∈ Y, x ∈ X, (4.249)
284 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
the Landweber iteration starting from the initial value x(0) ∈ X is defined by
x(m+1) = (I − ωA∗ A) x(m) + ωA∗ y
= x(m) + ωA∗ y − Ax(m) , m = 0, 1, . . . (4.250)
The estimate (4.257) suggests that the parameter ω should be chosen as small
as possible. However, we have seen that the convergence of the approximation
error depends on the estimate |1 − ωλ| < 1. As a consequence, for small ω the
approximation error converges very slowly.
In more details, we separate the total error in the usual way
- † - - -
-A y − Rm y ε - = -A† y − Rm y - +
Rm y − Rm y ε
approximation data
error error
- - m→∞ √
with -A† y − Rm y - −→ 0 if x(0) = 0 and
Rm y − Rm y ε
≤ mω ε, i.e., the
Landweber iteration is a regularization with a suitably chosen m. Our aim now is
to find a stopping rule for m.
In fact, we obtain for the residual term
Ax(m),ε − y ε = A (I − ωA∗ A) x(m−1),ε + ωA∗ y ε − y ε
= Ax(m−1),ε − ωAA∗ Ax(m−1),ε + ωAA∗ y ε − y ε
= (I − ωAA∗ ) Ax(m−1),ε − (I − ωAA∗ ) y ε
= (I − ωAA∗ ) Ax(m−1),ε − y ε . (4.259)
Under the choice 0 < ω < A 2 we have
- - - -
- (m),ε - - -
-Ax − y ε - ≤
I − ωAA∗
· -Ax(m−1),ε − y ε -
- -
- -
≤ -Ax(m−1),ε − y ε - , (4.260)
- † - - -
-A y − x(m+1),ε - < -A† y − x(m),ε -, m ∈ N0 , (4.263)
i.e., the error is also strictly monotonously decreasing.
In other words, as already announced the error decreases monotonously just
like the residual as long as the residual stays larger than 2ε.
An upper bound for the number of iterations when using the discrepancy
principle is as follows (cf. [227]):
Assume that A ∈ L (X, Y ), y ∈ R (A), and y ε ∈ Y with
y − y ε
< ε.
Suppose that 0 < ω < A2 . The discrepancy principle (4.262) with τ > 1 yields
the stopping index m∗ = m∗ (ε, y ε ) ≤ CL ε−2 with the constant CL > 0 for the
Landweber iteration.
Note that this result does not require any assumptions on the smoothness of
the solution. With such information the discrepancy principle enables us to stop
the iteration much earlier.
Suppose that A ∈ L(X, Y ), 0 < ω < 2/
, y ∈ R(A), y ∈ Y with
y − y ε
< ε and x(0) = 0. Then the Landweber iteration together with the discrep-
ancy principle (4.262) is an order optimal regularization of A† , i.e., the Landweber
iteration possesses infinite qualification. The stopping index can be estimated as
m∗ = m∗ (ε, y ε ) ≤ Cμ ε μ+1 (4.264)
with Cμ > 0.
If we choose as an initial value 0 = x(0) with x(0) ∈ N (A)⊥ , it suffices to
study the convergence of the sequence {x̃(m),ε } with x̃(0),ε = 0 which results from
the Landweber method applied to the equation Ax = y ε − Ax(0) . The minimum
norm solution of this equation is A† y − x(0) and if A† y ∈ Xμ , we also need to have
that x(0) ∈ Xμ to obtain the optimal order of decay for the error, i.e., O(ε μ/(μ+1) ).
Unfortunately, for unknown μ we have to choose 0 as starting value.
The disadvantage of the Landweber iteration is that its convergence is rather
slow, i.e., the stopping index m∗ is often large. This is the reason why semi-iterative
methods (see, e.g., [227] and the references therein) come into play to accelerate
the convergence.
Semi-iterative methods. The characteristics of Landweber iteration are as follows;
x(0) = 0 (4.265)
x(m) = Fm (A∗ A) A∗ y (4.266)
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 287
(2) Suppose that A is of class L(X, Y ). Let {x(m) }, {x(m),ε } be the iterates
of a semi-iterative method with respect to y ∈ R(A) and y ε ∈ Y using the same
initial value. Let the residual polynomials of the semi-iterative method be uniformly
bounded by Cp > 0. Then, for the data error, we have
- (m) -
-x − x(m),ε - ≤ 2Cp mε. (4.277)
Together with a stopping rule that fulfills
m∗ (ε) → ∞ , εm∗ (ε) → 0 for ε → 0 (4.278)
the semi-iterative method is a regularization of A .
Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution 289
(3) Each sequence of polynomials {pm }m∈N0 , pm (0) = 1, which satisfies the
best asymptotic behavior
ωμ (m) = O(m−μ ) for m → ∞ (4.280)
for some μ > 0, is uniformly bounded on [0, 1] and converges pointwise to 0 on
(0, 1]. In other words {pm }m∈N0 given in such a way is a sequence of residual
polynomials, for which, in addition, ωα (m) = O(m−α ) for 0 < α ≤ μ.
The discrepancy principle (cf. (4.262)) can also be used as stopping rule.
(4) Let A ∈ L(X, Y ) and y ∈ R(A). Let the normalized polynomials
{pm }m∈N0 , pm (0) = 1, satisfy (4.280) for some μ > 1. Then the corresponding
semi-iterative method with starting value x(0) = 0 is an order optimal regulariza-
tion of A† with respect to Xα for 0 < α ≤ μ−1 if it is combined with the discrepancy
principle (4.262) as stopping rule with τ > sup{
C[0,1] |m ∈ N0 } ≥ 1.
The stopping index satisfies
m∗ = m∗ (ε, y ε ) = O ε−1/(α+1) (4.281)
for ε → 0.
Normalized polynomials that fulfill (4.280) automatically lead to semi-iter-
ative order optimal regularization methods. The reason for this is that (4.280)
implies the uniform boundedness of the polynomials on [0, 1] as well as
sup{|Fm (λ)| : λ ∈ [0, 1]} ≤ 2τ m2
for the corresponding filters.
In the general case that pt (λ) = 1 − λFt (λ) we are confronted with the
situation (see, e.g., [227]) that
ωμ (t) ≤ Cp t μ/2 for t → 0 (4.282)
which is the analogue of (4.280). However, this neither implies the uniform bound-
edness of {pt }t>0 nor an estimate like |Ft (λ)| ≤ CF t−α .
Gradient method. The method of successive approximation gradient, and related
iterative methods can be used for finding approximate solutions of ill-posed prob-
lems (see, e.g., [108, 133, 134, 172, 179] and the references therein for more details).
We let X and Y be two Hilbert spaces, both over K, and let A be a bounded
linear operator on X into Y . As already known, the linear equation
Ax = y, y∈Y (4.283)
may or may not have a solution depending on whether or not y is in R(A), the
range of A, and even if y ∈ R(A) the solution of (4.283) need not be unique. For
any bounded linear operator A : X → Y, R(A) and R(A∗ ) are closed subspaces of
X and Y , respectively, hence, X = R(A) ⊕ R(A)⊥ and Y = R(A∗ ) ⊕ R(A∗ )⊥ . The
290 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
which, is equivalent to
AA∗ vsρ = Aeρ (s, ·). (4.333)
Note that one needs the requirement that (4.333) is solvable. The function vsρ
is called reconstruction kernel ; uniqueness can be enforced by solving (4.333) in
the best-approximate sense, i.e., by selecting the solution of (4.333) with minimal
norm: vsρ = (A∗ )† eρ (s, ·). Assume, for simplicity, that R(A) is dense in Y , so that
(AA∗ )−1 exist. Then we have with vsγ defined by (4.332):
Sρ y = (AA∗ )−1 Aeρ (s, ·), yY = eρ (s, ·), A∗ (AA∗ )−1 yX
= eρ (s, ·), (A∗ A)† A∗ yX = (Eρ x† )(s), (4.334)
i.e., Sρ y is the mollified version of the best-approximate solution of (4.330). This
justifies (4.332).
Let A be compact with singular system (σn ; xn , yn ). Let a regularization
method realized in standard way, i.e.,
xα = σn Fα (σn2 )y, yn Y yn . (4.335)
If we assume that X and Y are suitable function spaces, then (4.335) can be
written as
xα (s) = vsρ , yY (4.336)
vsρ (t) = σn Fα (σn2 )yn (t)yn (s). (4.337)
Now, vsρ can be written in the form (4.333) with
eρ (s, t) = σn2 Fα (σn2 )yn (s)yn (t). (4.338)
we then take vi (s) := vi . The constraint (4.347) just says that for x ≡ 1, (SAx)(s) =
x(s) holds. The parameter τ (in [18] τ = 1) determines the concrete method.
The common feature between mollification and the Backus–Gilbert method
is the following: In both cases, an approximate inverse (determined by vsρ or by
the vi (s)) is determined independently from the right-hand side of the equation,
298 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
which can then be used to explicitly represent an approximate solution via (4.336)
or via (4.342). By use of Lagrange multipliers, the Backus–Gilbert basis functions
v1 , . . . , vn can be determined pointwise from the linear system
G(s) w v 0
= , s ∈ Ω, (4.348)
w 0 λ 1
G(s)ij = |s − t|2τ ki (t)kj (t) dt, i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, (4.349)
wi = ki (t) dt, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. (4.350)
Note that the matrix of this system depends on s while in the corresponding system
(4.333) for mollifier methods, s enters only in the right-hand side.
nor the iterated limits [limn→∞ limt→0 and limt→0 limn→∞ ] of xεt,n and xεn,t
exist. In fact,
X and
X blow up as n → ∞ and t → 0. It should be
emphasized that this blow-up is intrinsically inherent in all IPP regardless of
any regularization-approximation scheme. Thus, the best one can achieve for
a numerical resolution of IPP is to minimize the error:
and to find “paths” along which xt,n and xn,t converge to x as ε → 0.
(iii) The alternative routes diagram is non-commutative, in general. It is not al-
ways clear which path along the diagram is more effective. One has to com-
pare the minimum errors of
x − xεt,n
X and
x − xεn,t
X and to take into
consideration the computational complexity of the two paths. For some sim-
ple schemes, the diagram is commutative (e.g., Tikhonov regularization and
TSVD for a compact operator commute).
(iv) Sharp resolutions of an ill-posed problem (i.e., an optimal compromise be-
tween accuracy and numerical stability) hung upon “optimal parameter choice
criteria” (for t and n). Analytic criteria for this choice are often not avail-
able due to the lack of sharp rates of convergence in the preceding estimates,
except for Tikhonov regularization or related methods based on simple vari-
ational principles. Often the parameter is chosen by an interactive computa-
tional scheme, based on rough analytic estimates.
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Willi Freeden
Geomathematics Group
University of Kaiserslautern
MPI-Gebäude, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
M. Zuhair Nashed
Mathematics Department
University of Central Florida
Orlando, USA
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 315–458
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
Gravity as observed on the Earth’s surface is the combined effect of the gravita-
tional mass attraction and the centrifugal force due to the Earth’s rotation. Under
the assumption that the centrifugal force is explicitly known, the determination
of the gravity mainly reduces to getting knowledge of the gravitation. According
to the classical Newton Law of Gravitation (1687), knowing the density distribu-
tion of a body such as the Earth, the gravitational potential can be computed
everywhere in the Euclidean space R3 .
316 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
(c) Satellite Radar Altimetry. Satellite radar altimetry has demonstrated an im-
pressive capability of mapping the surface of the oceans. The ocean surface
is a good approximation of an equipotential surface and, as such, its offset
from the geoid at mean sea level (mean in terms of time) is called sea surface
topography. This offset, which can be as large as two meters, reflects many
effects including the variables salinity, ocean temperature, ocean currents,
variable atmospheric conditions such as wind and air pressure perturbations,
tides, etc. Since the sea surface topography refers to the geoid, the precise
and sufficiently detailed knowledge of the geoid is mandatory.
(d) Global Gravitational Field Models. On the basis of all satellite data, collected
over the last decades in orbits at different altitudes and inclinations, only long
wavelength components of the global gravity field can be recovered. There
are two reasons for this fact: First, an orbit as such is rather insensitive to
local features of the gravitational field, and this insensitivity increases with
increasing orbit altitude. Second, the satellites which can and are being used
are flying at altitudes which are too high for a better purpose such as local
gravimetry. Therefore, satellite-only global gravity field models are reliable
to a moderate maximum degree expressed in a potential representation in
terms of spherical harmonics. Considering the shortcomings of satellite-only
gravity field models and of the information content of surface data, several in-
stitutions have been working for many years on the combination of both data
sets. This work in geodesy has resulted in various gravitational field models in
terms of spherical harmonics. All gravity field data available worldwide have
entered into the production of this model. Therefore, such models represent
the latest state of the art in global gravitational field knowledge.
Also the high orbiters, the GNSS satellites, are affected by non-gravitational
forces. However the latter can be modeled quite well. They affect mainly
the very long spatial scales, and to a large extent their effect averages out.
In addition, the ephemerides of the GNSS satellites are determined very ac-
curately by the large network of ground stations. In the case of SST lo-lo
the relative motion between two LEOs, chasing each other, is measured with
highest precision. The quantity of interest is the relative motion of the centre
of mass of the two satellites. Again, the effect of non-gravitational forces on
the two spacecraft either has to be compensated actively or be measured.
2. Satellite Gravity Gradiometry. The satellite gravity gradiometry technique
is the measurement of the relative acceleration, not between free falling test
masses like satellites, but of test masses at different locations inside one satel-
lite. Each test mass is enclosed in a housing and kept levitated (floating, with-
out ever touching the walls) by a capacitive or inductive feedback mechanism.
The difference in feedback signals between two test masses is proportional to
their relative acceleration and exerted purely by the differential gravitational
field. Non-gravitational acceleration of the spacecraft affects all accelerome-
ters inside the satellite in the same manner and so ideally drops out during
differencing. The rotational motion of the satellite affects the measured dif-
ferences. However, the rotational signal (angular velocities and accelerations)
can be separated from the gravitational signal, if acceleration differences are
taken in all possible (spatial) combinations (= full tensor gradiometer). In
order to achieve a higher sensitity, an orbit as low as possible is of great
In a unified view on spaceborne missions (see, e.g., [9–11, 51]), one can argue
that the basic observable in all three cases is gravitational acceleration. In the case
of SST hi-lo, with the motion of the high orbiting GNSS satellites assumed to be
perfectly known, this corresponds to an in situ 3-D acceleration measurement in
the LEO. For SST lo-lo it is the measurement of acceleration difference over the
intersatellite distance and in the line-of-sight (LOS) of the LEOs. Finally, in the
case of gradiometry, it is the measurement of acceleration differences in 3-D over
the tiny baseline of the gradiometer. In short we are confronted with the following
SST hi-lo: 3-D acceleration = gravitational gradient,
SST lo-lo: acceleration difference = difference in gradient,
SGG: differential = gradient of gradient (“tensor”).
As explained in more detail by W. Freeden [19], in mathematical sense, it is a
transition from the first derivative of the gravitational potential via a difference in
the first derivative to the second derivative. The guiding parameter that determines
sensitivity with respect to the spatial scales of the Earth’s gravitational potential
is the distance between the test masses, being almost infinite for SST hi-lo and
almost zero for gradiometry.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 321
field from the huge and heterogeneous data material requires a careful multiscale
analysis of the gravitational potential, fast solution techniques, and a proper sta-
bilization of the inverse character of satellite problems by regularization. In order
to achieve these objectives various strategies and structures must be introduced
reflecting the different aspects of geopotential determination. While global long-
wavelength modeling can be adequately done by use of spherical harmonic expan-
sions, it becomes more and more obvious that harmonic splines and/or wavelets
are most likely the candidates for medium and short-wavelength approximation.
The concept of harmonic wavelets, however, demands its own nature which only on
exploration areas of small size may be developed to some extend from the theory
in Euclidean spaces. Fundamental results known from the Euclidean wavelet ap-
proach have to be recovered. Nevertheless, the stage is set for working out and im-
proving essential ideas and results involving harmonic wavelets. Why are harmonic
wavelets important in future gravitational potential determination? Following [19],
the answer is summarized in the following sentence:
Harmonic wavelets are “building blocks” that enable fast decorrelation of gravi-
tational data. Thus three features are incorporated in this way of thinking about
georelevant harmonic wavelets, namely basis property, decorrelation, and efficient
algorithms. These aspects should be discussed in more detail:
(i) Basis property
Wavelets are building blocks for the approximation of arbitrary functions
(signals). In mathematical understanding this formulation expresses that the
set of wavelets forms a “frame” (see, e.g., [6] for details in classical one-
dimensional theory).
(ii) Decorrelation
Wavelets possess the ability to decorrelate the signal. This means, that the
representation of the signal via wavelet coefficients occurs in a “more con-
stituting” form as in the original form reflecting a certain amount of space
and frequency (more accurately, momentum) information. The decorrelation
enables the extraction of specific information contained in a signal through
a particular number of coefficients. Signals usually show a correlation in the
frequency (momentum) domain as well as in the space domain. Obviously,
since data points in a local neighborhood are stronger correlated as those data
points far-off from each other, signal characteristics often appear in certain
frequency bands. In order to analyze and reconstruct such signals, we need
“auxiliary functions” providing localized information in the space as well as
in the frequency domain. In applications, different approaches have been re-
alized in the field of signal analysis before the occurrence of wavelets: on the
one hand, the Fourier theory allows a trendsetting bandlimited decomposi-
tion, on the other hand, the Haar theory offers short-wavelets spacelimited
decomposition. The (Heisenberg) uncertainty principle (see, e.g., [21]) tells
us that a simultaneous sharp localization in frequency as well as space do-
main is exclusive. Even more within a “zooming-in process”, the amount of
324 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
regular. Γ is the orbit of a satellite which is not necessarily a closed surface. σ is the
radius of a so-called Runge (in the jargon of geodesy, Bjerhammar) sphere inside
the Earth, that is σ < α = inf x∈Σ |x|. The value γ is a lower bound of the lowest
possible altitude of the satellite, i.e., γ < inf x∈Γ |x|. Ωext
σ = {x ∈ R
: |x| > σ}
denotes the outer space of the sphere Ωσ with radius σ around the origin 0, whereas
Σext denotes the outer space of the (actual) Earth.
Let V : Ωext ext 3 ext 3 3
σ → R, v : Ωσ → R , and v : Ωσ → R ⊗ R , respectively, be a
scalar, vector, and tensor field on the set Ωσ . We say that V , v, v, respectively,
are harmonic on Ωext σ if V , v, v are twice continuously differentiable on Ωσ and
ΔV = 0, Δv = 0, Δv = 0 on Ωσ .
326 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
holds true.
we have
x x
(Yn,k , Yp,q )L2 (Ωσ ) = Yn,k Yp,q dω(x) = σ 2 δn,p δk,q , (3.5)
Ωσ |x| |x|
where δn,p is the Kronecker symbol and dω is the surface element. With the re-
lationship ξ ↔ σξ, the surface gradient ∇∗;σ and the Beltrami operator Δ∗;σ on
Ωσ , respectively, have the representation ∇∗;σ = (1/σ)∇∗;1 = (1/σ)∇∗ , Δ∗;σ =
(1/σ 2 )Δ∗;1 = (1/σ 2 )Δ∗ , where ∇∗ , Δ∗ are the surface gradient and the Beltrami
operator of the unit sphere Ω.
We now introduce the system {Yn,k σ
}n=0,1,...; k=1,...,2n+1 by letting
1 x
Yn,k (x) = Yn,k , x ∈ Ωσ . (3.6)
σ |x|
Due to (3.5) the system {Yn,k
}n=0,1,...;k=1,...,2n+1 is an orthonormal basis in L2 (Ωσ ):
·L2 (Ωσ )
L2 (Ωσ ) = span σ
n=0,1,...; (Yn,k ) . (3.7)
The system {Hn,m (σ; ·)}n∈N0 ;m=1,...,2n+1 , of scalar outer harmonics defined by
1 σ x
Hn,m (σ; x) = Yn,m , x ∈ Ωext
σ ,
σ |x| |x|
satisfies the following properties:
• Hn,m (σ; ·) is of class C (∞) (Ωext
σ ),
• Hn,m (σ; ·) is harmonic in Ωext ext
σ , i.e., Δx Hn,m (σ; x) = 0 for x ∈ Ωσ ,
• Hn,m is regular at infinity, i.e., |Hn,m (σ; x)| = O(|x| ), x| → ∞,
• n,m (σ; ·)|Ωσ = σ Yn,m ,
• Ωσ
Hn,m (σ; x)Hk,l (σ; x)dω(x) = δn,k δm,l .
As it is well known (cf., e.g., [32, 57]), the addition theorem of outer harmonics
reads as follows:
2 n+1
2n + 1 σ x y
Hn,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y) = Pn · , (3.8)
4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, i.e.,
Harm p,...,q (Ωext
σ ) = Harm n (Ωext
σ ).
328 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
Pot (Σext ) denotes the space of all functions (potentials) U : Σext → R with
• U ∈ C (2) (Σext ),
• U satisfies the Laplace equation in the outer space, i.e., Δx U (x) = 0, x ∈ Σext ,
• U is regular at infinity, i.e., |U (x)| = O(|x|−1 ), |x| → ∞.
As usual, for k = 0, 1, . . . , we let Pot (k) (Σext ) be the space of functions F : Σext →
R such that F |Σext ∈ Pot (Σext ) and F ∈ C (k) (Σext ), in brief,
Pot (k) (Σext ) = Pot (Σext ) ∩ C (k) (Σext ). (3.10)
It is known from [13] and [17] that
·L2 (Σ)
L2 (Σ) = span n=0,1,...; (Hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ , (3.11)
·C (0) (Σ)
C (0) (Σ) = span n=0,1,...; (Hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ . (3.12)
Next we introduce Sobolev spaces H(Ωext σ ) (cf. [14]). We start with a general
definition based on the concept of summable sequences, give some examples for
spaces with a reproducing kernel structure, and, finally, introduce the well-known
Hs (Ωext
σ )-spaces.
The introduction of the Sobolev spaces may be based on a linear space A
consisting of all sequences {An } of real numbers An , n = 0, 1, . . ., i.e.,
A = {{An } : An ∈ R, n = 0, 1, . . .} .
For given sequences {An }, {Bn } ∈ A we denote by N (Bn−1 An ) the set of all non-
negative integers n for which Bn A−1 −1
n exists and is different from 0. Let N0 (Bn An )
denote the complement of N (Bn An ) in N0 . Consequently, it follows that N0 =
N (Bn−1 An )∪N0 (Bn−1 An ) and N (Bn−1 An )∩N0 (Bn−1 An ) = ∅. In particular, if {Bn }
is chosen such that Bn = 1 for all n ∈ N0 , N (An ) is the set of all integers n ∈ N0 for
which An = 0, and N0 (An ) is the set of all integers n ∈ N0 with An = 0. Further
on N (An ) is always assumed to be non-void. Moreover, we write N instead of
N (An ) if no confusion is likely to arise.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 329
Consider the set E(Ωext ext
σ ) = E({An }; Ωσ ) of all functions F ∈ Pot (Ωext
σ )
of the form
F = F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m (σ; ·) (3.14)
n∈N m=1
F ∧ (n, m) = F ∧L2 (Ωσ ) (n, m) = F (y)Hn,m (σ; y) dω(y)
A2n (F ∧ (n, m))2 < ∞ (3.15)
n∈N m=1
(note that Σn∈N means that the sum is extended over all non-negative integers n
with n ∈ N ). From the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality it follows that
2 ∧ ∧
An F (n, m)G (n, m) (3.16)
n∈N m=1
1/2 1/2
≤ A2n (F ∧ (n, m))2 A2n (G∧ (n, m))2
n∈N m=1 n∈N m=1
(F, G)H({An };Ωext ) = A2n F ∧ (n, m)G∧ (n, m). (3.17)
n∈N m=1
n };Ωext
σ )
H({An }; Ωext ext
σ ) = E({An }; Ωσ ) .
σ ) equipped with the inner product corresponding to the norm (3.18) is a
∗{A }
Hilbert space. The system {Hn,m n (σ; ·)} given by
∗{An }
Hn,m (σ; x) = A−1
n Hn,m (σ; x), x ∈ Ωext
σ , (3.19)
∗ ∗{A }
is a Hilbert basis. We simply write Hn,m (σ; ·) instead of Hn,m n (σ; ·) if no confusion
is likely to arise.
330 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
s (Ωext
σ )
Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) = E(Ωσ ) .
Hs (Ωext
σ ) equipped with the inner product (·, ·)Hs (Ωext is a Hilbert space. The
σ )
system {Hn,m
(σ; ·)} given by
Hn,m (σ; x) = Hn,m (σ; x), x ∈ Ωext
σ , (3.20)
n + 12
is a Hilbert basis.
Hence, the norm in Hs (Ωext
σ ) reads as follows:
⎛ ⎞1/2
s/2 2
Hs (Ωext ) = ⎝ −Δ∗;σ
x + 2
F (x) dω(x)⎠ . (3.21)
Ωσ 4σ
H0 (Ωext
σ ) may be understood as the space of all harmonic functions in Ωσ , regular
at infinity, corresponding to L -restrictions (note that the potentials in H0 (Ωext σ )
are uniquely determined by their L2 -(Dirichlet) boundary conditions on Ωσ ). Ac-
cording to our construction, Pot (∞) (Ωext ext
σ ) is a dense subspace of Hs (Ωσ ) for each
ext ext
s. If t < s, then
Ht (Ωext ) ≤
Hs (Ωext ) and Hs (Ωσ ) ⊂ Ht (Ωσ ).
σ σ
If we associate to U the outer harmonic expansion (3.14) it is of fundamental
importance to know when the series (3.14) converges uniformly on the whole set
σ . To this end we need the concept of summable sequences.
The Sobolev Lemma which is proved in [19] states that in the case of summa-
bility of the sequence
{Bn−1 An }n∈N
0 , the Fourier series in terms of the basis func-
tions Hn,m ∈ H {Bn−1 An }; Ωext
σ is continuous on the boundary Ωσ . In particular,
we have the following statement (cf. [19]).
We introduce
·c(0) (Ωext )
harm (i) (Ωext
σ ) = span n=0i ,...; hn,m (σ; ·) σ
, (3.27)
·c(0) (Ωext )
σ ) = spani=1,2,3;n=0i ,...; hn,m (σ; ·)
. (3.28)
Some results concerning addition theorems for outer harmonics using Legendre
tensors and Legendre vectors can be found in the Ph.D.-thesis [58] and are not
discussed here.
Lemma 3.6. Let {Hn,m (σ; ·)}n∈N0 ;m=1,...,2n+1 be a system of scalar outer harmon-
ics. Then
·l2 (Σ)
span{Hn,m (σ; ·)εi |Σ }i=1,2,3 = l2 (Σ),
·c(0) (Σ)
span{Hn,m (σ; ·)εi |Σ }i=1,2,3 = c(0) (Σ).
Theorem 3.7. Let {hn,m (σ; ·)}i=1,2,3;n=0i ,...; be a system of vector outer harmonics
as defined in (3.24)–(3.26). Then the following statements hold true:
·l2 (Σ)
l2 (Σ) = span (hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ ,
i=1,2,3;n=0i ,...;
·c(0) (Σ)
c(0) (Σ) = span (hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ .
i=1,2,3;n=0i ,...;
In order to define the vectorial potential space pot (Σext ) we need the diver-
gence and curl operator, which are defined by
div f (x) = (x), f= Fi εi , (3.29)
∂xi i=1
(curl f (x))i = εijk (x), (3.30)
By pot (Σext ) we denote the space of all vector fields f : Σext → R3 satisfying
the following properties:
(i) f ∈ c(1) (Σext ),
(ii) f is a harmonic vector field: divf = 0, curlf = 0 in Σext ,
(iii) f is regular at infinity: |f (x)| = O(|x|−2 ), |x| → ∞.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 333
Furthermore, we let
pot (k) (Σext ) = pot (Σext ) ∩ c(k) (Σext ), (3.32)
which is meant in the same sense as we explained in the scalar case. It is well
known (see, e.g., [38]), that every function f ∈ c(k) (Σext ) satisfying curlf = 0
is the gradient of a function V ∈ C (k+1) (Σext ): f = ∇V . As a consequence, we
get that every f ∈ pot (Σext ) can be represented as a gradient field f = ∇V ,
where V ∈ Pot (Σext ), and vice versa. Furthermore, it is obvious, that a function
f ∈ pot (Σext ) of the form f = i=1 Fi εi fulfills Fi ∈ Pot (Σext ).
For arbitrary ε > 0, we have an integer N = N (ε) and coefficients an,m ,
n = 0, . . . , N ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, such that
N 2n+1
sup F (x) − an,m Hn,m (σ; x) < ε. (3.33)
n=0 m=1
under the norm
h(Ωext ) , which denotes the norm associated to (·, ·)h(Ωext ) :
σ σ
·h(Ωext )
h(i) ({A(i) ext (i) ext
n }; Ωσ ) = e (Ωσ )
. (3.39)
We use the following notation
5 3
h(Ωext ext
σ ) = h({an }; Ωσ ) = h(i) (Ωext
σ ) = h(i) ({A(i) ext
n }; Ωσ ). (3.40)
i=1 i=1
Next, the scalar Sobolev Lemma 3.4 will be extended to vector fields.
Definition 3.8. A sequence {an }n∈N0 ∈ a is called summable if
2n + 1
2 < ∞, (3.47)
n=0i An
for i = 1, 2, 3.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 335
Lemma 3.9 (Vectorial Sobolev Lemma). Assume, that {an }n∈N0 , {bn }n∈N0 ∈ a are
sequences such that {b−1 −1 ext
n an }n∈N0 ∈ a is summable. Then each f ∈ h({bn an }; Ωσ )
corresponds to a function of class harm(Ωσ ).
(3,1) 1 σ (3,1) x
hn,m (σ; x) = ỹn,m , (3.58)
σ |x| |x|
(3,2) 1 σ (3,2) x
hn,m (σ; x) = ỹn,m , (3.59)
σ |x| |x|
where x ∈ Ωext
σ , n = 0ik , . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. The following properties are
• hn,m (σ; ·) is of class c(∞) (Ωextσ ),
(i,k) (i,k)
• Δx hn,m (σ; x) = 0 for x ∈ Ωext σ , i.e., the component functions of hn,m (σ; ·)
fulfill the Laplace equation,
(i,k) (i,k)
• hn,m is regular at infinity, i.e., |hn,m (σ; x)| = O(|x|−3 ), |x| → ∞.
(i,k) (i,k)
• hn,m (σ; ·)|Ωσ = (1/σ)ỹn,m ,
(i,k) (p,q) (i,k)
• (hn,m (σ; ·), hl,s (σ; ·))l2 (Ωσ ) = Ωσ hn,m (σ; x)hp,q
l,s (σ; x)dω(x)
= δi,p δk,q δn,l δm,s .
Moreover, we define
·c(0) (Ωext )
harm(i,k) (Ωext
σ ) = span n=0ik ...; hn,m (σ; ·) σ
, (3.60)
·c(0) (Ωext )
σ ) = spani,k∈{1,2,3};n=0ik ...; hn,m (σ; ·)
. (3.61)
Some results concerning addition theorems for outer harmonics can be for-
mulated both for the tensor product of two tensor outer harmonics and for the
product of a scalar and a tensor outer harmonic. They can be found in the Ph.D.-
thesis [58] and are not discussed in this contribution.
Lemma 3.10. Let {Hn,m (σ; ·)}n∈N0ik ;m=1,...,2n+1 be a system of scalar outer har-
monics. Then
·l2 (Σ)
span{Hn,m (σ; ·)εi ⊗ εk |Σ } = l2 (Σ), (3.62)
·c(0) (Σ)
span{Hn,m (σ; ·)εi ⊗ εk |Σ) } = c(0) (Σ). (3.63)
Theorem 3.11. Let {hn,m }i,k=1,2,3;n=0ik ,...; be a system of tensor outer harmonics.
Then the following statements hold true:
·l2 (Σ)
l2 (Σ) = span (hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ , (3.64)
i,k=1,2,3;n=0ik ,...;
c(Σ) = span (hn,m (σ; ·))|Σ . (3.65)
i,k=1,2,3;n=0ik ,...;
The space pot(Σext ) denotes the space of all tensor fields f : Σext → R3 ⊗ R3
satisfying the following properties:
(i) f ∈ c(1) (Σext ),
(ii) f is a harmonic tensor field: div f = 0, curl f = 0 in Σext ,
(iii) f is regular at infinity: |f (x)| = O(|x|−3 ), |x| → ∞.
Furthermore, we let
pot(k) (Σext ) = pot(Σext ) ∩ c(k) (Σext ), (3.68)
which we understand in the same sense as in the scalar and vectorial case. As
shown, e.g., in [38], every tensor function f ∈ c(k) (Σext ) with curl f = 0 is the
gradient of a vector field v ∈ c(k+1) (Σext ):
f = ∇v, (3.69)
where ∇v is the tensor of second rank defined by
(∇x v)ij (x) = (x). (3.70)
Therefore, every member v ∈ pot(Σext ) can be represented as a gradient field
v = ∇v, where v is of class pot (Σext ), and vice versa. As a consequence of this, in
connection with the fact that every v ∈ pot (Σext ) can be represented as a gradient
field v = ∇V with V ∈ Pot (Σext ), we finally get that a tensor field v ∈ pot(Σext )
can be represented as the Hesse tensor of a scalar field V ∈ Pot (Σext ):
v = ∇ ⊗ ∇V, (3.71)
and vice versa. 3
It is obvious, that f ∈ pot(Σext ) of the form f = i,k=1 Fi,k εi ⊗ εk fulfills
Fi,k ∈ Pot (Σext ). In addition, we are able to show that
·c(0) (Σext )
pot(0) (Σext ) = span n∈N0 ; (hn,m (σ; ·))|Σext (3.72)
where ⎛ ⎞
(1,1) (1,2) (1,3)
An An An
⎜ (2,3) ⎟
an = ⎝ A(2,1)
An An ⎠, (3.74)
(3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
An An An
with {An }n∈N0 ∈ A for i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Let us now consider a sequence {an }n∈N0 ∈ a. Then we define
∞ 2n+1
e(i,k) (Ωext
σ ) = f ∈ harm (Ω ext ) :
σ |A(i,k) 2
n | (f , h (i,k) 2
) 2
n,m l (Ωσ ) < ∞ ,
n=0ik m=1
i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Equipped with the inner product
∞ 2n+1
(f , g)h(Ωext ) = |A(i,k)
n |2 (f , h(i,k) (i,k)
n,m )l2 (Ωσ ) (g, hn,m )l2 (Ωσ ) , (3.76)
i,k=1 n=0ik m=1
(i,k)∗{A(i,k) }
hn,m n
(σ; x) = (A(i,k)
n )−1 h(i,k)
n,m (σ; x), x ∈ Ωext
σ , (3.79)
(i,k)∧h({a (i,k)∗{A(i,k) }
f n };Ωext
σ ) (n, m) = f (i,k)∧ (n, m) = (f , hn,m n
)h(Ωext . (3.81)
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 339
Finally, in analogy to the vectorial spaces hs (Ωext
σ ), we define
(i,k) ext (i,k) n + 12 ext
hs (Ωσ ) = h ; Ωσ , (3.82)
hs (Ωext
σ )= h(i,k)
s (Ωext
σ ). (3.83)
and {a−1
n bn }n∈N0 ∈ a is given by
⎛ −1 −1 −1 ⎞
(1,1) (1,1) (1,2) (1,2) (1,3) (1,3)
⎜ An B n An B n An Bn ⎟
⎜ (2,1) (2,1) −1 −1 −1 ⎟
b−1 a = ⎜ An Bn
An Bn
(2,2) (2,3)
Bn ⎟ . (3.87)
n n ⎜ ⎟
⎝ −1 −1 −1 ⎠
(3,1) (3,1) (3,2) (3,2) (3,3) (3,3)
An Bn An Bn An Bn
Lemma 3.13 (Tensorial Sobolev Lemma). Assume, that the sequences {an }n∈N0 ,
{bn }n∈N0 ∈ a are such that {bn an }n∈N0 ∈ a is summable. Then each f ∈
h {b−1 ext corresponds to a function of class harm(Ωext ).
n an }; Ωσ σ
340 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
second radial derivative Λ ∂2 σ2 2
upward continuation ΛUP C σ
γ −∞
scalar SST ΛSST σ
γ −∞
scalar SGG ΛSGG σ
γ γ2 −∞
)∧ (n) = (Λ
)∧ (n) + (Λ
)∧ (n), (4.6)
(Λ Λ ) (n) = (Λ ) (n)(Λ ) (n), (4.7)
for all n ∈ N0 .
As any “output function” (output signal) can be expanded into an orthogonal
series of outer harmonics
∞ 2n+1
∞ 2n+1
G = ΛF = Λ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(ρ; ·) = G∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(ρ; ·)
n=0 m=1 n=0 m=1
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 343
ugeqpf s s 4 )4o,3*)4o,5* )o , 4*)o , 3*)4o , 3*)4o , 5*- 4
vcpigpvkcn )o,3*)o3* q 4
fgtkxcvkxg 4 )4o3*)4o,3* 5o -
4 )4o,5*)4o,3* )o , 3* )4o , 3*)4o , 5*-
4 )4o3*)4o,3* o)o 3*)4o 3*)4o , 3*-
2- hqt )j< l* 3 g)4< 5*< )5< 3*< )5< 4*< )5< 5*h
o q
vgpuqtkcn THH 4 )4o,3*)4o,5* )o , 4*)o , 3*)4o , 3*)4o , 5*- 2
)o,3*)o3* q
4 )4o3*)4o,3* 5o -
o q
4 )4o,5*)4o,3* )o , 3* )4o , 3*)4o , 5*-
o q
4 )4o3*)4o,3* o)o 3*)4o 3*)4o , 3*-
2- hqt )j< l* 3 g)4< 5*< )5< 3*< )5< 4*< )5< 5*h
problem of classical physical geodesy” (see, e.g., [37, 43, 53, 69]). The operator
related to gravity anomalies Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωσ ) has the symbol
Λ∧ (n) = . (4.11)
(ii) Geoid Undulations. The operator related to geoid undulations Λ : Hs (Ωext σ ) →
Hs (Ωext
σ ) has the symbol
Λ∧ (n) = σ 2 . (4.12)
(iii) Stokes Operator . This operator is defined by
Λ(F )(x) = St(x, y)F (y), dω(y), x ∈ Ωσ (4.13)
4π Ωσ
where St(·, ·) is the Stokes kernel (cf. [32, 68, 69]).
The Stokes operator Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωσ ) has the symbol
0, for n = 1
(Λ)∧ (n) = σ (4.14)
n−1 , for n = 0, 2, 3, 4, . . . .
(iv) Upward Continuation Operator . The upward continuation operator associates
to F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) the solution ΛF of the Dirichlet problem ΛF ∈ Pot (Ωext
γ )
corresponding to the boundary values (ΛF )|Ωγ = F |Ωγ . The upward contin-
uation operator Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωγ ) has the symbol
Λ∧ (n) = , n ∈ N0 . (4.15)
The upward continuation operator indeed plays an important role in the
mathematical treatment of spaceborne problems, since it relates potential
values at height σ to potential values at height γ(> σ).
(v) Operator of the (Negative) First-order Radial Derivative on Ωσ . This operator
associates to F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) the solution ΛF of the Dirichlet problem ΛF ∈
Pot (0) (Ωext
σ ) corresponding to the boundary values (ΛF )|Ωσ = − ∂r ∂
F |Ωσ . Λ
is a pseudodifferential operator of order 1 with symbol {Λ (n)}n∈N0 given by
Λ∧ (n) = , n ∈ N0 . (4.16)
In fact, Λ is the “harmonic continuation” of the radial derivative on Ωσ into
the outer space Ωext σ and is important in case of the SST problem.
(vi) Operator of the Second-order Radial Derivative on Ωσ . This operator as-
sociates to F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) the solution ΛF of the Dirichlet problem ΛF ∈
Pot (0) (Ωext
σ ) corresponding to the boundary values (ΛF )|Ωσ = ∂r 2 F |Ωσ . Λ is
a pseudodifferential operator of order 2 with symbol {Λ (n)}n∈N0 given by
(n + 1)(n + 2)
Λ∧ (n) = , n ∈ N0 . (4.17)
Λ is the “harmonic continuation” of the second radial derivative on Ωσ into
the outer space Ωext
σ and is important in case of the SGG problem.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 345
holds for all t ∈ R, then the operator λ(i) is called a vectorial pseudodifferential
operator of kind i and order −∞. The sequence {λ(i)∧ (n)} is called the symbol of
λ(i) . Further on, the operator λ : Hs (Ωext ext
τ ) → hs (Ωρ ) defined by
λ= λ(i) , (4.21)
|λ(i)∧ (n)|
lim =0 (4.22)
n→∞ (n + 1 )t
holds for all t ∈ R, and all i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, then the operator λ is called a vectorial
pseudodifferential operator of order −∞.
∞ 2n+1
λ(i,k) F = λ(i,k)∧ (n)}F ∧ (n, m)h(i,k)s
n,m (ρ; ·) (4.26)
n=0ik m=1
λ= λ(i,k) , (4.29)
i=1 k=1
| λ(i,k)∧ (n)|
lim =0 (4.30)
n→∞ (n + 12 )t
holds for all t ∈ R, and all i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, then the operator λ is called a pseudo-
differential operator of order −∞.
given by
∗{An } ∗{An }
KH(Ωext ) (x, y) = Hn,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y),
n∈N (An ) m=1
x, y ∈ Ωext
σ .
If H(Ωext
σ ) has a reproducing kernel, then the Fourier (orthogonal) expan-
sion of a potential in terms of the Hilbert basis {Hn,k (σ; ·)} in H(Ωextσ ) converges
uniformly on the domain Ωextσ (cf. [3, 7]). To be more specific, the relation
- -
- 2n+1
- ∧ ∗{An } -
lim -F − F (n, m)Hn,m (σ; ·)- =0
N →∞- -
n∈N m=1 ext H(Ωσ )
lim sup F (x) − F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(σ; x) = 0.
N →∞
σ n∈N m=1
H(Ωext ext
σ ) (i.e., the space of all linear bounded functionals on H(Ωσ )) is a Hilbert
space with respect to
H(Ωext )∗ = (·, ·)H(Ω ; the spaces H(Ωext ext ∗
σ ) and H(Ωσ )
σ ext )∗
are known as isomorphic and isometric (see, e.g., [7]).
Reproducing kernel representations may be used to act as basis system in
reproducing Sobolev spaces.
Theorem 5.2. Let {An } be summable in the sense of Definition 3.3. Assume that
X is a countable dense set of points on a regular surface Ξ ⊂ Ωext
σ (for example,
Runge sphere Ωσ , real Earth’s surface Σ). Then
·H(Ωext )
spanx∈X KH(Ωext ) (x, ·) σ = H(Ωext
σ ).
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 349
Theorem 5.3. Let {An } be summable. Assume that X is a countable dense set of
linear functionals in H(Ωext
σ ) . Then
·H(Ωext )
spanL∈X LKH(Ωext ) (·, ·) σ = H(Ωext
σ ).
The set of all finite linear combinations of outer harmonics is dense in the
space Pot (0) (Ωext ext
σ ) in the sense of
C (0) (Ωext ) . Hence, H(Ωσ ) is a dense subset
(b) Smoothed Shannon Kernels (see Figure 5.2). For (fixed) non-negative integers
N, M with N > M + 1 we let
⎨ 1, n ∈ [0, M + 1),
N −m
An = N −M , n ∈ [M + 1, N + 1),
⎩ 0, n ∈ [N + 1, ∞).
Of course, many other suitable choices can be found for practical purposes.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 351
n+ 12 −β
An σ is summable for all β < ε/2.
(b) Exponential Kernels. An alternative to come to candidates of reproducing
kernel sum representations with an exponential rate of convergence is to use
a sequence {An } of the form
σ n
An = Bn , n ∈ N , (5.5)
with σ
< σ and Bn satisfying
n + ( 12 )
0< Bn2 ≤C
for all n ∈ N , some value α and a positive constant C
. The radius σ
(< σ)
should be taken close to the value σ (i.e., σ
is assumed to be the radius of a
Runge sphere so that σ/σ
is close to 1). It is evident that an “inner radius” σ
gives additional flexibility in choosing the norm of the Hilbert space and also
results in more general sequences {An } being possible. On the other hand,
the radius σ
appears as an artificial value in the infinite sum of the kernel
to force an exponential
rate of sum convergence. In conclusion, the sequence
1 −β
n+ 2
An σ is summable for every β.
1 2n + 1 n+1
2 x y
KH(Ωext ) (x, y) = Pn ·
σ Bn2 4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
are well known from geophysical applications (see, for example, [14, 32, 55,
Far- and Near-Field Methods as well as Multipole Methods are explained
in the Ph.D.-thesis [39] and can also be found in [24, 40, 41] and in the
contribution [42] in this volume.
Of particular importance for purposes of minimum norm (spline) in-
terpolation and smoothing (cf., e.g., [14–16, 18, 72]) are kernels, which are
available in terms of elementary functions. We only mention here (cf. [52]):
(i) Abel–Poisson kernel (see Figure 5.4):
Bn2 = 1, n ∈ N0 . (5.7)
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 353
σ σ
(a) K(x, y) for σ
= 0.7 (b) K ∧ (n) for σ
= 0.7
σ σ
(c) K(x, y) for σ
= 0.9 (d) K ∧ (n) for σ
= 0.9
Figure 5.4. Abel–Poisson kernel with σσ = 0.7 (above) and σσ = 0.9
(below): space domain, i.e., K(x, y) for (x, y) ∈ Ωσ × Ωσ in sectional
representation (left) and frequency domain, i.e., K ∧ (n) = An (right).
Figure 5.5. Singularity kernel with σσ = 0.7: space domain, i.e.,
K(x, y) for (x, y) ∈ Ωσ × Ωσ in sectional representation (left) and fre-
quency domain, i.e., K ∧ (n) = An (right).
Figure 5.6. Logarithmic kernel with σσ = 0.7: space domain, i.e.,
K(x, y) for (x, y) ∈ Ωσ × Ωσ in sectional representation (left) and fre-
quency domain, i.e., K ∧ (n) = An (right).
Now we have
1 2σ
KH(Ωext ) (x, y) = ln 1 + , x, y ∈ Ωext
σ ,
σ 4πσ
2 M (x, y)
M (x, y) = (L(x, y)) 2 + |x| |y| − σ
2 .
(cf. [5, 20, 21, 26, 35, 67]). Let ξ ∈ Ω = Ω1 be fixed. Then the ξ-zonal function
(k) (k)
Bh (ξ ·) : Ω → R has a local support. More explicitly, the support of Bh (ξ ·)
is the cap with centre ξ characterized by
suppBh (ξ ·) = {η ∈ Ω : h ≤ ξ · η ≤ 1}.
The ξ-zonal function Bh (ξ ·) : Ω → R given by
(0) 0 for ξ · η ∈ [−1, h),
Bh (ξ · η) =
1 for ξ · η ∈ [h, 1].
is called the Haar kernel at position ξ ∈ Ω, while Bh (ξ ·), k > 0, are called
“smoothed” Haar kernels at position ξ ∈ Ω.
(a) Haar kernel K(x, y) (b) Symbol K ∧ (n) of the Haar kernel
(c) Smoothed Haar kernel K(x, y) (d) Symbol K ∧ (n) of the smoothed
Haar kernel
Figure 5.7. Haar kernel (above) and smoothed Haar kernel (below)
with h = 0.7: space domain, i.e., K(x, y) for (x, y) ∈ Ωσ ×Ωσ in sectional
representation (left) and frequency domain, i.e., K ∧ (n) = An (right).
Expanding Bh in terms of Legendre polynomials we obtain
(k) 2n + 1 (k) ∧
Bh = (Bh ) (n)Pn , (5.11)
+1 k
(k) t−h
(Bh )∧ (n) = 2π Pn (t) dt, n = 0, 1, . . . .
−1 1−h
The recurrence formulae for Legendre polynomials give us
(k + 1)(Bh )∧ (0) = 2π(1 − h), (5.12)
(k) (k)
(k + 2)(Bh )∧ (1) = (k + 1 + h)(Bh )∧ (0), (5.13)
(k) (k)
(n + k + 2)(Bh )∧ (n + 1) = (2n + 1)h(Bh )∧ (n)
+ (k + 1 − n)(Bh )∧ (n − 1) (5.14)
(for more details the reader is referred to [26]).
For k = 0 it is easy to see that (Bh )∧ (n) = O(n−3/2 ), n → ∞.
Moreover, from the recurrence relations Eqs. (5.12)–(5.14) it follows that
(k) ∧
(Bh ) (n) = O(n−(3/2)−k ), n → ∞.
Furthermore, [67] has shown the following statements:
(i) (Bh )∧ (n) = 0 for n = 0, 1, . . ., k + 2.
(k) k+ 3
(ii) For n ≥ k + 2, (Bh )∧ (n) = 0 if and only if Cn−k−1
(h) = 0 (where
k+ 32
Cm is the Gegenbauer polynomial of order m with respect to k + 32 ).
This leads us to the following result: For k ≥ 0, h ∈ (0, 1), the sequence
((Bh )∧ (n))−1 , n ∈ N,
An = (5.15)
0, n ∈ N0
is summable.
In case of locally supported kernels we have the following lemma:
Lemma 5.5. H(Ωext σ ) ⊂ Pot (Ωext
σ ), as defined by (5.15), is a reproducing kernel
Hilbert space with the reproducing kernel
(k) (2) ∧ 2n + 1
2 n+1
x y
KH(Ωext ) (x, y) = Bh (n) P n · .
σ 4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
Moreover, for x = σξ, y = ση, we have
(2) x (2)
σ 2 KH(Ωext ) (x, y)
(k) (k)
= Bh · = Bh (ξ · η),
σ |x|=σ, |x| |y|
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 357
(2) x x y
supp Bh · = y ∈ Ωσ : 2h2 − 1 ≤ · ≤1 .
|x| |x| |y|
In other words, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of potentials defined
on and outside the sphere Ωσ are found such that the “restriction” (x, y) →
KH(Ωext ) (x, y), (x, y) ∈ Ωσ × Ωσ , is a locally supported (zonal) function on Ωσ
(note that (Bh )(2) (ξ · η) is a zonal function, i.e., depends only on the scalar
product of the unit vectors ξ and η).
Equation (6.4) means that the SST operator is the composition of the radial
derivative and the upward continuation operator. Having in mind that the
symbol of a pseudodifferential operator Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωγ ) satisfies
ΛHn,m (σ; ·) = Λ (n)Hn,m (γ; ·), we have
s s
∧ n+1 σ
Λ (n) = , n = 0, 1, . . . , (6.5)
γ γ
and the SST operator is given by
∞ 2n+1
ΛF (x) = Λ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(γ; x). (6.6)
n=0 m=1
In the case of combined SST/SGG data we have the following formulation in terms
of pseudodifferential operators.
(iii) Combined (scalar) SST/SGG problem. Let the values G1 (x), x ∈ X1 ⊂ Ωext γ
and G2 (x), x ∈ X2 ⊂ Ωext
γ be known from a function of class Hs (Ω ext ). Let
the symbols of the two corresponding pseudodifferential operators Λ1 and Λ2
be given by
∧ σ n+1
Λ1 (n) = , n = 0, 1, . . . for SST, (6.10)
γ γ
σ (n + 1)(n + 2)
Λ∧2 (n) = , n = 0, 1, . . . for SGG. (6.11)
γ γ2
Find a potential F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ )|Σext such that
(ii) If K α,β (·, ·) is an admissible Hα,β -kernel with the symbol {K ∧(n)}n=0,1,... ,
then K α,β (·, y) is an element of Hs (Ωext ext
α ) for every (fixed) x ∈ Ωβ .
F (n, k) = F ∗ s
Hn,k (σ; ·) (6.16)
for n ∈ N (An ); k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. It follows from (6.15) via the Parseval identity
F ∗G= F ∧ (n, k)G∧ (n, k),
n∈N k=1
for F, G ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ).
We now define the convolution of an admissible Hα,β -kernel against a function
F ∈ Hs (Ωext
β ) as follows:
From functional analysis (see, e.g., [70, 77]), we know that the SST and SGG
operators are compact as being so-called Hilbert–Schmidt operators. Summing up
the preceding considerations we finally get the following result.
Theorem 6.10. Let
ΛF = G, F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ), G ∈ Hs (Ωext
γ ), (6.24)
362 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
be the (scalar) SST or SGG problem. Then Λ is a compact operator with infinite-
dimensional range. Furthermore, Λ−1 is not bounded on Hs (Ωext
γ ). The (scalar)
SST or SGG problem is solvable if and only if
G∧ (n, m) 2
∞ 2n+1
< ∞. (6.25)
n=0 m=1
Λ∧ (n)
In the case of SGG-data the mixed derivatives can be handled within vectorial
(ii) (Vectorial) SGG problem (Corresponding to the Second-order Mixed Deriva-
tives). Let the values g(x), x ∈ X, for some subset X ⊂ Ωext
γ be known from
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 363
(1) (2)
a function g of the class hs (Ωext ext
γ ) ⊕ hs (Ωγ ). We search for a potential
F |Σext with F being of the class Hs (Ωσ ) such that
λF (x) = g(x), x ∈ X, (6.30)
(1) (2)
where the SGG operator λ : Hs (Ωext σ ) → hs (Ωext ext
γ ) ⊕ hs (Ωγ ) with symbol
⎧ n
⎨ σγ n(n+1)
2n+1 , i = 1; n = 0, 1, . . . ,
λ (n) = n (6.31)
⎩ σ (n+1) 2
γ γ2 2n+1 , i = 2; n = 1, 2, . . . ,
is given by
∞ 2n+1
λ(i)∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)h(i)s
n,m (γ; x). (6.32)
i=1 n=1 m=1
In order to give an answer to the question of subsets X ⊂ Ωext
γ on which data
are necessary to get uniqueness of the solution F , we define hs (Ωext
σ )-fundamental
Definition 6.11. A system X = {xn }n=0,1,... of points xn ∈ Ωext σ is called an
(i) (i)
hs (Ωσ )-fundamental system in Ωσ , if the conditions g ∈ hs (Ωext
ext ext
σ ) and
g(xn ) = 0 for n ∈ N0 imply g = 0, i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Further on, X is called an
(i) (j) (i) (j)
hs (Ωext ext ext
σ ) ⊕ hs (Ωσ )-fundamental system, if g ∈ hs (Ωσ ) ⊕ hs (Ωσ ) and
ext (i)
(x, y) ∈ Ωext
α × Ωβ , is called an hα,β -kernel. Furthermore,
k α,β (x, y) = k (i),α,β (x, y), (6.34)
is called the (α, β)-symbol of the hα,β -kernel k (i),α,β (·, ·). The (σ, σ)-symbol of the
(i) (i)
hα,β -kernel k (i),α,β (·, ·) is simply called the symbol of the hα,β -kernel.
Definition 6.14. An hα,β -kernel k (i),α,β (·, ·) with symbol {k (i)∧ (n)}n=0i ,... is called
admissible, if the following conditions are satisfied:
∞ (i)∧
(i) n=0i (k (n))2 < ∞,
∞ (i)∧ 2 σ 2s
(ii) n=0i (2n + 1) k (n) n+ 12
< ∞,
∞ (1)∧ 2 σ 2s
(iii) (a) n=0 (2n + 1)(2n + 3) k (n) n+ 12
< ∞,
∞ (2)∧ 2 σ 2s
(b) n=1 (2n + 1)(2n − 1) k (n) n+ 12
< ∞,
∞ (3)∧ 2 2s
(c) n=1 (2n + 1)(2n + 1) k (n) σ
n+ 1
< ∞.
Furthermore, the hα,β -kernel is called admissible, if the hα,β -kernels, i ∈ {1, 2, 3},
are admissible.
The second and the third condition imply the following lemma.
Lemma 6.15. Let α, β ∈ R, α ≥ σ, β ≥ σ.
(i) If k (i),α,β (·, ·) is an admissible hα,β -kernel with the symbol {k (i)∧ (n)}n=0i ,... ,
then k (i),α,β (x, ·) is an element of hs (Ωext ext
β ) for every (fixed) x ∈ Ωα .
(ii) If k (i),α,β (·, ·) is an admissible hα,β -kernel with the symbol {k (i)∧ (n)}n=0i ,... ,
then the component functions k (·, y) ε are elements of Hs (Ωext
T l
α ) for
every (fixed) x ∈ Ωext β , l ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Our next step is the definition of the convolution of an admissible hα,β -kernel
against a function f ∈ hs (Ωext
β ) as follows:
It directly follows that (k (i),α,β ∗ f )∧ (n, m) = k (i)∧ (n)f (i)∧ (n, m), n = 0i , i ∈
{1, 2, 3}, and k (i),α,β ∗f ∈ Hs (Ωext
α ). In an analogous way we define the convolution
of an hα,β -kernel k α,β (·, ·) against a function F ∈ Hs (Ωext
α ) by
∞ 2n+1
λF = λ(i)∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)h(i)s
n,m (γ; ·), (6.38)
i=1 n=0i m=1
s (6.43)
n+ 12
is admissible, if { σ } is summable and satisfies, in addition, condition (iii)
in Definition 6.14.
where we let λ(2)∧ (0) = λ(3)∧ (0) = 0. Further on, λ is an injective operator.
366 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
We consequently get that the (vectorial) SST/SGG problem is ill posed be-
cause existence and continuity of the inverse are violated.
6.3. Tensorial SGG problem
The formulation of the definitions and theorems for the tensorial case is straight-
forward. Let Hs (Ωext σ ) be a (scalar) Sobolev space satisfying the consistency con-
dition (CC2) relative to [σ, τ ) (see Eq. (6.2)). Further on, let hs (Ωextγ ), (i, k) ∈
{(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)}, be (tensorial) Sobolev spaces. Then the “downward
continuation problem” of determining the potential F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) from “satel-
lite data” g ∈ hs (Ωγ ), where we use the abbreviation
νn(1,1) = (n + 1)(n + 2)(2n + 1)(2n + 3), (6.51)
νn(1,2) = 3n4 , (6.52)
νn(2,1) 2
= (n + 1) (2n + 1)(2n + 3), (6.53)
νn(2,2) = n(n − 1)(2n − 1)(2n + 1), (6.54)
the SGG operator can be written as
∞ 2n+1
λF (x) = λ(i,k)∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)h(i,k)s
n,m (γ; x), (6.55)
(i,k)∈I SGG n=0ik m=1
where I SGG = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)} is the index set for the tensorial
SGG problem.
k(i,k),α,β (x, y) = k(i,k)∧ (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i,k)s
n,m (β; y), (6.57)
n=0ik m=1
368 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
ext (i,k)
(x, y) ∈ Ωext
α × Ωβ , is called an hα,β -kernel. Furthermore,
kα,β (x, y) = k(i,k),α,β (x, y), (6.58)
We now define the convolution of an admissible hα,β -kernel against a func-
tion f ∈ hs (Ωext
β ) as follows:
It follows directly that (k(i,k),α,β ∗ f )∧ (n, m) = k(i,k)∧ (n)f (i,k)∧ (n, m), n = 0ik ,
i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and k(i,k),α,β ∗ f ∈ Hs (Ωext
α ). In an analogous way we define the
convolution of an hα,β -kernel kα,β (·, ·) against a function F ∈ Hs (Ωext α ) by
∞ 2n+1
λF = λ(i,k)∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)h(i,k)s
n,m (γ; ·), (6.62)
i,k=1 n=0ik m=1
λ(i,k) Hn,m
(σ; ·) = λ(i,k)∧ (n)h(i,k)s
n,m (γ; ·). (6.65)
Having a look at the (tensorial) SGG operator, we get the following result.
370 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
where the sum has to be understood in the same sense as in the vectorial case.
Further on, λ is an injective operator.
Theorem 6.26. Let
λF = g, F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ), g ∈ hSGG
s (Ωext
γ ), (6.68)
be the (tensorial) SGG problem. Then λ is a compact operator with infinite-
dimensional range. Furthermore, λ−1 is not bounded on hSGG s (Ωext
γ ). The SGG
problem is solvable if and only if
∞ 2n+1
g(i,k)∧ (n, m)
< ∞. (6.69)
(i,k)∈I SGG n=0ik m=1
λ(i,k)∧ (n)
We consequently have that the (tensorial) SGG problem is ill posed because
existence and continuity of the inverse are violated.
form the key for a variety of applications, particularly for signal reconstruction
and decomposition, thresholding, data compression, denoising, etc.
7.1. Scalar wavelet theory
We start with the presentation of the scalar theory, where we follow the approach
given in [19]. First, we define an Hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis. We use the abbre-
viation Φ(2) (·, ·) = (Φ ∗ Φ)(·, ·), where Φ is an Hσ,σ -kernel.
Definition 7.1. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be a family of admissible Hσ,σ -kernels as de-
fined in Definition 6.6. Then the family {Vj (Ωext σ )}j∈N0 of scale spaces Vj (Ωσ )
defined by
Vj (Ωext
σ ) = {Φj ∗ F : F ∈ Hs (Ωσ )},
ext (7.1)
is called an Hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis, if the following properties are satisfied:
(i) V0 (Ωext ext ext ext
σ ) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Vj (Ωσ ) ⊂ Vj+1 (Ωσ ) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Hs (Ωσ ),
; ·H (Ωext )
(ii) Vj (Ωext
σ )
s σ
= Hs (Ωext
σ ).
Wavelet analysis is based on the idea of splitting the function into a lowpass
part and several bandpass parts. The so-called scaling function corresponds to the
lowpass filter, whereas the bandbass filters are the shifted and dilated versions of
the wavelet, which are defined as differences between successive scaling functions
with the help of a so-called refinement equation.
Definition 7.2. A family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 of sequences {ϕj (n)}n∈N0 is called a
generator of a scaling function, if it satisfies the following requirements:
(i) (ϕj (0))2 = 1, for all j ∈ N0 ,
(ii) (ϕj (n))2 ≤ (ϕj (n)) , for all j, j
∈ N0 with j ≤ j
and all n ∈ N,
(iii) lim (ϕj (n)) = 1, for all n ∈ N.
Theorem 7.4. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an Hσ,σ -scaling function. Then
F − Φj ∗ F
Hs (Ωext ) = 0 (7.3)
j→∞ σ
We now introduce the dilation and the shifting operator in order to define
an Hσ,σ -approximate identity. Let J, J1 , J2 ∈ N0 and x ∈ Ωext
σ . Then we define the
dilation operator DJ1 and the shifting operator Sx by
DJ1 : ΦJ2 (·, ·) → DJ1 ΦJ2 (·, ·) = ΦJ1 +J2 (·, ·), (7.4)
Sx : ΦJ (·, ·) → Sx ΦJ (·, ·) = ΦJ (x, ·). (7.5)
The shifting operator Sy acting on the second variable is defined in an analogous
way. Note that by definition ΦJ (·, ·) = DJ Φ0 (·, ·) for any J ∈ N0 .
Definition 7.5. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an Hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Pj }j∈N0 with
Pj : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωσ ) defined by
Pj (F )(x) = Sx Dj Φ0 (·, ·), F
Hs (Ωext
σ )
= Φj (x, ·), F
Hs (Ωext
σ )
= (Φj ∗ F )(x), (7.6)
for F ∈ Hs (Ωext ext
σ ), x ∈ Ωσ , is called an Hσ,σ -approximate identity.
The kernel Φ0 is called mother kernel of the Hσ,σ -scaling function. Theorem
7.4 leads to
F − Pj (F )
Hs (Ωext ) = 0. (7.7)
j→∞ σ
The following theorem clarifies the connection between the concept of multireso-
lution analysis and the scaling functions.
Theorem 7.6. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an Hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Vj (Ωext
σ )}j∈N0
forms an Hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis.
We now turn to the definition of the primal and dual wavelet.
Definition 7.7. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an Hσ,σ -scaling function. Then the families of
Hσ,σ -kernels {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 , {Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
j (n) = ψj (n), n, j ∈ N0 , (7.8)
j (n) = ψ̃j (n), n, j ∈ N0 , (7.9)
are called (primal) Hσ,σ -wavelet and dual Hσ,σ -wavelet, respectively, if all Hσ,σ -
kernels Ψj (·, ·), Ψ̃j (·, ·), j ∈ N0 , are admissible and the symbols {ψj (n)}, {ψ̃j (n)},
in addition, satisfy the (scalar) refinement equation
ψ̃j (n)ψj (n) = (ϕj+1 (n))2 − (ϕj (n))2 (7.10)
for all j, n ∈ N0 .
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 373
for all n ∈ N0 . This property finally leads to the reconstruction formula which
states how the original function F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) can be derived from a lowpass part
and the corresponding bandpass parts (see Theorem 7.9).
We now turn to the definition of the wavelet transform. To this end we define
N−1 = N0 ∪ {−1} and let ψ−1 (n) = ψ̃−1 (n) = ϕ0 (n), for n ∈ N0 , Ψ−1 (·, ·) =
Ψ̃−1 (·, ·) = Φ0 (·, ·). This abbreviation simplifies our notation. Then we define the
Hs (N−1 × Ωext ext
σ ) = {H : N−1 × Ωσ → R : (H(j; ·), H(j; ·))Hs (Ωext ) < ∞}
with inner product
(H1 , H2 )Hs (N−1 ×Ωext ) = (H1 (j; ·), H2 (j; ·))Hs (Ωext ) (7.13)
σ σ
With the help of the dilation operator Dj and the shifting operator Sy we
introduce the following abbreviation:
Ψj;y (·) = Ψj (·, y) = Sy Ψj (·, ·) = Sy Dj Ψ0 (·, ·), (7.15)
Ψ̃j;y (·) = Ψ̃j (·, y) = Sy Ψ̃j (·, ·) = Sy Dj Ψ̃0 (·, ·). (7.16)
Definition 7.8. Let {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N−1 be a (primal) Hσ,σ -wavelet. Then
W T : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (N−1 × Ωσ ),
defined by
(W T )(F )(j; y) = (Ψj;y , F )H(Ωext ) = (Ψj ∗ F )(y), (7.17)
Theorem 7.9 (Scalar Reconstruction Formula for the Outer Space). Let the fami-
lies {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 and {Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 , respectively, be a (primal) Hσ,σ -wavelet and
its dual corresponding to an Hσ,σ -scaling function {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 . Then
F = Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ F (7.19)
We now solve the (scalar) SST or SGG problem using bandlimited harmonic
wavelets. First, we define Hα,α -scaling functions with the help of a generator of
a scaling function {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 . Since the generator does not depend on σ,
we can directly extend the theory to the case of Hα,α -scaling functions Φα,α
j with
α ≥ σ:
∞ 2n+1
j (x, y) = ϕj (n) s
Hn,m s
(α; x)Hn,m (α; y), (7.20)
n=0 m=1
j ) (n) = ϕj (n). (7.21)
As a consequence, Theorem 7.4 is valid substituting σ by α. Furthermore, the
definition of the scale spaces can be directly transferred in the following way:
Vj (Ωext
α ) = {(Φj )
∗ F : F ∈ Hs (Ωext
α )}, (7.22)
(Φj )α,α = Φα,α
j ∗ Φα,α
j . (7.23)
The system {Vj (Ωext
α )}of scale spaces forms a multiresolution analysis due to
Theorem 7.6. We now investigate the solution of the restriction of an operator
Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωγ ) to a scale space Vj :
Λ : Vj (Ωext ext
σ ) → Vj (Ωγ ). (7.24)
Note that Λ(Vj (Ωext ext
σ )) ⊂ Vj (Ωγ ) is automatically fulfilled, because every F ∈
Vj (Ωσ ) of the form
F = Φj ∗ Q, Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) (7.25)
with Fourier coefficients F (n, m) = (ϕ∧ 2 ∧
j (n)) Q (n, m) leads to
∞ 2n+1
ΛF (x) = Λ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(γ; x)
n=0 m=1
∞ 2n+1
= Λ∧ (n)(ϕ∧ 2 ∧ s
j (n)) Q (n, m)Hn,m (γ; x)
n=0 m=1
(2) (2)
= (Φj )γ,γ ∗ (ΛQ) = (Φj )γ,γ ∗ G, (7.26)
where we let G = ΛQ ∈ Hs (Ωext
γ ). Thus, we get the following theorem.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 375
a suitable Sobolev space (see the Ph.D.-thesis [58] for a detailed introduction).
