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Abstract — This study examines the occurrence of the resonant For these frequencies, the excitation signal amplitude for
jumps in a feedback nonlinear system containing a gain-changing which the resonant jump occurs was determined.
nonlinearity. Also, the system contains a linear part that works as The results obtained by numerical simulation confirm the
a low-pass filter. For such a system, the harmonically excitation theoretical considerations.
signal can be determined such that resonant jumps occur. Using
the frequency response, the conditions of appearance of the
resonant jumps are established. A given gain-changing II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS
nonlinearity determines a domain in which resonant jumps can Consider the nonlinear system given in Fig.1 excited by a
occur. If the open-loop frequency response locus (polar plot) of harmonic signal of constant amplitude and frequency:
the linear part has one or more points in this domain, the
resonant jumps occur. These points determine the possible r( t ) = R sin ωt (1)
frequency or the frequencies of the excitation signal for which
resonant jumps occur. The amplitude of the excitation signal can
also be determined in order to obtain resonant jumps. The results r(t) x(t) y(t) e(t)
obtained by numerical simulation confirm the theoretical _
The nonlinear part N is non phase-shifting and the linear
In the nonlinear systems harmonically excited by a constant part L works as a low-pass filter.
amplitude and frequency signal, jump variations of the If the excitation signal is given by (1), then the error
oscillations amplitude can occur. This is due to the resonant signal will have the following form:
jump phenomenon.
The possibility of appearance of slow oscillations was x( t ) = X m sin( ωt + ϕ ) (2)
signaled by C. Hayashi [1] in controlled nonlinear circuit If the linear part works as a low-pass filter, the nonlinear part
presenting resonant jumps. A generally study of the jump can be approximated through the describing function.
resonance in nonlinear feedback systems was presented in [4, Consider a gain-changing nonlinearity, Fig.2.
6, 7]. For this type of nonlinearity, if m1 and m2 are the
The resonant jumps and the resonant jump phenomenon
were studied by many authors. These jumps can occur in many corresponding slopes, the describing function has the form:
fields, such an example it can appear in nonlinear hydraulic N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) =
system [3, 5]. 2⎛ δ
As a studying method for the jump resonance in feedback = ( m1 − m 2 ) ⎜⎜ arcsin +
nonlinear systems, the describing function was frequently used π⎝ Xm
[2, 4, 6]. 2 ⎞ (3)
In this paper, the authors highlight the possibility of δ ⎛ δ ⎞ ⎟
appearance of resonant jumps in feedback nonlinear system + 1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎟ + m2 , ( X m ≥ δ ) ,
Xm ⎝ Xm ⎠ ⎟
having a gain-changing nonlinearity. The conditions of ⎠
appearance of the resonant jumps are established.
m1 , (0 < Xm < δ)
This study was developed using the describing function.
The regions in which the resonant jumps can appear, for Consider, as an example, the linear part transfer function
different values of the nonlinear part parameters, are presented. having the form:
The possible frequencies of the excitation signal that can
produce resonant jumps were determined.
K the error signal amplitude varies by jump from X m1 to X m 2 .
L( s ) = (4)
s( 1 + Ts ) For a similar reason, when the excitation signal amplitude
decreases, the working point reaches point C and the error
For the considered linear part of the system it can be
determined a frequency (or more frequencies) for which the signal amplitude varies by jump from X m3 to X m 4 .
resonant jumps can occur, if this frequency exists. With the relation (7), the condition (8) becomes:
The linear part can be written as: ⎛ 1 ⎞
L( jω ) = U ( ω ) + jV ( ω ) (5) ⎜U ( ω ) + ⎟⋅
⎜ N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) ⎟⎠
y ⎛ 1 ⎞
m2 ⋅ ⎜U ( ω ) + ⎟ +V 2( ω) = 0
m1δ ⎜ N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) ⎟⎠
δ x
d ( X m N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ))
N * ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) = (10)
d Xm
For the nonlinearity with the describing function given in
Figure 2. The gain-changing nonlinearity relation (3), it obtains:
N * ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) =
With the relations (3) and (5), the error transfer function of
the nonlinear system may be written as: 2⎛ δ
= ( m1 − m 2 ) ⎜ arcsin −
π⎝ Xm
X 1
( jω, X m , m , δ ) = (6) (11)
R 1 + N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ )L( jω ) 2 ⎞
δ ⎛ δ ⎞ ⎟
Considering the magnitude in relation (6), results: − 1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎟ + m2 ,
⎟ ( Xm ≥ δ ),
R = X m ( 1 + U ( ω )N ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ )) +2
Xm ⎝ Xm ⎠ ⎟
+ V 2 ( ω )N 2 ( X m , m1 , m 2 , δ ) )
1/ 2 m1 , (0 < Xm < δ)
Figure 4. Semicircles (12) for Xm1 and Xm3 and the open- 4
loop frequency response locus of the linear part
The domain in which the excitation signal amplitude can Figure 6. The region in which the resonant jumps can occur
varies to produce resonant jumps can be determined from the for δ=1, m1=1 and m2=0.1
S-shaped resonant jump curve depicted in Fig.3.
It can be seen that the excitation signal amplitude limit The plots were made for X m = δ + 0.1...15.1 using a 0.2
values, R, can varies between the vertical straight-line drawn step. For others values of δ, m1 and m2 these regions have the
at tangent points A and C. same shape; it can enlarge or diminish (in terms of U(ω) and
V(ω)), depending on the considered values.
Imaginary part, V(ω)
ω1 0
L(jω) -0.5
R 0
C2 L
0.3 -0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -2 ω=8 [rad/s]
Amplitude, Xm
Figure 8. Dependence of the circles’ radius and centers on Xm
for δ=1, m1=1 and different values of m2 -3
It can be seen that the radius of the circles (12) decrease at -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5
Real part, U(ω)
-4 -3 -2 -1
error signal, x
Amplitude, Xm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
time, [s]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 11. Error signal amplitude at increase
Figure 9. Resonant jump curve for δ=1, m1=1, m2=0.1, of R from 4 to11
U= -8, V= -1.
The amplitude of the excitation signal at the jump moments
For these values of the error signal amplitude, the semicircles corresponds to the values R=8.53 and R=5.13 above
(12) were plotted in Fig.10. The corresponding centers and mentioned.
(polar plot) of the linear part intersects this domain, the
80 possible frequency of the excitation signal such that resonant
jumps occur can be determined. The amplitude of the
excitation signal for that resonant jumps occur was determined
40 from the resonant jump curve. The numerical simulations
confirm the theoretical considerations.
error signal, x
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nonlinear part is represented by a gain-changing nonlinearity.
This nonlinearity determines a domain in which resonant
jumps can occur. If the open-loop frequency response locus