Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
In this project, a multibit, multiplicative, spread spectrum watermarking using the discrete
multiwavelet (including unbalanced and balanced multiwavelet) transform is presented. Performance
improvement with respect to existing algorithm is obtained by means of a new just perceptual weighting (JPW)
model. The new model incorporates various masking effects of human visual perception by taking into account
the eye's sensitivity to noise changes depending on spatial frequency, luminance and texture of all the image
subbands. In contrast to conventional JND threshold model, JPW describing minimum perceptual sensitivity
weighting to noise changes, is fitter for nonadditive watermarking. Specifically, watermarking strength is
adaptively adjusted to obtain minimum perceptual distortion by employing the JPW model. Correspondingly, an
adaptive optimum decoding is derived using a statistic model based on generalized-Gaussian distribution
(GGD) for multiwavelet coefficients of the cover-image. Furthermore, the impact of multiwavelet
characteristics on proposed watermarking scheme is also analyzed. Finally, the experimental results show that
proposed JPW model can improve the quality of the watermarked image and give more robustness of the
watermark as compared with a variety of state-of-the-art algorithms.
One of the major challenges in enabling mobile multimedia data services will be the
need to process and wirelessly transmit a very large volume of data. While significant
improvements in achievable bandwidth are expected with future wireless access technologies,
improvements in battery technology will lag the rapidly growing energy requirements of future
wireless data services. One approach to mitigate to this problem is to reduce the volume of
multimedia data transmitted over the wireless channel via data compression techniques.
This has motivated active research on multimedia data compression techniques such
as JPEG [1,2], JPEG 2000 [3,4] and MPEG [5]. These approaches concentrate on achieving
higher compression ratio without sacrificing the quality of the image. However these efforts
ignore the energy consumption during compression and RF transmission.
Since images will constitute a large part of future wireless data, we focus on
developing energy efficient and adaptive image compression and communication techniques.
Based on wavelet image compression, energy efficient multiwavelet image transform is a
technique developed to eliminate computation of certain high-pass coefficients of an image.
Image compression addresses the problem of reducing the amount of data required
to represent a digital image. The underlying basis of the reduction process is the removal of
redundant data. From a mathematical viewpoint, this amounts to transforming a 2-D pixel array
into a statistically uncorrelated data set. The transformation is applied prior to storage and
transmission of the image. The compressed image is decompressed at some later time, to
reconstruct the original image or an approximation to it.
illustrates the main
block diagram of the
image compression
process. The image sample first goes through a transform, which generates a set of frequency
coefficients. The transformed coefficients are then quantized to reduce the volume of data. The
output of this step is a stream of integers, each of which corresponds to an index of particular
quantized binary. Encoding is the final step, where the stream of quantized data is converted
into a sequence of binary symbols in which shorter binary symbols are used to encode integers
that occur with relatively high probability. This reduces the number of bits transmitted.
The limitations in the wavelet image compression are the losses that may
influence medical images and the repetition of the steps incurring computational load in
calculating unnecessary coefficients. To overcome these limitations the adaptive wavelet image
compression is employed. The results obtained show a better compression performance and the
ease of performing compression process can be varied according to the image. Exploitation of
the adaptive wavelet image compression reduces the computational load.
Interest in image compression dates back more than 30 years. With the recent
adoption of several key international image compression standards, the field is now poised for
significant growth through the practical application of the theoretic work that began in the
1940s, when C.E Shannon and others first formulated the probabilistic view of information and
its representation, transmission, and compression.
Over the years, the need for compression has grown steadily. Currently, it is
recognized as an enabling technology. For example, image compression has been and continues
to be crucial to the growth of multimedia computing. In addition, it is the natural technology for
handling the increased spatial resolution of today’s imaging sensors and evolving broadcast
television standards.
Furthermore, image compression plays a crucial role in many important and diverse
applications, including televideo-conferencing, remote sensing, document and medical imaging,
facsimile transmission (FAX), and other control applications. In short, an ever-expanding
number of applications depend on the efficient manipulation, storage, and transmission of
binary or gray-scale images.
A large volume of data storage and transmission has triggered the image
compression process. Still now a number of methods have been proposed and are being used
successfully. One of the basic methods of compression uses DCT and is the initial transform
based algorithm. For still image compression, ‘Joint Photographic Experts Group’ or JPEG
standard (Wallace 1996) has been established by ISO (International Standards Organization)
and IEC (International Electro-Technical Commission). The transform-based schemes have
mooted a lot of work that include DFT and wavelet based coders (Antonini 1992). The wavelets
were initially related to subband coding method, which is now the basic of wavelets.
The performance of these coders generally degrades at low bit-rates mainly because
of the underlying block-based Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) scheme. More recently, the
wavelet transform has emerged as a cutting edge technology, within the field of image
compression. Wavelet-based coding (Antonini 1992) provides substantial improvements in
picture quality at higher compression ratios. Because of its advantages, the top contenders in the
JPEG-2000 standard (Al-Shaykh 1998) are wavelet-based compression algorithms.
Wavelets being the basic, a number of algorithms such as EZW (Shapiro 1993) and
SPIHT that has a good compression than others, are becoming popular.
Table1.1 shows the qualitative transition from simple text to full-motion video data and the
disk space and transmission time needed to store and transmit such uncompressed data.
Uncompressed Transmission
Multimedia Bits/pixel or Size Time(Using a
Data Bits/Sample (B for bytes) 28.8K
A page of Varying
11˝X 8.5˝ 4-8KB 1.1-2.2sec
text resolution
10 sec 8bps 80KB 22.2sec
512 X 512 8bpp 262KB 1 min 13 sec
512 X 512 24bpp 786KB 3 min 39 sec
2048 X 1680 12bpp 5.16MB 23 min 54 sec
2048 X 2048 24bpp 12.58MB 58 min 15 sec
Full-motion 640 X 480,
Video 1 min
(30 24bpp 1.66GB 5 days 8 hrs