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Suci Millati Qurrota A'yuni:I72216076 Understanding Conflict

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Suci Millati Qurrota A’yuni:I72216076



Often, we find conflicts in life and can’t avoid them. When we were interacting with one
another, we’ve a different way. In general, conflict is considered as an obstacle to progress. But we must
know that conflict is not always bad and makes lessons valuable to us1. Conflict can improve the
reference for creating better. However, if the conflict is avoided just like that, it will cause discomfort in
the self so that it can feel unhappiness, depression, stress and even despair.

A conflict does not always have a negative connotation and actually aims to build to be better.
So in this review, the author will discuss to understand more about the conflict. What is meant by the
nature of conflict? What distinguishes between positive and negative conflict? How does conflict
escalation and de-escalation occur?

Nature Of Conflict

To understand nature of conflict, we must understand two features in negative conflict. If the
parties involved have no willingness to interact, then conflict is often avoided. Furthermore, if there is
prevention from them to interact, conflict can occur2. Nobody never experienced conflict between its
members or with other community groups, the conflict will only disappear along with the loss of the
community itself.
The conflict is motivated by differences in the characteristics that individuals carry in an
interaction. These differences include physical characteristics, intelligence, knowledge, customs, beliefs,
and so forth. With the supervision of individual characteristics in social interaction, conflict is a natural
situation in every community and not one community has never experienced conflict between its
members or with other community groups.

Positive And Negative Conflict

If we talk about conflict, what we have in mind that conflict is a negative thing. Conflict is an
event that is not handled productively. As well as cursing, shouting, ignoring, frowning, complaints,
nothing is comfortable with it all. In general, negative conflicts include several characteristics3. Negative
conflict is where the parties involved have different objectives, there is an uncontrollable expectation,
disagreement is only based on assumptions without seeing a reality and the individuals involved do not
have hope to find a solution.

Positive conflict is the ability of other parties to respond to and acknowledge the events of the
parties involved4. He tried to be a mediator so that the resolution of the problem could be achieved.
Positive conflicts include the willingness to forgive and forget mistakes. They seek agreement to avoid
punishment on the parties involved. Until finally they believed that they could find a way to solve the

Hilal Ahmad Wani. Understanding Conflict Resolution,International Journal Of Humanities and Social Science.
Page 105.
Kerry Bowman. Conflict Resolution. Ian Anderson Continuing Education Program in End-of-Life Care. University of
Toronto 2000.Page 5-6.
Christoper Muscato. Comparing Positive and Negative Conflict. Page 2
Conflict Escalation And De-Escalation

There are 7 levels of conflict5. First, disagreement. there is no conflict at this point. Both parties
tried, able to deal with disagreements and find solutions to the problems they faced. However, that must
happen. That something is not resolved, the relationship becomes chaotic. A person crosses professional
and personal boundaries, then the other party reacts and the situation will increase. Second, the
incarnation of the issue, if someone makes the conflicting conflicts pass, the focus will shift from the
issue to personal, mistakes and shortcomings. The original issue is not a major issue. The issue has
become personal. Negative emotions such as fear and confusion begin to interfere with communication
between the parties. One starts to doubt the other's intentions and it is difficult to think clearly about the
issue because of the chaos created by negative emotions. Third, the problem is widespread. This is not the
first time he has done it. Differences that occurred in the past were brought to conflict. Something you
thought you forgot suddenly remembered.
Fourth, the dialog stops. Negative feelings and emotions narrow the pattern of thinking.
Communication becomes inappropriate and both parties twist what others say. Selecting what is heard is
common. Often someone searches for an alliance that can confirm one's position and the mistakes of the
other person's point of view. This makes communication useless and everything is misused. Fourth, the
shadow of the enemy. As touch and communication with other parties end, one becomes increasingly
strengthened in the usual pattern of thinking. A person's view becomes very unwanted so it becomes
difficult to find the quality of recovery on the other side. In some very serious conflicts that resulted in
violence, genocide, massacres. The dehumanization process is often found easily which leads to cruelty.
This dehumanization is carried out with the aim of facilitating further atrocities. Sixth, open hatred. Other
groups are not seen as humans. Because they are accustomed to being hit by conflict. People who are
unreasonable, evil, and not qualified. That is what opens up physical and psychological hostility. At this
point such sentiments justify various ways.and the last is Polarization.
While De-escalation leads to actions that are issued to eliminate conflict escalation. This can
also be done on decisions in conflict resolution. Escalation of commitment is often difficult to overcome
without specific answers.


Conflict is motivated by differences in characteristics that individuals ideas in an interaction.

These differences include the characteristics of intelligence, physicality, knowledge, customs, beliefs, and
so forth. With the participation of individual characteristics in social interaction, conflict is a natural
situation in every community and not one community has never experienced conflict between its
members or with other community groups, the conflict will only disappear along with the loss of the
community itself. Conflicts conflict with integration. Conflict and integration run as a cycle in society.
Controlled conflict will result a integration. Conversely, imperfect integration can create conflict. Conflict
itself does not always have to be avoided because it is not always negative as a result.Conflict divide into
two part. Negative conflict and Positive conflict.


Bowman,Kerry.2000 Conflict Resolution. Ian Anderson Continuing Education Program in En

oLife Care. University of Toronto

Muscato. Cristoper. Comparing Positive and Negative Conflict.

Bjarne Vestergaard, et.al. Conflict Resolution – Working with Conflicts. Danish Centre for Conflict
Resolution.2011. Page 6-7.
Vestergaard,Bjarne et.al. 2011.Conflict Resolution – Working with Conflicts. Danish Centre for Conflict

Wani, A.H.Understanding Conflict Resolution,International Journal Of Humanities and Social Science

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