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Design of TE01-to-HE11 mode converters for high-power millimeter wave applications at 35 GHz
Rev. Sci. Instrum. (March 2020)
Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: thschang@phys.nthu.edu.tw
This work proposes a methodology to convert a rectangular TE10 mode to a circular TM11 mode using an H-plane power divider at
W-band. The divider evenly splits the input signal into two parts with the same amplitude and phase. One of the waves then goes through
a wider rectangular waveguide with a lower cutoff frequency. After propagating through a specific length, the two waves differ by 180○ .
The two out-of-phase waves can jointly synthesize the circular TM11 mode with high mode purity. This power divider is structurally simple
and capable of high-power operation. The full-wave simulation shows that the metal’s conductivity affects the transmission of two-mode
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 053540 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0046216 92, 053540-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Review of ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/rsi
Scientific Instruments
be found in Ref. 13. Instead of elaborating the technical details, the B. H-plane power divider
authors focus on the central idea of exciting the desired TM11 mode. Figure 2 shows the idea of the proposed power divider. A rect-
Figure 1(a) shows the field strength patterns of the desired angular waveguide mode of the TE10 mode is split into two equal
TM11 mode in a cylindrical waveguide. The electric field intensity and balanced signals using the H-plane power divider, as shown in
is shown on the top surface, while the magnetic field intensity is Fig. 2(a). The two derived signals (output ports) are then coupled
depicted on the bottom surface. The intensity and direction of the to the cylindrical waveguide on the circumference. The waveguide
fields are displayed as the vector fields, as in Fig. 1(b). It is clear height is the same as the standard WR-10 waveguide (0.05 in.), but
that the electric field on the top surface is out-of-phase. The electric the width changes slightly to produce 180○ phase difference. The
field points up at one side and down at the other side. The magnetic electric field vector is drawn in Fig. 2(b).
field vectors are denoted by arrows and point in the transverse plane For the convenience of theoretical analysis and precise machin-
resulting in an apparent asymmetric pattern of the bottom surface ing, we have a nearly straight section. The waveguide’s width and
of Fig. 1(b). Figure 1 suggests that to synthesize the TM11 mode, we length are denoted as w and l, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The
need to generate two out-of-phase dipoles. propagating constant β is the functions of the angular frequency ω
The apertures on the sidewall of a cylindrical waveguide could of the wave and the waveguide width w. It reads
excite the dipoles. The rectangular waveguide and the cylindrical
waveguide are joined perpendicularly. The normal component of the √
π 2
electric field En is zero, and the tangential component of the H field β(ω, w) = ω2 μ0 ε0 − ( ) , (3)
H t is non-zero.13,31,32 Other components, such as the tangential elec- w
tric field and the normal H field, are less critical in exciting the dipole where μ0 and ε0 are the permeability and the permittivity of vac-
moments because of the boundary conditions of the fields. uum. The phase difference (Δϕ) can be estimated using a simplified
The electric dipole moment Pe and the magnetic dipole equation for a given set of w and Δw,
moment Pm for a sidewall coupling read
Δϕ(ω) ≅ [β(ω, w + Δw) − β(ω, w)]l. (4)
Pe = 0, (1a)
Figure 3 shows the simulated phase difference (solid line)
and the calculated phase difference (dashed line) of the proposed
Pm = −αm H t δ(x − x0 ), H-plane power divider. The simulation is performed using HFSS
FIG. 2. (a) The top view of the H-plane power divider. The wave incident from
the input port (standard WR-10 waveguide) is divided into two waves of equal
amplitude but out of phase. l and w are the length and the width of the waveguide.
Δw is the difference in the width of the waveguide. (b) The vector fields of the
FIG. 1. (a) The intensities of the electric field (top) and the magnetic field (bottom). electric field along the waveguide. The directions of the electric fields at the two
(b) The vector fields of the electric field (top) and the magnetic field (bottom). output ports are opposite.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 053540 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0046216 92, 053540-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Review of ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/rsi
Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 053540 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0046216 92, 053540-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Review of ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/rsi
Scientific Instruments
FIG. 7. The measured (black) and simulated (red) transmission for the back-to-
back setup. The 3-dB transmission shows a range of 2.8 GHz.
This work presents a method to excite the circular TM11 mode.
The compact and all-metal converter enables high-power appli-
cations. The H-plane power divider and the phase controllability
can be applied to excite other TM modes. For example, the cir-
cular TM01 mode can be generated with two waves of the same
phase. The measured transmission is in qualitative agreement with
copper is used in the simulation. The simulation and experiment This project was financed by the Ministry of Science and Tech-
agree well qualitatively and quantitatively. The optimal transmission nology (MoST), Taiwan, under Grant No. 107-2112-M-007-015-
is −0.72 dB, which is not as good as the simulation but is acceptable. MY3. We would like to thank the Taiwan Semiconductor Research
The 3-dB bandwidth is 2.8 GHz, centered at 93.6 GHz. Institute (TSRI), Professor Guo-Wei Huang, Yu-Ming Teng, and
Jia-Bin Cian for their invaluable technical support.
The data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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