In this case, the unique solution of the equation is given by
Fj = (Φj )σ,σ ∗ Q, (7.32)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
G∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.33)
Λ∧ (n)
n = 0, 1, . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
We now define the primal wavelets {Ψα,α
j (·, ·)}j∈N0 and the dual wavelets
j (·, ·)}j∈N0
for α ≥ σ in the way as we did in the case of the scaling functions
and get
j (x, y) = ψj (n) s
Hn,m s
(α; x)Hn,m (α; y), (7.34)
n=0 m=1
j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) s
Hn,m s
(α; x)Hn,m (α; y), (7.35)
n=0 m=1
376 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
∧ ∧
j ) (n) = ψj (n), (Ψ̃α,α
j ) (n) = ψ̃j (n). (7.36)
The detail spaces are defined in canonical manner:
Wj (Ωext
α ) = {(Ψj ∗ Ψ̃j )
∗ F : F ∈ Hs (Ωext
α )}, (7.37)
(Ψj ∗ Ψ̃j )α,α = Ψα,α
j ∗ Ψ̃α,α
j . (7.38)
The reconstruction formula given in Theorem 7.9 is valid substituting Ψ̃j ∗ Ψ ∗ F
by (Ψ̃j ∗ Ψ)α,α ∗ F . Theorem 7.10 can now be transferred to the restriction on
detail spaces and we get the following theorem.
Theorem 7.11. The restriction of the operator Λ : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (Ωγ ) to a detail
space Wj (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
Λ|Wj (Ωext ) : Wj (Ωext ext
σ ) → Wj (Ωγ ) (7.39)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
G (n,m)
Λ∧ (n) , n ∈ [0, 2j+1 ),
Q∧ (n, m) = (7.42)
0, n ∈ [2j+1 , ∞),
n ∈ N0 ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
(ii) If the family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 is non-bandlimited, the equation
ΛHj = (Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj )γ,γ ∗ G (7.43)
has a solution Hj ∈ Wj (Ωextσ ) provided that G ∈ HsΛ (Ωext
σ ),
where HsΛ (Ωext
σ )
is a suitable Sobolev space (cf. the Ph.D.-thesis [58] for a detailed definition).
In this case, the unique solution of the equation is given by
Hj = (Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj )σ,σ ∗ Q, (7.44)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
G∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.45)
Λ∧ (n)
n ∈ N0 ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 377
Up to now, we have summarized some results about the filtered solution, i.e.,
the solution when we restrict the operator to scale or detail spaces. In the case of
the unfiltered solution, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 7.12. Let G ∈ Hs (Ωext γ ) satisfy the condition G ∈ im(Λ). Then the unique
solution F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) of the equation ΛF = G is given by
G∧ (n, m)
F ∧ (n, m) = , (7.46)
Λ∧ (n)
n ∈ N0 ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
given by
1, n ∈ [0, 2j ),
ϕj (n) =
0, n ∈ [2j , ∞).
The family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 forms a generator of a scaling function in
the sense of Definition 7.2. The Hσ,σ -scaling function {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 reads as
1 2n + 1 σ 2 n+1
x y
Φj (x, y) = Pn · ,
A2n 4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
n≤2 −1
= Vj (Ωext
σ ) ⊕ Wj (Ωext
σ ). (7.47)
On the one hand, the orthogonal structure of the Shannon multiresolution
analysis seems to be very profitable. On the other hand, it is not surprising
that the Shannon Hσ,σ -scaling function shows strong oscillations. This is the
price to be paid for the sharp separation “in momentum space”. For numerical
purposes it is often advisable to discuss “smoothed versions” of the Shannon
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 379
kernels. But this automatically implies the loss of the orthogonality in the
multiresolution analysis.
(1b) Smoothed Shannon Hσ,σ -scaling Function (see Figure 7.2). For fixed h ∈ [0, 1)
we now consider the family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 given by
⎨ 1, n ∈ [0, 2j h),
1−2 n
1−h , n ∈ [2 h, 2 ),
ϕj (n) = j j
0, n ∈ [2 , ∞).
The family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 defines a generator of an Hσ,σ -scaling func-
tion. Obviously, {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 with (Φj )∧ (n) = ϕj (n) for n, j ∈ N0 is an
Hσ,σ -scaling function. Clearly, for each n ∈ N0 , {ϕj (n)}j∈N0 is monotonously
increasing. The kernels Φj (·, ·): Ωext ext
σ × Ωσ → R read as follows:
2n + 1 ϕj (n) σ 2 n+1
x y
Φj (x, y) = P n · .
4πσ 2 A2n |x| |y| |x| |y|
n≤2 −1
(2a) Tikhonov Hσ,σ -scaling Function (see Figure 7.4). Consider the family
given by
1, n = 0,
ϕj (n) = 2
1/2 (7.48)
2 +(2−j )2
τn , n = 1, 2, . . . ,
where the sequence {τn }n∈N0 with τn = 0 for all n ∈ N0 is given in such a
way that
∞ 2
2 τn
(i) τn < ∞ , (ii) (2n + 1) < ∞.
n=0 n=0
It is not hard to see that the family {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 constitutes an Hσ,σ -scaling
function. The Tikhonov Hσ,σ -scaling function plays an important role in the
theory of regularization wavelets.
382 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
(2b) Rational Hσ,σ -scaling Functions (see Figure 7.5). Consider ϕj : [0, ∞) → R
given by
ϕj (t) = (1 + 2−j t)−τ , t ∈ [0, ∞), τ > 1. (7.49)
Clearly, for all values τ > 1, the family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 forms a generator
of a scaling function. All functions ϕj , j ∈ N0 , define admissible Hσ,σ -kernels
Φj (·, ·), j ∈ N0 , if, in addition, τ > 1 is chosen in such a way that
(1 + 2−j n)−2τ
(2n + 1) <∞ (7.50)
1 s
n+ 2
for j ∈ N0 . For example, in the case of Hs (Ωext σ ), i.e., An = σ for
n = 0, 1, . . ., we find s + τ > 1 to satisfy the estimate (7.50). More generally,
(1 + n)−2τ A−2 n = O(n
) for n → ∞ with ε > 0 together with τ > 1 is a
sufficient condition to define an admissible Hσ,σ -kernel Φj (·, ·), j ∈ N0 . The
Hσ,σ -scaling function {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 consists of the kernels
∞ 2 n+1
(1 + 2−j n)−τ 2n + 1 σ x y
Φj (x, y) = Pn · ,
A2n 4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
∞ −(j−1) 2 n+1
e−2 H(n)
2n + 1 σ x y
= Pn ·
A2n 4πσ 2 |x| |y| |x| |y|
= Φj−1 (x, y) (7.52)
holds for all j ∈ N and all (x, y) ∈ Ωext ext
σ × Ωσ . The scale spaces Vj (Ωσ )
the scale space of a lower scale. Because of the limit relation given in Theorem
7.14 the filtered solutions converge to the unfiltered solution in the Sobolev space
Hs (Ωext
σ ). If we now turn to non-bandlimited scaling functions, the stability of
the solution cannot be ensured, because the (scalar) SST or SGG problem is an
exponentially ill-posed problem with unbounded inverse operator Λ−1 . In order
to obtain a well-posed problem, we have to replace the inverse operator by an
appropriate bounded operator, that is we have to use a regularization of Λ−1 .
Definition 7.15. A family of linear operators Sj : Hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 , is
called a regularization of Λ , if it satisfies the following properties:
(i) Sj is bounded on Hs (Ωext
γ ) for all j ∈ N0 ,
(ii) for any member G ∈ im(Λ), the limit relation lim SJ G = Λ−1 G holds (in
Hs (Ωext ) -sense).
FJ = (r ΦJ ∗ d ΦJ )σ,γ ∗ G, G ∈ Hs (Ωext
γ ), (7.61)
represents the J-level regularization of Λ−1 G.
If, in addition, G ∈ im(Λ) = HsΛ (Ωext
γ ), then
(x, z) ∈ Ωext
σ × Ωγ
ext is called the decomposition regularization H
σ,γ -wavelet, while
r σ,σ
the admissible Hσ,σ -kernel { Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
r σ,σ s s
Ψ̃j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) Hn,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y), (7.66)
n=0 m=1
The space TJ (im(Λ)) contains the detail information which has to be added in
order to turn from the J-level regularization to the J + 1-level regularization:
SJ+1 (im(Λ)) = SJ (im(Λ)) + TJ (im(Λ)). (7.70)
In general, the sum is neither direct nor orthogonal.
Theorem 7.21. Let {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 be a generator of a regularization scaling
function with respect to Λ−1 . Suppose that {{ψj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 , {{ψ̃j (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0
are the generating symbols of the corresponding regularization wavelets. Further-
more, let G be of class Hs (Ωext
γ ). Define the regularization Hσ,γ -wavelet transform
at scale j ∈ N0 and position x ∈ Ωext
σ by
(RWT)(G)(j; x) = d ΨJ (x, ·) ∗ G, G ∈ Hs (Ωext
γ ). (7.71)
r σ,γ
FJ = Φ0 ∗ Φ0
∗G+ r
Ψ̃J ∗ (RW T )(G)(j; ·) (7.72)
388 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
Definition 7.23. Let {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 be a family of admissible hσ,σ -kernels. The set
of scale spaces Vj (Ωext
σ ) defined by
Vj (Ωext ext
σ ) = {Φ̂j Φ̂j ∗ f : f ∈ hs (Ωσ )} (7.75)
(i) (i)
is called an hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis, if {Vj (Ωext ext
σ )}j∈N0 is an hs (Ωσ )-multi-
resolution analysis for every i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Our next purpose is to define scaling functions.
(i) (i)
Definition 7.24. A family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 of sequences {ϕj (n)}n∈N0i is called
a generator of a scaling function of kind i, i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, if it satisfies the following
(i) (ϕj (0i ))2 = 1 for all j ∈ N0 ,
(i) (i)
(ii) (ϕj (n))2 ≤ ϕj (n) for all j, j
∈ N0 with j ≤ j
and all n ∈ N0i +1 ,
(iii) lim (ϕj (n))2 = 1 for all n ∈ N0i +1 .
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 389
is called an hσ,σ -scaling function, if it satisfies the following properties:
(i) (i)
(i) Φ̂j (·, ·) is an admissible hσ,σ -kernel for every j ∈ N0 ,
(ii) {{Φ̂j (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 constitutes a generator of a scaling function of kind i.
Furthermore, the family {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 of hσ,σ -kernels Φ̂j (·, ·) is called an hσ,σ -
(i) (i)
scaling function, if {Φ̂j }j∈N0 are hσ,σ -scaling functions for i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Theorem 7.26. Let {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then
Definition 7.27. Let {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Pj }j∈N0 with
Pj : hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → hs (Ωσ ) defined by
The kernel Φ̂0 is called the mother kernel of the hσ,σ -scaling function.
Theorem 7.28. Let {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Vj (Ωext
σ )}j∈N0
defined in (7.75) forms an hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis.
We are now at the point to define the (primal/dual) wavelet with the help of
the bilinear refinement equation.
390 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
Definition 7.29. Let {Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then the families
of hσ,σ -kernels {Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 , {Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
(Ψ̂j )(i)∧ (n) = ψj (n), j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0i , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, (7.79)
˜ (i)
(Ψ̂j )(i)∧ (n) = ψ̃j (n), j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0i , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, (7.80)
are called (primal) hσ,σ -wavelet and dual hσ,σ -wavelet, respectively, if all hσ,σ -ker-
˜ (i) (i)
nels Ψ̂j (·,·), Ψ̂j (·, ·), j ∈ N0 , are admissible and the symbols {ψj (n)}, {ψ̃j (n)},
in addition, satisfy the (vectorial) refinement equation
(i) (i) (i) (i)
ψ̃j (n)ψj (n) = (ϕj+1 (n))2 − (ϕj (n))2 (7.81)
for all j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0i , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
The following equation can directly be seen:
(i) (i)
(i) (i)
(ϕJ+1 (n))2 = (ϕ0 (n))2 + ψ̃j (n)ψj (n), J ∈ N0 , (7.82)
for all n ∈ N0i . We now define the wavelet transform. To this end we let ψ−1 (n) =
(i) (i) ˜
ψ̃−1 (n) = ϕ0 (n) and Ψ̂−1 (·, ·) = Ψ̂−1 (·, ·) = Φ̂0 (·, ·) for n ∈ N0i , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
We remember that we have already defined the space Hs (N−1 × Ωext σ ) (see Eqs.
Definition 7.30. Let {Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N−1 be a (primal) hσ,σ -wavelet. Then (W T )(i) :
hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (N−1 × Ωσ ) defined by
(W T )(i) (f )(j; y) = (Ψ̂j ∗ f )(y) (7.83)
Our next purpose is to solve the (vectorial) SST or SGG problem with the
help of bandlimited harmonic wavelets. First, we transfer the theory of hσ,σ -scaling
(i) (i),α,α
functions to the case of hα,α -scaling functions Φ̂j with α ≥ σ:
(i),α,α (i)
Φ̂j (x, y) = ϕj (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i)s
n,m (α; y), (7.87)
n=0i m=1
(i),α,α (i)
(Φ̂j )∧ (n) = ϕj (n). (7.88)
Obviously, Theorem 7.26 can be directly transferred substituting σ by α. The scale
spaces are defined in the following way:
(i) (i),α,α (i),α,α
Vj (Ωext
α ) = {Φ̂j Φ̂j ∗ f : f ∈ hs (Ωext
α )}. (7.89)
The system {Vj (Ωext
α )} of scale spaces forms a multiresolution analysis.
Theorem 7.32. The restriction of the operator λ(i) : Hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → hs (Ωγ ) to a
scale space Vj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
λ(i) |Vj (Ωext ) : Vj (Ωext ext
σ ) → Vj (Ωγ ), (7.90)
g (i)∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.96)
λ(i)∧ (n)
n = 0i , . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
3 The (i)
following corollary shows that in the case of general operators λ =
i=1 λ we have to claim an additional assumption onto the function g.
3 (i)
Corollary 7.33. The restriction of the operator λ = i=1 λ to a scale space
Vj (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
5 (i)
λ|Vj (Ωext ) : Vj (Ωext
σ )→ Vj (Ωext
γ ) (7.97)
has, in general, no solution. Under the assumption ϕj (n) = ϕj (n), i ∈ {1, 2, 3},
we have to claim, in addition, that
g (i)∧ (n, m) g (l)∧ (n, m)
= , (7.98)
λ(i)∧ (n) λ(l)∧ (n)
with i, l ∈ {1, 2, 3}; n = max (0i , 0l ), . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Then the results in Theorem 7.32 can directly be transferred.
Note that according to Theorem 7.32 the restriction of a pseudodifferential
operator of kind i to a scale space Vj (Ωext ) is injective. Therefore, in the case of
3 σ
a pseudodifferential operator λ = i=1 λ(i) each pseudodifferential operator λ(i)
leads to a unique solution. The additional assumption (7.98) is thus necessary, in
order to guarantee that the pseudodifferential operators of kind i do not lead to
different solutions.
With the help of the refinement equation (7.81) we now define the primal
(i),α,α ˜ (i),α,α
wavelets {Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 and the dual wavelets {Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 for α ≥ σ,
i ∈ {1, 2, 3}:
(i),α,α (i)
Ψ̂j (x, y) = ψj (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i)s
n,m (α; y), (7.99)
n=0i m=1
˜ (i),α,α (i)
Ψ̂j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i)s
n,m (α; y), (7.100)
n=0i m=1
(i),α,α ∧ (i) ˜ (i),α,α ∧ (i)
(Ψ̂j ) (n) = ψj (n), (Ψ̂j ) (n) = ψ̃j (n). (7.101)
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 393
with ψj (n) = ψj (n) is injective. Moreover, we have the following results:
(i) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0
are bandlimited (for example, ϕj (n) = ϕj (n) = 0 for all n ≥ 2j ), then the
restricted operator is even bijective. To be more specific, for g (i) ∈ hs (Ωext
γ )
the unique solution Hj ∈ Wj (Ωextσ ), j ∈ N 0 , of the equation
˜ (i),γ,γ (i),γ,γ
λ(i) Hj = Ψ̂j Ψ̂j ∗ g (i) (7.104)
is given by
Hj = Ψ̃σ,σ
j ∗ Ψσ,σ
j ∗ Q, (7.105)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
g (n,m)
, n ∈ [0i , 2j+1 ),
Q∧ (n, m) = λ(i)∧ (n) (7.106)
0, n ∈ [2j+1 , ∞).
(ii) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 are
non-bandlimited, the equation
˜ (i),γ,γ (i),γ,γ
λ(i) Hj = Ψ̂j Ψ̂j ∗ g (i) (7.107)
∞ 2n+1
g (i)∧ (n, m)
<∞ (7.108)
n=0 m=1
λ(i)∧ (n)
is satisfied for g (i) ∈ hs (Ωext
γ ). In this case, the unique solution of the equa-
tion is given by
Hj = Ψ̃σ,σ
j ∗ Ψσ,σ
j ∗ Q, (7.109)
394 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
g (i)∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.110)
λ(i)∧ (n)
n = 0i , . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Corollary 7.35. The restriction of the operator λ = i=1 λ(i) to a detail space
Wj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
5 (i)
λ|Wj (Ωext ) : Wj (Ωext
σ )→ Wj (Ωext
γ ) (7.111)
(i) (i)
has, in general, no solution. Under the assumption ψj (n) = ψj (n) and ψ̃j (n) =
ψ̃j (n), i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, we have to claim, in addition, that
g (i)∧ (n, m) g (l)∧ (n, m)
= , (7.112)
λ(i)∧ (n) λ(l)∧ (n)
with i, l ∈ {1, 2, 3}; n = max (0i , 0l ), . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Then the results in Theorem 7.34 can be directly transferred.
Up to now, we have summarized some results about the filtered solution, i.e.,
the solution when we restrict the operator to scale or detail spaces. In this case,
we have injectivity (in the case of i = 2, 3 up to Fourier coefficients of degree 0)
for the operators λ(i) , whereas in the case of general operators λ = i=1 λ(i) we
have to claim that (7.98) is valid. In the case of the unfiltered solution, we obtain
the following theorem.
Theorem 7.36. Let g (i) ∈ hs (Ωext
γ ) satisfy the condition g
∈ im(λ(i) ), i ∈ {1,2,3}.
Then the unique solution F ∈ Hs (Ωext σ ) (in the case of i = 2, 3 up to Fourier
coefficients of degree 0) of the equation λ(i) F = g (i) is given by
g (i)∧ (n, m)
F ∧ (n, m) = , (7.113)
λ(i)∧ (n)
n = 0i , . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. In the case of the operator λ = i=1 λ(i) we have
to claim, in addition, that (7.112) holds in order to guarantee the solvability.
Last, we explain the connection between the solution in the scale spaces and
the unfiltered solution.
Theorem 7.37. Suppose that g (i) is of the class hs (Ωext ext
γ ). Let F ∈ Hs (Ωσ ) be
the unique (in the case of i = 2, 3 up to Fourier coefficients of degree 0) solution
of λ(i) F = g (i) . Then
Fj = (Φj )σ,σ ∗ F (7.114)
is the unique solution in Vj (Ωext
σ ) of the equation
(i),γ,γ (i),γ,γ
λ(i) Fj = Φ̂j Φ̂j ∗ g (i) (7.115)
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 395
The preceding theorem shows that in the case of bandlimited scaling functions
the (vectorial) SST or SGG problem is well posed, because a unique solution always
exists and due to the finite dimension of the scale spaces the solution is also stable.
We now investigate the case of non-bandlimited scaling functions and it turns out
that the stability cannot be ensured. The reason is that the (vectorial) SST or SGG
problem is an exponentially ill-posed problem with unbounded inverse operator
λ−1 . Therefore, we have to turn to regularization methods and replace the inverse
operator by an appropriate bounded operator.
(i) (i)
Definition 7.38. A family of linear operators Sj : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 ,
is called a regularization of (λ(i) )−1 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, if it satisfies the following prop-
(i) (i)
(i) Sj is bounded on hs (Ωext γ ) for all j ∈ N0 ,
(ii) for any member g ∈ im(λ(i) ), the limit relation
lim SJ g (i) = (λ(i) )−1 g (i) (7.117)
(x, z) ∈ Ωext ext
σ × Ωγ , is called a decomposition regularization hσ,γ -scaling function
(i),σ,σ (i)
with respect to (λ(i) )−1 , whereas a family {r Φ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 of admissible hσ,σ -
kernels given by
(i),σ,σ (i)
Φ̂j (x, y) = ϕj (n) s
Hn,m (σ; x)h(i)s
n,m (σ; y), (7.119)
n=0i m=1
(x, y) ∈ Ωext ext
σ ×Ωσ , is called a reconstruction regularization h -scaling function
(i) −1
with respect to (λ ) .
We obtain the following theorem:
Theorem 7.41. Let {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 be a generator of a regularization scaling
function with respect to (λ(i) )−1 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. If we formally define
(i) (i)
(r Φ̂j d Φ̂j )σ,γ (·, ·)
(i) (i) (i),σ,σ (i),σ,γ
(r Φ̂j d Φ̂j )σ,γ (x, z) = r Φ̂j (x, ·) d Φ̂j (·, z), (7.120)
(i) (i)
FJ = (r Φ̂J d Φ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) , g= g (i) ∈ hs (Ωext
γ ), (7.123)
i=1 i=1
(i) (i)
We now define the convolution operators SJ : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ),
J ∈ N0 , by
(i) (i) (i)
SJ (g (i) ) = (r Φ̂J d Φ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) , (7.125)
whereas the convolution operator SJ : hs (Ωext
γ ) → Hs (Ωext
σ ), J ∈ N0 , is given by
SJ (g) = SJ (g (i) ). (7.126)
Furthermore, we introduce the corresponding scale spaces SJ (im(λ(i) )),
i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and SJ (im(λ)) as follows
(i) (i)
SJ (im(λ(i) )) = (r Φ̂J d Φ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) : g (i) ∈ im(λ(i) ) , (7.127)
3 3
(i) (i)
SJ (im(λ)) = (r Φ̂J d Φ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) : g = g (i) ∈ im(λ) . (7.128)
i=1 i=1
Theorem 7.42. The scale spaces satisfy the following properties:
(i) (i) (i)
(i) S0 (im(λ(i) )) ⊂ · · · ⊂ SJ (im(λ(i) )) ⊂ SJ (im(λ(i) )) ⊂ Hs (Ωext
σ ), J ≤ J ,
(i) (i)
i.e., for any right-hand side g ∈ im(λ ) of the (vectorial) SST or SGG
problem, all J-level regularizations with fixed parameter J are sampled in a
scale space SJ (im(λ(i) )) with the above property,
; (i)
·H (Ωext )
(ii) ∞
(i) σ
= Hs (Ωext
J=0 SJ (im(λ )) σ ).
Obviously, Theorem 7.42 is also valid substituting SJ by SJ which leads to
the following corollary.
Corollary 7.43. The scale spaces satisfy the following properties:
(x, z) ∈ Ωext ext
σ ×Ωγ , are called the decomposition regularization hσ,γ -wavelets, while
(i) ˜ (i),σ,σ
the admissible hσ,σ -kernels {r Ψ̂j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
(i),σ,σ ∞
r˜ (i)
Ψ̂j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) s
Hn,m (σ; x)h(i)s
n,m (σ; y), (7.130)
n=0i m=1
(x, y) ∈ Ωext ext
σ × Ωσ are called the reconstruction regularization hσ,σ -wavelets.
(i) (i)
We now define the convolution operators Tj : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ), j ∈
N0 , i = 1, 2, 3, by
(i) ˜ (i) (i)
Tj (g (i) ) = (r Ψ̂j d Ψ̂j )σ,γ ∗ g (i) , g (i) ∈ h(i) ext
s (Ωγ ), (7.131)
TJ (g) = TJ (g (i) ). (7.132)
Obviously, due to the refinement equation, the operators SJ+1 and SJ+1 can be
represented in the form
(i) (i)
SJ+1 = S0 + Tj , (7.133)
SJ+1 = S0 + Tj . (7.134)
Thus, we now introduce the detail spaces TJ (im(λ(i) )) and TJ (im(λ)) by
(i) ˜ (i) (i)
TJ (im(λ(i) )) = (r Ψ̂J d Ψ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) : g (i) ∈ im(λ(i) ) , (7.135)
3 3
˜ (i) (i)
TJ (im(λ)) = (r Ψ̂J d Ψ̂J )σ,γ ∗ g (i) : g = g (i) ∈ im(λ) . (7.136)
i=1 i=1
In terms of the multiscale concept, the space TJ (im(λ)) contains the detail
information which has to be added in order to turn from the J-level regularization
to the (J + 1)-level regularization:
SJ+1 (im(λ)) = SJ (im(λ)) + TJ (im(λ)). (7.137)
In general, the sum is neither direct nor orthogonal.
Theorem 7.45. Let {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 be a generator of a regularization scaling
function with respect to (λ(i) )−1 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Suppose that {{ψj (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 ,
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 399
{{ψ̃j (n)}n∈N0i }j∈N0 are the generating symbols of the corresponding regulariza-
tion wavelets. Furthermore, let g (i) be of class hs (Ωext
γ ). Define the regularization
hσ,γ -wavelet transform at scale j ∈ N0 and position x ∈ Ωext
σ by
(RW T )(g (i) )(j; x) = d Ψ̂j (x, ·) ∗ g (i) , g (i) ∈ h(i) ext
s (Ωγ ). (7.138)
(i) (i)
J−1 (i),σ,σ
(i) r˜
FJ = ( r
Φ̂0 d
Φ̂0 )σ,γ ∗h + Ψ̂j (RW T )(g (i) )(j; ·)
Definition 7.47. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be a family of admissible hσ,σ -kernels. The set
of scale spaces Vj (Ωext
σ ) defined by
Vj (Ωext ext
σ ) = {Φj Φj ∗ f : f ∈ hs (Ωσ )} (7.141)
(i,k) (i,k)
is called an hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis, if {Vj (Ωext
σ )}j∈N0 is an hs (Ωext
σ )-
multiresolution analysis for every i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
We now define the scaling functions.
(i,k) (i,k)
Definition 7.48. A family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 of sequences {ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik is
called a generator of a scaling function of kind (i, k), i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, if it satisfies
the following requirements:
400 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
(i) (ϕj (0ik ))2 = 1, for all j ∈ N0 ,
(i,k) (i,k)
(ii) (ϕj (n))2 ≤ ϕj (n) , for all j, j
∈ N0 with j ≤ j
and all n ∈ N0ik +1 ,
(iii) lim (ϕj (n))2 = 1, for all n ∈ N0ik +1 .
Definition 7.51. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Pj }j∈N0 with
Pj : hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → hs (Ωσ ) defined by
Pj (f )(x) = Φj Φj ∗ f , f ∈ hs (Ωext
σ ), x ∈ Ωext
σ , (7.144)
is called an hσ,σ -approximate identity.
The kernel Φ0 is called the mother kernel of the hσ,σ -scaling function. We
obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 7.52. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then {Vj (Ωext
σ )}j∈N0
given in (7.141) forms an hσ,σ -multiresolution analysis.
The next purpose is to define the primal and dual wavelet with the help of
the tensorial refinement equation.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 401
Definition 7.53. Let {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 be an hσ,σ -scaling function. Then the families
of hσ,σ -kernels {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 , {Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
(Ψj )(i,k)∧ (n) = ψj (n), j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0ik , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, (7.145)
(i,k)∧ (i,k)
(Ψ̃j ) (n) = ψ̃j (n), j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0ik , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, (7.146)
are called (primal) hσ,σ -wavelet and dual hσ,σ -wavelet, respectively, if all hσ,σ -
kernels Ψj (·, ·), Ψ̃j (·, ·), j ∈ N0 , are admissible and the symbols {ψj (n)},
{ψ̃j (n)}, in addition, satisfy the (tensorial) refinement equation
(i,k) (i,k) (i,k)
ψ̃j (n)ψj (n) = (ϕj+1 (n))2 − (ϕj (n)(i,k) )2 (7.147)
for all j ∈ N0 , n ∈ N0ik , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
As a direct consequence we get the following equation:
(i,k) (i,k)
(i,k) (i,k)
(ϕJ+1 (n))2 = (ϕ0 (n))2 + ψ̃j (n)ψj (n), J ∈ N0 , (7.148)
for all n ∈ N0ik . We now define the wavelet transform. To this end we let ψ−1 (n) =
(i,k) (i,k)
ψ̃−1 (n) = ϕ0 (n), for n ∈ N0ik , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, Ψ−1 (·, ·) = Ψ̃−1 (·, ·) = Φ0 (·, ·).
We remember the space H(N−1 × Ωext σ ) (see Eqs. (7.12)–(7.14)).
Definition 7.54. Let {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N−1 be a (primal) hσ,σ -wavelet. Then (W T )(i,k) :
hs (Ωext ext
σ ) → Hs (N−1 × Ωσ ) defined by
(W T )(i,k) (f )(j; y) = (Ψj ∗ f )(y) (7.149)
Theorem 7.55 (Tensorial Reconstruction Formula for the Outer Space). Let the
families {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 and {Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 , respectively, be a (primal) hσ,σ -wavelet
and its dual corresponding to an hσ,σ -scaling function {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 . Then
f= Ψ̃j Ψj ∗ f (7.152)
(i,k),α,α ∧ (i,k)
(Φj ) (n) = ϕj (n). (7.154)
Theorem 7.50 can be directly transferred substituting σ by α. The scale spaces
are defined in the following way:
(i,k) (i,k),α,α (i,k),α,α
Vj (Ωext
α ) = {Φj Φj ∗ f : f ∈ hs (Ωext
α )}. (7.155)
The system {Vj (Ωext
α )} of scale spaces forms a multiresolution analysis.
Theorem 7.56. The restriction of the operator λ(i,k) : Hs (Ωext
σ ) → hs (Ωext
γ ) to
a scale space Vj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N 0 , i.e.,
λ(i,k) |Vj (Ωext ) : Vj (Ωext
σ ) → Vj (Ωext
γ ), (7.156)
is injective for (i, k) ∈ {(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)}, whereas in the case of (i, k) ∈ {(1, 2),
(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)} the Fourier coefficient of degree 0 cannot be recovered and the
Fourier coefficients of degree n ≥ 1 are uniquely defined. In the case of (i, k) ∈
{(2, 2), (3, 2)} the Fourier coefficient of degree 0 and 1 cannot be recovered and the
Fourier coefficients of degree n ≥ 2 are uniquely defined (in the following text,
injectivity, bijectivity and uniqueness is always used in this sense).
Moreover, we have the following results:
(i) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 , i,k ∈ {1,2,3},
are bandlimited (for example, ϕj (n) = ϕj (n) = 0 for all n ≥ 2j ), then the
restricted operator is even bijective (in the sense described above). To be more
specific, for g(i,k) ∈ hs (Ωext ext
γ ) the unique solution Fj ∈ Vj (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 ,
of the equation
(i,k),γ,γ (i,k),γ,γ
λ(i,k) Fj = Φj Φj ∗ g(i,k) (7.157)
is given by
Fj = Φσ,σ
j ∗ Φσ,σ
j ∗ Q, (7.158)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
g (n,m)
, n ∈ [0ik , 2j ),
Q∧ (n, m) = λ(i,k)∧ (n) (7.159)
0, n ∈ [2j , ∞).
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 403
(ii) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 , i,k ∈ {1,2,3}, and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0
are non-bandlimited, the equation
(i,k),γ,γ (i,k),γ,γ
λ(i,k) Fj = Φj Φj ∗ g(i,k) (7.160)
(i,k) (i,k)Λ
has a solution Fj ∈ Vj (Ωext
σ ) provided that g ∈ hs (Ωext
γ ), where
hs (Ωext
γ ) is an appropriate Sobolev space (see the Ph.D.-thesis [58] for
more details). In this case, the unique solution of the equation is given by
Fj = Φσ,σ
j ∗ Φσ,σ
j ∗ Q, (7.161)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable in spectral language by
g(i,k)∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.162)
λ(i,k)∧ (n)
n = 0ik , . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
The following corollary shows that in the case of general operators λ =
3 (i,k)
i,k=1 λ we have to claim an additional assumption onto the function g.
Corollary 7.57. The restriction of the operator λ = 3i,k=1 λ(i,k) to a scale space
Vj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
5 (i,k)
λ|Vj (Ωext ) : Vj (Ωext
σ )→ Vj (Ωext
γ ) (7.163)
has, in general, no solution. Under the assumption ϕj (n) = ϕj (n), i, k ∈
{1, 2, 3}, we have to claim, in addition, that
g(i,k)∧ (n, m) g(l,r)∧ (n, m)
= , (7.164)
λ(i,k)∧ (n) λ(l,r)∧ (n)
with i, k, l, r ∈ {1, 2, 3}; n = max (0ik , 0lr ), . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. Then the
results in Theorem 7.56 can be directly transferred.
With the help of the refinement equation (7.147) we now define the primal
(i,k),α,α (i,k),α,α
wavelets {Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 and the dual wavelets {Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 for α ≥ σ,
i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}:
(i,k),α,α (i,k)
Ψj (x, y) = ψj (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i,k)s
n,m (α; y), (7.165)
n=0ik m=1
(i,k),α,α (i,k)
Ψ̃j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) s
Hn,m (α; x)h(i,k)s
n,m (α; y), (7.166)
n=0ik m=1
(i,k),α,α ∧ (i,k) (i,k),α,α ∧ (i,k)
(Ψj ) (n) = ψj (n), (Ψ̃j ) (n) = ψ̃j (n). (7.167)
404 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
with ψj (n) = ψj (n) is injective. Moreover, we have the following results:
(i) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 , i,k ∈ {1,2,3},
are bandlimited (for example, ϕj (n) = ϕj (n) = 0 for all n ≥ 2j ), then
the restricted operator is even bijective. To be more specific, for g(i,k) ∈
hs (Ωext ext
γ ) the unique solution Hj ∈ Wj (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 , of the equation
(i,k),γ,γ (i,k),γ,γ
λ(i,k) Hj = Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ g(i,k) (7.170)
is given by
Hj = Ψ̃σ,σ
j ∗ Ψσ,σ
j ∗ Q, (7.171)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
g (n,m)
, n ∈ [0ik , 2j+1 ),
Q∧ (n, m) = λ(i,k)∧ (n) (7.172)
0, n ∈ [2j+1 , ∞).
(ii) If the families {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 , i,k ∈ {1,2,3}, and {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0
are non-bandlimited, the equation
(i,k),γ,γ (i,k),γ,γ
λ(i,,k) Hj = Ψ̃j Ψj ∗ g(i,k) (7.173)
∞ 2n+1
g(i,k)∧ (n, m)
<∞ (7.174)
n=0ik m=1 λ(i,k)∧ (n)
where Q ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ) is obtainable by
g(i,k)∧ (n, m)
Q∧ (n, m) = , (7.176)
λ(i,k)∧ (n)
n = 0ik , . . .; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Furthermore, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 7.59. The restriction of the operator λ = i,k=1 λ(i,k) to a detail space
Wj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N0 , i.e.,
5 (i,k)
λ|Wj (Ωext ) : Wj (Ωext
σ )→ Wj (Ωext
γ ) (7.177)
The preceding theorem shows that in the case of bandlimited scaling functions
the (tensorial) SGG-problem is well posed, because a unique solution always exists
and due to the finite dimension of the scale spaces the solution is also stable. We
now investigate the case of non-bandlimited scaling functions, where the stability
cannot be ensured and we have to use regularization methods.
(i,k) (i,k)
Definition 7.62. A family of linear operators Sj : hs (Ωext γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ),
(i,k) (i,k) (i,k)
FJ = ( r
ΦJ d
ΦJ )σ,γ ∗g , g= g(i,k) ∈ hs (Ωext
γ ), (7.189)
i,k=1 i,k=1
(i,k) (i,k)
We define the convolution operators SJ : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ),
J ∈ N0 , by
(i,k) (i,k) (i,k) σ,γ
SJ (g(i,k) ) = (r ΦJ d ΦJ ) ∗ g(i,k) , (7.191)
whereas the convolution operator SJ : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ), J ∈ N0 , is given by
SJ (g) = SJ (g(i,k) ). (7.192)
Furthermore, we introduce the corresponding scale spaces SJ (im(λ(i,k) )), i, k ∈
{1, 2, 3}, and SJ (im(λ)) as follows
(i,k) (i,k)
SJ (im(λ(i,k) )) = (r ΦJ d ΦJ )σ,γ ∗ g(i,k) : g(i,k) ∈ im(λ(i,k) ) , (7.193)
3 3
(i,k) (i,k),σ,γ
(7.147). The admissible hσ,γ -kernels {d Ψj (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
(i,k),σ,γ (i,k)
Ψj (x, z) = ψj (n) s
Hn,m (σ; x)h(i,k)s
n,m (γ; z), (7.195)
n=0ik m=1
(x, z) ∈ Ωext ext are called the decomposition regularization h
σ × Ωγ σ,γ -wavelets,
(i,k) (i,k),σ,σ
while the admissible hσ,σ -kernels {r Ψ̃j (·, ·)}j∈N0 given by
(i,k),σ,σ (i,k)
Ψ̃j (x, y) = ψ̃j (n) s
Hn,m (σ; x)h(i,k)s
n,m (σ; y), (7.196)
n=0ik m=1
(x, y) ∈ Ωext ext
σ × Ωσ are called the reconstruction regularization hσ,σ -wavelets.
(i,k) (i,k)
We now define the convolution operators Tj : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ),
j ∈ N0 , i, k = 1, 2, 3, by
(i,k) (i,k) (i,k) σ,γ
Tj (g(i,k) ) = (r Ψ̃j d Ψj ) ∗ g(i,k) , g(i,k) ∈ h(i,k)
s (Ωext
γ ), (7.197)
and the convolution operator Tj : hs (Ωext ext
γ ) → Hs (Ωσ ), j ∈ N0 , by
TJ (g) = TJ (g(i,k) ). (7.198)
Obviously, due to the refinement equation the operators SJ+1 and SJ+1 can be
represented in the form
(i,k) (i,k)
SJ+1 = S0 + Tj , (7.199)
SJ+1 = S0 + Tj . (7.200)
Thus, we now introduce the detail spaces TJ (im(λ(i,k) )) and TJ (im(λ)) by
(i,k) (i,k) (i,k)
TJ (im(λ(i,k) )) = (r Ψ̃J d ΨJ )σ,γ ∗ g(i,k) : g(i,k) ∈ im(λ(i,k) ) , (7.201)
3 3
Theorem 7.69. Let {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 be a generator of a regularization scal-
ing function with respect to (λ(i,k) )−1 , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Suppose that
(i,k) (i,k)
{{ψj (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0 , {{ψ̃j (n)}n∈N0ik }j∈N0
are the generating symbols of the corresponding regularization wavelets. Further-
(i,k) (i,k)
more, let g(i,k) be of the class hs (Ωext
γ ). Define the regularization hσ,γ -wavelet
transform at scale j ∈ N0 and position x ∈ Ωextσ by
(RW T )(g(i,k) )(j; x) = d Ψj (x, ·) ∗ g(i,k) , g(i,k) ∈ h(i,k)
s (Ωext
γ ). (7.204)
(i,k) σ,γ
FJ = r
Φ0 d Φ0 ∗ h(i,k) + r
Ψ̃j (RW T )(g(i,k) )(j; ·) (7.205)
It is clear that ψ̃j (n)ψj (n) = 0 if and only if (ϕj+1 (n))2 = (ϕj (n))2 . Due to condi-
tion (i) in Definition 7.2, the wavelet (or its dual) satisfy the mean value condition
ψj (0) = 0, i.e., it has to oscillate. For purposes of combined approximation we need,
however, (ϕj+1 (n))2 = (ϕj (n))2 for all n ∈ [0, . . . , m]. Under these assumptions it
may be guaranteed that the wavelets constructed in this way have more vanishing
moments and we call them wavelets of order m. In [19] the reconstruction formula
for such wavelets is studied in more detail. The transition of the combined outer
harmonic and wavelet concept to the vectorial and tensorial case is also easy to
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 411
Φ0 ∗ F + Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ F, F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ). (8.1)
ues (note that, for the Earth’s anomalous potential, the approximation consistent
with the original data may be found in the class H2,...,m (Ωextσ ) which is a subspace
of H0,...,m (Ωext
σ )).
414 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
F ∗P = ak Lk F − ak Lk KHm+1,...,∞ (Ωext ) ∗ F
k=1 k=1
KH0,...,m ∗ P = ak Lk KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (·, ·) (8.13)
(ii) F ∗ P = lim ak Lk F, F ∈ H(Ωext
σ ).
N →∞ k=1
PkN = N
wl,k Ll KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (·, ·)
and the coefficients wl,k have to satisfy the linear equations
wl,k Li Ll KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (·, ·) = δi,k ,
i, k = 1, . . . , N .
Next we come to some aspects on numerical integration on the sphere. The-
orem 8.3 allows as special cases the following variants.
Lemma 8.6 (Koksma–Hlawka formula of approximation order 0). Let F be of class
σ ) with {An } being summable in the sense of Definition 3.3. Assume that
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 417
{y1N , . . . , yN
} is a subset of points on Ωσ . Then the integral formula
F (y) dω(y)
4πσ 2 Ωσ
N (8.14)
= wkN F (ykN ) − wkN KH1,...,∞ (Ωext ) (· , ykN ), F
σ H1,...,∞ (Ωext
σ )
k=1 k=1
holds for all wN = (w1N , . . . , wN
) with k=1 wkN = 1 (e.g., wkN = 1/N ).
Lemma 8.7 (Koksma–Hlawka formula of approximation order m). Let F be a
member of class H(Ωext σ ) with {An } being summable in the sense of Definition
3.3. Assume that {y1N , . . . , yN N
} ⊂ Ωextσ is an H0,...,m (Ωext
σ )-Dirichlet-fundamental
system, i.e., a pointset on the sphere Ωσ such that
⎛ N ⎞
KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (y1N , y1N ) ... KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (y1N , yN )
σ σ
⎜ .. .. ⎟
⎝ . . ⎠
KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (yN , y1N ) ... KH0,...,m (Ωext ) (yNN N
, yN )
σ σ
Lemma 8.8 is an essential tool for the development of “tree algorithms” (pyra-
mid schemata) in bandlimited harmonic wavelet theory.
Lemma 8.9. Let the system {y1M , . . . , yM M
} ⊂ Ωσ , M = (2m + 1)2 , define an
H0,...,2m (Ωext
σ )-Dirichlet-fundamental system. Furthermore, suppose that P0,...,m ,
Q0,...,m , respectively, are elements of class H0,...,m (Ωσ ). Then the identity
P0,...,m ∗ Q0,...,m = bM M M
n P0,...,m (yn )(A Q)0,...,m (yn ) (8.21)
bM M M
r KH0,...,2m (Ωext ) (yi , yr )
= KH0,...,2m (Ωext ) (yiM , x) dω(x), i = 1, . . . , M. (8.22)
2 ext
Lemma 8.10. Let {LM 1 , . . . , LM }, M = (m + 1) , be an H0,...,m (Ωσ )-fundamental
system, and suppose that P0,...,m and Q0,...,m are members of H0,...,m (Ωext
σ ). Then
the identity
m 2n+1
P0,...,m ∗ Q0,...,m = r (Q0,...,m ∗ Hn,k (σ; ·)) Lr P0,...,m
dn,k M
n=0 k=1 r=1
l = 0, . . . , m; i = 1, . . . , 2l + 1.
In order to reduce the number of weights in our approximation rules we
formulate the following lemma.
Lemma 8.11. Under the assumptions of Lemma 8.10, the formula
Q0,...,m ∗ P0,...,m = r Lr P0,...,m
dM M
i = 1, . . . , M.
It should be mentioned that on the one hand the number of integration
weights is reduced, but on the other hand the integration weights depend on
Q0,...,m . Other variants of discretization rules have been presented by W. Free-
den and W. Schneider [30] which allow different aspects of approximation. In this
work, however, we restrict ourselves to the above results (more explicitly, Lemma
8.9, Lemma 8.10, Lemma 8.11) based on linear systems of O(M )-dimension.
In what follows the Runge concept is of basic interest. Once again, it tells
us that to any potential V ∈ Pot (0) (Σext ) (for example, the Earth’s gravitational
potential) there exists a function F (namely, a Runge–Walsh approximation) har-
monic in Ωextσ and being regular at infinity in the sense that the absolute error
becomes arbitrarily small on the whole space Σext . In this formulation as we already
mentioned, the Runge–Walsh theorem is a pure existence theorem. It guarantees
only the existence of an approximating potential and does not provide a method
to find it. The theorem merely describes the theoretical background of approxi-
mating a potential by another one defined on a larger harmonicity domain. The
420 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
bjn KH0,...,2m (Ωext ) (yi j , ynMj ) = KH0,...,2m (Ωext (yi j , x) dω(x),
j σ j σ )
n=1 Ωσ
i = 1, . . . , Mj .
J−1 Mj
(β) ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m = b0n d˜0,n
s vs Φ0 (yn , ·) +
bjn s vs Ψ̃j (yn , ·),
dj,n Mj
d˜0,n M M M 2
s Li Ls KHarm 0,...,m (Ωext ) (·, ·) = Li (A Φ0 )(yn , ·),
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 421
M0 M
(β) ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m = b0n d˜0,n
s G0,...,m (xs )Φ0 (yn , ·)
M M0
m=1 s=1
J−1 Mj
bjn s G0,...,m (xs )Ψ̃j (yn , ·).
dj,n M Mj
j=0 n=1 s=1
The formulae (α), (β) of Theorem 8.13 are especially valid on the regular
(Earth’s) surface Σ, i.e., we automatically obtain by ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m |Σ a J-level
wavelet approximation of the “boundary function” F0,...,m |Σ = G0,...,m (by apply-
ing Shannon wavelets we even know that ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m = F0,...,m ). In other words,
a wavelet representation of a (bandlimited) function on regular surfaces has been
found from a discrete data set of function values.
By treating non-bandlimited potentials F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ), s > 1, the developed
integration formulae are only valid in approximate sense. To be more concrete,
if ΦJ ∗ F denotes the J-level wavelet approximation we actually calculate an
approximation ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m by performing the numerical integration methods
in (α), (β) of Theorem 8.13. Since this approximation also is harmonic in Σext the
(2) (2)
biggest absolute error between ΦJ ∗ F and its numerical approximation ΦJ ∗
F0,...,m is attained at the boundary Σ. Thus, the numerical error can be estimated
by the use of the following theorem (cf. [29, 30]).
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 423
F (x)Q(x) dω(x) − dr G(xr ) ≤ s−1 |dr |
Hs (Ωext ) ,
Ωσ m σ
r=1 r=1
F0,...,m |Σext ∈ Harm 0,...,m (Σext ), = G0,...,m ,
∂F0,...,m M
vi = LM
i F0,...,m = (xi ) = G0,...,m (xM
i ), i = 1, . . . , M,
where λ : Σ → R3 is a C [1,ρ) -unit vector field (such that 0 < ρ < 1 for λ = ν
and ρ = 0 for λ = ν) forming an angle with the outer normal ν satisfying
at any point of Σ.
Note that the boundedness of the linear functionals of the oblique derivative on Σ
follows from well-known arguments (cf. [16, 18, 20]).
For the decomposition step we need in contrast to the Dirichlet problem an
integration method in terms of oblique derivatives on Σ. From our results we obtain
a fully discrete wavelet approximation for the solution of the exterior Neumann
Σ 2 ext
Theorem 8.15. Let XM = {xM
1 , . . . , xM } ⊂ Σ, M = (m+ 1) , be an H0,...,m (Ωσ )-
Mj Mj
Neumann-fundamental system on Σ. Furthermore, let XMj = {y1 , . . . , yMj },
Mj = (2mj + 1)2 , be H0,...,2mj (Ωext σ )-Neumann-fundamental systems on Ωσ for
j = 0, . . . , J. Moreover, assume that from a function F0,...,m ∈ H0,...,m (Ωext
σ ) there
are known the oblique derivatives G0,...,m = (∂F0,...,m /∂λ) at all points of XM .
Then, under our assumption of bandlimited wavelets, the fully discrete J-level
wavelet approximation of the solution of the exterior Neumann problem F0,...,m ∈
424 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
J−1 Mj m 2k+1
bjn s Ak ψj (k)G0,...,m (xs )Hk,l (σ; yn )Ψ̃j (yn , ·),
dk,l M Mj Mj
j=0 n=1 k=0 l=1 s=1
n=1 s=1
J−1 Mj
bjn s G0,...,m (xs )Ψ̃j (yn , ·),
dj,n M Mj
+ (8.37)
j=0 n=1 s=1
∂ ∂ ∂
s KH0,...,m (Ωext
σ )(·, ·) = (A2 Φ0 )(ynM0 , ·), (8.38)
∂λyiM ∂λysM ∂λyiM
The formulae (α), (β) of Theorem 8.15 are especially valid on Σ. Thus, we
obtain by ∂(ΦJ ∗ F0,...,m )/∂λ a J-level wavelet approximation of G0,...,m =
∂F0,...,m /∂λ.
In order to examine the error in the integration formulae when we turn over
to non-bandlimited potentials we finally mention the following theorem.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 425
Variant 1. The key ideas of our first discretization method using outer harmonic
exact approximation formulae are based on the following observations:
(1) For some suitably large J, the scale space VJ+1 (Ωext ext
σ ) = H0,...,2J+1 −1 (Ωσ )
is “sufficiently close” to H(Ωextσ ). Consequently, for each potential F ∈ H(Ωσ ),
why the input data vlNJ , l = 1, . . . , NJ , are assumed to be given from a potential
of class VJ+1 (Ωext
σ ) (for the remainder of this subsection).
426 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
(2) For j = 0, . . . , J, the generating coefficients bl j and nodal points
yl j ∈ Ωσ of the exact outer harmonic formulae of order 2j+2 − 2(= 2 · (2j+1 − 1))
(cf. Lemma 8.8) are determined such that
KH (Ωext ∗P = bl j KHarm (Ωext (·, yl j )P (yl j )
0,...,2j −1 σ ) 0,...,2j −1 σ )
bl j K H (Ωext (yi j , yl j )
0,...,2j+2 −2 σ )
1 N
= KH ext (x, yi j ) dω(x), (8.41)
4πσ 2 0,...,2j+2 −2 (Ωσ )
(ii) The vectors aj ∈ RNj are obtainable from aj+1 ∈ RNj+1 by recursion:
Nj Nj
Nj+1 Nj+1 N Nj+1
ai = bi al KHarm ext (yi j , yl ),
l=1 0,...,2j+1 −1 (Ωσ )
i = 1, . . . , Nj .
(iii) The vectors satisfy, in addition, the identities
N (2) N
Φj+1 ∗ F = ai j Φj+1 (·, yi j )
(Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ) ∗ F = ai j (Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj )(·, yi j ).
Our considerations are divided into two parts, viz. the initial step concerning the
scale level J and the pyramid step establishing the recursion relation.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 427
The Initial Step. Observing the exact (outer harmonic) formulae we obtain from
Lemma 8.8 for all potentials F ∈ VJ+1 (Ωext ext
σ ) = H0,...,2J+1 −1 (Ωσ )
KH (Ωext ∗F = bN J NJ
l F (yl )KHarm (Ωext (·, ylNJ ).
0,...,2J+1 −1 σ ) 0,...,2J+1 −1 σ )
It follows that a NJ
, aNJ = (aN J NJ T
1 , . . . , aNJ ) , given by
l F (yl ) = bl vl , l = 1, . . . , NJ , (8.42)
satisfies the equation
KH (Ωext ∗F = aN J
i KHarm (Ωext (·, yiNJ ).
0,...,2J+1 −1 σ ) 0,...,2J+1 −1 σ )
The Pyramid Step. An essential tool for the pyramid step is the following lemma.
Suppose that K(·, ·) satisfies the assumption of Lemma 8.19. Looking at our
foregoing results we notice that there are two ways of discretizing an H-convolution
K ∗ F . On the one hand we obtain from Lemma 8.18
K ∗F = aN J NJ
i A K(·, yi ) (8.48)
with coefficients aN J NJ
1 , . . . , aNJ given by
i F (yi ) = bi vi , i = 1, . . . , NJ . (8.49)
It is remarkable that the coefficients are independent of the choice of the kernel
K(·, ·). As particularly important case we mention
KH ext ∗F = aN J
i KHarm ext (yiNJ , ·). (8.50)
0,...,2J −1 (Ωσ ) 0,...,2J −1 (Ωσ )
On the other hand, we are able to deduce from Lemma 8.19 that
A2 K(·, yi
NJ−1 NJ−1
K ∗F = ai ) (8.51)
with coefficients a1 J−1 , . . . , aNJ−1
given by
NJ−1 NJ−1 NJ−1
ai = bi (KH ext ∗ F )(yi ), (8.52)
0,...,2J −1 (Ωσ )
NJ−1 NJ−1
ai = bi aN J
l KHarm (Ωext (yi , ylNJ ) (8.53)
0,...,2J −1 σ )
for i = 1, . . . , NJ−1 . In other words, the coefficients ai J−1 can be calculated recur-
sively. Moreover, the coefficients are independent of the special choice of the kernel
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 429
K(·, ·). This finally leads us to the following discretization of the H-convolutions
A2 ΦJ (·, yi
NJ−1 NJ−1
ΦJ ∗ F = ai ), (8.54)
A2 (ΦJ ∗ ΦJ )(·, yi
NJ−1 NJ−1
(ΦJ ∗ ΦJ ) ∗H F = ai ), (8.55)
A2 ΨJ−1 (·, yi
NJ−1 NJ−1
ΨJ−1 ∗ F = ai ), (8.56)
A2 (Ψ̃J−1 ∗ ΨJ−1 )(·, yi
NJ−1 NJ−1
(Ψ̃J−1 ∗ ΨJ−1 ) ∗ F = ai ). (8.57)
In conclusion, we end up with the following pyramid scheme for the decomposition
of a potential F :
F −→ aNJ −→ aNJ−1 −→ ··· −→ aN0
↓ ↓ ↓
(W T )(F )(J; ·) (W T )(F )(J − 1; ·) (W T )(F )(0; ·).
The reconstruction of the wavelet coefficients can be performed as described before
via the formula
Rj (F ) = Ψ̃j ∗ (W T )(F )(j; ·)
bi j (W T )(F )(j; yi j )A2 Ψ̃j (·, yi j ).
= (8.58)
aN 0 aN 1 aN 2
↓ ↓ ↓
R0 (F ) R1 (F ) R2 (F )
P0 (F ) → + → P1 (F ) → + → P2 (F ) → + → ··· .
That means the reconstruction of the potential is not performed with Ψ̃j . Instead
we have used the H(Ωextσ )-convolution Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj . Of particular significance is that
the vectors aNj do not depend on the special choice of the bandlimited scaling
function. As a matter of fact, we are able to reconstruct the potential with respect
to different types of wavelets just by use of the vectors aNj .
Remark 8.20. The critical point of our pyramid scheme is the determination of the
coefficients bl j , j = 0, . . . , J, from the linear system (8.41) which provides outer
harmonic exactness up to the order 2j+2 − 2. It should be mentioned that the
solution of this linear system can be avoided completely if we place the knots for
each detail step j = 0, . . . , J on a spherical longitude-latitude grid on the sphere
Ωσ . The corresponding set of weights is explicitly available without solving any
linear system from results due to [8].
and Φj (·, ·) is the uniquely determined reproducing kernel in (Vj (Ωext
σ ),
(·, ·)Vj (Ωext ) ) with (·, ·)Vj (Ωext ) given by
σ σ
22j (linearly
(iii) For each j ∈ N0 , consider sequences {L1 j , . . . , LNjj } of Nj ≥
independent) bounded linear functionals on H(Ωext σ ) such that
Nj (4) Nj (4)
Vj (Ωext
σ ) = span L1 Φ j (·, ·), . . . , L Φ
Nj j (·, ·) .
(iv) Vj (Ωext
σ ), j ∈ N0 , can be identified with the set H({An /ϕj (n)};Ωσ ),
and Φj (·, ·) is the reproducing kernel in Vj (Ωext
σ ), (·, ·)V (1/2) (Ωext ) with
j σ
(·, ·)V (1/2) (Ωext ) defined by
j σ
The key idea of our fast evaluation method using the Shannon sampling
theorem in terms of linear functionals is based on the following observations:
(1) For some suitably large J, the scale space VJ (Ωext
σ ) is “sufficiently close”
ext ext
to H(Ωσ ). Consequently, for each F ∈ H(Ωσ ), there exists a function of class
VJ (Ωext
σ ) such that the error between F and ΦJ ∗ F (understood in
H(Ωext ) - σ
topology) is negligible. This is the reason why the input data vkNJ = LN J
k F,
k = 1, . . . , NJ , are assumed to be of a potential F of class VJ (Ωσ ) for the re-
mainder of this subsection.
(2) For j = 0, . . . , J, consider sequences {L1 j , . . . , LNjj } of Nj ≥ 22j (linearly
In an a priori step the coefficients wl,kj have to be determined from the systems
of linear equations (see Lemma 8.5)
N N N (2)
wl,kj Li j Ll j Φj (·, ·) = δi,k , i, k = 1, . . . , Nj ,
is given by
= NJ
wi,k LLN
k ΦJ (·, ·),
i = 1, . . . , NJ .
432 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
Note that in order to clarify the convolution we use a lower index at the sym-
bol “∗” in the following text if necessary. In accordance with our assumption
(2) (1/2)
F ∈ VJ (Ωext
σ ) and the reproducing property of ΦJ (·, ·) in VJ (Ωext
σ ) we see that
ΦJ ∗V (1/2) F = F . Thus we find
aN k ΦJ (·, ·) ∗V (1/2) F ) = Lk F =
= wi,k (LN J NJ NJ
wi,k NJ NJ
wi,k vk
k=1 k=1 k=1
for i = 1, . . . , NJ . This leads us to the following conclusion.
Lemma 8.21. If F is a member of class VJ (Ωext
σ ), then the identity
S ∗V (1/2) F = i Li S
K ∗F = i Li K(·, ·)
holds for all Hσ,σ -kernels K(·, ·) with K ∧ (n) = 0 for n = 2J ,J +1, . . ..
The next theorem clarifies the remarkable consequences for our wavelet con-
Theorem 8.23. Under the assumptions of Lemma 8.22 we have
ΦJ ∗ F = i Li ΦJ (·, ·),
(ΦJ ∗ ΦJ ) ∗ F = i Li (ΦJ ∗ ΦJ )(·, ·),
ΨJ−1 ∗ F = i Li ΨJ−1 (·, ·),
(Ψ̃J−1 ∗ ΨJ−1 ) ∗ F = i Li (Ψ̃J−1 ∗ ΨJ−1 )(·, ·).
1 , . . . , aN J ) ∈ R
In conclusion, the vector aNJ = (aN J NJ T NJ
does not depend on
the special choice of the ΦJ (·, ·)-kernel in VJ (Ωext
σ ). Wavelet transform, lowpass,
and bandpass filter can be computed by use of the same set of coefficients.
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 433
The Pyramid Step. This step provides an algorithm such that aNJ ∈ RNJ serves
as starting vector for aNj ∈ RNj , j = 0, . . . , J − 1, which fulfill the following
(i) The vectors aNj satisfy
N N (2)
Φj ∗F = ai j Li j Φj (·, ·),
j = 0, . . . , J.
(ii) The wavelet transforms are given by
Ψj−1 ∗ F = ai j Li j Ψj−1 (·, ·),
j = 1, . . . , J.
(iii) The vector aNj is obtainable from aNj+1 , j = 0, . . . , J − 1, by recursion.
In the remainder of this section the properties (i), (ii) and (iii) are described
in more detail. The exact approximations JNj , j = 0, . . . , J − 1,
JN j S = ai j Li j S, S ∈ Vj (Ωext
σ )
(note that Φj ∗H F ∈ Vj (Ωext
σ )) are given by the coefficients
N N (2)
al = wl,ij Li j Φj (·, ·), l = 1, . . . , Nj .
Consequently it is easily seen that for l = 1, . . . , Nj
N N (2)
al = wl,ij Li j (Φj (·, ·) ∗ F ).
Thus we obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 8.24. If F is a member of class Vj (Ωext
σ ), then the identity
S ∗V (1/2) (Φj ∗H F ) = ai j Li j S
N N (2)
Φj ∗H F = ai j Li j Φj (·, ·).
434 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
By the same arguments as given in the last subsection we obtain the following
Lemma 8.25. Let F be a function of class Vj (Ωext
σ ), then the identity
K ∗F = ai j Li j K(·, ·)
(Φj ∗ Φj ) ∗ F = ai j Li j (Φj ∗ Φj )(·, ·),
Ψj−1 ∗ F = ai j Li j Ψj−1 (·, ·),
(Ψ̃j−1 ∗ Ψj−1 ) ∗ F = ai j Li j (Ψ̃j−1 ∗ Ψj−1 )(·, ·).
ΦJ−1 ∗ F = i Li ΦJ−1 (·, ·).
N NJ−1 (2)
al J−1 k Li
wl,iJ−1 aN LN
k ΦJ−1 (·, ·)
= (8.66)
i=1 k=1
for l = 1, . . . , NJ−1 . Assuming the sets {L1 j , . . . , LNjj } to be hierarchical, i.e.,
Nj Nj+1
Li = Li , i = 1, . . . , Nj ; j = 0, . . . , J − 1, and observing the symmetry of the
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 435
matrix (wl,iJ−1 ) we gain a reduction of computational costs as follows:
N NJ−1 (2)
al J−1 k Li
wi,lJ−1 aN LN
k ΦJ−1 (·, ·)
i=1 k=1
NJ−1 NJ−1
N NJ−1 N (2)
k Li
wi,lJ−1 aN Lk J−1 ΦJ−1 (·, ·)
i=1 k=1
N NJ−1 (2)
k Li
wi,lJ−1 aN LN
k ΦJ−1 (·, ·)
i=1 k=NJ−1 +1
N NJ−1 (2)
= aN k Li
wi,lJ−1 aN LN
k ΦJ−1 (·, ·).
l +
i=1 k=NJ−1 +1
We have seen that the vectors aNj do not depend on the special choice of the scaling
function {Φj (·, ·)}j∈N0 . In other words, we are able to reconstruct a function with
respect to different wavelets just by the knowledge of the vectors aNj .
Let us finally make some comments concerning the pyramid schemata:
(1) In signal processing a variant of the pyramid scheme is known as subband
coding. This technique was originally studied before wavelet theory. The de-
composition step consists of applying a lowpass and a bandpass filter followed
by downsampling; the reconstruction consists of upsampling followed by fil-
(2) Any bandlimited potential can be reconstructed exactly via the pyramid
scheme by use of bandlimited wavelets (see also [67]). In this case spline
exact approximation coincides with polynomial (i.e., outer harmonic) exact
approximation. The scale and detail spaces are finite-dimensional so that the
436 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
P3 (F ) R3 (F )
P4 (F ) R4 (F )
P5 (F ) R5 (F )
P6 (F ) R6 (F )
P7 (F ) R7 (F )
[100 Gal m]
P8 (F )
(i,k) (i,k)
where the constants ρn and τn are given by
ρn(i,k) = , (9.6)
(2n + 1)(n + 1)
τn(i,k) = . (9.7)
(2n + 1)n
In conclusion, we get the Meissl scheme for first- and second-order tangential
derivatives (see Figure 9.4).
Figure 9.4. Meissl scheme for first- and second-order tangential derivatives.
x ∈ Ωext
σ , and we first derive the kernel functions corresponding to the SST and
SGG operators.
Scalar SST and SGG Operators
The SST and SGG operators are given by the convolution equation
ΛF (x) = (K Λ )σ,γ (·, x) ∗ F, x ∈ Ωext
γ , (9.9)
where the symbol of the kernel (K Λ )σ,γ is given by
⎧ n
⎨ σ n+1
, n = 0, 1, . . . for SST,
(K Λ )∧ (n) = Λ∧ (n) = γ n γ (9.10)
⎩ σ (n+1)(n+2)
2 , n = 0, 1, . . . for SGG.
γ γ
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 443
K ∗F
∞ 2n+1
F, K(·, y) ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ )
= K ∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(γ; ·)
n=0 m=1
k ∗f
∞ 2n+1 (i)
f, k (i) (·, y) ∈ hs (Ωext
σ )
= k (i)∧ (n)f (i)∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(γ; ·)
n=0i m=1
3 (i)∧
∞ 2n+1 F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ),
= k (n)F ∧ (n, m)hn,m (γ; ·) k(·, y) ∈ hs (Ωext
i=1 n=0i m=1 σ )
k(i,k) ∗ f
∞ 2n+1 f , k(i,k) (·, y)
= k (n)f (i,k)∧ (n, m)Hn,m
(γ; ·) ∈ h(i,k) (Ωext
s σ )
n=0̃ik m=1
3 ∞ 2n+1
F ∈ Hs (Ωext
σ ),
= k(i,k)∧ (n)F ∧ (n, m)h(i,k)s
n,m (γ; ·) k(·, y) ∈ hs (Ωext
σ )
i,k=1 n=0̃ik m=1
The upward continuation operators for vector and tensor fields can be introduced
in the same way by use of the vectorial and tensorial basis functions hn,m and
hn,m , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
The Meissl schemata for the scalar/vectorial/tensorial wavelets can now be
derived as follows:
Scalar Meissl Scheme. From the reconstruction formula in the scalar case (7.9) we
F (x) = Ψ̃j ∗ (W T )(F )(j; x) = (Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ F )(x), (9.19)
j=−1 j=−1
x ∈ Ωext
σ , whereas
(x) = Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ K σ∂ ∗ F (x), (9.20)
∂r j=−1
where the kernel of the first radial derivative K σ∂ on the sphere Ωσ is given by
n + 1
∞ 2n+1
K ∂ (x, y) = − s
Hn,m s
(σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y). (9.21)
n=0 m=1
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 445
The same calculation for the second radial derivative ∂r 2 leads to
(x) = Ψ̃j ∗ Ψj ∗ K R∂ 2 ∗ F (x), (9.22)
∂r2 j=−1 ∂r2
where K σ∂ 2 is given by
∞ 2n+1
(n + 1)(n + 2)
σ s s
K ∂2 (x, y) = Hn,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y)
n=0 m=1
= K σ∂ ∗ K̃ σ∂ (x, y), (9.23)
∂r ∂r
n + 2
∞ 2n+1
K̃ σ∂ (x, y) = − s
Hn,m s
(σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y). (9.24)
n=0 m=1
Therefore, we get the Meissl scheme shown in Figure 9.5.
Scalar/Vectorial Meissl Scheme. The extension the the case of vectorial operators
is straightforward:
(2),σ (i) (i) σ,(i)
o F (x) = Ψ̃j Ψj ∗ ko(2),σ F (x), (9.25)
j=−1 i=1
446 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
where the kernel functions ko(2),σ are given by
∞ 2n+1
n + 1 s(1)
ko(2),σ (x, y) = − s
hn,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y), (9.26)
n=0 m=1
σ 2n + 1
n + 1 n
∞ 2n+1
ko(2),σ (x, y) = hs(2) s
n,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y). (9.27)
n=1 m=1
σ 2n + 1
where the kernels ko(2),σ ∂ are given by
n + 1 n n + 1
∞ 2n+1
ko(2),σ ∂ (x, y) = − hs(1) s
n,m (σ; x)Hn,m (σ; y)
n=0 m=1
σ σ 2n + 1
= ko(2),σ K σ∂ (x, y), (9.29)
n + 1 n + 1 n
∞ 2n+1
ko(2),σ ∂ (x, y) = hs(2),σ (σ; x)Hn,m
(σ; y)
n=1 m=1
σ σ 2n + 1 n,m
= ko(2) K σ∂ (x, y). (9.30)
Summing up, we finally get the Meissl schemata given in Figures 9.6 and 9.7 for
the vector approach.
