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Radial and Axial Short-Circuit Electrodynamic Forces of Three Phase Power Transformers

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2010, 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2010

Radial and Axial Short-Circuit Electrodynamic

Forces of Three Phase Power Transformers
I.-D. Deaconu*, C. Ghiţă*, V. Năvrăpescu* and A.-I. Chirilă*
* Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Electrical Engineering Department, Bucharest, Romania

Abstract—The paper presents a method for calculating the field of the transformer, compared with the values
axial and radial forces acting on the windings of a three calculated by the 3D finite element method, showing that
phase electrical power transformer, during shortcircuits, these values are very close.
using 3D finite element method and a 2D analytical method.
The obtained results are compared showing that differences II. THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER MAIN DATA
by the two methods are small. The calculations are made for
a three phase transformer with concentric cylindrical The magnetic field and the short-circuit electrodynamic
layered windings, symmetrically placed inside the window. forces are computed for a three phase power transformer
The work validation is obtained by conducting with concentric cylindrical layered windings,
measurements of the dispersion magnetic field of the symmetrically placed with respect to the window and
transformer by comparing the measured values of the radial columns. The data of the transformer used in the analysis
magnetic flux density during rated operating regime of the is presented on Table I.
transformer, with the values calculated by 3D finite element
method, showing that these values are very close. TABLE I.
Rated power: Sn = 630 KVA
I. INTRODUCTION Rated frequency: fn = 50 Hz
Mechanical stresses that occur in electric power Primary rated voltage: U1n = 10000 V
transformers when short circuit occurs may lead to the Secondary rated voltage: U2n = 400 V
destruction of its windings or the mechanical reinforcing Short-circuit rated voltage: uk = 5,58 %
Rated primary current: I1n = 36,37 A
system of these windings. These stresses depend mainly
Rated secondary current: I2n = 909,3 A
on the short-circuit rated voltage of the transformer and the Connection and vector group: Dy0, 5
initial phase of the voltage supply when the short-circuit Primary winding turns: w1 = 1082 turns
happens. For three phase transformers there is always a Secondary winding turns: w2 = 25 turns
certain phase of the short circuit current transformer which
has the maximum peak value and therefore on that phase
the short circuit electrodynamic forces are maximum. The magnetic core is made of cold laminated sheets,
with the magnetizing characteristic shown in Fig. 1. The
Calculation of short-circuit electrodynamic forces can corner joints are at 45°.
be made if the leakage magnetic field in regions where the
transformer windings are placed is known along with
flowing short-circuit currents. The methods for calculating 2.5
the magnetic field may be analytical [1], [2] or numerical 2
in two or three dimensions [3 .... 7], requiring a smaller 1.5
amount of calculation or more, depending on the method 1
chosen. 0.5
Knowing the magnetic fields inside the transformer
B [T]

allows the determination of other important quantities such -4000 -2000 -0.5 0 2000 4000
as leakage reactance [8] or additional power losses [9]. -1
The finite element method requires a large amount of
calculations, but may consider the actual parts geometric
shapes and the non-linearity of the transformer's core -2
magnetization characteristic. -2.5
H [A/m]
The paper presents a method for calculating the axial
and radial forces acting on the windings of a power three Figure 1. The B=f(H) characteristic of the transformer’s core at
phase electrical transformer, during short-circuit, using the frequency 50 Hz.
3D finite element method and a 2D analytical method. The
obtained results with the two methods are compared, the The ferromagnetic columns and yokes are identical as
differences found being small. The calculations are made value and shape. Their cross-section is formed using 8
for a three phase transformer with concentric cylindrical steps, that subscribe in a circle with a diameter of
layered windings, symmetrically placed with respect to the D=193mm.
window. The validation is obtained by conducting In Fig. 2 is presented a sketch of an external column of
experimental measurements of the radial leakage magnetic the transformer, where the direction of axial Fa and radial

978-1-4244-7020-4/10/$26.00 '2010 IEEE 185

Fr forces acting over the layered cylindrical windings are
shown. It can be observed that the axial forces generate a
compression over both high voltage windings (HV) and
low voltage windings (LV). The radial stresses generate
compression over the winding placed near the column and
elongate the other winding.

