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W - C L T: Aveguide Oaxial INE Ransitions

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Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ


Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

1. Overview
Equipment at microwave frequencies is usually based on a combination of PCB and
waveguide components. Filters and antennas often use waveguide techniques,
whereas the active circuitry is most easily built on a PCB in a microstrip or coplanar
form interfaced with coaxial interconnects. Some other components, like relays, are
only available with coaxial connections. To interconnect coax, microstrip and
waveguide devices it is necessary to use suitable transducers.
There are basically four families of transducers1:
a) Reactively Tuned Transitions
b) Resistively Matched Transitions
c) Mode Matched Transitions
d) Miscellaneous, empirically designed, Transitions

a) Reactively Tuned Transitions

In this type of transition, coaxial line and waveguide differ widely in impedance. A
match is obtained by incorporating suitable shunt (parallel) and series reactances.
These transitions typically consist of a right-angled junction of waveguide and coaxial
line, where the centre conductor of the coaxial line protrudes through the broad wall
into the waveguide to form an "aerial" inside. Tuning is achieved by the use of a
shorted waveguide stub and by adjusting or modifying the centre conductor (Figure 1).

Figure 1 : Reactively tuned transition

The Simple Transition

In this arrangement, shown in Figure 2, the length of the centre conductor is adjusted
to obtain a match. This device is rather narrow banded, but a lot of applications dont
require a perfect match over the whole waveguide bandwidth. The simple transition is
discussed in greater detail in the next chapter.

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

Figure 2 : The Simple Transition

The Coaxial Stub-Tuned Transition

In this arrangement, shown in Figure 3, the centre conductor traverses the
waveguide and is terminated in a coaxial stub. This type of transition forms the basis
of crystal, thermistor and bolometer mounts. It permits the connection of lower
frequency circuits to the centre conductor through the use of simple low- pass filters
mounted at the end of the stub.
A typical application is a waveguide mixer, in which a cylindrical mixer diode takes
the place of the centre conductor and the IF signal is applied at the end of the stub.

Figure 3 : The Coaxial Stub Tuned Transition

b) Resistively Matched Transitions

In resistively matched transitions the size or shape of the waveguide at the point of
connection to the coaxial line is such that the impedances of the waveguide and
coaxial line are equal.
This type of transition is basically a stub-tuned device in which the stub has a zero
length. The waveguide and coaxial line impedances are made equal whilst the post
diameter is adjusted to tune out the reactances. By terminating the waveguide in a
quarterwave choke, the shunt susceptance is made zero.
The Simple Resistively Matched Transition
The conditions for a match are: Zo=Zc and xa=xb (
Figure 4). This means that the coaxial and waveguide line impedances have to be
equal. As a consequence, standard waveguides cannot be matched to standard
coax. Transition from normal waveguide to low impedance guide is by one of the
usual techniques: transformer(s) or taper.

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

Figure 4 : Simple Resistively Matched Transition

Zc is the impedance of the coaxial line; the inductance and capacitances in the
equivalent network are related to the length and radius of the probe.

c) Mode Matched Transitions

In mode matched transitions the transition from waveguide to coaxial line is made
smoothly, allowing the modes to blend gently from one to another.

Figure 5 : Mode Matched Transition Sections

A mode-matched transition described by Miles2 consists of a length of transmission

line of varying section. The waveguide section is at one end, the coaxial line at the
other. The change of section is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.
In the original design, the impedance is maintained throughout the transmission line
but clearly this may be changed during all or part of the tapering process to allow
transformation between waveguides and coaxial lines of conventional dimensions
and different impedances. Modelling of this type of transitions is most easily done
with numerical techniques.
The following rules increase the success rate:
1. The field must be essentially transversal. Avoid bends and corners.
2. Changes in impedance must be made slowly, say 2 or 3:1 per wavelength.

