XII Physics Practical Question Slips Notes
XII Physics Practical Question Slips Notes
XII Physics Practical Question Slips Notes
E3 Surface Tension
You are given a capillary tube.Immerse it partially in water. Measure
the capillary rise (h) using travelling microscope. Determine the
radius of the bore of the capillary tube.
Given : Surface tension of water T=72 dyne/cm, Angle of contact θ= 00
Acceleration due to gravity = 980 cm/s2, Density of water ρ =1 gm/cm3
E4 Resonance Tube
A set of five tuning forks of known frequencies is given to you.Find the
correct length of air column vibrating in unison with each tuning fork.
Hence determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature.
E5 Resonance Tube
A set of five tuning forks of known frequencies is given to you.Find the
correct length of air column vibrating in unison with each tuning fork.
Hence determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature.
E6 Resonance Tube
You are given five tuning forks of known frequencies Determine
correct length (L) of air column vibrating in unison with each tuning
fork. Plot a graph of reciprocal of correct length of air column (1/L)
against frequency. Hence find the velocity of sound in air.
E7 Resonance Tube
You are given five tuning forks of known frequencies Determine
correct length (L) of air column vibrating in unison with each tuning
fork. Plot a graph of reciprocal of correct length of air column (1/L)
against frequency. Hence find the velocity of sound in air.
E8 Sonometer
You are given five tuning forks of known frequencies. Keeping tension
constant determine the length of the wire vibrating in unison with
each tuning fork. Hence verify the law of length (nl= constant).
E9 Sonometer
You are given five tuning forks of known frequencies. Keeping
tension constant determine the length of the wire vibrating in unison
with each tuning fork.Plot a graph of reciprocal of vibrating length
against frequency. Draw your conclusion from the graph.
E10 Sonometer
A tuning fork of known frequency is given to you. Using sonometer
determine the length(l)of the wire in unison with given tuning fork
for five different known tensions (T). Plot the graph of l2 against T, also
draw the conclusion from the graph.
position of the pointer for three values of mass in the pan(m) less than
the M and three values of m more than M. Find the extension(x) in each
case. Plot a graph of (m-M)g against x. Hence determine the force
constant of the spring.
E13 Potentiometer
Compare the e.m.f, of two given cells using a potentiometer by
connecting them separately. Take four sets of observations. Hence
determine the e.m.f. of cell E1.
Given : E.M.F. of cell E2 = __________ Volt
E14 Potentiometer
Compare the e.m.f.s. of two given cells using a potentiometer by sum
and difference method. Take four sets of observations. Hence determine
the e.m.f. of the cell E2.
Given : E. M. F. of cell E1 = ______ Volt
Activity Slips
A1 Oscillate a second’s pendulum with suitable amplitude.Note the
amplitude after every 10 oscillations.Take atleast 6 observations.Plot a
graph between square of amplitude versus time.Hence write the
conclusion from the graph.
A2 Heat the liquid in the two vessels given to you.Note the fall in
temperature for 10 minutes for each vessel.Draw the graphs of
temperature versus time on the same graph paper.Hence draw conclusion
from the graph.