Figure 3. Cross-section of the transformer window and the geometrical

dimensions (windings parts).

The expressions for the radial components of the

leakage flux density within each of the five regions are

Figure 2. On the axial forces Fa and radial forces Fr directions, acting nπy nπx
over the layered cylindrical windings of the transformer. BIx ( x, y) = P (b − 2 y ) − ∑ ( E1 + E2 )sin b
⋅ ch
n =1

BIIx ( x, y ) = P(b − 2 y ) +
nπy ⎡ nπ ( a − x) nπx ⎤
The transformer’s winding carrying currents are found + ∑ sin B1 − C1ch − ( D1 + E2 )ch
n =1 b ⎢⎣ b b ⎥⎦
within the leakage magnetic field of the transformer. As a ∞
consequence, the interaction between the currents flowing nπy ⎡ nπ ( a − x ) nπx ⎤ (1)
BIIIx ( x, y ) = P(b − 2 y ) + ∑ sin b ⎢⎣
− E2ch
b ⎥⎦
through the windings and the leakage magnetic field n =1

generate electrodynamic forces that mechanically stress BIVx ( x, y ) = P(b − 2 y ) +

the transformer windings. These stresses are quite ∞
nπy ⎡ nπ ( a − x ) nπx ⎤
dangerous for the integrity of the transformer. Inside the + ∑ sin B2 + ( F1 − C2 )ch − D2ch
transformer window, the leakage magnetic field can be n =1 b ⎢⎣ b b ⎥⎦
computed in 2D using analytical relations, considering a ∞
nπy nπ (a − x)
plane-parallel problem. When the leakage magnetic field B Vx ( x, y ) = P (b − 2 y ) + ∑ ( F1 + F2 )sin ch
n =1 b b
outside the window is wanted then the solution is a 3D
problem, e. g. 3D finite element methods.
and the axial components of the leakage flux density are
A. Analytical method for the magnetic field computation [10]:
The leakage magnetic field of the transformer may be ∞
nπy nπx
computed using a 2D analytical method [10]. The method BIy ( x, y ) = − P(b + 2 x) − ∑ ( E1 + E 2 )cos b
n =1
supposes the magnetic permeability of the magnetic core
as infinite, the magnetomotive forces of the two windings BIIy ( x, y ) = − P(b + 2 x ) + G1 ( x − a1 ) +
are balanced and the curvature of the windings is ∞
nπy ⎡ nπ ( a − x ) nπx ⎤
neglected, such that the magnetic field within the window
does not depend along the z coordinate, the problem being
+ ∑ cos b ⎢C1sh
⎣ b
− ( D1 + E2 )sh
b ⎥⎦
n =1
considered as a plane-parallel (plane xOy). ∞
nπy ⎡ nπ (a − x) nπx ⎤ (2)
In Fig. 3 is presented a cross-section of the BIIIy ( x, y ) = − P (b + 2 x) + H 1 − ∑ cos b ⎢⎣
+ E 2 sh
b ⎥⎦
n =1
transformer’s window, describing only one column of the
magnetic core. The sketch shows the geometrical BIVy ( x, y ) = − P(b + 2 x) + H1 + G2 ( x − a2 ) −
dimensions and the five regions considered that the ∞
nπy ⎡ nπ (a − x) nπx ⎤
window is divided into. These are the windings regions − ∑ cos ⎢ ( F1 − C2 )sh + D2sh
placed on the same column and denoted with I, II, … ,V. n =1 b ⎣ b b ⎥⎦

nπy nπ ( a − x)
BVy ( x, y ) = − P (b + 2 x ) + H1 + H 2 − ∑ ( F1 + F2 )cos sh
n =1 b b