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

d) Miscellaneous, Empirically Designed, Transitions

Many designs are based on experimental data. Their performance is being optimised
with the aid of a simplified theory. They dont respond very well to theoretical
analysis, but have proven their use in practice. Nowadays, even these types of
transitions can be modelled very accurately using 3-D numerical field solvers, so we
might as well call them numerically optimised transitions. An example is shown in
Figure 6. This transition, designed by Wheeler , is basically a resistively matched
transition to a multi-ridged waveguide. This transition is followed by a multi-ridged to
normal waveguide transformer. Since this type of transition has over ten critical
degrees of freedom, it is virtually impossible to describe it analytically. On the positive
side, the achievable bandwidth with this design is far greater than that of the
reactively tuned simple transition.

Figure 6 : Wheeler'
s Normal Transition

2. Analysis of a Simple Transition

We will now go into detail on how to design a simple transition, the easiest and most
versatile type of coax-waveguide adapter.

Figure 7 : The Simple Transition

The reference plane T for our calculations is the plane that separates the waveguide
from the coaxial line. The right side of the waveguide is represented by a resistor
equal to the waveguide impedance. The transition is represented by a capacitive
reactance, (equivalent to a post) in series with the coaxial line. The waveguide is
shunted with the equivalent susceptance of the waveguide stub, the left part of the
waveguide (Figure 7).
A capacitive post (a metal rod or screw protruding the broad wall of a waveguide) is
often represented electrically by a tee network, in which the shunt susceptance 1/x1
is usually much greater than the series reactances x2 (Figure 8).

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

Figure 8 : The Capacitive Post and Equivalent Circuit

The small series reactance of the post in the coax-waveguide transition is neglected.
As seen in Figure 7, this simplification reduces the simple transition to nothing more
than a L-C impedance matching network. The coaxial line impedance has to be
matched to the (frequency dependent) waveguide impedance. ( Z WG = 120 g )
Unfortunately, no simple expressions for L and C exist.
It can be shown that when looking from the coaxial line at the plane of the waveguide
wall the input impedance Zi is given by:

Z i = R + jX



Z 0 g
sin 2 (2 l g ) tan 2 ( d )
2 2 ab

X =

Z 0 g
tan 2
2 X P + sin (4 l g )

4 ab




Z 0 = 0 0 = 120
XP = reactance of the post normalised with respect to the waveguide
Since XP is a function of d, it is apparent that, by a suitable adjustment of d and l, the
input impedance may be equated to the impedance of the coaxial line.
For an input match we should have X=0:

2 X P = sin (4l g )

XP 1 2
The post is thus very close to resonance (XP = 0).
Various equations to XP are available. However, they must be used with caution in
this near resonance condition. Normally the post height d is approximately one

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

quarter wavelength at resonance. If this is significantly less than b the equations are
applicable. On the other hand, if b < /4, the resonance condition is obtained through
the action of the capacity between the end of the post and the waveguide wall. In this
circumstance the tuning is critically dependent on (b d) and the exact profile of the
post tip. Designs using this mode of tuning are basically unsound and discouraged.
Using Collin'
s4 expression for x, given by equation (4), in equations (1), (2) and (3):

XP =

2 g

sin 2 (m d 2b )
2a 0.0518k 02 a 2

sin 2 (k 0 d 2 )
m =1

K 0 (k m r )
k m2


k m2 = (m b ) k 02

Other useful data/formulas:

0.25 for TE10 rectangular waveguide modes.

Centre diameter of a SMA chassis jack : 1.3mm

Graphs for R and X as functions of d and l can be plotted for different waveguide
dimensions, probe radiuses and frequencies.