Scalar/Vectorial/Tensorial Meissl Scheme. We get
∇∗,σ ⊗ ∇∗,σ F (x)
(i,k) (i,k) σ,(i,k)
= Ψ̃j Ψj ∗ k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ F (x), (9.31)
j=−1 (i,k)∈
where the kernel functions k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ are given by
∞ 2n+1
n(n + 1) s(1,1) s
k∇s,σ ⊗∇∗,σ (x,y) = νn hn,m (σ;x)Hn,m (σ;y),
n=0 m=1
σ 2 (2n + 1)(2n + 3)
∞ 2n+1
(n − 1)(n + 1)
k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,R (x,y) = − νn hs(1,2) (σ;x)Hn,m
n=1 m=1
σ 2 (2n − 1)(2n + 1) n,m
Geodetic Observables and Their Mathematical Treatment 447
∞ 2n+1
n(n + 2)
k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ (x,y) = − νn hs(2,1) (σ;x)Hn,m
2 (2n + 1)(2n + 3) n,m
n=0 m=1
∞ 2n+1
σ,(2,2) (2,2) n(n + 1)(n + 2)
k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ (x,y) = νn hs(2,2) (σ;x)Hn,m
2 (2n − 1)(2n + 1) n,m
n=2 m=1
Note that the kernels k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ , (i, k) ∈ {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)} can be split
σ,(i,k) 2 σ,(i,k),(l) σ,(l) σ,(i,k)(l)
into k∇∗,σ ⊗∇∗,σ = l=1 k∇∗,σ ko(2),σ , where the kernels k∇∗,σ are given by
∞ 2n+1
ρn(1,1) hn,m
σ,(1,1),(1) s(1,1)
k∇∗,σ = (σ; x)hs(1)
n,m (σ; y), (9.36)
n=0 m=1
σ(2n + 3)
∞ 2n+1
2n(n + 1)
τn(1,1) hs(1,1)
k∇∗,σ = − s(2)
n,m (σ; x)hn,m (σ; y), (9.37)
n=1 m=1
σ(2n + 1)(2n + 3)
448 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
10. Conclusions
As already pointed out, accurate knowledge of the gravitational potential of the
Earth is required in order to solve, for example, problems in geodesy, navigation,
oceanography, solid Earth physics, and exploration geophysics. In physical geodesy
it is the essential pre-stage of geoid computation. Earlier it was envisaged that the
gravitational potential could be determinable as a solution of a boundary value
problem. The classical problem was the Stokes problem, the boundary values were
the gravity anomalies, for which the hitherto unrealistic assumption of global (ter-
restrial) coverage was required. But today we are confronted with the situation
where also other quantities give information about the Earth’s gravity potential,
for example, gravity disturbance vector or second-order gradients of the distur-
bance potential from air- and spacecraft. In recent years the geometric shape of
the Earth, continents and ocean surface, became measurable with unprecedented
precision, due to the enormous progress of space methods like GNSS, VLBI, SLR,
and satellite altimetry. The mathematical connection between the gravitational
data within a georelevant geometry is the integrated concept. Usually, this con-
cept is formulated in the framework of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space H(Ωext σ )
consisting of potentials harmonic down to an internal (Runge) sphere Ωσ . Math-
ematically, the gravitational (anomalous) potential of the Earth is assumed to be
an element of such a space H(Ωext ext
σ ). In the Hilbert space H(Ωσ ) any element may
be represented by its expansion with respect to a complete system of kernel ex-
pressions Li KH(Ωext ) (·, ·) related to (linear) observables Li on H(Ωext
σ ). Because of
reflecting the different stages of decorrelation. In doing so, harmonic wavelets may
be used as mathematical means for breaking up a complicated function (such as
the Earth’s gravitational potential) into many simple pieces at different scales and
positions. This allows multiresolution analysis and compression of data. The par-
ticular efficiency of wavelets is caused by the property that only a few wavelet
coefficients in the wavelet table are needed in areas where the gravitational poten-
tial is “smooth”, whereas stronger resolution of a complicated pattern is settled by
a zooming-in capability. Wavelets offer canonical tools for combined terrestrial, air-
borne, and spaceborne data management under realistic assumptions imposed on
the geometry of the Earth’s surface and the “orbital configuration”. Fast computa-
tion becomes available in form of tree algorithms. This enables gravitational poten-
tial determination with millions of data. Thus harmonic (regularization) wavelets
are particularly important for inverse multiscale modeling of spaceborne data. In
a subsequent step geoid computation can be based on a highly accurate gravi-
tational potential derived from a homogeneous set of spaceborne data combined
with terrestrial and/or airborne data.
For inverse multiscale modeling of spaceborne data two different ways of
wavelet regularization are available, namely bandlimited truncated singular value
decomposition and non-bandlimited regularization using, e.g., Tikhonov, rational,
exponential, and “locally supported” kernels. In accordance with the uncertainty
principle the different constituting elements of regularization may be explained
as follows: Non-bandlimited regularization wavelets tend to be extremely space
localizing. Thus huge data sets of irregular distribution can be handled since only
data in a small neighborhood, whose size is determined by the particular choice of
the wavelet type, is needed for the purpose of evaluating the wavelet coefficients.
On the other hand, a large number of wavelet coefficients depending on the choice
of the wavelet for the regularization is needed, since the wavelet coefficients only
give local information of a small neighborhood. It appears that non-bandlimited
regularization is an appropriate tool of local gravity surveys for oil and mineral
exploration. However, little practical work has been done yet in this application
area for non-synthetic data sets, although the use of linear functionals allows a very
promising combination of terrestrial and/or airborne data within a unified setup
in terms of wavelets. Moreover, fast summation techniques and panel clustering is
adequately applicable in pyramid schemata.
Bandlimited regularization wavelets show more moderate phenomena of space
localization so that one can work with smaller data sets in numerical evaluation.
In consequence, the number of wavelet coefficients can be reduced, since they
contain information of a more extended area. Moreover, a certain spectral band can
be expressed exactly in terms of wavelets because of their bandlimited character
even when the airborne data are combined with terrestrial information. Pyramid
schemata can be based on exact (outer harmonic) approximation. In conclusion,
dependent on the space/momentum character of the bandlimited wavelets inverse
multiscale gravity modeling of spaceborne data can be handled successfully by
multiresolution analysis.
452 W. Freeden and H. Nutz
Finally, it should be pointed out that our approach is given within a spher-
ical context. Geodesists sometimes believe that ellipsoidal reference surfaces in
combination with ellipsoidal harmonics might be the better choice. No doubt,
an ellipsoidally reflected multiscale formulation is mathematically interesting and
geodetically relevant. However, its numerical realization is by far more compli-
cated than the spherical oriented variant chosen for our study here. As a matter of
fact, Meissl schemata are involved with gravitational quantities not including the
centrifugal influence. In this case, however, Runge–Walsh methods corresponding
to Runge–Walsh (Bjerhammar) spheres form an adequate alternative which, in
the opinion of the authors, is superior when numerical purposes come into play
because of the much more efficient and economical structure inherent in spherical
framework. Even better, Runge–Walsh procedures are not only applicable for ellip-
soidal reference surfaces, but also for geometrically complicated reference surfaces
such as telluroid, or (co)geoid.
Acknowledgment. The authors thank the “Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Energy, Berlin” and the “Project Management Jülich” for funding the project
“SPE” (funding reference number 0324016).
SI units traditional
10−9 s−2 1E
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In §1 the formulation of the vector GBVP is recalled, especially because it is
historically its first formulation. However the section introduces the reader to the
characteristic quasi non-uniqueness of the solution of the GBVP, due to a quasi-
invariance of the data under translation of the solution.
In §2 the scalar formulation of the GBVP is introduced and its version under a
partial Legendre transform is presented, what is called the GBVP in Marussi space.
The new formulation is a fixed boundary oblique-derivative BVP for a certain non-
linear partial differential equation only recently published. A theorem of existence
and uniqueness in Hölder spaces, derived from intermediate Schauder estimates,
is recalled. The result is nice in that on data we put regularity requirements which
are very close to a realistic model of the Earth.
460 F. Sansò
W (x) = V (x) + ω 2 ρ2
(ρ = distance of x from the rotation axis, that we
take as Z coordinate axis, i.e., ρ2 = X 2 + Y 2 ) (1.1)
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 461
As one can see the problem is a free boundary, non-linear BVP for the Laplace
A first remark on this formulation is that the centrifugal terms in (1.9), (1.8)
are small compared to the main gravitational part. For instance max |ω 2 xe | ∼
3 Gal (1 Gal = 1 cm sec−2 ), as opposed to |∇V | ∼ 103 Gal. Even more, if we
compute centrifugal potential and acceleration by using a reference figure, like the
Earth ellipsoid, the residual unknown part goes down to 10−5 ÷ 10−6 times the
main terms.
462 F. Sansò
of formulating this requirement on the data we rather augment the space of un-
knowns by introducing 3 unknown constants into the boundary relation, namely
we substitute (1.12) with the relation
V (x)|S = W (Σ) + a · v(x)|S (1.16)
where a is a 3D vector and V (x) a triple of functions that guarantee the satisfaction
of (1.15). The simplest choice can be
Yik (x) xk
vk (x) = ÷ 3 (1.17)
r2 r
although other choices can be done.
So the final formulation of the VGBVP, under a non-rotating condition, is:
⎧ ΔV = 0 in Ω
⎨ V |S = V (Σ) + a · v(x)
⎪ ∇V |S = g(Σ)
V = μr + O r13 (r → ∞)
A first result on the analysis of (1.18) is found in the seminal paper by L.
Hörmander [13]. Basically the result is that a solution V (x) exists in Hölder space
H2,λ (Ω), X(Σ) ∈ H2,λ (σ), (σ the unit sphere), if W (Σ), g(Σ) are close enough in
H2,λ (Ω) to spherical counterparts, i.e., W0 (Σ), g0 (Σ), satisfying the relation
μ|g0 (Σ)| = V (Σ)2 . (1.19)
This is obtained with the application of hard implicit function theorems (see
[21]). A simpler but effective approach, the so-called Gravity Space approach [25,
26], makes use of the Legendre transformation, where
g = ∇V (x) (1.20)
becomes a new coordinate system and a new adjoint potential ψ, defined by
ψ =g·x−V (1.21)
is introduced.
It is then easy to see that S is mapped to a fixed surface Sg , Ω is mapped to
the interior Ωg of Sg and the Laplace equation for V becomes
T rΨ−1 = 0 ,
) 2 *
∂ ψ (1.22)
Ψ= .
∂gi ∂gk
One then verifies that, symmetrically to (1.20), the relation x = ∇ψ(g) holds, so
that the boundary condition becomes
g · ∇ψ − ψ|Sg = V (Σ) . (1.23)
Furthermore the uniqueness constraint (1.15) becomes
ψ = μ1/2 g 1/2 + O(g 3/2 ) (g → 0) ; (1.24)
464 F. Sansò
Better results can even be obtained by using the so-called intermediate Schauder
estimates [8, 23].
But it is time now to go to a different BVP, which is more adherent to the
physical situation of observable quantities.
In this context one has to mention the work of Seitz and Heck [30], who
gave a numerical evidence of the superior characteristics of the SGBVP on the
VGBVP. Basically the concept is to swap the ordinary spherical coordinate r with
the potential V , considered, together with σ = (λ, ϕ), as a radial coordinate in
a Marussi space. The name is because Marussi has proposed long ago to use the
potential, in this case the gravity potential, as intrinsic coordinate [16]. This is
best done, first by imagining to put r(V, σ) as the solution of the implicit equation
V = V (r, σ) , (2.5)
and then considering the field variable
Y (V, σ) = . (2.6)
r(V, σ)
∂2 Y
= ∂Y
∂V , Y
= ∂V 2
Yσ = ∇σ Y (V, σ), Yσσ = Δσ Y (V, σ) ,
by exploiting the implicit function theorem one arrives at the following field equa-
tion (see [27])
(Y 2 + |Yσ |2 )Y
− 2Y
Yσ · Yσ
+ Y
2 Yσσ = 0 . (2.8)
Considering in Marussi’s space the known surface
SM ≡ {V ≡ W (σ)} (2.9)
and its internal domain
ΩM ≡ {(V, σ); V ≤ W (σ)} (2.10)
we have that (2.8), translating the first of (2.3), has to hold in ΩM . Let us for the
moment disregard the additional term in the second of (2.3), a·v, that we shall add
again when the formulation of the SGBVP in Marussi space will be completed. So
the second of (2.3) is just used to define SM . The third of (2.3), further considering
the relations
2 ∂V 1
g = + 2 |∇σ V |2 (2.11)
∂r r
Vσ + Yσ ≡ 0 , (2.12)
can be written as
2 g 2 (σ) = Y 2 (Y 2 + |Yσ |2 ) (2.13)
to hold on SM .
Finally the fourth of (2.3) becomes
Y = μ−1 V + O(V 3 ) (V → 0) . (2.14)
A first remark is that the field
Y = μ−1 V , (2.15)
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 467
Remark 2.1 (on natural regularity conditions of data W (σ), g(σ)). By following
strictly the procedure presented in [23] one can extend the above result to the very
interesting case that
ΩM ∈ H1,λ (σ) (i.e., W (σ) ∈ H1,λ (σ)) (2.35)
g(σ) ∈ H1,λ (σ) (2.36)
as well. This is derived by the so-called intermediate Schauder estimates [8]. Indeed
in this case one has not λ Hölder continuous second derivatives up to the boundary,
yet y ∈ H1,λ (ΩM ), meaning basically that (recall (2.6), (2.18))
r(σ) = μW −1 (σ)[1 + y(σ)]−1 ,
i.e., the unknown surface of the Earth, is a H1,λ (σ) function too. This might be
an idealization, whereas the result of getting a surface H0,1 (σ) (i.e., a Lipschitz
surface) could be closer to reality. Yet such a strong result is till lacking for the
fully non-linear theory.
So assuming that a regularized Earth surface S ∈ H1,λ (σ) be acceptable we
see that (2.35) and (2.36) become natural regularity conditions.
In fact we know that the actual gravitational potential V (r, σ) is a Newtonian
potential, generated by a bounded mass density. This implies V ∈ H 2,p (Rn ), ∀p ≥
2 (see [18]) and, in view of the well-known Sobolev embedding theorems (see [1],
Chapter V) we have V ∈ H1,λ (Rn ) too. So the trace of V on a surface S ∈ H1,λ (σ)
is expected to be H1,λ (σ), while the trace of |∇V | on S will be in Hλ (σ).
This concludes the discussion and the analysis of the non-linear SGBVP. We
pass now to a linearization of the original problem (2.1) to get the standard linear
version of the so-called Molodensky Problem [15, 20], for which more general and
precise results will be obtained.
470 F. Sansò
a quantity that, multiplied by γ , is absolutely irrelevant. So (3.9) can be written as
ζ= (3.10)
called in literature the Bruns’s relation.
To simplify the writing of next formulas we shall often use the symbol Hσ
instead of H(σ) and so forth for functions of σ; this should not be confused with
the horizontal gradient ∇σ H(σ), etc.
We now. go /onto the linearization of the boundary function g(σ). One has,
putting U = ∂x ∂
, the matrix of the second derivatives of U ,
g(σ) = |g(σ, Hσ )| = |∇W | = |γ (σ, Hσ ) + ∇T (σ, Hσ )|
∼ 4 σ ) + Uν ζ + ∇T (σ, H
= |γ (σ, H 4 σ )|
= γ(σ, H 4 σ ) + γ · (Uν ζ + ∇T )
= γ(σ, H 4 σ ) − (4 4 · ∇T .
n · Uν )ζ − n (3.11)
After defining the free air gravity anomaly
4σ )
Δg = g(P ) − γ(P
) = g(σ, Hσ ) − γ(σ, H (3.12)
and recalling (3.10), we can write (3.11) in the form
4 · Uν
n · ∇T − T = Δg , (3.13)
where Δg = Δg(σ) is indeed a known datum on S. 4 We reconduct (3.13) to a more
usual form. First we note that
δ4 ∼ n − ν | < 10−5
= |4
and, since1
|∇T | < 102 mGal ,
we have too
n − ν ) · ∇T | < 10−3 mGal = 1μ Gal
which is a limit value for the error of the most precise absolute gravimeters.
Therefore we put
Taking the scalar product with ν and recalling that U is a symmetric matrix,
we get
ν · ∇γ = 4 = −4
= −ν · U n n · Uν . (3.15)
Finally, returning to (2.14), we obtain
− + ∂h T = Δg , (3.16)
∂h γ
which is the ordinary form of the boundary condition of the LSMP. Summarizing,
the linearized SGBVP at this stage is defined by: given S4 and Δg(σ) on S,
4 find T
such that ⎧
⎪ ΔT = 0 outside S4
⎨ ∂γ
∂h 4
− ∂T
∂h + γ T = Δg(σ) on S (3.17)
⎪ S
⎩ T = O 13
|x| |x| → ∞ ,
and then compute
T (σ) 4
ζ(σ) = ⇒ H(σ) = H(σ) + ζ(σ) . (3.18)
However we have already learnt that to balance the lack of first degree har-
monics in T we have to add to Δg a linear combination of three suitable functions.
The same reasoning can be extended to the zero degree term requiring the addition
of another unknown constant in the second of (3.17). If we can assume that some
asymptotic coefficients {T m } of a harmonic expansion of T , valid outside some
4 are known, we can even extend the above reasoning
sphere S strictly enclosing S,
to degrees > 1.
This is the case, thanks to the space technology which provides us with models
of anomalous potential like
L +1
T = T m Ym (σ) . (3.19)
=0 m=−
Note has to be taken that the harmonic potential u will have a series repre-
sentation, outside a large sphere S, lacking the first L degrees, i.e., starting from
degree L + 1; whence the asymptotic condition in the third relation of (3.21).
The last step we take in this section is to transform the boundary conditions,
namely the second of (3.21), into a very convenient perturbative form.
This will be derived from the estimates contained in the following Proposition,
based on elementary considerations on ellipsoidal geometry and the normal gravity
formulas. A detailed proof is given in ([29] and [28], §15.2).
Proposition 3.1. Let us put (λ, ϕ) = σ for the spherical longitude and latitude of a
point P and call er (σ), ν (σ) the radial unit vector and the ellipsoidal normal unit
vector at P respectively; then one has
ε(σ) = ν (σ) − er (σ) , ε+ = max |ε(σ)| (3.22)
ε+ ∼
= e2 , (e2 ∼
= 6, 7 · 10−3 ) (3.23)
where e is the eccentricity of the Earth ellipsoid E. Moreover, let us put
R(σ) = |x(σ)| , {x(σ) ∈ S}4 (3.24)
η(σ) = R(σ) (σ) + 2 ; η+ = max |η(σ)| (3.25)
∂h σ
then one has
η+ ∼
= 2e2 . (3.26)
With such estimates in mind we can write
∂u ∂u
= ν · ∇u = er · ∇u + ε · ∇u = + ε · ∇u .
∂h ∂r
For the sake of brevity we shall use in the rest of the work the notation
= u
, (3.27)
so that the above relation can be written
= u
+ ε · ∇u . (3.28)
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 475
2 η
u= u=− u+ u . (3.29)
γ γ r r
So, multiplying the second of (3.21) by r = R(σ), changing sign and redefining
f (σ) = −Rσ f (σ) , ψjk (x) = −rψ jk (x) ,
we get finally
+ 2u + (rε · ∇u − ηu)|S = f (σ) + ajk ψjk . (3.30)
We already note that, according to our estimates (3.23), (3.26), the differen-
tial operator
D = rε · ∇ − η (3.31)
satisfies the inequality
|Du| ≤ ε+ r|∇u| + η+ |u| , (3.32)
so that
it∂ can be considered as a perturbation of the main boundary operator
D0 = r ∂r +2 .
Summarizing, we can finally state the Linearized Scalar Molodensky Problem
in the following modified, perturbative form:
⎪ Δu = 0 outside S4
L j
+ 2u = f + ajk ψjk − Du on S4 (3.33)
⎪ i=0 x=−j
⎩ u=O 1
, |x| → ∞ .
In (3.33) the functions ψjk (x) will be chosen in the next section, and will
depend ultimately only on the shape of S,4 while L will be left a free parameter to
be fixed later on, to get convenient conditions for the stability of the solution.
Note that in (3.33) the unknowns are the potential u and the (L + 1)2 con-
stants {ajk }, which in the minimum case reduce to (1 + 1)2 = 4 unknowns.
The analysis of the problem (3.33) will occupy us in the next two sections,
following the ideas of [28], §15.4.
For a more general treatment of the oblique derivative problem, one can
consult the recent book [6].
This leads to the boundary relation (3.30) and then to a problem like (3.33),
where however the perturbative term is disregarded, namely
⎪ 4
⎨ Δu = 0 in Ω
ru + 2u 4
⎪ =f+ Σajk ψjk on S (4.2)
⎩ u=O 1
|x| → ∞ ;
this is called in geodetic literature the Simple Molodensky Problem ([15, 20]).
To study the existence, uniqueness and specially stability of the solution of
(4.2) in a suitable Sobolev space, is the task of this section, a first step to pass then
to the same work for the solution of (3.33), obtained by elementary perturbation
techniques. A first goal of the section is to prove that (4.2) has a unique stable
solution in H1 , i.e., a space of harmonic functions with L2 gradient on the boundary
4 when the following hypotheses are fulfilled
S4 ≡ {r = Rσ } is Lipschitz (4.3)
|∇σ Rσ | ≤ C σ a.e. (4.4)
f ∈ L2 (σ) (4.5)
f 2 (σ)dσ < +∞ . (4.6)
Under such hypotheses we shall prove that the solution of (4.2) satisfies
H1 ≤ C
L2σ (4.7)
j = 0, 1, . . . , L , |k| ≤ j , |ajk | ≤ C
L2σ . (4.8)
Unfortunately however we know that the constant C exists finite, but we do not
know its value, so that the result appears to be too weak to establish a perturbation
theory for (3.33). Then we shall derive a more restrictive theorem, where we find
the value of C but we have to suppose that a model of the anomalous potential,
complete up to some degree and order L, is known and the inclination of S4 with
respect to er is bounded above by some suitable angle I+ < π/2. This result will
then be easily carried over to the analysis of (3.33).
Preliminary to the development of the analysis above described, is the proof
of 4 propositions.
Proposition 4.1. Let the hypotheses (4.4) and (4.6) be satisfied. Then there is one
and only one u harmonic in Ω such that
f (σ) = lim u(r, σ) σ a.e. ; (4.9)
4 i.e.,
in addition, if we call R any Brillouin radius for S,
R > R+ = sup{Rσ } , (4.10)
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 477
and we put
M (u, σ) = sup |u(r, σ)| (4.11)
Rσ <r≤R
we have
M (u, σ)
2L2σ = M (u, σ)2 dσ ≤ C 2
2L2σ , (4.12)
where the constant C in (4.12) is depending only on the shape of S. 4
Proof. This is a generalization of the Fatou theorem ([3]), adapted to the present
configuration, proved by B.E.J. Dahlberg, and reported in [14], §3. The theory
is essentially based on Hardy–Littlewood maximal inequalities. So we shall not
reproduce the proof, but we rather send the interested reader to the mentioned
paper. Here, we note only that (4.12), by applying a simple approximation of f by
a continuous function, implies as well that if Sδ is a family of uniformly Lipschitz
surfaces, Sδ = {r = Rδ,σ = Rδ + hσ ; 0 < hσ ≤ δ}, supσ |∇Rδ,σ | ≤ C, then for any
u harmonic in Ω attaining boundary values f (σ) ∈ L2σ , one has too
lim |u(Rδ,σ , σ) − f (σ)|2 dσ = 0 . (4.13)
δ→0 σ
Remark 4.1. We notice that the first proof of existence of harmonic functions, or
more generally of solutions of Poisson’s equation, when boundary data on S4 are in
4 is due to Cimmino ([5]). However the approach of this author requires the
L2 (S)
boundary S4 to be of class C 2 (σ) so as to guarantee that it has bounded curvature. A
different proof can be given, much simpler than Hardy–Littlewood theory, where
the boundary S4 is required only to be of class H1+λ (σ). This constitutes thus
a generalization of Cimmino’s result, though it is not as general as Dahlberg’s
Remark 4.2. As a further remark we observe that a consequence of Proposition
4.1 is that we can define a Hilbert space of harmonic functions in Ω, 4 that we
shall call H0 , which is just the isometric image of Lσ , through the solution of the
corresponding Dirichlet problem, namely
4 ↔ f (σ) = u| ∈ L2
u ∈ H0 (S) S σ
0 ≡
L2σ .
Note should be taken that with the above definition,
0 = u2 (Rσ , σ)dσ , (4.15)
which is not exactly equal to S u (Rσ , σ)dS, although it is equivalent to the more
common norm when S4 is a starshaped Lipschitz domain, because (see [28], §15.1)
dS = Rσ Jdσ ,
J = (cos I)−1 , cos I = n · er , 1 ≤ J ≤ A < +∞ .
478 F. Sansò
then, by exploiting the definition (4.17) and the orthogonality of surface spherical
harmonics, ∀ ≤ L, |m| ≤ ,
= +1 >
L j
0= cjk ψjk , Ym = cm .
j=0 k=−j 0
Finally (4.20) holds because the very definition (4.19) yields the double im-
u=O ⇔ {um = 0 , ≤ L |m| ≤ } ⇔ u ∈ H0L .
Proposition 4.3. Let us consider the modified Dirichlet problem for all L ≥ 0,
⎪ 4 ,
⎨ Δu = 0 in Ω
L j
⎪ 4 ;
⎩ u|S = f + aik ψjk on Ω
j=0 k=−j
when f ∈ L2σ , then (4.22) has one and only one solution u ∈ H0L , {ajk } ∈ R(L+1) ,
such that
0 ≤
L2σ (4.23)
|ajk | ≤ C
L2σ . (4.24)
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 479
4 such that
Proof. Let us define u
Δ4u=0 4
(in Ω)
4|S = f ,
which exists and satisfies
0 ≡
L2σ (4.26)
in force of Remark 4.2. Note that in general u / H0L , not even
L = 0, because
functions u ∈ H0,L=0 have the asymptotic behaviour u = O r12 .
Since the second of (4.22) is equivalent to u ∈ H0L , (4.22) itself is just
equivalent to solving
L j
u ajk ψjk (4.27)
j=0 k=−j
u ∈ H0L = VL⊥ and Σajk ψjk ∈ VL . (4.28)
So the solution of (4.27), introducing the orthogonal projector
PL ≡ orthogonal projector on VL .
is just
ajk ψjk = −PL u
4, (4.29)
=0 k=−j
u = (I − PL )4
u. (4.30)
In turn, since {ψjk } are linearly independent, (4.29) implies
|ajk | ≤ C
PL u
0 ≤ C
0 = C
which is (4.24); moreover (4.30) implies
0 ≤
0 ≡
L2σ .
which is (4.23).
Finally we shall prove a proposition that introduces a generalized version of
energy integrals already used in Geodesy for the analysis of the GBVP ([13, 27,
Proposition 4.4. Let u ∈ H0L and ∇u ∈ H0L+1 , let α be a real number such that
α < 2L + 4 , (4.31)
then the following identity holds
dσRσα+2 |∇u|2 = 2(α − 1) rα−1 u
2 dΩ
−α dΩr α−1 2 4 σα u
un .
|∇u| + 2 dSR
480 F. Sansò
Proof. Note that S dσ in the left-hand side of (4.33) means that |∇u|2 is computed
4 i.e. with r = Rσ , and the resulting function integrated in dσ on the unit
on S,
sphere. Similar is the situation of the right-hand side where we can put
dS4 = Rσ2 Jdσ
and u
un has again to be computed on S. 4 To prove (4.32) one can start from the
differential identity
1 ∂
∇ · (rα u
∇u) = (α − 1)rα−1 u
2 + rα−1 |∇u|2 + rα |∇u|2 . (4.33)
2 ∂r
4 and using Gauss theorem and the integration by
By integrating (4.33) in Ω
parts in dr, one derives (4.32). The condition (4.31) is necessary in order that all
integrals be convergent and integrals on large spheres tend to zero when the radius
tends to infinity.
We only mention here, for some possible future use, that (4.32) can be further
elaborated, trying to bring at least in part the dΩrα−1 |∇u|2 on the surface S; 4
so we arrive at the identity
dσRσα+2 |∇u|2 = 2(α − 1) rα−1 u
2 dΩ + Rσα−1 (2Rσ u
+ αu)un dS4 (4.34)
α(α − 1) α2 (α − 1)
− Rσα u2 dσ − dΩrα−3 u2 .
2 S 2
Now we finally prove that u ∈ H1 . In this respect we note that a natural norm in
H1 is
1 =
0 = |∇u|2 dσ ; (4.45)
that this is a true norm is obvious because
1 = 0 implies |∇u| = 0 on S4 and
then by the maximum principle
sup |∇u|2 ≤ sup |ux |2 + sup |uy |2 + sup |uz |2 = 0 ,
Let us note for the sake of clarity that indeed ∇σ u(λRσ , σ) = uσ (λRσ , σ)
since the second function is just uσ (λRσ , σ) = ∇σ u(λr, σ)|r=Rσ .
So (4.47) can be legitimately applied to the difference uλ − uλ , i.e.,
uλ − uλ
1 ≤ C
λ − u
0 ; (4.50)
on the other hand we have already noted that u
∈ H0 , so that u
λ → u
in L2σ .
Therefore from (4.50), if we take a sequence λn → 1 we see that uλn is
a Cauchy sequence in H1 and then uλu → u ∈ H1 . But we already know that
uλn → u in H0 and therefore it has to be u = u, namely u ∈ H1 . So our conclusion
(4.48) holds.
In principle at this point one could be content with the result of Theorem
4.1 considering that indeed a perturbation of the boundary operator r ∂r + 2,
continuous in H1 , can be treated claiming that when the perturbation is “small
enough”, then a solution still exists and is unique in H1 . Yet, since we do not know
the value of C in (4.48), we are not able to specify how small should actually be
the perturbation. So we need to find a value for C. However, now that we know
that u ∈ H1 , we can resort to the generalized energy identities of Proposition 4.4,
but this time with α = 1 and L ≥ 1, as already done in ([27, 29]). In this case
(4.32) reads
3 2
dσRσ |∇u| = − dΩ|∇u| + 2 dσJRσ3 u
(n + 1)2 2L + 5
(n ≥ L + 1) , ≥
2n + 1 4
20 = 4πΣu2+nm ,
from (4.59) we deduce
1 4
20 ≤ u
(r, σ)2 dΩ . (4.60)
R+ 2L + 5 Ω+
2 R+
1 1
|u − u+ | = u (s, σ)sdσ ≤ − u
2 s2 ds ,
Rσ Rσ R+ Rσ
1 1
so that, noting that Rσ − R+ ≤ δR
R+ R− ,
u − u+
2o ≤ u
2 dΩ , (4.61)
R+ R− δΩ
where δΩ ≡ {(r, σ), Rσ ≤ r ≤ R+ }.
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 485
Proof. Note that the problem (3.33) is equivalent to the solution of a SMP with
known term f − Du.
Therefore from Theorems (4.1) and (4.2) we know that
1 ≤ C1L
f − Du
0 (5.4)
|ajk | ≤ C
f − Du
0 . (5.5)
Recalling (3.32) and (4.56) we observe that indeed
0 ≤ ε+ R+
0 +η+
≤ ε+ R+
1 +η+ R+ C0L
1 (5.6)
= R+ (ε+ + η+ C0L )
1 (5.7)
Therefore, concentrating on (5.4), we find
1 ≤ C1L
0 +C1L R+ (ε+ + η+ C0L )
1 . (5.8)
It is then clear that if (5.1) is true, then (5.8) yields (5.2).
This indeed guarantees uniqueness and stability of the solution. As for ex-
istence however, it is enough to observe that if S is the solution operator of the
functional part of the SMP, then we can write
u = Sf − SDu (5.9)
and the condition (5.1) is exactly implying that SD, as an operator from H1 ∩ H0L
into itself, is a contraction. Therefore the existence of u is a consequence of the
well-known theorem on contractions [9, 31].
Remark 5.1. Now that we have defined two conditions for the stability constants
of the SMP and of the linearized SGBVP, namely (4.58) and (5.1), it is interesting
to investigate their functional and geometrical significance. As we see there are
two parameters to play with, namely J+ = (cos I+ )−1 and L. The third constant
R+ δR
k= =1+
R− R−
is in fact fixed by the global geometry of the Earth surface. If we take
R− = b = 6356.91 km
R+ = a + Hc = 6384.52 km
Hc = 6.27 km
is the height of the Chimborazo, a high mountain close to the equator, the tip of
which is probably the furthest point of the surface from the center of the Earth,
we get
= 4.34 · 10−3 .
The Analysis of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem 487
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Fernando Sansò
Politecnico di Milano – DICA
P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 491–516
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Abstract. Aim of this note is to report the current state of the analysis for
weak solutions to oblique boundary problems for the Poisson equation. In this
paper, as well deterministic as stochastic inhomogeneities are treated and ex-
istence and uniqueness results for corresponding weak solutions are presented.
We consider the problem for inner bounded and outer unbounded domains
in Rn . Main tools for the deterministic inner problem are a Poincaré inequal-
ity and some analysis for Sobolev spaces on submanifolds, in order to use
the Lax–Milgram Lemma. The Kelvin transformation enables us to translate
the outer problem to a corresponding inner problem. Thus we can define a
solution operator by using the solution operator of the inner problem. The
extension to stochastic inhomogeneities is done with help of tensor product
spaces of a probability space with the Sobolev spaces from the deterministic
problems. We can prove a regularization result which shows that the weak
solution fulfills the classical formulation for smooth data. A Ritz–Galerkin
approximation method for numerical computations is available. Finally, we
show that the results are applicable to geomathematical problems.
Keywords. Oblique derivation problem, Ritz–Galerkin approximation, sto-
chastic extensions.
1. Introduction
The main subject of this article are existence results for solutions to oblique bound-
ary problems for the Poisson equation. We start with the deterministic problems.
The Poisson equation in the domain Σ is given by
Δu = f,
and the oblique boundary condition by
a, ∇u + bu = g.
Oblique derivative problems represent classical topics in the context of mathematical geodesy.
Thus, the editors and the publisher have decided to include this chapter, although an earlier
version has been published in “Handbook of Geomathematics, Vol. 3, 2285–2315, 2015”.
492 M. Grothaus and T. Raskop
for all u ∈ H 1,2 (Σ), is only available for bounded Σ. Thus we can only use the Lax–
Milgram Lemma for the inner problem in order to gain a solution operator. For
the outer problem we use the Kelvin transformation to transform the unbounded
domain Σ to a bounded domain ΣK via
ΣK := x ∈ Σ ∪ {0}.
Additionally we transform coefficients as well as inhomogeneities and end up with
a inner problem, which posses a unique weak solution v. Finally we transform this
function to the outer space by
1 x
u(x) := v ,
|x|n−2 |x|2
for all x ∈ Σ. This u is then the weak solution to the outer problem and it can be
shown that, in the case of existence, u is the classical solution. Additionally the
transformations are continuous and consequently the solution depends continuous
on the data. Before we go on with stochastic inhomogeneities and stochastic weak
solutions we want to mention that we have to assume a regular inner problem, while
we have a transformed regularity condition for the outer problem resulting from
the transformations. Going to a stochastic setting we have to introduce the spaces
of stochastic functions. These are constructed as the tensor product of L2 (Ω, dP ),
with a suitable probability space (Ω, F , P), and the Sobolev spaces used in the
deterministic theory. They are again Hilbert spaces and we have isomorphisms
to Hilbert space-valued random variables. For the stochastic inner problem we
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 493
again employ the Lax–Milgram Lemma, while in the outer setting we define the
solution operator pointwisely for almost all ω ∈ Ω. For all solutions, deterministic
as well as stochastic, a Ritz–Galerkin approximation method is available. Finally
we give some examples from Geomathematics, where stochastic inhomogeneities
are implemented. Proofs for the results presented in this report are given in [9] and
[10]. The examples are taken from [3] and [7]. We want to mention that the articles
[15] as well as [17] also deal with solutions to oblique boundary-value problem.
2 2 2
L1 (Σ) := F : Σ → R|F is measurable with F (x)1 (x)dλ (x) < ∞ ,
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 495
! "
H1,21 ,2
(Σ) := F ∈ L21 (Σ)|∂i F ∈ L22 (Σ), 1 ≤ i ≤ n ,
! "
1 ,2 ,3
(Σ) := F ∈ L21 (Σ)|∂i F ∈ L22 (Σ) and ∂i ∂j F ∈ L23 (Σ), 1 ≤ j, i ≤ n ,
2 2
L2 (Σ) := n
F (x)1 (x)dλ (x) ,
n 1/2
H1,2, (Σ) :=
2L2 (Σ) +
∂i F
2L2 (Σ) ,
1 2 1 2
n 1/2
H2,2, (Σ) :=
2L2 (Σ) +
∂i F
2L2 (Σ) +
∂i ∂j F
2L2 (Σ) .
1 2 ,3 1 2 3
i=1 j=1
where H 0,p (∂Σ) is identical with Lp (∂Σ), p ∈ {2, ∞}. The spaces H2,2 1 ,2 ,3
1 ,2
(Σ), L 2
1 (Σ), H s,2
(∂Σ) and H r,2
(Σ) are Hilbert spaces, while the spaces
H r,∞ (∂Σ) are Banach spaces with respect to the norms given above, see, e.g.,
[1] or[5].
The spaces H s,2 (Rn−1 ) are defined via the Fourier transformation. Differen-
tiation in the definition above has to be understood in sense of weak differentia-
tion. The definition of the spaces on ∂Σ above is independent from the choice of
(Ui )1≤i≤N , (wi )1≤i≤N and (Ψi )1≤i≤N . It is left to introduce the spaces H s,2 (∂Σ)
on a C m,1 -surface ∂Σ, 0 ≤ s < m + 1. We do this as follows. Identify each function
F ∈ L2 (∂Σ) with a linear continuous functional on H s,2 (∂Σ), defined by
F (G) := F (x) · G(x) dH n−1 (x),
496 M. Grothaus and T. Raskop
|F (G)|
(H s,2 (∂Σ)) := sup .
G∈H s,2 (∂Σ)
H s,2 (∂Σ)
In this way we end up with the space H −s,2 (∂Σ) defined in the previous definition.
We get the following chain of rigged Hilbert spaces, called Gelfand triple.
for all F ∈ L (∂Σ). Analogously, we introduce the Gelfand triples
1,2 2 1,2
H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) ⊂ L|x|2 (Σ) ⊂ H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) ,
i.e.,Un ⊂ Un+1 such that n∈N Un = H 1,2 (Σ). Because Un is as a finite-dimensional
subspace of the Hilbert space H 1,2 (Σ) itself a Hilbert space, we find for each n ∈ N
a unique un ∈ Un with
a(η, un ) = F (η) for all η ∈ Un .
Moreover, let d := dim(Un ) and (ϕk )1≤k≤d be a basis of Un . Then un ∈ Un has
the following unique representation
un = hi ϕi ,
where (hi )1≤i≤d is the solution of the linear system of equations given by
a(ϕj , ϕi )hi = F (ϕj ) 1 ≤ j ≤ d.
The following result from Céa proves that the sequence (un )n∈N really approxi-
mates the weak solution u.
Theorem 7. Let u be the weak solution provided by Theorem 5 and (un )n∈N taken
from above. Then:
C6 n→∞
u − un
H 1,2 (Σ) ≤dist(u, Un ) −→ 0,
where C6 and C7 are the continuity and the coercivity constants of a.
3.5. Stochastic extensions
First we define the spaces of stochastic functions. We are choosing a probability
space (Ω, F , P), arbitrary but fixed, such that L2 (Ω, dP ) is separable, and define
Using the argumentation from the first section we come immediately to the
weak formulation of the stochastic boundary problem.
Definition 8. Find u ∈ HΩ1,2 (Σ) with:
g b
1 η, − 1 ,2 − η u dH n−1
H 2 ,2 (∂Σ) a, ν H 2 (∂Σ)
Ω ∂Σ a, ν
− 1 η , (∇∂Σ u)i − 12 ,2 dP
H 2 ,2 (∂Σ) a, ν H (∂Σ)
Ω i=1
− (∇η · ∇u) dλn −H 1,2 (Σ) η, f (H 1,2 (Σ)) dP = 0
In the proof we use the results from the deterministic setting in order to
prove the requirements of the Lax–Milgram Lemma to be fulfilled. Using the iso-
morphisms of the tensor product spaces to spaces of Hilbert space-valued random
variables, also the regularization result translates to the stochastic setting.
Theorem 10. Let Σ ⊂ Rn be a bounded C 2,1 -domain, a ∈ H 2,∞ (∂Σ; Rn ) fulfilling
condition (1) and b ∈ H 1,∞ (∂Σ). Then for all f ∈ L2Ω (Σ) and g ∈ HΩ2 (∂Σ),
the weak solution u ∈ HΩ1,2 (Σ) to the inner regular oblique boundary problem for
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 503
for a constant 0 < C10 < ∞. u is called stochastic strong solution and fulfills the
classical problem almost everywhere.
At the end of this section we want to mention that a Ritz–Galerkin approxi-
mation is available also for the stochastic weak solution, repeating the procedure
from the deterministic problem. For details and proofs of the presented results we
refer to [9].
Outer problem : Σ (f, g) −→ u
↓ KΣ T1 ↓ T2 ↑K
ST 3 (a),T4 (b)
Inner problem: ΣK (T1 (f ), T2 (g)) −→ v
Table 1. Transformation procedure
Kelvin transformation K of the solution for the inner problem will be presented.
Finally we define the transformations T1 and T2 for the inhomogeneities as well as
T3 and T4 for the coefficients. We will also show that the operators K, T1 and T2
are continuous. The consequence is that our solution operator
Sa,b (f, g) := K STin3 (a),T4 (b) (T1 (f ), T2 (f )) ,
forms a linear and continuous solution operator for the outer problem. Because all
main results assume Σ to be at least an outer C 1,1 -domain, we fix Σ for the rest
of this chapter as such a domain, if not stated otherwise. At first we transform the
outer domain Σ to a bounded domain ΣK . The tool we use is the so called Kelvin
transformation KΣ for domains. We introduce the Kelvin transformation for outer
C 1,1 -domains in the following definition.
Definition 11. Let Σ be an outer C 1,1 -domain and x ∈ Σ be given. Then we define
the Kelvin transformation KΣ (x) of x by
KΣ (x) := .
Furthermore, we define ΣK as the Kelvin transformation of Σ via
ΣK := KΣ (Σ) ∪ {0} = KΣ (x)x ∈ Σ ∪ {0} .
From this point on, we fix the notation in such a way that ΣK always means
the Kelvin transformation of Σ. Figure 3 illustrates the Kelvin transformation of Σ.
We have KΣ ∈ C ∞ (Rn \{0}; Rn\{0}) with KΣ2 = IdRn \{0} . Furthermore
we obtain by standard calculus, using the Leibnitz formula for the determinant,
|Det(D(KΣ ))(x)| ≤ C11 |x|−2n for all x ∈ Rn \{0}, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. This is one of the
reasons for the weighted measures of the Sobolev spaces introduced later on. More-
over the transformation leaves the regularity of the surface invariant. Let Σ be an
outer C 2,1 -domain. Then ΣK is a bounded C 2,1 -domain. Moreover we have that
∂ΣK = KΣ (∂Σ). Furthermore, if Σ is an outer C 1,1 -domain, we have that ΣK is a
bounded C 1,1 -domain. There are geometric situations in which ∂ΣK can be com-
puted easily. For example if ∂Σ is a sphere around the origin with radius R, then
∂ΣK is a sphere around the origin with radius R−1 . Furthermore, if ∂Σ ⊂ R2 is an
ellipse with semi axes a and b around the origin, then ∂ΣK is also an ellipse around
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 505
the origin with semi axes b−1 and a−1 . At next we present the transformation for
the weak solution of the inner problem back to the outer setting. Therefore we in-
troduce the operator K. This is the so-called Kelvin transformation for functions.
It transforms a given function u, defined in ΣK , to a function K(u), defined in
Σ. In addition, it preserves some properties of the original function. We will state
some of these properties. So, after the following considerations it will be clear why
we choose exactly this transformation. It will also be clear how we have to choose
the transformations T1 , . . . , T4 in the following. We start with a definition.
Definition 12. Let Σ be an outer C 1,1 -domain and u be a function defined on ΣK .
Then we define the Kelvin transformation K(u) of u, which is a function defined
on Σ, via
1 x
K(u)(x) := u ,
|x|n−2 |x|2
for all x ∈ Σ.
Important is, that this transformation acts as a multiplier when applying the
Laplace operator. Note that −(n − 2) is the only exponent for |x| which has this
property. We have for u ∈ C 2 (ΣK ) that K(u) ∈ C 2 (Σ) with
1 x
Δ(K(u))(x) = (Δu) ,
|x|n+2 |x|2
for all x ∈ Σ. As already mentioned above we will apply K to functions from
H 1,2 (ΣK ). So we want to find a normed function space (V,
V ) such that
K : H 1,2 (ΣK ) → V
defines a continuous operator.
It turns out that the weighted Sobolev space H 1,2
1 1
, |x|
(Σ) is a suitable choice.
Theorem 13. Let Σ be an outer C 1,1 -domain. For u ∈ H 1,2 (ΣK ) let K(u) be
defined as above for all x ∈ Σ. Then we have that
K : H 1,2 (ΣK ) → H 1,2
1 1
, |x|
T1 is well defined and fulfills the relation described by equations (3) and (4).
Furthermore, T1 defines a linear continuous isomorphism
T1 : L2|x|2 (Σ) → L2 (ΣK ),
T1 : W → H 1,2 (ΣK ) ,
defines a linear continuous operator. Additionally, we want to end up with a
Gelfand triple
U ⊂ L2|x|2 (Σ) ⊂ W.
Consequently L2|x|2 (Σ) should be a dense subspace. It is possible to prove that the
space H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) is a suitable choice. Recall the Gelfand triple, given by
1,2 2 1,2
H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) ⊂ L |x| 2 (Σ) ⊂ H |x|2 ,|x|3 (Σ) .
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 507
T1 : H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) → H 1,2 (ΣK ) .
Definition 17. Let Σ be an outer C 1,1 -domain and a and b be defined on ∂Σ. We
define the operators T3 and T4 via
x x
(T3 (a)) (x) := |x|n · a − 2 a , e x ex ,
|x|2 |x|2
x x
(T4 (b)) (x) := |x|n−2 · b + (2 − n) a ,x ,
|x|2 |x|2
for all x ∈ ∂ΣK , where ex denotes the unit vector in direction x. Furthermore we
T3 : H 1,∞ (∂Σ) → H 1,∞ (∂ΣK ),
T4 : L∞ (∂Σ) → L∞ (∂ΣK ),
if Σ is an outer C 1,1 -domain and a ∈ H 1,∞ (∂Σ) for T4 . All operators are well
defined and give the relation formulated by equations (5) and (6).
These operators have the properties
T3 : H 1,∞ (∂Σ) → H 1,∞ (∂ΣK ),
T4 : L∞ (∂Σ) → L∞ (∂ΣK ),
if Σ is an outer C 1,1 -domain and a ∈ H 1,∞ (∂Σ) for T4 and
T3 : H 2,∞ (∂Σ) → H 2,∞ (∂ΣK ),
T4 : H 1,∞ (∂Σ) → H 1,∞ (∂ΣK ),
if Σ is an outer C 2,1 -domain and a ∈ H 2,∞ (∂Σ) for T4 .
1 1,2
g ∈ H − 2 ,2 (∂Σ) and f ∈ H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) , such that
(T3 (a)) (y), ν K (y) > C > 0, (7)
T4 (b) 1 T3 (a)
ess inf − div K − νK > 0, (8)
∂ΣK T3 (a), ν K 2 ∂Σ T3 (a), ν K
for all y ∈ ∂ΣK , where 0 < C < ∞. Then we define
u := Sa,b (f, g) := K STin3 (a),T4 (b) (T1 (f ), T2 (g)) ,
as the weak solution to the outer oblique boundary problem for the Poisson equation
from Definition 18. Sa,b is injective and we have for a constant 0 < C12 < ∞
H 1,2 (Σ) ≤ C 12
H 1,2 (Σ)
− ,2 .
1 , 1
|x|2 ,|x|3
2 H (∂Σ)
|x|2 |x|
We are able to prove that the Kelvin transformation for functions is also a
continuous operator from H 2,2 (ΣK ) to H 2,2
, 1 ,1
(Σ). So we can prove the following
|x|2 |x|
regularization result, based on the regularization result for the inner problem,
see Theorem 6. The following theorem shows, that the weak solution, defined by
Theorem 19, is really related to the outer problem, given in Definition 18, although
it is not derived by an own weak formulation.
Theorem 20. Let Σ be an outer C 2,1 -domain, a ∈ H 2,∞ (∂Σ; Rn ), b ∈ H 1,∞ (∂Σ)
such that (7) and (8) holds. If f ∈ L2|x|2 (Σ) and g ∈ H 2 ,2 (Σ) then we have that u
provided by Theorem 19 is a strong solution, i.e., u ∈ H 2,2
1 1
, |x| ,1
(Σ), and
Δu = f,
a, ∇u + bu = g,
almost everywhere on Σ and ∂Σ, respectively. Furthermore we have an a priori
H 2,2 (Σ) ≤ C13
L 2 (Σ) +
1 ,2 ,
1 , 1 ,1 2 |x| 2 H (∂Σ)
|x|2 |x|
depends as well on the direction of the normal vector ν(y) at the point y ∈ ∂Σ as
on the direction of y itself. In this section we will investigate this dependency in
detail. Using the definitions of T3 and T4 , we can rewrite condition (7) into the
equivalent form
cos ∠a(x),ν K ( x 2 ) − 2 · cos ∠a(x),ex · cos ∠ex ,ν K ( x 2 ) > C13 > 0,
|x| |x|
for all x ∈ ∂Σ and 0 < C13 < ∞ independent of x. We use the formula
y, z
=: cos(∠y,z ),
|y| · |z|
for vectors in Rn , where ∠y,z denotes the angle 0 ≤ ∠y,z ≤ π between y and z.
Going to R2 and setting
and f ∈ H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) , such that condition (7) and condition (8) is fulfilled. We
want to approximate the weak solution u to the outer oblique boundary problem,
provided by Theorem 19. Let a and F be defined by
n F G
T3 (a)i
a(η, v) := − η − ν K
, (∇ ∂Σ v) i
1 ,2
i=1 H 2 (∂Σ)
T3 (a), ν K i 1
H − 2 ,2 (∂Σ)
T4 (b)
− (∇η, ∇v) dλn − η v dH n−1
∂Σ T3 (a), ν
T2 (g)
F (η) := 1 η, −H 1,2 (Σ) η, T1 (f )(H 1,2 (Σ))
H 2 ,2 (∂Σ) T3 (a), ν K H − 12 ,2 (∂Σ)
see Section 3.4. Moreover, vn can be computed explicitly by solving a linear system
of equations. In Section 3.4 we have also seen that
v − vn
H 1,2 (Σ) ≤ C16 dist(v, Vn ) −→ 0.
So using the continuity of the operator K, see Theorem 13, we consequently get
the following result
Theorem 21. Let u be the weak solution provided by Theorem 19 to the outer
problem and v, (vn )n∈N taken from Theorem 7 and Theorem 5, both corresponding
to a, b, g, f and Σ, given at the beginning of this section. Then:
u − K(vn )
H 1,2 (Σ) ≤ C17 dist(v, Vn ) −→ 0.
− 1 ,2 1,2
g ∈ HΩ 2 (∂Σ) and f ∈ H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) , such that (7) and (8) holds. Then we
u( · , ω) := Sa,b (f ( · , ω), g( · , ω)),
for dP -almost all ω ∈ Ω. u is called stochastic weak solution to the outer oblique
boundary problem for the Poisson equation. Furthermore we have for a constant
0 < C18 < ∞
1,2 ≤ C18
− 1 ,2 .
H 1 , 1 (Σ) H
|x|2 ,|x|3
HΩ (∂Σ)
|x|2 |x|
Again a Ritz–Galerkin method is also available also for the stochastic weak
solution. It is left to the reader to write down the details. As mentioned we close
the section with examples for stochastic data. These are used in geomathematical
applications in order to model noise on measured values. In the following we give
the examples for the outer problem. They are also suitable for the inner problem.
4.4.3. Noise model for satellite data. In this paragraph we give another precise
application, which can be found in [3]. Here the authors are using stochastic inho-
mogeneities to implement a noise model for satellite data. Therefore random fields
of the form
h(ω, x) := hi (x)Zi (ω)
are used, where x ∈ ∂Σ ⊂ R and ω ∈ Ω with (Ω, F , P) a suitable probability
space. Here ∂Σ could be for example the Earth’s surface and we are searching for
harmonic functions in the space outside the Earth. Zi are Gaussian random vari-
ables with expectation value 0 and variance σi2 > 0 and hi fulfilling the assumptions
of Paragraph 4.4.1. If one chooses (Ω, F , P) as (Rm , B(R), γcov ij
), where:
0,σi 1 1 −1
γcov ij
:= # e− 2 (y,A y) dλm ,
(2π) det(A)
aij := cov(Zi , Zj ), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m,
one has a realization of Zi as the projection on the ith component in the separable
space L2 (Rm , γcov
5. Future directions
In this chapter we want to point out one direction of further investigations. We have
seen how to provide the existence of a weak solution to the outer oblique boundary
problem for the Poisson equation. Therefore we introduce several transformations.
Oblique Stochastic Boundary Value Problem 515
T1 : H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) → H 1,2 (ΣK ) .
This transformation is not bijective, i.e., T1 H|x| 2 ,|x|3 (Σ) = H 1,2 (ΣK ) ,
see Theorem 13. Finding a Hilbert space W such that K : H (Σ ) → W is K
bijective, would give us uniqueness of the solution and more detailed information
about the behavior of u and its weak derivatives, when x is tending to infinity.
Additionally, we would be able to define a bijective solution operator for the outer
problem. This could be used to find the right Hilbert spaces, such that a Poincaré
inequality is available. Consequently the Lax–Milgram Lemma would be applicable
directly to a weak formulation for the outer setting, which can be derived similar
to the inner problem. Then we might have to consider a regular outer problem,
because the tangential direction is forbidden for the oblique vector field, if we want
to derive a weak formulation. In turn we get rid of the transformed regularity
condition on a. The results presented in this report are then still an alternative in
order to get weak solutions for tangential a. Moreover, the availability of a Poincaré
inequality would lead to existence results for weak solutions to a broader class of
second-order elliptic partial differential operators in outer domains. See, e.g., [2]
for such second-order elliptic partial differential operators for inner domains.
Instead of using the Ritz–Galerkin approximation, it is also possible to ap-
proximate solutions to oblique boundary-value problems for harmonic functions
with the help of geomathematical function systems, e.g., spherical harmonics. For
such an approach, see, e.g., [8].
6. Conclusion
The analysis of inner oblique boundary value problems is rather good understood
and we reached the limit when searching for weak solutions under as weak as-
sumptions as possible. The outer problem causes still problems because of the
unboundedness of the domain. As mentioned in Section 5, finding the right dis-
tribution spaces such that a Poincaré inequality holds, might lead to bijective
solution operators for an even broader class of inhomogeneities. Nevertheless, we
are already able to provide weak solutions to the outer problem as presented in
the previous sections for very general inhomogeneities. Also stochastic weak solu-
tions for stochastic inhomogeneities as used in geomathematical applications can
be provided and approximation methods for the weak solutions are available.
516 M. Grothaus and T. Raskop
[1] Adams, R.A. (1975) Sobolev Spaces. Academic Press, New York-San Francisco-
[2] Alt, H.W. (2002) Lineare Funktionalanalysis. Springer, Berlin
[3] Bauer, F. (2004) An Alternative Approach to the Oblique Derivative Problem in
Potential Theory. Shaker Verlag, Aachen
[4] Berezanskij Y.M. (1995) Spectral Methods in Infinite Dimensional Analysis. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
[5] Dautray, R., Lions, J.-L. (1988) Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for
Science and Technology, Volume 2: Functional and variational methods. Springer,
[6] Dobrowolski, M. (2006) Angewandte Funktionalanalysis. Springer, Berlin
[7] Freeden, W., Maier, T. (2002) On Multiscale Denoising of Spherical Functions: Basic
Theory and Numerical Aspects. Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 14: 56–78
[8] Freeden, W., Michel, V. (2004) Multiscale Potential Theory (with Applications to
Geoscience). Birkhäuser Verlag, Boston, Basel, Berlin
[9] Grothaus, M., Raskop, T. (2006) On the Oblique Boundary Problem with a Sto-
chastic Inhomogeneity. Stochastics 78(4): 233–257
[10] Grothaus, M., Raskop, T. (2009) The Outer Oblique Boundary Problem of Potential
Theory. Num. Funct. Anal. Optim. 30(7-8): 1–40
[11] Gilbarg, D., Trudinger, N.S. (1998) Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second
Order. Springer, Berlin
[12] Gutting, M. (2008) Fast Multipole Methods for Oblique Derivative Problems. Shaker
Verlag, Aachen
[13] Miranda, C. (1970) Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type. Springer, Berlin
[14] Reed. M., Simon, B. (1972) Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Volume 1:
Functional Analysis. Academic Press, New York-San Francisco-London
[15] Rozanov, Y., Sanso, F. (2001) The Analysis of the Neumann and Oblique Derivative
Problem: The Theory of Regularization and its Stochastic Version. J. Geod. 75(7-8):
[16] Rozanov, Y., Sanso, F. (2002a) On the Stochastic Versions of Neumann and Oblique
Derivative Problems. Stochastics Rep. 74(1-2): 371–391
[17] Rozanov, Y., Sanso, F. (2002b) The Analysis of the Neumann and Oblique Derivative
Problem: Weak Theory. In Geodesy: Challenge of the 3rd Millenium. Springer, Berlin
Abstract. On the one hand, the Runge–Walsh theorem plays a particular role
in physical geodesy, because it allows to guarantee a uniform approximation
of the Earth’s gravitational potential within arbitrary accuracy by a harmonic
function showing a larger analyticity domain. On the other hand, there are
some less transparent manifestations of the Runge–Walsh context in the ge-
odetic literature that must be clarified in more detail. Indeed, some authors
make the attempt to apply the Runge–Walsh idea to the gravity potential
of a rotating Earth instead of the gravitational potential in non-rotating sta-
tus. Others doubt about the convergence of series expansions approximating
the Earth’s gravitational potential inside the whole outer space of the actual
The goal of this contribution is to provide the conceptual setup of the
Runge–Walsh theorem such that geodetic expectation as well as mathematical
justification become transparent and coincident. Even more, the Runge–Walsh
concept in form of generalized Fourier expansions corresponding to certain
harmonic trial functions (e.g., mono- and/or multi-poles) will be extended
to the topology of Sobolev-like reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces thereby
avoiding any need of (numerical) integration in the occurring spline solution
1. Introduction
In the theory of harmonic functions, a result first motivated by C. Runge [62] in
one-dimensional complex analysis and later generalized, e.g., by J.L. Walsh [70],
I.N. Vekua [69], and L. Hörmander [40] to potential theory in three-dimensional
Euclidean space R3 is of basic interest. For geodetically relevant obligations (see,
518 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
e.g., [33, 44, 54, 56, 63], and the references therein) it may be formulated in ac-
cordance with [55]:
Geodetic version of the Runge–Walsh theorem. Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region, i.e.,
a bounded region G ⊂ R3 dividing R3 uniquely into the inner space G and the outer
space G c = R3 \G, G = G ∪ ∂G, such that G contains the origin and the boundary
∂G is an orientable smooth Lipschitzian manifold of dimension 2. Any harmonic
function in G c that is regular at infinity can be approximated by a function that
is harmonic outside an arbitrarily given Runge (i.e., in geodetic nomenclature
sometimes called Bjerhammar) ball A G, i.e., A ⊂ G with dist(A, ∂G) > 0 (see
Figure 1, right illustration) in the sense that, for any given ε > 0, the absolute
error between the two functions is smaller than ε for all points outside and on
any closed surface completely surrounding ∂G in its outer space. The value ε may
be arbitrarily small, and the surrounding surface may be arbitrarily close to the
surface ∂G.
form convergence on any point set K G c . The Fourier coefficients are obtained
by integration over the sphere ∂G. The gravitational potential is available (in spec-
tral sense) by tables of the Fourier coefficients. Nowadays, in fact, outer harmonic
expansions constitute the conventional geodetic tools in globally reflected approx-
imation of the Earth’s gravitational potential and its observables.
From a superficial point of view, one could suggest that the standard ap-
proximation by truncated series expansions in terms of outer harmonics is closely
related to spherical geometries ∂A, ∂G. The purpose of our work, however, is to
show that the essential steps to a constructive Fourier approach can be extended
to any regular, i.e., not-necessarily spherical region G and to any regular, i.e., not-
necessarily spherical Runge region A G (see Figure 1, left illustration). As a
matter of fact, the Runge–Walsh approach enables us to avoid any calamities with
the convergence to the gravitational potential by the generalized Fourier series for
arbitrary sets K G c . In analogy to the spherical case, however, it likewise does
not help to specify convergence inside Ac \G c , so that any attempts (see [3]) to
reduce gravitational information via infinite Fourier series downward from ∂G to
the surface ∂A are not justifiable by the Runge–Walsh framework.
In summary, the Runge–Walsh concept as presented in this work reflects con-
structive approximation capabilities of the Earth’s gravitational (and not gravity)
potential even if geoscientifically realistic (i.e., not necessarily spherical) geometries
come into play.
Mathematically, it should be pointed out that the main techniques for assur-
ing the not-necessarily spherical results are the limit and jump relations and their
formulations of potential theory in the Hilbert space nomenclature of (L2 (∂G),
L2 (∂G) ). The special function systems for use in constructive Runge–Walsh
theorems are manifold. Moreover, all harmonic functions systems that are regu-
lar at infinity can be taken into account, whose restrictions to the boundary ∂G
of a regular region G form an L2 (∂G)-complete system. For numerical efficiency,
however, we restrict ourselves to certain mono-pole and multi-pole configurations.
This result also enables us to verify the closure in the Hilbert space L2 (Ω) with
respect to the norm
L2 (Ω) . That is, for any given ε > 0 and each F ∈ L2 (Ω),
there exist coefficients bn,k ∈ R such that
- -
- N 2n+1
- -
-F − bn,k Yn,k - ≤ ε. (12)
- -
n=0 k=1 L2 (Ω)
Note that, in a Hilbert space, the closure property of a function system is equivalent
to the completeness property (see, e.g., [6]). The completeness means: If F of class
L2 (Ω) has vanishing Fourier coefficients
F ∧ (n, k) = F (η)Yn,k (η)dω(η) = 0, (13)
Next we consider a sphere ΩR around the origin with radius R > 0. By virtue of
the isomorphism ξ → Rξ, ξ ∈ Ω, we can assume a function F : ΩR → R to be
reduced to the unit sphere Ω. Obviously, an L2 (Ω)-orthonormal system of spherical
harmonics forms an L2 (ΩR )-orthogonal system. More explicitly,
y y
(Yn,k , Yp,q )L2 (ΩR ) = Yn,k Yp,q dS(y) = R2 δn,p δk,q . (15)
ΩR |y| |y|
Introducing the system Yn,k R
(x) = R1 Yn,k |x|
, x ∈ ΩR , we get an orthonormal
basis {Yn,k
}n∈N0 ; k=1,...,2n+1 of the space L2 (ΩR ).
We let BR (0) = {x ∈ R3 , |x| < R} be the ball around the origin with radius R.
Then it is not difficult to see that the inner harmonics are of class Pot (BR (0)),
(i) Hn,k is a member of C (2) (BR (0)),
(ii) Hn,k satisfies ΔHn,k (x) = 0, x ∈ BR (0).
Furthermore, the inner harmonics show the following “boundary behavior” on
ΩR = ∂BR (0):
(iii) Hn,k = Yn,k ,
(iv) Hn,k , Hp,q = δn,p δk,q .
L2 (ΩR )
Analogously, the outer harmonics represent those functions that are harmonic in
the exterior of ΩR and regular at infinity, and which coincide with the spheri-
cal harmonics Yn,k on the boundary ΩR . In shorthand nomenclature, the outer
harmonics are of class Pot (R3 \BR (0)), i.e.,
(i) H−n−1,k is a member of C (2) (R3 \BR (0)),
(ii) H−n−1,k R
satisfies ΔH−n−1,k (x) = 0, x ∈ R3 \BR (0),
(iii) H−n−1 is regular at infinity, i.e., H−n−1,k (x) = O(|x|−1 ), |x| → ∞.
Furthermore, the outer harmonics show the following “boundary behavior” on
ΩR = ∂BR (0):
(iv) H−n−1,k =YR ,
ΩR n,k
(v) H−n−1,k , H−p−1,q 2 = δn,p δk,q .
L (ΩR )
Moreover, it should be noted that an inner harmonic Hn,k is related to its corre-
sponding outer harmonic H−n−1,k in the following way:
R R R R2
H−n−1,k (x) = R
Hn,k (x) = H x , x ∈ R3 \ {0}. (18)
|x| |x| n,k |x|2
transforms BR (0)\{0} into R3 \BR (0) and ΩR = ∂BR (0) onto itself. Referring to
Figure 2, we observe that the two triangles with edges (x̌R , y, 0) and (x, y, 0) are
similar whenever y ∈ ΩR . Furthermore, the ratios |x| |y|
|y| and |x̌R | are equal, provided
that y ∈ ΩR .
On the one hand, for x = |x|ξ, ξ ∈ Ω, and y = |y|η, R = |y|, η ∈ Ω, we have
for x ∈ R3 \ {0}.
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 525
H−n−1,j (27)
∂G n∈N0 ;
forms a linearly independent system.
Proof. In order to verify the statement under the assumption BR (0) G we have
to derive that, for any linear combination H of the form
N 2n+1
H= an,j H−n−1,j , (28)
n=0 j=1
H−n−1,j (30)
∂G n∈N0 ;
is complete in L2 (∂G).
Proof. Suppose that F ∈ L2 (∂G) satisfies
(F, H−n−1,j )L2 (∂G) = F (y)H−n−1,j (y) dS(y)
∂G ∂G
= 0, (31)
n ∈ N0 , j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. We have to show that F = 0 in L (∂G).
526 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
We know that the fundamental solution G(Δ; | · −y|) = (4π| · −y|)−1 of the
Laplace operator given in terms of its spherical harmonic series expansion (see,
e.g., [15])
1 1 1 |x|n
G(Δ; |x − y|) = = Yn,j (ξ)Yn,j (η), (32)
4π |x − y| n=0 2n + 1 |y|n+1 j=1
x = |x|ξ, y = |y|η, is analytic in the variable x on the ball BR (0) around the origin
0 with radius R, if y is a member of R3 \ BR (0). For all x ∈ BR (0), we thus find
by virtue of (31)
P (x) = F (y)G(Δ; |x − y|) dS(y)
= Hn,j (x) F (y)H−n−1,j (y) dS(y) = 0. (33)
2n + 1 j=1 ∂G
Consequently, the uniqueness theorem of the exterior Dirichlet problem (see, e.g.,
[41]) shows us that P (x) = 0 for all x ∈ R3 \G c . But this means that F = 0 on the
surface ∂G, as required.
From approximation theory (see, e.g., [6]) we know that the properties of
completeness and closure are equivalent in a Hilbert space such as L2 (∂G). The
equivalence leads us to the following statement
Corollary 3.3 (Closure). Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region such that BR (0) G.