J 1 μ 0 (b1' − b1 )(a1' − a1 ) J 2 μ 0 (b2' − b2 )(a 2' − a 2 ) the materials (electric conductivities and magnetic
P= + permeabilities) have been defined and applied to the model
2b(a + b) 2b(a + b)
parts, the sources of the electromagnetic field have been
nπa nπai set corresponding to the rated or short-circuit operating
Bi = Qi sh ; Ci = Qi sh mode, and in the end the boundary conditions have been
b b
defined and the mesh has been generated. In Fig. 4 is
nπ (a − ai' ) shown the obtained mesh for one quarter of the
Di = Qi sh
b transformer.
⎡ nπ (a − ai' ) nπ ( a − a i ) ⎤
Ei = Qi ⎢sh − sh ⎥ (3)
⎣⎢ b b ⎦⎥
⎡ nπai' nπai ⎤
Fi = Qi ⎢sh − sh ⎥
⎣⎢ b b ⎦⎥
J i μ0 ' J μ
Hi = (ai − ai )(bi' − bi ) ; Gi = i 0 (bi' − bi )
b b
nπbi nπbi'
sin − sin
2μ 0b b b
Qi = J i
n 2π 2 nπa
Figure 4. The mesh automatically generated by the MagNet software
for the computation of the transformer’s magnetic field.
In (3) subscript i may have the value 1 or 2. For an
arbitrary load operating mode, the expressions for the
After obtaining the values of the magnetic field for all
current densities that appear are defined by:
the nodes of the mesh the electrodynamic forces acting
over the transformer’s windings can be computed [14].
(a1' − a1 )(b1' − b1 ) VALIDATION
w2 i 2 For the beginning the three phase transformer is
J2 = −
(a 2' − a 2 )(b2' − b2 ) supposed to operate at rated load and the leakage
electromagnetic field is computed based on the 3D finite
Along the border lines of the regions, the axial and element method. To validate the numerical results a
radial components of the leakage flux density, verify the comparison is conducted for the radial leakage magnetic
conditions: field Br. The measurements of the same component for the
leakage magnetic field are performed with a Chauvin
Arnoux C.A 40 gaussmeter. The checkpoints were along
B Ix ( x, y ) x = a1 = B IIx ( x, y ) x = a1 ,
the A, B, C, D and E segments shown in Fig. 5. As an
(5) example, in Fig. 6 is presented the variation of the radial
B Iy ( x, y ) = B IIy ( x, y ) component of the leakage magnetic field along the D path,
x = a1 x = a1 , etc.
when the transformer operates at rated load. It can be
observed that the differences between the measured an
computed values of the radial flux density are small, the
B. Numerical method for the magnetic field computation maximum relative error being about 2% for the D path.
In the case of 3D the analytical method is not suitable
anymore. In this case the 3D finite element method can be
applied. Thus, the complete geometry of the transformer is
considered, along with the non-linear characteristic of the
magnetic core, shown in Fig. 1. For this analysis dedicated
software is used [11]. The finite element method as a
numerical method can be applied in any engineering field,
and yields an approximate solution. The computation error
is set through the tolerances of the iterative solving
algorithm of the equation system. The analysis of the
magnetic fields for electrical machines and transformers
using the 3D finite element method has developed during
1988–1992 [12], with practical applicability since 1994–
1998 [13].
Figure 5. The paths along which the radial components of the leakage
For the numerical computation of the transformer’s magnetic field have been measured.
magnetic field CAD software has been used in order to
develop the 3D model. Then using [11] the properties of

0.6 current densities of the high and low voltage windings
respectively corresponding to one phase, given by:

w1 j I 1n ⎛ −
π ⋅Rk ⎞
100 ⋅ 2 ⎜ ⎟
J1 j = ⋅ ⋅ ⎜1 + e X σk

0.3 ⎟
(a1' − a1 )(b1' j − b1 j ) u k [%] ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ (8)
w2 j I 2 n ⎛ −
π ⋅Rk ⎞
100 ⋅ 2 ⎜ ⎟
0.1 J2j = − ⋅ ⋅ ⎜1 + e X σk ⎟
( a 2' − a 2 )(b2' j − b2 j ) u k [%] ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
-0.0100 -0.0050 0.0000 0.0050 0.0100
Br[T] Analogous, the axial forces acting over the same
elements j of the windings are defined by:
Figure 6. Variation of the leakage flux density radial component along
path D from Fig. 5. The coordinate is defined for the bottom part of the
windings. a1' b1' j
Fy1 j = ∫ ∫ J 1 j ( x, y ) ⋅ BIIx ( x, y ) ⋅ dx ⋅ dy
a1 b1 j
It can be considered that the developed 3D finite (9)
element model for the analyzed transformer allows a2' b2' j
obtaining the electromagnetic field around the transformer F y2 j = ∫ ∫ J 2 j ( x, y ) ⋅ BIVx ( x, y ) ⋅ dx ⋅ dy
a2 b2 j
with sufficient precision.
In the case of the three-phase transformer, the magnetic
V. SHORT-CIRCUIT ELECTRODYNAMIC FORCES flux densities corresponding to the regions where the
COMPUTATION windings are place inside the window
During abnormal short-circuit regimes occurring at BIIx , BIVx , BIIy , BIVy are computed using (1) and (2) by
rated voltage, the maximum values of short-circuit considering the contributions of both the currents flowing
currents appear on one phase after half-period since the through the windings placed on the left column (phase A –
short-circuit has occurred. The period is related to the Fig. 7) and the currents flowing through the windings
supplying voltage frequency. The maximum phase values placed on the right column (phase B – Fig. 7). Because the
of these short-circuit-currents can be evaluated as follows air is a linear medium the super-position principle is
[15], [16]: readily applied. The double integrals (7) and (9) are
evaluated in the MATLAB environment.
⎛ π ⋅Rk ⎞ It has been considered the worst case when the windings
100 ⋅ I1,2 nf ⎜ −
⎟ placed on the column A are traveled by the maximum
(iˆ1, 2 k _ max ) = ⋅ 2 ⋅ ⎜1 + e X σk ⎟⎟ (6)
u k [%] ⎜ short-circuit possible currents given by (6). This short-
⎝ ⎠ circuit situation corresponds to an already known initial
phase εA of the supplying phase A voltage. This initial
where Rk and Xσk represent the phase short-circuit phase depends also on the short-circuit parameters
resistance and reactance of the transformer respectively; Rk / X σk of the transformer. The phase of the currents
I1,2nf are the root-mean-square values of the primary rated
phase currents (subscript 1), secondary respectively belonging to the column B windings is ε B = ε A − 2π / 3 .
(subscript 2); uk[%] is the rated short-circuit voltage, The electrodynamic short-circuit forces are computed for
expressed in percents. the worst case by considering the maximum possible
short-circuit current’s values for phases A and B of the
A. 2D analytical method for electrodynamic forces transformer.
In the case of layered cylindrical windings, the radial
forces per unit length Fx1j and Fx2j acting over the element
j belonging to the primary winding (defined by the
coordinates b1 j , b1' j ), and the secondary winding’s
element (defined by the coordinates b2 j , b2' j ), are given
by the expressions (see Fig. 3):

a1' b1' j
Fx1 j = ∫a ∫b
1 1j
J 1 j ( x, y ) ⋅ BIIy ( x, y ) ⋅ dx ⋅ dy
a2' b2' j
Fx2 j = ∫a ∫b
2 2j
J 2 j ( x, y ) ⋅ BIVy ( x, y ) ⋅ dx ⋅ dy

Figure 7. Three-phase transformer’s winding cross-section.

where a1 , a1' , a 2 , a 2' and b1 j , b1' j , b2 j , b2' j are
defined in Fig. 3, J1j(x,y) and J2j(x,y) represent the average