WR90 @ 10.368GHz
a = 0.90 = 22.86
b = 0.40 = 10.16
= 28.9 mm
g = 37.4 mm
r = 0.65 mm

WR42 @ 24.192GHz
a = 0.42 = 10.67 mm
b = 0.17 = 4.32 mm
= 1.24 mm
g = 1.52 mm
r = 0.65 mm

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

WR34 @ 24.192GHz
a = 0.34 = 8.64 mm
b = 0.17 = 4.32 mm
= 1.24 mm
g = 1.78 mm
r = 0.65 mm

WR187 @ 5.76GHz
a = 1.8725 = 47.6 mm
b = 0.8725 = 22.2 mm
= 52.1 mm
g = 62.2 mm
r = 0.65 mm

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

3. Design Results
Using the previous theoretical derivations, a few coax-waveguide transitions are
designed. The numbers obtained from the graphs served as the starting point for a
numerical optimization using a 3D field solver (HP HFSS, a numerical
electromagnetic modeller/solver based on finite elements).
The coaxial line is a standard SMA flange mount jack receptacle with extended
dielectric. The radius of the centre conductor, which is used as the coupling probe, is
0.65mm. (d and l as shown in Figure 7)

a) WR42 SMA Transition

shows a wireframe model and the return loss of the transition before

Figure 9

d = 2.7 mm, l = 3.2 mm

Figure 9 : Wireframe model and S11 of original design

Some tuning yields a better than -20dB match (Figure 10):

d = 2.2 mm, l = 3.0 mm

Figure 10 : Return loss of optimised design

To facilitate manufacturing, the rear corners of the waveguide are rounded with a
1.5mm radius. The effect on the return loss is hardly noticeable. (Figure 11)

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

Figure 11 : Wireframe model and S11 of rounded design

Figure 12 : Aluminium WR42 - coax adapter

b) WR34 SMA Transition

This type of waveguide is less common than the WR42 version. Recently however,
we could obtain a used MilliWave medium power amplifier. This amplifier is equipped
with WR34 in- and output ports.
Figure 13 shows a matching adapter for these amplifier modules. (d = 2.0 mm; l = 2.8
mm) The aluminium body of the adapter does double duty as a heatsink.

Figure 13 : MilliWave Amplifier and matching coaxial adapter

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001

Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

c) WR187 SMA Transition

We (ON4CP) recently added 6 cm to our contest station. Our antenna is a cheap 80
cm DSB offset dish with a homebrew (and home-designed) WR187 feedhorn (
Figure 14). Our feedhorn consists of a length of rectangular waveguide with WR187
inner dimensions (approximately 22 mm x 48 mm) followed by a 10.5 dBi horn. The
gain needed to illuminate a typical DSB offset dish is discussed by W1GHZ5. The
height/width ratio of the horn is 2/, the ratio needed to create equal beamwidths in
both E and H plane (the symmetry planes of the horn)
After optimisation, the critical parameters of the transition are: d= 13mm, l = 11mm.
The waveguide section and matching horn were folded out of a 0.5 mm copper
Figure 15 shows the layout of the horn in true size.

Figure 14 : C Band Offset Feed

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001


Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

Figure 15 : Layout of a C Band offset feed

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001


Waveguide-Coaxial Line Transitions

Peter Delmotte, ON4CDQ

4. Some Remarks Regarding the Agreement Between the Analytical and

the Numerical Results
Our analytical approach in the first chapter, although it is quite useful, is not accurate
enough to allow a one-shot design. During the derivation of the formulas some
approximations were made. The coaxial aperture in the waveguide is not modelled,
and the thickness of the probe is considered small with respect to the length. As a
result of these approximations, both the resistive (R) and reactive (X) part of the
transition impedance are underestimated. This results in its turn in an overestimation
for d and l of typically 15%.

W.B.W. ALISON, A Handbook for the Mechanical Tolerancing of Waveguide Components,

pp. 384-468, 1972.
G.R. MILES, A Waveguide to Coaxial Line Transformer, Electronic Components pp. 821824, Aug. 1963.
G. J. WHEELER, Introduction to Microwaves, 1963.
R.E. COLLIN, Field Theory of Guided Waves, pp. 258-271, 1960.
W1GHZ, W1GHZ Microwave Antenna Book Online, http://www.qsl.net/n1bwt/.

Belgian Microwave Roundtable, 2001


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