! R "
Then the system H−n−1,j ∂G n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 is closed in L2 (∂G), i.e., for any
given F ∈ L2 (∂G) and arbitrary ε > 0 there exist coefficients an,j , n = 0, . . . , N ,
j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, constituting the linear combination
N 2n+1
FN = an,j H−n−1,j (42)
n=0 j=1
such that
F − FN
L2 (∂G) ≤ ε . (43)
Based on our results on outer harmonics, i.e., multi-pole expansions, a large
variety of countable systems of potentials can be shown to possess the L2 -closure
property on ∂G. Probably best known are mono-poles, (i.e., fundamental solutions
of the Laplace operator). Their L2 (∂G)-closure can be adequately described by
using the concept of fundamental systems, which should be recapitulated briefly
(see, e.g., [8, 15, 23]).
Definition 3.4 (Fundamental System). Let A, G ⊂ R3 be regular regions satisfying
the “Runge condition” A G (cf. Figure 3). A point set Y = {yn }n=0,1,... ⊂ A
(with yn = yl for n = l) is called a fundamental system in G, if for each Q ∈ Pot (G),
i.e., for each Q ∈ C (2) (G) with ΔQ = 0 in G, the condition Q(yn ) = 0 for all
n = 0, 1, . . . implies Q = 0 in G.
G(Δ; | · −yn |) (44)
∂G n=0,1,...
is closed in L (∂G).
Theorem 3.6. Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region such that BR (0) G. Suppose that
the kernel function K(·, ·) : R3 \BR (0) × BR (0) → R is given by
∞ 2k+1
K ∧ (k)H−k−1,l (x)Hk,l (y)
K(x, y) =
k=0 l=1
∞ k
R 2k + 1 ∧ |y| x y
= K (k) Pk · (47)
4πR2 |x| |x| |y|
K(·, yn )
∂G n=0,1,...
is closed in L2 (∂G).
is analytic in BR (0). Indeed, for all y ∈ R3 with |y| < R, it follows from (49) that
∧ R R
P (y) = K (k) Hk,j (y) F (x)H−k−1,j (x) dS(x). (50)
k=0 j=1 ∂G
where Y̌ = {y̌n }n=0,1,... is the point system generated by application of the Kelvin
transform to Y, i.e., by letting
y̌n = yn , n = 0, 1, . . . (53)
|yn |2
(assuming that 0 ∈
/ Y).
Theorem 3.7. Suppose that Y̌ = {y̌n }n=0,1,... is given as described above. Then the
Ǩ(·, y̌n ) (54)
∂G n=0,1,...
is closed in L (∂G).
Particularly helpful in geosciences is a fundamental system Y = {yn }n=0,1,...
in BR0 (0) that yields Y̌ = {y̌n }n=0,1,... ⊂ ∂G (cf. Figure 4). In other words, the
closure property is related to points lying on the actual (Earth’s) surface ∂G (note
that the Kelvin transform is easily invertible, so that Y and Y̌ can be easily
constructed from each other).
The (Kelvin modified) kernels Ǩ(·, y̌n ), n ∈ N0 , as given by (52) define re-
producing kernel spaces in Sobolev-like Hilbert spaces. They play a central role in
the theory of (Runge-type) harmonic splines (see [9, 12, 13, 15, 64]). Of particu-
lar significance as examples are the spline kernels corresponding to the following
“symbols” {K ∧ (k)}k∈N0 :
(a) Abel–Poisson kernel:
K ∧ (k) = C0 , k ∈ N0 , (55)
(b) singularity kernel:
K ∧ (k) = , k ∈ N0 , (56)
2k + 1
(c) logarithmic kernel:
K ∧ (k) = , k ∈ N0 , (57)
(k + 1)(2k + 1)
where C0 = 0 is a real constant (see Examples 4.4–4.6).
From potential theory (see, e.g., [15]) we know the following regularity theo-
rem: Suppose that V is of class Pot (0) (G c ), i.e.,
(i) V ∈ C (2) (G c ) ∩ C (0) (G c ),
(ii) ΔV = 0 in G c ,
(iii) V is regular at infinity, i.e., V (x) = O(|x|−1 ), |x| → ∞.
Then, for all k ∈ N0 and all K G c there exist a constant C (dependent on
K, and ∂G) (note that ∇(1) V = ∇V and ∇(2) V = (∇ ⊗ ∇)V, etc.) such that
sup |(∇(k) V )(x)| ≤ C |V (x)|2 dS(x) (58)
x∈K ∂G
3 2
(note that the norm of the matrix (∇ ⊗ ∇)V is given by i,j=1 (((∇ ⊗ ∇)V )i,j ) ).
Dirichlet Runge bases are constituted by all special function system discussed
earlier (i.e., mono- and muli-pole system, certain kernel function systems, Lamé
and Mathieu systems, etc.)
F (N ) = (F, Dn∗ )L2 (∂G) Dn∗ ∂G . (68)
The potential V ∈ Pot (0) (G c ) satisfying V ∂G = F can be represented in the form
lim sup V (x) − V (N ) (x) = 0, (69)
N →∞
V |∂G = F . Then
(k) ∗ (k) ∗
sup ∇ V (x) − (F, Dn )L2 (∂G) ∇ Dn (x)
1/2 (71)
2 ∗ 2
≤ C
L2(∂G) − (F, Dn )L2 (∂G)
holds for all k ∈ N0 and all subsets K G c . In addition, Corollary 3.11 indicates
that F − F (N ) is L2 (∂G)-orthogonal to all members of the L2 (∂G)-orthonormal
Runge basis up to the index N . This observation is valid for the Dirichlet problem.
Corollary 3.12. Let A, G ⊂ R3 be regular regions such that the “Runge property”
A G holds true. Let {Dn }n=0,1,... ⊂ Pot (Ac ) be an L2 (∂G)-Dirichlet Runge
basis. If F ∈ C (0) (∂G), then
2 12
(N )
lim F (x) − F (x) dS(x) = 0, (72)
N →∞ ∂G
V (N ) = aN
n Dn (76)
for every K G c .
Remark. Later on, the construction principle based on Corollary 3.12 formulated
in an appropriately defined Sobolev space structure will lead to harmonic spline
interpolation involving (Sobolev-like) reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
The approximation of boundary values and the gravitational potential of,
e.g., the Earth by the method of generalized Fourier expansion in terms of outer
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 535
(g) Degree 9 and order 10. (h) Degree 10 and order 15.
BR (0) G that
·L2 (∂G)
= L2 (∂G).
span n=0,1,...; {H−n−1,j |∂G } (77)
The same results remain valid when the regular surface ∂G is replaced by any
inner parallel surface ∂G(−τ ) of distance |τ | to ∂G (where |τ | is chosen sufficiently
small). This fact can be exploited to verify the following closure properties (see [8]
for a detailed proof).
Theorem 3.13. Let ∂G be the boundary of a regular region such that BR (0) G.
Then the system {H−n−1,j |∂G }n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 is closed in C (0) (∂G):
Remark. The same arguments leading to the C (0) (∂G)-closure of outer harmonics
on ∂G apply to all other systems for which the L2 (∂G)-closure is known, e.g.,
ellipsoidal harmonics, Lamé functions, etc.
Combining our results obtained by Theorem 3.13, we easily arrive at the
following statement.
Theorem 3.14. Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region such that BR (0) G. For a given
(boundary) function F ∈ C (0) (∂G), let V ∈ Pot (0) (G c ) satisfy V |∂G = F . Then,
for every ε > 0, there exist an integer N (depending on ε) and a finite set of real
numbers an,j such that
N 2n+1
sup V (x) − an,j H−n−1,j (x)
Theorem 3.15. (H(Ac ), (·, ·)H(Ac ) ) is a separable Hilbert space possessing the
(uniquely determined) reproducing kernel
KH(Ac ) (x, y) = En (x) En (y) = σn2 Dn∗ (x) Dn∗ (y) (91)
n=0 n=0
for all x, y ∈ Ac .
Suppose that A, G ⊂ R3 are regular regions such that A G. Assume that
X = XN , (92)
N =1
XN = {x1 , . . . , xN } ⊂ ∂G, xi = xj , i = j (93)
is a countable dense set of points on ∂G. Then we are able to show the following
H(Ac )-closure result:
Lemma 3.16.
·H(Ac )
H(Ac ) = span KH(Ac ) (x, ·) . (94)
Proof. Our aim is to prove that F ∈ H(Ac ) and F, KH(Ac ) (x, ·) H(Ac ) = 0 for all
x ∈ X implies
that F = 0. The reproducing kernel Hilbert space structure tells
us that F, KH(Ac ) (x, ·) H(Ac ) = 0 is equivalent to F (x) = 0. According to our
construction, F is continuous on ∂G. Hence, if F (x) = 0 for some x ∈ ∂G, then F
is different from zero for a whole neighborhood of x on ∂G. But this contradicts
the density of X. Hence, F = 0 on ∂G. The analyticity of F finally yields F = 0
in H(Ac ), as desired.
540 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
For any E-unisolvent system XN = {x1 , . . . , xN } ⊂ ∂G, i.e., for any system
XN = {x1 , . . . , xN } such that {Ex1 , . . . , ExN } forms a set of N linearly indepen-
dent bounded linear functionals on H(Ac ) we introduce H(Ac )-splines relative to
{Ex1 , . . . , ExN } in the following way:
Definition 3.17 (Harmonic Splines). Let XN = {x1 , . . . , xN } ⊂ ∂G be an E-
unisolvent system on ∂G. Then, any function S ∈ H(Ac ) given by
S(x) = ai Exi [KH(Ac ) (·, x)] = ai KH(Ac ) (xi , x) (97)
i=1 i=1
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 541
Lemma 3.18. Let S be a function of class Spline H(Ac ) (Ex1 , . . . , ExN ). Then, for
each F ∈ H(Ac ),
(S, F )H(Ac ) = ai Exi [F ] = ai F (xi ). (98)
i=1 i=1
Lemma 3.19. For a given potential P ∈ H(Ac ), there exist a unique element SN P
Proof. The application of the N bounded linear functionals Ex1 , . . . , ExN on H(Ac )
to the H(Ac )-spline of the form (97) yields N linear equations in the unknowns
aN N
1 , . . . , aN , i.e.,
From multi-variate interpolation theory (see, e.g., [6]) we know that (100) consti-
tutes a Gram matrix of N linearly independent functions
Ex1 [KH(Ac ) (·, ·)], . . . , ExN [KH(Ac ) (·, ·)],
hence, it is non-singular such that the linear system (99) is uniquely solvable. The
coefficients aN N P
1 , . . . , aN determine the unique interpolating spline SN .
The following minimum norm properties for the interpolating spline SN are
easily derivable (see, e.g., [10] for comparable conclusions).
||S − F ||2H(Ac ) = ||SN
− F ||2H(Ac ) + ||S − SN
P 2
||H(Ac ) . (102)
is well posed in the sense that its solution exists, is unique, and depends continu-
ously on the data β1 , . . . , βN . The uniquely determined solution SN is given in the
explicit form
Let ϑXN denote the XN -width on ∂G, i.e., the maximal distance for any point
of ∂G to the system XN :
ϑXN = max min |x − y| . (106)
x∈∂G y∈XN
κ(x, y) = (Ex Ex − 2Ex Ey + Ey Ey ) [KH(Ac ) (·, ·)]. (111)
is the smoothest H(Ac )-interpolant, i.e.,
H(Ac ) ≤
H(Ac ) . From (108),
(109), and (110) we therefore obtain
sup |Ex [SN
] − Ex [P ]| ≤ 2 (κ(x, y)) 2
H(Ac ) , (112)
denote the uniquely determined solution of the spline interpolation problem (103).
Then there exists a constant B (dependent on A and G) such that
sup |SN
(x) − P (x)| ≤ B ϑXN
H(Ac ) . (115)
x∈G c
Terrestrial observations of the gravity field on the real (known) Earth’s sur-
face do not generally provide normal derivatives (cf. Figure 6). Instead, oblique
derivatives are measured, since the actual Earth’s surface does not coincide with
the equipotential surface of the geoid (at least not for large parts over continents).
In the following we are interested in discussing a locally uniform approximation
implied by generalized L2 -Fourier series expansions with respect to certain trial
functions (such as outer harmonics (multi-poles) or mono-pole configurations).
Classically, a solution procedure for the oblique derivative problem is under-
taken by virtue of integral equations using the potential of a single-layer. These
results were essentially worked out by A.V. Bitzadse [4] and C. Miranda [53] (see
also the references therein). In accordance with this work, K.R. Koch, A.J. Pope
[43] applied the integral equation procedure to the so-called geodetic boundary
value problem using the known surface of the Earth. However, the strong nature
of the singularities demanding Cauchy’s principal integral value understanding
turned out to be a serious obstacle. For numerical computation, alternative tech-
niques have to be taken into account. The integral equation method also represents
the point of departure for some subsequent work by W. Freden and H. Kersten
[17–19]. They provide a new concept of approximation, viz. generalized Runge–
Walsh Fourier expansions, thereby transferring strongly singular integrals into reg-
ular ones. As for the classical Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problems
(see [8, 11, 12]), the generalized Fourier series approach yields Fourier coefficients
of the boundary values within the L2 (∂G)-framework, and it simultaneously im-
plies locally uniform approximation of the solution for subsets totally contained in
the outer space. Even more, in a series of papers, [17–19, 23], and [15] successfully
provide the basis for closure theorems in oblique derivative problems in different
topologies such as uniform as well as Hölder norms. Additionally, [35] deal with
Sobolev norms. However, to the knowledge of the authors, up to now only if the
approximation of the boundary values is implemented as a generalized Fourier ex-
pansion in the L2 -context or the method of generalized Fourier series expansions is
transferred as spline procedure to a reproducing kernel Hilbert C (0) -substructure,
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 545
4.1. Oblique boundary value problem corresponding to the actual Earth’s surface
The oblique boundary value problem (OBVP) can be formulated briefly as follows:
Let A, G ⊂ R3 be regular regions so that A G. Given a function F of class
C (0,α) (∂G), 0 < α < 1 (i.e., Hölder-continuous with Hölder coefficient α), find a
function V of class Pot (1,α) (G c ) = Pot (G c ) ∩ C (1,α) (G c ) satisfying the boundary
(x) = F (x), x ∈ ∂G, (118)
where λ is a c(1,α) (∂G)-(unit) vector field (i.e., a Hölder-continuous vector field
with Hölder coefficient α) satisfying the physically plausible condition
with ν being the (unit) normal field on ∂G directed outward into G c (cf. Figure 6).
Remark. If the field λ coincides with the normal field ν on ∂G, Eq. (118) becomes
the boundary condition of the ordinary exterior Neumann boundary value problem.
In this case, we know from [17, 18] that the smoothness conditions imposed on the
boundary values F may be weakened from Hölder continuity to just continuity.
spann=0,1,... (120)
∂λ ∂G
is dense in (C (0,α) (∂G),
L2 (∂G) ).
We are able to derive the following limit relation (see [15, 17, 18]): If F ∈ C (0,α) (∂G),
⎛ ⎞ 12
N ∗
∂D ∂D
lim ⎝ F (x) − F, n n
(x) dS(x)⎠ = 0. (122)
N →∞ ∂G n=0
∂λ L2 (∂G) ∂λ
Consequently, the uniquely determined V ∈ Pot (1,α) (G c ), ∂λ ∂G = F , can be
approximated in the form
V (N ) = F, Dn∗ (123)
∂λ 2
L (∂G)
lim sup V (x) − V (N ) (x) = 0, (124)
N →∞
N ∂Dn ∂Dk ∂Dk
an , = F, , k = 0, . . . , N. (126)
∂λ ∂λ L2 (∂G) ∂λ L2 (∂G)
Next we come to the H(Ac )-realization of the discrete exterior oblique de-
rivative problem (DEODP) (see also [12, 15] and the references therein). DEODP
demands to study the boundedness of the functional Dx = ∂/∂λ(x) of the oblique
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 547
! "
x1 ,...,Dx
= Q ∈ H(Ac ) : Dxi [Q] = Dxi [P ] = βi , xi ∈ ∂G, i = 1, . . . , N ,
is well posed in the sense that its solution exists, is unique, and depends continu-
ously on the data ∂V ∂P
∂λ (xi ) = ∂λ (xi ) = βi , i = 1, . . . , N . The uniquely determined
solution is given in the form
denote the uniquely determined solution of the spline interpolation problem (128).
Then there exists a constant B (dependent on A and G) such that
sup |SN
(x) − P (x)| ≤ B ϑXN
H(Ac ) . (136)
x∈G c
·C (0) (∂G)
C (0) (∂G) = span D|∂G [KH(Ac ) (·, ·)] (137)
·L2 (∂G)
L2 (∂G) = span D|∂G [KH(Ac ) (·, ·)] , (138)
Example 4.4.
σn2 = , R0 < R, n = 0, 1, . . . (140)
Abel–Poisson kernel:
L(x, y) = |x|2 |y|2 − 2R20 x · y + R40 (142)
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 549
∂ ∂
K 3 (x, y)
∂λx ∂λy H (R \BR (0))
1 9|x|2 |y|2 − R40 (λ(x) · x)(λ(y) · y)
4πR20 |x| |y|
(L(x, y)) 2
2 2 4
3 3|x| |y| − R0 (λ(x) · x)|y| 2 2
+ (R0 (λ(y) · x) − (λ(y) · y)|x| )
4πR0 2 (L(x, y)) 2 |x|
3 3|x|2 |y|2 − R0 4 (λ(y) · y)|x| 2 2
+ (R 0 (λ(x) · y) − (λ(x) · x)|y| )
4πR0 2 (L(x, y)) 2
3 |x|2 |y|2 − R0 4
+ 2 5 |x| |y| R0 2 (λ(x) · λ(y)) − 2(λ(y) · y)(λ(x) · x)
4πR0 (L(x, y)) 2
15 |x|2 |y|2 − R0 4
+ |x| |y|(R0 2 (λ(x) · y) − (λ(x) · x)|y|2 )
4πR0 2 (L(x, y))7/2
× (R0 2 (λ(y) · x) − (λ(y) · y)|x|2 ). (143)
Example 4.5.
2 R20
σn2 = , R0 < R, n = 0, 1, . . . (144)
2n + 1 R2
Singularity kernel:
1 1
KH (R3 \BR (0)) (x, y) = (145)
2π (L(x, y)) 12
∂ ∂
K 3 (x, y) (146)
∂λx ∂λy H (R \BR (0))
1 1
= (R2 (λ(x) · λ(y)) − 2(λ(x) · x)(λ(y) · y))
2π (L(x, y)) 32 0
3 1
+ (R2 (λ(x) · y) − (λ(x) · x)|y|2 )(R20 (λ(y) · x) − (λ(y) · y)|x|2 ).
2π (L(x, y)) 32 0
Example 4.6.
1 R20
σn2 = , R0 < R, n = 0, 1 . . . (147)
(2n + 1)(n + 1) R2
Logarithmic kernel:
1 2R20
KH (R3 \BR (0)) (x, y) = ln 1 + (148)
4πR20 M (x, y)
M (x, y) = (L(x, y)) 2 + |x| |y| − R20 (149)
550 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
∂ ∂
K 3 (x, y)
∂λx ∂λy H (R \BR (0))
1 1
2π (M (x, y)) + 2R20 M (x, y)
. 3
× (L(x, y))− 2 (R20 (λ(y) · x) − |x|2 (λ(y) · y))(R20 (n(x) · y) − |y|2 (λ(x) · x))
1 1
2π (M (x, y))2 + 2R20 M (x, y)
) *
1 (λ(x) · x)(λ(y) · y)
× (L(x, y)− 2 (R20 (λ(x) · λ(y)) − 2(λ(x) · x)(λ(y) · y))) −
1 M (x, y) + R20
π ((M (x, y))2 + 2R20 M (x, y))2
) *
− 12 2 2 |x|
× (L(x, y)) (|x| (λ(y) · y) − R0 (λ(y) · x)) (λ(y) · y)
) *
−2 1
2 2 |y|
× (L(x, y)) (|y| (λ(x) · x) − R0 (λ(x) · y)) + (λ(x) · x) . (150)
Example 4.7.
1 1 R20
σn2 = 3 , R0 < R, n = 0, 1, . . . (151)
R0 (2n + 1)2 (2n + 3)
Newton kernel:
1 1
KH (R3 \BR (0)) (x, y) = dV (z) (152)
4π BR0 (0) |x − z||y − z|
∂ ∂ 1 λ(x) · (x − z) λ(y) · (y − z)
K 3 (x, y) = dV (z).
∂λx ∂λy H (R \BR (0)) 4π BR0 (0) |x − z|3 |y − z|3
In other words, the iterated Newton kernel leads back to the volume-based
reproducing kernel Hilbert space structure recently developed by W. Freeden, C.
Gerhards [15].
Finally it should be noted that the advantage of a sphere-based reproducing
kernel Hilbert space (H(Ac ), (·, ·)H(Ac ) ) is twofold:
(1) The reproducing kernel contains outer harmonic contributions of any degree
like the Earth’s gravitational potential itself.
(2) The geometry of the regular region G may be arbitrary so that especially the
actual Earth’s surface ∂G can be easily handled in numerical computations
thereby taking advantage from the fact that there is no need for numerical
integration. The coefficient matrix of the occurring linear (spline) systems is
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 551
symmetric and positive definite, hence, they are solvable by standard methods
of linear algebra.
Even better, multi-pole (far and near field) methods in combination with suit-
able domain decomposition procedures (see [36–38] and the references therein)
make spline interpolation (and/or smoothing in the case of error affected data) an
efficient as well as economical technique for numerical application.
Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the particular choice of the repro-
ducing kernel, i.e., the appropriate topology of H(Ac ) is a problem in minimum
norm (spline) interpolation. In principle, seen from a theoretical point of view, all
topologies are equivalent. In practice, however, the reproducing kernel structure
should be in adaptation to the characteristics of the available dataset (if possible).
Altogether, Runge-type spline interpolation is a constructive method for solv-
ing the oblique derivative problem. The difficulties are the suitable choice of an
inner Runge-sphere and the Sobolev structure, the positioning of the point systems
on ∂G, and the efforts to solve the occurring linear systems.
4.2. Molodensky boundary value problem in physical geodesy
The gravimetric determination of the geoid is a current research area in physical
geodesy. It has become even more important, since the GPS techniques deliver
accurate measurements with dense data coverage. In particular, for geodetic pur-
poses, locally reflected approximation methods resulting in high wavelength geoidal
reconstructions are of future significance.
The original problem of Molodensky can briefly be formulated as follows:
Given, at all points on the geoid ∂G, the gravity potential W and the gravity
vector w = ∇W , then the aim is to determine the geoidal surface ∂G. It is clear by
the definition of the geoid, that W is constant on ∂G, such that only a gauge value
W0 has to be given. Furthermore we will not discuss in detail here, how the gravity
vector w is obtained on ∂G from measurements on the real Earth’s surface. For a
detailed discussion of determining w from the Earth’s surface to the (a priori not
known) geoid, the reader is referred to the literature (an important approach is
given, e.g., by L. Hörmander [40], see also the references therein). Our description
of the linearized Molodensky problem essentially follows the conventional concept
of, e.g., [33, 34, 45, 54].
The geoidal height determination is based on the fact that the geoid ∂G is
approximated by the boundary ∂T of a regular region T called the telluroid with
known gravitational potential U in T c (cf. Figure 7). We assume that there exists
a one-to-one correspondence between ∂G and ∂T . W is the actual potential and
U is an approximation of W called the normal potential. We define u = ∇U which
is called the normal gravity and w = ∇W called the actual gravity which is given
on ∂G. Assume that, for given x ∈ ∂T , the point y ∈ ∂G is the one associated
to x by the one-to-one correspondence between ∂G and ∂T (cf. Figure 7). The
two points are connected by the vector d = y − x. A substitute formulation of the
classical Molodensky problem is now to determine the length of d, i.e., the distance
of the geoid and the approximating telluroid along the one-to-one correspondence
552 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
the geoid ∂G and the telluroid ∂T . If we assume that m(x) is invertible for all
x ∈ ∂T , we get by virtue of (162)
d = m(x)−1 (δw(x) − (∇T )(x)). (165)
Inserting the identity (165) into equation (163) we end up with
T (x) − u(x) · (m(x))−1 (∇T )(x) = δW (x) − u(x) · m(x)−1 δw(x). (166)
This is the so-called fundamental boundary condition of physical geodesy.
Following [45] (see also the report [54]) the vector u(x)(m(x))−1 can be seen
in first order of d to be oriented in the direction of the exterior unit normal field
ν on the telluroid ∂T . More specifically,
u(x)(m(x))−1 = − ν(x). (167)
Inserting expression (167) into equation (166) therefore results in the identity
ν(x) · (∇T )(x) + T (x) = F (x), (168)
where we have used the abbreviation
F (x) = ν(x) · δw(x) + δW (x) (169)
(note that the boundary condition (168) can be seen to be equivalent to (166)
transformed in an appropriate coordinate system).
Summarizing all the steps of the linearization procedure we are led to discuss
the following type of a boundary value problem in potential theory. In fact, our
goal is to solve this problem by a constructive Runge approach as presented in
this work (cf. [22]).
Exterior Molodensky Problem (EMP): Find T ∈ Pot (1) (T c ), i.e., T ∈ C (2) (T c ) ∩
C (1) (T c ) with ΔT = 0 in T c and |T (x)| = O(|x|−1 ), |x| → ∞, such that
(x) + μ(x)T (x) = F (x), x ∈ ∂T , (170)
where μ, F ∈ C (0) (∂T ) are known functions on the boundary surface ∂T of the
regular region T (it should be noted that in modern mathematical nomenclature,
the exterior Molodensky problem (EDP) forms a special Robin problem).
Remark. In the case that ∂T is a sphere, the problem becomes the well-known
Stokes problem (see [39] or [54]) and in the case of an ellipsoid it is called ellipsoidal
Stokes problem (see, e.g., [33, 52, 54]). Locally reflected multi-scale solutions of
Stokes’ problem are due to [27, 29] (see also the references in [15]).
Next, we discuss the well-posedness of the Molodensky boundary value prob-
lem corresponding to a regular telluroidal surface ∂T . First, we will reformulate
the problem in our notation.
554 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
Exterior Molodensky Problem (EMP): Given F, μ ∈ C (0) (∂T ), find T ∈ Pot (1) (T c )
such that
+ μT (x) = F (x), x ∈ ∂T . (171)
From [22] we borrow the regularity theorem in the L2 (∂T )-context for the
Molodensky problem.
Theorem 4.8. Let T be of class Pot (1) (T c ). Then there exists a constant C(=
C(k; K, ∂T )) such that
- -
- ∂T -
(k) - -
sup ∇ T (x) ≤ C - +
L2 (∂T )
L2(∂T ) (172)
x∈K ∂ν -L2 (∂T )
In connection with the regularity result we are then able to derive the following
conclusion in the framework of the Molodensky problem: If F ∈ C (0) (∂T ), then
N →∞ F (x) − F,
+ μ Dn
∂T n=0 L2 (∂T )
2 1/2
× ∗
+ μ(x) Dn (x) dS(x) = 0. (174)
Consequently, the potential T ∈ Pot (1) (T c ), ∂ν + μ T = F on ∂T , can be rep-
resented in the form
lim sup T (x) − T (N ) (x) = 0, (175)
N →∞ x∈K
T (N ) = F, + μ Dn∗ Dn∗ . (176)
∂ν 2
L (∂T )
Finally it should be noted that the whole solution context developed for the
discrete exterior oblique derivative problem (DEOP) also remains valid for the
discrete exterior Molodensky problem (DEMP) in an obvious way by using the
linear functional M = ∂ν ∂
+ μ instead of D = ∂λ
. We summarize the results.
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 555
! "
x1 ,...,Mx
= Q ∈ H(Ac ) : Mxi [Q] = Mxi [P ] = βi , xi ∈ ∂G, i = 1, . . . , N ,
is well posed in the sense that its solution exists, is unique, and depends con-
tinuously on the data M(V )(xi ) = M(P )(xi ) = βi , i = 1, . . . , N . The uniquely
determined solution is given in the form
5. Conclusion
This contribution provides constructive realizations of the Runge–Walsh theorem
in order to solve geodetic boundary value problems such as the exterior oblique
derivative problem from discrete data sets. The numerical methods proposed here,
respectively, are Pot (Ac )- and H(Ac )-generalized Fourier series expansions. Par-
ticular kernels serving as trial functions for use in our numerics are mono- and
multi-poles and their Kelvin transforms relative to a “Runge sphere”, i.e., the
boundary of a Runge ball. A mono-pole interrelates the length of its spectral bands
to the distance of the mono-pole from the Runge sphere. The mono-pole, i.e., the
fundamental solution (as well as its Kelvin transformed singularity kernel) is more
and more space localized and simultaneously in accordance with the uncertainty
principle (cf. [14]) less frequency localized, the closer and closer the mono-pole is
positioned to the Runge sphere. As a matter of fact, seen from a methodological
point of view, Pot (Ac )-Fourier approaches using a sequence of kernel functions
corresponding to an inner fundamental system can be realized in a manner equiv-
alent to outer harmonic expansions for completely recovering the gravitational
potential within the framework of boundary value problems. A sequence of kernel
functions (such as the Abel–Poisson, singularity, and logarithmic kernel) is even
conceptually easier to implement than outer harmonic expansions, as long as the
kernels are available in closed form as elementary functions.
Mono-pole, i.e., fundamental solution approximations have a long history.
Early attempts in potential theory to make the so-called method of fundamental
solutions reality date back to the middle of the 19th century (cf. [66]). Related
studies are due to [61, 67]. Further ideas are, e.g., due to [31, 42, 46, 69, 70]. The line
to the Fourier approach as presented here follows [8, 11, 15, 20, 21, 23, 32, 69, 70].
All these approaches take advantage of the Kelvin transform in potential theory
that is not transferable for more general elliptic partial differential equations.
In the meantime, however, generalized Fourier expansions are theoretically
established and practically applied not only to the Laplace equation, but also to
more general elliptic partial differential equations, e.g., the reduced (Helmholtz)
wave equation (see [25, 28]), the Cauchy–Navier equation (see [1, 24]), (reduced)
Maxwell equations (see [22]), the (linear) Stokes equations (see [51] and the refer-
ences therein). [2] used the method of fundamental solutions in poroelasticity to
model stress fields. The drawback of the numerical realization is the need for an
adequate selection of a finite number of points out of the infinite inner fundamental
system. An optimal strategy for positioning a finite system in a computationally
efficient and physically relevant way remains a great challenge for future work.
About the Importance of the Runge–Walsh Concept 557
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560 M. Augustin, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
Matthias Augustin
Mathematical Image Analysis Group
Saarland University
Fakultät 6
D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Geomathematical Advances in
Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (SGG)
Willi Freeden, Helga Nutz, and Michael Schreiner
1. Introduction
Due to the non-spherical shape, the irregularities of the interior mass distribution,
and the movement of the lithospheric plates as well as volcanic and magmatic
activities, the external gravitational field of the Earth shows significant local vari-
562 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
the potential itself such that the resolution of the gravitational structure is much
finer. In addition, in the frequency context of outer harmonics, the Meissl scheme
(see, e.g., [10, 20, 26, 31]) enables us in spectral nomenclature to relate the or-
thogonal coefficients at LEO’s height to the orthogonal coefficients at the surface
of the Earth, at least in the context of a spherical model and under the restrictive
assumption of bandlimited outer harmonic modeling without observational errors.
In this contribution the relation between the known tensorial measurements
g (i.e., gradiometer data) and the gravitational potential F on the Earth’s surface
is expressed by the linear integral equation of the first kind
SGG F (x) = ∇x ⊗ ∇x KΛup (x, y) F (y) dωR (y) = g(x), x ∈ Ωr ,
where ΩR and Ωr are the spheres with radii R and r, respectively, ∇x ⊗∇x denotes
the Hesse tensor and KΛup is the Abel–Poisson kernel for the upward continuation
(more details are explained in Section 4). This operator equation is discussed in
the framework of pseudodifferential operators in, e.g., [9] as an invertible mapping
between Sobolev spaces under the assumption that the data are not erroneous. In
reality, however, the data g are noisy such that the Sobolev reference space for the
(noisy) tensorial data g must be embedded in a larger Sobolev space. Under these
conditions, we base our inversion process on the fact that the reference Sobolev
subspace is dense in the larger Sobolev space and that, e.g., a smoothing spline
process or a signal-to-noise procedure in multiscale framework (see [7, 8]) open
perspectives to approximate F (in suitable accuracy) from noisy data g.
Our work yields a modified wavelet approach for regularization of the inverse
gradiometer problem based on ideas presented in [9]. Moreover a tree algorithm
for multiscale decorrelation of the Earth’s external gravitational potential is in-
troduced. In adequate consistency with the reality the spaceborne gradiometer
data are assumed to be of tensorial nature. As an essential tool tensorial radial
basis functions (see, e.g., [12, 14, 26]) are used for multiscale regularization of the
exponentially ill-posed downward continuation of satellite gradiometer data.
interior which enable the investigation of geological structures as fault zone, geo-
logical faults, salt domes and volcanic formations as well as mineral deposits. The
strongest variations in the gravity are caused by the periodically changing positions
of moon and sun relative to the Earth and the associated deformations of the body
of the Earth (ocean and Earth tide and the induced loading effects).
The geoid is a virtual surface shaped by the gravity field of the Earth in the
absence of external influences such as winds and tides. The level surfaces are ideal
reference surfaces, for example, for heights. In more detail, the gravity acceleration
(gravity) w is the resultant of gravitation v and centrifugal acceleration c, i.e.,
w = v + c. The centrifugal force c arises as a result of the rotation of the Earth
around its axis. We assume here a rotation of constant angular velocity around the
rotational axis x3 , which is further assumed to be fixed with respect to the Earth.
The direction of the gravity w is known as the direction of the plumb line, the
quantity |w| is called the gravity intensity (often just gravity). The gravity potential
of the Earth can be expressed in the form: W = V + C. The gravity acceleration
w is given by w = ∇W = ∇V + ∇C. The surfaces of constant gravity poten-
tial W (x) = const, x ∈ R3 , are designated as equipotential (level, or geopotential)
surfaces of gravity. The gravity potential W of the Earth is the sum of the gravita-
tional potential V and the centrifugal potential C, i.e., W = V + C. In an Earth’s
fixed coordinate system the centrifugal potential C is explicitly known. Hence, the
determination of equipotential surfaces of the potential W is strongly related to
the knowledge of the potential V . The gravity vector w given by w(x) = ∇x W (x),
where the point x ∈ R3 is located outside or on a sphere around the origin with
Earth’s radius R, is normal to the equipotential surface passing through the same
point. Thus, equipotential surfaces intuitively express the notion of tangential sur-
faces, as they are normal to the plumb lines given by the direction of the gravity
vector (for more details see, e.g., [17]).
A tremendous step forward in the measurement of data for global model-
ing was provided with modern satellites such as CHAMP (2000–2010), GRACE
(launch 2002; designed for a mission lifetime of five years, GRACE is currently op-
erating in an extended mission phase suffering from aging of the components, e.g.,
health of the batteries), and GOCE (2009–2013). These satellites yield sufficiently
large data material of homogeneous quality and accuracy. However, as already
pointed out, the great drawback of acquiring gravitational data at LEO’s altitude
is that the gravitational potential at ground level is obtainable from satellite data
only in a “rough” form if continued downward to the Earth’s surface. Even more,
it is unavoidable for ill-posed problems such as downward continuation that the
noise in the measurements is amplified. For SGG, however, a certain compensation
effect can be taken from the fact that second derivatives instead of the potential
itself are used. As already mentioned, this mathematically means that the expo-
nential decay of the outer harmonic coefficients is reduced polynomially by two
degrees. In other words, SGG takes advantage of the fact that second derivatives
produce a rougher data set than the potential itself such that the resolution of the
gravitational structure is much finer. A mathematical model relating observables
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 565
in geodesy to each other in the frequency context of outer harmonics is the Meissl
scheme (see, e.g., [20, 21, 26, 28–31]). By specifying the spectral properties of the
Fourier coefficients, this scheme enables us to relate the orthogonal coefficients at
LEO’s height to the orthogonal coefficients at the Earth’s surface, at least in the
context of a spherical model and under the restrictive assumption of bandlimited
outer harmonic modeling.
Spherical notation
We begin by introducing some basic notation that will be used throughout our
work: Let x, y, . . . represent the elements of the Euclidean space R3 . For all x ∈
R3 , x = (x1 , x2 , x3 )T , different from the origin, we have x = rξ, r = |x| =
x21 + x22 + x23 , where ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 )T is the uniquely determined directional unit
vector of x ∈ R3 . The unit sphere in R3 will be denoted by Ω, whereas Ωα desig-
nates the sphere around the origin with radius α. If the vectors ε1 , ε2 , ε3 form the
canonical orthonormal basis in R3 , we may represent ξ ∈ Ω in polar coordinates by
ξ = tε3 + 1 − t2 cos ϕε1 + sin ϕε2 , −1 ≤ t ≤ 1, 0 ≤ ϕ < 2π, t = cos θ. (1)
The system {Yn,m }n=0,1,...;m=1,...,2n+1 is closed in C(Ω) with respect to the norm
C(Ω) , i.e., for any number ε > 0 and any function F ∈ C(Ω), there exists a
N 2n+1
linear combination FN = n=0 m=1 dn,m Yn,m such that
F − FN
C(Ω) ≤ ε.
The system {Yn,m }n=0,1,...;m=1,...,2n+1 is, furthermore, complete in L2 (Ω) with
respect to (·, ·)L2 (Ω) , i.e., F ∈ L2 (Ω) with F ∧L2 (Ω) (n, m) = 0 for all n = 0, 1, . . .;
m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1 implies F = 0 (see, e.g., [14]).
Theorem 2.2 (Addition Theorem for Scalar Spherical Harmonics). Let the system
{Yn,m }m=1,...,2n+1 be an L2 (Ω)-orthonormal one in Harm n (Ω). Then, for any pair
(ξ, η) ∈ Ω2 , the addition theorem reads
2n + 1
Yn,m (ξ)Yn,m (η) = Pn (ξ · η),
ptan f (ξ) = f (ξ) − (ξ · f (ξ))ξ,
ptan,∗ f (ξ) = f (ξ) − ξ ⊗ ((f (ξ))T ξ),
ξ ∈ Ω. With the help of the operators o(i,k) we are able to define a set of tensor
spherical harmonics {yn,m }i,k=1,2,3; n=0ik ,...; m=1,...,2n+1 by setting
yn,m = μ(i,k)
n o(i,k) Yn,m , (2)
where the normalization constants μn are given by
⎪ 1, (i, k) = (1, 1),
(i,k) 2, (i, k) ∈ {(2, 2), (3, 3)},
μn =
⎪ n(n + 1), (i, k) ∈ {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 1)},
2n(n + 1)(n(n + 1) − 2), (i, k) ∈ {(2, 3), (3, 2)}.
For simplicity, we use the abbreviation
⎨ 0, (i, k) ∈ {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)},
0ik = 1, (i, k) ∈ {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 1)},
2, (i, k) ∈ {(2, 3), (3, 2)}.
By harm(i,k)n (Ω) we denote the space of all tensor spherical harmonics of de-
gree n and kind (i, k). If {yn,m }m=1,...,2n+1 is an l2 (Ω)-orthonormal basis of
harmn (Ω), then the tensorial addition theorem reads
(i,k) (p,q) 2n + 1 (i,k,p,q)
yn,m (ξ) ⊗ yn,m (η) = Pn (ξ, η),
i, k, p, q ∈ {1, 2, 3}, where Pn : Ω × Ω → R3 ⊗ R3 ⊗ R3 ⊗ R3 denote the
Legendre tensors of degree n defined by
−1/2 −1/2
n = μ(i,k)
n μ(p,q)
n oξ o(p,q)
η Pn (ξ · η), ξ, η ∈ Ω,
(for explicit representations see [12]). Note that, for sufficiently smooth tensor
fields f : Ω → R3 ⊗ R3 of the form
f (ξ) = Fi,k (ξ)εi ⊗ εk , x ∈ Ω,
we set 3
oξ f (ξ) = oξ Fi,k (ξ) ⊗ εi ⊗ εk .
By harmn (Ω) we denote the space of all tensor spherical harmonics of degree n.
We have defined the system {yn,m } of tensor spherical harmonics concen-
trating on the fact that the decomposition into normal and tangential tensor fields
is fulfilled (cf. [26]). But one disadvantage of this set of tensor spherical harmonics
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 569
⎛ ⎞
o(1,3) (D + 1) o(3,1) − 12 o(3,2) − 12 o(3,3) D(D + 1)
⎜ o(1,3) D −o(3,1) 1 (3,2)
o 1 (3,3)
o D(D + 1) ⎟
bD =⎜
2 2 ⎟,
0 o(3,1) (D + 2) − 12 o(3,2) 1 (3,3)
o (D + 2)(D + 1) ⎠
1 (3,2)
0 o(3,1) (D − 1) 2
o − 12 o(3,3) D(D − 1)
After these preliminaries we are now in the position to introduce the tensor spher-
ical harmonics
ỹn,m = μ̃(i,k)
n õ(i,k) Yn,m , (3)
n = 0̃ik , . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, where we use the abbreviation
⎨ 0, (i, k) ∈ {(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)},
0̃ik = 1, (i, k) ∈ {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)},
2, (i, k) ∈ {(2, 2), (3, 2)},
and the normalization constants
μ̃n(1,1) = (n + 2)(n + 1)(2n + 3)(2n + 1),
μ̃n(1,2) = 3n4 ,
μ̃n(1,3) = n(n + 1)2 (2n + 1),
μ̃n(2,1) = (n + 1)2 (2n + 3)(2n + 1),
μ̃n(2,2) = n(n − 1)(2n + 1)(2n − 1),
μ̃n(2,3) = n2 (n + 1)2 ,
μ̃n(3,1) = n2 (n + 1)(2n + 1),
μ̃n(3,2) = n(n + 1)2 (2n + 1),
μ̃n(3,3) = n2 (n − 1)(2n + 1).
According to this construction, in contrary to the system (2), each member of the
system {ỹn,m } is an eigenfunction of the Beltrami operator. More explicitly, we
Theorem 2.3. Let {Yn,m }n=0,1,...; m=1,...,2n+1 be an L2 (Ω)-orthonormal set of sca-
lar spherical harmonics. Then, the set
ỹn,m i,k=1,2,3; ,
n=0̃ik ,...;
Δ∗ξ ỹn,m
(1,3) (1,3)
= −(n + 1)(n + 2)ỹn,m ,
Δ∗ξ ỹn,m
(2,3) (2,3)
= −n(n − 1)ỹn,m ,
Δ∗ξ ỹn,m
(3,1) (3,1)
= −(n + 1)(n + 2)ỹn,m ,
Δ∗ξ ỹn,m
(3,2) (3,2)
= −n(n − 1)ỹn,m ,
where the application of the Beltrami operator is understood component-by-compo-
Because of the completeness of the tensor spherical harmonics every tensor
field f ∈ l2 (Ω) can be written as a Fourier series
∞ 2n+1
f= f (i,k)∧l2 (Ω) (n, m)ỹn,m
Our idea can be explained as follows: Starting from the data given on the real
satellite orbit Γ (which is not necessarily required to build a closed surface) we pull
down the tensorial information to a sphere Ωτ of radius τ such that dist(Ωτ , Γ) > 0
by use of tensor outer harmonics. By virtue of “downward continuation” from Ωτ
to the sphere ΩR such that dist(ΩR , Σ) > 0 corresponding to the real Earth’s
surface Σ we are able to calculate the desired solution in terms of scalar outer
harmonics, i.e., the gravitational potential on the real Earth’s surface Σ from data
on the real orbit Γ. In consequence, we have to base our considerations on scalar
as well as tensor outer harmonics that are consistently related to each other.
Scalar outer harmonics. We begin our considerations with the introduction of the
scalar outer harmonics
1 R x
Hn,m (x) = Yn,m , x ∈ Ωext
R , n = 0, 1, . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
R |x| |x|
They obey the following properties:
• Hn,m
is of class C (∞) (ΩextR ),
• Hn,m is harmonic in ΩR : Δx Hn,m
(x) = 0 for x ∈ Ωext
R ,
• Hn,m |ΩR = (1/R)Yn,m ,
• (Hn,m
, Hl,s )L2 (ΩR ) = ΩR Hn,mR R
(x)Hl,s (x)dω(x) = δn,l δm,s ,
• |Hn,m (x)| = O |x|
, |x| → ∞.
Accordingly, the space Harm n (Ωext
R ) is defined by
Harm n (Ωext
R ) = spanm=1,...,2n+1 (Hn,m ),
Pot (∞) (Ωext ext
R ) = Pot (ΩR ) ∩ C
R ).
574 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
Now, let A be the linear space consisting of all sequences {An }n∈N of real
numbers An = 0, n ∈ N0 :
A = {{An } : An ∈ R, An = 0, n ∈ N0 } .
∧ 2 2
E = F ∈ Pot (∞) (Ωext
R ) : A 2
n F L (ΩR )
(n, m) < ∞ ,
n=0 m=1
∧L2 (Ω R
F R) (n, m) = F (y)Hn,m (y) dωR (y).
∞ 2n+1
∧L2 (Ω ∧L2 (Ω
(F, G)H({An };Ωext ) = A2n F R) (n, m)G R) (n, m), F, G ∈ E.
n=0 m=1
H({An };Ωext )
H({An }; Ωext
R ) =E
R .
H({An }; Ωext
R ) equipped with the inner product (·, ·)H({An };Ωext ) is a Hilbert R
∗{A }
space. The system {Hn,m n (R; ·)} given by
∗{An }
Hn,m (R; x) = A−1 R
n Hn,m (x), x ∈ Ωext
R ,
∗ ∗{A }
is a Hilbert basis. We simply write Hn,m (R; ·) instead of Hn,m n (R; ·) if no con-
fusion is likely to arise. As is well known, any function F ∈ H({An }; ΩextR ) can be
∗{An }
expanded as a Fourier series in terms of the basis Hn,m (R; ·):
∞ 2n+1
∧H({A ext ∗{An }
F = F n };ΩR )
(n, m)Hn,m (R; ·),
n=0 m=1
∧H({A ext ∗{An }
F n };ΩR )
(n, m) = (F, Hn,m (R; ·))H({An };Ωext ) .
Our next goal is the introduction of a class of scalar Sobolev spaces based
on the spherical symbol {(Δ∗;R )∧ (n)}n∈N0 of the Beltrami operator Δ∗;R on the
sphere ΩR . We know that
1 1
Δ∗;R Yn,m = 2 Δ∗ Yn,m = − 2 n(n + 1)Yn,m , n ∈ N0 ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
In particular, we have Δ∗;R Y0,1 = 0, which requires a shift by a constant, for
example 4R 2 , to obtain invertibility. We formally have
s/2 s
∗;R 1 n + 1/2
−Δ + Yn,m = Yn,m
4R2 R
s/2 ∧ s
∗;R 1 n + 1/2
−Δ + F (n, m) = F ∧ (n, m),
4R2 R
n ∈ N0 , m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. For s ∈ R we let
ext n + 1/2 ext
Hs (ΩR ) = H ; ΩR
and the norm in Hs (Ωext
R ) fulfills
1 s/2
Hs (Ωext ) =
(−Δ∗;R + ) F
L2 (ΩR ) .
Remark. For the space H0 (Ωext
R ) we identify the norm
H0 (Ωext ) with the
Theorem 2.5 (Sobolev Lemma). Assume that the sequences {An }n∈N0 , {Bn }n∈N0 ∈
A are given in such a way that {Bn−1 An }n∈N0 is summable. Then each F ∈
H{Bn−1 An }; Ωext
R corresponds to a potential of class Pot (Ωext
R ).
The Sobolev Lemma (see [5] for its proof) states that in the case of summabil-
ity of the sequence {Bn−1 An }n∈N0 , the Fourier series in terms of the basis functions
Hn,m ∈ H{Bn−1 An }; Ωext
R is continuous on the boundary ΩR . In particular, we have
the following statement.
576 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
∧L2 (Ω R 1 ∧H(Ωext )
F R) (n, m) = F (y)Hn,m (y)dωR (y) = U R (n, m),
ΩR A2n
n = 1, 2, . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
The scalar Sobolev space H(Ωext R ) is a separable Hilbert space and the system
{Hn,m (R; ·)} is a Hilbert basis. The space H(Ωext R ) has the reproducing kernel
ext ext
function KH(Ωext ) (·, ·) : ΩR × ΩR → R given by
∞ 2n+1
∗ ∗
KH(Ωext ) (x, y) = Hn,m (R; x)Hn,m (R; y), x, y ∈ Ωext
R .
n=0 m=1
In analogy to the scalar case we now introduce its tensorial counterpart pot(Ωext
R )
as follows:
R ) = {f ∈ c
R ) : ∇ · f = 0, ∇ ∧ f = 0 in Ωext
R ,
|f (x)| = O |x| , |x| → ∞}.
Similarly, we let
pot(0) (Ωext ext
R ) = pot(ΩR ) ∩ c
R ),
pot(∞) (Ωext ext
R ) = pot(ΩR ) ∩ c
R ).
In order to introduce Sobolev spaces for tensor fields we remember the sequences
{An }n∈N0 ∈ A. Then we define
∞ 2n+1
2 ∧l2 (ΩR )
e = f ∈ pot(∞) (Ωext
R ) : An (f (n, m))2
< ∞ ,
n=0 m=1
∧l2 (Ω
f R) (n, m) = f (y)hR;(1,1)
n,m (y)dωR (y).
Equipped with the inner product
∞ 2n+1
(f , g)h({An };Ωext ) = A2n f ∧l2 (ΩR ) (n, m)g∧l2 (ΩR ) (n, m),
n=0 m=1
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 577
h({An };Ωext )
h({An }; Ωext
R )= e
R .
The space h(Ωext ext
R ) (= h({An }; ΩR )) equipped with the inner product
∗{A }
(·, ·)h({An };Ωext ) is a Hilbert space. The system {hn,mn (R; ·)}n∈N0 ;m=1,...,2n+1 ,
given by
h∗{A n} −1 R;(1,1)
n,m (R; x) = An hn,m (x), x ∈ Ωext
R ,
∧ ∧
f h(Ωext )
R (n, m) = f h({An };Ωext )
R (n, m) = (f , h∗{A n}
n,m (R; ·))h(Ωext ) .
For any f ∈ l2 (ΩR ), there exists one and only one tensorial “harmonic upward
continuation” u ∈ h(Ωext
R ) of the form
∞ 2n+1
∧l2 (Ω
u(x) = A2n f R) (n, m)h∗n,m (R; x), x ∈ Ωext
R , (14)
n=0 m=1
1 ∧h(Ωext )
f ∧l2 (ΩR ) (n, m) = f (y) · hR;(1,1) (y)dωR (y) = u R (n, m).
The tensorial Sobolev space h(Ωext
R ) is a separable Hilbert space, and the system
∗;{An }
{hn,m (R; ·)} is a Hilbert basis. The space h(Ωext
R ) has the reproducing kernel
578 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
3 3 3 3
Kh(Ωext ) (·, ·) : Ωext ext
R ⊗ ΩR → R ⊗ R ⊗ R ⊗ R
given by
∞ 2n+1
∗{An } ∗{An }
Kh(Ωext ) (x, y) = hn,m (x) ⊗ hn,m (y),
n=0 m=1
x, y ∈ Ωext
R . This means that
(1,1) (1,1)
• for all x ∈ Ωext
R , ÕR Kh(Ωext ) (·, x) ∈ h(Ωext
R ), where the operator ÕR is
the extension of the adjoint operator of to tensor fields of rank four,
(1,1) (1,1)
• ÕR f (x) = ÕR Kh(Ωext ) (·, x), f h(Ωext ) for every f ∈ h(Ωext
R ) and all x ∈
R .
More detailed information about tensorial Sobolev spaces can be found in the
Ph.D.-thesis [26]. The interrelation between scalar outer harmonics and their Hesse
tensor is known from [9]
1 (1,1)
(∇x ⊗ ∇x )Hn,m
(x) = 2 μ̃n hR;(1,1)
n,m (x), n = 0, 1, . . . ; m = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
The last identity enables us to deduce that, for all F ∈ H(Ωext R ), the “Meissl
n (1,1)
R μ̃n,m ∗
∇ ⊗ ∇F, hn,m (τ ; ·) h({A };Ωext ) = F, Hn,m (R; ·) H(Ωext )
n τ τ τ2 R
holds true for all τ > R and all n, m. This immediately leads us to the scalar outer
harmonic expansion in terms of tensorial Hesse data
τ n
∞ 2n+1
τ2 ∧h(Ωext ) ∗
F = (∇ ⊗ ∇F ) τ (n, m)Hn,m (R; ·). (15)
R (1,1)
n=0 m=1 μ̃n,m
The correlations between the potential F and the full Hesse tensor of F on the
Earth’s surface and the satellite orbit can be presented in a so-called Meissl scheme
(cf. [31]) as shown in Figure 2. Detailed information about Meissl schemes both in
the framework of outer harmonics and multiscale analysis can be found elsewhere
in this handbook.
Clearly, this formula is extremely suitable in the determination of the scalar
gravitational potential on a spherical Earth ΩR from tensorial SGG-data on a
spherical orbit Ωτ . It expresses the gravitational potential F ∈ H(Ωext R ) in terms
of the gravitational tensor ∇ ⊗ ∇F on the spherical satellite orbit Ωτ in terms
of a spherical harmonic expansion, where the convergence of the series (15) is
understood in uniform sense on every subset S ⊂ Ωext R with dist(S, ΩR ) > 0. Even
more, the convergence on ΩR can also be understood in the L2 (ΩR )-topology.
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 579
Figure 2. The full Meissl scheme for the Hesse tensor on the Earth’s
surface and on the satellite orbit (see the contribution [10] in this
The outer harmonic expansion (15) actually represents the basic setting for
the multiresolution approach by means of (outer) harmonic wavelets as proposed
later on in this work.
be remarked that the same property holds true, for example, for outer ellipsoidal
harmonics. However, for reasons of numerical economy and efficiency, we restrict
ourselves to outer spherical harmonics.
580 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
We see that the error between the exact and the approximate solution consists
of two parts: The first term is the product of the bound for the error in the data and
the norm of the regularization parameter Rα . This term will usually tend to infinity
for α → 0 if the inverse Λ−1 is unbounded and Λ is compact (cf. (3)). The second
term denotes the approximation error
(Rα − Λ−1 )y
H for the exact right-hand
side y = Λx. This error tends to zero as α → 0 by the definition of a regularization
strategy. Thus, both parts of the error show a diametrically oriented behavior. A
typical picture of the errors in dependence on the regularization parameter α is
sketched in Figure 3. Thus, a strategy is needed to choose α dependent on δ in
order to keep the error as small as possible, i.e., we would like to minimize
L(K,H) +
Rα Λx − x
H .
In principle, we distinguish two classes of parameter choice rules: If α = α(δ)
only depends on δ, we call α = α(δ) an a priori parameter choice rule. Otherwise
α depends also on y δ and we call α = α(δ, y δ ) an a posteriori parameter choice
rule. It is usual to say that a parameter choice rule is convergent, if for δ → 0 the
rule fulfills the limit relations
lim sup{
Rα(δ,yδ ) y δ − Λ+ y
H : y δ ∈ K,
y δ − y
K ≤ δ} = 0 (21)
584 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
lim sup{α(δ, y δ ) : y δ ∈ K,
y − y δ
K ≤ δ} = 0. (22)
We stop here the discussion of parameter choice rules. For more material the inter-
ested reader is referred to any textbook on inverse problems, e.g., [2, 18, 19, 27].
The remaining part of this section is devoted to the case that Λ is compact,
since then we gain benefits from the spectral representations of the operators. If Λ :
H → K is compact, a singular system (σn ; vn , un ) is defined as follows: {σn2 }n∈N are
the nonzero eigenvalues of the self-adjoint operator Λ∗ Λ (Λ∗ is the adjoint operator
of Λ), written down in decreasing order with corresponding multiplicity. The family
{vn }n∈N constitutes a corresponding complete orthonormal system of eigenvectors
of Λ∗ Λ. We let σn > 0 and define the family {un }n∈N via un = Λvn /
K . The
sequence {un }n∈N forms a complete orthonormal system of eigenvectors of ΛΛ∗ ,
and the following formulas are valid:
Λvn = σn un , (23)
Λ un = σn vn , (24)
Λx = σn (x, vn )H un , x ∈ H, (25)
Λ∗ y = σn (y, un )K vn , y ∈ K. (26)
The convergence of the infinite series is understood with respect to the Hilbert
space norms under consideration. The identities (25) and (26) are called the sin-
gular value expansions of the corresponding operators. If there are infinitely many
singular values, they tend to 0, i.e., limn→∞ σn = 0.
Theorem 3.3. Let (σn ; vn , un ) be a singular system for the compact linear operator
Λ, y ∈ K. Then we have
|(y, un )K |2
y ∈ D(Λ+ ) if and only if < ∞, (27)
1/σn in such a way that the series converges for all y ∈ K. We are looking for
q : (0, ∞) × (0,
L(H,K)) −→ R (29)
such that
q(α, σn )
Rα y := (y, un )K vn , y ∈ K,
is a regularization strategy. The following statement is known from [18].
Theorem 3.4. Let Λ : H → K be compact with singular system (σn ; vn , un ). Assume
that q from (29) has the following properties:
(i) |q(α, σ)| ≤ 1 for all α > 0 and 0 < σ ≤
(ii) For every α > 0 there exists a c(α) so that |q(α, σ)| ≤ c(α)σ for all
0 < σ ≤
(iii) lim q(α, σ) = 1 for every 0 ≤ σ ≤
Then the operator Rα : K → H, α > 0, defined by
q(α, σn )
Rα y := (y, un )K vn , y ∈ K,
3 3
is called an HR,R -kernel. Any kernel kR,τ (·, ·) : Ωext ext
R × Ωτ → R ⊗ R of the form
∧ ∗
(x, y) = k (n) Hn,m (R; x)h∗n,m (τ ; y)
n=0 m=1
(x, y) ∈ Ωext
R × Ωext
τ is called an hR,τ -kernel.
The sequence {K ∧ (n)}n∈N0 is called the symbol of the HR,R -kernel, whereas
k (n) is called the symbol of the hR,τ -kernel.
Definition 4.2. An HR,R -kernel K R,R (·, ·) with the symbol {K ∧(n)}n=0,... is called
admissible, if the following conditions are satisfied:
∞ ∧ 2
1. n=0 (K (n)) < ∞,
∞ ∧ 2
2 K (n)
2. n=0 (2n + 1) An < ∞.
In analogy, an hR,τ -kernel kR,τ (·, ·) with the symbol {k∧ (n)}n=0,... is called ad-
missible, if these two conditions are satisfied for the symbol k∧ (n).
x ∈ Ωext
R . In analogy, we introduce the convolution of an admissible hR,τ -kernel
against F ∈ H(Ωext ext
R ) and f ∈ h(Ωτ ), respectively, as follows
∞ 2n+1
(kR,τ H(Ωext ) F )(x) = k∧ (n)F H(Ωext )
R (n, m)h∗n,m (τ ; x), x ∈ Ωext
τ ,
n=0 m=1
∞ 2n+1
(kR,τ ∗h(Ωext ) f )(x) = k∧ (n)f h(Ωext )
(n, m)Hn,m (R; x), x ∈ Ωext
R .
n=0 m=1
x, y, ∈ Ωext
R , which leads to
5. Spline inversion
We are now interested in calculating the gravitational potential F ∈ H(Ωext
R ) from
the observable g = ΛR,τ
SGG F via the tensorial SGG operator Λ R,τ
SGG F = kΛR,τ H(Ωext ) F = g. (33)
UN (x) = KH(Ωext ) (yi , x)ai , x ∈ Ωext
R ,
with arbitrarily given coefficients a1 , . . . , aN ∈ R is called a scalar harmonic spline
in the space H(Ωext
R ) relative to the system YN ⊂ Σ, provided that the functions
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 589
KH(Ωext ) (y1 , ·), . . ., KH(Ωext ) (yN , ·) are linearly independent. The class of all scalar
uN (x) = Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xi , x)ai , x ∈ Ωext
τ ,
Following the usual constituents of harmonic spline theory (see [5]) it is not
difficult to verify the following minimum norm interpolation result.
Theorem 5.3. Let there be known from a function g ∈ h(Ωext τ ) the data points
(xi , g(xi )) ⊂ Γ × (R3 ⊗ R3 ), i = 1, . . . , N . Then the spline interpolation problem
h(Ωext ) = infg
h(Ωext )
τ v∈iN τ
igN = {v ∈ h(Ωext
τ ) : v(xi ) = g(xi ), i = 1, . . . , N }
is well posed in the sense that its solution exists, is unique, and depends continu-
ously on the data g(x1 ), . . . , g(xN ). The uniquely determined solution ugN is given
in the explicit form
ugN (x) = Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xi , x)ai ,
The unique solvability of (34) easily follows from the fact that
∞ 2n+1 n+2
(1,1) ∗ ∗ R
Õτ Kh(Ωext ) (·, y) = μ̃n,m Hn,m (R; ·)hn,m (τ ; y)
n=0 m=1
such that
K̃(xi , xj )ai = G(xj )
590 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
∞ 2n+1
(1,1) ∗ ∗
K̃(x, y) = μ̃n,m Hn,m (R; x)Hn,m (R; y),
n=0 m=1
G(x) = ÕR g(x).
Using the same coefficients ai , i = 1, . . . , N , we are led to an interpolating scalar
spline of the gravitational potential F satisfying ΛR,τ SGG F = g in ΩR in the fol-
lowing way:
UN (x) = KH(Ωext ) (xi , x)ai
such that
ΛR,τ F
SGG UN (xj ) = g(xj )
holds true for all xj ∈ Γ.
We finally mention the tensorial counterpart of the Shannon sampling theorem.
k =
wl,k Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xl , x), (36)
and the coefficients wl,k have to satisfy the linear equations
wl,k Õτ(1,1) Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xi , xl ) = δi,k , i, k = 1, . . . , N. (37)
f= ak Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xk , x)
ak Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xk , xi ) = f (xi ).
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 591
= ai δil = al .
Using wl,k = wk,l we get
f (x) = al Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xl , x)
= N
wk,l Õτ(1,1) f (x)Õτ(1,1) Kh(Ωext ) (xl , x)
l=1 k=1
= Õτ(1,1) f (xk )pN
k ,
6. Multiscale inversion
Next we introduce tensorial wavelets for the approximation of tensor fields (a
more detailed presentation can be found in [5] for the scalar case and in [26] for
the tensorial case).
Definition 6.1. A family {{ϕj (n)}n∈N0 }j∈N0 of sequences {ϕj (n)}n∈N0 is called a
generator of a scaling function if it satisfies the following requirements (see [11]):
(i) For all j ∈ N0
(ϕj (0))2 = 1,
(ii) for all j, j
∈ N0 with j ≤ j
and all n = 1, 2, . . .
(ϕj (n))2 ≤ (ϕj (n)) ,
592 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
vj (Ωext ext
τ ) = {Φj H(Ωext ) Φj ∗h(Ωext ) f : f ∈ h(Ωτ )},
τ τ
is called an h(Ωext
τ )-multiresolution analysis, if the following properties are satis-
(i) v0 (Ωext ext ext ext
τ ) ⊂ · · · ⊂ vj (Ωτ ) ⊂ vj+1 (Ωτ ) ⊂ · · · ⊂ h(Ωτ ),
; ·h(Ωext )
(ii) vj (Ωext
τ )
= h(Ωext
τ ).
Scale 0
Scale 30
10 Scale 45
Scale 60
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Scale 0
Scale 15
Scale 30
10 Scale 45
Scale 60
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Scale 2
Scale 4
Scale 6
Scale 8
Scale 9
10 SGG Symbol
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
In order to derive the integration rules for Runge regularization involving the
actual geometry we remember F ∈ H(Ωext R ) to possess a restriction F |ΩR ∈ L (ΩR )
ext 2
(see (13)). In the same way g ∈ h(Ωτ ) implies g|Ωτ ∈ l (Ωτ ) (see (14)). Note
that l2 (Ωτ ) is the Hilbert space of square integrable tensor fields f : Ωτ → R3 ⊗ R3 .
We now formulate a two step method for the Runge realization of multiscale
regularization by integration in more detail:
Step 1. We suppose the scale discrete scaling functions and the corresponding
wavelets to be bandlimited, i.e., there exists a sequence
0 ≤ m0 < m1 < m2 < · · · , lim mj = ∞,
m0 2n+1
0 (x, ·) = (Φ0 )∧ (n) R
Hn,m ;(1,1)
(x)hτn,m (·),
n=0 m=1
mj 2n+1
j (x, ·) = (Ψj )∧ (n) R
Hn,m ;(1,1)
(x)hτn,m (·), j ≥ 0.
n=0 m=1
This implies
g(y) · ΦR,τ
0 (·, y)dωτ (y) ∈ Harm0,...,m0 (ΩR )
as well as
g(y) · ΨR,τ
j (·, y)dωτ (y) ∈ Harm0,...,mj (ΩR ), j ≥ 0.
+ ajk g(y) · ΨR,τ j R,R
j (xk , y)dωτ (y)Ψj (xk j , z),
j=0 k=1 Ωτ
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 597
z ∈ Ωext
R , is the solution of the inverse problem
SGG F = g, F ∈ H(Ωext
R ), g ∈ h(Ωext
τ ).
M 0
FJ (z) = a0k g(y) · ΦR,τ M0
0 (xk , y)dωτ (y)Φ0
R,R M0
(xk , z)
k=1 Ωτ
J−1 Mj
+ ajk g(y) · ΨR,τ j R,R
j (xk , y)dωτ (y)Ψj (xk j , z),
j=0 k=1 Ωτ
z ∈ Ωext j j
R , where the integration weights a1 , . . . , aM , j = 0, . . . , J − 1, satisfy the
linear systems
ajk Hn,m (xk j ) = Hn,m (x)dωR (x),
k=1 ΩR
n = 0, . . . , 2mj , i = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. (38)
Step 2. The “orbit” Γ is assumed to be totally contained in the exterior of the
sphere Ωτ . It is helpful to introduce the space
∞ 2n+1 2
∧ ext τ
ext ;(1,1)
h̃(Ωτ ) = g h(Ωτ )
(n, m) hτn,m (x) : g ∈ h(Ωext ext .
τ ), x ∈ Ωτ
n=0 m=1
Theorem 6.7. Let XM = {y1M , . . . , yM
} ⊂ Σ, M = (m + 1)2 be a fundamental
system with respect to h̃arm0,...,m (Ωext
τ ). Furthermore, suppose that
g ∈ h̃arm0,...,m (Ωext
τ ) and Ψ ∈ h(Ωext
τ ).
g(y) · Ψ(y)dωτ (y) = ap · g(ypM )
Ωτ p=1
holds true, if a1 , . . . , aM satisfy
;(1,1) M ;(1,1)
ap · h̃τn,m (yp ) = Ψ(y) · h̃τn,m (y)dωτ (y),
p=1 Ωτ
n = 0, . . . , m; j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
Altogether, we end up with the following theorem about the resulting gravi-
tational potential F on the Earth’s surface Σ computed from SGG data given on
the real orbit Γ:
Theorem 6.8. Let g be a bandlimited function of class h̃(Ωextτ ) that is given at
M = (m + 1)2 points {y1M , . . . , yM
} ⊂ Σ which form a fundamental system with
τ ). Furthermore, let {Ψj }, j ≥ 0, denote a scale dis-
respect to h̃arm0,...,m (Ωext
crete bandlimited spherical regularization decomposition wavelet of order 0 with
respect to (32) and corresponding decomposition scaling function {ΦR,τ j }, j ≥ 0.
Let {Ψj } and {Φj } be the corresponding reconstruction wavelet and scaling
function, respectively. Then the regularized solution FJ of (32) is given by
FJ (x) = a0k · b̂0,k M R,R
s g(ys )Φ0 (x, xM0
k )
k=1 s=1
J−1 Mj
+ ajk · bj,k M R,R
s g(ys )Ψj (x, xk j ),
j=0 k=1 s=1
(with ϕJ (n) = Φ∧J (n)) for the iterated kernel function. Note that ΦJ is a tensorial
kernel function of rank four. In the framework of convolutions we obviously have
ΦJ ∗h(Ωext ) g = ΦJ H(Ωext ) ΦJ ∗h(Ωext ) g.
