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Data Science Download Syllabus PDF

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Introduction to Data Science, Use cases, Need of Business

Analytics, Data Science Life Cycle, Different tools available for
Data Science.

1) R Programming
1.1 Introduction to R
1.2 Installation of R
-Windows Installation
-Linux Installation

Installing R and R-Studio, R packages, R Operators,

if statements and loops (for,while, repeat, break,
next), switch case

1.3 Types of Datatype

-Data Frames

R Data Structure (Vector, Scalar, Matrices, Array, Data

frame, List), Functions, Apply Functions

1.4 Types of Variables

1.5 Types of Operators
-Arithmetic operator
-Logical Operator
-Relational Operator
1.6 Types of control statements:
-If statement
-If else statement
-if else if statement
-switch statement

1.7 Types of Loops :

-for loop
-while loop
-nested loop
1.8 Function Declaration
-Function declaration with parameters
-Function declaration without parameters
1.9 R Data Interface
1.10 R Charts and Graphs
-Pie Chart
-Bar chart
-Line graph
1.11 R statistics
Terminologies of Statistics ,Measures of Centres,
Measures of Spread, Probability, Normal Distribution,
Binary Distribution

1.12 Machine learning algorithms

the act or process of classifying
form a cluster or clusters.
a return to a former or less developed state.
1.1 Introduction to Python
-What is Python and history of Python?
-Unique features of Python
-Python-2 and Python-3 differences
-Install Python and Environment Setup
-First Python Program
-Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
-Comments and document interlude in Python
-Command line arguments
-Getting User Input
-Python Data Types
-What are variables?
-Python Core objects and Functions
-Number and Maths
-Week 1 Assignments
1.2 List, Ranges & Tuples in Python
-Introduction to list, tuples, ranges
-Lists in Python
- More About Lists
-Understanding Iterators
-Generators,Comprehensions and Lambda
- Introduction to generators,yields
-Generators and Yield
-Next and Ranges
-Understanding and using Ranges
-More About Ranges
-Ordered Sets with tuples

1.3 Python Dictionaries and Sets

-Introducing to the section
-Python Dictionaries
-More on Dictionaries
- Introducing to Sets
-Python Sets Examples
1.4 Input and Output in Python
-Reading and writing text files
-writing Text Files
-Appending to Files and Challenge
-Writing Binary Files Manually
-Using Pickle to Write Binary Files

1.5 Python built in function

-Python packages functions(Numpy,Pandas,Scipy)

-Defining and calling Function

-The anonymous Functions

- Loops and statement in Python

-Python Modules & Packages

1.6 Python Object Oriented

- Formal presentation of object oriented
-Topping up topics like: Abstraction

-Creating Classes and Objects

-Accessing attributes
-Built-In Class Attributes
-Destroying Objects

1.7 Python Exceptions Handling

-What is Exception?
-Handling an exception
-try-finally clause
-Argument of an Exception
-Python Standard Exceptions
-Raising an exceptions
-User-Defined Exceptions

1.8 Machine learning algorithms

-the act or process of classifying
-clustering form a cluster or clusters.
-regression a return to a former or less
developed state.

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