low voltage). This is justifiable by the fact that the currents
for the two phases differ by twofold respectively. In
B. Finite element method for computing the exchange, the axial forces acting over the high voltage
electrodynamic short-circuit forces windings differ with about 2.24 times, and the forces
As a numeric method the finite element method is acting over the low voltage windings differ with 6.47
applicable in various engineering fields. Its solution is times. So, in general it can not be stated that the short-
approximate but closest to the real case than the analytical circuit forces are related to the squared currents flowing
method. The first stage in numerical modeling of the through the windings.
transformer is to use CAD techniques to develop the 3D
model at a 1:1 scale including detailed elements (magnetic TABLE II.
core, windings, and mechanical reinforcing system). Then THE 2D ANALYTICAL METHOD AND 3D FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR
the material properties are defined for each element THE WORST CASE ALONG WITH THE RELATIVE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN
(electric conductivity, magnetic permeability), the sources THE TWO METHODS
of the magnetic field are set in correspondence with the
2D analytic 3D finite Relative
analyzed short-circuit case, the boundary conditions are method element difference
established and in the end the mesh of the model is Quantity
obtained (including the air around the transformer). In Fig. [kN] [kN] [%]
4 is presented the mesh for quarter of the transformer. The Radial force, high voltage,
– 915.17 – 911.22 - 0.43
mesh is automatically generated by the MagNet module column A
using artificial intelligence, i.e. neural network mesh Radial force, low voltage,
917.93 913.4 - 0.49
generation algorithms. The elements are edge type. column A
Axial force, high voltage,
Once the electromagnetic field is computed the short- 19.41 20.67 6.09
bottom half, column A
circuit forces acting over the transformer’s windings are Axial force, low voltage,
28.47 26.54 - 7.27
obtained for the worst case. The values used for the bottom half, column A
currents are the same ones used for the 2D analytical Radial force, high voltage,
230.37 232.03 0.71
method, that is, the maximum possible short-circuit column B
current values for the phases A and B of the transformer. Radial force, low voltage,
– 229.25 – 230.68 0.62
column B
C. Results Axial force, high voltage,
8.72 9.24 5.63
bottom half, column B
Further are presented the obtained numerical results for Axial force, low voltage,
4.6 4.1 - 12.2
the short-circuit electrodynamic forces (axial and radial) bottom half, column B
acting over the three-phase transformer windings, that is
described by the data found in table I. The results are for It can be seen that the differences between the short-
the 2D analytical method and the 3D finite element circuit electrodynamic forces computed by the two
method. For this transformer the maximum possible short- methods are small, the relative differences being less than
circuit current for the low-voltage winding phase A is 0.7 percents for radial forces (that are 100 times greater
iˆ1k _ max_ A = 35751 A and iˆ2 k _ max_ A = −825.4 A for the than the axial ones) and less than 12 percents for axial
high voltage winding respectively. The values are obtained forces. The small differences, especially in the case of
with (6). In correspondence, the values for the column B radial forces, are quite surprising because the 2D method
takes into account only the leakage magnetic field inside
are: iˆ1k _ B = −17875 A and iˆ2 k _ B = 412.7 A . the window while the 3D method refers to the complete
In the case of the 2D analytical method relations (7) and leakage magnetic field around the windings. In
(9) have been implemented in MATLAB environment. consequence, it can be stated that the magnetic energy is
The numeric integration is performed using the first 20 almost completely stored inside the transformer’s window.
terms of the double sums, and the step is 10-3 (1 In other words, the magnetic energy stored outside the
millimeter). window can be neglected.
In the case of the analysis of the electromagnetic field The drawn conclusion is that the radial forces can be
using the finite element method the 3D model is used, computer sufficiently precise using only the 2D analytical
implemented in MagNet and considering a stationary method (relative difference small than 1 percent with
mode. The matrix system is solved using the Newton- respect to the 3D method). In exchange, the differences
Raphson algorithm with first order elements. regarding the axial forces are much greater than 3D
method (about 10 percents).
The results obtained using the 2D analytical method and
3D finite element method for the short-circuit On the other hand, the electromagnetic field computed
electrodynamic axial and radial forces, in the worst case, using the 3D finite element method by considering the
acting over the low voltage and high voltage windings magnetic core’s saturation is precise, validated by the
placed on columns A and B are given in Table II. The time experimental measurements presented in paragraph 3 (Fig.
needed for the computation is about 600s for the analytical 6). This fact, allow to consider that the electrodynamic
method and 18 times greater (10800s) for the finite short-circuit forces are computed with a sufficient
element method. precision with the help of the finite element method.
The values for radial forces acting over the high voltage VI. CONCLUSIONS
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(phase A) in comparison with the ones corresponding to The computation of the short-circuit electrodynamic
the less affected phase (phase B) differ by fourfold (more forces can be performed sufficiently precise (especially the
precisely, 3.92 times for high voltage and 3.97 times for radial forces) by the use of a 2D analytical method, fast

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