In accordance with the presentation in [5] for the scalar case it follows that,
in the terminology of Sobolev spaces, ΦJ is the unique reproducing kernel of
h({An /ϕ∧ ext
J (n)}; Ωτ ). For sufficiently large J, corresponding to the tensor data g,
(2) Φ ∗g
there is in arbitrarily close accuracy to ΦJ ∗ g a spline uNJJ consistent with a
set of NJ original data g(xN J NJ
1 ), . . . , g(xNJ ):
Õτ(1,1) ΦJ (xN x ∈ Ωext
uNJJ (x) ≈ J NJ
i , x)ai , τ .
600 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
For j = 0, . . . , J, we assume that the coefficients wl,kj have been determined by
solving the linear system (see Theorem 5.4)
(2) N
Õτ(1,1) Õτ(1,1) Φj (xl j , xi j ) wi,kj = δlk ,
l, k = 1, . . . , Nj . (39)
Remark. In its tensorial generality as formulated here the condition (39) cer-
tainly is a bottleneck of the presented method seen from numerical point of view.
Nonetheless, our approach is mathematically interesting. Even more, if we restrict
ourselves to constituting ingredients of the Hesse tensor (such as second radial
derivatives), the tree algorithm can be established in the same way requiring much
less numerical effort. Observe that the solution of the linear system (39) has to
be calculated once and can be stored elsewhere, as far as the same nodal system
is in use.
The tree algorithm consists of the following ingredients:
The initial step (or sampling step). The point of departure is the observation that
for sufficiently large J
g(x) = ΦJ H(Ωext ) ΦJ ∗h(Ωext ) g
τ τ
≈ uNJJ ∗g
= Õτ(1,1) ΦJ (xN J NJ
i , x)ai , x ∈ Ωext
τ ,
where aN
are determined by
NJ (1,1) NJ (1,1)
= wi,k Õτ (ΦJ ∗h(Ωext ) g)(xN
k )≈
wi,k Õτ g(xN J
k ).
k=1 k=1
The pyramid step. We start from
Φ ∗g
Õτ(1,1) Φj (xi j , x)ai j , x ∈ Ωext
(Φj ∗ g)(x) ≈ uNjj (x) = τ ,
wi,kj Õτ(1,1) (Φj ∗h(Ωext ) g)(xk j ),
Nj N N
ai = for j = J0 , . . . , J.
Õτ(1,1) Φj (·, xl
Nj+1 Nj+1
Φj ∗ g ≈ al )
we get the following recursion relation
Nj Nj+1
Õτ(1,1) Õτ(1,1) Φj (xk j , xl
N N Nj+1 N Nj+1
ai j ≈ )wi,kj al ,
k=1 l=1
Geomathematical Advances in SGG 601
x ∈ Ωext
UNjj (x) = Φj (xi j , x)ai j , R .
Note that, in case of bandlimited scaling functions, “≈” may be replaced by “=”.
Remark. Accordingly, the tree algorithm can be realized if only scalar data within
the Hesse tensor (for example, second radial derivatives) are used for approxima-
tion (cf. [5]). The trace of the Hesse tensor (which is equal to zero) offers the
possibility to validate the method. Moreover, observational errors can be handled
by smoothing or filtering techniques within the tree algorithm (see [5, 7, 8]). Since
these procedures are well documented in the literature, they will be not discussed
in this approach.
8. Conclusion
A gradiometer mission ideally produces a coverage of the entire Earth with ten-
sorial measurements at a certain altitude. Our multiscale method yields decorre-
lations of the scalar internal gravitational potential of the Earth by a tree algo-
rithm within the framework of inverse problems under real geometric situations.
Even more, from the SGG-approach presented here, it can be expected that the
knowledge about the representation of the Earth’s gravitational potential will be
improved in considerable way, providing the transition form low- and meso-based
to high(er) reflected resolution at global scale, thereby offering significant local
Although an impressive rate of the Earth’s gravitational potential can be de-
tected globally at the orbit of a satellite (like GOCE), the computational drawback
of satellite techniques in geoscientific research is the fact that measurements must
be performed at a certain altitude. Consequently, a “downward continuation” pro-
cess must be applied to handle the potential at the Earth’s surface, hence, a loss of
information for the signal is unavoidable. Indeed, “downward continuation” causes
severe problems, since the amount of amplification for the potential is not known
suitably (as an a priori amount) and even small errors in the measurements may
produce huge errors in the potential at the Earth’s surface.
602 W. Freeden, H. Nutz, and M. Schreiner
The first two authors thank the “Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and En-
ergy, Berlin” and the “Project Management Jülich” for funding the project “SPE”
(funding reference number 0324016, CBM – Gesellschaft für Consulting, Business
und Management mbH, Bexbach, Germany).
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1. Introduction
Spherical splines have been developed by Freeden [38] and independently by Wahba
[134] for interpolation and smoothing/approximation problems on the sphere and
have been generalized to harmonic splines by Freeden [37, 39, 40]. These harmonic
splines can be used for interpolation/approximation on regular surfaces, but in
particular for the solution of boundary value problems where the boundary is
a regular surface. Convergence theorems exist for both spherical splines and har-
monic splines (cf. [41, 42, 43, 44]), and the different types of spline spaces and their
606 M. Gutting
reproducing kernels have been investigated (cf. [49] and the references therein). In
geosciences they have found many applications (see, e.g., [45, 46, 48, 107] and the
references therein).
Splines lead to a system of linear equations which in case of harmonic splines
has to be densely populated. This makes the solution expensive in terms of the
numerical effort. Iterative solvers require fast summation methods corresponding
to the reproducing kernels of these splines to be truly efficient. On the sphere there
are several possible ways to achieve a fast summation (the problem that is con-
sidered determines which method should be preferred): spherical panel clustering
(cf. [45, 52] and the references therein), spherical FFT for gridded data points or
spherical NFFT for non-equispaced data (cf. [116, 82]).
[61, 62, 63, 124] have introduced the fast multipole method (FMM) in two
and three dimensions for fast evaluation of potentials corresponding to the Laplace
operator (generalizations to further operators have been introduced later). Since
such potentials are closely related to certain reproducing kernels of our splines,
the FMM allows fast summation of harmonic splines as well as spherical splines.
Such a combination is used in [57] to solve problems of satellite geodesy with
harmonic splines corresponding to the singularity kernel. We have extended this
to the Abel–Poisson kernel and use the accelerated version of the FMM that was
first introduced in [24, 64]. This approach has also been applied to the oblique
boundary value problem of potential theory in [67, 68].
We consider the following (generalized) interpolation problems:
Problem 1.2. Let Σ be a C (k) -regular surface with k ≥ 2 (see again Definition
2.1 below for details). Let {x1 , . . . , xN } ⊂ Σ be a discrete set of N points on the
surface. For each point xi let Fi = U (xi ) be given, where
i = 1, . . . , N .
The task is to determine the potential U ∈ C (0) Σext ∩ C (2) (Σext ) which is
harmonic in Σext , i.e., the exterior of the surface Σ, and regular at infinity, i.e., for
Parameter Choices for Fast Harmonic Spline Approximation 607
|x| → ∞,
|U (x)| = O |x|−1 , (1)
|∇U (x)| = O |x|−2 , (2)
or an approximation UN to it which fits the data, i.e., for i = 1, . . . , N ,
UN (xi ) = Fi = U (xi ). (3)
As before the interpolation conditions (3) are relaxed in case of error-affected
The outline of this paper is as follows: Section 2 summarizes the theory of
harmonic splines and spline approximation. In Section 3 we establish the connec-
tion between harmonic splines and the sums that can be computed by the fast
multipole method, we introduce the adaptive construction of the decomposition of
the computational domain and provide our version of the fast multipole algorithm
for harmonic splines. Section 4 gives an overview of suitable methods to choose the
smoothing parameter of the approximating splines if the data are afflicted with
(stochastic) noise.
2. Preliminaries
Spherical harmonics, which we denote by Yn,m (with degree n ∈ N0 , order m =
−n, . . . , n), are known to form a complete orthonormal basis of the space L2 (S2 )
of square integrable functions on the unit sphere S2 (see, e.g., [30, 47, 130]).
The spherical harmonics {Yn,m }n∈N0 ,m=−n,...,n also form a closed system in C(S2 )
and are closed and complete in L2 (S2 ). This allows the representation of square-
integrable functions on any sphere S2R of radius R > 0 by their Fourier series,
where the Fourier coefficients of F ∈ L2 (S2R ) are denoted by
1 x
F ∧ (n, m) = F (x) Yn,m R dSR (x) . (4)
2.1. Regular surfaces and Runge spheres
Due to the Runge–Walsh approximation theorem, we can use functions which
possess a larger domain of harmonicity to approximate the solution of a problem
which requires harmonicity only outside the Earth’s surface (see [45, 48] for an
extensive introduction of this technique). Harmonic splines as introduced in [37,
39, 40, 125] are constructed in such a way that they are subspaces of the space of
harmonic functions on a sphere situated inside the Earth, the so-called Runge (or
Krarup) sphere (see [109]).
The Earth’s surface is considered to be regular as by the following definition.
Definition 2.1. A C (k) -regular surface Σ ⊂ R3 is a surface in R3 which has to fulfill
the following properties:
(i) Σ divides R3 into the interior Σint and the exterior Σext , where Σint is a
bounded region and Σext is an unbounded region.
608 M. Gutting
It is well known (cf. [45, 107] and the references therein) that such a space
possesses a so-called reproducing kernel (see [3] for an overview on reproducing
kernels in general).
Definition 2.4. Let U be a non-empty set and (X, ·, ·X ) be a separable Hilbert
space of real-valued functions on U . Let {Bn }n∈N0 be a complete orthonormal
system in (X, ·, ·X ). Any function K : U × U −→ R of the form
K (x, y) = K ∧ (n)Bn (x) Bn (y) (9)
derived that show the convergence to the solution of the Dirichlet boundary value
problem for an increasing density of data points, i.e., if the largest data gap goes
to zero (cf. [43]).
We consider two specific types of splines (using Abel–Poisson and singularity
and propose the fast multipole method to quickly compute the sums
ai KH (xi , yj ) for many points in Section 3. This can be used to solve the systems
of linear equations (13) that occur in the solution of the interpolation problems
using harmonic splines.
2.4. Spline approximation
For noisy data, i.e., Fi = U (xi ) + δi , i = 1, . . . , N , where the noise δi is mod-
eled by some stochastic process, e.g., white noise (see Section 4.1 for details), in
Problem 1.2, it makes no sense to compute an interpolation problem. We look for
an approximation to U which can be interpreted as a smoothing of the data (see
[38, 51, 50, 135] for the spherical spline approximation, [37, 45] for the case of
harmonic spline approximation). Minimizing the following functional
μ(S) = (Li S − Fi )Cij (Lj S − Fj ) + β
H (18)
i=1 j=1
in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space H = H {An }; S2R,ext yields the desired
smoothed approximation of the data. C = (Cik ) ∈ RN ×N denotes a positive
definite matrix which allows us to include covariance information on the data if
available. β > 0 is a constant smoothing parameter which balances closeness to
the data and smoothing. The following theorem of [45, 107] (see also the references
therein) summarizes the existence and uniqueness of a spline approximation.
Theorem 2.9. Let Fi , i = 1, . . . , N , correspond to a set of linearly independent
bounded linear functionals L1 , . . . , LN ∈ H∗ .
Then there exists a unique element S ∈ SH (L1 , . . . , LN ) such that
μ(S) ≤ μ(F ) for all F ∈ H (19)
and μ(S) = μ(F ) if and only if S = F . This element is called the smoothing
spline or approximating spline. Its spline coefficients ai , i = 1, . . . , N , are uniquely
determined by the system of linear equations
ai Li Lj KH (·, ·) + β(C −1 )ij = Lj F, j = 1, . . . , N. (20)
The matrix in (20) corresponds to the sum of the matrix in (13) and βC −1 . It
is still positive definite. If C is the identity matrix, there is only the one smoothing
parameter β. Using a diagonal matrix as C it is possible to introduce weights for
the data Fi and include additional information on the noise of the data. The choice
of the smoothing parameter(s) can be interpreted as the application of a parameter
choice method in the regularization theory of ill-posed problems (see Section 4).
612 M. Gutting
ΓKT = xKT ∈ R3 : KT 2 xKT = x ∈ Γ . (21)
|x |
The function
W KT : ΓKT −→ R,
x → W (x ) = KT W xKT = W (x), (22)
|x | |xKT |2 |xKT |
is called the Kelvin transform of W with respect to the sphere of radius R.
Parameter Choices for Fast Harmonic Spline Approximation 613
KT 1 1
KH (x, y KT ) = . (24)
2πR |x − hy KT |
The Kelvin transform KH (x, y KT ) of the Abel–Poisson kernel (16) is given by
1 |x|2 |y|2 − h2 R4
KH (x, y) = 3
(|x|2 |y|2 + h2 R4 − 2hR2 x · y) 2
|y KT | 1 |x|2 − h2 |y KT |2 |y KT | KT
= = KH (x, y KT ), (25)
R 4πR |x − hy KT |3 R
which is related to (24) by
KT 1 1
KH (x, y KT ) = −x · ∇x − 12 Id . (26)
2πR |x − hy KT |
We summarize both (24) and (26) by use of the operator Dx such that
KT 1 1
KH (x, y KT ) = Dx , (27)
2πR |x − hy KT |
where Dx = Id (singularity kernel) or Dx = −x · ∇x − 12 Id (Abel–Poisson kernel).
3.2. Adaptive decomposition of the domain
Now we consider the evaluation of the sum
|y KT | KT
ai KH (xi , y) = ai KH (xi , y KT )
i=1 i=1
|y KT | ai
= Dx (28)
R i=1 2πR |x − hy | x=xi
Definition 3.3.
(a) In list 1 of the childless cube X are all childless cubes directly adjacent to X.
List 1 only contains any cubes if X is a leaf. In this case it always contains
at least X itself.
(b) List 2 of a cube X consists of all children of neighbors of the parent cube of X
which are well separated from X. The cube X does not need to be childless.
(c) Children of neighbors of the leaf X (or smaller cubes descending from neigh-
bors of X) which do not have any point in common with X form list 3. Their
parents have to be adjacent to X. If X is not childless, then list 3 is empty.
(d) List 4 consists of childless cubes which are neighbors of the parent cube of
X, but these childless cubes are not adjacent to X.
Notice the following observations:
(i) List 1 is the list of all neighbors.
(ii) All cubes in list 2 of a cube X are of the same size as X and well separated
from X.
(iii) The elements of list 3 are all smaller than X and the distance between them
and X is at least their side length and at most the side length of X.
(iv) List 4 of a cube X only contains cubes that are larger than X. They are
separated from X by a distance that is at least the side length of X and at
most their own edge length.
(v) A cube X is in list 3 of a cube Y if and only if Y is in list 4 of X.
(vi) All members of list 1 and list 4 are leaves and list 1 as well as list 3 of a cube
X remain empty if X is not childless.
616 M. Gutting
After finishing the adaptive construction of the octtree and sorting all points and
targets into cubes, the algorithm removes childless cubes that contain neither
points nor targets and are no longer required.
where ϑ ∈ [0, π], ϕ ∈ [0, 2π) are the usual spherical coordinates of |x|
and Yn,m :
S2 → C with
2n + 1 (n − m)!
Yn,m (ξ) = (−1) m
Pn,m (cos(ϑ))eimϕ , ξ ∈ S2 , (32)
4π (n + m)!
are complex-valued fully normalized spherical harmonics of degree n and order m.
Pn,m : [−1, 1] → R are the associated Legendre functions with
1 m dn+m 2
Pn,m (t) = (1 − t2 ) 2 (t − 1)n , m = 0, . . . , n. (33)
2n n! dt n+m
Note that in (35) we make use of the convention that In,m = 0 if |m| > n.
Obviously, this infinite series as well as the infinite sum in (29) have to be truncated
for the algorithm which are sources of (truncation) errors. Error estimates for the
truncation errors can be found in [61, 63, 64] and the references therein. Another
approach which investigates the combined error of both truncations in (29) and
(35) is considered in [67].
Theorem 3.5 (Translation Theorem for Inner Harmonics). Let x, y ∈ R3 . Then
the inner harmonic of degree n ∈ N0 and order m ∈ Z, −n ≤ m ≤ n, at x − y can
be expanded in a finite sum of inner harmonics
In,m (x − y) = (−1)n In ,m (y)In−n ,m−m (x). (36)
n =0 m =−n
For orders with |m| > n we have again by convention In,m = 0. Note that
no truncation is necessary for this translation theorem, i.e., no truncation errors
By applying (35) of Theorem 3.4 we can translate an outer harmonics expan-
sion with expansion center x0 such as
F (x) = Fx∧,O
(n, m)On,m (x − x0 ) (37)
n=0 m=−n
which converges uniformly for x ∈ S2r0 ,ext (x0 ) with some r0 > 0. S2r0 ,ext (x0 ) denotes
the exterior of the sphere of radius r0 around x0 . The outer harmonics series
resulting from the translation possesses the expansion center x1 and the coefficients
, m
) = Fx∧,O
(n, m)In∗ −n,m −m (x0 − x1 ). (38)
n=0 m=−n
By using formulation (34) of Theorem 3.4 we also find that the outer har-
monics expansion with expansion center x1 can be translated into an inner har-
monics series centered around x2 which converges uniformly for x ∈ S2r2 ,int (x2 ) if
the new ball of convergence is situated completely in S2r1 ,ext (x1 ), i.e., S2r1 ,int (x1 ) ∩
S2r2 ,int (x2 ) = ∅. The resulting coefficients of the inner harmonic expansion are
, m
) = Fx∧,O
(n, m)(−1)n +m On+n
,m −m (x2 − x1 ) (39)
n=0 m=−n
and converges uniformly for x ∈ S2r3 ,int (x3 ) ⊂ S2r2 ,int (x2 ). This translation step is
called local to local translation (L2L). For further details we refer to [67] and the
references therein, in particular [34].
We find the following expansion for |hy KT − x0 | > |xi − x0 |, xi ∈ X, i.e., if x0 is the
center of the cube X, the targets hy KT and the cube X need to fulfill a distance
requirement, i.e., targets must be contained in a well-separated cube.
|y KT | ai
N ∞
F (y) = Dx In,m (x − x0 )On,m (hy KT − x0 )
R 2πR
i=1 n=0 m=−n x=xi
xi ∈X
KT ∞ n
|y |
= Fx∧,O
(n, m)On,m (hy KT − x0 ) (42)
R n=0 m=−n
This first step is called point to multipole (P2M) step where the infinite sum in (42)
has to be truncated at degree p. The degree p essentially determines the accuracy
of the algorithm. The coefficients Fx∧,O 0
(n, m) can be translated to other cubes via
relations (38), (39) as well as (40) as long as the distance requirements are fulfilled
by the construction of the decomposition of the domain into nested cubes.
At the end of the fast multipole cycle, i.e., after several M2M-, M2L-, L2L-
translations, each cube Y possesses an inner harmonics expansion centered around
the center of the cube. This expansion has to be evaluated at the targets contained
by Y . This evaluation is called the local to targets (L2T) step:
|y KT | ∧,I
p n
Lj F = F (yj ) = Fx0 (n, m)In,m (hy KT − x0 ) , (44)
R m=−n
n=0 y=yj
where the variable y is hidden by y KT = |y|2 y.
Now we briefly summarize the fast multipole algorithm (see, e.g., [20, 24] or
[67, 69] for our specific implementation).
Algorithm 3.6 (Fast Multipole Algorithm).
• A set of points xi ∈ Σext (often xi ∈ Σ), i = 1, . . . , N ,
• a set of coefficients ai , i = 1, . . . , N ,
• the choice of the type of the reproducing kernel KH (singularity or Abel–
Poisson with the parameter h and the radius of the Runge sphere R),
• a set of evaluation points yj ∈ Σext , j = 1, . . . , M , where M = O(N ),
• the degree of the multipole expansion p,
• the maximal number of points per cube m.
Aim: compute the sum
F (yj ) = ai KH (xi , yj ) for each j = 1, . . . , M. (45)
• Compute the targets hyjKT = h |yRj |2 yj , j = 1, . . . , M .
• Create a bounding box that contains all points and all targets, build the
adaptive octtree and sort in all points and targets. Set L as the maximum
level, eliminate all empty cubes.
• Determine list 1 to list 4 of Definition 3.2. Create a list of all cubes of level l
for each level l = 0, . . . , L. Collect all leaves in a list.
• Allocate memory for the different expansion coefficients of each cube X:
multipole expansion (coefficient vector MX ), local expansion (coefficient vec-
tor LX ).
Fast multipole cycle:
1. Generation of the multipole coefficients:
For all leaves X: P2M, i.e., compute the multipole coefficients MX of the multipole
620 M. Gutting
matrices (cf., e.g., [16, 25, 30, 130]). The main point is to rotate the coordinate
system such that the shift direction becomes the ε3 -axis, shift there and rotate
back. This reduces the numerical costs from O(p4 ) in the M2M- and L2L-steps to
O(p3 ), since each rotation as well as the shift along the ε3 -axis requires an effort of
O(p3 ). For a detailed description we refer to [137] or [67] with all technical details
of our implementation.
For the M2L translation, [64, 24] have replaced this step with exponential
translations which are based on the numerical integration of the integral represen-
∞ 2π
1 1
= e−λ(x3 −y3 ) eiλ((x1 −y1 ) cos α)+(x2 −y2 ) sin α) dα dλ
|x − y| 2π 0 0
= e−λk (x3 −y3 ) eiλk ((x1 −y1 ) cos αj,k )+(x2 −y2 ) sin αj,k ) + O(ε) (46)
Mk j=1
for points
# x, y whose Cartesian coordinates
√ satisfy 1 ≤ x3 − y3 ≤ 4 as well as
0 ≤ (x1 − y1 )2 + (x2 − y2 )2 ≤ 4 2. Details as well as integration points λk ,
weights wk and numbers of points Mk for the trapezoidal rule applied to the inner
integral can be found in [24, 64, 139]. The accuracy ε of the numerical integration
is determined by the discretization parameter s(ε) = O(p) of the outer integral
in (46). The total number of numerical integration points, i.e., the number of
exponential functions and coefficients, is supposed to be O(p2 ).
By Hobson’s formula (cf. [76]) a multipole expansion of F is transformed by
(46) into a series of exponentials (multipole to exponential step, briefly M2X),
these exponentials can be translated efficiently by the exponential to exponential
shift (X2X). Afterwards the local coefficients are computed from the exponential
coefficients (X2L). The restrictions on the positions of x and y mean that the
exponential translations are applicable for cubes in list 2 (see Definition 3.3) that
are situated above the current cube with another cube in between.
However, by combining rotations of the multipole expansion using again the
Wigner rotation matrices, the exponential translation can substitute the M2L
translation for all cubes in list 2. Therefore, the list of all well-separated cubes
(list 2) is split into 6 directional lists (up, down, North, South, East and West)
and instead of M2L the following sequence of transformations is used: (rotation),
M2X, X2X, X2L, (inverse rotation).
Each exponential shift requires numerical costs of O(p2 ) and the rotations
can be applied using O(p3 ) operations (as do the M2X and X2L steps). Thus, this
improves the performance compared to the M2L step’s O(p4 ) effort. Moreover,
we can save translations by recombination (see [24, 64, 67, 69] for more on the
technical details). It should also be noted that there are several symmetries in the
coefficients of the exponential expansion since we are dealing with a real-valued
function F . These symmetries can be used to further reduce the constant of the
numerical costs (cf. [24, 64]).
622 M. Gutting
Table 1. Resulting truncation degrees p for different s(ε) for the two
types of kernels.
The maximal number of points or targets per cube m has a strong influence
on the adaptive octtree construction and the performance of the FMM. If m is too
small, there are many cubes each containing only very few points. Thus, the kernel
expansion coefficients no longer combine the information of enough points to be
efficient. If m is too large, there are only few cubes each with a large number of
points. This means that far too often instead of kernel expansion direct interaction
is used. Therefore, m can be used to balance the effort of the direct interaction
and the kernel approximation. It has been suggested to choose m = O(p3/2 ) (cf.
[24, 64]) which may serve as a guideline. Many empirical tests (cf. [67]) led us to
the conclusion that the choices for m given by Table 2 provide a good performance
Table 2. Chosen maximal numbers of points m per cube for the sin-
gularity kernel and the Abel–Poisson kernel and the different error lev-
Parameter Choices for Fast Harmonic Spline Approximation 623
in our implementation. Note again that there are remarkable differences between
the two different types of kernels under investigation. Using these optimizations of
the parameters of the FMM we compare its performance with direct computation
and find the break-even points of our implementation, i.e., the minimal number
of points that is necessary for our algorithm to be faster than the direct approach
(see Table 3).
Table 3. Break-even points for the singularity kernel and the Abel–
Poisson kernel.
624 M. Gutting
Note that such results are always very dependent on the implementation. Our
implementation turns out to be efficient even for rather small problem sizes. In
general, the Abel–Poisson kernel requires some more computational time since it
leads to a more difficult P2M-step. Finally, we show the linear asymptotic behavior
which we expect from the FMM in Figure 3 compared to the quadratic behavior
of the direct approach.
βñmax ≈ σñmax for our Tikhonov regularization if there are at least good estimates
of the eigenvalues σk of A available. However, methods that perform much worse
without the use of the maximal index nmax , may yield different results for ñmax
instead of nmax (see [9, 14]).
4.4.1. Discrepancy principle. The discrepancy principle of [115, 110, 111] is one
of the oldest and most widely used parameter choice procedures (cf. [33] and
references therein). Its idea is that for a good regularized solution, the norm of
the residual should match the noise level δ of the data. The method needs the
following input:
• Norms of residuals {Axδn − y δ }n≤nmax until a certain bound is satisfied.
• Noise level δ.
• Tuning parameter τ ≥ 1.
In a deterministic setting with
y δ − y
≤ δ, the parameter choice n∗ is the first n
such that
Axδn − y δ
≤ τ δ. In a stochastic setting, with the error in each element
of y δ ∈ RN having standard deviation δ, the choice n∗ is the first n such that
Axδn − y δ
≤ τ δ N . (54)
Originating from a deterministic setting, the discrepancy principle has also been
studied in stochastic settings (see, e.g., [17, 29, 97, 132]) and for many regulariza-
tion methods and many inverse problems. There are many results on convergence
properties of this method for both settings (see, e.g., [33, 65, 79, 104, 111, 112, 114]
for the deterministic case and [29, 97, 98, 132] for the stochastic case).
The discrepancy principle is one of the fastest methods available, since one
only needs to compute the residuals until the bound (54) is satisfied which allows
the use of the FMM of Section 3. However, its drawback is the requirement of an
accurate estimate of the noise level. Estimations that are just slightly off can lead
to very poor solutions (see [73, Chap. 7]).
There are also many variants of the method such as the transformed discrep-
ancy principle (cf. [119, 120, 71]), the modified discrepancy principle (MD rule)
(cf. [32, 53, 117, 118]), or the varying discrepancy principle (cf. [17, 94]). Their
main drawback is that they are no longer easily compatible with the FMM. For
comparative studies in the context of inverse problems with stochastic noise we
refer, e.g., to [9, 14].
628 M. Gutting
4.4.2. Balancing principle. The balancing principle of [90] was originally derived
for statistical estimation from direct observations in a white noise model. Since
then it has been developed further for regularization of linear and nonlinear inverse
problems (see, e.g., [6, 13, 11, 58, 129, 105, 106]) in deterministic and stochastic
settings. The idea is to balance the known propagated noise error bound δ(n) in
(49) with the unknown regularization error (48) by an adaptive procedure that
employs a collection of differences of regularized solutions. As input the balancing
principle needs:
• Maximal index nmax , e.g., as defined in (52).
• All regularized solutions {xδn }n≤nmax up to the index nmax .
• An upper bound δ(n) for the propagated noise error
x0n − xδn
or a bound
or estimate δ 2 2 (n) of the variance E
x0n − xδn
2 .
• Noise level δ (and the covariance in the stochastic setting if known). Then one
can use known expressions for δ(n). Alternatively, if one has two or more
independent sets of data yiδ , then E
x0n − xδn
2 can be estimated by (53).
• Tuning constant κ, typically κ ∈ [0.5, 1.5] (cf. [9] and the references therein).
The balancing functional is defined by
! −1 "
b(n) = max 4
xn − xk
/(δ(k)) . (55)
where any scalar multiple of (n) gives the same choice. The method has the
advantage that it does not require a tuning parameter. Numerical experiments in
[5, 12, 9, 14] indicate that the method is very stable even for colored noise.
history can be found, e.g., in [8]. As input for the minimization the following is
• Maximal index nmax , e.g., as defined in (52).
• All regularized solutions {xδn }n≤nmax up to nmax .
The noise level does not need to be known, and there is no tuning parameter. The
parameter choice n∗ is defined simply as
! "
n∗ = argminn≤nmax
xδn − xδn+1
. (57)
The well-known continuous version
- for
- Tikhonov regularization defines the param-
- d δ-
eter choice by β∗ = argmin -β dβ xβ -. Using a difference quotient in place of the
derivative for the discrete parameters βn = β0 qβn we obtain (57).
For a discrete set of regularization parameters, the use of a suitable maximal
index nmax is essential, because the method is based on a discrete evaluation
of a differential. Hence is very sensitive to a situation where the regularization
operators A−1n are formally different, but are practically the same (cf. [9] and the
references therein). Convergence results for the Tikhonov regularization with the
quasi-optimality criterion for different settings can be found in [89, 56], for further
convergence properties see [7, 84, 85, 113].
4.4.4. L-curve method. The L-curve method, proposed by Hansen [72, 73] and
Hansen and O’Leary [74], is based on the long-known fact that a log-log parametric
plot of (
Axδn − y δ
) often has a distinct L-shape (cf. [88]). Points on the
vertical part correspond to large n (under-smoothed solutions) and those on the
horizontal part correspond to small n (over-smoothed solutions), which suggests
that the “corner point” of the L-curve should define a good value of the parameter
n. It is usually applied manually and can provide good results then whereas finding
the L-curve corner is hard to automate. As input to minimize a certain function
the following is used:
• Norms of all residuals {Axδn − y δ }n≤nmax .
• Norms of the regularized solutions {xδn }n≤nmax .
The noise level does not need to be known. The parameter choice can be defined
by the product of the norms of the residual and regularized solution, i.e.,
! "
n∗ = argminn≤nmax
Axδn − y δ
. (58)
Here the “corner point” is defined by the slope of its “tangent” being −1 as in
[122] (see also [33]). The generalizations minimize
Axδn − y δ
τ (see [122, 93]),
where τ is a tuning constant.
Since “corner point” is not a well-defined notion, several algorithms have
evolved with different definitions (see [74, 18, 75, 122]). [93] derived first rigorous
optimality results for the L-curve criterion. In many (but not all) problems, vari-
ants of the L-curve method has been observed to give a reasonably good parameter
choice which can deal with correlated errors. See [9] for an overview of references
where the method works or runs into severe limitations.
630 M. Gutting
The noise level does not need to be known. The GCV parameter estimate is de-
fined by
Axδn − y δ
n∗ = argminn≤nmax . (59)
(N −1 tr(I − AA−1 n ))
GCV is closely related to and behaves like the unbiased prediction risk method
(also known as Mallows Cp or CL ; see [31, 92, 135]). It is asymptotically optimal
with respect to the prediction risk as N → ∞ for stochastic white noise and the
Tikhonov regularization (cf. [66, 91, 96, 132, 136]). The GCV method has been
used widely and performs very well for reasonably large data sets with uncorrelated
errors (white noise). However, it is known (see, e.g., [31, 86, 87, 99, 101, 126, 135])
that for smaller data sets or correlated errors of red noise type, the method is
rather unstable, often resulting in under-smoothing.
The term tr(AA−1 n ) in the GCV function is a measure of the degrees of free-
dom in the regularized solution. For its fast computation making use of the FMM
trace estimation methods are needed that use stochastic (Monte-Carlo) algorithms
(cf. [54, 55, 59, 80, 81]).
In order to overcome the instability of GCV, several variants have evolved.
The robust GCV (RGCV) method has been developed and investigated in [99,
100, 123]. It needs the same input as for GCV and additionally:
• The trace of the square of the influence matrix (AA−1 2
n ) .
• A robustness parameter γ ∈ (0, 1). Note that with γ = 1 the RGCV method
is just GCV.
The RGCV parameter estimate is defined by minimizing a certain function:
Axδn − y δ
2 −1 −1 2
n∗ = argmin γ + (1 − γ)N tr((AAn ) ) . (60)
n≤nmax (N −1 tr(I − AA−1n ))
The family of robust GCV methods developed in [100] also includes the strong
robust GCV method, denoted R1 GCV. As input one needs the same as for GCV
as well as
Parameter Choices for Fast Harmonic Spline Approximation 631
Axδn − y δ
2 −1 −1 ∗ −1
n∗ = argmin γ + (1 − γ)N tr((A A ) . (61)
(N −1 tr(I − AA−1 2 n n
n≤nmax n ))
The modified GCV method involves a simple modification of the GCV func-
tion that is designed to stabilize the method (cf. [28, 131]). The inputs are the
same as for GCV plus:
• A stabilization parameter c > 1. For c = 1 the method reduces to GCV.
The noise level does not need to be known. The modified GCV estimate is de-
fined by
Axδn − y δ
n∗ = argminn≤nmax . (62)
(N −1 tr(I − cAA−1n ))
For comparative studies of these variants and further details we refer to [9, 14]
and the references therein.
5. Conclusion
Using the FMM in an iterative algorithm like, e.g., conjugate gradients or GMRES
is an efficient solution strategy that can treat interpolation problems and Dirichlet
boundary value problems with many data points on regular surfaces (e.g., the ac-
tual topography of the Earth) (see [67, 68, 69]). It should be pointed out that this
spline approach is not restricted to a global treatment, but also applies to regional
domains (cf. [67, 68]). This can lead to a local improvement of the gravitational
field in areas of particular interest. The approach can be extended to spline ap-
proximation (in particular for diagonal covariance matrices) as seen in Section 2.4
and the end of Section 3.4).
The smoothing parameter(s) plays a crucial role in this approach and must
be chosen very carefully or a lot of information is lost to oversmoothing, in partic-
ular the high-frequent details of the signal. We have presented several parameter
choice methods the can be used without losing the advantages of the FMM. Their
performance for the regularization of inverse problems has been investigated in
several studies with different solution techniques (see, e.g., [9, 14, 70] and the ref-
erences therein). Tests of the combination of the FMM with these parameter choice
methods (cf. [9, 14, 70] and the references therein) are an interesting challenge for
the future. In particular the interaction with stopping criteria for iterative solvers
needs further investigation. Note that often the solution (even using the FMM)
requires much more computational effort than the evaluation of the parameter
choice. It can be advisable to apply several parameter choice methods to find the
best choice of the parameter.
632 M. Gutting
For highly irregular distributions of data points, the spline approach reaches
its limits due to large data gaps which result in severe ill-conditioning. Even
smoothing splines cannot completely bridge this gap so far though further in-
vestigation is required. However, functional matching pursuit methods (RFMP or
ROFMP) can result in better approximations (see [36, 70, 108] and the references
therein), but so far these algorithms require high numerical costs. These meth-
ods are also iterative regularizations and the combination of stopping criteria and
regularization parameters has been investigated for a class of ill-posed problems
in [70].
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Martin Gutting
Geomathematics Group
University of Siegen
Walter-Flex-Straße 3
D-57068 Siegen, Germany
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 641–685
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
Gravimetry is a central research area of geodesy, geophysics, and geoexploration. It
is a potential field technique which reflects variations in the Earth’s gravitational
field. These variations are caused by density contrasts inside the Earth. Gravimet-
ric surveys are carried out by use of extremely sensitive instruments capable of
measuring tiny variations in the gravitational field. A gravimeter is a type of an
642 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
accelerometer. There are essentially two types of gravimeters, namely relative and
absolute gravimeters. Absolute gravimeters measure the local gravity in absolute
units. They work by directly measuring the acceleration of a mass during free fall
in a vacuum. A new measurement technique is provided by atomic gravimeters.
Relative gravimeters compare the value of gravity at one point with another. Most
common relative gravimeters are spring-based. A spring-based relative gravime-
ter is basically a weight on a spring, and by measuring the amount by which the
weight stretches the spring, gravitation becomes available via Hooke’s Law in lin-
earized form. On global scale gravimetric datasets are used in gravity surveys for
establishing the figure of the geoid. Locally micro-gravimeters are in use, e.g., for
geodetic and geophysical research, geothermal exploration, petroleum and mineral
In applied mathematics, inverse gravimetry (in its conventional form) may be
reduced to the following situation: The Newtonian potential of a density contrast
function F is defined as an improper integral over a volume G ⊂ R3 , namely
A[F ](x) = G(Δ; |x − y|) F (y) dy = V (x), x ∈ R3 , (1.1)
1 1
G(Δ; |x − y|) = , x ∈ R3 \{y}. (1.2)
4π |x − y|
which apart of a minus sign represents the fundamental solution of the Laplace
equation, i.e.,
Δx G(Δ; |x − y|) = 0, x = y
(or in distributional jargon, −Δx G(Δ; |x − y|) = δ(|x − y|), where δ(·) is the Dirac
distribution). In the region G the volume integral constitutes an operator A that
acts as the inverse to the negative Laplace operator,
−Δx V (x) = −Δx A[F ](x) = − Δx G(Δ; |x − y|) F (y) dy = F (x), x ∈ G,
which is to say (at least if the function F is Hölder continuous) that the operation
of taking the Newtonian potential of a function is an inverse operation to the
application of the negative Laplace operator.
Note that the integral (1.1) is named for I. Newton (1642–1720), who first
discovered it and later pioneered the work of P.-S. Laplace (1749–1829) about har-
monic functions. Indeed, the setting (1.1) serves as the fundamental gravitational
potential in Newton’s Law of Gravitation (1687).
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 643
Seen from potential theoretic perspective (see, e.g., [29]), Equation (1.1) is
in close relation to the Third Green Theorem
α(x) P (x) = − G(Δ; |x − y|) ΔP (y) dy (1.4)
∂ ∂
+ G(Δ; |x − y|) P (y) − P (y) G(Δ; |x − y|) dω(y),
∂G ∂ν(y) ∂ν(y)
that holds true for all twice continuously differentiable functions P on G, where
α(x) is the solid angle subtended by the surface ∂G at the point x ∈ R3 . It should
be mentioned that ⎧
⎪ 1, x ∈ G,
α(x) = , x ∈ ∂G,
⎪ 2
0, x ∈ G c ,
if the boundary surface ∂G is (locally) continuously differentiable. As an immediate
consequence we may expect that the discussion of A[F ](x), x ∈ R3 , actually has
to be split into three cases, dependent on the location of x ∈ R3 as a point of
the inner space G, outer space G c , or the boundary ∂G, i.e., the internal, surface
(terrestrial), and external (spaceborne) input data V (x). Moreover, a solution of
(1.1) in G is not unique, since the addition of any harmonic function to V will not
affect the equation (1.3). In potential theory this observation for the inner space G
can be used to prove existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Dirichlet problem
for the Poisson equation in suitably regular domains and for suitably well-behaved
functions: One first applies a Newtonian potential to obtain a solution, and then
adjusts by adding a harmonic function to get the correct boundary data.
Our intent in this paper is different from solving a boundary-value problem:
We are interested in the inverse gravimetry problem, i.e., the extraction of infor-
mation from the gravitational potential V known for certain locations to determine
the density contrast F inside G. In the language of functional analysis, we have to
solve a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind (1.1) that canonically leads to
the framework of the theory of ill-posed problems (as presented by the authors in
another chapter of this handbook). The main difficulty, however, is that the input
data of the inverse problem are not canonically given in the inner space G, but
usually in G c . As a matter of fact, until now in physical geodesy, only measure-
ments are taken on the surface ∂G (terrestrial measurements) and/or in the outer
space G (spaceborne measurements), i.e., in the set G c . Only in exceptional cases,
e.g., in the neighborhood of “boreholes” of geothermal projects, the gravitational
potential V and the target function F are given inside G, so that the use of the
Poisson differential equation (1.3) becomes applicable in the inversion process.
Typically, for inverse problems, there will also be certain physical constraints
which will be necessary to impose on the potential pattern so that the wanted
geological pattern of the density distribution can be approximated in some ac-
ceptable manner. Such constraints are usually referred to as conditions reflecting
644 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
The force is directed along the line connecting the two points x, y . The con-
stant γ denotes Newton’s gravitational constant (note that γ can be assumed
to be equal to one in the theoretical part, but not in numerical applications).
Although the masses Mx , My attract each other in symmetric way, it
is convenient to call one of them the attracting mass and the other one the
attracted mass. Conventionally the attracted mass is set equal to unity and
the attracting mass is denoted by M :
γ M
v(x) = − (x − y), x ∈ R3 \{y}. (2.3)
4π |x − y|3
The formula (2.3) expresses the force exerted by the mass M on a unit mass
located at the distance |x − y| from M . Obviously, the intensity |v(x)| of the
force v(x) is given by
γ M
|v(x)| = , x ∈ R3 \{y}. (2.4)
4π |x − y|2
The scalar function V defined by
1 1
V (x) = γ M G(Δ; |x − y|) = γ M , x ∈ R3 \{y} (2.5)
4π |x − y|
is called the potential of gravitation at y. The force vector v(x) is the gradient
vector of the scalar V (x):
v(x) = ∇V (x), x ∈ R3 \{y}. (2.6)
Calculating the divergence ∇· of the gradient field v, it readily follows that
∇ · v(x) = ∇ · ∇ V (x) = ΔV (x) = 0, x ∈ R3 \{y}. (2.7)
(b) Potential of a finite mass point system: The potential for N points xi with
masses Mi , i = 1, . . . , N , is the sum of the individual contributions
V (x) = γ Mi G(Δ; |x − yi |), x ∈ R3 \{y1 , . . . , yn }. (2.8)
Clearly we have
ΔV (x) = 0, x ∈ R3 \{y1 , . . . , yN }. (2.9)
(c) Potential of a volume: Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region. The point masses are
distributed continuously over G ⊂ R3 with density F . Then the discrete sum
(2.8) becomes a continuous sum, i.e., an integral over the body G:
V (x) = γ G(Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dy. (2.10)
ΔV (x) = 0, x ∈ R3 \G. (2.11)
646 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Note that V is defined on the whole space R3 , however, ΔV (x) may not be
obtained easily by interchanging the Laplace operator and the integral over
G for all points x inside G. At infinity the potential behaves like
|V (x)| = O , |x| → ∞, (2.12)
uniformly with respect to all directions (note that |y| ≤ 2 implies |x − y| ≥
||x| − |y|| ≥ 12 |x|), i.e., V is regular at infinity.
Δx G(Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dy = 0 (2.14)
for all x ∈ G c , i.e., V is harmonic in G c .
Properties in G. By one-dimensional Taylor linearization (cf. [27, 38]) we obtain
1 1 1 1 3 1
√ = √ − (u − u0 ) + (u − u0 )2 (2.15)
u u0 2 u 23 8 (u0 + θ(u − u0 )) 52
In other words, by letting r = |x − y| we are able to give a simple example for the
“mollification” of the fundamental solution of the Laplace equation
G(Δ; r) = , r > 0, (2.17)
⎪ 1 1 2
⎨ 3 − 2r , r≤ρ
8πρ ρ
ρ (Δ; r) = (2.18)
⎩ 1 , r > ρ.
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 647
such that GHρ (Δ; ·) is continuously differentiable for all r ≥ 0. Obviously, G(Δ; r) =
Gρ (Δ; r) for all r > ρ. As a consequence,
1 1
G(Δ; |x − y|) = , |x − y| = 0, (2.19)
4π |x − y|
admits a “mollification” of the form
⎪ 1 1 2
⎨ 3 − |x − y| , |x − y| ≤ ρ
8πρ ρ2
GH (Δ; |x − y|) = (2.20)
⎪ 1
⎩ , ρ < |x − y|.
4π|x − y|
Let F : G → R be of class C(0) (G). We set
V (x) = G(Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dy (2.21)
VρH (x) = ρ (Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dy.
GH (2.22)
Hence, under the additional assumption of μ-Hölder continuity, μ ∈ (0, 1], for the
function F on G, i.e., |F (x) − F (y)| ≤ C |x − y|μ for all x, y ∈ G, we obtain
∇x · zρ (x) = − ∇x · Zρ (Δ; |x − y|)(x − y)F (y) dy (2.38)
=− ∇x · (Zρ (Δ; |x − y|)(x − y)) F (y) dy
Bρ (x)
= − α(x) F (x) + (F (x) − F (y)) ∇x · (Zρ (Δ|x − y|)(x − y)) dy.
Bρ (x)
holds true for all x ∈ G, where α(x) is the solid angle subtended by the surface ∂G
at x.
vanishes outside B, (2) for every differential operator ∇α the sequence {∇α φn } is
convergent to zero with respect to the norm
C (0) (G) . Members of E(G) are called
test functions. Elements of the dual space E ∗ (G), i.e., continuous linear functionals
F : E(G) → R, are called distributions (or generalized functions). Clearly, multi-
plication (by a scalar) and addition are defined canonically for members of the
class E ∗ (G), hence, they are in use for distributions in the same way, too. More
details can be found in any textbook on distributions, e.g., [58].
Let F ∈ E ∗ (G) be a given distribution. Assume that there exists a function
F : G → R that is locally integrable, i.e., F is integrable on every compact subset
of G, such that F (φ) = G F (x)φ(x) dV (x) holds for all test functions φ ∈ E(G).
Then F is called a regular distribution. If F ∈ E ∗ (G) is a regular distribution, then
the associated function F is uniquely determined (except on a set of Lebesgue
measure zero). Note that a well-known distribution that is not regular is the delta
distribution δ given by δ(φ) = φ(0).
A sequence {Fn } ⊂ E ∗ (G) is called convergent to F ∈ E ∗ (G) if and only
if limn→∞ Fn (φ) = F (φ) for all φ ∈ E(G). This definition helps to introduce
derivatives of distributions: If, for a given distribution F ∈ E ∗ (G), there exists
a distribution F̃ ∈ E ∗ (G) such that F̃(φ) = (−1)[α] F (∇α φ), α ∈ N30 , [α] =
α1 + α2 + α3 , for every φ ∈ E(G), then we set F̃ = ∇α F . In our potential theoretic
approach we are particularly interested in Laplace derivatives: A functional F ∈
E ∗ (G) is called distributionally harmonic if and only if ΔF = 0. The set of all
regular harmonic L2 (G)-distributions in E ∗ (G) is denoted by DistHarm(G). The
space DistHarm(G) apparently represents a generalization of the set Harm(G) of
harmonic functions in G. Indeed, the following characterization is valid (see, e.g.,
[16]): The set DistHarm(G) of all regular harmonic L2 (G)-distributions is a closed
subspace of L2 (G).
It is known from the theory of distributions that the set
(2) 2
Harm(G) = {H ∈ C (G) : (H(x)) dx < ∞, ΔH(x) = 0, x ∈ G} (3.1)
is a subset of DistHarm(G). Moreover, the so-called Weyl Lemma (see, e.g., [58])
tells us that G F (x)ΔΦ(x) dx = 0 for all Φ ∈ E(G) implies F ∈ Harm(G),
i.e., DistHarm(G) ⊂ Harm(G). As a consequence, we are led to the following
remarkable result:
Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region. Then,
DistHarm(G) = Harm(G). (3.2)
Harm(G) is a closed linear subspace of L2 (G). Thus, a well-known result of
functional analysis on orthogonal decompositions (see, e.g., [16, 112]) enables us
to formulate the decomposition of L2 (G) in the form:
· 2
· 2
L2 (G) = Harm(G) L (G) ⊕ Harm(G) L (G) . (3.3)
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 651
The following convention is in use (see [109], and also [9] and [71]):
· 2
AnHarm(G) = Harm(G) L (G) . (3.4)
The members of AnHarm(G) are called anharmonic functions in G.
Summarizing our results, we finally arrive at the following decomposition
If G ⊂ R3 is a regular region, then
L2 (G) = Harm(G) ⊕ AnHarm(G). (3.5)
3.1. Hadamard’s classification of the gravimetry problem
In classical nomenclature of physical geodesy, the inversion of “Newton’s Law
of Gravitation” (1.1) from terrestrial and spaceborne gravitational data, i.e., the
determination of the internal density contrast function from potential data on and
outside the boundary ∂G is known as the gravimetry problem. In other words, for a
regular region G ⊂ R3 , we are interested in the problem of determining the density
function F ∈ L2 (G) from (information of) the gravitational potential V on G c in
accordance with the integral equation
V (x) = A[F ](x) = F (y) G(Δ; |x − y|) dy, x ∈ R3 . (3.6)
In the sequel we denote the image of X = L2 (G) under the operator A by Y, i.e.,
Y := A[L2 (G)] = {V : V = A[F ] = G(Δ; | · −y|)F (y) dy, F ∈ L2 (G)}. (3.7)
Furthermore, for any subset H ⊂ R , we introduce the operator
AH : X = L2 (G) → Y |H. (3.8)
(more accurately, AGH ) with Y |H consisting of all AH [F ] given by
H x → AH [F ](x) = G(Δ; |x − y|) F (y) dy, F ∈ L2 (G) (3.9)
(ii) The most serious problem is the non-uniqueness of the solution: The asso-
ciated Fredholm integral operator AG c has a kernel (null space) which is
already known to coincide with the L2 (G)-orthogonal space of the closed lin-
ear subspace of all harmonic functions on G. Unfortunately, the orthogonal
complement, i.e., the class of anharmonic functions, is infinite-dimensional.
More precisely, if F is a member of class L2 (G), then AG c : L2 (G) →
Y |G given by
V = AG c [F ] = G(Δ; | · −y|) F (y) dy , F ∈ L2 (G), (3.10)
G G c
of a sphere ∂Bβ (0) given by Harm(Bβc (0)) is a closed subspace of L2 (Bβc (0)). More-
over, the outer harmonics {H−n−1,j (β; ·)}n=1,2,...;j=1,...,2n+1 given by
2n − 1 β x
H−n−1,j (β; x) = 3
Y n,j , x ∈ Bβc (0) (3.15)
β |x| |x|
form a complete orthonormal system in the Hilbert space
Harm(Bβc (0)), ·, ·L2 (Bβc (0)) .
with respect to the topology of L2 (Bβ (0)). Suppose that y ∈ Bβc (0) is arbitrary
but fixed. Then the potential at y corresponding to the mass density distribution
654 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
∞ 2n+1
4π 1
= β2 # Hn,j β; ·) , F L2 (Bβ (0)) H−n−1,j (β; y) .
n=0 j=1
2n + 1 (2n − 1)(2n + 3)
A harmonic solution F ∈ Harm(BBβ (0) ) of the problem
ABc (0) [F ] = P, P ∈ Harm(Bβc (0)) (3.22)
n ∈ N, j ∈ {1, . . . , 2n + 1}, and
F, H0,1 (β; ·)L2 (Bβ (0)) = 0, (3.24)
In other words, we have
∞ 2n+1
2n + 1 #
F = (2n − 1)(2n + 3) P, H−n−1,j (β; ·)L2 (Bc (0)) Hn,j (β; ·)
n=1 j=1
4πβ 2 β
in the sense of L2 (Bβ (0)).
In accordance with the Picard condition (that appeared in book form in the
chapter [84]) the equation ABc (0) [F ] = P is solvable if and only if P is harmonic
and the following series is finite, i.e.,
∞ 2n+1
n4 P, H−n−1,j (β; ·)L2 (Bc (0)) < ∞. (3.26)
n=1 j=1
Note that
∞ 2n+1
(2n + 1)2 (2n − 1)(2n + 3) P, H−n−1,j (β; ·)L2 (Bc (0)) < ∞
n=1 j=1
∞ 2n+1
⇔ n4 P, H−n−1,j (β; ·)L2 (Bc (0)) < ∞.
n=1 j=1
This condition can be also motivated within the framework of harmonics by ob-
·L2 (B
F ∈ Harm(BBβ (0) ) = {Hn,j (β; ·) : n ∈ N0 ; j ∈ {1, . . . , 2n + 1}} β (0))
, (3.28)
that implies
∞ 2n+1
F, Hn,j (β; ·)L2 (Bβ (0)) < ∞ . (3.29)
n=0 j=1
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 655
Operators of the type ABc (0) are compact, hence, we are confronted with the fact
that the restricted operator
A c Harm(BB (0) ) : Harm(BB (0) ) → A c
Bβ (0) β β
Harm(BB (0) )
Bβ (0) β
is invertible, but its inverse operator ABc (0) Harm(B is discontinuous.
β Bβ (0) )
Anharmonic Case. An orthogonal basis for AnHarm(Bβ (0)) (with respect to the
space L2 (Bβ (0))) can be found in [9]. A different non-orthogonal anharmonic basis
has been developed in [71, 72]:
(a) A complete L2 (Bβ (0))-orthogonal system in AnHarm(Bβ (0)) is given by
2 x
x → |x| Pk,n (|x| ) Yn,j
, (3.30)
|x| k∈N; n∈N0
(2n + 3)β 2k x
x → |x| n+2k
− |x| Yn,j
. (3.32)
2n + 2k + 3 |x| k∈N; n∈N0
where H−1,1 (G; ·) is not an element of L2 (G c )). We assume that kG∧ (n) = 0 for all
n ∈ N0 .
If ∂G is a sphere with radius β around the origin, we let
Hn,j (G; ·) := Hn,j (β; ·); n ∈ N0 , j ∈ {1, . . . , 2n + 1}; (3.37)
H−n−1,j (G c ; ·) := H−n−1,j (β; ·); n ∈ N, j ∈ {1, . . . , 2n + 1} . (3.38)
Moreover, we set
4π β2
kG∧ (n) = kβ∧ (n) = # . (3.39)
2n + 1 (2n − 1)(2n + 3)
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 657
4. Mollifier methods
Next we deal with space regularization methods for the Newton volume integral
involving singular integral mollification.
with the Haar kernel as mollifier satisfies the limit relation limρ→0+ Iρ [F ] = F, F ∈
L2 (G), in the topology of L2 (G). Moreover, we have
lim Iρ [F ](x) = α(x) F (x), x ∈ G, F ∈ C (0) (G), (4.5)
ΨHρj (| · −y|) = Hρj+1 (| · −y|) − Hρj (| · −y|). (4.9)
(Δ; ·) and ΨH ρj are called “ρj -fundamental wavelet function” and “ρj -Haar
wavelet function”, respectively. The associated “ρj -potential wavelet functions”
and the “ρj -density wavelet functions” are given by
(W V )ρj = Ψ GH
(Δ; | · −y|) F (y) dy (4.10)
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 659
(W F )H
ρj = ΨHρj (| · −y|) F (y) dy, (4.11)
respectively. The ρj -potential wavelet functions and the ρj -density wavelet func-
tions, respectively, characterize the successive detail information contained in
VρHj+1 − VρHj and FρHj+1 − FρHj , j ∈ N0 . In other words, we are able to decorre-
late the potential V and the “density signature”F , respectively, in form of ”band
ρj = Vρj+1 − Vρj ,
(W V )H H H
ρj = Fρj+1 − Fρj .
(W F )H H H
lim FρHJ = FρH0 + (W F )H
ρj = lim ΔVρHJ = ΔVρH0 + Δ(W V )H
ρj . (4.19)
J→∞ J→∞
j=0 j=0
to determine aN J TJ
i , i = 1, . . . , NJ , from known gravitational values V (xk ) at knots
xk ∈ G, k = 1, . . . , TJ .
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 661
Once all density values F (yiNJ ), i = 1, . . . , NJ , are available (note that the
integration weights wiNJ , i = 1, . . . , NJ , are known), the density distribution F can
be obtained from the formula
F (x) & FρHJ (x) = HρJ (|x − yiNJ |) wiNJ F (yiNJ ), x ∈ G. (4.26)
Even better, fully discrete Haar filtered versions of F at lower scales can be derived
in accordance with the approximate integration rules
N Nj N
Hρj (|x − z|) F (z) dV (z) & Hρj (|x − yi j |) wi F (yi j ) (4.27)
G i=1
for j = J0 , . . . , J, where wi j , yi j , i = 1, . . . , Nj , are known weights and knots,
respectively, such that {y1 j , . . . , yNjj } ⊂ {y1NJ , . . . , yN
} ⊂ G, i.e., the sequence
of knots {y1NJ , . . . , yN
} ⊂ G shows a hierarchical positioning. Altogether, our ap-
proach yields Haar filtered versions (4.27) establishing a (space-based) multiscale
decomposition FρHJ , . . . , FρHJ0 of the density distribution F , such that an entire set
of approximations is available from a single locally supported “mother function”,
i.e., the Haar kernel function (4.3), and this set provides useful “building block
functions”, which enable decorrelation of the density signatures and suitable stor-
age and fast decorrelation of density data.
Moreover, fully discrete Haar filtered versions of F at lower scales can be
derived in accordance with the approximate integration rules
FρHj (x) = Hρj (|x−y|) F (y) dy & Hρj (|x−yi j |) wi j F (yi j ), x ∈ G, (4.28)
G i=1
for j = J0 , . . . , J, where wi j , yi j , i = 1, . . . , Nj , are known weights and knots,
respectively, such that we can take advantage of the fact that {y1 j , . . . , yNjj } ⊂
{y1NJ , . . . , yN
} ⊂ G.
The serious problem of our multiscale approach, however, is that measure-
ments of gravitation are only available in the interior G in exceptional cases, for
example, locally in geothermal boreholes. However, we are able to take into ac-
count surface measurements on ∂G, but it may be questioned that deep geological
formations can be detected by an exclusive use of terrestrial gravitational data.
Nevertheless, the multiscale method as explained above is an important postpro-
cessing method to improve the interpretability of already available geological mod-
els as well as (wavelet) decorrelation mechanisms to extract certain local features
of practical relevance in density band signatures (see [15, 78]).
662 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
Clearly, all methodological concepts developed for the Haar case together
with its multiscale settings remain valid. Their formulations are straightforward.
The following result, however, serves as strategic basis for our approach to den-
sity feature extraction in specific representation within the de la Vallée Poussin
Theorem 4.1. The “ρ-de la Vallée Poussin potential functions”
VρV P (x) = GVρ P (Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dy (4.36)
and the “ρ-de la Vallée Poussin density function”
Fρ (x) = V Pρ (|x − y|)F (y) dy (4.37)
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 663
lim sup |α(x)F (x) − FρV P (x)| = 0, (4.39)
IρV P [F ] = FρV P = V Pρ (| · −z|) F (z) dz, F ∈ L2 (G). (4.41)
We denote the image of X = L2 (G) under the operator AVρ P by YρV P . So, instead
of discussing the integral A[F ](x) = G G(Δ; |x − y|) F (y) dy we choose AVρ P [F ],
F ∈ L2 (G), for some sufficiently small ρ > 0. We take advantage of the fact that
G(Δ; |x − z|) DρV P (|y − z|) dz = V Pρ (|x − y|), x, y ∈ G. (4.42)
Note that
Δx G(Δ; |x − z|) DρV P (|y − z|) dz = Δx V Pρ (|x − y|) = DρV P (|x − y|), x, y ∈ G.
After these preliminaries we are able to conclude that
Iρ [F ](x) = Fρ (x) = V Pρ (|x − w|)F (w) dw
= G(Δ; |w − z|) Dρ (|x − z|) dz F (w) dw
= Dρ (|x − z)
G(Δ; |w − z|)F (w) dw dz
= Dρ (|x − z|) A[F ](z) dz =
DρV P (|x − z|) V (z) dz.
The right-hand side of (4.44) is given analytically when the parameter ρ is chosen
appropriately. So, if we define the operator Sρ : YρV P → X in the form
Fρ = Sρ [V ] = DρV P (| · −z|) V (z) dz, x ∈ G, (4.45)
then, by (4.44), this operator maps the gravitational potential to mollified solutions
of (ITGP). This property motivates the term mollified inverse of A used for Sρ .
The discretization of the identity (4.45) given by
FρV P (x) & wi DρV P (|x − ziN |) V (ziN ), ziN ∈ G, x ∈ G (4.46)
may serve as an alternative to improve local density knowledge from given internal
(e.g., borehole) data V (ziN ), i = 1, . . . , N , where wi , i = 1, . . . , N, are the known
integration weights.
Finally, it should be noted that, more generally, any singular integral (cf. [76,
77]) can be chosen in analogy to the de la Vallée Poussin kernel, i.e., smoothed Haar
kernel, as far as its Laplace derivative takes a reasonable role in the mollification
for all F ∈ X.
Obviously, an example of a singular integral of the aforementioned type is
given by the de la Vallée Poussin kernel.
Let G be a regular region. Suppose that {Kρ }ρ>0 is a kernel constituting a
singular integral in L2 -metric, then it is not difficult to show (see, e.g., [76, 77])
Inverse Gravimetry as an Ill-Posed Problem in Mathematical Geodesy 665
holds true for all F ∈ L2 (G), while, for all F ∈ C (0) (G), we have
lim sup |Iρ [F ](x) − α(x) F (x)| = 0, (4.50)
where α(x) is the solid angle subtended by the boundary ∂G at the point x ∈ G.
Correspondingly to the family {Kρ }ρ>0 we are led to families {Gρ }ρ>0 and
{Dρ }ρ>0 such that
−Δx Gρ (Δ; |x − y|) = Kρ (|x − y|), x, y ∈ R3 (4.51)
−Δx Kρ (|x − y|) = Dρ (|x − y|), x, y ∈ R3 . (4.52)
Our interest now is in the terrestrial gravimetry problem (TGP), that may be
regarded as particularly relevant problem in geoscientific practice (our considera-
tions, however, remain valid for (ITGP)). We start from known values V (xi ), xi ∈
∂G, i = 1, . . . , N, given by
A[F ](xi ) = G(Δ; |xi − z|) F (z) dz = V (xi ), xi ∈ ∂G, i = 1, . . . , N, (4.53)
that turns out to play a central role in the context of minimum norm (spline)
interpolation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces as discussed in Section 5.
μi G(Δ; |xi − z|) dz = 1. (4.70)
G i=1
(Q)i,j := |z − y|2 G(Δ; |xi − z|) G(Δ; |xj − z|) dz, i, j = 1, . . . , N, (4.73)
κj := G(Δ; |xj − z|) dz, j = 1, . . . , N. (4.74)
In fact, (4.71) and (4.72) is a quadratic minimization problem with only one linear
equation constraint. We may assume that κ = (κ1 , . . . , κN )T is different from
0, since otherwise the constraint (4.72) cannot be valid. The introduction of a
Lagrange multiplier well known from optimization theory (see, e.g., [110]) can be
used to characterize the solvability of the resulting linear Qμ − λκ = 0 under the
constraint κ·μ = 1, i.e., existence and uniqueness. In more detail, from the integral
in (4.69), we see that μ· Q μ ≥ 0 and μ· Q μ = 0 implies N i=1 μi G(Δ; |xi −·|) = 0,
so that the linear independence of the system {G(Δ; |xi − ·|)}i=1,...,N shows that
Q is positive definite.
Summarizing our results we therefore obtain the following statement:
The symmetric matrix Q ∈ RN ×N as defined by (4.73)is positive definite for
every y ∈ G. The quadratic minimization problem (4.71) and (4.72) is uniquely
solvable. The vector μ is the unique solution of (4.71) and (4.72) if and only if
there exist a real number λ (the Lagrange multiplier) so that (μ, λ) ∈ RN +1 solves
the linear system Qμ − λκ = 0 under the constraint κ · μ = 1.
The Lagrange multiplier λ = μ · Q μ represents the minimal value of the
quadratic minimization problem.
Consider the unique solution μ ∈ RN , μ = (μ1 , . . . , μN )T , μi = Mi (y), i =
1, . . . , N, of the quadratic minimization problem (4.71) and (4.72). The Backus–
Gilbert solution FN of the discrete version of (TGP)
G(Δ; |xi − y|) FN (y) dy = V (xi ), xi ∈ ∂G, i = 1, . . . , N (4.75)
is defined by
FN (y) = V (xi ) μi , y ∈ G. (4.76)
follows that
FN (y) − F (y) = V (xi ) μi − F (y) μi G(Δ; |xi − z|) dz
i=1 G i=1
= G(Δ; |xi − z|) (F (z) − F (y)) μi dz (4.77)
i=1 G
For N ∈ N, y ∈ G, we set
2 2 2
eN (y) := min |ZN (z)| |z − y| dz : ZN ∈ XN , ZN (z) dz = 1 .
Thus, we finally arrive at
|FN (y) − F (y)| ≤ CF
eN (y) (4.83)
as pointwise error estimate of the difference of the solution of the finite moment
problem (4.65) and the Backus–Gilbert solution (4.76).
(N )
A[F ] := G(Δ; |x1 − y|) F (y) dy, . . . , G(Δ; |xN − y|) F (y) dy ,
(N ) T
v := (V (x1 ), . . . , V (xN )) . (4.86)
By virtue of the operator (N ) S given by
(N )
S v (y) = V (xi ) μi (y), y ∈ G, (4.87)
(N )
we have constructed a left inverse S : RN → L2 (G) such that
(N ) (N )
S A [F ](y) = G(Δ; |xi − z|)F (z) dz μi (y)
i=1 G
= F (z) G(Δ; |xi − z|) μi (y) dz,
G i=1
such that
0 1 0 1 0 1
AG c [F ] = AG c PHarm(G) [F ] + AG c PAnHarm (G) [F ] = AG c PHarm(G) [F ] . (5.2)
In conclusion, AG c [PHarm(G) [F ]] is that function of class L2 (G) that has the small-
est L2 (G)-norm among all (density) functions F in L2 (G) generating the same
potential in the space Y |G c = AG c (L2 (G)). Consequently, to every P ∈ Y |G c ,
there corresponds a unique F ∈ Harm(G) such that
AG c [F ] = AG c [PHarm(G) [F ]] = P. (5.4)
The restriction AG c |Harm(G) is a linear bijective operator, i.e., to every P ∈
Y |G c there exists a unique F ∈ Harm(G) such that AG c |Harm(G)[F ] = P .
On the space Y |G c we are able to impose an inner product ·, ·Y |G c by defin-
? @
AG c |Harm(G)[F ], AG c |Harm(G)[G] Y |G c = F, GL2 (G) , (5.5)
where F, G ∈ L2 (G). Y |G c equipped with the inner product ·, ·Y |G c is a Hilbert
space. AG c |Harm(G) is an isometric operator relating L2 (G) to Y |G c . Our goal is
to show that (Y |G c , ·, ·Y |G c ) is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, i.e., a Hilbert
space equipped with the reproducing kernel KY |G c (·, ·). It is clear that, for every
x ∈ G c , G(Δ; |x − ·|) is an element of Harm(G). From well-known reproducing
Hilbert space theory (see, e.g., [4]), it follows that any given potential P ∈ Y |G c
can be represented in the form
P (x) = AG c |Harm(G)[F ](x) = G(Δ; |x − ·|), F L2 (G) , x ∈ G c , F ∈ Harm(G).
For x ∈ G c , the evaluation functional Ex [P ] = P (x) is a bounded functional on G c .
Indeed, from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality applied to (5.6) we get
|Ex [P ]| = |P (x)| ≤ ||F ||L2 (G) ||G(Δ; |x − ·|)||L2 (G) . (5.7)
Consequently, we have
|Ex [P ]| = P (x)| ≤ Cx
Y |G c , P ∈ Y |G c , x ∈ G c . (5.8)
Thus, a necessary and sufficient condition for the Hilbert space Y |G c to possess a
reproducing kernel (see, e.g., [4]) is fulfilled. Even more, we are able to find the
explicit expression of the reproducing kernel KY |G c (·, ·) : G c × G c → R for the
Hilbert space Y |G c such that, for every P ∈ Y |G c , the reproducing property
2 3
P (x) = P, KY |G c (x, ·) , x ∈ Gc, (5.9)
Y |G c
672 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
The integral
1 1
KY |G c (x, y) = G(Δ; |x − ·|), G(Δ; |y − ·|)L2 (G) = dz
(4π)2 G |x − z||y − z|
represents the (unique) reproducing kernel of Y |G c .
Clearly, for “geoscientifically relevant geometries” G such as geoid, real Earth,
etc. the integral (5.11) has to be determined by approximate integration rules.
Summarizing our considerations we end up with the following result:
Y |G c , ·, ·Y |G c is a Hilbert space possessing the reproducing kernel (5.11)
KY |G c (x, y) = G(Δ; |x − z|) G(Δ; |y − z|) dz
1 1
= 2
dz. (5.12)
(4π) G |x − z||y − z|
Equation (5.12) formally states that, for every fixed x ∈ G c , the function
KY |G c (x, ·) = AG c [G(Δ; |x − ·|)] is the Newtonian potential corresponding to the
“density function” G(Δ; |x − ·|).
can be expressed as series representation by use of the expansion (see, e.g., [38])
1 |y|n x y
G(Δ; |x − y|) = Pn · , |y| < |x|,
4π n=0 |x|n+1 |x| |y|
On the space Y we are able to impose an inner product ·, ·Y by setting
A[F ], A[G]Y = F, GL2 (G) , (5.22)
where F, G ∈ L (G). Y equipped with the inner product ·, ·Y is a Hilbert space.
For all x ∈ R3 , the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality yields the estimate
|V (x)| ≤ 2
| G(Δ; |x − y|)| dy |F (y)|2 dy, (5.23)
holds true for all x ∈ G c . Moreover, for all x ∈ G and some R ≥ d with d =
diam(G) = maxx,y∈G |x − y| we are able to see that
1 1
|G(Δ; |x − y|)|2 dy = dy
G (4π) G |x − y|2
1 1
≤ dy
(4π)2 BR (x) |x − y|2
1 1
= dS(y) dr
(4π)2 0 |x−y|=r |x − y|2
= . (5.25)
All in all, for each fixed x ∈ R3 , the evaluation functional Ex is bounded. Hence, a
necessary and sufficient condition that (Y, ·, ·Y ) be a reproducing kernel Hilbert
space (see, e.g., [4, 16]) is satisfied. In fact, for x ∈ G and F ∈ L2 (G), we obtain
V (x) = G(Δ; |x − ·|), F L2 (G)
= A[G(Δ; |x − ·|)], A[F ]Y
= A[G(Δ; |x − ·|)], V Y , (5.26)
so that
KY (x, y) = G(Δ; |x − z|) G(Δ; |z − y|) dz
1 1 1
= dz, x, y ∈ R3 (5.27)
(4π)2 G |x − z| |z − y|
is the unique reproducing kernel of Y . Summarizing our considerations we are
finally allowed to formulate the following statement [98]:
The image space Y = A[L2 (G)] is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space process-
ing the reproducing kernel
KY (x, y) = G(Δ; |x − z|) G(Δ; |z − y|) dz, x, y ∈ R3 . (5.28)
676 W. Freeden and M.Z. Nashed
with Gρ (Δ; | · − · |) given by either (2.20) or (4.51), so that Yρ = Aρ [L2 (G)], we are
led to an analogous result in the framework of singular integral-type mollification:
The image space Yρ = Aρ [L2 (G)] is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space pos-
sessing the reproducing kernel
KYρ (x, y) = Gρ (Δ; |x − z|) Gρ (Δ; |z − y|) dz, x, y ∈ R3 . (5.30)
the minimum norm interpolation problem of finding SN that satisfies
Y = inf
Y (5.35)
1 ,...,ExN
is well posed, i.e., its solution exists, is unique and depends continuously on the
data γ1 , . . . , γN . The uniquely determined solution SN is given in the explicit form
SN (x) = i Exi [KY (x, ·)],
aN x ∈ R3 , (5.36)
Moreover, the linear independence of the system {Gρ (Δ; |xi − ·|)}i=1,...,N implies
that the Gram matrix
Gρ (Δ; |xi − z|) Gρ (Δ; |xk − z|) dz (5.42)
G k,i=1,...,N
the minimum norm interpolation problem of finding SN that satisfies
Yρ = inf
Yρ (5.44)
1 ,...,ExN
is well posed, i.e., its solution exists, is unique and depends continuously on the
data γ1 , . . . , γN . The uniquely determined solution SN is given in the explicit form
SN (x) = i Exi [KYρ (x, ·)],
aN x ∈ R3 , (5.45)
6. Concluding remarks
Beside gravimetry the (Newton) volume potential (2.10) turns out to appear from
different points of view in the context of mathematical geodesy (see, e.g., [26, 29,
31, 32, 34, 38, 52, 55–57, 61, 62, 80, 81, 94]).
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Willi Freeden
Geomathematics Group
University of Kaiserslautern
MPI-Gebäude, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
M. Zuhair Nashed
Mathematics Department
University of Central Florida
Orlando, USA
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 687–751
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Newton’s famous law about the mutual attraction of two masses formulated in
“De mundi systemate” 1715 tells us that the attractive force, called gravitation,
is directed along the line connecting the two centers of mass of the objects and is
proportional to two masses as well as to the squared inverse of the distance between
the objects. If the Earth had a perfectly spherical shape and if the mass inside the
Earth were distributed homogeneously or rotationally symmetric, the line along
which an apple fell would indeed be a straight line, directed radially and going
exactly through the Earth’s center of mass. The gravitational field obtained in this
way would be perfectly spherically symmetric. In reality, however, the situation is
more complex. The topographic features, mountains and valleys, are very irregular.
The actual gravitational field is influenced by strong irregularities in density within
the Earth. As a result, the gravitational force deviates from one place to the other
from that of a homogeneous sphere. More explicitly, internal density signatures
are reflected in gravitational field signatures, and orthogonal coefficients in terms
of spherical harmonics of gravitational field signatures smooth out exponentially
with increasing distance from the Earth’s body. As a consequence, positioning
systems are ideally located as far as possible from the Earth, whereas gravity field
sensors are ideally located as close as possible to the Earth. Following these basic
688 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
principles, various positioning and gravity field determination techniques have been
designed. Sensors may be sensitive to local or global features of the gravity field.
Considering the spatial location of the data points, we may differentiate between
terrestrial (surface), airborne, and spaceborne methods.
Concerning gravity on a global scale, e.g., for global geoid determination
(that will not be investigated here), it should be pointed out (see, e.g., [6–8]) that
the terrestrial distribution of Earth’s gravity data is far from being homogeneous
with large gaps, in particular over oceans but also over land. In addition, the qual-
ity of the data is very distinct. Thus, global terrestrial gravity data coverage now
and in the foreseeable future is far from being satisfactory. This is the reason why
spaceborne measurements come into play for global gravity determination. Until
now, the relatively poor precision of satellite-only spaceborne gravity measure-
ments has hindered a wider use of this type of measurements for local purposes.
Seen from future exploration aspects, however, it must be remarked that only
coordinated research will provide a breakthrough in modeling and understanding
significant structures and processes in the Earth’s interior. In fact, the authors are
convinced that the way forward, even in global modeling, has to be based on two
i) combining data from different sensors and sources,
ii) multiscale modeling, i.e., “zooming-in downward continuation” of the differ-
ent data sources starting from globally available spaceborne data as means
for an appropriate trend solution via more accurate (regional) airborne data
down to (local) high-precision gravimetric data sets.
In this contribution, we are especially concerned with the mathematical study
of gravimetry in exploration, in particular postprocessing of all already available
models. To this end we briefly explain the status quo of gravimetric observation
and standard modeling. On the basis of these results we present new multiscale
methods by means of geoscientifically relevant wavelets for the decorrelation of
signatures inherent in geological information.
of the anomalous potential. Due to the high measurement effort required to ac-
quire these types of data compared to a gravity measurement, the data density of
vertical deflections is much less than that of gravity anomalies. Gravitational field
determination based on the observation of deflections of the vertical and combined
with gravity is feasible in smaller areas with good data coverage.
1.1. Gravitational, centrifugal, and gravity acceleration
The gravity acceleration (gravity) w is the resultant of the gravitation v and the
centrifugal acceleration c such that
w = v + c. (1.1)
The centrifugal force c arises as a result of the rotation of the Earth about
its axis. In this work concerned with local gravity exploration we are allowed to
assume a rotation of constant angular velocity ω. The centrifugal acceleration
acting on a unit mass is directed outward perpendicularly to the spin axis (see
Figure 1.1). Introducing the so-called centrifugal potential C, such that c = ∇C,
the function C turns out to be non-harmonic. The direction of the gravity w is
known as the direction of the plumb line, the quantity |w| is called the gravity
intensity (often also just called gravity and denoted in the geodetic jargon by g).
Altogether, the gravity potential of the Earth can be expressed in the form
W = V + C, (1.2)
and the gravity acceleration w is given by
w = ∇W = ∇V + ∇C. (1.3)
egpvgt qh ocuu
The actual Earth’s surface (globally available from modern spaceborne tech-
niques such as DOPPLER, GNSS, LASER, VLBI, etc.) does not coincide with an
equipotential surface (i.e., a level surface). The force of gravity is generally not
perpendicular to the actual Earth’s surface (see Figure 1.2). However, we are con-
fronted with the gravity intensity as an oblique derivative on the Earth’s surface.
The gravity vector is an oblique vector at any point on the Earth’s surface and
generally not the normal vector.
Figure 1.2. Earth’s surface, geoid, ellipsoid (λ = |w| oblique unit grav-
ity vector, normal vector to the geoid, but usually not normal to the
Earth’s surface).
to be linear. Tidal corrections have to be imposed, i.e., the attraction of the Sun
and Moon has to be calculated and subtracted from the measurements. In case of
acquisition on a moving platform, the motion relative to the surface of the Earth
implies a change in centrifugal acceleration. The Eőtvős correction depends on the
latitude and velocity vector of the moving platform. It should be observed that
free air anomaly does not correct for the first two effects which could mask the
gravity anomalies related to the Bouguer density contrasts in the crust. Complete
Bouguer correction effectively remove the gravity anomalies due to bathymetry,
but still contain the gravity effect of the Moho. Isostatics contain the gravity effect
of the Moho. For more details the reader is referred to geodetic textbooks such as
[32, 36, 68] and to the literature concerned with prospecting and exploration (see,
e.g., [53, 54, 64] and the references therein).
Gravity prospecting can be done over land or sea areas using different tech-
niques and equipment. Terrestrial gravimetry was first applied to prospect for salt
domes (e.g., in the Gulf of Mexico) (an example of the Eastern part of Germany
is shown in Figure 1.5), and later for looking for anticlines in continental areas
(see, e.g., [53, 54], and the references therein). Nowadays, gravimetry is in use all
over the world in diverse applications:
Figure 1.5. Top: Gravity effect in [μm · s−1 ] of the salt dome Werle
(Mecklenburg, Germany); bottom: Geological vertical profile (with kind
permission of Teubner-publishing taken from [38] in modified form).
vertical gradient
horizontal gradient
density difference
ǁ;džͿ dž
Figure 2.1. Level surfaces and plumb lines for a homogeneous ball
(left) and an Earth-like body (right) (from [15]).
A point x of the geoid can be projected onto its associated point y of the
ellipsoid by means of the ellipsoidal normal. The distance N (x) between x and y
is called the geoidal height or geoidal undulation in x (cf. Figure 2.2). The gravity
anomaly vector a(x) at the point x of the geoid is defined as the difference between
the gravity vector w(x) and the normal gravity vector u(y), i.e.,
a(x) = w(x) − u(y). (2.1)
Another possibility is to form the difference between the vectors w and u at
the same point x such that we get the gravity disturbance vector d(x) defined by
d(x) = w(x) − u(x). (2.2)
In geodesy, several basic mathematical relations between the scalar fields |w| and
|u| as well as between the vector fields a and d are known. In the following, we
only describe the fundamental relations heuristically (see also [27, 32]).
The point of departure for our excursion into geodesy is the observation that
the gravity disturbance vector d(x) at the point x on the geoid can be written as
Gravimetry and Exploration 697
Figure 2.2. Illustration of the gravity vector w(x), the normal gravity
vector u(x), and the geoidal height N (x). Here, ν and ν
denote the
normal to the geoid and the reference ellipsoid, respectively (follow-
ing [32]).
d(x) = w(x) − u(x) = ∇ (W (x) − U (x)) = ∇T (x). (2.3)
According to Taylor’s formula, U (y)+ ∂ν (y)N (x)
is the linearization of U (x),
i.e., by expanding the potential U at the point x and truncating the Taylor series
at the linear term, we get
U (x) & U (y) + (y)N (x), (2.4)
(y) = − (2.5)
is the ellipsoidal normal at y and the geoidal undulation N (x) is the aforementioned
distance between x and y (note that the symbol ‘&’ means that the error between
the left- and the right-hand side may be assumed to be insignificantly small). Using
the fact that T (x) = W (x) − U (x) and observing the relations
|u(y)| = −ν
(y) · u(y) = −ν
(y) · ∇U (y) = − (y), (2.6)
Since the gravity disturbances represent at most a factor 10−4 of the Earth’s
gravitational force (for more details see [32]), the error between ν(x) ∂T
∂ν (x) and
ν (x) ∂ν (x) has no (computational) significance. Consequently, we may assume
∂T 1 ∗
d(x) & ν
(x) (x) + ∇ T (x). (2.18)
Moreover, the scalar product (ν(x) − ν
(x)) · ν(x) can also be neglected. Thus, in
connection with (2.14), we obtain
d(x) & −|w(x)| Θ(x) − D(x)ν
(x). (2.19)
By comparison of (2.18) and (2.19), we therefore get
D(x) = − (x) = −ν
(x) · d(x), (2.20)
|w(x)| Θ(x) = − ∇∗ T (x). (2.21)
In other words, the gravity disturbance D(x), beside being the difference in mag-
nitude of the actual and the normal gravity vector, is also the normal component
of the gravity disturbance vector d(x). In addition, we are led to the angular
differential equation (2.21).
Turning over to the gravity anomalies A(x), it follows from the identity (2.20)
by linearization that
∂T ∂|u(y)|
− (x) = D(x) & A(x) − N (x). (2.24)
Using Bruns’ formula (2.8), we obtain for the gravity anomalies that
∂T 1 ∂|u(y)|
A(x) = − (x) + T (x). (2.25)
|u(y)| ∂ν
Summing up our results (2.20) for the gravity disturbance D(x) and (2.25) for
the gravity anomaly A(x), we are led to the so-called fundamental equations of
700 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
physical geodesy:
D(x) = |w(x)| − |u(x)| = − (x), (2.26)
∂T 1 ∂|u(y)|
A(x) = |w(x)| − |u(y)| = −
(x) + T (x). (2.27)
∂ν |u(y)| ∂ν
Eqs. (2.26) and (2.27) show the relation between the disturbing potential T and the
gravity disturbance D and the gravity anomaly A, respectively, on the geoid (see,
for example, [27, 32, 45]). They are used as boundary conditions in boundary-value
Remark 2.1. Following [32], the geoidal heights N , i.e., the deviations of the
equipotential surface on the mean ocean level from the reference ellipsoid, are
extremely small. Their order is of only a factor 10−5 of the Earth’s radius (see
[32] for more details). Even more, the reference ellipsoid only differs from a sphere
ΩR with (mean Earth’s) radius R in the order of the flattening of about 3 · 10−3 .
Therefore, since the time of [65], it is common use that, in theory, an ellipsoidal
reference surface should be taken into account. However, in numerical practice,
the reference ellipsoid is treated as a sphere and the Equations (2.22) and (2.23)
are solved in spherical approximation. In doing so, a relative error of the order
of the flattening of the Earth’s body at the poles, i.e., a relative error of 10−3 ,
is accepted in all equations containing the disturbing potential. Considering ap-
propriately performed reductions in numerical calculations, this error seems to
be quite permissible (cf. [32] and the remarks in [24, 25] for comparison with el-
lipsoidal approaches), and this is certainly the case if local exploration is under
consideration. For local purposes as discussed in this contribution, the problem of
non-ellipticity seems to be obsolete.
Remark 2.2. According to the Pizzetti assumptions (see [56, 57]), it follows that
the first moment integrals of the disturbing potential vanish, i.e.,
T (y)H−n−1,k (y) dω(y) = 0, (2.28)
for n = 0, 1, k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, where H−n−1,k denotes the system of outer
harmonics and dω is the surface element in R3 . More concretely, if the Earth’s
center of gravity is the origin, there are no first-degree terms in the spherical
harmonic expansion of T . If the mass of the spherical Earth and the mass of
the normal ellipsoid is equal, there is no zero term. In this way, together with the
indicated processes in gravitational modeling, formulas and structures are obtained
that are rigorously valid for the sphere.
inside the Earth. Clearly, gravity anomalies and/or gravity disturbances do not
determine uniquely the interior density distribution of the Earth. They may be
interpreted as certain filtered signatures, which give major weight to the density
contrasts close to the surface and simultaneously suppress the influence of deeper
structures inside the Earth.
Geoid undulations provide a measure for the perturbations of the Earth from
a hydrostatic equilibrium. They form the deviations of the equipotential surfaces
at mean sea level from the reference ellipsoid. Geoid undulations show no essential
correlation to the distributions of the continents. They seem to be generated by
density contrasts much deeper inside the Earth.
As already explained, the task of determining the disturbing potential T from
gravity disturbances or gravity anomalies, respectively, leads to boundary-value
problems usually corresponding to a spherical boundary. Numerical realizations
of such boundary-value problems have a long tradition, starting from [65] and
[55]. Nonetheless, our work presents some new aspects in their potential theoretic
treatment by proposing appropriate space-regularization techniques applied to the
resulting integral representations of their solutions. For both boundary-value prob-
lems, viz. the Neumann and the Stokes problem, we are able to present two solution
methods: The disturbing potential may be either solved by a Fourier (orthogonal)
expansion method in terms of spherical harmonics or it can be described by a
singular integral representation over the boundary ΩR .
Remark 2.4. So far, much more data on gravity anomalies A(x) = |w(x)| − |u(y)|
are available than on gravity disturbances D(x) = |w(x)| − |u(x)|. However, by
modern GNSS-technology (see, e.g., [52]), the point x on the geoid is rather deter-
mined than y on the reference ellipsoid. Therefore, in future, it can be expected
that D will become more important than A (as [36] point out in their monograph
on physical geodesy). This is the reason why we continue to work with D. Never-
theless, the results of our (multiscale) approach applied to A are of significance.
Therefore, the key ideas and concepts concerning A can be treated in parallel (see
[9, 15, 73] for explicit details).
for n = 0, 1, k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1.
It is known (see, e.g., [15]) that the solution of the boundary-value problem
(ENPPG) can be represented in the form
T (x) = D(y) N (x, y) dω(y), x ∈ R3 \BR (0), (2.41)
4πR ΩR
where the Neumann kernel N (·, ·) in (2.41) possesses the spherical harmonic ex-
∞ n+1
R2 2n + 1 x y
N (x, y) = Pn · . (2.42)
|x||y| n+1 |x| |y|
By well-known manipulations, the series in terms of Legendre polynomials can be
expressed as an elementary function leading to the integral representation
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞
R2 R2
1 2R |y| + y − |x|2 − |x|
T (x) = D(y) ⎝ + ln ⎝
⎠⎠ dω(y). (2.43)
4πR ΩR |x − y| R2 R2
|y| + y − x +
|x|2 |x|
If we use
x y x·y 2
|x| − |y| = 2 − 2 |x| |y| , (2.46)
Note that the expansion point 1 − τ 2 /(2R2 ), τ ∈ (0, 2R], is chosen in consis-
tency with the notation in the initial paper [21] and the subsequent papers [14] and
[23]. A graphical illustration of the original kernel S(t) and a τ -scale dependent
version of its linear space-regularized kernel S τ (t) is shown in Figure 2.4.
Clearly, the function S τ is continuously differentiable on the interval [−1, 1],
and we have 2R3 τ2
τ3 , 0 ≤ 1 − t ≤ 2R 2,
(S ) (t) = 1 τ2 (2.64)
√ 3 ,
2(1−t) 2 2R2 < 1 − t ≤ 2.
6 S (t)
3 S (t)
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 2.4. Single-layer kernel S(t) (continuous black line) and its
Taylor linearized regularization S τ (t), for R = 1 and τ = 12 , 1, 2 (dotted
As a consequence, we have
Lemma 2.5. For F ∈ C (0) (Ω) and S τ defined by (2.63) the limit relation
lim sup S(ξ · η)F (η) dω(η) − S (ξ · η)(ξ · η)F (η) dω(η) = 0
τ →0+ ξ∈Ω Ω Ω
holds true.
In a similar way, by some elementary calculations, one can find the following
relations that are also of importance for the Stokes boundary value problem (see
also the Ph.D.-theses [9, 73]).
Lemma 2.6. Let S be the single-layer kernel given by (2.60) and let S τ , τ ∈ (0, 2R],
be the corresponding (Taylor) linearized regularized kernel defined by (2.63). Then
lim |ln (1 + S(t)) − ln (1 + S τ (t))| dt = 0, (2.68)
τ →0+ −1
1 1 1 1
lim ln + − ln + dt = 0, (2.69)
τ →0+ −1 S(t) (S(t))2 S τ (t) (S τ (t))2
1 #
2 2
lim (S(t)) − (S τ (t)) 1 − t2 dt = 0. (2.70)
τ →0+ −1
To study the surface gradient and the surface curl gradient, we let F be of
class C (1) (Ω). Letting tξ ∈ R3×3 be the orthogonal matrix (with det(tξ ) = 1)
leaving ε3 fixed such that tξ ξ = ε3 , we get
∇ξ S(ξ · η)F (η) dω(η) = S(η3 )∇∗ξ F (tTξ η) dω(η) (2.71)
Gravimetry and Exploration 709
with the Neumann kernel N (cf. (2.50)). Our interest is to formulate regularizations
of the disturbing potential T by use of the (Taylor) linearized approximation of
the singe-layer kernel S τ : [−1, 1] → R, τ ∈ (0, 2R], introduced in (2.63). As a
result, we obtain the regularized Neumann kernels
S τ (ξ · η) − ln (1 + S τ (ξ · η)) , 0 ≤ 1 − ξ · η ≤ 2R 2,
N (ξ · η) =
S(ξ · η) − ln(1 + S(ξ · η)), 2R2 < 1 − ξ · η ≤ 2,
⎧ 2
⎪ 2R 2R2
3 − 2 (1 − ξ · η) − ln 1 + R
3 − 2 (1 − ξ · η) ,
⎨τ τ τ τ
= 0 ≤ 1 − ξ · η ≤ 2R2 , (2.80)
⎪ √ √
⎩√ 2 2 2
− ln 1 + √1−ξ·η , 2R2 < 1 − ξ · η ≤ 2.
In doing so, we are immediately led to the regularized representation of the dis-
turbing potential T corresponding to the known gravity disturbances:
T (Rξ) = D(Rη)N τ (ξ · η) dω(η) (2.81)
= D(Rη)N (ξ · η) dω(η) + D(Rη)N τ (ξ · η) dω(η).
4π 4π
η∈Ω; η∈Ω;
τ2 τ2
1−ξ·η> 2R 2 1−ξ·η≤ 2R 2
Γτ 2 /(2R2 ) (ξ) = η ∈ Ω : 1 − ξ · η ≤ . (2.82)
By aid of Lemma 2.5 and Lemma 2.6, we obtain
Theorem 2.10. Suppose that T is the solution of the Neumann boundary-value
problem (ENPPG) of the form (2.79). Let T τ , τ ∈ (0, 2R], represent its regular-
ization (2.81). Then
lim sup |T (Rξ) − T τ (Rξ)| = 0. (2.83)
τ →0+ ξ∈Ω
6 N WN W
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
The local support of the Neumann wavelets within the framework of (2.87) should
be studied in more detail: We start with the globally supported scaling kernel
N τ0 = N 2R . Then we add more and more wavelet kernels W N τj , j = 0, . . . , J − 1,
712 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
Theorem 2.11. Let T be the regularized version of the disturbing potential at
some arbitrary initial scale J0 as given in (2.88), and let W T τJ0 +j , j = 0, 1, . . . ,
be given by (2.89). Then, the following reconstruction formula holds true:
lim sup T (Rξ) − T τJ0 (Rξ) + W T τJ0 +j (Rξ) = 0.
N →∞ ξ∈Ω j=0
R Nj Nj
W T τj (Rξ) & wk D Rηk W N τj ξ · ηk j , ξ ∈ Ω, (2.91)
where ηk j are the Nj integration knots and wk j the integration weights.
714 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
→ → →
𝑇 𝜏1 𝑇 𝜏2 𝑇 𝜏3
+ ↗ + ↗ + ↗
𝑊 𝑇 𝜏1 𝑊 𝑇 𝜏2 𝑊 𝑇 𝜏3
→ →
𝑇 𝜏4 𝑇 𝜏5 𝑇 𝜏6
+ ↗ + ↗ +
𝑊 𝑇 𝜏4 𝑊 𝑇 𝜏5 𝑊 𝑇 𝜏6
Whereas the sum in (2.90) has to be calculated on the whole sphere Ω, the
summation in (2.91) has to be computed only for the local supports of the wavelets
(note that the symbol & means that the error between the right-hand and the left-
hand side can be neglected).
Figures 2.8 to 2.10 present a decomposition of the Earth’s disturbing potential
T in low-pass and band-pass filtered parts for data sets of increasing data density.
Gravimetry and Exploration 715
(a) Low pass part T τ4 calculated from 490 000 data points distributed over the whole
sphere ΩR
(b) Details W T τ4 at scale 4 from 281 428 (c) Details W T τ5 at scale 5 from 226 800
data points distributed within the black data points distributed within the gray
bordered region in Figure 2.8(a) bordered region in Figure 2.8(a)
Figure 2.8. Low-pass filtered version T τ4 of the disturbing potential
T in [ m
s2 ] and the corresponding band-pass filtered versions W T for
scales j = 4, 5 of the magenta bordered region in subfigure 2.8(a) calcu-
lated from different numbers of data points (from the Ph.D.-thesis [73],
Geomathematics Group, University of Kaiserslautern).
Seen from the geodetic reality, the figures are remarkable in the following sense:
For getting a better accuracy in numerical integration procedures providing the
716 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
(b) Details W T τ6 at scale 6 from 71 253 (c) Details W T τ7 at scale 7 from 63 190
data points distributed within the black data points distributed within the gray
bordered region in Figure 2.9(a) bordered region in Figure 2.9(a)
Disturbing Potential from Vertical Deflections. As already known from (2.56), the
solution of the surface differential equation (see Eq. (2.36))
∇∗ξ T (Rξ) = − Θ(Rξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (2.92)
determining the disturbing potential T from prescribed vertical deflections Θ under
the conditions (2.40) is given by
T (Rξ) = Θ(Rη) · g (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) dω(η), (2.93)
4π Ω
where the vector kernel g (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) , 1 − ξ · η > 0, reads as follows (see Eq. (2.57))
1 γM 2
g (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) = − (ξ − (ξ · η)η)
2 R2 1 − ξ · η
1 γM
=− (S(ξ · η))2 (ξ − (ξ · η)η). (2.94)
2 R2
Analogously to the calculation of the disturbing potential T from known
gravity disturbances D (i.e., the Neumann problem (ENPPG)), the numerical
calamities of the improper integral in (2.93) can be circumvented by replacing
the zonal kernel S(ξ · η) by the regularized kernel S τ (ξ · η). This process leads to
space-regularized representations T τ of the disturbing potential T calculated from
vertical deflections Θ within a multiscale “zooming-in” procedure analogous to the
approach for gravity disturbances as input data. To be more concrete, the kernel
function g(Δ∗ ; ·, ·) is replaced by the space-regularized function using Eq. (2.63)
g τ (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) = − 2 (S τ (ξ · η))2 (ξ − (ξ · η)η), (2.95)
2 2R
γM 9R 12R4 4R6 2 τ2
⎨− 2R 2 τ 2 − τ 4 (1 − ξ · η) + τ 6 (1 − ξ · η) (ξ − (ξ · η)η), 0 ≤ 1−ξ·η ≤ 2R2
⎩ γM 2 τ2
− 2R2 1−ξ·η (ξ − (ξ · η)η), 2R2
< 1 − ξ · η ≤ 2,
Gravimetry and Exploration 719
for τ ∈ (0, 2R]. This leads to the following approximative representation of the
disturbing potential T :
T τ (Rξ) = Θ(Rη) · g τ (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) dω(η), (2.96)
4π Ω
with g τ (Δ∗ ; ·, ·) given by (2.95). Using Eq. (2.70) from Lemma 2.6 we obtain
Theorem 2.12. Suppose that T is the solution (2.93) of the differential equation
(2.92), with Θ being a member of the class of continuous vector-valued functions
c(0) (ΩR ). Let T τ , τ ∈ (0, 2R], represent its regularized solution of the form (2.96).
lim sup |T (Rξ) − T τ (Rξ)| = 0. (2.97)
τ →0+ ξ∈Ω
Hawaii: [58] believe that a stationary mantle plume located beneath the Hawaiian
Islands created the Hawaii-Emperor seamount chain while the oceanic lithosphere
continuously passed over it. The Hawaii-Emperor chain consists of about 100 vol-
canic islands, atolls, and seamounts that spread nearly 6000km from the active
volcanic island of Hawaii to the 75–80 million year old Emperor seamounts nearby
the Aleutian trench. With moving further south east along the island chain, the
geological age decreases. The interesting area is the relatively young southeastern
part of the chain, situated on the Hawaiian swell, a 1200km broad anomalously
shallow region of the ocean floor, extending from the island of Hawaii to the Mid-
way atoll. Here, a distinct gravity disturbance and geoid anomaly occurs that has
its maximum around the youngest island that coincides with the maximum to-
pography and both decrease in northwestern direction. The progressive decrease
in terms of the geological age is believed to result from the continuous motion of
the underlying plate (cf. [50, 72]).
With seismic tomography, several features of the Hawaiian mantle plume are
gained (cf. [58] and the references therein). They result in a Low Velocity Zone
(LVZ) beneath the lithosphere, starting at a depth of about 130–140km beneath
the central part of the island of Hawaii. So far, plumes have just been identified as
low seismic velocity anomalies in the upper mantle and the transition zone, which
is a fairly new achievement. As plumes are relatively thin with respect to their di-
ameter, they are hard to detect in global tomography models. Hence, despite novel
advances, there is still no general agreement on the fundamental questions con-
cerning mantle plumes, like their depth of origin, their morphology, their longevity,
and even their existence is still discussed controversial. This is due to the fact that
many geophysical as well as geochemical observations can be explained by different
plume models and even by models that do not include plumes at all (e.g., [10]).
With our space-localized multiscale method of deriving gravitational signatures
(more concretely, the disturbing potential) from the vertical deflections, we add a
new component in specifying essential features of plumes. The vertical deflections
of the plume in the region of Hawaii are visualized in Figure 2.11.
From the band-pass filtered detail approximation of the vertical deflections
(Figure 2.12) and the corresponding disturbing potential (Figure 2.13), we are
able to conclude that the Hawaii plume has an oblique layer structure. As can be
seen in the lower scale (for which numerical evidence suggests that they reflect the
higher depths), the strongest signal is located in the ocean in a westward direction
of Hawaii. With increasing scale, i.e., lower depths, it moves more and more to the
Big Island of Hawaii, i.e., in eastward direction.
located under central or eastern Greenland about 62-64 million years ago are still
in progress (cf. [63] and the references therein).
Iceland itself represents the top of a nearly circular rise topography, with
a maximum of about 2.8km above the surrounding seafloor in the south of the
glacier “Vatnajökull”. Beneath this glacier, several active volcanoes are located,
which are supposed to be fed by a mantle plume. The surrounding oceanic crust
consists of three different types involving a crust thickness that is more than three
times as thick as average oceanic crusts. Seismic tomography provides evidence of
the existence of a mantle plume beneath Iceland, resulting in low velocity zones
in the upper mantle and the transition zone, but also hints for anomalies in the
deeper mantle seem to exist. The low velocity anomalies have been detected in
depths ranging from at least 400km up to about 150km. Above 150km, ambiguous
seismic-velocity structures were obtained involving regions of low velocities covered
by regions of high seismic velocities. For a deeper access into the theory of the
Iceland plume, the interested reader is referred to [58] and the references therein.
From Figures 2.14 to 2.16, it can be seen that the mantle plume in lower
scales, i.e., in higher depths, starts in the North of Iceland and with increasing
scale, i.e., lower depths, it moves to the South. It is remarkable that from scale 13
on, the plume seems to divide into two sectors. Since it is known that the disturbing
722 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ =
+ +
T τ6 W T τ6
+ +
W T τ7 W T τ8
+ +
W T τ9 W T τ10
+ =
W T τ11 T τ12
Figure 2.13. Multiscale reconstruction of the disturbing potential T in
[m2 s−2 ] from vertical deflections Θ for the Hawaiian (plume) area using
the scaling function g τ (a rough low-pass filtering T τ6 at scale j = 6
is improved by several band-pass filters W T τj at scales j = 6, . . . , 11,
the last illustration shows the approximation T τ12 of the disturbing
potential T at scale j = 12, (from the Ph.D.-thesis [9], Geomathematics
Group, University of Kaiserslautern).
724 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
W T τ10 W T τ11
W T τ12 W T τ13
W T τ14 W T τ15
Figure 2.15. Band-pass filtered details W T of the disturbing poten-
tial T in [m2 s−2 ] from vertical deflections Θ in the region of Iceland
with respect to the scales j = 10, . . . , 15, (from [15]).
W T τ14 W T τ15
0 2 −2
Figure 2.16. Band-pass
1 filtered details W T τj of the disturbing poten-
tial T in m s from vertical deflections Θ in the region of Iceland
for j = 14, 15 including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (gray).
726 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
with the so-called fundamental solution G(Δ; ·) of the Laplace equation given by
1 1
G(Δ; |x − y|) = − , (3.2)
4π |x − y|
and the gravitational constant γ, where F is the density function. Since γ is a
constant, it has no effect on any of the following considerations. Hence, from now
on, for the sake of simplicity, we neglect the gravitational constant γ in all equa-
tions, but it will be observed in numerical computations. The properties of the
gravitational potential V in the Earth’s exterior are easily described as follows:
(i) V is harmonic in R3 \G, i.e., Δx V (x) = 0, x ∈ R3 \G.
(ii) V is regular at infinity, i.e., |V (x)| = O |x|−1 , |x| → ∞.
Let G ⊂ R3 be a regular region, i.e., a bounded region G ⊂ R3 dividing R3
uniquely into the inner space G and the outer space G c = R3 \G, G = G ∪ ∂G, such
that the boundary ∂G is an orientable smooth Lipschitzian manifold of dimension
2 (for example, ball, ellipsoid, geoid, Earth or appropriate cuboidal parts of it).
It is already known, that the Newton (volume) integral over a regular region G,
corresponding to a mass density distribution F satisfies the Laplace equation in
the outer space G c = R3 \G. Clearly, this property is an immediate consequence
of the harmonicity of the fundamental solution for the Laplace equation (see, e.g.,
i.e., V is harmonic in G c .
Next, we are interested in showing that the Newton integral in the inner
space satisfies the Poisson equation at least under some canonical conditions on
the density function (see, e.g., [15]).
The integrands of V and V0τ only differ in the ball Bτ (x) around the point x with
radius τ . Moreover, the function F : G → R is supposed to be continuous on G.
Hence, it is uniformly bounded on G and we derive
sup |V (x) − V0τ (x)| = O |G(Δ; |x − y|) − Gτ0 (Δ; |x − y|)| dV (y)
x∈G Bτ (x)
= O(τ ). (3.9)
v0τ (x) = F (y) ∇x Gτ0 (Δ; |x − y|) dV (y), x ∈ G. (3.11)
As |∇x G(Δ; |x − y|)| = O(|x − y|−2 ), the integrals v and v0τ exist for all x ∈ G. It
is not hard to see that
sup |v(x) − v0τ (x)| = sup |v(x) − ∇x V0τ (x)| = O(τ ). (3.12)
x∈G x∈G
Remark 3.3. The proof is standard (see, e.g., [22]). Its explicit formulation, how-
ever, is helpful to understand the feature extraction method.
Next, we come to the Poisson equation under the assumption of Hölder con-
tinuity for the function F on G.
Gravimetry and Exploration 729
Theorem 3.4. If F is of class C (0,μ) (G), μ ∈ (0, 1], then the Poisson differential
Δx F (y) G(Δ; |x − y|) dV (y) = F (x) (3.14)
holds true for all x ∈ G.
The proof can be found in any textbook on potential theory, e.g., [15]. It is
also part of Chapter 5 of this handbook.
The fundamental solution Gτ0 (Δ; ·) as well as the (ordinary) Haar function
given by
4πτ 3 , |x − y| ≤ τ,
H0τ (|x − y|) = Δx Gτ0 (Δ; |x − y|) = (3.15)
0, |x − y| > τ,
Figure 3.1. Sectional profile of the functions Gτ0 (Δ; ·) (left) and H0τ
(right) for the values τ = 2−j , j = 0, 1, 2. The black line in the left figure
indicates the profile of the fundamental solution G(Δ; ·).
instead of
− 4πr , τ ≤ r,
Gτ0 (Δ; r) = 2 2
− 3τ8πτ−r3 , 0 ≤ r < τ,
so that
0, τ < r,
Hnτ (r) = Δx Gτn (Δ; r) = (n+1)(n+2)(n+3) (τ −r) n (3.18)
8π τ n+3 , 0 ≤ r ≤ τ.
It is easy to see that r → Gτn (Δ; r), r ∈ [0, ∞), is (n + 1)-times continuously
differentiable and r → Hnτ (r), r ∈ [0, ∞), is (n−1)-times continuously differentiable
(where, by convention in case of H0τ , (−1)-times continuously differentiable means
piecewise continuous). Moreover, we notice that H0τ for n = 0 is the ordinary
(spherically symmetric) τ -Haar function in R3 .
As a consequence of our preparatory considerations we obtain the following
statement that serves as strategic basis for our forthcoming approach to geological
feature extraction.
The kernels Gτn (Δ; ·) and Hnτ are called “τ -fundamental scaling function of
order n” and “τ -Haar scaling function of order n”, respectively. It should be re-
marked that Gτn (Δ; ·) is constructed in such a way that the normalization condition
Δx Gτn (Δ; |x|) dV (x) = Hnτ (|x|) dV (x) = 1 (3.23)
R3 R3
x∈G Bτ (x)
= O(τ ) (3.24)
for n ∈ N0 . Finally it should be alluded that
lim sup |α(x)F (x) − Fnτ (x)| = 0, (3.25)
τ →0
where α(x) is the solid angle subtended at x ∈ G by the boundary surface ∂G.
Remark 3.6. The solid angle α(x) in Equation (3.25) is necessary due to the fact
that the support of Hnτ (| · −x|) is cut of at the boundary ∂G for all τ > 0 with
x ∈ ∂G.
3.2. Multiscale postprocessing of signature decorrelation
Next we deal with new mathematical mechanisms for a deeper interpretation and a
better understanding of gravimetrically available pre-information inside a regular
region G. In order to make the decorrelation mechanisms transparent, our con-
siderations start from the unrealistic assumption that the potential V is known
everywhere in G. Our purpose is to demonstrate how the multiscale procedure for
the potential canonically transfers to the density by use of “Poisson derivatives”.
All in all, the context of this section is meant as conceptual preparation of the
Haar-type inversion process (see also [3]) discussed later on.
Suppose that {τj }j∈N0 is a positive, monotonously decreasing sequence with
limj→∞ τj = 0. For j ∈ N0 , we consider the differences
ΨGτnj (Δ; |x − y|) = Gτnj+1 (Δ; |x − y|) − Gτnj (Δ; |x − y|) (3.26)
ΨHnτj (|x − y|) = Hnτj+1 (|x − y|) − Hnτj (|x − y|). (3.27)
ΨGτnj (Δ; ·) and ΨHnτj are called “τj -fundamental wavelet function of order n” and
“τj -Haar wavelet function of order n”, respectively (see Figure 3.2).
The associated “τj -potential wavelet functions” of order n and the “τj -con-
trast wavelet functions” of order n are given by
(W V )τnj (x) = ΨGτnj (Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dV (y) (3.28)
(W F )τnj (x) = ΨHnτj (|x − y|)F (y) dV (y). (3.29)
The τj -potential wavelet functions of order n and the τj -contrast wavelet functions
of order n, respectively, characterize the successive detail information contained in
τ τ τ τ
Vn j+1 − Vn j and Fnj+1 − Fnj , j ∈ N0 . In other words, we are able to recover the
732 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
Figure 3.2. Sectional profile of the wavelet functions ΨGτnj (Δ; ·) (left)
and ΨHnτj (·) (right) for n = 0 and τj = 2−j , j = 0, 1, 2.
potential V and the contrast function, i.e., the “density signature” F , respectively,
in form of “band structures”
(W V )τnj = Vnτj+1 − Vnτj , (3.30)
(W F )τnj = Fnτj+1 − Fnτj . (3.31)
As a consequence, the essential problem to be solved in multiscale extraction of
geological features is to identify those detail information, i.e., band structures
in (3.30), which contain specific geological (density) characteristics in (3.31), for
example, aquifers, salt domes, etc.
Seen from a numerical point of view, it is remarkable that both wavelet
functions y → ΨGτnj (Δ; |x − y|) and y → ΨHnτj (|x − y|) vanish outside a ball
around the center x due to their construction, i.e., these functions are spacelimited
showing a ball as local support. Furthermore, the support becomes smaller and
smaller with increasing scale parameter j, so that more and more high frequency
phenomena can be highlighted without changing the features outside the balls.
Explicitly written out in our nomenclature we obtain for x ∈ G
(W V )τnj (x) = ΨGτnj (Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dV (y), (3.32)
Bτj (x)∩G
(W F )τnj (x) = ΨHnτj (|x − y|)F (y) dV (y). (3.33)
Bτj (x)∩G
(W F )τnj (x) = (Fnτj+1 (x) − Fnτj (x)) , (3.35)
j=0 j=0
Altogether, the potential V as well as the contrast function, i.e., the “density
signature” F can be expressed in additive way as a low-pass filtered signal Vnτ0 and
τ τ
Fnτ0 and successive band-pass filtered signals (W V )nj and (W F )nj , j = 0, 1, . . . ,
It should be mentioned that our multiscale approach is constructed such that,
within the spectrum of all wavebands (cf. (3.30), (3.31)), certain rock formations
or aquifers, respectively, may be associated to a specific waveband characterizing
typical features within the multiscale reconstruction (see Figure 3.3). Each scale
parameter in the decorrelation is assigned to a data function which corresponds to
the associated waveband and, thus, leads to a low-pass approximation of the data
at a particular resolution.
Finally it should be noted that the key ideas of multiscale approximation as
presented here lead back to evaluation methods proposed by Freeden and Schreiner
[21], Freeden and Blick [13], and particularly Freeden and Gerhards [15]. For the
sake of simplicity, the adaptation of this approach to the requirements of gravita-
tional potential as well as density distribution is explained only in scale discrete
form, a scale continuous formulation as presented in [21] is canonical. A variety
of numerical tests and case studies of our approach are found in the Ph.D.-theses
[2, 49].
734 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
9 M 9 M ) M ) M
k ? 32
k ? 32
V (x) = I[F ](x) = G(Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dV (y), x ∈ R3 (3.41)
(note that we omit the gravitational constant γ).
In accordance with the mathematical classification due to Hadamard, the
(classical) gravimetry problem of determining F from potential data on ∂G, i.e.,
terrestrial gravitational data, violates all criteria, viz. existence, uniqueness and
(i) (Existence) The potential V is harmonic outside G. In accordance with the so-
called Picard condition (see, e.g., [70]), a solution only exists if V belongs to
(an appropriate subset in) the space of harmonic functions. However, it should
be pointed out that this observation does not cause a numerical problem since,
in practice, the information of V is only finite-dimensional. In particular, an
approximation by an appropriate harmonic function is a natural ingredient
of any practical method.
(ii) (Uniqueness) The most serious problem is the non-uniqueness of the solution
(cf. Figure 3.11): The associated Fredholm integral operator I is of the first
kind and has a kernel (null space) which is known (cf. [15, 20]) to coincide
with the L2 (G)-orthogonal space of the closed linear subspace of all harmonic
Gravimetry and Exploration 741
for a sufficiently large scale number J, so that the serious problem of non-unique-
ness caused by the occurrence of anharmonic functions is not existent anymore for
terrestrial potential data, however, at the price of non-harmonicity of the “regu-
larizer” y → GτnJ (Δ; |x − y|) in a neighborhood outside x ∈ ∂G.
In choosing a sufficiently large J we are aware of the fact (cf. Theorem 3.4)
V (x) & VnτJ (x) = GτnJ (Δ; |x − y|)F (y) dV (y), x ∈ R3 , (3.43)
i.e., provides an approximation of the Newton integral (3.3) with negligible
error. We remember
Δx GτnJ (Δ; |x − z|) = HnτJ (|x − z|) (3.44)
742 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
where wiNJ , yiNJ ∈ BτJ (x) ∩ G, i = 1, . . . , NJ , are known weights and knots,
For the determination of the mass density we are confronted with the situ-
ation that all coefficients aN
= wiNJ F (yiNJ ), i = 1, . . . , NJ , are unknown. This,
however, means that we have to solve a linear system, namely
V (xMJ
k ) = GτnJ (Δ; |xM
− yiNJ |)aN J
i , k = 1, . . . , MJ , (3.47)
Once all density values F (yiNJ ), i = 1, . . . , NJ , are available (note that the in-
tegration weights wiNJ , i = 1, . . . , NJ , are known from the approximate integration
rule), the density distribution F can be obtained from the formula
F (x) & FnτJ (x) = HnτJ (|x − yiNJ |) wiNJ F (yiNJ ), x ∈ G. (3.48)
Even more, fully discrete Haar filtered versions of F at lower scales, i.e., feature
extraction, can be derived in accordance with the approximate integration rules
Fn (x) = Hn (|x − y|)F (y) dV (y) &
Hnτj (|x − yi j |)wi j F (yi j ) (3.49)
G i=1
for j = J0 , . . . , J, where wi j , yi j ,
i = 1, . . . , Nj , are known weights and knots,
respectively, such that we can take adventage of the fact that {y1 j , . . . , yNjj } ⊂
{y1NJ , . . . , yN
} ⊂ G, i.e., the sequence of knots {y1 j , . . . , yNjj } ⊂ G shows a hier-
archical positioning.
Remark 3.7. The linear systems occurring in this section can be handled by, e.g.,
use of domain decomposition techniques (see, e.g., [17, 19, 28–30, 34] and the
references therein).
Remark 3.8. For simplicity, the input data of this subsection are potential data.
In the same way, a linear system can be established by taking, e.g., free air gravity
anomalies on the Earth’s surface. In this case, however, we need Haar functions
(3.18) of positive degrees n, since free air gravity anomalies are generated by a
first-order derivative applied to the disturbing potential.
Often, in practice during borehole drilling, additional data are gathered by in-
hole gravimetric measurements, so that we may assign a scale value τj+1 to the
improved potential data. If we now take the difference, we arrive at
Vnτj+1 (x) − Vnτj (x) = ΨGτnj Δ; x − yi j wi j F yi j , (3.51)
Fnτj+1 (x) − Fnτj (x) = ΨHnτj x − yi j wi j F yi j , (3.52)
respectively. Once again, it should be emphasized that the linear system (3.51)
can be evaluated efficiently and economically (note that the kernels Hnj as well
as ΨGτnj and ΨHnτj have local support due to their construction and, hence, the
systems of Equations (3.51) and (3.52) are sparse).
744 C. Blick, W. Freeden, and H. Nutz
Figure 3.12. Illustration of the “best” data before the inversion Fnj+1
(left) and the inversion result (right) for n = 3 and j = 5. The colors
show the densities in [kg/m3 ] (from the Ph.D.-thesis [2]).
Local knowledge of the gravity potential and its equipotential (level) surfaces giv-
ing information about mass distribution have become an important issue for ex-
ploration and prospecting. Indeed, the gravity field is a key component of future
investigation. Seen from a numerical point of view, however, the way forward has
to focus on two challenges:
(i) In reality, the distribution of geopotential data is far from being homoge-
neous with large gaps even in all European areas. In addition, the quality
of the geopotential data under consideration is very distinct. A terrestrial
data coverage now and in the foreseeable future is far from being satisfac-
tory. For data supplementation and numerical stabilization, airborne and/or
Gravimetry and Exploration 745
The authors thank the “Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Berlin”
and the “Project Management Jülich” for funding the projects “GEOFÜND”
(funding reference number: 0325512A, PI Prof. Dr. W. Freeden, University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany) and “SPE” (funding reference number: 0324061, PI
Prof. Dr. W. Freeden, CBM – Gesellschaft für Consulting, Business und Man-
agement mbH, Bexbach, Germany, corporate manager Prof. Dr. mult. M. Bauer).
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Abstract. Special function systems are reviewed that reflect particular prop-
erties of the Legendre polynomials, such as spherical harmonics, zonal kernels,
and Slepian functions. The uncertainty principle is the key to their classifi-
cation with respect to their localization in space and frequency/momentum.
Methods of constructive approximation are outlined such as spherical har-
monic and Slepian expansions, spherical spline and wavelet concepts. Regu-
larized Functional Matching Pursuit is described as an approximation tech-
nique of combining heterogeneous systems of trial functions to a kind of a
‘best basis’.
Keywords. Spherical harmonics procedures, Slepian, spline and wavelet meth-
ods, regularized functional matching pursuit.
1. Introduction
Up until the present time, modeling geoscientific data is often performed on a
global scale by orthogonal expansions in terms of spherical harmonics. However,
in many aspects global spherical harmonic modeling cannot keep pace with the
prospects and the expectations of the ‘Earth system sciences’. In particular, there
is an increasing need for high-precision modeling on local areas. As we shall discuss,
Slepian functions are important tools for this purpose. For their part, zonal kernel
functions – in the jargon of constructive approximation: radial basis functions –
have become more and more important because of their space localizing properties
(even in the vectorial and tensorial context).
The addition theorem for spherical harmonics enables us to express all types
of zonal kernel functions in terms of a one-dimensional function, the Legendre poly-
nomial. Weighted additive clustering of Legendre polynomials generates specific
classes of space localizing zonal kernel functions, i.e., Legendre series expansions,
754 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
ready for approximation within the scalar, vectorial, and tensorial framework. The
closer the Legendre series expansion is to the Dirac kernel, the more localized is the
zonal kernel in space, and the more economical is its role in (spatial) local computa-
tion. In addition, the Funk–Hecke formula provides the natural tool for establishing
convolutions of spherical fields against zonal kernels. Consequently, by specifying
Dirac families, i.e., sequences of zonal functions tending to the Dirac kernel, (space-
localized) filtered versions of (square-integrable) spherical fields are obtainable by
convolution, leading to ‘zooming-in’, multiscale approximations. Altogether, the
Legendre polynomial is the keystone of any work about special functions in the
mathematical geosciences. It enables the transition from spherical harmonics via
zonal kernels up to the Dirac kernel. The Funk–Hecke formula and its consequences
for spherical convolutions open new methodological perspectives for global as well
as local approximation in scalar, vectorial and tensorial applications.
In this paper, we discuss selected systems of trial functions on the sphere with
a brief excursion to basis functions on the ball. These spherical function systems are
investigated with respect to their localization in space and frequency/momemtum.
Moreover, we briefly summarize a method of finding a best basis by Regularized
Functional Matching Pursuit.
Legendre transform of F :
2n + 1
(Pn ∗ F )(ξ) = Pn (ξ · η)F (η) dω(η), ξ∈Ω
4π Ω
may be understood as the energy of the ‘signal’ F ∈ L2 (Ω). The appropriate repre-
sentation of a finite-energy signal in terms of a countable Hilbert basis is one of the
most centrally important problems in the mathematical geosciences. The spherical
harmonics form a Hilbert basis in L2 (Ω). Suitable systems of spherical harmon-
ics {Yn,k }n=0,1,...; k=1,...,2n+1 are often defined by the restriction of homogeneous
756 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
This explains why the (global) geosciences work more often with the ‘amplitude
spectrum’ {F ∧ (n, k)} n=0,1,... than with the ‘original signal’ F ∈ L2 (Ω).
allows the geoscientist to think of the function (signal) F as a sum of ‘wave func-
tions’ Yn,k corresponding to different frequencies. One can think of measurements
as operating on an ‘input signal’ F to produce an output signal G = ΛF , where Λ
is an operator acting on L2 (Ω). Fortunately, large portions of interest can be well
approximated by linear rotation-invariant pseudodifferential operators (see, e.g.,
[33, 47, 92]). If Λ is such an operator on L2 (Ω), this means that
ΛYn,k = Λ∧ (n)Yn,k , n = 0, 1, . . . ; k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, (5)
where the ‘symbol’ {Λ (n)}n∈N0 is a sequence of real values (independent of the
order k). Thus, we have the fundamental fact that the spherical harmonics are
the eigenfunctions of the operator Λ. Different pseudodifferential operators Λ are
characterized by their eigenvalues Λ∧ (n). All eigenvalues {Λ∧ (n)}n∈N0 are collected
in the so-called symbol of Λ. The ‘amplitude spectrum’ {G∧ (n, k)} of the response
of Λ is described in terms of the amplitude spectrum of functions (signals) by a
simple multiplication by the ‘transfer’ Λ∧ (n).
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 757
is called a (spherical) radial basis function (at least in the theory of constructive
2n + 1 ∧
K(ξ·) = K (n)Pn (ξ·) (7)
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 759
is called the Legendre symbol of the zonal kernel K(ξ·). A simple but extreme
example (with optimal frequency localization and no space localization) is the
Legendre kernel where K ∧ (n) = 1 for one particular n and K ∧ (m) = 0 for m = n,
i.e., the Legendre kernel is given by
2n + 1
Ω × Ω (ξ, η) → Pn (ξ · η).
In other words, additive clustering of weighted Legendre kernels generates zonal
kernel functions. It is of importance to distinguish bandlimited kernels (i.e.,
K ∧ (n) = 0 for all n ≥ N ) and non-bandlimited ones, for which infinitely many
numbers K ∧ (n) do not vanish. Non-bandlimited kernels show a much stronger
space localization than their bandlimited counterparts. Empirically, if K ∧ (n) ≈
K ∧ (n + 1) ≈ 1 for many successive large integers n, then the support of the se-
ries (7) in the space domain is small, i.e., the kernel is spacelimited (i.e., in the
jargon of approximation theory ‘locally supported’). This leads to the other ex-
tremal kernel (in contrast to the Legendre kernel) which is the Dirac kernel with
optimal space localization but no frequency localization and K ∧ (n) = 1 for all n,
where, however, the Dirac kernel does not exist as a classical function in the math-
ematical sense. Nevertheless, it is well known that, if we have a family of kernels
{KJ }J=0,1,... where limJ→∞ KJ∧ (n) = 1 for each n and an additional (technical)
condition holds, then KJ ∗ F tends to F in the sense of L2 (Ω) for all F ∈ L2 (Ω).
Assuming limn→∞ K ∧ (n) = 0, necessary to get a ‘proper’ function, the slower
the sequence {K ∧ (n)}n=0,1,... converges to zero, the lower the frequency localiza-
tion, and the higher the space localization. A unified scheme is found in Table 2.
Zonal kernel function theory relies on the following principles:
(i) Weighted Legendre kernels are the summands of zonal kernel functions.
(ii) The Legendre kernel is ideally localized in frequency. The Dirac kernel is
ideally localized in space.
(iii) The only frequency- and spacelimited zonal kernel is the zero function.
Legendre Dirac
zonal kernels
kernels kernel
general case
bandlimited spacelimited
Table 2. From Legendre kernels via zonal kernels to the Dirac kernel
760 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
We will give their associated eigenvalues superscripted labels and rank them in
(1) (α) ((N +1)2 )
decreasing order of concentration, 1 > λC (F ) ≥ λC (F ) ≥ λC (F ) > 0. The
bandlimited Slepian functions can alternatively be obtained by solving a Fredholm
integral equation with a ‘Shannon’ concentration kernel:
2n + 1
Pn (ξ · η)F (η) dω(η) = λC (F )F (ξ), ξ ∈ Ω. (12)
Nj = P (t)PN,j (t) − PN,j (t)PN +1,j (t) dt. (15)
2(N + j)! cos Θ N +1,j
Only on circularly symmetric domains and when the spherical-harmonic order
j = 0 are the Slepian functions zonal, and in that case, the fixed-order partial
Shannon number is well approximated by Wieczorek and Simons [104] as
N0 ≈ 2 ≈ (N + 1) . (16)
π π
Figure 1 shows examples of spherical-cap Slepian functions, their power spectra,
and their eigenvalue spectra.
When the concentration domain is a spherical cap, the best-concentrated
(highest-eigenvalue) bandlimited Slepian function is a zonal function that is close
to optimally localized under the uncertainty principle (see Section 3). All the lower-
eigenvalue zonal Slepian functions, and finally, all the non-zonal Slepian functions,
together form a complete orthonormal basis for the space of functions on the unit
762 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
sphere Ω that are bandlimited to N . The partial Shannon numbers Nj sum to the
full Shannon number NC via
NC = Nj . (17)
Legendre → vector
Legendre → tensor
↓ ↓ ↓
zonal → vector
zonal → tensor
↓ ↓ ↓
Dirac → vector
Dirac → tensor
In subsequent publications during the second half of the last century, how-
ever, the vector spherical harmonic theory was usually written in local coordinate
expressions that make mathematical formulations lengthy and hard to read. Ten-
sor spherical harmonic settings were even more difficult to understand. In addition,
when using local coordinates within a global spherical concept, differential geome-
try tells us that there is no representation of vector and tensor spherical harmonics
that is free of singularities. As a consequence, vector and tensor spherical harmon-
ics have suffered from an inadequately complex and inconsistent literature. Absent
coordinate-free explicit formulas, the orthogonal invariance based on specific vec-
tor/tensor extensions of the Legendre polynomials was not worked out suitably in
a unifying scalar/vector/tensor framework, nor was the concept of zonal (kernel)
functions adequately generalized to the spherical vector/tensor case.
All new structures for spherical functions in mathematical (geo)physics were
developed by Freeden and Schreiner [43] and Freeden and Gutting [32]. Two funda-
mental transitions underlie their approach: one from spherical harmonics via zonal
kernel functions to the Dirac kernels, and the other one from scalar to vector and
tensor theory (see Table 3).
o(i,k) , O(i,k) , i, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, take the analogous role for the Helmholtz decomposi-
tion of tensor fields (see, e.g., [7, 43, 47]).
For example, in vector theory, o(1) F is the normal field
ξ → oξ F (ξ) = F (ξ)ξ, ξ ∈ Ω,
of o(i)
↓↑ application
of O(i)
of o(i,k)
↓↑ application
of O(i,k)
vector Legendre kernel tensor Legendre kernel (order 2)
(i,i) (i,k)
o(i) Pn O(i) pn o(i,k) Pn O(i,k) Pn
n = 1/2 = 1/2 p(i,k)
n = 1/2 = 1/2
(i) (i) (i,k) (i,k)
μn μn μn μn
of o(i)
↓↑ application
of O(i)
of o(i,k)
↓↑ application
of O(i,k)
tensor Legendre kernel (order 2) tensor Legendre kernel (order 4)
(i) (i,k)
o(i) pn o(i) o(i) Pn o(i,k) pn o(i,k) o(i,k) Pn
n = 1/2 = (i)
n = 1/2 = (i,k)
(i) μn (i,k) μn
μn μn
(iii) The vector/tensor Legendre kernels are zonal kernel functions, rotation-invar-
iant (in vector/tensor sense, respectively) with respect to orthogonal trans-
formations (leaving one point of the unit sphere Ω fixed).
(iv) Spherical harmonics of degree (frequency) n form an irreducible subspace of
the reference space of (square-integrable) fields on Ω.
(v) Each Legendre kernel implies an associated Funk–Hecke formula that de-
termines the constituting features of the convolution (filtering) of a square-
integrable field against the Legendre kernel.
(vi) The orthogonal Fourier expansion of a square-integrable field is the sum of
the convolutions of the field against the Legendre kernels being extended over
all frequencies.
To summarize, the theory of spherical harmonics provides us with a frame-
work to unify, review and supplement the different approaches in real scalar, vector,
and tensor theory. The essential tools are the Legendre functions, used in orthog-
onal Fourier expansions and endowed with rotational invariance. The coordinate-
free construction yields a number of formulas and theorems that previously were
derived only in coordinate (e.g., polar) representations. Consequently, any kind
of singularities is avoided at the poles. Finally, our transition from the scalar to
766 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
the vectorial as well as the tensorial case opens new promising perspectives of
constructing important zonal classes of spherical trial functions by summing up
Legendre kernel expressions, thereby providing (geo-)physical relevance and in-
creasing local applicability [43]. Similar considerations apply to the construction
of vector/tensor Slepian functions, e.g., [21, 79].
Particular analogies exist with respect to the space and ‘frequency’ localization of
∞ 2n+1
K(x, y) = K ∧ (m, n) Gm,n,k (x) Gm,n,k (y)
m,n=0 k=1
∧ 2n + 1 x y
= K (m, n)Fm,n (|x|)Fm,n (|y|) Pn · , (19)
4π |x| |y|
100 14
0.5 0.5 10
60 8
0 0
40 6
0.5 0.5 4
-0.5 -0.5
0 0 2
0.5 0.5
0 -0.5 0 -0.5
-0.5 x -0.5 x
y y
(a) Kernel with K ∧ (m, n) = 0.8m 0.9n (b) Kernel with K ∧ (m, n) = 0.8m 0.7n
Figure 2. The figures show localized trial functions B y →
K(x, y) based on a kernel of the kind in (19) with a fixed point
x = (−0.4, −0.1, 0.5)T. The functions are plotted on the sphere with
radius |x|. Each function is a hat function concentrated around x. Its
restriction to a sphere around 0 is a rotationally symmetric function,
as it is known for the case of spherical kernels. Note that the series
representations were truncated at n = m = 400 in the numerical imple-
768 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
Moreover, the localization with respect to the radius (or the ‘depth’) can be
separated from the localization with respect to the angular coordinates by taking,
for example, symbols of the form K ∧ (m, n) = Am Bn like K ∧ (m, n) = hm n
r hang
for parameters hr , hang ∈ (0, 1), see Figure 3. This is useful, e.g., for tomographic
problems where it is known that the solution has a finer structure in the angular
domain than in the radial domain (or vice versa).
0.5 0.5 15
0 0
60 10
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 5
0 0
0.5 0.5
0.5 0 0.5 0 0
x -0.5 x -0.5
y y
16 5
0.5 0.5 4
0 10 0
-0.5 8 -0.5
6 2
-0.5 4 -0.5
0 2 0
0.5 0.5
0.5 0 0.5 0
x -0.5 x -0.5
y y
(1) (1)
Figure 4 gives a geometric interpretation of gFo and σFo . We associate
(1) (1) (1)
to gFo , gFo = 0, and its projection ηFo onto the sphere Ω the spherical cap
(1) (1)
C = {η ∈ Ω | 1 − η · ηFo ≤ 1 − |gFo |}. Then the boundary ∂C is a circle with
radius σFo . Thinking of a zonal function F as a ‘spherical window function’ on
Ω, the window is determined by C, and its width is given by σFo .
Localization in frequency (‘momentum space’). The ‘expectation in the frequency
domain’ is introduced as the expectation of the surface curl operator o(3) on Ω.
Then, for F ∈ H(2l) (Ω), l ∈ N, i.e., for all F ∈ L2 (Ω) such that there exists a
function G ∈ L2 (Ω) with G∧ (n, k) = (−n(n + 1))l F ∧ (n, k) for all n = 0, 1, . . .;
k = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, we have
gF = o(3) 3
η F (η) F (η) dω(η) = 0 ∈ R . (24)
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 771
operator variance
2 2
space o(1) σFo = o(1)
η − gF F (η) dω(η)
(3) 2 2
frequency o(3) σFo
= o(3)
η − gF F (η) dω(η)
(3) 2 ∞ 2n+1
σFo = n(n + 1) (F ∧ (n, k)) . (27)
n=0 k=1
2 ∞ 2n+1 2
Note that we require
L2 (Ω) = n=0 k=1 (F ∧ (n, k)) = 1. The meaning of
(3) (3)
σFo as measure of ‘frequency localization’ is as follows: the range of σFo is the
interval [0, ∞]; a large value of σFo occurs if many Fourier coefficients contribute
to σFo . In conclusion, relating any spherical harmonic to a ‘single wavelength’, a
large value σFo informs us that F is spread out widely in ‘frequency domain’. In
contrast, a small value σFo indicates that only a few number of Fourier coefficients
is significant (see Table 5).
772 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
which is a measure for the ‘spread in momentum’. Now the corresponding expec-
tation value gF−Δ is scalar-valued and non-vanishing. It can be easily seen that
∗ 2
∗ 2
(−Δ∗ )2
σF−Δ = gF − gF−Δ . (35)
∗ ⎜ σF−Δ ⎟
∗ 1/2
=⎜ ⎟ (3)
F ⎝ g(−Δ∗ )2 −(g−Δ∗ )2 ⎠ = gF−Δ = ΔoF . (38)
−Δ ∗
o?4 o?4
o?7 1 o?7
o?; o?;
0.5 0.8
−1 0
−P −P/2 0 P/2 P 0 5 10 15
of the ideally bandlimited Legendre kernel. We have, with Pn∗ =
4π Pn ,
(Pn∗ (ξ · ζ))2 dω(ζ) = 1 (42)
for all ξ ∈ Ω, such that
(1) (1)
gPo n∗ (ξ·) = 0, σPo n∗ (ξ·) = 1, (43)
∗ ∗
∗ (ξ·) = n(n + 1), σP−Δ
∗ (ξ·) = 0. (44)
n n
may be interpreted as a truncated Dirac kernel. It is not surprising that the Shan-
non kernel as a ‘finite polynomial kernel’ shows strong oscillations in space. This
is the price to be paid for the sharp separation in frequency space.
The investigation of the uncertainty properties of the Shannon kernel starts
from (cf. [43])
2n + 1 1 −1
2L2 (Ω) = = (*ρ + + 1) + *ρ−1 +*ρ−1 + 1+ , (46)
4π 4π
where, as usual, *ρ−1 + is the largest integer which is less or equal ρ−1 . Observing
this result, we introduce the normalized Shannon kernel by
Φ̃ρ = Φρ . (47)
L2 (Ω)
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 775
? 3>38 ? 3>38
? 3>: 1 ? 3>:
20 ? 3>6 ? 3>6
5 0.4
0 0.2
−5 0
−P −P/2 0 P/2 P 0 5 10 15 20
Moreover, we find
2 4π
2n + 1
σΦ̃ = −1 n(n + 1)
ρ *ρ + + 1 + *ρ−1 +*ρ−1 + 1+ n=0 4π
1 *ρ−1 +(1 + *ρ−1 +)2 (2 + *ρ−1 +)
= (50)
2 *ρ−1 + + 1 + *ρ−1 +*ρ−1 + 1+
such that
(3) 1 *ρ−1 +(1 + *ρ−1 +)2 (2 + *ρ−1 +)
ΔoΦ̃ρ = . (51)
2 *ρ−1 + + 1 + *ρ−1 +*ρ−1 + 1+
The results are graphically illustrated in Figure 7.
Localization of the non-bandlimited/non-spacelimited Abel–Poisson kernel. Let
us consider the function Qh : [−1, 1] → R, h < 1, given by
1 1 − h2 2n + 1 n
Qh (t) = 2 3/2
= h Pn (t). (52)
4π (1 + h − 2ht) n=0
776 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
10 )3*
10 )3* )5*
p p
10 í4 í3 í2 í1
10 10 10 10
Furthermore, for Q̃h (t) =
−1L2 [−1,1] Qh (t), t ∈ [−1, 1], we obtain after an
elementary calculation (see also Figure 8)
o(1) 1 − h2 −Δ∗ 6h
ΔQ̃ = , ΔQ̃ = . (54)
h 2h h 1 − h2
Thus, we finally obtain
(1) ∗ 6 3
ΔoQ̃h Δ−Δ = = > 1. (55)
Q̃h 2 2
(1) ∗
Here, the value ΔoQ̃ Δ−Δ
is independent of h. All intermediate cases of ‘space-
frequency localization’ are realized by the Abel–Poisson kernel, but the Abel–
Poisson kernel does not satisfy a minimum uncertainty state.
15 )3*
R i
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
i ? 2;5 i ? 2;5
i ? 2;9 1.2 i ? 2;9
i ? 2;; i ? 2;;
1 0.6
0.5 0.2
0 í0.2
íP íP/2 0 P/2 P 0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 9. The Haar kernelBhfor h = 0.3, 0.7, 0.9. Space representa-
tion ϑ → Bh (cos(ϑ)), ϑ ∈ [−π, π], (left) and frequency representation
n → (Bh )∧ (n) (right).
Legendre coefficients of Bh , h ∈ (−1, 1), k ∈ N0 , can be calculated recursively
(cf. [47]):
∧ 1−h
Bh (0) = 2π = 0, (57)
(k) 1−h 1−h
Bh (1) = 2π 1− , (58)
k+1 k+2
∧ 2n + 1 ∧ k + 1 − n (k) ∧
(k) (k)
Bh (n + 1) = h Bh (n) + Bh (n − 1). (59)
n+k+2 n+k+2
An elementary calculation shows
- - 1. /2
- (k) -2 (k)
-Bh - = 2π Bh (t) dt
L2 (Ω) −1
= 2π . (60)
2k + 1
778 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
3 )3*
3 )3*
p )l* p )l*
Ci Ci
2.5 )5*
p )l* 2.5 )5*
p )l*
C i
C i
)3* )5* )3* )5*
2 p )l* p )l* 2 p )l* p )l*
Ci Ci Ci Ci
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
í1 í0.5 0 0.5 1 í1 í0.5 0 0.5 1
and Simons [104], see their Figures 5 and 6b. Subsequent work by, among others,
Guilloux et al. [52] and Khalid et al. [57], has substantiated and elaborated on
these early analyses.
Slepian functions vs. the Gaussian. Another way by which the spatiospectral lo-
calization properties of the Slepian functions may be appreciated is by comparing
how close they are to the family of minimum-uncertainty ‘squeezed’ coherent states
(e.g., [15, 58]), a common root for many later developments in spline, Slepian func-
tion, and wavelet analysis [20]. This is of importance because in practical problems
in the geosciences (e.g., [17, 84]), as in cosmology (e.g., [94]), we place as much
value on the precise bandwidth, or bandwidth resolution, of our observations as
on the spatial domain of interest. The Gaussian (68) may satisfy the uncertainty
lower bound exactly, but it is not a bandlimited kernel. In contrast, the Slepian
functions (11–12) can be bandlimited and spaceconcentrated at the same time.
Formally, they are the optimizers of (10), though not of (38).
That they get close is shown in Figure 11. Inspired by Bluhm et al. [14] we
determine the squeeze factor, s that renders the suitably normalized function
150 a b
50 4
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shannon number N0 Shannon number N0
30 6
N0= 1 1= 20°
25 N0= 2 Slepian, squeezed function 5 1= 25°
N0= 3 1= 30°
20 N0= 4 4
1= 45°
N0= 5
15 3 1= 60°
N0= 6
10 2
5 1
c d
0 0
20° 25° 30° 45° 60° 0° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75°
spherical cap radius 1 colatitude Q
space localization
no space localization ideal space localization
frequency localization
ideal frequency localization no frequency localization
kernel type
Legendre kernel bandlimited spacelimited Dirac kernel
left end of this scheme, we have the Legendre kernels with their ideal frequency
(momentum) localization. However, they show no space localization, as they are of
polynomial nature. Thus, the present standard way in applications of increasing the
accuracy in spherical harmonic (Fourier) expansions is to increase the maximum
degree of the spherical harmonics expansions under consideration. On the right
end of the scheme, there is the Dirac kernel which maps a function to its value at
a certain point. Hence, this (generalized) function has an ideal space localization
but no frequency localization. Consequently, it can be used in a finite pointset
At the same time, the spatial-domain Shannon kernel that we encountered in (12),
and which we rebaptize
N N 2n+1
2n + 1
DN (ξ, η) = Pn (ξ · η) = Yn,k (ξ)Yn,k (η), (76)
4π n=0 k=1
Equations (75) and (77) hold the key to the approximation properties of the
Slepian functions, since they imply that the spacelimited Slepian functions HCN
provide a complete basis for all spacelimited functions in SC ⊂ L2 (Ω), whereas
the bandlimited Slepian functions GC N are a complete basis for all bandlimited
functions in SN ⊂ L2 (Ω).
784 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
Mercer’s theorem. A second set of properties that solidifies these notions is es-
tablished through an identity known as Mercer’s theorem, which in this context
takes the form
(N +1)2
DN (ξ, η) = GC
N α (ξ) GN α (η), (78)
for all the α-indexed bandlimited Slepian functions GC N , with eigenvalues λC ,
from which we establish, using (76) and as in (14d), that
(N +1)2
2 (N + 1)2 NC
DN (ξ, ξ) = GC
N α (ξ) = = , (79)
4π C dω(η)
the spherical Shannon number NC and the area of the domain of inter-
est, C dω(η).
A useful corollary is that the eigenvalue-weighted sum of squares
of the band-
limited Slepian eigenfunctions closely approximates the value NC / C dω(η) when
ξ ∈ C, and vanishes otherwise,
(N +1)2
C 2
(α) C 2 NC / C dω(η) if ξ ∈ C
λC GN α ≈ λC GN α ≈
0 otherwise,
α=1 α=1
we get, via the spectral theorem, equation (74), and the addition theorem a
spectral-domain equation equivalent to (79)–(80), namely,
(N +1)2 2n+1
(α) 1 dω(η)
λC Pn = C
d(n,k),(n,k) = C
2n + 1 4π
≈ λC Pn(α) , (81)
Equations (80) and (81) together, show that the set of NC < (N + 1)2
Slepian functions provide essentially uniform coverage over the spatial domain C
and spectral bandwidth N . This is of interest when estimating (interpolating,
approximating) functions from observations, as is common to a large number of
research fields, not limited to the geosciences.
Alternative Mercer theorem. We note for completeness, and since the relevant
identities have not been published before, that an alternative version of Mercer’s
theoremwould have transformed (12) and (76) from
DN (ξ, η)F (η) dω(η) = λC (F )F (ξ) (82)
into the full-domain
DN (ξ, η)F (η) dω(η) = λC (F )F (ξ), (83)
which have the same eigenfunctions, but where we have defined
N 2m+1
N 2n+1
DN (ξ, η) = dC
(m,j),(n,k) Ym,j (ξ)Yn,k (η). (84)
m=0 j=1 n=0 k=1
In that case, the equivalent to (78) is the to some more familiar expression
(N +1)2
(α) C
D (ξ, η) = λC GN α (ξ) GC
N α (η). (85)
However, therein lies the crux of the Slepian-function method: if the data
are regionally (in some region C) and densely (warranting a certain ‘Nyquist’
bandlimit at spherical-harmonic degree N ) available, computing the Slepian basis
for the idealized acquisition geometry ahead of time is what will lead to man-
ageably sized inverse problems (on the order of the Shannon number NC , and
NC , (N + 1)2 when |C| , |Ω|) that solve for the unknown signal from which we
assume the data to have been sampled.
Such a viewpoint, in a sense, embodies a strict geographical prior, and is very
different from the splines and wavelets that will be discussed in the remaining
Sections 4.2 and 4.3. Indeed, in contrast to Slepian functions, splines and wavelets
made from zonal kernel functions do not strictly select for particular regions of
interest, although of course, when particular combinations of any of those con-
structions are sought by optimization, as they are in Section 4.4, effectively, they
do. Simons et al. [89] discuss a hybrid situation termed ‘Slepian trees’, as well as
an alternative spherical wavelet transform obtained via a simple ‘cubed-sphere’
mapping of the ‘usual’ separable Cartesian discrete wavelet transforms [20].
The most detailed and up-to-date discussion of approximation by Slepian
functions (both scalar and vector-valued, and for geomathematics problems in-
volving measurements made by satellites at altitude) is found in the works by
Simons and Plattner [80, 81, 86]. From these references, we retain and present a
few essential points.
Suppose that we have ‘data’, M , consisting of a superposition of ‘signal’, F ,
and ‘noise’, E. What is F ? The measurements are only available over some closed
region C of the unit sphere Ω, i.e.,
F (ξ) + E(ξ) if ξ ∈ C
M (ξ) = (90)
unknown/undesired if ξ ∈ Ω \ C.
We assume that both signal and noise can be represented via an infinite spherical
harmonic expansion as in (4), and we furthermore assume that they are uncor-
related realizations of zero-mean Gaussian random processes. Paying no heed to
the structure of the noise (i.e., without explicit prior information that could be
weighted into the norms in the form of a noise covariance) we elect to seek solutions
to the optimization problem that results in a regularized bandlimited (to N , which
remains to be determined) estimate of the signal, F̂ , in the form of equation (9),
and which solves
- - - -2
-F̂ − M -2 2 + λ-F̂ - 2 = minimum, (91)
L (C) L (Ω\C)
[85] derive the regional relative mean-squared error, the expected value of the ratio
of approximation-error to signal norms as
- -2
- -
E -F̂N − F - 2
L (C)
(N +1)2 (α) .
λ ∗ /2 ) 2 *
(α) (α) (α)
= C
λC (λ) R −1 λC + λ2 1 − λC .
2L2 (C) α=1
In the expression above, both signal and noise were assumed to be characterized
by a white (flat) power spectrum (defined in (80)), and we introduced R, the
signal-to-noise ratio. Valid only for this admittedly idealized case, (94) neverthe-
less contains all the elements by which the quality of the approximation can be
appreciated: the bandwidth N and the size and shape of the region C enter through
the eigenvalues λC and the Shannon number NC , and of course the dependence
on the signal-to-noise ratio R and the damping parameter λ are important control-
ling factors. Minimization of the relative error norm provides an implicit criterion
for the regularization parameter:
+1)2 .
(N ∗ /3 2
(α) (α) (α)
λC (λ) λC 1 − λC
λopt = R −1 α=12 . ∗ /3 2 2 . (95)
(α) (α) (α)
λC (λ) λC 1 − λC
L = 17í72 , dof = 5329 J = 91 , dírmse = 26.72% J = 182 , dírmse = 0.08%
K = 91 , Nd = 500 , S/N = Inf Rírmse = 13.28, 38.46% Rírmse = 0.22, 0.64%
í15° 0° 15° 30° 45° í15° 0° 15° 30° 45° í15° 0° 15° 30° 45°
L = 17í72 , dof = 5329 J = 91 , dírmse = 46.56% J = 113 , dírmse = 31.57%
K = 91 , Nd = 500 , S/N = 10 Rírmse = 14.09, 40.79% Rírmse = 8.04, 23.28%
í15° 0° 15° 30° 45° í15° 0° 15° 30° 45° í15° 0° 15° 30° 45°
- -
E -F̂J − F - 2 (N +1)2
L (C) −1 J 1 (α)
=R + λC . (98)
2L2 (C) NC NC
As (94), but unlike (89), again (98) is only applicable in the case of white noise and
white signal with a signal-to-noise power ratio R. Of course, the signal contained
in the neglected terms of what should be a complete Slepian expansion exerts
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 791
a controlling factor on the mean squared error behavior. [85] show how, in the
Slepian basis, the neglected terms positively affect the variance of the estimate,
but negatively the bias; the mean-squared error being the combination of the
two. Minimization of (98) to determine the optimal truncation level for these
circumstances yields it in terms of the Slepian eigenvalue and the signal-to-noise
level, namely
(J )
λC opt ≈ R −1 . (99)
In other words, we include Slepian functions in the expansion until their ranked
eigenvalues drop below the noise-to-signal ratio.
We have ignored that in order to ‘solve’ data-driven approximation problems,
we need to determine an optimal bandwidth N and an optimal truncation level J
for data situations that are more involved than just being given by white noise
and white signal. Such vital practical matters are discussed by Slobbe et al. [91]
and Plattner and Simons [81]. The solution procedures involved are always cum-
bersome – but the computational complexity, and the overall size of the numerical
problem, of the truncated Slepian-function approach is always smaller than via
regularized spherical-harmonics. Slepian functions lend themselves well to solving
approximation problems involving noisy and partially observed data on the sphere.
Two realistic examples of truncated Slepian-basis approximation problems
are given in Figures 12 and 13.
pretation of the potential energy of a statically deflected thin beam which indeed
is proportional to the integral taken over the square of the linearized curvature of
the elastic
beam. Analogously, the concept can be applied to the sphere by choos-
ing Ω |Δ∗ξ F (ξ)|2 dω(ξ), where F now denotes the deflection of a thin membrane
normal to the rest position supposed to be spherical. In other words, the second
derivative canonically takes on the form of the Beltrami operator Δ∗ . Indeed,
our interest now is to state that the interpolating spline to a given dataset has
minimum ‘bending energy’ for all interpolants within the Sobolev space H(2) (Ω).
Furthermore, the spline functions defined in this section are able to simultaneously
interpolate and smooth the data. Hence, we can decide in our spline application,
which knots of the input data should be strictly interpolated and which ones should
be ‘near’ the interpolating function, i.e., the points subjected to smoothing.
Reproducing kernel Hilbert reference space. As usual (see, e.g., [47]), we introduce
the Sobolev space H(2) (Ω) as the completion of C(2) (Ω) with respect to a specific
scalar product thereby specifying H(2) (Ω) as a certain reproducing kernel space.
In more detail, the inner product ·, ·H(2) (Ω) is defined by
F, GH(2) (Ω) = F (η)Y0,1 (η) dω(η) G(η)Y0,1 (η) dω(η)
∞ 2n+1
+ (n(n + 1))2 F (η)Yn,j (η) dω(η) G(η)Yn,j (η) dω(η),
n=1 j=1 Ω Ω
which is equivalent in accordance with Parseval’s identity to
F, GH(2) (Ω) = F (η)Y0,1 (η) dω(η) G(η)Y0,1 (η) dω(η)
+ (Δ∗η F (η))(Δ∗η G(η)) dω(η)
for all F, G ∈ C(2) (Ω). The Sobolev space H(2) (Ω) as defined in Section 3.1 is the
completion of C(2) (Ω) under the norm
H(2) (Ω) , i.e.,
·H(2) (Ω)
H(2) (Ω) = C(2) (Ω) , (102)
H(2) (Ω) = F, F H(2) (Ω) .
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 793
Then K(ξ, ·), ξ ∈ Ω fixed, is a member of H(2) (Ω). Inserting K into the inner
product, we see via the orthogonal properties of the spherical harmonics that
F, K(ξ, ·)H(2) (Ω) = F (ξ), ξ ∈ Ω, (104)
for all F ∈ H(2) (Ω). Hence, K(·, ·) is the unique reproducing kernel of the Hilbert
space H(2) (Ω). The reproducing kernel K(·, ·) can be decomposed into the repro-
ducing kernels of the spaces H0 and H⊥ 0 , respectively, via
∞ 2n+1
K(ξ, η) = Y0,1 (ξ)Y0,1 (η) + Yn,j (ξ)Yn,j (η) . (105)
n=1 j=1 (n(n + 1))2
=K0 (ξ,η)= 4π
=K0⊥ (ξ,η)
is the uniquely determined reprokernel of the space (H(2) (Ω), ·, ·H(2) (Ω) ), i.e.:
(i) For each fixed ξ ∈ Ω, K(ξ, η), a function of η, is an element of H(2) (Ω).
(ii) For every function F ∈ H(2) (Ω) and for every point ξ ∈ Ω, the reproducing
property holds:
F (ξ) = F, K(ξ, ·)H(2) (Ω) . (108)
where the function L2 (x) is the dilogarithm given by
x ∞
ln(1 − t) xk
L2 (x) = − dt = . (110)
0 t k2
Then, there exists a unique spline in H(2) (Ω) relative to M1 , . . . , Mn that solves the
interpolation problem Mi S = μi , i = 1, . . . , n. This spline is called the interpolating
spline. The proof easily follows by inserting the representation (111) into Mi S = μi ,
i = 1, . . . , n, resulting in a linear system for the coefficients ai , c0 , whose coefficient
matrix is given by (113). Since the matrix is assumed to be non-singular, the
coefficients are uniquely determined.
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 795
Scaling and wavelet functions. Next we come to the bilinear theory of scaling and
wavelet functions (note that we only deal with the bilinear theory, for basic aspects
of the linear case the reader is referred to, e.g., [39, 44]).
The point of departure for our multi-scale approach is a particular type of
a Dirac family: a scaling (kernel) function {Φρ }ρ∈(0,∞) is a set of zonal kernels
Φρ = Φρ ∗ Φρ : [−1, 1] → R, ρ ∈ (0, ∞), of the form
∧ 2n + 1
ρ (ξ · η) = Φ(2)
ρ (n) Pn (ξ · η), ξ, η ∈ Ω, (133)
lim Φ(2)
ρ (n) = lim (Φ∧ 2
ρ (n)) = 1, n = 0, 1, . . . . (134)
ρ→0, ρ>0 ρ→0, ρ>0
ρ (0) = 1. (135)
Accordingly, the convolution integrals
ρ ∗ F (ξ) = Φ(2)
ρ (ξ · η)F (η) dω(η), ξ ∈ Ω, (136)
holds true.
Each scale approximation Φρ ∗ F of a function F ∈ L2 (Ω) must be made
directly by computing the relevant convolution integrals. In doing so, however, it
is inefficient to use no information from the approximation Φρ ∗ F within the
computation of Φρ ∗ F provided that ρ
< ρ. In fact, the efficient construction of
multiscale approximation based on Dirac families usually begins by a multireso-
lution analysis in terms of wavelets, i.e., a recursive method which is efficient for
computation, but not all economic multiscale approaches constitute multiresolu-
tion procedures (see, e.g., [35, 36, 38, 40–43, 47] and the references therein).
Let Ψρ (ξ, η), (ξ, η) ∈ Ω × Ω, be defined via the series expansion
2n + 1
Ψρ (ξ, η) = Ψρ ∧ (n) Pn (ξ · η), (ξ, η) ∈ Ω × Ω, (139)
(2) ∧ (2) (2) ∧
such that the symbol {Ψρ (n)}n=0,1,... of Ψρ = Ψρ ∗Ψρ is derived from Φρ (n)
via the differential equation (‘scale equation’)
∧ d (2) ∧
ρ (n) = −ρ Φ (n). (140)
dρ ρ
As immediate consequences, we obtain from (135) the properties
Ψρ ∧ (0) = 0 (141)
lim Ψ∧
ρ (n) = 0
ρ→0, ρ>0
i.e., the wavelet transform acts as a space and frequency localization operator.
The wavelet transform (WT) is invertible on the space of functions F ∈ L2 (Ω)
satisfying F ∧ (0, 1) = 0, i.e.,
F = (WT)(F )(ρ; η)Ψρ;η (·) dω(η) (145)
Ω 0 ρ
holds true (in the sense of
L2 (Ω) ) for all F ∈ L2 (Ω) satisfying F ∧ (0, 1) = 0.
The reconstruction formula (145), in fact, is based on the simple idea of
dilation and rotation of the mother wavelet.
F, Ψ·,· L2 (Ω)
2L2 ((0,∞)×Ω) =
2L2 (Ω) . (155)
In other words, the total energy of a signal can be continuously distributed by the
wavelet transform into scale and spatially dependent ‘signal subenergy’.
Indeed, F̃H is the orthogonal projection of H onto W, which explains the afore-
mentioned statement.
The linear dependence of F̃ ∈ W leads to the effect that the coefficients in
L2 ((0, ∞) × Ω) for reconstructing a function F ∈ L2 (Ω) are not unique. This can
be easily seen from the following identity:
∞ dρ
F (ξ) = F̃ (ρ; η) + F̃ ⊥ (ρ; η) Ψρ;η (ξ) dω(η)
0 Ω ρ
If one measures the quality of an approximate solution in the data space, i.e., in the
sense of the data misfit, then the best approximation (without a regularization)
in terms of (fixed) d1 , . . . , dn would be given by requiring that F Fn equals the
orthogonal projection of y onto
Vn = span {F d1 , . . . , Fdn } ,
i.e., F Fn = PVn y. This is equivalent to requiring that the residual Rn = y − F Fn
is orthogonal to Vn . Geometrically speaking, FFn is the projection of y onto the
hyperplane Vn and Rn is the associated plumbline, see Figure 16.
P Vn y
Consequently, the next summand αn+1 dn+1 should complement the previous ap-
proximation Fn such that F Fn+1 = PVn+1 y. However, in general, PVn (F dn+1 ) = 0.
This projection would, however, deteriorate the previously exact approximation of
PVn y by F Fn . For this reason, this redundant part is subtracted, i.e., one is inter-
ested in
F Fn+1 = F Fn + αn+1 [F dn+1 − PVn (F dn+1 )] .
n (n)
If one sets PVn (F d) = i=1 βi (d) F di , then
F Fn+1 = αi F di − αn+1 βi (dn+1 ) F di + αn+1 F dn+1
i=1 i=1
(n) (n)
= αi − αn+1 βi (dn+1 ) F di + αn+1 F dn+1 .
Hence, the task is now (in step n + 1) to find α ∈ R and d ∈ D such that
- -
- n -
- (n) (n) -
-y − αi − αβi (d) F di − αF d-
- - l
i=1 R
is minimized. As an approximation at step n + 1, one uses then
(n) (n)
Fn+1 = αi − αn+1 βi (dn+1 ) di + αn+1 dn+1 ,
(n+1) (n) (n)
αi = αi − αn+1 βi (dn+1 ) for i = 1, . . . , n
and αn+1 = αn+1 . With the regularization, the functional to minimize is
- -2
- n -
- (n) (n) -
-y − αi − αβi (d) F di − αF d-
- - l
i=1 R
- n -2
- -
- (n) (n) -
+ λ- αi − αβi (d) di + αd- .
- -
i=1 H(D)
Similar derivations as in the cases above finally yield the following algorithm.
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 811
5. Conclusion
For the last decades, the possibilities and challenges which have presented them-
selves to geodesists have changed dramatically. Due to tremendously increased pre-
cisions in measurement technologies and the availability of satellite missions, huge
812 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
amounts of highly accurate data related to the Earth have become available. This
has opened previously unexpected options for observing, analyzing and predicting
the processes of the Earth system. Such progresses can be seen in manifold ways,
for example when the ocean dynamics can be understood better, when the mass
transports due to climate change or seasonal climatic phenomena can be better
quantified and localized, when static and dynamic models of the Earth’s interior
can be validated and improved by a more precise model or when unprecedented
ways of determining heights become available to geodesists.
Since mathematics plays a central role in the processes of, e.g., denoising,
analyzing or inverting geoscientific data, the changes in the data situation can
be mapped to changes in the requirements on the methodologies in mathematical
geodesy (see also [30]). In this paper, we focussed on the uncertainty principle
of spherical signal analysis which tells us that precise localization in space and
in frequency/momentum are mutually exclusive. Moreover, we can interpret the
uncertainty principle as a fundamental property of a spectrum ranging from ideal
frequency localization (i.e., no space localization) to ideal space localization (i.e.,
no frequency localization). The former is associated to the use of spherical har-
monics, which have been a common choice as basis system in geodesy. Away from
this extremal case, in order that trial functions possess a space localization, they
need to be sums of several spherical harmonics. The closer we come to the latter
end of the spectrum with ideal space localization, the more spherical harmonics
degrees have to be summed up in a trial function leading, as a limit, finally to the
(only as a theoretical concept existing) Dirac functional which includes all degrees.
The aforementioned new challenges due to today’s data situation can be re-
flected in this spectrum. In former days, when only a few data were available which
allowed a very coarse global modeling only, spherical harmonics were the ultimate
and reasonable choice. Today, the demands on highly accurate models which are,
in particular, provided with a very high resolution in space define the limits of
the use of spherical harmonics. These models can be better constructed with trial
functions which combine certain extents of space and frequency localization.
As we have shown, there are many facets of localized trial functions which can
be positioned in the spectrum of space and momentum localization. They include
basis functions generated from (reproducing) kernels of particular function spaces.
Such tools have successfully been used for spline and wavelet approximations in
the geosciences. They leave sufficient degrees of freedom to control their variance in
space and momentum. Furthermore, also Slepian functions provide another equally
valuable tool for regionally approximating or analyzing a signal. They provide us
with an orthonormal basis which is, in contrast to spherical harmonics, spacecon-
centrated (to a region which can be arbitrarily chosen). Moreover, the Slepian
functions are also orthogonal in the L2 -space of the chosen region, which is essen-
tially useful for the modeling of a signal which is only regionally available. Further-
more, Slepian functions can also be not only spaceconcentrated but even space-
limited with the price (due to the uncertainty principle) that they become non-
bandlimited, i.e., they sum up an infinite number of spherical harmonics degrees.
Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 813
Certainly, there exist many other systems of trial functions on the sphere but
also the ball, which have their own characteristics regarding space- and frequency
localization. We added some references to other methods in appropriate paragraphs
but do not claim to have provided a complete overview. In general, a wide range of
special functions systems is available for the analysis of geoscientific data. However,
it appears that, still, the main focus of (too) many research projects in geodesy
and other disciplines of Earth sciences lies on the data alone but not on the choice
of the methodology for their handling.
In this paper, we have tried to break new synoptical ground in dealing with
spherical harmonics based special function systems and their role in constructive
approximation methods of mathematical geodesy. We have presented a short in-
sight and guide for the zoo of spherical trial functions to encourage geoscientists
to question the mathematical basis functions which they use for their models and
not to use mathematical tools as ‘blackboxes’. We have also summarized briefly
the possibility that regularized functional matching pursuit and its variants yield
as algorithms for generating a kind of a best basis out of a selection of different
basis systems.
Further research on finding the ‘optimal’ basis system for particular prob-
lems in mathematical geodesy has to be done. However, the present state-of-the-
art shows that there is a high potential in improving (not only) geodetic models
by using sophisticated mathematical methodologies. Obviously, our work as pre-
sented here is selective, but not only with respect to the choice of discussed basis
functions. Also, not all details on the treated topics could be discussed up to an
appropriate extent. For example, most of the proofs have been left out completely,
so that the interested reader is referred to the attached list of literature. Nonethe-
less, we believe that we have provided a deeper insight on how geoscientific and,
particularly, geodetic problems can be attacked in a mathematically systematic
and rigorous way.
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[41] Freeden, W., Schreiner, M. (2006), Local Multiscale Modelling of Geoid Undulations
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816 W. Freeden, V. Michel, and F.J. Simons
[42] Freeden, W., Schreiner, M. (2007) Biorthogonal Locally Supported Wavelets on the
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[47] Freeden, W., Gervens, T., Schreiner, M. (1998) Constructive Approximation on
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[48] Freeden, W., Michel, V., Nutz, H. (2002) Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking and Satel-
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[50] Gauß, C.F. (1838) Allgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus, Resultate aus den
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[51] Grünbaum, F.A., Longhi, L., Perlstadt, M. (1982) Differential Operators Com-
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Spherical Harmonics Based Special Function Systems 819
Willi Freeden
Geomathematics Group
University of Kaiserslautern
MPI-Gebäude, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Volker Michel
Geomathematics Group
University of Siegen
Walter-Flex-Str. 3
D-57068 Siegen, Germany
Frederik J. Simons
Princeton University
Department of Geosciences
Princeton, NJ, USA
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 821–853
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Classical potential theoretic concepts in the Euclidean space R3 have been de-
scribed in an earlier chapter of this handbook. They appear frequently in geodesy
when treating the harmonic gravitational potential in the exterior of the spherical
Earth. The sphere ΩR = {x ∈ R3 : |x| = R} occurs as the boundary surface of a
subdomain in R3 . Opposed to this, in the present chapter, the sphere is not rep-
resenting a boundary surface, it is rather regarded as the underlying domain on
which a problem is formulated. Examples for this are the spherical Navier–Stokes
equations and shallow water equations in meteorology and ocean modeling (see,
e.g., [5, 12, 19, 29, 42, 44]). But also simpler spherical differential equations occur
in geodesy and geomagnetism (see, e.g., [2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 23, 25]) and vortex
dynamics (see, e.g., [32, 33, 42–44]), more precisely, those based on the Beltrami
operator Δ∗ (the spherical counterpart to the Laplace operator Δ). Latter is going
to be the focus of this chapter. In particular, we are interested in the Beltrami
equation on subdomains ΓR ⊂ ΩR of the sphere, which eventually leads to po-
tential theoretic concepts analogous to those of the Euclidean case. Subdomains
appear naturally, e.g., due to only regionally available data or coastal/continental
boundaries. The problems we take a closer look at are the following (note that
822 C. Gerhards
Ω and Γ are simply abbreviations for the unit sphere Ω1 and a corresponding
subdomain Γ1 ):
Poisson Problem (PP): Let H be of class C(1) (Γ). We are looking for a function
U of class C(2) (Γ) such that
Dirichlet Problem (DP): Let F be of class C(0) (∂Γ). We are looking for a function
U of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ) such that
Δ∗ U (ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ Γ, (2)
U − (ξ) = F (ξ), ξ ∈ ∂Γ. (3)
Neumann Problem (NP): Let F be of class C(0) (∂Γ). We are looking for a function
U of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ), with a well-defined normal derivative ∂ν
U − on
∂Γ, such that
Δ∗ U (ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ Γ, (4)
∂ −
U (ξ) = F (ξ), ξ ∈ ∂Γ. (5)
In the setting above, ∂Γ denotes the boundary curve of Γ, ν(ξ) the outward
directed unit normal vector at ξ ∈ ∂Γ, and ∂ν∂
the corresponding normal derivative.
The minus of U simply indicates that we are approaching the boundary ∂Γ from
within Γ.
Certainly, the problems above and its potential theoretic consequences can
be and have been treated on more general manifolds than the sphere (e.g., in [8,
37, 38]). However, we focus on the geophysically relevant case of the sphere where
explicit representations of the fundamental solution and some Green’s functions
are known. In large parts, we follow the course of [15] and emphasize similarities
and differences to the Euclidean case.
The first section supplies the reader with necessary notations and several
mathematical tools related to spherical potential theory. In Section 2, we treat the
problems (PP), (DP), and (NP). In particular, we are interested in integral rep-
resentations of their solutions. In Section 3, we turn towards spherical differential
operators of order one, namely the surface gradient ∇∗ (the spherical counterpart
to the gradient ∇) and the surface curl gradient L∗ . We investigate the corre-
sponding differential equations on Γ as well as the so-called spherical Helmholtz
decomposition and the spherical Hardy–Hodge decomposition. Section 4 comments
briefly on complete function systems and approximation methods on the sphere.
Finally, in Section 5, applications of the previous concepts to some geophysical
problems are discussed, namely, vertical deflections, (geostrophic) ocean flow, and
a toy problem for point vortex motion.
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications 823
1. Fundamental tools
Of fundamental importance to us is the Beltrami operator Δ∗ which denotes the
tangential contribution to the Euclidean Laplace operator Δ. More precisely,
1 ∂ ∂ 1
Δx = 2 r2 + Δ∗ , (6)
r ∂r ∂r r2 ξ
where Δx acts on x ∈ R3 while Δ∗ξ acts on ξ = |x| x
∈ Ω. The length |x| is usually
denoted by r. Furthermore, ∇ stands for the (spherical) surface gradient, which
denotes the tangential contribution to the gradient ∇:
∂ 1
∇x = ξ + ∇∗ξ . (7)
∂r r
The occasionally occurring (spherical) surface curl gradient L∗ acts via ξ ∧ ∇∗ξ at
a point ξ ∈ Ω (“∧” denotes the vector product). It should be noted that Δ∗ =
∇∗ · ∇∗ = L∗ · L∗ (“ · ” denotes the Euclidean inner product). If it is clear on
which variables the operators act, we usually omit the subindices ξ and x. For
convenience, we typically use Greek letters ξ, η to indicate unit vectors in Ω while
we use latin letters x, y for general vectors in R3 . Upper case letters F, G denote
scalar-valued functions mapping Γ ⊂ Ω into R while lower case letters f, g denote
vector-valued functions mapping Γ ⊂ Ω into R3 . Correspondingly, the set of k-
times continuously differentiable scalar-valued functions on Γ is designated by
C(k) (Γ) and the set of k-times continuously differentiable vector-valued functions
on Γ by c(k) (Γ). The closure of Γ is denoted by Γ and the open complement by
Γc = Ω \ Γ.
Whenever we talk about subdomains Γ ⊂ Ω in this chapter, we mean, with-
out further mention, regular regions, i.e., subdomains with a sufficiently smooth
boundary curve ∂Γ (for details, the reader is referred to [15]; an exemplary illus-
tration is supplied in Figure 1). For such regular regions, the positively oriented
unit tangential vector τ (ξ) at a point ξ ∈ ∂Γ is well defined. The unit normal
vector ν(ξ) at ξ ∈ ∂Γ points into the exterior of Γ and is perpendicular to τ (ξ)
Gr (x)
x t(x)
n(x) Gc
and ξ (i.e., ν(ξ) is perpendicular to the boundary curve ∂Γ but tangential to the
unit sphere Ω). The normal derivative of a scalar-valued function F at ξ ∈ ∂Γ is
defined as
F (ξ) = ν(ξ) · ∇∗ξ F (ξ). (8)
1.1. Green’s formulas
We frequently need integral expressions that describe the shifting of differential
operators from one integrand to another, so-called Green formulas. Some spherical
versions are stated in the next theorem.
Theorem 1.1 (Spherical Green Formulas I).
(a) If f is of class c(1) (Γ) and tangential, i.e., ξ · f (ξ) = 0 for ξ ∈ Γ, then
∇∗ · f (η)dω(η) = ν(η) · f (η)dσ(η), (9)
Theorem 1.6 (Mean Value Property I). A function U of class C(0) (Γ) is harmonic
if and only if
1 2−ρ
U (ξ) = U (η)dω(η) + √ U (η)dσ(η), ξ ∈ Γ, (20)
4π Γρ (ξ) 4π ρ ∂Γρ (ξ)
Theorem 1.8 (Maximum Principle). If U of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ) is harmonic,
sup |U (ξ)| ≤ sup |U (ξ)|. (22)
ξ∈Γ ξ∈∂Γ
U2 [Q](ξ) = G(Δ∗ ; ξ · η) Q(η) dσ(η), ξ ∈ Γ. (28)
∂Γ ∂ν(η)
From the properties of the fundamental solution G(Δ∗ ; ·) it can be seen that the
so-called double-layer potential U2 [Q] is harmonic in Γ for any Q of class C(0) (∂Γ).
The single-layer potential U1 [Q̃] is harmonic
in Γ if Q̃ is of class C(0) (∂Γ) and if
the integral over ∂Γ vanishes, i.e., if ∂Γ Q̃(η)dσ(η) = 0 (we say that Q̃ is of class
C0 (∂Γ)). Therefore, these two potentials represent good candidates for solutions
to the boundary value problems (DP) and (NP). The aim of the present section is
to investigate the behaviour of the single- and double-layer potentials U1 [Q] and
U2 [Q̃], respectively, when they approach the boundary ∂Γ. The essential behaviour
of the double-layer potential U2 [Q] is already reflected by the relation (18). Based
on this relation and a set of several more technical estimates, one can prove the
following set of limit- and jump-relations at the boundary ∂Γ.
Theorem 1.11 (Limit- and Jump-Relations). Let Q, Q̃ be of class C(0) (∂Γ) and
U1 , U2 be given as in (27) and (28), respectively. Furthermore, let ξ ∈ ∂Γ.
(a) For the single-layer potential, we have the limit-relations
ξ ± τ ν(ξ)
lim U1 [Q̃] √ − U1 [Q̃](ξ) = 0, (29)
τ →0+ 1 + τ2
∂ ξ ± τ ν(ξ) ∂ 1
lim U1 [Q̃] √ − U1 [Q̃] (ξ) = ± Q̃(ξ). (30)
τ →0+ ∂ν 1+τ 2 ∂ν 2
For the double-layer potential, we have
ξ ± τ ν(ξ) 1
lim U2 [Q] √ − U2 [Q](ξ) = ∓ Q(ξ). (31)
τ →0+ 1+τ 2 2
(b) For the single-layer potential, we have the jump-relations
ξ + τ ν(ξ) ξ − τ ν(ξ)
lim U1 [Q̃] √ − U1 [Q̃] √ = 0, (32)
τ →0+ 1 + τ2 1 + τ2
∂ ξ + τ ν(ξ) ∂ ξ − τ ν(ξ)
lim U1 [Q̃] √ − U1 [Q̃] √ = Q̃(ξ). (33)
τ →0+ ∂ν 1 + τ2 ∂ν 1 + τ2
For the double-layer potential, we have
ξ + τ ν(ξ) ξ − τ ν(ξ)
lim U2 [Q] √ − U2 [Q] √ = −Q(ξ), (34)
τ →0+ 1 + τ2 1 + τ2
∂ ξ + τ ν(ξ) ∂ ξ − τ ν(ξ)
lim U2 [Q] √ − U2 [Q] √ = 0. (35)
τ →0+ ∂ν 1+τ 2 ∂ν 1 + τ2
All of the relations above hold uniformly with respect to ξ ∈ ∂Γ.
Remark 1.12. Theorem 1.11 essentially tells us that the single-layer potential U1 [Q̃]
and the normal derivative of the double-layer potential ∂ν U2 [Q] are continuous
across the boundary ∂Γ while the double-layer potential U2 [Q] and the normal
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications 829
derivative of the single-layer potential ∂ν U1 [Q̃] are not. However, one has to be
careful about ∂ν U2 [Q]: it is only well-defined on ∂Γ under higher smoothness as-
sumptions on Q than just C(0) (∂Γ). Therefore, we only supplied the jump relation
for this particular case but not the limit relation, which is sufficient for most
theoretical considerations.
Remark 1.13. The relations in Theorem 1.11 were formulated with respect to the
uniform topology for Q, Q̃ ∈ C(0) (Ω). However, they can also be formulated with
respect to the L2 (Ω)-topology for Q, Q̃ ∈ L2 (Ω). For details, the reader is again
referred to [15, 17] and earlier references therein.
The newly obtained function U = Ũ + Ũ ˜ would then satisfy the desired differential
equation (36) and the desired Dirichlet boundary values. Boundary value problems
such as (39), (40) are studied in more detail in the upcoming section.
830 C. Gerhards
are mainly interested in (IDP) and (INP) as tools to guarantee the existence of
solutions to (DP) and (NP) via the Fredholm alternative. Uniqueness of the solu-
tions can be obtained via the application of the maximum principle from Theorem
1.8 and the Green formulas from Theorem 1.1.
Remark 2.1. There are two noteworthy differences in comparison to the Euclidean
case. First, considerations on the sphere do not require a clear distinction between
interior and exterior problems since the open complement Γc of a bounded regular
region Γ ⊂ Ω is again a bounded regular region. Second, the single-layer potential
(0) (0)
U1 [Q̃] is only harmonic if Q̃ ∈ C0 (∂Γ). A solution of (48) in C0 (∂Γ) exists if
and only if F is of class C0 (∂Γ), which suits the general necessary condition for
the existence of a solution to (NP) that can be obtained from Green’s formulas.
However, it should be mentioned that the integral equation (48) additionally has
a unique solution Q̃ ∈ C(0) (∂Γ) if F is of class C(0) (∂Γ). This is not true for the
Euclidean counterpart.
Summarizing, and including the considerations from Section 2.1, we obtain
the following results. For details, the reader is again referred to [15] and, for the
Euclidean counterparts, to [17, 26, 30, 45].
Theorem 2.2 (Uniqueness).
(a) A solution of (DP) is uniquely determined.
(b) A solution of (NP) is uniquely determined up to an additive constant.
Theorem 2.3 (Existence for Generalized (DP)). Let F be of class C(0) (∂Γ) and H
of class C(1) (Γ). Then there exists a unique solution U of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ)
of the Dirichlet problem
Δ∗ U (ξ) = H(ξ), ξ ∈ Γ, (49)
U (ξ) = F (ξ), ξ ∈ ∂Γ. (50)
Theorem 2.4 (Existence for Generalized (NP)). Let F be of class C(0) (∂Γ) and H
of class C(1) (Γ). Then there exists an up to an additive constant uniquely deter-
mined solution U of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ), with a well-defined normal derivative
∂ −
∂ν U on ∂Γ, to the Neumann problem
Δ∗ U (ξ) = H(ξ), ξ ∈ Γ, (51)
∂ −
U (ξ) = F (ξ), ξ ∈ ∂Γ, (52)
if and only if
F (η)dσ(η) − H(η)dω(η) = 0. (53)
∂Γ Γ
where Green’s formulas have been used for the second equation. The general exis-
tence follows from the application of the Fredholm alternative to (INP).
2.3. Green’s functions
Next, we are interested in the representation of a solution to (DP) and (NP). A
possibility is indicated in Theorem 1.3(a). However, this representation requires the
simultaneous knowledge of U and ∂ν U on the boundary ∂Γ, which is not necessary
and can be problematic since the two quantities are not independent from each
other. As a remedy, Green’s functions for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary values
can be used.
More precisely, a function GD (Δ∗ ; ·, ·) is called a Dirichlet Green function
(with respect to the Beltrami operator) if it can be decomposed in the form
GD (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) = G(Δ∗ ; ξ · η) − ΦD (ξ, η), η ∈ Γ, ξ ∈ Γ, ξ = η, (55)
where ΦD (ξ, ·) is of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(1) (Γ) and satisfies
Δ∗η ΦD (ξ, η) = − , η ∈ Γ, (56)
D (ξ, η) = G(Δ ∗
; ξ · η), η ∈ ∂Γ, (57)
for every ξ ∈ Γ. Analogously, a function GN (Δ ; ·, ·) is called a Neumann Green
function (with respect to the Beltrami operator) if it can be decomposed in the
GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) = G(Δ∗ ; ξ · η) − ΦN (ξ, η), η ∈ Γ, ξ ∈ Γ, ξ = η, (58)
where ΦN (ξ, ·) is of class C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(1) (Γ) and satisfies the conditions
1 1
Δ∗η ΦN (ξ, η) = − , η ∈ Γ, (59)
∂ ∂
Φ− (ξ, η) = G(Δ∗ ; ξ · η), η ∈ ∂Γ, (60)
∂ν(η) N ∂ν(η)
for every ξ ∈ Γ. Using Theorem 1.3(a) and Theorem 1.1(c) for ΦD and ΦN , we
eventually achieve the representations
U (ξ) = GD (Δ∗ ; ξ, η)Δ∗η U (η)dω(η) + U (η) GD (Δ∗ ; ξ, η)dσ(η) (61)
Γ ∂Γ ∂ν(η)
U (ξ) = U (η)dω(η) + GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η)Δ∗η U (η)dω(η)
− GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) U (η)dσ(η), (62)
∂Γ ∂ν(η)
which yield integral representations for solutions to (DP) and (NP), respectively,
under the condition that U is of class C(2) (Γ). It remains to construct the auxiliary
functions ΦD and ΦN . Some general construction principles on the sphere can be
found, e.g., in [24, 32]. In this chapter, we focus on spherical caps Γρ (ζ). The
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications 833
Kelvin transf.
2 z pstereo(x) pstereo(h) pstereo(x)
Figure 2. Schematic description of the construction of the reflection
point ξ̌.
and a solution U ∈ C(2) (Γ) of the Dirichlet problem (DP) can be represented by
1 ξ·ζ +ρ−1 1
U (ξ) = # F (η) dσ(η), ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ). (68)
2π ρ(2 − ρ) ∂Γρ (ζ) 1 − ξ·η
Remark 2.6. Applying Theorem 2.5 for ζ = ξ leads to the Mean Value Property
II from Theorem 1.7.
A Neumann Green function for the Beltrami operator cannot be obtained by
a simple stereographic projection of the Neumann Green function for the Laplace
operator on a disc in R2 . But some computations based on the previously obtained
auxiliary function ΦD yield the following theorem.
Theorem 2.7. Let Γ = Γρ (ζ) be a spherical cap with center ζ ∈ Ω and radius
ρ ∈ (0, 2). Furthermore, let ξˇ and ř be given as in Theorem 2.5. Then, a Neumann
Green function is given by
1 1 1−ρ
GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) = ln(1 − ξ · η) + ln(ř(1 − ξ̌ · η)) + ln(1 + ζ · η). (69)
4π 4π 2πρ
A solution U ∈ C(2) (Γ) of the Neumann problem (NP) can be represented by
U (ξ) = U (η)dω(η) (70)
2πρ Γρ (ζ)
1 1−ρ
− ln(1 − ξ · η) + ln(2 − ρ) F (η) dσ(η), ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ).
∂Γρ (ζ) 2π 2πρ
Then there exists a function U of class C(2) (Γ), which is uniquely determined
up to an additive constant, such that
f (ξ) = ∇∗ U (ξ), ξ ∈ Γ. (73)
(b) Let f ∈ c (Γ) be a tangential vector field satisfying
∇∗ · f (ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ Γ. (74)
Then there exists a function U of class C(2) (Γ), which is uniquely determined
up to an additive constant, such that
f (ξ) = L∗ U (ξ), ξ ∈ Γ. (75)
From Theorem 1.3(b), we know a possible expression of the solutions to the
differential equations for the surface gradient and the surface curl gradient. How-
ever, this representation requires the knowledge of U on the boundary ∂Γ, which
is actually not necessary according to Theorem 3.2. Using a Neumann Green func-
tion together with the identities in Theorem 1.3(b) directly implies the following
Theorem 3.3.
(a) Let f of class c(1) (Γ) be a tangential vector field satisfying L∗ · f (ξ) = 0,
ξ ∈ Γ. Then a solution of
f (ξ) = ∇∗ U (ξ), ξ ∈ Γ, (76)
is given by
1 ∗
U (ξ) = U (η)dω(η) − ∇η GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) · f (η)dω(η). (77)
(b) Let f of class c(1) (Γ) be a tangential vector field satisfying ∇∗ · f (ξ) = 0,
ξ ∈ Γ. Then a solution of
f (ξ) = L∗ U (ξ), ξ ∈ Γ, (78)
is given by
1 ∗
U (ξ) = U (η)dω(η) − Lη GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) · f (η)dω(η). (79)
Remark 3.4. If we deal with the entire sphere Γ = Ω, the same results as in the
preceding theorem hold true. For the integral representations, one simply has to
substitute the Neumann Green function by the fundamental solution G(Δ∗ ; ·).
3.2. Helmholtz and Hardy–Hodge decomposition
We begin with the spherical Helmholtz decomposition of a vector field f . It essen-
tially describes the split-up of the vector field into a radial and two tangential com-
ponents, of which one is surface curl-free and the other one surface divergence-free.
In geomagnetism, this has applications, e.g., in the separation of polar ionospheric
current systems into field-aligned currents (which are nearly radial in polar re-
gions) and Pedersen and Hall currents (see, e.g., [1, 2, 21, 39]). In other areas, the
836 C. Gerhards
Remark 3.6. Clearly, the type of boundary conditions that have to be prescribed to
obtain uniqueness of the Helmholtz decomposition can be varied. They can be im-
posed on F2 instead of F3 , or the Dirichlet boundary conditions can be substituted
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications 837
The Hardy–Hodge scalars F̃1 , F̃2 , and F̃3 can then be represented by
1 1 1
F̃1 = D−1 F1 + D−1 F2 − F2 , (93)
2 4 2
1 1 1
F̃2 = D−1 F1 + D−1 F2 + F2 , (94)
2 4 2
F̃3 = F3 , (95)
where F1 , F2 , F3 are the Helmholtz scalars from Theorem 3.5 and Remark 3.7.
Remark 3.9. The operator D−1 can be represented as the convolution operator
1 1
D−1 F (ξ) = # F (η)dω(η), ξ ∈ Ω, (96)
2π Ω 2(1 − ξ · η)
acting on a function F of class C(0) (Ω). Thus, equations (93)–(95) together with
Theorem 3.5 and Remark 3.7 form integral representations of the Hardy–Hodge
Figure 3. Example for a fundamental system {ξk }k∈N (with respect to Γ).
If, for any harmonic function F in Γ, the condition F (ξk ) = 0, k ∈ N, implies that
F (ξ) = 0 for all ξ ∈ Γ, then we call {ξk }k∈N a fundamental system (with respect
to Γ). Assuming that Σ ⊂ Γ is a regular region with dist(Σ, ∂Γ) > 0, an example
for such a fundamental system is given by a dense point set {ξk }k∈N ⊂ ∂Σ. A
particularly simple choice for Σ is a spherical cap within Γ (cf. Figure 3).
We begin with the completeness of function systems based on the fundamen-
tal solution for the Beltrami operator.
Theorem 4.1. Let {ξk }k∈N be a fundamental system with respect to Γ. Then the
following statements hold true:
(a) The function system {Gk }k∈N0 given by
1 1
Gk (ξ) = ln(1 − ξk · ξ), k ∈ N, G0 (ξ) = ,
4π 4π
is complete, and hence closed in L2 (∂Γ).
(b) The function system {G̃k }k∈N0 , given by
1 ∂ 1
G̃k (ξ) = ln(1 − ξk · ξ), k ∈ N, G̃0 (ξ) = ,
4π ∂ν(ξ) 4π
is complete, and hence closed in L2 (∂Γ).
Remark 4.2. Let us assume that {ξk }k∈N is a fundamental system with respect to
Γc . Then the functions G̃k from Theorem 4.1 are harmonic in Γ and, thus, partic-
ularly suitably for the approximation of harmonic functions in Γ. The functions
Gk from Theorem 4.1 need to be modified since they only satisfy Δ∗ Gk (ξ) = − 4π ,
for ξ ∈ Γ and k ∈ N. Any auxiliary function G of class C(2) (Γ) that satisfies
Δ∗ G(ξ) = 4π , ξ ∈ Γ, can be added to Gk without changing the completeness
property. In other words, e.g.,
(mod) 1 (mod)
Gk (ξ) = Gk (ξ) − ln(1 − ξ · ξ̄), k ∈ N, G0 (ξ) = G0 (ξ),
with a fixed ξ¯ ∈ Γc , forms a complete function system in L2 (∂Γ) that additionally
satisfies Δ∗ Gk (ξ) = 0, ξ ∈ Γ.
840 C. Gerhards
Next, we want to transfer the results from Theorem 4.1 to inner harmonics
for spherical caps. In order to achieve this, we first need to clarify what we mean by
inner harmonics for spherical caps. The sine and cosine functions obviously take
the role of spherical harmonics on a circle in R2 . Their harmonic continuations
into the disc DR = {x ∈ R2 : |x| < R} with radius R > 0 and into its exterior
DcR = {x ∈ R2 : |x| > R} (the so-called inner and outer harmonics, respectively)
are given by
(int) 1 r n
Hn,1 (R; x) = √ cos(nϕ), n ∈ N0 , x ∈ DR , (98)
R π R
r n
Hn,2 (R; x) = √ sin(nϕ), n ∈ N, x ∈ DR , (99)
R π R
(ext) 1 R
Hn,1 (R; x) = √ cos(nϕ), n ∈ N0 , x ∈ DcR , (100)
R π r
(ext) 1 R
Hn,2 (R; x) = √ sin(nϕ), n ∈ N, x ∈ DcR , (101)
R π r
denotes an inner harmonic (of degree n and order k) on Γρ (ζ). The applied stere-
ographic projection pstereo (ζ; ·) : Ω \ {−ζ} → R2 is defined via
2ξ · (tε1 ) 2ξ · (tε2 )
pstereo (ζ; ξ) = , , (103)
1+ξ·ζ 1+ξ·ζ
where ε1 = (1, 0, 0)T , ε2 = (0, 1, 0)T , ε3 = (0, 0, 1)T denotes the canonical ba-
sis in R3 and t ∈ R3×3 a rotation matrix with tε3 = ζ. From the harmonicity
(int) ρ,ζ
of Hn,k (R; ·) in DR it follows that Hn,k is harmonic in Γρ (ζ). Note that, as al-
ways, harmonicity in the Euclidean space R2 is meant with respect to the Laplace
operator while it is meant with respect to the Beltrami operator when we are
intrinsic on the sphere Ω. Opposed to the Euclidean case, outer harmonics for
spherical caps do not play a distinct role. Actually, for a spherical cap Γρ (ζ), the
corresponding outer harmonics coincide with the inner harmonics for the spherical
cap (Γρ (ζ)) = Γ2−ρ (−ζ), which is why we do not consider them separately. The
for ξ ∈ Ω\{−ζ}, η ∈ Ω\{ζ}, and |pstereo (ζ; ξ)| < |pstereo (ζ; η)|, eventually allows to
transfer the completeness results from Theorem 4.1 to inner harmonics on spherical
caps (for details, the reader is referred to [15]).
Theorem 4.3. Let Γρ (ζ) be a spherical cap with Γ ⊂ Γρ (ζ). Then the following
statements hold true:
! ρ,ζ " ! ρ,ζ "
(a) The inner harmonics H0,1 ∪ Hn,k n∈N,k=1,2 form a complete, and hence
closed function system in L2 (∂Γ).
(b) The normal derivatives of the inner harmonics, i.e.,
! ρ,ζ " ! ∂ ρ,ζ "
H0,1 ∪ ∂ν Hn,k n∈N,k=1,2
form a complete and hence closed function system in L2 (∂Γ).
We conclude this section by stating the use of the function systems from above
for the approximation of solutions to the spherical boundary value problems (DP)
and (NP) from Section 2.
Theorem 4.4. Let {Φk }k∈N0 denote one of the function systems introduced in The-
orem 4.1(b), Remark 4.2, or Theorem 4.3, and U ∈ C(2) (Γ) ∩ C(0) (Γ) be a solution
of one of the boundary value problems (DP) or (NP). Then, for every ε > 0, there
exist M ∈ N0 and coefficients ak ∈ R, k = 0, 1, . . . , M , such that
- -
- M -
- -
-U − a k Φk - < ε. (105)
- -
k=0 L2 (Γ)
The choice of M and the coefficients ak , k = 1, . . . , M , can be based solely on an
approximation of U or ∂ν U on the boundary ∂Γ.
Remark 4.5. All the density and approximation results that were obtained in this
section in an L2 -context also hold true in a C(0) -context with respect to the uniform
topology and can be shown by the tools supplied throughout this chapter (see, e.g.,
[15, 17]).
5. Applications in geoscience
In this section, we present some applications of the previous tools to the approx-
imation of different quantities of interest in physical geodesy. More precisely, we
use techniques from Section 3.1 to reconstruct the disturbing potential from given
vertical deflections over South America and the mean dynamic ocean topography
(MDT) from given geostrophic ocean flow patterns over the Pacific Ocean, respec-
tively. We will be rather brief about the geophysical derivations of the underlying
spherical differential equations and refer the reader to classical literature such as
[25, 28, 42, 44]. The particular formulations of our setting can also be found, e.g.,
in [10, 11, 13, 18]. Opposed to the latter, our reconstructions in Sections 5.1 and
5.2 are based on the approach in Section 3.1 via Neumann Green functions and
does not require boundary information for the spherical caps under consideration.
842 C. Gerhards
Scale J=4 Scale J=6 Scale J=10
120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W 120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W 120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W
30o N 30o N 1 30o N
15 N 15o N 15o N
0.45 3
0 0.4 0o 0o
0.7 2.5
15 S 15o S 0.6 15o S
0.3 2
o 0.5
30o S 0.25 30 S 30o S
45o S 45o S 0.3
45 S
0.15 1
0.1 0.2
o o
60 S 0.05 60 S 0.1 60o S
In Section 5.3, based on the results from Section 4, we address a model problem
motivated by point vortex motion on the sphere.
o o
15 N 15 N 12
o o
0 0 10
15 S 15o S
30o S 30o S
o o
45 S 45 S 4
60o S 60 S
The regularization GJN (Δ∗ ; ·, ·) of the Neumann Green function GN (Δ∗ ; ·, ·) closely
relates to the regularization of the fundamental solution G(Δ∗ ; ·) briefly mentioned
after Theorem 1.9. A stable approximation of T at scale J is then given by
Γ GM ∗ J
TJ (Rξ) = Tmean + ∇η GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) · Θ(Rη)dω(η), ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ),
R Γρ (ζ)
and satisfies limJ→∞ supξ∈Γ̃ |TJ (Rξ) − T (Rξ)| = 0 for every subset Γ̃ ⊂ Γρ (ζ) with
dist(Γ̃, ∂Γρ (ζ)) > 0. Thus, higher scales J yield a more precise approximation of
T and the difference TJ+1 − TJ between two consecutive scales reveals features of
more and more local origin. The kernel ∇∗ GJN (Δ∗ ; ξ, ·) is illustrated in Figure 4.
In order to illustrate the reconstruction of the disturbing potential by the
approximations TJ , we first compute a ‘true’ disturbing potential T from EGM2008
844 C. Gerhards
Disturbing Potential, Scale J=6 Disturbing Potential, Difference Scale J=8 and Scale J=6
120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W o
120 W
90 W
60 W
30 W
200 50
o o
30 N 30 N
150 40
15o N 15 N
0o 0o
15o S 15o S
30 S −50 30o S
45 S
45o S −10
o −200 o
60 S 60 S
Disturbing Potential, Scale J=8 Disturbing Potential, Difference Scale J=10 and Scale J=8
o o o o o o o o
120 W 90 W 60 W 30 W 120 W 90 W 60 W 30 W
30 N 30o N
200 40
o o
15 N 150 15 N
0o 100 0o
o o
15 S 15 S
0 10
30o S 30o S
o −100
45 S 45o S −10
o o
60 S 60 S
−250 −30
Disturbing Potential, Scale J=10 Disturbing Potential, Difference Scale J=15 and Scale J=10
120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W 120o W 90o W 60o W 30o W
30o N 30o N 60
15 N
o 200 o
15 N
0o 0o
100 20
15o S 50 15o S
o o
30 S 30 S
−50 −20
−150 −40
o o
60 S 60 S −60
15 N
15o S
30 S Figure 6. Reconstructions of the dis-
45o S
−100 turbing potential TJ at scales J = 6, 8,
10, 15 (left) and the differences T8 − T6 ,
60 S
o T10 − T8 , T15 − T10 between the recon-
−300 structions at these scales (right).
Spherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications 845
15o N o
15 N 6
0o 0o 4
o o 2
15 S 15 S
0 0
30 S 30o S
o −4
45o S 45 S
o −8
60o S 60 S
For more details on the geophysical background, the reader is referred, e.g., to
[42, 44]. In order to compute the MDT H from knowledge of the ocean flow velocity
v in Γ, we need to solve Equation (111). Theorem 3.3 yields the representation
1 2R
H(Rξ) = H(Rη)dω(η) − |w| (η · ε3 ) L∗η GN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) · v(Rη)dω(η),
ξ ∈ Γ,
of which the first summand on the right-hand side simply represents the constant
mean MDT Hmean in ΓR . Again, we focus on the special case that Γ = Γρ (ζ) is
a spherical cap with center ζ ∈ Ω and radius ρ ∈ (0, 2), so that we can apply
the considerations from the previous section, i.e., we obtain an approximation at
scale J by
Γ 2R
HJ (Rξ) = Hmean − |w| (η · ε3 ) L∗η GJN (Δ∗ ; ξ, η) · v(Rη)dω(η),
G Γρ (ζ)
ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ), (112)
60 3
50 2.5
o o
30 N 30 N
o o
15 N 15 N 1.5
0o 20 0o
o o
15 S 15 S
MDT, Scale J=6 MDT, Difference Scale J=8 and Scale J=6
o o o o o o
180 W 150 W 120 W 180 W 150 W 120 W
45 N o 4
60 45 N
o o
30 N 30 N
o o
15 N 35 15 N
0o 0
15o S 15o S −6
MDT, Scale J=8 MDT, Difference Scale J=10 and Scale J=8
180o W 150o W 120o W 180 W
o o
150 W
120 W
o o
45 N 45 N
50 1
o o
30 N 30 N
o o
15 N 15 N −1
o o
0 0
o 10 o −4
15 S 15 S
MDT, Scale J=10 MDT, Difference Scale J=15 and Scale J=10
o o o o o o
180 W 150 W 120 W 180 W 150 W 120 W
o o
45 N 45 N
o o
30 N 30 N
15o N o
15 N
o −1
0 20 0o
10 −2
15o S o
15 S
MDT, Scale J=15
o o o
180 W 150 W 120 W
45 N
30 N
15o N
Figure 9. MDT reconstructions HJ at
scales J = 6, 8, 10, 15 (left) and the dif-
o 20
ferences H8 −H6 , H10 −H8 , H15 −H10 be-
tween the reconstructions at these scales
15o S (right).
848 C. Gerhards
60 0.3
o 50 o
30 N 30 N
0o 20 0o −0.3
Figure 10. The true MDT H (left) and the reconstruction error H −
H15 (right).
Figure 11. The ‘true’ potential Ψ (left) and the corresponding hor-
izontal flow velocity v (right; colors indicate the absolute values and
arrows the orientation).
manifolds) can be found, e.g., in [6, 7, 31, 33], and details on point vortex motion
on subdomains of the sphere with impenetrable boundaries, e.g., in [24, 32].
In this section, we focus on the model problem (115), (116). Opposed to
[20, 34], where boundary integral methods have been used, we want to solve it
by the method of fundamental solutions based on the results of Section 4. More
precisely, we choose Γ to be a spherical cap in the Northern hemisphere: Γ =
Γρ (ζ) with center ζ = (0, 0, 1)T and radius ρ = 0.9. For simplicity, we set R =
1. The centers ηi ∈ Γρ (ζ), i = 1, . . . , N , and the corresponding strengths ω̄i of
the point vortices are chosen randomly. The point ξ¯ ∈ (Γρ (ζ))c from (116) is
set to ξ¯ = (0, 0, −1)T . Furthermore, we assume the boundary data (116) to be
given in equidistantly distributed points ξi ∈ ∂Γρ (ζ), i = 1, . . . , M . Eventually, we
interpolate the data by the functions Gk , k = 0, . . . , M − 1, from Theorem 4.1
and Remark 4.2, i.e.,
(mod) 1 1
Gk (ξ) = ln(1 − ξ · ξ̄k ) − ln(1 − ξ · ξ̄), k = 1, . . . , M − 1, (117)
4π 4π
where the center points ξ¯k , k = 1, . . . , M − 1, are chosen to be equidistantly
distributed on ∂Γρ̄ (ζ), for a radius ρ̄ > ρ. The resulting approximation ΨM,N,ρ̄ of
Ψ in Γρ (ζ) is given by
ΨM,N,ρ̄(ξ) = ω̄i G(Δ∗ ; ξ · ηi ) − ln(1 − ξ · ξ̄) − Ψ̃M,N,ρ̄ (ξ), ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ),
Ψ̃M,N,ρ̄(ξ) = ak Gk (ξ), ξ ∈ Γρ (ζ), (119)
where the coefficients ak , k = 0, . . . , M − 1, are obtained from the approximate
solution of (115), (116) via interpolation of the boundary data. The resulting
ΨM,N,ρ̄ and the corresponding reconstruction errors are plotted in Figure 12 for
850 C. Gerhards
[1] O. Amm. Elementary currents for ionospheric fields. J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 49:947–
955, 1997.
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Reconstruted Potential, M=1000, rho=0.900005 Reconstruction Error for Potential, M=1000, rho=0.900005
180oo W
180 E 5 180oo W
180 E
150o W 150o E 150o W 150o E
o 4 o
30 N 30 N 0.01
120 W
o o
120 E 3 120 W
o o
120 E
60 N
60 N 0
W 90o N 90o E 90o W 90o N 90o E −0.01
o o o o
W 60 E 60 W 60 E
Reconstruted Potential, M=1000, rho=0.905 Reconstruction Error for Potential, M=1000, rho=0.905
180oo W
180 E 5 180oo W
180 E
o o
150 W 150 E 150o W 150o E
o 4 o
30 N 30 N 0.01
90o W 90o N 90o E 90o W 90o N 90o E −0.01
o o o o
60 W 60 E 60 W 60 E
Reconstruted Potential, M=1000, rho=0.968 Reconstruction Error for Potential, M=1000, rho=0.968
180oo W
180 E 5 180oo W
180 E
o o 0.08
150 W 150 E 150o W 150o E
o 4 o
30 N 30 N
120o W o 3
120 E 120o W 120o E 0.06
o o
60 N 60 N
2 0.05
90o W 90o N 90o E 90o W 90o N 90o E
o o o o 0.01
60 W 60 E 60 W 60 E
Reconstruted Potential, M=30000, rho=0.900005 Reconstruction Error for Potential, M=30000, rho=0.900005 x 10
180oo W
180 E 5 180 W
180 E
o o
150 W 150 E 150o W 150o E
30 N 4 30o N 0.5
120o W 120o E 3
120o W 120o E
o 0
60 N 60o N
−1 −1
o o o o
60 W 60 E 60 W 60 E
30o W 30o E −3 o
30 W
30 E
0o 0
−4 −2
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Christian Gerhards
Computational Science Center
University of Vienna
A-1090 Vienna, Autria
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 855–882
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
1. Introduction
In various applications, especially in geoscience, one is provided with several data
sets of observations of the same quantity of interest. These data sets may contain
observations based on different physical principles (e.g., satellite-to-satellite track-
ing (SST) data as in the case of the GRACE satellite mission [29] and satellite
gravity gradiometry (SGG) data as in the case of the GOCE satellite mission [27])
or observations of the same quantity at different locations (e.g., global magnetic
field satellite measurements as by the CHAMP and Swarm missions [11, 23] and
local magnetic field measurements at or near the Earth’s surface). Depending on
the kind of data, either the physical measurement principles have to be taken
into account for the combination or properties originating from the location of the
observations or possibly both.
The ill-posed problem of downward continuation of potential field data is
an ever-present topic with gravitational and magnetic satellite data. It has been
studied intensively, e.g., in [4, 18, 20, 21, 44, 46, 53, 56, 67, 68]. However, those
studies treat downward continuation only for a single set of measurements. With
multiple satellite observation models, such as SST and SGG, each providing ap-
proximations of the same quantity of interest, one is left with the choice of which to
trust. A more advanced question is what to do with a less trustable approximation
856 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
or, in other words, whether an approximation that involves all available observa-
tions may actually serve as an effective way to reduce uncertainties in independent
models. This question was and is discussed quite intensively in the geophysical lit-
erature, where the term ‘joint inversion’ was introduced by the authors of [69] for
methods which provide a solution of various types of observation equations that
are inverted simultaneously. A short overview about the application of joint inver-
sion in geophysics may be found in [30]. To distinguish inversion methods based
on different data combinations, researchers have introduced different names, e.g.,
aggregation [51], which was also used in the context of statistical regression analy-
sis [37, 38]. Regardless of their names, what the above-mentioned approaches have
in common is that they induce stability by simultaneously utilizing different types
of indirect observations of the same phenomenon, which essentially limits the size
of the class of possible solutions [2].
When additional data at or near the Earth’s surface comes into play, not
only ill-posed downward continuation influences the quality of the models but
also the restricted local availability of data. A vast amount of research has been
addressed to localization on the sphere. This involves, e.g., the development of
spherical splines (e.g., [17, 61]), spherical cap harmonics (e.g., [31, 65]), Slepian
functions (e.g., [58, 59, 62, 63]), as well as spherical multiscale methods (e.g.,
[7, 10, 14, 19, 22, 24, 34, 35, 39, 50, 52, 60]). However, methods that simultaneously
address ill-posedness and localization are rather rare (e.g., [25, 59]). So, the task
remains to find adequate ways of combining these different types of data and to
appropriately choose the involved parameters.
We split this chapter into three sections that we have labeled according to
what we believe their area of application might be rather than what mathematical
methods have been used. Each of these brief sections is written in a way that
should make it understandable without reading the other two.
Section 2 focuses on the combination of different models obtained from dif-
ferent ill-posed problems (e.g., the computation of the gravity potential at the
Earth’s surface from SST or SGG satellite measurements). It does not aim at
obtaining the model directly from the supplied data but rather at aggregating dif-
ferent models into a more stable, trustworthy one. Joint inversion naturally leads
to multi-parameter regularization (see, e.g., [40] for the regularization of geopoten-
tial determination from different types of satellite observations). At this point it is
important to note that one should distinguish between multi-parameter schemes,
where the regularization parameters penalize the norms of the approximant in dif-
ferent spaces and schemes where the parameters weigh the data misfits in different
observation spaces. In the former schemes an observation space is fixed, and by
changing the regularization parameters we try to find a suitable norm for the so-
lution space, while in the latter schemes the situation is opposite: by changing the
parameters we try to construct a common observation space as a weighted direct
sum of given spaces. The choice of the regularization parameters for the former
schemes has been extensively discussed in the literature. A few selected references
are [8, 9, 13, 36, 45]. As to the latter schemes (schemes with a fixed solution space),
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 857
to the best of our knowledge, we can indicate only the paper [40], where a heuristic
parameter choice rule is discussed, and the papers [15, 41], where the parameter
choice is considered as a learning problem under the assumption that for similar
inverse problems a suitable parameter choice has been known. It is clear that such
approaches can be used only for particular classes of problems. In this section, we
give a fairly general method that can be regarded as a parameter choice based on
linear aggregation.
Section 3 provides a method on how to improve a global potential field model
based on satellite data with additional discrete local data at the Earth’s surface.
The choice of the involved parameters is based on a method similar to that of
Section 2.
Section 4 has a similar setup as Section 3. But while in Section 3 the goal is
to obtain a global model that is refined by local data, the goal in Section 4 is to
obtain a local model at the Earth’s surface that is refined by global satellite data
(and which eventually reveals a better reconstruction of the coarse features than
a model purely based on local data). The presented method for the combination
of the two data sets is based on the construction of convolution kernels that pay
tribute to localization at the Earth’s surface as well as to the ill-posedness of down-
ward continuation (cf. [25]). Concerning the choice of the involved regularization
parameters, the linear aggregation from Section 2 could generally be applied but
the obtained error estimates do not hold true anymore when using the well-posed
local ground data as a reference. The parameter choice method that we provide
here is tailored for problems where direct measurements of the modeled quantity
are available (cf. [26]).
with kernels
1 ∂ ρ21 − r2
K1 (ξ, η) = − , ξ ∈ Ωρ1 , η ∈ Ωr ,
4πr ∂ρ1 (ρ21 + r2 − 2ξ · η)3/2
for satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG). This setting will be used in the numerical
examples in Section 2.2 later on.
The joint inversion of the multiple observation models (1), (2) can be formu-
lated as the minimization problem
min λi
Ai x − yiεi
2Yi +
2X . (4)
λi = λ1 , i = 1, . . . , m. (7)
Note that this relation reduces the multi-parameter regularization (4) to a single-
parameter regularization since only λ1 needs to be chosen. The heuristic rule (7)
can be motivated from a bound for the noise propagation error. Specifically, we
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 859
have that
x0λ − xελ
X =
(I + A∗λ Aλ )−1 A∗λ (y − y ε )
(I + A∗λ Aλ )−1 A∗λ
Yλ →X
y − y ε
Aλ x† − y ε
Yλ ,
where y 0 := (yi0 )i=1,...,m = (Ai x† )i=1,...,m ∈ Yλ denotes noise-free input data. It
follows from Assumption (2) that
m 12
0 ε 1 2
xλ − xλ
X λi εi . (8)
2 i=1
The heuristics behind the rule (7) is now clear: The choice (7) equates all the
terms on the right-hand side of (8) and balances the data misfits against each
other. The final balance may be achieved by making a choice of the remaining
parameter λ = λ1 . The latter can be chosen by known single-parameter choice
rules such as the quasi-optimality criterion [66] (let us label this strategy by M1
for later reference). Within this strategy, we choose the value λ from
ΛqN = {λ̃k = λ̄q k : k = 0, 1, . . . , N },
for some fixed q > 1 and λ̄ > 0 such that
xλ − xελq−1 = min xελ̃k − xελ̃k−1 : λ̃k , λ̃k−1 ∈ ΛN .
A multi-parameter version of the quasi-optimality (QO) criterion can be used
as an alternative to the single-parameter reduction (7). We denote this strategy
by M2 for later reference. For the sake of clarity we describe it here only for the
case of two parameters: for each fixed regularization parameter, say λ1 ∈ ΛqN , we
chose the value λ2 = λ2 (λ1 ) ∈ ΛqN according to the one-parameter QO criterion
(9) with respect to λ = λ2 . Then we repeat the strategy (9) for the set of pairs
(λ1 , λ2 (λ1 )) with respect to λ = λ1 .
2.1. The linear aggregation method
If a priori information like noise level of the measurements is given, then many
studies are available on the choice of the regularization parameters. If this is not
the case, one has to fall back on heuristic rules, e.g., quasi-optimality as mentioned
above. In this section, we propose to ‘aggregate’ various approximations of x† based
on such heuristic rules in order to obtain an improved approximation. More details
on the study of this scheme can be found in [12].
Let us assume for now that, from somewhere, we have obtained M different
approximations xεj , j = 1, . . . , M . The goal is to find an optimal linear combination
xεag,β opt = βjopt xεj , (10)
860 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
It remains to study the influence of the approximation κ̃, i.e., how well does
xεag,β ∗ perform in comparison to the optimal aggregation xεag,β opt (based on the
exact κ)? To answer this, we regard the linear functional strategy as introduced
in [1, 3, 42]. The essence of this strategy is that one is not interested in completely
knowing x† but only in knowing some quantity derived from it, such as the value
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 861
of a bounded linear functional x̄, ·X applied to the solution x† . This quantity
can be estimated more accurately than x† itself. In order to allow a theoretically
rigorous study, we will choose a particular κ̃:
First, we pick the most trustworthy observation equation among those m ones
available from (1), (2). The choice might, e.g., be the problem with the operator
Aj that is least ill posed or the one with the data yj j ∈ Yj that has the lowest
noise level εj . We abbreviate the chosen observation equation by
y ε = Ax + e, (14)
Ax − y
Y ε.
Furthermore, xεα denotes the Tikhonov–Phillips regularized solution to this prob-
lem, i.e.,
xεα = xεα (y ε ) = (αI + A∗ A)−1 A∗ y ε , (16)
for some parameter α > 0. From [32, 48, 49], we know that if ϕ : [0,
2X →Y ]
[0, ∞) is an index function (i.e., ϕ is continuous, strictly increasing, and satisfies
ϕ(0) = 0), if ϕ(t) is non-decreasing, and if Aϕ,R denotes the source condition set
Aϕ,R = {x̄ ∈ X : x̄ = ϕ(A∗ A)v,
X R} , R > 0 fixed, (17)
then the convergence rate
sup sup
x† − xεα (y ε )
X = O(ϕ(θ−1 (ε))), (18)
x† ∈Aϕ,R y ∈Y;
Ax† −y ε Y ε
holds true for the choice α = θ−1 (ε), with θ(t) = ϕ(t) t. Note that O(ϕ(θ−1 (ε)))
is the best guaranteed order of accuracy for the reconstruction of x† ∈ Aϕ,R from
the observation (14) and (15). Now, for each of the M available approximations
xεj , j = 1, . . . , M , we can approximate the component κj of the vector κ by
κ̃j = xεj , xεαj X , (19)
where αj = α = θ−1 (ε). The approximation κ̃ of κ is then defined via κ̃ =
(κ̃j )j=1,...,M . In [12] it has been shown that under the conditions above we have
ε †
xj , x X − xεj , xεαj X = o(ϕ(θ−1 (ε))) (20)
The balancing principle is well known in the literature (see, for example, [28,
43] Section 1.1.5, and [47]). Following the general theory, we formulate a version
of the balancing principle suitable for our context: We define a parameter set
ΛN = {ε2 = α̃1 < α̃2 < · · · < α̃N = 1}
and choose αj , j = 1, . . . , M , according to the balancing principle
αj = max α̃k ∈ ΛN : xεj , xα̃k X − xεj , xα̃l X
- -
4ε -(α̃l I + AA∗ )−1 Axεj -Y , l = 1, . . . , k − 1 . (21)
Obviously, the choice of αj as above does not require the knowledge of the
index function ϕ. These considerations culminate in the following theorem. A
detailed derivation can found in [12].
Theorem 2.3. Suppose that xεag,β opt is the optimal aggregator in the sense of (10)–
(12) and xεag,β ∗ is its approximation according to Method 2.2. The approximation κ̃
required in Method 2.2 shall be constructed from (16), (19), (21), using only y ε , A
from (14), (15), and xεj , j = 1, . . . , M . If x† ∈ Aϕ,R , where ϕ is an index function
such that the function ϕ(t) is increasing and takes zero value at the origin, then
simulated as
(i) (i)
i (k, l) = a x
k H(k, l) + e , k ∈ N0 , l = 1, . . . , 2k + 1, i = 1, 2,
where ek,l is Gaussian white noise which roughly correspond to (2) with noise
ratio εε12 = 3. All random simulations are performed 500 times such that we
data for 1000 problems of the form (1), (3). Moreover, we take r = 6371km for
the radius of the Earth, and ρ1 = 6621km, ρ2 = 6771km. All spherical Fourier
coefficients are simulated up to the degree N = 300, which is in agreement with
the dimension of the existing models, such as Earth Gravity Model 96 (EGM96).
Thus, the set of simulated problems consists of 500 pairs of the SGG- and SST-
864 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
type problems (1), (3). In our experiments, each pair is inverted jointly by means
of Tikhonov–Phillips regularization (4), (5) performed in a direct weighted sum
of the observation spaces Yi = L2 (Ωρi ), i = 1, 2, and we use three methods for
choosing the regularization parameters (weights) λ1 , λ2 :
In the first method (i.e., M1), we relate them according to (7). Recall that
the data are simulated such that εε12 = 3. Therefore, we have λ2 = 9λ1 . Then
the parameter λ1 is chosen according to the standard quasi-optimality criterion
from the geometric sequence Λ30 = {10 8 : j = 0, . . . , 30}. As a result, for each
of 500 pairs of the simulated problems we apply M1 and obtain a regularized
approximation to the solution x† that will play the role of the approximant xε1 .
In the second method (i.e., M2), the parameters λ1 , λ2 are selected from Λ30
according to the multi-parameter version of the quasi-optimality criterion. In this
way, for each of 500 pairs of the simulated problems we apply M2 and obtain the
second approximant xε2 .
The third method (i.e., M3) consists in aggregating the approximants xε1 , xε2
according to the methodology described at the end of the previous subsection. In
our experiments the role of the most trustable observation equation (14) is played
by the equations of the SGG-type (23), i = 2, and we label the aggregation based
on them as M3(2). We choose these equations because the data for them are sim-
ulated with smaller noise intensity. Then the required regularization parameters
α1 , α2 are selected according to the quasi-optimality criterion (22) from the geo-
metric sequence Λ30 in such a way that α11 , α12 ∈ Λ30 . Note that in general, no
specific relation is required between the sets of possible values of the regularization
parameters λj and αj . In this test, we use the same set Λ30 for the sake of simplicity.
We have to admit that the decision, which model to select as the most
trustable one, may contribute to the performance of the aggregation method M3.
In our discussion, the ‘most trustable model’ might be either the least ill-posed
observation equation or the equation with the smallest noise level. If one has a
model with both of these features, then one can choose it. However, it may hap-
pen that the above features are not attributed to the same observation equation.
For example, in our numerical illustrations for (3), (23), (24), the SST-type equa-
tion (3), (23), i = 1, is contaminated by more intensive noise, but it is less ill-posed
than the SGG-type equation (3), (23), i = 2, which has been chosen by us as the
most trustable model. This can be seen from (24) if one compares the rates of
(1) (2)
the decrease of the singular values ak and ak as k → ∞: for the considered
values r = 6371 km, ρ1 = 6621 km, ρ2 = 6771 km both ak , i = 1, 2, decrease
(1) (2)
exponentially fast, but ak decreases slower than ak .
To illustrate what happens when an alternative model is chosen as the most
trustable one, we implement the aggregation method M3 on the base of the SST-
type equation (23), i = 1, and label it as M3(1). All other implementation details
are exactly as described for M3(2).
The performance of all four methods is compared in terms of the relative
x† − xεj
X /
X , j = 1, 2, and
x† − xεag,β ∗
X /
X . The results are
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 865
displayed in Figure 2.1, where the projection of each circle onto the horizontal
axis exhibits a value of the corresponding relative error of one of the methods M1,
M2, M3(1), and M3(2), in the joint inversion of one of 500 pairs of the simulated
problems. From this figure we can conclude that the aggregation by the linear
functional strategy can essentially improve the accuracy of the joint inversion
compared to M1 and M2. This conclusion is in agreement with our Theorem 2.3.
At the same time, Figure 2.1 also presents an evidence of the reliability of the
proposed approach. Indeed, in the considered case, even with the use of an alterna-
tive (i.e., suboptimal) trusted reference model, the aggregation, this time M3(1),
performs at least at the level of the best among the approximants M1 and M2.
x̄, ȳw = wi x̄i ȳi , x̄, ȳ ∈ RL2 , (28)
Method 3.2. Let x satisfy (25)–(27) and let the conditions of Setting 3.1 be satis-
fied. Then, the approximation xεN,λ
1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
of x is defined as the minimizer of
2 2 2
min λ1
Ax̄ − y1ε1
L2 (Ωρ ) + λ2
Dx̄ − Dy2ε2
w +
HK , (31)
Note that, when only global data are used, i.e., λ2 = 0, then (31) is reduced
to the Regularized Collocation (RC) method [53]. On the other hand, if λ1 = 0
(this means that we use only local data in Γr ) then (31) defines the solution after
denoising and is, in some sense, extrapolation. The solution of the minimization
problem (31) is given by the following theorem:
Theorem 3.3. Let Setting 3.1 hold true. Then the minimizer xεN,λ
1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
of (31) on
Ωr has the form
N 2k+1
1 ·
1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
= Hελ11,ε
x 2
,λ2 (k, l) Yk,l ,
r r
k=0 l=1
868 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
F · G
x 2
,λ2 (k, l) = xεN,λ
1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
, Yk,l
r r L2 (Ωr )
λ1 ak yI
ε1 I ε2
1 (k, l) + λ2 dN (k)y2 (k, l)
= 2n+1
λ1 a2k + λ2 dN (k) n=0 m=1 ck,l,n,m + 1
Iε1 ε1 1 ·
y1 (k, l) = y1 , Yk,j ,
ρ ρ L2 (Ωρ )
1 η
ε2 i ε2
2 (k, l) = wi Yk,l y2,i ,
r r
F · 1 · G
ck,l,n,m = Yn,m , Yk,j . (32)
r r r r L2 (Γr )
as our true solution to (25)–(27). The Fourier coefficients of x are given by x H(k, l) =
(k + 12 )− 2 gk,l , where the gk,l are uniformly distributed random values from [−1, 1].
This means that x mimics the Sobolev smoothness s = 32 of the Earth’s gravita-
tional potential. The radius ρ is chosen such that ρr = 1.48 (if r = 6371km is the
mean Earth radius, then ρ = 9429km).
The function y1 on Ωρ is given as the restriction of x to Ωρ . Its noisy counter-
part y1ε1 is generated by adding Gaussian white noise of intensity ε1 = 0.05 at the
knots {ξi }i=1,...,L1 of a Gauss–Legendre cubature grid on the sphere Ωρ . For the
subregion Γr we choose the spherical cap Γr = Γr (ξ, ¯ r̄) = {η ∈ Ωr : 1 − ξ̄ · η < r̄}
r r
with spherical radius r̄ ∈ (0, 2) and the North Pole ξ¯ = (0, 0, r) as center. The
function y2 denotes the restriction of x to Γr . The noisy discrete values y2ε2 ∈ RL2
are simulated by adding a Gaussian white noise of intensity ε2 = 0.1 to the values
of y2 at the knots {ηi }i=1,...,L2 of a Gauss–Legendre cubature grid on the cap Γr .
For Gauss–Legendre grids, positive cubature weights are known that satisfy the
polynomial exactness condition required in (29).
We apply Method 3.2 to obtain approximations xεN,λ 1 ,ε1
1 ,λ2
of x in the setting
above. N = 30 is fixed and λ1 , λ2 are chosen from the set Λ200 = {106 × 0.95j :
j = 0, . . . , 200}. To assess the performance of the considered schemes, we measure
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 869
where xHελ11,ε2
,λ2 (k, l) are given by (32). We test method for different radii r̄ of the
spherical cap Γr = Γr (ξ, ¯ r̄). Spherical radius r̄ = 2 means that we regard the entire
sphere Γr = Ωr .
best choice of O1 and O2
O2 =0 and best choice of O1
0 r̄
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 3.2. Optimal relative errors errrel for the method (32) with
RC (λ2 = 0), denoising + extrapolation (λ1 = 0), and no additional
conditions on λ1 , λ2 .
The results are displayed in Figure 3.2, where the vertical axis represents the
global relative errors errrel . The relative errors are plotted for each of the three
methods: regularized collocation (RC) method corresponding to the case when
λ2 = 0, denoising + extrapolation (the case when λ1 = 0), and the two-parameter
scheme (32). For all methods, the ‘optimal’ regularization parameters are chosen,
i.e., the choice of the parameter is performed such that errrel is minimal (with
respect to the possible constraints λ1 = 0 or λ2 = 0).
Of course, the relative errors displayed in Figure 3.2 require the knowledge
of the ‘true’ solution x, which cannot be obtained in practice. However, Figure
3.2 shows that even for rather small subregions Γr (i.e., small spherical radii r̄)
of the sphere, where the additional noisy data y2ε2 are available, the use of these
additional data allows to improve the reconstruction compared to the standard
Tikhonov method (which only uses information y1ε1 at satellite altitude).
Next, we consider the more realistic case when the regularization parameters
are chosen by an a posteriori procedure, which does not require the knowledge of
the ‘true’ x. We can choose the regularization parameters by the analogue of the
well-known quasi-optimality criterion for the two-parameter case (see strategy M2
in Section 2.1).
870 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
However, our tests show that within this strategy we may only reach the
accuracy corresponding to local data denoising + extrapolation (λ1 = 0). In this
situation the use of the quasi-optimality criterion makes sense only for a large
amount of regional data (almost full coverage of the sphere Ωr ).
Potentially, one may perform global data smoothing with direct inversion.
This strategy has been presented in [57] for pointwise computations. However, it
does not use local data and its accuracy cannot be improved regardless the amount
of local information.
In this context, the idea is to use M procedures and aggregate them by a linear
! ε as presented in" Section 2 as Method 2.2, where X = L (Ωr )
functional strategy
and x̃ = xj̃ ∈ xj , j = 1, 2, . . . , M is a trustworthy approximant that we use to
define κ̃ in (13).
We now apply this version of Method 2.2 to our previous test example. In
particular, we will aggregate M = 2 solutions xε1 , xε2 : the first one is given by the
two-parameter quasi-optimality (QO) criterion (strategy M2 in Section 2) applied
to the already obtained approximations xεN,λ 1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
of x, the second one is the solu-
tion after global data smoothing with direct inversion. This choice leads to a linear
system of two equations with two unknowns β1 and β2 . For the approximation κ̃
of the right-hand side of (13) we use the second involved approximation (smooth-
ing+inversion). In Figure 3.3, we compare the relative error of the aggregated
best choice of O1 and O2
0 r̄
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 3.3. Relative errors errrel for RC (λ2 = 0) with the best choice
of regularization parameters (based on the knowledge of x), for global
data smoothing + direct inversion, for QO, and for the aggregation of
the latter two.
∗ ∗
approximation xεag,β ∗ with the approximation xεN,λ
1 ,ε2
∗ ∗ (where λ1 , λ2 are chosen
1 ,λ2
ε1 ,ε2
according to QO) and with the actual best choice of xN,λopt ,λopt (based on the
1 2
knowledge of the ‘true’ x). One can conclude that in most situations the aggrega-
tion of the two considered regularization methods provides a better approximation
than each of the involved strategies separately. QO is only better than the aggre-
gated result if Γr is close to the entire sphere Ωr (i.e., if the spherical radius r̄
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 871
i.e., they converge towards the singular values of downward continuation. On the
other hand, regarding only the problem (25), (27), with y2 given on all of Ωr , x can
be approximated on Ωr by
xN = T̃N [y2 ] = K̃N (·, η)y2 (η)dS(η), (37)
TN and the corresponding kernel KN are given as in (34), (35). The operator T̃N
and the kernel K̃N are slightly modified in the sense
T̃N [y2 ] = K̃N (·, η)y2 (η)dS(η),
κN 2k+1
r 1 ξ 1 η
K̃N (ξ, η) = d˜N (k) − dN (k) Yk,l Yk,l ,
ρ r r r r
k=0 l=1
ξ ∈ Ω r , η ∈ Ωr ,
for some fixed κ > 1. The symbols dN (k), d˜N (k) of KN and K̃N , respectively, are
chosen to minimize the functional
N k 2
2 r
F (dN , dN ) = λ1 ˜
1 − dN (k) + λ1 1 − dN (n)
k=0 k=0
- -
+ λ2 dN (k)2 + -K̃N -2 2 . (41)
L ([−1,1−)
Joint Inversion of Multiple Observations 873
The parameters λ1 , λ2 > 0 are not known a priori. The radius > 0 is fixed in
advance and chosen to reflect the ’spherical radius’ of the set Γr , and
- -
-K̃N -2 2 = |K̃N (t)|2 dt,
L ([−1,1−])
where it has to be noted that the kernel K̃N (ξ, η) actually only depends on the
scalar product t = ξr · ηr , i.e.,
2k + 1 r
K̃N (ξ, η) = K̃N (t) = d˜N (k) − dN (k) Pk (t),
4πr2 ρ
where Pk is the Legendre polynomial of degree k.
Remark 4.2. The functional F in (41) reflects the properties that we would like
to imply on the kernels KN and K̃N . The first term on the right-hand side of
(41) represents the overall approximation error (under the assumption that undis-
turbed global data is available on Ωρ as well as on Ωr ), the second term reflects
the approximation error under the assumption that only undisturbed data on Ωρ
is available. The third and fourth term act as penalty terms. While the third
term is meant to regularize the ill-posed downward continuation, the fourth term
penalizes the kernel K̃N if it is not localized in Γr (more precisely, it penalizes
the contributions of K̃N (·, η) in the exterior spherical cap Ωr \ Γr (η, ), where
Γr (η, ) = {ξ ∈ Ωr : 1 − ξr · ηr < } is a spherical cap with center η ∈ Γr and fixed
radius > 0 such that Γr (η, ) ⊂ Γr ). The parameters λ1 , λ2 allow to weigh the
approximation property against the regularization and the localization penalty.
Eventually, the obtained symbols dN (k) of KN reflect the regularization of
downward continuation while the d˜N (k) offer some control over the localization of
K̃N in Γr . An illustration of the optimized symbols is shown in Figure 4.1. One
can see that large parameters λ2 (relative to λ1 ) typically cause a strong damping
of dN (k) (i.e., satellite data y1 is damped and ground data y2 has more influence)
while small parameters λ2 (again, relative to λ1 ) are in favour of dN (k) (i.e.,
satellite data y1 has more influence). The question whether a stronger influence of
satellite data or a stronger influence of ground data is adequate depends on the
noise levels ε1 , ε2 . However, the noise levels are typically not known, so that other
means of determining λ1 , λ2 become necessary.
The minimizer of (41) can easily be computed by solving the system of linear
Md = λ,
where d = dN (0), dN (1) ρr , . . . , dN (N ) ρr , d˜N (0), . . . , d˜N (*κN +)) ∈ RN +κN +2 ,
λ = (λ1 , . . . , λ1 ) ∈ RN +κN +2 , and
D1 + P1 −P2
M= .
−P3 D2 + P4
874 C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., and P. Tkachenko
Figure 4.1. The symbols dN (k) (left) and d˜N (k) (right) for different
choices of λ1 , λ2 .
In Figure 4.2, it can be seen that the algorithm works particularly well for the
setting ε1 = ε2 and that the oracle error err∗ is nearly identical with the minimum
error erropt . The situation is different when ε2 . ε1 . The minimum error erropt is
smaller than the noise level ε2 . Thus, since our parameter choice strategy is based
on comparing xεN,λ1 ,ε2
1 ,λ2
to y2ε2 , we cannot expect that err∗ is as good as erropt . Yet,
astonishingly enough, it seems that err∗ is still slightly smaller than ε2 for our test
R=7071.2, r=6371.2, epsilon2=0.0010, epsilon1=0.0010, quadrature degree=130 R=7071.2, r=6371.2, epsilon2=0.0010, epsilon1=0.0010, quadrature degree=80
10 0.45
errmax errmax
errav errav
erropt erropt
errk* errk*
Figure 4.3 show that the parameter choice algorithm is fairly stable with
respect to violation of condition (29). For cubature rules with polynomial exact-
ness only of degree 130, we see that err∗ is still nearly identical to erropt. For
exactness of degree 80, however, we see that the parameter choice rules fails. The
good stability of the rule in our example with respect to violation of (29) is due
to the fact that the strongest contributions of the EGM2008 model are at low
spherical harmonic degrees. For tests with synthetic data that has approximately
equal strength at all spherical harmonic degrees, we refer the reader to [26]. In
such situations the parameter choice rule is less stable but ‘small’ violations of
condition (29) still yield good results.
Pavlo Tkachenko gratefully acknowledges the support of the Austrian Science Fund
(FWF): projects P25424, I1669, and of the consortium AMMODIT funded within
EU H2020-MSCA-RICE. Sergiy Pereverzyev Jr. gratefully acknowledges the sup-
port of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): project P29514-N32.
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Christian Gerhards
Computational Science Center
University of Vienna
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Sergiy Pereverzyev Jr.
Department of Mathematics
University of Innsbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Pavlo Tkachenko
Institute for Design and Control
of Mechatronical Systems
Johannes Kepler University
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Geosystems Mathematics, 883–919
c Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Abstract. The gravitational and the magnetic field of the Earth represent
some of the most important observables of the geosystem. The inversion of
these fields reveals hidden structures and dynamics at the surface or in the in-
terior of the Earth (or other celestial bodies). However, the inversions of both
fields suffer from a severe non-uniqueness of the solutions. In this paper, we
present a generalized approach which includes the inversion of gravitational
and magnetic field data. Amongst others, uniqueness constraints are proposed
and compared. This includes the surface density ansatz (also known as the
thin layer assumption). We characterize the null space of the considered class
of inverse problems via an appropriate orthonormal basis system. Further,
we expand the reconstructable part of the solution by means of orthonormal
bases and reproducing kernels. One result is that information on the radial
dependence of the solution is lost in the observables. As an illustration of the
non-uniqueness, we show examples of anomalies which cannot be disclosed
from the inversion of gravitational data. This paper is intended to be a theo-
retical reference work on the inversion of gravitational but also magnetic field
data of the Earth.
1. Introduction
Numerous tasks in mathematical geodesy involve the regularization of ill-posed
inverse problems. The reason is obvious: neither the interior of the Earth nor the
Earth’s surface in its entirety are accessible for exploration. However, the demand
for more accurate and more localized models has dramatically increased for the
last decades. As a consequence, numerous large data sets of various observables
have been generated, also by means of satellite missions. These data sets often
provide us with the possibility to derive models for non-observable, but urgently
needed geodetic fields. Examples are the quantification of mass transports due
to climate change or other phenomena (GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate
Experiment) data are well appropriate for this purpose, see, e.g., [11, 26, 29, 52, 53])
884 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
and the modeling of those layers of the Earth which contribute to the magnetic
field (this can be done with SWARM data, see, e.g., [37, 43, 50]).
This survey article presents a generalized approach which comprises, in par-
ticular, the inversion of gravitational or magnetic field data. In the former case,
the unknown is the mass density distribution of the Earth’s body or its surface. In
the latter case, the unknown is considered to be the electric current distribution
inside. In this sense, this paper is an extension of the survey article [33] on inverse
gravimetry. One benefit of the generalized approach is that it makes it easier to
transfer theoretical knowledge and numerical methods from one problem to the
other within the considered class of problems. For example, it was shown in [23]
and [33] that such a transfer yields novel achievements. Furthermore, our gen-
eralized approach also enables us to set the surface mass density approach (also
known as the thin layer assumption) into the same concept with the inversion for
volumetric density distribution – two approaches which have often been used par-
allelly and independently (see, e.g., [33, 52]). Since this paper addresses primarily
a geodetic audience, we focus on the relevant facts and their interpretation. For
the detailed mathematical theory including the proofs, we recommend to use the
paper [34] as a supplement.
Note that the considered inversion of magnetic field data is motivated by the
inversion of MEG (magnetoencephalography) data, as it occurs in medical imaging
(see also [23] and the references therein). Thus, it does not represent a typical
inverse problem in geomagnetics, where, for instance, material parameters like the
magnetization or the susceptibility are the unknowns and not the current (see, e.g.,
[46]). However, the inversion of the magnetic field for currents in the interior might
be interesting for investigating the outer core. Nevertheless, there is still an obvious
limitation of our generalized approach with respect to the practical applicability
in geomagnetics. On the other hand, reversing the point of view, the generalized
approach shows a perspective how methods from medical imaging (which exist in
a vast variety) could be transferred to geodetic and geophysical inverse problems.
The content and the outline of the paper are as follows: in Section 2, we
summarize some basic fundamentals, like the definition of the function spaces and
the orthogonal polynomials which we need.
In Section 3, we formulate the generalized class of inverse problems which
represents the central theme of this paper. Then, we discuss two particular cases:
the inversion of the gravitational field (this is known as the inverse gravimetric
problem) and the inversion of the Bio–Savart operator of a magnetic field for get-
ting the current distribution inside (we call this the inverse magnetic problem).
With this in mind, every theoretical result that we present here for the generalized
problem is valid for these two particular applications, and the derived formulae can
be directly used for the precise problem by inserting the associated parameters. In
Subsection 3.2, we derive a spectral relation between the given field and the un-
known field. This relation directly shows the problem of the non-uniqueness which
is linked to the insufficiently identifiable radial parametrization of the solution.
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 885
2. Preliminaries
In this work, the set of positive integers is denoted by N, where N0 := N ∪ {0}.
Moreover, R represents the set of real numbers. The Euclidean standard R3 -scalar
product (dot product) is denoted by · and the cross product by√×. The norm
associated to the Euclidean dot product is represented by |x|!:= x · x, x ∈ R ".
Furthermore, the sphere with radius R is denoted by ΩR := x ∈ R |x| = R 3
! "
and the corresponding (closed) ball is denoted by B := x ∈ R3 |x| ≤ R . For
R = 1, we often use the abbreviation Ω := Ω1 . By S := Ωβ , with β > R, we
denote a particular sphere in the exterior of B. This could, for example, represent
a satellite altitude or the location of airborne data.
A function F : G → R possessing k continuous derivatives on the open set
G ⊂ Rn is of class C(k) (G), for 0 ≤ k ≤ ∞. Furthermore, for a measurable
set G ⊂ Rn , L2 (G) stands for the space of all square-integrable functions (more
precisely, some equivalence classes of such functions). L2 (G) is a Hilbert space with
the inner product
F, GL2 (G) := F (x)G(x) dμ(x), F, G ∈ L2 (G),
1. each Pm is a polynomial of degree m,
2. for all m, n ∈ N0 with m = n,
2 3 1
(α,β) (α,β) (α,β)
Pm , Pn := (1 − x)α (1 + x)β Pm (x)Pn(α,β) (x) dx = 0, (1)
α,β −1
(α,β) m+α
3. and for each m ∈ N0 , we set Pm (1) = m .
For α = β = 0, the Jacobi polynomials coincide with the Legendre polynomials.
For further properties and the L2 [0, R]-norm of Legendre, or (more generally)
Jacobi polynomials, see [24, 36, 49].
which is defined for all (x, y) ∈ dom(k), where the domain of the kernel k is given
dom(k) := {(x, y) ∈ B × S | x = 0 if there exists i ∈ N0 with li < 0} .
In this setting, the right-hand side V in Equation (2) is given and the function D
is unknown. It is the aim to reconstruct D in B from knowledge of V on S. In order
to have a well-defined integral kernel, which means that the series representation
in (3) converges, k has to fulfil certain assumptions:
Assumption 3.1. teset
1. The sequence (ci )i∈N0 is a real and bounded sequence (i.e., there exists c ∈ R+
such that supi∈N0 |ci | ≤ c).
2. The sequence of real exponents (li )i∈N0 satisfies inf i∈N0 li ≥ −1.
3. The sequence (li )i∈N0 fulfils the condition supi∈N0 Rli −i < ∞.
Note, that the third condition implies
1 1
Ri−li = ≥ > 0.
Rli −i supi∈N Rli −i
This kind of integral equation arises in many areas, for example, in geosciences
and medical imaging. Two examples for this inverse problem are given below.
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 887
For both, Example 3.2 (inverse gravimetric problem) and Example 3.3 (inverse
magnetic problem), the conditions of Assumption 3.1 are fulfilled. In the first
particular case, that is, li = i and ci = γ for all i ∈ N0 , the integral kernel is well
known. In this case, we directly obtain k(x, y) = |x−y| γ
for |x| < |y|, due to the
∞ i
|x| x y 1
i+1 iP · = for |x| < |y|. (4)
i=0 |y|
|x| |y| |x − y|
Example 3.2 (The Inverse Gravimetric Problem). For the inverse gravimetric
problem, the kernel and the integral operator are given by
T G : D → D(x)k G (x, ·) dx,
∞ i
G γ |x| x y
k (x, y) := =γ P
i+1 i
· ,
|x − y| i=0 |y|
|x| |y|
Example 3.3 (The Inverse Magnetic Problem). To compute the magnetic field
B caused by electric sources inside a body, the quasi-static approximation of
Maxwell’s equation is often used, see [39].
E = −∇U on B, ∇·B = 0 on B,
∇×B =0 on S, ∇ × B = μ0 J on B,
where n is the normal vector on the surface Ωj . With the identity in (4) and
after further calculations, see [23], one gets a relation for the magnetic potential
(B = ∇V )
∞ i
1 |x| x y
V (y) = ∇x · (J P (x)×x) Pi · dx.
4π B i=0 |y|
(i + 1) |x| |y|
More precisely, the vectorial current J P inside B can be decomposed via two scalar-
valued (up to an additional constant unique) functions F and G and a scalar-valued
unique function J r (see, e.g., [23]) as follows:
1 ∗ 1
J P (rξ) = ∇ G(rξ) − L∗ξ F (rξ) + J r (rξ)ξ.
r ξ r
Here, B \{0} x = rξ with ξ ∈ Ω and r = |x|, ∇∗ξ is the surface gradient, and
L∗ξ := ξ × ∇∗ξ is the surface curl operator on the unit sphere. Due to [45] and the
above decomposition, the relation between the current and the magnetic potential
V in a spherical model can be described by
∞ i−1
1 |x| x y
V (y) = Δ∗|x|
x F (x) Pi · dx,
4π B i=0 |y|
(i + 1) |x| |y|
where Δ∗x denotes the Beltrami operator.
Hence, only the function F and, therefore, only one tangential component of
the current can be reconstructed. We use now the abbreviation D(x) := Δ∗x F (x)
such that for the inverse magnetic problem (as we call the problem here), the
kernel and the integral operator are given by
T M : D → D(x)k M (x, ·) dx, (6)
1 |x|i−1 x y
k M (x, y) := Pi · , (7)
4π i=0 |y|i+1 (i + 1) |x| |y|
where x ∈ B \{0}, y ∈ S.
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 889
This particular modeling of the inversion of magnetic data has been used for
data from MEG, as we indicated above. For two reasons, we consider a discussion to
be useful: The magnetic field of a ball-shaped domain with a current in the interior
is also relevant in geodesy, and there is a close link to the inverse gravimetric
problem as our generalized approach suggests.
We can find further properties of the integral kernel in (3). An estimate shows
that the kernel function k(·, y), for each fixed y ∈ S, is a function in L2 (B). Indeed
(with x = rξ, r ∈ [0, R], ξ ∈ Ω) we get, using Assumption 3.1 and the fact that
|Pi (t)| ≤ 1 for all i ∈ N0 and all t ∈ [−1, 1], the estimate
∞ 2
2 |x|li x y
(k(x, y)) dx = ci i+1 Pi · dx
B B i=0 |y| |x| |y|
∞ l
2 R ∞
2 |x| i 2 2 r li
≤c i+1
dx = 4πc r i+1
B i=0 |y| 0 i=0 |y|
R ∞
2 2 ∞
2 rli +1 2 ln −n Ri+1
= 4πc i+1 dr ≤ 4πRc sup R i+1 < ∞.
0 i=0 |y| n∈N0 i=0 |y|
The last series is convergent and, hence, finite, since it is a geometric series. With
similar calculations one can prove that the interchanging between the series and
the integration over B was allowed.
Besides the well-definition of the integral kernel, we need the existence of
the integral in (2) to obtain a well-defined problem. We will later see that this
is achieved if some technical conditions are fulfilled. On the other hand, for the
well-posedness of the problem (in the sense of Hadamard), three questions are
• Does, for every right-hand side V in (2), a solution D exist?
• Is there not more than one solution D for a given V ?
• Is the problem stable, that is, does D depend continuously on the data V ?
The question about the non-uniqueness of the solution for the above men-
tioned problems has been discussed comprehensively in literature. One of the first
works is the paper due to Stokes [47] for the inverse gravimetric problem. Further
publications are, for example, [4, 6, 8, 48]. For a survey article on this topic, see
[33]. For the inverse magnetic problem (with a focus on medical imaging), see
[13–15, 19–22, 45].
In the following sections, we want to derive a possibility to characterize the
null space, or in other words we want to describe the part of the solution which is
non-reconstructable. We also want to formulate additional conditions to guarantee
the uniqueness of the solution. For this, we need more knowledge of the forward
890 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
∞ 2n+1
D(x) = Dn,j (|x|)Yn,j . (8)
n=0 j=1
Here, Yn,j denotes the spherical harmonics of degree n and order j, which are
an orthonormal basis for L2 (Ω). Furthermore, Dn,j (r), r ∈ [0, R], represents the
spherical harmonics coefficients for the case that D is restricted to the sphere
around the origin with radius r.
By virtue of the weak convergence in Hilbert spaces, we know that
∞ 2n+1
D(x)F (x) dx = Dn,j (|x|)Yn,j F (x) dx
B B n=0 j=1 |x|
∞ 2n+1
= Dn,j (|x|)Yn,j F (x) dx
n=0 j=1 B |x|
for all functions F ∈ L2 (B). In particular, this holds true for the integral kernel
k(·, y) ∈ L2 (B) for all y ∈ S. Inserting the expansion (8) in (2) and using the
abbreviation y = |y| η, x = rξ with η, ξ ∈ Ω, we get
∞ 2n+1
∞ R
c i r li
V (y) = r2 Dn,j (r) i+1 dr Pi (ξ · η) Yn,j (ξ) dω(ξ)
n=0 j=1 i=0 0 |y| Ω
∞ 2n+1
∞ R
ci 4π
= i+1 rli +2 Dn,j (r) dr δi,n Yn,j (η)
n=0 j=1 i=0 |y| 0 2n + 1
∞ 2n+1 R
ln +2
= r Dn,j (r) dr Yn,j (η) . (9)
n=0 j=1 0 (2n + 1) |y|n+1
In the first step the reproducing property of the reproducing kernel for the spherical
harmonics of degree n, given by
2n + 1
Ω2 (ξ, η) → Pn (ξ · η),
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 891
for all η ∈ Ω. We also remark that the existence of the integral in (2) only depends
on the existence of the integral of the radial part and the convergence of the series
in (9). Regarding the latter, we obtain a pointwise convergence of (9) for y ∈ S,
since the following estimate of the summands in (9) (note that maxξ∈Ω |Yn,j (ξ)| ≤
(2n + 1)/(4π) for all n ∈ N0 ) holds true:
ln +2 4πcn −n−1 y
r Dn,j (r) dr |y| Yn,j
0 2n + 1 |y|
R2ln +3 R 2 2 4πc −n−1 2n + 1
≤ r (Dn,j (r)) dr |y|
2ln + 3 0 2n + 1 4π
R 1/2 n+1
R2ln +3 2 2 4π R
≤c r (D n,j (r)) dr .
R2n+2 (2ln + 3) 0 2n + 1 |y|
The right-hand side is bounded for all n ∈ N0 , due to the conditions on (ln )n∈N
(see Assumption 3.1, items 2 and 3) and the convergence of the Parseval identity
of D ∈ L2 (B). Hence, the series (9) is dominated by a geometric series for all y ∈ S
(i.e., |y| > R).
We are also able to extend the function V onto ΩR . In addition, for V |ΩR , we
obtain the L2 (ΩR )-convergence of the series representation in Equation (9). This
convergence is a direct consequence of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the
Parseval identity (note that { R Yn,j ( R· )}n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 is an orthonormal basis
of L (ΩR )), since
2 2
∞ 2n+1
ln +2
L2 (ΩR ) = r Dn,j (r) dr
n=0 j=1 0 (2n + 1)Rn
R r2ln +2
∞ 2n+1 R
2 2
≤ dr r (D n,j (r)) dr
n=0 j=1 0 R2n 0 2n + 1
R2ln +3−2n R
∞ 2n+1
≤ 16π 2 c2 r2 (Dn,j (r))2 dr
n=0 j=1
2l n + 3 0
R2ln −2n 2
≤ 16π 2 c2 R3 sup
L2 (B) < ∞.
n∈N0 2ln + 3
Hence, Equation (9) is valid pointwise on S and in the sense of L2 (ΩR ) on ΩR .
In order to find a direct relation between the Fourier coefficients of the given
function V and the unknown function D, we consider the Fourier coefficients of V
restricted to the sphere ΩR . This relation can be seen directly from (9).
892 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
Theorem 3.4. Consider the orthonormal basis system on ΩR given by the set of
functions {?R1 Yn,j ( R· )}n∈N
0· ,j=1,...,2n+1
@ . Then, the Fourier coefficients of V defined
by Vn,j := V |ΩR , R Yn,j R L2 (ΩR ) satisfy the identity
ln +2 4πcn
Vn,j = r Dn,j (r) dr .
0 (2n + 1)Rn
for all n ∈ N0 , j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1. This yields the equation
(2n + 1)Rn
Vn,j = rln +2 Dn,j (r) dr, if cn = 0, (11)
4πcn 0
otherwise Vn,j = 0 with j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1, respectively.
The relation from Theorem 3.4 allows an infinite number of choices for Dn,j
and, hence, the solution D cannot be uniquely determined by the function V |ΩR .
For the inverse gravimetric problem, the last relation is well known, see, for exam-
ple, [35, 38, 41], and for the inverse magnetic problem for R = 1, see for instance
[21]. Analogously, we obtain with (remember that S = Ωβ , β > R) for all n ∈ N0 ,
j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1
S 1 ·
Vn,j := V |S , Yn,j
β β L2 (S)
ln +2 4πcn R
= r Dn,j (r) dr n
= Vn,j (12)
0 (2n + 1)β β
the spherical harmonics coefficients of V with respect to an orthonormal basis
system on S. Hence, we have a direct relation between the singular values of the
Fredholm integral operator T and the spherical harmonic coefficients Vn,j . The
β ) symbolizes the upward continuation from S to ΩR . The
additional factor ( R n
upward continuation does not effect the null space of the operator T at all. Due
to this property and the aim to keep the formulae simple, we analyze Equation
(11) further and keep in mind that we can consequently deduce properties of T
via Equation (12).
Note that (11) shows, in particular, the degree of freedom with respect to
the radial part of D, since Vn,j is some weighted radial mean of Dn,j (r). On the
other hand, one can expect a one-to-one relation for the angular dependence of
V and D.
R3 2ln +3/2
= γm,n γμ,n δν,n δι,j δμ,m
2ln +5/2 2m + ln + 3/2
2 R3
= γm,n δν,n δι,j δμ,m = δμ,m δν,n δι,j .
4m + 2ln + 3
Thus, the set {Gm,n,j }m,n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 is L2 (B)-orthonormal. Moreover,
the spherical harmonics are complete in L2 (Ω) and the Jacobi polynomials are
complete with respect to the inner product in (1) such that the system
{Gm,n,j }m,n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1
is complete in L (B) and constitutes an orthonormal basis.
Some of the functions GIm,n,j (i.e., in the case of ln = n) are shown in Fig-
ures 1 and 2. For m = 0, the functions GI0,n,j are inner harmonics, hence they are
harmonic, and attain their maximum and minimum on the boundary. A selection
of the functions corresponding to the inverse magnetic problem, where ln = n − 1,
is shown in Figures 3 and 4. The singularity (for n = 0, i.e., l0 = −1) at the origin
is visible in Figures 3 (A) and (C) and Figure 4 (B).
4.2. Splitting the basis into the null space and its complement
With the orthonormal basis introduced in Subsection 4.1, we are now able to
expand the functions Dn,j in (8) for all n ∈ N0 and j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1 and we
∞ 2
r ln (0,ln +1/2) r
Dn,j (r) = ln dm,n,j γm,n Pm 2 2 −1 , (15)
R m=0 R
where dm,n,j := D, Gm,n,j L2 (B) and γm,n is given in (14).
For further investigations of the forward problem, we use the representation
of (the known function) V in (9), where we have already calculated the integral
over the angular part. For the remaining integral over the radial part, we use
the precise representation of Dn,j in (15) and the orthogonality of the Jacobi
# 1/2
polynomials.With the substitution r = R (1 + z)/2, dr = R4 1+z dz, we get
∞ 2
r2ln +2
rln +2 Dn,j (r) dr = d γ
m,n,j m,n m P (0,ln +1/2)
2 − 1 dr
0 0 Rln m=0 R2
∞ 1
R3+ln R3+ln
= dm,n,j γm,n (1 + z)ln +1/2 Pm(0,ln +1/2)
(z) dz = d0,n,j γ0,n .
2ln +5/2 m=0 −1 2ln + 3
Inserting the latter result in (9), we eventually obtain (remember the defini-
tion of γm,n in (14))
∞ 2n+1
4πcn y
ln +2
V (y) = r Dn,j (r) dr n+1 Yn,j
n=0 j=1 0 (2n + 1) |y| |y|
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 895
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) GIm,n,j for m = 0, n = 0, j = 1 (b) GIm,n,j for m = 0, n = 2, j = 5
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) GIm,n,j for m = 1, n = 0, j = 1 (d) GIm,n,j for m = 1, n = 1, j = 3
Figure 1. The functions Gm,n,j in the case ln = n (also called GIm,n,j )
for different parameters m, n, j are plotted at the plane through the
origin with normal vector (1, 1, −1)T . For the particular parameters, see
the respective caption. The maximum is always yellow and the minimum
is blue (see also [32, 34]).
∞ 2n+1
R3+ln 4πcn y
= d0,n,j γ0,n Yn,j
n=0 j=1
(2ln + 3)(2n + 1)|y|n+1 |y|
∞ 2n+1
4πcn Rln −1 y
= n+1 d0,n,j γ0,n Yn,j . (16)
n=0 j=1 (2n + 1) |y| |y|
896 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) GIm,n,j for m = 1, n = 2, j = 5 (b) GIm,n,j for m = 2, n = 0, j = 1
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) GIm,n,j for m = 2, n = 1, j = 3 (d) GIm,n,j for m = 2, n = 2, j = 5
Figure 2. The functions Gm,n,j in the case ln = n (also called GIm,n,j )
for different parameters m, n, j are plotted at the plane through the
origin with normal vector (1, 1, −1)T . For the particular parameters, see
the respective caption. The maximum is always yellow and the minimum
is blue (see also [32, 34]).
Hence, Gm,n,j is in the null space of the operator T with the kernel from (3),
if and only if m > 0 or cn = 0. Examples of functions in the null space are given
in Figures 2 and 4 (for different inverse problems). The function plotted in Figure
5 is not in the null space.
Since L2 (B) is the direct sum of the null space ker T and its orthogonal
complement, the obtained result allows a precise characterization of the null space
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 897
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) Gm,n,j for m = 0, n = 0, j = 1 (b) Gm,n,j for m = 0, n = 2, j = 5
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) Gm,n,j for m = 1, n = 0, j = 1 (d) Gm,n,j for m = 1, n = 1, j = 3
Figure 3. The functions Gm,n,j in the case ln = n − 1 for different
parameters m, n, j are plotted at the plane through the origin with nor-
mal vector (1, 1, −1)T . For the particular parameters, see the respective
caption. The maximum is always yellow and the minimum is blue (see
also [34]).
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) Gm,n,j for m = 1, n = 2, j = 5 (b) Gm,n,j for m = 2, n = 0, j = 1
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) Gm,n,j for m = 2, n = 1, j = 3 (d) Gm,n,j for m = 2, n = 2, j = 5
Figure 4. The functions Gm,n,j in the case ln = n − 1 for different
parameters m, n, j are plotted at the plane through the origin with nor-
mal vector (1, 1, −1)T . For the particular parameters, see the respective
caption. The maximum is always yellow and the minimum is blue (see
also [34]).
y −1 −1 x
Figure 5. The function G0,4,8 , which is not in the null space of the
Fredholm integral operator T for ln = n − 1.
form a basis for the set of all harmonic functions on the ball:
I 2n + 3 |x| x
G0,n,j (x) = Yn,j , x ∈ B.
R Rn+1 |x|
For some particular cases of the considered Fredholm integral operators, we are also
able to find a characterization of the null space via an elliptic partial differential
For this purpose, we consider the particular integral kernel
|x| x y
k(x, y) := ci Pi · , (x, y) ∈ dom(k),
i=0 |y|i+1 |x| |y|
for a fixed κ ∈ [−1, ∞) and ci = 0 for all i ∈ N0 . Note that in the case of the
inverse gravimetric problem κ = 0 and in the case of the inverse magnetic problem
κ = −1. We have already proven that the orthogonal complement of the null space
of the corresponding operator T is given by the set
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x −1 −1
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x −1 −1
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x −1 −1
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) The PREM model (b) Sum of PREM and K(z1 , ·)
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) Sum of PREM and K(z2 , ·) (d) Sum of PREM and K(z1 , ·)+K(z2 , ·)+
K(z3 , ·)
Figure 7. The density of the PREM model added to several functions
from the null space of T G . They all generate the same gravitational
potential. Here, zi ∈ B, i = 1, 2, 3 are fixed.
For this purpose, we consider the function G0,4,8 plotted in Figure 5, which
is not in the null space of the operator, that means this function generates the
result T G0,4,8 = V = 0. Then, we add several functions from the null space (see
Figures 6 (A), (C), and (E)) to G0,4,8 . The results are shown in Figures 6 (B), (D),
and (F). Keep in mind that all functions in the left column of Figure 6 generate
the zero potential and all functions in the right column of Figure 6 generate the
same forward solution V = T G0,4,8 . Similarly, we proceed in Figure 7, where linear
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 903
are added to the density D of the PREM model, see [18]. Again, K(zi , ·) can
be extended onto B, if ln ≥ 0 for all n ∈ N0 . Note that K(zi , ·) ∈ ker T for all
zi ∈ B\{0} such that, again, there is no difference between the potentials generated
by PREM (see Figure 7 (A)) and the potentials generated by the perturbed mass
densities in Figures 7 (B), (C), and (D).
Hence, the solution of the inverse problem from Equation (2) is not unique,
since we can always add functions from the null space to it without changing the
function V . In particular, Figure 7 shows that certain kinds of mass anomalies (in
the interior of the Earth) remain completely concealed if gravitational data are
used solely.
Now we can sum up our results and give an answer to the three questions
about the well-posedness of the problem posed in Section 3.
Theorem 4.2. Let the operator T : L2 (B) → L2 (S) be given by
T : D → D(x)k(x, ·) dx. (19)
with an integral kernel k : B × S → R of the form
|x|li x y
k(x, y) := ci i+1 Pi · , x ∈ B \{0}, y ∈ S,
i=0 |y| |x| |y|
satisfying Assumption 3.1. Moreover, let the following three conditions be fulfilled
(by the function V ):
• The restriction V |ΩR of V is an L2 (ΩR )-function.
• The spherical harmonics coefficients Vn,j of V fulfil a summability condition
n2 (2ln + 3)R2n−2ln c−2
Vn,j < ∞.
n=0 j=1
cn =0
• The function V is harmonic in the exterior of B, that is, ΔV (y) = 0 for all
y ∈ R3 \B, and regular at infinity, that is, |V (y)| = O(|y|−1 ) and |∇V (y)| =
O(|y|−2 ) for |y| → ∞.
Then both inverse problems, which are, the recovery of D ∈ L2 (B) from either
given values of V |ΩR or the upward continued potential V |S are ill posed, since
their solutions are not unique. However, in both cases, the solution exists under
these conditions but is not stable.
The second condition in Theorem 4.2 is also known as the Picard condition.In
several cases, for example, the inverse gravimetric problem (i.e., ln = n, cn = γ
for all n ∈ N0 ), the Picard condition implies V |ΩR ∈ L2 (ΩR ). For the inverse
904 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
gravimetric problem the Picard condition is satisfied, since the (empirical) Kaula
rule of thumb holds:
V |ΩR , Yn,j 2L2 (ΩR ) = O(ϑn+1 n−3 ), n → ∞,
for a constant ϑ ∈]0, 1[, see, for example, [28] or [44]. Note that the Picard condition
is necessary for the existence of the solution. Since this condition is not necessarily
satisfied by every V |ΩR ∈ L2 (ΩR ), also this criterion by Hadamard may be violated.
We want to discuss the instability of the solution in detail using the following
Example 4.3. Let a family of functions be defined by
1 βn y
Vn (y) := Yn,1 , y ∈ S, for all n ∈ N0 .
n |y|n+1 |y|
Since { β1 Yn,1 ( β· )}n∈N0 is an L2 (S)-orthonormal system, we get
L2 (S) =
→ 0 as n → ∞.
Hence, the norms build a null sequence. Using Equation (16), we see that
√ n
2n + 3 (2n + 1) β
Dn (x) := G0,n,1 (x)
4πR3/2 n R
yields T Dn = Vn in the case of ln = n, cn = 1. In addition, we obtain that the
sequence of norms diverges, since β > R and
√ n
2n + 3(2n + 1) β
L2 (B) =
L2 (B)
4πR3/2 n R
√ n
2n + 3(2n + 1) β
= → ∞ as n → ∞.
4πR3/2 n R
Thus, small changes in the potential V yield large changes in the solution D and,
hence, the problem is not stable. Note that this instability is already given for the
case of terrestrial data, which means that it is not (only) caused by the instability
of the downward continuation.
4.3. Expansion of the solution in reproducing kernel based functions
In certain cases, it can be of interest to expand the unknown function D in terms
of appropriate reproducing kernels instead of orthonormal basis functions. Repro-
ducing kernels are localized in contrast to the global orthonormal basis functions
from the previous subsection (see also the paper by Freeden, Michel and Simons
in this handbook). In addition, the problems due to the discontinuity at the origin
can be avoided by using this approach. For a more general introduction into re-
producing kernels and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, see, for a general setting,
[2, 3, 5, 16], for reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces on the ball.
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 905
∞ 2n+1
2H := A2m,n F, Gm,n,j 2L2 (B) , F ∈ H.
m,n=0 j=1
for all F , G ∈ H.
If the sequence (Am,n )m,n∈N0 fulfils a certain summability condition, see, for
more details, [34], then H is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Due to the property
of the sequence (Am,n )m,n∈N0 , the evaluation functional in H is continuous. The
reproducing kernel of H is given by K : (B \{0}) × (B \{0}) → R with
K(z, x) := A−2
m,n Gm,n,j (x)Gm,n,j (z), z, x ∈ B \{0}. (21)
m,n=0; j=1
Am,n =0
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(a) h = 0.75 (b) h = 0.8
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0
y −1 −1 x y −1 −1 x
(c) h = 0.9 (d) h = 0.92
Figure 8. Reproducing kernel K(z1 , ·) for several (Am,n )m,n∈N0 with
m,n = (Cn + 1)h
δm,0 at a fixed centre z1 ∈ B\{0}, a sufficiently
large constant C, and the functions Gm,n,j in the case ln = n − 1.
then the functionals F ν are also continuous (with yν = rν ξν ) for ν = 1, . . . , , since
∞ ∞ 2n+1 2
ν 2 2
|F F | = |(T F )(yν )| = T F, Gm,n,j L2 (B) Gm,n,j (yν )
∞ 2n+1 m=0 n=0 j=1
2 c n R ln −1 A0,n
= (4π) F, G0,n,j L2 (B) γ Y (ξ )
(2n + 1)|rν |n+1 0,n A0,n
n,j ν
n=0 j=1
∞ 2n+1
∞ 2n+1 2
2 2 2 c n R ln −1
≤ (4π) F, G0,n,j L2 (B) A0,n γ Yn,j (ξν )
n=0 j=1 n=0 j=1
A0,n (2n + 1)|rν |n+1 0,n
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 907
R 2n + 1
≤ (4πc)2
2H sup Rln −n
n∈N0 A2 (2n
n=0 0,n
+ 1) (2ln + 3) 4π
2 ∞
≤ 4πc2 R
2H sup Rln −n 2 (2n + 1)(2l + 3) < ∞,
n∈N0 A
n=0 0,n n
due to (16), the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, the definition of the inner product in
H in (20), and Assumption 3.1.
We can apply these functionals to the kernel with respect to z and obtain
the following result by using Equation (16) and the addition theorem for spherical
harmonics. The interchanging of limits (in the series) and the integral, which is
needed in this calculation, is allowed due to the previous estimates. Hence,
) ∞ *
|z|li z y
Fz K(z, x) =
K(z, x) ci i+1 Pi · dz
B i=0
|y| |z| |y| y=yν
= A−2 ν
m,n Gm,n,j (x)Fz Gm,n,j (z)
m,n=0; j=1
Am,n =0
∞ 2n+1
−2 |x|ln x −1 4πcn Rln yν
= A0,n γ0,n ln Yn,j γ0,n Yn,j
n=0 j=1
R |x| (2n + 1)|yν |n+1 |yν |
−2 |x|ln x yν
= A0,n cn Pn · .
|yν |n+1 |x| |yν |
It is known that we can construct an expansion for the solution, see [3, 23] by
D(x) = aν Fzν K(z, x). (22)
This linear system is uniquely solvable, which means that the expansion in (22)
is unique, if the linear and continuous functionals F ν , ν = 1, . . . , are linearly
independent, see [2]. Among all solutions D ∈ H with F ν D = vν for ν = 1, . . . , ,
the solution in (22) uniquely minimizes the norm
H induced by the inner
product in (20). These are basically the ideas of a spline interpolation method (for
further details, see [2] and [9]).
908 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
The convergence of the series in (23) can be proven using the orthonormality
of the Gm,n,j functions, since the Parseval identity yields
2ln + 3 2n + 1 2
∞ 2n+1
2L2 (B) = R2n−2ln Vn,j
n=0 j=1
R3 4πcn
cn =0
Comparing this with Theorem 4.2, we achieve that the series in (23) converges if
and only if V fulfils the Picard condition, that is,
∞ 2n+1
n2 (2ln + 3) 2
V < ∞. (24)
c2 R2(ln −n) j=1 n,j
n=0 n
cn =0
is fulfilled,
• V is harmonic in the outer space, that is, ΔV (y) = 0 for all y ∈ R3 \B,
• V is regular at infinity.
With the orthogonal basis {Bn,j }n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 , the density D can be rep-
resented by the expansion
∞ 2n+1
2kn + 3
D(x) = dn,j Bn,j (x), x ∈ B \{0}, (25)
n=0 j=1
∞ 2n+1
2n + 1
= (ln + kn + 3)Rn−ln −2 Vn,j Bn,j (x) + D̃,
4πcn j=1
cn =0
· 2
where D̃ ∈ span{Bn,j | n ∈ N0 with cn = 0, j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1} L (B) is arbitrary.
The convergence of the series is guaranteed by the summability conditions on V .
Summarizing these results, we get the next theorem.
912 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
Theorem 5.3. Let cn = 0 for all n ∈ N0 , and let Assumptions 3.1 and 5.2 be
fulfilled. Then the unique solution D ∈ U , where the L2 (B)-subspace U has the
basis {Bn,j }n∈N0 ,j=1,...,2n+1 , of the inverse problem
D(x)k(x, y) dx = V (y) in R3 \B,
with (x, y) ∈ dom(k) is given by
∞ 2n+1
2n + 1 |x|kn x
D(x) = (ln + kn + 3)Rn−ln kn +3 Vn,j Yn,j ,
4πcn R j=1
is fulfilled,
• V is harmonic in the outer space, that is, ΔV (y) = 0 for all y ∈ R3 \B,
• V is regular at infinity.
·L2 (B)
D̃ ∈ span Dn,j (| · |)Yn,j n ∈ N0 with cn = 0, j = 1, . . . , 2n + 1
Theorem 5.5. Let cn = 0 for all n ∈ N0 and let Assumptions 3.1 and 5.4 be
fulfilled. Then the unique solution under the layer density constraint is given by
∞ 2n+1
Rn (2n + 1)(ln + 3)
D(x) = V χ
ln +3 − τ ln +3 n,j [τ,τ +ε]
(|x|)Yn,j (29)
n=0 j=1
4πc n (τ + ε) |x|
This series fulfils the condition of Assumption 5.4, that is, V |ΩR ∈ L2 (ΩR ):
2 2
4πcn ln +3 ln +3
2 −2n 2n+1
L2 (ΩR ) = κ (τ + ε) −τ R d2n,j
(2n + 1)(l n + 3) j=1
∞ l +3 2 2n+1
R n
+R l n +3
≤ 16π 2 c2 κ2 2 3 2n
(2n + 1) (l n + 3) R j=1
∞ 2n+1
2 2 2 R2ln +6−2n
≤ 64π c κ sup d2n,j < ∞.
n∈N0 (2n + 1)2 (ln + 3)2 n=0 j=1
For this estimate, we used the boundedness of the sequence (cn )n∈N0 (given by
Assumption 3.1, item 1), the boundedness of the supremum in the latter estimate
(given by Assumption 3.1, items 2 and 3), and the square-integrability of D.
5.4. Surface density
In inverse gravimetry, in particular, it is reasonable to consider a surface density
instead of a density on the entire ball B. In a time-variable gravity field (with
relatively short time scales) most of the changes occur on the (Earth’s) surface or
at least on layers very close to it. So, if one is interested in anomalies as devia-
tions from a reference model, which could be an annual mean, for instance, these
anomalies can be typically found on the surface of the underlying body.
So far, in our general setup, we have
V (y) = (T D)(y) = D(x)k(x, y) dx. (30)
Since the operator T is linear and continuous, we can also read the equation above
in distributional sense. For the mathematical theory of distributions and, in this
context, the definition of test functions, the reader is referred to [27]. In other
words, we can look at Equation (30) as an application of a regular distribution D
applied to the kernel k, that is
V (y) = (T D)(y) = D, k(·, y). (31)
Actually, we have a regular distribution D with
Dϕ := D, ϕ
for all test functions1 ϕ, which is uniquely determined by the function D and
vice versa (at least almost everywhere). Thus, the distribution can be, in fact,
1 Actually, the function k(·, y) is not a test function, but the domain of D can be extended such
∞ 2n+1
4πcn n
ln −n+2 R 1 y
= R Dn,j (R) Yn,j .
n=0 j=1
2n + 1 |y| |y| |y|
Consequently, we find the Fourier coefficients
4πcn ln −n+2
Ṽn,j = R Dn,j (R)
2n + 1
which in other words means that, for cn = 0,
(2n + 1)Rn
Ṽn,j = Rln +2 Dn,j (R). (32)
As we see, this problem is again uniquely solvable (if cn = 0 for all n ∈ N0 ) and
in the particular case of the inverse gravimetric problem, the coefficients read
2n + 1
Ṽn,j = R2 Dn,j (R). (33)
Theorem 5.6. Let Dn,j be given according to (32) and cn = 0 for all n ∈ N0 .
Further, let Ṽ be a harmonic function in the exterior of ΩR which is regular at
infinity with Ṽ |ΩR ∈ L2 (ΩR ) and
∞ 2n+1
n2 R2n−2ln
Ṽn,j < ∞.
n=0 j=1
916 S. Leweke, V. Michel, and R. Telschow
Then a distributional solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind in
(2) is given by
∞ 2n+1
(2n + 1)Rn−ln ·
DδΩR = Ṽn,j Yn,j δΩR .
n=0 j=1
4πR2 cn R
6. Conclusions
We observed similarities between the inverse gravimetric and the inverse magnetic
problem by considering both as particular cases of a kind of a master inverse prob-
lem. With this approach, a larger class of data inversion problems can be analyzed
and solved all at once. A particular focus of the paper was the complete analysis of
the non-uniqueness of the solution of all inverse problems of the investigated type.
This analysis was based on something like a fundamental equation for the Fourier
coefficients of the given data and the solution. The construction of a particular
and appropriate orthonormal system on the ball enabled us to further understand
the relation of the solution and the data. With this basis system and an adequate
expansion in the data space, we characterized the null space of the Fredholm in-
tegral operator of the first kind in detail and calculated the singular system. Such
a knowledge is an essential prerequisite for a series of regularization methods for
inverse problems.
Non-uniqueness of Gravitational and Magnetic Field Data 917
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Abel–Poisson kernel, 352, 531, 548, 610, Hilbert ∼, 173
775 property, 323
Abel–Poisson scaling function, 383 Schauder ∼ in Banach space, 169
absolute value, 240 system, 653, 893
addition theorem, 42–44, 566, 568, 761, Bayes estimate, 256, 294
783, 784, 793 bell curve, 80, 94
admissible, 359, 364, 368, 586 Beltrami operator, 565, 821, 823–827, 829,
aggregation, 856, 864, 865, 870 830, 832, 834, 838–840
linear ∼, 857, 859 Bessel’s inequality, 172
method, 863, 864 best approximate solution, 581
optimal ∼, 860 best worst case error, 243
Akaike information criterion (AIC), 630 bias, 626
algorithm Biot–Savart operator, 887
efficient ∼, 324 Bjerhammar ball, 518
fast multipole ∼, see fast Boscovic–Laplace method, 79
tree ∼, see tree Bouguer anomaly, 693
altimetry, 316, 319 Bouguer correction, 693
anharmonic, 650 boundary value problem, 69
basis, 655 discrete version, 606
function, 650, 885, 897 for the Beltrami operator, 829
anomalous potential, 67, 413 geodetic ∼, see geodetic
anomaly Molodensky ∼, see Molodensky
Bouguer ∼, 693 Neumann ∼, see Neumann
free air ∼, 693 oblique ∼, see oblique
gravity ∼, see gravitiy Stokes ∼, 69
potential ∼, 67 bounded sesquilinear form, see form,
antenna problem, 19 continuous sesquilinear ∼
multivariate ∼, 19 bridge between
spline interpolation ∼, 19 least squares solutions and
aperture distribution, 19 pseudoinverses, 94
approximate identity, 130, 799 mathematics and geodesy, xii, 5
approximate right inverse, 237 Bruns’s formula, 697
approximation error, 583 Bruns’s relation, 472
Aronszajn’s theorem, 195 Bubnov–Galerkin method, 268, 271, 272
Arzelà–Ascoli theorem, 114, 216 convergence of the ∼, 273
asymptotic regularization, 221, 247
Cauchy sequence, 168
Backus–Gilbert method, 667 Cauchy–Kovalevskaya theorem, 194
Bakushinskii veto, 625 Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 172
balancing principle, 628 centrifugal potential, 62, 564, 689
ball, 168 Chebyshev principle, 83, 88
bandlimited, 323, 757 Christoffel–Darboux formula, 24
kernel functions, 349 circle problem, 12, 13
scaling functions, 377 classification
signal, 17 Hadamard, 205
wavelets, 412 Nashed, 205
bandpass, 371, 388 closed, 525, 527, 528, 545
filter, 324, 432 closure, 527
basis coherent state, 780
922 Index